13 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1918. Bate for Classified Advertisements IB The Oregonian. Vnily and gnnday Fer line. On lln lie Tut rOM4ativ( times 2'c Thrr roorrliT I inie .......36c Six or 4rn ranMniivc limrti &ic Tbr following datfieat.una excepted. th rmte on which i 7c per line per day: Ml UMilm antrd .Male. Ntluations Pritale f urn i I -. Hoard and Kuom I'rivste tamitie. liouekeepln: Koomi Iriate t-amilie. So ad taken for IfM than taw iioe. Count six word to the 1 i rw. .VUertlxment (except Ier ooaU") ill In- takt-a over the tele phone If the advertiser I a ubnerlher to either phone. prfee will he quoted ever the phone, hut statement will be rendered the follow ins iar. Advertfue ment are taken fr 1 he fuUr Ore KoaB until F. M.; for The Sunday Orecoalan antil 1. M. Saturday. .OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 13 Con rt boose. 0th St. Entrance. Phone from 9 to 5, Main 3? Ttome Phone A j... ism cau alter on ice ouun, ooa lawn ?4. Report a'l cases of cruelty to the a bore a ai ress. tiectric letnai cnamDer ior imau animaia Horse imbuiance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one de.rina a dog or other pet communi cate with us. Cull for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There Is no mora city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Wain 7070 - A 6095 NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Ron. and Woolra Clothing. Ve Make Reversible, Hud - Woven FLUFF RUGS Taer Wear Like Iron. Mall Order.. ead for Booklet. II. K Hnsa fVavea. All Slaea. Carpet Gleaning 3x2 Rugs Steam Cleaned 1.50 WKSTERS FU'PP RIG CO. M lull). Ate. . tu 51, IS 1475. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved elty and farm property In stallment repayment prKlteare if pre erred t prompt, re I In hie service. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-519 Northwestern Hank Building;. .Marshall 414. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BVS1.M-:S HI) HKMDEM'E l'HIII'KHT. ROBKHTSOX at i:i;. ZITT-H orlhvrealera Hank Hide. IRVINTITON It. T. STRKKT, HO-MtsJ. 1RV.AGE.NT. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds SOS WH.COX HLIX.. Main 702. A 3702. A 15 INVESTMENT. Small apt. -house, lot and furnishings; excellent l.arion; present rental $140 per mo.; Vah $7001, balance on time. BO 613. Oregunian. RE.L ESTATE. ON K acre, improved home, on IUe Line. 2 utiles citv limiiR. ic fare: water works it t k hmi; small Summer houe. . ......... vn... iiiamnR an inai home; price S-.'it. reasonable l-rms. To see place go to Asrat station. Mace across B.ie Una Xrom Ked Cn.sa Piiry. with brown round Rummer house and other brown buildings Also will rent subject to aic, $15 per month. Owner. Tahor 6m. TVmJmVAvXT. KoT Turn burden into income. o de.sln and build anything, furnih th mon.y If dt-slred. Eight years in I'ortlanJ L. R. liaiiey Co.. contracting architects, Nurthweaiern Hank i.i.ie loifc.K.NiE your bu.Idings; ail kinds of xff'W xTH my 1i:n tr new homes. Max M Mycr. Concord bldg. Main 5'0x formerly anpt. Ort;on Home Buiidem. r ore ShI e Bearh I'roperty. SALTAIIC. TILLAMOOK BECH. Two choice Iuts. !'." by 14rt. at Saltalr station. Tillnrr.o.ik IVarh. Near d.pot and hotel, adjoins bonniwalk. county road and railroads, faces ra-itic Ocean; suitable f. bu.int s or ro.-i.ience. Value $50); will Tonsillar trade for auto, prpertv or nier chan'lise. Adlr A 4'1. Ureit'mian. iur fale ims. UK Al,h c ornor lot .13x! comer of Grand and Kolman srs. ; S00 csah for '."rH" ownr, . Underwood, -.v e-ouLn victoria ave Atlantic City, fcAi-RIFICE 5 lnrs 50x100. S. E. corner Oth and Stanton. Take best cash offer. Am here for f.-w days. Owner, E. A. Ingram. ireifoti Hotel. 14 LOTS at 43 Clinton. $500 each. KZ pav ment.. Take liberty bontls. Owner. J. H. McMahon. '2Wi East 43d st. Tabor 53iU. KESIDENCE lots, deidrable district, near ar'iae. frum $300 up, cash or time. 14S Park !t. TWo good lots in Rosmere Addition. Price right if t-ikfii at once. O J. Oregonian. lor Sale -llounes. DESIRABLE HOME $3750. 7-rvom rtttt.-iKe In pood condition, ground 100x150. b.arme fruit tre, harries, roses, shrubbery. 2 chicken houses, lies hiRh and sichti. See owner. IH2 Fiiedner bldg , Tenth ami Washington. $.; CASH Rather than rent will sell on easy terms "-room semi-bungalow; bath. Imu-h kitchen, futl basement, fur nace, garace. hearinc fruic tre. small fruit. :;0 K. -U'lh. Sellwond 27S3. I0 YOU WANT A HOME? 0 R-ronm h-.nse. lull lot, hard-paved st., near hich arfi grammar schools; not far from shipv.iMs and rar shops; terms. Owner. Wotvitawn 2. JIOPEKX i-rooin house; lot ROxlrtO; $3500. or more ground if wanted: located No. 15 East 53d st.. near Stark. See It and write to box route A, Portland. Phone t;re?ham V5. FfH SALE S:n:iU hu.s- In rood condition, with 0 beautiful !:. facing 3 streets, on Hawthorne enr'ine; all under psiltt vatioa; fruit and sha'le trees. Price $3250, imn cash l'!h-n' .Marshall 222. Ft R SA I .K Jood se en -room house with lot 55x155; fruit trees, garden and chfeken-p-irk ; one block from car. Price $2750. Tabor 32. A-KI KST-CI.ass. mo'l-Tn Jn every way 7 room home. 1 l lots. See owner I you w;.nt a genuine bargain. V 075, Orego nian. S. 4 AND 5-roojn bunga'ows. furnished. E. 2-Mh. near S P. It. R. shops. M400 to $:iW0; easy terms Owner. East 3225. MvDERN It-room house, vacant, near car, paved street; owner. $2W. sr.oo down. 7S0 WiMiams av. Wood lawn 426. 1 R V I N G T O X home wa n t ed : mod e rn. seven rooms ; will assume p mt pay half cash. Captain Rar.d. N 67. Or 'iron ian. 60-FOOT froptspe on Union ave.; modern cotTaee with store buili'inr; a bargain. Call Wood awn 194tl. Owner. ft-RM. BUNGALOW. West PMe, close; had renting basis. Particulars 318 Piatt bldg., 1 to 4. STRICTLY P.rst-claj-s 6-room modern bunga low. Piedmont district Fh.me Sunday only T to 7. Woodlawn 4."46. Monday Col. SSI. BO-FOOT lot and barn. $TOO; by owner. In quire cf BelHing, the Jeweler, 245 Vi Alder T. Main 12 HOUSE and RiMM lot in South Portland. $17t: bv r-wr.er Inquire of EeMfng. the .Trweler. 24'i Alder St. Main 162. M 'DERN, Mr x.il- 7-r.Mmel. Rope rtty Park home Omnr. Tabor 223. PRICE is riffht: 5-room new bungalow, well treated. -r.2 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE by Tot. c'o-e In owner. R-roora house, corner price Hght! East 665. FOR SALE West Stde 6-room house. Wood lawn 3378. REAL ESTATE. For Sale H oases. MT. TABOR 330 DOWN'. 