14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1918. HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE. COOK and baker, ?70; and second, cook, $40. These wages Include board, room and laundry: man and wife preferred. State Kchool for Deaf, Vancouver. Wash. Phone Vancouver, lyl. EDUCATIONAL. "ffOUXG WOMEN and MEN: Our students are Instructed by a successful DIS PATCHER and are in demand by the railroads and TELEGRAPH companies at Increased salaries. Many vacancies now. Write or call for BULLETIN. Kailway Telegraph Institute, 21S Ky. Exch. bldg.. - Portland. - -PRACTICAL training in gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating 4 and reparing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School, Seattle. Wash, ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. "Union ave. and Wasco St. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSE3. FPECIAL DEPT. FOR WOMEN. CALL OK WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO Piano, voice, violin, banjo, mandolin, saxophone, flute, clarinet, drums taufjht by professionals. 515 Columbia bldg. Main 5652- MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue. 234 Buruslde. Bdwy. 1731. TEACHER WANTS PUPILS. ALL SUB JECTS, ENGLISH SPECIALTY. KATH KRINE .1ENKIXS. WHEELDON ANNEX. MAIN 6641. " MISS DECKER'S ' PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Open 1 to 4 for enrollment while schools are closed. Alisky bldg., :td and Morrison. Id EN, WOM EN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison St. HISS MATTINjLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $tf month. 289 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3S03. Portland barber . college teaches men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. EXPERIENCED grade teacher wishes tutor ing in ail upper pra.de subjects. J. D. M. Phone Marshall SM. WANTED Grammar grade pupils during time schools are closed; references given. I- "ir, Oregonian. VATES-KISHER TEACHERS AGENCY. Free regist'n. Itll Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND. OREGON. SHORTHAND, typewriting, $5; 951 Garfield ave. Wdln. 1424. Ask for Mrs. O'Neil. TEACHERS All kinds or teaching posi tions. Main OS.'Io. Fisk Teachers Agency. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. i OUNG married man wants position on ranch or clerk In country mercantile store, or would work farm on shares : exper-i'-nccd. Messenger, Multnomah Station, Or. JVLL-AKOUND baker wants Job as second man; understands cooking also, and cap able of taking charge of logging camp. 1' r02, Oregonian. CA PA BLE office manager, now engaged In shipbuilding industry, wants change; es pecially qualified for organization work. P 418. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, 10 years' experience, married, sober, honest and reliable; best reference. 22 12th st. F. C. Martin. A well educated, competent and refined middle-aged man wants clerical or other position. Drop me a line. Ji 171. Oregonian. ANTED Position by experienced grocery man; wholesale or retail. P. O. Box 204, ity. ' WANTED Position on farm by married man; 12 yrs.' experience on large ranch. P 521, Oregonian. WISH position as retail or shipping clerk In which experience as machinist will be of value; class u of draft. P 4J0, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by first-class salesman exempt from draft; well acquainted in Northwest. V 715, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener, above draft age, wants work, private place. AK 724, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED janitor; best of references. Phone Woodlawn 1310. CARPENTERING, repairing and rexnodel ing. Phone Tabor 234. CARPENTER work, repairing, remodeling. , Phono Marshall 250S. room 33. BAKER wants job as second man. Oregonian. P 501, CARPENTER, Al mechanic, wants any kind repairing or new work. Phone Bdwy. 860. POSITION as night watchman; steady and reliable, best references. Main 7252. TRUCK driver wishes position drlvinj; any make truck; married man. Tabor 0534. WATCHMAN, Summer or Winter resort; state wages. V I.S7, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced watchman or Janitor. Sellwood 3 man lOUNG man wants work Saturday after noons and evenings. Main 7713. ' FIRST-CLASS machinist's employment. Address R helper desires 162. Oregonian. BOY wants work as apprentice in garage or repair shop. Woodlawn 18S0. lit-okkeepers. Stenographers. Office. ACCOUNTANT or office manager open, for a posn ion ; am aiso experienced, in credit and traffic work, purchasing agent. y can take, full charge of the financial end of a business. P 514, Oregonian. MAN above the draft age, will be at leisure about Nov. 5; A-l accountant, with lumber experience: all-around office man ; would like position with some good firm with a possiDie advancement, w 623, Oregonian PARTY not subject to draft, lumber experi ence, especially aressea planing cieot. : anv- one desiring his services phone Broadway .-!., room iu. fcl 1 L AI ION wanted by experienced man. in draughting, estimates, general office work and sales. R lt3, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man in me-at and fish busi ness, op-n tor engagement. Tabor lit"5. WANTED Position by experienced book keeper and stenographer. N S!, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. .'EAT. refined, conscientious Christian young woman desires to take care of small child afternoons excepting Sundays. P 5u6, Ore- Ionian. FIRST-CLASS, all around cook wants posi tion hotel or cafateria; best references. K 1 )4, Oregon! DO y our own nousecleaning; new vacuum cleaners i or rent. $1 a day. We deliver and call for them. Main "Yol'NG WOMAN wan ts position as house keeper for small family; wages 50. Call at .