Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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French Refugees in Denain
Shelled, Says Statement.
Eoches Aim Sy Enemy Shelled Wel
fare Center ir I.aon, Which
They Had "Carefully Spared."
BERLIN, via London. Oct. The
'War Office communication issued this
ventna- follows:
"Northeast of Roulera. on the Selle
sector, near Haussy. between the Aire
and the Mvuse and on the eastern banK
of the Meuse. enemy attacks failed.
The town of Denain (five and a half
mllea southwest of Valenciennes).
which is filed with French refugees,
lies under the continuous fire of the
fceavy English artillery.
Welfare tester Shelled.
"Yesterday the enemy shelled the
welfare center of Iiesse (eight miles
from Laon). which had been carefully
pared by us during the war.
The German forces In Northern France
have withdrawn their lines somewhat
in the district west and southwest of
Lille, army headquarters announced this
Renewed American attacks between
the Argonn? and the Meuse failed, it
Is declared. Kast of the. Meuse, it is
added. American attacks resulted in
engagements which ended in favor of I scraps of paper.
utterances on the subject, officials be
lieve, have already given the answer.
Guarantees for the interests of Ger
many, involving only Germans, it was
pointed out. are quite apart from the
self-determination of the oppressed
nationalities in Austria, for which
President Wilson has pledged the peace
to secure opportunity for an autono
mous development.
There always is the possibility that
the conditions President Wilson has
laid down as the basis for a peace al
ready have come about in Germany.
Diplomats noticed that Chancellor
Maximilian sent a note and that when
President Wilson answered with an in
quiry. It was Foreign Secretary Solf.
and not the Chancellor, who replied,
and that Solf spoke of a new govern
ment which had been formed in Ger
Big Possibilities Sees.
It would not be without precedent if
the peace party in Germany actually
was in possession of an imperial re
script or other secret act renouncing
the power of the Kaiser and his party.
when the reply to President Wilson's
inquiry was sent.
It would not be without precedent if
the negotiation waa begun with a ma
neuver for the best possible terms and
holding back this last card the down
fall of kaiserlsm.
If the conditions for an armistice are
accepted the arrangements will be
made, not by a mixed commission, but
by Marshal Foch and the co-belligerent
These will be the means of taking
from Germany every agency with which
she could break her word if she would;
the occupation by allied forces of such
places as Strasbourg. Mets and Coblens;
turning over to the allies of her fleet
and submarine bases; with the recall of
her submarines which today's dis
patches hinted she was ready to do. and
the surrender of munitions of war, un
doubtedly also the agencies by which
others might be produced, and probably
the employment of the great war ma
chine plants of Germany to repair the
industrial damage done in Belgium and
Scraps of Paper Barred
Seeing la believing, one official de
clared tonight, and there will be no
Advance of Supply Trains of
Allies Difficult.
General 'Gnillaamant's Forces Hold
Their Fron tlntact Acy Is
Taken by Gourand.
FRANCE, Oct 16. (Reuter.) General
Debeny's troops this morning crossed
the Oise River at Cholgny, three miles
north of ita junction with the Serre
PARIS, Oct. 16. Northwest of Sis-
sonne. in Champagne, the French have
captured the town of Nore Dame de
Liesse and west of Grand Pre have
taken the village of Talma, according
to tonight s official communication.
In a military sense. Germany would
be treated as an individual prisoner of
isarmed and guarded. Allied
forces placed in strategic positions
could then, by invasion of Germany if
necessary, enforce any terms. The al
lied war council, in which President
Wilson holds one vote, has agreed on
the Germans.
The text of the German official state
Bent issued this morning reads:
"In Flanders the enemy continued his
attacks. His main thrust waa directed
agair. -t Thourout and the Iseghen-Cour-
trai railway line. Against the remain
der of the nghting front the enemy also
launched vigorous attacks often sup
ported by armored cars.
Withdrawals Are Admitted,
"At Isolated points our troops held
their lines. At others we withdre
fighting. In many instances we repulsed
the enemy at our rearward points of
support by counter thrusts.
"On the northern attacking wing
Thourout remained in our hands. Enemy
attempts to thrust forward between
Wercken and Thourout in a northerly
line. South of Thourout w. Lold th. "i!i7.e' ",k!!1.
