Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 14, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Casualties
reported for publication today number
1061. reported in the tabulated summary
as follows:
. Rpti- P.en. Total.
Killed In action
Lost at sea
I-Med of wounds . .
XJie'l of disease . .
XJied of accident
Total deaths . .
1 ays
1 no b.h.v.1
. 1,434 1
Cits 24,--"S
Sr.4 a. BIT,
V ounded
Aliasing and prisoners.. U,l70 m
Total casualties 70.618 1061 71.873
Smith. Clyde K- Wlnfleld. Ala.
Harper. Adair. Helfin, Ala.
lunn, Aubrey. Tallahassee. Ala.
Boswell. Merrltt 11.. Newark. Ark.
Johnson. 11. K., TeJtarkana, Ark.
Epperson. U. M. L,leut.). Modesto. CaL. -Camp,
G. W. (Corp.), Kresno. Cal.
ITank. C. R. (Corp.). San Francisco. Cal.
Hagedorn. Wm. (Corp.), Ban Francisco,
tirisedale, F. T. (Mech.), Bakexafield, Cal.
frowell, W. H.. Berkeley, Cal.
Fitch. G. A., Manchester, Cal.
Hasmussen. Christian A.. Fresno. Cal.
Jtevaz. Emanuel C. Smith Flat. CaL
Harlins, Jesse. San Francisco.
-Waller, Howard K.. Ked Bluff. CaL
Sutter, Mike H-. San Francisco.
Rush. Fred L... Elmonte, CaL
Stearns. Gustavls C. San Francisco.
Townsend, Richard "VV.. East Auburn, CaL
Grimes. S. L. (Mech.), La Junta, Colo.
Albl, Vancenzo Denver.
Anderson. r. P. (Corp.). Stamford. Conn.
Kempskl. W. (Cook). Bridgeport. Conn.
Monsees. John It., Moosup, Conn.
Armstrong. George. Wilmington. Del.
Smith, C. G. (Lieut.). Atlanta, Ga.
Hunter, J. E-, Kensington, Ga.
Martin, Max, Alto, Ga.
O Kelley, Kussel G., Murrayville. Ga.
Adams. 8. T. (Lieut.), Caldwell. Idaho..
Anderson, John K., Priest River. Idaho.
Holthaus, Julius Jf., Cottonwood, Idaho.
Morgan. F. H (Lieut), Elgin. III.
LeHaven, -Walter (Lieut.). Chipago. III.
Winchester. E. E. (Lieut.). Iola. 111.
Williams, C. C. (Lieut.). Decatur. 111.
Vogt, R. H. (Lieut.), Chicago. 111.
Bethard. Paul (Corp.), East St. Louis, IIL
Anderson. Leo (Scrgt.). Elgin, 111.
Tracy. Frank J Chicago.
Carlson, John E.. Chicago.
Francis, Walter C. Rockford, I1L
Koonce. Ortn R.. Mound City. 111.
Pribianca. Alpine. Canton, 111.
Henn, Peter N.. Chicago.
Snyder. Martin. M., Ashley. 111.
Benhoff, Jos.. Breese, 111.
Brassell. J. It.. Chicago, 111.
Kane, John, Monmouth, I1L
Grail. Farry O.. Bloomington. III.
Edlngton, James A.. McLeansboro, 111.
Cody, James, Chicago.
Anderson, F. (Chief Mech.), TJrbana. III.
Singleton. O. H. (Lieut.). Corydon. Ind.
Vinup. Bennle W. (Sergt.). Rising Sun, Ind.
Elliott, Gilbert R., Paoll. Ind.
Brown, T. A., Evansville. Ind.
Hutchings, Erine, Terre Haute. Ind.
Mount. Cecil E.. Little York, Ind.
Reed, William A., Goshen, Ind.
Christiansen. H. C, Ruthven, la.
Smith, George. F.. Rolfe, la.
Midkiff, Carl E., Manchester, la.
Chapman. Roscoe (Lieut.). Great Bend. Kan.
Brown. H. F. (Corp.). Great Bend, Kan. .
Shlrkey. E. F. (Corp.). Frankfort. Kan.
Bauman. Dewey G. (Corp.). Ft. Scott. Kan.
Morris. Geo. H. (Mech.), Attica, Kan.
Finnell. Lauren, Newton. Kan.
Davis. H. E., Baxter, Kan.
Russell. Cecil Earl, Waroego. Kin.
Marzolf. Milton J.. Glen Elder. Kan.
Hofflinger, Samuel A., Garrison, Kan.
Vermillion, Ed, Lyons. Kan.
Brown. W. A. (Corp.). S. Portsmouth, Ky.
Haycraft. C. H.. Lcitchfleld. Ky.
Strickland, George. Lacentcr. Ky.
Kelson, Lottie. Leltchfie.d. Ky.
Lucas, Willie. Hardinsburg, Ky.
Riley. G. I. (Corp.). Baltimore. Mfl.
Harryer, C. P. (Corp.). Baltimore, lid.
Hoover. John H., Baltimore. -Superozynski.
Conrad J., Baltimore.
Ttrschman. Henry E-. Colgate. Md.
Qulnn, Leonard M-, Frederick. Ml
Fox. M. R. (Lieut.). Detroit. Mich.
Church, Orle Vern (Lieut.), Odessa, Mich.
Shiplock, Clarence, Detroit, Mich. i
Martinson, Albert (Corp.). Minneapolis, Minn.
Shockey. R R. (Corp.). St. Paul, Minn.
Ahl. G. E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Pellner. Frank. Sleepy Eye. Minn.
Finkelson. Nels E.. North Beach. Minn.
Runnle, Clarence Richard. Morris. Minn.
a-Tinrman, i nnvs x., uiavcni.., ,.,.
Mook, P. (Horseshoer), Breckcnridge. Minn.
. - .-. . -i
xavis, Murray (Jnajurr, iiMa u.
Champion, C. B. (Lieut.). Appleton City. Mo.
.... ...i 1 II T f'Hnlnn XI r.
Deis. J. F. (Lieut.), Marshall. Mo.
