TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TRIDAY, NOVEMI1ER 1, 191S. EXPORT FLOUR SILES L NOT LARGE ENOUGH Northwestern Mills Can't Turn Out Sufficient Feed. OTHER MARKETS CLOSED Government Purchases Should Be HeaTler Than Last Year's to keep Milling Industry Occupied. Contracts for export flour for November shipments have been awarded to mills in the Northwest by the Food Administration. The quantity bought Is practically the same as for October shipment, but represents only About a third of the total amount offered to the Government by the mills. The orders will enable the export mills to continue to run to about 60 per cent of their capacity, a volume of business unsatisfactory to the millers, the wheat farmers and the users Of mill feed. - So far this season Government flour pur chases in the Northwest have averaged only about 350.000 barrels a month as against BOO. 000 barrels a month bought by the milling division of the Administration last year. A year ago the mills not only had large Government orders, but also enjoyed Rood markets In South and Centra) Amer ica and made large shipments to the South eastern states. This season they are shut out of those markets- and the only outlet for their flour is the reduced Government business and the Small trade available in local territory. They are hoping the Gov ernment will be more liberal In Its orders during the remainder of the Winter, but there is no assurance that such will be the case. If the milling business continues as it has in the past fir months the supply of millfeed will remain inadequate. The following bulletins to millers have been issued by M. H. Houscr. zonal agent of the cereal division ot the Food Admin istration: "Inquiries are being received from millers as to whether they may use the actual cost of cotton sacks rather than the current cost. Attention of millers is called to rule M. S. 12, which includes the following: " "In arriving at the per barrel package cost for the purpose of rule M. S. 11, the licensee shall use the current cost of two US-pound cotton sacks of standard slse and grade as quoted for lots of 1000 bags, plus any freight or transportation charges.' "The current cost for the above purpose is construed to mean prices quoted for im mediate delivery. Under the above rule mills Were permitted to charge more than actual cost where prices of sacks had advanced, and after careful consideration it has been ruled as only fair that in case of decline in the market mills should follow the same rule and use the current price as quoted for im mediate delivery. "Notes to rule M. S. 14, 21 and 22 read: Cartage: No charge for cartage or trucking on flour or feed to station or dock at town where mill is located may be made.' "Will you please change the above notes by strik ing out the words 'or feed'? Under the above change it will be permissible to charge cartage on feed to station or dock at town where mill is located but not on flour." LOCAL APPLE STOCKS NOT LARGE Market Is Steady on All Grades Shipments of Fair Volume. A car of Washington apples was included in yesterday's local receipts. Supplies on the .street were not overly heavy and with a good demand the market was steady. Extra fancy Spltsenbergs, Jonathans. Wlnesaps and Ortleys were quoted at $2.40:, fancy at 22.S3 and C grade at S1.90?2. Or dinary cooking apples moved at 1.251.50. Oregon apple shipments were: October 29 One car each to Klmira, The Dalles. Sacra mento, Laredo,- Washington, Columbus and Hoston; 2 cars each to Leroy, Suspension .Bridge and Portland; 3 to Chicago; 7 to New York. October 30 1 car each to Phila delphia, Laredo, Sacramento, Plymouth, Co lumbus, Bison, Norfolk, Clinton, Bridgeport, San Francisco, Leroy, Boston. Catheryn, Fargo, Billings, Denver, Medford, Houston, Lincoln and St. Louis; 2 cars each to Kl mira and Suspension Bridge; 3 each to Los Angeles and Portland; 5 to Chicago; 9 to Now York. Canned stock The Dalles 2, East Portland 1. The eastern apple markets were nearly steady. Leading varieties. As 2",4-inch, ruled 4.00 per barrel f. o. b. Rochester, N. Y. ; New York Baldwins. As X-inch. In con suming markets ranged mostly $4.505.50, reaching $5.50 f$ 7 in a few markets distant from producing sections; Virginia Y'orks held at J4.35 f. o. b. Winchester and ranged $4.505.00 in distributing markets. Northwestern extra fancy boxed Jonathans strengthened In a few markets with general ranga of $.13.35; Colorado extra fancy boxed Jonathans ruled firm at $3 in Den ver. Shipments were generally moderate, but heavier from New Y'ork state. OATS BrDS RAISED BALI' DOLLAR Corn Is Lower on Local Board, Though Higher In East. Although corn averaged higher In the East bids on the local exchange, were about SO cents lower on yellow and mixed. Bulk and sacked oats offers were 60 cents higher. Barley was unchanged. Weather conditions in the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Dulth, clear. SO: Winnipeg, cloudy, 30; Minneapolis, cloudy, light snow, 30; Chicago, cleudy, cool; St. Louis, clear, 45; Kansas City, cloudy, 47; Topeka, clear, 34; Omaha, cloudy, 45. Fore cast: Generally fatr tonight and Friday with frost tonight la Illinois, Missouri and Wis consin." The Winter wheat acreage this year la estimated at about 48.0l0.000 acres. The area seeded last year was 42,170.000 acres and the acreage harvested 86.392,000. The Imperial Valley is making small ship ments of Egyptian corn to San Francisco. The grain shows mors or less damage by rain. Terminal receipts in ears wers reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: ., M Wheat.Barley.Flour.Oats.Hay. Portland, Thar. 29 6 5 Ye. r ago l7 1 4 5 7 Reason to date. 4318 453 6f2 4.14 1871 Year ago ...... 