Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 26, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    - ,
; Answer to Wilson's Note Will
Be Delayed. '
eGrcat Crowd Before the Reichstag
Building at Berlin Calls for
i Abdication of Kaiser.
BASEL, Oct. 23. (By the Associated
Press.) The German war cabinet con
sidered President Wilson's reply at a
lengthy session yesterday, according to
the Frankfort Zeitung.
It was decided not to answer at the
present time, but to wait until it is
learned what the entente's armistice
conditions may be.
LONDON. Oct. 25. President "Wil
son's note was received in Berlin in the
course of Thursday's sitting; of the
Reichstag, which immediately ad
tourned. according to an Exchange
TeleeraDh dispatch from Copenhagen.
Discussion of'the note was taken up
In sectional meetings or the Keicnstag
PARIS. Oct. 15. An enormous crowd
assembled before the Reichstag build
ing in Berlin yesterday, calling for the
abdication of Kmperor William and the
formation of a republic, according to a
special dispatch from Zurich to L'ln
Xormation. Llebkaecat Addresses Crowd.
rr. Karl Liebknerht. the Socialist
leader, who has Just been released from
prison, was applauded frantically. He
was compelled to enter a carriage filled
with flowers, from which he made a
epeech declaring that the time of th.
people had arrived.
BASE! SwHtierland, Oct. Z5. (Hi
vis. ) When the lower house of the
Prussian Diet resumed its session in
Berlin Thursday, Count Schwerin. the
President, called upon the deputies to
make a united front against the ene
miej of the country.
Grave Hear Seaadrd.
He said that never before had the
Chamber -assembled at such a grave
hour with the enemy threatening to
strike down the doors of the country.
WASHINGTON". Oct. 25. Emboldened
by the German government's acceptance
of the principles or eeit-aetermination
laid down by President Wilson, the
delegates in the Reichstag from non
German nationalities have begun to
clamor for independence.
Sensational scenes in the Reichstag
Wednesday, with the separatists assert
ing themselves defiantly, were described
In dispatches received here today based
on advices from Berlin.
Representing the Poles of Prussia,
Deputy Stychel claimed the right of
independence, declaring the time had
come to put aside the favorite German
formula, "every ground-where the Gcr
man stake was struck is German
President Wilson, he eald. was hu
inanity's benefactor and was moved by
the strongest feeling of justice which
lies in men's hearts. German Poland
he added, had been brutally adminis
tered and the Poles had not been per
mitted to become the equals of other
Daie Hakes Desaaad.
This unusual language In the once
subservient German Reichstag waa Im
mediately followed by indications of a
Danish separatist movement. Dele
gate Hasen, in the name of the Danish
population and of right and justice, de
manded the execution of the Prague
treaty, which promised the people of
Schleswig a plebiscite to permit them
to decide whether they would remain
with Germany or return to their for
mer Danish allegiance.
The delegate Ricklin. representing
Alsace-Lorraine, created the greatest
sensation by pointing out that accep
tance by the German government of
President Wilson's 14 terms made the
future of Alsace-Lorraine an interna
tional question.- He gave warning that
the proposed autonomy was now in
sufficient, meaning that nothing short
of Independence or return of the prov
inces to France would meet the case.
American "Meddling" in Behalf of Persecuted Christians Makes United
States Ambassador Unpopular in Teuton Officialdom.
Three Russian Conspirators Go to
Prison for SO Years Quintet
Includes) One Woman.
NEW TORK. Oct. IS. Five avowed
anarchists, convicted of circulating
antt-government literature, including
pamphlets urging munitions workers
to go on strike, were sentenced to
confinement In prisons In the Federal
court here today. Tbree of thera were
given 20-year terms, a fourth, who
turned state's evidence, was committed
for three years, and the fifth, a woman.
for 15 years.
All flva are Russians, not natural
ised, and self-acknowledged support
ers of the BolshevlkL The three per
sonal conspirators Samuel Lipman.
Jacob Abrams and Hyman Lachowsky
In addition to 20-year terms In the
Maryland State Penitentiary. were
sentenced to pay fines of $1008 each.
Hyman Rosansky. who. after his arrest,
sided the Department of Justice in
rounding up his associates and who
was shown to havs been led by them,
was fined $1000 and sent to the eame
prison for three years.