Pftrr W. L. S. (Bug.). Carrolton. Mo.
After Two Years' Suffering.
Very Unsightly and Itched.
"I had eruptions, pimples, and black
heads for the last two years. The
pimples were in blotches and scattered,
and made a very unsightly appearance,
My face itched a good deal and the
pimples were very easy to irritate, so
my face was continually breaking out
in new eruptions.- ,
"I used a free sample of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. It relieved the
itching so 1 purchased more, ana I
used two boxes of Soap and one box
of Ointment when I was healed."
(Signed). Miss Elsie Cruz an, Saugus,
Calif., Feb. 25, 1918.
How often such distressing, disfig
uring skin troubles might be prevented
by every-day use of Cuticura Soap and
Ointment for all toilet purposes.
SuspU lack Fr by Y&U. Address post-card:
Cvttcnrs. Dpt- a. Boston. boia ertrrwlii
Sop ic Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum z&c
The Outdoor Girl
-Protects the skin and
complexion from all
weather - conditions.
Soothing and healing
after exposure. Relieves
sunburn, tan and rough
or chapped skins. Try it
Oriental Cream
Scatd lftc for Trial Bis.
Eczema Wash
A touch of D. D. D. to any Eczema sore
r itching- eruption and you'll be able to
rest and sleep one more. Think jost
a touch I Is it worth trying? Oct a
trial bottle today, ssc. Me and $1.00.
Your money back if the rst bottle does
not relieve yon.
SDo Bo ED,
SIM JU U Nir' . U U VU-U
tiur(?ard, Lester C. (Corp.). Avalon, Mo.
Brotherton, L. F. Corp.. Wa.kenda, Mo.
Cornett, C. B-, Elden. Mo.
Johnson, Andrew. Webster Grove, Mo,
Daugherty, H. N., TVaverly, Mo.
Cover, W P.. Anderson, Mo.
Carcaro, Giovanni, St. Louis. Mo.
Cookaey, David K.. Boone Terre, Mo.
Qulnn, Edgar J., Sedalia, Mo.
Munsonfc Charles L.. Polo, Mo.
Griffith, Fred, Richmond, Mo.
Palmer, Owen P., Latham. Mo.
Nyland. Hjalmar, MiKinocket. Me.
Tate. Alfred, Caruthersvllle. Mo.
Stisall, John Wilson, Henrietta, Mo.
Rakey, Walter, St. Louis, Mo.
Mathes. William G., Elsberry. Mo.
Marolf, William E.. Rusiiville, Mo.
Lovel, Tasel. Maitland, Mo.
Collins, Samuel, Bogard, Mo.
BuckwsJd, Zt. W. (Lieut.). Anaconda. Mont-
Harper, W. E. (Lieut.), Anaconda, Monu
cCallum, James Dixon Monti
Massachuaet t s.
alMsy. J. T. (Lieut.). Newburyport, Mass.
ggellakos, C. (Corp.), Lowell, Masn.
urt, Cleon L. (Seret.), Taunton. Mass,
Bishop, Wilfred X., Sprlng-f leld, Mass.
Klodin, Bernard O., Worcester. Mass.
McVey, George L., Maiden, Mass.
Jordan, P. A., Boston.
Szadziewlcz. Wladlslaw, Baldwlnsrllle. Mass.
Ilette. Anthony. New Bedford, Mass.
rznik, Frank R.. SprlnKfleld. Masa,
ose. Joseph G., Middleboro, Mass.
Anderson, Richard C, Jr., Orange, Mass.
Roggenaees, Earl J., Hoi brook, xeb.
New York.
Talley. A. W. (Lieut-). New TorV.
Gelr. H. H. (Lieut), Buffalo, N. T.
idball, Z. L. Jr. (Lieut.), 2iortn Tonawanaa.
Hewitt, J. M. (Lieut.), Oswego, X. Y.
ecker, o. C. (Corp.), Enaicott, . x.
Murphy, J. E. (Corp.), New York.
Keystone, Andrew (Corp.), Syracuse, x.
Beers, G. J. (Corp.), Lake George, . Y.
Brinklow. A. E. (Corp.), Oswego. N. Y.
Clark, J. P. (Corp.), Medina, N. Y.
Collins, W. J. (Corp.), Medina. X. Y.
Gilligan, Chas. (Corp.). Brooklyn, N. Y.
enry, C. J. (Corp.), New Yoric.
agone, V incent (Corp.), ew one
lorton. Geo. H. (Corp.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Frimel, Fred (Corp.), New York.
Donovan, John J.' (Corp.), New York.
Boechat, John A. (Sergt.), Buffalo, N. Y.
Bearv, Albert, Batavia, N. Y.
Beard, C. E., 8wns, N. Y.
Clune, D. M., Schenectady, X. Y.
Brewer, W. J., Rochester, N. Y.
Dawson, J. J.. Clyde. N. Y.
regory. w. j. r .. w atertown, . x.
arper, F. S., .Pyrter, N. l.
Anrv r a . New York.
Slavin, C R. (Lieut.), Oneonta, 5. Y.
Colien. Michael, Utica, N. Y.
rciuold. Sam, Brooklyn.
oone, Harvet C, Churchvllle. N. X.
reen. Cecil J.. Medina, N. Y
Gaylord, Walter, Medina, N. Y.
Duly, John- R.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Martin, Russell I., Tonawanda, N. Y.
Hollenbeck. Ward S., Oswego. -
Harder, Howard C- Attica, N. Y.
ilkey, Elmer K.. Clyde, . 1.
Fennessy, Joseph A- Rochester,
Todorowzki, John, uBffalo. N. Y.
Taw, Harold T, Brooklyn.
K. T.
Mauceri, Frank, Brooklyn.
Holmes, John E.. Brooklyn.
Ehrlich. Jacob, Brooklyn.
McGovem, John-. Brooklyn.
Warner, Basil H., Rochester, 71.
Welch, Samuel Buffalo, N. Y,
oldie. Harry D., Buffalo. N. x .
