Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 16, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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TTTASHIXGTOX, Oct. IS. Casualties
iVV released for publication this
afternoon are 494. divided thus:
Killed In action. 47; missing In ac
tion. 49; wounded severely. 1S4; died
of disease. 34; died of accident and
other causes. 4; died of wounds. 15;
wounded slightly, 13: wounded, degree
undetermined. 13S.
Following is the tabulated summary:
Ktp'l'd. Rep't'd. Tfl.
9.0"J 47 S.0.-.3
Kiiied In action.
lost at sea .....
Died of wound .
. . .
llel of accident
other causes .......... 3.553
Total deaths 1.079 110 16.1s?
bounded lii.sJU 3J, .tbi
aliasing, including; prison
era 5,
43 5.642
Total casualties 47.1:14 494 47.61S
James Papavasll. of Bremerton, Wash.,
was killed In action.
John W. Stevenson, Baker, Or, died
of accident.
Clifford T. Burtt. Twin Falls. Idahp,
and Arthur R. Howell, Lebanon, Or.,
are wounded severely.
Verner Kalenlus, Hoquiam. Wash., Is
wounded slightly.
Wesley H. Allison. Prlnevllle, Or., and
Enoch K. Cable. Burlington. Wash., are
wounded, degree undetermined.
Wounded severely, previously report
ed missing In action Private Harry K.
West. Seattle.
Following is the complete list:
MOORE. Frank M.. Houston. Ter.
TIPPET. Ralph W Appleton. Wis. .
DAVIS. Charles M . Cincinnati. O.
GORCOSHILTZ. Jacob J., fit. Paul. Minn.
McMANCS. Everette. Aurella. la.
JlOEiER. John. Tompklnsvllle. N. T.
SOLAN, Patrick J.. West Lynn. Mass.
HAMILL. William G-. Crowder. Okla.
HARD1NGKR, lieorg. O . Garrison, la,
MAKSHALU Percy 1. Blalrsvllle. Pa.
. . . , i TT . 1 1 .. .. I Mnh,rlV. UO.
KTRATiKOPLLOS. Dimlinoa G., Council
Bluffs. la.
AXntRSOX, Ernest L. Kingavllie. Tesi
ipirt'i i.x r.nninr. New York.
AIRELU'S. James H.. Newburyport. Mass.
BORZACH1ELLO. Nick.. Newark, J.
BRASSKA, Joseph. Keating, Colo.
l.EMENT. Claude E., Kansas City. Kan.
t'RI MPLER. Robert E.. Andalusia. Ala.
lil'FKBK, Joseph J.. Cleveland. O.
lllMLKK. Edward S.. Bernard. O.
li'JHOL. Noah. San Antonio. Tex.
GALANTE, Raffael, New York.
HACKER. Truman F., Oouverneur. T.
HA1D. Frank Kenneth, Pittsburg. Pa.
JOHNSON. Bam O.. Tadastorps. Sweden.
KERN. John H.. Giencoe. Minn.
KII.DEE. Edward, Buckley. Mich.
KING. Willie, Bessemer. Ala.
KLEMIETCZ, Anton. Vllna. Russia.
LINDGRKN, Per E., Askelln. Minn.
LOOATTO, Benjamin, Orangeburg. N. T.
MATH IS. Fred. Needtnore, N. C
MAYWALD. Ed.. Bobvllle. Tex.
McGlNN. Joseph. Oaklane. Pa.
MeMEEKAN. Arthur W New York. .
MCMILLAN. John F.. New York..
McVEIGH. Oscar H . Bremen. O.
MIKENA3, Joseph. Jr.. New York.
MILLER. Ernest. Lincoln. N. T.
MORRIS. Raymond T.. Philadelphia.
Ml I.LIN. Lee M.. Eomerville. Texas.
MCRPHY. Daniel, Hrdo Park. Mass.
O H AR A. Wm. Francis, Burlington. N. J.
nLSOX. Eric. Williams. Minn.
FA P A AM L, James. Andrew Papavasll. 221
Front street, Bremerton. Wash.
PATTERSON. James 1'.. New York.
BATO. Sedor P.. New York.
FEPICK. John Paul. Detroit. Mien.
KOSXKS. Bernt A., Clearbrook. Minn.
GANNON. John. Cleveland. O.
GRAY. Schyler. Cadis. Ky.
HODGE. Arnold. Piedmont. Mo.
I.YCTHCY. Harry. Somerset, Pa.
BRYANT. Price. McKensie. Ala.
RANSON. Chester Ferrysourg. j. I .
RINALDO. Scsrinci. Perugia. Italy.
RIS3. James K.. Cleveland. O.
HCHAKOW, Herman H.. Detroit, Mich.
WALKER. Stanley. Decatur. Ala.
WOOD. Claud S. Brookvllle, O.
YAIAK, John.. Philadelphia. Pa.
NASTA. Philip. Brooklyn. N. Y.
NORR1S. Chester I.. Carnegie. Pa.
PREES. I-ouis I.. Eveleth. Minn.
STEIN. Herman C, Brooklyn. N..Y.
STILLING ER. Rowland H.. E. Aurora. N. T.
STOREY. Charles U. Walnright, Okla.
TAFOYA. Silas. Dixon. New Mexico.
WATSON. Walter W.. Plattevllle. Wis.
W HITING. Charles W., Avon. Mass.
TENDR1CK. Steve. Plymouth. Pa.
WALLACE. James S., Roop villa. Ga,
U'CAS, Ed. Hamilton. Tex.
Pri rates
ARSIS WORTHY. James B.. Pittsburr. Pa.
BOOKER. Claude Samuel. North Salem. Ind.
BCR. Ml ESTER. August W.. Jerrers. Minn.
FRYE. George N.. Medford, Mass.
IMETZ. Warren B.. York. Pa.
FIELD. Samuel H.. Barksdale. Tex.
FROST. Abe O.. Clarksvllle, Ark.
GOOD, Jack, Doniphan. Mo.
HALL. Lon. Oldtown. Ky.
HALVERSON. Andrew M-. Clarkfield. Minn.
H L'NTI NGSER. William E Ind lanapoiia.
IRVING. Edmund, Baltimore, Md.
JOHNSON. James T-, Bowden. Ga.
JUNKERMAN. Albert F.. Blackwater, Mo.