-!. Fourteenth Ft. SITUATION wanted by -young woman In physician's suite; 7 years' experience, Al reierence. t ail Marshall ;&2o. YOUNG lady, living at home, experienced In general onice wotk. wishes position. Y t 1st. oregonian. LADY will help in home few weeks, care of children or dressmaking. Y" 752, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day sewing, uuuay uinners, aiumoon parties. i ;i nor j. oUNG lady will take care of switchboard m hotel or apt. house for room or apt Call mornings. Broadway 2i io, room 20!. CAPABLE woman dji ver w ishes a (in vi up a light truck. Call East fore 11 A. M. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Thurs day, t-aturdpy. References.' din. ltl 1. A 1 l.ADV Ford d river wishes light delivery rou:e. r.ast ..;- i, apt. ::. 1'WO ladies want work in hrtl, or day work. rite i . , t ti .Missouri ave. "WOMAN wants work by day. 7!0. Woodlawn WOMAN wishes Call 10 A. M. ti housework; adults only 2 P. M. Main 57S3. 'vV' 'MAN wants day work. Woodlawn ' Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. COMPKTFNT bookkeeper ami stenographer, university education. good experience, wants position half days. AL 01)3, Ore gonian. COMPETENT stenographer dealrcs perma nent position in downtown office. Main 4T.40. "EFKIOI ENT bookkeeper and stenographer; best of references; six years' experience. Main 2S17. YOUNG lady desires typing; Remington ma chine; from 7 to 9 each evening. Ca.ll Mar shall PJ17. TENoORAPHEK with 12 years" experience desires position, salary $100. P &lu. Ore- go:j:in. YOUnO lady with one year's experience In UNO lady stenographic and clerical work, desires position.' Phone Main 3670. X-ADY bookkeeper wants position ahout Nov. 15 to keep full pet of books; references; state salary. Ah. 703, Oregonian. fc'TENOt! K A PH ER beginner wants posi tion; $10 a. week to slurt. Woodlawn 1424. I'O. I TION as office ass t ant and stenog rapher. X 11. Oregon Van. "POSITION wanted by good typist and oilier. P 519. Oregonian. TEX PERI ENi'ED stenographer desires posi t Ion. Ca 1 1 Wood lew n r4t. tXPK KJKM'ED typist-book keeper wants work. V 6fio. Oregonian. Ireaniakrr. DRESSMAKING and designing; first-cla work. Marshall 187. STAND-MADE blouses of character and style. FMte Blouse ghop. 3S4 Morrison. COLORED draasmaker by day fi! 6403. , SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, Dressmakers. ALTERATION'S, designing, fitting and mak ing oi laaier garment, worlc guaranteed: prices reasonable. X. Keuben, 407-8 Bush & Lane bldg. Bdw" at Alder sL Main 3025. FASHIONABLE and experienced dressmak- 1 ing, aiso tailoring, at borne or by nay; references furnished and all work: guaran teed. Phone East 2060. HARRIETT'S GOWNS. Remodeling, cleaning and dying. 208 Central bldg.. Alder and 11th st. CHILDREN'S plain and fancy sewing, la mes xancy underwear ana plain sewing. Call Marshall 2352. CHILDREN'S sewing a specialty. Tabor : Nursrs. NURSE, experienced, of good address and well qualified, desires position in physl-1 cian's office; excellent references. W 627, " oregonian. POSITION, companion nurse to middle-aged or emeny -any oy experienced young woman. V 612, Oregoruan. THE VERNON maternity home, 1022 Vernon. rnone w a:n. 422. Reasonable rates. H on seWecpers, YOUNG woman with 6-year-old boy, Swiss- American, wants to keep bouse for young man or widower; no objection to one child; must be American; references exchanged. W 625. Oregonian. WANT place to work on ranch for bachelor or widower, small child; reasonable wages, can come at once. Winnifred Daugherty, Goldendale. Wash. WANTED Management apartment or room- in g-nouse oy experienced woman, r. o. box 308, city. UNINCUMBERED woman wishes house keepers position ; fully experienced and trustworthy. W C2I. Oregonian. Domest Irs. EXPERIENCED girl wants place to do gen eral housework in family ox adults, no laundry work; city references; vagei $5u. It 170. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT- hou WANTED In or near Gresham. Hlllsboro or Forest Grove, modern furnished house not less than 6 rooms, with sleeping porch. Telephone, or write full particulars. Phone East 2330, or 4!i5 E. 13th St. N.. Portland. IF you have house or apartment, furnished. or unfurnished that you would like to rent we have first class tenants waiting. Northwestern Trust Company, 202 Wilcox Bldg. Call Main 3517. Ask for Mr. Padden. WANTED To rent, a furnished 5 -room house, by party that appreciates noma furnishings; references. Call Broadway 1246, dpys. WANTED To rent with privilege of buy ing, nice home, preferably furnished; can furnish references. H 60S. Oregonian. WANTED To rent by responsible couple. in Hawthorue district, four or lire-room furnished house. O 63. Oregonian. WANTED 1 or 5-room house or flat by Nov. 9. Call EaBt 4TU3. Apartments, WANTED At once, up-to-date, neatly fur nished 2 or 3-room flat or apartment, by single gentleman; will pay right price for right place; close in if possible; one steam heated preferred; references if desired: state price, location and full particulars. AL 703, Oregonle.n. BROTHER and sister would like to rent a 2- or 3-room. furnished apartment. Give full particulars and state price. AG 617, Oregonian. Room. WANTED Furnished room, by a young man in private family, Vest bide preferred; references exchanged; state location and price. N 9tf, Oregonian. Rooim With Board. IN private family, by mother employed during day, for self and two children i school age, near good school and walking distance. O 64, Oregonian. BOARD and room for a feeble o!d man ; S7. Ore- where he will get good care, i gonian. RETIRED farmer wants room and board. modern, private home; no children. J. J. Ulrich, Oregon City. FOR RENT. HANDSOMELY furnished room with sleep ing porch; hot and cold water; close in, West Side. Call Main fea73. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel oZ erl. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side Hotel and is a hotel of digr.lty and re finement. Dally rates. $1 up; two in room, $1.50; weekly rates, S.0Q and up. KEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Right in center of Portland's activities. Let us show you our accommodations. Rates, $4 per week up. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel, rooms en suits or single, with or without board, for fam ilies and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Rea sonable rates. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison- street st 10th. Rates Toe per day up; weekly 4 up, run ning water; free phone and baths. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side; modern, convenient, high Quality, low price, t-ast sa ana uumtiae PALACE HOTEL. 446 ash. St. ; downtown location ; respect a Die ana strictly mooern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. HI LLC REST HOTEL, bath, phone. $20 mo. up; without bath. $15 up. 733 Wash. Furnished Room in Private Family. COMFORTABLE front room In private fam ily, breakfast if nysirea; west blue; walk ing distance. Main ihj. FOR RENT Nicely furnished corner room in modern home, suitahle lor one or two gen tlemen. Phone Woodlawn 541. SUITE of 3 rooms and bath to one or two business men. Main, 226S between 8 and 12 A. M. VACANT today; well furnished room: elec tric light, bath, phone and hot-water heat. Main 470. 25S 11TH STREET. ' A nice clean comfortable room with all conveniences. COM FORT A BLE room in furnished apart ment; light, heat and bath included; Wes Side; reasonable. Main 223tJ. FURNISHED vate family room for gentleman in prl- conveniem-es. . l.itn. ONE nicely furnished room. Take Sunnyside car to 23d. 73 E. Taylor. FURNISHED licht H. K. also sleeping. West Side. 313 16th. Marshall 4:sn, A PLEASANT room on third floor for young man in moderate home. A lirtl. DESIRABLE corner room. Main. East M30. CLEAN, airy room, very close in. 2S2 Hol- lanay ave.. near rteei cringe. PLEASANT room, st ea m-he.i t ed npartment. Nob Hill district. Marshall 17-,H. Ref. 209 14TH, near Jefferson, choice furnished rooms: walking distance. Mairr 3S93. SLEEPING-ROOM for gentleman; walking d'Mance. 453 E. Everett st. BEAUTIFULLY furn. room, modern home. hower bath, running water. 655 Everet t! HOUSEKEEPING room. 56 Flanders. Copyriahl, 1918. by N.w.F.pr fTV. ' - Ti . JfJ M rOR. TT) r . llftAH? I gbMAlAUl VR 23.AAP. lgiHfcgE',3 FOR RENT. Famished Rooms in Private Family. PORTLAND H EIGHTS Third flovr of mod ern home; two rooms and bath, partly furnished; light, heat, hot water at all times; w hlte enamel wuodwurk ; rooms overlooking city; large room lS and mailer one $lo) per month ; suitable fur Parties employed. Marshall 2S66. fLKMSHED ROOMS Refined women I wish to rent one or two rooms In strictly modern home, walking distance on west side. Prefer lady employed and gentle man. Only those w ho -appreciate nice home need to apply. Home privileges, and reasonable. Marshall 13.". LARGE front room In beautiful home, steam heat, elecrric light, use or bath and tele phone; walking distance; West Side. Mar shall 401. NIC EH furnished sleeping room, suitable for two men or man ana wife; within lu min. walk to heart of city : aiso walking distance of shipyards. West Side. 441 ad st. i clean, light bedrooms; can accommo date four gentlemen; reasonable; break fast If desired. 121 Cook ave, Mississippi ear. THREE furnished rooms, 20; no children ; on.y cleat), quiet people need apply. 1 21 Cook ave. Mississippi car. 329 W. PARK Nicely furnished front room, alcove bedroom, sleeping porch, very de sirable for 2 gentlemen; walking distance. NICE, airy room, modern home. In Irving ton, furnace heat, phone, bath; board if desired. East 7473. HANDSOME front room; hot and cold water, modern sleeping porch ; two gentlemen ; fine view. 51 W. Park. Marshall 4215. . VVKLL furnished room in a private home for rent at reasonable price. Call Tabor 25.-2. or 025 East Alder. LLKOANTLY furnished large room, with board, for man and wife or one child; beautiful West Side home. Broadway 15k;;. FOR RENT Room, private family, lo con genia i couple working ; price reasonable f E. 47th Nort h . VERY attractive room In Irvimton home: piano, home privileges, walking distance, 635 Hancock. East 'J IS. ONE larg front sleeping room. 1 3 a week. --' uroauway. .Mar. :t:rM. Rooms WUh Itourtl. ROOM and board. 101(4 i'orbett st. Heated rront rooms, home cocking, three meals. 13 min, watk to South Port, shipvard-. on N and S car; $3 per week. Phone Mar. ROOM and board for business sirls: all modern conveniences: walking distance. 3. 3Q per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th St. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. S80 10th st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th; choke rooms and Doaru; motiern conveniences; walking dis tance. Kooms With Board o .Private Faaallr. WOMAN wi:li baby 1, ya.ra old would like warning Kin io snare no me as company ; would have to be investigated In orOer to be appreciated. 207S Jlo.laday ave. Call evenings or Sunday. 