THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 101S. 10 PRICES OF BURLAP ARE REGULATED Maximum Fixed Quotations Government. Are by BASIS 13.60 AND 16 CENTS Further Import Purchases Are Pro , liiblted Without Consent of War Industries Board. "With the Government engaged In regu lating burlap prices, so It can obtain the vast quantities of trench bass it requires at reasonable cost, trading1 in the burlap and grain bag .markets has naturally be come unsettled. There is no business at all passing in the bag market here. There naturally would not be much doing at this time of year, but a few bags might be sold lor home or California - account if the market were on a settled basis. The last business 'dona was at 234 cents, which hows a considerable decline from the quota tions prevailing just before harvest. The prices fixed, as based on 8-ounce MOs, are 13. CO cents West Coast, and 14 cents East Coast; on 10 -ounce 40s, 16 cents West Coast and 16.50 cents East Coast. In addition to prohibiting further import purchases, further freight space engagement for burlap is also prohibited without the Consent of the War Industries Board. The new prices are 15 to -0 per cent below the quotations that have ruled the past fort night and came as a distinct surprise to Importers, bag manufacturers, makers of linoleums and other users of burlap as welL The new maximum burlap prices for the pacific Coast are announced as follows, ' net cash, ex dock: Width 1 (Dunces. 26 In. 7 12.2J 40 in. 13.35 13.45 3 3.60 14.10 14.60 15.4H 15.70 16.00 1 6. no 17.O0 37.50 45 In. 35.12 15.23 3 5.40 15.H6 3 6.53 3 7.43 17.76 18.10 3 8.66 3f.23 19.7U 7",4.. s. ... ( Sis.. 0.... 14 -. so 304.. 11 -U 12.31 12.44 13.02 13.60 14.04 14.33 3 4.60 1.-..17 15.74 16.30 Accompanying the official price list was Che following bulletin: "Maximum selling prices apply until fur ther notice to all sales of burlap cloth in carloads or more. Mo maximum price has been fixed for single bales or less than car Jots, but it is expected that the prices of these will be kept in reasonable proportion to the carload prices after making due al lowance for the extra expense of doing business In small lots. "These same prices also become the basis for burlap bags, any quantity with the ad ditional understanding that for bags the Atlantic and Gulf port basis is to apply f. o. b., any bag factory except those on the Fad fie Coast. The Pacific Coast factories are limited to Pacific Coast prices, and for all other bag factories it Is assumed that the difference between the Pacific Coast prices and the Atlantic Coast prices covers the freight from the Pacific Coast to the bag factory. "The price on bags is for any quantity .t any time of delivery, but in the case of very small orders, the extra expense of doing business in small lots may be added to the cost of manufacturing. The above arrangement continues in force until fur ther notice. All of these prices for both cloth and bags apply regardless of the time of delivery." ALL COARSK GRAIN BIBS ARE RAISED Offers on Local Board Are 5 Cents to $2 Higher Than on Friday. e The coarse grain market was stronger yesterday in view of the sharp advances in the Kast. On the Merchants' Exchange, sacked oats bids were higher and bulk oats were up 50c $1.50. Corn offers were raised $1 3 2 and barley 25c The Idaho crop report gives the corn con dition as U5 per cent against 80 per cent a year ago; Spring wheat yield per acre, CI bushels against 22 bushels a year ago; quality 13 per cent against 02 per cent. Oats yield per acre, 40 bushels against 38 bushels; quality 92 per cent against 93 per cent. Barley yield per acre 25 per cent against 29 per cent ; quality 90 per cent against SO per cent. Production Spring Wheat 10,200,000 bushels against 8.250,000 a year ago. Oats production 10,320.000 bushels against 13,330,000 bushels. Barley .5o,000 bushels against 5,000,000 bushels. The California crop report places the condition at 87 per cent against 90 per cent; production 2.643,000 against 2,400,000 bushels a year ago. Oats, quality 90 per cent against 94 per cent; production '5,606, OOO against 6.860,000 bushels. Barley, qual ity S3 per cent against 95 per cent; produc tion S4.O60.000 against 20,150,000 bushels. Barley quality was undoubtedly lowered by she heavy rains which caught much of it smthreshed and more piled up In fields In sacks. Corn crop improved somewhat by rains in September, The American visible wheat supply state ment compares as follows: Bushels. Increase. Oct. 34. 1918.. 9S.SS6.000 9, 5! 16. 000 59.:ni,(oo 7.6ns.OOO l.7i::,0.o l,it;5.uo0 642,000 6.535,OOy 2.433.0O0 1.733,000 Cot. If.. Hi Oct. 3 6, Oct. IS, Oct. 3 3, Out. 3 4, Crct. 14, 1016 1915 1914 1913 1912 S.00O 57.22l.0O0 54. 414.000 54,417,000 The corn supply increased 17,000 bushels and the cats supply decreased SI 5,000 bushels. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported fcy the Merchants Exchange as follows: TortlanU Bar- Wheat ley Flour Oats Ha v fcjnnday 01 ... is Year ago 7 ... 