Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Hard Struggle to Be Staged on
- Corvallis Campus. .
Walter Cordon, Bis Xegro Tackle, of
University of California, Re
pected by Army Medicos.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club football team will play the Ore
gon Agsries at Corvallis next Saturday.
The same was originally scheduled
to be played at Multnomah Field, bu
the state health authorities and Mayo
Biker ruled otherwise, owing to th
epidemic of Spanish influenza. It was
thought for a while that the gam
would be postponed until later in the
season, but yesterday Mamgar George
.Berts telegraphed Coach Hargiss, or th
Aggies at Corvallis. and asked if i
would be possible to stage the contes
on the Corvallis campus. Hargiss took
the matter up with the college author!
ties and last night telegraphed Berts t
bring th Winged-il eleven to Cor
vail Is.
Multnomah is going to Corvallis with
very intention of -quitting the skids
under the Aggie warriors. With a 20.
to-0 victory over Oregon dangling from
their belts, the clubmen are overflow
Ing with pep and plan on giving Coach
Hargiss crew a dose or the same medi
cine they handed out to Oregon.
Th injury to Lieutenant Peterson
will keep one of the stellar backfield
stars out of the game against the.
Aggies, but Manager Hertz has some
calcium reserves he is going to throw
into Saturday's game. Rehbein, who
formerly cavorted in the backfield for
Lehigh University, will be one of those
shirhted in -at fullback. Rehbein is
about the same build as Peterson. He
played tackle against Oregon and did
well. lie will have to show a lot of
stuff to b classed the equal of Peter.
son. but Berts is confident that Rehbein
Is going to made the grade.
The clubmen, have been practicing
three nights a week on Multnomah
i ieid and are showing up well. Mult.
xiomah boasta a more formidable eleven
this season than for a number of
years past.
The Aggie's 7-to-0 victory over Van
couver Barracks last Saturday at Cor
vallis has given the Corvallis soldier
students a good start, and George
Cusick. of Corvallis, who watched the
Aggies work out yesterday, says they
are showing up well and are going to
give Multnomah a battle.
"They are all youngsters." writes
Cut ick. "and every one of them is
fighter. Coach Hargiss has lots of pep
and tlie players put every bit of their
energy into the game for him. Mult
nomah will have to fight every second
to beat the Aggies.
The University of Southern Califor
nia is said to be turning out a good
football ream this year. The high
schools down around Los Angeles play
American football and under the plan
of turning th schools into Army camps
the boys were told to report -to the
nearest college. As a result, the Unl
versity of Southern California has the
pick of the high schools in the south
ern part of the Bear State.
Walter Gordon, the big negro tackle
of the University of California, was
recently rejected by Army medics. Had
the same gentlemen of the medical
reserve watched this Gordon person
bowl over the opposition in a game
played at Berkeley last Saturday they
would have thought twice before turn
ing Gordon down because the middle
finger of his right hand is doubled
over ro that he cannot straighten it
out. For that reason Gordon was not
wanted in the Army, despite the fact
that he Is a first-class football player,
a clover wrestler and a boxer who is
hard to beat. It is said he will later
be' used for limited service.
Fa ilnc n Every Possible Way As
ertcd to Bo Patriotic Hut 7
j of People) ot Oregon.
rreralene of Influenza In many por
tions of the United states resulted in
postponement yesterday of the Nation
wide drive for food conservation, to
have been staged the week of October
Il-Novembcr 2. Announcement of the
postponement, probably until about Ue
camber 1. came from the National Food
Administration at Washington.
The food pledge card drive depends
In no small measure for its success
upon the co-operation of schools and
churches. As it is apparently going to
be impossible to reach these with
preliminary messages Oregon leaders
approve the postponement decision.
though drive ornctais nave been chosen
and much had been don to get ready
tor the effort.
On giving out the postponement de
cision Arthur M. Churchill, state chair
man of the campaign, mad a strong
plea for food saving as a voluntary
and deliberate service on th part of
the people of Oregon.
"Portland's war kitchen will soon re
open for service and instruction of
housewives of th city," said Mr.
