Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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" 1 " . I
Y Ell
Hardships of Invasion Feared
for Homes of Fatherland.
Slater ial Facts Show 4 600 Cannon
Captured and a Quarter Million
. of Prisoners Taken.
THE LAON AREA, Oct. IS. (By the
Associated Press.) The first news that
reached the inhabitants of Laon of the
radical change in the military situa
tion came from German officers who
had, after the victories of the allies,
already ceased to agree with the Ber
lin military critics, whose articles pro
claiming; Germany unbeaten are now
being- circulated by wireless. ' With an
utter lack of caution which the hearer
took as a betrayal of despair, these of
ficers opened their minds and bared
their hearts In the presence of people
who felt their oppression for four
years. .
Before a man In whose house they
were billeted and who understood the
German language, German officers de
clared r
"The central empires are no longer
able to stand out against the whole
world. Hard times are in store for the
fatherland unless peace is obtained
Without a word -f regret for op
pression of the people whose roofs
had sheltered them, they talked with
unconcealed anguish of the possibility
that their own people might also feel
the hardships of Invasion.
4 BOO Chios Captared.
These direct confessions of defeat,
contradicting the reports" of the Berlin
writers that the German retreat was
purely a tactical retirement, are sup
ported by material facts not open to
controversion, such as 4600 cannon cap
tured during the three months of the
allied offensive, or about one-fourth of
the entire armament of the German
artillery, and 250.000 prisoners taken
during the came time on the western
front alone.
The Germans had about 180 divisions
on this front on March 1. to which were
added about 23 divisions from the Rus
sian front. The German force was
maintained in the neighborhood of 203
divisions from April - to September
through drafts on the reserve depots.
The wastage began to tell after the
battles of July and August.
On September 15 the Germans had on
this front 200 divisions, including Aus
trian reinforcements. Shortening their
line had. however, enabled them to
constitute a reserve of divisions. The
battles of September and the first days
of October reduced these reserves to
about 30 divisions, about half of which
had been recently retired from the front
to be reconstituted. Twenty divisions
had disappeared entirely by October 10
through progressive dissolutions that
have been confirmed from trustworthy
sources. On that date the enemy had
scarcely a dozen divisions in reserve
that might be called fresh.
Inarsie Advantage Lest.
The wastage In armament Is not only
In cannon captured by the allies, but
in diminished production by reason of
drafts made upon war industries to re
inforce the field forces, and In strikes.
Strategically, the Germans have lost
with the vast extent of territory they
had occupied the immense advantage of
their position In the interior arc of a
circle that enabled them to transfer
troops rnpidly from one sector to an
other while the allies were obliged to
take the longer route around the cir
cumference. German troops detraining In the re
gion of Valenciennes. Bohain or le Ca
leau. could in a few hours be trans
ported to the Flanders, to the Aisne, or
to the Oise. The region of Bohain and
le Chateau, where this switching of
forces was accomplished, is now in the
hands of the allies, while the Germans
not only have lost the advantage o(
their interior position and the turntable
that faciliated the use of it, but also
Important lines of communication witb
Thousands on Kills Watch Destruc
tion of Oil Dock.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 16. Thou
sands of persons early today stood on
the water front hills here and watched
flames destroy a big Great Northern
Railway oil dock.
Blazing oil spread over the Puget
Sound waters around the dock and
halted attempts of tugs to pull out
two Japanese- liners moored at an ad
joining dock. Only one of the liners
was damaged seriously.
l.oss was estimated at about 31.500,
000. with the cause unknown. A
municipal 11.000,000 pier, which stood
200 feet from the destroyed dock, was
untouched. It was said oil and other
commodities valued at nearly 130.000,
000 are stored in the municipal pier.
Press Bureau Head for Marine Corps
rnexpectcdly Made Major.
NEW YORK. Oct. 16. (Special.)
Three years ago, Thomas G. Sterrett.
then a Sergeant In the United States
Marine Corps, came to this city start
a press bureau for the Devil Dogs. To
day he wears the insignia of a Major
of Marines, the result of a surprise
visit from Colonel A. S. McLemore who
Journeyed from Washington to replace
Sterretfs bars of Captain with the gold
leaves of Major. Sterrett Is the first
enlisted man in the Marine Corps to
reach field rank since war was de
clared. Major Sterrett Is a former news
paper man and hails from Erie, Pa,
Actor Flies to New York and Sells
$1,000,000 in Libert j Bonds,,
NEW YORK, Oct, 16. Douglas Fair
banks came over from Washington to
day in an airplane as "first-class mail"
to sell 31.000.000 worth of liberty bonds
to match a subscription for the same
amount by Bernard Baruch, chairman
of the War Industries Board. He got
the million from Pliny Fisk, of the
firm of Harvey Fisk & Sons.