1 3 l'i Ecason to date. . . .3S77 304 47 325 147 Year ago 1072 t$ 247 426 624 Tacoma fat unlay 17 ... 1-1 Year aRO "2 1 ... 3 5 Eeafon to date 17 ... 72 507 Year ago 11S5 27 ... 105 679 Seattle Saturday 1 Year agn 2 I IT 1 25 Fcnson to date. .. .224.1 51 527 225 lv;n Year ago 1217 524 412 16G5 ESTIMATE IS REDUCED Increased Per Cent of Culls Due to Late Codling Moth, lotrae Infestation. The apple crop estimate of Washington for October f a Ms beiow former estimates because of the increased per cent of cutis, due to late codling moth larvae Infestation. In some instances the epps have been packed on tho apples and hatched after packing, fonie growers used the arsenical spray as late as September 15 with good results. Cold storage will deter the hatching of these late brooding eggs. The Washington State Iepartment of Agriculture estimates the yteid as follows: Yakima Valley district, including Takima. Kitiias. Benton and Franklin counties. 7520 cars; Wenatchee district, comprising Chelan, Okanogan. Loug!as and Grant counties. 7 ' 5 fl cars, compared with 7fi!S cars last year; Spokane and Eastern Washington, 011 cars: Walla Walla district, which Includes all hipping points in the Clarkston and the nake River territory, 250 cars; Southwest- trn Washington. 177 cars; Western Wash ington, about 700 cars, all of which will be ted in local markets. The pear crop was moved at very satis factory prices. Clarke County shipped 13 carloads of fresh prunes and will probably have an output of 12,001.000 pounds of dried jtrunes. k Tho cranberry crop of Grays Harbor and Pacific counties Is reported to be the largest In the history of the enterprise. Some grow- ers report havjns harvested 20 barrels of first-grade berries per acre. The crop is practically all gartered. EASTERN MILLS IN NEED OF MOHAIK Small Lots or Fall Clip Pell on Basis of 73 Cents Trading in Texas, Odd lots of Fall mohair have sold at Boston during the week at about 75 cents for stock In good condition, while some inferior and burry has also been sold in a small way at correspondingly less money. Stocks on hand, howepr, are small against a lairiy good, demand, says the commercial Bulletin. The sale of some 200.000 pounds of the Fall clip is reported from Kerrvill. Tex., the price paid being reported st 75 cents, although some operators believe that rather more money may have been received. Some Basuto hair is understood to have been sold to arrive at around 70 cents, re cently for fair-sized quantities. Latest advices from Bradford are to the effect that the mohair market there Is vitliout any material change, stocks being very limited and spinners willing to pay any thing within reason to secure the supplies they need so much. However, some further arrivals were expected from the Cape at almost any moment which would relieve the situation more or less. At the Cape the season Is just about to begin but some early buying is already re ported with American operators rather keen to secure supplies and Bradford buyers by no means slow to bid against them. Some Winter firsts have been sold st 33 cents, first cost and Winter kids brought 44 cents while Basutos wore sold in one case at least for 3U cents. ALL POTATO MARKETS ARB WEAKER Local Prices Are Slightly Lower Declines at Shipping- Points. There was an easier tendency in the local potato market yesterday Tho demand was slow and receipts of home-grown stock lib eral. Oregon Burbsnks were quoted at $1.75 &2. Yakima Netted Gems at $2.15'&2.25 and Idaho Rurais mostly at $2. Two cars of Washington potatoes arrived on the street. Eastern markets were weak during the day. Minnesota and Wisconsin white stock ranged 10 15c lower at $1,651? 1.75 per ct, sacked. Waupaca, Wis., quoted 54? 10c lower at $1.65 1.85 f. o. b. cash, and Moor head, Wis., also ranged lower at $1.80 1. 85 f. o. b. sacked. Colorado shipping points showed slightly weaker tone at $1.40 "if LEO per cwt., sacked, and Colorado sacked sto;k ranged f 2.05 2.25 for car lots In southwest ern markets. Further declines are recorded In the Northwest. California shipping points- were steady. Carlot movements again in creasing. Banlc Clear lux's. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland .4h5.57S $ 1,3'6.0'.'4 Seattle lo.s-j4.963 1.1S5.SSH! Tacoma 1. 1'.i5.050 145.15S Spokane 2. 50 J. 572 9J 1.253 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour. Feed, Etc. Merchants Exchange, noon session: October: OjiIb No. 2 white, feed Barley Standard feed Standard "A" Kastern oats and corn In bulk: Oats No. 3 white Thirty-tight-pound clipped, white. . Corn No. 3 yellow No. 3 mixed November: Oats No. 2 Barley Feed "A" Oats No. 3 Clipped Corn Yellow Mixed Bid. . .S55.00 47.00 4S.50 4S.50 5O.O0 54.00 53 00 55.00 47.50 4S.50 4.50 50 00 54.00 52.00 WHEAT Government basis, $2 per bushel. FOUR Straights, $10.251L15 per bar rel; whole wheat. $10.25; graham, f0.Wt 1 0. 