Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 22, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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to investigate; they never came back.
Others were sent up, but failed to re
port. Then the naval batteries were
phoned to and instructed to blow up
the church.
GtrrMm Get Range.
"We were six miles away, but by us
ing a searchlight of 1S00 amperes which
to Eat
at popular
I. as first-class gun-pointer, operated,
the batteries obtained the range. Three
shots were fired upon the church.
When we looked we saw A hrickvard.
Highly Prized French Croix de
Guerre Brought as Souvenir.
Later we were told several hundred I SCflStOr'S
Action at Board
the enemy secured our range at the
Meeting Denounced.
same time and of the 25 men on duty
but eight were left to tell the story.
Seventeen were unaccounted for; five
were badly gassed. The last thing 1
which was the-mustard gas. I received WAR WORK . BILL IS KILLED
only a slight touch or the poison, or
, - M : L
Gas and Shell Shock Suffered Xea
Chateau-Tblerrjr July 38 Sends
Portland Boy Back to C S.
With a French Croix de Guerre as
aouvenir of hla Army service in France,
Howard Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Scott. Ml fcast Twelfth street, ar
rived in Fortiand yesterday and is the
first Portland boy to exhibit the highly
prized war decoration here. Scott went
through the fight in Belleau Wood.
near Chateau Thierry. In which h
was gassed and snell-shocked July 28.
He came here by easy stages from th
Naval Hospital at North Fork. Va and
delivered a number of liberty loan ad'
dresses en route.
Scott is a native of Portland, having
been born near the site of The Ore
gonian building in IS S3. He enlisted in
the Navy at Astoria a year ago and
after being on transport convoy duty
for a time was assigned to shore duty
In France. He declares that the war
is far from ended, and that the Ger
mans are retiring and looting invaded
territory as they go. only to make
stand when they reach their own de-
Th Years' Work Ahead.
"There will be two years work ahead
of us before we get to Berlin." Scott
aid yesterday, "unless something un
usual happens. The Germans are not
fighting now: they are retreating,
realizing the futility of holding invad
ed territory, but are taking everything
with them. When they reach their own
strong defenses, they will make a de
termined stand.
"Aeroplanes must prove the salva
tion of the allies. When the Americans
went into action last Spring, they had
do protection in the air, while the Ger
man machines were soaring aloft and
pouring down their deadly hail of ma
chine gun bullets. It seemed that
verything the Germans had was su
perior to war weapons used by the
allies. At the present time, however,
the allies are shooting 10 shells to the
Germans' one. and some of the same
poisonous gas used by the Huns now
is being sent back to them with the
compliments of the Americans.
River, Hot Odds. Halts Germans.
"At the battle of the Marne. while
the Germans were halted, it was not
by any overwhelming odds. Jf the
Germans could have secured a bridge
across the stream, there would have
been a different story to tell. The
Fifth and Sixth Regiments of the
marines participated in this engage
ment, and some of those wounded in
that battle have been making liberty
loan speeches during the present cam
paign. There are some 100.000 naval
men on short duty over there now;
some of the big guns have been re
moved from battleships and are being
used in artillery barrages; they are
being used in the bombardment of the
lletx fortress.
"It was at 3 o'clock In the morning
of July 2S that I received my wounds,"
(said Scott, referring to his own experi
ences. "We were stationed near Chateau
Thierry, at. the farthest point of the
German advance toward Paris about
48 miles from that city. Sniping was
going on in the partially evacuated
town, the shots coming from the tower
of a brick church. Men were sent up
J Howard ? M. Portia
a Wean French War
and Hoy, V4 ho
would have perished, for I was 18
hours without medical attention."
The young man declares that one rea
son for the open warfare as carried on
by the Americans is the awful condi
tions existing in the trenches, under
which the dead of former battles have
been buried. Water that forms pools
during a heavy rain is so poisonous
that it causes great sores, while vermin
add to the f rightfulness of life in th
Hell Is Heaven Beside France.