Goldberg, Louis. Brooklyn.
naerson. faui ., .jamestown, .
el son, Elmer A., Jamestown, .-n. i.
Neilson, Carl J.. Dansvllle, N. T.
Askam, Larry, New York.
Nnrse. A. T. (Corp.), Hudson Heights, V. J.
Gcalalrtch. August, Homesteaa. r. f.
Trieba, Mlckolaj. Newark, N. J.
Tirnin. James. Jersey City, N. J.
Rogers, Frank Junior, Jersey City, N. J.
New Hampshire.
Thlbeault, Albert, Manchester, N. H.
North Carolina.
Ranson, J. O. (Lieut.). Charlotte, X. C
Jones, E. R-, Middtetown, N. C.
Bean. J. H FranklinviP.e, N". C.
Burrel, C. B-. Harrlsvllie, "S.
Hussey, Walter D., Asheboro, K. C
Marshburn. Jacob A., Durham, N. C
Hicks, Burton C., tYancisco, in. k,.
PichRrrlion. Hal E.. Star. N. C.
Summerlin. Zollie Avery. Hendrix, K. C
Robinson, Carl, Marshall, N. C.
North Dakota.
Hartman. Charles Ross, N. D.
Bilker, Wyett Marmon, N. D.
Fltt. Norman W. (Sergt.). Akron, Ohio.
Briggs, Floyd (Corp.). Bianey,
porxroi-r Or v ill (Corn.). Fosteria. Ohio.
GetzlafT, W. F. (Corp.), Cleveland, Ohio.
Hoffman. J. C, Elyria, O.
Sperenkele. C. E., Coshocton, O.
Bischoff, C. H., uincinnati,
Nugent, Clifford A., Cleveland. O.
Elliott, Pearl, rroctorsvn ie, kjiiio.
Eardly, Cecil A., East Liverpool, onto.
Walling, C W. (Corp.), Waldport, Or.
Collins, Glen. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Craln. J. L laaDei, UKia,
Sklnker, A. R. (Capt.), Philadelphia.
Simpson, Paul (Lieut.), Philadelphia. Pa,
Morrow, S. . (.lieut.,, nBrnsourK, a.
Fryllng, G. W. (Lieut.), DoyUstown, Pa.
Chase, Arthur (Lieut.), Gillette. Pa,
Bryant, A. D. (Lieut.). Chase City. Pa.
Beard, R. L. (Bug.), Harrisburg. Pa.
Strickland, R. (Corp.). Newton Square, Pa.
Hawley, Lewis L. (Corp.). Corry, Pa.
wn-tri. K. G (Corp.). Pittsburg, Pa.
Wagner, Harry (Corp.), Nescopeck. Pa.
Healoy, L. J. (iorp., sniey. a.
Heckle, Ralph (Corp.), Lancaster Co- Fa.
Burke, J. F. (Corp.), Aetna. Pa.
Brady, John (Corp.), Philadelphia, Pa.
Dutill, Arthur, Philadelphia, Pa,
Fink, F F., wortningion. t-a.
King. Robert, Philadelphia. Pa.
Acone, Clyde. New Salem, Pa.
Van Ord. Wm. (Mech.)." AKiey, -a.
Nash, William A., r-mmaeipnia.
Scully. James J-. Pittsburg. Pa.
Barron. John A.. rnnoeipnia.
Daun. Edward A.. Blllvate. Pa.
Green, Herbert, Philadelphia.
Hess. Walter, Philadelphia.
Hooper, Jos. B., Grover City, Ta.
Horst, George, Philadelphia.
Melis. Phillip, Lansford. Pa.
Gray, Galeb. Altoona. Pa.
MBzzarise, attno, riusourK.
Pflieeer. Albert. Philadelphia.
Redding. James. Philadelphia.
Valsaco, Caso, Pittsburg. Pa.
Shoun. Curtis E-. Kingsley. pa.
Vottero. Anthony, Trevorton, Pa.
Shaffer. Lewis E.. Wilkesbarre, Fa.
Gallagher, Frank D., Willsbury. Pa,
McCarthv. Michael A., Pittsburg.
Terizi. Efstratios. East Pittsburg, Pa.
Miller, Frank, Polk, Pa.
Miller. Charles Peter, Laurelville, Pa.
Rimert Robert D.. I.ewlsDurg. ra.
Neiman, William, rnnaaeipnia.
Metx, Ralph, Erie. Pa.
Manric Thomas. Pittsburr. Tn.
Gagliardl. Lugi, Philadelphia. Pa.
Kggleston. Allen L.. t ouaerspon. x a.
Dooney. Thomas. Philadelphia.
Brennan, William J.. Wysox, Pa.
Rhode Inland.
Hanlln, W. P. (Lieut.), Arlington, R. X.
South Dakota.
Meadors. Snttsfield, Bearsford, 8. D.
rvrell. F.arle W. L.. Sioux Falls, S. D.
Baty, Christian A.. Canton, S. D.
Howxer. M. W. (Lieut. . MeTnphls. Tenn.
Ashe, J. B. (Corp.). iiempnis. ienn
Walker, Finis, Reelfoot, Tenn.
Purkey, William, Snecdsville, Tenn.
Brown, A . L. (Lieut. ) . Abillne. Tex.
Gray, Will, Wichita Falls. Tex.
Vtah. !
Bates, Joshua, Wanship. Utah.
Lafra'ncois, Rowell J., West Rutland, Vt.
Martin, W. L. fCorp.), Tye River, Vt,
Marsh. E. M. (Mech.). Vinton, Va.
Neel. Henry C. (Corp.), Shawver Mill, Va.
Mcintosh, Daniel A.. Orange. Va.
Henley, George T.. Virginia Beach, Va.
Thomas. Charles E.. Bedford, Va.
tillH W. Ashland. Va.
Hazzard, William Stanley, Heathxvillo, Va.
Starr, T. A. (Lieut.), Seattle, Wash,
Larsen, Fred. Seattle. Wash.
Martin, George H., Spokane. Wash.
Aitman, Anthony, Spokane, Wash.
West Virginia.
