THE MORNING OKEGONIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918. 19 EARLY DEMAND FOR - POTATOES FOR SEED Shipping of Table Stock This Year Will Be Late. OREGON CROP IS LIGH Markets in Northwestern Froducin Sections Are Being Adjusted to Values at Consuming Points. f ht local potato market was about steady yeatrrday. mith prices a or ban red at SL.T59 3 for Oregon B urban km, 2 for Idaho Ru rmJs and $2lff2. for Yakima Xette Ofms. in the country Burbanka aro bold trig around 91-50, grower's price, for th best itiKk. Thr has been a small amount of buy- Ins; of Oarneta for seed, but shipping- seed stock to California and the Southwest will not be under way In volume 'for aeveral weeks yet. The trade doea not expect the ship pin c movement of table potatoes to bestn much before the first of th year. Prices in the Northwest are not yet at point where outside markets can be ob tained In eommentlns; on the adjustment of vX ttes In the potato trade, the Bureau of Mar- ets review says: "The volume of potato shipments was about steady the past week, but the mar kets are still feel Ins; the effects of the crest of the movement two weeks ago. when about Tooo cars started for market. As a result there was a ceneral decline from coast to roast In the North, but fairly steady mar it eta In the South. In the cartot market in Chfcajro, Minnesota and Wisconsin white stock declined SO cents and ia rang-Ins; to- Iay around fl.SO01.7O per hundred. In New Tork Jobbing markats. Mains Green Moun tain stock lost half as much and Is now trln;ln; $Z.Z0&2.10. At Fort Worth values are nearly steady, but sagg-lns;. with Col rado and Idaho whites at $2-65, the top. the same as a week ago. r "Similar declines are noted la most of the producing areas, except at Stockton. CaJ.. where th top for fancy stock has advanced from $2.10 to $2.25. In Grand J auction. - Colo., the grow era were receiv ing $1.3391-40 per hundred a week ago. Now they are taking $1.1091.23. In South - raj Idaho Rurals that were bringing $1.33 in caiiota are now commanding $L15. while la Nebraska tho quotations on Karly Ohio that were $1.43-91.30 now are 1.20T 1.40. The shipments for the week total 3927 cars, as compared with &7- last weec and 6S9i the week before." CORX BIDS ARE SUGBTIT HIGHER Oats sad Barley Are Lower at Merchants Kxrhaage. Cnrn prices were 50 centa higher on .the local board yesterday, with the advance In the East, hut oais and barley bida were ower by 2-"i to 73 cents. The flour output of North Coast mills for th season ending September 1, 191 S, was as followa: Barrela Portland ......................... l.l-0t1 Feattie i.-4i;' T-roma 1.517.-4JS The total of 4.159,609 barrels waa equal to 1S.T1.I.H0 hujiheia .of wheat. Reports from Moscow. Idaho, say rain baa added to the prospects for Increased acreage Of 'all wheat. Feeding of Summer fallow land ts about done, but a few farmers ar 'ill drilling wheat. Others have begun to artil VaII wheat In land plowed since bar vest. Terminal receipts. In cars, wer reported y th Merchants Kxchang aa followa: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay j i n southern Tokays v.1- received yesterday and quoted at !'." a bnjr. Tomatoes are coming from California end are bringing $2.25 in lux boxes. Bank Clearings. Bank clearing of the Northwestern cities yeaicraay were as follow: I'learfnra. Balances. Portland f .V4T.V0K0 $l,ino.S OMatfl 7.1 4.s 94K.U1 Tacoma X7 !...t. 'jtto.&4 Hpokan 1. 493.74.1 4M.744 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Peed, Etc. Merchants change, noon aeaaioa October- Rjd. o. 'J white feed oats $54 Standard feed barley 47.50 Standard A"' barley 4K 30 t.a stern outs and corn in bulk- No. 3 white natu 4S.."i 3-pound white clipped oats 49.tK No. 3 yellow corn.. r3.. No. 3 mixed corn 52.50 Novemier delivery No. 2 oatH 34. OO Feed barley 4H.nO "A" barley 41.30 No. 3 oats 4 8. (Ml Clipped oats 3.IM Vol low corn , Mixed corn 32.00 WH AT Government basts. $2.20 bushel. KOUR Straights. 10.25C1115 per bar- rel; whole, $10.25; graham, $9.00 10.25; barley flour, $11 per barrel ; rye flour, $12.ft) per barrel; corn meal, $U&ll.ttO per barre.; corn flour, $12; oat flour, $110 to H.40 per Darre:. M1LLKKED Mill run. f. o. b. mill; car lots, $2tf.; mixed cars, $30.15; less than carlots, $30.63. 11 A V Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland Eastern Oregon timothy. $X0 per ton; Valley timothy. $29 per ton; alfalfa. $27; Valley (train hay, $-6Q27; clover, $28; straw, $00 10. par Tairy and Country Produce. BUTTKR Cubes, extras. 64c; prints, ex tras. box lots. tt.c: cartons, box lots. 60c hatf boxes, jc more; lss than half boxes, lc more: butterrut. No. 1. eye ner do una delivered Portland. KttUS Oregon ranch, candled, rots and crack out, ti-c; selecta, 00 o ti'c per dozen.; Tillamook, I. o. b. Tillamook Triplets, 36c; Young Americas. 37c; long- Myrtle Point. 3iic I'ULLTKY Hens, str-c: Fprinirs, zfF 30c; rooatsra, l&c; duck, 3034c; gees, 15 QlKc; turkeya, live, ZatfSOc. r.A I f ancy, i Vi kj -lc per pouna. POKK Fancy. 23 e 24c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, Valencia. $1011: lemons, $U&U.50 per box; bananas, b&SHc per puuna; graperruit, &.au lO.oO, peaches. $1,504? 