Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 21, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Americans Give Ground First,
and Then Overwhelm Foe.
Activity for Mot Part In Meuse TU
gloa Consists in Consolidation
of Doughboy Positions.
tBy the Associated Press. 10 P. M.) A
German attack in the region of Grand
Pre was repulsed. The Americans, for
strategic reasons, at f.rst gave a little
Kround; then rushed forward and swept
the Germans off their feet.
Activity on the American sector west
cf the Meuse was limited today, on the
American side, to the consolidation
and reorganization of positions recently
taken. On the other side the Germans
were strengthening their positions.
Loa-es Wood Consolidated.
The American consolidation work
was confined almost entirely to Lopes
wood. On the right of the wood, after
an artillery bombardment of two and
a half hours, the Americans began the
task of driving the Germans from
It a p pi's wood. Fighting continues in
the vicinity of Grand 1're. where the
Germans still offer bitter resistance.
All signs of a probable German with
drawal to the Kreya position, except
on the right, have ceased and the en
emy now seems determined to hold his
present positions as long as possible.
The German counter attacks are be
coming less frequent and it is learned
that Instructions have been issued to
the Germans not to undertake counter
attacks unless they are positively as
ured of success.
Weather Ifasapera Aetleav
Artillery and aerial activity was be
Iqsv normal today because of the poor
visibility due to rainy weather.
By the Associated Press. 7:15 P. M-)
By shoving ahead here and there tne
American line tonight rests across the
Freya defense position at several places,
the Americana on Sunday having made
light advances on the northern edge
of tbe Boia de Bantheville and In me
region of Bourrut, both of which points
are touched by the Freya line.
After an artillery preparation the
Americana cleaned up the Bois Kapiss,
taking more than SO prisoners.
Most of the resistance encountered
was from German machine-gun nests.
There were artillery outbursts at in
tervals during the afternoon.
Rumor of Design Against America
Are Declared Absurd New Era
Now Opening for Nippon.
TOKIO. Japan. Ovr. 1V fBy the Asso
ciated Pre.) Takashl Hara. Japan's
first commoner Premier and leader of
the Selyukwai parly, said today in his
first statement of his policies that
Japan had no ambition for aggression
or conquest: that the country had no
design except to be tn proper condition
for defense, and that the military in
fluence In Japan is not so dominant as
outsiders may believe.
.Speaking of China, Premier Hara said
he held to the open-door polity of the
Lanslng-lshli agreement and would
constantly adhere to the policy of non
interference in the internal affairs of
China. The same, he said, was true in
the case of Russia, where Japan only
wished a responsible government.
Japan, however, would never agree to
Russian domination by German in
fluence. In conclusion, the Premier 'declared
that Japan's expedition into Siberia
was the result of a consultation with
the I'nited States and the allies and
that Japan had no intention of taking
Independent action in the future.
Premier Hara declared that he was
amazed, on visiting America 11 years
ago. to hear fears voiced by some
Americans that Japan's military
strength was designed against America.
'This is, -of course, absurd," he said.
Premier Hara produced the impres
sion that Japan, which for SO years has
been largely ruled by bureaucrats, has
entered upon a new period of constitu
tional progress, in which popular opin
ion is more effectively to guide the na
tion's politics.
Beginning life' as a newspaper re
porter, Hara'a attainment to the Pre
miership is regarded as proving that
the time has arrived when in Japan, as
in America, any citizen can hope to rise
to places of the highest responsibility.
New York City Filot Sc-outa Over
German Front in Daylight, De
spite Heavy Fall of Rain.
By the Associated Press.) Night-flying
patrols over the American
have been Inaugurated. In nisht flying
over the front, a feat performed by
American aviators for the first time on
Friday night, two patrols consisting of
five -machines were sent out from
northwest of Verdun to the replon of
St. Mihiel for the purpose of( searching
out flying Germans.
The Americans went over the Ger
man lines ami drew fire from anti-air-rraft
guns, but did not find the German
flyers they rousht. Low clouds were
encountered over the enemy lines and
They're mighty good
for little guys like
( Ha of or Corn)
the Americans returned after two noun
of flving.