Chlsholm. G. A. (Corp.), Nahor, Va.
Calhoon, J. B., Pnrkersburg, W. Va.
Merrifield, Mao C. Worthincton. W. Va.
Morris, Charles, Erhacon, W. Va.
Neace, WiUiam A.. Wanta. W. Va.
SuwalskI, Alfred A,, Ripon. Wis.
Zeenx. Leonard M-, Beaver Falls. Wis.
Ebelt, Oscar H-, Cascade, Wia.
William, Jessa R.. Moorcroft, Wyo.
Alaska. .
Wilkes. Edward. Skagway. Alaska.
TJmuivi, Henry K., Warakla, Hawaii.
Duncan, J. G. (Capt.). Cynwyd.
rhtecrhio. Crescanzo. Cocullo Aaulla. Italy.
Harle, G. D., Newcastle On Tj-ne, England.
Cerlcola, Paul, Chiet, Italy.
' Alabama.
Iomby, Mc Cager Brown. Townley. Ala.
Walker, Thomas P., GuntersvUle, Ala.
Garcia, Ben, Gllroy, CaL
Minck, William B., Bloomfleld, Cal.
Cross, John J., Dinuba. CaL,
Ryan. Herbert D. (Capt.). Mr. Pulaski, 111.
Brophy, J. G. (Lieut.), Chicago.
Bern! in, Edward Paul, Chicago.
Gregg, Karl, Ottowa. 111.
Hicks. William M . Newton. 111.
Nelson, Harry Theodore. Chicago.
., Indiana.
Harper, Fred, Agency City. Iowa.
McCormlck, WlnfleidT. Lapac, Ind.
, Kanua.
Henry, Jos (Sergt. , beneca. Kan.
. Kentacliy.
Pittman. Henry. Aloja. Ky.
Purdon. Ernest C. Muv-villa, Ky.
Brooks, Ira, Rochold. Ky.
Roberts, Ranson, Waynesburg. Ky.
.. Maryland.
Talbert, Henry V., Funksiown, Md.
x, Michigan.
McHugh. E. J. (Sergt. , Detroit. Mleh
Soberidge. T. F. (Corp.), Indian River. Mich.
Gauthier, Fred J., Marquette, Mich.
Peer. Ransom M.. Chesanlng. Mich.
Honing, Leonard V., Grand Rapids. Mich.
Young, Bain B., Sat Ste. Marie, Mich.
Grove, Lester A., Lansing. Mich.
Slavlck. Joseph, Menominee, Mich.
Bell mater, Leonard J., St. Clair, Mich.
Mitchell. Earl. Minneapolis Minn.
Smith. Roy D-, Pieraon. Mich.
Johnson, Peter, Rosen, Minn.
Towns ley, J. E. (Corp.). GreenTills. Miss.
Mlsaoori. '
Burdick, Clyde R.. Neosho, Mo.
Gilkey, Ralph, Searsport, Me,
Reynolds. George W., Laplate, Mo.
Huebscawerlan, George, Big Bandy. Mont,
Furlong. F. L. (Corp.), Charlestown. Mass.
Bolsse, Eugene, Marlboro, Mass.
Ballard. Joseph A.. Stgriganot, Mass.
Hal berg. Hjalmar Gustav. Lyons, Neb.
New York.
McCarthy, Timothy. Chatham. N. Y.
Meeker, Amherst W., Brooklyn.
Ireland, Robert J., New York.
Spozatta, Angclo. Brooklyn.
Scutari, Peter, Brooklyn.
Russo, Antonio, Utica. N. Y.
Hellmann. Car W.. Porterville. N. Y.
Deangelis, Anthony D., New York.
McDermott, T. F. (Corp.). Brooklyn.
Kobinskl, John, Buffalo, X. Y.
Carney, Harry J., Oleon. N. Y.
Beat tie, Joseph Sylvester, Brooklyn.
New lfamnhlrt
Lamar, Victor W., Concord. N. H.
North a"arolinm
McSwaln, Baxter C. Karl. N. C
mmons, bamuel J.. Danbury. N. C.
rmstrong, Clyde B.. Gumneck. N. C.
Hartis, John, North Charlotte, N. C.
Hart, Too H, Wren. o.
nanasaQ, T. G. (Lieut). Kenton, Ohio.
Johnson, George B., Portland, Or.
dams. Dave, Hulbert. Okla.
arris, Albert L.. Mlllcreek. Okla.
White, McFratus, Tussy. Okla.
rown, Ed. M. (Serct. ). I'ittsburg.
Day, J. A. (Sergt.), Philadelphia.
Ixon, w. D. (Corp.), Fatrchance, Pa.
ike. Delbert A. (Corp.), Unlontown. Pa,
Gordon, James. Sr. (Corp.), Furnace. Pa,
Wrtght, Imbrle Z., Conneaut Lake, Pa,
Smith, Charles A., Pottstown, Pa.
Haupt, Gilbert C, Trevorton, Pa.
ortkiewicz, Anthony, Bunola, Fa.
arnitowski. Waldek. Erie, Pa.
uff. Frank A.. Philadelphia.
Brannon. Frederick, Carnegie, Pa.
Bratt, Hector H.. Jamestown, Pa.
Baltus, Walter, Pittsburg. Pa.
traub. Cyril Jerome (Sergt.). Bedford. Pa,
Pop. Isadore. Sharon. Pa.
Walthour, Taylor Everly, Phjriadelphla.
waiiace, unanes ti.. &c ran torn ri.
Little, Walter N., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Edwards, Wllbnm H.. Muenster, Tex.
Hastings, Ben, Laredo, Tex.
Barr, James L., Blountville. Tenn. -
Mays, Ray, Jonesboro. Tex.
Raines, Reed W Reisel, Tex.
Burks, Foster N., Chapel hill, Tenn.
Reed. John E.. McLean, Va.
Hickman, Thomas H Eagleroclc, a.
andridge, Marion L., Mooremans River. Vs.
Wheatley, Hurley, Fox, Va.
Smyth, Tbos.. Skamokawa, Wash.