130 MONTH T KOOMS. SLEEPING PORCH FOiiiESSION AT ONCE $3500 corner lot, trees, rood view. A big house, 3 bed rooms, sleeping; porch, tore room, full cement basement, fire place. J. U HARTMAM COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bide.. 4th Stark. Alain 2Q&. A 2uOO. TIRED OP PAYING RENT? If you have $500 Ln cash I can sell you a fine bouse ln Lsure' hurst. 7 large rooms and extra fine sleeping-porch, good garage; lot 50x120, Sightly location. This place will be sold under original cost; bultt abcut four years ago and cost ;7K). You can buy It this week for $.2u0; all street Improvements Included. Phone me Main 1700, Sunday and eve ning East 2u. MR. DELAHUNTY. 9-ROOM LAURERUHRST MOMB. The owner ot this magnificent boms has moved to another city. The lease on the property having expired the owner advises me to place the property on sals at a price thnt will Insure an imme diate sale. The actual cost to owner was SS0O0. Will be sold at a big sacrifice, fees It and make me an offer. Inspection by appointment only. MR. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700, East 20(JS. IN BEAUMONT 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2 bath rooms 1 bed room and bath on 1st floor). Beautifully finished living and dining room. Full concrete basement. A-l fur nace, large fireplace. Price $5500. Owner going" East- J. 1. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 2u$. A 2Q30. EAST YAMHILL STREET. Near East 24th street; 8 rooms, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, laun dry, first floor has living room, dining room with buffet, library with fireplace, one bedroom, Dutch kitchen and bath; second floor has 5 bedrooms, front and rear stairs. Lot 40x100. Improvements paid. Terms, $700 cash. $25 month and UODUARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. HOLLADAY ADDITION $5300. otrictiy modern U-room residence on corner lot, with paving paid. Full cement basement, furnace, laundry, fireplace, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor and two rooms finished In attic. Terms, not Jess than $1000 down buu montn ana interest. GODDARD A WIBDRICK. 243 Stark St. $500 CASH $3750. NR. 39TH. AND WASH. 8-nn. home, fit for anyone, a real work of art; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, all built-in, llvlns- room. lux JO feet, paved streets; no O. C. GOLpENBERO. ABINGTON BLDG. o X tAKS IN fuKTLAND. -KuoM bungalow on 50x00 comer lot. all street Improvements, close In, 1 block irom ose Liiy ark canine, large rooms, paneled dining-room, built-in conveniences, Dutch kitchen, large finished attic, ce ment walks and basement, furnace, garage ln rear of basement, ciroett and linoleum Included in price; $300. 6S0 E. Everett mono r. iba. $1650 $175 CASH. Owner aged and crippled, desires to go to caiir. at once. Offers 6-rm. piasterea home; with all the conv. 2 blocks Alberta car, at sacrifice. G. C. (JOLDEXBERO. ABINGTON BLDG. I r.AKS lis FUKTLAND. MAIN 4S03. NEAR ALBERTA CAR $3200. Six rooms and attic; fruit and flowers gas. elec buffet, breakfast room. 2 hri. rooms and bath, laundry trays, front and rear porches. Terms, $500 cash and $25 (iODDARD & WIBDRICK. 243 Stark St. 5-ROOM BL'.NT.AI.OW On 60xl00-ft. lot In good district, paved streets, near two carlines. hardwood floors, parking in living and dining rooms, full cement basement. fireplace, etc Price $3250. $750 cash, balance like rent. These terms for quick sale; house is four years mu. no reai estate agents. Taoor 7130. BEAUTIFUL HOME $6500. 8 rooms and sleeping porch; large Uv-Ing-room; white enamel tin Ian: thorough ly modern; large grounds with trees and shrubs: on corner looxlou feet on E. 29ih St., near Mt. Tabor carl in e. Full particu lars upon application. Price $0500. terms. i'ui iiu Liauc jaaiu odju. ill'. TABOR cottage, 7 rooms, bath, a-aa and eteciricuy ; one ueuroom aownstairs; house faces east with beautiful unobstructed view of the mountains; lot 50xl4u feet with yard aui ui huh net, u use ncwiy painted and papered. Price $2050. Phone Tabor 40-9. IRVINGTON. Fine borne. 7 rooms, alt modern eon veniences, 55x100, snap. $3500. East 1347. WHAT IS WORTH OWNING IS WORTH When In need of any kind of Insurance. see W. R. McDONALD, 921 Yeon bldg. Phone Marshal 23K1 for service and I.XSUKANCfc; THAT INSURES. SEE those two new bungalows I am build Ing on Ivon St., between E. 38th and E. 3yth, 1 block from Richmond car; modern irom A to ready soon: buv now and select your own colors, fixtures, etc.; paved street, ouxioo iou xaoor ivt. FOR SALE. $2o00 Rose City bungalow, 2 DiocKS souin oi canine, -t rooms, sleep ing porch, hot-water heat, garage, $500 ilown. L.iierai uiscount. xor casn. a S5, WEST SIDE. Two houses on one lot. 50x100, on Clay St.. near 15th st., both 7 rooms. Price for both $4o; jilimi cash. Dalance $40 month. OODDAKU ac WJKUKlUh, Stark St. BUNGALOW BARGAIN Fine view iot, 73 xioo, io Kaieign si., a rooms, oatn, fur nace, fireplace. laundry; built-in buffet. Terms. F. E. Bowman Jk Co., 213 C. of C. li!dg. Main 3021!. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautifully finished 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, attic, full ce ment basement, furnace, fixtures and shades. Phone owner. Tabor 328. BEFORE purchasing property obtain report on Its value and condition. Get your money's worth. Reasonable charges. Mac Nauhton & Raymond, valuation experts, Corbett bldg. Main 815. BY OWNER Modern 7-room house, corner lot; streets and sidewalk improved, one block from carline; splendid neighbor hood. A sacrifice. 521 Spokane ave.. Sell wood. HAWTHORNE bungalow, 0 rooms; hard wood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, Dutch kitchen, Just like new, $3:i50; terms; no agents. Phone 'la bor 45S3. BUNGALOW 7 rooms modern, paved street, really worth $30OO, but want to sell, and will take $2050; $350 cash: fine condition; splendid construction. 1448 Olisan. 6-ROOM Full lot. paved street, all built-in effects, nice and clean, Sellwood. Price f2loo; $5uo down. B. S. Cook, 002 Stock Exchange bldg. MOUNT TABOR BARGAIN 6-room cot tage, large orchard, one-quarter acre, price $3250; part down, balance terms. Call and see It. 01 East 60th. RICHMOND bungalow. 5 rooms, fireplace, conveniences, pavement paid; $3000. cash $400. balance monthly. Owner. 141 East ttiUh North. 7-ROOM house, good condition. 261 Monroe St., lot 50x100 leet; price $3000. terms. Parrish. Watkins & Co., 106 2d at. Phone Main 1044. ONE 5-room buniralow with sleeping porch, basement, full 50x100 lot; good lo cation, good car service. Phone Marshall e07, or see owner at 7030 Slat ave.. S. E- 5-ROOM bungalow, full basement, cemented street paved, paid for, fireplace, built-in effects. Price $2500: terms. East 23d st. V acant. B. S. Coo k, 602 Stock Ex. bldg. IN ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room bunalow vith rooms In at tic p,wLer lot. s-arace. nice lawn, xnoort terms. A very desirable home. Tabor 59. FINE, modern, 6-room house with furniture, hardwood floor, full basement, wash trays, street improvements paid, for sale by owner. $3250. 