J-ichtervelde-Iseghem line.
"i-outh of Iseghetn the enemy suc
ceeded in penetrating forward beyond
the Iseghem-Courtrai line. East of the
railway line we brought him to a stand
"West and southwest of Lille we
withdrew out line somewhat from the
"Between Bohain and the Oise River
the enemy strain attacked after strong
artillery preparation. North of the Bo
hain-Aisonville road we held him down
by means of our fire. Aisonville was
retained after stubborn fighting against
the enemy, who repeatedly assaulted
both sides of the village uid attacked
ttie village Itself with strong forces.
"An enemy attack which broke for
ward north of the Oise .'ailed before
our lines.
AISNE, Oct. 16. (By the Associated
Press, 2:30 P. M.) Favored by the bad
weather and bad roads which are slow
ing up the advance of the allied supply
trams, the Germans appear disposed to
make a stand, for the time at least, on
the line from the region north of
Sissonne to Rethel,
General Debeny's forces have made a
slight advance west of Anguilcourt,
passing the Serre, and arriving before
the marshes which the enemy is utiliz
ing with the aid of a well sustained ma
chine gun fire to stop their forward
march. The German artillery has also
increased in its activity In this sector.
Haas Counter-Attack Vainly.
North of Sissonne the French troops
now are along the bank of the drainage
these conditions as guarantees for the c.nal. which constitute th .riv.nH
supremacy of the allied armies. defense positions prepared there as a
It can be Stated With Official author- I seenndarv Una of retirement fnm the
uy mai snouia lierraany agree 10 sucn Hindenburg line.
an armistice tne aowniau or military Further east the Germans, supported
mum u ' "" " By a violent artillery fire, counter-at
ine peace conierence wunoui nangcr tacked the French' troops under the
of accepting a "negotiated peace." command of General GuillaumaL This
Allied forces would be in a position reaction ir of nn .vnll riener.i Ri.ii-
io cniorce tne Decisions 01 me peace i laumat s men maintaining their line
Council. I Quarter Of a mils rxmt nf the rn.ri frnm
ins cnici question in ins minus si' St. Getnii nmnnt to rinrilriiiirl
puonc men xonignc is: is me lierman
be ready to accept the allies' terms?
Throughout the American capital
there is an air of calm, determined con
fidence. People are reading the news
bulletins at the windows and buying
liberty bonds at the curbs.
Fail to
London and Amsterdam
Confirm Reports.
LONDON, Oct. 16. The official press
bureau is officially Informed that the
reports published this afternoon to the
effect that Germany has capitulated
have no foundation in fact. .
AMSTERDAM. Oct 16 The Nieuwe
Rotterdamsche Courant has withdrawn
Ita statement reporting the capitula
tion of Germany and the abdication of
Emperor William.
This step was taken, the newspaper
says, because it wss unable to obtain
AlUed Laura Alleged
"Engagements toolc pi. . before our
lew positions north and northeast of
Ulob and west of the Anne, in which
we repeatedly inflicted heavy' losses
upon the enemy. The enemy here I any confirmation, of the report,
tands south of Serre on the ciproxi-I
mate line of Ltesse-Sissonne-Le Thour-1 LONDON, Oct. 16. (By the Asso-
Bt. Germainmont. I ciated Press.) The British Foreign
"On thi Aisne front there v-e recon-1 Office stated this evening that It had
ottering fights. The small salient po- I no official confirmation of the rumors
anion between Ulisy and Grand Pre I that the German Emperor had abdi
along the Alsne towards Mouron has cated. but that opinion in well-informed
been evacuated. Our troops fighting I circles was not disposed to reject the
mere rausra Ine enemy again yesterday rumor,
to undertake several attacks productive I
of losses to htm and thereby i -hieved I AMSTERDAM, Oct. 16. A movement
the object of their temporary holding lean be observed in the German capital.
Of the salient. i gays a dispatch from Berlin to the Tijd,
Between tne Argonne and the Meuse I to bring about a cessation of the sub
i.urwni viicorous attacKs ot tne Amer
icans failed under our lire and against
our counter tnrusts.
"On the eastern bant, of the Mer
attacks directed between the Meuse and
northwest of Beaumont broke up into
very violent partial engng- -tents in the
forest region, where observation wss
extremely difficult. These engage -nts
ended in our favor. The Americans
again yesterday suffered extraordi
Barily heavy losses."