Lieutenant Louis Bernheimer. of New
Tork Citv. pilot, and Lieutenant Kalpn
Bagby.of New Haven. Mo., observer, flew
over the enemy lines toaay aespue a
downpour of rain, obtaining valuable
Information. Owing to the mist and
rain they were compelled to descend
to within S00 feet of the ground in the
region of Dun. the Germans firing at
them with anti-aircraft and smaller
guns. At one place they flew so low
that German infantry fired many vol
leys from their rifles, bullets piercing
the wings.
The bullet holes In their canvas did
not hamper the machine and they re
turned to the American lines, dropping
notes at different headquarters report
ing valuable information.
No other machine, enemy or Ameri
can, was sighted over the entire Ameri
can front today. Aviation officers say
that the flight was made in the face
of the heaviest rain ever encountered
by American aviators on a flight of this
Machine Cans, Cannon and Air
planes Participate In Straggle In
Streets of Bnlgar Capital.
SALONIKI. ' Oct. 15. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) American business men
arriving here from Sofia report that
there was a pitched battle in the
streets during the change in the Bul
garian Ministry, in which machine guns.
cannon and airplanes were engaged and
many persons killed. American busi
ness interests, especially in the to
bacco business In the towns of Kavala,
Seres and Drama, suffered heavily dur
ing the two years of Bulgarian occupa
Since the offensive began on Sep
tember 13, when the French and Ser
bians, stormed the heights 30 miles east
of Monastlr, later enlarging their gains
in a fan-shaped advance throughout
Albania and Serbia, two-thirds of Ser
bia has been reconquered with the ene
my's resistance steadily diminishing.
The occupation of Nish by French and
Serbian forces resulted In the capture
of an abundance of food, munitions and
gasoline for an army which had pro
ceeded far from Its base.
Captain W. V. Henry, Jr., Wife of
Lieutenant Dickerson and Mrs,
II. S. Xclson Are Victims.
Cantain W. TV. Henry, Jr.. of Van
couver Barracks, was severely mjurea
last night In an automobile collision
at East Twelfth and Davis streets
when the car In which he was riding
was struck by an automobile driven
by A. E. Rosenberg. Lieutenant Henry
Ifkerson. of Vancouver Barracks, was
driving the machine and his wife was
severely shaken up and bruised. Cap
tain Henry was thrown to tne pave
ment and pinned beneath the car.
The machine 'turned turtle at the
street inierscctlon, throwing the occu
pinw to the pavement. Captain Henry
was taken to the hospital at the Bar
racks. Lieutenant Dickerson reported
the police that he was driving west
on Davis street when lie was -struck by
the machine driven by Rosenberg, who
was driving south on East Twelfth. -
Mrs. H. H. Nelson, of 61)17 JSaat six
tieth avenue Southeast, was severely
cut about the face and hands and badly
bruised last night when the automobile
driven by her husband, H. S. Nelson,
was struck by another machine driven
liv J. Friendenthal. 606 Everett street.
The accident occurred at East Twelfth
and Stark streets. The machine in
which Sirs. Nelson was riding was
turned completely over and Mrs. Nel
son was thrown neavny to tne pave
ment. The Injured woman was taken to
St. Vincent's Hospital. Jlr. Nelson re
ported to the police that he was driving
north on East Twelfth street and the
other machine was going west on East
Stark street at a high rate of speed.
They struck , at the street Intersection.
Both machines were badly damaged.
Teuton Officer Befriended by Fam-
ily.'IIas House Blown Up.
FRANCE, Oct. Is. (By the Canadian
Press.) Although Le Cateau was not
systematically destroyed by the Ger
mans there were Individual acts of van
dalism both there and in adjoining vil
lages. Perhaps the whole war has not
produced another act so vile as that
which is vouched for by French official
investigators. In Montigny, due west
of Lo Cateau, a German officer lived
IS months with a French family. He
was a pleasant fellow, taking his meals
with the family and Irequenuy playing
the piano for them.
One evening he failed to return lor
dinner and members of the family
waited in vain for him and at midnight
retired to bed. At 3 o'clock in the
morning the house s blown up by a
mine. Every one of this family was
killed with the exception of an -
months-old child. The family consisted
of several old men and women and chil
dren. .
Teuton Despot, Obsessed With Idea
or Divine Right, Balks at Plan.