2J.'S 83 312 643 727 Tacoma, W ed. . 0;; ... Year ago 55 ... " "j ? Season to date. 2rt, 17 97 07 Year ago 2004 2 ... 120 751 Seattle. Wed... S ... 2 2 4 Year ago 28 6 8 8 Season to date. 26112 40 B4S Sl lino Year ago 1753 PS 65 606 1760 CUBE BUTTER IS HARD TO BELL Another Car of Eastern Eggs Coming. Dressed Meats Weak. Handlers of country creamery butter find It difficult to make sales to local cream eries. Extras were offered yesterday at 58 swats with few takers. Other cubs sales were made at SB and 55 cents. Prints were Unchanged. The egg market was firm and unchanged. Another car of fresh Eastern stock is com ing. , There was a fair demand for poultry and prices were steady. Heavy hens sold at L'SffiSH cents and light hens at 2526 cents. The best live turkeys brought 31 and 32 cents. Dressed meats wers slow and weak with 18 cents the top on veal and 21H cents on light hogs. J TWO CARS OF LEMONS RECEIVED Price Remains High as Demand la Strong;. Potatoes Easier In East. Two cars of lemons were received yester day and they were quoted firm St $10.25 11.30 a Box. A car of Florida grapefruit arrived and was put on sale at $7.50 6 9. ac cording to size. Another car of Ladyfinger grapes came in from California and they sold fairly well at 8 10 cents a pound. Local grapes are still being received. The potato market was steady at $1.002 for the best Oregon Burbanks and Y'akima Netted Gems with ordinary grade going at $1.751.85. Two cars of Washington potatoes arrived. Idaho Falls quoted 10 cents lower at $1.5 cash track and the East ern potato markets were steady to weaker. There was no important change in the onion situation. Oregons were held at $2 1? 2.23 and California at $1.75 2. Markets throughout the country were firm Cabbage was steady with Oregon stock jobbing at $2 per hundred crated. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland. ..! $,547.17B $2,101,477 Seattle 6,L'5.575 1.D20.57S Tacoma 777.001 23.45 Spokane 1.831,062 455,740 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Hour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: November - Bid. No. 2 white feed oats. .............. .$."3.50 Standard feed barley 4R.00 Standaid "A" barley 49.50 Eastern oats and corn in bulk No. 3 white oats 46.50 38-pound white clipped oats ........ 48.50 No. 3 yellow corn ....... ....... &5.00 No. 3 mixed corn 54.00 December delivery No. 2 oats S3. 00 Feed barley 48.00 "A" barley 40.00 No. 3 oats 40.5O Clipped oats 48.50 Yellow corn 55.00 Mixed corn 53. 0O WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bushel. KI.OUR Family flour, $11.05iall.20 per barrel; whole wheat, $101, 10.30; Kraham, $0.S0 10.25; barley flour, in.50ei:l: rye tlour, $11.75rl3.00; corn flour, $12i 12.40: corn meal, $1111.80; oat flour, $11.2041 11.40. MILLFEED Mill run. soft wheat grades, f. o. b. mill, carlots. $32.10 per ton: mixed cars, $32.60; ton lots or over. $34.10; lees than tons, $35.10; rolled barley, $55"r51t; rolled oals, $U1;5; ground barley, W0; alfalfa meal. $40(t44. TORS Whole, $73rd77: cracked. $75!S7!. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy, $30ff33 per Inn; Valley timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa. $28; Valley grain hay, $20; clover, $27; straw, $10. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, r.n? 60c: prints, extras, box lots, 60 fz 63c ; cartons, box lots, Hlfr64c; half boxes, 4c more; less than half boxes, 1r more; butterfat, No. 1, iXl'fp 67c per pound, delivered, Portland. EGGS Orecott ranch, candled, roti and cracks out, 6-"c ; nclects, C7c dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, G6c ; Younp Americas, 37c; Coos and Curry County: Triplets, t. o. b. Myrtle Point, yrc POULTRY Hens. 25 fJs 28 c : Spring-. 27 f? SOc ; roos ters, 1 Sc ; ducks, 27 you ; geese, XI c : turkeys, live, SO :2c. VEAL Fancy, 1 Rc, per pound. PORK Fancy, 21S21H-c per pound. fruits and Vegetables. T-ocal .lobbing1 quotations: FRUITS Oranges. Valencia 1212.rn; lemons, $ 10.25 i?r 1 1.50 box; bananns. per pound; grapefruit, $7..r.0ir"J: applns J. 25 fc 3.2". per box ; pears. $2.00 6i 2.2. per box; casabas, SVc per pound: gripes, 7iilOc per pound; quinces. $1.50 per box; cranber ries, $ 1 2 per barrel. VEGETABLES Tomatoes. fOc$2.oa per box; cabbage, $2 per 300- pounds; lettuce, $2ifi'2.50 per crate; peppers, 7c per pound: beans, 6f7c per pound; celery, soc per doz.; eceplant, 10c per pound; arti chokes, 1.40 per dozen ; cauliflower, $2.2-" per doz.; garlic, 17Vc per pound; pump kins, 2,sc per pound; squash. 