Churchill. "There will be no lack of op
portunity for the Interested patriotic
housewife to continue learning pointers
about how to save food, a service we
owe Just now to the millions 0 under
nourished people In Europe."
Thatcher and policemen of the war
emergency squad in the basement of i
double house at 405 and 407 East Mar
ket street.
S. Pierettl and D. Bargalt were ar
rested, charged with violation of the
prohibition law and held for the Gov
ernment. They are Italians, and ad
mitted, the policemen say, to -operating
the wine presses. The presses were
dismantled and 1500 gallons of rich
red wine was seized and taken to po
lice headquarters.
Two huge vats capable of fermenting
2000 gallons each were built in the
basement, and other vats filled with
grapes in various stages of fermenta
tion also were found. It is believed
that the police at last have located the
source of the large supplies of wine
found -in different parts of th city the
last few months.
It is charged that Pierettl and Bar
gail have been doing business on a
large scale. It is said that they re
ceived grapes from California under
the pretense that they were proprietors
of a grocery store and as a result sev
eral carloads of grapes now in the rail
way yards are under suspicion.
Council Prepares for Care of
Influenza Patients. .
Oscar Carlson. Barber. First Person
Pie . From Disease Here
Since Epidemic Started.
Resolution Adopted by Western As
sociation Approved by National
Th American Bankers Association
at Us annual convention in Chicago en
dorsed the action of the Pacific Coast
bankers by tb adoption of a resolution
recommending1 encouragement to stim
ulate gold production.
The resolution adopted by the con
ference of Pacific Coast bankers at the
call of the officers of the Oregon Bank
ers Association was presented to the
convention by the committee mimed at
the conference.
The resolution adopted by the Chi
cago convention follows In part:
Whereas. Gold production of the world
Is ranid;y decreailnf: and.
Whereas, Tha only form or reiier tnat
will prove effective and can be applied
promptly la action by the -United States
Government In each form and by such
methods as may be deemed fit and proper
under the circumstances; and.
Whereas. Uold is t4 standard of value
and the basis of all credit, and It Is vitally
m port ant to the financial and commercial
life ot the Nation and ot the world;
Now, therefore be it resolved, that the
A merlcan Bankers' Association. In con
vent Ion assembled, respectfully requests and
urges upon the Government of the United
Btutes the desirability ot maintaining the
production of gold to at least its pre-war
volume, and asks that steps be taken Im
mediately to that end;
And be U further resoivea. mat mo
secretary of this association be, ana ne
hereby Is, instructed to send a copy of this
resolution to the President of the United
States. Secretary of the Treasury, and Sec
retary of the Interior, advising- them of Its
And be It also runner resoivea, m
conaMerlns- the .treat Importance of this
subject, this convention recommends to the
executive council that the matter be re
ferred to the Federal legislative committee
nd the currency commission
hauFttve study and such
be deemed necessary.
for an
action as may
Available Quarters for Workers De
flared More Numerous Than
Anticipated by Captains.
Patriotic women are diligently strir-
ng to speed up the survey of Portland
omes to list the rooms that are being
thrown open to workers in essential
ndustries as tha first step In providing
omes. Th. canvass is thorough and
Liberty Temple, headquarters for
the campaign, it is stated that the
umber of accommodations available
will b. larger than was anticipated.
Yesterday captains of different dls-
riet reported that their teams wers
ndismayed by the rain, and were
ravely trudging from house to bouse
nterviewing residents and compiling
he cards that will constitute the com
plet. index of the ability of the city
to care for its Industrial army.
Where vacant buildings are noted.
hat appear to offer possibilities of be-
ng made modern to house workers, the
facts are obtained and submitted. In
ome instances the best the field work-
rs can do IsMo enter a description as
lewed from the outside, state the 10
cation and leave it for special assign
ment to interview the owners.
Most of th. captains were enthusl-
stic about the spirit of co-operation
shown by residents.
Folic Find Bis rrwts In Opera
tionItalians Arrested.
