Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 14, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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the morning oregoxias, Thursday, November ii, iois.
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The first impulse of the average
American - on reading that the Ger
mans have appealed to the allies for
food is to exclaim against the audacity
of a nation, guilty of such monstrous
crimes in asking those whom it has
injured to feed it. The shortage of
food in Germany is the result of the
Cierman people's own act, and they
could more easily have obtained sup
plies from abroad if they had not
murderously attempted to destroy all
ships on the sea. The first inclination
is to let them starve in just retribution
for their sins.
But the allies cannot deny food to
Germany without injury to themselves
and the world at large. If Germany
were left to starve during the coming
Winter, when it is already in the
throes of revolution and is suffering
flie mortification of defeat, it plight
sink into anarchy equal to that of
Russia; might even relapse into the
savagery which prevailed toward the
close of the Thirty Years War. The
allies can make peace only with a
nation having an organized, orderly
government, able to meet its obliga
tions. Germany lias a huge bill of
damages to pay, which 'cannot be col
lected from a starving, chaotic na
tion. The allies can exact payment
only from a nation which is well
enough nourished to work and which
is at work.
There is lamentable shortage
throughout the world of necessary
commodities which the Germans can
help to produce. Russia already has
practically ceased to work. If Ger
many and the countries to be formed
out of Austria were to become prac
tically idle from the same cause, the
world would be deprived of the prod
ucts of more than 300,000,000 people,
including millions of the most highly
skilled. It must have what they can
produce, and in order to get it, must
feed them and help them to re
organize. This does not imply pardon for the
German people's crimes; it implies
punishment in another way than by
starvation. When they whip their new
povernment into shape, the allies can
make treaties with it, can exact pay
ment for the immense injury the Ger
mans have done and can obtain guar
anties for the fulfillment of their ob
ligations. The retribution will take
the form of the load of taxes which
they must pay for many years in order
to discharge their debts; also of the
opprobrium which will be heaped
upon them wherever they go.
Then they will learn that it was
wholly not from magnanimity or for
giveness, but from enlightened self
interest and from regard for the wel
fare of innocent nations, that the allies
fed them while the tortures which
they had inflicted on millions were
fresh in memory.
Germany having, by the terms of
the armistice, agreed to repatriation
of all prisoners of war, interned sub
jects and civil populations evacuated
from their homes, a host of half
starved, mutilated, crippled and dis
eased soldiers and civilians will re
turn to the allied countries, who will
constitute evidence as damning to
Germany as did the released Serbs
jigainst Bulgaria.
But that will be only the beginning.
There will be many gaps in the ranks,
due to the deaths of thousands who
have been murdered in all the ways
known to the ingenuity of German
brutes. Account must be given of
those martyrs to liberty, of the cause
of their death, and who is responsible.-
Germany continued to the last day
the destruction, spoliation, defilement
of the land she has invaded, the de
portation of the civil population of
places her beaten army can no longer
hold. The French government has
given official warning that the Ger
man reople and the guilty individuals
will be held to account for these
crimes, saying:
The German people, who are accomplices
,n these crimes, will have to bear th con
sequences. The authors and directors of
these crimes will be held Responsible moral
ly, judicially anil financially. They will
seek in vain to escape the Inexorable expia
tion which awaits them. The account with
them is opened and will have to be settled,
l'ranco is now in communication Willi her
allies as to the decisions that may be
com c to.
The released prisoners will be a
cloud of witnesses against the mur
derers and torturers.' The nature of
their stories may be inferred from
what has been told by the compara
tive few who have already been set
free. For example, a British officer
whose hand was paralyzed tells of a
German doctor who was dressing his
arm and, having exposed a nerve, said
to his assistant: "Now you shall see
how an Knglishman can scream."
Then he put the wounded arm ovet
tiie assistant's shoulder, bound it to
Tils back and gave the nerve six ex
cruciating jabs with an instrument
There will be stories of men with
great holes in their feet compelled to
work in the salt mines barefooted: of
wrecks of men clad in rags, often
with the upper part of the body
naked, some with blue weals on their
backs; of six British prisoners who re
turned from work in the coal mines
mere shadows, their bones sticking
through their skins, all of whom died.
A host of men guilty of such crimes
would live in terror of the punishment
which is promised by the allied gov.
ernments. Some hold high office and
doubtless have influence. Such be
ings would rather see their country
utterly ruined than face .the tribunal
which would administer punishment
'to them. Fear will be their ruling
passion fear not only of orderly Jus
tice, but of reprisals in kind, for such
brutes cannot conceive that civilized
nations would scorn to sink to their
The hosts of the guilty will be one
of the influences working against
peace. It is well that President Wil
son has joined the allies in their reso
lution to exact compensation for all
such wrongs, but he should go far
ther and give notice that the guilty
individuals will be punished with
strict justice, but with no mercy.
