Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 29, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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imnnvmn minium rn '
4 I J
iJ .
H. M. Hudson, Alias Charles
H. Wax, Is Wanted.
Store Puts Its
Before Every
Patrons9 Welfare
Other Consideration
f ; -
Trie Quality Stokc or- Portland
V . -
Grand Jury Probing Prison Scandal
Would Like Testimony of
Notorious Operator.
H. M. Hudson, alias Charles H. Wax.
the -marrying swindler" who gained
Nation-wide notoriety as the mysteri
ous "Oliver Osborne." Impersonator of
James W. Osborne. District Attorney of
New York. Is being- sought by state
officials In connection with the prison
parole scandal.
This Information came yesterday
simultaneously with the news that the
Multnomah County grand Jury la prob
ing; the Portland phase of the prison
parole situation. Several witnesses, it
was learned, appeared yesterday before
the grand Jury and indictments are ex
pected either tonight or tomorrow.
The grand Jury investigation locally.
It was learned, will not go into any al
leged connection of Joe Keller, parole
officer, with the parole scandal, w hat
ever connection Parole Officer Keller
may have had with the alleged pur
chase of paroles by penitentiary con
vlcts will be left to the grand Jury for
Marion County, it was learned.
Max Is Wasted tier.
That the notorious Wax wts wanted
In connection with the parole scandal
was learned yesterday when it became
known that be is sought as a parole
violator. It is believed that be has fled
from the state, and although he pro
cured his parole less than a month ago,
several criminal charges, it is said
might be brought against him because
of his record during the three weeks he
has been at liberty in Portland.
Hudson, aliaa Wax, who was returned
to the Oregon Penitentiary In April,
1917. after he had confessed In New
York to having impersonated District
Attorney Osborne In a romance with
Itae Tanser. a pretty New York stenog
rapher, was sentenced to a flat term
of five years for escaping from prison.
He procured his release on a parole
on October last, with the understand
Ing. it is said, that he would go to work
In the Columbia River shipyard. Hud
son stayed at the shipyard Job long
enough. It Is alleged, to defraud
couple of fellow workmen out of a sum
of monev. A charge of defrauding
hotel may also be filed against htm. It
was asserted.
Hadsoa's Parole Pasale.
Just how Hudson procured his parole
less than a month ago. especially when
he was serving a "double minimum"
as an escaped convict, is something
which those who are Investigating the
prison scandal want to learn.
Officials believe that Hudson has fled
from Oregon, for be could not be found
at his usual haunts. If again caught
he still has nearly three years to serve
of his original sentence.
Hudson, alias Wax. first cam Into
Pacific Coast notoriety in 1S13. when
he was arrested on charges of forgery
and theft, made by women who said
they had been victimised by the good
looking swindler. His favorite mods
of operation, according to official rec
ords, was to make love to women and
then steal their Jewelry, money and
other articles of value at opportune
Xewberar Woaaaa Vlctlaa.
Mrs. L. Ikle, formerly of Newberg,
was In 1913 one of the principal ac
cusers of Hudson. She alleges he
stole $10,000 in money and Jewelry
from her in a New York hotel. She
says she made his acquaintance on
train while going into New York City
and that he followed her into the hotel.
where the robbery was accomplished.
She denied .that he had made love to
Several other women admitted they
had succumbed to his wiles and by so
doing had lost large sums of money.
It was in early Spring, last year,
that Hudson, alias Wax. came Into
Nation-wide notoriety as the mysterl
ous "Oliver Osborne, who Imperson
ated ex-District Attorney James W
Osborne, of New York. In making love
to Miss Tanser. Miss Tanzer filed suit
for S350.00O against James W. Osborne,
although the latter asserted he had
never seen the woman.
. These Cool Nights Suggest That You
Look to Blanket Needs
We are prepared to fill all your Winter blanket needs. Here we list
only a few of the many lines we carry.
Our stock of Pendleton Indian blankets is complete. Pendleton Indian
robes 66x80 inches, ? 12.50. Pendleton auto robes 72x80 inches, $15.
