TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, 3IOXDAT, OCTOBER 21, 1918. PORTLAND, OREGON. Entered at Portland lOmon) Fostoffico ai secood-ciaas mail matter. Subscription rate Invariably In advance: (By il.nl. Pally, Sunday Included, one year ...... $a.(V 1'atly. Sunday Included, aix months .... 4.-S lal)y. Sund.gr included, three months. 2.-5 Iaily. hunday included, one month Hilly, without Sunday, one year . 1'atlv. wirhout Sunday, six months laiiy. without Sunday, one month 'Weekly, one year Sunday, one year ...... unday and weekly I Bv Carrier. Tairy. Sunday Im.uded. one year ......e.no I4l j, Sunday included, one month .... .5 ai;y. Sunday Included, three months.. 2.2.1 l'aily, without Sunday, one year 70 Ial!y. without Sunday, three months... Zaily. without Sunda. one month ..... .63 How to Remit Send sostnfflra money or er. express or personaK check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at own. er'a risk. Uive postoffire address In full, in cluding county and atate. Post axe Rate 12 to 16 psges. 1 rent: 1 to s-j page. . cents: 21 to 4S pips, 3 cents: &o to h paces, 4 cents; C2 to 7d pases, fi cents: 79 to H2 pages, 6 cents. Foreign post age, double rates. Eaetera Binlnrm Ofriee Verres Cenk Hn. Brunswick bul'dtrc. New York; Verres ft 4'onklln. Steser butidin. Chicago: Verree A (onklln. Kree Press building. Detroit. Mich.; aa Francisco representative, R. J. BidwelL .-: .no 1.50 a. 50 pariah unfit to associate even with ordinary criminals." His idea of how far to carry the war and how to deal with Germany is conveyed by these words: We cannot extirpate him, but we can so seal with him that he will wall for a cen tury; we can refuse to have any dealings with either him or his produce. If this is not done. let us be under no illusions This time the weight of metal Is probably too great lor ucrmany to win. but the Germa race Is the strongest, most pertinacious and most dangerous on earth. They stick, and will stick, at nothing to achieve their ends. In the long run. unless we and our allies set our hwuxe In order and excise the cancer of party warfare, the German will dominate tne world. The churches have become possessed with the religious real of the crusader, for they see the war as a struggle be twecn the elemental powers of good and evil, which admit of no compro mise and no mercy. Nor is evil, in their estimation, to be overcome simply by destroying the Kaiser and the junkers as the ruling caste. VKMBEK OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Asotated fress Is exclusively entl td to the ue for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited to this paper, and also til local news published herein. All rtghta of republicstlon of special dis patches herein are also reserved. rORTUNO, MONDAY, OtT. SI, ISIS. ACSTRIAS DAT OF GRACE CONE. Secretary Lansing's reply to the Austrian peace proposal brings wel- tome reassurance to those who saw in President Wilson's speech on Janu ary 8 undeserved leniency to the dual monarchy. The Hapsburg nrbnarchy is in some respects a worse offender than that of the Hohenzollerns. It is older, more persistent in crime against freedom, his made more promises to its people, and has broken more. No weight can be given safely to the promise of federal self-government made by Emperor Charies in his ex. tremity, for the danger which now threatens him would no sooner pass than he would forget It. Further, tho United States has no right to decide for the subject peoples of the J laps burgs. According to our own prin ciples, first proclaimed in the Declara tion of Independence and reaffirmed In several statements of our war aims. it is for them to decide whether they will remain 'under or cast off the Hapsburg- yoke. The Czecho-Slovaks " have already decided this question by their declaration of independence, and - the United States is committed to their support by having recognized them as belligerents. As usual with doomed despots, Charles has acted too late, yielding that which he no longer has power to withhold and no more. It is well that the President has given practical notice that the principles announced . on January 8 are not the limit of tho allied aims. As principles they will till apply, but the application will be more thorough-going and drastic than was then contemplated. This is just, for many things have happened since that date. At that time Russia was prostrate in the hands of Germany's agents, Lenine and Trotzky, with no apparent power of resistance, the full military strength of the central powers was about to be . exerted against the western allies, and only a small American force was In the field. Since then the Brest- - Lltovsk perfidy has been perpetrated, the Bolshevik revolution has been proved to be of German origin, the allies have beaten the central powers . on every front, Bulgaria has deserted the Kaiser and 2.000,000 Americans have gone to France. The certainty of final victory justifies the allies in going the full limit in the cause of ireedom and permanent peace. The autocrats have wasted their day of . grace, and the longer they resist the harder will it go with them. The President and the American people have gained clearer vision of that with which they have to contend and of the means to overcome It. Had Austria-Hungary been simply reor gunlzed as a federated monarchy of . autonomous states, not only would tho Czechos and Jugo-Slavs- have been cheated of the independence which they crave and to which they have an undeniable right, but the way would have beenopen for the Hapsburgs to play off one nationality against an other in order to retain and increase their power. The monarchy would then have remained an inviting field for Pan-German intrigue, and the opportunity would have survived