It would be a pleasing outcome of
the peace developments if the re
strictions upon the sending of Christ
mas gifts to soldiers overseas might
be removed, or greatly modified. It
would seem that relaxation of the
strain upon shipping, consequent upon
the lesser need of munitions and the
free employment of unconvoyed fleets,
would permit the use of a few more
vessels for the transportation of gifts.
For, after all, if we were to send a
ten-pound package to every single
one of 2,000,000 soldiers, the total
would amount only to 10,000 tons,
and a way surely could be found
to take care of such a cargo in an
emergency like this.
Christmas is still nearly six weeks
away, and there is now uninterrupted
cable communication between this
country and the authorities "Over
There." There appear to be no in
superable difficulties in the way of
amending the rules made to fit a sit
uation in which every ton of shipping
space counted. The pleasure which
would be given to our soldiers would
be no greater than that which would
be felt by the home folks. Indeed,
there is reason to believe that the
chief sufferers under the present lim
itations have been those who could
send no gifts at all unless these were
practically solicited by the prospective
Merely to permit the forwarding of
packages which would come as a sur
prise would be to bestow a reward
upon our men in France which they
richly deserve. The spontaneity of
Christmas giving has been largely lost
in the protective regulations which
were all well enough when they were
made but which do not now seem to
be so necessary. Many a soldier has
refrained from sending an approved
package label because of reluctance
to ask for a gift, and many others
have been unable to do so because of
other duties and circumstances. Can
not the Government find a speedy way
of making Christmas a real day of re
joicing for the men across the sea?
The financial statement of the Na
tional War Work Council of the
Young Men's Christian Association,
duly audited and covering operations
from the time of our entrance into
the war until July 31, 1918, is an in
teresting document because it gives
a clear idea of the magnitude of the
task to which the great bodies em
braced in the present Welfare drive
have set themselves. All that can be
said as to the wide range of activity,
the pressing need of further contribu
tions, the necessity of continuing the
work until the last soldier and sailor
has been discharged, will apply with
equal force to all of the associated
organizations. The entire body is
working in harmony, and all must
reach their goal in order to assure the
success of any one of them.
It is important to note that the
statement, which shows a balance of
$17,000:000 on hand as of the date
mentioned, must be read with appre
ciation of the work which has been
done in the more than three months
since then. In the intervening time
the balance has been entirely spent
and it has been necessary to borrow
more than $10,000,000. And the work
of the T. M. C. A., as well as that of
six other bodies, is growing steadily.
The purpose of the whole movement
is to "keep our men up to the mark,"
to help them to resume their former
positions in civil life without losing
step with the world, to furnish them
with healthful recreation and with
opportunities for education. The last
named phase will Be increasingly im
portant now that the armistice is on.
Kvery hut, whether of the Y. M. C. A
or the Knights of Columbus or of the
Jewish Welfare Board, will be turned
into a classroom. Women will help
in the work. The 'American Library
Association will send more and better
books than ever. The Salvation Army
will continue the good work it has
There is complete unity of action
among- these organizations in the
dris-e, and there ought to be no hold
ing hack on the part of any of the
people There will be none if due
thought is given to the necessities of
the situation at home and abroad.
There are disquieting indications
that the Government intends to
abandon the building of wooden ships.
The latest word from Washington
is that attention must now be given
to construction of big cargo carriers.
There is a prejudice against the large
wooden ship that builders have not
yet been able to overcome. There is
on the other hand a limit of use to
which the wooden ship of 3500 tons or
s can be put in the American Merchant
Marine. Because of limited fuel capac
ity it has a short steaming radius, and
under American rates of seaman's pay
it is costly to operate. The trade routes
of American ships are not ordinarily
But the future of the wooden ship
yard is by no means hopeless. The
type of vessel it produces is in demand
in the Mediterranean and but little
less in demand in the Baltic and In
Japanese waters. It is probable that
f the shipyards were permitted to
build on foreign contract they could
Keep busy lor years to come. But
during the war emergency the ship
building resources of the country were
mobilized exclusively for American
ship building. The embargo on for
eign contracts should now be lifted.
The issue concerns not only the se
curity of investments and the welfare
of the workers in the shipyards. It
involves the immediate market of. the
lumber industry or the Northwest-
Spruce production has been halted.
The mills engaged in cutting spruce
have already piled high their yards
with unsalable side cut. Building
operations are yet at a standstill and
w-ith little prospect that they will be
resumed at once. The war's end calls
for a readjustment of industry. There
is no more pressing need for consider
ation than that presented by the lura-
l' t i aim sinuuiLuiiig uiuuatnea.
It in truth has a bearing upon de
mobilization. The sane course and
the one already given approval pro
vides for feeding men nowunde
arms back into Industries and occu
pations gradually, as those Indus
tries and occupations can give them
place. If there. 1st now a, sudden, gessa.
tion of all activity in the lumber In
dustry there will be unnumbered
civilians competing for the places that
might otherwise go to returned sol
diers. It is a problem that calls for action.
The shipbuilders believe that they can
keep going if given the chance. . It
ought to be given them.