'Ontmned From Flnrt rate.)
which may be asked will not inter
vene as an obstacle if guarantees are
ought in sincere terms. If they are
put ioria as anoxner venicie lor a
quibble, an opportunity of diplomatic
evasion ana irtrkery. or a negotiated
Peace, they will meet only one reply.
Aitwtr Already Glvra.
If they mean guarantees for the in
tegrity and sovereignty of the Ger
many which is rightfully German, al
ways taking in the determinations of
the human beings concerned, no ob
stacle Is foreseen.
If they mean guarantees for the
right of the German people to live their
lives under a peaceful, responsible gov
ernment which does not menace the
life of the world. President Wilson's
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Say wa can't look or feel right
eith tha system full
of poisons.
marine war as the result of President
Wilson's note.
AMSTERDAM. Oct. . 16. Emperor
William has Issued a decree saying
that martial law in Germany can only
be administered by an agreement be
tween the civil and military author
ities, according to report received here.
The Town of Aey Captured.
General Gouraud took Acy. on the
south bank of the Aisne southwest of
Rethel. The Germans are shelling the
rear areas all along the line and appear
to De reinforcing their line strongly
witn macnine guns.
FRANCE. 4:30 P. M., Oct. 16. (By the
Associated Press.) The entire subsist
ence of 'the German armies between
Cambrai and- the Meuse must pass
through two narrow routes by way of
Hlrson and Mezieres. These are the
two lines upon which the security of
the German armies now depend, and it
is toward those two lines that the
French and Americans in Champagne
and the British and French In the
region of Cambria and Guise have
been advancing.
Pitched Battle Avoided.
The most plausible reason for a gen
eral retreat of the German armies is
the necessity of reducing the distance
between them and these two points,
both of which are already remotely
threatened, and to parry the danger of
their being bottled up and captured.
The only alternative would have been
the engagement of their entire reserves
In a desperate pitched battle in the
forlorn hope of wresting from the
allies the initiative in operations for
the balance of the fighting season.
Military experts who regard the Ger
man retreat as that of a completely
defeated force attribute the German
reverse first to the desperate game
risked by Ludedorff in the Spring in
throwing in and compromising the
greater part of his strength in an at
tempt to gain a quick and decisive re
sult, which left his forces exhausted;
second, to the discouragement of ' the
German soldier, disappointed in the
promises held out to him In March of
an early peace; third, to Ludendorff'e
tactics of attacks over restricted fronts
in mass, pursued to the exhaustion of
the forces engaged, and fourth, to the
success of Marshal Foch's tactics of
harassing the enemy without respite
at many different points simultaneous
ly, making it impossible for the enemy
to bring up reserves to all the threat
ened positions.
20,89 1
individual sales of merchandise, ranging-
from a 10c collar button to a $200
complete outfit, were made in this
store during the past twelve months
(October 1, 1917, to October 1, 1918).
Were you among them? -
Perhaps you were not.
We hope to double that number the
next twelve months.
How can we get you to help us?
Your every need in the best qualities
to be found has been anticipated by
this store.
Our prices are established strictly on
a basis that will bring you back the
second time.
You must get quality at a reasonable
price from us, or we cannot expect a
return call.
Be One of the New 20,000
Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
Millions of folks bathe internally now
Instead of loading their system with
drugs. "Whit's an Inside bathr you
-. n en. ii is guaranteed to perform
mraclra if you could believe these hut
water enthusiasts.
There are vast numbers of men and
women who. immediately upon arising
in the morning, drink a glass' of real
hot water with a teaapoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it. This is a very
excellent health measure. It is in
tended to flush the stomach. liver, kid
neys and the thirty fret of intestines of
the previous day a waste, sour bile and
indigestible material left over in the
body, which If not eliminated every
day becomes food for the millions of
bacteria which infest the bowels, the
quick result is poisons and toxins,
which are then absorbed Into the blood,
causing headache, bilious attacks, foul
breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou
ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, im
pure blood and all sorts of ailments.
People who feel good one day and
badly the next, but who simply can
not get feeling right, are urged to
obtain a Quarter pound of limestone
phoephate at the drug store. Thia will
cost very little, but is sufficient to
make anyone a real crank on the sub
ject, of internal sanitation. Adv.
