Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 28, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Federal Officials Themselves
See Faults of Policy.
Much Discrimination Charged and
This Appears Inevitable; Satis
factory Results Unlikely.
ington. Oct. 27. Observation of the
practical working f price-fixing by
. ine uovernmrni awa nui bcciu w
made a very favorable Impression on
the members of the Oregon delegation.
and the impression is getting steadily
morse since Government officials them
aelves have begun flndtng fdult with
the result attained.
Dissatisfaction first arose among
the grain farmers, against whom there
was discrimination, for the Government
established a price for wheat far below
market value, but left cotton un
touched, even when cotton growers
were getting fabulous prices and the
Government was. in proportion, about
as large a buyer of cotton as of wheat.
Cotton, of course, is exclusively a prod
uct of that part of the country which
is solidly aligned with the party in
But the dissatisfaction did not rest
with the farmers alone, nor was it
confined to grain farmers. In fact,
the grain farmers, it appears, would
have approved without protest a price
fixed by a body upon which they had
fair representation, provided the price
fixing policy had been extended to
products they buy as well as to those
they sell.
Millers' Market Curtailed.
The grain growers of the Pacific
Northwest were fairly well satisfied,
for in the fixing of basic prices and
freight rates they secured a small ad
vantage. But this advantage soon
!worked to the disadvantage of the mili
ars, who. paying a relatively higher
price than was paid in sections of
country with which they competed
the selling of flour, found their market
It was in connection with this phase
of the wheat and flour market that the
Government first saw the error of its
own price-fixing policies. Members of
the Senate and House, from both Ore
gon and Washington, laid before the
"ood Administration the complaints of
'orth Pacific millers, and replies to
these complaints were made from time
to time by the Grain Corporation,
wnicn Is a branch of the Food Admin
l.-tration. The latest, and one that
hows some Impatience, is addressed
to Congressman Nicholas J. Sinnott,
who had submitted the complaint of a
large milling concern in his great
grain-growing district.
Grata Administrator Tired.
"It really is hard to answer all the
letters trom these millers." says the
grain administrator, who intimates
that agreement upon "certain formulae'
night simplify the problem "instead of
continuing the correspondence." He
"Last year, tinder controlled distri
bution and operation of mills, the Pa
cific Coast ground 110 per cent of its
former three-year average, while the
rest of the country ground only 90 per
cent, and the flour production this
Sear, as to North Pacific mills, is run
ning even heavier than last year, so
mat miureea is being produced In the
North Pacific section at a rate higher
than ever before.
"Last year a limited supply, with the
utilization of every bushel of It. was
not sufficient to run the mills of the
whole country, even to their three
year average. We were able to take
every pound of flour produced by these
mills, whether hard or soft, that the
domestic market did not absorb. This
year the amount of flour we can deliver
our allies abroad is limited not only by
the shipping in sight, but also by port
facilities here and abroad, where labor
conditions have become steadily worse,
and also by the demonstrated need of
ur allies for some dairy feed, them
selves, for they have dairy herds also
htch must be considered. The mills
f the rest of the country also have a
right to be considered in the export
flour business, and we have tried to be
fair to these mills and to the Pacific
Action Declared Justified.
Those four propositions are all that
the grain administrator assumes the
millers will agree upon. He asserts
that the Food Administration has
bought more heavily than last year of
North Pacific flour for export: that
although there is some basis for the
complaint that the Food Administration
pays a uniform price for flour made
from hard and from soft wheat, yet
the Food Administration is Justified by
the fact that some countries prefer
the flour made from soft wheat, which
Americans consider inferior, and that
part of the apparent scarcity of dairy
feed is due to the desire to buy mill
feed, which is the cheapest, whereas
there Is an abundance of harloy in Cali
fornia. Montana and the Dakotas.
It is in this last reference to prices
that the grain administrator once more
shows the failure of the policy of price
fixing. Not only did the price-fixers
curtail the normal market of the North
Pacific millers, but by establishing an
artificial price for millfeed they cre
ated an abnormal demand, which cur
tailed the market for barley. Dairy
men paid feed prices not counter-balanced
by increased prices for their
products. '
While not condemning price-fixing as
a failure, the -grain administration is
furthering the conviction that this new
Governmental function will be so fre
quently influenced by sectiona! inter
ests and that satisfactory results can
not De expected.
I'aclfio Steamship Company Now
Owns and Controls 46 Craft,
, Eight in Far F.a.-trrn Trade.
TACOMA. Wash.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
Hereafter every ship of the Admiral
line will carry the name of Tacoma as
its place of registry and home port.
That announcement waa made by 11. K.
Alexander, president of the Pacific
Meamship Company, as a tribute to his
home city. Heretofore the vessels of
the Pacific-Alaska Navigation Com
pany, the original Admiral Line, were
registered from Portland. Me., where
the concern was first formed. Others
lnre the port of New York as place
uf registry. Approximately 20 vessels,
owned and under charter, will be trans
ferred to this port. The first Vessels
to have Tacoma inscribed on them are
the Admiral Mayo, which said for the
Far East today; Admiral Sthley. Ad
miral Kvans and Admiral Watson.
Mr. Alexander announced the charter
today of the barks George Curtis, now
discharging salmon at Tacoma. and the
Oriental at Seattle: the full power
motor ship Libby Maine, and W. F.
Burroughs, auxiliary. The Lib by Maine
sailed from here about three weeks
ago and is now at Honolulu. The ves
sels are from the Libby. McNeil & Libby
fleet. They will be used in the Far
K.C trade, making eight vessels In all
that the Pacific Steamship Company
will have In this service.
In all. the company, with Its own
ships. United citatea Shipping Board
vessels and chartered vessels will have
a fleet of 46 craft under its control.
In addition to the new office opened
In Portland by the company to care for'
-II 1)13 UCint, 1HICU VMfc I1 I I ' u ..:.
headquarters have been established of
late in Hongkong. Osaka, Nagasaki,
Manila and Vladivostok.