1.0.; apples, $1.2o & 3.2a per box pears, $11.23 per box; casabaa. 3 He per pound : grapes. 6 if 10c per pound : oulnces. per box; cranlerries. si per barrel. KG KTA BLES Tomatoes, $2.25 per lug cabbage. $1.50. 2.50 per hundred pounds lettuce. $2 ix-T crate: punera. 7o oer Dound: beans, tiff 7c per pound; celery, Due per dozen: eggplant, lOc per pound; artichokes. si. 40 per dozen ; cauiiriower, 32.23 per dozen; garlic. 15c per pound ; pumpkins, 2c per pound; squash. -c per pound; beets, $2.50 per sack; carrots, $2 per sack; turnips, $2.25 per sack. potatoes oregons, si. per hun dred ; Idnhos. $2; Yaklmaa, $2.15 Q 2o; sweet. 5a5tC. u.MU.Na urejron, fa California uckskins, $2 y 2.25. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: Sl'OAh Sack basis: Fruit and berrr. $0.55; beet, $i'5; extra C, $u.l5; powdered. barreis, $10.2o; cubes, in barre. s, $10.43. NUTS Walnuts, 3u33c; Brazil nuts. 19c; filberts, 25c; atuiouds, 25 30c; pea nuts. I'lc SALT Half -ground, 100s. $15.00 per ton: 50a. S17.25 per ton; dairy, f 3 per ton. RICK Unbroken, inmjfll'ic per pound UfciANd Joouini prics; Unite, llstf Uc; coioreu, a & ic. tort i.ti Koaaieti. In drums, 17025c. PRICES STEADY HT YARDS FIFTEEX LOADS ARB RECEIVED AT NORTH PORTLAND. IIos Market Mar Have Struck Bot tom at Present Quotations Cat tie and Sheep Unchanged. Priees ruled steady at the stockyards with a fair run for the day. A, few sales of hogs were made at $17.50, the top price of Wednesday, which bore out dealers' opinions that the market had struck bot torn for the time being. Good steers sold at $10911 and cows moved at going prices. The sheep and lamb market was also un changed. Receipts were 230 cattle, 56 calves, Z96 hogs, and 347 sheep. Shippers were: w ith. boss U. J. 13arkley, Indepenaence, 1 load; Walter Given, Kstacada. 1 load. With cattle R. F. Miller, Wl J lamina. 1 load: F. Ada ma. Der Island. 1 load; J. W. McKenny. Turner. 1 load; F. a. Gotter, Kugene, 2 loads; Lester B. Haley, Bovlna, Miss., 1 load; O. JBarfcler, Independence, 1 load. with sheep C. J. Bark ley. Independence, 1 load. With mixed loads W. J. Butler. Canary. 1 load of cattle.-calves and hogs; Wilbur & Son, Mapleton, 1 load of cattle and hogs; Nissen Bros., Batlston, 1 load of cattle and sheep; B. F. Norwood. Harrisburg, 1 load of cattle and hoys; Albany, 1 load of cat tie. hogs and sheep. The day s sales were as follows: STOCK JDVJINGE IS SHARP barrels; ihlpment, 357 barrels: atock 29.96: barr. 1. Rosin firm: sales 140 barrel,: receipts SSS barrel,; shipments 442 barrels; stocks 67,443 barrels. Quote: B D E $14.20; r n.-.: G 14.?.0: H $14.40: I 14.3S: K 15.on: M $15.15; N $15.2.-,; WG tl5.40; WW S15.60. I PEACE SHARES SCORE GAIXS Of 3 TO 15 POINTS. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 17. Lead unchanged. Spelter firm; East St. Louis spot. 8.700 .90. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Cotton: Bpot, Quiet; middling: 32.55c. Dried Fruit at Hew Tork. NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Evaporate apples aull; prunes steady; peaches nominal. Oils, Coppers anr Motors Aro Lead.- ers In Upward Movement, "IVitli Public Buying Important. ralnth Linseed Market. DTJLTJTH, Minn.. Oct. 17 Linseed. 13.38 advance, dealinga far exceeding 1,000,000 NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Under the in fluence of persistent peace rumors today's stock market registered another Impressive Wt. Price. 15 steers .lor.o 7 row,... 950 S.ool Slio 623 972 8SS :: 5I0 950 2 cows. . 7 cows. . 5 cows. . 2 cows. . 8 cowl. . 1 cow.. . 1 cow... 1 cow ...1050 2 cow, ,.1025 47 hogs... 200 .'1 hogs. . . 3:0 10 hogs... 4 hogs.. , 3 hogs... 3 hogs.., 13 hogs... 1 steer. . 13 steers. 7 steers, 6 steers. 21 steenu 79 257 410 2oo R'.lO 797 fiao 832 710 X cows 3 cows. . 11 cows. . : con Wt Price. .1040 t 7.00 , N40 A.i 7S0 710 7S0 OfiO 940 8.50 6.011 7.00 1 cow B.25 Reows. 3.50 Scows. 3.00 4 cows. . . 7.t. 7.50 19 cows... 70S 8.50 2 calves.. 30 .5t 2 calves.. 110 17.50 2 calves. . 320 ltl.50 2 heifers. 770 37.00 2 heifers. 720 17.25 10 hogs... 173 ition 4 hogs... 115 15.00 4 hogs... 145 15.5" 11 hogs... 228 fi.50 8 hogs... 140 11.00 c lambs. . 8 00 51 lambs.. 103 6.00 285 lambs. . 76 7.251 5 ewes... 144 ! steers". 710 10.00 8 yearrgs 120 Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattle Prime steers ;nod to choice steers Medium to good steers........ 'air to medium steers ........ Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Med. to good cows and heifers. air to mea. cowe ana neuers. anners ........ 8.50 4.00 S.50 5.00 6.00 5.25 fi.00 8.50 ll.fiO 8.50 9.00 R.00 15.00 15.5 17.2 17.50 18.00 12 11 12.25 8.00 10.30 New York 8ng:ar Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Sugar unchanged. CORN VALUES ME LIFTED DEXIAIi- OP GERMAXV ' S SCR KEXDER STARTS BUYING. Rumor of 3Iovcmcnt on "Foot to Es tablish Minimum Price Is Also Bullish Factor. Portland Thorm. -tl Ysar .) 17 Season to date-'4 Vrar Mfn 11:1? Ts uma Wed.. ."'. Year .o ... M oean tu daie.Cl irar aro . ..1.11 Seattia. Wed.. . 5 lar mgo ... Season i date.rts 1 car ago . . rl' 04 17 1 1 a 1 6 4 5 .-, is.-. 