244 NORTH 24ih. bet. Marshall and North- rup, warm iront rooms, 4 window, suit able for two ; separate beds; home priv ileges, modern conveniences; board if de sired. Marshall IM.'i. DESIRABLE room for two with board. rates reasonable. Phone Main U267, 748 Lovejoy. ROOM and board in elegant, refined home. v.iay ai. t itrniMheu Apartments. OR RENT Walking distance, best resi dential district. 6- room furnished apart ment, hot water heat, good view, large yard, fireplace. Inquire C23 Main St., near King. :OU.'G lady would like one or two ladies of refinement to share 3-room apartment. Westfaa Apts.. apt. 23. Marshall 2670. WANTED A refined young business woman to share furnished apt.; walking distance. X 101, Oregonian. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. steam heat, adults only. private bath and phone; $40; Tabor 546. BURNISHED apartments for 2 or 3 peo ple. 105 Lombard at. Phone Columbia IS 2. COMPLETE aparLraents. $19; concrete bide. W oodiawn 22!l. FURNISH K O apartments for rent, no chil- dren. 3403 North 10th at. I'nf tirnlntied Apartment. OUR largest and finest duplex apartment Is ior rent. l nree xarge Oearooms, 2 baths. 75 Davis st. N r LKMsHhD 2 and 3-roomed apts. 215 iitn, cor. haimon. Main hfiTS. ROOMS, first floor, steam heat: 67 K. Main. Flats. MODERN 3-room upper flat, sleeping pjor:h. gas not waier neater, range and other stoves, adults 251 E. 2d, corner Multno- ma n. FOR RENT Two 4 -room fiats, all conven iencew. 3S1 Ivy street and Union avenue. Furnlhhcd Flat. A kkal TI Fl L .'-room furnished flat with garage, near Washington High School. 5-ROOM flat, furniture for sale to renter cash; bargain. 101 E. 33d. 3-ROOM modern furnished flat. Nov. Johnson, 1740 Minnesota ave. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Sts 2 and 3-rm. unfur. apts. for light house, keeping; gas range, e:ec. lights, hot and cold water, use of bath, laundry free. Rent ana sio mo.; no raise in rent 6 month from Sept. 1 guaranteed. Take or 16th- st. car. get orr at Marshall. Bdwy, 03 y ONE suite of housekeeping rooms, one sin gle nousetteeping room, jsu i tn uu No children. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, close in. 3S2 Hawthorne. Phone East LA RGE housekeeping and 3511 Stark, corner Park. Bleeping rooms, -R OM, all Jlaple ave., modern house. $25. Lents. Tabor 0:t3. SINGLE H. K. rooms by day or week; i heat. 34.,3 Ankeny st. Broadway llouetikefping Rooms In Private' Family. MODcRN .t-room furnished cottage, near two carhnes and two b.o'ks from Laurel -hurst Pa ik. Nicely furnished. Will rent reasonably. Phono Tabor 1730. or call at 1073 East Washington, before 3 P. M. Sat urday. THREE fur. H. K. rooms, sleeping porch, bat li. no children. $ 1 'A month. Take St. Johns car. get off at Greeley, go west half block. 1141 Willamette blvd. FRONT h. k. room. $3.30 per week, walk ing distance. 303 Vs Grand ave., near Hawthorne. THREE rooms for housekeeping, partly fur nished, near to shipyard: reasons ule South 330 Sherman Ft. THREE very large modern II. K. rooms, first f'oor. 420 Main st. 2 (HI 3 rooms to rent first fioor partly fur nished. 354 College at. ONE large warm room, house ke employed ladies. $15. Kast 735 FO R RENT I'nf urnished rooms. corner Salmon M. ping. two 1. 221 12th. 3-ROOM suite, first fl' st. Phone Marshall 3' ior. 415 Montgomery 3-ROOM cottage innt modern) 17S V 10th. $10.50. Phone Main 5SSO. or cdil 2"H Sell ing oldg. 5-ROOM and bath, on lower floor; some fur niture for sal If dewired. 517 SnmnT. 10-KOOM house for 'rent. 215 llth st, cor ner Salmon. Phone Main J07i. Fwtur. Sic Inc. Cr.M Britli. Rikhu K...nrd. Hurry Your Copy for Sunday We cannot call for copy after 12 o'clock noon Sat urday. . rOR RFTNT. Hous SOMEBODY WANTS THIS. Own rent and $63 per month tncoma. small payment, balance renting basis, view property. West Side, walking dis tance, lot 6Ox80, 4 H. K. suites; ownex In service, will sacrifice. $4500. Inquire 118 Plstt bldg. b-ROOM home, built for owner to live In. unusually choice work; can be partly furnished : large sleeping porch ; garage oixsns into the full cement basement; ex ceptional view of river and mountains: . streetrar to front door. 1141 Tburxnan st. Main 442. WILL rent purt of my home reasonable for care of same, consisting of kltcnen. dining room and living-room and 3 bedrooms; un furnished; West Side. References required. Address F f5o Oregonian. TH It EE R OO MS $ 1 5. Will make three comfortable rooms out of store-room, close to good rarllne; wa ter, sewer, gas. A- H. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. A 41 It. WI LL rent lower pari of my newly fur nished modern home. Including fuel, close In. East Side, for $35 per month. East WHEN VOL" MOVE Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 50, A 747. BEAUTIFUL 7 -room home, strict: y mod ern. 1 block Hawthorne car. $40.UO. Can move right In. Geo. T. Moore Co., Ablng ton bldg. 252 EAST 14TH ST. 5-ROOM. LOW Kit. FURNACE. $27.50. MARSHALL 64.'.8. IRVINGTON "room bouse, bungalow. Johnson, 515 Henry bldg. rn, adults. $20 3-R. ctge.. Lake Grove : piano: adults. Mm 7757. McKarland. 140( Yeon bldg. 10 ROOMS. 221 12th St. 015 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. Furnished IIoow EAST RIDE Modern 6-r. bouse, a a, elec tricity, telephone, bsth. furnace with or without garage; immediate possession, Marshall H4. $20 3-R. ctge.. I-ake Grove; piano: adults. 31 am .-. JMct an ana. 140H 1 eon Diug. EIGHT rooms. Oriental rugs, grand piano. 110 MIramar St.. near East. Glisan. ONE 4-room and ono .'room bungalow on Main 474. Oregon City carline. STORAGE space for rent on S. P. track. Call East 17. Office OFFh'KS, storerooms snd halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office building accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. FU UN ISM ED private office. $10; corner su: to orrlces. J- ine arrangement. low rent, beat heat, light and service. Stork Er. ON E large unfurnished room on first floor. suitable for studio. 