A task of do less magnitude than
the demobilization of the Army after
restoration of peace will be demobili
zation of the Government. The old de
partments and bureaus have been
enormously expanded and many new
ones with tens of thousands of em.
ployes have been added for the sole
purpose of carrying on war. Peace
and the assurance of its continuance
by the formation, of a league of Na
tions will demand abolition of almost,
if not quite, all of the new bureaus
and contraction of the old ones to
their normal proportions.
But experience has proved that one
of the most difficult things In the
world is to abolish an office of the
Government. It means patronage for
Congress to distribute, a job for its
chief and much influence for him to
wield. It follows that all manner of
excuses are invented for keeping it
alive, no end of shady tricks are
played and filibusters axe organized
to block bills. There have been cus
tom houses, land offices and pension
offices which have been maintained
for year after the duties or fees col
lected or the pensions distributed had
shrunk to little or nothing. The of
fices existed only to provide salaries
for political retainers of Senators or
Representatives, who had a particular
Interest, while the people whose money
was wasted had but a general interest.
A very few of the new bureaus may
properly be continued with diminished
staffs, but the vast majority will have
no reason to exist after normal condi
tions return. Watch the politicians
as they try to attach new leeches to
the public purse as perpetual memen
toes of the World War.
Pride in the part which thevUnited
States took in the war fills the hearts
of all loyal Americans. It is Justified
by the fact, which the allies gladly
admit, that this Nation gave the added
weight and the final push which sent
them over the" top to victory.
When we look back at the military
situation as it existed in April, 1917,
we realize that the resources of the
allies in men. money and material
were strained almost to the limit, that
their confidence was beginning to
weaken and that some of them were
beginning to believe the best they
could hope for was a compromise
peace, and that German propaganda
was cunningly and persistently spread
ing this opinion, especially in Francs
and Italy. France had suffered ter
rible losses in the abortive effort to
break the German line north of the
Aisne, and the defeatUts were busy
breaking French morale. Italy was
dependent on her allies for food and
all important materials, but the supply
was limited by the shortage of ships,
and her army was valiantly but toil
somely and slowly struggling through
the Alps and the Carso Plateau. Ue
slruction of ships by submarines
reached its maximum In April, new
construction could not possibly keep
pace with it, and for the first time
famine threatened the British people.
Immediately upon the American
declaration of war, the Governnfent
came to the aid of the allies with
great loans at much lower Interest
than they were paying, with acceler
ated production of war material and
with food. Soon afterward the Navy
sent its first ships to join the British
in fighting the submarine, more fol
lowed at frequent intervals and the
two fleets were fully unified. The Gov
ernment entered upon a big pro
gramme of Naval construction, which
was pushed with great speed, and
American inventive genius was turned
to devising methods of killing the sea
assassins. All available ships, both
American and those of the enemy,
were pressed into service as trans
ports, and vast energy was applied to
shipbuilding. The Army and Navy
were recruited to maximum war
strength with volunteers, of whom
about 1,500,000 were enlisted. The
draft law was passed, giving assur
ance of a constant flow of reinforce
menu. These were the practical evi
dences of co-operation with which
America gladdened the allied commis
sions which hastened to this country'.
But Marshal Joffre wanted the
French people to be able actually to
visualize American "participation In
the war, as an antidote to defeatist
intrigue. In compliance with his re
quest, a division of troops was sent
over in June, 1917. It received a rap
turous welcome, but looked pitifully
small to people who had become ac
customed to seeing huge armies. Then
we began to realize the herculean
labor of equipping an unprepared Na
tion for war on a large scale. Kvery
thlng had to be provided which all
European belligerents except Great
Britain possessed at the outset. W
could not send a great Army until we
had manufactured arms, clothes, land
transport vehicles, built ships and
cantonments, drafted, organized and
trained men, nor in many respects
fintil tools and factories had been
made. Officials bound with red tape
and encrusted with barnarles acted
with the deliberation customary In
peace-time. New officials, drawn
from business life, started some things
witr a rush, but started them wrong.
as in tho case of ships and aircraft.
The very size of the giant added to
the difficulty of getting him into
action. Further contingents were sent
to France, but chiefly to build docks.
railroads, warehouses, hospitals and
to cut lumber for an Army which was
not designed to take the field In great
force until the Summer of If is. Until
then the allies were expected to hold
the enemy at bay and cut off a few of
his claws.
As the Winter of 1917 drew on, the
people became impatient for tangible
results, tney demanded speeding up.
and the big business men who bod
been welcomed only as volunteer aids
were given real authority in place of,
or over, the bureaucrats. Then they
Degan to- "get a nustie on" and equip
ment began to pour out In quantity.
Not until far on in the Fall of 191T
did the first American troops take a
place in the fighting line, and they
promptly showed the stuff they were
maae or oy repulsing a raid in the
Vosges Mountains. Then came th
German raid on Selcheprey, in front
or Toul. which was driven back with
terrible loss to the Boches. The Yanks
proved not to be the untrained, un
disciplined mob which had been de
picted by the German propagandists.
