16 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 191S. PARTISAN BATTLE Dl Reconstruction Problems After War Will Be Enormous. COMMISSION TO BE NAMED Democrats, It Is Declared, Propose to Give Body Partisan Char acter From the Start. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Oct. 14. There, are indications of an impending partisan contest n Congress over the manner of appoint ment of a commission to study and re port on after-war reconstruction prob lems. The Republicans of the Senate have agreed unanimously to support the Weeks resolution for a joint Con gressional committee with representa tion equally divided between the two parties. The Democrats are expected to boost a bill introduced by Senator Overman authorizing the President to appoint a commission of five, not more than three to be of the same political party. This subject assumes importance be cause it daily becomes more apparent that reconstruction problems will be many and difficult. The body charged with the duty of surveying the almost unlimited field of reconstruction will have authority to probe into almost every branch of business, particularly Government business, and will have a lot of money to spend. Committee of Six Proposed. Senator Weeks made the first move for the creation of a committee on re construction. His resolution provided for the selection of six members from each house, in each case three Repub licans and three Democrats, and all selected by party caucus. That method would deprive the party floor leaders of their customary prerogatives and would place upon the entire party mem bership in each house responsibility for making good selection. With the rep resentation of the two parties on the committee equal, there would be no partisan bias. The committee would be entirely under the direction of Con gress, and free from influence by the Executive. The Weeks resolution provided for an appropriation of $500,000 for ex penses a sum small in comparison with the job of getting the Nation back on a peace basis after the spending of billions to get on a war basis. The introduction of the Weeks reso lution seems to have taken the Demo crats by surprise, for they floundered around in their efforts to head off his plan. Two days after the Weeks reso lution was introduced Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, introduced a resolution fol lowing to some extent the language of the Weeks measure, and in all re spects the same in purport, except that the make-up of the committee would be "fairly representative" of the two parties. That would mean Democratic . control. Overman Measure follows. But Owen evidently had not consult ed the White House. Three or four days later Senator Overman, of North Carolina, introduced what was imme diately recognized as an Administra tion measure, proposing a commission to be appointed by the President, the Ave members to be paid salaries of Jl 0.000 a year each, and a secretary with a salary of J5000. The commis sioners would be removable at the will of the President, for inefficiency, neg lect or malfeasance. The subjects for investigation by the committee or commission are practi cally the same in each measure. They include the future of the railroads and telegraph and telephone systems; the question of Government or private ownership and operation of ships; de mobilization of the military and civil forces engaged in war, and rehabili tation and restoration to private indus try; conciliation and arbitration in la bor disputes; domestic industry and foreign trade; trusts; capital and credit, and numerous minor subjects, such as housing and disposal of Gov ernment war property. . White House Aim Clear. The magnitude of the work cut out for the committee will be readily ap parent. The eagerness of the White House to get control of the committee may be understood when it is remem bered that the committee will go ex tensively into the question of Govern ment ownership as a peace policy and study the record of war-time experi ments. The Administration, of course would like to have its record inspected by its friends. The Republican plan has one advan tage. It provides for equal party rep