221 12th. cor. Salmon. Most centrally located offices, low rsnU Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. bchinkss orroitTrxiTras. JEWELRY STORE, located in small sea port on Pacific Coast, for sale; good In vestment for practical watchmaker or Jeweler and optician; $2500 cash, balance terms; business in December and January w ill about cover cash payment ; awaiting drafting, reason for selling. Address N Wo, Oregonian. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. Exporter and wholesale dealer In cloth ing, shoes, dry goods, men's furnishings, etc liargalns always on hand. It will pay you to see me. Wm. Grssnberg. 104 becond street, corner Stark. WANTED Party with about $1000 to take up a country hotel proposition. It Is a dandy money-mi. ker. I own the building and furniture but cannot give my atten tion to it. Will give someone a fins deal. F 554, Oregonian. IP YOU HAVE A FORD AUTO, fmakea no difference whether 5-passenger. runabout or delivery body) the best busi ness opportunlt y In Portland Is ready for you. C all 275 Ha wt borne ave. REAL ESTATE and fire Insurance business. $4000 insurance premiums; good chance to start In business; price $7u0, which In cludes all office equipment, V oiti, Ore gon inn. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL CO WO ILL, Secretary. FO R SALE A drug store. Invoice about $0500. situated In Eastern Oregon, popul tion of town about 30UO; growing business. Will sacrifice on account of g 01 irk to war. AV 2'M. Oregonian. PARTY with capital desirous becoming as sociated wit h business capable of ex pansion; experienced salesman or office manager. hull particulars in first letter. T 3, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE Old established mail, uassenxer. treight. motorboat route 4-year mall contract ; good paying bus iness; I urnished houseboat. Box 173, Pasco. Wash. WEST SIDE a part ment-house, completely furnished; one of the beat money-makers In city: modern; walking distance; cheap rent and good lease. Deal direct only. No agents. AL .o. Oregonian. Ciiiil) flown town clear store for sale. Owner placed in Class 1. Fixtures $400. Stock now invoices about $loo. but can reduce. Apply Volgan Candy Co.. East 0540. LIVE -meat and grocery store, average $;5f0 monthly. $lau0 for good wlil and fixtures: stock to be Invoiced. A Is 1 r,Eoninn. BA K tl'.Y Only one in town ; 111 clear $twOO per year: fixtures at your own price, w it h terms; stork cash. Uw rent, with lease. AV 2T. Oregonian. FOR PALE The best horseshoeing business in the Whltw Rler Vallt-v; hi voice about S.VWt. Address 41 j Harrison st.. Kent. PARTNKR to drive auto truck, prof t tab Investment: small amount cavh needed all Main f04. 2Q1 Third at. AUTO garage; have opening for active man: extra good profits and small Investment required. Room 403 Dekum bldg. iiOOD country hotel, drrur good hu wines fed barn, mi ore building and garage ; sell or trade. A 2o:. Oregonian. $2-5 BITS slock and fixtures, fine location low rent, located at 201 Third st. I'hone Msin 504. POLLY AND R.CUlwW in (J. S. PM.nl Office AlfT MAC6IK MH.IIT BE FOR MI. HOI KITES, BIT PA rOtl.DT EB IT IT (XIPP . , - ... 1 Bt'MXFM OPTORTl'MTIW. COMPLETE SAWMILL AND LOGOINO EQUIPMENT. 75 M. CIRCULAR mill. in. 4 block car nage, heavy canting sear. Twin engine fed. Friction Higher. Heavy trans fers, live rolls and shifting throughout ; in. gun nl ttr, In. b.i ml ii. Large 11 ser. new. Electric light piant. Blacksmith shop, everything complete. 5 xnila logging road. 56. 4U and 5-'.b. s'.eel. 1 37-ton Climax. 1 42-ton Shay. 14 log trucks, tj donkeys fully equipped Pump; 2500 ft. sky-line, high-lead equipment, kits rope, tools, etc.; com plete movable camp. Will ell complete, or will sell mill or logging equipment separately, or steel and locomotives separately, or will put mil part of the above into operation, taking an Interest of equal value. Prompt action necessary. Please do not Inquire unku you are preparrd to deal and to receive at tention; be spific in your commuaiica tions. U 6Q. oregonian. FoK SALE Physician's office equipment, draperies, carpets, cabinets, etc.. in on of the best and moat conveniently ar ranged offices in the city. Will also con sider of good will of an exclusive prartic to any physician who presents evidence of the proper skill and person -any to handle my patients. leaving city to enter Army November 5. Writs b 83. Oregonian. for Interview. THE best paying e.gar. pool nd soft drink establishment in an Oregon town of 7ooy inhabitants: located In the best business block of the town : stock and fixtures will invoice about $0doo: convincing rea sons for selling will be given on applica tion. Personal Investigation will prove a profitable investment. Address AV ITS. oregonian. FOK SALE AT A BARGAIN. Fmall cafeteria and restaurant, fully equipped, established one ear and doing CJil business: going Into Government ser lee. this quick. First time ever offered for aaUe. W. R. Warner. Roae burg. Oregon. W A NT E D General merchandise aloe k ; have $10,000 ln ome city property and some cash. 207 Stock Exchange bldg.. Portland. ( regon. Foit a QuUk site on account sf steknes. wlU sacrifice wsll-f it ted-up restaurant at Fifth and Washington, fur $."o. 1 n Qutre Portland Restaurant. 