Operations of th. far-famed wineries
In Sunny Italy were vividly portrayed
last night, when two wine presses In
iull operation and 30 50-gallon barrels
of win. were discovered by Lieutenant
Do You Want Some
Boat Spikes. Bolts
4,800,000 POUNDS
Portland, Or.
Canners Will Take Care of Surplus
at Cushman.
Many tons of salmon wIlV be saved
b. added to tnn loon store or tne
Nation through the efforts of W. K.
Newell, assistant state food adminis
trator on behalf of the fresh fish
firm of Hosford & Grant, of Cushman.
Or. On receiving a message from this
firm telling of inability to market
th. tons of salmon it was obtaining,
Mr. Newell immediately made arrange
ments to have cannery firms tak. the
" William Kyi. Pons Company, of
Cushman. consented to take most of
th. salmon for its canneny when Mr.
Newell arranged to send two carloads
of cans reeded. Any surplus will be
taken by the Burke Fish CompJrny, of
trank Serrts Found Li Moss In His
Cell at Toprka.
TOPEKA. Kan., Oct. IS. Frank
Lewis, arrested in Colorado after
gun fight with detectives and police
officers and brought hene on a Fed
eral warrant, charging him with rob
bing th. United States mail, died in
the County Jail here today of pneu
Lewis was charged with being One
of the gang of robbers that held up
a train at Koch. Kan- lat. last Sum
mer. Lewis' death was not discovered
until lat. today when th. guard vis
ited bis cell. He had been dead more
than an noun
The Auditorium, now fitted up as a
temporary hospital. Is ready to re
ceive Spanish influenza cases this
morning. Authorization of its use for
the emergency created by th. spread of
1 the malady was given yesterday by the
City Council on the request of Mayor
With the number of cases reported
increasing daily, fitting up of a place
by the city to take care of many who
could not receive proper treatment and
proper isolation became necessary. Yes
terday 116 cases wer. reported to City
Health' Officer Parrlsh, bringing the
total up to 02. 1
Another death was added to the four
which have gone before. Oscar Carl
son, 34, a barber at 5422 East Thirty
seventh street, succumbed lat. Tues
day His js the. first authenticated
fatality from influenza here, the others
being of persons recently arriving in
Portland or suffering from pneumonia
with no trace of influenza, according
to doctors' reports.
Karsea Will Report Today.
Only a part of th. Auditorium will
b. used for influenza patients. Ante
rooms on the north and west sides of
the second floor are being fitted up
with beds for accommodation of about
100 patients.
Yesterday 100 beds were secured
from Vancouver Barracks through
Brigadier General Dlsque. Ticks were
filled with straw bought by the city.
Bed linen was furnished by the Red
Cross. Material was provided by ap
propriation of $2500 by the City Court
cil to be used for the present emerg
Nurses will be on hand at the Audi
torium this morning, according to Dr.
Parrish. Through Bishop Sumner and
Miss Loveridge, superintendent 'of Good
Samaritan Hospital, Miss Peterson,
night superintendent, will be placed in
charge of the hospital at th. Audito
It is Intended to handle only pa
tients who have no one to care for
them and Ho means to pay for treat
ment in private hospitals.
Quarantine of those afflicted with
lnfiuenza is 4not practicable, says a
bulletin issued yesterday by the State
Board of Health. Isolation of patients
is a necessary measure to prevent
spread of the disease, it is said.
House. Mnst Be Heated.
Heating of houses is another point
upon which action soon is to be taken
by the City Council as an emergency
measure to prevent the epidemic from
becoming worse. Dozens of complaints
have been received in the past day or
wo by Dr. Parrish from those living
in apartments or rooming-houses, where
Insufficient heat is being provided. -
An ordinance designed to check this
"heat profiteering" is being drafted
by Commissioner Barbur and will be
presented to City Council this after
noon. A minimum heat of 65 degrees
during the day is to be provided for,
it is said.
Dr. Parrish reported that he had
taken up the heat question with Fuel
Administrator Holmes, who had said
that there was no reason why land
lords should not keep the heat up to a
proper point. Use of oil stoves, pur
chased by many in an effort to keep
warm despite the landlord, were con
demned by Fire Marshal Grenfell.
