13 THE 5IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WTDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1918. RECEIVE PROMOTION Steam Vessel Inspector in Line for Shipping Board. VACANCY NOW EXISTS Indorsement of Maritime Interests f Xorthwcst Given Him Some Time Ago. Captain John K. Bulger, supervising Inspector in Oregon. California and the Hawaiian Islands for the United States Steam Vessel Inspection Service, is be ing mentioned by friends for a place on the United States Shipping Board, where a vacancy exists by reason of the resignation of Charles R. Page, of San Francisco. About the time Mr. Page was named several months ago, Captain Bulger was urged to make an effort to be appointed and at that time was gen erally indorsed by maritime and com mercial interess of Washington and Oregon, as well as California. "If the honor is accorded me I will accept the place, for I feel that the time has arrived, in view of the sign ing of the armistice, when a practical man could no doubt find highly im portant work on the Shipping Board, yet it must be appreciated that I can not exert personal efforts, as some of my friends would have me do." said Captain Bulger yesterday. "William lenman was the first Pacific Coast member of the Board -and Mr. Page second, and without question it is the policy of the Administration to continue the representation, which is most nec essary to the West at this time, be cause of the new ship construction." Commercial and shipping men were concerned before that Mr. Denman be succeeded by a Coast man of exper ience, Mr. Page being selected because he has had to do for years with marine insurance affairs. Captain Bulger has spent 28 years in the United States Steam Vessel Inspection Service, for eix years as assistant inspector at San Francisco, and he was inspector 15 years, being named supervising in spector seven years ago, and until a few weeks ago his responsibilities em braced all districts from Alaska to the Mexican line, as well as the Hawaiian group. The recent creation of a -new supervisorial district cut Alaska and Washington from the former territory. ' He has been here the past two weeks on official business and he was ad vised from San Francisco yesterday of the resignation of Mr. Page and the fact his name was being mentioned for a. position on the board. KEEPERS IGNORANT OF PEACE Lighthouse Men, Most Walt. Until Tenders Can Carry Glad Tidings. Lightkeepers at Destruction Island, off the Washington toast, and those on Tillamook Rock, off the Oregon shore and a short distance south of the entrance to the Columbia River, have not been advised tha the Ger mans have signed an armistice, in the opinion of Robert Warrack. suDerin tendent of the Seventeenth Lighthouse .District. He strove to arrange the movements of lighthouse tenders yesterday so they couia carry the tidings to the lonely men, but the Manzanita was pressed Into service to carry military mate rial and the Heather is short-handed, three firemen, a quartermaster and a messboy being,influenza victims. "Unless a passing vessel signaled the men. they do not know now that the great war is ended, though they are almost close enough to shore to have heard the din raised on land Monday." said Mr. Warrack. "There is no means of communication with land, tenders being depended on solely." STOCKHOLDERS TO DECIDE Ship Sale Plans of Mercantile Ma rine to Be Submitted. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The clan un der which the International Mercantile Marine Company is to sell its ships of British registry to British capitalists will probably be submitted to stock holders in the near future, according to a statement today by V. A. S. Frank lin, president of the company. Completion of the deal has been de layed, Mr. Franklin said, because of congestion of cable service resulting from the armistice negotiations. Points still at issue are said to be of minor importance, and these, it was added are in process of adjustment. Movements of Vessels. rORTLAXI). Nov. 12. Arrived: Barse No. S:t. from San Krancisco. Sailed: Steamer Sogundo, for San Francisco. ASTORIA. Nov. 12. Arrived at 7:40 A. M. Steamer Daisy Mathews, from San Fran cisco. Sailed at midnight: Steamer Kose I'lty. for San Francisco and San Pedro. Ar rived at 12:30. dredge -ol. P. S. Michic, from alarshfield. POINT REYES. Nov. 12. Passed at 10 A. M.. steamer Tahoe, from Portland for fcian Pedro. SEATTLE. N'ov. 11. Arrived at 8 P. M. : Steamer Santiam, from Portland. ASTORIA. Nov. 11. Left up at 4 P. M. : Auxiliary schooner Sierra, from Victoria. SEATTLE, Nov. 12. Arrived: Steamers Muluiomah. from San Francisco; Catherine !.. from Southeastern Alaska. Ieparted: Steamer Santiam, for Port Gamble. TACOMA. Nov. 12. Arrived: Steamers Javary. from Shanghai; Kastholm. from Vancouver, K. C. departed: Steam schooner Northland, for San Francisco; Arabia Maru (Jap), tor Japan. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12. No arrivals or departures northern ports. GRAYS HARBOR. Wash.. Nov. 12. (Spe cial. Arrived Steamer Svea, at 10 A. M. today. Marine Notes. Men at the fitting out dock of the AI bina Engine & Machine Works are expedit ing final work on the new steamer Caddo peck so as to complete her before Novem ' bor ends. Inspection of the new steamer West Kyska mt the hands of representatives of the I'nited PRODUCTION AGAIN INCREASED Last month we manufactured 5,800,000 pounds of RIVETS, BOLTS and BOAT SPIKES Can we serve you? NORTHWEST STEEL CO. Portland, Oregon States Steamvessel Inspection Service was continued yesterday, also that of the West ern Belle, while that aboard the West View was finished. Captain Charles A. Martin, of San Fran cisco, has been named assistant inspector of hulls there by Captain John K. Bulger, supervising inspector. There are now 17 as sistant inspectors at San Francisco and it is expected three additional inspectors will be named for the Oregon district in a few days. Captain Richardson, of the tender Man zanita. caused attaches of the headquarters of tha 17th lighthouse district to shiver yes terday when he reported by long-distance telephone that it was snowing at Astoria, flakes of the "beautiful" being mingled with rain. Carrying a full lumber cargo, the schooner Alumna leaves down this morning, bound for the Far East. Completing the 30-foot waterway in slip No. 1, at the St. Johns municipal terminal yesterday, the Port of Portland dredge Port land shifted to the stream to clear away sediment between the main channel and slip entrance. John Doyle, superintendent of the Port of Portland, was concerned over a shortage of cut fuel yesterday, because the shut-down of the sawmills Sunday and Monday de- Dieted the supply. He thinks there will be plenty for the dredge fleet the remainder of the week. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. COOS BAY. Or., Nov. 12. (Special.) The steam schooner Bandon arrived this fore noon from Bandon at 10:30 with a partial cargo of ties and will complete her loading here at various wharves with poles and. ties. ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 12. Laden with freight and passengers from Astoria and Portland, the steamer Rose City sailed at midnight for San Francisco and San Pedro. The steam schooner Daisy Matthews ar rived at 7:40 this morning from San Fran cisco and went to Knappton to take on a part cargo of lumber. She will shift up tha river to finish. The steam schooner Johan Poulsen will shift tonight from Portland to Westport to take on a cargo or lumDer. The dredge P. 8. Michle arrived at 12:30 today from Coos Bay en route to the Gov ernment boneyard. where she will be laid up for the Winter. The steamer Halco began loading lumber at the Hammond mill this morning and will finish Thursday. As a result of the heavy rainstorm on Saturday night two splash dams In the Nasel River owned by the Larkln Logging Company were carried away and about 2.O00.0OO feet of logs were carried down stream. The loss of the dam is quite heavy, as one of the structures cost $So00, while the other cost over half that amount. River Forecast. The Willamette River at Portland will i i t t .. i'.t u.. )m4 nrnhihlv re main nearly stationary Thursday except as affected by the tide. High tides Wednes day will be about 1:15 A. M. and 2:30 P. M., the stages being about 4.0 leet ana 4.9 teet. respectively. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. 8:23 A. M 8.2 feet!l:5t A. M I T feet 8:39 P. M 7.0 feet'3:00 P. M 2.5 feet Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Nor. 12. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. Sea smooth; wind south, yo miles; rain. AMUSEMENTS. Seats now selling Baker Stools Company Season Re opens Sat., ov. 16. (Mat. and Night) in RICH MAX. POOR MAN MEETING NOTICES. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th St. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblmes, class pins and medals. 310 Washington at. DIED. THOMPSON" Mrs. G. B. Thompson, at Bet verton. Or Nov. 11. 1118. at the age of SO years, 2 months and 13 days. She leaves to mourn her brothers, John T. Williams. S. O. Williams, G. II. Williams, and three nieces. Mrs. H. A. Malarkey, Mrs. G. W. Ballard aud Mrs. M. E. Klley. POLLARD In thla city, November 12. WIS, John Pollard, aged 32 years: beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pollard, of Oswego, brother of Henry Pollard, Camp Lewis, Wash. : Phillip.- Edward, Lucy, Hannah Pollard, of Oswego, Or. Remains at Hoi man's funeral parlors, LOVETT At Stockton. Cal., October 29, William Lovett, of Spanish influenza; brother of Mrs. T. F. Laurin. of Astoria; Mrs. Walter Conner, of Portland; Charles Lovett, of Aberdeen. Astoria, and Aber deen papers please copy. KOCHER In this city, November 11, John S. Kocher, aged 67 years, late of 52S East Everett street. The remains are at th residence establishment of J. P. Finley & iSon, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of fu neral hereafter. DOLBOW In this city, November 12, Anna K. Dolbow. age 2S years, beloved wife of W. H- Dolbow, mother of Marion fc$. Dolbow. Remains at A. R. Zeller Company's parlors. WOOLSEY Tn this city, November 11. Ralph I. Woolsey. aged 37 years; son of Mrs. William Woolsey, of Greenville, Tenn. Funeral announcement later. Re mains care of Ericson Undertaking Co. McCLURE In this city, November 11. Mary .McClure. aged 33 years, beloved wife of Clyde McClure. Remains will be for warded to fciilverton,- Or., for interment by Dunning & AlcEntce. ( WILLIAMSON In this city. November 11. Orson W lHlamson, aged 36 years. Remains at Dunning oc jbiciniee s parlors. Funeral notice later. EDMUNDS In this city, November 11, Arthur Edmunds, , aged 35 years. An nouncement of funeral later by the Ericson Undertaking Company. PICKERING At t. Vincent's Hospital. "iiniu x i. x ii-nci n'St ttgeu years. c mains at P. L. Lerch undertaking par lors. Funeral notice later. SWAN In this city. November 12. Emerv E bwan, age years, oeiovea husband of i-iadia fr. bwan; lather of Robert A. Swan. Remains at A R, Zeller Company parlors. l't'EBAT. NOTICES. ERICKPON The funeral services of the late Charles Krickson will be held tomorrow t Thursday ), November 14. at lu o'clock A. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finney & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Interment at Multnomah Cemetery. Serv ices strictly private. ARNOLD At Hood River, Or., November 11. 1118. Hosmer Arnold, husband of the late Margaret T. Arnold. Private funeral services will be held at Hoi man' a fu neral parlors at 1 ::S0 P. M. tomorrow (Thursday). November 1, 1018. Interment Riverview Cemetery. WHITCOMB The funeral services of the late Eliza. bin Evans Whitcomb were held yesterday (Tuesday), November 12. at 4 P. M at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment will be held today (Wednesday,, November 13. at the ML Scott Park Ceme tery. O'CONNELL At Las Vfgai, Nev., Novem ber .". Patrick O'Connell, aged 37 years, brother of Daniel. Mary and Nora O'Con nell, of this city. Private funeral services will ha held at Dunning fc Mr En tee's chapel today (Wednesday), at 10:;to A. M. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. TKXFJORD In this city, November 12. 