for Germany to' use it as a bridge for aggression in the Balkans. With Bo hemia an independent republic. Galicia divided between independent Poland and Bohemia, Hungary separated from Austria and Jugo-Slavia also independ ent, a barrier will bo set up against German eipansion either to south or east, and the peace of Central and Eastern Europe will bo safe. By mak ing all these nations free, tho allies can make Kurope safo against mili tarism. Both policy and principle point out the same course. NOT A ACTIONAL ISSUE. The argument most dangerous to the ultimate establishment of new normal schools is to advocate them on the ground of sectionalism, as a corre spondent seems to do today. The normal school issue will never sue ceed on the mere claim of any local ity that it has been neglected in the expenditure of public funds. The bill's final passage does and must" depend upon the need of normal schools to maintain the standard of the rural and city education. It is admitted by those in position to know that the normal school bill would not have been referred by the Legislature had the entrance of this country into the war been foreseen. The educators who deem additional normal schools necessary would not have asked for its submission. Moreover, new normal schools are not now needed. The attendance at the one school has this year declined more than 60 per cent. Young men and young women simply are not in terested in fitting themselves to teach because other pursuits are more attrac tive. The lack of present need is con firmed by the announcement of the normal school board that if the bill passes none of the money appropriated will be expended so long as the war lasts. Yet the bill levies an annual tax. If it is passed taxes will be increased and the additional direct appropria tion will be set aside. There will be virtually money spent with no present return, for it will be taken out of the pockets. of the taxpayers to lie idle pending use tot it. The Oregonian believes that it is economic wisdom to await that time before making the appropriation or levying the tax. It suggests postpone ment of the question. That is all. It has announced that for one it will not accept defeat of the measure in the coming election as final settlement of the question. science is only now beginning to be appreciated in Oregon. Our. ability to keep the enemies of crop production in control is also founded upon chemical researches. Without artificial fertilizers and with out spray materials it ia difficult to see how we would now be able to feed our own people, to say nothing of making any contributions to our al lies. The chemist seems to have made out a good case for himself as the most important scientistwith whom we are called upon to deal. PARCELS FOR. CANADIANS IN FRANCE. Instructions for the mailing of par cels to men in the Canadian army in trance, gmng the procedure followed by a Portland mother who has five nous wiu tne Canadians, need cor rection and supplementing because of a new order, effective since October 9. Except for Christmas parcels going to the American boys in France, it is now necessary that the person mailing or shipping parcels to France, Italy or England first obtain an export license from the War Trade Board. The Portland office of this board is in room 748 Morgan building. Licenses will bo granted only for the sending of articles not embraced on the ex-; port conservation list. This list is ex tensive, and anyone thinking of send ing gifts to the specified countries would do wisely to consult it before buying or preparing the article. The Portland mother referred to reports that because of difficulties encountered In mailing gift articles and because of the readiness with which American money passes in France she is confining gifts to her sons almost exclusively to small bills. enclosed in her letters. She com mends the practice to all having rela tives on the western front. HATRED A RELIGIOUS DtTT. One of the remarkable reversals of sentiment brought about ty tho war has occurred in the attitude of the churches. Ten years ago their con ventions were passing resolutions in favor of arbitration, and were de nouncing war without discrimination ns un-Christian and contrary to that brotherhood of man and that gospel of love which the Christian religion leaches. Now they are foremost in demanding war until the uncondi tional surrender of the enemy, and in preaching' hatred of the Kaiser and Germany in. general as a Christian virtue. Chancellor Pay. of Syracuse Uni versity, says: "It Is religious to hate the Kaiser, because, the Bible teaches us to hate the devil and all his works." Bishop Quayle. in tho Northwestern Christian Advocate, condemns "a moral flabbiness in discussing the German which has a sinister aspect." and says: "Alt this indiscriminate, flabby, spine less, godless talk about loving the German ministers to a wrong peace." He insists that "we are, at war with ihe Germans, not the junkers, not au tocracy, not Prussianism, not the Kaiser." for "the German people is committing the unspeakable horrors which set the whole world aghast." A writer in tbei, London Spectator pays much to the same effect, hut he goes farther. He says that "long be fore 1914 Christianity had ceased to xist among the younger generation of Germans," and that "since 1S70 a new race of Germans has arisen which knows neither pity nor truth" and with which " thing of beauty is there but to be befouled or destroyed." He writes of "the unutterable degradation of the modern German" and calls him ."a THE EFFICIENCY SYSTEM IX PORTS. By voting that 85,000,000 of dock bonds at the November election Port land will be the first American port to provide for its equipment on th8 efficiency plan put forward by Chair man