resentation, thus making it impossible for either to turn the work of the com mittee to partisan advantage. The Re publican plan is to keep the committee free from politics, while the Democrats propose to give it a partisan character from the start. STUBBING MY IS FATAL XORBETTO IiASARO KILLED BY YSIBRA HERRAXDES. Assailant, In Confession to District Attorney, Says He Stabbed Vic ; tim in Self-Defense. Norbetto Lasaro, a Mexican, was stabbed below the heart at Fourth and Burnisde at 6:30 o'clock last night by Ysibra Herrandes. He died in the ele vator at the St. Vincent's Hospital, where he was taken in the patrol wagon. After the stabbing affray the wounded man was taken to the Acme pharmacy and the police were notified. Inspec tors Tackaberry, Goltz and Snow were assigned to the case. Jerry C. Hurley, clerk at the Acme Pharmacy, said he heard the dying man murmur the name of Anderson. Ac cording to F. Do La Torre, a Mexican friend of the dead man. and Raleigh Holman, of the Quimby Hotel, who said he witnessed the fracas, Lasaro met his assailant opposite the Quimby House on Burnside street, where they were seen to talk together for a few mini.t.c Later. Herrandes ran up the stairs Into a. ioagmg nouse. Shortly afterwards he descended the stairs and again engaged In conversa tion with Lasaro. The argument seemed to wax warm and suddenly Herrandes was seen to draw a knife and stab Lasaro. The stricken man fell wounded and Mr. Holman and F. De La Torre rushed to his assistance. Lester Wilson, of 344 Salmon street, witnessed the murder. Lasaro has a brother, Benito Lasaro, who says that they have been employed in a paper mill at Camas, Wash., and returned to Portland today. Lasaro was 18 years of age and was not married. Herrandes, who fled immediately fol lowing the stabbing, was arrested at the Panama Hotel early this morning by Inspector Goltz and taken to the police station. It is said that he made a complete confession in the presence of the District Attorney and other of ficials. Herrandes claims that he stabbed Lasaro in self defense, as the latter was about to strike him with a stick. He is 17 years of age. A formal charge of murder has been preferred against Herrandes, according to the police. OREGON PRUNES TO MOVE Xlne Million Pounds Will Be Sent to Allies Overseas. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Oct. 14. (Special.) Respond ing to inquiries made by Representa tive McArthur as to the progress be ing made in ordering shipment of Ore-j gon prunes, the Food Administration says that of the 38.000,000 pounds com mandeered, shipping orders have been given to the San Francisco agent cover ing 9,000,000 pounds for the allies and 10,000,000 pounds for the Army. The remainder will be ordered shipped as soon as information comes from the San Francisco office showing the names of packing firms that have the contracts. PORTLAND BOYS ARE NAMED Representative McArthur Designates Xominees for West Point. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Oct. 14. (Special.) Represen tative McArthur has designated the following persons as his nominees for the West Point cadetships: Richards C. Emmon, Ward A. McSweeney, Wil liam Cate Ralston, Russell McGee Col well, Albert Kavanaugh Weller and Robert Oliphant Morrison, all of Port land. Col well and Morrison are In oversea service. The nominees will take a competitive examination and the high est two will be appointed. FELON ESCAPES IN OREGOjM Convicted Counterfeiter Leaps) From Train Xcar Ashland. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14. Norris H. Pyron, a counterfeiter, who was being taken from here to the Federal prison at McNeil's Island, Wash., escaped to day by slipping his shackles and leap ing from a moving train near Ashland, Or. Pyron was being taken north to serve a sentence of 15 years. It was his third term on the same charge, accord ing to Federal officials here. . The United States Marshal's office notified all peace officers in Oregon to be on watch, for the fugitive. Bernhardt on Wav to France. NEW YORK. Oct, 14. Madame Sarah Bernhardt arrived here tonight on her way to France, where she is to undergo another operation." Madame