2c per pound: m beejs, $2.50 per sack; carrots. $1.7."'5 2 per sack; turnips, $1,7512 per sack. POTATOES Oresron. $1.75 ff 2- per hun dred : Yakimas, $1.755r 2 ; sweets, 4 V 4 4 c. ONIONS Oregon, $2.002.25; California browns and buckskins. $1.752. Hides and re I Is. HIDES No. 1 salted, 30 pounds and up, 14c; No. 2 salted, 30 pounds and up, 13c: No. 1 green, 30 pounds and up. 11c : No. 2 green, 30 pounds and up, 10c; Xo. 1 salted bulls, T.O pounds and tip, 31c; No. 2 salted bulls, 50 pounds anil up, 30c; No. 1 green bulls, .r0 pounds and up, l'r; No. 2 green bulls, 50 pounds and up, Sc; No 1 gren or salted calf skins up to 15 pounds, 2Ic; No. 2 green or rm Ited calf skins up to 1 5 pounds. 27 'fee; No. 1 gren or salted kip skins, IS to .'to pounds, 15r; No. 2 gren or salted kip skins, 15 to 30 pounds, loe: dry flint hides. 7 pounds and up, 2Rc; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds, 3c ; dry salt hides, 7 pounds and up, 22c ; dry salt calf, under 7 pounds, 32c; dry cuil hides or calf, half price; dry stags or bulls, 38c; dry salt stags or bulls, 12c. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound 40c; dry short-wool pelts. , pr pound, 2H fWSOc; salted long-wool lamb pelts, each, $2.50&3.6O; salted long-wool lieep - pelts, each, $2a; dry sheep shearlings, each 25 fit 50c ; called sheep shearlings, each 00 '& 75c. Staple C. roc erics. TjocsI .lobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis : Fruit and bcrrv, $0.05; beet, $!t.25; extra C, $'..l.V, powdered, in barrels, $10.20; cubes. In barrels, $10.45. NUTS "Walnuts, SOc; Brazil nuts. 31c; filberts, 25c; almonds, 25fi30c; peanuts, 2lc SALT Half-ground, JOOs, $15. OO per ton; 50s. $17.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton. RTCE Unbroken, 1 ft V 6i ' J 1 !4 per pound. KEANS Jobbing prices: "White, 31 & 13in: colored, 84 sRc COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 1725c. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All slues, choice, 3803; stand ard, 37 37 e ; skinned, none ; picnic, 26c; cottage roll, 36c. LARD Tierce basis, standard pare, 20c; compound, 23c. BACON Fancy, 50 52c; standard. 47 00c; choice. 3fif44c. DRT SALT Short, clear backs, 30 30c; exports, 29 -32c. Hides and Pelts. PELTS Dry long-wool .pelts, per pound, 40c; dry short -wool pelts, per pound, 25 0 30c; salted long-wool lamb pelts, each, $2.54 3.60; salted sheep pelts, each, $263; dry sheep shearlings, each, 25 SOc; salted aheea shearlings each, B0 75c. Hops, Wool, Mohair, Etc. HOPS Oregon, 1018 crop, 20c per pound. WOOL Oregon, 365? 71c per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, 62c; short staple, 42c : burry, 30c CASCARA BARK New and old, 33 c per pound. TALLOW Xo. 1, 33c per pound; "o. 2, 12c per pound; grease, Xo. 1, 10c; No. 2, 9c per pound. Oils. GASOLTN1D Bulk, 21c: engine distillate, bulk. 12c: kerosene, bulk. 30c; cases, 20c LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, $1.9,1; cases, $2.03; boiled, barrels, $1.95; cases. $2.05 TURPENTINE In tanks. 4c; cases, 94c. SAN FRANCISCO PRODlT(: MABREt Price Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit. Ktc. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31. Butter, 588 61 c. Bggs Fresh extraa, 88c; fresh extra puMets, 790. Cheese New firsts, 8lc; California Tonne Americas, not quoted. Poultry' Large hens,. 363Sc; young roosters. 35 Cj 36c ; fryers. 35 r 36c ; broilers, 4Sc; geese. 25c; pigeons, $2.50; squabs, $3.50 4: turkeys, live. 34 36c. Vegetables Eggplant, 85c?$1.15; bell peppers, 75c Q $1 ; chili. 7," 90c; tomatoes $1.251.50; lettuce, 75cS'$l; celery. 15 20c; potatoes, rivers, $1.75 02.35; sweets, 94c: onions, Australian brown, $r 10 1.25 ; yellow. $1.75 & 2.00; garlic. 15$ lfto ; cauliflower. 25940c; beets. 75e.$1.00; car rots. 7fcI$1.00; turnips, 75c0$1.00; rhu barb. 90c$l; cabbage, leic; arti chokes. $3.00; cucumbers. 9ic$l.25: string beans. S 6 9c ; lima beans, 7 & 9c : okra, 10 1 2c per pound : Summer squash. 90c C$1 Hubbard. 75?0c. Fruit Cantaloupes, TurlocJc, Sl.OOiffl.T3: watermelons, nominal; casabas, $11.50 per dox. ; honeydew melons. $1.50 1.75; lemons. $9.50$' 10; grapefruit. $3.506; oranges, Va lencia, $12 50 13: bananas, 78c; pineap ples, $55.50; apples. Bellefleur, 11.2511.50; Spltzenbergs, $1.75 2.25 ; Newtown Pippins. $1.6o4f 1.75; pears. Russets, $1 1 25; Bart letts. 2 50 3: figs, white, "r.cttH; black. 90c $1.15; plums, nominal : grapes. Tokays, Malagas. $1,2541.75; Muscats. $l.fof. 2: Isa bel ia. $1 & 1.25: persimmons, $1.25 1.50; cranberries. 10!l2c; quinces. 90c$1.15. Receipts Flour, 196S quarters; barley, 23.275 centals; beans. 9522 sacks: potatoes, 2219 sacks: onions, 1650 sacks; hay, 30 tons; hides. 