IS THE 3IORXIXG OEF.GOXIAy, TITUR SD AT, XOVEIREK If, 1913. F.nrCATIOXAL. THE KAISER has the Flu. The schools re open on Monday next and the Finishing unool at 0t Sixth St., Portland. is ready lor pup;1.. Tiifse lrom business colleges and I.igh schools get the secret In one veek, how to report with eyes on the BPf.aHer, and not on the notebook, and to w-rile 3 to 0 lines behind the speaker The memory is properly trained,, bad spelling cured, writing shorthand notes en any make of machine, all for 0. Money re fuu ied !f not as I say. Prof. .Norton, U. A principal. Knroll now, or the 21) desks will he taken. ' TO OUR STUDENTS. In behalf of the Student Division of tn United War Work Campaign we are using this means of soliciting your contribution n thp iTnited War Woik Fund. Office !r. 4A.....,,, ,., srttnoi. I Lumbermen BldK.. 5th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 3464. iOUNCS WOMEN and MEN: Our students are instructed by a successful DIS PATCHER and are in demand by tns railroads and TELEGRAPH companies at increased salaries. Many vacancies now. wrti. or call for iJCLLEIl.N. Railway Teiegraph Institute, Portland. Ilia Ky. Excb, bldg.. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 42 Hawthorne Ave. Practical instruction in automobile re pairing, gas engineering, ."Jf"1"1"! nr-ir-riri. nwai'Pl V cnc HCH'ii'bi .. .- battery 'rebuilding and charging. FKACT1CAL training in gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice. oxy-acetylene welding automobile and tiactor operating and repanng. Write tor catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. TAYLOR-FAITH Business Cotiege will be in Us permanent quarters at 2uo Stevens Mfter Nov. 34. Enroll now at o(M Ktir Kxchanire bldg.. with the newly forming classes. Knglish, Spanish taught here. French and SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. YOUXO married man. who has demon strated business ability, had varied office and Helling experience, including private and public accounting, would like connec tion with growing concern here pep an tl ability would find recognition. B To-, ore gonian. . FOUR people who are new in the city want employment at once In logging camp; one first-class woman cook, one waitress, one man. cook and one all-round man who can handle anv place around a logging camp. We can be found at oOOa E. Hawthorne ave.. room 14. YOUNG married man who has bad 14 years experience in payrolls, costs, storenouses. purchasing, transportation, labor problems, organizing, etc., used to handling men. AK bP2, Oregonian. BAKER and .confectioner, experienced cake foreman, wants position in a first-class house; unaeraumiiJ all cake baking ma chinery; will go anywhere to permanent position. AN i"0. Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged man of good habits, position inside work, where there is chance for advancement; wages rea sonable; not afraid of work. F S2, Ore gon ian. BY active elderly man. well educated, have 2 sons in France and another would have been if could have passed examination. What have you to offer? 6t9, Ore go n i a r- A YOUNG man, married, age 20, desires to connect with a reliable concern where there is a chance to advance; experienced in advertising, selling and office. BJ 37, Oregonian. WANTED Position by ex-military police as day or night watch, or what have you for a good, reliable man? AF 613, Ore gonian. m WE are supplying the leading hotels, rest, and cafes in Oregon. Wash, and Idaho with help; let us supply you. Lewis Em ployment Agency, 228 Burnside. HAN, 23 years, position as driver with re liable firm; several years' experience as city delivery driver. Tabor 14U6 after 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED timekeeper, payrolls, labor distribution, commissary costs, etc., logging or construction work. A-l references. F 5o6, Oregonian. SELF-SUPPORTING girl desires position of some kind for three or four hours after 5 o'clock. Can operate typewriter. BF 047, Oregonian. t EXPERIENCED lumberman wants position as timekeeper and commissary or tally man. A 701, Oregonian. TWO healthy, strong creameymen want sit uation in a creamery. Address H. W., 246 Salmon st. WANTED By middle-aged married man, inside mechanical work; prefer West Side. G 70, Oregonian. SHOE salesman wishes position ; 10 years' experience; ii3 years old. V 772, Orego ni;tn. m AUTO mechanic wants job of driving either commercial truck, or pleasure car; can do own repairing. BP 745. Oregonian. COMPETENT driver wishes position driving private or delivery car; references. Co lumbia rt5. WANTED Cement and all kinds of concrete work by day. contract or labor contract. Tabor 8in. . WANTED By acetylene welder, position in industrial plant; experienced in heavy and commercial work. East 1:324. YOUNG, married, efficient in manufactur ing end. desires position with progressive firm if future good. D 7t3, Oregonian. MASTER MECHANIC, 12 years In auto game, wants charge of auto repair shop; big place preferred. V 71S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED logging engineer and su perintendent open for engagement. K. 68!, Oregonian. GOOD, competent chauffeur wants private driving. 548 Washington st. Main 2360. U. C. Hopkins. EXPERIENCED, first-class colored Janitor wants position in first-class apartment house; Al references. W 636. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, qualified for manag ing sawmill or logging camp, wants posi tion Dec. 1. Box 4:S, Reedsport. Or. "YOUNG man wishes position driving private car or truck; references. D 761, Orego nian. WANTED Any kind of porter work or oth er work between 4 A. -M. and 9:30 A. M, 3 North 10th st. MAN with 3-ton truck wants Job. Call East 7004. BRIGHT boy past 15 must have work; al ( l a y or after school. BP 739, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work before or after school hours. R. 193, Oregonian. Tl M E. payroll, costs and a general logging experience. B 746, Oregnnian. EXPERIENCED hotel janitor, single man, wants position. AN aSl, Oregonian. WANTED By reliable handy man, position In store. BD 742, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truck driver. 