If THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1918. P0I1T DEVELOPMENT PUNS OUT 10 Commission of Public Docks Issues Formal Statement. BOND ISSUE UP TO VOTERS and Captain Birk DInesen hu arrived to command the at earner Bon if ay. built at the V iison plant. Carrying a rirro of flour from Portland. the itrtmir Western Plains sailed at 2:30 today for order. The French steamer General 'Barratier ar rived at 2:35 th: afternoon from British Co lumbia with a cargo of coal for the port. dock. ABERDEEN". "Wsh.. Oct. 23. (Special.) The Brookland, 4000-ton twin screw Ward type steamer, was launched this after noon at 5:30 o'clock at the Grays Harbor Motorship yard. The Brookland Is a sister snip of the worlds record ship Aberdeen. She Is th j;PLBE3 In this city. October 24, Frank iimu ui iwv iotim to l earnest .ucLiees. asred 35 veara. 6 months. IXNEBAL NOTICES. GERARDT Dora Adelaide Gerardy, at her juiuo. isi avc b. ti., oct. tsne leaves two daughters, Mrs. Frank Miranda, of Gladstone, Or., and Misa rorothy Gerardy, of Portland; two sons. Clarence S. and Ralph I. Shad, also of Portland : six grandchildren, and one half-brother, of Linden, Mich. Funeral services at Port land Crematorium tomorrow (Sunday) at 2:30 P. AL Friends may view the re mains and leave flowers at Crematorium from 11! M. to 2 P. M. Arrangements in care of Chambers-Ken worthy Co. Services - private In accordance with the rules of health. Aim of Organization Is to Link Port' land Into National Port Plans of U. S. Shipping: Board. In a formal statement issued yeater flajr the Commission of Public Docks enumerated the principal features of Its programme for early harbor de velopment, in connection with which a bond issue is to be passed on by the voters next month. The statement was compiled at a conference of members. It follows The Commission of Public Iorks Is ask- tne the peop.e to vote $5.ikK).uo In bonds for the further improvement or this port. The authority is in the form of an amend ment lo the charter or the city oi Port land and will appear on the ballot at the feneraJ election November 0. The uses to which the Commission of Pub lic Xocks will put the proceeds of the aa.e of these bonds are as follows: 1. To provide a f.oatlng dry dock of 12,000 tons I) rung capacity. 2. To provide fuel bunkers with land aaoraso and f .oatinc loading; equipment. &. To provide a marine rrpair shop with land aud ficating equipment. The expenditure necessary to provide these facilities will consume only a portion of the money now requested, and on.y a sufficient amount of these bonds will b sold to pro vides the necessary funds. The balance of the bonds authorized will remain unissued and unsoid. to form a credit upon which the commission may draw at such times as additional facia ties are required to serve Ln interests of commerce- in this port. Tbo construction of the first unit, the St. Johns Terminal, is progressing rapidly and the pier will be ready fur use In November, with tne arm in elevator to follow Ty Febru-' ary None of the proceeds of the new bond Issue will be used in the completion of lae unit now under construction. The commission has kept closely In touch with the United States Shipping Board by personal conference and otherwise, and with toe exnausOvo investigation and plans un dertaken and produced by the Port and Harbor Facilities Commission of the Ship pins; Board at great cost, for the construc tion and maintenance of facilities at Amer ican ports, according to a National standard that will be as nearly uniform a varying conditions will permit. The- Commission of Public Locks will have this data and plans ef the Shipping Board before it tor guid ace, and the new construction will be made to conform to the requirements and standards set by the Shipping Board's ex pert engineers as far as possible in order to link Portland into the National port plans and make this port an Integral part of the nationalization of American gateways rather than a detached unit. The details of the Shipping; Board's plans and requirements are not complete- at present, and unttl they are known no ad ditional construction will be undertaken. The commission, however, is perfectly aware ef the situation with which the port will be confronted if new construction should be required and is looking to the future by requesting that the voters authorize the Is suance of these bonds in advance to avoid the humiliation of the city by admitting that no funds are available and to save t he ex pense of calling a special election for tae purpose. The dry dock facilities of this city are In adequate at present, and as the Port of Portland Commission has not sufficient funds to provide for expansion It has ad vised the Commission of Public Docks of Its willingness to have tihs commission finance and undertake the new work. The. Commission of Public Docks ia work ing in entire accord with the Shipping Board and with the Port of Portland Commis sion, and in full co-operation with the plans , f the Government to handle expeditiously and economically Portlands share In the vast expansion of American commerce after the war. THE COMM75JWON OF PUBLIC DOCKS, C. B. Moo res. chairman; Ben Selling, vice chairman; John H. Bur card. F, C. Knapp, A. U. Avenii. by the .Motorship Corporation In the past 30 days, making a month total of shipping launched of 12.000 tons. The engines of the steamer Broncho were given dork trial today and responded well to all tests. COOS BAT. Or, Oct. 25. (Special.) The i Johanna Smith arrived this afternoon 3 o'clock from San Francisco In tow of the tug Samson, coming; for a lumber cargo at the Smith mills. The Macleay estate gasoline schooner Tramp was an afternoon arrival at 3:30 from Wedderbum. bringing a cargo of canned salmon for reahipment. Arriving this afternoon from the Rogue River, the gasoline schooner Delia brought I salmon from the Seabors; cannery. LOVELIi TRAVELING INSPECTOR Former Northwest Steel Yard Man In New Position. Changes in the Northwest steel ehlp construction district that have come since Captain J. F. Blain was made manager include the appointment of William T. Lovell, former inspector at the plant of the Northwest Steel Cora party, to the position of traveling- in spector. Mr. Lovell, previous to the creation of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration, was master mechanic here for the San Francisco & Portland Steam ship Company and the O.