2109; wine 108.410 gallons. Hops, fctc, at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. Hops, firm- Pa cific Coast, 1919, 21 25c; 1917. iavc. Lard, strong; Middle "Western, 26 950 27.05c. Other articles unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Oct. 81. Evaporated apples, nominal; prunes, scarce; peaches, nominal. PRICES AT TH5 STEADY ONLY HALF DOZEN LOADS OF STOCK RECEIVED FOR DAY. Cattle Offered Are Mainly of Poor Quality Choice Cows and Heifers Quarter Ixwer. Only half a dozen loads of stock were re ceived at North Portland yesterday and the market was a rather quiet affair. The, tone of the market on the whole was steady. Odd lots, for the most, part of poor quality, com prised the cattle sales. The top quotation on choice cows and heifers fs now $3.25. The bulk of the cog sale were at $17.1017.23. Receipts were 50 cattle, 631 hops and 5 sheep. Shippers were: With hoga Curford Bros., Oervals, 1 load: J. I. Creeth. Redmond. 1 load; D. Bursell, Medford, 1 load; S. L. Overton, Brownsville, 1 load. With cattle M. J. Kerkes, Eagle Creek, 1 load. With mixed loads Q. "W. Eyre. Salem. 1 load cartie, hogs and sheep. The day's Sales were as follows: Wt. Price. Wt. Price. 2 steers... 4O0 $.50 2 steers f)0 $7.oo 1 steer 70 fl.OOJ 7 steers. .. .954 9.0O 4 steers. B.onj 3 steer 410 H.oo 3 heifer. . ,ftM B.ooj a steers .... fiftO 50 6 heifers. .500 6.T.O 9 steers .... 73 1 8.00 5 cows. .. .97 R.OO) 1 cow 700 (V'0 2 cows 7;o 6. Mi 2 cows sni 4 no 1 cow RIO 4.0O 4 cows 70O i..r,0 3 cows K30 3.501 x row 80 4 75 7 cows.... 625 li.Qft 1 cow 90 7. 00 1 calf 3lt 30 00 7 cows !0 7 50 111 hogs.. ..!(.." 17in! 2 calves in 6.r0 25 hops 1 HO 3H.00f 1 calf SIO 0.00 M hojcs.. ..205 17.001 1 calf . . . .3F.0 50 22 hogs. ...225 37.251 1 calf 9.50 9 lings... .220 15.10! 1 calf 30 30. OO 17 hoBS....lfl 14.50 CO hoes 2'C, 37.10 2 steers. . .725 0.00 J3 hos 11 35.25 2 steers.. 1205 ll.OOf 63 hoKS 220 17.25 Prices current at the local yards are as f ol Iowh : Cattle prr-i Prime steers $!2.oo&12r.n Jood to choico steers lUOott 12.o Medium to good steers .Ttfi 11.00 Kair to medium steers........ v2."4r 9.25 ('ornnion to fair steers 5.75 H.'jTt Choice cows and heifers 8no4e 8.5 Med. to good cows and heifers.. ;.ftOit 7.25 Fatr to md. cows and heifers.. fi.oti 6.00 Canners r..on 4 on Bulls n.OOtr 7.00 -'a.lves 9.0uj 12.00 Hogs Prime mixed 17.10-17.35 Medium mixed ir. s.' 17jm Rough heavies '. 15.00 vr 1 5. l o I'" 34.00tr 15.00 Sheei) Prime lambs 31.0012.00 Fair to medium lambs ........ ft. 00 ft o.on Yearlings 10 OO 11. no Wethers 9. 00 tr IO.OO Ewes 6:50? U.OO ORIGIN' OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Lending Markets of the Pacific Northwfftt. State origins of livestock loaded October 30, 1918: Cattle. IIorses.Mlxed Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Muies.btock. For Portland Idaho............. .... 2 .... .... Oregon 1 5 3 Ttls. Portland On week ago.. Four weeks ago On year ago... For Seat tie Oreiron ........ Washington ... 1 5 15 8 4 a 7 1 2 11 Totals Seattle 37 2 One wk ago.. 1.1 1 Four wrkt ago 9 7 One year ago... 18 2 For Spokane Idaho 4 Washington ... 3 2 Ttls. Fpokane. 3 . .fl Op week ago... 5 2 Four weeks S RO A 4 One year ago.. . 9 .... 12 4 Chicago Mresimk Market. CIIICAOO. Oct. SI. Hogs Receipts 45. 0no, market fairly art to-e, mostly '3 5 to 25 centa lower than yesterday's average: two loads of prime heavy butchers $1H.45. Practi cal top $l.:tO; butchers. $l7.90-vi 1.45; light $17.5n-1ft..vi; packing $10.75 175; roujeh $ 1 0.00 fr l fi. 50 ; pigs, good to choice $14.75 f' 16.00. Cattle Receipts 25,000. market openin very slow; newt sterrs steady, others mostly 25 cents lower. Butcher stork, 30 to 35 ents lower. Calves steady. Tef rattle, good, choice snd prime $15.75 f $19.75; common and medium $9.75 15 75; butcher slock cows and h-ifers $ti.S5 di 1 4.00; canners and cutters $5.90-iS5; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy $10,25 4? 1 2.75; infe rior, common and medium $7.50 fir .0.2.1; veal calves, good and choice $ 1 rt.no 16.50; west ern range ref steera $11.00& 17.50; cows and heifers $s. ir,a 12.75. Sheep Receipts 34.000, lamb and year lings steady to stong. Sheep steady. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Oct. 81. Hogs' Rocipt K0OO steady to 15r25c lower. Heavy $ I 7.0O 'ft 1 7.75 ; mixed $17.20?' 17.50; licht $ 1 7 :t0i 17 50 ' pigH $15.00& 17. OO; bulk $17.40 17.ftO. Cattle Receipts 7000. steady. Native steers $1 0. 50 3 ; cows and heifers $7.00fipil.50; western steers $9.25& Hi. 25; Texas steers 8.50 11.50; rows nd heifers $6.75'Vi 11.00; canners $5.75 fij $5. 75 ; ntockers and feeders $H.50?ria.50: calves $M.O0313 50 bulls, stags, etc., $. 009.00. Sheop Itcceipts 40O0. steady. Culls $4.r.Off.T.no; wntiavt $10.0011.00: ewea $ . .35 (fp 9..!5 ; feed- lam bs 1 1 an fr 1 4 75 iambs $13.00gie.4O; yearlings $i0.i0lll25. Seattle Livestock Market, SEATTLE, Oct. 31. Hogs Receipts. 7S; market stronger. Prime lights. $li.C0-fr $17.75; medium to choice. $17.25-17 50; medium heavy, $16.2510.75; rough, $15 25 if 15.75. Cattle Receipts. 