1K1S. Edward Teufjord. aged years, beloved husband of Emma Ten fjord. Private funeral services will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1 P. M. to day (Wednesday), November 13, 191S. In terment Kose City Cemetery. EVKNISH The funeral services of the late Michael Evenlsh will be held at the con servatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder street, at 10 A. M. today ( Wednesday . Interment Lone Kir Ceme tery. HOTT In this city. November II. Jessie Hott. aged 'Jy years, beloved wife of Frank 1 Hott. Private funeral services will be held at Dunning &. McKn tee's chapel to day ( Wednesday) at 1 :30 P. M. Inter ment Columbia Cemetery. ANDERSON In this city. November 11. 1118. John Anderson, aged 42 years. Private funeral services will be held at Hol man's funeral parlors at 2 :30 P. M. to morrow t Thursday i, November 14, 1018, Interment Rose City Cemetery. PETERSON At his late residence. 071 East Thirty-sixth street. Charles A. Peterson, aged 64 ears. Funeral service will be held at 1. L. Lerch undertaking parlors today (Wednesday), at 11 A. M. SAUNDERS In this city. November 0. Arthur A. Saunders, aged 35 years. Fu neral services tomorrow Thursday. No vember 14. at 9:30 A. M .. from Ericson Undertaking Company's chapel. CAfil-SON Private funeral services of h late Carl H. Carlson will be held at Dun ning & McEntee's chapel today (Wednes day), at 3 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. BROWN The remains of Miss Lottie Brown will be forwarded to Seattle by S. Dun ning, Inc., today ( Wednesday ), November 3 3. Funeral services will be held at Seal , tie and .uterment in the tamily plot. L, A directory of business firms and classified for ready reference. or other information, telephone A 6095, House 29. ACCOKDIQN H.KAT1G HEMSTITCHING Uii.MsiTiTCHl.NU. 10 cents per ard; accor llon, knife and box pleating; buttons cov ered, tucking and braiding; also embroid ery work done. Mail orders promptly at tended to. EASTKRN NOV1SL.TV CO., go. 5th St.. between Oak and tark sts. AO.VTK Hmm AND Hl'U. JEWKLtKS. J.l1:;Liy and watch repairing. Miliar', " St., siajesttc -i neater Ding. ALFALFA MLAL, OROLJND FtElia. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. 667. AI-FKAISAI.S. Standard Appraisal Company. Railway Ex. Bldn. r-liune Marshall T5L. ASSAVEKS AM) ANALYSTS, MO.NTA.NA ASSAY OWICE. 14'' SMand liold. silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. COI.DSTEIN. practice In all courts. K0J Northwestern Bank bldg. W. P. AUAMS. attorney-at-law, 1037 Cham per og Commerce. Main 457. J3ARUKR SCPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SCPFLY CO. We buy and sell all kinds ot ba.-ber supplies. H50 lid. CANCER. l M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 812 Morgan bidg. Marshall 6143. CARPET CLEANING. PnO The kind that wear the beat are I1UUO made from your wornout carpets by the Northwest Hug Co. tformer ad dress. 10. Union ave.; Rag rugs woven all sises. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders soi, cited, lba Kast 8th. PHONE EAST 35SO. B 1!6. FLUFF RUG CO. K1-I.II.01U BUTTONS. THE IRWIN HOOSON COMPANY. 38i Washington. Broadway 4.14. A 12i4. CHIKOPOUIvrs AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. W 11, LI AM, Esteiia and Florelie DeVeney, the only scientific chiropodist and arch spe cialists in the city, i'.rio.l Jv2 Uvrlinger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1J01. JJR. GARTNER, chiropodist. -Bunions and Ingrown naiis a specialty; foot arches te order. 310 Ewetland bidg. Fifth aad Washington. Main 10S1. CHIROPRACTIC PIIYSICLAN. DR. McMAHON. Macleay bldg, 100 chiro practic. World's best. Adjustments made easy, obstinate cases SOc rate. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. ilO-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 100 letters, muitigntphed. Il.ou. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETli & Co.. Worcester b:dg. Main 1784 No collections, no charge. Estabshed ltHKl DENTISTS. DR. HARRY SEMI ER. Dentin:. 204 Alieks bldg.. Third and Morrison. Main to7S. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. H. HL'THMAN, veterinarian, hospi tal. 415 E. 7th St. Kan 1S47. B l'JSi. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist, glasses fitted. 7ho E. Burni-ide. cor. ::lh. B l:::t. K. 4734. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 319 Plttock block. Broadway 10H9. EM1L THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevelk. 1-07 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 16:19. V10L.1N, piano, harmony, all string. Kot Kenbeck. 409 Yamhill. Instruments sold. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. Uth snd Osk. COAL DEALERS. MEN DOT A COAL CO.. 41S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 7472. RY GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL C0.f7 ToZSZ GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bide HATS A1 CAPS. THAXHOUSER II AT CO.. 53-05 Front St. IIIDKS, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BRuS., 135 Front PAINTS AM) LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davl t. FLNEBAL NOTICES. GIBSON Helen Francis, age 6 years, 5 months and 19 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibson, at 639 Dcpaw street. Died November 11. Besides her parents she leaves two brothers, James, in the balloon service, and Edgar, an engineer, both In France. Private services at above resi dence, today (Wednesday), November 13, at 2:30 P. M. Under direction of Chambers Kenworthy Co., 24S-250 KiUingsworth ave nue, near Williams. HYDE At the residence. 515 Brlstow street. St. Johns, Or., November J 1. James a. Hyde, age 60 years, beloved husband of Joe Hyde; father of Mrs. Carrie Perrine. of Portland. Or.; Albert. Lester. Howard. Warren and Flora Hyde, all of this city. Funeral services will be held today ( Wednesday), November 13. at 3 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. All services strictly private. Interment at Mt. Scott ParK Cemetery. pjRO November 12, Annie Plro. aged 3 . years, 10 months. 2S days. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Thurs day), November 14, at 10 o'clock A. M.. from the family residence. No. 4214 East Seventy-first avenue. Southeast. Remains are at the residence funeral parlors of "Walter C. Kenworthy. 1.V32 and 1334 Eaf Thirteenth street. Scllwood. Interment al Riverview Cemetery. MARTIN At the residence, one mite north of Clackamas. November 11. Chehter War ren Martin, age 13 years, beloved son of Arthur and Myrtle Martin; grandson of C. W. Martin. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), November i:;. at 2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller fc Tracey. All services strictly private. In terment at Multnomah Park Cemetery. ANDERSON At the family residence. Charlotte Anderson, aged 23 years; wire of Fred E. Anderson, sister of Dtk Snyder and M i Id red Spencer, of A lameda ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder, also of Alameda. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder street, at 2 I. M. today" ( Wednesday). Interment Multnomah Cemetery. OLSON In thin city. November 8. 101 . red Olson, aged 24 years, beloved son of Swan Olson, of Waluga, Or and brother of Harry W. Olaon. of Denver. Colo. Private funeral services will be hf Id at t he Hoi man funeral parlors at 2 ::iO P. M. today 4 Wednesday), Novem ber 13. l'Jl 8. Interment Kivtrvlew Cem etery. FA BER At her late residence. 1104 East Washington utrect, November 11. lilS. Mrs. Maria Faber. aged 63 years; wife of Nicholas Faber, mother of Gertrude Faber and Josepv,A4 Faber Talroe. Private funeral sei rlcs will be h.-ld at the resi dence at 8 A. Al- today (Wednesday, in terment at Msont Calvary Cemetery. F. S. Dunning, Ire, in charge. BLOOM At her late residence, SO Earn Ankeny street. Novemoer 12. Leotia F. Bloom, aged 43 years. The funerat serv ices will be held tomorrow (Thursday) No vember 14. at 12:30 P. M. at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Fin ley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Interment Riverview Cemtery. .Services- private. WOODDY The funeral services of the late Rev. Claiborne A. Wooddy. 1. D.. LL. D.. will be held tomorrow (Thursday). Novem ber 14. at 2:30 o'clock P. M-. at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Interment a t Mount Scott Park Cemetery. Ail services pr.vate. LARSON At San Jose. Cat., Julius C. Lar son, aged 24 years, son of Axel F. Larson, of Beaverton. Or. The funeral services w ill be lie Id today ( Wednesday) at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. All services strictly private. GILMAN November 11. 1I1R. at SA04 3t h avenue Southeast, Helen Rose Oilman, aged 32 years. Private funeral services will be conducted tomorrow (Thursday). November 3 4, at 11 A. M . in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenwurthy & Co., 0S'-O4 Ninety scond street Southeast, in Lenta. Inter ment Multnomah Cemetery. STEIN Tn this city, November 11. at her late residence. 3?3 East Forty-first street, Elizabeth Stein, aged 63 yeanv Funeral services will be held today Wednesday ). November 13, at 2 P. M.. from Ericson Undertaking Company's chapel, Morrison at TweiftH street. Services private. SPt'RCK Owing to the delay .In the ar rival of her brother, the funeral service of the late Nellie I. Spurck has been post poned until further notice. Remains at P. L. Lerch umier talking parlui nmTnTsnuigi. professional men condensed and For rates by the month or year. The Oregonian, Main 7070 or FHFK RCO AND RAG Bill FACTORY. NOHIHWESI KUU CO, established 1!U1. Fluff rua and rag rugs woven, all sixes. East 8th aud Taylor. Eaat B 1 -v OPTOMETK1STS AND OITICIANS. u.r.;M AT A jiAYlNti. aCEV' I solicit your patronage on 'he -2 basis of. capable .ervii 'Abou nds of. MLi.tled patrons. A trial will convince. Cuas. . Ououroan, Optometrist. -Olf Morrison. Main :il-4. PAPER ART. CltKl-'l!; FAfEit f.oweis and favors for ail occasions; perlcvt reprouuewuw land roses, etc. Wholesale aud retail, la bor a;;.?. PATENTS. R. C. WRICiHT years' experience U. H. and f reign patents. QUI Uaum bldg. PATENT ATTORNEYS. GOLDBERG. 6J0 Worcester bldg. Main PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. UoO Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female dlaorders. skin trou bles, stomach. liver. kidneys. boweia. throat, goitre, scalp, high dioou y"""1 QOC lucreaaed efficiency; drugless treal OUO meau Goitre, paralysis, headache, tonsllitls. Dr. Wallers. oUO awellud bldg. Mamllall 4Vj;f. PI.IMBING SIPPLIF.9. PLUMU1NG SUPPLIES at wholesale Prices. Stark-Davis Co.. i'U Third. Main ?. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Grenbeln. Mrr. printing and li.iol y y.n- louis ront sL. cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. DOillTU'O J W. 1AL1ES sc COMPANY. rnllllllYj 1st and Oak sis. Main ma. A110J SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HOW. 1'llt.V. CO.. ZZl Front bt. TTe buy and r.ell everything In the hard ware and furniture Hue. Phone Mala !i7-.'. A 7174. MAIN &4'.M) Buy and sell second-hand tools. Junk, oid automobiles. :M3 Front. STORAGE. WANTED As wa have our own equipment for the proper delivery and hand'ing of fine pianos and similar instruments, we are prepared to move, ship and store them In best possible manner at lowest rales. Telephone superintendent of delivery. Main JlUo. or call at Kllers Music bldg.. even fioors devoted to music. entrance a "Washington, between Mh and 4th sts. FIREPROOF STORAGE 1..HW.N lKA.NSel.lv CO. AMERICAN TRANSFER. & STORAGE New Auto Trucks. 1. - and 3 tons. Phone Broadway 4133. 3i9 Oak St. l,et us figure with you. OREOON TRANSFER C3., 474 Cllsan St. corner of 13th. Telephone Rroadway 'or 1169. We own and operate two laree class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Ixiweit Insurance rates in the city. MADISON-ST DOCK A WAREHOUSE. Of fice 1S Madison. General merchandise and forwarding scents. Phone Main 1601. SWEDISH MASSFCR. DR Hasselslrotn. KJeltbTg's Syst.. 17 yrs.' er.. lady attendant. 61-Iekum. MaingiO. WATCH REPAIRING. 11ICH EST prices paid old watches and Jew elry. Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Reiner Jewelry Co. 449 Wash. St- 1MANUFACTURERS PAINTS OILS AND GLASS. KAiSM US.SEN & CO., :M and Taylor. IPK. PIPK UTTINOM AM) VALVKS. VI . I- KLINE. 84-84 Front at. PLl'.MBINO AM) MKA.M MPPL1KS. M. L. KLINE, gl-fetf Front at. PKOOICK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LVKHUINU & FAHRKLL, 1-10 Front at. KOPK AM) BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14 in and Northrup. 1ASII. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLKR Ac CO.. llith and Da via sta WALL PAPER. M1LLKR Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 172 Flrgf t. MORGAN WALL PAPtCK CO.. SMi 2d at. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Wilson and Ross EAST 7TII AND MULTNOMAH Port land's Most Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS rKIC'KS REASONABLE ' ftKSONAL bKKYll'R beaitiku, ciiArrr. LAUV ASSISTANT CtMKALLI LOCATED EAST 5- -C-3163 LIOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1B77. Third and Salmon 6tr.ta afaln 507. A lail. Lsdy Assistant. .. . . tt. : : rtneci r uuerai oervict tor iL.es a. MILLER & TKACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash, st., UeU Oth and .lit West. Slda. Ma.ii Lady Aas.tai.c A &.. j. f. L;r son. Procrcsslv. fr'uii.ral Ijircctorm, Private Urlvs homta Attendants. UU.t lliUiti.ltI A V S i l it. Main V. A 159a. UU.NNl.Nti Mct.NTtE, Iuo.ru! dlr.ct.ra Broadway ana fin. slrsst. raoa. lirwadwajr 4o. A 40.. Lay attendant. I'. 8. UUNM.NU, INC., THB GOLl'fc.N KOJ-ti U.VDtH TAKERS. 41 aat Alder bL fc.ajt A, a titlklKZiZ &. SNOOK l?Jl 1K. ANL MRS. V. JL HAMILTON Fu neral set . ce- K. Ollsan. Taor 441J. FT I lOPPII t llth aud Clay Ota, ElilCSON '1'aeiXin and Morrison str..ta Broadway 014. A K ZELLKR CO 6" i. ifc. ,L,t,liCiH, t,,t loss. c j0fcJ A. U. KENWOKTliV CO.. BS02-0-. U2d St.. Lents. Taoor IMT. BKtlWt.S UMiERTAKINU COMPANY. 3d ind Clay. Main 41Z2. A 24-1. Lady assistant. FI.OKISTS. CLAHkt HILU.. tTorlals. i7 Morrison su Main or A iaui. t in. flowers and xioral desiitns. No brinca storea MARTIN it iUKUrJd CO.. Florists. 5i . Washington. Main 269, A l-tiu. Klow.rs for ail occasions artistically arranged. IBVIXCTON PARK FLORAL. CO.. th and YamhlM. Funeral deslcr.s; lowest prlcea TONSiCTH FLORAL. CO.. -So Wsshlnston St.. bet. th and Mb. Main SlU'J. A 111 MAX M. 6M11I1, Main TJ15. A bvlunt bids'.. 0th and Alder sta LUbLIXEft. Portland hoi.i. 3-S Morrison st. MONTMEST8. PORTLAND MAKBl.E WOnKS. Ifl4-;i; 4th St.. oppo.lt- city Hall. Main Sjtil. Philip Neu 4c Sons for memoriala Irfb BLAESING GRANITE CO. I IT-T THIRD AT MADISON STREET Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old It or aad vaolea Clot a la sr. Malta Haveralble. Us FLUFF RUGS They Wear X,lka I row. Uail Orders. bead for Booklet Hag; Itugra Wtrra. All Mats. Carpet Gleaning 9x2 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESIERM KLIFK BI O CO, 14 Inlon Ave. K. Kaot Uli. H UTS. Rose City rutiful -room bunpalow: with sleeping porch, fireplace, lurnace, ga raftM, vines and shrubbery. One block to carline. Non-resiueni owner reduces price for quick sale. S3o00 and ,370. street assessments. Easy terms. See Peterson, THB FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 Sta St. rials) Garages Call far Illo.tratesl l'rlre l.l.t. 334 Askc.gr St. rfcone Uraadway 14. Sam Connell Lumber Co. MORTGAGE LOANS ImproTtd HtT aasl frs reserty' la- tfallmeaff rrpaynrit privilege pr- I erred prosnpt. reliable sver-lee. A. ti. BliUiHLL CO. tlT-310 N.rlkwntrr, Bank Baildlas. Maraaall 4114. A 4I1H. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds ana wii.ro x nt.un. Mala rox. a stox .MORTGAGE LOANS 0. BLSI.K AMI HESIDE.VCU PKOI'LKTV. BOnKIIISO 4t KWHR, 7 - H Norlktirslrrs Uaak Bids- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Koom 153 Court boti. Sits 5b abotrasc. rhons from S to ft. Mam 37S. Mora Phaa A 3.'.. NitfUt CU afr wlf.ca huura, o4- Heport all esses of eruelty to the above tddrea. Klectrto lethal chamber :or small snlmais. llnrae ambulance lor sick aad ols bled anlntaiia at a maiitsnt'a colic. Any on destrlns a do or other pet communl rai with us. Call for all lost or atray4 stock, aa wo look after all Impoundinc Thero la no moro citjr pound just Orttua Hu inano 8oc.aty. BRAL estate. For Halo Lota. $30 DOWN $10 MONTH. IOAtIOO feet $rw block to Park rttsm ear and Sandy Blvd jmt out aid city limttM. Ton can build a kiiiail house hre. J. L. 1IAKTMAN COMPANV. No. 7 'hnmber of "ommerce- Btac . 4itt and Stark. M a t n "H, a o:0 THAT VACANT LOT TuriT a burden into Income. V"o deit.Kn and build sn thinr. furnish llio money if delred. Klicht years In I'ortlaiid. K II, Bailey Co., .ontractins architects. Northwestern Bank bids'- UK HOW 1'ARK '2 choice iota, cornor .M and CI., katniiis. Impruipmenis paid: mako otier. HT 7J.". Oreicnlsn. Main 8404. OLM.STKALf PA UK Itent corner lot. Bryco ne. W. K. Koynl. Iwls hide- lor Sal -IIOIlsV KOSB CITV PAUK lil'XGAI-OW. A HI;H-CrA.S BlXOAl.OW, Fi rooms, all with extra heavy hard wood floor, tiled bat h. fireplace, wit h boolvcap.'s, beautiful buffet, cove ceil Inc. full concrete basement, wash trayit, splen d Id f urnai-e, lot Zx 104, completely mod ern In every respect : been hullt but a short time; a food buy at $37 .".: terms: our auto.t at our service. lluches A Illuke. 1 1 4 i Jratnl ave.. suite ItfJ, over Cltli;ens Hank. I'hone Kast K.'iOJ. 1 ACilEd ANI. Bl.NUA LO W. Nearly all Improved, abundance of fruit and berriejt. fine garden soil. 4-room rustic huncalow on goo.1 auto road, about on mile from car. This is a real nico lubur. ban homo at a very low price; $000 caah, balanco cany. l A. WARRIXER. RITTElt. MJWB At CO.. S03-T.-7 Hoard of Trade BMff. Ft R SA l-K by owner, lurse 7-room bunta low. besides bath-room and screened -in tu'k porch: Ijrtc cozy porch in front; f tn cement batement -tixi'fl; electric lights throughout, ri. will be In soon: hot and cold water: nico barn for 2 or 11 rows; modern plumbing; chicken-house and pen : a neat rabbit hutch. 6 sta Is. at! painted to match; lot 50xlOO. Address ll'4r lay st. M V K TO M O R u O W . VACANT HAWTHOKSB BUNOAl-OW. ti rooms, full basement, 1. trays, h. w. flits., fireplace, all built-lns. Just newly tinted; h.-a. street, - blks. from car. I'rice. :;j.V. J.bera I terms. Muriels or Williams. -0 Cham. o Coin. bids. Main vacant m mjki.n hawthorn e iu'.v;aW)w. 6 rooms, strictly modem, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, h. w. firs., all built-in, just newly tinted, corner with Karaite, hard-surfaced street, iald; pri-a .;i04(. easy tor ma Marie In or Williams ' riiam. of fom. Mi. Main 7J7. lo Vct: HAVK TJ MoVK? VACANT HAWTHOHNK Bl'Nlj ALOW. ti rooms, cement. btameiit. 1. trays, all but It-ins, new fa. w. fir., fireplace, Just newly tinted ; h.