-W. PL & N. water lines. Henry Cave had the title of traveling Inspector previously and he and Mr. Lovell are under Fred B. Pane, assistant manager. District No. 8. as the Washington district was designated, is now the North Facific district. It has jurlsdlc tion of steel construction in Washing ton and Oregon, as well as wood ship construction in Washington, the wood ship responsibilities in Oregon remain lng in charge or I J. wentwortn. ine TOLSOV in this cltv, 2S days, son of James, R. S., and Sarah A. McLees, of Grandville. Ohio; brother of Charles W, McLees, of Grandville. Ohio; Thomas Howard McLees. of Branch, Mich.; James Clyde McLees, of Zanes ville. Ohio, and Mrs. Clara Dickson, of Grandville, Ohio. The remains are at the parlors of F. S. Dunning, Inc., where they may be viewed by friends Saturday and Sunday after which they will be sent to Ohio for buriaL BECKER At the family residence. 749 East j ci mi tr-ei. ucioDer i, it is, Anna Amelia Becker, aged 1G years; beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A, Becker: sister of Anthony Becker, of Lon don, England; Thomas Becker, of Brem erton, Wash.; Tecla and Henry Becker, of roruana. .funeral will be held today (Saturday). October 26. at Sacred Heart Church, where requiem mass will be of fered at 9 o'clock A. M. All services strictly private. Interment at Mount Cal vary Cemetery. Arrangements in care of aimer Ac iracey. HILL Lawrence Allen Hill, ape S2 years. B months and 29 days, at Good Samaritan Hospital, Oit. '.'.1. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Minnie B. Hill, one daughter, Lorene run, ot x'onianu; rour sisters. Mrs. Mar garet Wrenn. Mrs. Minnie Kills, Miss Lulu ana Airs, inei warden; two brothers. J. . ana urant Mill, ail of Portland. Pri vate funeral services at Oh ambers -Ken- wortny parlors today (Saturday) at f. JO. 1 T NEW TODAT. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oreeronian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AGATE CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELERS. MUSIC. 'fcjW.iS-LitiY ana watch repairing. Miller". "Mb, lit.. Majestic Theater bids- ALFALFA MEAL. GROIND FEEDS, HAY. WAITER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. StiU7. ASSAVEHS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Oold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. Moliltls A. UOLDSTEIN. practice in courts, no-2 Northwestern Bank bide. W. P. ADAMS, attorney-at-law. 1037 Cham- vi commerce. Main 4o7. BAKBEK Siri'LIES. OREGON BAKBtlt SUPPLY CO. Wo buy and sell ail kinds o( barber supplies. 250 2d. CARPET CLEANING. DMR0 The kind that wear the best are UUUO made from your wornout carpels by the Northwest Rug Co. tformer ad dress. 15J Union ave. Hag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited, loo East Sth. PHONE EAST B 12S0. VIOLIN, piano, harmony, all string. Kol Kenbeck. 40'J Yamhill. Instruments sold. E.MSI. TillEUHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sev;lk. 207 Fliedner bids- Bdwy. lbJJ. PIANO LESSONS, 5 PElt MONTH. 269 14TH ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. Main 3SmL FLIFF Km AND BAG Rt'ti FACTORY. NORTHWEST HUG CO.. established 1803. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 3036. B 1-&. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved -lty aad farm property In stallment re-paysnent privilege If pre ferred; prompt, rellaoie service. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 17-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114, A 411S. HEAL E STATU. ONE acre. Improved home, on Base Line, 2 miles city limits, Be fare: water works cost over $1000; small summer nouse, kitchen, etc.. making an ideal home; price $2500. reasonable terms. To see place go to Ascat station, place across Base Line from Red Cross Dairy, with brown round Summer house and other brown buildinca. Also will rent subject to sale, $15 per month. Owner, Tabor 600. For Sale Lots. trial w optome GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the J Dasis or capaoie service -nanii nf satisfied patrons. A will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, letrist, 209 M THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into income. We design and build anything, furnish the money if desired. Eight years in Portland. L. R. Bailey Co., contracting architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. Morrison. Main 2134. FATE NTS. K. C. WRIGHT -J- years' exoerience U. S. and foreign patents, tit) I Dekum bldg. PATENT ATTOKN-VS. GOLDBERG. 00 Worcester blag. Main FLUFF RUG CO- Phones: East 60I6. CI Union ave. N. CANC.KK. L,. M. JONES, M. D.-CANCER TREATED. SlJ Morgan bids. Marshall 0143. SUMMERS In this city. Oct. 25. at his late residence. 6S6 Clackamas street. Robert E. fummers, aged years, husband of Mrs. Marie Summers: father of Itobert E. and Herbert E. Summers: brother of Mrs. J. C Cooney. Mrs. Kate Russell and Mm. W J. Smith, of Condon. Oregon. Tho remains I CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPKCIAI.ISTS ware lorwaraea tms taiaraay) KI.MXOIP BLTTONS. THE 1RWJ.N-UODSO.V COMPANY. BH7 Washington. Broadway 4:4. A 134. PHYSICIANS. UK K. A. -PHILLIPS. U05 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomai-h, liver. kidneys. ooweis, ' throat. goure. scalp, high blood pressure. BHOf Increased efficiency; drusless treat- UUO ment. Ooitre, paralysis, heaaacne. tonsilitis. Dr. Walters, iiwi Swetland bids. Marshall 4bUi . PLUMBING SUPPLIES. by J. P. Flnley A Son. to Condon. Oregon. pI lprelle Deeney, the i-.unni, vuuviiuuiai aim aitu r"-- cia.lsts in the city. Parlors 302 Oerlinger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main loOI. where services will be held and interment made. territory In that respect continues as District No. 11. Captain Blain reached I the city yesterday on his weekly visit I to Portland and Vancouver steel yards. CASEY The funeral services for "William Alien Casey, who died at Fort Mnnrnn Va.. October IS, will be held from the lamny residence. u37 East Twelfth street iNortn. this (Saturday! mominK a o'clock, thence to Madeline Church. Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou streets. Services private, interment Mount Calvary Cezne' lery. Oct TTllrah.th Tolson. aged a! years, late of 535 Yamhill St.. daughter of Mrs. Allle Tolson; sister of ista toison. or Caldwell. Idaho; Mrs. H. J. Dent, and Ethel Toison. of this city. The rwtalns will be forwarded tomorrow (Sunday). Oct. 27. by J. p. Finley & Son. to Caldwell. Idaho, where services will be ucia ana interment made. DK. GARTNER, chiropodist. Bunions and Ingrown nails a specially foot arches to order. 310 Swetland bids. Fifth and Washington. Main 1081. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMAHON. Macleay bldg., 1007. chiro practic World's best. Adjustments made easy. Obstinate cases 50c rates. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 510-11-12 Royal bids. iiar. or.i. iuu letters, multlsrapheu. Jl.