Mollis Stlmer, a diminutive revolu
tionary! who openly defied all authority.
Including that of the court, was ordered
to pay a fins of $500 and serve la
years In the woman's penitentiary at
Jefferson City. Mo.
Steamer Hassalo now leaves Tort
land Alnsworth dock for Astoria at I
P. M. daily, except Saturday, Instead
of daily except Sunday. Adv.
Formerly American Ambassador to Turkey.
Published by epecial arrangement with the
McClure Newspaper Hvndicate. Copyright.
ISIS, by Doubleriav. Page a Co. All rights
reserved. CopTrlghted in Great Britain.
Canada and Australia. All rights reserved France. Belgium. Holland. Italy, Spain,
Russia and the Scandinavian countries.)
Such was the German state philoso
phy as applied to the Armenians, and I
had the opportunity of observing Ger
man practice as well. As soon aa the
early reports reached Constantinople, it
occurred to me that the most feasible
way of stopping the outrages would be
for tbe diplomatic representatives of
all countries to make a joint appeal to
the Ottoman government. I approached
Wangenheim, the German Ambassador,
on this subject in the latter part of
March. His antipathy to the Armenians
became immediately apparent. He be
gan denouncing them in unmeasured
terms; like Talaat and Enver, Re al
fected to regard the Van episode as an
unprovoked rebellion, and. in his eyes,
as in theirs, the Armenians were sim
ply traitorous vermin.
'I will help the Zionists, he said
thinking that this remark would be
personally pleasing to me, "but 1 shall
do nothing whatever for the Arme
Wangenhelm affected to regard the
Armenian ' question as a matter that
chiefly affected the United States. My
constant intercession in their behalf
apparently created the Impression, in
his Germanic mind, that any mercy
shown this people would be a conces
sion to the American Government. And
at that moment he was not disposed to
do anything that would please the
American people.
I'. S. Blamed for Troable.
"The United States is apparently the
only country that takes much interest
In the Armenians, he said. Tour mis
sionaries are their friends and your
people have constituted themselves
their guardians. The whole question of
helping them is therefore an American
matter. How. then, can you expect me
to do anything as long as the United
States Is selling ammunition to the
enemies of Germany? Mr. Bryan has
just published hia note, saying that it
would be unneutral not to sell muni
tions to England and France. As long
as your Government maintains that at
titude we can do nothing lor the Ar
menians." Probably no one except a German
logician would ever have detected any
relation between our sale of war mate
rials to the allies and Turkey's attacks
upon hundreds of thousands of Arme
nian women and children. But that was
about as much progress as I made with
Wangenheim at that time. I spoke to
him frequently, but ho invariably off
set my pleas for mercy to the Arme
nians by reference to the use of Amer
ican shells at the Dardanelles. A cool
ness sprang up between us soon after
ward. After our somewhat tart con
versation over the telephone, when he
had asked me to telegraph Washington
that he bad not "hetzed" the Turks in
this matter, our visits to each other
ceased for several weeks.
Cieranaa Criticises Ciermaay.
There, were certain" influential Ger
mans in Constantinople who did not
accept Wangenheim'a point of view.
I have already referred to Taul Welti,
for SO years correspondent of the
Frankfurter Zeitung, . who probably
knew more about affairs in the Near
East than any other German. Although
Wangenheim constantly looked to
Weits for information, he did not. al
ways take his advice. Weitz did not"ac
cept the orthodox Imperial attitude to
ward Armenia, for he believed that
Germany's refusal effectively to inter
vene was doing his fatherland everlast
ing injury. Welts was constantly pre
senting this view to Wangenheim, but
hs made little progress. Weits told me
about this himself in January, 1916, a
few weeks before I left Turkey. I quote
his own words on this subject:
"I remember that you told me at the
beginning." said Welti, "what a mis
take Germany was making in the Ar
menian matters. I agreed with you
perfectly. But when 1 urged this view
upon Wangenheim, he threw me twice
out of the room."
Another German who was opposed to
the atrocities was Neurath, the Con-
seiller of the German Embassy. His
ndlgnatlon reached such a point that
his language to Talaat and Enver be
came almost undiplomatic. He told me,
however, that be had failed to influ
ence them.