Hurley, of the Shipping Board, as the means of overcoming the dif ference in cost of operating American ships and those of other nations. The grain elevator and dock now under construction are a good beginning at adoption of these efficiency methods, and the new bond issue will provide for construction of the second unit at St. Johns and of other units and facilities. As the standard ship built by Amer ican bridge-building methods, as de scribed by Mr. Hurley in a receni ar ticle in the Saturday Evening Post, will be built in normal times as cheaply as ships are built in other countries, so will the standard port witn Amen can docks and machinery for taking cargo on and off enable us to operate ships as cheaply as any other nation without lowering wages paid to Ameri can seamen and hereafter our seamen will be Americans. It is simply a mat ter of efficiency, as Mr. Hurley shows by reference to shipping on the Great T-akes. where wages are nlgn ana freights low because through modern "terminal machinery a lake carrier gets in and out of port quickly and is work. ing all the time, cutting, down costly dclavs in port, which cat up profits in overhead charges." In war traffic, by better organization of cargo and improved handling devices we have cut seventeen days off the time spent in port on the round trip, which is enuivalent to 2000 tons on a u.uuu- ton ship. Instead of dropping goods through a hole in the deck of a ship. h KAvs- whr not open up her siaes r The plan by which the Shipping Board proposes to Keep our snips on tho ocean is to build standard ships like freight cars, to equip them for dorks which have sufficient mcinoas of handling cargo, to build and equip such docks both at American ana for eign ports and to run the ships be tween such ports. This will be applt cation to ships of the methods pur sued in our railroads, which have given us the lowest average freight rate in the world with the highest wa ccs. Portland is' in line to lead in this development, being the first to do its part in the new programme. Then there will be no question about ships coming here, for cargoes will be sent here, because we shall have the facilr tics to handle them efficiently. CHEMISTRY ON THE FARM. ' It is pointed out by R. Adams Putcher. a member of the American Chemical Society, that If it had not been for the chemist famine would already be abroad in the land. Food production now practically depends upon him. His work in the develop ment of artificial fertilizers is the most conspicuous example of this, but the point also is illustrate?! by com paratively recent discoveries in. scien tific feeding, in the correction of un favorable soil conditions and in com batting parasites The world also owes a great debt fo chemistry for the discovery of the ftst for butterfat, which has been tho greatest single factor in the development of the dairy industry upon a sound commercial basis. Our present knowledge of the prin ciples of plant nutrition has. its be ginning in experiments conducted less than eighty years ago. and these have been, perhaps, the most momentous years in the industrial history of the world. The development of the nitrogen-extraction industry which fol lowed virtual exhaustion of the Chile saltpeter supplies has been one of the most important occurrences of the present century- It is impossible also to estimate the debt which we owe to the man who devised the simple, fool proof method by which any farmer may determine whether his soil is ex cessively acid and the extent to which he needs to apply lime to correct that fault. This phase of agricultural FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING It is significant of the coming of a new era in foreign language study that more emphasis is being placed than formerly upon "speaking knowledge, as distinguished from the merely read ing acquaintance which is stressed in the schools of England and the United States. In this we have followed our literary bent, and, having made lan guage a part of the "literary" rather than the commercial or scientific course, have often made its study merely a tool with which to unlock the door to a foreign literature. But reading knowledge, as is pointed out in a recent issue of the Commerce Reports, does not imply any writing knowledge or any speaking knowledge. and for the purposes of commerce may well be regarded as negligible. Now that the problems of our trade after the war are being seriously con sidered, it is time to formulate a plan of language teaching in the schools which shall serve our purpose. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that even those students in this country who have specialized in languages in the universities have little more than the reading knowledge. "They gener ally know next to nothing- of the spoken language," says the article in the Commerce RepdTts, "and are not equipped to write idiomatic letters in foreign languages." Discussion of this branch of educa tion will receive fresh impetus from the report of a British government commission which was appointed in 1916, visited all the univer sities in England and Scotland, and took testimony from many witnesses and received many answers to a ques tionnaire. It is a problem . which America faces in common witH our allies, particularly of England, France and Italy, so that the report will have universal application in these coun tries. The commission, for example, said: The evidence seems conclusive as to the need of foreign languages in business, pecially under the new conditions which may be expected to prevail arter tne war. fco large is the part of our Industrial product marketed abroad, so universal our carrying trade, that any Impediment to our success will react not only on those firms directly