Boys of 25 and 26 years who have
gone through severe campaigns are
gray and wrinkled, Scott says, and
added that what Sherman said about
war does not apply, for "Hell is heaven
beside France."
American boys have adopted the
logan, "Hell, heaven or home for
Christmas," and measure their wounds
only by their probability of getting th
njured man back to the states. He
pays a glowing tribute to the Salva-
ion Army lasses, whom he refers to
as the "only women In Europe who
can make doughnuts like mother used
make, and refers to their appear
nee near the front line trenches
as seeming "like angels from, heaven."
Scott does not choose his words in
criticizing women of America for wear
ng high-heeled shoes and costly gar.
ments while their sisters in France are
wearing whatever they can get. New pose the whole thing, as he believed
Multnomah Cpper House Member Is
Held "Responsible for Crime
Against State of Oregon."
SALEM, Or., Oct,. 21. (Special.)
"Unpatriotic" and "responsible for a
crime against the state of Oregon
were charges hurled by Governor
Withycombe against State Senator
Gus Moser, of Portland, today at a
meeting of the Emergency Board, after
Moser's vote had proved responsible
for killing a $37,000 deficiency appro
priation asked by President Kerr, of
the Oregon Agricultural College, fori
money to carry on work In connection
with the military activities of the col
lege, v
"It is unfortunate when five promi
nent men of the state reject an appro
priation for a purpose which will aid
the Government in winning the war,
declared Governor Withycombe after
the reeniest had been rejected. "It is
unpatriotic, a crime against the state
of Oregon, and I put the blame directly
on you, benator Moser, declared the
' Senator Moser Retorts.
"You put the Military Police onto us
with the same kind of representations
and now you have made a political ma
chine of it," was Moser's retort.
I deny that," shot back the execu
tlve. "The Council of Defense asked us
for the Military Police and I had never
heard of it until the State Council
asked for it. I deny that political use
has been made of it. If we had had our
shipyards burned, our wheatfields
burned, our industries destroyed, we all
would have wondered why such an or
ganization as the Military Police had
not been established. The Military Po
lice has saved our industries and I am
proud of it. Your talk is cheap petti
foggery and demagogy a case of sour
grapes because you were unable to win
the Governorship."
President Kerr s request for financial
aid was for extraordinary expenses in
connection with the training of more
than 1000 students at the college, as
required by the United States Govern
Moser Has Another Tilt. I
Moser had a tilt with State Treasurer
Kay, also, when Moser offered an
amendment to cut the appropriation
down to 115,000. Kay declared that if
the principle was correct the entire
amount should be voted, although he
believed the Government was ex
pending money unnecessarily. But since
this was a move for the development
of the military service he would favor it.
Moser stated he was inclined to op
nearly every
hour of the
day or even
ing at one
of our
Manager. tr
their total earnings, for their vacation
being in excess of J250. Their best
day's pick was 43 pecks together and
their total pick for the season, reduced
to avirdupois, being in excess of four
tons. -1
Tells a Secret
Manufacturer of Faraooi Medicine
Telia Ingredients. ? Public Can
Appreciate Pure, Reliable Medicine.
Many people fear to take medicine
to check and abort colds, cure coughs,
catarrh, etc. This fear is groundless
with all the products of The Blackburn
Products Co., Dayton. Ohio. Not one
contains opiates, narcotics or harmful
drugs. Mentho-Laxene, for coughs, colds,
catarrh and all distress following a
cold. Is a compound of Wild Cherry,
Tolu, Cascara. Grlndelia. Menthoe Am
monium Chloride, and alcohol suffi
cient to preserve and keep in solution.