2; market steady. Best steers. $11.0013.00; medium to choice, $10.501LOO- medium to good, $S.OOh, S.BO; medium. $7.0oi 7.50; bulls, $5.0043-7.50 calves, $5.0010.00. MATERIAL 0A1N5 SCORED WALl-STREET STOCKS MAKE SUBSTANTIAL RECOVERY. Highly Favorable War News and Relaxation of Credits Lead to Improvement In List. NEW TORK. Oct. 81. Monetary condi tions lost much of th.Jr advers. influence today, probably as a result of informal as surances that th local loan situation is now under control, and partly because of foreign advices which pointed more irresistibly to the dissolution of the central powers. Trading- In stocks wss acttv. during the morning, when prices declined, but became more moderate later on in the general ad vance. In which early losses were largely replaced by many material gains. Leaders In the recovery Included oils, ship pings, coppers, rails, tobaccos and various specialties. United States Bteel was forced to a new low level for the current movement In the forenoon, but was among the first of the popular Issues to rebound, rallying 1 points and closing at a large fractional gain. War shares also hardened. Baldwin Loco motive. American Car and some of the less prominent equipments gaining 1 to almost 4 points on reports that the Government's cancellation programme will be offset by further Contracts for new railway supplies Southern Pacific and I'nlon Pacific St Paul preferred. New-York Central and Read ing led the rails in advances ol 1 to 24 points, easing slightly at the end. Sales amounted to 625.0UO snares. Liberty bonds and Internationals were steady, bat railroad Issues varied slightly on lighter offerings. Total sales, par value ag gregated s.5U.OOO. Old United States bonus were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. I-ant High. Low. Sale. Sales. Am Beet Sugar. t.iiu American Can.. Am far ft Fdry American Loco. 4,!MiO .:;m e.- U B4-, 1 '. 1US4. 14 ca'a lo? &.-. e:iVs -i Itlji 7 5i "." 1.. iS 7 J'l'.IV. 10.-, 4, 14'. Am 8m at Refg. 2u,7o 4 lunii im iu fii 1()4 '-4 64', 67. l-', 'isi' 'is si 4"'., Am t-ugar ne:g. :;oo Am Tel Sc Tel.. 1,400 Am Z L & 8m.. 400 Anaconda Cop.. 10.1OO Atchison 1.3"0 A & W I S S L 4.1MO Halt St Ohio ... 7. lino HethU-hem B .. 1S.40 B ft S Copper.. 4n Ca;if Petrol ... l.mo Canadian Paclf. .t.aoo Central Leather XIMJO Chea & Ohio cm m a st p. . l.eno Chi : N -W f R I P ctfs. 1.200 Chlno Copper.. Colo Fu & Iron. Ooo ll'i. 10 li'..-,, f.t', r.n, 4! ' -7 401, 40H. ii'J 1." Corn Prod Refg 2."VP1f) Cruclb.e t-teel .. 4. Cuba Cane tug. i..soo iMsull Securities fc.y"Kl Krie 3.4"0 C.eneral Klectric r.oo tleneral Motors. 4:;i" (-it .North p:d . . 3.4"l tit Nor Ore ctfs '1, ."'to l.iinols Ct-ntral. m Inspir Copper .. S.imo lnt M M ptd . .. Ro (" Inter Nickel ... I.h-mi Inter Paper ... tooo K c Southern.. Kennecott Cop. 9.700 Louis A Nash . .. ...... Maxwell Motors CtoO Mexican P.'trol. 47.000 Miami Copper.. 5.:i0 Missouri Pacif.. y.o'Mi Nevada Copper. l.i.oo N Y Central ... U.ToO N Y X Jf ac H.. 2.7i Norf & West .. 1.4'iO Northern Paclf. a.r.oo Pacific Mall ... :;" Pennsylvania .. l..rMo Plttsburs Coal.. .0m liay Conaol Cop ."" Heading 13.0"0 Ii"P Ir Steel.. 4.7'1 Shat Aril c op. . " Southern Paclf. M.!:l T.'i i4 ii 4 - 17 l '4 in 30! .us 11!' 43-i h.l iiuH 4'i 't l'i'.s ma i--.-. iS 154 1-0 !:t i SI S 101 s 14 S 111S lo" i.IS 11.". S 3b ii'.i :. in :i loo :'l't L'O 7H ::S 1"7S I'JS ai ' 47S 4 OS 24 S f-'S ej j.-s loiiS -'0 S V. S 17 l:il lo.-,n 1"'J' S lo 43 7i "ni" " 1J'4 ; S V'' l 1117 H W-S Si's 4 4't -'41 "" SJ l".S :;nv, ti Ve 17 lot!', 10:1s ss - Mt', 14 -4 ' 'i'i r.si; ll'HS !"' Kl S 47 S 47 v L4' k7H Ml m 's ' l:i i lo 1 Jli i 1 oj S loo'm Kilt HO 4J SouUiern Ity .. 7.4"m Suidebaker Co.. lr..i'o Texas Co .1.400 Union Pacific. 11.."ih I S Tnd Alcohol G.iino U Steel 191. !) Utah Copper .. 1,7"( Western Union. ;. Westing Electric S.iioo U R ref 2s reg do coupon . . .! .-US .'?3 Pa con 4 He.. U P 4s II s steel 6s.. . 87 . " .102H . HS'i .f t .07.32 .P7.1 .97 as .T Is .V7 14 U S 3h reg... do coupon . . P cv 5s.... U S 4 reg 10B",!Anclo-Fr rs ... do coupon ...loSiU S Lib 3 '4s.. Atch gen 4 ... s:tVs do 1st ev 4s. I) n c. ref r.s."oi do 2d 4s .... do 1st ev 4,.s do 2d ev 4Ss. do 3d 4S... N Y c deb 6s.. "H N P 4s 7.1'i N P 8s . . . . Pac T & T S3... B0 S Bid. Mlnlnc Shocks at Boftion. BOSTON. Oct. 81. Clonlnr auotatlona: Alloues ......1. 47M!North Butt .... 13 Aria Com ir,i ni4 Dora 40', Calu & Ariz ... fiS IOot-ol r.."l Calu & Keel. . .44 MJuinry 67 L'entennial ..... i'2 Siiprior f "nit Hariri .... 4H Sup & Boston. . . i;at Hutta .... 101; simnnon Knnklin I'tah Con H Jt Hoynl! ... 2-" w inona 1 Lake Copper ... ft 'Wolverine 21 H MohAKk r.ti I Mnnt-jf, Ktrhance, Kt NEW TORK. Oct. SI. MercaJitile paper unt'hanjpcil. Stcrllnur unchanfffd. FYai.ce, dmni1, 5 .47 4 ; rahlee, j.