Interested In foreign markets, but also on the prosperity of the whole country. Our foreign trade does not compose the w-hole of our activities, but the whole of our ac tivities depends upon it. In a great part of our foreign trade a knowledge of foreign languages will bo directly and abundantly remunerative. It is significant that only a few of the firms which sent replies to the questionnaire fewer than 4 per cent urged the policy of making the Eng lish language universal, and depre cated foreign language teaching as tending away from that purpose. These were only partly supported in their contention by the fact that English already is the most important language on the globe, but this fact explains the reluctance of English-speaking peoples to acquire other tongues. In-i centive heretofore has been Jacking. We have a wide literature, which is regarded by many as self-sufficient, and English is understood in other countries because the people of those countries have been willing to take the trouble to acquire It- Even the Germans have admitted this, and in one of their most practical manuals of foreign trade. Issued before the war, the following appears: of the schools.. Russia, that other field of German penetration, also of fers a fruitful field. To the cultivation of it a knowledge of the language is virtually indispensable. It is a curious fact that it is the English, the least inclined of any people to take up for eign language study, who have ban ished the bugaboo that Russian 4s too difficult to be learned. There has re cently been marked progress in the study of Russian in that country, with practical results. The entire matter goes back, never theless, to the necessity of teaching any language upon a speaking basis. This in the past we have consistently failed to do. It is not essential, how ever, that the student should acquire his specialized technical vocabulary in school. It is even desirable that this should not be attempted too early. The British report suggests that "ex cepting the universally current forms and phrases, the terms of a trade can be satisfactorily learned only when the: nature and purposes of the special business are fully understood." This somewhat simplifies the work of the schools, but does not remove their re sponsibility for turning out pupils who can . talk a language so as to make themselves understood. One of the handicaps to extension of language teaching in the past has been that the polylinguist has been rather poorly rewarded. The diffi culty here has been, perhaps, that those who might have been perfect babels within themselves were noth ing else than that. Now, the mere interpreter is not likely to receive very high wages, but languages may still be a highly valuable accomplishment in the possession of a man otherwise efficient. In the case of a traveling salesman, for illustration, they would be indispensable, especially in com petition with salesmen who were able to approach prospective customers on familiar ground. It is probable that our foreign trade will be increased to unheard-of proportions after the war. especially in view of the demand that is bound to be manifested for our raw materials, and since wo have no dev astated areas of our own to restore we shall be able to enter with a free hand in the helping of others in their work of reconstruction. The outlook would seem to call for knowledge of the countries with which we expect to trade, and even for some knowledge of German, if we are to keep ourselves informed as to the machinations of a possible competitor. Pemobilization of the Bulgarian peasant army has come too late to affect the price of attar of roses, but this may be on of the first products to decline as the result of that nation's surrender. Bulgaria, as a recent gov ernment report points out, has long been the world's center for the pro duction of roses from which is made the essence which constitutes the basis of most genuine perfumes, and rose cultivation has been one of the principal industries of the country. The necessity for giving careful atten tion to the nice details of cultivation is illustrated by the fact that during the war, while gardens were neglected. t required about sixty pounds of petals to make five grams of essence, while the average normal quantity is only thirty-five pounds. There are many things which the world needs more than perfume, so that it is possible that the industry will not be re-estab lished on its former basis until some years have passed. NO PUNISHMENT IS ADEQUATE Only Approximate Justice Can Be Dieted Out for Wrong Done by Germany. ROSEBURG. Or., Oct. 19. To the Editor.) P. A. Linscott, writing in The Oregoniarr of the 14th Inst, notes "with painful surprise" the general apathy of the American people toward the German peace move. Tho whole tenor of the article Js a plea for sympathy for Germany, and would pass for a very The argument is that, as Germany has agreed to the President's peace terms fair specimen of German propaganda. which includes no material compen sation for the sacrifices which we shall make, no conquest, no dominion." etc. therefore we should permit Germany to march her armies back to Berlin with drums beating and colors flying; leav ing ruin and desolation behind them where but erst dwelt a happy, content ed, prosperous people. Aow. Justice demands that wrone shall be righted; and who but the per petrator of a wrong can right it? Who should be held accountable for the countless unspeakable crimes against humanity that have, teen perpetrated at the instigation of the Prussian au tocracy for the glory of "Me und Gott?" In the name of Justice, 'not the de spoiled, but the spoilers. An agreement to a cessation of hostilities on any other terms would be a German vic tory; and