KIECZ. Andrezxl. Hamtramck. Mich.
LLNDBERG. Carl T-. Strandburg. S. D.
JIACOMRER. Clauds R.. Dover. .Me. '
McCONXEl.U James Han'fir, Cincinnati. O.
McDONALD. Angus. Minllla. Mich.
MTVGO. Jacob. Columbia. Miss.
MCI.LIM. Edward F.. Boston. Mass.
KITCHENS. Richard I... Helena, Ark.
KOLB. Lemuel. Philadelphia, Pa.
KL'KLA. Valentine. Kawkawlln. Mich.
V-novAT.P. Vnnre. Hhr. 1'fh.
g Famous Old Recipe
for Cough Syrup
Jk Easily and cheaply made at heme,
DDI is smi inrrn m or
quick results.
Thousands of housewives have found
ihat thrv ran save two-thirds of the
money usually spent for cough prepara
tions, bv usinr; this well-known old recipe
for making cough syrup at home. It is
simple and cheap to make, but it' really
has no equal for prompt results. It
takes right hold of a couch and gives
immediate relief, usually stopping an
ordinary cough in 24 hours or less.
Ot 2'-j ounces of Pinex from anv
druggist, pour it into a pint bottle, and
add plain granulated sugar syrup to
make a full pint. If you prefer, Use
clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar svrup. Either way,
it tastes rood, keeps perfectly, and
lasts a family a long time.
Its truly astonishing how quirklv it
acts, penetrating through every air pas
sage of the throat and lungs loosens
and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals
the membranes, and gradually but surely
the annovinir throat tickle and dreaded
cough disappear entirely. Nothing bet
ter for bronchitis, spasmodic croup.
whooping cough or bronchial asthma,
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, known the world over for its
healing effect on the membranes.
Avoid disappointment by asking your
druggist for "i1 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give absolute
satisfaction or money promptly refunded.
Th Pinex Co.. Pi. Yi ayne, Ind.
i "f .aTV -w-4
MONTGOMER. Thomas Chapman. Newcom
erstown. O.
MOORE. Ira M.. Blythe, Ga.
Nl'XN. Arthur. Croswell. -Mich.
POTILSKI. John J.. Detroit. Mich. -
ROBERTSON. Annaius. wflliamston. N. C
STARAITIS, Charle G, Waterbury. Conn.
WITT, Louis C, Detroit. Mich.
HARANT. Cyril. Chicago, III.
KEENAN. John A.. Chicago. III.
PRICE. Wlllard T. Brooms Island. Md.
STEVENSON. John .. Mrs. Katherlne
Stevenson. 2640 Third street. Baker. Or.
FITZ PATRICK. Frank George. Chicago.
GETT1NGS. Jamos A., New Haven, Conn.
MACHAMER. Elmer Edward. Fulton. 111.
MULBERRY. Frank. Kenosha. Wis.
NYSE WANDER, Victor H., Jonesvllle, lad.
PHILLIPS. Stanley, Upper Montclare, N. J.
SMITH. Fred. Dayton. O.
BALLARD. "Elva. Mount Pulaski. III.
BROCK MAN, John H, Brookfield, Mo.
FULTON. W. Wayne, Fairfield. Ia.
GALLAGHER, Thomas E. Brooklyn.
GAMBRELL. Robert P., Hamilton. O.
GARLAND. Francis E. Chicago.
JOOS. John C, Brooklyn.
JONES. Walter L.. Florala, Ala.
LAMBERT. Clayton P.. Hackensack. N. J.
LONG. Cornelius K., Joliet. 111.
McCLTCHEON. George E., Evanston. III.
McEVERY, Patrick J., County Queens, Ire.
McGL'IRE, Hugh J., Johnstown. N. T.
McNULTY. John A.. Lawrence, Mass.
NAGORKA. Stanlslaw. Chicago.
O'CONNOR. Eugene W.. Chicago.
Q'SULLIVAN. William J., New York.
ROTH, Frank, Hutchinson. Pa.
SHOEMAKER, Howard, Qulnton, N. J.
SKAGGS. Harry D. Tonganoxia, Kan.
SWANSTROM. John F., New York.
ADAMS. Mathew M.. Ogdensburg, N. T.
BENTON, Daniel Webster, Ellenvllle. X. T
BUl'KAfc. rrana m.. uutralo. r,. Y .
BIKTT, Clifford T, Charles T. Burtt., Twin
rails, jaano.
BYRON. Frank B.. Alpena. Mich.
FERREIRA, Manuel T., Taunton, Mass.
FERSCHKE. Arthur. New York.
GREY, Clarence A.. Fort Worth. Tex.
JONES. Wynne. Windgap. Pa.
KEISER. Arthur. Belmont, N. Y.
KIETLY. Thomaa F.. Tllden. Neb.
LATOWSKI. Charles. Chicago.
LOGAN, James J.. West Medford, Mass.
LONG, Norman F., California, Md.
McKIXNEY, Joseph P.. Brooklyn.
McINERNEY. Patrick J.. HUferagb. Ireland.
MANNERBERG. Arthur P., Glen Campbell,
NICHOLS. David V.. Little Rock. Ark.
PETERSON, Hjalmar Bernard. Hardwood.
ROBERTS. Claude R , Waaau. Wis.
SHADY. George, Valdoaka. Ga.
STEFFIN, Lawrence M., Natroma. Pa,
MARTIN, Charles Albert. Detroit. Mich.
TESSiER. Arthur J.. Goodyear. Conn.
ANASTIS. Peter X, Waverly. Mass.
ABKAHAMSON. O.. Scandinavia. Wis.
ADO.MA1TIS. Andrew, Cherry. 111.
ALBRECHT, Edward L.. New 1-ork.
ALI.EN, Herman L. William, Tomahawk,
ALLEV. Lyle A.. Irvlngton, N. J.
BAGNEK, Victor V.. Chicago.
BA1A, William. New York.
BANAWR-z, Mike. Waterbury. Conn.
BANNISTER. Herbert, Port Huron, Mich.
B ARC ELLON A. James A.. New Orleans. La.
BASHNER. Louis. Brooklyn.
BENN. George J.t San Francisco.
CAVANAUGH, Sylvester D., Brooklyn.