-4t . Outldere. demand, 41 7 ; cables 42 . Iir unchanfed, Mexican dollar unchaneed. Time loans stroiiK, uuchanired. Call money stroue, unchanced. LONDON, Oct. 31. Money and dlicoonta unchanged. Spot C'offie Market Nominal. NEW YORK. On. 31. No frewh feature was reported In the coffee market today, with the trade ntiU wattintr for official ac tion with reference lo import or the even ing tip of futures. It waa reported that cable had been received from pantos re questing bids for shipments on two steam era to vail iu ring January and March, hav ing a combined rapacity of 1 OT.O(K bnrs. F far aa could he learned, however, this reunited in no business, and the local epot market remained nominal at 10Ho for liio 7s and 15&c for Hantoa 4s. Maval tores. PAVAWAH, Ga.. Oct. .11. Turpentine firm. t4c ; ia ies. tio barrels; receipts. 17 barrels; shipments. U barrels; atock, 30, 2 J J barrels. Rosin, f Irrrt ; sates. ROT barrels; receipts, RIO barrels; shipments, 3H1 barrels; stock. 7.tr. 1 ba rrel s. uot e : It. J 1 4 1 o ; p, K, 1 4 . 1 ; , $14.20; il. $14.25; tl, $14.40: 1, 14.r.rt; k. 91.V4I): M, $13.23; N, $1&.4U; Vi, $i&.70; "WW, $ir..7.. Chicaro Dairy rrodoca. CH1CAOO, Oct. 31. Butter higher. Creamery. r2 4 TiSc KgCM higher. Receipts 27.11 eaaes. Klrats, r4 'j Sftc; ordinary firsts, 02tf &2Vc; at mark, cases Included. G2frr3e. Metal Market. NKW TORK. Oct. 31.Lea4 nnchanrd. Hpeiter steady. Kast Bt. lxuls spot, ft-6U S.70c Cotton Market. N'EW TORK, Ocu 31. Jpot cottoD quiet. Middling- 30.20c. Hot nth Unseed Market. DULUTH, Oct. St. Unseed. $3 68. New York 9nvar . Market. NEW TOR K. Oct. 31. Rucnr un chanced. AUTO WRECKED BY TRAIN Portland People Jump Prom Ma chine and Escape Injury. OREGON CITT, Or., Oct. 31. (Spe cial.) An automobile driven by C. De marco, of Portland, and ' occupied by three pfiseengTH, "Wednesday night stalled on a tail road rrosHins; between this city and Parkplace. and was struck hy train No. 13 and badly damaged. The paFscnKcra Jumped out of the car and Mr. Dem&'co mnde, eun effort to flag- the train, but without results. The car was struck with such force as to hurl it 75 or 80 feet alotif? the track. The machine was In a demol ish rd condition when brought to this) city. IJKlo Influenza at Monmonth. MONMOUTH, Or.. Oct. 31. (Special.) To date only four cases of Influensa have appeared among- students of the Normal School, all of them lfpht. In Monmonth there have only been a few cases, no fatalities and new cases are not developing. The Normal has not been eloaed and the public schools probably will resume soon. DAIXY METEOROI.OGICAi, REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Oct. 31. Maximum tm perature. CS dpcrwt; minimum temprratura. .ri' deKrees. Kiver radlnw. 8 A. M., 2.8 ff.t: chanifS In last 1'4 hours. 0 1 foot ris. Total rainfall .- I. M. to 5 P. M. ), .mj lnih; total ralnfult slnc p.ptmbr 1. 10IK. "t.U Inches; normal rainfall sine. Optem ber 1. 5.5:1 inches: deXlcipncy of rainfall since September 1. .41 Inch. Sunrise. 0:.M A. M.; sunset. 4..-.fl P. t : total sun shine. 2 hours 29 mlnut.s; possible sunshine. 10 hours 8 minutes. Moonrise. 11:41 A. Si.; moonset. 3:J1 I'. M. Harometer (reduced sea level) 5 P. M.. no.10 Inches. ltelative humidity at noon, 68 per cent. THE WEATHER. i T Wind - 1:3 3 I S stations. ; r " ,?'"',f 3 2 3 : Weather. till: I Bakr Hot ......... Ilo.ton ....... Calpary ClilcfiKO ...... Tnver I- Moines ... Kurfkft ....... (iulvntoa Hl-na . Juncaut ...... Kani.ti Cltr .. Ioa Ans;Iea . . Marahfieltl .. . . Medford Minneapolis .. . Nw Orleans . . New York North Heart .. North Yakima. Phoenix PocatelSo Portland Koseburs; .Sacramonto ... St. Louis It Lake .... Pan rleico San Kranciaco. Seattle SpoKana . . . . . Tacoma .-.4 arm;. . v ipt. c:oudy ti . mil..: w Clear 7" 0.3S'..X '(iear CX o Oii- . . l.VWT'lt.ar 4'! il.lin 18 W IHain P, K. 30: ii'ii s-jj t !- 341 4i am r,:t B 4'll -! n i") . .IN'R Irioudv IIS 0 tH'..(NW Clear Clear Cl.nr Clear r,x ' l.lil..IN r.x o.uo;. .isw 44 o no ttl O.O't 4 11.10 H4 o (mi st ii on' 7'J O.OD 7- U Oil 5: o.oo r.j o.o.! Ho O.OO 04 O.Ulli 6X O.IH1 tVJ O.H.' S' o.uo 4x o IHI r.o o.iHi 1.41 0.IMI tlx o.oo r.i; 0.O4I' 14 NW:Clnu(ly ,.NW . . rxfV . . N 12 N 14 TW . . ..Invt -!ou.1v Pt. cloudy (clear jCloudy Cloudy ft riAnit. M'lear ICloucly Pt. cloudy jClaar 'I't. cloudy ,.xw ..N , i N v ..,.NW . . 1 N W io sw i iouoy Clear Clear C!out v Pt. cloudy 'Pt. cloudy I't. cloudy r,x n no H'IO.02: 44 1 O 04 "O U.4I1. 34 Tutoofh Island Valdezt Walia Walls Washlnrton . Winnipeg . . . Isw iciear . NW Pt. cloudy , NW pt. clou.iy IA, M. today. P. M. report precedlnn dii FOnECASTi Portland and vicinity Fair Friday; var iable winds. Oreaon FVidar fair; llrht variable wlnda. Vashlnrton I-Vlday acneraiiy fair, ex cept showers near Coast; fresh southerly winds. 