tha lifeblood of the flower of our manhood that is being poured out on foreign soil that, civilization may be freed from the menace of Prussian militarism will have , been spilled in vain. x Then let us have nothing short. of un conditional surrender; after which we can safely leave, to the peoples whose lands have been despoiled, whose wives and daughters have been carried away to a captivity worse than death, and whose children have been maimed and butchered before their eyes, the settle ment of indemnities; and) in the mean tim let Justice take a hand to see that her scales shalk balance to a hair. And the instigators of this reign of terror, whose crimes smell to high heaven, what of them? There is much to be condoned in the barbarities of a benighted savage who has never had opportunities to be anything else; while acts by those .who have had all of the advantages of civilization are a descent to the lowest Btage of human depravity and deserve nothing less than venge ance swift and sure. The human mind can no more con ceive of an adequate punishment for even a fraction of the crimes that have been committed at the instigation jof the Prussian oligarchy than it can com pass the bounds ii space; but they can be stood up against a. wall before firing squad, which would rid the world of an unspeakable nuisance, which cer tainly would be ammunition well spent. This 'expresses the opinion of not only one American citizen, but of hun dreds of thousands of thenw" A short time ago the writer happened In a con siderable concourse of people who were discussing this very subject, and all were agreed without a dissenting voice that there was no punishment that hu man ingenuity could devise that would adequately fit the crimes for which the German oligarchy was responsible. F. M. SEBRING. CHURCH OFFERS PANIC REMEDY Prohibition of Prayerful Communion Is Held to Be Mistake. PORTLAND, Oct. 19. (To the Edi tor.) Strange indeed are the signs of the times when in the face of the most appalling crisis the world has ever wit nessed, the churches of this country should be closed. It is only a few weeks ago the people of Oregon were summoned by the Governor of the state to join in prayer for the success' of our arms. In fact many citizens are, at noon each day, bowing in prayer for the success of our cause and are being encouraged in so doing. General Foch, the man to whom we are all looking with confidence and pride, has said, "We shall be saved by prayer." When the news of the defeat of the German army at the battle of the Marne in 1914 was received in England. Lord Roberts said: "Only God Almighty could have done this!" General Kitchener reading the dispatch, said: "Someone must have been praying." Yet in the " face of these acknowl edgments and In the face of a panic of fear which is being so industriously fanned into the flame of an epidemic- comes the order to close our places ot worship and to .abandon our church services. There is a quite general be lief prevailing among the rank and file of our people that in the calm and meditative atmosphere of our church rvices is to be found, in prayerful communion with God, the most potent antidote for fear; and. therefore, the most effective preventive of disease: for does not the great Book of Books teach, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick?" The Washington (D. C.) Star, protest ing against the closing of churches at this time, in an editorial of October 11 has this to say: Church assemblages are essential tn vic tory in the spiritual war as well as the physical war and to conquer sin, satan and tne jiaiser. The same editorial further along says: An Integral part of Christianity Is public worship, the collective petitioning of the Almighty. "Where two or three are gathered together In my name there am I in the midst of them." Are we to forbid for very long the gathering together of men and women In Christ's name for commu nion With their Saviour it. m-nv collec tively for victory in the war, and, for the checking of a threatened epidemic, to be de livered from plague and pestilence? It should be assured that church services are short and so distributed through tha day mat no service is crowded: and that th church buildings are properly heated and thoroughly ventilated. If epidemic actu ally rages. . . . with these precautions tne cnurcnes should be put on the foot ing of essential war industries and of fac tors which tend to check and not to pro mote an epidemic. Rightly used, the churches, through their influence on the mmds and eouls of men. can do more to win the war even than clerk assemblages in Government departments. Klghtly used the church will furnish a mint mum of promotion agency to distribute In fluenza germs and a maximum contrlbu tion to destroy the panic fear in which an epidemic lives and moves and has its be ing. . A. O. FREEL. In Other .Days. Fifty Years Agro. Prom The Morning Oregonian, Oct. 1, The Pacific Steam Navigation Com pany's ship Falcon arrived at Panama yesterday from Guayaquil bringing the news of an earthquake In Ecuador, August 18, when 40,000 Jives were lost. The catastrophe occured at night and wbols pueblos were swallowed up, it is said. Fifteen years ago there were few horses in Oregon other than Indian ponies. These were seldom more thnn 14 hands high and sold at from $10 to $15 apiece, according to their docility. There were few "American horses" in the country and they brought a re markably high figure. It has been estimated recently, however; that more than 600 fine horses have been sent from Oregon to California, and these are offered for sale in San Francisco" as "fine, large Oregon horses." The son of an Irish nobleman, whose pedigree has been a matter of public interest of late, and who has been em