440 ProTislotts. IjcsT Jobbing quotations: HAMS Ail sisca, chofce. SSflSaWc andard, S7t7c; skknnca, none: ptc cs, 1'tJc; cottMKe roll, 0c. LAKU Tierca basis, standard Dura, 29c: com pouna, so " c. it AC u.N fancy. WHUfiJHc; standard. DRY SALT Sboit. clear backs. 30 if 35c exports. Jc. 90 & 4 2fiti ArPLES STEADY AT SHIPPING POINTS Ejsler Markets for Boied Frnit Aro Also lloldins; Kveau A car of Ore son apples waa received on Che itrect yesterday. The demand waa mod erate and prices were (nerally onchanyed. Oregon and Washington Deti clous, extra fancr. vers quoted at 3t3.23. fancy at SJ..0&2.72 and cholee at 92.250 2.1$. Jon athans and Ppttxenbcrss, extra, fancy, broucht f--0$-l, fancy 2ff2.75 and choice $l.i0rf Oregon apple shipments were: 1 car each o lhlgh. Brownsville, Casper, Lebanon, Chicago. Dillon. Nensel. Iredo, Kew York, Suspension Bridge. Baltimore. Pittsburg and Portland: Kimlra 2. Canners stock: an Francisco 4. The -Dalles 2. Boxed apples were steady In Eastern mar kets, as wcil as at shipping points. TWELVE DOLLARS BOX FOR ORANGES Market Is Strong; and Advancing; With Sup ply Very Light. Extremely high prices of citrus fruits can be looked for. Orangea In the coming week will sell for $12 a box and perhaps more. The demand ail over the country is .strong and the supply very sraa.U Valencfaa are nearly finished for the season and there will b no navels until Thanksgiving. Xn the auction market at Philadelphia oranges sold np to Lemons advanced 91 at California points yesterday. The local market was quoted trong at PH.5 a box. Oaion Prices Aro Little thonged. The mass of onions moving to market dropped back nearly At) cars per day the past week, but the decline has not sufficed to lay a market overloaded with previous Beavy shipments. Standard yellow stock has declined 10 to 20 cents during the week m the KXJt. but values have been steady In the West. In the Northwest sale aro being xtiado to retailers at $202.70, with much Cheaper stovk moving, whila the growers ar putting their fine stovk In storage. In Stockton. Cal.. the Australian Brown eiBon la about over, a-nd whits varieties are ruling steady at St.30i? 1.43 per hundred. The greatest losses are In tho East, At Rochester. X. Y.. fl.HO is ths top for carlot sales. wht it was SI. 60 a week ago. In the consuming markets the. Jobbers are receiving f 1.&0 e 1 Instead of up to $1.93. The ship ments for the week were f14 cars, as against J.Ti last week andll?3 the week before. No Call for November Floor. . The Government has as yet made no call for Not ember export floar. but as several more steamers w:ll be available than In the current nrnnth. millers hope for an Increased Hides and Pelts. HIDES Government grades: Xo. 1 salted hides, o0 Iba. and up, 15c; No. 2 aalted hides, tiu lbs. and up. 14c; No. 1 green hides, su ids ana up, 1-c; .o. 2 green hides. uu lbs. and up, lit-; No. 1 aalted bulla, D iba. and up, 1-c; Xo. U salted bulls, 00 lbs. and up, 11c; No. 1 green bulls, 60 Iba. and up, loc; No. z gren buns, lbs. and up. ic; No. 1 green or aalted calfskins, up to ios., c; -o. gren or saitea caliskins, up to 10 lbs4 JUc; No. 1 grean or sailed kip skins, 10 to iiu lbs., lGc; No. 2 green or aalted kip skins, 10 to iiu Iba.. 14c; dry funt hides, 7 lbs. and up. 30c: dry flint calf under 7 lbs.. 4oc: dry salt hides, T lbs. and w,jup, 24c; dry salt calf, under 7 lbs., 34c; 1 i dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stag or ouiia, .uc; uiy sun iiugs or ouiis, 14c, dry cuil stags or bulls, haif price; dry bora hides, according to size and takeoff, each S1.00tf2.0U; sailed horse hides, according ts aise and takeoff, each, 13 & 5. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound, 40c; dry short-wool pelts, per pound, 20tf 30c; suited long-wool lamb pelts, August tikeoff, each, siLoO'o 3.G0; salted sheep pelts, August takeoff, each, Si'&3; dry sheep sheariincs, each, I'OOOc; salted sheep siiajlititfa, each. rOfr76c. 70t 1 21 1071 Wool, Mohair, Etc. WOOL Oregon, 3b&71c per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, oOc; short staple, 40c; burry, C0c. CASCAKA BARK New and old. 12Hc9 13c per pound. TALLOW Xo. 1, 13 He per pound: Xo. 2, l2zo per pound; grease. Xo. 1, 10c; No. 2, SKs per pound. Oils. GASOLINE BnlK. 21c; engine distillate, bu 1 k. 1 -c : ke rosene, bulk. 1 0c ; ca sea. 20c LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.93: casaa. $2.f3; boiled, barrels, $l.i5; cases, $2.05. lUKftMOt in tanKi, 4c; casus, V4a Prices. .$12.0f(?r 13.00 . 31. 00-512.00 . P.7r411.00 . s.'J.Vfp n.2r . 5.7R( 8.23 b.'Hl 0 00 5.00fH 6.00 4.oa 5.00 ft 7.00 0.0012.00 , lT.SofJlT.SO 17.00-1T.2S 15 00150 12.00 yi3.r;o 0 00 Jj 11.00 in. on 4r 1 i.i O.OO0UO.OO 6.00 O 9.00 ORIGINS Or riVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading Markets of the Pacific .Northwest. State orlrlns of livestock loaded October 16. 101 8: For Portland Cattle Horses Mxd. Calves Hogs Sheep mules fatk. Bulls Calves Hogs- Prime mixed Medium mixed ........ Rough heavies Pips Sheep- Prime iambs air to medium lambs earlings Wethers Ewes . Oregon . Totals One week aa-o.. Four w'ks aro.. One year a no. . For Seattle Washington ... Totals One week ago.. Four w'ks ago.. One year ago. . For tipoku no Montana. Washington ... Totals ...... One week ago.. Four w'ks ago. One year ago. .. 