CLAAR. Prank O.. McCoak. Neb.
CLIME. Delbert R.. Vlntonla. S. L
CLUTTER. Harold L.. Washington. Pa,
COXON, John Francis, South Windham. Ms.
CI BBERLEY. Ewing I., Trenton. N. J.
CURRAN. Mike F.. Morrlsdale. Pa.
CL'DAHY, Sylvester J., Ventura, Caf
DAHL, A. E.. Warren. Pa,
DANESE. Nicolas R.. New Orleans, La.
DELGIOMO. Ralph. East Boston. Mass.
DORROW. Walter Herman. Manguon, Mich.
uuiuuMtn, yiveter J.. Nickelsville, va.
EARL. Frank Martin. New Albany. Ind.
DUNFORD. Charles. Galax. Vs. S
EARL. Frank Martin. New Albany. Irfd.
ELLIOTT, llift Lyon. East Hutchinson.
H ELLSWORTH. Anthony. La Grangsvllle,
1 .
FAR LESS. Wesley, Gainesville, Mo.
FAVOR. Joseph H., Drain. Ala
FERRETTI. John. Raritan. N. J.
FREEMAN. Earl A.. Lamar, Kan.
GKAVELLE. Alphonse. Fitchburg, Mass.
HAMANN. Grover C, Flint. Mich.
HAST, Edward G.. cjtrabmore, Cal.
HKGGEM. John M., Longmont, Colo.
HERZ, Emll, New York.
HETH, Ferdinand E. Fort Atkinson. Wis.
HOWF.I.L, Arthur KMrs. L. H. Howell;
Lebanon. Or.
JACKSON. John V.. St. Joe. Md.
JANKE, Leonard, Freman. S. D.
JOHNSON, Arthur L.. Luther. Okla.
JONES. Koss, Kansas City, Mo.
KEMPKES. Albert. Buffalo, N. T.
KLEIN, Herbert A.. Hortonville. Wix
RZKWA. Joseph K.. Jewett City, Conn.
LAPINE, Earnest L, Westport, N. Y.
LARAIA. Louis A., New York.
LEKACHMAN. Morris, New Y'ork.
LINDE. Charles W., Hinsdale. 111.
McCABE. Patrick B.. New York.
McCARGER, Harry G.. Mills. N. M.
McCREARV, James, Royse City. Tex.
MeDONOUGH. William. New York.
McFARLAND, Edward S., Greenfork, Ind.
McGEE. George W., New York.
McNEIL. Harry. Loversvllle. N. Y.
McQUENEY, Martin L., Iohrerstown. Pa.
MALOY, Joseph I... New Brighton. N. Y.
MANTILLA. William R., Worcester, Masa
MELFI. Cosmo. Beacon. N. Y.
MEREDITH. Bennie C, Huntington. W. Va.
moncold. Bvron M.. Kline. v . v a.
MYERS, Glenn Lewis, Bear Lake, Mich.
DITTMAN. Joseph M., Cleveland, unio.
DOLAN", Robert A.. Atlanta, Ga.
DOOL1N. Cornelius. Lemont, 111.
DRANKIEWICZ, Adam A., Chicago.
DRIGGERS. Wade H., lakeland. La.
DRIMKOSKT, Joseph, Minneapolis, Minn.
EDEN. Frederick S... Fayettevllle, Ark.
EGIDIO. John. Milan. Mich.
ERICSON. John Alfred. Waterbury, Conn.
FALLS. Robert, Palo Alto. Pa.
FAY. Thomas. Hoboken, N. J.
FIEB1G, Harry George. Shamokln, Pa.
FiTZ PATRICK. John T.. Jamaica. N. T.
FLEMING. Charles. Austin. Minn.
FOLTZ, Tracy L-, Hamlin, Ark.
FURR. Richard E., Stanfleld, N. C
GANNON, John J.. New York.
GIBSON. George, Keokuk. Is,
GONYEA. Allle, Anoka. Minn.
GROBOWSKI. Joseph. Milwaukee. Wis.
GRANT. Henry M.. McGraw, N. X.
GRAY. Edward. Klcnmona Aim, x.
H ELGESON. Alfred M., Woodvllle. Wis.
HALL. Nicholas F.. Brooklyn.
HRBISON". Hairy J.. Philadelphia.
HENCINSKI. Konstano. Chicago:
HENDERSON. Louis Smith, Buffalo, N. T.
H ENSUE Y, George I, Croselose, Va,
HEWITT, George Washington, Gould City,
HILU Gus. Buffalo. JT. T.
HOROWITZ, Herman H, Broqklyn.
HOl'SELY. James. Soddi, Tenn.
HYNES. Joseph. New Albany, Pa.
JAP1NSKI. Henry. Michigan City, In.
JENSEN. Andrew M.. Dike, Iowa.
JONES. Robert. Gas City. Ind.
JOHNSOX. Albert J., Brookings. S. D.
JOHNSON, Barney, Akra, N. D.
JOHNSON. Ralph. Froyden. Norway.
JOHNSTON, Albert Sidney, Jr., TTnion,
W. Va.
K A WICK I. Jr seph. Wsrsaw. Poland.
KELLEY. Jessie. Plnehlll. La.
KING, Lawrence, Houston. Texas.
KING. Psul. Lagrange. Ga.
KORNTCK. M.chael. Corbin. Russia.
K R A US. William J., Buffalo. N. Y.
LAROL'CHE. Sherwood A.. Utlca, N. T.
LAW. Clarence G., Anthony. Kan.
LEAR. James L. Lowell. Mass.
LE BLOND. Louis F., Willlmantlc, Conn.
LEE. Hrtry, Dawson, Minn.
LETT. Clsrence. Bennett, la.
LOCKHART. John T., Clanton, Ala.
LONGSTREET, Maurice Christopher, New
LTDER, Martin A.. Norwalk. Conn. '
LYNCH. John. Providence, R. L
O'CONNER. James J.. Denver, Colo.
OLIVER. Joseph. Youngstown. N. T.
PALKSCHI. Francesco. New York.
PEKE. Walter H.. Green Mountain, N. C
PELLESCH I, Glnl, Norrlstown. Pa.
PETITO. Michael. Brooklyn
PHELPS. Arthur. Henderson. Iowa.
PIPERATTA. Vito. New Village, N. J.