ployed by Father Kelly across the river, was recently charged with assault and battery in the Police Court and fined $20. Salem, Oct 19. The committee of the whole has under coisideratlon today the bill to appropriate $250,000 for the purpose of assisting the Willamette Falls Lock & Canal Company to con struct locks and a canal around the falls at Oregon City, and reported it back to the Senate with favorable recommendation. The bill will there fore be passed. Oregon's last-minute spurt for the liberty loan shows that the old state had not quite ' emptied its pockets or dried up the springs of its patriotism in the intensive campaign. When a colored man is charged with crime he is a negro. When there is something to his credit he is an Afro-Ameriean, the sole use of the hyphen allowable. There is no excuse for any girl to be idle while there is -such a scarcity of nurses. A girl can at least become a nurse's assistant and may graduate into a nurse. . The Victoria Cabinet will decide today whether confiscated liquors shall bo given to' fibspitals for in fluenza patients. It's great to be (Canadian! Keeping a cow in concealment at Lille through the four years of Ger man occupation was a fine perform ance, but how did the cow like it? Above all. thorough study should be given to the language of the foreign country. Its poli)ra1 and geographical relations and its trade and Industry. 1 assume that the read er of this book has a certain familiarity with geography and foreign languages, es. pecially Llnglish. which Is Indispensable aa a world languaga for overseas trade. Election day Is two weeks from to morrow, and Oregon Republicans must bear in mind that politics is not adjourned by the other fellows. The man who does not clean tip his order at a public eating place sets a bad example and hinders rather than helps. Colliding with the patrol wagon can be due to nothing less than reckless driving. By whom, it is unnecessary to say. The British report Is free from in sularity and chauvinism. It holds that the importance of any language may be judged by the significance of its people in the development of modern civilization, by the intrinsic value of its literature, by its contribution to he valid learning of our times, and by its practical use in commercial or other national intercourse. On this basis the report candidly holds that 'French is by far the most important language in the history of modern civilization." It does not, however, scorn German for practical reasons, and it speaks particularly of the "wide extension of German activity and the general tise of German in the business of Russia and the Balkan peninsula." Of course, the value of German after the war will correspond with the im portance of German competition, and this is yet to be determined. But there are other important languages. In Europe these are Italian, Spanish and Russian. For Americans there will be added opportunities through Chinese and Japanese. We already lead among the nations in our ac quaintance with Spanish, but in this, it seems, Germany is our chief com petitor. Italian is now being newly appraised. Exposure of German plots for the mer ciless exploitation of Italy would seem to have prepared the ground for a new commercial alignment, in which Italy can be expected to meet us more than half way. We have, however, depended in the past in our trade with Italy upon the acquaintance of Italians liv ing in this country, whether American citizens or otherwise. -Few Americans have learhed the language and it is taught thoroughly in practically njnej Hungary need not boast of devotion to Wilson's principles and claim in dependence. She is one of the criminals. It is just as well that big bison did not go to Dakota. Suppose we use him in the fifth loan drive as a mas cot? - The "unsinkable" ship went down, while the concrete affairs are ram ming around somewhere. Though green as to actual war, the 36th division took to fighting as a duck takes to water. Submarine warfare is restricted by general conditions and by the dispo sition of the Hun. THINKS PORTLAND IS SELFISH Ashland Writer Protests Against Oppo sition to Normal School Bill. ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 19. (To the Edi tor.) Two editorials have appeared- in The Oregonian recently in regard to the, initiative measures that are to be voted upon at the coming election that take a view of them that, to say the least, is somewhat selfish. Several people of' the eastern and southern part of the state had an idea that anything that did not bring im mediate profit to Portland received lit tle or no support from some of the newspapers, and many of the firms and interests of that city, but they were unprepared to see in The Oregonian frank statements to the voters "to pro test abuses" by voting "Yes" to those measures that were helpful to Portland and "No" to those measures that were not immediately helpful to Portland and The Oregonian. This is the gist of the editorials, as near as I can make out. When Portland was in the dumps, bank clearings dropping and Seattle was grabbing all the business, the slo gan was "Build up Oregon."