Bernhardt said she expected to sail this week and will return in January or February for a new American tour. Cleveland Schools to Close. CLEVELAND, Oct. 14. Every school in the city, public library and art mu seum, will close tomorrow for an in definite period under orders Issued to day by City Health Commissioner Rock- wood because of the spread of Spanish influenza here. Atrocities to Be Investi'gatcd. ATHENS. Oct. 14. The Greek gov ernment has requested the allied and neutral governments to name delegates to an international commission, the duty of which will be to visit Eastern Macedonia and investigate the atroci ties committed by the Bulgarians. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 14. Maximum temper ature. 64 degrees; minimum, ol degrees River reading. 8 A. M.. 2.S feet; change lri last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 p M. to 3 P. M.), none. Total rainfall since September J. mis. 2.01 inches; normal. 3.49 Inches; deficiency. 1.4S Inches. Sunrise. 7:27 A. M.: sunset. 8.27 P. M Total shine, 6 hours 50 minutes; possible. 11 hours. .luuiium-. o.i i . .i. oarometer treauced to sea level) 5 P. M.. 20.80 inches. Relative humidity at noon. 70 per cent. THE WEATHER. 5 Wind 5 ; 3 3 5 5 2. 2 I I : I S : - i ! I i ; STATIONS. State ot Wests.! Baker 4S 740, Boise (JO 7V0. Boston 50 t20. Calgary 30 i. : Chicago 4tf r.f,'o Denver 54 S(0 Dea Moines ... 41 74 0 Eureka r.4 54 0. Galveston 70 80!0, Helena 50 7i'0 Kansas City .. 54 740, L.os Angeles -. 4 84. 0. Marshfield ... o'2 6UiO. Medford . . 44 72i0, Minneapolis . . ;is Goo. New Orleans. . 70 7o 0, New York .... 50 62:0. North Head .. 48 560. North Yakima. Tfj. 71i 0 Phoenix 6tf J20 Pocatello 58 71 i0 Portland 53 64tO. Roaeburg 50 68:0, Sacramento .. til! 72iO. St. Louis 50 6 0 Salt Lake . 5.K S(l0. San Diego ... titij 8l!iO San Francisco. 5 70 ;0. Seattle 48 52 0 Spokane 1 52 72 0. Tacoma 4tf 52 0 Tatoosh Island 48 58:0 tValdez 40t. Walla Walla. . 5R 72 0 Washington . .J 52 620 Winnipeg 30 62 ;0. nn! Cloudy Cloudy Rain 1 -Oit. . HE .001. . ) N W - --I- -I .1"! . . i K jOlear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear i.OOl. . E .OOi . . IS .01!. .INW ."Tl-iiNE .OOi . .IK .OiljlO S -OOj. ,SW .OOJ. . S w .OO!. .!NW .00I14S ICIoudy (Cloudy Clear Cloudy iPt. cloudy !Pt. cloudy Iciear .oo;i4 XE ! -OOilOiNW -00i calm -OO. . E .flnil5!SR (Cloudy .001. . iN W (Clear t, I Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy IPt. rlnuriv .0O1. .XW .0010,S -OOI. JN'E inn is w i.01:12;NW -0tJ!12SW .OOf. .INW ICIoudy IPt. cloudy (Cloudy ICIoudy jPt. cloudy .IM). .SW i.OO. . NE .OOUOlNW oof" '.' '! Cloudy I Clear Rain .OOil2-NW .OOI . . s tA. M. today, "P. M. report preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Cloudy and occa sionally threatening: northerly winds. Oregon and Washington Cloudy and oc casionally threatening; cooler east portion; Ugh.tn,ortherly winds. Idaho Cloudy and occasionally threaten ing; cooler. FRANK GIL. LAM. Meteorologist. The first people to bury their dead in cemeteries and make use of orna mental headstones were the Turks. Bates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Dally and. bundajr Per line. lie t2o One line Two consecutive times .... Three ronaeentlva I i i Six or leies consecutive times .... Me The following claif U-atiuna excepted., the rate on which is 7c per line per day: Situations Wanted .Male. Situations Private Fatn.i.ea, Board and Rooms Private lain! lie. Housekeeping Rooms Private families. Js ad taken tor less than two lines. Count six words to the line. Advertisement (except "Per sonals") will be taken over the tele phone If the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following; day. Advertise ments are taken lor The Daily Orego nian until 8 P. M.; for The bunday ore gonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Boom 153 CoarthouM, 6th St. Kotnuce. rhone from S to 6, Main 178, Home rtaona A M(bt call after uffic. hours. Wsool- liwi 764. Report all eases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small anlroaia. Horse ambulance for aick tad dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring- a doe; or other pet communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding;. There Is no more city pound. Just Oreaoa Humane Society. Fir- xl mlAD A dire ctory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AGATE CCTTEBS AND MFG. JEWELERS. JEWELRY and watch repalrlni." Miller's ua YVauh. au, Majestic 'l neater blu.