5619. ask for room 20. Phone East CARPENTER work, repairing, remodeling. P hone M arshall 25QS. room 33. CARPENTER, Al mechanic wants any kind repairing or new work. Phone Bdwy. 860. COPYING- and report making neatly and aci curately done. Call Peake. C 2473. JANITOR, experienced. references. Main Bookkeepers. Ttf nographera. Office. BOOKS OPENED OR CLOSED. Statements prepared; books kept for small concerns where a bookkeeper is not needed continuously. G 653, Orgonian. COST accountant, bookkeeper, stenographer; aged 30. exempt; thoroughly conversant with lumber manufacturing, operating, and lopcing accounts; salary open. 945 E st.. Eureka, t'al. EX ECUTIVE accountant, 15 years' general experience, including banking and corpor ation accounting and law. BD 738, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, accountant. ' -46. 15 years experience, payrolls, lumber, merchandise, realty; highest references. Call, write, 141 East 69th North. ACCOUNTANT and auditor; years of experi ence; A-l references; not subject to draft: will be in Portland and ready for work about November IS. E 80. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, 20 years' lum ber and mining experience, open for per manent position ; go anywhere. BF 624. Oreconian. COMPETENT bookkeeper-stenographer, all around office man wants Job. Box 311, Cor vail is. Or. STENOGRAPHER or secretary, young man, four years experience, wishes position; references. BD 735, Oregonian. SITl'ATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED woman wants laundry work. , to i hours, 4 nc nr. .Main 1140. EXPER1ENCKD waitress wants work, $15 weeK. iv v., ureponian. BILLING clerk wants position. W 653, Ore go man. NEW electric vacuum cleaners for rent, $1 a day; we deliver Main 7575. T WO women want work cooking and help- ntf,. i.o. v' x.tni ti. x ii i cue, laano. GENERAL office work and comptometer operator. i an en. ;ttyji. WANTED ;Posiiion as clerk or switchboard LAUNDRESS, best of references, wants work by day ; :'.'c hour. Tabor 2154. LLLVATOR operator wants work, office UiUi. experience .Max, SuSQ. eiTCATIO't WANTED FTM.11E. WANTKD .By single. Keventb-day Advent 1st. experienced in farming and saw mill ing or do other work In town or out, P. O. not Portland, Oregon. EXPERIENCED cook would like camp or crew to cook for: would furnish, own helper: can give best of reference. Call Proadway 20a. Mrs. Pope. WANTED Ironing by hour. Marshall 54D6. room 8 mornings and evenings between 7 and 8. WANTED Place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; refer- ences. Woodlawn -I'Jll. EX PERI ENCED Japanese woman wants work In private family; adults only; good cook. Marshall 3U74. EXPE RI ENCED woman wants management Sell wood 1501. WANTED Day work for Wednesday and Thursday, 3."c an hour, 8 hours. Call Broadway 2625. GIRL wishes a few more full days work end of week. Call before 9 A M. and after 6 P. M. Marshall 200. YOUNG lady, age 21, high school education, wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office. Tabor 443. EX-TEACHER, 8 years experience, desires position; good with figures. oouiawn 347. EXPERIENCED young woman wishes po sition as elevator operator, kitchen helper or janitor work. Tabor 6177. EXPERIENCED young woman wishes to do nouseworK in agreeable Eaat fciue home. Tabor 4125. CAPABLE woman with help desires po sition as cook in camp. Woodlawn 47. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work and help with dinners; ref. Woodlawn lui-. TWO ladies want work in cafeteria: ex perl -enced. Call room 235, Oregon Hotel. WOMAN wants day work. Phone East 2ul. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. TEACHER, 6 years' teaching experience, de sires clerical position, filing, etc., in ofiice; some experience. 31 N. 16th su Broadway 2637. COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper ana typist. w:snes clerical position; conege graduate and experienced newspaper wom an; highest references. B 73y, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wants position; Under wood, 8 months' experience ; salary $36v Eat 3339 or AK 705. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes extra work during spare hours; copy or dictation, C 6U9, Ore gonian. A REFINED, capable woman wants clerical or other office work. Address AF 22, Ore gonian. POSITION in general office work, expe rienced In billing, filing and asst. book keeping. Tabor 2161. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper will open, close, post books at home any time daring day. Phone East 474. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer, best of references, six years' experience. Ma i n2 817. POSITION' as stenographer; 6 years' experi ence; best of references. B 737, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER would like position; law, real estate or Insurance office preferred. X 233, Oregonian. GIRD with experience desires position as bookkeeper or cashier; can operate type writer. Main 7127. STENOGRAPHER, with 4 years' experience, desires position. Y 758. Oregonian. WANTED Position by stenographer; 8 months experience. K. 6S5, Oregonian. YOUNG lady bookkeeper with office expe rience wishes position. Call Sell. 984. Dressmaker. A COMPETENT dressmaker with Novem ber 15, 16 and 18 open for engagement; ?4 per day. Phone Tabor 4729. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, piain and fancy sewing at home. 430fe Knott iL Mrs. W. R. Reid. SEWING by the day. work guaranteed. Phone Marshall 5478. after 5:30 P. M. HAND-MADE blouses of character and stylo. Elite Blouse Shop. 384 Morrison. "Nurses. MONTA VILLA General Hospital opens for service to all physicians; medical cases a specialty. Phone Tabor 6557. 201 East fe2d st. X. Mrs. M. A. Barrick, Supt. WANTED By male nurse, nursing, any sick ness, handy generally, conscienclons serv Ice; go anywhere. AF 821, Oregonian. A PRACTICAL nurse wants to take care of sick. Call Tabor 8737. THE VERNON maternity home. 1022 Vernon. Phone Wdln. 4272. Reasonable rates. NURSE would like 1 or 2 children to board; best of references. Sellwood 2b36. A TRUSTWORTHY, reliable nurse or com panion; good references. Main 2242. Housekeepers. WOULD like to hear from some nice gen tleman in need of good housekeeper. Age 45. iL M. R, B c-o G. N. Woolard, Sullivan, Ind. POSITION as housekeeper by refined middle aged, unincumbered lady; best of reference. ak orgonian. WOMAN of good character would like a. po sition as housekeeper in apartment house. 422" Washington St., room 15. WANTED Position as housekeeper In of near city where child is not objectionable. Room 15. 422 Washington st. A CAPABLE middle-aged widow wishes housework in widower s family or with adults. References. Y 779. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper by middle-aged woman; no objections to one or two children. BJ 39, Oregonian. WANTED Hour work, washing. ironing and house cleaning, go home nights. Call daytime. Ui .Mississippi ave. J. 2679. WANTED Position as matron In hospital oy woman oi experience, r. o. dox sua, city. POSITION as housekeeper in gentleman's nome. tsu ?.. oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for gen tleman. Call Main 2175. Main 7070-K. CAPABLE housekeeper wants position in tne country. -4U Clay st. Domestics. vv A.N i il, d Boarding house work or plain lamny; no launury. .Main SITUATION wanted by experienced second girt; wages -io. inone Wdln. 3.J67. HOUSEWORK in small family by competent w oii.rt.ii , Eooa wages. aj ouu, oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. PORTLAND SHIPBUILDERS WANT HOUSES, FLATS, APARTMENTS. Phone or mall information regardnig your vacancies to "Heave Together.' Call .oriiiw ca l oieei uo. -Main liuJ. WANTED A well-furnished modern bunga low or nnuse, noi over o rooms; no chil dren, references will assure best of care Hiid responsibility of party. AK 754, Ore gonian. WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished house; re- sponsioie aauns, oy isov. j. A a dress AO bsj. uregonian. WANTED A modern 4 or 5-roorn furnished hous on Woodlawn or Sunnyside line. v oouiawn v.tu. 5 OR 6-room house, by responsible party i. . i iii n uiouiii prcierreu. laoor 1:7. WANTED 3-room bungalow. Tabor 3232. Please call BY adults, modern furnished residence; best oi t-art. n r oregonian . Apumnrntn. WA NTED By responsible party, 3 to 5 room furnished apartment on West Sid will rent for any number months, best reierences, no c till are n. isu 741. Orego nian. X ANThD 2 or o-room fur. apt. or II. K rooms for small family; must bo warm rlean and comfortable; state terms. BJ M. oregonian. WANTED By family of three, furnished apartments: woman would like to do some jitnitor worn, wasning. etc. Al?" oi, ure gonian. WANTED To rent 5-room strictiv modern furnished apartment in northwest part of GENTLEMAN wishes to rent 2- or 3-room rurnisned oacneior apartment. K 68s, ureporian. COUPLE without children want small fur nish elhouse:Address?C2LIregonian, 3-ROOM furnished apartment for 2; East Mae preierreu. proaaway jji s. WANTED 2 or 3 rooms furnished apart meni Dy - aauiis. laoor Di-t. Rooms. WANTED Room, close in, privilege of get ting breakfast on electric plate. Address AF S-4. Oregonian. BY mother and adult son. part of furnished home with use of kitchen. Sf 555, Oregonian. Rooms Wltn Board. WANTED A nice home for a boy 14 years old. to do chores and go to school. East RESPECTABLE single man wishes to room in widow's home where no other boarders .kept & 732, Qxeconian. WANTED TO KENT. WANT desk and phone service for real tate buainesa. I 762. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE BRISTOL HOTEL That Red Brick. 12th and Stark. The war is over now. Take a little comfort. Our rooms tr large, com fortable and clean : steam heat, hot and cold water and phone in every, room; 3 vacant, one with bath. A Modrraie-tTiceU Hotel cZ Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Bias Hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Daily rates. $1 up: two in room. S1.5U; weekly rates, $5.00 and up. NErV PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sis. Right in center of Portland's activities. Let us show you our accommodation. Rates. $4 per week up. GORDON HOTEL West Park and Yamhill. centrally located, steam heat, hot and cold water and telephone in each room, eleva tor service; room with or without pri vate bath ; special weekly rates to per manent guests. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates 4 per week up. 7fc day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Hotel Madras, Washington and 12th; new management; all conveniences; week ly. 94 up. HOTEL TAIT. cor. 12th and Stark Nice outside rooms witk bath, modern. S4 per week and up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at 10th. Rates 75c per day up; weekly $4 up. run ning water; free phone snd baths. Hi iTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of tne least teiae; modern, convenient, nign Quality, low price. East 3d and Bumsids. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location ; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat ; rooms large, clean. HII.LCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $20 ma up; witnout oatn, 910 up. jj ssn. Furnlhhed Rooms In Private Family. LARGE, well furnished, heated room In pri vate nome; man or clean hatms: con venient to 4 cariines; East Side, Woodlawn 2236. ON E large room completely furnished. clothes closet, two windows, everything clean, for sleeping or housekeeping; for men only. 4.'il loth st. S. FURNISHED room with home conveniences. suitable for neat mldle-aged woman, in exchange for some help. AG 00. Ore gonian. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms. neat, light and gas lor cooking xumisneu; also garage for rent. Eaat 3146. 4 S6 Rod ney avenue. 3b W. PARK Nicely furnished front room; alcove bedroom, sleeping porch ; very de sirable for one or two gentlemen; walk ing distance. LARGE room nicely fur., suitable for two young ladles, $1.; also use or living-room when desired. Come and see, 4!-J 3wHn ave. S. E. Tabor 0.13. COMFORTABLE, large, front room, well fur nished, in private home; suitable xor two men. 71 Trinity Place. COMFORTABLE room, all modern conven iences, very reasonable; West bide, ortn lUth. Broadway 2274. NICE airy room, suitable for two; break- rast if desired or kitchen privileges, can E. 141. PLEASANT room, steam heat. West Side, walking distance, in private family, iiain WOULD give room to working girl or wo man assisting with the housework. Main NEATLY furnished bedroom ; walking dis tance; ?2 per week. 4.11 ttth st. NICELY furnished room for rent. ing st. Main M76. NICELY furnished room in private family, 37 12th st- Main 47U. NICE, large comfortable front room In pri vate famiiy. East b2ii. NICELY furnished room near Multnomah Club, with musical family. Marsha!! J215. THE HAZEL Clean, warm, close In, 3!5 od st. Phone Main 70:14. ROOMS Electric light, heat; modern; one block 23d st. car bams. 3 J 2 l. IMd St. FRONT room, private family. 1 or 2 respec table men. o za st. - . PLEASANT warm room. West Side, walking distance; lady only. Phone Bdwy. J'. NEATLY furnished room, suitable for men; rent reasonable. 411 Stark st. Bdwy. 2GW 14TH, near Jefferson, choice furnished rooms; wanting aisiance. .iain .fi.. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; waiKing distance; $4 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking alm- tance. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 8S0 loth st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. THE HAZEL Clean, warm, close In. hot water In rooms. dr 1 nira. Rooms Wits. Board in Private Family. 1RV1NGTON On carline, 3 large rooms. eround floor: fireplace, player piano; full cement basement, laundry tubs, $45; in cludes lights, phone, garbage, water and f Tirnace heat ; no children. East 4384. FOR RENT One room, with or without board. West Side: hair tlk. rrom car. Pri vate family. Phone Main 427. NICELY furnished rooms with board, 15 mln. walk shipyards, lotio uorottt st. ELEGANT room, also breakfast. Marshall ROOM and board, Irvington. East 7S00. ONE nice room and board. $10 per week. 333 Beech street. pnone wooaiawn omin. WANTED Two refined people to board and room. Phone r.ast 41c!. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL, Fifth, and Columbia Sis. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. HA 1 r-a, to .. G ROVER One or two-room apt.. $ 10 ud.. near steel shipyard. N. fc. car. 1S1 drover street. FOUR ROOMS, furnished, adults. 843 Nel son st., cor. of 27th, 1 block south of Sandy boulevard. FURNITURE Tor sale, Marshall 2171. pt. for rent. AKGYLE A PT.- 2-room apt. Main 173K. Vnf urnlshed Apartment. UNFURNISHED 4-room and bath. $25; ex tra room, j. Phone again. Tabor V373 ; large storeroom for light housekeeping. $l."i FoR RENT Beautiful duplex with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, street. EITHER 4 rooms and bath at $'2T, 5 rooms, $2S. l.V'3V E. Gllsan. Phone Tabor 1373. Furnished Flats. FOUR rooms, plastered flat, clesn, modern, excellent bathroom. 1 minutes from St. .t-nts. Pleasant neighborhood, $VJ. Eait 5260. 4-KOOM flat, nicely furnished, heat, $35. 305 Cherry st., near Broadway. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; walking distance, furnished for housekeeping; in cluding gas ranges, electric ugnia. hot water, bat h. laundry, all free : $15 month up. Take "S or luth-st. Broadway 5u3S. TWO laige. light front rooms, hot and coid water, heat and lichts furnished. $25. l.V.3 E. Stark. Take Mt. Tabor to 60th. one block north, ove er drugstore. FOR RENT Two large housekeeping rooms. In apartment. St. Johns car. Woodlawn 4219. UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms; light, clean. near shipyard and steel works. 2S6 N. 17th et- 2-ROOM SUITE; also one room, completi for housekeeping. M.H Washington st HOUSEKEEPING room at 735 Everett st. Hoosekeepins; Rooms In Private Fam lly. WANTKD A good young lady to ahuni housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 521) East Ash. r.ast llo. TWO housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple employed ; walking distance; rent reuaon- ao.e. aiain o-.-5. -- d ior hi. TWO housekeeping rooms, suitable for cou pie employed, walking distance; rent rea sonaoie. .Main o-is-'. iay(or st. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. NICE large roorn with kitchenette, aui table lor tO. .m-t tvereu hi. TWO large, light rooms. West Side, distance. Main 2018. talking FURNISHED housekeeping room, working man. i-tn hi. HOUSEKEEPING and phone. 31." rooms, heat, light, wate F L' Rjs Liiii tj,QuaUt:eepiAC room IX X-:ua. FOR RENT. House-keeping Rooms Lb Private FaemlLy. TWO rooms, furnished, including phone. gas. stove heat, bath. $2U per month; adults. 0a3 Eaat Taylor St. TWO front roon phone, couple, .a. Kax range, electric light, $11. 3".'U, 4th st. IUVINOTuN bungalow. 7 large rooms on first floor. 3 on second; absolutely modrrn with hot-water heat and garas. 2 corner lota At .V5 E. 2uth North; real $0J. bee Ere 4 S. Williams. !2 1st st. S-ROOM house. $15; garage. $5; land for gardening one lot to l." acrea. Apply corner istuh and Eat Stark. ML Tabor lit fcSth car to end, four blocks north, one eaat. FOIC, KENT 2-room house. $6 per month, paid to Dec. 2. If you buy new furniture and cord of wood for $lbO. Ml Scott car. M2i tu.i st. s. T-;. WHEN YOU MOVE Vie NuKTlJ WESTERN ELECTRIC light Service. Broadway f.SO. A B74T. MODERN bungalow flat, five rooms and sleeping porch, on Port. and Heights, close in. rent Main 1W34 FOR RENT CHEAP Small house; also caf eteria; owner sick. Alia iL and St- Johns shipyard. ROOM house. $-jij. b Warren luth, Portsmouth. Call Main Hoard of Trade Bldg. t corner 1452. 316 oDKR.N U-room house. 23d and Everett, hardwood floor, J bat hs, fine grounds; r-nt. $75. Phone Broadway t)9. MODKHN cottage, sjo; and partly furnished FOR KENT, SALE 1 -room modern bunga- 8, K. w. 7010 61st ave. Modern Went Side h line, select location; owner. E. 3 J.4. st.p pgr month. Call HOUSE for rent, in Kenton. IMwy. 2.". 14. $S mo. ib2 Watts frt. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnace heat, 2 lots, $20. i-arucuiars J47 Park st. f-itrnUhrd lion FURNISHED ho(j?f. 3 rooms snd bath, lot lOoxlOo. 441 Wlil's hlvd.. back of Colum bia Park. J. A. Walt her. owner. 2i S Bumvido st. Call between W A. M. and 3:3 P. M. MAN and wife to sli a re rn v 6-room f ur $.;.; referencra. Sellmood nished home, 147. FL'UNISHKD !5-room bouxf, no chllflren ; rent 35. 1075 E. 13th N., 1 block from Atberta carhne. Phone Woodlawn 16U7. FOR It KNT furnlfh'd hunga hiw. Irvington dis'rlct; rent $15 per inonM. F'hnritr E 1 f t h h ,i . El( ; MT rooms, oriental rues, grand D.ano. 110 Mlramur St., near East G'lsan. $2 3-R. ctge., Luke (.rove: piano; sdulta "7. McFsr snd. Uns Yeon bldg. Alain 7 . FURNISHED house for renL Call Colum- oia 11.. 1. tores. For KENT Storage on loox40-ft. for dead at reasonable rate. A. so cel lar lMixloo-ft., perfectly dry. Union ave. snd Bwlmont sts. Phone East 373. Offic OFFICES, storerooms snd halls: slao room! suitable for light manufacturing; offic but. ding accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., bl5 Dekuin b.dg.. 3d snd Washington. MOST :entrilly located offices, low rent. twet:and bio . 6th snd Washington. I LOST AND FOUND. THE foliowinK articles hnve been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Litcht I'ower Co., Nov. 1J. 1118. 1 purse, 1 watch charm. 1 card cane, 1 roll film. 1 buuge. 1 bu. papers, 1 pr, gloves, 1 1 packatcfa, 3 lunch boxes, 1 shopping bate. 1 pr. ahoea, 1 sweater, 3 umbrellas. 1 is love. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streetn mutton. LOST By working; icirl, purse containing $31; possibly dropped sume on entering machine w lUh picked me up at' Mlis ulppl and Shaver at. or on leavinjr machine at Stark and Broadway ; rw ard. Pl ae return to "Cashier." Wa-shinR-ton st. LOST Monday, pay-check from the Grant Smith Shipbuilding Co. Chuck was in dorsed by Orunl 1 1. Stewart. Please return- to 4 Ohwecn, St. Johns. In purae with check w:ia bill; party can keep Mil If they will return the check. LOST Ilund-bus at loth and Waihlnition. or Itlackstone Hotel, on November 11. Con tents, purse with $ 1 if. liberty bond re ceipt, diamond lavaiicre and pair black kid-gloves. Return to owner, Cuples Hotel, a nd receive reward. LOST Lady's black pune containing- $-40 in currency and huMland's death notice, between Yamhill and Meier Ac Frank's. Reward $4' and no j uestlons asked, l'hone Mar. J'17o, or 4 10 Fifth. Mrs. Jone. LOr-T A purae, between Olds. Wort man & King's and the !c, loc and Lc store, or the Owl Urupator, with a pair of giastg and crocheting and about $10.50. Call Woodlawn 3'.'jJ. Reward. A WALLET containing pa per money, three flno liberty bonds, check on Ladd 4Y Tiiton's liank and citizen's papers. Finder please return to Hoy t Hotel and receive 1 1 b-ra I reward. LOT Two liberty bonds, third, numbered 1 1 v.:t:s; ana rourtti i'Ui.i.i. ew nan claims were tokf n when his bank was robbed. O. V. Jlobfton. Itjdwell ave. LOST Monday nipht, on liroadway. between Alder and ash inn ton. gold ring with large K-.ldstoiie aetimg. Itc-ward. Call Ennt 4 .".". LOST Lady's hamlhng on Wah. st. near JJdwy., containing lli 1: 1 spc, caa. door key, piece of cloth with plus; finder call E. il'.'. Reward. LOST Bet weed 2d and 12th and Davis and Wash., black leather handbag, containing money, check, com. purse, etc. Reward. National Stamp A Seal Works. 2.10 oak at. LOST Monday. 4 P. M., lavender pure at ItroB'lway and Washington. Please return the ring to Roberta Bros. $0O RE WA RI for Ford automobile bearing regon iicens .o. o-i. 11 locatea write BD 747, Oregonian. FoUND Tuesday evening, package contain ing underwear. own.-r c in hae sm by giving full particulars. K wd, Oregonian. 1.OST Tall of brown fur. eil her Tuea. or Wed. Klnd-r please leave at Oregonian business office. LliST i'lnitcal purae, containing liberty Brown, bond and money. Phone Mrs, Tabor 72.1. and receive reward. FOUND Inner tube: owner may ha S a m e 1221 by identifying and paying for t Yenn bldir. LOST A red hU'k umbflla, Monday night. at Mandarin Car or on Mdewa.k Park and Morriwn; reward Main 31. LOST three keys tied together with string: finder please call U. S. Lumber Co. Main LOST Small purse on I. C. car or Orand ave. and K. Humside st. iteward. Leave nt cnnhler at Oregon tan. Lost White Spitz dog: answers to S E. 4!th. of Nippy. Rew ard. 4-i ON Washington iL, K s on ring; one No. i:t. all Main 7.'.. LOST One pearl earnnjr. w it ha drop. Sat. nigtit. Please pnonc r.asi .:.... FOUND Monday eve.. man's green hat. rail Main titl. LOST Mon., Nov. 11, gold wrist watch. Call i-ard. Woodlawn '.. R-' Lf'ST Hub cap, M'tchil automobile Mitchell stamped l'hone n hub. Hrimdwa y .H'2. LOST A bar pin with ruby selling. 7n7. LEFT umbrella in auto coiipl picked up at 21 th and pow-l!. Call Woodlawn 2H'.r. LOST Black jt snake bracelet. Wdln. r17. LOST Keys on tirand ave. Phone E. A7SI. EPFXlAt KOTICW. TOIX THE UNITED WAR VETERANS. A National organization composed of x-ternnM of the Civil War and Spanish "War and the soldiers, sailors and marim-a of t he present war. The objects are. to unite in fraternal bonds, t h rough Na tional, state, local and foreign organisa tions u.1 1 soldiers and sailors of th United .states, to relieve distress and to co- nooraia for tne weitare or comrauea ana their dependents, to advocate National and state laws beneficial to comrades, to por netuat Memorial da v. and to establish homes for orphan snd d-pe ndent children of comrades. Write for information per talning to organization of camps and mem bership at large. 1'nlfd War Veterans. National Headquarters. Ka'lspell. Montana. MlMcellanefius, NOTICE To the voters of School District No. 1. Multnomah County. Oreron. You are hereby notified that pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of School District No. 1. M'lltnomah County. Oregon, a Special Election w ill be held within the dtMrtct on Tuesday, the 2th day of November. 11S. to vote upon the Question of authorizing the district to levy taxes to be collected In the year 11. larger by $2-1". mk than the amount limited by the Conatttutlon and Statutes of Ore gon, unless specifically authorized by a vote of the electors of the district, said amount being the amount necessary in the opinion of the board to provide an in crease of $200 each in the salariee of such teachers of the district as afe now re ceiving lejs than $30tM per annum. The polls will b open on the day of e'ection from 12 o'clock noon to 8 o'clock P. M... and the qualifications of voters at this election are fixed by Chapter 1. General Laws of Oregon for 1M7. Dated this 21th day of October. 1H. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk for School District No, L Aluiiaotn.! Coaiity. Oregon SPECIAL NOTICES. M iKel laneoum. NOTICE. To the Voters of School District No. 1, Multnomah County. Onion: You ar hereby notified that the Board of Director of School District No L Mult nomah County. Oregon, has called a pub lic meeting to be held at tne office of the Board, room 804 Courthouse, on the 2'Jth day of November, lui. at the hour or 10 A. M.. at which time the Foard will adopt a budget of estimated receipts and d : buntements of the district for the ensuing cnd&r year. Such sums of monr aa are dfm-d necessary for the purport of the district are -t forth In the copy of the proposed budget, which is appended hereto. Any legal school elector of the district mMy attend the meeting and will be ac corded a hearing on any Item of the budget. Budget for ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS. Outlays Betterments $ & aoa New buildings contract balance o.tofl arork aooO Portable e ........ Po oi Improvement of grounds ro.iHi t tree ta, ewers and sidewalks . . 10 000 Purchase of grounds m0 Total Equipment Cookltg Drawing . General equipment .......... Janitors ................... Kindergartens .......I Manual training ............ M uaic ...................... 1 '1 c 1 u res .....I Physical training .......... School (or sighLusta ......... ewing War work Unpaid claims Total Instruction Free text books and supplies . tiraduatin ex en ia. 21J.7O0 Sorts 200 49ot l.lK'S l..".o ev 3K) J.lMtO lo.ovo .