311 E. 49th st. Terms. DON'T overlook this bargain: 4-room mod ern house, furniture and all, $1750, $600 rish. Owner. March. 2335. HOSE CITY 5-room bungalow, reasonable; excellent condition; vacant. Owner, SeL S05. DO you need fire insurance? If so, let us Insure you. uvuu.ru mt learica. .143 Stark St. OWNER will sell bungalow. 6 rooms; easy terms. $25d; Al condition. WS car. Sell wood 712. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room house, lot 75x 100. Price $1500 cash or liberty bonds. AV 160. Oregonian. toil SALE By owner, good 8-room house and garage, corner lot, close in. Price right. East 6S65. 9-ROOM modern home, sale or trade; one 5 room bungalow, clear. 257 E. 31st st. Tabor 7;Ui. A MODERN bungalow. 397 E. 54th at., near Lincoln St.: furniture also for sale. 6-ROOM cottage, easy terms; Inquire 1151 Pelmont, near E. 3'.Hh. Tabor 0493. HOUSE on 831 Garfield, one block from car. O 50, Oregonian GOiD six-room house with sleeping-porch. Ill E. 34th st.; $2500; terms; will accept liberty bonds. Phone Marshall 2309. SEE DE "LA HUNT FOR HOMES. East 1347. A BEAUTIFUL home for sale, reasonable. Tabor 2 ST 4. KEAX ESTATE. for Sale Houses. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 2 GARAGES ROSE CITY PARK GROUND SIZE. 50x200 FEET. RUNS FROM STHPRT TO STREET- PAVEMENT AND SEWER IN AND PAID IN FULL Gas heat; also hot air furnace, room finished in attic fireniace. built-in ef fects. Owner leaving city. Only reason for selling. Place is clear of ail encumbrance. Price only $4750. Half cash will handle It. J. 1 HARTMAN COMPANY. IO. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 2u6, A ZU50. $300 DOWN BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS JUST BEING FINISHED Can be occupied Nov. 1st. $200 Inside bungalow. $28ou corner bungalow; full 50x lOO-ft. lot, 1 block to car; patent fiber arainnoara, aou Die-constructed nouses; built-in ironing boards, breakfast nooks. These are dandles J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce piqg. saain aua. a joj. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. WILCOX BLDG. Main S51T. Sixth and Washington. BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. From S2300 to 3000 for modern bunra lows. H. W. floors, built-in beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats and coolers, gas ranges and wbter heaters, full concrete basements, with gas and electricity. Inside and outside entrances and wash trays, and paved streets to roost of them, nice lawns ana vara, lr interested can owners. BLANCH ARD & CLEMSON. 702-3 Selling Bldg. $750 CASH. 13200 BRAND NEW $3200. 5-room typical Calif, bungalow, never occupied, hardwooa xioors in an rooms, fireplace, attic, bullt-lna, garage. What better do you wish for in Haw. DIst. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." MAIN 4803. BIGGEST SACRIFICE IN CITY. Go look at 838 Michigan ave. today, but don t bother tenant. seven rooms, mod ern, full basement, good location. Price only $2050. good term a No encumbrance. imDrovemant all naid. Worth over $3000. Take Mississippi car to Shaver, 1 block West. To inspect house. Phone McCormic, Main x $7500 NEW 9-rm. colonial beauty. West Side, conv. to 3 carlines. maple and oak firs., all white enamel, 6-coat work, shower. 2 sets plumbing, living rm. 15x30 ft., other rms. large, all ' bullt-lns, vacuum turn ace. garage, paved streets, superb view, clear; terms on part. G. a GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG, -35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." MAIN 4803. MODERN' r.-room hunzsJow: hardwood floors, good basement, garage, fine loca tion, uni new o-room; narawgoa every convenience, furnace, garage, splen did location. One 6-room, 2-story; very centrally located; all furniture Included; very cheap. Irvingxon. East 273. Herd man. BRAND NRTv. BUNGALOWS. Three to pick from; one a fine corner, one with garage; one 7 rooms, other two 5 rooms, with large attics; every modern feature. Fine new homes at the price of sn old house; terms to suit. Located southeast corner East 43d and Clinton sts.t block east end of Richmond car. Owner on premises 1 to 5 P. M. today. TV onsir. riTT PARK. West of the hill and north of Sandy boulevard. C-room house with sleeping porch, living and dining rooms, kitchen and one bedroom on first floor, 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor. Garaire. street improvements all In and paid for. ' Good terms. Tabor 59. GREAT sacrifice Non-resident client offers -. K..nD-olniar lit K 4!th S. E. for $2100, subject to some city liens; 60x100 lot, street jiavcu, .ao.., ; This property cost the owner $2M0 a few years ago. It is a bargain that cannot be duplicated In Portland today. Nelson, 618 Pittock blk. Bdwy. 673. xnnv tT VTTAR WILLIAMS. 2 HOUSES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE. $2000 AND SJ0"U. Cj A c i SEE US FOR CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. GlACNGOLDERBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." MAIN 4803. ROSE CITY PARK Fine 5-room bungalow; beamed ceilings, narawwu 1 '""'' . t- Slace, built-in bookcases, buffet and cup oards; fine fixturesi full cement base ment, new furnace; block off Sandy. Price $3300. Call at 616 East 65tn sL North. IRVINGTON. $5300 will buy from owner 6-room. mod ern bungalow, all finished in white enamel furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement. 628 E. 19th N. East 7329. Suburban Homes. A BIG SNAP One choice acre in full bear ing rruit trees pius a ounw iui i ..a... fruits, with livable 4-room house, city water; also cow barn and chicken houses; no incumbrance. Close to school and car. No. 1941 E. Market and 76th sts. Take SSth-st. car to 76th, south to Market, Price I30O0, $1000 cash, balance on time. Tabor 1835 or W Belmont st- GARDEN HOME ON OREGON ELECTRIC. Here s tnat snap you warn, .mcb iarse cottage with 1 acres In cultivation: plenty fruit, berries: all fenced. Only minute from Barstow Station. Only $2000; $500 cash, bal. to suit. See McCormic at Garden Home today. Phone Main 9318. FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Aioerorooit on Orecon City, car, third house north of Rlsley station. For Sale Business Property. BY OWNER, building with three flats, near the Brooklyn scnooi. ah iurnisnea ana rented. Price $3H0O, Income 13 per cent. All modern conveniences ln each flat Phone Sellwood 3383 for appointment. For Sali -Acreage. GARDEN HOME ON OREGON ELECTRIC. One of the best located acres in Garden Home, in cultivation, right at station: sac flce for $900; easy terms. Come today, ask for McCormic. Phone Main 9318. ONE acre. S2d and Schuyler st., 5-room house, chicken run. fruit, city water and gas. near school; decided snap. Main 2729. Sunday. Bdwy. 75 Monday. 