- Went Vlreinia.
Brown, William T., Beryl. W. Va.
Dawson, Nolltis E. (Corp.). Almena, Wis.
Furan. Andrew J., Btoughton. Wia.
Lang, John -U Milwaukee, Wis.
Cananaugh, Harold W., North Bay. Ont,
Saddln, Frank, Barckeda. Italy., Gucseppie, Palermo, Italy.
Harris, Isadora, Baltimore, Md.
New York. I
Corsentlno, Charles, Brooklyn.
Matarazzo, Anthony, Brooklyn.
North Carolina.
Summervllle, Gary L., Charlotte, N. C.
North Dakota.
Opltz, Norbert J., Peever, S. D.
Sk river, Rasmus R.. Luverne. N. D.
Phillips, Cecil B. (Corp.), Henrietta, Okla.
Reynolds, William. Pottsviiie, pa.
Tuck. Ernest, Philadelphia.
Lewis, Ward, Wbeatllnd, Pa.
Butler, Morris J., Beaumont, Tex.
Bouc hello, Horace P. (LI eat.), Norfolk, Va,
Henley, W. C. (Lieut ). Hollywood, Cal.
Armstrong, R. 8. (Lieut.), Hay ward, Cal,
Woodcock. A- L. (Corp.), VlnalhSTen, Me.
Scott, L. J. (Corp.. Boaz. Ala,
Floyd, Adam G.. Lnterprine. Ala,
Wallace, Mathew, Cuba. Ala.
Hall, Eustace M., Chloride, Aria.
Rosenbsum, Louis G., Saratoga, Ark.
Stevens, P. A. (Sergt.). &an Francisco.
Nelson, H. L., A! ham bra, Cal.
Chaney, Louis D., Santa Cruz. Cal.
White, George W. (Corp. , Trinidad, Colo.
I'ruett, Lincoln, hpringneid, Colo.
Bon In, A. C. (Sergt.). Hallvllle, Conn.
Hal ley. Clarence A., New Haven, Conn.
Hampton, wm. J.. Manchester. Conn.
Thompson, Lester H., New Haven, Conn.
Gill, Marin Hall, Stamford. Conn.
Qui senberry, James ( Lieut. ). Tampa, Fla,
Mills, iu. C. Stephensvilie, rla.
Milton, M. W., Delrey, Fla,
Royal, C. B., Sorrent, Fla.
Moody, Enoch L., Venice, Fla.
Shellman, George. Nocotee, Fla.
' Georgia.
Garvin, Harry G. (Corp. i. Savannah, Ga,
ehb, John Atkinson, H antra, Ga,
Duggar, John B., Penbrook, Ga.
Graham George, Ocilla, Ga.
Wilson, John D.. Elberton, Ga.
Wood, Joseph, Ivey, Ga.
Oliver, Lacy, Oliver. Ga.
Christopher, Sam, Monroe, Ga,
Keller, Louis A. (Mux ), Champaign, 111.
Vanecek, Ludvik (Sergt-), Chicago.
Tracy, Robert J. Wagoner), Chicago.
Carlnon, Edward C. Rock Inland. III.
Mitchell. Roy E.. JVoria. 111.
Sturm, Frank. Chicago. III.
Prior. J. L.. Worsau, III.
White, Lawrence (Corp.). Jollet, III.
Weedall, Lewis, Chicago.
Lee. Oscar, Ransom, 111.
Goodwin, George J., Chicago.
Benson, Merrill M., Sterling. ItL
Harding, 'Boy E. i Lieut. Bedford, Ind.
Becker. Waldo W., Phrtsney, Ind.
Hay, H. H., Bloomington, Ind.
Davisson. Lonnie, Parr. Ind.
Gaines, George O., Shelbyville, Ind,
Chriatensen Chris N.. Larchwood, Iowa,
Getting, Theodore. George, Iowa.
Helleso, George P.. Garwin. Iowa.
Hailman, Henry A-, Bellevue, Iowa,
Ramsey, David B., Nichols, Iowa.
Hickey. Walter L., Independence, lows.
feooks, Harry 6., Louisville. Ky.
Herndon, Warner B., Russellvtlle, Ky,
Belton, Edgar B. Atterson, Ky.
Littleton. Arthur. Fultx. Ky.
Wilson, Archie, Cadiz. Ky.
Droddy. H. L. (Corp.), Hawthorne, La,
Caldwell, Robert P., Minden. La.
Corkern, Willis B., Bogalusa, La.'
Voifl. Engene Martin, Lubee, Me.
Horton, Edward, Uxbrldge, Masa
Hussey, Paul, North Reading, Mass.
Fleming, Thomas M.. Lawrence, Mass.
Emelanson, Albert E., Falrhaven, Mass.
Newton, Orlo William, Milling ton, Masa,
Shelmerdlne, Albert. Fall River, Mass.
Andrews. Cecil E., Lynn, Mass.
Brown, IrviDg E.. And over, Mass.
Brown, Frank M. (Corp.). Baltimore, Md.
Black, John M.. LewUburg. Me.
Paiton, Albert M. C. Covans, Md.
Hirsch. Victor L. ic'orp. ). W a basso, Ulna.
Mct'rudden, Jsmes, Flint. Mich,
ijkellenger, Chsrley N., Davison, Mich, ,
Drske, V. E., Jackson. Mich.
l InrvrMUi.
Plquett. G. T.. bertha, Minn.
Anderson, Adolph, Palmquiat, Minn,
Dlerks. Ernest A. J.. Fulda, Minn.
Fraser, Monta, Deer Creek. Minn.
Kaltng. Clarence W., Owatonna, Minn,
Lawrence. Leslie. St. Paul. Minn.
Blackwell. W. J., Rkourr. Mtsa.
Dleterich. H. A., Grand Meadow, Minn.
Collins, Ve:ey J., Tylertown, Miss.
Freeman, Walter, Holly Springs, Mtsa,
Johnson, Everett. Ridgeland, Miss.
Clark. Alexander, llanvtile. Mo.
Rogers, Eddla L. New Madrid. Mo.