Bonds to Amount of S3000 to Be Is
sued for Harbor Improvement.
ST. HELENS. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
The city of St. Helens will build a
municipal dock. At the last city elec
tion, the Question was voted on and re
ceived a majority vote. Bonds to the
amount of J5900 will be issued to pro
vide for the building of the dock, and
the council has advertised for bids for
a SOxTO dock, with a 200-foot roadway.
The dock is to be built at the foot of
sit. Helens street which is about the
center of the city.
It is not expected that any difficulty
will be encountered in securing a per
mit from the War Industries Board .as
the dock will provide a landing place
for 600 shipyard workers. The docks
now used are private property and if
the owners saw fit. the public could be
barred from their use.
Launching Quiet These Days to
Minimize Spread of Influenza.
Precautions against Spanish influ
enza are responsible for a greater re
strlction against the issuance of passes
to shipyards. At two launcnings Sat
urday there was a ban against passes
to outsiders and not even the bands
played as usual.
Noontime meetings of all kinds have
been done away with at the plants,
even though they have been held in the
open. Cases of sickness reported in
shipyards are said to be more frequent
among men in shops and not with those
engaged in actual assembling of ma
terial on hulls in the open. Managers
of yards feel that the situation is be
ing taken care of as well as possible,
considering that hundreds of men must
be more or less in cmpany at times
during the day.
Lumber Cargo Off for Argentina.
TACOMA, Wash. Oct. 26. (Special.)
Carrying a cargo of 840.000 feet of
lumber, the Norwegian schooner J.
W. Clise, cleared last night for Buenos
Aires. This is one of the first lumber
cargoes out from here for a South
American east port for several years.
It is possible that the Clise will load at
the South American port for Norway.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special.) The
sale and the consequent high seas running
outside have Interfered materially with th.
movement of vessels at the moutn or mo
The lumber-laden steam schooner Daisy
Mathews arrived from Rainier during the
night, en route for San Feuro and la await
ing more favorable weather before proceed-
inc to sea.
The steam schooner jonan rouisen. laaen
with lumber from Portland and Westport
for San Kranclsco. came down during the
night and is waiting here until the weather
conditions Improve.
Bringing a cargo of fuel on from California
for Portland, the tank steamer V. r. Iierrin
has been outside since morning.
The tank steamer tA hegunuo ana barge
M are due from California with cargoes of
fuel oil tor Portland and Astoria.
BAN FRANCISCO. Cat.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
-Captain Mercer signed up all his crew
Saturday for another voyage to the South
Pacific on the schooner John and Wlnlhrop
and sailed out the straits early today. This
la the second voyage of the old-time craft
for New Zealand with Skipper fiercer In
command each time.
The John and Wlnthrop Is one or the
famous fleet of whalers that made this port
famous :tt years ao.
The steamship Astoria. Cnptaln strand
arrived today from Astoria after a voyage
of 7- hours. It in the first voyage of the
craft. Sudden & t'hrlstenson are operating
the new wooden vessel for the federal Ship
ping Hoard.
On account or tne prevalence or me in
fluenxa In the engine force of the Union
Steamship Company's steamship Kurow. the
vessel is detained in port, she was to have
sailed for New Zealand last week. The sec
ond engineer succumbed to the disease and
four other below-deck men are down with
it present. The Kurow will take out
full cargo of general freight.
Jlovcmcnts of Vessels.
SEATTLE. Oct. 27. Sailed Steamers
Jefferson, tor Southeastern Alaska; Lyman
Stewart, for san Francisco. Arrived bteam
er Port Angeles, from San I- rancisco.
TACOMA. Oct. 27. Departed Steamers
Tosemite. for San Francisco; El Dorado, for
Tides at A.torla Monday.
High. I,ow.
:2.- A. M 7.4 feet':25 P. M 6.f feet
;03 A. M.....1.J leet P. .M.. .....5 feet
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Oct. 27. Condition of the
bar at 5 P. M.: Sea, rough; wind, west, 3ti
Former Portland Newspaper Man
Passes In San Francisco. .
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. $7. Hugh S.
Thompson. 49, local newspaper man
and only son of the late Thomas L.
Thompson, United States Minister to
Brazil under President Cleveland's Ad
ministration, died here today. Thomp
son's father was a pioneer California
Mr. Thompson was a reporter on the
Evening Telegram six years ago. He
was on the police assignment, but re
mained in Portland less than a year.
Private Roland Beaver, of Portland,
Dies iu German Camp.-
WASHINGTON", Oct. 27. Names of ?4
Americans held as prisoners of war at
various camps in Germany, the death
at Camp Kastatt, Germany, of Private
Roland Beaver, of S16 tast Seventh
street, Portland, Or., previously report
ed as prisoner of war. and the escape
of Private rank Sovlckl of C Company,
Kourth V. S. infantry, from the Ras
tatt camp to Switzerland, were an
nounced today by the War Department.
Lonls Hrauthoff Passes, Following
Illness of Two Weeks.
NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Louis C.
Krauthoff. chief counsel for the United
States War Risk Bureau who was
stricken with apoplexy in Washington
two weeks ago. died at a hotel here
yesterday of pneumonia.
Mr. Krauthoff was counsel at vari
ous times for the Union Pacific Rail
road Company, National City Bank of
New York and Armour & Company. He
was born In St. Louis In 1S53.
Robert Grass, Seattle; Fred
Adams, Spokane, in Race.
Opposition to Grass in King County
Delegation Slay Be Due to His)
Sympathy With "Cow" Counties.
SEATTLE. Oct. 27. (Special.)
Though there is a week to go before
members of the next Legislature will
be actually elected, the fight for
Speaker of the next House Is. so well
under way that It appears probable the
contest will narrow down to a fight be
tween Robert Grass, of Seattle, and
Fred Adams of Spokane.