Mr. Fisk's father sold $170,000,000
worth of bonds for the Government
during the Civil War.
Burglar Suspects Brought Bnck.
Farl Jones and James Dean, who, the
police say, are implicated In several
house burglaries in Portland, were re
turned from Baker, Or., last night by
Inspectors Hellyer and Leonard. James
A. Adams, who is charged wilh forgery,
was returned from Vancouver, B. C,
last night by Inspectors Nile and
firaTea. : - -
WASHINGTON. Oct- Today's cas
ualty list contains 436 names, thus
Killed In action. 52; missing in ac
tion. SS; wounded severely. 182; died
of wounds. 31; died from accident and
other causes, 4; died of disease, 26;
wounded In action (degree undeter
mined), 106.
Following la the tabulated summary:
Rep. Fep. Total.
Kilted In action '
Let at sea ij
Died of wound! 3,-io
Died of accidents and
other causes a.eis
Total deaths ...
Wounded -
Missing. Including
18.308 113 J8.419
:,037 2S8 2u.S2j
...... 8.878 SS 5. Til
Total 1-48-019,.4i6ml!i-4-;
Guy M. Bryan, Spokane, la killed in
action. .
Charles B. Billups. Nes Perce, Waho.
Robert R. Dority. Everett. Wash., V ill
iam Robert Kumbier. Wauna Wash.
George E. Butson. Wllsonville, Or., are
wounded severely.
Louis H. Strickland. 134 East Sixty
eighth street. Portland, and Lloyd L.
Inglis, Seattle, are wounded, the de
gree yet undetermined.
Following is the complete list:
SCHERZER, Samuel. e.iyrk;.lK
SCHMIDT. Benjamin. DeWltte, tD.
SCHMIDT. George. New York.
SCHM1TT, Waldemar N. New xork.
SCHULZE. Otto K.. Barrington, Mass.
SHEA. William, Bridgeport, Conn.
SIMMONS. Charlie B- protection. Kan.
SK ELTON, Thomas A., Toomsboro. Oa.
SMITH. Charlea H.. Jr.. Oakland. CaL
STANGER. George I. Brooklyn.
STOKES. Stanton, Eton. Ga.
STOI.ABSKI. Walter. Brooklyn.
STREMPL1SKI. Frank, Chicago.
SWEENEY. Eugene P.. Chicago.
SWIZKOWSKI. John Anthony. Detroit. Mich.
TAYLOR, Solomon, Helton. Ky.
TEGTMEIER, Theodore. Covington. Ky.
TENEYCK. James. Oakridge Park. Mich.
THOMSEN, Andy. Kearney. Neb.
TOMMINS, William. Mont Claire. N. J.
TRASc-HER, Adolph. New Orleans, La.
WA1TE. Hiram A.. Elsie, Mich.
WALKER. Henry C Eufaula, Ala.
WARD. Thomaa R-. Brooklyn.
WEIMAR. Harry Otto. Allendale. N. J.
WELZBACHER. Henry. Louisville. Miss.
WHEELER. John Henry. Garden City. Mo.
WHITEHOUSE. James Aloyslus, New Torn.
PWICKS. Fred J.. Fulton. N. Y.
WILH ITE. Henry C. natural unon,
WILLIAMS. Ed. Petersburg. Pa.
WILLIAMS. Pontiac, Hart, Mich.
WITTIO. Edward Biabee. Ariz,
wnr rp Klrholaa. Monett. Mo.
YO ERG, Sheldon E.. Little Falls. Ulna.
YURMICK. Simon, Shenandoah. Pa.
ZAWACKL Walter, Pateraon. N. J.
(Decree Undetermined.)
GILL, James R.. Philadelphia,
GITZ. Ralph. Hazleton, Pa.
GRACE. William A.. Brooklyn.
HARRIS, Allen. Brewton. Ala.
HERZIG. Peter, Wellington. N. J.
HOLMES. Thomas B.. PIttaburg. Pa,
KETNER, Roy C Hazleton. Pa.
LA PORTE. George. Derry. N. H.
PHILLIPL Ralph K.. Latrobe, Pa.
RAYSON, Jamea M.. Hazleton, Pa.
RUBIOCO, Antonjo. New York.
c(-.n i v a Vorbert. Holdlnzford. Minn.
hlKICKLAND, Louis H., Mrs. Estelle Strick
land. 134 Eaat ttsth St.. romano, w.