BERNE. Oct. 20. (By the Associated
Press.) The Munich Neuste Nachrich
ten says the questlbn of the abdication
of the Emperor is freely commented
upon in wide circles and scarcely any
one can see how the emperor, wno is
filled with the idea of divine right, will
agree to this.
Well-Known Pathologist Dies.
VANCOUVER. B. C Oct. 20. Dr. F.
F. Wesbrook. president of the Univer
sity or British Columbia, died here to
day. lr. Wesbrook, who was 60 years
old, until four years ago held the chair
of pathology and bacteriology at the
University of Minnesota. He was for
IS years director of the Minnesota
State Board of Health laboratory.
Pope Sends Message to Poles.
ROME, Oct. 20. Pope Benedict has
sent an apostolic- letter to the Arch
bishop of Warsaw, exhorting the Polish
clority and people to give proof of their
pit ty and union at this moment of his
toric significance for their persecuted
rtrazll Declares Holidays.
RIO JANEIRO, Brazil. Oct. 19. The
Brazilian government has decreed that
every day is a holiday until the influ
enza epidemic has subsided.
French Airplane Builder Dies.
PARIS, Oct. SO. (Havaa.) Leon Mo.
rane, the French aviator and airplane
builder, is dead.
Allied Forces Must Enter Ger
man Territory.
Allies Most Be Assured That Teu
tons Will Not Let Loose An
other War Like This.
Of the French Army.
(Copyrlsht. 118. by the Press Publlshlns
Company, Tha New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
PARIS. Oct. 20. (Special.) The bat
tle of liberation continues to develop,
particularly in the north. The German
resistance is very energetic in the east
along the Meuse. This is comprehen
sible. We have already explained why.
The German retirement which Is be
ing executed can be continued with any
liberty only so long as the Lorrame
Meuse pivot remains firm.
On the other hand, the German high
command gauges its honor in trying to
prevent an invasion of Germany, the
nearest threat of which is through Lux
embourg and Lorraine. The battle ef
fort is therefore astir In Belgium and
In Flanders. Marshal Foch, whose art
is to discern weak spots, has not hesi
tated in accentuating his movements in
the north.
Retreat Proving; Difficult.
German troops, abandoning their
heavy batteries, are retreating with
difficulty toward Antwerp. The Bel
gians are past Bruges, and their new
objective Is Ghent, on the Scheldt. Jt
can reasonably be asked if the German
Flanders army will be able to reach
the Antwerp-Scheldt line. It had little
room between the Belgian and the
Dutch frontier. There's reason to be
lieve the Germans will take up posi
tions behind the Scheldt. The German
official report says so implicitly.
Will they be able to maintain them
selves there? Their right would rest
on Antwerp, but the center Would be In
a bad position in a salient formed by
the Scheldt at Tournai, and their left
would have to retire as far as Val
enciennes and the forest of Ralsmes to
the north, where they could find an
original defensive line. It can be sup
posed the retreat will extend further
eastward. This depends on the advance
of the British armies in the region of
Landrecies, north of the Olse. The
Germans could find irood positions in
the forest of Morraal and around Mau-
Field Left Regretfully.
Friday I was at Laon and, from a
height in the old city dominated by its
great cathedral, still intact, I could see,
owing to clear weather, the Serre bat
tlefield. At my feet the French bat
teries rained shells on the German line
six or seven miles away to the north
In the distance the outskirts of the for
ests towards which the Germans were
retreating stood out on the horizon.
One realizes with what bitterness the
Germans abandoned the invaded tern
tory which they considered as a guar
antee of a peace of compromise. Never
theless they are retiring everywhere.
But they are leaving the country de
vastated. On my way to I.aon I crossed
the Soisonnais massif, the celebrated
Chemin dea Dames. Soissons is in
ruins, like Rheims, Arras, Lens, Bt.
Quentin and many other towns. In
many villages only threatening parts of
walls remain. Ihe ground has been
deeply destroyed and is chaotfo in many
parts. It will take years to restore
these regions for cultivation, as in the
"Inevitable," Hons Will Say.
The Germans will answer President
Wilson that all these ravages, all these
devastations are the fault of war. Al
ready they are reckoning the number
of allied shells fired on French and
Belgian towns.