General Strike Throughout Bohemia
Threatened; Fighting Said
to Have Started.
LONDON. Oct. IS. A dispatch to the
Central News from Amsterdam says
that in Prague the streets from the
suburbs to the city proper are occupied
by troops armed with hand grenades
and machine guns in consequence of a
threat by, the Cscchs to call a general
strike throughout Bohemia.
The dispatch adds that pamphlets
have been circulated declaring that a
Cxcch republic will be proclaimed
PARIS. Oct. 16.' Meetlngscalled by
the Csecho-Slovak council at Prague
to protest against the export of food
stuffs from Bohemia resulted in a gen
eral strike which is developing into a
revolt, according to dispatches from
Zurich to today's Paris newspapers.
Martial law has been proclaimed
throughout the country and German
and Hungarian troops are occupying
Prague. Ptlsen, Pisek and Tabor.
The dispatches report that the move
ment has spread to Moravia and that
there has been fighting afBrunn, the
capital. Oluts and Skoda, the latter the
scat of the big Austrian gun plant,
where work is said to have been sus
pended. Machine guns, it is added, have been
posted in the principal streets ' of
Ptague and artillery has been put into
The population, it is declared, is In no
wise intimidated and there is reason to
believe the people have arms. It is re
ported that fighting is going on in
PARIS, Oct IS. Tha War
statement on aerial operations.
tonight, reads:
"On October 14 there was great recon
noitering activity. Our observation ma
chines carried out excursions and saw
many fires which the enemy had
started east of our lines. Seven Ger
man machines were destroyed in com
bats and four balloons set on fir.
"During the night our bombing avia
tors dropped six tons of bombs on rail
way stations, particularly the im
portant ones of Hirzon, Vervins, Marie
and Montcornet."
Women conductors tied uj London
tramways by a recent strike for a five-shiiilng-a-week
bonus, which had been
alloted to the men employes but not to
the women.
Cnlform System for Checking Estab
lished on All Lines.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 16. Standard
ized baggage rules and rates will be
made effective by all railroads De
cember 1. the Railroad Administration
announced tonight. No change will be
made in the excels baggage rate, with
the free allowance of 150 pounds, the
maximum weight per piece, nor the
maximum dimensions of baggage. A
convenience for commercial travelers
will be the privilege of checking bag
gage to a point short of the final des
tination. Baby carriages, go-carts and
bicycles will be checked at a small
charge as heretofore, and invalid
chairs will be checked free. -
Deea Carve Leases
Are Better
(Trademark Registered.)
Eyes carefully examined
and properly fitted with
glasses without the use ot
drugs by skilled specialists
IJComplete lens grinding
factory on the premises
Portland's largest, ainat Modern,
Best Equipped, Exclusive
Optical Establishment.
209 - lO - 11 CORBETT HLDC,
At First Sign of Defection of Porte
Kaiser's Fleet Will Open
Fire on Capital.
WASHINGTON', Oct. 16. With the
Berlin-Constantinople railroad cut by
the allied occupation of Nish, Germany
is relying on its Black Sea fleet to hold
Turkey in line. Information has been
received at the State Department that
the Turkish government has been told
by Berlin that the fleet will open fire
on the Ottoman capital at the first sign
of defection.
This German fleet consists largely of
warships captured from the Russians,
but is believed here to be strong enough
to control, for the present at least, the
TurklsiC government.
It was pointed out today that, with
the British forces rapidly clearing
Palestine and Mesopotamia of Turkish
control, Turkey must hold to Constanti
nople as its only hope of maintaining
any power as a government.
News from Copenhagen that Izzet
Pasha has been appointed Premier and
Minister of War in the new Turkish
Cabinet was interpreted as meaning
that Berlin is still not without a friend
at court. Because of his long services
as chief of the Turkish army staff and
his association with German offcers,
zzet is looked upon as friendly to Ger
The accuracy of reports that the
Lnion and Progress Club, the most
powerful organization In Turkey, had
been closed at the demand of the Turk
ish army staff was doubted by officials
here, who said such action would be
tantamount to a military revolution. If
the report is true, they declared, any
thing might happen In Constantinople.