85 ACRES, sell all or part; 90 miles south Portland; all in cultivation; terms. Wm. Gilbreath, 102 4th st. Phone Main 3172. For fcale Farms. 500O ACRES ln Southwest Washington for sale to seiners oniy ; easy terms, Iow prices, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. POULTRY FARM FOR SALE. 1000 White Leghorn hens, laying houses, etc., completely equipped. 15,0lo-egg New ton incubator; sold 33.000 chicks this year, books open, over $3000 profit; might trade. Freshlaid Farm. Colfax, Wash. ACRES, near Willamlna, half clear, fenced, house, barn, creek; $100 down, $10 month; also 40 acres near Sheridan; house, creek; $3u0 down, baL 5 years. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d st. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland, $i3 to $-'00 per acre, easy terms; best soli. Farms for sale, ail sizes. McFarland. 140S Yeon bldg., Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running- water, koou son, 73 mucins, employment, eisv terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. 34r-ACi:E farm for sale by owner. Deep, black, loam son. r interested call at 111 E 8 2d st. N.. Portland, Or. IF YOU desire a fine, well improved small farm close in at a Dargain phone the owner. E. 1375. ., NEAR electric, $1250; McFarland. 1403 Yeon bldg. house, well. 1000-ACRE wheat farm for sale. Phone Main 8777. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN HAW THORNE, TO $3000. FAIR PAYMENT DOWN. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "8S YEARS IN PORTLAND." MAIN 4803. WANT modern home, not over $3500, loca tion no object; have $350 cash to pay down, balance substantial -monthly pay ments. Phone Main 3718. FOR a home, one acre or more on Columbia Highway; reasonable distance to city lim its, with or without Improvements; state location, price. BJ 953. Oregonian. WANT strictly modern 5-room bungalow in restricted district up to $4000. Goddard & Wiedrick. 243 Stark st. WANT good vacant lot on improved street, near car; restricted district preferred. Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark st. WANTED Modern home in restricted dis trict. Will trade three lots on paved street, balance cash. AK 715. Oregonian. HAVE $250 cash to pay down on a can make good payments monthly Main 3718. home; Phone HAVE $100 cash to pay down for a cheap house or shack that I can fix up. X 148, Oregonian BUNGALOW wanted. Rose City Park dis trict, tn a hurry; crtent waiting Tabor 1903. WANTED Houses to sell. Have real buy ers. B. s. cook, eoj atocK exchange bdg. SEE Frank L. McGulre to sell your home. 411-414 Ablnfton bldg. Main 1003. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE MAKE SALES Mall to us description and price. List your property with us. Our Real Estate Department makes sales. .J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 208, A 2050. 4th &. Stark fits. WANTED by private party, 5 or 6-room bungalow; garage if possible; R. C. or Haw thorne districts preferred, about $3500; please give full particulars. BF oaa, oregonian. WANTED To buy 4 or 5-room house from owner, up to $1500, close to school; could not pay much down, but could arrange larger monthly payments. Phone Tabor 5530. WANT modern house with 4 sleeDinK rooms. on West Side, reasonably close in; not over owu; pay casn. uoddara dt vviearic., 243 Stark St. , Wanted to Rent Fnrms. I WANT to rent a farm from 100 to 500 acres. Have the cash to pay for the rent and for personal property. Have J-ust ar rived irom the tuast. want quick action. Full particulars first letter or no atten tion paid; also phone. M 4S7, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. For rent, 520-acre farm, 30 miles east of Portland, three miles from Columbia Highway; 60 acres cleared, balance logged off pasture land; 2 acres orchard, equipped and stocked for farming. Desire responsible tenant for term of years. Phone E. 21 or calf at 220 Union Avenue North. FOR RENT AIRY. 240 acres, 50 In cultivation, rest timber and good pasture, fair buildings, family orchard, good water with trout stream through place; all stock, feed, seed, farm implements for sale, with lease. Write ED. JOHNSON. Blodgett. Or. WANTED A good Willamette Valley farm of 100 to 300 acres; would lease or run It on shares by a first-class farmer with best references. AM 672, Oregonian. FINE 40 acres, improved; $175. Equipment lor sale eneap. g. a. oroy, oui outn North. Tabor 4913. FOR RENT 80 a., 35 improved, bal. pas ture; sell team. 3 cows, heifer, brood sow. machinery. R. W. Mills. Woodland. Wash. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Fine 20 M. Russell mill, also 94x10 Seattle donkey, full logging equip ment; bargain price and terms. F. E. Bow man A Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. 304 McKay Bldg. WANTED Logger to contract to log 7 to 10 million; we can iurman part oi equipment. T 613, Oregonian. 160 ACRES, near Portland, several million feet tlmoer, $iuo. g iaa, uregonian. PILING, hewn tie and snee timber wanted O. V. Gamble. Gerllnger Dldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 35M CAPACITY lumber mill. Everything in fine running order, includes ziu acres of land, 7-acre mill site leased for 19 years, 5,000,000 feet of excellent standing timber, logs contracted to mill at $0.50 per M, contract also includes any future purchases of adjoining timber. Slab wood sold on contract at $8 per day mill run. Splendid location. Owner wants large range in Washington or Oregon, would consider well-located city property. Ad dress E. P. Churchill, 919 Yakima ave., 1 mperial Apts., Tacoma, Wash. Phone Main G172. FINE STOCK RANCH FOR CITY. An 850-acre stock farm 45 miles from Portland by boat or train; good roads; land lies rolling ; fine grass year round, unlimited outrange, farm all fenced, lots of fruit, good buildings, modern house, electric ligiits, baths, etc.; an ideal stock ranch suitable for goats, sheep or cattle; finu fishing. Price $4o,o0o. Incumbrance $10,500. Will trade tor city property and assume, or what have you ? S 48, Ore gon ian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 105 acres on north fork of Lewis River, 26 miles from Woodland, $15 per acre, and 2 lots 2 blocks west of Lents schoolhoustJ 110x137.0 feet, and Vz acre on 82d St., be tween Mt. Scott and Estacada, carlines, east front and fine shade; will trade for 4 or 5-room modern bungalow and easy terms on balance.. Inquire P. Barnes, 091 Hoyt St. Phone Main 532Q. WILL trade for apartment-house. 