25 ; ba rl ey flour. $ 1 1 per ba rre i ; rye fiour, $12.60 per barrel; cornmeal, lljrll.60 per barrel; corn flour. S12; oat flour, $11.1:0 & 11.40 per barrr!. MILLKEED Mill run, f. o. b. mill; car lots, $26.95; mixed cars. $30.15; less than carlots. $50.65; rolled barley, $65; rolled oats, $09. CORN Whole, $75; cracked, $76 per ton. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland : Eastern Oregon timothy, $30 per ton; Valley timothy, $29 per ton; alfalfa, $27; Valley grain hay, 2627; clover, $28; straw, $9 10. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTJCK Cubes, extras, 63c; prints, extras, box lots, i."c ; cartons, box lots, 64c; half boxes, lc more; less than half boxes, 1c more; butterfat. No. 1, 67c per pound delivered Portland. EGGiJ Oregon ranch, candled, rots and cracks out, tiOc; selects, 62c per dozen, lc extra for cartons. CHIiEiE Tiliarnook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 56c; Young Americas, 37c; long Myrtle Point, 3 5 c . POULTRY liens. 25c: Springs. 2f,: roosters, ISc; ducks. 32'" Sic; geese, 15 18c: turkeys, live. 28 ft. 30c. YKAL Fancy, 20'?i201vac pr pound. POKK Fancy, 24c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges. Yaiencias. $10-11; lemons, $0 7.50 per box ; bananas, 8 ft S '-c per pound; grapefruit, $8. 50 -ft in .50; peaches, $1.50 1.05 ; apples, $1.25 't "-25 per box ; pears, $1 ft 1.25 per box; casabas, 3 c per pound; grapes, 4' 10c per pound; quinces, $1.50 per box; cranberries, $12 per barrel. VEGETABLES Tomatoes, 65 75c per crate; cabbage, $2fi2.23 per hundred; lettuce, $2 per crate: peppers. 7c per pound; beans, 0g7c per pound: celery, 90c per dozen; egg plant, 10c per pound; artichokes. $1.40 per dozen: cauliflower. $2.25 per dozen; garlic, 15c per pound: pumpkins, 2Sc per pound; squash, 2c per pound; beets. $2.50 per back; carrots, $2 per sack; turnips, $2.25 per sack. POTATOES Oregons, $1.75 02 per hun dred ; Idahos, $2.25; Yakimas, $2.25; sweet, 55 ".c. u.MONS Oregon, $1.7502.25; California brown, $1.52.2.. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry, $0.55; beet, $'..25 : extra C, $0.15; powdered. In barrels, $10.25; cubes, in barrels. $1.45. NUTS Walnuts, o04x -c; Brazil nuts. 19c ; filberts, 25c; almonds, 25 30c; pea nuts, 21c. SALT Half -ground, 100s. $15.90 per ton; 50s. $17.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton. RICE Unbroken, lOUc per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices; White, 11 13 4 c : colored, 8 8 !ic. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 17 0 25c. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS AM s.zee. choice, 38 38 e; itancanl. JtM.i'c; skinned, none; pic nics. 'c; cottage roll, .. LARD Tierce basis, standard pure, 20c; compound, .i'c. BACON Fancy. 50 14 052 Uc; standard. 4ii ..He; cnoice. .;r 44c. I R Y SA i -T Short, clear backs, CO 0 Re exports, j u o:c. Hides and Pelt. HIDES Government grades: No. 1 salted hides, ;;0 lbs. and up, 15c; No. 2 salted hides, 30 lbs. and up. 14c; No. 1 green macs. u ins. ana up. i:'c; rs.o. 'J. gre"n hide? :: lts. and up. 11c; No. 1 salted buils, 00 lbs. and up, 12c; No. 2 filled bulls. 50 and up, 11c; No. 1 green bul Is, 50 lbs. and up. 1 uc ; No. green tu 1 1 s, i 1 b. and up, ic ; rso. 1 green or salted calfskins, up to i. ra.. -:c; jo. i: green or s.ilted calTskins. up to 15 lbs, 30 He ; No. 1 green or suited Kip skins, l.i to o 10s.. J'.c; No. 2 green or salted kip skins, 15 to :; ibs.. 14 -c; dry fiint hides, 7 lbs. and up. 30r; dry fhnt calf under 7 ibs., 4ic; dry salt hides. 7 lbs. and up, 24c; dry salt calf, under 7 lbs., 34c; dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stags or bulls, 20c; dry salt st:ig or bulla. 14c, dry cull stacs or bulls, ha;f price; dry horse hides, according to size and takeoff, each $1.5uix2.50; salted horse hides, according to size aiKi takeoff, each. $o0 5. PELTS Dry long-wool plts. per pound. 40c ; dry short-wool pelts, per pound. 15 & ;t0c ; Sit 1 ted long-wool lamb pelts. August tikeoff. each. 2.5Or3.50; salted sheep pelts, August takeoff, each. $23; dry sheep shearlings. each, 25 Q 5uc ; salted sheen shearlings, each. 50Jr75o. Wool, Mohair, Etc. WOOL Oregon, 500 71c per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, Goc; short Btaple, 40c ; burry. Ii'c. CASCARA BARK New and Old. 12 'tc0 13o per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 13ic per pound; No. 2. 12Vc per pound; grease. No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 9c per pound. Read The Oregonian classified ads. CATTLE MARKET IS STRONG ROBIXETTE STEERS BRLXG $13 AT NORTH PORTLAXD. Hogs Are Slovr and Weak With $18 Best Price Obtainable. Sheep Bar el j Steady. The week at the stockyards opened with a good run of 9 loads ami there was a fairly active market. Cattle Were the strong feature of the day's trading. The bog mar ket was decidedly weak and lower and sheep and lambs were barely steady. Steers we particularly strong, as the heavy end of the cattle run was composed of cow stuff. Two loads of prime steers, shipped In by Charles Howell, of Roblnette, topped the market at $13. Several loads of choice cows brought $9 and others $4.73. Hogs were slow and weak, with $18 the ex treme top. Most of the sheep that came In went direct to packers. Receipts were 1146 cattle. 