In the speakership gossip the names
of E. H. Guie and Pliny L. Allen, of
Seattle, George McCoy of Vancouver
and one or two others have been men
tloned. - But Grass has a good work
ing majority of the King County dele
gation and most of the West Side
pledges that have been given are
made out in Grass's favor. Odds are
that at least one of his King County
rivals, if not both, will be out of the
fight after election.
In eastern Washington, Adams de
feated L. L. Westfall for control of the
Spokane delegation by a single vote and
the campaign in Adams's behalf has
been made in favor of an East Side
candidate, the preliminary effort being
to line up Eastern Washington by that
appeal. Adams has all the better of it
on the East Side, but he has not yet
obtained the solid support of that sec
tion. Even if he should, he could only
muster 36 or 87 votes, as one figures
it, and there are 97 members of the
House, requiring 49 to control.
Pierce County Badly Spilt.
Two years ago virtually all the King
County House members supported Guy
Kelly, of Tacoma, for Speaker. There
is little likelihood that Pierce County
will reciprocate next January for
Pierce is split this time worse than
King County ever was. Kelly will not
go back to the House and even if he
did it is probable he would fall down in
any effort to control his delegation.
Both Grass and Adams have some
Pierce county support, though an
earlier effort was made to line-up
some of it for Guie. If the fight gets
down to a contest between Adams and
Grass it is probable the Guie votes
would be thrown to the Spokane man.
Whether an even break in Pierce could
be arranged is a matter of pure specu
lation for nobody actually knows.
Kelly began In the speakership fight
by keeping his hands jff, but recently
there have been indications that he is
supporting Adams.
Sims Supports Grass.
E. A. Sims, former Republican floor
leader In the House, is actively sup
porting Grass's speakership fight.
Though he frequently has declared he
would retire from politics and even
now is handling a big copper mine
near Index, Sims has kept in remark
ably close touch with state affairs
and correspondence with legislative
nominees shows that his influence in
Grass's behalf has been carrying
great deal of weight.
Grass has been a member of the
House during the past three sessions,
while Adams has only one session to
his credit. Both were members of the
rules committee two years ago. Grass
has profited in Western Washington by
his sympathy as a legislator with the
so-called "cow counties" and it may
be that some of the opposition he en
countered in the King County delega
tion was due to this attitude.
Chief Clerk Maybury to Return,
Charles R. Maybury, chief clerk of
the House since 1913, has finally ob
tained leave of absence from the Norway-Pacific
Drydock and Construc
tion Company with which he now is
associated, and probably will be elected
chief clerk again as no opposition to
him' has appeared. He is trying to In
duce A. W. ("alder, of Vancouver, for
mer assistant chief clerk, to drvp his
ship yard work for a couple of months
and return to legislative duties. Calder
is balking, but strong efforts will be
made to induce him to go to Olympia
for the session.
Frank Dallam. Jr., former secretary
of the Senate, now is with the Ameri
can Army In France and there is a
lively fight on for secretary. More ac-
tual pledges of support have beer,
given Victor Zednick, former represen
tative, than for "any of the other can
didates for secretary, but the fight is
not yet settled. The most serious rival
Zednick has is O. L. Stone, of Olympia.
a former Senate employe who has
agreed to go to France soon in Y. M. C.
A. service.
Coos Bay Lender Points to Record
of Republican Parly.
Banker. Marshfield.
MARSHFIKLD, Or.. Oct. 2. (Spe
cial.) I was shocked on reading the
almost unbelievable statement of Presi
dent Wilson advisjng votes for Demo
cratic aspirants to office. Records dis
close support of Republicans on all Ad
ministration war measures were more
ready than from members of his own
party. This adherence to party politics
when "politics is adjourned" is discon
certing, to say the least.
The direct, eloquent and convincing
manner in which tne resicent an
swered the Kaiser's government ask
ing for an armistice is a source of pride
and satisfaction to all loyal Americans.
That this universal confidence should
be so shaken by the President descend
ing to partisan politics in so short 31
space of time is regrettable.
Substantial Majority Expected for
Ticket in Columbia County.
ST. HELENS, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Indications are that the entire Re
publican county and state ticket will
receive a substantial majority in Co
lumbia County, with the possible ex
ception of tho county judgeship. For
this ofTice there are three aspirants,
Martin White. Republican; W. J. Ful
lerton. Democrat, and George Conyers,
who is running as an independent.
Mr. Conyers is also a Republican and
lives in Clatskanie. It is probable the
vote will be so badly eplit that Fuller
ton will slip in. At any rate, the result
is very uncertain.
Representative Julius Kahn Points
to Selective Service Law.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Oct. 17. "I am
sorry that the President saw fit to
descend from the hlfrh plane which he
occupied when he said that "politics
is adjourned." " This declaration was
made tonight by Representative Ju
lius Kahn. minority leader of the Mili
tary Affairs Committee of the House
The. Bank of California
. National Association
Portland Branch
Third and Stark Streets
Surplus and Undivided
For convenience of our depositors, our Savings Depart
ment will be open on Saturday evening from 6 to 8
o'clock until further notice.
Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits
of Representatives, in commenting on
President Wilson's recent appeal for the
election of a Democratic Congress.
Mr. Kahn is resting at a resort near
here.vAfter outlining the support given
the Administration by the Republicans,
Mr. Kahn referred to the selective
service law, which he fostered, in these
"By reason of my position as minor
itv leader of the Military Affairs Com
mittee of the House, the duty devolved
upon me to lead the fight for the draft
law when the Democratic members of
the committee refused to take up the
President's programme. The speaker of
the House, Champ Clark; the Demo
cratic floor leader, Claude Kitchin; the
Democratic chairman of the Military
Affairs Committee, Mr Dent; all op
posed the President in this piece of
"Democratic leaders refused to fol
low the President's lead and the duty
devolved upon Republicans to take up
the burdens of the Administration. "By
their fruits ye shall know them.'