Turks Are Immovable.
"They are immovable and are deter
mined to pursue their present course,"
Neti rath said.
Of course no Germans could make
much impression on the Turkish gov
ernment as long as the German Am
bassador refused to interfere. And. as
time went on, it became more and more
evident that Wangenheim had no de
sire to stop the deportations. He ap
parently wished, however, to re-estab
lish friendly relations with ma, and
soon sent third parties to ask why I
never came to see him. A few days
afterward, when he returned a visit,
h.s aoked:
-wnerea Kitcnnera armyy-
We are willing to surrender Belgium
now." he went on. "Germany intends
to build an enormous fleet of sub
marines with great cruising radius. In
the next war we shall therefore be able
completely to blockade England. So
we do not need Belgium for its sub
marine bases. We shall give her back
to the Belgians, taking the Congo in
I then made another plea in behalf
of the persecuted Christians. Again
we discussed this subject at length.
"The Armenians," said Wangenheim,
"have shown themselves in this war to
be enemies of the Turks. It is quite
apparent that the two peoples can
never live together in the eame coun
try ."-
Protest Made to Skadow.
Again, although I spoke with un
usual earnestness, the Ambassador re
fused to help the Armenians.
Still, on July 4, Wangenheim did pre
sent a formal note of protest. He did
not talk to Talaat or Enver, the only
men who had any authority, but to the
Grand Vixier, who was merely
shadow. Probably the hypocrisy of this
protest was more apparent to me than
to others, for, at the very moment when
Wangenheim presented this so-called
protest, he was giving me the reasons
why Germany could not take really ef
fective steps to end the massacres.
Soon after this interview, Wangenheim
received his leave anal went to Ger
Callous as Wangenheim showed him
self to be, he was not quite so implaca
ble toward the Armenians as the Ger
man naval attache in Constantinople,
Humann. This person was generally
regarded as a man of great influence;
his position in Constantinople corre
sponded to that of Boy-ed in the United
States. Ji. German diplomat told me
that Humann was more of a Turk than
Enver or Talaat. Despite his reputa
tion I attempted to enlist his influ
ence. I appealed to him particularly
because he was a friend of Enver, and
was generally looked upon as an im
portant connecting link between the
German embassy and the Turkish mill
tary authorities. Humann was a per
sonal emissary of the Kaiser's, in con
stant communication with Berlin, and
undoubtedly he reflected the attitude
of the ruling powers in Germany. He
discussed the Armenian problem with
the utmost frankness and brutality.
Weaker Mast Go. Says Has.
T have lived in Turkey the larger
part of my life," ho told me, "and I
know the Armenians. I also know
that both Armenians and Turks cannot
live together in this country. One of
these races has got to go. And I don't
blame the Turks for what they are do
ing fo the Armenians. I think they
are entirely Justified. Tbe weaker
nation must succumb. The Armenians
desire to dismember Turkey; they are
against the Turks and the Germans in
this war, and they therefore have no
right to exist here. I also think that
Wangenheim went altogether too far
in making a protest; at least I would
not have done this."
I expressed my-horror at such senti
ments, but Humann went on abusing
he Armenian people and absolving the
Turks from all blame.
"It Is a matter of safety," he replied;
the Turks have got to protect them
selves, and, from this point 6f view,
they are entirely Justified in what they
are doing. Why. we found 7000 guns
at Kadikeuy which belong to the Ar
menians. At first Enver wanted to
treat the Armenians with the utmost
moderation and four months ago he in
sisted that they be given another op
portunity to demonstrate their loyalty.
But after what they did at Van, he had
to yield to the Army, who had been In
sisting all along that they should pro
tect their rear. The committee decided
upon the deportations and Enver re
luctantly agreed.
Deportation Is Jastlfied.
All Armenians are working for the
destruction of Turkey's power and the
only thing to do is to deport them.
Enver ia really a very kind-hearted
man; he is incapable personally of
hurting a fly! But when it comes to
defending an idea in which he believes.
he will do it fearlessly and recklessly.
Moreover, the young Turks have to get
rid of the Armenians merely as a mat
ter of self -protection. The committee
Is strong only in Constantinople and a
few other large cities. Everywhere
else the people are strongly 'old Turk.'