- When Portland cannot even house all the people who are working in their shops and the country villages are depopulat ed to furnish these workers, the cry is "Give 'em h 1." In Ashland, which is away out in the suburbs, the feeling is prevalent that a generous view of oiir small demands for a normal school 'serving this part of the state would at least put the mat ter before your readers on its merits, rather than calling it an abuse, and that it can wait. Is it because Portland needs the money' for a $5,000,000 dock? I do not think the $125,000 we ask for would, or will, conflict with reason able Portland improvement. . I hope you can give us some real help; we need it. H. S. WHITED. VOTE SLACKERS BAD AS OTHERS It Is Part of Elector's War Basinets to Study Candidates and Bills. PORTLAND, Oct. 19. (To the Ed itor.) A very deceitful slogan is made use of in political campaigns during these, war times. It is, in effect, "re elect the man in office, this is no time to change." No eelf-respecting voter would stand for autocratic dic tation -of that kind in normal times. Why should he now? Every candidate, whether in or out of office, ought to be viewed as to his real qualifications. Some ought to be re-elected, others should not. If there ever was a time to keep home fires burning, it is right now. There are important state and city offices to be filled. No candidate who cannot measure up to the office he soaks should be allowed to slip it over this community with that kind of a slogan. War Is our business now, and a part of it is to see that proper and quali fied men are elected to office. A voter who refuses to take an Interest in hi home politics is a slacker and a coward as much as one who runs from the field. It is high time people here ex hibited some genuine interest in this part of our war business. Besides can didates, there are very importan measures on the Fallot, The election is only a few days off. Voters should get ballots and inform themselves. Do it now! ROBERT C. WRIGHT. Twenty-PWe Years Ago. From The Morning Oregonian, Oct. 21. ISM. Battle Creek, Mich. Twenty - sis lives were lost today in a head-on col lision between the Raymond and Whit comb special train returning from the World's Fair and the Pacific Express, which was west bound. The accident occurred throirgh the negligence of the engineer of the Raymond and Whit- comb special. Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Douschka Pickens Dugas, known as the "Red Shirt Hero ine" of the Wade Hampton campaign of 1S76, which redeemed South Caro lina from carpet-bag domination.' died at her home in Edgefield Co- nty. South Carolina, today. She was the daughter of Governor Frances Pickens, of South Carolina, a former United States Min ister to Russia, and she was born in the palace of tne Czar ia Petrograd. The Oregon Bar Association opened its annual convention yesterday at the United States court room. The follow ing officers presided at the opening session: Rufus Mallory, president; L. R. Webster. J. W. Hamilton, Gorhe H. Burnett, L. B. Stearns, F. P. Mays, R, Eakin, vice-president; O. F. Paxton, , treasurer; Charles H. Carey, secretary. Clackamas County has completed a new bridge across Johnson Creek at Milwaukie at a cost of $1634. The correspondent has not read The Oregonian carefully. The Oregonian has indorsed only one measure and that is not on the stats ballot tho $5,000,000 port bond issue. It is a local measure, involving in no way the re mainder of the state. In recommend ing a "No" vote on tne state-wide meas ures, it has included In its opposition the bill appropriating $200,000 for a home for dependent and delinquent children. That bill specifically pro vides that the $200,000 shall he spent In Portland, Sectionalism has no part in the normal school issue or any rec ommendation The Oregonian may make. The subject is discussed at more length in another column. The boy who gets an accidental charge of birdshot in the leg is a vacation hero. Belgium well may rejoice. Never again will the German get in unless under arrest. ' Idaho has more politics this cam paign than all the rest of the Union. 'Twas a joyless day for 'the man who did not fill hia tank Saturday. The unsinkable ship is in the same class, with the invincible army. The loan drive is over, and begin your Christmas shopping. Gossiping over the phone is the hall mark of ill-bred people. . Tears are one of the tools of the shoplifter's trade. Wilson to Austria: with the hide". "The tall goes GRAVITY HARVESTS HIS POTATOES Farmer Strikes Gusher on Rich Side Hill Patch In Umatilla. PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 18. (To the Editor.) An editorial in The Orego nian, 'The Worlds Potato Record, uggests to me that good editorial writ ers are not necessarily pastmasters in the peaceful pursuit of spud growing. Miss Pallos Eudora Von Blurkey. She could not tell chicken from turkey.- nigh Spanish ana ureea, sne couia xiuentiy speak. But her knowledge of poultry was murky. "They say" that on Bill Slusher's farm souhwest of Pendleton, a tenant planted a patch of potatoes on a steep side hill where years ago used to be a sheep corral. Durlng harvest, desiring some spuds for household use, said tenant uncov ered one end of a row of potatoes and that an even hundred bushels ran out before he could stop the hole. Mr. Slusher was not the man who told me this spud story. N. BERKELEY. Military Police and Guards, PORTLAND, Oct. 19. (To tho Edi tor.) (1) Please tell me what recon struction work is and to whom I should apply for 6uch a course? I have heard that some college in this city trains students for that work. Where could I get more definite information? 