20-acre annle orchard, full bearlnc. well improved has good house with bath and running Tvater. barn and irost-proot packing snea. Located in North Wenatchee country; value $18,000. Address M. E. Bo wen. Tonaket. Wash. BEAUTIFUL 20; house, stream, quarter im proved, excellent soil, good road, near school, electric; $3000; unincumbered; want residence, same value. Also 80. neces sary buildings, orchard. $0500; exchange $4300 equity lor residence; assume, owner. 141 East O'.Uh. iortn.. r'OR TRADE Large . wheat ranch; price $40,000; prefer Portland property ana would take about $25,000 In trade, balance cash or mortgage. Call 2 to 4, W. V. Smith, owner, No. 9 Ainsworth bldg cor. 3d and Oak. Marshall 3387. w ill take hoisting maciinery, derricks, clam shells, barges or tuiUDer in eicnangu for 2 motor trucks, 2 to 3-ton capacity, 1917 Buick, 8-room residence in restricted district and cash. Sf aui, oregonian. RESIDENCE lot in Seattle, 2 blocks from carline, st. Improvements in, vaiue iuuu, for acreage near Portland or Vancouver. Box 119 A, route 2, Vancouver, Wash. C- George. AN DIEGO suburban home, acre, 6-room house :traoo ior iivesiocK iarm, imple ments, farm lease or property not over $3000 value. labor 4JU-t. i WANT small house or view lot, Portland Heights, not over $4000; I have close-m clear acreage. R. G. Hofcr, VVoodl. 129. TRADE for Southern California property. 2 well located lots. East Side, value about $20O0. 833 Morgan bJg. .Main B-tv. HURRY Will lose 8,000.000 feet timber within 2 weeks. No offer refused. 3713 64th S. B. Tabor 8299. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SALTAIR BEACH LOTS. Will exchange two ctiolce lots, 23x140, at Saltair station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins boardwalk, county road and faces Pacific Ocean; suit able for business or cottages. Want city properly or closc-in - acreage. Address H 399, Orego n i an. . A REAL bargain, am drafted, 1918 Chev rolet; must be sold today; will accept a good gratonoia as first payment. Call and see me. No. 12 Grand ave. Ask for Mr. McCord. FOR SALE. Hort.es. Vehicles, Livestock. WE are putting on more trucks and have 12 head of horses to get rid of, weighing from 1000 to 1300 pounds; one team weigh ins 2C0O. 0 years old, $200; one 2200, $40. Portland Pure Milk stables. E. 2d and Broadway. SALE, hire or exchange, 30 head of horses and mules, just reiurneu irom govern ment spruce camps. Harness and wag ons of all kinds. PhiL Sutter, Crown Stables, 285 Front St. ONE team of black horses, weight about 2900 pounds, well matcnea; win sen at a bar gain if taken at once. Sam Gerber, Beav erton. Or., route No. 2. HAVE 1000-lb. horse, sound, and gentle, with buggy and harness, only $35; team. 2400 lbs., harness and farm 'wagon, $103; big team mules, $135. 285 Front st. CHEAP Team and harness, weight 2700 lbs can be seen at Lyons. 222 Union ave., or Green Transfer Co., 202 Alder. SHEEP 400 breeding ewes for sale in lots to suit buyer. J. M. Cook, Junction City, Oreson. 1 SET of heavy double work harness wii collars for $40. Call at Portland Van Storage Co., 15th and Kearney. DEAD stock taken quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. DEAD horses taken.' Highest cash prices paid for dead cows and down and out hoists. Phone MILWAUKIE G9J . DEAD horses and animals hauled away free Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. FOR SALE 50 dump wagons. Star Sand Co., 210 Board of Trade. FOR HIRE SpaTi Of horses and wood wag on. Y" 712, Oregonian FOR SALE Two fresh gentle cows. Inquire 65 Morris st. and Mississippi ave. BLIZZARD hay or silo cutter, in good run ning condition; half price; at 100 Oth N. JERSEY' cow; will sell reasonable. Call Mar shall 4i"-t, asK ior uranstener. PIGS. $5 to $20 Tabor 4204. Pi an on. Organs and Musical Instruments. FINE OLD VIOLIN, COST $300. Sell cheap or trade. What have you? Newman. Main 4495. . 128 First. PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 1574. Grad. Tsiew eng. conservatory. RENT a piano, no squares or tftump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st. WANT guitar, banjo, mandolin, ukulele, vio lin; pay cash. Newman. Main 4495. 128 1st. ALL kinds string, brass Instruments for sale or trade. Newman. 12S 1st. FINE Victrola and Grafonola, including bunch of records, cheap. Newman, 12S 1st. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY Storage Co. closing out for cash: Cullard upright, $55; Boord upright, $75. $375 Bally Co., $100; Elburn upright. $195. $450 Kimball, $190; Kurtzman up.. $210. $450 new stored uprights, $205 and $290. $850 Weber player piano, $345; 1917 model player. $435; part casn. bonds or other securities accepted; storage 50c monthly. 109 Fourth St.. at Washington. STANDARD high-grade player .piano, bought new 0o days ago. Will sell at a great reduction on account of owner going to war. 435 Washington st. Ask for Mr. Ereny. $lO0 OR MOKE CASH paid for your used upright piano or a new $100 phonograph and $10 in records in exchange at se curity Storage Co., 109 4th St.. at Wash, $25 CASH, $10 MONTHLY, buys new 1918 model $450 piano for $337.50; a $50 bond pays until after January 1. 1919. At Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st., at Wash I HAVE a new talking machine that will revolutionize the phonograph industry. See ine before you buy. Harold L. Gil bert. 3S4 Yamhill st. FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. YOU can- have Muratore sing regardless of the Spanish influenza, by calling at our store, 427 Washington. WILL pay cash for used pianos and band Instruments. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co. 125 4th st. Furniture for Sale. FIRE SALE OF HEATERS. We were fortunate in buying heaters from the Portland Stove Works, which were damaged by fire last year. These stoves have all been refinished like new and are sacrificed to the cuhlio at FIRE fcALt, .f.l.UUfc.5. Our complete line of new end used heat ers. ranges, furniture, rugs and linoleum nas been reduced to correspondingly iow prices. This Is your one great opportunity to prepare for the comforts of Winter. You will find a grand selection of ne velvet. Brussels and Wilton rugs In all fzes: also about 100 yds. of Whittall vel vet carpwt, very slightly used. Our entire stock will be offered during this sale at a sacrifice. Every article 1 marked In plain figures at Aiines bale. 192 FIRST PT.. NEAR TAYLOR. NEW AND OLD BOUGHT AND SOLD, OKI FURNITURE COMPANY. 