Kvery Ingredient is in concentrated
form and the medicine Is so strong that
only ten-drop doses are to be taken In
the "raw" state. But the Ideal way is
to make Into syrup by emptying a 2H
oa. bottle of Mentho-Laxene Into a pint
bottle and then fill the bottle with
granulated sugar syrup, made by dis
solving a pint of sugar In a half pint
of boiling water.- It Is said by thou
sands that this makes a most effective
Some treatment for all cold troubles.
The manufacturer guarantees it to
please or money back. Sold by ail druf
gists. Adv.
lothing is not permitted in France, he
says, and the attitude of his own coun.
trywomen makes his heart ache.
Wonnded Americans Bayonetted. .
German "frightfulness"' was wit
nessed by Scott, who told of wounded
mericans being bayonetted as they
ere helpless on the battlefield. The
se of the saw bayonet by the Huns
characterized as one of the most
brutal practices of the war. and de
lared the Germans were getting i
taste of their own medicine in later
months of the fighting. Large num
bers of German-Americans are among
those reported to have surrendered in
thf last few months, but the native
residents of Germany will fight to
the last.
Spanish influenza was rampant In
the German trenches three years ago.
Scott says, and hundreds were ill at
I the Virginia hospital, where, he was
stationed for a time. For that reason,
he asked permission to come home,
and arrived in Portland on the wed
ding anniversary of his parents and
on his fathen's birthday.
Scott's wife and one child live in
Astoria, where he formerly was en
gaged in the electrical business, and
he expects to leave for that place this
morning. He wears, in addition to
his French Croix de Guerre and the
gold stripe of injury, the gold stripe
showing service in the war zone, the
insignia for first class gun' pointer,
first class electrician and the letter
"E," which designates his deportment
aa excellent.
the principle wrong, but would consen
to an amendment to give 15,000 as th
money might be needed.
"Then you place dollars against pruv
ciples?' Mr. Kay asked.
Five members voting aff lrm&uvelj
are required to pass a deficiency ap
propriation, and, as Speaker Stanfield
and Senator Wood were absent, bu
five members were present, and, Mose
voting against the appropriation, re
suited in only four voting for it, these
being Governor Withycombe, Secretary
Olcott, Treasurer Kay and Representa
tive Kubli.
The board decided to meet again
next Friday, and Secretary Olcott was
instructed to send a special request
to Speaker Stanfield to be present so
that deficiency measures could b
taken care of. .
Matter Iilkely to Be Presented to
Multnomah Grand Jury, Which
Will Compel Attendance.
Paroled prisoners from the state peni
tentiary who bad been summoned yes
tarriav to annear before Governor
WnfinS WflRFS WriT RflKFr, Withvcomiys investigation board, in
Loyal Legion Central Council Con
cludes Session in Portland.
No general increase in
wages was
granted spruce workers of the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen at
the special session of the central coun
cil of ttys organization. Just concluded I missions and statements by a peniten-
ln Portland, according to announce- I tiary convict to ine eneci mi paroica
ment made vesterdav. TLe session of from tne penitentiary couia . De pur
workers' representatives and em-
ion at the Courthouse, refused to
do so because of the fear that the
county building was under close sur
veillance and that they would oe euo
jected to further embarrassments and
trouble ehould they appear and tell
what they know concerning the peni
tentiary scandal, the probing of which
is now in progress.
The probe is the result of alleged ad
Eat One Tablet! No Gases,
Acidity, Dyspepsia or Any
Stomach JLisery.
Undigested food! Lumps of pain:
belching gas. acids and sourness. When
jour stomach is all upset, here is in
stant relief No waiting!
The moment you eat a tablet or two
cf Fape's Diapepsin all the indigestion
pain and dyspepsia distress stops.
Tour disordered stomach will feci
fine at once.
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
Tape's Piapepsln never fail and cost
very little at drug stores. Adv.
ployes composing the council was called
especially for consideration of the wage
problem of the lumber industry.
Special advances were made in
number of cases, where certain groups
were held entitled to more.