-a. atreet. Pnce. $ ;i JO. cany terms. Muriels or Wll'iama, NJO i'hatn. of Com. bid- Main 7i.7. KoSH CITY PAHK. $3100 7 rooms, den. hardwood fToora. buf fet. lutch kttchn. full basement, sariie, On x loo lot, H block to car. Term. J A. WICK MAX CO.. Ptark. Main r.l $Jimio VV AL kl.'r diaum e .f WVst t-nle Zt-roo m -o; las. plastered and new iy pamtrd. on puved srr--t. Koom for farac, nar Cnion a c. : $.' rash, balanra S.'O r mom !. JOH NUN -DuUbO N CO.. tJ4 N. W B.ink bld. Zt:'r ihebe two new bungaluwa 1 am building- on Ivon at.. betwn K. iTth and K. ;i:(h, 1 blo.'k from hlch monJ car; modern from A to y.i ready soon; buy now and e.et your own t oiors. rixtu's, etc.; pa ed street. .'.. 1h lot. Tabor 1.4. I'OKTLA N" !" H K Hi UTS lej.lrabie -room, bath. Bk-eplrv porch. als-d-ln sun porch, fireplace. hlte enamel woodwork, beauti ful paper, maanl'bent view of whole city, riv r and ntoiiiitmn: eay wulklne di-tmi-c Mar. 4-7. A .T"!!. Cal! morning. WKST SIUK. CUWB IN. f (fi.-,0) It-room mixt'rn house, near 1th and Hoy l sts.. S led rooms and sleeplti; porch ; furnace, f Ireplac. Hare bara-aln. V ("ot. .1-1 Kallmc bide- Vain .V;:t. KL' P.N1SH Kf 1H U'SK. 100xH0. on carhne ; 7-room bouse with SI .o wort h of f urnlu'- : all kinds of biartne- fruit. PrU- :.mi. MAIN SO.M. '7' KTARK PT. Ijloit j;0 t'ASH. -." per month: .".-room modern bunaalow. bookrsscs. ftrfplace, beam ceil inc. full plum bin a. T.Olo. lot. n.r car. JoHNSON-DuD.SU.N' CO.,, U4 N. . R . n k bidg- FOR 4AI-K by owner, lovely modern Irvine ton home. Lower floor hell. lars;e llvlnc room. library. dinln-room. den. kitchen; second floor 5 bedroom, bath and sleep ing porch: price Phone Kant 7JS. BEFORE purchaalna property obtain report on Ha value and condition. Uet your mcney's worth. Keaaonablo char Boa. alac Nauahton A Raymond, valuatloa uptrll Corbett bide Main b!3. EAST WASH IMiTON STREET, clo.e to I aurelhurst Pork, ."--room cottage, modern con -ntenrf". for $10o0; terms. Call at 44 P:att bMir 1-X.lt iALK At sacrifite. beautiful home In Laurel hurat : H-room bunrilow, starace: a fw hundred will close the deal. Further information, call East ffi41. liL'SOALOW Near Mt. Tabor car; full lot. fireplace: price S'JIOO; easy terms. W. H. Hotut, 1 1 OA Nort h western Bank bide. AM the owner of se.eral houses which I will eel I on very litteral terms. Mr. Brad ford. Ramnpo Hotel. 14th and Wih. 4-liouM house and Jot. 1 mix .",. for aale; p-ice $12 0. Call 71 Terry st. after P. M. Fiit tAl.K HoucetcDt. furnifhed. $174: can 1.4- 'n any time. 1 -2.". Ivombanl t. SEE DE 'LAHITNT FOR HOMES. EAST 1347 HOL'lSK and lot near K. and ,M frri--on. Main 37:'.t HorsH AM LOT Fult fcALL OOxlOO. 60 K. 7aTH ST. 6. Mail REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houa NEW-ROSK CITT PARK NEW. Beautiful new 6-room buns alow on corner lot. 1 bik. from car. Lar livinaj room, hand o me Jin:nc-room, lutcb kitchen; ii bedrooms, ith bata betmeen. Cement basement. fumao. fireplace, hardwood floora throughout. Finished in Old Ivory. Oarssje. It was built for a horn and . wonderful buy at $4IiO. Term. SJlrt cah a Hid bargain in T-acrelht'Rst. This house cost oer sVi. The pres ent owner cot it on a moria. Ho will aeI for th money ho has actually in it. A flna look Inc. modern w-room houao on a corner lot in Laurelhurst. 'Ko. Terms only i;.oo cash, balance to suit. -THIS IS A PLEASANT HOME Amonc refined peoylc. 7 lars;e room a. beaut if ully finished. Cement basement, furnace. fTrrpiaco, hardwood floors, bic aluo at JtHi. 4nly aUnhJ cash, balance monthly payments. Fart of this bouse any be rrnt-J for $ni per month. MAC IXNF.S at "ith and Otiaan. Tabor a 4.13 or Tabor evenings. taAf REL.HVRST. SOMETHING FoK YOl'. MR, RENTER. A small payment dun. a few extra aoiiara with your tent money and sou cn secure a big bargain lit a aeven-room houe. located oniy one block from car. .vx ! lot; 4 fine bedrooma and fine a'eeping porch, built on a ery low market 4 years ago at a cost of $oOK: for Quick aa.e cut to K.OOO. Fhon L.ahuni, Al. IZOO. r'rnini r. a i V J 'J . I T se' I at once at big sacrifice, 7 rooms, bath, pantry, laundry . fruit. ege tables, and wood roma in basement: cow and chicken sheds; tcou.d be used fr garage i; sT and ra nair naarlr ft m sh t 4 - si a. f a a'L and sewer aaessments al paid. My equity $iK)0 rash or taka I-ord ton truck as. part pay meat, haianc to l.ke rent. per mouth. T-llu W asco st. Take M. V. car to St.. 5 blocks north. 2 east. ARE YOU LooKJSi for a Rose C.ty Park home? On St h St. we have a r-reom buncaiow, modern ex cept heat, for SJH7o. It la a corner lot ;oslt9 and tha ir la in and the streets paved and a. I paid. Tay ut ."00 don and move in tomorrow. If you are a judge of vi tie you'M buv .hia. Cui A. MiKKNNA A CO. M. 422. sj 4th h; Hoard f Trade. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. CORNER ALBERTA IlLNGALOW. 3i03. 5 rooms, floored attic, fult cement base ment. cie.r of all incumbrance, good fur Bituie. 2 blocks from car; terms. Quick poeseasion can bo had. c. A. WAKKINCR. R1TTFR. I.OUK V CO. C03-5-7 Heard of Tra.If R'tfg. 1 O K IS E K. 1SOW AC A NT. 5 rooms and den. bardm oJ flora, fire place, furnace, full eercect Ivasement. a I hard sui fa.e la and paid; price aJ-ii), tein-s. r A. "WARRINKR. RI1TER. I.UWI. A CO.. ro:ia-T Hoard of Tra? H-tig. HHJ SACRIFICE. Fine l.aure.hmat b-jnga(ow. near tha park and cub grounds. rooms, beauti tul'y finished In eld lory: ccod garaea; p. ace cost present owner SGOOij when buii:. a bout Z year ago; price for quick . SV.QO; don't nilwi this snap. I'hone Mr. l!ahunt. M. 1700. evenings. Lan 'JQal. FAliKKoi-E one h;gh:y Improved acre. 1 b.ock to car, 1 block Sard v bi vd.. neat good school; fi.roi.n modern bungalow, al: buiit-ina. fireplace, baih. pressure ter. ias, electricity, gara ge, Z chicken houses, a 11 kinds of berries, fruit trees. ma-s and shrntibety. fine Iau; terma Phone Tabor 43. Route A. L'Qi 19. $J50 CAS 1 . BALANCE LIKE RENT. S rooms and floored attic. J b'ocka from car. hard surface streets, price S-0uO: ZUt Tabor dirtrirt. MATCH OCR APS. WK IK? RESULTS. . A. WARUINHll. TIITTFK. LOWE A CO. rC-o-T pnard of Trade H'dg. FORKCL.OSUKE SNAP. 2500 .I-room bungalow, adjoining Laureihurst Park, on E. 27t!i; full cement basment. enamel p'.umbtrg. bu'.it-lna. paved atreeta a.1 paid; b.ock la car: on;y ;.