POTTER. Edward F., Lauraville. Md.
SPENCE. Pete. Dallas, Tex.
TOKONO. Jos. L.. Brooklyn.
SC H w I EG ER, Wm. L.. Philadelphia.
BERETT. Attle. San Francisco.
PIJOY. Jerry. New Haven. Conn.
KAIENIIS, VERNER, Charles Kalenlua
912 Aberdeen Ave.. Hoquiam. Wash.
McHt'GH, Conrad, Summit Hill, Pa.
MAI'EDO, Joseph. Hanford. CaL
PAEL1N". Simon, Chelsea. Masa.
RANDR1K. Walter. Philadelphia.
RAYNI. Torello, South Bethlehem. Pa,
TORVIN. Emll. Jersey City. N. J.
VIAR. William. Hagerstown, Md.
WALSH. John. Brooklyn.
WILLIAMS, Edward. Philadelphia.
(Degree Cndertennined.)
Ueatenant s
HARRIS',. Ellis A, Monument Besrh. Mass.
PARSONS. Alvah L.. Ripley, W. Va.
BANKSTER. Wslter, Decatur. Ala.
BARTON, Frank B., Warrensburg. III.
BECKER, Hobart H., Schuylkill Haven, P
BERRY. Raiph R, Knoxville. Pa.
HAGELAN. Aaron W., Ogden. Utah.
HARD WICK. Russell. Red Oak. Ia.
HECKEROTE. Christian G, Haxelton, Pa.
HUNT. Grace L.. North Bend. Pa.
KRITZER. Federles G, Chadwlcks, N. T.
LYNCH. Thomas F.. Philadelphia, Pa.
SENDOBRY. Ben. Chicago.
THOMPSON. Lyall E, Pottsvllle, Pa.
LENTZ. Charles E., Marcus Hook, Pa.
ANDEKSON. Peter A Brooklyn.
BERGEH; Dietrich W'.. Washington. D.
BOH LI. T. Carl E.. Brooklyn.
B RODERICK, Thomas J.. Philadelphia.
FILER. Ernest W. Otego. N. Y.
GARDNER. Jess. Atlantic, Ia.
HANDY. Hale, Birmingham. Ala.
KISSOCK, James M., Pittsburg, Pa.
KRAI7SE. Robert G.. Seymour. Wis.
KREMER, George C, Schuylkill Haven, Pa.
NELSON. Roy E, Lorena. Okla.
PHELA.V, William J.. Somerville, Mass.
RICE. Frank R, Alma. Kan.
SAULSKI. Joseph, Duryea, Pa,
SCHMIDT. Frank V, Grass Valley, Cak
RIRMS n,r WnltHtn. N. Y.
SPAINHOWER. Wilburn A., Pinnacle. N. C.
SUMMERS, William A, Huntsville, MO.
WALTERS. Cyril s., Gary. w. va.
WESISS, Albert. Philadelphia, Pa.
ANDERSON. Harold S.. Madison, Wis.
WELCH. Daniel F., Mlllbury, Mass.
DAVIS. Frederick H, Wilton. Conn.
SMITH, Alfred B, Addison, N. T.
LETCHER. Samuel E., Haielton, Pa.
MELLWIG, Joeph J.. Philadelnhla. Pa.
ALLISON. Wesley H.; G. W. Allison, Prine-
v lie. Or.
ANDERSON, George, Waterbury, Conn.
ANDERSON. Harry L.. New Castle, Pa.
ANDERSON, Henry. Bessemer, Ala.
ANSELMO, Andrew. New lork, N. Y.
ARMSTRONG. William A. Philadelphia.
ATCHLEY. Albert. Memphis. Tenn.
ATTANSIA, Matty, Brooklyn.
AUNCHMAN. Arthur F., Shorenam. Vt.
BAN VILE, Aime, Chlco Mills. Mass.
BARNES, Spence. Reform, Ala,
BE H EN, Fred. Chicago.
BETTS, Louis C, Brooklyn.
BEIN. Howard L.. Wabasha. Minn.
BLACK. Alexander. Winburne. Pa.
KELLER, Martin A., Mukwonago. Wis.
KELLER. William H.. Altoona. Pa.
KRKEWINSKJ. Alexander, Dugrua Plock,
LATUGGA. Joseph, Brooklyn.
LINDSEY. Sherman Aby, Wheatland, Ma.
LUNDY, Arthur, Hartselle, Ala.
LONGSTREETH. James. Oakdale. Pa.
McCLINTOCK. William. Philadelphia.
McCOY, Melvirr, Bessemer, Ala.
Mc KINNEY. Frank in H.. East Sparta, o.
MANNERS. Charles J, Hamilton. Md.
MARSHALL. Joseph, Port Henry, N. Y.
MASON. John. Philadelphia, Pa.
MAYNARD, Walter M-, Dansvllle. N. T.
McEWON, Arthur E.. Shelton, Conn.
MILLER. Earl. Cameron, W. Va.
MONAGHAN, Patrick, Ivesdale, III.
NANKERVIS. Enard B.. Detroit, Mich.
KAY JoseDh J.. Philadelphia.
NOBLITT. Harlan J.. Aiyoerry, A-a.
OILER, Dennis. Carles. O.
O'SHEA. James F, Philadelphia.
O'TOOLE. Terrence P., New York.
PARK. William J.. Lonaconning, Md.
PETERSON. William W.. Tuckahoe. N. T.
BLAKE. Joseph E, Oxford. Mass.
BLUESTEIN. William, Brooklyn. N. Y.
BRADY. Jesse J-, Showlow, Ariz.
BRANDT. Robert J.. Oak Park. 111.
BROWN, Linn T.. Chicago.
BROZIK. Josef. Detroit. Mich.
BURKE, John J., Brooklyn.
ritsph Carl. Cincinnati. O.
CABLE, Enoch K.; Mrs. Lawson W. Cable,
r v Ti 1 Rurlineton. Wash.
CHERRY", Henderson, Birmingham, Ala.
CHICKIE. Joseph. Shamokin. Pa.
CLOUATRE. Edgar E.. White Castle, La.
COLLINS. Joshua M.. Lufkln, Tex.
CON KLIN. Frank, Pomona, N. Y.
COYLE, William F, Wllkesbarre. Pa.