Scheuttenberg. William C. Augusta, Mo,
Green, Ray L.t Bethany. Mo.
Galloway, Louis, Wentzville, Mo.
Deardorrf, Everett A.. Jerico Springs. Mo.
Boettcher. William. H rook si da, Mont.
McKay, W. W., lsniay, Mont.
Frye, Rude, Ural. Mont.
Giants. Peter, Havard. Neb.
Morrison, Glenn, Loom in. Neb.
New York. .
Hager. Luther A. (;apt., riattsbnrg. N. Y
Hill. Dudley, New York.
Rlth, R. T.. Bronx. N. Y.
Dahlbender. George A.. Valley Stream N. Y.
Gifford. Akins P.. Medusa, H. Y.
Jackson, Harrison. New York, N. Y.
Merolla, Harry. Mamaroneck. N. Y.
Norman, Arthur, Jamestown, N. Y.
Mcrabe. Andrew, New York.
McCoun. Andrew, Hempstead, N. Y.
Strite, Raymond A., Lancester, N. Y.
Warner, William A.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Rice. Floyd D.. Chaffee. N. Y
Gibson, Henry F., Itochester. N. Y.
Hayes, George J-. New York,
New Jersey.
Hearom. J. G.. Newark, N. J.
Coulson. Charles W., Jersey Clt. K. J.
Caiahan, John J-. Jersey City, N. J.
North Carolina.
Tin A rrrm Unnrn. Oiford. N C.
Ibertson. Thomas. High roini. is.
ougen. Iee, Summervllle, N. C.
Watkins, Clinny. .
X'nsr H Ihiknta.
Carlton. E. P. (Corp.). York, V. D.
lass. Carl J. (Wafconer), Gordon, r.
Saunders. A. D. (Sergt. . Norwood. Ohio.
Hursey, R. A., Gratiot. O.
i hardson. C. R.. -BowersvlTle. U.
CalMcoat. John. Proctoorvllle, O.
iller. Herman P.. Sianlcy vine. u.
onH, William. Clrclevllle. Ohio.
.ongyear. Carl C. .NOrwaiK, vjni".
uhrkraut, John -. cieveiana, kj.
m- Thomas. Toledo. Ohio.
Sharp. Irvie D., East Cleveland. O.
Hill. Harry C. ML Vernon. nio.
Peyton, Lawrence D., Klrhwood. Ohio.
ussell, Carl, Aid fosionice, umu.
Bell. A. D. (Chaplain), lieitysburg. Pi.,
oawell. G. C. sergt.). niiourg.
mh .iMnh o .foro . Philadelphia,
Scott. Luther H. (Mech.), Bendersviile, Ta.
Edge. William C. Whltrora. -a.
Vina more Rlzzerlo. Bridgeport, Pa.
Shields. Thedoro R., Bethlehem, Pa.
Rider. David r... l-ennineier. la.
eidler J. J. (Mech.). Pittsburg, ft.
Roberts, G. N. Bristol, Pa.
hsdle. Arthur, Thornton. Pa.
iivl. Herman C. 'herryt ree. ra.
oplowskl. Joseph, Elizabeth. Pa.
Schurr, J. A. Jr., Philadelphia, ra.
avan. Frank M., Philadelphia.
Kistler, Wilbur K., AUenton, Ta.
Fanning, Joseph J., Central Falls, IL X.
Knuth Carolina.
Robertson, Frank tSergt.), Abbeville, B. C
raniKon. Millar (Sergt.), KUDert, . t-.
Willlford. Thomas. Anderson, S. C.
vr H v:.. Lexinaton. S. :.
Stewart. Samuel, Waverly Mills, S. C.
Snipes, Esau, Donneans, a. c.
Cheatham, K. H. Curp. ). Lynnvllle. Tenn
Hawkins. M. O., woodvuie. ienn.
hoat.Vince R., Whltside. Tnn.
ennedv. Abe L.. Chattanooga. ienn.
ugh, Monroe. Grand Junction, Tens.
raves. Ira (Cook). Galveston. Tex.
Hanson, R. M., Perry Landing. Tex.
Kagan, James iiurnet:, Tex.
Hankins. David E., Piternburg. TeX.
ittle, William L.-e. Atlanta, t es.
I.affere, Monroe. Rosebud. Tex.
Early. Thomas V., Gibtown, Tex.
lion T a vr,nr T I! lu h mnnd. Va
Brigh'twell. Clifford B.. Charlotte C H Va.
reen. James A., taber, a.
Msrtln. Charlie A-. Hepzidah, vN . a.
Miller, Boyd A., Staunton. Va. .lmmes M.. Lonsdale. Va.
Stinnett, Jack A.. Stone Mountain, Va,
Wet Virginia.
Bennet, Wilbur, Meadeville. W. Va,
Cox, James ... WUn enoais, w . .
Rrtutt. French. Dekalb. W. Va.
Deel, James W. (Wagoner), Areola, W. V a.
W isconain.
Deboux. Mike, Parson. Wis.
Johnson, H. G-, Rhlnelander, Wl.
Melby. George W., Mllltown, Wis.
Moe. Parker I.. Stoughton, Wis.
Aazerson, James L.. i-uck. v i
e. Howard ,., nammnna. v .
McDonald, Duncan, Wheatland, is.
v Wyoming.
Princa, J. B. (Sergu. MrKsrlsne, Wyo.
Fouta, i.o)-a v ., v i ui'. j v.
Hartigan, Richard. Limerick, Ireland.