Patrolman Irvln Keeps Appointment
and Arrests Ten Persons on
Charges of Conspiracy.
Poor telephone service was directly
responsible for the arrest of 10 mem
bers of the religious society known as
the "Brothers of Jesus," now held by
the Federal authorities on a charge of
conspiring to evade the draft.
Central "went to sleep one day last
week and rang Patrolman Irvin's tele
Dhone when one of the "brothers" had
asked for a different number.
Brother Dostoskl?" queried a voice
when the policeman answered.
"What the " gasped the patrolman.
"The brothers will have a meeting at
3S3M East Pine street tonignt, ano
some of the faithful will discuss meas
ures for evading the draft," the voice
continued. "Will you come?"
"Sure I will!" agreed the policeman
heartily. And he did. He took the lib
erty of inviting some of his friends in.
the Police Bureau. The discussion of
the "Brothers of Jesus" was thus in
terrupted. And the police have added to their
proverbs a line which runs something
like thiB: "She also serves who rings
the wrong number sometimes."
Strange Misfortune Eeems to Have
Befallen Paul 3. Sclioli.
Mysterious misfortunes sometimes
ascribed to precious gems by supersti
tious persons seem to nave ianen 10
Paul J. Scholz, 301 North Twenty-first
street, who Saturday morning lost a
purse containing some of his savings
and a valuable diamond ring a keep
sake of 28 years.
The purse was lost, Mr. Scholz be
lieves, as he was on his way to his
work at St. Johns, and though he has
advertised and offered a reward, he
has not recovered his property. Two
of his sons enlisted in the service some
time ago, and one of them died in camp
in California-
Mr. Scholz, who has been tne sup
port Of four DOyS ana xwo Sinn iwr lilt
past four years, finds himseir racing
Winter weather with his cash reserve
gone, and feels that his was not a
lucky star.
PORTLAND. Oct. 2". Maximum temper-
ature. 61 degrees; minimum, as aegrees.
Klver reading at a A. Al., l.o icei; cnange in
last 24 hours. 0.1 loot fall. Total rainiail
P. M. to 5 P. M.. li.3l lncn; total rain
fall since September 1. 1!18. 4.33 Inches: nor.
ttihI rainfall since SeDtember 1. 4.fi6 inches;
deficiency of rainfall since September 1. 191H.
0.03 inch, sunrise. :4j a. t.; sunsei, n:ui.
t M. Total sunshine ucloDer i. min
utes: possible sunshine. 10 hours, 18 minutes
Moonsct. 1:48 P. M. Barometer (reduced to
sea level) at 5 P. M.. 29.77 Inches. Relative
humidity at noon, 73 per cent.
State of
Baker 42 D0:0.1S:10!W Rain
Bole 41 S0,0.22:14iSB Rain
Boston C4IO.O0I. .ISE Clear
Calgary 70.0.00!. .INW Pt. cloudy
Chicago fi!0.4:20S Clear
Denver r.OiO. 0011 6 W Cloudy
Dei Moines 04!2.32:20;SW Cloudy
Eureka 04:0. OIL. SW Cloudy
Galveston ... 62iO.OS;12iNWiClear
Helena I 321 S4 0.00112 SW Rain
Juneaut I,3S:0.3..ISB Sleeting
Kansas City I 4212 . 0424l W Rain
Marahfield ... Ml.. .10.001.. I
Medford , 4"; 600. 101.. !W Rain
Minneapolis 4i!:1.10!14!N Rain
New Orleans 74 1.10I..ISW Pt. cloud;
New York 72:0.0"I20!SE Clear
North Head... 52 iSiO.76 SttiW Rain
North Yakima 3S fiOO.OOLJNE Clear
Phoenix 7IO.O0..W Clear
Poratello 3 M10.04L.IS IRaln
Portland .12 SSO.alJW IRaln
Roseburg .... flO U2l0.20114iSW (Cloudy
Sacramento .. 4ti 74 0.00!. . 'SB Clear
St. Louis
72 0.W 30iSW ICloudy
TtSiO.OO! . .(NW'Clear
tiS.O.OOilS SW (Clear
SS 0.90 24 SW (Cloudy
.r. 0.44 22)SW ICloudy
R9 1.43 J4 SW PU cloudy
San Diego-
San Francisco
Tatoosh Island,
Walla Walla..
Washington . .
Winnipeg . - - -
. .lo.ooi.
7H 0.0OL .IS
Cloudy -
) AWO.OflT. -ISE"
tA. M. today,
P. M.- report of preceding
and vicinity Rain;
Orepon and Washington Rain; strong: U
moderate westerly winds.
Idaho Monday, rain, warmer south por
tion. .
i, L w A n.u 1j, v rLiL,, meteorologist.
Convict Hangs Self With Towel.
SAN RAFAEL. Cal.. Oct. 27. C. P.
Tevls, who had served eig-ht years of
a 10-year sentence for burglary, hanged
himself with a towel In the cellhouse
in San Quentin prison near here today.
Profits. . . . 8,557,493.52
According to prison officials a charge
of second degree murder was pending
against him in Texas and efforts were
to have been made to extradite him.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Liberty Bonds
Sell Direct to Licensed Brokers. Get
Market Cash Value.
$50, $100, $500 or $1000
Business NStrictIy Confidential.
Private Office for Ladles.
Western Stock & Bond Co.
Licensed Brokers.
Hours 8:30 to 6 Pi M.
Suite 614 Morgan Bldg.
Broadwavy and Washlngtoa Sts.
For Sale
Location Can be inspected at Taylor-
Street Dock, Portland, Oregon.
This new Stern Wheel River Boat,
built in 1917, is offered for sale.
Capacity 200 tons; equipped with
600-H. P. engines and boilers.
Bids for purchase will be received up
to October 31, 1918, at the office of
the Secretary, P. W. Anderson, Hut
ton building, Spokane, Washington.