0a Fifth st. FOll SALE Complete country creamery except Ice machine: will receive offers for all or part of machinery. Write for ds scrlptlon. It. S. I'fhiner. Taqulna, Or. SPOT cash buyer of all kinds of stocks and merchandise. Win. Grcenberg. ltU becond St., corner Stark. FOR SALE. Best paying barber shop In Oregon. Ap ply or address Lewis stenger. PortlstntL l-i'O COt I- Et. and lunchroom: fine busi ness; 2 people can handle, rent $23. In quire at 441 ieason, cor. 11th. MOTION picture theater, good location, best equipment, netting good returns; sell invoice, SI. oregonian. NEW Tubllc Market Vancouver. Wash now under construction. Choice space for rent, good lease. Jim stock Exchange bldg. FoK bA LE Best business proposition Is city. Phone Columbia ha BuaiDeM Opportunities V anted. WANT to buy garage do. rig a East Side preferred. For .dress AK 7-1. oregonian. good business. interview ad Hotels and Rooming-Heosem. 54 P.oOMS, rem $T3 mo.. $2 7 00. A3 rooms, rent $.n mo.. $ion. 2 5 room a. re n t mo. . 22 rooms, rent $30 mo., $1400 i rooms, rent $ 45 mo.. lt50. 7 rooms, rent is mrv. $22... C. W. M ILl.KRsHIP, ALDER HOTEL. IF YOU WISK TO BUY OR SELL, a Business, Hotel. Rooming or Apartmsai House of any kind, anywhere, sea F. Rlerdon. WATCH OT'R ADS; WE GET RESULTS. HITTER. LOWE AY CO.. 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. THIS IS A REAL HA RCA IN Absolutely one of the best paying pop ular hotels in Portland, making big money. In lea you have S12.000 rash do not an swer. This la an A-l proposition for an A-l hotel man. H; 5.io, oregonian. W HO wants an absolutely clean. 12 -room light H. K. place 7 Low rent, good lo cation, always full. c.olng to France, so ro reasonable offer refused. 173 S North 21st st. MARY E. LENT. H TEL APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER -.1-4 r . . ma. n. 11 l.Lnj. FoK bent bargain In rooming or apartment- nouses see members or the Realty Uoard. lates ueaity Co.. 4'J 4tn IL 13 HOUSEKEKPlN rooms for salo; Utod- era. W eat side; no agenL V 1 12. Ore gonian. 12 ROOMS. furmsbed for light house kep le. 1SS 13th st. Ing, for si 11 ROOMS, clearing $33 month, price $.d0. Rent reasonable. 30b Main St. Close In. BPFC1AL NOTICF-S. IrotowaIs Invited. IN THE Llirt Court of the United ii tales for ths DinUrlet of Oregon : In the matter of John Peterson, bank rupt: REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids fnr the fol lowing stork of merchandise and fixtures, formerly the property of the above-named bankrupt, located at 1333 Kranklin ave nue, Astoria, Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon tit the tith dsv of November. 191 S. at my offices. 740-74 Morgan building. Portland. Oregon : Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise, consisting principally of men's f urnisuiiigs. notions, clothing, shoes, rubber goods, bata and caps, tobacco, cigars, ete.. of the Inventoried value of . $2,104 20 Store f iz t urea pertaining to the above, of the inventoried value of S 873 M Total $2.4h OS The h'ghest bid received will be accept ed, subtuct to the approval of the court. AM bids bust be accompanied bv cer tified check for H per cent of tha amount Offered. Inventory of the above stork and fix tures may be seen at my office and at 3 313 Franklin ave.. Astoria, Oregon, at w hich latter place the property may be In spected. R. L. SARIN. Receiver. l I see 1 iMneous. PRi (RATE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County In the matter of the estate of Simon it. B:trker, deceased Notlco is hereby given th.it the undersigned has been aptnted admin istratrix of the above entitled estate by the auove emitted court ana hws qual ified as surh. All persons having rinim against said estate axe notified to present the same to me at the oirice or itauer Creene aV MrCurtaln. room Henry building. Portland. or with proper vouch ers and duly verified, within six month from t he data of tha first publication hereof. 1 Kited and first published. November 2. 1 !!!. ANNA I- BARKER. Admin Is tratrix of ths Estate of Simon R. Parker. deceased. BAUER. CREENE Mc"T"RTATN. Attorneys for A d m 1 n 1st rat ix. L W TZ poRTER. wTTi not be responsible for sny debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. A. 1 Porter, on or after this date. I Signed ) W. L. Porter. IOST AND FOOD. LOST Small Bible on Alberta car. Friday evcnl-na Phone Main 3M. A small garnet pin, srd. Phone East 1 3.0. silver setting. LOST 32 potlce : o t a t ion : Llatine Hill; return H. 1. Coulter. LOST Saturday, umbrella handle: li be ralre w a rd . with long ivorv Phone Sil. 24. i. HER PALS I OST AMI FOl !t THE fo::olng rtn.'.s have Ufn f.un.l on car of tu Portland Hallway. Lirht & Power Co.. Ovt. 31. 1H1S; 2 purses. 1 p!n. - pairs g:o es. 2 pa r g:&ases. I gN e. 1 knitting nee!:e. 1 book. 1 bottle med. nr. 1 shirt. A packages. 5 lunch tox,er. 2 trav eling bass. 1 milk can. 13 utnbrp.B Owners may obtain property at First and A ;'itT-:t nation. Lost A irge cameo pin Thursdnr evening on the West Side of river. ill finder fesse lease return to me. a It Is a f ami y om ? Reward will re civmi for same. 'all Woodlawm 67 after 1'. M. WILL priv who found grea a. k umbrella and ruboers in owl drug store lavatory Thursday 1. M p. ease ca.1 Aia.-sha.l i52. Rea ard. LlST On Ielmont St.. or between Bel mont and Sandy bird., automobile starting crank. Return to 31K Belmont. Pnone East S.tit. FoUN !" In pasture at Burl.nglon. 1 b.a k. 1 dark-brown yearling steer, mith horns, no marks or brands. i(ct. 5. Owner report at once. Main M7'.. Portland. LOsT Sma I : b'.a-k. memo, book c r ad 5410. dresses and amounts. Phona Tabor Reward. LOST White fsrnale hog. 0 U 3L W as turned out bv Halloween gang. Finder p. ease not.fy OO20 t.d st PA RT Y who took robes from auto Thurs day night at 12th and Davis are known. To avoid trouble return to same address. LOST By Oregonian paper carrier in Mon taxilla. disi.. a s:nall purse containing $7. Phne Tabor t'U. LoT Early October 20. bun.