The big factor precluding wage in
creases on a larger scale, it is said, was
the decision of the price-fixing com'
mission in holding general lumber
prices at present figures, or actually
reducing them, as was the case with
certain grades. It was the general
sentiment of those sitting in the coun
cil that lumber operators of the North
west were not given the consideration
at Washington that their cost records
merited for them.
Plans for Training Corps at Willam
ette University Received.
SALEM. Or., Oct. 21. (Special.) Dr.
Carl G. Doney, president of Willamette
lTnlversitv. has received advice from
the War Department relative to the afraid their paroies might be revoked
assignment of Student Army Training
chased. Joe Keller, state parole off!
cer, has declared these statements to
be manufactured evidence designed to
injure him personally.
The board of investigation, consist
ing of Attorney-General Brown and
District Attorney Evans, of Multnomah
County; Gehlar, of Marion County, and
Hill, of Linn County, listened to testi
mony yesterday from seven witnesses,
including paroled prisoners from the
State Penitentiary and one former
member of the Portland police depart
"We sent out approximately 100 let
ters asking paroled prisoners to come
before the committee and tell what
they knew concerning the purported
scandal," said District Attorney Evans.
"Durina- the day we received repeated
telephone calls from former convicts
who said they were wining to give
their testimony, but they were afraid
to come to the Courthouse because they
had been warned that the building
was being snaaowea oy perBuiio in
terested in the outcome or tne inves
tigation. "Several of these fellows told us that
if it became known that they had ap
peared before the committee they were
Fight Weakening
Cough With a '
Health Builder
Npthinr pulls down a wikend vatem
inutn aa a P'nuwnt -u-h. In m.ny im
liar raas EtKMAN'S ALTERATIVE, a
tonic and up-builder, has been found to he
jnoat valuable in plopping the rough.
trenrthntna; the lunrs and helping to r
alora health. Twenty yaara' aueceasful uaa.
son and (!.. Bottle at all druggiata or
manafartnrer, postpaid.
fcCKMAV LABORATORY, Philadelphia.
Corps men pursuing technical subjects.
Men who have had at least one year
of technical study are directed to con
tinue in this line until further directed.
The courses referred to in the bulletin
are engineering, medicine, mining, den
tistry, veterinary medicine and phar
macy. A numDer oi niamette men
pursuing pre-medical and engineering
courses will be affected by this order.
Yakima to See Tractor Exhibit.
TAKIMA. Wash., Oct. 21. (Special.)
The Yakima Valley tractor demon
stration to be held in Yakima and at
Toppenish Friday and Saturday will
be the second largest collection of trac
tors ever got together in the state. The
demonstration will be conducted in the
interests of the farmers. Trundaar;
Case, Moline, Waterloo Boy, Avery,
Cleveland, Mogul, Sandusky, La u son,
Rumley and Happy Farmer tractors are
among those to exhibit under the gen
eral management of S. G. Baker.
The examining body yesterday would
not give out any informations concern
ing evidence wntcn waa gainereo. at
the hearing yesterday. a. mass oi
hearsay testimony is the cnaracteriza
iinn ariven by one of the officials.
It probably ill be several days be
fore the investigating board concludes
its sessions in 1'ortland. At the com
pletion of this Investigation the entire
matter probably will oe laid before ths
Multnomah County grand jury, as Dis
trict Attorney Evans said yesterday
that these paroled prisoners who re
fused to appear would be compelled to
testify when the case was presented to
the grand Jurors.
Lieutenant Hostetter Killed.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. The death of
Lieutenant Theodore R. Hostetter, of
the Koyal Flying Corps, was reported
today in a cable from the British air
ministry to his relatives. He failed to
return from flying duty on September
2T. ... . . I
Bishop Sumner Calls Upon Mayor
Baker to Issue Proclamation,
Mayor Baker yesterday was requested
by Bishop Sumner, of the Oregon dio
cese, to issue a proclamation, setting
aside one minute each day at noon for
prayer for victory of the allied armies.