It was said yesterday that one ot
Hlndenburg's factums reminded his
trooDS that they must not carry out
destructive operations, only in case of
military necessity. Yes. but there have
been systematically organised fires and
whole quarters of towns nave been
blown up after evacuation. Ana there
has been pillaging, the complete re
moval of everything of value which
could be utilized. There has been de
portations of invaded people to hard
Northern France Is In a aepiorame
state. Billions will De neeaeo ior us
restoration. . C est la guerre so do ic
Where Rests Responsibility.
But let us find out those responsible
for it. Who loosed the war? Who car
ried the invasion of iron and fire into
those countries? Did France or Bel
gium want war? Did they provoke it?
Was it not Germany that pursued the
conquest and annexation of Belgium
and of Northern and Eastern FranOe?
it Vrennh allied cannon for the de
fense of territory now recaptured had
tn Are on its towns and news, upon
whom shall the cost of reparation fall?
There Is the point-view at wnicn ope
must place oneself.
An armistice would ne oia incnery
If It did not impose as an essential
condition such reparation. We know
that the German military cnieis want
to save their armies and preserve their
country from invasion.
Let Cannon Talk to Hons.
No armistice without military capitu
lation, without tbe occupation of Ger
man territory.
The Germans remained mors than
four vears in France and Eelgium. Our
soldiers should be stationed in German
territory all the time necessary to as
sure reparation and guarantees that
Germany will not recommence.
Let us leave the cannon to talk even
In German territory.
Portland Will Furnish Less Than
One-fourth of Quota From
the Entire State.
Four hundred and six draft selectlves
will be sent on Wednesday and Thurs
day by Oregon boards to Fort Mc
Arthur. Cal., and Fort Stevens. Or
both of which are points for the train
ing of arillerymen. The callsfor these
men remain effective despite the influ
enza epidemic and they will be en
trained on the specified days unless
contrary orders arrive before then.
Portland will furnish less than one
fourth of the quotas of the state, up
state counties having the larger allot
ments. Inductees have been an
nounced by local boards as follows:
Board No. ,
Fort McArthur Nathan Goodstein,
Needles, Cal.; Louis Loscavo, 269
Fifth street; Fred H. Jorgenson. Jef
ferson, Or.: Fred James Walsh, Ramapo
Hotel; Petros Papantonin, 455 Wash,
ington street.
Fort Stevens Joseph S.
r56S Fifth street; Haseltine William
Ambrose, 257 Stout street: Raymond
Joseph McGuire, Seattle, Wash.; John
O. Girard. Welser." Idaho; Curtis Jen
nings Woods, Bull Run, Or.
Board' No. 4.
Fort Stevens Fred W. Clark, 706
East Fourteenth street: G. Parodi. East
Twenty-eighth and Kelly avenue;
Giulio Caramello, 8004 Ruth avenue;
Emilio Dellyralne, East Twenty-ninth
and Kelly avenue.
Fort McArthur Herbert M. Huff,
Reed College; Ernest E. Lutz, 846
Greenwood street; Giovanni Monge,
East Twenty-ninth and Kelly avenue.
Board No. 6.
Fort McArthur George Henry Kel
ler, Montgomery Apartments; Ernest
Frederick Pautz, 79 East Eighth
street; Fred I. McArdell, 170 East
Twentieth street; George G. Barker,
Wellesley Court.
Fort Stevens Earl Delos Acker, 1
East Twelfth street North; George
Alexander Watt, 775 Wasco street;
William H. Humphrey, 14 East Elev
enth street.
Board No. 9.
Fort McArthur Daniel ' Kaal. 42
North Sixth street; William Edward
Lewis, 612 Mohawk street; Joe Davis,
821 Sumner street; Arthur Henry Loef-
fler, Linnton. Or.
Fort Stevens Fred Nelson, 1188
Glenn avenue; Paul G. Toung, 534 East
Twenty-first street; Guy-Holcomb, 1438
East Sixth street North; Graham Hens
ley Ruark, Juneau, Alaska-
Board No. lo.
Fort McArthur Charles Edwin Ellis,
1536 Knowls street; Ernest August
Rosen, 280 Wheeler street; Clarence A.
Hogan, 591 Berkeley street; James B.
Grout, 491 Williams avenue.
Fort Stevens Claude C. Gray, 791
North Syracuse street; Wlllard Jack
son, Klamath Falls, Or.; Daniel Wini
fred Richards, 405 Rodney avenue;
Charles B- Remllnger, 235 Cook avenue.