$ 82.035 7.0KI Library and reference books ....... Total J Ssiarici Priuclpa;s and " teachers: at 9 '0 a 29 oo 8 h'.o 0 14 1 e-. .......... t"Mi 1HM 1U..O 1 llHI 1 I'.O 1J.MJ l.'.-O 1:uhj I4mi 3 :'mi i;.:.o 1 tUttl. .......... 1 MMI 2' KM ........... 2'MI 2-MI 2'"i. .......... 2''t0 nooo 3;foo 1J. ,'Ht 1J at 11.7m 1.11MI AZ 1..VHI 2."..:i-Ki 3"7.o 21.2..U io v j' o 17..-..-0 C.4M1 27.00 7. 7 :o 22.i' 7 2hh OK 2.O40 !'. 2.2".U 4"t. 2t" 21 4' at ". at. 2y? 17 311 l:i 4-1 H 5 141 40 l'J 1 'J 1 IS 5 IHMI 12.MH) 14.0H H.40O 4.000 3-'.. Li.'. 7.2O0 4 4 st Prinripele' secretaries. Librarians Evening schools Vacation schools Subst Itutes .... Kindergartens . Total Supplies Maintenance $L770.7-'S $ 64.SC0 Insurance 2 Ooo C4.100 &"Pr t buildlns ... Jl.P-r to epuipment War work Totat $ f 1.100 Operation of school plants Freight and drayage T.000 Fuel 7.-,.omi Fumigation S.oo" Unlit 6. 1 too Power 15.04M Janitor salaries loJ.:ioo Civic centers rt.oao Janitors' supplies lu.OoO Kent .-t.iMM. Telephone 30' mi Water lo.ouu Total ..$ 2 '.'6.000 Administration Attornev'a fees and litigation $ n.noo Automobiles A. 000 Oniui 3..n0 Elections l.ftoo Kqulpment and repair 4. 000 Kent --QO Total 21.200 Salaries 1 Superintendent of Schools $ 7. She I Asst. Superintendent of Schools.. 4 noo 1 Asst. Superintendent of Schools.. 3.T0 1 -truant officer I'H I clerk and business manager 4...K) 1 superintendent of properties .... 4."0 1 purchasing agent l."d 1 cashier l.hoo Other employes 2 at fl.'.oo $ 3 noo a at jirt-'o a.!o 4 at $Ut00 4.2m 2 at fl'-'rto a. 400 9 at !"0 H.TJO 2 st trtO l.l'-" 1 St f'-0O tM0 1 at nso s0 1 st 4rt -4n 1 at $u00 ft" Phops 4.:.oo Storeroom .t.000 Emergency Total 6V4.-.o Puppltes U.60O Te.ephones 2 Interest Exhibits and conventions 2.010 Insurance Teachers' Retirement Fund h.Cmmi Insurance Fund 1 ,MK Cyntlngencles 50.0O0 $ 102.6O0 Total amount reqnlred to operate, support and maintain schools. 2.730.370 Debt Account- Interest and Commission t S7.147 Sinking Fund SO.OoO 67.14? no noo S44.0O0 10.001 1 ."..000 4 04Mt 3or.oou Estimated Receipts- State School Fund County School Fund rounty High School Tuition Fund I teltnquent raxea Interest on Hank Balance probable Cash Balance $ $ oS. 0O0 To be raised by special levy to operate, support and maintain the schools 1.M2.X70 Grand total $2,730.3.0 To be raised by special levy for sinking fund and interest on bonds In addition to the levy 10 operate, support and maintain the schools f7.1 47 Published by order of the board of di rectors. District No. L Multnomah County. Attest:' J. FRANCIS PRAKE, Chairman. R. IL THOMAS. Clerk. Dated November . 101: NOTICE of fllmr by Pecurtty Pavlnge Trust Company off ita petition for leave to 1 mm imri of rrtnti real property and assets for refunding bondholders of the Lewiston Land ac ater company. Limited: Notice Is hereby given that the Feenrity Pailnca & Trust Company trustee for cer tain holders of refunding: bonds series dated October 1. 1111. Issue No. 4. of the Lewiston Land A water t ompany, i.imneu f t he real nroDerty and assets soid snd conveyed to it in pursuance of a decree and order of the United States District Court for t he District of Idaho, Central 1 11 . i.inn tv anir Af Robert H. Barr n'aintiff. vs. Idaho Trust Company and lewiston Land fc Water Company. Llmit- .l defendants, has filed In said last- named court and cause a petition for leave to resign as trustee, for the appointment of a sucreasor to It as trustee to whom It m a v convey the pro peri y ana aseein t which said Security Savings A Trust Com pany has title and possession as such trus tee and for other and further relief as more fully aet out In the petition. The pe tmon of said Security Savings Trust Company, trustee, for leave to resign Iti trust has been set for hearing In Said Die trtct Court of the United States for the District of Idaho. Central Division. In the courtroom at Moscow. Idaho, on Monday. December 2, 11. s.t 10 o'clock A. M. The owners and holders of any of the afore said refunding bonds, series dated October 1. 1U. Iseue No. 4. or tne lewiston land A Water Company. Limited, as well as all other persons lnteretei therein, are re- mitred to an near in said court at the time and place ststed and show cause. If any exist, why the petition of said Security Savings At Trust company snouia not oe granted. rmterl November 13. 101R. PKrUBITY SAVINGS A T R U 5T COM PANY. By C. F. Adams. President. nrMNEp oproRTrMTirs. WILL buy Idaho Ooid and Ruby mining stock. R. M. Jones. 1004 Oresn bidg.. HAVE opening for active man In automobile business. Can clear $250 to $3o0 month. Room 403 I fkum bid g. Li LOCK RY and del., six living rooms In con nectlon. See owner. 2Co Broadway. Phone Main i-"4. 5-ROOM house and grocery store : lot J0 2.. $4".on, terms: 3 blocks from shipyarda Mar. 4dij. 00 riret st- WE sell ail kinds of barbers' suppilei Agents for Knkeni barber chairs. Kemp r .-truer- fupp.y o ( 1 wasningron st WILL py cash, for general mere hand 1 stot k or any psrt. B. Goldberg. 2' St 00k Exchange bldg. FoR SALE ien. mdse. store in valley c leering $2.'0 per month. A V 234. gonia n. town Ore- WANTKD A small boardlf.g-house or res taurant: must be a anan. Apply 513 Va E -csi. evbe sib . BISIVES orrOPTl'MTIFf. FOR bALE Gfnral mere handle stock an.l sicre for ren t in Wi..mette Vsilry town In heart of very tin farm mg and da:rr section ; stock of x round $ in mo; dir business of about Hj.uikv nock la SMape. making mon. hut want to se.l oa account of health; wuld prtier cash dsai. AO '7. Oreionian. CAUTION. Dt'TERS. Before c o:n deal of so-called Interest rn est s blurted real estate buainesa, aet advice of Portland ReaJty Board. PAUL COWolLL. Secretary. WANTED To Interest someone :h $.o"0 to $1XK for nianuf j(tur:ng rair.roiri here. No factory In tn.a i:ne en Pac.f .c tost. Wonderful opportunity. Addrcae iSJ Creaton:.