Do You Want Some
Boat Spikes, Bolts
" Rivets
4,800,000 POUNDS
Portland, Or.
fipran Potti' Strvlct
Fuffaz! Hron., Fao. Coaat Agenta, 109 Cherry
St.. beattle. or a or Local Agenta.
S. .S. Rose City Satin S P. M., Oct. 29
Including meals and berths.
Tickets at Third and Washington.
Telephone Broadway 4500. Bdwy. 268,
; A 1234, A 6121. v
Via Tahiti and Raratonga. Mail and pa.i
seoffer aervice from bio ifranciaco every SS
230 California St.. San Francisco,
or Itwal steamship anH railroad agencies.
Rates for
Classified Advertisements
The Oregonian. "
Daily and Sunday
Per line.
One line 12c
Two consecutive times 22c
Three consecutive time 30c
Six or aeen consecutive times 56c
The following classifications excepted,
the rate on which is 7c per line per day:
Situations Wanted Male. Situations
Private l-'amilieb. Buard and Kooms
Private lamlHes. Housekeeping Rooms
Private families. No ad taken for
less than two lines. Count six words to
the line. Advertisements (except "Per
sonals") will he taken over tne tele
phone if the advertiser is a subscriber
to cither phone. No price will be quoted
over the phone, but statement will be
rendered the following day. Advertise
ments are taken for The Daily Ore
gonian until 8 P. M.; for The Sunday
Oregonian until 6 P. M. Saturday.
This farm contains 600 acres, about 395
in high state of cultivation; good house
a nd t wo barns ; good fences. This is
a choice stock and grain farm, well wa
tered, situated near town, on a good
graveled road. Phone Sunday, Ea&t 644,
or address XX 100, Oregonian.
5S0 acres, UHo in cultivation; buildings
and fences In good condition; plenty of
water, fine location. I foreclosed on this
farm and must have my cash. Can give
good title. Address AA 500. Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady for pleasant, easy
position; - pood pay. Apply Monday, lu
A. M. to V2 A. M.. SKIT Spalding bldg.
HOUSEKEEPER to care for widower's chil
dren. Good home for woman with small
child; no washing. AK 13'2, Oregonian.
LACE curtains hand laundered, cal.'ed for
and delivered, by expert. East 6196.
1 WANT a sheep ranch west of Cascades.
Johnson, 381 E. Morrison.
i UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent. 654
. EasV St-ark.
Bous-ht last Jrtarch, with A. B. C. self-
starter and shock absorbers, spotlight,
dashboard, lig-ht and speedometer, de
mountable rims, tire rack. 2 extra tires.
Phone Tabor 56S1 or can be seen at 5tio
B. 41st North.
EMBLEM Jewelry, vurtoo. chirrei, via
w duifna. Jaeger rom 131 -a eta. U
PRIBDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, cUaa
pine and medals. 310 Waahlccton at
HOBSO.V Tn this city, October 27. S. Clyde
Hobson, aged 36 years, late of 331 East
Forty-ninth street. He is survived by his
widow. Marguerite, one son, Lionel, and
three sisters. Mrs. George KuykendaM. of
Portland ; Mrs. Edna. Mclntvre and Bur
rell DeWolf, of Vancouver, B. C. His
father, Jesse Kobson, resides in this city.
The remains are at the residence estab
lishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgom
ery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter.
KAISER At her late residence. 20 Chap
man street, October 7, Miriam M. Kaiser,
aged 4. years, wifa of T. S nn
mother of Marguerite J., Lawrence E. and
linam tj. jvaiser ana sister or Mrs, John
T. Buker. of Rockford. 111.; R. W. Skinner,
or iuoa n v. C'aj. and Mrs. r T Whit
tlesey, of Philomath. Oregon. Remains are
at me residential funeral home of Wilson
oss. Juneral notice in a later issue.
MrLEES In this city, October 24. Frank
Ernest Aiciees. seed 35 years 6 months 2!
days, son of James R. S. and Sarah A
Mclvaes, of. Grandville, O. : brother of
cnartes w. McLees. of Grandville, O.
Thomas Howard Mcl-ees, of Branch, Mich.
James Ciyde MeL,ees. of Zanesville. O.,
and Mrs. Clara Dickson, of Grandville, O.
The remains are at the parlors of F. S.
juiiniiis, inc.
REHIRING In this city, October 27, Georpe
H. Rehlins, aged 34 years. He is survived
oy ms widow, Emma and brother. Harry,
Of this citV. His mother nri fathr Mr
and Mrs. Charles F. Rehling, and brother,
Frank, reside in DavenoorL Iowa.. The
remains are at the residence establishment
of J. P. Fjnley & Son, Montgomery at
r ii tn.
HANDSAKER At St. Vincent's Hospital
uct. -4, lHis, Anna Handsaker. aged Z
years. Deceased is survived by a hus'
band. Edward C. Handsaker. and two
children. Remains are at the parlors of
the Skewes Undertaking Co.. corner 3d
ana Liay. Funeral notice later.
BEHAM In this city, October 27, Mary
Beham, aged 56 years. late of 293 Four
teenth street. The remains are at the
residence establishment of J. P. Finley &
eon, .Montgomery at Jriitn. Notice or. iu
nerai nereaiter.
NORWOOD In this city. October 27. Rob
ert H. Norwood, aged 81 years, late of
jtu iast xmrty-eignth street, this city.
Tho remains will be forwarded bv J. P.
Finley & Son to McMinnville. Or., today
ior interment.
ORR-In this city. October 27, at his late
residence, 747 Ellis avenue. Samuel J. Orr.
aged 33 years. The remains are at the
residence establishment of J. P. Finley &
Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of
funeral hereafter.
TOLSON In this city, October 25, Eliza
beth Toison, aged years. The remains
will be forwarded to Caldwell, Idaho to
day (Monday), October 28 by J. P. Fin
ley & ton, where services will be held
ana interment made.