DALU E. W, Cleveland, O.
DIGNAN. John J., Philadelphia. Pa.
DONODIO, Antonio, New Y'ork.
DONOVAN, Serenus, Lawrence. Mass.
EBBECKE. Charles A.. New York.
EDWARDS. Dave, Rockhold, Ky.
FEATHEHSTOCK. Elmer. Goldthwalte, Tex,
FISH. James F Star City, Ark.
FORTE, Lucss, Brooklyn. N. Y.
FOSTER, William E., Bayard. Neb.
FISIAK, Andrew, nrooaiyn. a. .
GARCIA. Ben, Gilroy. Cal.
GAWLAK. John. Bayonne. ff. J.
GOHR. Harry, Fair Mount. Neb.
GOLDINd. James J., Brooklyn, N. Y.
GOODRICH. Orie Lester. Hardy. Neb.
HAM ILL, Harold F., Philadelphia. Pa,
HARRISON, Frank K., Roosevelt, N. Y.
KASKETT. Marble, Terre Haute, Ind.
HATCH. Robert. Norfolk. Va.
HATCHER. James D., Fern Springs, Miss.
uiVk'H William. Lutcher. La.
HEFLIN. Ernest W., Tobeca, Va,
HENDLEY. Cloys C. Melber, Ky.
HENNE. Lewis I., Tamaqua, Pa.
HENRY. Arthur C, Apollo. Pa.
HOLMES. Fred, Bloomsburg, Pa,
HOLMES, James. Warren, O.
HOLUB. Edaard, Chicago.
EHONEA. Ralph. East Point. Ga.
HOWARD, Charles, New Y'ork.
HULSEY. Edward. Fayetteville, Tenn.
JAMES. Bert J., Newcastle. Pa.
JENKINS. Earl, Union Hill, N. J.
JERMOLUK. Efem. Bridgeport. Conn.
.TOHVSON. Waiter. Norwich. Kan.
JORGENSON. A use William. Jorgcnson,
KANE. Earl, Denver. Colo.
KANSTRUP, Peter. Arlington. S. D.
KAVAK, Jacob. Enterprise. Kan.
GOODS. Arthur L, Blackston County, Md.
COURNOYER, Albert, Spencer, Mass.
BECER. Elmer, Broooklyn.
BROOKS. George J.. Waltham. Mass.
DRAINE, Cleo Albert, Coldwater, Mich.
DUGGON, John B., Seviervllle, Tenn.
EDWARDS, Robert. Brooklyn.
EICKERSON. Walter, Winthrop, Minn.
HALE, Walter, Dye, Va.
HAY', James E., Dubois, Ps,
HICKS. William, Rome, Ga.
HOFFMAN, William F.. Johnstown, Pa.
KUHN, William J., Chicago.
MORTELL, John P., Hilbert. Wis.
SANTZ, Michael, Tarrytown, N. Y.
SCOTT. Dallis O., Pcytonsburg, Ky.
STOCKLAS, John J., Yonkers, N. Y.
STUKIS. Peter, Pittston, Pa.
TAYLOR, Ralph A., East Orange, N. J.
TELLINGTON, Frank, Goldsboro. N. C
TEMME. Henry. Petersburg, Neb.
TRI.'LIA, Charles. Cleveland, O.
WILSKMAN, Alex. Monessen, Pa,
OWEN'S, Fay, Alexandria, Ind.
PAEPKE, Arthur H., Milwaukee, Wis.
PANTA LONE, John. Morley. Utah,
PARSON. George H., Urania, La.
PENONE, Placldo. Leechburg. Pa,
PETERS. Oscar, McGhee, Ark.
PIPER. E. O., Clayton, Pa.
RASMUSSEN, Sam, Fremont. Wis.
RILEY. Michael. Newcastle, Ireland.
ROMEJI. Alexander. Detroit, Mich.
RYAN. Leo -J..' Sycamore. 111.
SAYER, Evans J., Smlthvllle. Tex.
SHAW. Thomas J.. Philadelphia, Fa.
SHERWOOD. Arthur, Syracuse. N. Y.
SNYDER. Murl G.. Salamanca. N. Y.
SPAMPIN'ATTE, Ignatzlo. Brooklyn.
STONER, Edgar. Baltimore.
SULLIVAN. Russell J.. Fresno, Cal.
TEMPI'S, Peter F., Independence. Ia.
VANCE. John R.. Wiggins, Colo.
WE BERG. John W.. South Bridge. Mass.
WEDICK. James J., Manchester, N. H.
wetmokk. Andrew m.. .orwaiK, conn.
WILLIAMS, Elliott F-. Dorchester. Mass.
WOHLGEMUTH, Emit. Tularosa, N. M.
YARDLEY. Jesse. Patoka, 111. ,
(Previonsly Reported Missing;.)
BOW YE R, James E., Washington, D. C.
DIETZ. Philip, Rozelle, N. J.
HARRISON, Charles S., Columbus. Ga,
PRENTICE, Lee C. Albert, Minn.
COBURN. Thomas B Brooklyn, N. Y.
MAGUIRE, James J.. New Y'ork City.
WOOD. Herbert Charles, Brooklyn, N. Y.
EASLEY. Luther I... Carter. HI.
ROTHENSTEIN, Moses. Brooklyn. X, Y.
BOOHER. George R., Tuttle. Okla.
COOLEY. Edwin P.. Sunderland, Mass.
GILES, James, Brooklyn. N. Y.
GRAY. James Samuel. Battle Creek, Mich.
HARDGROVE, David. Brooklyn, N. Y.
HATTAL. Clarence. Philadelphia. Pa.
HEN'RICHS, John c. Atlantic, la.
HOGO. Joseph. Pittsburr. Pa.
HOUSER. Martin L.. Middletown, Pa.
KOOL. John. Bicknell. Ind.
LOGSDON. Clarence R.. Killbrlck. O.
McNEELY. Georao T., Windrldse, Pa,
MITCHELL, John A.. Ote. Ky.
O'CONNOR. Daniel. Englewood, N. J.
RODRIGUEZ, Z. Uzebe. Logan, La.
SCORNEY, I,. Bradford. Pa.
TOLLETECH, Walter H., Hopesdale. Mass.
YEURY. Edpar Jr.. New Y'ork City.