1.1a ho Friday fatr. tUWAHU U WELLS. Msteorolctlit. CORN AVERAEE IS HIGHER- . J MAKKKT ADVANCES DESPITE ' SCRREXDER OF TTTRKEY. Month-End Adjustment of Trades Prevents Decline Rearlhi De velopments Discounted Enough. CHICAGO. Oct. 81 Month-end adjust ment of trades did a a-ood deal to make the corn market a vera ire h tit her toUajr, despite news of the formal surrender of Turkey. lriccs closed uswef.led. at 1c net decline to Uc advance, with November $!.! to $1.14l and I'fceraber $1.16 to $1 17. Oats rained 1c to I'-c, and provisions tmtehed Irregular, $1 off to $1 1'5 up. Uncertainty in resrard to armlitlr rondl ttons for iermny )el tQ numerous bulses and breaks In t ha value of corn, but the price chances were kept within a narrower ranne than of late and the "Upward tendency of the market became more pronounced. Opinion appeared to prevail that bearish de velopments concern ins; the war had been discounted sufficiently for the time being, and this view was borne out by the fact that bulletins, which told of the complete with drawal of Turkey aa a combatant, had only a temporary weaken In a: influence. Oats showed Independent strcneth based on cash inquiry. Uower prices on hoprs weakened provisions, but rallies followed, owing to demsnd from packers. Lea dint futures ranped as follows: CORN. Onen. II i rn T.nw C Ar No $1.17 $lli'S $1.17 $1 1 Ic 1.14-s 1 IT i 1 US 1.161 OATS. Nov .7t .HH .7K. .ei Dec. ...... .Crti .ft .tiC1 .6S MESS POHK. Not. rr, oo, T.O J4 Hf Jan. ...... .... 3'....0 ZO.iO LARD. Nov ;rv3 2rt.oo -vso ss po Jan 7.". a.TO -4 i3 pHort niBs. Nov 2t no si n it. so si en Jan :l.50 1.12 '21.42 '21.V0 CaalL prices were as follows: Com No. 2 yellow. $1 41 1.4; No. ft yel low, f l.;i.te 1.40; No. 4 yelto. I l M.J1. Oats No. 3 white. 67 OS V c. standard. live No. 2. $1.6191.62. Parley ROr n $1.02. t Timothy $TiTf 10. ' Clover Nominal, rork Nominal. I.ard 7. I Klbs $J2.5uf j;i.;o. Minneapolis (.rain Market. t JUINVKArous, Oct. 81. -Barley. fi5P3c; fla. $3 67069; Orsln at San Fraswlw. PAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 81. Klour, $11 45 per barrel. Grain Wheat. Government price. $2.i per bushel; barley. $2 2". 2.. 10; obis, white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow. S4 .. Hay Wheat anrt wheat and oats. $2tW-. tamo oats. S2."i4f jC7.r.O; barley. 24; al- fairs. 22r.T: barloy straw, r.nsc. Meals Alfalfa. $"rt; coco nut, nomlBil MLUHfl FATE IS MYSTERY none not yi:t arandonkd ron CANADIAN VKSSKL. One Body and rire of Wreckage Found; IloUcf Kxprcsctl Soma Iy Ilnvo K5Cpcd. VICTOr.I.V. n. C. OcL SI. One body, that of W. A. Kbhs. onu of the crew of tho Canadian naval patrol steamer Gallano, has been louml In the vicin ity of Cape Pt. James, at the southern end of Queen Charlotte Islands, by one of the srarrliiiur t-raft. The skylight of the Calinno was also picked up. Mope was not entirely ahanrlnned.to dsy that there may be some survivors of th 40 men ami one woman aboard the Callano. It was said the vessel had a pood raft which mlirht have cotten away with part of the crew at least If the vessel foundered. The t.nllann was commanded by Cap. tain It. M. Tope. The Craliano'a other officers were: J. Gilbert, chief ofTlcer: F. (JreenshleMe, chief engineer; M. J. Neary. wireless oper ator; U. Muat. chief steward; A. K. P. Mon roe, seennd engineer; and J. Vlnnlcomb, boatswain. The members of the crew were: 'P. Watson. P. Kdmond., Williamson. A. Peeves. N. Mcl.ean. w. .1. lentley, c;. Price. K. tV' hit worth. J. Alr.1. A. Jewkes. A. t). Jones, V. A. Khbs, l. M.-Ouffin, ft. K. Newton. K. :. Peters, it. McLod. A. K. Hume, C Panbury. M. Mustirk. t P. Hate, .1. Ssnborne. K. '. Ioere, T. K. Kaneen, H. Ktlrrup. W. Ct. Pherleult, W. Wallace. W. J. Stafford. W. J. Klnir, II. Mercer. J. Youna. M. Ilobbyn. P. Aiyen. and A. R. Ordcno. AX ATLANTIC PORT. Oct. 31. PIs covery of two floating mines off the Oelaware Capes, in the approximate locality in which the Cuban steamship Chappara was recently sunk, was re ported today by an American vessel I arriving here from Cuba. The mines were destroyed. LONDON'. Oct. SI. A British destroy er sank following a collision with a merchant ship on Tuesday, the Admi ralty announced this evening;. There were no casualties. BUSINESS MAN IS VICTIM Robert J. 5fcPberson Dle of Influ enza After Pive Cays Illness. Spanish Influenza, claimed one of Portland's rising: younic business men yesterday, when Robert J.-MeFherson. secretary-treasurer of the W. li. Mc pherson Company, died after ' five days Illness. Born In Portland 34 years aero, Mr. tlcFherson was a son of W. O. McPher son, head of the company which bears his name. He was educated in Portland schools. Hlx years aa-o Mr. McPherson married Eva Jenkins, who survives him. to gether with a daughter, Dorothy. 3 yenrs of age. Funeral services will be held from the Hotmail undertakina; parlors at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, and pri vate, the Masons having charge. The body will be cremated. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Birtha. VAN nrSEV To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Dumd, Gil liarrison, ocioUsr at I. a daughter. AMKIUOS" To Mr and Mrs. John A. Anderson, foot of California street. October ai. a iauirhtr. WOOU To Mr. and Mn. Oeorre K. Wood. 80( liflmont atrt. October -J. a aon. FtlAitl. To .Mr. and Mra. lien O. Kel-g-r, Sumner street. Oct oner Ll. a aon. MolNTVHK To Mr. and Mra. Joseph M. Mc In tyre. li'2 I'ortsmoutU avenue, iciotr XV. a ion. HVTC1CINSON To Mr. and Mrs. fJorir W. llutchineon. 