&o. Famous Frrnch Composer Dead. PARIS. Oct. 23. Charles Lecocq, the I CARLSON' Oct. l."i. ISIS at th. TTr.it.rt nates Base Hospital. Camp Dodge. Iowa, Tull HTarlSOn. aired an V. nr. ft mnnlh. A days. Deceased Is survived by two broth ers, of this city. Private funeral services COLLECTION AGENCIES. music composer, died today. M. Lecocq was 86 years old. Some of his operas, well known in the Lnlted states are: "Girofle. Girofla," "The Lit tle Duke" and "The Daughter ot Ma dame AnRot." Lecocq was an officer of I LF;E) h ma xcgiuu ui j hi hu 1 . NETH &. CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 170R No collections, no charge. Established 1000. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY" Social and stage dancing, private instructor; classes Tues.. Frl.. S to JO. 100 2d St.. between Washington and Stark. Main 2100. ALISKY Dancing Academy; private instruc tions, day and evening classes. Friday evening. 2d floor Alisky bldg. o lessons $5. Increased Tonnage to Help. BORDEAUX, Oct. 25. (Havas.) To the delegates to the Latin-American Congress In session here-, the directors of the French steamship ocmpanies to day explained plans prepared rreatly to improve steamship service between France and Central and South America after the war. They said this improve' ment would include more frequent de partures of ships from Bordeaux as well as increased tonnage. Movements 'of Vessels. PORTLAND. Oct. -j. Sailed Steamer Captain A. F. Lucas, for San Francisco. ASTORIA. Oct. 25. Arrived at noon Steamer Santlam. vom san Pedro. Arrived t 2:35 P. M. Frencn steamer oenerai Baratier. from Comox. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 25. Arrived Steamer Oleum, from Portland. Sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Daisy Frteman, lor Port land. . SAM PEDRO. Oct. 25. Arrived Steamer Tiverton, from Columbia Kiver; steamer w Meyer, from Portland. VICTORIA. Oct. 23. Sailed Steamer Jfa- shotah, from Portland. lor Honolulu. will be conducted today (Saturday), Oct. -o. at n a. M., from Pearson undertak ing parlors, Russell st. at Union ave. In terment itose City Cemetery. thl rltv Opinh.. r .01 q mi.. M. Lee, aged 23 years; beloved wife of r.imer t.. Lee: mother of Alfred W. Lee, sister of Mrs. Eva Engle, of Portland, and Mrs. Etta Turner, of Condon. Or. Funeral services will be held Monday. October 2S, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. All services strictly nrl- vate. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. I DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist PLUMBINO SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 7i. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 10ii Front St.. cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. DDUITUlf F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. rnlilllnU 1st and Oak sm. Main 15. A1165 SECOND-HAND STOKES. LEVIN HDW. & FURK. CO.. 221 Front St. . We buy and sell anything 1" the hard ware and furniture line. Phone .Main IIB72. A 7174. MAIN 5040 Buy and sell second-hand tools, junk, old automobiles. 233 Front. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OI-SON TKAXSFKK iu.. i-tc- STOKAOE AND TRANSFER. CHEAP Two corner lots at Fairport, close to Kenton car; Bide walk, all the way; will sell while m town; liberty bonds; term a. M 54S, Oresronian. MODERNIZE: your buildinga; all klnda of repairs; sen my dtsigns for nw homes. Max M- Meyer. Concord bldy. Main Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Builders. FOR SALE Lot 2. block 7: 50x82. Blu mauer's Add. Portland, $10r, cash- or terms. John Jacob, Bilverton. Or. ' RESIDENCE lots, desirable district, near carline, from $300 up, . cash, or time. 14$ Park st. Fore Sale B?arh Property. SAL.TAIR, TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots. 20 by 140. at Saltalr station, Tillamook Beach. Near depot and hotel, adjoins boardwalk, county road and railroads, faces Pacific Ocean; suitable for business or residence. Value $500; will consider trade for auto, property or mer chandlse. Address A 401. Oregoniaa. For fciale nooses. $2350 SUNNTSIDE 12350. 5 rooms, modern, full cement basement. fine furnace, firenlace. large attic: must sacrifice. $100o cash to handle, balance easy terms. I'none Main biww. KCAL ESTATE. ror Sale Houses. $2900 BRAND NEW $2900. Do you want a real claaty R. C P. bungalow, with oak floors, firepl., built lns. standard plumbing, pergola, etc., for only. $t00 cash. 48th st. ROSE C1TT BUNGALOW. $3100. $500 cash 5 rma., S. P. fire place, oak floors anud the- usual built ins; lot in 40x100 and price includes pav ing; vacant, move in; near Tillamook St., below the hill. $11850 HAWTHORNE $2850. Artistic 5-rm. bungalow, on 48th st. Firepl., bullt-ina, cement basmL, enamel plumbing; $500 cash. $3000, $,00 CASH. 5 rms., like new, real classy, neat and , newly painted, now vacant; has hot wa ter hefl. oak firs, and extra fine bsmt., buttt-tus. paved st 2 blks. car, near 32d, in Hawthorne district. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington BMff. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. FINE HOME FOR SALE A BARGAIN. Leaving city, must sell my home imme diately; 6-room house, sleep tng-porch. hardwood floors, fireplace. American Ideal hot water heating system; large garage, ceiled and heated; corner lot, with all Jtreet and modern improvements in: 60 foot frontage, facing east, adjoining Bene dictine Heights, ncax river; good elevation, fine view of mountains; excellent neigh borhood and particularly desirable lor family with children; fruit trees and ber ries; place In good condition and must be seen to be appreciated; will sell for $4750 n reasonable terms to make quirk sale. 7.7 h. 9th st. Phone Sellwoed 1184. MODERN 12-room residence in the best sec l'uu OI irvington; hardwood floors throughout, spacious hallwav, library, liv Jng. dining and breakfast rooms, finished In selected mahogany and oak, sun par lor, sleeping porch, large finished atur. full concrete basement, tiled bathroom artistic lighting fixtures, three tiled fire places, latest sanitary plumbing fixtures, etc., beautiful grounds; guaranteed to b one of the most artistic and best bui t Tesidences In Portland; inspection invited. Reasonable terms, by owner. K. 655, Ore gon! an. IRVINGTON. Finest home in Irvingtonf cost $23,000; will sell lor $io,ooo. .East J-.14.. FOR SALE Kenton. 2-apartment, bungalow- style house, 4 and 6 rooms; hot-water heat, gas, electricity, water, sewer, concrete basement, paved streets, gdrage, near car and school, good neighborhood; not built to sell. Lower flat vacant November 15. Address BD 707, Oregonian. RJNGLEU'S Dancing School. 