Leap From Train and 125-Mile Pil
grimage to Holland Gave Pri
vate Batcheller His Freedom.
caping after 10 months' confinement in
German prison camps by a daring; leap
from a moving train and a 25-mile pil
grimage at night across Westphalia
into Holland, Private Herbert Batchel
ler, of the 48th Canadian Highlanders,
arrived here tonight on his way to his
home in Vancouver, B. C.
Batcheller, who has service medals
for the Boer war and the Zulu rebel
lion of 1906, said he and several com
panions on a sapping operation were
captured after they had dug themselves
out of a sap which the Germans had
blown up.
During his entire confinement in
Germany, he declared, he did not taste
a piece of meat, subsisting on black
bread, acorn coffee and "soup that a
hag wouldn't cat." Many of his fellow
prisoners died from hunger and over
work, he said, and he had lost weight
from 185 to 135 pounds when lie finally
Training Camp Men Are to Be Given
Recreational Facilities.
SALEM, Or.. OcL20. (Special.) Men
of 18 years or older may be inducted
into the Willamette University unit of
the Students1 Army Training Corps un
til October 31. Twelve more men are
needed to bring the unit to the quota
as set by the War Department. When
this quota is reached, no more men" will
be received into the unit until after
the first quarter, when those of the
branch who are 30 years old will he
dispatched to officers' trainingr schools
or cantonments. The time limit for in
duction was originally announced for
October 19.
S. A. T. C. men of Willamette Univer
sity stood their first barracks inspec
tion yesterday morning. The entire
quota of Army cots has been received,
so half of the company is now living in
the permanent quarters. The work of
vaccination, conducted by Dr. Clements,
the unit's medical officer, was complet
ed, and the other "shots in tha arm"
will be administered soon.
A movement has been launched by a
group of Salem women to provide suit
able recreation for the S. A. T. C. men.
For the present a restroom In the bar
rack building will be furnished, with
a piano, reading tables and writlngr ma
terials. In addition social events of
varied nature will be given.
Electric Method May Supplant Riv
eting at Shipyards.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. Substitution
of electric welding for the riveting sys
tem in shipbuilding with a consequent
saving of three-fourths in time and la
bor costs is being considered by tne
Emergency Fleet Corporation.
Orders have been issued for construc
tion by electric welding of a 42-foot
midshins section of a 9600-ton ship at
the yards of the Federal Shipbuilding
Company at Kearney, N. J.
Guns Control Russian City; boi-
sheviki Have' Not Entered.
VLADIVOSTOK. Saturday, Oct 18.
(Ttv the Associated Press.) Although
tha Czechs have withdrawn from the
Important Russian city of Samara, their
guns still control tne town, .ooisne-
vik troops have not yet re-enterea
The Czech troops still hold Jtanneie
Junction, SO miles east of Samara.
Full Confidence
Bayer-Tablets and Capsules of Aspirin may be used
with full confidence. Their manufacture is completely
under American control.
The Company manufacturing them Is being operated
as a "100 American concern.". Every officer and di
rector is a native American.
Bayer-Tablets and Capsules of Aspirin contain genuine
Plain white tablets are sometimes offered when Aspirin is called for.
Therefore, for purposes of Identification, as well as for your addi
tional protection, every package -and verj' tablet o genuine Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin is invariably marked with The Bayer Cross.
Tketmte-aaf "AipWa" Oter- U. S. ttt.
St oi aabcrllcacid la taee ttblen ana capamics
M " w
Thm Bayor Crow
Mayor of Lille Is Wildly Wel
comed by Populace. -
Presence of Lille Official Is Blade
Known When Policeman Tries to
Keep Him From Grandstand.
PARIS, Oct 20. With enthusiasm
unabated by a pouring rain, Paris to
day celebrated the liberation of French
towns from the enemy and opening of a
campaign for the new French loan,
American troops with the flag of the
301st Infantry headed a-parade of allied
soldiers. They were followed by Bel
gians, Brazilians and British and by
Greeks who had arrived in Paris this
morning from the Macedonian front.
Polish, Portuguese, Serbian and Czecho
slovak soldiers also were in line.
Policeman Halts Mayor.