TURK. Harry A . Atlantic Iowa.
Mechanic "
YOEMANS. Earl O.. New Haven, Conn.
ANDERSON, Roy V., Chicago.
BALLARD, Tom, Qualaa. Okla.
BASALYGA. Theodore. Jesaup. Pa.
BLACK. Harry A.. Chase. Mich.
BLANCH. Sidney. Superior. Pa.
BOGARD, William. Chicago.
BORMA.V. Benjamin H.. Plainfield. N. J.
BOTT. William. Hackenaack. N. J.
BOUSSVM, William S., Crescona, Pa.
BOWERS. John H., New Haven. Conn.
BOYOE. Russell N.. Bell Vernon. Pa.
BRASS. Robert. Hoboken, N. J.
BRISTOL, Howard O., New Britain. Conn.
BRODIE. Harry J.. Brooklyn.
Bl'TKL'a, Bartbolmew, Hoosic Falls, X. T.
BYERS. Frederick. Greensburg. Pa.
BYNI .V. Ike C, Saddler. Texas.
CAMPBELL. Peter. Oxford Depot, X. .Y,
CANER. William F-, Jamaica. X. Y.
CAPAROS, William, Mountain Iron. Minn.
CAREY, Pies W.. Boyd.vllle. Ark.
HARBACK. Russell Charlea. Mill Hill, Pa.
HARRIS, Will. Durand, Ga.
HAWKINS. William G.. Froatburg, Md.
HAYES. Patrick J.. Mattapan. Mas.
HILL. Fred G. Ray Thomaa. Bellhaven, N. C.
Hl'GHES. Kl D., Wyoming. Pa.
H VST. HarrHon. Crawfordsville. Ind.
IX.I.1S, Lloyd L., William Inglla, 10S East
4 ld atreet. Seattle. Wash.
JOHNSON. Arthur G Manchester. N. H.
JOHNSON, David O., Hartstown, Pa.
JONES. J., Uniontown, Ala.
KEENAN. William J., Brooklyn.
KERSHAW. Manden. Kansaa City. Mo.
KOCH. George ?.. Philadelphia, Pa.
KOVALCSIK. John. Cleveland, O.
KL'RTLANDER. Soli. Cleveland, O.
LASS ITER. John. Nymph. Ala.
LEONARD. Raymond H.. Worcester, Mass.
LINCOLN. Samuel H-. Hopkins, Mo.
LINDSTROM. Even H., Chicago.
LYNCH. Jesale Clifford. Salt Lake. N. Mez.
McGRATH. James C. Elizabeth. N. J.
McKENZIE. Fulton C. Sebrlng, Ohio.
MEYERS. Edwin C, Weatfield. N. J.
MITCHELL Warren B.. Washington. Conn.
MITTERLINO. William H.. Center Hall, Pa.
MORE Y. Kevin F.. OsslninK. N. Y.
MOROOO, Anton. Worcester. Mass.
MORRIS. John, Vero. Fla.
MOSS. Jack. Rock mart. Ga.
Nr.N'TZ. George H., Meriden. Conn.
MURPHY. Elijah, Athena. Ala.
MURPHY. Robert. Philadelphia. Pa.
MURRAY. James A.. Newark. N. J.
OROURKE, Paul. Cleveland. O.
PITTS, Richmond. Madlaon. Ala.
RAMIREZ. Lorenzo. Devlne. Texas.
RATIFF, William C, Salt Lick. Ky.
RAZEi", Charles. Boulettr. Pa.
REED, Robert M., Red Oak. Texas.
REILLY. Edward A., Mlnersvllle, Pa.
RELLER. Edward. Ethlyn. Mo.
RHODES', William B.. Lufkin. Texas.
RICHER. Benjamin. St. Louts. Mo.
ROYSE. Loren W.. Newbnrg. W. Vs.
RUANE, Raymond A.. Carbondale. Pa.
SAGER, Clinton W.. Schenectady. N. Y.
SCOTT. John M.. Cambridge. Mass.
SCHUMAN. Isaiah, Federal Tolnt. Fla.
SLAATHANG. Hans Ingvald. Summit, 8. D.
SMITH, Eugene, Syosset, N. Y.
SNA KEN BERG. Earl L, Falrmount, N. D.
STEVENSON. Brack. Hopehull. Ala.
STEVKRMER. Frank J.. Benson. Minn.
STUM I. Albert Gaines, Cincinnati. Ohio.
STUMP, Joseph W., Terra Alia. W. Va.
SUESS, John, New Britain. Conn.