14th off Wash. All tne popular dances, private and class. S lessons, $.". Broadway 3080. MANCHESTER. 85 Sth st.. 8 private les sons. o. All new dances taught. DENTISTS. Marine Note. Erection of a plat shop by the Colombia River Shipbuilding Corporation, which is in conjunction with two addltnonal building berths constructed at the plant, represents a cost of tT.OOO. A permit was issued by the city yesterday. In the name of the O.-W. R. A NH which, owns the ait at the foot of Meade street. Inspections were conducted yesterday aboard the steamers Harney and Mattapan, at the Pacific Marine Iron Works, and today the steamer Nupoleia will be gone- over, a so the ferry Queen, at The Dalle., the work binar under the direction of United States t team v easel Ins pc tors Edwards and Wynn. M. C. Holman has replaced O. K. Cham fcers on the gasoline ferry Ruth, at Gobie. John Clark having resigned. Chief Kn gtneer Imgan has ben assigned to the steel steamer Western Scout, to have Chage f the "black gang." Among new wooden steamers, assignments ef licensed officers yesterday resulted in Brooking Darnels gotng te the Neeoiah as first assistant engineer and Ira A. Hall as second assistant. Clarence Ash. who left ber on the steamer Morlts and returned recently.ls to go out on the W I ha ha as third Biate. George R. Kingsland has been as signed to the Nupoleia as chief engineer. Harry Lord. Inspectors of boilers for the Washington district. Is In the city on annual leave. Mr. Lord was formerly In the llght bonse service and la well known In this tcr- 1 mory. I Bnnsins; a canro ef coal that Is to be used In bunkering other ships of the Foundation Company's fleet. the t rench auxiliary v-booner General BGaratler reached the ntcr yesterday from fomoi. Pacific Coast Shipping o(m, ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 25. (Special.) Com to 2 to load lomher at the luNnmond sniiia the steamer Halco arrived at 11. -a tody from Kin Tedro. Captain Robert Barber has arrived to ac cept a pos. tion as master of the sieamer Mknv b'ir't at th MKachern yards. Steamboat NESPELEM For Sale Location Can be inspected at Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. This new Stern Wheel River Boat, built in 1917, is offered for sale. Capacity 200 tons; equipped with 600-H. P. engines and boilers. Bids for purchase will be received up to October 31, 1918. at the office of the Secretary, F. W. Anderson, Hut ton building, Spokane, Washington. Do You Want Some Boat Spikes, Bolts Rivets WE MANUFACTURE MONTHLY 4,800,000 POUNDS NORTHWEST STEEL CO. Portland, Or. SAX FRAJJCISCO. Oct.. 24. Sslled t 3 p. M. Steamer El Segundo, towlns baxca No. 83, lor fortlsnd. . CEUTHERS In this city. October 24. 1918. Frances T. Cruthers. beloved wife of J. W. Cruthers. mother of Aus-usta. Arm. stronB Uolph, Marshall n. and Charles B. Armstrong. Private funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 8 P. M. today (Saturday), October 26, juis. rieaae omit Ziowers. RAONONE In this city. Oct. 23. at the fam ily residence. 274 Sheridan St.. Carmela Ragnone. acred 114 veara. The funeral rv. ires win be held .Monday. Oct. 28 at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establish ment of J. P. Pinley & Son. Jlontpomery at uin. imermenc at jit, uaivary uemetery. a.i services strictly private. MOXTflOMKRT In this city. Oct. 24. c harles r.. Montgomery, aged 65 years, late of 3S5 Yamhill st. The funeral serv ices .ill be held todav (Saturdiivt at a-.m o'clock P. !.. at the residence establish ment Of J. P. Finlev A Son. MnntirnmAnr at oin. interment at.Mt. Scott Park cem etery. All services strictly private. GILLIAM Near Spokane. Wash.. Oct. 22. iwio. Liauao iuiam i.lillam. ace yeara infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude William imiam.or eu B. Oak st. Private serv Ices will be held at the residence at 2:30 1-. m. today (Saturday!, Oct. 26, 1918. interment iiose uity cemetery. JENKINS The funeral services of the late Thomas W. Jenkins will be held today (Saturday), at 2:31) o'clock P. M.. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & . ..... ................. 3 .nu. iiiicriueiu Hi bldB., 04 Aliskv Third and Morrison. Main 6576. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. I DR. G. H. HUTHMAN. veterinarian, hospi tal, ii,i c. tin si. n.aat isi., ti j;rtL. KVK, EAR, NQHE AM) THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist, glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor. 20th. B E. 474. II K M S T I T C J 1 1 X ( J , HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents per yard; accor dion, knire ana oox pleating; Duttons cov ered, tucking and .braiding; also embroid ery work done. Mail orders promptly at tended tO. i-JAfcTKK WUVKLT X CU 85i uth St.. between Oak and Stark sts. AMERICAN TRANSFER & STORAGE WE HIRKY. v Antrt Trurks. 1. li and 3 tons. Phnn Broadway 41 S3. :i09 Oak totreet. Let us llijure wnn yuu. t e. n TTt iVSPFR CO.. T?airT0 on rherked at your home. We store everything. . Auto delivery to parts of the city: reasonable charges. Office 1270 Third SL Phone Main- 5750. nnr-f av ti? a xrwi.' w.vt r0. 474 Glisan Bt corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal irai:.. Lowest Insurance rates in the cii MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE Of fice iu Maaison. uenciai nd forwarding agents. Phone Main 19L SWEDISH MASSKLKS. t.d j occaictrnni. K itll here's Syst.. 17 yrs. ex., lady attendant. 612 Dekum. Main 970. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and jew elry. Condition no object. Repairs a spe ' cialty Reiner Jewelry Co.. 440 Wash, st K. STEPHAX. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pieat, outtons covered ; man i orders. 219 Pittock block. Broadway 1001. DRY C0RDW0OD Multnomah Fuel Co. M. 5540. A 211ft OAK wood delivered $11 cord. Pike Wood Yard. Yamhill, ureffon. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS auto Tors. DUBKUILI.E HUGUy TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. t'OAI, UEALKKS. MKNDOTA COAI. CO., Bide. Main 74iL'. 415 N. W. Bank DRV (iOOIlS NOTIONS. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. KASMtSSCX & CO., 2d and Taylor. I'IPK, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. L. KLINE, S4-SS Front st. L. DINKELSPIEL CO. f Stockroom and office North 5th 6treet GRAIN MERCHANTS. rtvatJeW CemeteTy- A" services strictly PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade Bids? HATS AND CAPS. . t n.. e..m.n I THOMPSON! At Grass Vall.v Drnn r. BHru ..cars, ine IMAnul'Mn HAi -y-.. j-.j j-.m... ,uuct, ki iit win u. neia toaay tMatur- TC. hk.ni Yoaemite. from San Francisco: Alaska, from Anchoralre. Departed Steam ers Curacao, Kedondo, for Southwestern Alaska; Governor, lor San Diego; Atsuta lliru, for Kobe. ' TAOOMA. Oct. IS. Departed Strainers Fushlma Msru. for Yokohama; schooner J. W. Oils tNorwesian). for Buenos Aires. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 23. Arrived Steamers Oleum, from Astoria: Mayfalr, from Port AnKe.es. bailed Steamers Wil lamette, lor bealtl; Daisy Freeman, lor Portland. day), at 10 o clock A. M . at tho i-.aiH. establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. .Mont gomery at f,th- Interment at Rlverview wmewr-. services strictly private. KUBISSO.V-At Shlpherd Springs. Wash.. I vcu .i, i.erxruae itoDinson, aed 25 years late of this city. The rmnin. win k. warded this tSaturdayt evening: by .1. P. HIDES, WOOL. t'ASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., IH.'i Front St. AINTS AND LI BRICATING OILS. FI LLER CO.. 1-th and Pavis Sts. ' I'Ll MBINti AND STEAM SI PPI.IES. 1. il KLINE, S4-S0 Front st. I'KOIII I E COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDIXi; & FARRELL, 140 Front st. KOI'E AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Go., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. ll'th and Davis Sts WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 172 First st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. DIED. where nS,'lm ,Hh""a.B' i"ino1 HATNER At the reside r,H "er"cea wm be he'd ""id interment seventh street Southeast. Tides st Astoria Saturday. Hieh. Low. ! A. M 1.0 fet'l:0O A. M OS foot 8:17 P. M....7.4 fret.l:24 P. M....3.S feet River Foreranl. ' Th Willamette River at Portland will re main nearly stationary during- the next two or three days except as effected by th tide. Hlfb tide Saturday will De aooul sr. vi , the stasa beins about 3.7 feet. Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Oct. 2.1. Condition af the bar at 6 P. M. : fee a smooth; wind south, 10 miles; cloudy. Phono your want ads to The Orceo- nlan. Main 7070. A 60S. Rates for Classified Advertisements ia The Oregonian. Dmiljr and bandaj Per lloe. One II n 12c Two roDfM-rutivr times - 2c Thrre cuDArcutive timni ...... -30o bis or mo rtiaierutivf timen Me The lolloninc rlmfwlflrAiion excepted. th rmtr on which U ?c pr lin per day: Mtuattloos U anted Mstle. bitnatloD rri.ils 1- stroMie. Rord and Kooith Vri ate l-anillieit. llounekeeplnc Kooms I'rit ale aaiiliea. No ad taken for leo than, two linen. Count six word to the line. Advertisement (except "Per midI" will be taken over tfae lele ptiune If the advertiser Is a snburriber lo either phone. o price will be quuted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the folLming day. Advertise ments are taken for The Imily Ore lutiito until P. M.: for The Snndav Urfgooiss until P. M. baturdajr. the new chapel of Breeze A. Snook. Bel nt at 35th. Private, MEETIXO KOTlCKsV IUBLEM Jswslrr. vatioaa, en arms, alms w 4ins. Jaeger Bro I31- tk st. FRIBDLANDER'3 for lode emblems, class ptns and msdsls. 1U, wuomcton at. XORISTS. CJ.ARKE BROS., Morlsts. 287 Morrison st. slain or A lsoo. Km flowers and xlorai designs. No branch stores. MARTIN' & KOhBtS CO.. F I orisl s. 304 Waish.nston. Main '2S9, A UtJO. Klowers for a'.l occasions artistically arranKed. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and l am hi 11. r uneral designs; lowest pncea TONSKTH FLORAL CO.. 2S3 Washington St.. beu 4th and Sth. Main 3t0'. A 1161. MAX M. SMITH, Main TJIS. A 2121. Selling bldg.. 6th and Alder sts. LI B LINER. Portland hotel. 3-'S Morrisoa St. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 1.13 Courthouse, 5th St. entrance. Thona from S to ff, Maia 378, Home Fhone A ZS2i. Nutht call after office hours, Wooa lawn 764. Report all cases of cruelty to th above address. Klectrlc lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis able4 animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a doe or other pet communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as w look after ail Impounding. There is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humui Society. niade. REDFIELD In this city. October 25, Don v....,..,., iicuiiew, iaie oi Kiamalti Fails, a:ed 2!) years. B months. Remains were for- waruiMi io rkiamatn r'alls. Or., last eve pins; by F. S. DunninB. Inc., where fu neral services will be held and Interment made. GILDEZ In this city. Oct. 24. IBIS. Nicla Juanita Ulidez, aire 1 year, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Glides, of Seattle. Wash. Private services will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Saturday). Oct 26, 191S. unci uiriii luiwoman cemetery. JOHNSON At th. residence of hr father John Larson. 14SS Lincoln St., Kvelvn c' Johnson, a(t-d 2S years, wife of Walter wui.f.uu. runcrni services win be held tomorrow (Sunday). Oct. 27. at 2 P. M. mon i' , At ""tte. Mont., Oct. 22. inn, Ma bel Welst. are L'4 years, daughter of Jlr- George O. Matbeson, of 1771 Siskiyou .' . lu'ienw services win De held at Holman s funeral parlors at 1:30 P M today (Saturday), Oct. 2B. 1918. Inter ment Hose City Cemetery. WALLXKR The funeral services of the lata k-""t. " aimer iu ne neia today (Satur ;') October 2ti. 1!)1S. at 2:li o'clock P. m.. at tne cnapel of .Miller & Tracey. All services strictly private. ' Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. DP.OST Funeral sen-Ices of the late Truss Iirost will be held today (Saturday) Oc tober 2u. 1!1S. at 1 o'clock P. M at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. All services strictly private. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. MANN Th. funeral services for Henry L Mann will be held today (Saturday), at 1 P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Ktnley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Interment at Riverview Cemetery All services strictly private. McWTLT.IAM The funeral service of the i.ic omib jicvt imam, agec, at years, will be held at P. L. I.erch L'ndertaking Par- i.i. E.ip,cnin ana jiay streets, to day (Saturday), October 26, at 2 P. M Services private. JOHNSON In this city. Oct 25. 1918. Walter Johnson, aged 28 years, husband of Eve lyn C. Johnson. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Sunday). Oct 27 at p !., at the new chapel of Breeze A Snook! Belmont at 3ith. Private. PHELPS In Kelso, Wash.. Oct. 24. Forest I. Phelps, aged 65 years. 2 months. 29 days. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday). Oct. 20, at 2 P. M.. at the new chapel of Breeze & Snook. Belmont at UOth. Private. CORNING In this city.- October 23, IMS, George W. Corning, age 34 years. Re mains will be forwarded by the Holman Undertaking Co. to Willamlna. Or., to morrow (Sunday) morning, where services win v. nciu ana interment made. CANCEL In this city. Oct. 25, Beatrice aged i years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Canuel. Private funeral services will be held at Dunning & Mc Kntee's chapel today (Saturday), at 1 P M. Interment Rose City Park Cemetery. WIGLE The funeral services of the late t.va iglo will be held tomorrow (Sun day). October 27. 