American engineers also took a hand
in stopping the German drive west of
Cambrai in December, and won praise
for impromptu fighting.
When the great German drlva fnr i
Xmiens opened on March 21, 191S,
auu lureen li.ii it iuiv auiea almost to
that city, the Americans ehowed their
ability to do big things la a hurry. An
appeal came from the allies to hurry
troops across the ocean. Great Britain
and France provided almost two
thirds of the necessary transports, and
the trickle of khaki swelled to a tor
rent until before July 1 there were
a million Americans in France. The
movement has continued without
abatement until when hostilities ceased
the total in Europe was 2.200,000, and
about 1,500,000 remained in camp in
this country, while a second draft law
had provided for an increase to 5,000,
000 by July, 1919.
This great new array of men in the
prime of life and full of seal filled
the gaps which German onslaughts
had made in the allied runka and built
up a reserve which the enemy could
not hope to match. The allies at the
same time got the benefit of the
splendid system of railroads and bases
which the Americans built, and Amer
ican food supplies, spared by economy
among the whole Nation, made good
their deficiencies in this regard. As
valuable a contribution to victory as
any by Amerfca was made when Pres
ident Wilson cast aside all considera
tions of National pride in maintaining
a distinct Army under independent
command. He consented that Ameri
can troops should be brigaded with
those of the French and British, and
thereby hastened the day when they
became available for service in battle.
He declared in favor of placing all the
allied armies under single command.
thus enabling Premier Lloyd George,
of Great Britain, to win a point fo
which he had long striven. Tho wis
dom of this act has been vindicated
by the almost mathematical accuracy
with which one attack on the Ger
mans followed another tinder the su
preme direction of Marshal Foch,
giving them no rest to re-organize,
no chance to make the most of re
serves and finally exhausting them.
The results of these arrangements
soon became apparent. Americans
joined Australians in winning a clean-
cut victory on a small scale at Can-
tigny. When the Germans drove to
the Marne, Americans stopped a push
westward by hammering them back
at Vaux and Belleu wood. When the
final drive for Paris was attempted,
he enemy was hurled back at Chateau
Thierry by Americans and Yanks had
a large rart in driving tho Boehcs
back to the Veslc. As more of the
Yanks qualified for large scale opera
tions, the First Army was placed on
the Toul front and In twenty-seven
hours cut off the Ft. Mihicl salient.
which had been a thorn In the side
of the French for three years. Ameri
cans were given the place of honor
n the drive which broke a great gap
n the Ilindenburjr line, and others
had a hand In the advance by which
the British cleared the enemy out of
French Flanders.
The greatest achievement of the
Americans was made in .the last act of
tho war. In line with the French thev
had the most arduous work to do in a
drive which extended from cast of
Itheims to cast of the river Mcuse.
Slowly but unceasingly they pressed
forward through woods, over heights,
through swamps and arrows rivers, in
face of fire from machine guns aa
numerous as rifles are usually. They
did not stop till they reached historic
Sedan, where they threatened the line
of retreat of the entire German center
and where they were halted only by
the armistice.
It was the knowledge that thev had
to face these relentless fighters as well
as the indomitable British, French and
i-ieigians, that millions more were to
follow, and that all their va..u.l
nations had deserted which finally
blasted the hopes of the Germans and
broke their morale. They could see
nothing before them but a Winter of
defeat and retreat in which they
would surely bo driven in rout across
the Rhine. The British. French
Italians and Belgians had wearied the
Hun and cured his love of war; the
Americans, coming in fresh when he
was groggy, dazed him in the final
round and caused him to give up in
An appropriate place for the Ger
man republic to keep the denosed
Kings and Princes would bo one pf
tne pest ana torture camps whero
tney nave Kept allied prisoners.
The most disgusted people in the
United States are a large number of
young men in khaki who feel that the
armistice has robbed them of a trip
to r ranee.
Springfield arsenal, which was pro
ducing sixty rifles a day before the
war, attained an output of 1400 a day
in uctoner.
A request from the Food Adminis
tration is not needed to make Orc
gonians eat Oregon turkey Thanks
giving day.
i nt war ocing over, nam jvioore. the
Oregon apostle of lime, quit shin
building and will get into the real lime
light again.
No matter what happens. Oregon
lumber will be needed to rebuild
Europe, as well as Oregon grain to
reed her.
Two years of right living has made
this the healthiest people on earth
but there is yearning for return to the
flesh pots.
First thing to be done should be to
relieve thousands of the war "snaps'
they hold; but they may be the last
to go.
The fighting Yanks had Just besrun
to enjoy themselves In France. They
have a grievance against Germany.
Wonder how long it will be before
ham and eggs become a dish for a poor
man Instead of a millionaire.
Substitutes fed to Kuropean peoples
will be great Improvement on what
they have been getting.