5 10 21 11 4 7 9 10 6 CHICAGO, Oct. 7. Corn rose In value to day, mainly as a result of denials that Ger many had caDitulated. but was very un steady throughout the session. Prices clased sfIro"5' nervous. H to 3Vo net higher, with Novem bar $1.10 to $1.19 and December $1.154 to $1.15H. Oats finished to o down. and provisions unchanged to 97o lower. A general rush to buy took place at tne open in if In the corn market. Besides the explicit assurance that reports of Germany's surrender were baseless, another bullish fac tor was talk that a move was on foot to I Am Car & Fdrv establish a minimum price for corn. (American Loco. 3,5o0 Hedsing pressure operated to keep the I Am bin & Keig-. 94.200 oats market easy most of the day. auear o.i'"u sharply down grade. Support was lacking MV ' until the market, as a whole, came within Tf-ki p" ":J"5S,, AG&WISSI. 1,800 106 Bethlehem B ..50,1)00 CtOSS. Calif Pxtrnl .. IS 4110 $1.1J Canadian Paclf. B.800 Central Leather Ches & Ohio shares. A considerable part of the trad ing: came from the public. Although the movement -again concen trated largely in issues controlled bv nnnls and included many stocks of speculative cnaracter, many high-class shares partici pated .'n the rise to a substantial deeree. una, coppers, motors and two score or stocks whoso products are bound to be benefited by tho war's early conclusion were hieher in the course of the session by 3 to m points. Realizing for profits caused only nominal recessions, fresh buying of petroleum and metals marking the final hour's broader operations. v Despite the constant pressure exerted against United States Steel that stock re acted only a small fraction, closing at an advance of practically 1 point. Rails of the dividend class, as well as many Issues whose status is yet to be de fined by the Federal authorities, gained 1 to 3 points. Canadian Pacific nrovlna the only noteworthy exception. Sales amounted to 1.200,000 shares. itanroaa Donas of the speculative di vision, as well as foreign flotations, were Liberty issues, however, displayed slightly irregular tendencies. Total sales. par value, aggregated $11,375,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. TASt Paien. Am Beet Sugar. 1,700 American can.. 14,900 :,4uo Not. Jan. fraction of the minimum level leading futures ranged as follows CORN. Onen. Hlirh. .$1.18 $1.L1' . 1.1514 1.1TK OATS. . .74 .5l4 . .66 .HC-K, .64. MESS PORK. .35.30 Dec Low. $1.17 1.14 High. 71 V 47 so 14 67 till U4'i 10614 14 73 1) 7114 -4 24 . 173 Low. 6814 n:i'A nil ios 1414 7114 00 lor, or14 6S 23 21 T4 17014 ov. Dec. .;i .65 35.30 39.00 Not. Jan. Not. Jan. LARD. . .24.80 24 !0 24.62 23.67 23.30 SHORT RIBS. ..21.80 21. 0 21.42 21.00 20.37 24.62 23.30 21.42 20.37 Chi XI & St P. Chi Sc N W C R I & P ctfs. Chino Copper... Colo Fu & Iron Corn Prod Refr Crucible Steel.. Cuba Cane Sug. Distill Securities Erie General Electric General iotors. Gt North pfd . . Gt Nor Ore ctfs Illinois Central. casn prices were: Insoir Conner .. !. Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.60911.51: No. 3 yel lntrM M pfd ... 32.000 10.S00 800 6.000 2,500 1,200 7.200 9. COO 6,300 2,400 3,900 1.300 5,200 4,500 8,000 500 n.ioo low. $1.3701.45: No. 4 yellow. $1.32iS1.35. Oats No. 3 white. 676S14c: standard. 6800,c Kye No. 2, $1.6214 1.63. Barley 90e$1.01. Timothy $7'&10. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $25.75. Ribs $21.7523. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Oct. 17. Barl.y, oSjfUoc. Flax. $...31i3.84. Inter Nickel ... 13,600. Inter Paper K C Southern.. 300 Kennecott Cop. 6,200 Louis & Nash Maxwell Motors Mexican Petrol. 84.400 M ami Conner .. 3,2"u Missouri Pacific 6,100 Montana Power 700 Nevada Copper. 1,000 N Y central ... o.yuu N Y N H & H.. 12.400 Norf & West . . l.noo Northern Pacif. Pacific Mail . .. Pac Tel & Tel. Pennsylvania 51 I0 2714 40 44 44 66 30 48 1614 ir.s 124 83 32"4 S14 sr. 11 ' 32 36 4!) 8 26 43 53'. 20 47 16 1.1614 12314 02 . 31 !18 54 117 30 "ii!4 35 14S 27 DAM METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct 17. Maximum temnera- ture. 62 degrees; minimum, 45 degrees. Kiver reading, a A. m., - leet: change In last 24 hours, 0.2 foot full. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. MO. none- Total rainfall since September 1, 1018. 4.2.1 Inches: normal. 3.S2 inches: excess. 0.43 Inch. Sunrise, 7:31 A. M. ; sunset, 6:22 P. M. Total sunshine. 6 hours: possible. 10 hours 51 minutes. Moonrise. 4:56 P. M.: moonset, 4:43 A. XL Harometer reduced to sea level) 5 P. M. 30.25 inches. Relative humidity at noon, 8 per cent. THE WEATHER. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Hogs Receipts 31. 000; market mostly 10 to 20 cents lower than yesterday s average. Butchers $18,009 15.U.V light $lo.7Uft ls.oo: packing $16.5030 17.60; rough $16.00310.50; pigs, good to choice. $1.1.25016.00. Cattle Receipts 15,000; better grades of beef steers strong to 25 cents higher; com mon slow; butcher cattle steady to slow; calves 25 to 50 cents lower. Beef cattle: Good, choice and prime, $14.3519.40; com mon and medium $9.00e,14.25. Butcher stock: Cows and heifers $6.G5ii'13.00. Can iters and cutters $5.75 6. 