-. Al.FAI.FA MEAL. tBOlXD I'EtUS, HAY. WA LTBR SCOTT, Board of Trade. M. 8B67. ASSAVEBS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second ooiQ. silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practice in all vmirLa. .-Nortnweatern bDK bias. W. P. ADAMS, attorney-at-law. 1037 Cham- vrr vi commerce. .Main 407. BABBEB SUPPLIES. OREUON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy ncn an ainaa ot barber supplies, oo .u CARPET CLEAMNO, I1UUO made from your wornout carpets by the Northwest Rug- Co. (former ad. dress, 153 Union ave. Rag rugs woven all Hizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mall orders solicited. las Cast bth. rHOXE EAST 35SO. B 120. FLUFF RUG CO. Phones: Kat oolti.- L. M. JONES. M. 1). CANCER TREATED. Morgan bids. Marshall 6143. CELLILOIU BITTONS. THE IRWIN-HODHON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AXU AKCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle DeVeney. the "j .wulihi; tnirupouiii anil arcn spe cialists In the city. Parlors 302 Uerllnger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Aider. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHVsltLl N. DR. JItMAHO.V, Macleay blilg.. lOO'-i chlro- n unq uest. Aajusiments roaae easy. Obstinate cases 3oc rates. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 510-11-12 Royal bid. Mar. loo letters, multigraphed. Sl..r.o COLLECTION 'AGENCIES. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg Main J7!V No collections, no charge. Established liMMi. COM 8ACTOR8. T. W. DIXSMORE. general contracts and estimavea furnished on all kinds of repair wrtrk on buildings. Broadway 30.3. BRICK WORK. ALL KINDS of brick work done, boiler and smoky fireplaces a specialty. Bdwy. 4H20. 1ANC1NG. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private Instructor: classes Tues.. Frl.. S td 10. 109 --'d St.. between Nasnlngton and Stark. Main 2100. ALISKY Dancing Academy: private instruc tions, day and evening classes. Friday evening. 2d fioor Alltky bldg. H lessons ." hlXfiLER'S Dancing School. 14th off Wash. All the popular dances, private and class. B lessons. $5. Broadway 33n. . ' MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. K5H .1th. 10 private lessons for 15. Competent teach ers. Broadway 2327. HOP AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. H. HUTHMAN. veterinarian, hospf tal. 41,-. E. 7th St. East 147. B 1!W,2. EYE. EAR. NOSE ANI THROAT. Dr; PF- '"asseday. specialist, glasses fitted. yf" amr, cor. nn. IS J.i:i,J, K. 4734 r ' A.u It At. KH, FACTORY. NO RTH W EST RUG CO.. established IKO.i Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes last 8th and Taylor. East 3586. B 12S. WHOLESALERS AND AI TO TOPS. DUBRUII.I.E BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. I rlllUl PI CDITI PIT Stockroom and office s-l WII1lL.t.WI Iks. UUl 47 i 47 North 5th street GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC JRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 53-53 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. K A H V BROS.. 195 Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSE.V CO., 2d and Taylor. MEETING NOTICES. A. AND A. S. RITE. A INS WO RTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX. NO. 1 There will be no meeting tonight (Tuesday) by order of State Board of Health. WISE MASTER. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 7. O. E. S. No meeting this (Tues day) evening. Order of W. M. SOPHIE L. HOBSON. Sec. J WASH1NGTOV COMMAN DERY, NO. 15, K. T. No meeting this (Tuesday) even- Ing. Order Health Board. ROBERT MARTIN. Rec ENRIGHT In this city. October 14. Thomas J EnrlKht. beloved nusband of Mrs. Mary Enrlght. of Broderlck. Cal. The dd has two sons In the Army and one In the Navy. Remains are at the new, modern funeral parlors of the Chambers-Ken-wortby Co.. 248-250 Kllllngaworth ave nue, near Williams. EMBLEM Jewelry. uttona, charms, plas. Sow seslgns. Jaeger Bros.. Ot l. FHIBDLANDER'9 lor lodce emblems, class pina and medals. 