12) Are women eligible as well as men? (3) Is the Multnomah and the Home Guard the same unit? (4) What part of the United States Army does the Military Police be long to? (5) Is the state militia the samethlng as the old Oregon National Guard? CONSTANT READER. (1) There are many phases of recon struction. work, but the general aim is that of helping injured soldiers regain physical strength and capacities and fit them for some occupation. Reed College, of this city. Is giving recon struction courses and full information can be obtained at the college. (2) Yes. (3) The Multnomah Guard la essen tially a home uard body and(its ex istence makes it unnecessary for Port land and vicinity to have a home guard. (4) Army units regularly detail de tachments of their men to serve as military ppllce. If, however, you are referring1 to the Oregon Military Police, that is a specially created state force. (5) The Oregon National Guard is embraced In the term "state militia," but this also Includes the Oregon Guard, created at a time when there was no recognized National Guard. No Knowledge of Seed Prices. ABERDEEN. Oct. 19. (To the Edi tor.) An article appeared in The Ore gonian. October 12. which credits me with the statement that potato ball seed is worth $20 per ounce. What 1 did state was that I lfad heard a rumor to that effect, but as a matter of fact I have no knowledge of its commercial value. I have received a great many in quiries in reference to the matter, all of which I have forwarded to Mr. A. T Coo"k, seedsman of Hyde Park, New York, who is in the' market for all the potato balls he can get. I shipped 60 pounds to him recently and he made returns at tho rate of $15 per hundred, which was more than the market prioe of the potatoes that produced them. SAMUJiL. BEN.N, Faith In "Gott" Wavers. PORTLAND. Oct 19. (To the Ed tor.) In a paper from Charlotte, Mich., which contains several letters from boys in. France, I find the inclosed extract in one of the letters, which I think too good to keep: "We asked a German prisoner who could speak English if he thought they would win the war, and he said, T don't know. We have God with us, but the allies have the Americans.' We think his god must be the Kaiser." The paper was the Charlotte Repub lican of October 11. MRS. N. M. WARD. STATE IS JCST LIKE INDIVIDUAL Rising Coats Make Extra State Tax a Grave Necessity. PENDLETON. Or., Oct. 19. (To the Editor.) There comes from Salem an urgent request for the voters of Oregon to vote for that measure on the ballot which provides an extra mill of state tax needed because of war conditions. This request comes from our State Board of Control, consisting of Gov ernor Withycombe, State Treasurer Kay and Secretary Ben W. Olcott. These men are our duly elected agents. They are trying to do for us what we would do for ourselves. They sr.y that ex penses can not be held down to the constitutional limitation without utter neglect of our state institutions and lack of that police protection which existing war conditions make impera tive. When we take stork of our individual needs and the enhanced cost of sup plying them we have strong evidence - that the state can not maintain itself so cheaply as formerly. ' For the state hires labor, and it feeds and clothes and shelters hundreds upon hundreds of the charges in our penitentiary and hospitals for the Insane, yet the cost of supplies and labor to tho state rises no less than to individual?. Lack of funds will force our State Board of Control to use the credit of the state; and a failure to vote this tax to meet these demands would impair that credit and weaken the stale now, when the full vigor of its powers is needed to carry us through these days of stress. . C. P. STRAIN, Assessor of Umatilla County. UNCLE JABE'S PROFANITY. I has been a Hahd Shell Baptls' Since my pickaninny days Nebber got to go to dances, Nebber 'tended any plays; But since di wah has busted out l'se longed to cuss 'em blue. But I only quotes our preachah i Calls 'em "Pots damn crew!" , - Donno wy he puts -Pots' to it. But I spects it he ps him out. When he's prancing In de pulpit. Knockin' Germans all about; And Mirandy sittin' by me Gibs my ribs a littlo hunc& When he gits to yellin' louder Bout dat k "Pots damn bunch!" So I guess if pahson says It, Uncle Jabe can say it too: Guess de Lawd will sure forgib me When he members what dey do All de orful, 'trocious actions Dey commits in ebery place; DeyMl sure meet 'em in de jedgement Dat ole "Pots damn race!" MINA HAT,L EPLET. Philomath, Or. Status of Filling Station Employes. PORTLAND, Oct. 19. (To the Edi tor.) Can you tell me if the gasoline filling stations that the Standard Oil Company and Shell Company have are essential, or will a man who works in them be made to quit and go to other work providing he is in class 1. 2 or 3? E. M. DUKE. Work in service stations has not been clashed as nonessential or nonproduc tive employment. M ater on Premises. ' PORTLAND. Oct 19. (To the Edi tor.) I have been told that the law is such in the state of Washington that rent cannot be collected from a tenant unless water has been furnished upon the premises. Kindly state whether this is true. SUBSCRIBER. C'here is no such law in Washington: Tracing; Missing; Soldier. CONDON. Or., Oct. 18. (To the Edi tor.) Can you tell me where I can get nformation regarding missing soldiers or what has become of one last heard of in France? A READER. Perhaps your local Red Cross chapter could set an Inquiry in motion. If not write to Adjutant-General, Washing ton, D. C, giving soldier's name in full the unit and organization to which he' was attached and his last known address. Notice of Rent Increase. PORTLAND, Oct. 19. (To the Edi tor.) Kindly inform me if a landlord can or is permitted by law to raise one's rent on a notice of less than 30 days? This is "open season" on shipyard workers and I Just received mine to the tune of $30 plus $10 equals $40. from .an apartment-house, effective in 15 days. A SUBSCRIBER. The notice Is sufficient if the tenant is renting from month to month. Call of Oregon Units. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 19. (To the Edi tor.) riease advise roe which was drafted into the Army first, the old Third Oregon or the Coast Artillery? A SUBSCRIBER. The Third Oregon was called to do Federal guard service March 25. 1917, a5id the Coast Artillery received this call July 25, 1917. Both were mustered Into the National Army on August 5, 1 1917.