YODERS. Russell K.. Waynesburg. Pa.
Ll'EBEKER, George A.. Laporte. Ind.
OSBORX. Lawrence, Clay, W. Va.
PENNACHIA. Cesare, Scottdale. Pa.
(Previonsly Reported Severely Wounded.)
HALL. Henry Byron.. Hardlnsburg, Ky.
(Previously Reported Missing.)
McDERMOTT, Maurice L., Logotee, Ind.
(Previonsly Reported Died From Accident
and Other Causes.)
Private '
KGIiDLS. Paul Felix, Milwaukee, Wis.
(Previously Reported Missing,)
BAKER, Howard R., Homestead, Pa.
LUCY, Buel T., Fort Waytie. Ala.
IZZO, Luigo. Rochester, N. Y.
FOWLER. Paul P.. Oswego. Ind.
STICKELS, Emery James, Jasonvllle, Ind.
swaiiva. Tony. Philadelphia.
TOLBERT, William H.. Bordwell, Ky.
WILLIAMS, Marion E., Logansport, Pa.
WILLIAMS, Paul, Paris, 111.
(Previously Reported Missing.)
AESCHLEMAN, John Ernest, Travers City,
BENSON, Benny, Wild Rose, N. D.
O BURN. Charles. New York.
FREEMAN. Donald C, Mulberry, Fla.
SYKES. Jeff. Delhi. La.
NICODEMUS, John A., South Bend, Ind.
ZELLER, Dean, Washburn. N. J.
(Previonsly Reported Missing.)
DUBY. Felix E., Fabyac, Conn.
ANDERSON, Alfred M., Rubicon, Wis.
r ARROW, Otis B.. Albertsville. Ala,
SACK FIELD, Sydney, Toronto. Canada.
SEBOROWSKI. Steve, Brooklyn, N. 1'.
(Previously Reported Missing.)
LIVINGSTON, David H., Elizabetbton, Tenn.
BLYXSVORK, Alex. Russia.
CRAVENS. James. Sharon, W. Va.
LERRO. Pietro. Italy.
McGEE. John. Montgomery. Ind.
ANGELIONI, James, Pottstown. Ps,
BAKER. George D.. Peoria. 111.
CHILDRESS. William E.. Jamison, Ala.
DISHONG. Raleigh R., Austin, Ind.
GOOMIN. Morris. Brooklyn. N. Y.
MILLER, Arnold D., Wabaso, Minn.
(Previously Reported Missing.)
BABCOCK. James D., Mlddleville, Mich.
LYNCH. James. New Haven. Lonn.
O'MARA. Thomas J.. Romulus, N. Y.
SAYLOR, John H, Big Spring, Neb.
TRUPPO, Edward. Elizabeth. N. J.
(Previously Reported Killed in Action.)
BURTON, Ebert, Vernon, X. Y.
(Previously Reported Missing In Action.)
RUSSELL, Louis, LodI, Cal.
RICHTER, Henry J.. Davenport, is.
OTTAWA, Ont., Oct 15. The follow-
ng names appear in today's overseas
casualty list:
Wounded E. Marshall, Butte, Mont.;
K. Barnett, Aberdeen, wash.
Killed in action Corporal J. Nixon,
Hoquiam, Wash.; Corporal J. Stinson,
Seattle, Wash.
Wounded O. Tomlinson, Big Sandy,
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 15. (Special.)
ulrard Cecil Blackburn, listed as se
verely wounded in France, is a former
Albany boy and enlisted when war was I
declared and went to Fort Stevens with
the Fifth Company, Coast Artillery
Corps, of this city. Later he was trans
ferred and was sent overseas. Or. was 1
living in Portland when he enlisted, but
came to Albany, his old home, ' to go I
with the local company, of which lie I
had been a member. He is a son of
A. W. Blackburn, a druggist of Leba
non. He was born here, educated in the
local schools and had lived here most
of bis life. He s a grandson of the I
late L. it. is. iJiacKDurn. ex-Attorney-
Ueneral of Oregon.
Glenn H. Ticer, First Lieutenant In
the 364th Infantrv and Rattallon Arl-
Jutant of the 91st Division, has been
wounded in action, according to word
received here yesterday, his. injury be-
ing classed as minor. The young man
attended the first training camp at
the Presidio, and has been in France
fnr anmo limn H is 97 -oars rt otra
and a well-known Portland boy. His
wife is visiting with friends in San
Jb rancisco at present.
The funeral of Lieutenant William
Jamieson, who died of pneumonia at
Fort Mead, Ind.. October 6. was held
. . i . . .. . " ,1
nere yesieraay, interment being at the
Military cemetery at Vancouver. He
was ill the Army schools for hnlrera
and cooks at Fort Mead. Lieutenant
Jamieson was married. Vila wirlnw liv,
ing at 300 Skidmore street. He was
born in Kentucky, and enlisted in the
present war in April. 1917. He had
seen service in Mexico, Hawaii and the
Wednesday Morning List.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. Casualties
f reported tonight for publication
tomorrow morning number 401, dl-
v lucu awhuv-b. -
TCilIr. in flnfion, 158! TYifsslntr h in -
tion. 14; wounded severely. 182; died
of wounds. 31; died of accident and
other causes, 1; died of disease, 26;
j-i a TTnm a a win la na a n An r i " l
av. w.-aAw, i
wounded rdeerreo undetermined. i57:
WnnnHAil Hirhtlv. I.
v o "
ITntlAiirina- la Vi A tohnla for? .i.mmopv
Ttan Van nv-1
Killed in action
Lost at sea
Died of wounds
Died of accidents
,Uo3 os 9,111
91 591
3.255 21 S.2HR
other causes . . . . .
Z'WO 28 3.618
Total death 16,189 117 16,306
Wounded 25.787 250 26.037
Missing, including prls-
oners o,ot o o.oio
Total casualties 47,618 401 48,019
Harry Ackley. Portland, and Dan C.
Kelly, Raymond, Wash., were killed in
Floyd E. Keavis, Midvale, Idaho,
uieu jl uiacaoe.
nowara &. uoieraan ana vvnnam u
XTafein Tf Pnptlanrl XT
nett. Aibion, Idaho;' Fred H. 'chor,
Krupp, Wash.; Loyal William Hall".
ifttuuto, j-iAim izj. iixwncwtti, iri iu xaa-
ima: Cecil R. Richards. Tualatin. Or.:
John D. Jones, Redmond, Wash., and
Homer M. v lggins. Aoeraeen. Wash..
are wounded severely.