COOL13 In this city. October 23. Walter H.
uooie, agea 3 years. Tne remains wiu
be forwarded today (Monday), by J. P.
Finley & Son to Seattle, Wash., where
services wiij be neld and Interment made.
PETERSON In this city, Oct. 26. 191S. John
a. Peterson, aged 30 years. Remains are
at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking
Co., corner 3d and Clay. Funeral notice
McCALIUM In this city, October 25. at his
late residence, esa L.ovejoy street. John H.
McCallum, aged 73 years. The remains
are at the residence establishment of J.
r. finley &. Son, .Montgomery at Fifth.
HULL At the residence. 775 E. Ankenv st.
October 26, 191S, Bertie Eugene Hull, aged
1- years, son or air. ana Airs. Jra ii. tiuii
Remiins at Hoi man's funeral parlors.
COLEMAN In this city, October 27, George
Coleman, late of California. Remains at
the residential funeral home of Wilson &
Koss. Funeral notice later.
ARMBRUSTER In this city. October 28. A.
E. Armbruster, late of Lakevlew, Or. Re
mains at the residential funeral home of
Wilson & Ross. Funeral notice later.
DOLLIS In this city, October 27, Charles
Dollis. aged 40 years. Announcement of
funeral later by the Erlcson Undertaking
O'CONNER In this city, Oct. 26. John
O'Conner, aged 37 years. Remains at
Dunning & McEntee s parlors. Funeral no
tice later.
TRITSCHLER At the residence, 705 Thur-
man street, October 26, Frank H. Tritsch
ler, aged 28 .years, beloved husband of
Marie Tritschler. father of Emily Tclstch
ler, son of Henry T. Tritschler. Funeral
services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday),
October L'9, at 2 P. M. at the", chapel of
Miller & Tracey. All services strictly
private. Interment at Mt. Calvary Ceme
tery. WELCH At her late residence, 840 Syra
cuse street, Eudelie Welch, aged 49 years,
wife of Officer Azel Welch, who has served
for -0 years in the police department, and
mother of William M. Welch. The funeral
services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday),
October 19, at 10:30 A. M. at the residence
establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Mont
gomery at Fifth. Interment Lone Fir
Cemetery. Services private.
CHAPMAN Near Mt. Scott, Oct. 23. Mary
' Chapman, aged 69 years. Private, funeral
services will be conducted today (Monday),
Oct. 1:8, at 2:0 P. M.. in the mortuary
chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 5S02-04
92d st. S. E.. Lents. Interment Multno
mah Cemetery,
AMUNDS Oct. 2T, at 9659 59th ave. S. E.,
Erma Amunds, aged IS years. Private fu
neral service will be conducted tomorrow
(Tuesday), Oct. 29, at X:?,0 P. M. in the
mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy &
Co., 5SOJ-04 st. S. E., in Lents. Inter
ment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery.
HELMING At Salt Lake City. October 23.
Ada Helming. The funeral services will
be held today (Monday) at the grave in
Riverview Cemetery, at 3:30 P. M., J. P.
Finley & Son, directors.
SWARD The funeral services of Alfred S.
Sward will be held today (Monday), at 11
A. M., at the residence establishment of
j. p. Finley & bon, Montgomery at Firth.
interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery
Services private.
RAGNONE The funeral services of Camela
Ragnone will be held today (Monday), at
1 P. M. at the residence establishment of
J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth.
Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Services
DONALDSON The funeral services of Wm.
"W. Billey Donaldson will be today (Mon
day), at U:30 P. M., at the residence estab
lishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgom
ery at Fifth. Incineration at Portland
Crematorium. Services private.
BILLETER The funeral services of Bertha
E. Billeter will be held today (Mondav) at
3:30 P. M. at the residence establishment
. of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at
Fifth. Interment, Mt. Scott Park Ceme
tery. Services private.
FARLEY At Camp Pike, Arkansas, October-
20, Luke Allen Farley. The funeral
services will be held Tuesday, October 29,
at 1 P. M., at the residence establishment
of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at
Fifth. Interment, Rose City Cemetery.
Services private.
PRESSEL. In this city, October 26. William
E. Pressel, aged 32 years. Funeral serv
ices will be held tomorrow (Tuesday), Oc
tober 29. at 10 A, M. at the chapel of
Miller & Tracey. Ail services strictly
private. Interment at the Columbian
HAYXER The funeral services of the late
Effie Hayner will De heiu today (Mon
dav). October 28. at 1 P. M. at the chapel
of Miller & Tracey. All services strictly
private, interment at -rtiverview ceme
GILMORE In this city. October 25, Phoebe
Gilmore, aged SO years. Private funeral
BPrvices will be held at Running fir M
Entee's chapel today (Monday), October
2ti. at 11 a. m. interment at Mount Scott
Park Cemetery.
DEARDORF The funeral services of Lil
lian Deardorf will be held Tuesday. Octo
ber 29, at 3:30 P. M. at the residence es
tablishment of J. P. Finley & Hon. Mont
gomery at Fifth. Interment Mount Scott
Park Cemetery. Services private.
LEE The funeral services of the late Olive
M. Lee will be held today (Monday), Oc
tober 28, at 11:30 A. M. at the chapel of
Miller & Tracey. All serv ices strictly
private. Interment at Rose City Cemetery.
PENROSE The funeral services of Owen
B. Penrose will be held Tuesday. October
29, at 2:30 P. M. at the residence estab
lishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Mont
gomery at Fifth. Interment Mount Scott
Park Cemetery. Services private.
PRESBY In this city, October 26, 1918.
Benedict Presby, aged 21 yars. son of
Mrs. Zoe Presby, of 67 N. 20th st. Re
mains forwarded to Goldendale. Wash., by
the Hoi man Undertaking Co.