((0 cash C.OLDENPERO. Abincton Bide 3r. Year In Portland." Mln 4M'1. Foi; SALE Modern 8-room bungalow, block from Hawthorne; 50xlOO lot ; elec tric washer, laundry trays, gas stove, hot water plant, hardwobd fioors. fine electric fixtures, ftill cement basement. b-st In-. trtor decorating, everything paid to date; frtooo; $15oo down, balance 6 per cenL Hv orner, -Pa Olenn ave. LAURELHU RST HOMES. "We have for your Inspection aome of the most beautiful houses and bungalows in !-aurelhurst. The pricea range from J42." to $7u.'0. on terms. Wo wouid deem it a privilege to show you. UoE A. McKENNA A CO. M. 4M2. 2 4th at.. Board of Trado Rldg 3-KOOM SHACK. S.VMV $109 cash, balance 1S per month. Includ ing intereat: oxioO foot lot; 1W blocka to Rne city Park car. NO TRADE NO AGENTS OWNER. MS Corbett R:dg. HALF PRICE. In exclusive section. Willamette blvd. ; banker's home; 7 rooms, hardwood floors, oue-half acre beautiful grounds, fruit trees, roses, other ah rubbery, two years' oak wood ; $o.V. Eaat 1347 ; owner; honest to God be r gain. MOI'ERN R. AND SLEEPING PORCH S3150; $.00 cash. $- p-r month. 6 pr rent interest ; good locality, near high school, atreeta paved and sewer In and paid. full basement. fireplace, built-in features; a splendid home. R. F. F-emster. H09 A bin gton bidg. IlOh E CITY PARK. B A RG A 1 N It -room bungalow, 3 blocka from car. hot water beat, paved street, all Improvements paid: a mighty good Investment. Phone Mr. Delahunty. M. 1700; evenings. East jmia. A REAL BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY PARK. For th man with a family It can't be beat: 7 large, comfortable rooms: hard hard wood flooora. good furnace and hand aome fireplace, pood neic h borhood. close to Sandy blvd.: $oo to $ loo will handle; " vacant now. Call owner. East 1147. $ -j a o VACANT BI'N'IA LOW 1T ."0. Hawthorne, near Iivis:oo. 6 rooma, ce ment basement, furnace. fireplace, all built-lns. hardwood floors; lot &'kH0. near car. hnrd-surfare atreet. paid. Marie In or Williams. h'0 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main GLENN AVE. 3400. .".room thoroughly modern. beautiful living and dining rooms, with bnokcaeea. buffet, oa k f loors, east front. 5x loo lot. rear Haw t home ave. Auto at your aerv lre. M. lerr, i04 Oak at. Broad war . litH-4J-K k).M, at ru t ; y modern bungalow. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. lutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, garage; Improvements all In and rid: 10 cash to handle. J A. "Wl.-KMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main r.n. lKVINUTON'S BUYS, f a ooa 54 J E lHth at, N. gt 7.o -4iM Weldier. 110. WOO Mt E. 17th st. N. Choice buvs in larger houses. R. T. STREET. Agent. East tV4 A REAL HAWTHORNE HOW E. 9247.) Snappv r-room bungalow, fire-p'at-e. full baaement. pared etreeta. Sd atreet. bet. 2 carltne. on t $400 c)i. 4. C. 4iOLlE N HE RG. Abington BMf. l'ari in l-ortiand" Main 401. EXTRA fine ft-room hoj in best loea ttn. J'ieimont; -a(t front: near library and Jef feraon High; full lot to alley; hlte -namel firlh; party going avav; price 41'M; term B. S. COOK, 60 J MftfK Fiehange bidr W EST IS I OK. fine, modern home : Z large sunny rooms: beautiful tirw. pear car ; kill taka lourlnr car to HTt 1 urnttur and piano If wanted. Price. -V:,o HIihi down: reni pnrgatn. re noma oeeaerv Itur-eu. Ji Fourth street. CALL TAHOR 71 "10 regarding our 5 -room mo1ern bungalow In Koe city Park dis trict ; pavcl streets, fireplace. built-in bookcaa-. buff- t. etc.. full cement banf- mrnc white Outch kitchen; 3.'0; $70O caihf balance i:ne r-nt, FOR SALE H ownr. strictly modern -room house; hardwood fioora. furnace and fireplace, built-in conveniences, two toi lets, full cement basement, stationary tuba, ir. Telephone Tabor "r VACANT -rooin house; bath, bataement. in Hawthorn dlntrlcT. Ao114. fruit tree paved streets: price f "'." tK : lrmi a4K caah. E J. GE1SUR. 417 Cham, of Com RV tiWNEK 7 - room house. a'-ping-porch lots of rosea, bargain: take Kenton car to Holland at.. Z blocka west. 24v Minnesota ave.. beautiful corner. DANDY j-ruom modem bungalow, en paved atreet. on y .so ana your own ttrmi Tabor Si". X HAVE a new 4-room houa-e on a fui.-sise lot. ll; down. UT Phi;de'ph,a si. St. Johns. BEAUT I FU L cosy 5 -room bungalow, 4.h st near fanay. mow run; D.incf Time. Owners. Tabor J7:r".. Furniture for sale. i,mi KI V K rooms, lot 100 xH0. improved at teet, sewer, two blocka from car. Wood stock, terme. Columbia 3i phone. FOR IsALE Wood lawn, ri - room cottnge. with base menu Only $100. easy lerma Tabor $4m EvjUlTY in .' - room bungao. chu ken house, garjge, $.'QV. AN ."-'. Cr gnn n FOR irALE Kom City Park, ft rooms, i tcp Id g-port a. Tebor BUNGALOW. Furnished, ready to move Into. Modern In every respect, 4 rooms besides large attic With spar lor more rocm. f J-l p-umb.ng. bookraaee. buffet. firep'are. near Pen. neu. a Park and car. Lot utiil0. Furniture inoudec at $ UoO : ..uO rih. ba.ance !'ke rent. JOMNsON-DOUbON CO. 6 4 N. W. Rank b d g itv u v a ri isr BEAL "r ST AT B. lor rate lloasea. ROOM HOt'SK 0xllt FT. LOT ioo down, f 30 month total montnt-ir payment i Interest ). No mortgagee atraight terms. Huge llvinr room, f;re-p-ce. Mg kitchen. pa pantry, 3 bed rooma, fu I deep, light basement, cemented and p. altered trui; room, oo4 room Thia bg anap only half b.ock from car lino. J ust vacated. lmnieoiate pxaaeeaalon. J I HAKTMAN COMPANY. No, 7 Cham ber of Commerce Blug 4ta f p1 tiltrlL -Or, a 'MO. ON tlTR ST. ROSE CITT PARK CAR 5 room bune'ew. fumaew. fcard vo1 foora In mam rooma. 'odem built In effecia. Street pav 4 Bore-J aeament only 9.1. Price ft. two. Ter.i lKl (ovau J. L. HARTMAN CvMPANY. No 7 Cham ber of t "omraerc, H.dg 4tta and biirk. Ma t n 20 S. a SfSO. "WALNUT PARK. -room house, fu.l concrete basement, furnace, fireplu.-e. gca. e.e trlc.tr. aleepmg P1' h. ba : n : oo tn ana g tU :utu:t, c.trt toi.et, f u H-.tm lot. a cy In rear, atrert bard surfaced, cor.e-ete aidew alka and curoa in; between I'nion and W ilUaina ae-. near Kli:inaa-aurth. A n.ce home in a choice d. strict at ery rtaaonab:e figure, Inuuire of A. It B1RP.EI.L CO.. "17 North wea.cra liank building. MaryhaH 4114. A 41.9. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OP ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. WILCOX ELDa Main TT Flh and VTarhlngtom. 4M4 IRVING TON DlttTKlCT fitfOai This la an t,p-t-data fl-ro m tieise. al.