Rain yesterday was believed to have
helped to clear the air of Influenza
germs, but the wet weather will have
a tendency to increase the number of
those taking cold or getting grip, it is
fluenza here, the city authorities have
ordered all business houses closed until
further notice, except drugstores, groc
ery stores, drygoods stores, garage
restaurants, meat markets and hard
ware stores, which will be allowed to
remain open for two hours each after'
EL PASO, Oct. 16. Spanish Influenza
is spreading rapidly throughout North
ern Mexico. The death toll from the
epidemic is reported to be heavy.
In the valley settlements on th.
American and Mexican sides of the
border many Mexicans are dying of th.
disease and native carpenters are work
ing night and day to make pine coffins
for the victims.
Edward Nordin Dies Following At
tack of Influenza.
ST. HELEN'S, Or.. Oct. 16. (Special.)
Edward Nordin, aged 26, died here
today following an attack of influen
Ten days ago he was married to Miss
Goldie.Hattan. of this city.
He was an employe of the St. Helens
Shipbuilding Company, going to work
in the yard after having received an
honorable discharge from the Navy on
account of injuries sustained a few
months ago on the Atlantic Coast. Mrs.
Nordin is also seriously ill.
All the theaters and schools have
been closed and churches hav. dlscon
tinued services by order of the health
Influenza Spreads in Lane.
EUGENE. Or.. Oct. 16. fSDeciaLl
influenza is spreading in Eugene and
Lane County. Four deaths from pneu
monia following influenza hav. been
reported in the county, three of them
being in Eugene. Many rural schools,
following similar action in Eugene, are
closing on account of the epidemic and
all may be compelled to close, say
school authorities.
Two Deaths In Baker.
BAKER, Or.. Oct- 16. Special.) In
fluenza has claimed two victims here.
Carl Rizor, 28, and Mrs. Ernest Moore,
36, passing early this morning. The
epidemic is still spreading, the city
health officer reporting more than 200
cases. In both fatal cases pneumonia
had developed. Mrs. Rachel Bradbury
also died today, but other complications
were responsible.
September Registrants Called.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct 16. (Spe
cial.) On. hundred and fifty class 1
men of the September registrants have
been called to report here for examina
tion next week.' 50 of them each on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All
of these registrants are in class 1 as
volunteers, having waived exemption,
The Hat of order numbers under the
new draft will be completed within
few days.
Termination of War Not End
of Vessel Making.
Edward Hurley Tells Workers That
Boats Are in Greater Demand
Today Than Ever Before.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 16. rSDc!al.)
ine proposed change in the methods ot col
iecune port charges, as suggested by th
port charges committee of the Board of
State Harbor Commissioners, will be pro
tested by some of the business and com'
mercial Interests of San Francisco. wh
believe ft is better to charge the expenses
of the port principally against the ships, as
is done at present.
Following the announcement made -two
days ago that the system of assessing1 th
greater charge against the cargo may pos
sibly be Installed here and at other Pacific
CoaBt ports, a number of prominent citizens
in business notified Commissioner John ii
McCallum that they intended to protest.
The matter will now be thoroughly threshed
out and when the special port authorities
committee meets at San Francisco to dis
cuss the general plan for the Pacific Coast
it is expected scores of shipping and bust
ness men with & variety of opinions on the
port charges will appear to register their
Den era, .
The Alaska Packers' Association has re
ceived advices from the American Consul
General at Yokohama announcing that the
Star of Poland, wrecked on the Japanese
Coast, is a total loss. Captain Jack Larsen
and his crew are safe ashore, with the ex
ception of one man whose name is not
known, it is believed that the only man
lost was one of the Filipino sailors. The
Poland was on her way from ftl&nlla to
this port when wrecked.
Captain Andrew Dixon announced today
that the bark Flying Cloud, which had been
reported wrecked, is proceeding safely to
ward a port of the Pacific Coast.
Captain Mitchell and crew of six men, of
the auxiliary schooner 8. T. Allard, have ar
rived safely at Havana, Cuba, on a tug, ac
cording to a cable received here today. The
report was received by the maritime de
partment of the Chamber of Commerce.