COPKNHAGEN. Oct. 16 Upon the
resignation of the Turkish Ministry of I
laiaat fasna, the Premiership was as
sumed by Izzet Pasha, a former Minis
ter of War. instead of by Tewfik Pasha. I
former Turkish Ambassador to Great I
Britain, as has been reported, says
Constantinople dispatch under date of I
Monday, October 14. Izzet Pasha also
took the portfolio of Minister of War.
ro foreign Minister has been ap
pointed, but Naby Bey, former Turkish
Ambassador a Rome, is in charge of I
tne foreign Ministry ad interim.
Shoemaker Succeeds Stewart.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 16. (Special.) Dr.
B. R. Shoemaker nas been appointed by I
Robert C. Markee, commandant of the 1
State Soldiers Home at Roseburg, as I
official physician of the institution to I
take the place temporarily of Dr. E. B.
Stewart, who has been granted leave of I
absence to enter military service. Dr. I
Shoemaker is a brother ot State. Game!
Warden Shoemaker.
Read The Orejronian classified ads.
Simple Way to
End Dandruff
There is one Bure way that has never I
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this. Just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid ar-
von from any drug store (this is all you I
will need), apply )t at night when re
tiring; use enough to moisten the scalp I
and rub it in gently with the finger I
By morning most, if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or I
four more applications will comnletelv
aissoive ana entirely destroy every sin
gle sign and trace of it, no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching and digging
of the scalp will stop instantly, and
your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glos
sy, silky, and soft, and look and feel a
hundred times better. Aiv.
When .You Buy a
riano It Pay to
Buy a Good One
When you buy a piano, it is usually intended to last a
lifetime. Therefore, special care should be used in its
You should not be guided by cheap prices or special
inducements. Pianos. like everything else, are priced
according to their intrinsic worth. If you do
not possess expert knowledge of piano making, ' you must
rely greatly on the piano dealer. Therefore, it is certainly '
to your interest to go to a dealer who has the reputation
of carrying only pianos of merit and true musical worth,
who is known to price his pianos consistently, and who
has only one price for everybody.
We carry a number of well-known" makes, each the
very best in its grade. We also have on our floors
exceptional values in "used" pianos. If desired, we
arrange convenient terms of payment on any piano.
Dealers in Sleirmay and Other Pianos, Pianola
Pianos, Viclrolas and Records, Player Music,
Music Cabinets, Piano Lamps, etc.
Sixth and Morrison Streets, Portland
(Opposite Postoffice)
Seattle Tacoma Spokane
''' ', A 75
J.i -4N ,
Do FotfThinkThereis
, No Competition?
If anyone thinks there is no
competition amongst the big pack
ers he ought to go through a day's
work with Swift & Company.
Let him begin at the pen's when (
the live stock comes in; let him
try to buy a nice bunch of fat
steers quietly and at his' own
price, without somebody's bidding
against him.
Let him realise the scrupulous
care taker :at the plant that not
one thing is lost or wasted in
order thai costs may beheld to a
minimum. .
Let him go up into the office
where market reports are coming
in, rand reports of -what- t)ther
concerns are doing.
Let him watch the director of
the' Swift Refrigerator fleet,
maneuvering it over the face of '
the country like a fleet of battle
ships at sea.
Let him take a trip with a Swift
&' Company" salesman and try to
sell a few orders of meat
Let liinl stay at a branch house
for an . hour or two and see the
retail tfifcat" dealers drive their bar
gains "to the last penny as they
shop "around among the packers
branch houses, the wholesale
dealers, and the local packing plants.
' And then, when the day is over,
let him have half an hour in the
accounting department, where he
can see for himself on what small
profits the business is done. (Less
than 4 cents on each dollar of sales.)
If he still thinks there is no com
petition in the meat business it will
bebecause he wants to think so.
Lend the Way
They Fight
Swift & Company," U. S. A.
Phone Ydur Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095
All things Eucceed which really d
servo to which fill a real need, which
prove their worth. The fact that th
famous old root and herb remedy.
Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, has for three generations been
relieving women of this country from
the worst forms of female Ills and has
won such a strong; place in our Ameri
can homes proves ita merit beyond tha
question of a doubt It will well puy
any woman who is in need of such a
medicine to try it. Adv.
Instantly relieved with