Now the. prophets of pessimism arwj
the wallopers In woe will begin to tune
up their yawp horns.
Although peace is made, we still
need those ships, so keep hammering
The Crown Prince is either dead or
alive, and nobody much cares which.
The Crown Prince, however, might
be put on a chain and given to Italy.
The great question of the day Is
when ham and eggs will come down
Honest, now, wasn't the new Con
gress elected just In time?
Nothing much now to hinder ee
lection of next year's car.
I The Jobs are awaiting the boys who
, wenuajjroao,
Stars and Star-makers.
By Lea a Case User,
ACTRESS has lodged a cemp!
against her husband in a civ
J. -i-
suit, saying he "possesses a hal
lucination that he has great wealth.
Teh. But I'll bet If he had the wealth
she wouldn't be divorcing him.
One cannot repress a smile at that
part of a late German War Office re
port which says: "Our troops withdrew
In order to keep in touch with their
neighbors on the heights. And It must
have been some Job to keep even "In
touch" with their fleeing comrades,
who, admittedly, were hitting the high
News note says that:
"In one day the Phonograph Records
Recruiting Corps gathered In nearly
11,000 old records."
And I think that a woman In my
neighborhood bought about half of 'em.
Rod Just Rod. not abbreviated for
Rodney Wasioner Is In Portland
ahead of "You're In Lovs. which Is to
open the Helllg when the Helllg opens.
Just at present next Wednesday Is the
date agreed upon. Whan the company
closed here awaiting the lifting of the
influenza ban Mr. West-oner hied him
self to Los Angeles, his home tewn, to
visit hia mother and a flock of sisters
and brothers, whom he hadn't seen In
seven years, when he visited the Coast
ahead of "Madam Pherry." Mr. Wag
goner Is an ex-newspaper man and Is
also a writer and producer of vaude
ville sketches.
Did yon notice the tall, lanky, ex
tremely long-legged Uncle Samuel In
the Victory parade one part of It
last Monday? If you could have seen
under the paint and powder you'd have
recognised that popular comedian. Os
car Flgman. who Is Max Firman's big
brother. Oscar Is the comedian with the
"You're In Love" company, and be has
been sojourning In our Influense midst
since his show closed. Since he archi
tecturally follows the same color
schema and proportions of Uncle Ham.
he was a complete and unqualified suc
cess In the part.
Fpesklng of the Pieman. Mas, of
that family, andhls wife, Lolita Rob
ertson, and the two babies. Maxlne and
Max. Jr., are to sail soon for Australia.
liey are under a three-year contract
and" wilt appear In several of the best
known plays with which they have
been Identified.
Ruth Oatea Is leading woman at the
Pabat Theatei a stock company in
Milwaukee. Ceorge Taylor, another
player known here. Is also in the
Milwaukee company.
Marts Oressler has arranged for a
six weeks' lour of the cantonments,
giving her services free. A support-
ng bill, which accompanies her will
receive salaries.
Lillian Cerbrr. of the two Oerber
Sisters, an Orephum act, mas married
In Chicago a fortnight ago to Hob
White, vaudevitlian, whose rest runt
he record disclosed is Herman Res-
lie. The bridegroom left for service
In France the day of the wedding.
e e
Bert Leslie, king of slang, who last
season appeared in "Ifogan the Paint
er." a comedy sketch written by rank
McOcttlgan. has a new one for this
seuaon. written by himself, called "The
Cave Man." The character of "llon'
is retained, the title referring to a
liowery cave man, whom someone dares
to Invite to dinner In a private suite at
the Waldorf.
In a theatrical exchange Is an Inter
esting bulletin from Waller S. Duggan,
formerly of tho Cohen Harris forces.
and now color sergeant in the B24;li
United states Infantry, stationed In
France. He tells graphically of meet
ing a band of American entertainers.
"A week ago last Friday." he writes.
I learned that in a certain village
some eight miles distant from my com
pany, a typical Broadway show wu to
he presented that night. i Inquired
of the Y. M. C.-A. leader, and what a
surprise I got when the names of
Kllzabeth Brlce, Tommy Gray. Lois
Meredith. Margaret Mayo. Will Morrls
sey and Ray Walker were mentioned.
thought a bomb had hit me. Our com
pany was off the route of this wan
dering bunch, and I thought out a
scheme to get them to visit our billet.
With the permission of our command
ing officer 1 hiked to the village where
tho actors were to show. I arrived
just in time to eee Tommy Gray and
Will Morrlssey pushing one of these
Kighth-avenuo frutt carts, carrying
their baggage. He didn't recognize me
at first in my uniform. I remarked
that I had Just come from the front
with a message from Cohan. t Harris,
ordering hia troupe to . report at our
headquarters. He stood bewildered
for a niinute. hut began to laugh when
took out a three-sheet of Cohan from
my coat. It was one of the three-
sheets 1 am carrying with ma en route
to Berlin. Tommy Immediately grabbed
It and placed it on the push-cart.
"Then they switched their route.