And these old Turks are all fanatics.
These old Turks are not in favor of the
present government."
Humann was not the only Important
German who expressed this latter sen
timent. Intimations began to reach me
from many sources that my "meddling"
In behalf of the Armenians was mak
ing me more and more unpopular In
German officialdom. One day in Octo
ber, Neurath, the German Conseiller,
called and showed roe a telegram which
he had just received from the German
Foreign Office. This contained the in
formation that Lord Crew and Lord
Cromer had spoken on the Armenians In
the House of Lords, had laid the re
sponsibility for the massacres upon
the Germans, and had; declared that
they had received their information
from an American witness.
Denial Is Not Obtained. ,
The telegram also referred to an ar
ticle in the Westminster Gazette, which
said that the German Consuls at certain
places had Instigated and sven led the
attacks, and particularly mentioned
Realer of Aleppo. Neurath said that
his government had directed him to ob
tain a denial of these charges from tbeJ
American Ambassador at Constantino
ple. I refused to make such a denial,
saying that I did not feel called upon to
decide officially whether Turkey or
Germany was to blame for these crimes.
(To Be Continued.)
Austria Suppresses Rising of
Croatian Soldiers.
Hungarian Cabinet Falls and Ap
ponyi, Leader of Opposition,
. Becomes Premier.
LONDON, Oct. 23. The revolt of
Croatian soldiers of the 19th Regiment
at Fiume has been suppressed by three
Austro-Hungarian regiments arriving
from Albania, according to an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen.
There was 'hard street fighting at
Fiume, in which hundreds of persons
were killed, the dispatch adds.
BASEL, Switzerland, Oct. 25. Em
peror Charles, according to a Budapest
dispatch, has accepted the resignation
of Baron Burlan, the Austro-Hungarian
Foreign Minister, and, also of the Hun
garian Cabinet headed by Dr. Wekerle.
Count Julius Andrassy, Hungarian
statesman, has been appointed to suc
ceed Baron Burian.
It was announced in the lower Cham
ber of the Hungarian Parliament yes
terday that the Croatian soldiers of
the 79th Regiment at Fiume had re
volted, seized the city and destroyed
the railroad there.
Count Apponyi, Count Andrassy and
the Opposition Deputies thereupon de
manded the resignation of the ministry.
according to Budapest advices received
Dr.' Wekerle. the Premier, declared
that In view of the increasing diffi
culties of the situation he would pro
pose to the king a coalition ministry.
Fiume is the chief seaport of Hun
gary. It is 30 miles southeast of
Tricst. The chief naval ports of Austria-Hungary
are Triest, Pola and
Fart of the Austrian fleet is based
on Fiume and a Whitehead torpedo
works also is situated in the town
which has a population of 40.000.
LONDON. Oct 25. A sweenlner vic
tory of the opposition party in Hun
gary is indicated in today's advices.
count Albert Apponyi has been un
pointed Hungarian Premier in succes
sion to Dr. Wekerle, according to a
Vienna dispatch to the Politiken of
Copenhagen and forwarded bv the Ex
change Telegraph Company.
Klamath Kails Boy Prisoner.
(Special.) Lieutenant Horace Schidler.
reported a prisoner in Germany, is a
son of A. G. Schidler. of this cltv. He
had lived here for eight years previ
ous to entering the Army in January,
1917. He entered the service as an elec
trician and was later transferred to
the aviation service. He had been in
France about a year.
Of All the Medium Priced Corsets
And why shouldn't they be when they are made on honor and guaranteed in every way ? Of woman's
attire there is no part that deserves mope careful consideration than the corset, and the success of
our Corset Department undoubtedly is due to the fact that we have in stock
Henderson Corsets, Best and Most Satisfactory of All
These Corsets are unsurpassed for style, beauty and comfort, as well as for workmanship and maferials.
They merit the universal approbation that is extended to them by millions of women who are acquainted
with their excellent qualities. You are cordially invited to call and inspect our latest Corset models;
even though you may not care to purchase now, you will be much interested in the season's offerings.