Pendleton all-wool plaid blankets 70x82 inches, $15. Pendleton all-wool
white blankets 70x82 inches, $20, $22.50 and $25.
Oregon gray wool blankets 66x80 inches, $9.
White wool blankets 72x80 inches, $8 and $9.
All-wool robes, $7.50 and $8.50.
Beacon bath robe blankets with cords to match, $5.
Wool-filled comforters, $8.25.
Meter & Frank's: Blanket Shop, Second Floor.
All Charge
today and balance of month go on
November bills
Rendered Dec. 1
Exchange and Return
Goods Privilege
until further notice by order of
Oregon State Council of Defense.
Shoes for Men, Women, Children
Women's Shoes, Pair $5.35
Women's shoes with black kid vamps and gray cloth
tops. 9-inch tops. New high military and concave
Cuban heels. All sizes 2 to 8.
Women's Shoes, Pair $7.85
Women's all leather kid shoes in all chocolate kid,
chocolate with mouse tops and all gray kid in light
and dark shades. 9-inch tops. Low and high heels.
All sizes 2 to 8.
Youths' Shoes, Pair $1.79
Dull calf school shoes in button or lace etyle.
Leather or Neolin soles. All sizes 9 to 13. Pair
$1.79, $2.45, $2.65 and $2.85.
Boys' Shoes, Pair $1.98
We have a fine selection of boys' school shoes in
gunmetal and chrome calf leathers with Neolin and
leather soles. Sizes 1 to 6, pair $1.98, $2.85, $3.25,
$3.65 and $4.25.
Children's Shoes, Pair $1.49
Children's gunmetal school shoes with cloth tops
and leather soles. Lace and button styles. Sizes
5 to 8, pair $1.49. Sizes 8 to 11, pair $1.89.
Sizes 11 to 2, pair $2.39.
Children's Kid Shoes in Button Style, Sizes 1 to 5, Pair 98c.
Meier & Frink's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony.
Men's Shoes, Pair $3.85
Men's vici kid and gunmetal shoes in button and
lace styles. These shoes are made with Goodyear
welt sewed soles. Finely serviceable shoes in all
sizes 5 to 11.
Women's Shoes, Pair $3.85
Women's gunmetal calf 9-inch top button shoes,
also lace shoes with kid vamps and black cloth tops,
brown kid shoes with brown cloth tops and gray kid
shoes with gray cloth tops. Military last. All sizes
2 to 7, but not in every style.
Women's Shoes, Pair $1.98
Several broken lines of women's high-grade shoes.
Sizes 2, 3, 31a and 4 only.
But One Ltook at These
.Women's and Misses'
At $19.50
will set at rest once for all the mind of
every woman or miss who thinks that
a good dependable coat for Fall and
Winter wear is not to be had today
around $20. The coats we offer at
$19.50 are warm, serviceable gar
ments that will afford such comfort
and wear as will delight every pur
chaser. Their style authenticity is
A large assortment of coats in wool ve
lours and kerseys. Loose and belted' tnodels.
Kit coney, plush or self collars. Brown,
navy, green and plum. Choice at $19.50.
Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
Some of the Things
We're Doing to Help
The Health Dept.
"We use In our dally adTertlalnir
half or less than half the space used
by us on the corresponding day a
year afro.
We omit the publication of special
sale offerings.
We restrict our adverttslna to
such merchandise as has the May
or's approval for publicity purposes
at this time.
We urge our patrons to confine
their purchases to actual necessities.
We maintain perfect ventilation in
the store the air is washed, purified
and renewed to insure a complete
change every six minutes.
The temperature Is under perfect
control and is always at the right
Wide aisles and - open spaces
throughout this great daylight store
obviate the slightest tendency to
Sixteen passenger elevators now
carrying only half their normal ca
pacity transport patrons quickly
from floor to floor. Elevators and
elevator pits are kept clean, regularly
disinfected and fumigated.