The AHard, which was owned by the Charles
R. McCormick Company, of this city, was
wrecked on the Cuban Coast, and Is said
to be a total loss. The vessel was built at
Portland in 1917.
Mr. Effie Kcttenboch Dies.
Mrs. Effie Lee Kettenbach, afced 34
ears, widow of ths late C. E. Ketten-
bach, American Express Company agent
In 1'ortland, died at S:i0 o'clock last
evening at Emanuel Hospital, after a
lingering illness. She leaves two chil
dren, Charles E.. age 8 J ears, and Helen
Lorraine, axe i"t years. The body Is
at the A. R. Zellar Company's estab
lishment on Williams avenue. Arrange
ments for the funeral, which will be
private, will be announced later.
Rain Welcome at Salem.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. IS Rain has fallen
almost steadily here for 14 hours. The
rain will facilita Fall farming and, it
is believed, will check the influenza, ot
which Salem has about 40 cases.
Schools to Reopen in Boston Mon
day; Influenza Spreads in,
Northern Mexico.
WASHINGTON. Oct. !. While Span
ish influenza continues to spread
among the civilian population general
ly, a continued decrease in the num
ber of new cases at Army camps to
night led Army medical officials to
believe the peak of the epidemic among
the soldiers has been passed.
New cases of Influenza among the
troops reported during the 24 hours
ending at noon today totalled 6868
against 6498 yesterday and against
more than twice that number only a
few days ago. Pneumonia cases today
aggregated 1S95, compared with 1916
tha day before, and deaths were 710, a
decrease of 179.
Influenza cases reported from all
camps since the beginning of the epi
demic now total EbZ.lKK, pneumonia
cases 39,27 and deaths 12.340.
Although reports to the public health
service showed Influenza spreading in
most parts of the country, improve
ment was noted In some states.
Many of Washington s army of young
women war workers appeared today on
crowded streetcars and at their desks
with their faces muffled in gauze
shields as protection against influenza.
practice specif icially advocated by
some bureau chiefs who feared utter
demoralization of their war operations.
BOSTON, Oct 1. Public schools in
this city, which have been closed for
more than three weeks because of the
epldemio of influenza, will re-open
Monday. The School Board announced
that physicians and nurses would be In
attendance and take necessary steps to
protect the health of the children.
Theaters and other places of amuse
ment, soda fountains and liquor saloons
also will re-open Monday, restrictions
having been ordered lifted at midnight
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 16. The num
ber of new cases of influenza reported
for the 24 hours ending at noon today
was 1683 as against 1990 reported yes
terday. In ths same period there were
460 daaths from influenza and 245 from
BAX.T LAKE C1TT, Oct. 18. Spanish
Influenza appears ta be increasing in
L'tah, according to Dr. T. B. Beatty,
State Health Commissioner, who an
nounced today that there were more
than 3000 cases throughout ths state.
Deaths from influenza reported to the
boards of health total more than SO.
CLOV1S. K. M.. Oct. 1. Owing to the
presence of 1000 cases of Spanish in-
Hydroeraphic Office Notice.
Information has been received by radio
from the master of an American steamer
that on October B. 1315. when In latitude
north 3S:r.5, ana longitude wet 126:20.
passed a floating leg. 30 feet long, three feet
in diameter. ' .
Nautical Expert. U. 8. Navy, m Charge.
Columbia Kiver Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Oct 18. Condition of the
bar at S P. M Sea smooth; wind west, 10
miles. .
PORTLAND, Oct. IB. Maximum tempera
ture, 60 degrees; minimum temperature. 00
degrees. Kiver reading, s A. M., 3.0 feet;
change In last 24 hours, 0.5-foot rise. Total
rainiall (5 f. M. to ft p. M. ), 2.34 Inches;
tal rainfall since September 1. lttis, 4.55
inches; normal rainfall since September 1,
o. 1 1 incnes; excess oi rainiall since Beptem
ber 1. iniR. .M inch. Bunrise, 7:20 A. M.
sunset, t:4 v. .; total sunshine, none;
possible sunshine, 10 hours 55 minutes.