TAFS. August F.. Trenton. N. J.
TAUPIER. Edward. Springfield, Mass.
THOMPSON. Emll A. HlUhead. S. D.
WAGNER. Philip Blrkett, Philadelphia.
WATTS. Lester M.. Lancaster. Ohio.
WIECOREK. Stanley. Schenectady. N. T.
WITTER. Harper Henry. New Oxford. Pa.
WOODIN. Arthur A.. Huntington. Mass.
YATES. Claude Charles. Ashton. Mo.
EVANS. Robert. East St. Louis. III.
HARMER. George. Medina, N. Y.
PLANINICH. John. VIr Pazar. Montenegro.
WEBB, Guy M.. Damascus, Ga.
ELLISON. Eugsne M.. Dallas, Texas.
SCHMELZER. Edward, Erie. Pa.
HEFT. Herman E.. Independence, la.
McPHAIL Harry. Coraopolis. Pa.
OWENS. William F.. Pottsville. Pa.
L1PSETT. Zelner Myers, Detroit. Mich. q
JEWELL William Arthur, Benavon. Pa,
GREAVES. Albert. Somervllle. Mass.
BRYAN. Out M.: Josephine Bryan. Ivy
apartments, spnksne. waan.
Ifitsiircmrr (cxttpxto
(Incorporated 1872)
has subscribed
to the
Fourth Liberty Loan
and also subscribed $1,000,000 to each of the three previous loaas
DOUGHTY, Christopher. Falrhaven, N. J.
FRYE. Daley R.. Sapulpa, Okla.
WATKINS. Emerya M., Follansbee, W. Va.
COOPER. Merle C. Sand Springs, Okla.
HEXDRIX, James E.. Roy, Ala.
OEHLER. Fred G, Uhrtchsville, O.
Mechanic -CHAPMAN.
Leslie Kellogg, Auburn. N, T.
5ATTLER, Louis, Pittsburg, Pa.
BASTIAN, Anton C, Wayne. Neb.
LBJERKIN, Helmer, Germantown, Minn.
CHRISTIE. Maynard Lee. Helena, Mont.
CLARK, Merlin H.. Pottersville. N. Y.
D'ESPOSITO, Atlello. Jersey City. N. J.
FERRARESE. John, Nyack. N. Y.
FRANK, Harry J., Pittsburg. Pa.
GAETINO. Harry. Cleveland, O.
GKOHENS. George C. Dixon, 111.
McCLEARLY. John. Black Hawk, La.
QUILLEN. Jeff. Clayton. Ala,
BRUCE. Floyd L., Big Sandy, Mont.
HEBNER. Leonard William, Altoona. Pa.
ISAACSON. Victor S. Battle Creek, Mich.
HUDSON, Paul, Glasgow, Pa.
LEE. Raymond W., Waterbury, VL
LEWIS. Willie C. Carter. Ky.
LONG, Jessie J.. Leesvllle, Tex.
LUNDBERG. Rudolph, Perth. Amboy. N. J.
MARONA. George, New York.
MOTTEKT. Fred. St. Louis, Mo.
SHIELDS. Tex. Bienville. La.
THOMPSON, William J.. New Brighton,
N. Y.
WHITROW, Otis L, Buffalo. W. Vs.
MAGOARD. Henry. Van. Ky.
MARTIN. Steven, Donors, Pa.
PRICHETT. Toney, Tahlequah. Okla,
RACHAL, Powell. Wilda. La.
RILEY. Edward M, Burlington. Vt.
ROUSE. Clara, Galena, III.
SANDSTROM. Arthur, Rockford, HL
SHIRLEY. Alonzo S.. Clayton, Ala.
SIPE, Charles H, York, Pa.
SPURLOCK. Hllllary. Ozark, Ala.
STERNBERG, Arnold L.. San Antonio, Tex
STILL1TANO, Salvatore. Clro. Italy.
SWAFFER. Willie F. Tupolo, Okla.
VALLEY. Samuel, Sanford, Me.
VITALETTI. Fortunato, Ancona, Italy.
WEHNER. Charles J., Syracuse, N. Y.
WOODRUFF. James. Palmyra, N. J.
MAKTLN'T'w'Ullain B-. Hazelhurst, Miss.
Sergeants '
GRAUER. Shepton Glenn, Reading, Pa,
MERREM, Edgar F Moulton, -Tex.
ALLISON. Edgar B.. Baltimore, Md.
BOWIE, Benjamin, Los Angeles, CaL
GOLDBERG, Isaac, New York.