DOWER In this city. Oct, 25. John Dower,
aged 34 years. Private funeral services will
be held at Dunning & McEntee's chapel
tomorrow (Tuesday), Oct. 29. at 3 P. M.
Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery.
TASSICK In this city, Oct, 26. Roda Tas
sick, aged 33 years. Private funeral serv
ices will be held at Dunning & MoEntee'i
chapel today (Monday), at 3 P. M. Inter
ment Multnomah Park Cemetery.
HONSTEIN In this city, October 26. Reu
ben E. Honstein, funeral services, Titesdav,
October 29, at 1:30 P. M. nt the residential
funeral home of Wilson & Rosa. Interment
fat Kose City Park Cemetery. 1
FLNERAC notices.
H FILMING Mrs. Ada Helming. beloved
wife of F. C. Helming, died at Salt Lako
City with Spanish influenza. Services t
J. P. Finley's undertaking parlors today
(Monday) at 3:3" P. M. private. She was
the mother of four daughters and three
sons, namely: ThHma Helming, Mrs. Con
stance God bey, Mrs. Mildred Willey, of
Portland. Or.; Mrs. Hulda Swaxey, Mllo,
Me.; Charles and Harold Donald, Some
where in Franc; Herbert Donald, Maine.
. She leaves one sister. Mrs. Lottie Harper.
r,or!,a"d' r- 8nd OI" brother, Charles
Hall, Oakland. Cal.
HOCKIXSON At the family residence, 339
Hancock street, Oct. 26. Ernest ii. Hock- '
inson, aged 53 years, 15 days, husband of
Mrs. Anna Vadams Hockinson; father of
Ned Hockinson, U. s. Navv. and Lillian
Hockinson. this city. The funeral serv
ices will be held at the conservatory
chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 E. Alder
. st., at 3 P. M.. today (Monday). Interment
Rose City Cemeterv. Deceased was a
member of Mt. Tabor Lodge. A. F. and
A; M.. No. 42, and Rose City Camp. W. O.
All services private as per order of
Health Board.
HOLTE At the family residence. 594S 45th
ave. S. E., Mrs. Minnie M. Holte, aged R5
years, 3 months, 3 days, wife of Chris
Holte; mother of Hann unrt fart A 1nr
shall W. Holte. Mrs. Isabella Rice. Mrs.
Theo Messner. Mrs. J. R. Walker. Mrs. B.
L. Taylor, all of this city, and Sergeant
Paul E. Holte. U. S. A.. Virginia. The fu
neral services will bo held at the conserva
tory chapel of F. s. Dunning. Inc.. East
Alder st. at 3:30 p. M. tomorrow (Tues
day). Interment Mt. Scott Park Ceme
tery. All services strictls private as per
order of Health Board.
OBERSTALLER At the family residence,
9 Last 14th st.. Norman Walter Oberstal-
ler. aged 12 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.
L. OberHtaller; brother of W. B.. Arthur
J.. Kenneth Carl, Mabel and Julia Ober
staller and Mrs. II. w. Klopp, all of this
city; Mrs. L. M. Forter and Mrs. KrlK
bawm. of San Francisco. The funeral serv
Ic,eB will be held at the conservatory chapel
of Ft S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 East Allder st.
at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Tuesday). In
terment Rose City Cemetery. Sen ices pri
vate as per order of Health Board.
PRICE: At the family residence, 1345 Tilla
mook street, October 25, Mrs. Narcissi
Price, aged 7S years 7 months 18 davs,
mother of H. W. Price, of this city; grand
mother of Mrs. Fred Shule and Mildred
Price, of this city, and Ward Price, U. S.
A., France. Private funeral services will
be held at the residence at 1: P. M. to
day (Monday). Interment RivTrvlew Cem
etery. F. S. Dunning, ln funeral direc
tors. EDICK In this city, October 5. Francis
Eugene Edick, age 36 years, 3 months.
4 days, husband of Lillie Edick. father T
Dorothy, Kenneth, Frances and Helen,
son of Mrs Helen I. Ediclt, brother of
Alburn J. Edick and Mrs. Florence C.
Eva, of this city. Private funeral serv
ices, Monday, October 28, at 11 a. m. fro
the residential funeral home of Wilson A
Ross. Interment in Mt. Calvary cemeterv.
BILLINGS Died at Deer Lodge, Mont.,
Fred M. Billings. He is survived by hi
wife, Margarete Billing's, one daughter
Mrs. Effie Venn, two sons, Louis E. and
Everett Monroe, of Portland, and threa
brothers, Lewis, Jean, and Walter Billings,
of Iowa. Private services at the residential
funeral home of Wilson A Ross, at 4 P. M.
Monday, October 28. Interment at Ml.
Scott Park Cemetery.
DODGE In this city. Oct. 2G. 1018. at 21
East SOth st., Ira K. Dodge, aged 67 years.
4 months, 23 days, beloved husband of
Mrs. Henrietta Dodge; father of Grace
D, Stoll; brother of Mary J. McCarty,
Ypslanti. Mich.; Annett Lynch, Sandusky,
Mich. Funeral services from residence
tomorrow (Tuesday). Oct. 29, 1918. at 10
A. M. Incineration Mt. Scott Crematorium.
W. H. Hamilton, director.
MEYER In this city. October 23. Hattle
Etta Meyer, aged 2 years, sister of Richard
James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
N. Meyer. The funeral services will be
held from the conservatory chapel of F.
S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder street, st
10 A. M. today (Monday). October 28.
Interment Rose City Cemetery. Funeral
services private on order of Board of
EDJiCK In this city, October 25. Francis
Eugene Edick, aged att years, a montns,
days, husband of Lillie Edick, father of
Dorothy, Kenneth, Frances and Helen, son
of Mrs. Helen I. Edick, brother of Alburn
J. and Mrs. Florence C. Eva, of this city.
Private funeral Monday, October 28, at 11
A. M., from residential funeral parlors of
Wilson & Ross, interment in Mount Cal
vary Cemetery.