-h of kes with T. P. A. tag. Stark sad W ashing: on. Re turn to SM Stark. Reward. LOST- currency, between Y. M. C. ind 21 at and Main. Leave with manager . M C. A. cafeteria. Reward. Lost Purse, ad ami Yamhill, chain hmi. present from a dead friend In Belgium. Tabor ;1V ' LOST Carved sardonyx man s ring, pe culiar mounting. Livingston. Mara. rS34. Itewsrd. Lt T nxall patent leather pure. ronta ing $ls and some eents snd reentry ceipt with my rams. Reward. Mr. 2. LOST Between Oak and Wash., on Fifth, about 11 3. a cameo brooch. FlnOer please call Mar. and re-e.e reward. FINANCIAL. CASK PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDS. ANY ISPUK. ANY AMOUNT. WE FAY MARKET. Tl.LS ACCRUED INTEREST. WK LOAN PO ON LIBERTY BONDS OR WILL LOAN TOP THE MONEY TO COMPLETE YOUR PAYMENTS. ELWOOD WILE3 CO., 2S1 r S NATIONAL BANK BLDO. OPEN (SATURDAY UNTIL ft P. M. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Fully or partly paid bonoa bought for spot cash. bell direct to licensed brokers. Get market cash va lue. Any denomination bought. $ .". 0. $100. $ 3O0. $ 1 OO . Business strict. y confident. al; private ff.ee for Udies. WESTERN M'OCK BOND CO.. Licensed Hrokerm. Hours 9 to 6 P. M. bulla 01 4 Mo:cn H-d liroadway and Washington St. LIBERTY Ht.NDS nntT.HT AND FOLD. Remittance matted out-of-town severs day bonds are received. A -so buy your partly paid bond contracts. Money loaned on bonds. Rea,l entate mortgages and other high -class securities for conservai.v in vestors a specialty. Northwestern trust company. 2 2 Wi.coi Itldg.. 6th and Washington. BONDS BOUGHT. Ppot cash, also casb for psyments made, Cnrr.s to 723 Casco bldg.. 3th and Alder, or mail bonds o us; we remit return mail. CK LLA RS- M U RT' N CO. I". S, LI li E RT Y HON I S. New York mrkr price p..id less small brokerage; open u.l h I. M. DONALD MACLEoi. 1O02 Spalding ludg. Third and Wash, LIBERTY HONl contracts boufchl. W will buy our equity in our llterty ootid con tract If you havs contracted to buy a bond s nd isn't nk.ee 1 1 he pay ment a See ua Howell at Davis. 401 Board of Trade bldg. $2tH).000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loar.a. lowest ries. w . . rieca, .i-.tu Kal.tr.g bldg. Phone Main 3407. CASH MARKET VALUE FOR LIBERTY BONDS. ti. L. Ul K1U.V Sfl snerioca bldg , Sd St.. cor. oaa. Open Sat, eve. FoR SALE Weil secured 7 per cent Install ment second mortgage $12. i;Derai nis rount. Marshsll 411d. U. H. LIBERTY BONDS. Will Pay Cash Value. John D. Wilcox 41B Plttock Block. CASH 1'AIO FOR LIBERTY PONDS. OPEN PA1LI L.M1L L JU. 274 STARK INVESTMENTS. loans. notes, F. If. Lewis. 303 Lewis bidg.. Money to I .own oa Heal Fata I e. alORTC.AtiE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IV OREtiON. WAS HIS tJTON AND IDAHO; I.UNU TIME IK IES1RED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER, CURRENT BATES. NO COMMISSION. W M. Mae M ASTER. 331 U. H. NATIONAL BANK HLIXi.. i'OKTLAN'D. FARM LOANS. Insuranrs company money to loan at lowest current rates on Wi..ametts Valley farms. No commission. No dc.as. DEVEREAUX MoRTiAUE COM PANT. 7 Sixth St.. I'oriland. or. mort:ac,e loans. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying pr.vilegea. A. 11. R1KRELL t'O.. 217 Northwestern iiank ICdg. Marshall 4114. A 411" ,, MuSHXi la years to repwy iu easy in stall men t s. ful.y protected by life insur ance in tquitaibbj Life, of N. T. ; no com mission. tce Mr. Strong. E4dl labia offices, Oregonian bldg. MORTiJAOE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 PES CENT. PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. U NlON A BSTH A CT CO, Corbelt Bldg. Luu, $40. $3iU, $7 3d, $ 1 UW snd up at low cat interest rates; lllcrj repayment pnv l.egea. no ds.ay. (iuHlKJN IN VESTMENT Ci.. 31 Chainoer of c'ommerca. PRIVATE money to loan on Improved prop erty: city or farm: no delay; quirk action; strictly private. W. li. Hurley. Irving a:.. Marshall 2'.trt3. MOHIV.Atikl 1 oa n s, city property. G and 7 per cent. O. A. Neal. &il Unamber of t'ommer'. $3uu. $0O. e3u0, $TJO. $1004 and up al lowest rates, quick action. Fred W'. Ger man Co.. 732 Uh. of Com. Main H 43. $3oO.-$ltK4 AND upward on Improved real estata. favoiabls terms, no de.a ; no brok erage. John Bain. 0U7 Sralding b.rlg. $iUd 1 0 $10.KM) TO LOAN. SION. P. O. BOX 173. NO Cuallb- MONEY TO LOAN on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 7Q4 Spalding bldg LuA.Vj on city and fa nn property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 42 Cham, of '"om. bEE US ToDAV; 1 r s ri a. any amount, CELLARS-Ml RTON CO.. 725 i.mro 6-7e. bldg. SI Mi to loan from $ ifn up on resl estate. I'.eo. H. Thomas. 27 Oak St.. room 2.- $300 TO $2UOO proved real est ithout commission. Ins Le.Tabor 34"2- Main 37.,2. ITERRETT, II4MHU Money t) I mmm Real Fatal. $..'24 per mon!h for $4 months, or $.'1 p r niornh for 00 moQths. or li 17 frr Wo tnoniha pays a $iUO0 l'ia and Interest. 0"hf r a:uoun:s in proportion. We loan on improved city property No foimiMlon charged. kgi'lTAdLK SAVINGS 4V LOAN AS7C 242 Stars. St. Ibrtland. Or. OUR tns-.a.lment plan la ths best and surest method of paying a loan. frEE t'KEoOX 1NV. A MORTuAGB CO 222 Chamber of Commtht. 