1918. at 2 o'clock P M -at the chapel of Miller &. Tracey. All services strictly private. TORNBERG In this city. Oct. M. Ida lomDerg. agea 31 years. Private funeral services will be held at Dunning & McEn tee's parlors today (Saturday), at II A. M. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery DIRD. TESTER MAN In this city. October 25. JIS. Fred J. Testerman. age 33 years and 5 months. Remains at R. T. Bvrnes resi dence parlors at 001 Williams avenue. Funeral .announcement later. MILLEP October IS. 1918. at Los Angeles. Jt.iin tinier, agea Li years; son of Mrs. Daisy Miller, of 381 A East Eleventh street FORD In this city. Oct SS. Phebe Ford, ki years, oeiovea wite ot John Ford. Remains at Dunning McEntee's parlors Funeral notice later. ence, 3tl.;4 sixty- October -o, I'.ua, Kffie Hayner, ased 53 years; beloved wire of Truman Hayner; mother of ' alvln ana Russell Havner. Mrs. Gladys Lambert and Maurine Havner. of Portland. Or.; daugh ter of Mr and Mr... Lon Renshaw. sister nr Mnr.hnll A. Dabnev. Linnie I,, t oltinK- ham Mrs E. O. Snborne, all of Portland m Ai nf Indianola. la.: M. B. Ken hnir. nf Seattle. Wash. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential par lors of Miller & Tracey. DONALDSON In this city, at his late resl- . of Tune M. and the late William Donaldson: brother of Mrs. Bert Jackson, Mrs. C. L. i-eeDier. aim. f? Lucia, and James F. Donaldson, of this city; M. C. Donaldson, of Salmo. B. C. and Scott Donaldson, of Santa Rosa, Califor nia The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Funeral notice hereafter. KEENAN At the family residence. 721 East Ash street. October 25. Mrs. Clara A. Keenan, aged 59 years, 6 months, days, wife of A. I. Keenan. mother of Claude L. Stewart Mrs. Bva L. Ward and Lester W. Keenan. The remains are at the funeral parlors of F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 Bast Alder street. The funeral no tice will appear in a later issue. MILLER In this city, October 25.' 1918. Dora Ann Miller, agcci u years, i, iiiuiims. A ,T.r, helnved wife of J. A. Miller, of .2 Rodney avenue. Remains are at R. T. -Rvme. Funeral Parlors. 901 Williams avenue, at Mason street. Announcement of funeral In a later issue. RE A In this city. Oct 22. Dora P. Kea. :t.T veara. oeiovea wile oi waner . Rca: mother ot Carlyle P. Rea; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Philips: sister of l.eo (; Phillos. or uenver. ioio. ru neral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Traces'. PAULSON Oct 23. IfllS, at the family residence, Paul Paulson, aged b years. De loved son ot Mr. and Mrs. Henning Paul son. The deceased is also survived by two sisters. The remains are at fearson s un dertaking parlors. Russell st. at Union ave. KRinnRr. In this citv. October 25. Grace Myron, age 25 years, beloved wife of Marl tin seaDorg, ot itJ tiianuena nircei. re mains at the R. T. Byrnes' residence par lors, 901 Williams avenue. Funeral an nouncement later. PENROSE: In this city, October 24. at his late residence. 1073 East Washington street. Owen B. Penrose, aged :I2 years. 'The remains are at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. McCALLUM In this city, October 25. at his late residence, o- Lovejoy street, John H. McCallum, aged 73 years. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. AGNEW At her lale residence; 618 Eighth street. Georgia Elda Mason Agnew, aged lis vears. rtemalns at f. l. i.ercn unaer- taking Parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets, r uneral notice later. ROSS In this city. Oct. 2.1. Robert E. Lee Ross, aged 3 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ross. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the Residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. CHASE In this city. Oct 23. Edward B. Chase, aged 27 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential par lors of Miller & Tracey. COOK In this city, Oct. 23, Mrs. Herbert Cook, aeed d years. unerai notice later. Remains arc at thsresidential parlors of Miner e i nitcir. WILLIAMSON In this city. Oct 25. Isaac Williamson, aged 30 years. Funeral .notice later. Remains are at tne residential par lors of Miller 4 Tracey. riEt,T Norfolk. Vs.. Oct. 24. Alexander B. Bell. Ensign. U. S. Navy, beloved son of Dr. and Mrs. James F. Bell. Funeral no tice later. BOCK In this city. Oct 24. George Bock, aged 28 years. Funeral notice later. Re mains are at the residential parlors of Mil ler St Tracey. LESTER In this city. Oct 14. Anna F. Lester, aged 27 years, beloved wife of Silas H. Lester. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors. Funeral notice later. Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING C(X Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streeta Main 507. A 151L Lady Assistant i i " I'ertect i-unerai service tor Less. MILLER & TRACEY Indeoandent Funeral Directors. Wash. si., bet. L'Oth and 21sU West Side. Main 2o!)L Lady Assistant. A 7845. BKAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow, old Ivory and white enamel finish, hardwood rioors, firenlace. buffet, very convenient kitchen. furnace, garage, near car. This is well. built and thoroughly modem; .uu casn $40 monthly; price 4000. Johnson-iDoU-son Co, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. A SACRIFICE PRICE. 7-room house and 3 lota with fruit trees; house" built over like new, is well worth $8500; $2300 will take it; terms; near Arleta. See owner at 417- Chamber of Commerce, or phone after 6 P. M., Woodlawn 5J0S. FOR SALE Three-fourths acre, fenced, with 2-room house, near Bell Sta., Es tacada carline; cost $1127; will take $900. part cash, or will rent for $2 per month payable semi-yearly in' advance. S 3SD, Orefronian. YOU want this 5-room house. 1 block from carline, sidewalk and curbing in and paid for; must be sold;' a snap. $1200 cash; terms, $1,100; $300 down, $25 month in cluding interest; you cannot afford to lose this if you want a home. Tabor 3023. BEAUTIFUL Piedmont home, paved street. East front, hardwood floors, J. iirepiaces, 2 toilets, laundry room on first floor, new furnace just installed, $4250; $1000 cash. If you want a real home in a riKht neih borhooti, call Phone Columbia 506. $2o00 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2300. $500 CASH $25 PER MONTH. Full corner lot, fruit, trees, grapes. Shrubbery, hallway, living-room, riinind room, good kitchen pantry, two bedrooms and bath between. Part concrete basement.. This is a doub.o constructed bungalow in a good location. Close to school and both the Vancouver and Woodlawn car service. A mighty good buy at the price. , MAO INNES, 30th and Glisan. Tabor 3433 or Tabor tilO, Eve. or Sun. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OP ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO MP A NT, WILCOX BLDG. Main 3517. Sixth and Vashington. $5250 AS AN investment; if you want an income that at any time you may de crease your holdings and get the monoy. Investigate these four modern 4-room bun galows on a corner; bring in 10 per cent net; it's worth your while to look this up and make some money for the next 5 year3. which we guarantee. L 57S, Ore gonian. ' A BEAUTY. 5-room modern bungalow, restricted dis trict, 1 block to car, velvet lawn, 50xloi) lot. roses, fruit, berries, maples, cement walks, dull mission finish, huiit-ins, white enamel Dutch kitchen and bath, full base ment; a bargain at $2400; 4"0 cash. $15 per month at ti per cent in teres u Main 35S0. HERE you are, homeseekeis or investors: 2 good, lV-story, ,-room houses, 5 rooms downstajis; full basements. bathrooms, etc.. West Side; 15 minutes' wa!k to irouth Portland shipyards or 1. C. ; 5 blocks from Shattuck School; must sell; cash or in stallments; cut from $0500 to $4750 for the two, or will sell separately. Phon owner. Main 7105 or call 470 Hall St. STRICTLY modern 5 rooms and attic: oak floors; Dutcn Kitchen ; iurnace. urepia.ee, full cement basement; dandy large living room and dining-room; elegant large rugs in both rooms; on Glenn ave. Call Sell wood 3588, or 4S'J East 34th St. DESIRABLE HOME $3750. 7-raom cottage in good condition, ground 100x150, bearing fruit trees, berries, roses, Ihrubbery, 2 chicken houses, lies high and sightly. Sefj owner. 312 Fliedner bldg., Tenth and wasmngion. BEAUTIFUL HOM E $0500. i 8 rooms and sleeping porch; large living-room ; white enamel linish ; thorough y -modern; large grounds with trees v. id ' shrubs; on corner lOOxluo feet on E, "Mil St., near Mt. Tabor carline. Full parti 'Hi lars upon application. Price fo500, terss, but no trade. Main S000. 1 PARK ROSE One highly improved acre, 1 block to car, 1 block Sandy bl vd., ''near good school; (i-rooni modern bungalow, all btillt-ins, fireplace, bath, pressure, wa ter, gas, electricity, garage, 2 chicken houses, all kinds of berries, fruit Uf et s. roses and shrubbery, fine lawn; tefms. . Phone Tabor 4S25. 25 MINUTES TO WEST SIDE. A-rnnin. lnt 154x105. $1650: $300 cash remainder $20 per month including 6 per cent interest. Splendid for cow. chickens and garden, r. Jv. yearns, jviain oji 202 Wilcox bldg. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. Modern 6 rooms and S P., near car and school, in very best part of Waverly. sight'y lot, all imp. paid; $3500. It Is worth looking up. C. M. Derr, 304',4 Oak st. Broadway 266. ' m MODERN 5-room bungalow with attic, oan floors, fireplace, nutret, wnna enameieu Dutch kitchen, cement basement, garage; improvements all in and paid. Price $3250; terms. Phono Sellwood 3oS8, or 4-Rft K. 34th st. BUNGALOW 4 rooms, almost new. modern. Dutch kitchen in wnue. une oatu. eiec. lights, gas, full cement basement, 50x100 lot It's a pretty home, sure, and the price, $1700. is $500 under value. $300 cash. 944 E. 18th St.. near Sellwood car. MY attractive 8-room home sacrificed; leav ing Portland ; central, pieasaui lotauun, E. Burnside St.; double construction, hard wood floors, excellent grate, furnace, ar tistic arrangement; $600 down. M 550, Oregonian. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $1400 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $1400. This cosy bungalow is vacant, posses sion at once; 50x100 lot, only 2 blocks to R. C. car, 678 E. 72d st. N. Look at it and call owner. Broadway 266. for terms. J. P. FINLEY AjSON, Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 0. A 1599. F. S. DUNNING, INC.. THE GOLDEN KULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. East 52, B 2525. BREEZE & SNOOK S B' WILSON & ROSS " J East 54. C 3163. DUNNING & McENTEE, funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 4;to, A 455S. Lady atter.da.-.t. BRAND NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms and garage, ivory finish, oak floors, papered and decorated through out, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove: open 8 to 5 P. M. 6S5 E, 15 th st. Nort h. F. B. Turner, builder. $3300. Rose City Park. 5-ronm bungalow, close to car. Two large, airy bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Full basement, furnace and all built in conveniences. Don't fail r see this at onca. See Mr. Dclahunty. Main 1700. East 20,M. evenings. WHAT IS WORTH OWNING IS WORTH INSURING. When In need of any kind of Insurance, see W. R. McDONALD, U21 Yeon bldg. Phone Marshall 2301 for service and INSURANCE THAT INSURES. MOVE RIGHT IN $1400. Four-room bungalow, like new, 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. ; full lot. Stop moving and paving high renis. Look at t his to dav. tJTS East 72d st. N. See ownr at 3044 Oak st. Broadway 266. I HAVE two good buys on Glenn ave, on B-r modern bungalow, hot water heat, for $3000; the other lM:-story thoroughly modern 7 rooms. 50x100 lot, $3400. See me before you buy. C. M. Derr, 304 Va Oak Ft. Broadway 266. 5-ROOM bungalow, built-in buffet, newly painted inside and out; good basement laundry trays; nicely located on 3Sth st. $1000 cash, $2500. Hawthorne Realty Co., 3!th and Hawthorne. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes on beautiful Portland Heights. $3000 up. BRUOK E, 541 .Montgomery drive, corner Elm. Marshall 4S27, A 3S30. Call mornings. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5-rooin modern bungalow. hardwood floors, all built-ins. furnace, improvements in and paid; $3200. Hawthorne Realty Co.. 30th and Hawthorne. GREAT BARGAIN IN LADD'S ADDITION. 7-room modern and well-built residence, easy walking distance to business center, for only $4500; very reasonable terms. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 8-ROOM house ; everything modern ; two bathrooms, large basement and sleeping porch; sidewalks and street improvements in ana paia, iw uasu, uo.iaut.c mu6 nun Tabor 2475. afternoons. SEE those two new bungalows I am build ing on J von Bl-, do i ween r. om n h iui n.. 3!th. 1 block from Richmond car; modern from A to Z; ready soon : buy now and select your own colors, fixtures, etc.; paved street. 50x100 lot. Tabor 104. DANDY bargain at 3025 Tillamook St., 7 room cottage, modern in every way; $3650. small down payment and monthly Install ments. This is a bargain and no mistake. Tabor 1038. 202 McKay building. 