LASHER. John K., Jr, Yonkers, N. T.
MOLTZEN. George W.. Halleyville. Okla.
Privates ,
ALVATOR. Clayton Case, Plttstown, N. J.
BECK, Conrad it., waltnam, aiinn.
BRICE. Charlie, Marion, Ala.
BROOKS, Leo A, Duluth. Minn.
BUR K, Jamea, Crescent. O.
COLE, Cashle Hiram. Sulphur, Okla.
CRAVENS. Matha E., Eller, Ky.
CROMARTY, William, Liberty,. N. Y.
EMMOVS. Lawrence. Newark. N. J.
GAUGHN. Thomas J., St. Paul. Minn.
GOSSOO, William. Shandaken, N. Y.
GUILEFUSS, Clarence F, Athena, N. T,
HOFF, Cleon T., Blnghamton, N. Y.
KULACK. Julian, Harrower. N. Y.
KUPSICK. Harry, Saranac Lake. N. T.
LEONARD, Clarence T.. Glendale. N. Y.
LEWIS, Frank E. Newark, N. J.
LEWIS. James A, Weinert. Tex.
MARTY. Charles. Woodbrldge, N. J.
BARCLAY. William B., Sturgeon, Pa.
D1SAPPIO, Paul, New York.
FIER MONTE, Giuseppe. Syracuse, N. T.
OVERLIE, Orit A, Albert Lea, Minn.
COL'TRY. Leo J., Lewiston, Pa.
KAHN. Henry. Chicago.
LARSON, Almar C, Clifton, Tex.
Corporals -MIRAN.
Sidney. Millerton. N. T.
OCCONNOR. Lawrence S., Lancaster, O.
SHONE. Harry H., Oakland. CaL
SMITH, Frank. Saugatuek, Mich.
FISHER. William, Norristown, Pa,
BAKER. Elijah, Boyklns, Va.
BLUMENTHAL. Louis. New York.
BRIEVE. Joseph. Holland, Mich.
BRONSTE1N, Benjamin, Philadelphia.
BUTTON, Albert F., Chicago.
BUTTON, Archie H.. New Milford, Pa.
CAREY-. Anderson B., Charlotte, C.H., Va.
CLINTON. Ernest L Y'ork. S. C.
CONLEY. Roy Pearl. Andrews. N. C.
COX. Robert. East Peoria. III.
r-1 l- t j i.l it Vanows. Okla.
nixsi.VCHAM. Harold B., Mamaroneck,
N V.
EMERICH, Clarence J-, Webster, N. T.
GOODALE. Goorge F. Brooklyn.
GREEN, Joe Z.. Enterprise, Tex.
HACKERT. Andrew M., Buffalo. Wyo.
HALLDORSON, Ralph E.. Chicago.
HAMBLETON. Horace E.. Lancaster, Pa,
ELLIS. Fife TV. Jr. Chattanooga, Tenn.
HEAVE Y, Harry. Jersey City. N. J.
tiiti.n:ni'iF Vn.1. Worcester. Mass.
VAN HOLSECK." Flrmin C. Miihawaka, Ind.
Y ln tenant
LANOUETTE. Kenneth H. Roxbury. Mass
PF-EIFFER. Reuben Roland, Chicago.
BARNES, Horace W.. Fort Wayne, Ind.
DIXON, Lorie. Macon, Ga.
DOBBINS, Andrew, Annlston, Ala,
DWYER, Edwin J.. Philadelphia.
REIST. Earl. Aurora. Colo.
Si'HMIDT, John C. Portsmouth, O.
TOOLE. John L. Brooklyn.
nvwAUF. William. Syracuse. N. Y.
ARTERBURY. Hugh Pirtle, Fort Worth,
EDWARDS. Loy, Provencal, La.
FORTUN. Arthur T., Lyle, Minn.
MBHER1N, Marcus Mathew, Jr., Saa Fran
BELLOW. August Luise, Jefferson, wis.
FRANKLIN. James W., Crossnore. N. C.
HAITK, Robert E., Elmlra, N. Y.
HERRK'K, Myron T., Montoorsville. Pa,
JOHNSON, Benjamin F. Rapldan, Va.
McDOWELL. James A., Chicago.
ftnvKV Anrlv. New York.
MANDRACCHIA. Raymond Mary. New York.
MANNING, Ralph Hiawara, nuason, inasa.
B ROE RE, BenJ. A.. Sayvllle. N. Y.
CONLEY'. James E., St. Louis, Mo.
COURNAYA, Ernest L.. Manistlque, Mich.
JCOBS. Frank Wm.. Torrlngton, Conn.