209 Second st. Free Delivery. Phone during day, A 1200, Main 633 L At night. A 3051, Main 5783. BEDROOM furniture, rugs, chairs and other tnings, clean ana in good condition, xne Malcolms, 23d and Sandy blvd4 apt. 62, from 12 to 4 o'clock. ROLL-TOP, flat-top desks, office and re volving chairs, 1 Wilton, 3 Axminster rugs; must be sold to vacate rooms. 205-6 Stock Exchange bldg. FURNITURE 5-room bungalow, .including rugs, steel range, gas stove, wood neater, etc. No dealers. Tabor 2698. 492 Mar guerite ave. Richmond car. FURNITURE of 47-room apartment-house; goon location, walking distance; reason able rent; must be cash. T 616, Oregonian. FOR SALE Complete rurnishings 6-room house, including line piano, with player at tachment. 114 E. 70th, Mt. Tabor car. FOR SALE Almost new, plain blue seamless cayuga rugs, une 10.0x15.0, other lxia. Phone Tabor 3S49. $90 LEATHER cushioned davenport, oak bedroom suite, Morris chair, rocker and den table. Woodlawn 2508. 5-ROOM, steam-heated flat for rent, furni ture for sale, piano included; no dealers. 111M N. 21st. FAMILY use New Majestic combination wood and gas range. AR 909, Oregonian. Do-. Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED rabbits for sale. New Zealand, Flemish, Rufus Red, breeding stock and youngsters. Call after 4:30 P. M. 1305 Interstate St. Phone Woodlawn 21. WILL give 3 pretty white gentlemen kit tens for 3 little girls to be had at north west corner of 42d and Killingsworth. THE BIRD SHOP. Fifty females given away free Monday. C 2217. 1151 E. 28 St. N. Take Alberta car. CHAMPION Airedale puppies, $20 up. J.. R. Doane, 82d and Mill. Tabor 0024. Poultry. W. LEGHORN, R. L. Red pullets, $1 to $2. 7S7 Oregon St., near E. 24th st. Launches and Boats. 19-FOOT hull for sale, suitable for either pleasure launch or race beat, one year old. price right. Warren Motor Works, Inc., S. Weiss, phone East 1108. WANTED One 16-ft. rowboat, D-ft. beam, heavy construction, to be used as tender on suction dredge. Peninsula Industrial Company. North Portland, Or. GOOD 4-room houseboat for sale, furnished or unfurnished, 3d house west side St. Johns ferry. 21 FT. by 4 ft. 6 launch, 4 H. P., 4-cycle engine, fully equipped; In A-l condition. Caretaker, Portland Motor Boat Club. Typewriters. NEW Remington, rental plan ; rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. GUARANTEED lactory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept., 321 Wash. st. WE will buy your old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon Tyewriter Co., 94 Filth st. NEW L. C. Smith typewriter and Todd check protector for $100, cash, bonds or stamps. W 001, Oregonian. REBUILT typewriter and supplies. Corona dealers, fcj. w. fease Co., 110 Sixth. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentais at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 2407. TYPEWRITERS cleaned, repaired; all makes. M. J. Hirshorn. Main 1782 or Main 3253. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon '.typewriter co., i4A oin. Alain 3608. Machinery. SPECIAL. One 25-ton Baldwin mogul locomotive, standard gauge and main line air equip ment, together with five 36-foot standard flatcars, with 80-ton trucks, equipped with air, bunks, chains and dogs for logging. Ready for immediate delivery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First Street, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE One 9-18 Case tractor, with 2 14-lnch Jonn oeere plows at a bargain Good reason for selling. Price, $850. If you want a tractor and don't buy this, you don't want a tractor. C. H. Murphy, Albany. Or. WANTED TO RENT If satisfactory will buy, fisn lertnucer press, btate make, size, capacity, weight and condition. Send catalogue or cut. E. J. Stein, Blaine, Wash. FOR SALE Fine 20M. Russell mill, also y 14x10 Seattle aonitey, tun logging equip ment; bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE One new 10-20 Titan tractor. must sell. .Price, to move quick, $1100. J. R. Wallis, Albany, Or. ' AIR COMPRESSOR, Sullivan angle-compound, 628-loot capacity, 100 pounds pres sure, with the receiver. Practically new. Miscellaneous. NOTICE STOCKMEN. For sale, 2500 tons choice alfalfa hay, with convenient feed grounds and water. E. G. Munn, Wendell, Idaho. FOR SALE Economy welding torch and gas tank, Al shape. Write Stayton Vulc Shop, Stayton, Oregon. BEEN DRAFTED. Fine bicycle for sale, cheap, man, 128 1st, near Alder. WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; no coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co., 228 Front. XMAS umbrellas 245 7i Alder st. 1 092. it Belding the jeweler. Latest patterns. Main ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phone orders delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5790. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st St., corner Yamhill. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcases, fixtures: easy terms. W J Quiglev, 227 First. Main o399. FLOOR showcases with marble bases at a bargain. Wm. Greenberg, 100 Second St., corner" Stark. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark St. A BIG BARGAIN 3 10x20. 1 40x50, 14-oz tent, M. Front St. 12 oz. tents; B. Levin, 221 FOR SALE Steel 'sanitary couch in good condition. Marshall 5474. 5S5 Madison. FOR SALE 6-hole Peninsular range; coils in stove. 371 Oth st. WOOD for sale; dry 4-ft., $6 f. o. b; dry 16 lnch. $7. W. K. Ladd. Latourell. Or. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE & CO. tailoring for sale in Portland at 409 E. Morrison. OAK blueprint case, drawing boards, nails, sash, new lumber. East 3394. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1966. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ox changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 85S2. FOR SALE. M lNcellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor Street. ONE Herring-Hall safe, excellent condition; outside measurements. 40 inches wide by 36 inches deep by 49 inches high. Combina tion lock on outside, interior complete; $u0. 01 Front st. ROLL-TOP, flat-top desks, office and re volving chairs, 1 Wilton, 3 Axminster rugs; must be sold to vacate rooms. 205-6 Stock Exchange bldg. . FOR SALE CHEAP Baby buggy, almost new: mohair ton and side Curtain: cost $35; also wicker nursery chair, white 1 enamel. oo c.. uoia ivuj vj n.i . HOT water tanks, all sizes. In good service able condition, 30-gal., $7; 40-gaU $9. 