Seven escalators (moving stair
ways) the only installation in Port
land are always in motion and af
ford each passenger ample individual
An adequate force of trained em
ployes (to safeguard whose health
sedulous care Is taken) insures that
every stage of the shopping trans
action Is expedited to the utmost.
Miimrnnmnmiiinnmniiiinii m
Here's Some Interesting News
A Large Assortment of
Fine Wool
Felt Hats
Hats Made to Our Special Order
by a Reliable Manufacturer
On Display Today at
These are just the kind of hats that men will want for
general wear each hat has all the style the business man
demands and all the wearing quality the outdoor worker re
quires of his headgear.
Excellent quality wool felt hats in. styles that are being
worn today. Bands to match or in contrasting shades. With
full satin lining and patent sweat band.
Choice of green, gray, brown and tan in solid colors and
mixtures, also black.
All sizes 6 to 7.
A. mdfS
-Meier & Frank's: Men's Hat Shop, Main Floor.
Bocea Oelioi mm Foaai.
After a search of several months
through every state In the Union. Wax
finally was arrested at Chicago and
admitted he was the mysterious "Oliver
Oaborne" who had Impersonated the
New York official. After he was used
by the state as a witness In a criminal
prosecution against Miss Tanxer and
her attorneys, he was returned to the
Oregon Penitentiary as an escaped con
vict. Fie had been confined at the
Salrm prison until early this month,
when the parole was Riven to him.
lie has been twice In the State Peni
tentiary of Washingtor. In addition to
his Oregon prison record. He has also
been Identified as an ex-convict from
a California penitentiary.
Although his connection with the
' prison parole scandal is not as serious
as that of others who appeared yes
terday before the Multnomah County
grand Jury, still, it was learned, his
method of procuring- his release is of
sufficient Importance to warrant hi
apprehension in order that he may be
fully cross-examined concerning the
transaction which won him his liberty.
Paroled Convict Evidently Did Not
Work Long.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 18. (Special.)
II. M. Hudson was granted a condi
tional pardon two weeks ago. Hudson
wss made a trusty by Warden Murphy
several months mro and continued on
Eub Nerve Torture, Pain and
All Misery Right Out With
"St. Jacobs liniment."
the trusty list until eligible for parole.
The Parole Board then recommended
that a conditional pardon be granted
provided he made good as a trusty for
ix months longer. a no n
expired a short time before tne lasi
meetlnir of me i-aroio oi ""
conditional pardon was granted. Mud-
son agreeing to go to worn in a uii-
ard in Portland.
A short time ago Muason wroio 10
Parole Officer Keller saying ne wai
unable to raise the $25 necessary to
nin a union to take tne snipyara joo.
He said two other positions were open
for him and asked tne consem oi sel
ler to take one of them. Keller gave
his consent, and has not heard from
Hudson since.
Hudson in his last letter failed to
tell Keller the whereabouts of the
other job he intended to take, and the
parole office is at sea as to where
Hudson may be.
Father Will RecelTe $180,000 To
day, When. He Becomes Thirty
Years of Age.
Tou are to be pitied but remember
that neuralgia torture and pain is the
easiest thing In the world to stop.
Please don't cpntinue to suffer; It's so
needless. Oet from your druggist the
small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Lini
ment"; poor a little In your hand and
gently rub the "tender nerve" or sore
fcpot. and instantly yes. Immediately
all pain, ache and soreness Is gone.
"St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers pain
It la perfectly harmless and doesn't
burn or discolor the skin. Nothing else
gives relief so quickly. It never fails
to stop neuralgia pain Instantly, wheth
er in the face, head or any part of the
body, lxu't suffer: Adv. ta obtain a share of a fortun
which his father will receive today was
filed In the Circuit Court yesterday Dy
K-i-r.nM John D. Bryant, wno ae
mends that a trust fund of $25,000 be
set aside for him until he reaches tne
age of 21 year. The suit was rnea
hrmirh Sarah Krvani. aunt
mi.Hian of the bor.