1 5. Stockers and feeders: good, choice and fancy, $9,75412.50; inferior, common and medium, $7.00 9. Veal calves, good and choice, $15.7516.25. Western range: Beef steers $13.50017.00 cows and heifers $8.2512.25. Sheep Receipla 29,000; slow to 25 cents lower. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLK, Oct. 17. Hogs receipts, 15S head: market unsettled with another de cline expected by packers. Cattle receipts. 4 head: market steady, for tne iirst time in nearly a decade, the cattle market has failed to take a sharp decline in the early Fall, best steers averaging $1213 and top cows $7.501.2D. Cattle Best steers $11.00013.00; medium to choice $10.5011.00; medium to good $8.OO8.50: medium $7.0097.50; bulls $3.00 $,7.50: calves $3.0010.0. Hogs Prime light, $1S.2518.50; medium to choice $18.00(& 18.25; medium heavy $17.00 tl7.50; rough $16.00916.50; pigs $16,000 17.00. STATIONS. U "5 Wind P - 2. O 3 ? 1 ? 3 s- i a r a o : : p " ; c ; ; ; State of Weather, Raker Hois, ....... Huston Calgary Chicago ..... Ieavrr 1'es Moines . Eureka Gaiveston ... Helena Junau Kansas City . l.o, Mnhfirld .. .Mpdf.ird . Mlnneapoil, . Nrw trieuna. Nw Yirk .. North Head . North Yakima Phoenix Pocateilo .... Portland Roseburg .... Sacramento St. Lnui. Salt ltke San Diego. . . . San Francisco. Seattle Mtka Spokan. Yolum. of buying. Of th. offers submitted ( T.icoma to the Government In October, cot cYer 35 per cent wer. accepted. According to advice, from th. Food Ad ministration, no advanc. In mlllfeed prices S. contemplated In th. Tiear futura. Cab. Butler Is Higher. Country creamery butter was hi small .urply and firm with H of extras at 61 at "" - Egg receipt, wer. also light and prices vera firm and unchanged. Toultrr was ateady and dressed meats eat Crap. Prase Nearly Over. ' Tn. grap. season ts drawing to a close. Xcal receipts ar, falling .ft and receipt, t.-um California ar. alio declining. A :ai .".! .VVO.l'O 12 N ICiear 3-. r,so.ooi4iv Pt. cloudy -." t, t..,,,p-. . ciouny 321 :.s o.oo io NE Pt. cloudy :m Soo.ik)J4.V C!oudy .161 " O.U2L .'.V (Rain .-' 7i o.mi 12, N Cloudy 4rt. i O.Oiil. .'.VVT'ciear t:. 74 o..iii 12 n wicioudy 44; 52 0. 02 10 SW Cloudy ...'4S 1.. I K2 7c; o.oo,. .is IPt. cloudy 5M 71 O.mii. .isW ICIoudy ok n.o.n. iclrar its' .14 o.lts. . . :s U'Icar 46! .12 0.1X1,14 XE ICiear BS S4 O.Os . . si: Pt. cloudy .14' Mo.iiolnsB linear .121 .It", n o.); .. SE (Cloudy 3! 62 Ci'2:. .'SK Idear t:i 7o o.iim:. . NW.triear 42 44 U.02 10 VV lltaln 4! 62 0.O0 . .jV (Clear 44 62 O.OO1. . N clear 4i 72 i.m IS NWCIear e Kit o.eii-. . K (Cloudy f.ol .-, 0.44 in xw Cloudy twii 72 o. imi 12 NWiOear H. II.(HV..W ICiear ...I 4; .is o.2i. .isw It. cloudy 4 .12 O.02' . Sw'icioudv 4ii .o,. l N Pt. cloudy i 0.00 IS E Rain Tato.h Island) 5l' tvaldes I. .-1-421 Walla Walla.. .H: "O.06 . . S W ICiear Waahlngton .. 4n so n.mi . . sw (Pt. cloudy Wlnnipfg ' .111 0.U2! calm ICIoudy ""A.M. t-xiay. :P. M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS, and vicinity Fair; Portland wind,. 4rgon and easterly winds. Idaho Fair: warmer routh portion. UPWARD L. WELLS. Meteorologist. easterly Washington Fair, gentle Mrs. Bertha Kitld. employed at Phil llpsdale, R. 1.. loaded 6516 frrenades in nine hours, and In duns: so heat the record previously held by Miss Annie Irving, a worker in a munition-filling station in the southwestern district ol London. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Oct. 17. Hogs Receipts 4000; 15 to 35 cents lower; heavy $16-90i317.50; mixed $17.00(917.40; light $17.25 W 17.80; pigs $15.00617.00;' bulk of sales $17.00 17.40. Cattle Receipts 4600: steady to stronger. Native steers $11.00018.00; cows and heifers $7.00611.00; Western steers $9.0014.50; Texas steers $S.O0c 11.00: cows and heifers $0 75ft1 10.60; canners $5.50&6.50; stockers and feeders $6.50i 13.50; calves $8.00 13.00. Sheep Receipts 36.000; steady to lower. Wethers 4.004i 10.00; ewes $7.258.2,1; lambs $13.00&15.25: yearlings $10.0011.00; feeder lambs $10.00813.50: culls $5.00 7.50. BAN FRANCISCO PBODPCB MARKET Price. Current an F.ggs. Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc-, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17- Butter, 619 K4c. m , Egg Fresh extras, ic; iresa extra pul lets. 62c Cheese New firsts. 2c; young Americas, Oregon, Sic. Poultry Largo hens, 82 U 35c: young roos ters, 33S?34c; fryers, 33&35c; broilers, 4Sc; geese. 25c; pigeons. $2.25; squabs, $34; turkeys, live, 34 30c Vegetables Green peas. Sffsc; aspsragus. 30535c; eggplant, l(Jl.-o: oeu peppers. oc lft 15- Chill peppers, vuiaJvoc; tomatoes, ,x .t':s: lettuce. 75c6$l: celery, 1520c; potatoes, rivers. $1.754i2.35: sweets, 34c; onions, Australian brown, $1.101.25; yel low, $L73w,Z garlic, 40 vine; caumiow.r, 40c; beets, ioCHTi; carrois, l.)cul, tur nips. 71cfe$l: rnuoaro, nuct?,i; can-k-... i.iuc; artichokes. $3(94; cucumbers. 65ctr$l: string beans, 6ic: llnss, beans, tgloc: okra. 10tfl2c per pound. Fruit. Cantaloupes, Turlock. $101.25; watermelons, $1.6082: casabaa, $1.05 1.30: honeydew melons, $1.501.75; lemons, $3.60 y5. 