10 Washington at. DIED. SCHVLZE At Hood River, by accident. Oc tober 13, 11)18. Miss Margaret Schulze. aged 29 years, 7 months. 21 days, beloved daughter of Mrs. Minnie Schulze. of 831 Gantenueln ave.. and sister of Mrs. Flora Johns. Alma. Martha, Verna. Velda and brother of Herman schulze. of Portland. Remains at It- T. Byrnes' residence par lors, ttul Williams ave. Funeral announce ment later. PUTMAN October 13. Carl Putnam, aged 20 years, son of E. A. Pulman. of Florence, S D. Remains were forwarded by Dun ning A McEntee to Watertown. fi. D. HARRISON Oct. 14. George Harrison, aged 40 years. Remains are at Dunning & Mc Entee's chapel. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. CASTO At ' the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Andrews. 1143 East Alder St., October 13. Julia Augusta Caato. widow of tha late Dr. J. Casto. aged 73 years. 10 months. 18 days. Private funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday). Oct. ltf at lo A. M. at the new chapel of Breeze & Snook. Belmont at 35th. Inter ment at Rlvervlew Cemetery at 11 o'clock. LEWIS At "Warren. Oregon. Oct. 13. Carle ton Lewis, aged 40 years, husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, formerly of- this city. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday). Oct. 1. at 2 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at 5th. All services strictly private, in accordance to ordera from the Stat. Board of Health. HILL The funeral services of the late Ed ward B. Hill will be held today (Tuesday). Oct. 15. at 2 P. M.. from the Portland Crematorium. All services private In com pliance with orders Issued by the State Board of Health. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. BELL At the residence. 29H4 Grand ave., Oct. 14, Ruth Bell, aged 22 years, beloved wife of H. V. Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bowman and sister of H. H. Bowman. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the residential funeral parlors of Miller eV Tracey. FIX) RUTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florlata, 2ST Morrison at. Main or IsOo. Fin. flower, .uu floral designs. No branch atorao. MARTIN at FORBES CO.. riortsta. 54 Washington. Main 269. A 1209. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. fONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2 S5 Washington srL. bet. 4th and 6th. Main 6102. A 11L MAX U. SMITH. Male 7215. A till, awl Una bids.. 6tb and Aider sta. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designs: lowest prices. LUBL1SER, Portland bout. S2S Morrlaoa ss. TT!TV ,11 ii ' nessi HEMSTITCH INC. HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents per yard; accor dion, knife and box pteatlng: buttons cov ered, tucking and braiding, also embroid ery work done. Msll orders prompUy at tended to. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. 85 5th St., between Oak and stark sts. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, seal. oping, ac cordion side pieat. buttons covered, msit orders. 2la Plttotk block. Broadway l"t'.. TEACHER of the piano has method which makes music easy and Interesting for be stniiers; 5c a lesson. Phone E. 34t. VIOLIN, piano, harmony, all siring. Kol Kenbeek. 4j Yamhill. Instruments sold. EM I L TH IELHORX, violin tescher. pupil Sevclk. 2U. Flledner bldg. Bowy. 1 82 J. PIANO LESSONS. . PER-MONTH. 2R9 14TH ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. Main 3VJ3. PIANO LESSONS, $5 PER MONTH. 2i HTH ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. Main 3V3. OPTOMETRISTS AM) O PT 1C I A N 8. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou- " - sands of satisfied patrons. A trial wilt convince. i.'hat W. Goodman, optometrist. 20'. Morrison. Main 2124. PATENTS. R. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. oOl lekum bldg. PATENT ATTORNEY'S. " GOLDBERG. B20 Worcester tldg. Main 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. U05 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver. kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scslp. high blood pressure. 