Priced $2.00 to $4.00
Drug Specials
FREE One bar Crane Oil Soap OC.
with each purchase of 3 bars for..swu
Large sise I ftp Limit S bars to each
Ivory Soap I Uu easterner. Nane de
livered except with otber aroods.
Pepsodent Tooth Paste 4.1c
Kolynos Tooth Paste 23c
Colgate's Medium - Size Tooth
Paste for 10c
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream...45c
Santiseptic Lotion - 45c
Derma Viva ,Wc
Woodbury's Facial Soap., 22c
Cuticura Soap. . 2Hc
Violet Glvcerine Soap 10c
Squibb's Mineral Oil. bottle XI. OO
Eight-oz. bottle Milk of Magnesia..2Sc
Sixteen-oz. bottle Cedar Polish 35c
A Wonderful Showing of
Holiday R ibbons
Priced at 35c, 40c, 50c Yard
Thousands of yards of beautiful plain and novelty Ribbons,
especially desirable for gift making, holiday sewing, hair bows,
sashes, bags, caps, camisoles, coat-hangers, etc Good quality
taffeta Ribbons, in five and six-inch widths and a complete range
of colors and patterns.
Fancy Ribbons 35c to $3J00 Yard
A choice selection of fancy Ribbons in various widths and beau
tiful designs. See our window display.
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M. ,
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. M.
Klamath Falls Boy rrisoncr.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Amor,-
officers and 79 enlisted men in German
prison camps reported today by th
War Department is Lieutenant Horace.
Schtdder (believed to be Horace Schid
ler). Klamath Falls, Or., who is' at
Past" Season Unfavorable One in
Willamette Valley Many Farms
Operated at Loss.
SALEM. Or., Oct. 25. (Special.)
Lark of orders for lime may Boon close
down the state lime plant for the bal
ance of the year, according to word
received here.
Considerable lime is leing produced
at the plant, but the funds provided
were sufficient only to get the plant
fully into operation. Operations in the
future must depend upon the sale of
the product, and Willamette Valley
farmers are not buying at the rate
"This last season was an unfavora
ble one in the Willamette Valley and
I am not at all surprised that the
farmers are failing to take lime in
quantities," said Governor Withycombe,
commenting upon the situation.
"Farms that have made fortunes for
their owners were operated at a loss
this last season because of .unparalleled
conditions. The average farmer will
do well to keep himself going, let alone
buy lime; consequently the demand for
lime will be liht."
additional subscriptions to the fourth
liberty loan by employes of the O.-W.
R. & N. who receive their pay checks
in Centralis, was received yesterday by
C. Paul Uhlmann, liberty loan chairman
of this division. A check for 110,650
had been previously received, making a
grand total of S26.SS0 subscribed by
local employes of the company.
German Society Head Gets Prison
Term for Fraud.
, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 25. Sentence
of five years in the Federal Peniten
tiary at McNeil's Island for defrauding
through the mails in a scheme to ex
tort money from prominent residents
of German extraction here on repre
sentations that they had engaged in se
ditious activities, was imposed on Er
nt T. Maass, nead of the Society for
the Prevention of German Propaganda,
here today.
Maass confessed the writing of let
ters demanding that each one addressed
send him $15 or he would "expose se
ditious activities" which he accused
them of engaging in. Recipients of the
letters turned them over to the Federal
O.-W. R. & 3f. Men Total $2 6,850.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. Oct. 25. (Spe
cial.) A check for $16,100, representing
Burglars Steal Liberty Bonds.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe.
clal.) Burglars entered the L. G.
Isaacson store Wednesday night, se
cured about $5000 in liberty bonds, war
Bavings stamps, cash and securities,
and escaped. The loot secured includes
$1830 in thrift stamps and liberty , bonds
of all four issues, checks and notes
$3240 and $22.25 cash.
Extra Hour Possible Because nt -A,
M. Nation Returns to Its
Old-Time System.
An extra hour's sleep tomorrow morn
ing for every person In the United
States! If you awake, Sunday at what
was 9 o'clock turn over and take an
hour's nap. it will then be only '9
o'clock that is. if the head of the
household did his duty in moving back
the hands of the clock.