The complete list follows:
Lieutenants N
PAHR, Harold A., Philadelphia.
PAXTON. John Moore, Jr., Trenton, N. J.
VAUGHAN. Richard H., Royersford, Pa.
CURTIN. Thomaa J., New York.
REILLY. Charles J., Bay Bridge, Ohio.
Corporals -
CLARK, Harley. Delaware, Ohio.
DORANG. Charles E., Pottstown, Pa.
GRELLER, Phillip. New York.
HORGAN. Harry B., Congress June,; Ariz.
KOERNER. Edward Edwin. Cheyenfte, Wyo.
LAMBERT. LeRoy P., Montana, Kan.
ROSENBAUM, Abraham, New York.
SATHER. Ben. Eau Claire, Wis.
SULLIVAN, James P., Buffalo, N. T.
WARNER, Earl, Columbus, Ohio.
VAN HUYSEN. Albert, Owen, Wis.
HOFMANN, Charles Valentine. Chicago..
DAY,- Everett, Ogdensburg, N. Y.
HA IN. Edwin, Chicago.
ACKLEY, Harry, Ralph Ackley, 166 Easi
Thirty-eighth street. Portland, Or.
AUTRE Y, Oscar L Pine Hill. Ala. ,
BEGGS. Chester A., Colorado Springs. Colo.
BEHRER. Walter J., Camden. N. J.
BEMOWSKI. Joseph" G Webster, Mass.'
BLAKE. Frederick. Norris City. III.
COHEN. Raphael, Brooklyn.
COLLINS. Dennis, New York.
COOGLE, Harry M., Columbus, Ohio.
COOPER, George H.. Rushtown, Ohio.
CYRUS, Albert. Howard Lake, Minn.
DAVID. Mathew L., Lesueur Center, Minn.
DECELLE. Edward. Cleveland, Ohio.
DEITRICH, John. San Francisco, Cal.
DESSELLE, Milton, Marksville, La.
DIRAIMO. John, Lawrence, Mass.
DROPKIN, Isidore. Brooklyn. N. Y.
DUNN. James Bernard, Oneida, N. Y.
HORN. Chauncey Eagle, Ok reek, S. D.
ECKERT. Henry. Philadelphia.
GAY'. Margie, Dekalb. Miss.
I GIBSON. Joe.. Tinsley. Ky.
I GRAY, Thomas H.. Elliott, Md.
HAEY, Michael, Brooklyn.
ill :M Overcoats
Hi) l
HAMILTON, Arthur, Laurinsburg-, N. C.
HUGHES. James. Milwaukee.
KELLY, Dan C, John Nelson, Raymond
" . ,
k-wvp'r.v v-,. ai.
koehler,' Clarence H., Brooklyn.
I KUHN, George H.. Beach, N. D.
I LAIT. Henry A.. Oldtown. Me.
i LATOURETTE. Archie. Galesburr, III.
WIS. Joep; "aelword; f it"burs'
LOVET r, Richmond L., Tlfton, Ga.
LOW, Oscar H., Sacramento, cal.
LYNCH. Thomas J., Bayonne, N. J.
McMULLEN, Ancel Edward, Punxsutawney
neiu Joe N
Jr., Macon, ua.
MILLIARD. Frank B.. Denver.
RINDFL1SH, Elmer L., Chicago.
I privates
BOCH. Fred. Nech, Serbia.
tm a itti T.i 1 m T."' Uliyknrnnrl Vnnf
viuV.a rvid. Ni York. KHmond. Dannhln Island. Ala,
LICHTFUSS, Charles H., Janesville, Wis.
I LONDAG1N, Don, Gentry, Ark.
MCCABE, jonn G., ueveianu, iiiw,
PALEN. Frank J., Liverpool, r.. x.
PI77IVI T.oiitH C. Belt. Mont.
BARHASCH. Herman Henry. Lasalle, 111.
soma Tnlirioro. San Antonio. Tex.
SUMMERS. Webster T.. Willow Springs, Mo.
SYBRANDT, John L.. McKean, ra.,
WKfiVKR William E.. Chicago.
unKM.KB. Paul w.. Hobson. Texas,
Nicholas, Ricnara inn.
I -x's-vd T- a i Vx-e T? Co rvtr fin n.
I PFRIPFER. John. New lOrK.
lrAnH. James H.. Ivan. La.
sniniirai. Frank. Hiawatha. Kan.
STONEKING. Henry. Birmingham. IU.
ImrtwTTTT T7" nir n m a T .it m hart on rS M
vRVTn. Andrew. HrooKiyn.
1 wai.dman. Lrouis. Broolclyii.
I WALTERS. Oscar M., Mcmnn-y,
I ti' t T f c VT&s ( A 1 1 rrtra (V Pi.
l Tn?n s-s-Bi TiICirAGF
I T Imlt rnn.nt
I TUBMSK, narry ja tniwBo.
I rnrnflral
I vnsT r!Vtnrta J.. Altoonm. Fa,
I l.-aaasi
BAYER, Charles, Detroit. Mich.
I nnr i TT-u -km npuhKi A T-lr
nixoN. Raymond John, Kewanee, 111.
r.IRSON. Roy W Elkview, Pa.
HARTSEI.L, Mont, Forrestburg, Tex.
jlUSSB. Zack. Natls. va.
I mn-,,DT L'V 1?mll ITalphaV,l1. VI
watVixs. Monroe. SnowbalL Ark.
HARDY. JoseDh A., Pawtucket, R. I.
HUGHES, John. Commerce, oa.
tv.v.r, V.' u w tr
I uitriik H:nwnn A., nil a ue. i,.
i.TnwTT- ii'z. Ne Britain. Coon,
i mIDDLETON. Isaac Jj Mount uiive, va.
mills, t;ari, iniey, -tvy.
I MOVROK. Arthur S.. V aCStaif. Kail.
Mg1"?' 'is JmvZt rZ"1'
SIS'nocII Ira.
pAUL. Albert J-, Kvansvine, ina.
pavkb. irot C. Pawtucket, R. I.