2U3L Kuen street, October 21 a daushter. MORTON To Mr. and Mra. RMredr H. "florion. 149 Kmi fceveniy-t.f iti atreet, Octo ber 3. a ciauicritr. EI.klNS-To Mr. and Mra. Arthur Fnklna, 701 Kast Tyler street, October a daugh ter. BUSWKI.L To Mr. and Mrs. Onr O. Puj weii, t14 Kast Everett street, October tfu, a son. KFTTMFR To Mr. and Mra. laaak Relmer. 300 'ai itiR etrec-t. Ociober 27. a daujcaler. ancoaver Marrinsja'larensea. FOLKY-McCORKLK 1 T. Kolrr. St. of Pt. Paul. .Minn , and Mrs R. C. McCorkie, 4X ot Honerturir. Or. CAKI-SoN-IiIVD Carl J. Cartaon. of Portland, aud Miaa tine A. Lltsd, Of I'onlanrt. COL'a'N-CARVER TN'orman N. Cnu-lni, 44. of I'ortland. and Mrs. Mary Ahcs Carver, leal. of Tort. and. W I B K R i- L I N LST ROM O-ri r vT Iberm. Sq. of Portland, and Miaa Lanor H. l-in-1-iirrtm. :;it. of Pnr' nnd. 4ST Kt" ETT-fM 1 Til ltnls J. Ftruett, St, of Portland, and Mrs. Kataryn Pmulx, 5s, of Port nfl. CIiUER-MILNER Arthur C. Cinder, 20, $6S,000 City of Portland, Oregon 6 13IPROVE3IENT BONDS Dated October 1st, 1918 Due October 1st, 1923 Optional October 1, 1921, and Monthly Thereafter Principal and semi-annual interest payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Portland, Oregon, or uoon presentation at the office of Morris Brothers, Inc., Portland, Oregxm. Estimated to Mature October 1st, 1923 Et From All Federal Iaro.se Tat Liberty Bonds " aasial FEI.I. ysiar Liberty Bsass. KI.I. 19. If 7.B ram BET re l.lkerty Heads. Bl'Y f r.n i s. bar aaa aell Libertr B.ada at lis saarket. The closlnsr prices of L1BRRTT BONDS on the New Tork Ptork Eichanse for week ending Wednesday. October 80, were as follows: Thursday. .......... Fridav. ............ 8aturday. Monday Tuesday Wednesday.. . .. Thursday MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Prrsil.r Maalrlaal Head H.aa. .f Oreaaa Katabllaaed Over Tweaty-nve Irara Morris Building 309-311 Stark Street Telepfcaao Rdwy. tl.M $24,500 tTsial Istu. 170.000. City of New Westminster, B . C. Gold Bonds To yield over J Cfo DATED July 1. 1918 Denomination $100 $500 $1000 Srml-Aa.aal latereat Jaa. 1-Jaly 1, rayable la Xevr Wrk rity. Five-year 6 bonds at 96 to yield over 7 Fall details aa apnllratloa. Call .r ,km n'war M. Offsr. atHrtly Snhjert to prior sale. TMsl Ui. H70.0O W. r,.r-i, ih. prlvr.ro f srilhdr.. lt- this erfer and sdvanelns; pric. mihout notice. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Lu"din8N Capitau ano Government and Municipal IBonds " Bought and Sold E L nevereauxScfompany 87 Sixth Street Portland, Oregon Telephone Bd-y 1042 LIBERTY BONDS We Pay Market Price (Which Includes Accrued Interest) Less a Fixed Handling Charge. CLOSE NET CASH PRICES UPON REQUEST We Buy and Sell MUNICIPAL) AND GOVERNMENT BCNU OF ALL ISSUES. Keeler Brothers CAPITAL AM Ft RPLlS 7SO.O0O.OO INVESTMENT SECURITIES t". H. N.tloa.l Bank. Bnlldlna; of Pt.T.rson. Wtili.. and Visa Dorothy M. Mlln.r, 10, et Bt.v.osoB. W ash. Marrlac. UcsaasS. WII.Brit-OATENS W. E. Wilbur. T. fc4 East Nineteenth street, and C.eo F. V. O -t,::s. Usal. DIO Emt Tw.aly.ll:h llrstt. N. WAltuX-lilXuJI Guy R. NVataon, 41 Fl.rlini. r.L. and H.Ua S. Dlloa. 40. 14J l ark iinaL Thirty Mra Called. OREOON CITT. Or, Oct. 1. (Spe cial.) The. local war board la In re ceipt of another call from the War De partment for SO more class 1 men from FACTS O. .Ol Going Over There Every Amerlcaa-made hell hurled across No Man's Land, every ration carried from the fields and plains of America, every Hem of supplies sent to boys over there passes over American roads In trucks and wairons. Think how a: really this transportation would be aided If the highways were paved with BITULITHIC WARREX BKOfl. CO. . Joaraal Bids. Pvrtlaaa. Or. sa lst4s 4s 1st 4 Us id 4 SB 4H .7l S7 Xft T.ll T 30 7.10 D7 1I 9.80 7.i 9S 0 97. ti 94. 9T.C3 99.98 Balance not reported.. No report: wire trouble. 99 9S 97.4 97.1 97.1 97 14 9T.S 99.9S 97. 4 97 1S 97.40 97.14 97. .4 J7.32 S;.l 97.3 97.11 S7.14 DUE July 1, 1923 Surplus $600,000 FIFTH AND , STARK this county. There are only It left In class 1 In the former registration up to the September draft, and the 10 men asked for at thia time will exhaust the quota. Out Of 110 men who were ex amined during tho past week. 71 quali fied. STEAMSHIP Kail. dlrert fee aa aoelw, IM A us r In an.l (nan iKrfa, tMUardajr. 1. -VI .. NetrnilM-r t. mn rrnNt itttt. rtimirti ixs AM HU KTI lule ( O. IKAMa BoLLAM. Aseat Itt Third fcu ilaJL. . MX rRATICO-l ne ANCELF.S, IA1W Mil. S. S. It. city Kails S P. M.. Xev. 1. larledinc Mfsli aad IKrtlu. THE MS I RAClm l-OETUJO) n. a. UM Tlrk.ts at Third aad Waahlr.stoa. Telepaoae Bradaray 4fe. Bdwy. f eg. A . A IUU CRUNCH UNr iuFicii (UHiu TumTuuneu Jj NEW YORKBORDEAUX PARIS JKLUI KMI DI.I'ARTt KF4. ral Br I'ae. Co I Av..ta, lv CKvv7 la. ac .slt Leul AseaLa. 4. bcaui.