163 calves, 2350 hogs and 2H86 sheep. Shippers were: With hogs Fred Bichel. Maupin, 1 load: Christ & Wei bourne. Parma. 1 load; J. W. Chandler. Union Junction. 1 load ; J. A. Klmmall, Adrain, 1 losd ; C. E. Lucke, Mo-.alia- 1 load ; E. R. Danlelson. Monitor, 1 load; G. W. Offleld. Midland, 1 load; F. S. Blakley, Rose burg, 2 loads; U. E. Kruger, Oakland, 1 load; C. B. Rodman, Baker, 1 load ; R. H. Lane, Heppner, 1 load; F. R. Fouch, Posmer, Idaho, '2 loads; Pendleton Meat Company, Pendleton, 1 load ; M. M. Ola very. The Dalles, 1 load ; Joe Turner, Heppner, 1 load; Van R. Gosabeck. Blalock, 1 load. With cattle A. Cloder. Pilot Rock. 1 load; L. McGiger, North Powder, 1 load; H. 3. Neal, Condon, 9 loads; C. 1. Howell, Robln ette, 4 loads; R. Kesby, 1 load; H. Baldwin, Redmond, 1 load; C. Royce, Condon, 2 loads; W. H. Barnett, Lexington. 1 load ; Nash Bros., Toledo, 2 loads; W. A. Lea per. Yon calla, 1 load; J. A. BUclc. Jr., Reedsport. 1 load; C. C. Carter, 1 load; C. A. Gourley, Oak Ridge. 1 load; J. W. Chandler. Union Junction. 1 load; C. Walgron, Weiser, 1 load; W. A. Henneway, 1 losd; F. M. Jewell. Cam bridge. 1 load ; R. Fraser, Pilot Rock, 4 loads; Sol Dlckerson, Weiser, 3 loads; O. S. Gorslinc. Joseph, 1 load; F II. Gritman. Pen dleton. 1 load; A. C. Conley, Condon, :i loads. With sheep L. E. West, Oakland, 1 load; C. E. Lucke, Canby, 1 load; Union Meat Company, Lyle, 3 loads; Frank McCoy, Mau pin, 2 loads; F. W. Falkner, Enterprise. 3 loads; O. E. Gorsllne, Joseph. 1 load. With mixed loads J. X. McFsdden, Cor vail is, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; Fred Weiss, 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and sheep; Fred Bunn. Pasco, 3 loads cattle and hogs; F. B. Grsjam, Elgin,' 1 load cattle and hogs; Clemens & Hollifield, Wallowa, 1 load cattle and hogs; Madison St Adams, Cambridge, 1 load cattle and hogs; L. M. Becker, lone, 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; C E. Lucke, Molalla. 1 load hogs and sheep; Canby. 1 load hogs and sheep; L. Brlggs, Carlton. 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; A. B. Melvln, Reedsport, 1 load cattle and hogs; Edward Bros., Monroe, 1 load cattle, bogs and sheep; H. J. Harris, Redmond. 1 load cattle, hogs ami sheep; Ball Sc. Wergan. Condon. 1 load cattle, calves and hogs. The day's sales were as follows Wt. Price.) Wt. Price. 4steers.. fiitfi $12.00 24 steers ...1100$1L50 53 steers. . 1 101 13.m 2 steers ... it 30 O.OO 7 steers.. 1(05 Kl.25 7 s'eers ...11M5 10.4HI 27 steers. . 1012 125 3 tteers ... O.IJO lO steers.. !! lO.KOlOcow .... t57 8.25 2 cows . .105 1 8.75, .11 tows .... H2 8.10 4 cows ..llo7 7.50 Scows ....11H3 8(H) .18 cows ..1055 9.0H J3 cows 1025 8.75 34 mixed.. 577 5.iO, 1 cow .... 60 J W 18 hogs .. 131 15.5H. 7 cows 7S2 7.50 230 hogs .. ls:t IS.ooj 3 cows .... mjo 3.50 10 hogs .. 272 1 .!0! 9 cows . ...1020 8.25 11 hogs .. 224 17.50 14 cows ....Idl-I b.OO 27 hogs .. 2.'i7 lrt.Oii; 6 cows ....1051 6.75 3f hogs .. I'.fi 15.75,21 cows ....1131 H.OO 22 hogs .. 175 17.85; Scows ....1140 7.75 7 hoarf .. 213 1S OO 2 cows .... ft20 ft.OO 1 hojjit .. ll3 Itt.OO 7 cows .... 741 5.75 71 hogs .. 3m 17.00 8 cows ....1003 8.50 78 hogs .. 152 17.75 0 rows . . . . 1050 7.1(0 12 steers., 820 8.5(t Scows .... 854 6.O0 15 steers. . 1131 11.75 1 cow .... so 3.50 1 steer t."r 7. 5!2 heifers .. !5 9.25 10 steers. . 1 172 10 )50,71 calves . . 320 10. OO 3 steers. . 003 7.0n 2 calves .. 225 9.01 44 steers. .1145 11.751 1 bull .... f20 5.25 3 steers.. 980 10.50f 1 bull 1450 6.75 Prices current at the local yards art aa follows: , Cattle Prices. Prime steers . . . $1 2.00 a 13. 00 Good to choice steers 1 LOO 0 12.00 9.7311.00 8. 25 9.25 tt. 75ii 8.23 8. -) 9. no 14l 7.15 5.4Hltf fi.fHI 3.04CVI) 4.00 5.041 rU) 7.00 9.0012.00 17 90-18.00 17.filti 17.75 itt.ont 17.01 15.00 16.00 12.00 -W13.50 ft.OOvr 11.00 10.10 42 H.OO 9. (Wft 100 6.50 0 9.00 Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Med. to good cows and heifers. Fair tomed. cows and heifers. anners ....................... Bulls Calves . .k. ...... .............. Hogs Prime mixed ................. Medium mixed ............... Rough heavies PIkh .sheep Prime lambs Fair to medium lambs ........ Yearlings Wethers Ewes ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the leading- Markets of the Pacific Northwest. State origins of livestock loaded October 13, 1018: t am norses mix. Calves Hogs Sheep Mules Stk. For Portland Oregon Totals 4 One week ago. . .18 Fouf weeks ago.. 8 One year ago... 27 For Seattle Washington 2 Totals Seattle.. 2 One week ago. . . 7 Four weeks trgo..37 One year ago. . . .34 For Spokane California 1 Washington ..... 10 Totals Spokane.ll One week ago Four weeks ago.. .1 One year ago.... 3 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Oct. 14. Hogs Receipts. 