5C; grapelrult. , onfo; oranges, vaienctas. sr .-.ntfi S..10: bananas, nawauan. tc pine apples. $3.30 apples. Bellefleur, $1.251.50: snitzenberxs. $1.75 0 2.60: Newtown Pippins, $1.40tfl.65; peaches, nominal; huckloberrles. 10 15c; pears, $23; Russets, 75cfel; figs, California. 75cS$l; black. $1.10; plums, nominal: grapes. Tokays. Malagas and Thompson seedless, ei-outn-1. 10: .Muscats. $1752.25: Isabella. $lcL25: persimmons, $l': cranberries, $44.25; quinces. $1,150 1.2-1. Receipts r lour, avui quarters; parley. (13 IS centals: beans. 2140 sacks; potatoes, 5259 sacks; onions, 7.154 sacks: hay, 43 tons; hides, 603; wine, J.-.-U. gallons. Coffee Fneores Inactive. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. There ws a sale of July at the maximum price of 8.S5c In the market for coffee futures today, bat otherwise the only business consisted of further exchanges. Including May for Sep tember at 20 points, and March for Sep tember at 40 points. The market opened and closed unchanged. Closing bids: Octo ber. 8.50c: t-iecemoer, o-suc; January, 6.95c; Hindi 9.2.1c: May, 9.55c; July. 9.83c; Sep tember. 10 15c spot cone, quiet; aid is. jo 9-9; Santos 4s. 13. Naval Mtoree. " SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 17. Turpentine firm, Wii.c; sales 110 barrels; receipts Hi Grain at toan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 17. Flour. $11.20 Pittsburg Coal per parrel. Grain Wheat. Government price. $2.29 per bushel; barley, $2.252.30; oats, red feed and seed. $2.40473: corn, California yel low. $4.1.1. Hay Wheat and wheat and oats, $26328. tame oat, $25!g)27.50; barley, $22(324; al aalfa. $22925: barley straw, 50080c. MealsAlfalfa, $56; cocoanut, nomlnaL Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Butter unsettled; creamery. 61 4? 35 .4 e. Eggs Receipts, 3867 cases: unchanged. 4.800 400 600 4,300 2 200 Ray Consol Cop. 1.900 Reading 21.200 Pen Ir & Steel. 5,300 shat Ariz Cop .. "0 Southern Paclf. 0.300 Southern Ry . . . 2.1.000 Rtudeboker Co.. .".0.000 Texas Co 10.900 fnion Pacific .. 18.400 1J H Ind Alcohol 3.900 U S Steel 126,200 do prd i.i"" ftah Copper .. 7,BOO Western Union. 900 Westing Electric B.100 158 V4 28 2.1 76 20 70 42 108 91 32 26 44 49 24 K 91 86 1.114 92 32 70 198 135 10314 109 107 110?; 1101? 88 84 92 92 45 44 20 7.1 40 107 90 32 2H 44 40 24 00 8.1 ir. 91 31 67 192 133 101 PERMITS TO BE fHFOHGH DEALERS CAXXOT SELTj WITH OUT MCEXSE. Total sales for the day, 1.200.0QO shares. BONDS. rj S ref 2s reg '08 IPenn con 4. Sale. 4514 85 68 91 313 106 14 73 91 lo&ii 6S14 23 14 23 17014 6S 59 51 27 40 44 43 29 47 16 1.17 1211 02 :vj 98 5.1 1121 32 33 19 li'i ' 36 1.17 m 7; 20 70 42 107 01 26 44 49 ",i 24 8.1 1.1 92 31 68 I 19 134 102 1"! 110 8714 92 44 Morris Brothers, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon Established Over Twenty-five Tears Morris Building, 309-311 Stark St, Portland, Ore. Telephone Bdwy. 2151 Buy. a Bond on Terms Let's Keep Oregon's Quota of Liberty Bonds in Oregon We want you to help us keep Oregon's quota of Lib erty Bonds in Oregon. They are too good an in vestment for us to let our share of them get out of the State. ' For Oregon to oversubscribe her quota of Liberty Bonds in the big drive and then turn around and let them get away from her is mighty poor patriotism, and besides it's &ad business judgment. The greatest Baby Bonds on earth are Uncle Sam's Liberty Bonds. Let's keep every single one of Ore gon's share within the state boundaries. Here's How You Can Help First Don't sell the bonds you now have and don't exchange them for other securities offering a higher rate of interest, but which may be worthless. Unfortunately, however, some people are compelled from force of circumstances to sell their bonds, and we buy them at the market. But there are just as many people who can afford to buy more bonds and thus keep these bonds in the State. . In order to enable ydu to get more of these highly desirable securities and at the same time help to keep Oregon's quota of Liberty Bonds in Oregon, we will sell you United States Government Baby Bonds of every issue on the following plan : $ 50.00 Bonds $1 down and $1 a week , $100.00 Bonds $2 down and $2 a week Come in or write and get our booklet telling about Liberty Bonds. Government and Municipal do coupon .. '98 u P 4s .. V s 3s res; 'R3 u B a as .. Oo coupon .. - i U S 4s resr !" vi An-rr s .. . . COUPOn. .. .ll'lll. IU O X.1U 073.. Atch Gen 4s 86 D ft R o rer 5S hi .B NYC deb 6s.. 96 M P 4s S2 f P 3s 5 P T & T 5s .. 