.Moonnse. 4:27 Y. ni. ; moonset. 3:2.t A. M
Barometer (reduced sea level). S P. M 30 li
inches; relative humidity at noon, 87 per
Stat at
Baker .......
res Molces ..
GalT?Pton .
Kansas ity. .
jOs Anceies. .
MarshMeld ...
Minneapolis ..
New Orleans..
Nw York . . .
Nnrth Head. .
North Yakima
Phoenix ..,
PocateMo ..
Rosebur? . .
St. Louis
Salt Lake .
San DieaTrt
Ban Kranciaco
Seattle .......
Tatoosh Isld...
Valdez j
Walla Walla...
Washington ..
Winnipeg . . . .
5 WO. 00,
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Peace talk does not mean the termi
nation of the war anfl, regardless of
the attitude of the allies toward Ger
many now, there is to he no slowing
up of prosjresB In shipyards. Ships
are required today as well as a year
ago and they must be speeded with
the same spirit that has brought the
American shipworkers to the front.
That is being made plain to em
ployes of plants throughout the country
in messages sent personally by Edward
N. Hurley, president of the Emergency
Fleet Corporation. The messages re
ceived here were as follows: '
'No shipworker will make the error
of thinking for a moment that the
war is nearly over. America has just
begun to fight. In the coming months
our long preparation on the battle line
and in the shipyards will yield re
sults. Ship workers know the need
for continued record breaking. Every
ton of shipping delivered now is needed
to carry our boys to France. Every
ton launched now means force to the
utmost to really win the war next
Spring. Don't go by the war ma;
stop'; that still needs a lot of chang-
ng and the enemy still needs a lot of
licking. Tonnage will win the war
and bring permanent peace."
Mr. Hurley is admittedly in a posi
tion to grasp the full importance of
developments now pertaining to Ger
many. Also, he is credited with being
bent on advancing tho efficiency of
the new fleet and the ship plants to
safeguard future interests, should the
situation now viewed favorable for
peace be reversed through any action
xf the Germans, such as refusing to
abide by dictation of the allies when
peace is actually discussed by ac
credited representatives of the govern
ments involved.
There have been no Indications thus
far that the Government plans to can
cel immediately its shipbuilding pro
gramme should peace be made a real
ity. The United States is to enter the
commercial war to stay ;.nd the revival
of the merchant marine strength is
held to be permanent. Government aid
in other than marine construction
alone is looked for and the more ton
nage available to be operated on routes
leading to the principal countries ot
the world, it Is reasoned, the quicker
the prestige of America will be established.
ihr? VV -
"Lewis" on un
derwear is proof of
all that many years
experience can
combine for luxuri
ous comfort and
practical service.
Knit 'to fit, of the
best of yarns, it
gives full value for
the price you pay.
Only at Best Store
This trade-mark on every
Lewis g-arment rnarsnters
. you Quality. Look for it.
1 S fh
Waterfront Fraternity Figures That
Dredges, Docks Admirably Aired.
To date one case of Spanish influenza
has been reported aboard vessels of the
Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., in this dis
trict, being on the dredge Chinook, ly
ing at the Linnton moorings. It is
reasoned that there is less likelihood
of the ailment finding lodgement
aboard the pipeline dredges, because
living and working' quarters are more
open than aboard a vessel such as the
Chinook, though the latter is regarded
more properly ventilated than many
So far as has been reported, there
are few cases along the waterfront.
Dockmen assert that if fresh air is one
of the main enemies of the disease, the
beach should be immune, for few of
the docks could be classed, as con
structed 10 repel atmospheric circula'
to be erected at the Grant Smith-Por
ter shipyards here. One now under
way is to be a shop for tinners. It
will be 80 feet long by 20 feet wide.