When Miss Mayo saw the three-sheet
she had a good langh. too. In fact, the
entire party joined In the spirit of the
situation. I waa thankful for the men
of our company that we got the show.
For a moment wevdldn't knew where
to hold It. We had no opy'ry house.
Tho mess hall was eventually cleared.
and a stage erected. Borrowed cur
tains from a French lady. Once com
pleted, the stage settings were better
than the settings of "It Pays to Ad
vertise," used at Last Jordan, Mich.,
and many other towns I visited with
It. The back walls consisted of Army
blankets with a three-sheet ef Cohan
squarely In the middle. Far a spot
light we disjointed tbe General search
lights from the bussing automobile
outside. The footlights constated of
candles and cans of original grease
that the boys Intend to patent and sell
to the P.arnum si Bailey crowd when
we get back.
"It was a picturesque setting with
the men silting on the floor. The men
howled over the show, which lasted
two hours. It waa the finest touch of
Broadway we have seen since leaving
New York. Once ever, the detail care
fully folded the three-sheet and packed
It away with the others. The man are
guarding the three-sheets so that they
can plaster the walls of the banquet
hall with them In Berlin."
News Is received ef the death ef
Peggy Cameron, pretty little Ingenue
with May Robson's company. Miss Cam
eron was stricken with ejpanlsh In
fluenza In Boston while appearing with'
Miss Robson at the Hollia Theater
In "A Little Bit Oid-Faehioned." the
was but 22 years ot age and. while not
well known professionally, was a fav
orite in the company.
Following atoslon. Miss Robsen was
booked for three weeka in N'ew Fng
land. On account of condltlcas those
bookings have been canceled and the
company has returned to New York,
George M. Cohan has Just received a
Boche bayonet which Alexander Wooll
cott. former dramatic critic of the
Times, picked up cn the battlefield
during thererent German retreat from
the Veals. "I grabbed the bayonet
and stuck It In my haversack fnr. you."
Woolleott writes to Cohan, "because the
name of the little half-demolished
French village where Frlta ran from
tne Yankees is Cotaa,"
United States Government
Presents FourwMinute Men.
The word "peace" is on every tongue
and on the long line from Holland to
the Vosges the rattle of the machine
gun Is beard ne more.
Peace la here, but S.OvO.OOO Americans
who crossed the sea to fight and suffer
that you and I might continue to
breathe the air of freedom, are still
In France.
That which our country set out to
do in April, 117. largely by their valor
and sacrifices has been achieved. We
stand in their debt beyond the power
of words to express: for they offered
their lives for us and greater love than
that hath no man.
But though peace Is here and victory,
the day when, heroes and patriots, they
shall return to us is far distant, and
now and during all the weary months
that must Intervene before the last
American soldier can board tbe trans
port for home, they will stand In need
of the solace and help ef those "min
istering anaels" of the war who, com
bining their efforts, are today asking
you to give your dollars not for them
selves, but for your boys over thera,
in order that as near as may be, on a
foreign soil and amongst a atrange
people, they may participate In thoe
blessings of home with which we would
surround them were they here, not
t!od knows, it Is not ak a favor that
your money Is sought for these benefi
cent purposes; our soldiers have earned
t: it is theirs of right.
A you love America and are proud
of her sons: as your gratitude is not
merely of the Hp but shines in your
works: you will give to the fund of the
L'nlted War Work Campaign without
stint or limit.
rreaiaeat's Krrar Skvsjlsl 'ever Be He.
seated. Says tseasecralle Paper.
New York World.
The World did not agree with Presi
dent Wilson last month In his opinion
that the election of a Republican Con
gress would be In any sense a repudia
tion ef his Administration, and of
course we do not accept that view to
day. The present P-emocrailc Congress,
acquitting itself admirably In many
ways, la chargeable with trrlevous sins
of omission and commisMon. As the
World said more than a week asro, this
Congress has yielded loe often to nar
row sectional and sectarian Influences
Some of Its leaders have mad them
selves the obedient and bumble serv
ants of Republican marplota. A few of
iia tiiembera have carried their pacifism
and pro-Uerinait demagogy of neutral
days into th fierre strife of war. Con
demnation was invited.
it la th bixty-fifth Consrrta and not
th President, therefore, that la in dis
favor, and there ran be no question ef
the recognition of this fact abroad as
well aa at home a hen. In spite of many
misrepresentations and inisconceptlona.
everybody Is mad to underatai.d that
on this occasion the people were elect
ing a Congress and not e President.
More regrettable. In our estimation.
than any political changes that have
taken place Is the spirit of partisanship
which hn been awakened, and for this
th President cannot be. held blameless.
Th World said si the time, and It as
now. that his Interference with the
nomination and election ef members of
Congress In various slates waa unwise
and calculated to defeat the very pur
pose thst he wished Is promote. Amer
lesns have always responded to true
White liousa leadership, but they have
Just aa consistently resented Whit
House intrusion upon their local af
fairs. There never should be a repe
tition of this error.