814 94 86 e.1 95 1)9.92 do 1st con 4s 97.96 do 2d 4s 97.20 do 1st eon 4s 97.94 do 2d con 4AS 97.1H do 3d 4s 97.26 Soocls Larger lumber Firms and Xearly All Dealers ia Building Supplies Are Observing Regulations. Residents of Portland have been caught in the act of erecting: buildings without first obtaining: the necessary city and Government permit, and re quest was made of city officials yes terday that prosecutions be pressed in all such instances, according to Jesse Currey, building permit commissioner of the State Council of Defense. Larger lumber firms and nearly all dealers in building supplies are said to be observing the regulation against sale of materials to persons who do not show authority for the building operations undertaken. A few smaller lumber firms and an occasional dealer in other materials are still lax in tins regard, it is charged, and sell to those not legally entitled to obtain building supplies. In addition to the effort to institute prosecution of those who erect build ings without legal permission, an in vestigation of the dealings of smaller umber firms is to be made by A. E. Doyle, supervisor of pledges of tho War Industries Board. Mr. Currey's department yesterday acted favorably upon applications of several industrial firms for privilege to make plant extensions. Applications thus forwarded included those of the Kiernan & Kern Shipbuilding Company, Iirthwest Steel Company, Hesse-Mar-trh Iron Works and Supple-Ballin Ship building Corporation. Actual approval of these applications can only be made by Herbert Witherspoon. regional di rector of the War Industries Board, to whom they were sent. Bid. Boston Minins; Stocks. BOSTON, Oct. 17. TCloslr.e; quotations: Bought and Sold E L Devereaux R(5mpany 87 Sixth Street Portland, Oregon Telephone Bdwy. 1042 GOCDNOW ESTATE $200,272 Former Railroad Man Leaves 11 Property to His Wife. CHICAGO, Oct 17.J-Charles A. Good now, former vice-president of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. who died at Seattle, Wash., July 26, left an estate valued at $200,272, according to an inventory filed in the Probate Court today. Mr. Goodnow was credited with car rying: through to success the greatest railway electrification project in the world, the 440-mile line extending from Harlowton, . Mont, to Avery, Idaho. When he died he was extending the electrification of the road to Seattle and Tacoma. He left all of his prop erty to his wife, Mrs. J. A. B. Good now, of Bvanston, III. 46 iNorth Butte . !S14!Old Dom ... . 6S I Osceola ,4."i3 IQuincy . 1114 Superior .48 I S & Bos Min , 10 j Shannon .... . 4 Irtah Con ... . S.TIWolverine ... . 6 Green Can . . . . 54141 14 ... 41 . .. 54 . .. 6S ... 5 .. 3 ... 8 . . . 9 'i ... 2194 . .. 5414 Allouez Aris Com Cal & Ariz ... Cal & Hecla . Centennial . . . . Cop R Con Co. E B CopMin. Franklin Isle Roy (Cop) Lake Copper . . Mohawk Money Exchange. Etc. NEW TORK, Oct. 17. Mercantile paper unchanged. Sterling 60-day bills unchanged: demand'. 4.75 7-16; cables, 4.765.. Francs, demand. 3.48; cables, 5.47. Guilders, demand, 42; cables. 43 hi- Lire unchanged. Mexican dollars unchanged, i Time loans strong, unchanged. Call money strong, unchanged. SHIPYARDS iY LOSE IN CERTAIN REGISTRANTS LIABLE TO INDUCTION. Men Not on Emergency Fleet List on July 23, 1918, May Be Drafted Under Law. Selective service registrants who have gone into the shipyards since July"23,""l918, or, more strictly speak- LONDOK. Oct 17. Money and discounts ing, all shipbuilders who were not on unchanged. the Emergency Fleet list on that date and who are placed in class I of the MORE MECHANICS NEEDED military service. An interpretation to this effect was Nation's- Goal of 20,000 Men to Be received yesterday by John H Stev- Reacbed by October 2 3. of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, from the national hendauarters at Enrollment of men in the Motot Philadelphia. It created some little Transport Corps will end on Friday, stir among shipyard owners and em- October 25, announces Charles D. Jamie- ployes, as it had generally been sup- son, who is now accepting eligibles at posed tnat registrants or oepiemner the office maintained on the first floor 12, 1918, would have a chance to ob tain nla.n tViA mfri7Pnrv oi ine ureguu uunun.5. j-u, uuu uau ,istj there to De regarded as "not avail been responding well to this call, Dut able for military service. the Nation's coal of 20.000 men will not I "Th situation arises." said Mr. be reached, says the recruiting official, Stevenson, "from the fact that the or- unless the present rate of enrollments jer of the ProvoSt Marshal-General of in maintained jintil the closing day. last July, suspending Emergency Fleet For the first time. Mr. Jamieson an- listinsr of class 1 men found fit for nounced yesterday that he Is authorized I general military service, has never to receive applications of female ate- been revoked. nographers to be assigned to duty In I "These plants cannot make much of Washington, D. C. showing if they have to recruit workers from limited service groups." j Olympia Board in Lead. OLTMPIA. Wash., Oct 17. (Special.) Grays Harbor board No. 1 is one of five local boards In the state reported ready for the classification of Septem ber registrants between the ages of 18 and 19 and from 37 to 46. Under or ders received tonight questionnaires are to be sent to the youngest and oldest of the latest registrants as soon as the boards are through with classifications of registrants from 19 to 37. City Club Meetiner Called. W. K. Royal, secretary of the Citj Club, has notified members that a con ference of that organization will be held at the College room of the Hazel- wood today at 12:15, to discuss meas ures which the voters will pass upon at the approaching election. "Flu or no flu we expect you there," says the notice. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. TTTTHIL.L. To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde J. Tuthill. U.'t Simpson, October 12. a daughter. SPHRDEEN To Mr. and Mn. Erneat Schetleen, oster roaa, octooer iu. nn n it n tr. RRIDGEFORD To Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bridseford, 1392 East Nineteenth, October X3, a daughter. SIXN To Mr. and Mrs. Chew Sinn. 10' Vncih Vmirth fiftnhpr 10. ft. riaiiirhtpr weiss to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weiss, Treasury Provides for Xo Maximum 11 Jiiast e orcy-iinn, uutousr xa, a son. UNLIMITED CREDIT GIVEN NATIONAL BANKS MAY LEND TO HILT ON LIBERTY BONDS. may loan one borrower when secured by 105 face valuVlibe'rty bonds"for each (100 loan. This permission extended to November 1. 1919. Please notify all banks in your district immediately." Local bankers saw in this latest rul ing an effort to secure greater support from the big corporations for the fourth liberty loan, and they Wjere of the opinion the desired subscriptions would be secured before the close of the campaign. While the ruling came too late to be of material assistance to Ore gon's -campaign, it is expected to prove of ffenefit in subsequent drives. Representative Is Killed. BLOOMINGTON, III., Oct. 17 Repre sentative John A. Sterling, of this city, was killed wnen an automobile in which he was riding fell over an em bankment near here today. Read The Oregonian classified ads. SAA1PELS To Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Sam- I pels. 125 last Tweniy-eigntn, uctooer io, An nirh ter. TUCKWILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Frailer I R. Tuckwiller, liuo iast f iitietn, uctooer n. a son. Marriage Licenses. Wbere Loan Is Secured by 105 Per Cent Face Certificates. Unlimited credit may be extended to HUGHES-JAMES John Hughes. 48. 751 customers by National banks of the East stark street, and Mrs. Ernie James, country, in accordance with instruc 4i same address. ... ... Unn. r-ooiu.rt vst.rdav in n. rnlaved KNOPF-HUNT Kowara K.nopr. 31, 885 1" -. ... - Rodney street, and .Ida Hunt, 19. East message from the Controller of the Forty-sixth and Morrison streets. I Treasury, provided such loan is secured JOHKSO.-f0.viu--i.iitiier ,. jonnson, by 106 per cent face value liberty lefral. Seattle, and Bessie Ponton, lesal. lui i , , , j .v, ,, East Seventy-eighth street. ' uonua. i """ B , . . I ERieKSOS-OLSK AiDert n. isnckson, l ing as vasuy iiiure iioeri man liiu.1 which "became effective soon after the first liberty loan was floated, which provided that National banks could loan only lu per cent oi tneir capital and surplus to one individual and an "ft. Clackamas County, and Helen K. Ol- sen, legal, 42J Blackstone street. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. STOYvE-WOLFE Clifford Ray Stowe-, 24. of Hoquiam. Wash., and Miss Georgia B. VVo'ODWORTH-wlLSOX Wcleom w. additional 10 per cent to the same bor- Woodwortn, legal, ot Minneapolis, Minn., rower if secured Dy luo per cent iid ana jniss viri.o i.uvtr, ,rty bonds. D1ETZMAN-WOLF William Dtetzman. The instructions received yesterday XI. of Camas. Wash., and Miss Elsie M. are as follows: won. ",wt'";, """i , I "National bank act now amended per MAnniBunnji,nn.i uci i. carnnn. .. A. -. t.a..I A anrf Via. Alma PI.-. . 1 Hill 0 or Portland. - I capital uuu ouiiiiub w wh mvi.wwc. WII.COX-KNATJF Richard J. Wilcox. I heretofore and additional 10 per cent v.i, oi i-orest L.rove. r.. ana juinnie h. . .,m. borrower, secured Ir nar value K"JSi.HSSv"ff.rni r-,, liberty bonds: also unlimited additional 27. of Portland, and Mrs. Cora E. Green,' amount to same borrower if loan of , nf Portland. each J100 is secured Dy tu lace value BACUSTROil-DICK P. William Ba.-h- KH Thii rornna th.r. la no Strom, a, of Kerry. Or., and Julah Belle hu. FACTS SO. SS8. FILLING A NICHE The motor transport fills a niche that is not filled by any other means of haul age. It takes goods from the door of the shipper to the door of the consignee without change or rehaul- ing. The time and change saved is figuring largely in this means of transpor tation and all that remains to make it a complete suc cess is the paving of high ways with . BITULITHIC WARREN BROS. CO., JOl'RNAI, BUILDING, -PORTLAND, OR. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. FOR SHANGHAI AND (OR) HONG KONG If sufficient inducement offers ws may load on the berth from PORTLAND for Shanghai and (or) Hongkong ABOUT NO VEMBER. OJiJS AUXILART MOTOR SCHOONER (about 2500 tons d. w.) For rates of freight and further partic ulars please apply to F. ORIFF1N & CO., Agents. Broadway 1524. awn Francisco. Dick, of Kerry, Or. i limit upon the amount National banks SAN FRANCISCO-LOS ANGELES LOW RATES. Br Steamer Including Meals and Berth. CHB SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. S. COMPANY. Tickets at Third and Washington. Telephone Broadway 4500. Bdwy. Set, A 1234, A 1L FRENCH LINC f ItHfAE.IE. (EffiMtf IIHSHTUITIQUJ Jj IisrMt Pasta: Stnlei NEW YORK BORDEAUX PARIS FREQUENT DEPARTURES. Fugnzl Bros., Pae. Coast Agents, 109 Cherry bt beattie, ar any Local Agents.