A tree-nail building 60x20 feet and one
for the housing of one of the largest
planers used in shipyards on this Coast,
will be erected soon. Tne planer to be
installed will be 20x30 feet. "
Wood Ships Not to Have Extra Boats
Under New Instructions,
Extra lifeboats and lifecrafts, as well
as similar gear demanded to be placed
aboard wooden vessels building here,
on the assumption that they might en
ter the war sone, ere no longer to be
required, according to information
reaching the office of United States
Steam Vessel Inspectors Edwards and
So far it has been insisted that be
fore one of the wooden vessels was
granted a certificate of inspection she
must have all boatage and kindred
gear to afford her crew means of sav
ing their lives if torpedoed. The order
to forego the additional boats and ap
pliances Is accepted as meaning the
ships will not go abroad, yet fittings
II be put In, sucn as the necessary
davits, so extra boats may be put
aboard if desired.
Entrance Survey Deferred.
First, the lack of a tug to be held
constantly on the work, and how the
disturbing factor of southerly weather,
combined to delay the completion of the
September survey at the entrance to the
Columbia River. It was planned to
have the main channel sounded immedi
ately after the dredge Chinook ceased
operations the last of September, so
that the exact condition Of the dredged
area could be platted. There is no
question as to the depth being 40 feet
and more, also that the width reaches
half a mile, which completes the en-
rance project. At the same time the
data must be obtained at the first op
portunity. 1
Aberdeen Yards Get More Buildings.
ABERDEEN", Wash., Oct. 16. (Epe-
cial.) Sevefal additional buildings are
Portlanders Wish Facilities Equal to
Other Pacific Ports.
In -fixing on plans for a 12,000-ton
drydoek for Portland, which is one of
the features of the programme of the
Commission of Public Oocks that is to
be backed with a bond issue of $5,000,
000 that voters will pass on at next
month's election, it was thought ad
vantageous to have a plant fully as
capable as others on the Coast. Seattle,
Tacoma and San Francisco have dry
docks of 12,000 tons. It was first
thought a 10.000-ton dock would be ade
quate for Portland but the increased
size wa favored so vessels of any
class in the Pacific trade could be
It- Is thought the new drydoek will
be of wood. Quicker construction and
the availability of the most desirable
material here are factors favorable to
the, adoption of timber.
Vancouver's First Steamer of Ferris
Type Comes to Portland.
VANCOUVER, Wash,' Oct. 16. (Spe
cial.) Tho steamer Kineo, launched
Decoration day in the wooden shipyard
of the G. M. Standifer Construction Cor
poration in this city today steamed
away, blowing her whistle victoriously
as she sped down the Columbia River
throueh the big steel railroad bridge.
She will go to Portland to load and will
leave that port soon, it Is thought.
The Kineo is a 3500-ton Ferris-type
boat and is the first steamer of this
size to be completed In Vancouver by
this company. She had her trial trip
down the Columbia River a few days
ago and everything went smoethly and
she raade better speed than she was
expected to.
Astoria Schedule Changes.
Returning to the regular Winter
schedule, the O.-W. R. & N. has an
nounced the steamer Hassalo will make
her last Saturday night trip of the sea
son this week and thereafter she will
depart for Astoria every night except
Saturday. The Saturday mgnt time card
has been followed In Summer as a con
venience to North Beach travelers. The
Sunday night departure from Portland
was originally authorisea to accom
modate commercial travelers and others
in Winter wishing to make the river
territory early Monday, in line witn
the change "Captain" Ed Budd, Of
the North Beach railroad, has shifted
the running time of trains.
Marine Notes.
Two men being directed by a private em
ftinvment serencv to ehiDVards for work com
plained to Judge John H. 6tevettSon, of the
Emergency Fleet Corporation, yesterday, that
they had been assessed $1 for the service.
Judge Btevenson gave it as his opinion that
th only way to evade such an assessment
was to apply through the Federal employ
ment agency.
Inspection of the new wooden steamer
Keeolah was finished yesterday and today
the steamer Alrlie, of the Buppie-Ballih
fleet, will be Inspected under the direction
ot United States steamvessel Inspectors Ed
wards and Wynn.