36. 000; market generally steady, with Satur day's average; packing grades very kIow. Butchers. $ 1 8. l-W I8.&0; light, $17. 1H 45; packing. $ 16.75 18; rough. 112516.75; pigs, good to choice. $15.50 'if 16.50. jattle Receipts. 30.0K; opened slow on all clacse. First sales about In litre with Friday's decline; calves slow to lower. -Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $14.23019.25; common and medium, $9.25 r 14.25 ; butcher stock, cows and heifers. $7 13.23; canners and cutters. $67: stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy. $10.2513.25; in ferior, common and medium. $7a 10.23; veal calves, good and choice. $16 2517; Western range beef steers, $ 13.25 (3 17.25; cows and heifers, $8 ft 12.50. Sheep Receipts, 60.000; market very stow to open; bidding unevenly lower on all classes. Omaha .Livestock Market. OMAHA. Neb.. Oct. 14 Bogs Receipts. 35O0; market steady to 6f lOc lower. Heavy, el7.40'n 17.tl5; mixed. $17.45 if 17.55: light. S17.50V1 I7.!i; p'gf. $15 1 17; bulk of sales. $17.45 17 55. Cattle Receipts, 19.5O0: market slow to 2"c lower. Native steers. $124 1H; cows and heifers, $7 w 1 !.'; v extern steers. $ 1 Texan steers. $8.50011.75; cows and heifers. $0.75'fill: canners, $66.73; stockers and feeders, $6.31 r 14; calves. $3.50 013. 50; bulls, siaKN. etc.. $6i 10. Sheep Receipts, 46.000: market steady to lower. v etnrs, sy(r 10.&0; ewes, $7,254 8.75; lambs. $13-25 13.75.; yearlings. $10 a 11.50. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 14. Hog receipts. 564 head, lo7 on contract direct from South Dakota. Market 7585c lower and packers were unwilling to pro mire anything for to morrow on that basis. Cattie receipts. 282 head. Market steady, especially in cows. Hogs Prime light, $ IN. -.- is 5; medium to choice, $18" IS. 25: medium heavy, $17 0 17.5t ; rough, $ltt16.50: pigs. $l17..r0. Cattle Best steers. $1113: medium" to choice. $10.50011: medium to good. fi 8.50; medium, $707.50; bulla. $507 50; calves. $3 0 10. Sheep spring lambs, $13015; yearlings, $9jl2; ewes. $. OKEOON APPLE SHIPMENTS CROWING Over One Hundred Cars Sent East la Past Three Iys, The local apple market waa steady and unchanged. One car of Oregons arrived. Extra fancy Winter Bananas. Jonathans and OrUea were quoted at $2.25 5 2 50; faacy at $291X3 and C grade at $1.752. Extra fancy Delicious were held at $3 o 5.55. Shipments of Oregon apples are Increas ing fast. 115 cars being dispatched on Fri day, Saturday and Monday to the following destinations: October 11 One car each to Fargo. Great Falls. Fan Francisco. Butte, Elk Creek. Walla Walla, Baltimore. Roches ter. Pasadena and Niagara Falls; two cars each to Bridgeport, Memphis. Fan Dleco. East Portland and Chicago: three to los Angeles. Suspension Bridge five. Lcroy six. Rlmlra 12, IV aw York 23. Canners' stock. The Dalles one. October 12 One car esh to Butte. Niagara Falls. Crawford, Rock land. Baltimore, Bridgeport. Great Falls. Burlington, Angelo. Saskatoon. San Diego, Douglas. Laredo and The Dalles; two cars each to New York. Ssn Francisco. Los Ange les and Des Moines; Chicago three. Leroy six, Klmira 10. October 13 Two cars to Suspension Bridge and three to New York. General apple trade conditions were sum marlzed by the Bureau of Markets aa fot lows: "Markets were nearly steady. Virginia York As held at $494 25 F. O. P. shipping point and ranged steady at $4.505.50 in consuming- markets. New York Greeninss As 2Vi-inch followed a wide range of $46. R-n Davis As held $3 253 50 per barrel at Winchester, Virginia, and nearly steady st $4.60tr4.75 bulk per barrel at Rogers. Ark. Rochester. N. Y., quoted standard Winter varlties As 2 H -inch steady at $4.253 4 r.0 f. o. b. Mlchlgsn Baldwins ranged $55.50 In Chicago. Northwestern and Colorado boxed Jonathana sold at unchanged prices. Shipments were heavy. New York and Wash lngton lead." Kastern Butter la On Market. Eastern butter was on tho market yester day and also shipments from Idaho, but Ore gon country creamery was scare and In de mand at full prices. Egg receipts were very small and the mar ket was strong at 60 centa for fresh candled stork. There waa a moderate supply of poultry and dressed meats and prices were generally steady except for pork, which wss weakened by the decline In live hog prices at the ward a JILL STOCKS ARE LIFTED TRADERS PROCEED ON THEORY END OF WAR IS NEAR. Dealings Reach Greatest Volume of Manj Weeks) and Tone or Mar ket at Close la Strong. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Discounting the outcome of momentous events over the double holiday, the stock market today pro ceeaea on the theory that Oermany's latest overtures had materially hastened the ces sation of the war. Virtually . every branch of the list strengthened, though very disproportionate ly. In the active auvance. Trading attained the greatest breadth and volume of many weeKs, but peace shares at ail times do mi nated the market, notably oils and ship pings. Rails aa a group were strong almost to DUoyancy. Pacifies, as usual, leading. Nu merous secondary raila. especially Western and Southern shares, wtr lilted 1 to 3 points. Prices averaged highest levels In the in sis tent demand In tfte last hour. United States Steel closing practically at Its b-t with a net gain ol 2 Vs points. Specialties ot the peace class, such ai coppers and motors, held mueti of their 2 to 5 point gains. Sales amounted to 075.000 shares. Railroad bonds of the speculative dlvl ilom were strong and Liberty issues were slightly higher, but foreign flotations were little changed. Total sales, par value, $w.2o0.0oo. Old United fetates bonda wars unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last High. Low. Sae. . OS-, titj 4 5- 4-1 45 V 85 83 Ti 85 Ort 4 Va V 'j hO'4 7 U-S 111 10J'4 llo;, J OJJ JU7 V 1' 15 14 14 7oi, iJ'4 704 01 OO 3 lull lOOi, Jo7 OUVs 55 Vm 22 "70!," 2lJi 174', 171 173 tJ8'3 OS's tl's 5 5s I, ;.-.( '.j 5UV 4S 50 07 ..- 17 27 20 2:-. 5b;a 3.vs 42 ',3 41 42 l3 4 4 43 '3 4 1 50 'i 54 H 50 21 25 m 21 '4 4 47 48 1 0 15 Hi "., 15S 15.; 157 121 117 1IH 01 m na ;sn 32 i: OK '3 07 1S' j 5i? 53 la 54- S64 "30 U 30 32S lt4 .lS'i 1! 35 33 35 n; 31 7, 31 f3 :tf 131I-, 131 U 151 U 28 -k 27 2S 25 S 24 25 75 a 74 U 74 m 20 2o 70 75 75 41 40 41 'm 108 38 02 31 H 444 4:i-, 44 H 40 4 8-1 4n 24 241 !1 'j !" 88 S 86 8SS 15 02 80 M 31 4 20 301, 8 'a 5! Ml 1!4- 1874 103 1, 133 V, 1301, 133 l'2TL 1O0 Vi 310ia 110', HO'. a 8-4 , 83 84 2 4 03 P24 t2Vj 45 S 4 5, 45 7 3 Si 71 73',, Sat -b. Am. Beet Sugar.. 8o American Can... Am. Car & Fdry. 2.MH American Loco.. 2. Jhj Am Sm St Rig. . .17.00 Am Sugar Rig.. I.Ihmj Am T dc T l.lou Am Z L St 8. . . . 1.4MHI Anaconda Cop. ,.li. im Atchison 5.5DO A U W I S 8 L 3.500 Bait Sc Ohio 4,tiOO B & Sup Cop California Petrol 5.40 Canadian I'ac... 7.70 Central Leather.. 7,5uo Ches A. Ohio 5.5j Chi M & St P... 0.300 Chi Sc. N W 400 C R I & P ctfs. . 4.7IIO Chino Copper. . .. 0io Colo Fu Ac Iron.. 1.50O Corn Prod Rig. Crut-lblo Steel. . . Cuba Cane Sug. Dim HI Securities 1. 5,:too 4. Mm) 1.11O0 Erie f.8 Gen Electric... 4.0h General Motors.. Gt North Pld... tiK) (it Nor Ore Ctfs. .m Kan City South. 1, 1 Illinois Central. Inspir Copper.. Inl M M Pfd.. Inter Nickel. ... Inter Paper. .. . Kan City South. Ke:inecott 1'np. . too 5.800 900 . ..ll.OOO Iouls Ac .Naxn Maxwell Motors.. 7.400 Mexican Pet roL . 7 0.40 Miami Cop 4.400 Missouri Parlflc. 7.S00 Montana Power.. 2m Nevada Cop 2' N Y Central 7.500 V Y N II A- II... 4.6'0 Norfolk & West.. 4.700 Nor Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsvlvania ... 6,.".00 Pittsburgh Coal.. 70 Ray Consol Cop . 1 .20(1 Reading 30.7(O Ren Ir Steel.. 7.0OO Slmt Arix Cop Southern Pac 11.300 Southern R" 33,700 Studebaker Cor.-10.0wi Texas o Vnlon Pacific 21.&00 IT S lnd Alcohol U S BtH I-40? do I'frt T'tah Copper. . . . Wabash 1 : Western Union. . iw0 Westing Klectrlc.l 2.501 w-thlehem B 10.50 Total sales for the day. 075.0OO. BONDS. U ref 2s reg..IS Pa con 4, -' do coupon j . .. "r ' 1 -.- 7'. U S 3 reg U ti 0s i-h do coupon . . - w a M Ant ohr i .... v. Atch sen 4s 83f do 1st rv 4h. . P.4 O A- R O ref 5s 57 HL do 2d 4s . 07 3 v -v den 6s.. I do 1st cv 4S .4K N P 4s N P 3s Pao T & T Si... 0 do 2d cv 4. H7..14 do 3d 4Ws .. 07 40 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Oct. 14- Closing quotations: Aliouer. 4'!Mohawk 5 Aria Com 15S 'ld Dom 42 4' & Arix ... 7S0ceola 2 X- 1lecla...45 ivuln y ti.. Tentennlal 1 1 Vupertor Top Range 49 tSup St Boston. Bast Butte mVShnnnon Franklin 4 Iftsh Con .... Isle Rovslle ... 25 Uvinona Lake Cop 5 ulreene Can .. 4 3 3 50' Money, F.xchsnge. Ftc. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Sterling V-dsy billit. S4.73: commercial OU-ly Mils batiks. $4.72 4 : commercial tio-day hi lis. $4.72I ; demand. $4.73V : cables. $4 7H Francs, demand. $5.48: cables. $5.47. Guild era. demand. 42Se: cables. 43c Lire, de mand, 36; csbles, n.35. Mexican dollars. 78c Tim loans strong; per cent bid. Call money strong. High. per cent; low 3, ruling rate 6, closing bid offered a last loan o. LONDON', Oct. 14- Money 8 pr cent Discount rates Short bill. 3 17-32 per cent; three months bins, s iiJ per cenu Baralliasj Coffew Market Advance. NKW YORK. Oct. 13- Reports of fur ther sharp advances In Braxil suggested bullish view of peace prospects In the prt mary markets, and the only business re ported in coffee futures here today con stated of xurtner exenangea jt was norted that Kuropo had September buyin orders around the ring, but there were no sellers at the maximum prices, with t h market opening: and closing net unchanged. The switches reported Included December for September at 20 points. May for Sep tember at 18 points ana juiy zor septemne at 20 points. Tho early cables reported an advance of 75 rets at Rio on Friday and of 300 to 400 reia In futures at Santoa. CORN SHOOTS UP 11 CENTS LARGE BtYIXG EY FKDERAL GOVERNMENT IS ANNOUNCED. News Far More Than orfsets Sharp Decline Caused by Germany's Answer to President Wilson. CHICAGO. Oct. 14 Sudden notlrt that the United States (iuvf rnmfiit would bo a free buyer of corn rnve a whirlwind upward sweep o( lOS to 11 'c today to the corn markrt. Transient w eaknrM. w hlch, values had shown as a r'nult of th Ctrmin answer to Pr'drnt WiUon'i Imiulrl-. went into complin ccIIpka. The f.mnh of trading w strong m t nearly the tp prices of the ff Mnn. with Ninmbr $1 21 to $1.21 V. "d December $1.1S to $1.1S, a c.n of Mc Cimpard with the clce on Friday. Oats finished j to 2 He up. and provisions p ."Oc to $1. Jumps In oats and tro-i wero due hlly tr the action of corn. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. Mich, 1,ow. Close. Nor $1.1 1 $1 . iri $1.11 $1 l1 Dec 1.09 l.2is l.trj LIS OATS. N'ot t .;T"i .u .r.?i Dec 65 .67 .6J .67 MESS PORK. Oct $4 57 Nov 34.27 3 27 54.27 54.2 7 LA It D. Oct 2 "-O 26 n Nov. . . r. . .21.05 25.25 24 U5 5.2i . SHORT RIBS. Oct t. M Nov 21.55 21.97 21.55 21.U5 t'itih prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow. $1.47 1.4; No. yellow, $ 1.30' 1-35; No. 4 yellow. $1.20 Oats No. 3 white. CCfl'OOU.c: standard. CG ft 0:Sc !: No. 2. $1,629 1.62S. Barley $5. Timothy $7,50 8 10. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lnrd $2H.75. liibs $2223. M innea polls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS.- Oct. 14. Barley. 62089c Flax, $3.51 4J 3.34. Grain r.t San Francis. SAN FRANClfr CO, Oct, 14. Flour. $11.20 per barrel. Orr.ln W heat. Government price. $2.20 sr bushel: barley, $2.25ij2.50; oats, red feed and seed, $2.40 0 3; corn, California yel low. $4.15. Hay What and wheat and oats. $2C02S; ame oat $23 0 27.50; barley. $.2 i :M; al- 1 fu.. $22 4-25; barley straw. 5 b Stvr. at eals Alfalfa. coroanut, nominal. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current an Fggs, Vegetables Freeh Fruits, Ktc at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Butter. 61 0 64 c. Eggs Fresh extras. 72 He fresh extra puliets. 2c. Chee-e New firsts. 27c young Americas. Oregon. Sic. Poultry Iar;?e hens. r,2t?X3c; young roof er. 35 r34c; fryers, 33 Q 35c: broilers. 48c; geese. 25c; pigeons. $2.25; squabs, $lb4; urkevs, live, 54 030c eretabl't Green nes. Sfiflc: snnsrajrus. 30f55c; eggplant. 75cjS1: boll peppers, &Oc 4Ui; cnite peppers. u j 7.c ; tomstoes, $10 .- ; lettuce, T.icpji; celery, 104 20c ; pota- oei, rivers. J.2o ; 2 5i; sweet. 34 ti4c; nlons. Australian brown. tl.5O0l.TO: yel low, $1,7342; garlic. 15ttlj; cauliflower. 2i U40c; beets. 75c9$l; carrots. $lirt.30; tur nip. 0c; rhubarb. tl tt 1.25: cab bage, I4lc; artichokes, $3 4; cucumbers, 44 bOc; siring beans, 4&5c; lima be ana. 6i4io; okra. 10 12o per pound. Frutt Cantaloupes, Turlock. $101.23: water melon. $L5o i 2 : ravbu, $1.05 a I 30; noneydew melons, $1.50a 1. -; lemons, $3,544 r .."; grapefruit. $5t0: oranges. Yaiencias. $7.3O&S30; bananas, Hawaiian. 5&7c; pine apples. $4; apples. Relief leur, $1.50-9 1.75; Spitzenbergs. $1.75 j2.tU; Newtown Pippin. 4'ij; peacnep. nominal; hu kleberries. t'o 1.M-: pears. J'c?3; itucsetj. 75r it 1: figs. uliiornia, black. IK-c $ 1.15: plumn. nominal; grapes. Tokays. M.iIsk.ts and Thorn pon seedless. $ 1 .51 '( 1 75; Muscsta $2.25 t;2-75; Isabella, $ 1 .25 r 1.40; persim mons. $l: cranberrli-s. $4 a 4.25: Quinces. $1 25 ir 1.50. Kerelpts Flour, 12 0.7 quarters: bsrley. 2.502 centals; besns, 1 120 sacks; potatoes, 8.142 sacks: onions. Ci..3 sacks; hay. 3S4 ons; hides, 830; wine, 77.00O gallons. Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 14. Turoentlne. firm : 69c: sales. 43 barrels: receipts. 1 25 barrels; shipments, 4 barrels; stock. 30,140 Larreis. Roaln. firm: sales, none: receipts. 403 bar rels: shipments, 11'3 harprls; stock. 6.5:9 barrels. Quote : B. $ 1 4 05 ; I. K. and F. $14.30; G. $14.35; If, S14.45; I, $14 55: K, $15; M, $15.15; N. $15.25; WG. $15.40: WW. $13. CO, w York Sugar Market. NKW YORK. Oct. 14. Raw ruc.r ateadv: cntrif-jpal. 7.oSc. R'lned rtcady; cut r, in.-.c; crunhctl. mould A. 0.r.Oc: cube. 9 Trie; XXXX powdered, y.Jik-; pow dered, fine trranulntcd and diamond A. lc; confectioners A. h.ittti-; No. 1, 8.b.fC. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHIfAr.o. Oct. 14. Butler bleher. Cream ery. Til r 57c. Keen htcher. Receipts ran... Flrata. 4BLs0"c; ordinary flrt, 4f4Ac; at mark, cases tnciuded. 460 40c Hops at New Tork. NEW TORK. Oct. 14. Hops dull. Stats medium lo choice llii:.ic: l'.ilT. ler ISc; sPaclflc Coast 1918. 14'jjlGc; 1D1T. 10 oi:e. Iried Fruit at New York. NKW YORK. Oct. 14. Evaporated apples quiet. Californlas. 13 He; state, MffKic Prunes strong. California 90s. lOirlo'.c; Orfxonfl, nominal. Pcachea nominal. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 14. The Melal K- ehanra quotes lead unchanged; spot. o,",c Spelter unchanged; Ka.i fct. Louis deliv ery spot offered at 8 fl."c. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 14. Spot cotton quiet; middling-. o-VOOc. Duluth I.lnseed Market. Dl'LCTH. Minn . Oct 14 T.ln.eed. $3.33. Phone your want ndN to The Oreco- nlnn. Main 7070. A r.095. HALL & COMPANY BUY AND SELL Railroad Tublic Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis BIdg. Portland, Or. Cash Paid for Liberty Bonds Quotations furnished on application. We buy and sell at the market. Stocks and Bonds. United States National Bank BIdg. Telephone Broadway 3329. Moms Brothers, Inc. Th Premier Municipal Bond Houm of Oregon Established Over Twenty-fir Years Morris Building, 309-311 Stark St, Portland, Ore. Telephone Bdwy. 2151 Buy Liberty Bonds as an Investment We urge you to buy Liberty Bonds as permanent investment. Don't plan to dispose of your Liberty Bonds at th first slight pressure, and don't trade them for other securities offering a higher rate of interest. Liberty Bonds are as good as the money with which you pay for them. The same Government is back of them. Their value is beyond question and for a security of that class they pay a liberal rate of interest. As collateral for loans there is nothing better. Almost any bank will loan you 80 to 9 per cent of their face value at the lowest rates on the most favorable term6. In 6hort, buy Liberty Bonds as an investment because they keep your funds absolutely safe, always available and earning a good rate of interest. Convert Your 4's Now Convert your First and Second Liberty Loan 4 per cent Bonds into 4 Vis immediately, otherwise on November 9. 1918, you will lose that privilege for all time. Our facilities are at yor service to assist you in making the exchange and the Government wants you to convert. If You Are Compelled to Sell Don't take less than the New York market price for your Liberty Bonds and make sure you are getting that price by refusing to sell to any but a reliable bond house. We deal exclusively in Government and Municipal Bonds and buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market. The current market price is quoted below. If you can possibly buy more bonds do ao. ' " Our facilities are at your setr-ice to buy or selL UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS 3Vjs 1st 4s 4s 1st tli 2d , 4 Tuts. 100.02 7.:s 5$ 7.34 ? 54 90 Wed. 99.96 97. Dl P 54 97. SS .S4 (.( Thurs. 99.9S 98.50 97.00 9S.70 9.9S 97.I9 Frldajr 99.9S 9S.IS 97.J0 SS.IO S7.I0 7.42 Sat. Holiday. Mon. 99.9S S 40 97. 33 9! IS 97.34 97.40 Government Bought and Sold I. Devereaux tSLCompany 87 Sixth Street Portland, Oregon Telephone Bdwy. 1042 Baby Bonds $50 JjilOO J?200 $2."0 yielding 5Hy'c to 7 Cash or "Partial Tayment Plan B-eray S31. A-04. LUMBERMENS Trust Company CAPITAL A.S SURPLUS f 400.0CO Lambermens Bldf. Portland, Or. FACTS SO. 37 Government Recognition The government has recognized the Importance of highway transportation by creating the HiRhway Transport Committee of the Council of National aUefenft. Among the duties of this committee is to study the improvement of roads suitable for auto traffic This will resolve itself Into aAcertainlna: that the hiehest type of roads is one paved with BITULITHIC WARRKX BROS. CO. Josiraal lilda PortlaaA. Orraja TB.ivri.riw crtnr. 4A M wtkhuifiAii and Alia Main attt. ALASKA KrtrhlttaB, Wranfell. Junoau. Iourlaa Urines. tkKwy. Cordova. Valdai. Bward and Anchorara. flp4MLal botnmrr LirnratoOsV. Hound-triy rata to ill Alaska pointa Larct shipa, un4M,ualxl rvca low ratea, includ lag b?rtha and mrait. lak rtienationi. and Municipal onds TRAVELERS CCTDK. mm TEAMShlP COMPANY lal Hi Third M., hfcaftoa m. Altlr. Ketchikan. W rancetl. Jun4u, LxuclMu Havtnea. Ekacwiy, Cordova, ValdM. Srcl nrt Anrhorafe. rt to all Alaska pointa. LrgmmX abtm. untquai'd service, low rtr. 1nciuao( brt,aa and mtklt. 31ak res r ailona. Salt Air Cures Spanish Influenza Steamship Walla Direct fsr Saa Fraa rlaoo. ms A aelea aaisl hmm I)lraro teekl7. (Includes Berth and Mearn.) ApplT fmm Praarlae. Partlaa4 asl Jjm Asfelea aiteasaasjlft (r 123 Tktrdl Fraak Batllaaa. Ami. Main 26, for Reservation and Sailings. FOR SHANGHAI AND (OR) HONG KONG If sufficient Inducement offers ws may lead on the berth from POUTI.ANO for ShNne-hal and tor Hongkong ABOUT NO VfcVI HtH. ONe; At TII.ART MOTOR (WHOONEB SM toas . w. F.r ratea 01 fre.sht and further partle utar p app:y to f. t;Rlrll .. Arenla. BrMi- 1S4. Viscoufcr, K. '.. Seattle. rrtlad aad has a r SAN FBANCISCO-LOS AKCELES LOW RATES. Br "trainer Ineludlns Meals aad Berttt. THE SAN rHASCKTO a rORTLAKD B. t. 4XMPAY. Ticketa at Third aad Waahlnataa. rrlepboaa Biwilw 5. Bsar. tN. 124. A dlSl. Mala 14SX. Astoria aad War laadlaaa. A 143t STR. GE0RGIANA Lvra Aldart. Does at T A. at. daily -cept t rid. jr. R.tumlna. laavaa Aatarta IP. aL I'NDINt, dally Saadar. at T:4 aW at K.turnlna. laavaa Astoria, at T F. If. U'HUSK. dally, Buadar. at . If. Staturalna. Laavaa Astoria at f t0 A. af tsn LAS taca War. AUSTRALIA Honolulu. Suva. NowZaalarrtf ClHDlil ISSTniLiSUI RCT1L RAIL Vll I arrest. aowost. bsat . q ttI ppd seaarnara. ar tarea and aaillnsa apply Cmm. lc Ball aray. sA Third M rortiaad. ar beaaraj AaaaU tu kuam ttu. t aacaarar. U. ta