-n. RAliiiEliS. ATTENTION. Retlrlnai rrom barber trade, eacrtflce my sftop in bet oeu,LJwn in t.ijc 1'aui Ste.n mes. srt etr h s:. WANTKD To buy a sarace in a food rromtaft town at-out mi es froru h t- Address M. II. Do well. Ovray. t'o.o. GARAG1; for aale; aol location. ood re pair and supply bumea. m'.mo ha acencv for new ran. net profit $ivnl month. Ca;: room 403 Drkum bidic. W ANTKl Oeneral merchandive stock; have $10,000 Income city property and some cah. 207 btovk Lxcnauga bid- Portland, treaion. UlKH KKV. caah . $74 day; no deuvery. Hoom 403 iekum biric. Burtnem Op port unit lew Wanted. HA E 2J .ir e&perlenre In real e abstract and ConxrViiiirinc work, like an interest in real nutt; t:ht ct r. K 7, OreKonian. WILL five $.iH'U worth citv property fnr jr;n builncM that mi l not leas than $1.Vmi. siee ott. S. Mnl! h A Co.. 4'U Chamber of Commerce. PK'TL'Rt: bu;nsa r!cnilri. we can f.'l or -dere in 10 cj a. brmocrty, 4lV First st. P road way 22,i. W ANT K iv a amall houkeeplr. g or r-"m-ing-house : could pay ail rih. ldy. 21H..I Hotels and Roomlng-Hota RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. If you are in the market for a. hotel or apartment houw. any alie. phone us for appointment or call and see us and we will aiadl y how you hat he ha e on our list, ahlih t very com pete. Have 3 autus at jour rvirf. Itroadway 413S. ?o Oak st. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR 8KLL Business. Hotel. Rooming or A ptirtmsst House of any kind, anywhere, see K. Rlerdoa. WATCH OUT: ADS. WE GET RESULT! RITTElt. LOWK A CO.. tM-l T Hoard of Trade I'M WEST S1IE lXCuMK. 1 0-room house on 70x1ki. $o per tnonin Income. bes:ds owners quarters. Account of health owner must l-ave city. l'r. e. Including furniture. e".VMi Some tirnia JiUNsuX.l)oUoN CO.. 34 W. Aink bldg. FINE HUY. 3 30-room hotel, pressed brick bldg., rent only $ per room, lease 3 years, good lo cation, all fuil, $Loh tnh ail! handle. Thss is the hst hotel btiv in lort!and. t ; KO T. Moo R E. A R I N iTO N P 1 . 1 " ;. FO R SALE CHKA P M y e-i u 1 x y l' rivtna. ui nmiipu, ltimin inree ciorxa 01 mrw shiprus: doing good tunineit ; going out account of PKknM. Call any time before Monday. l:h, this no. Hood st. 4e- ROOM apt lions-, modern, brick, heat hot and cold water and Janitor erv:- Included In r-nt at $l.".d per month; flrwt r lass West Side loc;i ion. nets oer $ui per month: price $4000. CEO T. MOoRE. ARINCTON pl.DO. FOR KENT FURNISHED. Working mwn's hotei 10 responsible party; references required; iiets alout $1J0 mom h. tlEO T. MOORE. AniXOTOX,. cifi nnj per monui, rain, 9 at $-.u per mnnih. E. TUtiGLE. 11-; N. W. Hank bldg. Main 1 412 Fl KN ISH ED hotel, r.3 rooms, wit h large dining room ; always f u" ' : GO steady mt.: snd shlpvard men. Washif gton Hoteu Ray mond. Wash. W-HuuM hotel, clearing net profit over $?( rronih; fine transient location. See Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ablngton bldg. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL A1'AUTVIKT-H BROKER 723-4 N. W. HANK BLX.K3. hue ome very fine bus In note la. apartment and rooming houss. al! '. f. i ;K T M00RK. A lilN' ;ToN HLI ;. FoR SALE 14-ateam heuted rooming house, good furniture ; price $00 cash. -47 V Taylor st:. city. IV ttj. rent 40. All housekeeping; nets montn: price 2ioo. some terms. !KO T MOuRE. AHIN'iTuN Bl.lKj. j K.h MS. good furniture, central location, money maker. $i"o. ' -ri Abington bldg. HXANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS, If you must sell your liberty bonds, seil to ua. If you can buy more Itbero bonds, buy from us. We buy and scil liberty bonds at tie market. The closing price of liberty bonds on the New Voile Stock Exchange Wednes day. Noember 13. were as fo..owg: o l-s a wi .or. First 4s Fours . tMi h inat 4 S t.v4 Second 4s. ...... 9s Third 4's ..T r ourth 4s s iki MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. Ths Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon. 30-311 Stark. Between 5th and 6th. d round Floor. Telephone Broadway 21 SI. over 2o years. Established LIBERTT BONDS. WE BUT AND SELL Municipal and Oovem ment bonds of a!) issues. CLOSE NET PRICES UPON REQUEST. KEELER BROTHERS. Capital and Surplus $750,000. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BULLING. LIBERTT BONDS ROUOHT. Folly or partly paid bonus bought for spot cash. Sell direct to licensed brokers. Get market cash Auy denomination bourht. SjO. IHkI. $5UO. SI OOO. Business strictly coafidential; private Ol.'lce lor udlri. WESTERN hTOCK A BOND CO., Licensed Brokers. Hours S SO to 6 I. M. bull til 4 Morgan Hide. Broadway and Washington St, LIBERTY BONUS BoUUHT AND SOLD. Remittance mal.ed out-of-town sellers dav bonds are received. Aiao buy our partly Dad bona contracua. .money luaned on bonds Ieal estate mortgages and other high-c'.aas securities for conservative etors s specialty. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. 202 W 1 1 co x bidg.. t h and W aahlncton I'AV OFF THE MuK TO Av E on your city home in easy iut ailments with Id years' time to repay; fully pro tected bv life Insurance undr Home Fur chase Fian of Euu itable Lire Axurama Society. Interest i r : no cortimUaion. iSee M r. ntrong. Equitable oiace. oregonian bldg- BONDS BOUGHT. Foot cash, also cash for payments mad. Com to 72' Oaavco bldg.. th and Alder, or mall bonds to us: we remit return mall. C fc: LLA RS-Mflt TO N CO. LIBERTY BOND contracts bought. We will buy your equity in your liberty bond con tract if you have contracted to buy a bond and can't meet the payments. See ua Ho we! I A Davis. 401 Board of Trade bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; but. ding loans, lowest rates. W. G. Bock. 21.4-2 1 b dg. Phone Main $47. (juO, $Lod AND upwar on Improved real estate, favorable terms, no rf.y; no brok erage. John Bain, 5u7 -pa;d:ng 1I 1 U. H. LIBERTY BOM'S. Will Pay Cash Value. John D. WilcOS 414 Plttock H.-Mk. CASH PAID Fo H L1BKKTY HON DA OPEN IA1LY UNTIL RUM air. LL. 4 felAlU nNANflAL CASH PAID FOR LI BERT T BOXP& A VT 1 SSU E ANT AVOPsT. W E IAV MARK FT. fl.Ld ACCKL't.U J.N TEKEST. WE LOAN 04 ON UBERTT BONDS OR WILL t.OAV TOf THB VOVTTT TO COMPLETE iOl'K A'A ELWOOD WILES CXX. S1 r. NATIONAL R-NK BLIV OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL S P. M. CASH LlP.KKTY R-NUS. . New nurart price p-;d. leas imall brokers ce. ijm n 7 p. m. P N 4 I.n M CI Ki .1. 1'oJ l'Ai.M; l::.i-i. 5 : A X I W A I i I N ; T V M. LN KTH K NTS. laana. not. a. mortga. T. IC lewla. SOI Le m la b . d c . Mar. 1 Mottey te ! mm Keml rtatew I - vr monib f.r months, or $-1 -'4 Xrf month for tW month a. or $15 17 for Vo momhs pa) a a $10v0 ioaa and In te reel r:her amounts in rroportlon. We ioan oa I m vw 1 c uy property N n er. T.mi!on c h n reed. EWl'lTABLK PAVINGS m LOAM AftaTl. -41 Siark St. 1 or t anil. OUR Installment plan is he Wet and me h ' 1 of payinc a lean. iltMirt.Ault L O A N ON 1MPROVKTI KAKVS IN Oi:E'SOV. WASHINGTON AM UAHO: LoiJ TIME IK 1K.1RK3 AM) REPAYMENT PY 1 NSTALl.V K N "?$ TO fil 11 TUB UOmtOWKR. CUKKKNT RATE. Nv CollMilON. W Ja. Mic HAMI.R, RSI U H. NAllONAL BAXs M.'