Only men with practical experience at sea
will be enrolled hereafter In the new mer
chant marine fleet,, was announced yester
day by Lieutenant Jones, of the Sea Serv
ice Bureau. The plan now is to draw all
men from the West Seattle training sta
tion Hbout 25 graduates reported yesler-
day and were assigned to the steamers As
toria and Kineo.
Charles L,. Austin, at one time radio oper
ator aboard the liner Rose City, and who is
now a Government inspector of radio In
the Kavy, has been detailed to Portland Id
charge of this district. He has headquar
ters at room R21. In the Northwestern Na
tional Bank building, in conjunotioa with
the Emergency Fleet Corporation.
TziO.00'121 VWlPt. cloudy
Tu.ooiaiw fear
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K0 o.il2il'.'l8W
54 0.20ll2SW
IMVl.eil. JS
60'0.OOil6 SW
SRI. . . in. . N
Rot M'O.tni. . s
4sl $n o.nn . . hv
40 R0'0.12l. . XS
tA.M. today. !P. Mi report of preceding day.
Portland and vicinity Probably showers
and warmer; light southwesterly winds.
Oregon Generally fair, except probably
showers and warmer In the northwest por
tion; gentle aouthwesterly Winds.
Washington Probably showers; warmer
Idaho Fair, probably warmer north and
west portions.
EDWARD It. WELLS, ifeteorologiat.
This country now leads th nations
as an exporter of manufactured goods.
Before the war the United States was
outranked by both Great Britain and
Revitalize Tour Blood and Pat Year
System in Condition to Resist
the Hardships of Winter.
It is the strong-blooded men and
Women who are vigorous and healthy
who are not inconvenienced by the
cold, wet days. Wet feet don't both
er them, . sudden changes cause no
inconvenience, and even when a
cold is "caught," because of contact.
In A close, stuffy room, with someone
already infected, the trouble seldom
lasts over a day or two. This highly
desired state Of health is brought about
by having rich, pure blood, uncontam
Inated by impurities of any kind.
You may possibly think your bloed
is all right you are not troubled by
Outward signs. Yet you have felt tired
and languid, you have lost some sleep
or had some minor ailments at time,s,
but you regard yourself as in "fairly
good condition physically." This may
be true, but you should take nothing
for granted, you should not "guess"
tnat you are all right. The thing to do
is to make yourself right by taking a
good blood tonic and invigorator such
as S. S. S. It is the best-known blood
tonie on the market today. There Is
hardly a man, woman or child la Amer
ica who has not heard of It. It has
helped to restore many people to healtR.
It has brought relief in thousands of
cases of blood disorders during the past
fifty years.
S. S. 3. is a standard treatment for
all blood troubles. It is a true blood
tonic, that purifies and brings new
vigor and new life to the blood Stream.
It is guaranteed to be purely vegetable,
to contain no mercury or other mineral
drugs, but -to be made from herbs and
roots carefully selected for their known
medicinal properties. For chronic sores,
ulcers, catarrh, rheumatism, eczema,
psoriasis, salt rheum, tetter, acne and
other such diseases a are due to in
fected blood, 8. S. S. acts quickly and
satisfactorily. It counteracts the germs
and poisons, cleanses the system of
unhealthy accumulations, literally
washes all foreign matter from the
blood and renews its life-giving prop
erties. ,
Be sure to take S. S. S. this Winter.
The renewal of vigor that it will give
you will be well worth while. One j
thing you can,be sure of, and that is if
you take S. S. e. you Will be benefited.
Get it today at your drug stdre refuse
any substitute. For medical advice, ad
dress Swift Specific Co., 416 Swift. Lab
oratory, Atlanta, tia. Adv.
Old VmeJ ij
i ' '" ''i yT""-.! Atnal Si
i -- rr i'r?S-:''-i I ewer
This is the exact size of
the Lovera Monarch, the
Mild Havana Cigar.
Made with that old
fashioned pare Ha
vana so friendly to all
AsA for it by natme
10c, 2 for 23c and 15e sixes
BROS. & CO., Inc.
' - " '" U".l,lUJ.. .. i in
L , M i
curt i t peabow mnCTi?onnrr, v