' Patriotic Americans who deprived
themselves of an hour's sleep March
31 last to conserve daylight and thus
speed food production and other war
activity, had the hour plaeed to their
credit by Uncle Sam, and will collect
in the wee sma' hours of Sunday. Oc
tober 27, when all the timepieces in
the United States will be turned back
one hour. Clocks and watches were
turned ahead one hour at 2 A. M., March
31, under the provisions of the daylight
saving law.
The time officially will change at 2
o'clock tomorrow morning, but most per
sons will turn their timepieces bade
one hour on retiring tonight. Just as
they set them ahead oi.e hour on the
night of March 30.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
ian. Main 7070, A 6095.
3. C I if 1C Pharmacy
You Need Not
Suffer from Catarrh
Portland Boy Goes East.
Oct- 2$. iSpeeial.) -Merritt Whirten,
son of F. C. Whitten. lumberman of
Portland, left for Fort Monroe. Vs.,
today to enter the Coast Artillery offi
cers' school. He is the only man In
the Student Army Training Corps hers
recommended as a candidate by Colonel
Boy Scouts Aid Liberty Loan.
MILL CITT. Or., Oct. 25. (Special.)
Mill City Boy Scouts once more placed
their city on the map by assisting ma
terially to bring up the liberty loan
subscription of Mill City, which is now
above the quota. A. Hinkle. In Camp
Lewis for the last 17 months, sub
scribed both In Mill City and at Camp
But You Must Drive It Out of
Your Blood to Get Rid of
It Permanently.
Yon have probably been In the habit
of applying external treatments, try
ing to curs your Catarrh. Tou have
used sprays, washes and lotions and
possibly been temporarily relieved. But
after a short time you had another at-'
tack and wondered why. You must real
ise that catarrh Is an infection of the
blood and to get permanent relief the
catarrh infection must be driven out of
the blood. The quicker you' come to
understand this, the quicker you .will
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has been ln'ccnstant use for over fifty
years, will drive the catarrhal poisons
out of your blood, purifying and
strengthening It, so It will carry vigor
and health to the mucous membranes
on its Journeys through your body and
nature will soon restore you to health.
You will be relieved of tbe droppings
oi mucus in your tnroat, sores in nos
trils, bad breath, hawking and spitting.
All reputable druggists carry S. S. S.
in stock and we recommend you give it
a trial immediately.
The chief medical adviser of the
Company will cheerfully answer all let
ters on the subject- There is no charge
for the medical advice. Address Swift
Specific Company,, 432 Swift Labora
tory, Atlanta, Oa. Adv.
If You Can 't Come Down Town
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095
We assure you that we will make every effort to merit your patronage, and that we are a
loyal PORTLAND CONCERN, and your money is not going out of the city to pay dividends"
to NON-RESIDENT STOCKHOLDERS. We profess to be progressive and all our efforts
are toward building A BIGGER AND BETTER PORTLAND. We will have to limit our
Saturday Specials again on account of the Influenza Quarantine, but here are a few:
LdLlslUlMJ IN U A." j 1 -1IV SJiy the Red Blood Corpuscles and creates an energy that
overcomes disease germs. CAUTION: Get the genuine Liquid Nux-et-Iron, as you cannot get the
same effect from the tablets. ' w
25c Mentholatum 19c
50c Mentholatum 38c
$1.00 Mentholatum 76c
.Bitro Phosphate 84c
Belba Powder 38c
Glovers'-Mange, medium,
50c size 38c
Nuxated Iron Tablets. . .73c
Vinol- ' 79c
Phenolax Wafers (Up
john) 19c
Melba Creams ......... .38c
Rebecca Tooth Paste 33c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste. .38c
Revelation Tooth Paste. .19c
Kolynos Tooth Paste 23c
2-Qt. Combination 1 CO
Svrin &re f l.vr. sruar.) P 1 Q
2-Qt. Hot Water Bottle, QOr I 2-Qt. Fountain Syringe no
(1-year guarantee) IOC (3 pipes)... JOC
(Rubber is getting scarce and manufacturers are limited in their output.) Buy at these prices.
It is our first and probably last sale this year. Prices effective in all THREE STORES.
Northern Pacific Pharmacy
3d and Morrison '
Irvington Pharmacy
15th and E. Broadway
Perkins Hotel Pharmacy
5th arid Washington .