80 0f increased efficiency: drugiesa treat I O ment. Goitre, paralysis, headache. tonsllitia. Dr. Walters. 30o bwetland bldg. Marshall 4.N92. I'Ll'MBIXti St PPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Staik-Davla Co.. 212 Third. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. K. Ganlenbeln. Mgr. Printing and llnotyp.ng. lnus Front at., cor. Stark. Main or A 141H. DDIUTIUf F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. rnlltllilU 1st and Oak sts. Main 1Q5. A11Q5. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HDW. A FURN. CO.. 221 Front St. We buy and sell anythlns In th. hard ware and furnltur. line. Phone Main W.72. A 7174. , MAIN 514l Buy and sell second-hand tools. Junk, old automobiles. 233 Front. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 24 PINE. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner ot 13th. Telephone Broadway 12M or 1100. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK WAREHOUSE. Of flc. 18 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. I'hone Main 1611. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew elry. Condition no object. Repairs a ip dally. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 4i3'i Wash. St. WOOD. DRY C0RDW00D Multnomah Fuel Co. M. S54". A 2116. lVIANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-0 Front St. n.VMHINO AND STEAM PCPP1.IES. M. I.. KLINE. S4-8B Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ERDIXO FARRELI- 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrop. SASH. DOOR.H AND. GLASS. W. P. FULLER &. CO.. 12th and Davis sts. WALL r.VPER. MILLER Wall Paoer at PL Co.. 172 First t. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. FVNEKAL DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1S77. Third and Salmon 8 treats. Main 607. A lill. I-ady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Loss. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Dlrectora. Wash. st.. Iwl 20th & 21st. West Side. Main 2U9L Lady assistant. A 7&ba. J. P. FiNIr ok SOX. Prosresaiv. Funeral Dlrectora. Private Drlv. Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 9. A ISO. a nitwlhln ner THE GOLDUN RULi. UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. Eaat 6H. B xili. BREEZE & SNOOK WILSON & ROSS Multnomah at Ttn. L-ad V aalsLajit- East 54. C 1165. DUNNING A McENTEiC funeral directors, Broadway and Pin. str.et. Fnon. Broadway 30. A 4558. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu peral sorvlce. 1976 E. Gliaau. Tabor 431S. P. L. LERCII Kaa 78L Eaat 11th and Clay Sta, B 188 A ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 121 h and Morrison sts. Bwdy. 2334. A 2235. AT 7Ff,T,KR Til J Wllllama Are. SEEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd md Clay. Mam 4152. A 2321. Lady aaslstant. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO. 5602 92d St.. Lenta. Tabor 5267. MOKCMISTa. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, Z4-3cS 4th St.. opposlto City Halt Main s5e4. Philip Neu at bona for memorials. c.'tiLt;i;iNC GVSUtl t3."l NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rags and Woolen Clothlna. We Make Iteveralble. If svnd . Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. MaU Ordrra. Send for Booklet. Kan; Knsra Weyea, All Slaeo. Carpet Gleaning 9x2 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FlITF BI G COt, 54 tnlon Ave. N. Kant .11, R 1471V, MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property- ta-stallm-nt repayment privilege it pre ferred; prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Nerthwratrra Rank Bnlldlng;. Marahall 4114. A 41 IS. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BI SIXFS1 A NO KESIDKXCE I'KOPEBTV. ROBKHTSOU 4t KVt'IXti. 207-M orlbwltra Hank llldar. IRVINGTON R.T STRKFT HO.M K.S'. IRV. A'iKNT. Phone your want ads to The Ureso nian. Main 7070, A 6GU5. NTW TODAT. I-ROPERTY FOR SALE. EVERT PIECE A REAL BARGAIN. Term May Be Had. No. 427 11th. near Hall St- lot 50x100 ft. Price f 5.SS ."o. 470 Hurt St.. bet. N. 12th and N. tlth sis., cottage, lot OOxlou ft. Price .30 N. E. cor. X. lrtth and Overton sts. iwiliw it., two houses. Price 12 .50. F1e-room modern bungalow. No. S7S t-apttol ave., 50x100 ft. Price I.: 5s) Five-room cottage. No. 1002 Montana ave., trtxttHJ iu price z.ejo. Frame apartmnt-houe. No. 183 Ca- rutners St.. 50x100 fu Price 10.000 12-room house. Nv 715 First, corner Hooker St., lot o2-xloo It. Price... S.fto N. W. cor. First ar.d Hooker sts.. ooximi it., small nouse. fine corner lot. Price. 