It Is alleged mat me uiei, jj.hhi
Bryant, aged 29, was bequeamea ap
nrovimatelv S1S0.000 by his grand
mother. Julia E. Bllnn, who died in
141 The money was left in trust with
the provision that he should receive it
when he beoame iv years oi
r.rv.nt will reach that age today.
Th rnmnla nt filed by me youin his father asserts that the
father has never provided for his sup--t
The father and mother have
11vf mnnrt since tne oor wb . c
months old. It is also charged that tne ha. dissipated what funds he
h.. heretofore received and the com
plaint asks that he be restrained from
i,.nfrrlnr nrooerty to which he De-
. hir tortu v until such a time as
the petition of the small son is semea
in court.
Thu bov asks that his father be com-
niiri to set aside the sum of $25,000
trust fund, from which he can re
ceive aDoroxiraately $125 a month for
hi. unnnrt until he reaches his major
it- -The bov now lives wnu u
At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder St.
Pig chops SOc Pig roasts Z5c
Boiling beer 12HC r-ot roasts ic
Round steak 20c Porterhouse 20c
Sirloin steak 18c Shoulder lamb 18c
Hamburg steak 18c Sausage meat 18c
Leg lamb 25c Lamb chops 25c
Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder St. Adv.
Beaverton Priest Appointed.
BEAVERTOrf, Or.. Oct 28. (Spe
cial.) Father Le Miller has been
appointed chaplain In the United States
Army and soon will leave for France.
At the present writing Father Le Miller
is In North Industry. Ohio, but will be
"over there" in a short time. Rev. L. A.
Le Miller was appointed to fill this
parish about 1901. At that time he
lived at Cedar Mills Church, opposite
the Sisters' of Mercy School at that
place. In 1903 he established the first
Catholic Church in Beaverton.
Read The Orcgonian classified ads.
Roadmaster Eatchcl Gives Itemized
Statement of Cost of Work Dur
ing Month of September.
Roadmaster Eatchel yesterday a
nounced that the paving of East Eighty-
second street (Gray's Crossing road)
has been completed, and the highway
will be open to the traveling public
this evening for the first time in sev
eral weeks.
In his report to the County Commis
sioners yesterday Roadmaster Eachtel
gave an Itemized statement of road
work during the month of September.
The cost of work in all parts of the
county during the month totaled $55,
282. The paving of East Eighty-second
street took approximately $20,000 dur
ing the month, while the paving and
macadamising of Capitol Highway, at
a cost of $13,000, was the next largest
road item.
The report ehowa that from a road
budget of $515,085 for the year, the
county has $184,677 remaining for road
work during the remainder of the year.
The report of County Auditor Martin
shows that the actual cash on hand In
the road fund is $11,199. while the
actual cash on hand In the general
fund Is $27,353.
gan the task of interviewing candi
dates for commissions in the Army de
partments, now relying on the person
nel branch to supply new officer mate
rial. Local quarters are maintained In
room 417 Corbett building, where the
necessary co-operation of the Military
Training Camps Association committee
may conveniently be had. Today com
mittee members, including Alma D.
Katz, chairman; C. F. Adams, Max S.
Hirsch and Oscar Overbeck will ac
company Captain Reed to Eugene.
There applicants for heavy and light
artillery posts will be examined and
interviews will be granted men seeking
admission to training schools.
couxnr loses 11 cents daily
ox federal charges.
Procurement Section of Personnel
Branch Opened by Capt. Keed.
The Portland office of the procure
ment section of the personnel branch
of the Army was opened yesterday by
Captain .Howard S. Reed, sent here
from Washington, D. C, to have charge
of It. Captain Reed immediately be- I
Arguments Heard Yesterday on Pe
tition of W. Tyler Smith.
Arguments were in progress all day
yesterday on the petition of W. Tyler
Smith for the appointment of a third
executor to serve with C. L. Mead and
Thomas N. Strong in handling the -affairs
of the $600,000 Xarifa Jane Faling
estate, which he Is seeking to acquire
through suit In the County Court.