"In these distressing times of war
and tumult men and women are turn
ing to God in prayer as, perhaps, never
before," says the bishop in his peti
tion. "To show our allegiance to God
and to follow his command to ask and
it shall be granted us I ask you to call
upon the people of this city to dedicate
one minute at midday to prayer to
Almighty God for a victory to our Arms
and rededication of all .mankind to
"It appears that when church build
ings are closed, it would be especially
appropriate to issue such a proclama
It of It main tit thrini to tee
A big gray shadovi on the wall
Our undervoear is luckier
f re-shrunk you seent fear ml till
For Boys and Girls from 2 to 16 Years
GET the size you paid fori When you buy a woolen garment
that later shrinks to smaller size, you pay for a size that
you'd never think of selecting. . Lackawanna Twins Under-e-wear
is guaranteed nonshrinkabIe.
Lackawanna Twins Underwear
is expertly cut: warm as wool can make it; buttons, buttonholes and
seams are made for hard wear and not for mending. Pre-shrunk.
Sterilized with live steam.
Depend on a dealer who deals in Lackawanna
Best Value in America Vests, Pants and Drawers
(Union Suits may also be obtained in high grade cotton)
Retail Distributors
Petty Thievery at Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 21. (Spe
cial.) An epidemic of petty thievery
swept Aberdeen over the week-end.
The Grays Harbor Junk Company re
ported to the police the theft of a
quantity of castiron. L. M. Lane lost
a gold watch and a considerable quan
tity of other jewelry from his home,
William Jumes, of the Columbia Hotel,
reported the theft of over 50, from
his room. There also were three bi
cycle thefts reported .to the police.
Pasco Man Sent East.
FASCO, Wash., Oct. 21. (Special.)
Lester B. Dougherty was sent by the
local draft board to Camp Colt Satur
day. He will en tor service in a Tank
Forty Soldiers From Vancouver Bar
racks, Serving as Hospital As
sistants, Need Fresh Air.
Every Portland, automobilist can do
his share in stamping out the Influenza
Forty soldiers from Vancouver Bar
racks volunteered last Saturday even
ing to act as orderlies and assistants
at the Auditorium hospital. These men
work for eight hours at a time among
the patients and are susceptible to the
disease unless they are kept well and
strong. Fresh air, according to the
doctors, is the surest way of keeping
up their resisting power.
Those in charge of the Auditorium
hospital are calling for Portland motor
ists to give part of the mornings or
afternoons in an effort to keep well
the boys who have volunteered to. help
in the wards. The soldiers work in
shifts', so there is always a number of
men who could go motoring at any hour
of the day.
jPrecautions will be taken to prevent
soldiers transmitting germs to others.
During his work in the hospital the
soldier is completely enveloped in an
apron, mask and cap which protect his
clothing, face and hair. Stirays and dis
infectants also are used before he is
permitted to leave the hospital.
The soldiers working in the Audito
rium are receiving no additional pay
for their services. The work is hard.
Last night there were but two soldiers
to act as orderlies and assis two
nurses in a ward with 50 patients.
Fresh air is their greatest protection
against the disease they are helping
others to fight and Portland motorists
can render service in that particular.
Work of Selecting Men From Non
Essential Industries to Begin.. N
Headquarters for the five community
labor boards have been established by
Federal Director W. F. Smith in room
625 Courthouse, 4he former offices of
the city fire marshal. The boards rep
resent shipbuilding, public utilities,
machine ' shops, logging, lumber and
woodwork industries and jobbers and
retailers. These headquarters will be
open daily, Sunday excepted, trom
A. M.' until 4:30 P. M.
These boards will assist the draft
boards in selecting men from non-es
sentlal industries for industries work
ing on Government contracts. All men
whose places can be filled by girls will
be taken.
$969,000. Cosmopolis bought treble Jier
quota. Great last day sums were in
vested by soldiers of the spruce camps
andLoyal .Legion men in response to
General Disque's appeal.