As we can imagine nothing much
worse for the country In its pressnt
situation than a continuation of the
venomous partisanship recently In evi
dence, w must entreat Democrats as
wall as Republicans to remember that
th interests at siak transcend In Im
portance the welfare of any political
organisation or the future of any poli
tician. Th call today la to duty. Those
who give closest heed to that summons
will have the fewest reasons for regret
anri apology Hereafter.
To all such we commend this passage
from a short speech by Abraham Lin
coln a few days after the Presidential
contest in 1S(4:
"The strife of thta election la but
human nature practically applied to
the tacts or the case. What has oc
curred In this esse must ever rerur In
similar cases. Human nature will not
change. In any future great National
trial, compared with the men of this
we shall have as weak and as strong
ns silly and as wise, as bad and as good.
Let us therefore study the lncidenta
of this as philosophy to learn wisdom
from, and none of them aa wrongs to
he avenged."
If It la human nature. Irritable on
provocation, to go to extremes of pas
sion and excitement, so It is human
nature, on returning soberly to reason,
to correct Its errors and reject evil
counsels. With unlimited faith in the
patriotism and good sense of the Amer
ican people, without regard to party,
u e look for a truce at Wanhlnirtan that
will taut at least until peace has been
established ahmiid.
Tilt-; M.ACKF.R.
Lcav your home In the liitlc town at
the foot of the purple hill
Where ever the quiet stars look down
on a silent world and still:
Come wilh ine where the gay lights
smile on the loves and hates of
(But what If ships come horn the
while, or the dead rise up again?)
Happy the songs I shall sing te you.
merry the tales Ml tell.
Many the gift I shall bring to you.
fweet. 1 shall love you m-e!l:
Sad young lips will I teach to smile, O
come away with me
(Hut what If th dead rise up the
while, er ehlpa come horn from
Pallas. Or.
Sebalaala ef Tel.
SALKM. Or, Nor. II. fTo the Ed
itor. I have written a novel, c'an you
by any chance tell ma how I might go
about marketing It?
Is It sufficient simply te mail It to
some publishing bouse ith a not say
ing I should lik them to consider it for
publication? And are irere certain
firms more kindly disposed toward the
work of new authors? Could yu name
a few? I C MILLER.
Before yen send the manuscript ot
your story to the publishers for ap
proval, write to them, enclosing a
stamped addressed envelope for reply,
stating that you have such and such a
story for sale, with description of plot,
length of story and that It is typewrit
ten. Too many stories are lost In
transmission. Writ en en side of th
paper only and use double spaclag In
typewriting. Inquire ef these publish
ers, enclosing stamped envelope: Bobbs.
Merrill Company. Indianapolis. Ind.;
A. C. McClura- Co, 13-5 East Ohio
street. Chicago, or George W. Porsn
Company, lit Madison avenue. New
York City.
Arareetlsm Vlee-Cosisl.
ALPHA. Or.. Nov. II. (To the Kdl
tor.) Ivlndly Inform me If there Is an
Argentina consul in Portland? If not
where la the nearest one?
The nearest Argentina representative
Is R. A. McKensla. vlcs-conaul. Ta
coma. Wash,
In Other Days.
TxralT-Htt Year A so.
From The Oresenlaa. November 14. 1S-
The First-street people mho are try
Ing a franchise for an electric railst a
on that atreet conferred with the Judi
ciary committee to whom the ordinance
waa referred at the last meeting of th.i
council at Its second reading. Th
committee decided to recommend th-
passing of the ordinance, wtth a fe amendmenta
The committee on street eprinkllnil
ana cleaning at their meeting yester
day decided to recommend before th.
City Council that a Contract fnr hrlnk
ling the streets along the tracks of th. I
uy at au Durban fetreet Railway at th.
rate of Si cents per mile, should b.
made with Mr. Simonds. of that com
pany. Investigation Is now being carried or.
in re itard to the dumping of garbage
manure, ana otner ruih. by the scav
engers. In the giilch under the Aider
street bridge, which has become a
menace to the public health, especial
to the S00 students in the hitrri trhoc I
nearby. Officer Hunt will station ar.l
oincer there at once.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic As-
snciation will not consolidate with thel
i amend Kowlnr Club, was tha decisioi
made by the trustees last night In thelrl
meeting to consider the recommenda-l
lion mat the two clubs Join f frees.
Those Who Come and Go.
M. M. Kiddle, or Island City, says that
tne larmcrs are harvesting up In bl
section of Orecon at present. Late ralnr
nae civen the barley crop a eecon.:
growth and th farmers are rejotctnir
Mr. Kiddle, who Is a son of Ftato Sen-I
ator Kiddle, is registered at th Imps
rial. Senator Kiddle has alreadv re
ported that Union County is over the
top with Ha quota for th united war I
work campaign.
ivan .. Martin, of Fslem. Is a guest
at the Hotel r son. Mr. Martin was
re-elected m th Lcalrlatur aa a Rcp-
rrremaiive irom Marmn County.