4lh and Stars atORTGAGE LANST AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON A Co.. 44H Setting bid. Moaej la rnaltels and Aalarte. bALAHV LO A N a. CUATIKU " W E Lo AN MONEY a short ootlcs to salaried or working men 00 their own notca Weekly, semi month. y or monthly payments. feaca transaction stru-.iy conf iaeoi iaL NO MORTGAGES No I S DORSKH. ABsoLl.' T KLT NO SECL R1TY w Ki4 ion on nous boid X urnlturw. s. etc. without removal CALL AM) lWw-riA-s. Pia .w.t,aBia li,t v ' v r lick vs k t COMPANY. tin hailing Building. PORTLAND BTMKpTAL LOAM ASTX i4 Stark St. Established by Portland business amea atyers Herrman. afa-r ians mivi un house i(,ti furnltara, si. anus, diaiuvods and jeweiry. 1-1 . CHATTELS. mads to Persons ca sa.ary or income . on house ho. d furniture, pi d -,ni-n! nd iiir personal prop er.? . legal rn;ea. Bjsmeas roi,f tden t al. Private office. 1 oik ALAND Lo.VN t'O. Licensed.! ut.-.iOT ln-kum B dg alo.NEl rles. l.on on on ac:h.ng of alua. legal ariiccs he.d one year. 1'aoama Le. S4 Th rd. near lak n on u D.tn Ma Aiikonas, jewe.ry; ;egal d 1 ra r. establlshsd X. 2 J W ASh.ngton. rjlrs. a ! s nee 1 Laa-a asitrSL wan )ojr nionrjr. lo Per ent interest, oa liuprved ivrt.md rxal estate; we caa p .4tt mini of H..y up. ; : a rs-M urton to, - ' o b.dg.. E. cor. iih and AMr. A I'Al.n woui.l like to borrow $.'0lK for 1 monu.s; wi.mg -.o pay 10 per ccr.t luu T -. ' : e g o n i FOR SALK Won secured 7 pee cent Instal ment second niongage $l--i. literal dia--- u n t. Marshall s 1 1 tL WAN Tr-tV $7.V; H-rvom Last Md rrai-o-ire. iot lwtlw; f -reL Dutlma-u, Maja $o or. frrii. lake :rty bonds and pay $.tMi on I'Vmh) West sile Residence r' 1 ' H A M I KU OK COM MF.lU K Ul, DX. bb:ru ,KK",oN inv. mo!toa"ck C 7 - - - Chamber of Commerce. 4ih and Starts, rKRSONAL MSliKTII ii SANITARIUM. Nervous, chronic and rheuinaUc cass; most modern uu pruent in the Northwvst. Kiectric liKht. ivuoi baa oven and st. nwr baths and paiki. A.l forms of modern s.ectnc cursil appliances. Propnylat.s omnastlcs and maseage. Caloric sstem tf diet, I a items out. le may receive trea mema Uai.y. No aurer. M..k and real r ure. DiC AND M HS. MSBKTH IN CHARGE Kit" ALL TJir.A TMEN TS. 1 Lovc.toy s:.. li;h and 20th. BROADWA Y 1S46. hair iitis. Lowest prices. 0-incn wavy switch. 3 sep $1.41 All-around trausfurmatlon I 4i lla:rdren.g. shsmpoing. face tnaaaag. hair to suing, litaik uring, 2-V Hair 1 moved by c.ectric tierd.e. iiRh m-.ie of com bine. Hc. Sanitary par lors, 4v'-4 1 2 1'e.uni D.dg . 3 1 in.l Wash. M 4 : t l7ui. DRINK AND t'siUl hALIT Can tfii4vely l ruNU. guarantee) It khfMjiutely. No bad eltecta Allied at tends 1 ta. pnvatv. ItuiiK'.iMe, plcaaui fur- ruuiidu-a luvvstiattt iur ourvlf or IrifUO. Neal llisiilut. Ptiuos M Address til Krji uey i i'ort.and. WILL Udy that w aiKed ilutn Main street i'h me Aukuki u l w u-vin 1 .r home. lt-4 eeiui m r auurei, i.t one ou g.tc. toiiiing home. i would lie o wine von. j .wi ; i. jjavi. Ir.glewood. al.. -liox 322. TO PREVENT INFLUENZA Build up your rj.eura lemnunttf. M. iriuil il maiupu latloa of the Pooy does Jum mat. Iron side Ins.ltutc. -3-l 1'ltlOf.k biovk. Elec tric cabinet baths and iutNii;. iraduate nurse a.taisisma. . 1'tione Aij o d w ay 3li W ILL lite lady w ho sat talking to the mo tor man on the M t. Scott vr lat Monday even. t-g and offered to make him a mas to wr p.eas answer ti. aud ; She gut off at Ttvmt-nt station. P fH.i. oregunl.t n. $1 W 1 LL get botn your feet fixed un iuoa at Dr. F-aion a. o 4. liiruiod 1st that doesn I hurt you. 3 years Oeit. exaiu. .ice, OiobS 'i heater oidg., 1 X 1 1 aud W aa. Pd,, I its. ifitV t.Njj, 23 years Portends now ned t :li- r of pa, tn .it y anu cr st ai gating, has crysta.s for sa.e. a la a her boo k. "Pa . 111 1st. I y iliJ Eas . J7 J '1 ay ior. TO W H iM IT MAY CoNCEKN 1 w t,l not be res pons 1 ule for any aet:.s con tract cd by my w He. Mrs. .e-.a Ho.t. after ths d ate. T ilQMAS A HOLT FEE VET at HANtUL'T, leading wig snd touoe ma a ft a, 1 meat sum. uud.u bair goous; nairdrvasiag. manicurir g. face a.ud s.alp treatment. oil Aider. Main '4 INSTKUCIloN in the theory ul heal lb, suc c.aa and harmony. MRS. M. U LA MAR. 2a5 6th St. tLtV-'IltiCAI. galvanic, mineral. at earn. in., n-ntif lo nerv , orguic and hlood . circulating ma co-age, lrof. 111 lib. 214 Swetiahd Old. Maui 1P41. Lad y attrndaut- iiEr'oKE SlH'PPlNvJ E LsE W HERE 1 -:.-4 ain's I pstHlrs Sampic Shop, ro; to, k Oi . for suits, coi l s. d : asen. w pe; ; icaa t s. a nd save our do.tars. v.sit iiiAl'UATE fiurse treats lumuago. etc. Hours 2 lo 3 or by ppisnimcni. i'hoos M.in loll, f.at C. iOSad. Dit- El-NA SO It ENS E N", 3PS Panama bidg. i rue less mei hud used tor kllnes, rheu ms t im. c on st l pa I itm. onr-ui tai ion f iee. SL i'Liir l-l oUS nair. mo.es, w by lu - nni1 .c me t nod , t r ;a I f r . , c y, OH ti.cn bltig. M -im 1 its removed . Jullt FiO- KL'KS. Animal scarfs, tap. and collars; remod eling. 1 :iw Fur S; h p. ix'ti Swetland bldg. i tlliivl' L E DA.NlEl.oV sitec.Mi.st. rnaniiunnis. fa 1- , led ner blda. Broadway iup t f.uu us hair .e and s-a .p. bwPHIA IL lioodnou r Fri.. P. sEl 1', spirit uii ad v.aor. 30 bidg. Quest ion meelinfcs Tura, M. Marshall 2.".o.l. Iki.v. M11S. J. i'. S"HOlil. ordained National piritua ' it m nlsler. 13 L. 13th sL. A. Pnone East . bll'tlKKLLulS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Hurvh a niuHU' need e mei hod. Indorsed i,y PhMK,4m '4 Swet.and bldg. LADY baibe a; shuvs 1 ."1 sircut :. ; face cor. t i. M M E ii.4n CiillNKM. ruff. 2-iO F! MAI ANDREW; Tesc;cr. M-iin t 1. .vng East, wou'd . ; it p .".22. Ori'S n 1 n . for khiid or boPSNT Tom. lik or Harry p y ou7 ix iereck. c-oilect ions, kum bldg. l'LKASE communicate -with lona at om 4 V 71. 'r coiiia". .... n ltil.M. formerly ca I d Balm of X-1 1 -'i t.i - 1 vi irnmi Fga K- - TTT7s"vv7m1WABI. f'tU a'-a'P treatmema 4i FlidnT bidg.. IQth nd W shinglon. ii-.iviiV tnlnr to l'hi.aoeipnia or nri . baby Al. 707. t":esom.n