-tci y moo r rn n every panicu.ar. aralstir In a r pea ram e, ery lart l, ir. g-room. Zu'i basement, etc ; lot iiuliMi, a. at rase; cah w ill handle it. Easy term to re sponatb e pu-rnfr. Jio r by appoint ment only. Sundays, East o I. ".. Weckdaa aarslia .".Uii .wit for Mr Sules. 4j;.o lu'sr: city park 4..v DIVISION t,T liUY. 'LjSE IN 7-room doub'e roPi ructed house. In f irt-c!a shspe. all hard surface in and paid; half boi k from cir, now vacant; pr,ce f .ttiKt. irrmi wATCii OUR AIH WE GUT RESULTS. C A. WARRINEU. R1TTFR. I.t K w CO.. ?:i-:.-7 lioard of Trade H dg. VoDKKN KOfK CITV HOMK. S-room bungalow, ha ri a ood doora. built In fa;ure9. lurr.ace. firep-ace. breakfast iwom. k.tcheo. bdrtoms atid bath In a Into ename!; i:a:tair to attic; fu.l concrete ba-te-nerit. east front :ol near A tameda. p.ned right and en e-sy terms. See us, A. II. PI RRKLL CO.. ?1 7 Northwestern liank Hulldlng. MarahaV. 4114 A 411 ACCOUN T of w ife a Ocath, ae. ; mg chea p; fuH basemen.. furn.ct-. laundry tra a. looms f.ist f.oor. recep. hall, living, dimnc. k '.ihen. dm, pantry, second floor. 3 bed rooo'i, se-;ne per. h. bath, attic; carpcia. Iino.rjm. r'nte corner io;,7 aalnut t re-s in parking, r.ira:-: near car; oniy fr.jiMi. Term a .1 Ol N oN -I OI 'iOX Co, lvi4 N. W. Han It b'dU A CALIFORNIA "Rl'NGAI.OW on the prettiest HOSE C?T V rorrer lot. convenient to car, and the INTERIOR of which needs to be seen lo be appreciated; rooms and seeping porch on one f.oor; built solidly and modern throughout. Cos v, com fort ah In and rompa-'t. tchaItr, road way li7 or Ma:n ISU2. A CAI.IFOTiNIA bungaiow. on the prettiest R E Cl ':" V come r iot. con ven tnt to cs r. and the INTERIOR of which needs to be Itrit to be appreciated . ti rooma an 1 . f f pine porch on one fioor: bui.t solid y ana modern throughout. Coxy, comfortable a iid compact, fcchaclcr. Broadway ol7 or ain l.':t'J. KOE CITY DISTRICT. Two acres of nicely Improved ground, atrictlv modern. 7-room bungalow, two f:ne gara era, clear of incumbrance. $11. fieO; terms. This is worth eeelng. Call at our office, we will show you. A. WAHHINEH. RITTER. I.OWK A CO.. ro--K.7 Hoard of Trade Pldg. VACANT MOVE K1GHT IN. $000 ti-room modern bungalow. with new- hardwood fioora just being laid: new.y tinted and painted throughout; street Improvements aU in and .paid. Strictly modern ti c-pi furnace. J. A W if KM AN CO.. til 4 Stark. Main rS. Hi(i SNAP J-HOOM H l .E. Nice It-room house. eiectricity, bath, cement basement. ( nice bedrooma. lot oOxHK: east front, on E. Mh. near Mason; price a anap, $ J J."o , j0u cash and $2Z per month. - J. "W. GRUS5I. 31t Board of Trada. Main 74 " BEAUTIFUL HOME oOO. 8 rooma and aleeping porch; large lie tng-room; white enamel finish ; thorough ly modem; large grounds with trees and shrubs; on corner looaioo feet oa U. 2mh t.. near Mt. Tabor canine. Full particu lars upon application. Price oOU, lerma. but no trade. Main frtiity. 7-RO M H USE HA RG Al N. Nice 7-room house, fu'l ement base ment, electricity, ba th. 3 bedrooma. lot 4xloo. city liens all paid, walking dis tance, on E. 17th near Dlviaion. Price $JtK0; terms. Move in at once, J. W. GRUSSI, rtlrt Board ot Trade. Main 74."'2. ts:,i, EASY TERMS $ 1 .V.0. $1 s:t tl-rnom neat .oitage, on Kfl'.f. near tii bbs street. Mm k from car; best enamel p'umbing. fruit, paved street: anap. Main 4t.t. Anoihrr. same block. lti0. ii. C. (iOLUENHKR'i. Abington Hide. :." Years in Port In nd . Main 4V4 ;;. WHY pay 6 cents t arfa re and rent ? Ft, e room modern house, walking distnnce. five blocks from I -add Addition, between two car.ines: spacious living-room, hardwood floor, fine natures and shades; &:;..0. oniy 97;i dow n. balance like renu Phone E, 4 7JO. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $270 Beaut if ul .Vroom bungalow, attic. fireplace, ail built-in. 4Oxl0O lot. garage, st reet 1m prove men t S ail in and Included In price. Terms. J A . W 1 ' K M A N CO. T.14 Stark. Main ."'V Built In 101. I am leaving town. "Will sell m v bungalow ch.-ap: ." rooma, break Iat pook ard aleepmg pnrx h ; Jot iul.; ; some asei.inents; e.ny terms. East t4-, Sundav. Marsnull Uti-'l. Owner. Ask tor Mr. Miles. KI V E-ROOM HL N'sAU'W. l-ot RO4Ml. paved street. Iiena paid; COO feel off Hawthorne: hot water heat, beat buy In Portland for Hsooo. W. If. ROJ-S, llftA N. W. Hank Bid ST. Al H ER T A ft-room modern cottage, lot ?0g 1K on car line. JiAO. li-'.O down, bal ance $40 per month; by owner. -3 4 Murnstde st. fnbaraa neesiea. CiWE'i COTTAGE. oM.T 'i-. "W Ith lOOslOti. fine ttarilrn soil, spler.dd vtrtv of river and mountain, fenced, fru.t. w a ter. lights. 4 room com forta be cot t age ; lino down. $1 per mouth. V0 Concord bldg. 1-j ACRE. a. moat ad loining ton nsite of Mui: noma h. in fui ti a tion : w ji i bul'-I ;i-room am 1 home with a.eeplng porch, for li&u on terms: city warer. gas and electric lights ave. able. See owner at 44 Piatt bldg. . KABHlTs f.R CHICKENS 4 arte aud dandy new j-ioom plastered bungalow, near iiltert Station. worth H o for only 17Hi. .Ort down. i5ee Ot t, i S Smith A Co 1 Cham, of Com. For the best suburban bomea and acreage out of Portland come to A.derbrook c tutKoB City. car. third taouae north, of His e station. 1 11 WE a i(ew 4-rmm houe on a full-aiae lot elloO, 7o duwn. )17 Philadelphia at-. Si. J-hnv ror Sale OVER V'r NUT INCOME Lone-u ne aw cur 1 itif. fir.e W e? Fide, corner. ciae-A brick. Pjica only e5.Oti0. I. Hregonlnn. FOR SALE Suth Portland buines bidg . -2 rooms, S stores, .eased fr - yearn, tlf'l j.er mont h. secured by cash deposit; a. I clear: :'V East 1.147. owner. TH OROl'G H LY modern Nob Hi it apitrt -ments: no acanctea in 4 years; act $.;Jlhj. H-e v,(.M'ti, i rn ji ii ry diur. i-ijT O"-; price today g4.o0: Income f"t.e monthly: ea . m'Oq. Sc;.wood llo. flat and Apartment Property. ATTENTH"N ! Hotrl keepern nd rooming bouse proprietors. H r a-a i n s in blanket, sheet a. etc . at Wm. t.rceuberg'a. luXl I'd St.. cor. Stark. Bonewteads; Bellnquiehmema DANDIES on county road, good building, clearing, running water: $4HI worth me pro v i non. houoehoid goods. IS m lies ta gool .ity. milea to 1'ortiand. not o. V c. land. tvo eat-n. ay Moi gan bit e 1 or Jale Acreage. ;0 A"KES. on county road. 2 acres under rui:ivi on. S4) per a re : $v0 dow a. 17 l-ril.adtipl-j. iLt bU Jolat.a t