. . POKTLANU FARM LOAN. Insurance company money te loa st l"rt currer.t ru on Wt.,ametle aiies '' No comni.Mion. No de.aa. ixi E1ILAUX Xoi.l'v,Auli Ct-Ul'A.NT, h M.. I or t. an.l. .r. alvli riA.".E LOANS. Act amoui.t, io rtri, pio.-nat:y closed. Attractive rrv.nK pr. i.tica, A II. P.iiKKl.L CO.. 1 Nor:hws:rrn liana lUd. V -1 -t h a I 4 .14. A 411!. MOH riiAE 1X1ANR FAR at A.NU OiV I'HuitHTT, $H FEU CswNT, 0 I'LK CENT. 7 ft,H Caw NT. t.MON A US TR ACT CO, Cor be It B.dg. iio.Nti to low: I'AKRIMl. WATKINS A CO. i r-etona t. -w. "U. $0u. $;ju. l woo and up at tow eat la terra l rtea. l.bcri repayment iriv- a, bo de.ay. GukDu.V AN fc Ea I m.i,S Co.. u.l Cti4ini'fr of Commerce. $00. eou. eOoo. $ i O. Ilov and us at uiri, 4a attiuA. Fred W. Oer n Co.. ch. qf Coin. Mam 4S. eiclviAoE lox.a. ..iy properly, i and 7 U Iwl Chamber of prr .oi.u O. A. v 'omnterve. SEE L'a TOlAl; Kvaaa, any amount. tt-T'T. OELLARS-MUHTON CO.. 725 Oasco bldg. toO TO $2(KU w unout eo r.i mission. Inas proea real estate, labor $ H'X Main $7A LuANa on city and farm property. A p ceai up. r . r uens. so ei.tin. ox Com. Mt-'NKV TO LOAN on farm and Improved cltf property. K.- K. Baxter 7o4 Spaidlng bldg. $.mnj 1 0 $ IU.OUO To LOAN. NO Cukkla blcN 1. o. BOX eTa. t-Eii OREOON 1XV. A MOkTOAOK CO m-2 cnimbtr of Commerce.. 4t n ud Stark. HOK o; AOE LOANS, f AND 7 I'ER CENT. i.Oll.'' .SALMON A CO. 4US Selling bid at. Nl oai e I o I n r Hat tela and .Helarhc-e. oauuv. Loan a. chattel. WE Loan money on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. aac tfaLMf : ln stri t.y cODlcDtiaL S O ilUKTGAliKi No i N OORSER, AUSoLVTELT NO SECURITY. We aiao loan on houaehold Xuratturw, pianos, lc. w it hout removal. CALL AND IN V EST1J ATRL COLL. M til A UiSCi U N T COatFANT LICENSED. Sli Kailmg it ui id Ing. PORTLAND PFMKrTAL LOAN AA$rM. S4 Stark St Establlshed by Fortlaad business to proie. t the borrower. a C. Myers lierrmaa. Mgr. Loans miiiit 00 huua-tio.d lxaltarsv al a no, diamonds and Jewelry. IF UU NEED AIu.NtV. ;E US SALARIES. CHATTKLS. Loa ns in a de to persons on aa . ary or f lira tncome ; on household furniture, pi sna. c.Minonds and other persoaai prop erty; ir.i rates. ltup:nes conf.dentlal. Private of flea. FvitTLAND LoAN CO. (Licensed.; :oo.:io7 Dekura Birig. al'Nt-1 10 ioa oa auytn;ng of va.ue. legal -1 rm 1 mi . .i-.vm ne .0. oue ear. rtaama Loan Office. - Third, near Oak. o;E to loan on diamonds. jewe;ry; legal rates, a.t articles he id 1 tar; established nee l.s-S. Dan Mura. 23 Washington. loane W anted. A 1'AKTV would like to borrow S20OO for IS months: wi.;,ng to pay 10 per cent int. T 4 J.o re gonian. WANTED $ 1 '0 at 7 per cent on 7 -room nous-. 3 lots, value L'KI. E, J. Oeieer. 4 17 t'hamlwr of Commerce. WANTED A ioan tf Ho on A-l a part - ' ' l furiy, J 740. Oregonian. $2..ou oN W-st Side home, aL $(iOU. Gii Cham irr of "onimerce bldg. fcEL" Oi.EiJt 'N IN V. A MOKTGACE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark, PEKSONAl. haik Lull's, lowest frice. 0-ii, n wavy switch, a sep $14$ AK-ixunU irauitormailoD .......... 1 4 j li M.rd 1 fi;tig, stiaitiptKing. face massage, hair bfl-utng. niAi.Kuung, 2c Hair r -nivve.t ly c -ectric lieeO -e. i itch made of lumi-iag. taiuury pat lrs, 4ou 41a L'cu u u ilj. 3J and Wash. Marshall 17tA WILL the lady who wants a suit. coat, drea- wa.ft or iMiin ou.l si holMl prices ceil ml llr.vMl ManutartuTers' Out lei 7 61XU.SK 1 -'Look TAKE KI.KVA TOR. 2U. riTTlK-'K ItLo'K. Mall orders iroitpily Filled. TO k'i E EN T INKLl tNZA Build Up our weaaeneii resisiance. iKTienillic nua.t 1 pu lation of the boay does juat that. iron stue lnp.ltuie, a27-s-h i'lttok biock. Elec tric cabinet La:ha and maage. Oraduat nutai auu:anta. l'hone Broadway 312- ColtA VAl.E It K LI- t -hiroiHtdist. formerly ell Ivkiim bidB.. is now ivcated at room 2li Mici.Mr.d bl'ig.. orner Jth end Wash ington. A ill be oi-n for bua.ness ri u), NoVfinber 1 .. Would be i4caed lo e n-.y old i-atler'S there. JAMKii-To know where my brother, Li w in Johnson, is. blue ej c. l:ght hair, age 2-i. ht'i:u About Z feet 11 inches. Informa tion wi.t be y leccived. oscar John Soii. Cherry v;. 4-. or. $1 ILL get botn your feet Ciefl up goo$ at Dr. Eaton's, tne Cniropodlst that doean t hurt you. a cars here, e&etn, tree. OiobS T.ieatir bidg.. 1 1 th and Ua.L Bd j . .'a. 4. aiivA. MtVJi.Ns, 2o cars For Land's re siownea UulUiT of pa.miatry and crystal aamg. h-s cr s:a a for sale, also her Look. "Fa. 111 in ry Made Easy." JTa Taylor. k EH V ET t HANEiiCT. leading wig ant toupa makira. I. neat atiKk human bair gooua; bairdressing. manicuring, face and ca p tr atmcnt. 34W Aider. Main &4A INSTRUCTION" In the theory of heal Lb. uc Cse avad huriuony. iiiUx M. L. LA MAR 235 Aili St. tLl-A'TKiCAL galvanic. mineral. steam ba in. 4. i ntific nerve, organic and biood circulating massage. Prof. Smith. 21 J Sw t:ai:d bldg. Main 14L Lady attendant. iil-.T siram bath, mamee, llratlon. elec tric and chiroprac; ic in city. lr. Mar pa ret J-aynie. M7 Swetland b;dg. Main 11 OKADUAXE nurse treats lu in Dago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phooe Ma.n 1Q41I. fiat C. 30 3d. LR- EL.N A SOL ESSKa, ."OS Fan a ma bldg. Uruieaa niei.od used for kidneys, rheu mat ini, c .it 1st if)ati -n. Consultation free. bL'l'ELFLUoUS lia.r. mo lea. w arts remove! by lo-ne lie metliod; trial free. Josie Fia ley. t14 Ei;ers b.dg. Main tK .'i. Kr.Fi.vKl coup .fh to adopt baby girL, lor references address Locat. Box Va Norta 1'orf.and. Olvii i' ill Li. UAMLba, auperf.uous ba.r iecia..L. maoii. urin. mr auu Kft.11, e.a I- .leoner ld; Broadway M'2- b'.'ii 1 A B. Sb. 1 1. spirit ual ad ':or. &og (ioouuoutfii b.Urf. Qut-s: ton meetings Tut. , Kri. . 1 M. Marihaii 1V3, LEV.. ilKS. J. SEHoKl. or. lamed N. spiritualist minister. l." E. liT h t N rr. Lurnide. on avliia car. East 30'"4. bl'f KKr Ll'Ol'd hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burvh'a mulli? neeu.e method, indorsed by physic;ana 1Tk4 Swetland bldg. vi i E. oT:EN ICLL r levts a p, riandruff. 2o FUedner b!dg. liowy. loU. LoKSN T Tom, I'lk or liarry pay you T Hvm Viereck. collections. IVkum bidg. LADY batberwi hae. L"tc; hatircut. 2.i-; fce maAsace. c. 1123 til:san. corner 6: li. M VY ANl'i-l-VS, prirenolofci-Jt and ec-r. Main ".". 22 1'wrk Ll-KTMA MOW EIL, W KITE W 6o ORE r.i 'Nl N WA N T K 1 Lnt;e girl. 3 lo 0 years, for adopt. on. AF ri r.. Oregonian. Ti AIX-'FT a little girL from birth to vfarr TaW t4'4. pH 1 M E; A BALM. r-irm-r 1 V c: l-d Balrm ot Aiia. eft J. ei bcu. AlJriuii