As the people patiently awaited the
beginning of the speeches in the Place
de Concord, exchanging humorous and
witty remarks, a tall, distinguished
looking white-haired man was seen
forcing his way toward the stand. A
policeman halted him.
T am the Mayor of Lille," said the
man simply.
It was De La Salle, who arrived un
heralded. He received such an ovation
as never was witnessed before.
"It will remain in my memory until
the end of my days," said the Mayor
afterwards. "It is sufficient to erase
from my mind four years of nightmare
and servitude."
Today, was the first fete day that
Paris has observed since the war be
gan. On account of recent events on
the front the loan has been christened
the "Liberation Loan."
The Mayor of Rheim's in greeting
M- De Le Salle, said:
"We have suffered for France. Long
live France!"
People Cheer Speaker.
M. De Le Salle made a short speech.
His voice, enfeebled by four years of
suffering, bareljj carried beyond those
standing near him, but people further
away took their cue from the cheering
of those close to the speaker. The ad
dress was interrupted continually by
the affectionate expressions and cheer
of the crowd.
'For four years we asked one an
other, 'Shall it be tomorrow?'" said
M. De Le Salle. "That morrow came
Thursday. I was awakened during the
night by a Sergeant who presented a
requisition slip for 2000 suits of under
wear. When I reached the street the
Germans had gone without that par
ticular underwear."
Mayor De Le Salle was the bearer
of more than 10,000 letters sent by the
long-suffering citizens of Lille to rela
tives and friends.
The letters were delivered tonight.
Conditions on Pastures and Farms
Never Better Because of Abun
dant Rains.
HEPFNEIt, Or.. Oct 20.-(Special.)
Important realty transactions involv
ing Morrow County ranches have been
closed here within the last few days.
Dr. R. J. Vaughan and Fred Parker,
of this city, closed a deal yesterday for
the purchase of 465 acres near the depot
from Ralph Benge. The transaction
included 100 tqns of alfalfa hay, all
livestock and implements. The con
sideration is understood to be $21,000.
The tract is a. part of the W. O.
Minor stock ranch, famous all over
the Northwest for the prize winning
cattle bred there by Mr. Minor.
Jacob Frad, of Heppner, has sold his
480-acre ranch on Blackhorse to O. M.
and William Scott, farmers of the same
district. The consideration in this deal
was also 21,000.
D. M. Hulden and Dr. Bruere, of Port
land, who bought the Dan Henshew
ranch on Blackhorse a short time ago,
added to their holdings in that section
this week by purchasing the W. C.
Lacey ranch near their former pur
chase. The price was S28.250.
Matt T. Hughes, a stockman' who
operates a 3500-acre ranch on Rock
Creek, closed a dal with his father
yesterday lor tne purcnase oi tne wai
ter's fine raneh near Heppner. The
place contains 1765 acres of alfalfa.
wheat and pasture Jana. xne price in
this deal was $50,000.
Morrow County has had an abund
ance of rain this Fall, and feed on the
ranee as well as on the stubblefield
was never better at this season. Stock
men are pleased over the condition as
are the farmers, who find the ground
In good shape for seeding. Much wheat
Is all ready in the ground anq is
ting a splendid start-
Urgent Legislation to Be Disposed
of Before Recess.
WASHINGTON. Oct 29. Congress
this week will clean up urgent legisla
tion in reparation for a two weeks'
recess over the November elections.
The most Important matter Is the ji,-
OS.) h
t AM (1m iswoosjcetJeadd"
the reliable &jrf rutartiif.
f Aspirin
Your Gutrarrts of Purity
ISP?!'? "ftery Picture 0 I ' rfe, 111'
More Meatless Days
Less Uric Acid
Meatless days will do as much to relieve sickness as to help
Uncle Sam. Meat is a good food, but a heavy food, and only
those who do hard work or get plenty of exercise can safely
eat meat two or three times a day.
Too much meat loads the blood with excess uric acid,
weakens the kidneys and causes backache, urinary disorders,
rheumatic pains and nervous troubles. It puts you in danger
of gravel, kidney stone or Bright's disease.
If your kidneys seem weak, change to a simple, light diet,
and take Doan's Kidneg Pills, the special kidney medicine so
well recommended by your own townspeople. .