201 Adams st., east end steel bridge. Phone E. 8516. HIGH-GRADE raincoats made to order for men and women; raincoats repaired; sales man will call any time. Hirshorn Rain coat Co., 314 Dekum bldg. Main 1782. SEVERAL SLIGHTLY USED KODAKS Splendid values- Pike & .O'Neill, "The Shop With the Green Tile Front," Wash ington, bet. Broadway and Park. HEMSTITCHING machine, slightly used, with or without table and motor; also a cloth sponging machine. Main 1007. AE 529, Oregonian. Wm. Beck. . TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. HERE ARE SOME REAL BARGAINS TO BE SOLD ON 1918 Ford Roadster, never been used; not licensed Studebaker 775 Saxon, six cylinder 5,5 Reo 2-ton truck 900 Overland, four cylinder 3o0 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON, BROADWAY AT COUCH. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1916 Chevrolet, 5 -pass., baby grand.. $ 650 1917 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl 1230 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl 1350 1916 Mitchell, 3-pass.. 6-cyl.... 1916 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyl 1917 Studebaker, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1914 Studebaker, 4-pass., coupa 1912 Rambler, 5-pass., 4-cyl.... 1915 Hudson, 7-pass., 6-cyl.... 1913 Hudson, 5-pass,, 6-cyl .... im.l Mitchell. K-nnH.. 6-cvl i0 . 750 . 673 . 550 150 . 1050 . 750 , SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. bee us for new and used trucKS. Used Car Dept. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO., East First and Morrison Sts, Phone East 7272. B 1216. J. II. GRAHAM, Case Six and Scripps-Booth distributor, 10th and Stark Sts. 1 1916 Ford touring. 1 1916 Ford roadster. 1 1917 Mitchell 6. 1 1917 Page 0. 1 1917 Overland 4. 1 1915 Studebaker 6. 4-oass. All of these cars are in perfect shape, but. owine- to the fact that we are get ting in new cars every day and must have room, we are going to dispose oi tnese cars at bargain prices. We will give sat isfactory terms to reliable people. Come ar.d look these cars over. We will gladly demonstrate any of them to your own satisfaction. TRUCKS 2or auiek delivery, manufacturers' agents ior uearoorn ituck company Chicago, over Oregon, Washington, 1 to o-ton. 4 and u-wneei. wood, lumoer, ioc cine and transfer trucks; all latest equip ment, ready to work.. Ask about our 2 to 4-cord wood trucks." Jee us tor nauiing iobs. wood. ore. millstuff. Piline and poles. Dearborns are most suitable trucks for hauling farm produce. Terms reasonable. Sa our nlans lor olank road work. E. M STARKWEATHER, 30S LUMBERMEN'S BLDG., PORTLAND. OREGON. BROAD WAY 341S. 1 ONE brand new 1918 model, 5-passenger touiinir car. driven less than looo nines, all new tires and one extra nonskid. Car in perfect condition. A demonstration of rjerformance and appearance will be the most convincing factor that this car is a bargain at the price. One late model Marmon roadster. In per feet condition; all new tires. Price rea sonable. D. O. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. 1918 FORD, Davis electric starter and lights, $050. 1917 Overland six-cylinder, seven pass. $650. 1915 Hupmoblle, $725. 1915 Buick, six cylinder, $575. 1914 Ford, five-passenger, $275. 1917 Ford, one-ton truck. $550. USED CAR MARKET, W. Park and Stark. 1918 BUICK. 5-nassenger E-45 demonstra tor, cord tires, run only 4800 miles, bump er, spot light and motor leader; cost of new one with present equipment jiiou; will sell for $1450. Call Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. GERBER, THE RADIATOR MAN. has for sale 1915 Ford roadster; snap; in good mechanical order: tires good, some extras. 55 9th st. north. Phone Bdwy. 1S73. . Iifl7 CHALMERS six roadster, completely overhauled, equipped with two nearlv new cord tires, two nearly-new fabric tires, and two older cord tires, mounted on s Da re rims In rear. $1050. some terms. Will accept liberty bonds. Call East 1217. FOR SALE A Ford light delivery car, with all extra attachments; as good as new; will sell reasonable. See car and owner at 6th and Madison sts. Garage in basement. From Sunday noon until Tuesday noon. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. TRUCK work wanted; contract preferred; good fast two-ton truck, also large truck, suitable for wood, ship knees or ties. White, 522 Alder. Broadway 2492. 1918 FORD SPOTLIGHT A.N U tSfUlllU- OMETER; GOOD TIRES: $525. L. G. REEVES WELLS - FARGO BUILDING. BROADWAY 5060. 1 KNOX tractor with trailer, suitable for heavy hauling: fine condition. St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, Tacoma. Wash. 1918 FORD, run 2500 miles, $100 worth of extras, for sale cheap. Call Broadway 24S2. 38 N. Second st. S3S5 FORD touring Car, in fine condition; all good tires. 721 Oswego st. Colum bia 1046. STUDEBAKER -ton truck In dally use, excellent top, self-starter; price $500. Frank L. Smith, 22S Alder st. ELECTRIC runabout, newly painted; needs battery renewal; very reasonable. Tabor FORD one-ton trucks to lease without drlv- er,. 121 North 3d St., cor. Ullsan. Broad way 26 29. GRANT SIX ln Al condition, cheap: owner has to go to war. -rvowiu -o- dauiiuergiey Court. : WILL trade 5-passenger car for Ford or small car and pay difference. Call Main 243. TWO carloads new Overlands to lease with out drivers. 121 North 3rd St.. cor. G I loan. Broadway 2629. 1918 FORD, fine condition, some extras and practically new iuw, .xv. i-aw .case ow, or East 7:4. 1U18 OLDSMOBILE six touring, just like new, cora urea ,im uwiei extras; lo7o. Phone 114 ureanam, cox oj. 191S HAXWhUi, u-pass.: extra tire: run only ouu miles. lane noerty Donas. 2: Larrabee st. Phone East 564. FOR SALE New 1918 Ford, run 1500 miles Al condition. Sellwood 3B07. vrr. CASH. 191 Chevrolet demountable rims. 5 tires, spotlight. .Main -iiui. 19111 CHANDLER. NEW TIRES, fine con dition. $950. East S451, FOR SALE Plerce-Arrow touring car; good condition. Owner. C 599. Oregonian. PACKARD truck and contract for sale; $S50 will handle. See White. 522 Alder. SLIGHTLY used tires, $:i to'J-15 each, vul canized 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FORD sedan, 95 per cent new. Can be seen at 7 North 6th st. 191S MODEL car. Oakland Six, good new, at a bargain. Call at 791 Corbett CHEAP for cash. Ford touring, excellent condition; leaving city. 1022 E. 38th. Automobiles Wanted. LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6S40. 4112 Hawthorne ave. WANTED New or slightly used two-ton truck by fuel dealer. White or Packard preferred. AV 163. Oregonian. LET ME SELL TOUR CAR BROADWAY AND COUCH. L. E. OBYE, LATE model Ford touring car wanted. Alice Hutchinson. 