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch. Rose City, nice district, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, linen closets; a bargain at $3S00; terms. Johnson-Dodsoa Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE IN ROSE CITY PARK, u-roora furnished oungaiow, oy owner, at . nnable price, cash or terms; furniture very cheap. Apply on premises after 9 A. M. on Sunday. G05 E. 61st st. Xorth. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1073 E. Glisan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH Ei" '"V'f TjiT? TpQAVr Twelfth and Morrison streets. JLrvIOWlN Broadway 2534. A. R. ZELLER CO. A. D. KENWORTHI CO.. BS02-04 92 St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. SiiEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 41i2. A 2:21. Lady assistant. MOXl'MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8364. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. tSLtflDiiMG GWMMITE. CO. $3500 MODERN 6-room home on Belmont st in bunnysiae. p orceu bic ! ' in'nt heretofore held $4000. Hart, 10 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 15S5. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow. Mt. Tabor, naved district, not-waier neat, i reuiace, All modern conveniences; Tabor 2721. AM 685. a real home. WILL lease 7 or 4 rooms, with garage, $40 or $20 month; near Peninsula Park; con venient IOr IWO ttpaiimeu. w gonian. $250 CASH, $25 MONTHLI-suu. 6-room house near Union avenue, large lot. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank building. 6-ROOM furnished house, fuel, etc., in Sun nyside, improved lot. on 45th. near Haw thorne; terms. See - Fibber. 1063 E. Sal mon. . LAURELHURST. 6-roomed bungalow, just being completed, at 1104 East Pine St., 2 blocks from park. T. B. Wins!. Tabor 2124. " NEW TODAT. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rues and Woolen Clothing. tVe Make Revernlulc, Hand - Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear tike Iron. II nil Orders. Send for Booklet. Rag Rues Woven, All Sixes. ... Carpet Gleaning - 9x2 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FLIFF RUG CO., C4 Union Ave. N. East 6516, R 1173. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. . ROBERTSON & EWING. 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bide. JNO. B. COFFEY mortgage: loans. Insurance, Surety Bonds 302 WILCOX BLDG. Main 702, A 3702. ELEGANT 6-room bungalow. East Side, in splendid location; owner will sell for $1000 less than house sold for three years ago. Phone Broadway 944. 5-ROOM Hawthorne bungalow with sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished. See owner, 1106 East Market St., evenings. FOR SALE by owner, 4-room modern house, full basement and attic. $2250, terms. Bdwy. 4180. BEFORE purchasing property obtain report on its value and condition. Get your mcney's worth. Reasonable charges. Mac Naughton & Raymond, valuation experts. Corbett bldg. Alain 815. HAWTHORNE bungalow, strictly modern, on paved street; 5 rooms downstairs, 1 up, full basement, all built-ins. street improve ments paid; very desirable. $o550; $1100 cash. Call at 354 E. 45th st. MODERN 9-room house; lot 50x160; $3500, or more ground if wanted; located No. 15 East 53d St., near Stark. See it and write to box 388, route A, Portland. Phons Gresham 259. 6-ROOM modern, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, paved street all paid; this has three bedrooms; all on one floor; haif block to car. Price only $2.s."i0; $500 cash. Phone Sellwood 3588, or 4S9 E. 34th st. HAWTHORNE district, attractive 4-room bungalow, fireplace, large sleeping porch, laundry tray, finished floors, lull cement basement; Immediate possession. 22 East 52d st. Tabor 30 OX NEW four-room house, chicken house and barn; bearing iruit trees, an Kinas oi Ber ries; one acne in cultivation, all lenced in; one block from carline; $2500. som terms. F. Kruse, Park Hose. Tabor fitiOO. NO HOT AIR. The mortgage is to be foreclosed on this strictly modern 7-room house owner will sacrifice his equity, particu lars Woodlawn 4j'.)0. ROSE CITV PARK. Beautifully finished 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, attic, full ce ment basement, i'umac, fixtures and shades. Phone owner. Tabor 3828. A SMALL 2-roomed house, shed. Wood mere, Mt. Scott car; $100 down, easy terms. In quire 6211 71st st. S. E. ft a AND 5-room bungalows, furnished. E 25th, near S- P. R. R. shops, $1400 to $3000 : easy terms, uwner, fc.ast d-'jj. 9-ROOM modern home, sale or trade; one 5 room bungalow, clear. 257 E. Hist st. Tabor 79C3. 5-ROOM bungalow and sleeping porch, mod ern. blocks irom car; w woo in. laoor S095. ' $1950 7-room house, corner lot, you pay street improvements. uuwu, i.aau wi bonds. 95 E. 30oh, Sunnyside. BY OWNER Bargain ; 6-room modern house, close to car; casn or terms, none Main 727a from 3 to 8 P. M. 6-ROOM house, fruit trees, lot 50x150, ad joining ML Tabor Jtty i'arK, on ine wesi side; price $1350. BF 605, Oregonian. - A 15 INVESTMENT. , Small apt. -house, lot and furnishings; excellent location; present rental $140 per mo.; cash $7000, balance on time. BC 613, Oregonian. 5-ROOM flat in heart of city for sale; swell furniture. Call after 11 morning. Phone Broadway 2944: BARGAIN for sale; a cosy 5-room cottaga near tne business cenier oi ounnsmt, terms, small payment down. Call East 5134 evenings; will show property Sunday. lot, N. W. t. All im Call and 5-ROOM modern house, 50x100 corner 42d and E. Yamhill i provements in. Easy terms, see owner. 1233 E. Yamhill. A BARGAIN Modern 8-roolu bungaIow-typ house, with garage. 740 E. 41st North; A-l construction: improvements paid. For terms call owner, Tabor 2202. NICE home, four rooms and large attic, good neighborhood, Hawthorne district, 15 min utes car ride; $2700. Inquire 602 Wor cester bldg. 8 to 9 A. M. FOR SALE 7-room modern bungalow, com pletely furnished, on E. 39th st. Price $;t500; takes $lnu0 to handle. If Interested, see owner at 1085 Hawthorne ave. ON account of leaving tn cTty will sell my modern 6-room house for $2250; can give Immediate possession; $1000 cash. F. Trout, 544 Emerson st. SEE DE 'LAHUNT FOR HOMES. East 1347. $17o0 MODERN, rooms. East Morrison, full cor. lot; easy terms. Hart, 910 Ch. of Com. Tel. Marshall 1585. FOR SALE or rent, 10-room house, on Broad way. J 32ii, oregonian. A MODERN bungalow, 397 E. 54th sL, Bear Lincoln St.; furniture also for sale. NEW 5-room bungalow, just east of Laurel hurst ; a bargain. 502 Dekum bldg. vTILLsacrifice my 8-room houso. 93S Borta wick st. Call and get my price. FOR SALE or trade. 616 Polk t 5-rem house, lot 50xlO(K FOR SALE 5-room bungalow: a bergs In. 10G1 E. 12th sL N. Phone Woodlawn 3ul.