' Last Bay Loan Sales Big.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 21. (Spe
ciaL) Fourth liberty loan sales in
Grays Harbor County will total J2.500
000. Aberdeen's total will approximate
$1,350,000. Hoquiam closed with over
Entirely Satisfactory
Correct Lubrication for
the "LHead Type
Some of tne popular auto
mobiles of today are
equipped with engines o
the "L"-Htd type, illus
trated here. These en
gines, like all internal
combustion engines,' re
quire an oil that main
tains its. full rubricating
qualities at cylinder heat,
burns clean in the com
bustion chambers and
goes out with exhaust.
ZERO!. EN E fills these
requirements perfectly, be
cause it is correctly rehnea
from selected Calif vaja
asptmlt-baee crude.
ZEROLENE is made in
several . consistencies to
meet with scientific ex-'
actness the lubrication
needs of all types of auto
mobile engines; Get our
"Correct Lubrication
Chart" covering your car.
At dealers ' everywhere
and Standard Oil Service
Only' perfect satisfaction can account
for the use of ZEROLENE by the
majority of automobile owners. '
Leading coast distributors also testify
that it is "a most satisfactory motor oil."
jThey know from the records of their
service departments--and we know
from exhaustive tests that ZERO
LENE, correctly refined from selected
California asphalt-base crude, gives per
fect lubrication with Jeasticarbon.1de-!
ZEROLENE 'is jthe; correct roii for all
'fypesoi automobile engines. It is the'
correct oil for your automobile. Get our'
jlubrication chart showing, the correct
consistency for your car.
At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil
Service) Stations
tr .
Vie Standard OH far Motor Cars
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most women can nave
Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician
Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated
scores of women for liver and bowel
ailments. During these years he gave to
his patients 8 prescription made of a few
well-known vegetable ingredients mixed
with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards?
Olive Tablets. You will know them . by
their olive color.
These tablets are wonder-workers on the
liver and -bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying oS the waste and poison
ous matter in one s system.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a
listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts,
inactive bowels, you take one of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time
and note the pleasing results.
Thousands of women as well as men
take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets the suc
cessful substitute for calomelnow and
then just to keep in the pink of condition,
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Stop Itching Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying a little zemo
furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment zemo is applied. In a short time
usually every trace of eczema, tetter.
pimples, rash, blackheads and similar
skin diseases will be removed.
For clearine the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the
DenetratinK, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds.
The E. W. Rose Co.. Uevelaod. U.
Thought His Time Had
Come Disappointed
I never was more surprised In my
life than when I took the first dose of
Mayr'B Wonderful Remedy. My stom
ach trouble had been of eight years'
standing:; sometimes so bad as to cause
convulsions, followed by hemorrhage. I
thought my time in this world was
short, and believed it the last medicine
I would ever take. It Is now eight
weeks since, and I am feeling better
than for many years." It is a simple,
harmless preparation that removes the
catarrhal mucus from the intestinal
tract and allays the inflammation which
causes practically all stomach, liver and
intestinal ailments, including appendi
citis. One dose will convince or money
refunded. Owl Drug Co. and druggists
everywhere. Paid Adv.
Tells How Vlnol Creates Strength.
Duked. Tenn. "I live on a farm
nd keep house for six in my family.
got into a nervous, run-down condi
tion so it seemed as though I would
die. A friend advised me to try Vinol.
have been greatly improved by its
use and am Detier ana Bironger in
very way." Mrs. H. H. Goodwin.
The reason Vipol was so successful
Mrs. Goodwin's case is because it
contains beef and cod liver peptone.
ron and manganese peptonatos ana
Ivcerophosphates, the very elements
eeded to build up a weak, run-down
system and create strength.
The Owl Drug Co. and drugRia
P. S. For pimples and blotches try
Saxol Salve. Money back if it fails. Ad.