JORDAN, James Archibald. Sparta, Wis.
MAGUIRE. John A., London. Eng.
SCOTT, Harrison B.. ML Sterling, Ky.
WARD, Roy II. H., New York.
tan:t Orhie W. Tallahassee. Ala,
VANWOBRKOM. Dan. Grand Haven, Mich.
SURLEY, Alexander Walter, Baltimore.
MANNO. Mike W Straight, Pa.
CAMPBELL. Francis X., Philadelphia.
BEMENT, Clarence J., Miles City, Mont.
CLAY'TON. Charley F., Bent, N. M.
WALLACE. Charles Clarence,. Newark, N. J.
ALBACKER. Edward C, Pittsburg.
ALGEE, Wealthy. Whltthorne. Tenn.
ARV1G, Raymond O., Fergus Falls, Minn.
BARLOW, Frank. Dunnlngvllle. Mich.
BARNES, Lynn Evart, Grand Rapids, Mich.
BENDER, Milton. Girard, Pa.
Bll.l.l I'S, Charles B.; Frank Billups, Nez
Perce, Idaho.
BRASH EAR, Ray. Portersburg, Ky.
BRIGHAM. Leslie D., Marion. 111.
BROWN. Charles Albert, Norristown, N. J.
CAPOBIANCO, Phillip. Akron, O.
CARPENTER, Glen Ellsworth, New Frank
lin. Mo.
CATANESZII. Domlnec. Northland. Minn.
CHLEVOV, Joseph, South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHRISTIE, Byron R., Garfield, N. Y.
FILIPOWICZ. Joseph P Minonk. 111.
COHEN. Gus. New York.
D' AM ATO, Rocco. New York.
DARGIEWICZ. Wadlslaw. Nantlcoke, Pa.
DAVIS. Lee Packard. Dakota City, Neb.
DAVIS, Nell E., Amherst.. Neb.
DEASY. Owen, Fountain Head, Tenn.
DEBORD. Benton. Bethelrldgs. Ky.
DONOHUE, John E.. Jersey City. N. J.
DOKITY, Robert R.; Robert Dority, 69
School St.. Everett. Wash.
" 1 I
EIAM. Ambrose. Lee City, Ky.
ELMQUIST. Emll H:, Wilcox. Pa.
FLY'NN. Patrick M St. Louis. Mo.
GENEWSKI. Steve Impolit, Wilkes Barre,
GORHAM. William Goebel, Lexington. Ky.
HADLEY, Clarence E., Arrowamlth, III.
HICKMAN, Fletcher G., Atlas. Ark.
KNEL ANGER, Herman E.. Louisville, Ky.
KOENIG, Adolph, Lesterville, S. D.
KRADLER. Albert J., St. Paul, Minn.
KIHBIEK, Wm. Robert; Mrs. Mathilda
Kumbier. 224 Eighth avenue. North
Wauna, Wash.
LARUE. Charles L.. Norden. Neb.
LAY'COCK, Simon. Elm Creek, Neb.
MCCARTHY, Eugene J., Y'onkera, N. T.
McGIVENY', Thos., Brooklyn.
GASTRANGELO. Gulseppe, Utlca, N. T.
MOSSO. Alexander, Hitchcock. Tex.
REYNOLDS, William A.. Maben, Miss.
ROWLAND, Hugh. Marlon. Ky.
SATTERLY, Jas.. Cornlshvllle, Ky.
SAUER. Valentine P., Evergreen, N. T.
SCHMALE, Henry W.. DeWItt, Neb.
SCHMEHL. George J.. Reading. Pa.
SCHOONIE. Albert. Pittsburg. ,
SEMPLE. William R-. Maplewood. Mo.
SHEPARD, John L-, Minneapolis, Minn.
BAKER. Edward H., Chicago.
BALCHUS, Leon. Braddock. Pa.
BARNES. Frank, North Platte, Neb.
BIGGS. Emmett. Humrlck, I1L
BINKLEY, David V., Lancaster, a,
BISNER, Henry J., Cohoes, N. Y.
BR1DWELL, William. Custer. Ky.
BROARDT, George Frank, Bufralo, N. Y.
BRYANT,- Robert, Blalock. Ala.
BUDNIAK, Charles, Cleveland, O.
BURLEY, Russell A.. Bay City, Mich.
BURNS, John B., Philadelphia.
BUSZKA, Frank. Buffalo. N. Y.
BUTSON, George K.; John Butson, Wllson
ville. Or.
CALLERY, Patrick V., Tuscarora, Pa.