Arguments will be resumed this morning.
Dr. Smith, who is seeking to break
the will in which Mrs. Faling left the
bulk of her estate to Messrs. Mead
and Strong, demands that some other
person be named to serve with them.
He charges the estate may ba dis
Judge Tazwell indicated that inas
much as the contest is all completed
but the arguments, he may reserve a
decision on the present case until the
case is finally settled in his court.
County Auditor Shows Actual Cost
to Bo 61.2 Cents Govern
ment Pays but 50 Cents.
For the past three months Multno
mah County has been losing approx
imately 11 cents per day on every Fed
eral prisoner confined in the County
Jail. A tabulation prepared by County
Auditor Martin and presented yester
day to the County Commissioners
showed the cost of feeding prisoners
to be 61.2 cents a day. The Federal.
Government has been paying but 60 1
cents a day for each Federal prisoner.
The county and Government are now
in a controversy over the cost of feed
ing prisoners. The board recently sent
thee United States Marshal an ulti
matum that the Government could pay
75 cents a day beginning October 1
or move its prisoners to some other
bastile. The United States Attorney
General replied that the Oregon laws
provided that all prisoners should be
fed at cost.
The county still demands 75 cents
a day, the County Commissioners as
serting that this price would reimburse
Multnomah County the money it has
lost on Federal prisoners for the past
three months. The officials hope to
reach a compromise agreement, but 61.2
cents will at least be the minimum
charge to the Government.
Fort Monroe Gets More Men.
Corvallis, Oct 28. (Special.) Ten
members of the college S. A. T. C. have
been ordered to Fort Monroe, Va., to
attend the central officers'' artillery
school. Seven of them are from Port
land. Those from Portland are as fol
lows: Edgar A. Biersdorf, Joseph H.
Cunningham, Wallace R. Hofter, Tevor
M. Kincaid, Dewey B. Larson, Carl M.
Stebinger and George G. West. The
others are Kenneth Phillips, Albany;
John M. Pugh, Shedd; Mervyn Stephen
son, Tillamook.
'Ff''" DARKEN YOUR sssswa
K ,, 3 with "Never-Tel," so eradu
L, 7 Si ally your friends can "Never
fS s, y Tel." Safe, certain. Not a dye,
fe5 i, not sticky. No reddish tints,
f- no extras to buy. Comes in
7 Perfumed Tablets easfiydissolTOd
IVW In a little water aa ntd. At drug.
t V. lata SOc, ordirectin plain wrapper.
' Dept. 2 , KANSAS CITY, MO.
French Wheat to Be Tested Here.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. 28.
(Special.) J. H. Bauer yesterday re
ceived from Jack Retan, of Walla
Walla, a sample of wheat from the bat
tlefields of France. N. B. Atkinson
and Roy Lee, local ranchers, will plant
the seed this Fall to try it out here.
Wour complexion is wonderful since
healed that skin trouble
KB . a
If you are suffering from some
embarrassing skin eruption, what
wouldn't you give to have some one
tell you what this girl was told.
Pimples,, redness, rough
ness, eruptions, or any skin blemishes
prevent attractiveness, and repel
friends as well as strangers, but
Resinol Ointment helps to overcome
these troubles because it contains the
soothing remedies for skin irritation
or inflammation.
Resinol Ointment aided by Resinol
Soap tends to keep the skin healthy
and increase its charms. -
Ar mU iy mil eVaxzxifr.
Resinol Shaving Stick is for men who want cool, soothing shaves.
An Urgent Appeal
to Restrict the Use
of the Telephone
The large number of operators now absent
because of illness makes it necessary for us to
again appeal to the public to restrict their use
of the telephone and to urge their friends to
do likewise.
The thanks of the Company and the com
munity are due those patriotic and conscien
tious patrons who confine their use of the tele
phone to essential calls, thereby helping the
service of war industries, hospitals and
stricken homes of our city.
The Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company