There wsa a reunion of th Hart
lamuy at tne Ken. on Tuesday, when
Lieutenant K. I. Hart. U. ft A.: Walter
it. Hart and Mrs. John Han. mother
or Hie ynting men. arrived. Mrs. Hart
and Walter came from Chicago to ere
me i-irutenanu
R. G. Frown, of Karle Point. Or..
in the city, having brought a shipment
vi r i ovk. jte is at ine imperial.
hourlern young men. six. of them
from ll.-piiner and six viore from "on-
don and the other tw, from FmI
arrived in Portland Monday on their
!' t war. When they arrived at
the IitineriMl they wero slopped bv the
(iovernment braure of th alanine- of
the armlstire. and th boya were or
dered to return horn-. Th bunch were
among the most cii huelasi ic ot the
peace celebrants In Portland.
C. If. OeWltt. of Hubbard, chaper
oned a collection of ttlsa to the Port
land market Tuesday. He registered
at the Imperial.
France and th War Pcpartmcnt
liava opened the door lor a consider
able number of Portland women autn-
ists. These art wanted at the front to
drive ambulances and Grorce Whlt
wortli Purcell. a blrh official of the
Red Cross. Is at the, Multnomah Hotel
while endeavoring to interest women
of Portland In making the trip over
there. The announcement yesterday
that Portland has a fully uniformed
and enlisted platoon of auto drivers
brought Joy to the heart of Mr. Purcell.
and be Immediately went out to com
municate with Mrs. Cudlipp. captain ot
th squad. Ambulances are to be In
use for a long ttm In France, he says,
and there is opportunity for man y wo
men to enlist.
Army officers at the Multnomah,
where there Is a colony of them, were
discussing last night the rejection of a
drafted man named McKenna, who
wmt to Vancouver front a draft board
in Montana- It waa the fifth time the
board bad certified the young man a.
a member of Its quota, and his rifth re
jection. The young man knew he could
not get past the Vancouver doctors,
and it was said that he did not want
to come this far from home, but waa
compelled to do so. Army officers
placed the blam on th local draft
board for causing the United States to
spend several hundred dollars In trans
porting young McKenna- about the
E. R. Lyman, assistant chemist of
the United Elates fm.Tl and drug in
spection laboratory, arrived at the Im
perial yesterday frcm Seattle.
P. P. Inglesby Is on a business trip
from Condon and la at the Hotel Ore
gon. Herman Abrams. vice-president and
director of the Famous Players Lasky
Company. as at the Benson yesterday
and left for California. He was for
merly vloe-president of the Paramount
Pictures Company. Mr. Abrams Is la
the West looking over the movie situ
ation. H. M. Hcbdeii, a ttoston school book
man, who Is at the Multnomah. Is an
admirer of cameos and Is said to hae
one of the Onest collections In this
country, noma of the specimens In his
collection came from pawnshops. Ha
arm need yesterday with George King,
a clerk at th hotel, te acquire King s
scarf cameo hen t,he clerk wapta to
sell it.
Mr. and Mrs. !. Tt. Wattls. of Salt
1-ar.e. are at the Benson. They are
here to confer aalth several UtaJt peo
ple regarding business Interests. .
J. A. Van Wle. who has been fen-
structtng theaters In training camps,
left the Mulmnmah yestorday to b
present at Camp" I-e is neat w eek
when the theaters open.
If. M. McCorrnlck, Interested tn ship
building at tu Helena. Is at th Ben
son. C. Gilmsn, former president of the
Nort.i Biink Railroad, waa at the Mult
nomah yesterday, while paying a short
visit In Portland.
Major and Mrs. R. O. t-lark, of Aus
tralia, were among th Hotel Pertlanil
arrivals yesterJay
H. It. dinger, of th Flat Dntal
Board, ram to Portland yesterday
from Ealein to attend a meeting of that
bed y.
Amonr th Bole people at the Port
land yesterday were Uuy Fleming and
U. D. McCurr.
Mar I.ljcaf at 1-eaa Ceet.
Flectrical Kxperl;nen ter.
From lilS to lso Sptrm oil and
randies, average home used 25 candle
t-ours a tilsht. or ooe a year: east !;.
1K55 to li Kerosene Introduced with
to per cent more light; same cost of
IsSS to 1SS7 Kerosn reduced to II
cents a gallon, gas to It a 1000 cubic
feet: average family used ?.000 candle
power hours a year; cost ISO.
18S5 to 1S0S Kerosene disappearing,
electricity and Welsuach mantle com 1 n
In, SCO. 000 candle power hours average
f.tmily used a year: cost 1-0.
lsoi to- ISIS Average gas candle
power hours, S00.008. Aversge electric
candle power hours. III. 000. o'ie to sav
ing through switches; cost fl.
Maximum llshl now of average fam
ilies. S60 randies, or about II times ths;
ef century sgt. ,