CASEBOLT, Robert S., Vallonla, Ind.
CHELF. John. ML Sherman, Ky.
GUENTHER, Edward Adam, Bowmansvllle.
N. Y.
HAGAN, Edward, Three Bridges, N. J.
HAINES. Harry. Bay Shore. N. Y.
HAINLINE, Herbert D.. Cellna, O.
HAIRE, Robert, Bluff City, Ky.
HALL, Raleigh W.. Arnoldsburg, W. Vs.
HAMLIN. John, Jayton. Tex.
HAMMOND, Arthur S-. Rockland, Mass.
HONLON, Joseph B., Wheeling, W. Va.
HARE, Ambrose H-, Leominster, Mass.
HAYWOOD, James H., Sylacauga. Ala.
HERMAN, Claude Eugene, Topeka, Kan.
HEUSER. Harry R.. Philadelphia.
HOC KNELL. Benjamin F., Woodhaven, N. Y.
HOWARD. Harry E., Washington, Pa,
McDARBY. Thomas J., Newark, N. J.
MANCUSO, Joseph, Providence, R. I.
MARKEL, Ammon P., Glenrock, Pa,
MARLIN, Martin F, Philadelphia.
MOREL, Frank, St. Paul. Minn.
.NOBILE. Alberto, Torej Bomme, Italy.
OTAKI. Mlnah AddoUa. Watertown, N. Y.
OYE. Frederick W.. Tuscola. III.
PAPPAGIANOPOLUS, Gust. Julesburg, Cola
SMITH, Robert S., Pasamonte, N. M,
SMOK. Leon. Newark, N. J.
SPAHR, William G. Aurora. Neb.
STAMBAUGH. Herbert H., Ashland. Neb.
STONE, George K-, Fort Branch, Ind.
THOMAS, Herbert O., South Mound, Kan.
S TON ARB, Joseph, Baltimore, Md.
WALKER, Ronald Warren, Denver.
WALSH. Walter Thomas. St. Louis, Mo.
WILKEN. Frank W., Denison, la.
WISELEY, Francis S.. Agra. Okla,
ROSEN HAGEN, Theodore. Hoboken, N. J.
SAWVEL, Ralph Warren, Breckenridge,
BLOOR. Spencer. Trenton. N. J.
DONACY. Abner L., St. Mary's Pa.
FRATAMICO, Angelo, Pittston. Pa.
SOUTHARD. Henry, Kenly, N. C.
WIKE. Charles E., Dubois, Pa.
CARTER. Ollle, Gaddsden, Ala.
ALLING, Koland G., Wlnsted, Conn.
BAILEY, Delbert, Miletus, W. Va.
BAILEY, Zachariah, Prosperity. W. Va,
BLAIR, William H., Pottsville. Pa
BARIL. Joseph N., Lake' Linden, Mich.
BINKOVITZ. Sara, Cleveland. Ohio.
BROOKS. Alonzo C, Brookville, Pa.
BLANKENSHIP, Joe. Drill, Va.
CHURAPAS. Louis V, Oakland, CaL
COOK, Rlcardo V., Eagle Pass, Texas.
KOESTER, James. Chicago. ,
PARKS, Frank R., Frisco, Texas.
THOMAS, David A., Philadelphia, Pa,
WHITAKER, Frank A., Knoxvllle, Tenn.
SIMONS, August, Newcastle, Pa,
SMITH, Joseph, Philadelphia.
SPURLOCK, Finley, Privett. Ky.
STAHAR, John, Elizabeth, N. J.
TURNER. Paris. Williamsburg. O.
WATSON, Walter, McHenry. Ky.
WEBER, Edward P., Buffalo, N. T.
WINNINGHAM, Finley M., Terre Haute, Ind.
WITTLING. Joseph. South Bend, Ind.
BAKER, Or.. Oct. 16. (Special.)
Ruel F. Coulter, of Baker, officially re
ported killed in action three weeks ago.
is alive and about to return to active
duty from a French hospital, according
to a cablegram received today by his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Coulter.
Thursday Morning; List.
list has 218 names, classified thus:
Killed in action, 37; missing in action.
$; wounded severely, 72; died of dis-
21; died of accident and other
"We Want American Products "
THE whole world will be uttering this appeal
when the war is over and won. And with 25
Million Tons of Shipping Space the United
States will hear and take heed. To the great North
west and Oregon and Portland, the Far East will
offer markets for products both raw and manuf ac-.
It is time to THINK and in thinking PLAN. Connection
with the Northwestern National will constitute
a good foundation to begin upon.