VOSS In this city, October 26, 1918, at 2067
East Washington, wenry r. voss, agea o.
years 8 months 4 days, beloved father of
Hans, Henry and Carrie Voss. of this
city; James, U. S. Army, Camp Lewis;
Frank, Baltimore, Md. Funeral services
at W. H. Hamilton's Funeral Chapel, East
.Seventy-ninth and Glisan, tomorrow (Tues
day). October 29, at 2 P. M. private. In
terment Multnomah Cemetery.
REDMAN At residence, 186 Sherman street.
.rauiine Amena neunidji, ofitu 01 jcnn, un
loved wife of Jacob and mother of Theresa
and David Redman: daughter of Mis.
Theresa- Stegmann, of Oswego. Or. Pri
vate funeral services will be held at Dun
ning & McEntee's chapel today (Monday).
October 2S. at 1 P. M. Interment at Mount
Calvary Cemetery.
DIBBLEE At the residence. 493 E. 11th St.
N.. October 26, 1918. Sarah Ann JJlDDiee.
aged SO years, widow of the late T. W.
Dibblee, mother of W. C. Dibblee. Private
funeral services will be held at Holman's
funeral parlors at 2:30 p. M. today (Mon
day), October 2S, 1918. Interment River
view Cemetery. Seattle and Sacramento
papers please copy.
KEENAN At the family residence, 721 East
Ash street, October -o, uiara a. neenau,
aged 59 years, wife of A. D. Keenan,
mother of Claude Stewart, Eva 1. Ward
and Lester W. Keenan, all of this city.
Private funeral services will be held at the
residence at 2:30 P. M. today (Monday),
concluding services at Portland Crema
torium. HUFFSCHMIDT At the residence. 203 Eat
First st. N., Robert Vv. Huilschmidt, aged
5 months, '.nfant son of Mr. and Mr.
Robert E. Huffschmidt. Private funeral
services will be held at Holman's funeral
parlors at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Tuesday),
October 29, 191S. Interment Riverview
LESTER October 24, Anna F. Lester, aged
27 years, wife of Silas Lester. Private ru
neral will be held from Dunning & Mc
Entee's chapel today ( Monday). October
2S. at S:45 A. M. ; thence to the Cathedral
at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will bo of
fered. Interment at Mount Caivary Ceme
tery. SEABORG Private' funeral services frr
Grace Myron HeaoorK, oeiovea wire- or
Martin Seaborg. will be held today (Mon
day), October 2S, from R. T. Byrnes' res
idence parlors. 901 Williams avenue, at
Mason street, at 3 P. M. Interment Rose
City Cemetery.
McNICHOLAS At Walla Walla. Wash.. Oct.
24. Mammie McN'icholas. aged 25 years,
daughter of Michael McNfchoIas. Private
funeral services will be held at Dunning &.
McEntee's chapel tomorrow (Tuesday),
October 29, at 9 A. M. Interment Mount
Calvary Cemetery.
UHLMAN At San Francisco October 27,
1!18, of influenza, Lloyd Uhlmann, aged 24
. vears, husband of Marie Uhlman, of Eu
gene. Or.; son of Mrs. Mary Uhlman and
brother of Mrs. Helen Hirsch, of Port-,
land, funeral notice later.
WELLS In this city. October 26. 1018, Clif
ford Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wells, of Ridgefield, Wash. Services at
cemetery at Ridgefield, Wash., at 4 P. "M. ;
Monday, October 28. In charge of Wilson
& Ross.
KANGAS In this city, October 26. Walter -Kangas,
late of Boise, Ida. Funeral serv
ices, Tuesday, at 10 A. M., October 29, at
the residential" funeral home of Wilson &
Ross. Interment at Mt. Scott Park Ceme
tery. CATHER At Fort Bliss. Texas. Captain .
Don Russell Cather, aged 27 years. Fu-
neral, with full military services, will be
held tomorrow (Tuesday). October 29, at
10 A. M. from Ericson's Chapel. Services
WELLS In this city, October 26, Clifford
Wells, son 01 air. ana jars, josepn wens
rtf Kidirefield. Wash. Services at ceme
tery. Ridgefield, Wash., 4 P. M., Monday.
October 28. Arrangements in charge uf -.
Witson & Ross.
LENHARDT Private funeral services for the
late Henrich Lenhardt will be held today
(Monday). Oct. 28. from his Jate resi
dence, 54" Failing st., at 10 A. M. Inter
ment Rose City Park Cemetery. Arrange
ments in care of R- T. Byrnes.
SCOTT In this city. Oct. 27. Herman Scott,
aged 50 years. Private funeral services
w ill be held at Dunning 6c McEntee's
chapel tomorrow (Tuesday), Oct. 29. at
3:30 P- M. . Interment Multnomah Park
GDODMAN-rln this" city, October 26, 1918,
William BT Goodman, aged 24 years. Fu
neral services today (Monday), October 28,
at 3 P- M. from Ericson's Chapel. Services
TESTERMAN Private funeral services for
the late Fred J. Testennan will be held
today (Monday), Oct. 28, from R, T.
Byrnes' parlors at 4 :30 P. M. Interment
Rose City Cemetery.
LONG In this city October 25, N. G. Long,
aged 63 years. Funeral services today '
(Monday), October 28, at 10 A. M. from
Ericson's Chapel. Services private.
DUNNING & McENTEE, funeral directors.
Broadway ana Pine street. Phone Broadway "
4iiu, A 4558. Ladfr attendant.
neral service. 1973 E. Gillian. Tabor 4313.
PT T l7T?PT-r fca,t llth nd CIy St
Twelfth and Morrison .treata.
Broadway 2534.
A P 7Kr.T.WR f!f 5S2 Williams Av
" ' ' East 11
luait. c loss
GS02-04 d -St.. Lents. Tabor 5167.
and Clay. Main 41o-. A Jl. Lady aasisLant.