KEAVIS. Floyd E., Charles T. Reavis, Mid-
va,e- ''
RICKERT, Albert F., Mt. Clemens, Mich.
W1LGUS, John w., snaay wae, unio.
, . I
CHRISTIANSEN, John S.. Auburn, N. T.
I FISHMAN, Isidore, New Tork.
"Ma J"-
I ASHBURN, Isaac Seaborn, Greenville, Tex.
I GRIGGS. Cardwell William, Yeager, Okla.
BEALBy Walker Blaine, Washington, JJ. c.
CLANCY, Klchara ri., iamar, ui".
ELLEDGE, Raymond P.. Giddlngs, Tex.
DEINZER, Ottomar John, Toledo, Ohio.
NORTON. Edward F., St. Louis, Mo.
BRUNER, William T., Birmingham, Ala.
HODGES. Raymond E., Sioux City, Iowa.
NAUS, Erwln, Milwaukee.
v-P:n.. John. Cambridge. Mass.
WILSON, Albert George, New York.
BERRYMAN, Lloyd M., Cozard, Neb.
COLLEY. Garnet S., Boatwright, Tex.
HIGGINS. George H., Harlington, Neb.
VANLOENEN, John H., Rantoul, Kan.
BRISTOL. Radcliffe W-, Meriden, Conn.
CARPENTER, Booker T.. Prattsviile, Ala.
COLEMAN, Howard 8., Mrs. J. S. Coleman,
392 East Forty-eighth street North, Port
land. Or.
DORAN. William, Baldwinsville, N. Y.
ELDER, Glen W-, Washington. Kan.
ELROD. Albert D., McMinnvilte, Tenn.
HABMAN, William L., Jr., Mrs. W. L. Har
man, 1069 Cleveland avenue, Portland, Or.
HAVRE, Michael B., Minneapolis.
HUFFINE. Houston, Dubois. Pa.
MANLY, Charles H., Augusta, Ga.
MARTIN. John, Centersvllle, Ala.
MAYCUMBER. Barney, Elmlra, N. Y.
CONROY. Mark I., Youngstown, Ohio.
DAPSEVICZ, Leo. Chicago.
KRITZER, Solomon, New York.
SCHMIDT, John J., Cleveland, Ohio.
TIBERIO. -Phllllpo. Celamlo, Italy.
BIES, Bernard M, (bugler), Chicago.
Men, here are overcoats of the finest American
and British woolens ; of the most distinguished
looking types ; of a thoroughness of workman
ship that assures you of the utmost in service
and satisfaction. My entire third floor is de
voted to overcoats the largest showing in
$25 to $60
Elevator to Third Floor
o m s j i
r lorrison Street
-Ti-n ' --nPTrrrrY
KIELT, Joseph (musician), Cedar Rapids,
DOBSON, William E., New York.
FARRY, Lester Elliot. Farmlngdale, N. J.
DONZE, Henry (wagoner), Weingarten, Mo.
CHAMBERLAIN. Ted Jay,. Haywood, Neb.
DOWDEI.L. Peter J Highbrldge, N. Y.
BLACHOWSKI, John, Buffalo, N. Y.
ALCORN, Rudus H., Mt. Washington, Ky.
AMOS, Grover C, Grave, La.
BAILEY, Pruclous C, Groton, Conn.
BASKO, George, South River, N. J.
BECK. Elwood Wesley, Reading, Fa.
BECKMAN, William Henry, Chicago.
BELL, Otto, Heber City, Utah.
BENDER. William. St. Louis.
BENNETT, Logan H. ; Mrs. D. H. Bennett,
Albion, Idaho.
BENNETT. Norman, Gilbert, Ariz.
BENSON, Oscar L Coatsville, Mo.
BENT, George A., Chicago.
BLEVINS. Albert, Holbrook, Ariz.
BUCKLEY. John J.. Newark. N. J.
CASAS, Pablo R., Cremor, Tex.
CHOR, Fred H.; August Chor. Krupp, Wash.
CIRL. George, Bradford. Ohio.
CLINCY, Will, Marion. Ala.
COOMER, Jesse M Del, Ky.
COUNSELOR, John W., Salem, N. J.
CROWDER, Frank C, Red Oak, Iowa.
DAMICO. Michael. Ellwood City. Pa.
DENMARK, Thomas W., White Springs, Ala.
DISHMAN, Millet. Stiekford. Ky.
DOWDE.V. John H.. Washington, Pa.
DUNSHEE. Frank Gelbert. Moore Park, Cal.
EAOI.ESON. John A.. Suffield. Conn.
Bet. Washington and Stark Sts.
For Lighting Fixtures.
For Electrical Heating and
Cooking Devices.
For anything Electrical Repaired
For Reading, Desk, Floor Lamps.
For Mazda and Nitrogen Lamps.
For Wiring and Supplies.
For Gas Fixtures and Burners.
MAIX 174
n j : 1 1
a f'ourtiA
ECKENSBERGER, Harold, Casuqua, Pa.
ELLIS. Clarence A., Lawrence, Mass.
EMANUEL, James, Highland Park, 111.
EVERS, Christian G-. New Yoric.
(Concluded on Pape 7.
The Lindeman Piano is a piano of ac
knowledged standing, at a modest
price $335 and up.
If you are contemplating the purchase
of a Piano it will pay you to see us.
149 Sixth St.
Phonograph Records Musical Goods.
Grandmother's Recipe to
Bring Back Color and
Lustre to Hair.
You can turn gray, faded -hair beau
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night if you'll get a bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur'Compound"
at any drug store. Millions of bottles of
this old famous Sage Tea .Recipe, im
proved by the addition of other ingredi
ents, are sold annually, says a well
known druggist here, because it dark
ens the hair so naturally and evenly
that no one can tell it has been ap
plied. Those whose hair is tuVning gray or
becoming faded have a surprise await
ing them, because after one or two ap
plications the gray hair vanishes and
your locks become luxuriantly dark
and beautifi).
This is the age or youtn. liray-nairea.
unattractive folks aren t wanted
around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound tonight and
you'll be delighted with your dark,
handsome hair and your youthful ap
pearance within a few days.
This preparation is a toilet requisite
and is not intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention of disease. Adv.
SCI a rr-
era F- v