The Northwestern National Bank
Northwestern Bank Building.
ARMY" Sfii
Acknowledged the standard
on tKe Coast and small wonder
"Extra Service Every Step
Comfort Every Minute"
That's whv it is being worn by
thousands of men in all walks of
Office Men Hikers Molormen
Attorneys Farmers Conductors
Physicians Orchardists Hunters
' Look for the name Buckhecht
stamped on the sole of every Shoe
lie Bucfchecht Army Shoe la Sold la
Portland br C. H. Baker,
la Other Towns by Principal Dealers.
. ' rou do not .
'jl waste food
' or fuel avoid
wasteful clothes
I Hart Schaflher &. Marx I I
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
causes, 3; wounded (degree unaeter
mined), 72; prisoners, 5.
Following is the tabulated summary:
Rep. Rep. Total.
Killed in action 8,163 37 9,200
Lost at sea 2t .281
Died of wounds 3,317 ... 3,317
(Continued on Page 11.)
There's no waste in the clothes we sell
by Hart Schaffner & Marx.
Sam'l Rosenblatt &
Gasco Bldg.
Fifth and Alder
Robert asks: "I am constipated,
tongue coated, have headaches, dizzy
spells and indigestion sometimes.
Please advise?"
Answer: I advise that you begin using
Three Grain Sulpherb Tablets (not sul
phur). These tablets are laxative, act
on the liver, kidneys and bowels and
tend to keep the blood pure by arous
ing the eleminative functions. Relief
should follow auickly.
Clerk writes: "I have pains In my
spine and frightful headache in back
of head, fainting spells, twitching and
trembling, nervousness, sleeplessness,
loss of appetite and strength, and in
fact am a 'has been.' when it comes to
performing accustomed work and
Answer: In all such cases the assimi
lative functions have not kept place
with waste functions and a powerful
harmless tonic treatment is needed. I
find Three Grain Cadomene Tablets
unexcelled and, astonishingly beneficial
in such cases and advise them for you.
"Lucy" eays: "Some time ago I con
tracted a very severe cold and cough. I
have tried many remedies, but they do
not seem to help me at all. I wish you
would advise me what to do.
Answer: What you need is a laxative
cough syrup, one that will drive the
cold from your system. The following
prescription will check your cold and
cough: Get a 2-oz. package of Con
centrated Essence Mentho-Laxene and
make according to directions on the
bottle. Take a teaspoonful every hour
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be Qs. A tot
Constipated ' JJ
asm- Ei $xz
a bsence .i i. i th. BARTER'S IRON PILLS
The questions answered below are
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases are given and the answers will
apply in any case of similar nature.
Those wishing further advice, free,
may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College
Bldg., College-Elwood streets, Dayton,
Ohio, enclosing self-addressed stamped
envelope for reply. Full name and ad
dress must be given, but only initials
or fictitious names will be used in my
answers. The prescriptions can be filled
at any well-stocked drug store. Any
druggist can order of wholesaler. a
or two or until your cold is better. This
will relieve you in a very few days.
Pride asks: "My hair is too oily and
my scalp itches with dandruff, and of
late it is combing out too much. What
is a good treatment?"
Answer: Obtain Plain Yellow Minyol
from your druggist in 4-oz. jars and
apply as per directions. This cleans,'
purifies, cools and invigorates the hair
and scalp, thus stopping the death of
the hair. Dandruff and itching are at
once relieved. Men and women all over
the country now use it regularly.
"George" writes: "Have been doc
toring for kidney trouble and now want
your advice. Frequent desire is fol
lowed by burning pain and am very
tender and sore over region of bladder.
Also backache affects me dreadfully.
Can hardly move when I awake in the
morning. Weakness, too, is a symp
tom." Answer: I think if you will take
Balm wort Tablets regularly for a few
weeks your kidneys and bladder will
become normal and such symptoms
vanish. This is unequaled for such
complaints in my estimation.
NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has
been giving free advice and prescrip-
tions to millions of people through the
press columns, and doubtless has helped
in relieving illness and distress more
than any single individual in the
world's history. Thousands have writ
ten him expressions of gratitude and
confidence similar to the following:
Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir We have
used three of the medicines you advise,
the double four, the Essence Mentho
T.ivn nnii the rheumatism prescrip
tions, und I want to say they all worked
like a cnarm. rney are ine uesi x navo
ever used and I feel I could not keep
house without them. I am very grate
ful anl pleased to recommend any of
these medicines prescribed. Very truly
yours, MRS. R. U WHITED,-
No 8 Coleman St.,
Adv Port Jervis, N. T.