701 Corbett bldg. Main 815. WANTED Good auto for 2 good Klamath Falls lots, 100 by 110; phone Sellwood 990. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltair station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel; adjoin board walk, county road and railroads; face the Pacific Ocean; size 25 by about 140 feet; suitable for business or for cottage; will pay some difference. Ad dress A 402, Oregonian. SALE or exchange for horses, light five passenger car, all good tires and ln good running condition. Crown Stables, 25 Front st. Motorcycles. 1915 INDIAN motorcycle; 3 speed, Al con dition; cheap. Apply Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne ave. EXCELSIOR motorcycle. $50; Excelsior singie motorcycle. $25; Excelsior twin for $20. Apply 110 Earl ave. and 41st iL 1918 ELECTRIC Harley-Davidson. driven 3800 miles; tandem, new side car. cash only. $350. B. T. Moore, Estacada, Or. MOTOR bike. Twin Jefferson, 1914, prestollte tank; $50. Apply 1028 East Alder. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. COUCHMAN & SULLIVAN. MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2029. BROADWAY 2029.. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, snipping, highway. Broadway 3547. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funeral, calling, shipping. Kast 45iJ. FORD, competent driver. $1.50 an go anywhere. Tabor 10i!S. Auto Tires and Accessories. 4 NEW Silvertown cord tires 32x4 Q. D. Party leaving city. $100. See same. Les ter or Spencer, Y. M. C. A. Auto School, 6th and Main fets. USED TIRES Two 36x4 cord Q. D. ; one 33x5 S. S. ; one 34x4 Q. D. Woodlawn 4706. TWO 30x4 H casings and tubes. 13S5 Division. Tabor 5003. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. for second-hand suits. -J. Meyer the tailor payes the highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere in the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 or 229 Madison st. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gents cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, etc. New buver. Try me before you call others. Phone Broadway 3932. 245 Burnslde. SECOND-HAND KODAKS Good prices, of take in exchange for new. Pike & O Neill, The Shop With the Green Tile Front. Washington. tet. Broadway and Park. JUNK, rags, metal, sacks, old clothing, tools, etc.; good prices. East 294. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hocnfcld, S5 3d. I PAY cash for old gold. Solomon s Jewelry Store. 333 Morrison St. WANTED A cabinet grafonola prefer a Columbia. Phone East 6063. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 1S3 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels. roomieg-Iiouses. office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at- . 1 r(1iniii treatment. MARSHALL 59S1. A 32 24. READ IMPORTANT READ We carry a greater varied assortment or new and used merchandise than any store fnhe city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We special!, in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting good, household- goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORF. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. "CASH CASH CASH We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of- IiCphoUneniMar?shaU- 687 and our buyer will ""GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First st. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer win can. FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value ror your 6e.on-i beds dressers, carpets, stoves and house hold goods. Call Main 1923. 193 Front st. -7,7,1 v- vii API I? TM RNT HOUSE. WNT FURNITURE. RANGE, COOK STOVES. HEATER, RUGS. MAIN 4495. TABOR 679S. Mi.-uTnAV FURNITURE CO. needs u furniture rues and stoves. Highest pnet paid. Marshall 1S22. WE NEED SVIN-nVh . r- PiToviTrnra of any aescnpnu". . . Phone today. Main 4B7 or -204 i irst at. HOUSEHOLD FURNITUKJJ. 1IET.P WAXTKP MAI.B. WANTED All-around blacksmith and hnr.hnpr. work on percentage; good place for .teady man. V. C. McNeil, a n- moutn. uregwi. nee, going to Los An- wa.x- p'.iy. ""','" --,"?.,. h-lo gees, lnteresiea m ''""r",".' en. drive Ford, share expense ot trip, bell- wood 41S. MEN WANTED Conductors wanted- room oiu iLiecu uu. ----,. perintendent's office it the car barn. WANTED Stove ana lurmiu. o od wage Le v'in Hardware" WW ture Co., Front St. WANTED Registered pharmacist who can ...... nn hnih case and counter. Muss be first-class salesman. Make ment first letter. G. O. Guy. Inc.. Seattle. EXP. salesman to call on homes In Port land; steady posniou. V. . i nn v advancement to the right man after U Mr. Livermore, Hotel Carlton. flR?T-CLASS bushelman; steady position FI5? Lion Clothing Co.. Morn- son at Fourth. EXPERIENCED truck driver, accustomed hurtle furniture. Mr. Schmeer. Gevurl. Furniture Comrany. 1S5 First st. MAN and v.ife, 1st and 2d cook for rail- .atlnc-house: must be 3148. BC 512, Oregonian. WANTED By machinery house, young man ogrphel-. Clyde Equipment Company. 395 North ISth st.. city. WANTED First-class coatmaker to run shop; eV7rythlng furnished. Johnson, the Tailor, i-vo TEAMSTER hauling ties and wood out of town 3-mile haul, two trips. - per day. See 6. K. Howitt, 100 E. Bth Xorth. FACTORY posilon open for boy or girl over 16 Opportunity for advancement. AN 516, oregonian. WANTED A first-class automobile washer; none others need apply. 5 per. Regner & Fields, 12 Grand ave. WANTED Small truck to haul slabwood from mill to car on new plank road. Phono gas? 776 or call at 63 East 21t. City, WANTED Several laborers, 50c an hour. Apply Western Reduction Co., 24th ana Nlcolal. WANTED Man to drive auto truck for fur niture factory. Carman Mfg. Co.. 1-1 Macadam. WANTED A first-class stock cutter for dc'tail mill work; good wages to compe tent help. AV 157, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted; too wages and steady work. Apply J. A. Hildebran. Eugene, Or. u-AVTFn A shoDboy able to drive Ford WcVr Arny DanP Kellaher, 207 City Hall. WANTED Man to do chores around hotel. Wrtln. 2915. ' WANTED Man for stockroom furniture fac tory. Carman Mfg. Co.. 1214 Macadam. WANTED Rachetsetter, cut band, good wages. fir mill. double Phone Main 032. NICTHT man wanted for garage. 717 Haw thorne ave. WANTED Second cook. Coiy Dairy Lunch, 233 Wash. St.. near Oth. TAILORS wanted on ladies' coats, steady ork. gooa pay. aio i-iilqck pipch. ADVERTISING solicitors, full or part tiroe- !09 Stock r;xcnange. an aner j-. WANTED Kitchen porter for hotel. Mar- hall 2191 ; JXNITOR wanted. American Hotel. WANTED A truck driver. Call 272 4th St.