Hill. Brock (Corp.), Attalla, Ala,
Fa,r. Wiley T . A tmnre. A
erally prescribed and is especially valuable
. in the feeding of Influenza and its conva-
lescence, as well as the convalescence of
pneumonia, the dreaded sequel, when
vitality must be n.aintained at all haz
ards. Borden's Malted Milk is safe and reliable;
made from pure, rich cow's milk, and
Special Wholesale Stock Sale-
Pianos withdrawn from dealer, owlnir to the
Hovernment action In reduclna- factorlea' output to one-third
We have called in all our 1917-115 model, from dealera
throughout the .lata and place them on aale. vis:
$450 iT Z2FnZXZa S295
RFnilP.Fn PHHKTMflQ TFRM istia ( in n7 him him t
nLUUktLU OllnlOl HlrtO ILnlliO Imic4 el M fsr U.IW KU rit
. mm'
for... oo7 cn
fiS Cash, 10 MaatklyWWWI lUU
BOD or other securities taken In
i luno. urfin, l lionosraph or city lot by
mtl-s. and the piano will ba shlrped
tually elves you a one-year trial of the
rvvery piano or Dlaver-oiano nurchaaed carries with it the Srhwan TMsno
usual guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical Instruments.
(oast Dl.trihators
III Kaarta Mrrrt
at UasalaiUa
O'Rourk. Owen S. Mobil a. Ala
McCor John. Quitman. Ark.
Da via, Andrew B. South Fork. Ark.
McKslTsy. Mulr M . L Anc'let, CaL
Desns. William H, llimdrit, Conn.
Uosenbaum. Joseph, Water bury. Cona.
Hammock, il. J.. Albany. Ga.
LLnM, Ililbrt O.. St. Msrrs, Idaho.
becker, St, slarys. Ids ho.
Gustsfson, Carl M. ' orp ), Altala, Iowa.
Vanbergsn. Peter. Chicaco. Ill,
Novak, Jamea (Serr ). Chicaro. III.
Neison, Oscar C. Ikalb. Hi.
Lwa.ndnwtkl, V. 'orp. , Hammond, Ind.
Jones. Harry B., Whltlnc. Ind.
FVercs, E. A. (Corp. , iroownell. Kan.
Kncbcrff. D. K. (orp.). Whites City. Kan.
MDyer. John A., Kort Thomas, Ky.
Hoi. John 41. , Cantrll. Ky.
Sharp, Clayton, i'hlipot. Ky.
Painter, Murphy C. Uonxalca La.
Pull yard. Christopher K., Sanjervills. Mains.
O'Brien, Joseph ., Uorcheater. sfass.
McDonnell. Kdasrd J .. Worcester. Mass.
Benaon, R. H. Sers . Cedar Rlr, Mich.
Htillmeyer. '. G. (Merh.), Calumst, Mich.
Ronaii, Joseph, Ssglnaw. Mlh.
DeOrooL, Edward. letrolt. Mich.
Smithaon, S I-e (Lipul), Oexter, Mo.
Kayhill, Klnlnh K.. Branlan, Mo.
PatterahsM. Cuy it.. Belfast. M.
Hoover, William, Advance, Mo.
New York.
Batts. Krsnk L.leut.). Chillicotho. Ma.
Kern-uapn. R. K. (Sera;.), Vandal. a. Mo.
McKm, 1-ee 11. tSerst. ), Lacona, N. T.
Bishop, John Serc. , Wsterton. N. T.
Fertel, Iavid (Bus ). New York.
Kellry, N. C. (Corp.), Glenfleld, N. T.
Duncan. W. 8. iCorp.), Msspeth, N. T.
PaR yimx John. Lincoln Park. N Y.
Sanlopolo, ;ivlnnl, Brooklyn.
Kratvtlle. Milo. Et. Jovph. Mo.
Belalef. Marhael G, Brooklyn, X. T.
Si-h weitzer, Herman S., Brooklyn.
Kudrik. John, Brooklyn, N. V.
Price. Henry, Brooklyn.
DuKnn, Neil J.. Buffalo, X. Y.
Itoiodorii. Andrea. Ftochester. X. T.
Hot h man. Morris, New York.
' A'lan.a, Olovannl, Abnv. N T.
1 ,
rnTi 1
During Illness and Convalescence
VITALITY and Body Resistance must be supported and
maintained. Nourishment is necessary, and must be of a
nature that is easily and completely digested, without pro
ducing added strain upon the impaired digestive organs.
S J'i II
f lO.VJ
mi.i $7 95
Hut as.00 la Rrcrds ill
Hire Amr O.e .f Tk
tyrm beat (a Y..r 11.
tec nn i.o
7n nn tss
JJ.UU Weekly
nil UiUU
part or full payment of Pianos or Player
our Real Kstat. LXnartment.
r ...lltr. srlr
$25.00 J
Irtdi f BL.ll-.r4rr avym.
PRV'PIV V r f 4 W F. fUkK 1)11 11 M V
ubect to exchnnce within one year.
piano you ord-r.
PIANO ROLLS, fre. lr. SSo. 30r. ee.
Schwan Piano Co.
A ro n son. Meyer. New Tork.
McCarthy. Gerald I.. Brooklyn, X. T.
Nortb Carolina,
t-upton. Thomas R W hortonaWlle. X. C
Routs, Walter B.. Pollock ills, N. C
North Dakota.
Tsylor, CIsrencs J.. DU key. X. Dak.
Psicrson, Walter A.. Kosebank, N. T.
Wel. h. W. Serr . Marysvllla. O.
Koaler. Wilbur (Corp. . Tfy. O.
Mirhalakt. John. Toledo. Ohio.
Psiious. Peter J.. Columbus, O.
Pifer. Silas W.. Younrstown. Ohl.
Oppenhetmer. Louts S., Marlon. O.
Myers. Wllltsm. Cincinnati. Ohio.
Siamra. Charles W., OrvtUe, Ohio.
Goodtrareler. Fred IC, Bartiesvllla. Okla.
Pennay lTaaika.
Patten. M. H. l.leut.. Carbondale, Pa.
Bauaic. Albert V. (Lieut.). Klwood, Pa.
Schweitzer. Chaa. (torp. . Pitta bur 4. Pa.
Callan. Jamea X.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Houck. AVayno A.. Boertetvn. Pa.
Fehlincer. Utrrenci C, Wilkesbarra, Pa.
Forney, Arthur. Sharon. Pa.
Stancsk. Joe, Shenandoah. Pa.
ffoatb. aroltna.
Gall lard. Howard J.. Hoiiyhlll. 8. C.