Portland Experiences:
C. W. Burnett, 533 Lexington
Ave., says: "The constant jar
ring of the cars put my kidneys
in bad shape. Mornings my
back was so stiff 'and lame I
could hardly get up. My kid
neys were weak and the secre
tions scanty, and that caused
me considerable a n n o.y ance.
Every muscle of my back ached
and was sore and I was annoyed
by specks floating before my
eyes. Doan's Kidney Pills
flushed the congested kidneys,
putting them in good order and
then I was all right again."
0c s Box at AH Stores. Foster-VJilbum Co.. Buffalo. N.Y. Mfg, Chem.
UUP ISU llStlli! W.ISK'W
-itumwii- 1 i
600,000.000 deficiency bill passed last
week by the House and now before the
Senate appropriations committee.
While the Senate is disposing of this
measure, the House will take a series
of three-day recesses, until October 29.
The Senate appropriations committee
plans to report the Army bill by
Wednesday, and leaders expect the
measure to be passed before the end of
the week.
First Regiment Men Have Strenuous
Day at Clackamas Field.
More than 500 members of the First
Regiment, National Guard, under com
mand of Colonel W. C. North, spent
yesterday at Clackamas Field, working
out war problems and going through
maneuvers. Officers of the militia from
over the state, who had attended the
school of instruction in Portland since
Thursday, attended tha maneuvers.
JCvents on the field concluded with a
review before Adjutant-General Beebe.
The Guardsmen left the Armory at
7:30 o'clock In the "morning. They
This 1$ the X T
gl " Lunch! Mjfr 7
Put a slice of cheese be- PJf J' " $
tween two delicious, salted W B jfT- ' 'S-:-.''(
Snow Flake Crackers and tff JKA "- '" tT trvV "'v
Kidney disease is no respecter of per
sons. It attacKS an classes, rrBniuioa
of age, sex or conditions. A majority of
the iU afflicting people toaay can do
traced back to the kidney trouble.
Tk. Virinevx r the most important
organs of the body. They are the f'lter
ers, the purifiers, of your blood. If the
poisons which are swept from the tis
sues by the blood are not eliminated
through the kidneys, disease of one
form or another will claim you as a
victim. . , ..
Kidney disease is u&uany i,mn,-n.c
by weariness, sleeplessness, mrvou.-
ness deHponaency, Dacimtuc oiuiuaun
, difficulty when urinating, pain
in loins' and lower abdomen, gall stones,
gravel, Rheumatism, sciatica, and lura-
baSp- ..I . -,.- nr nature's
O. I. Conner, Prop, llarher
Shop, 48 id. Seventy-fourth St.,
says: "I have used Doan's Kid
ney Pills and I am glad to say
they are good. They relieved
me when everything else had
failed to help me. Doan's reg
ulated my kidneys and stopped
the backache and lameness al
most immediately. My health
became better and today I am
feeling fine." (Statement giv
en March 9, 1910.)
Over aeven years later or on
May 19, 1917 Mr. Conner said:
"I have recommended Doan's
Kidney Pills before and gladly
do so again. Doan's cured me
of all kidney trouble."
traveled to Gladstone via the electric
line and from there hiked to the range,
arriving at 9 o'clock. On their return
last evening the men left the cars east
of the Morrison-street bridge and
marched through the streets to the
Major Hibbard Visits Home.
Major John B. Hibbard, former com
mander of the Multnomah Guard and
adjutant of the Oregon Military Po
lice, departed last night for Caion
Lewis, after spending two days in
Portland attending to business affairs
and viBiting with his family. Malnr
Hibbard is now adjutant ")f ths 36th
Infantry Brigade! 1
For Infants and Childrea(
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
signals to warn you that the kidneys
need help. You should use GOLD
MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules immedi
ately. The soothing, healing oil stimu
lates the kidneys, relieves inflamma
tion and destroys the germs which have
caused it. Do not wait until tomorrow.
Go to vour druegist today and insist
on his supplying you with a box of
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
In twenty-four hours you shonld feel
health and vigor returning and will
bless the day you first heard of GOLD
ilKDAL. Haarlem Oil.
Afttrf you feel that you have cured
yourself, continue to take one or two
capsules each day. so as to keep in
first-class condition snd ward off tho
danger of other attacks.
Ask for the original imported GOLD
MEDAL brancl. Ull te sizes, iuoney ro.
funded if they do not help you.-