Brady. Co: ton. Hlsh Fa lis, X. Car.
Kowier. y U. (Corp.). Rosllndala, X. C
Sooth Dakota,
Herman, Lw R. l.ieut.i. Conds. 8. TK
Bo hi. Henry J-. Ieil Rapids. S. D.
Phillips. R. K. (rr.). Tanrswood, Tsz.
Brown. Milton. Pilot Point. Tesas.
Marbarry. liart R-. San Anceio. Texas.
Moors, Wit ton D., Susan, Va.
Parker, T.loyd. liamiiton. Wiih.
Oleaoo. Harold K., Seattle. Wash.
Bratkowakt. A. Corp. ). MllwaTjkoa, Wis.
VanDtvtnter, Louis. Bayfield. Wia.
Knutson, Louis, Norrle. Wia
Koelsch William A.. Milasuksa, Wis.
Norton, Alfred, Shewano, Wia
TKRM1NED). Alabama.
Moors. Jr., B. P. tl.ieuc), Blrmlnrham. Ala.
Williams Frank (Lieut.). Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Robertson. Jas. (Serpt. ), Coal City, Ala.
Kddinirs. Otrir. Pineapple. Ala.
Morrlaon. Thorn aa I... Mel f on. Ala.
Davis. James W.. Brideeport, Ala.
Parkins. Roy. Okean. Ark.
Irvine. Sylvan A., Stockton. Cal.
Rush. Leonsrd C, Burns Vista. Cal.
Oh tot to, Jceeph A., lxa An teles. Cal.
:iie1 en Pmc
blended by a scientific process with malted
grains, it affords j ust the kind of food that
is desired at this time to sustain and rebuild
strength, and body tissue, and at the same
time soothes and quiets the tired nerves.
When your doctor orders Malted Milk
MILK when buying it. Sold in
souare packages only at ail drug stores.
108 Hudson St., N.Y.
r .. . ! -. t- - I
5750 lcZi; S5B2.50
PiTssT-issikir pijwsu jtftM Ju. i.
lsds Msatalr Pajmnu After Jam. X.
'JO Moathlr.
rinos during this ,ale.
aa also Tour old
tersma. m adTertteed. asi y.m will
0 1- ntD TO VOIR HOMR within ff
allow ins; the full amount paid. This vir
Co. cuarar.tee of .at laf action, as also th.
Open Saturday Kveninas.
Oc. Tir. SMVr, Sl.oo, 1 etc.
Mrs. White Says Tanlac Over
came Troubles After Every
thing Else Failed.
"Actually, a few bottle" of Tanlac
did mora for me than all tha other
medirlnea and treatments that have
coal ma thouaands of dollars." recently
declared Mrs. Klttio White, whore hua
band Is proprietor of the U'nlveraltr
I aint Company and who lives at 1312
Forty-second irect Fast. Seattle. Wash.
'Fifteen years aRO." she continued. "I
was as strong: and heslthy a woman
as you ever saw. weichinc In tha
neighborhood of a hundred and seventy
pounds. ty troubles started when I.
contracted asthma, which stot so bad
that many a time I have had to sit
up nlc'it after night wheezincr and
tiering, hardly able to set my
breath and suffering- so terribly I
really thought I was srolna- to die- Then
my stomsch went bark on me. my food
would sour and the pas that rose up In
my throat would almost strangle me
and start me to vomltinir till 1 mould
be In such misery I would almost
a-o distracted. My head ached
like It would split and my back hurt
like it was colnsr to break In two. I lost
over forty pounds. I was but a shadow
of my former self and was so weak and '
felt so worn-out that I was barely abla
to ret around.
"Now this was Just the awful condi
tion 1 was In when one of my friends
told me about Tanlac. and I thoufrht
if I could get my stdmach in good con
ditlon and regain my strength maybe
I could stand the asthma better, so
I got me a bottle. Well. sir. the results
have fsr surpassed anything I expect
ed. Why. my appetite is so great that
I feel ashamed to est enough to satisfy
myself, and my stomach Is In good con
dition. But the greatest surprise of all
is I haven t suffered a particle from
asthma since 1 have been taking Tan
lac. 1 felt so fine on finishing my
first bottle that I Just couldn't get an
other one quick enough, for I couldn't
afford to miss a single dose. I sleep
so sound now that I don't know a
thing from the time I ro to bed till I
get up In the morning. 1 never know
what a headache is. and those awful
pains In my back are all gone. 1 have
already gained several pounds and am
gainlne In weight and strength every
day. Why. I can do any amount of
hard work now without getting tired.
and cant remember the time whfn I
felt as fine as 1 do today. I am so
happy over my great improvement that
I want everybody to know what a
splendid medicine Tanlac Is."
Tanlac Is sold In l'ortiano or me uwi
Drug Co. Adv.
Sarn Cream Applied In Nostril
Relieves Head -Colds at Once.
If your nostrils ar clogged and your
head la stuffed and you can't breath
freely because of a cold or catarrh. Just
aret a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
at any drug store. Apply a little of
this fragrant, antiseptic cream into
your nostrils and let It penetrat
through every air passage, of your
head, soothlna; and neaiins; in innamea.
wollen mucous membrane ana you set
Instant relief.
Ahl how good It feels. T our nos
trils are open, your head la clear, do
mora hawking, snuffling, blowing: do
mora headache, dryness or atruggllnv
for breath. Uly's Cream Balm la Just
wbat sufferers from bead colds and ca.
tarrh seed. It's a delight. Adv.
Ferfect womanhood depends on per
fect health. Beauty and a good dis
position both vanish before pain and
suffering. A great menace to a wom
an's happiness In life is the suffering
that comes from soma functional de
rangement whtch soon develops head
aches, backache, nervousness and "the
blues." For such suffering, women find
help In that famous old root and herb
remedy. Lydia K. Plnkham'a Vegetable.
Compound, which for three generations
has been restoring health to women of
America. Adv.
Old Folk's" Cough3;
will be rrlierred prfltnedy by Pio".
throat tickle: reli err irritation. Tb reaMf
tested by cor than airy years cj m m