4.000 Sev.n-room modem house. No. 10 E. i.'tn. near r.. vtashir.ston t lot OoxluO fu Price 4.500 Quarter block. 1O"t100 ft., on N. TV. cor. vt imams ave. and Shaver St., store bidgs. and dwelling house. Price S.500 Any of theme properties are bargains and Ton win so well to Investigate them. For full Particulars see PAKRIH. H ATKIXS f to.. o. loo Svosd St. Willamette Heights liROlXD 7SalOO P'ven rooms, sleeping- porch In rear, three bedrooms and one for maid; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, llvlnn-rooni across entire front of house; good view from every room; parage Inspection by appointment only. Price 8SOOO. Goddard & Wiedrick 213 STAIIK ST. JNO. B. COFFEY . .MORTGAGE 1.0A.S. Insurance, Surety Bonds 302 WILCOX HI LH.. Mala 703, A STOX REAL KSiTATE. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a bard-. a tata Income. W dtgn and bulM acjtblac. turnlab th money if dMlrcd. JC.stii yvara a rwuino. a-, n. oaiioy to., coatractiss arciiitocia, Xortbwei tin fita( bide. MvDKKNIZ E your l'MlicJin. ail Kind of repairs ; my drat grit tor new homea. lax M. Myer, Concord hUiz. Main &-u. Korrnerly isupt. Or-ton Home Ftuinlrr. LOT OOxUhJ, Irvinstoa Wrk; J0; tolwcka from Wood lawn car. K. 7i6i. For Hair laoi. EAST TERMS $?" O0 DOWN l'ARKKObt; ACJtfci TKACT Fldwalka pr-paure wtt-r. Goorl hou-i on both ii.drs. i:.os to achool. Terma 15 a month Includca int-real ,.. Thi la thm way to atart a hom. J. fc 11 AHTM AN CuMl'AM'. lialn U8, A uOO. KOSK CITY PARK and Windsor Ht-thia. toia for ialf, $lo down, flu pr mnmh: no interat. Call Oregon Typewriter Co., 0-4 A r.tn at BAKU A IN. 6 lota, easy terms to shlpworker If you want to build a home, s-ure it close-in lot cheup now; no CKnts. Kant 4!1. AUI-INGTON H K1G UTS Fine r..rn-r lot. with unobstructed view. 2.Vo. ltio. nn KiniCKton ave and Koutledce at., inanrular nap. cheap, tin cnrJIne. H tio. f ri-ron i n. 15 LOTS In Capitol Hill, scattered loca tion. (3000 fakea the bunch. I'hona to tb owner, Marshall I79. Mam luoi. ROSB CITY and Windsor HeKhta. lota for a Ale. $10 down. $10 a month; no Interest. Call 14 N Mh at. KIN 13 buUdinir lot. 15 minutes' ride from .South i'ortlund shtpyards, at $3.Vi If sold thia week. See owner at 44 Iltt bids; FOR SALE .'.OxKrU, lrvlnpion I'nrk. Sac rifice fur about one-half original cost, I'hone Kant ";."..". For eialaBtgach trottnr. SALTAIK. 11LUMOOK BEACH. Two choir lota. 2$ by HO, at Smltslr tat Ion. Tillamook Beach. Near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road tod railroads, faces Pacific Ocean, bultabl for boalneaa or residence. Value $500; wtti consider trade for auto, property or mar chandlae. Address A 401. Ore con) an. Klat and Apartment I'roperty dc In sood con a 1 1 ion. (iOUDARD & WIKDRICK. 24 Stark Pt. r or pale Hounfn. HAWTHORNE IISTKICT. -room bun k alow, strictly modern. ROx 0 lot, block of cur. oak floora fire- f)tace. furnace., all built-in effect a; owner rtvlnit city, will sell at a barsraln. K. V&nduyn, 015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 19.".5. $.1300 TAKE 1MMKDIATE POSSIiS- sion f :;.tH. 6-room bunsjaiow, fu.l cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, all built-in fea tures, lot SOxlOO, nicely loci ted and In fine condition ; terms easr. "Ft. W. till 1. with Hummeil fc Hummel!, 274 Stark st. $7l0 BUYS a 3-room cottage. 2 blocks from station and 10 minutes' ride from ship yards; electric llKbts. city mater, several bear In b fruit trees and small fruit : will take f -OO cash and baltnre $15 per month. This la a sjotxl buy. Multnomah Develop ment Co.. 40 ritttt bid. ROSK CITY PARK. T-room house, with sleepmfr porch, hot water heat, 2 toilets, large bathroom, built in buffet and bookcases, full cement baj-e ment. $3roo; houM Is vacant, can move in at once. F. V&nduyn. Chamber of Commerce. Main Jbr.5. IMM KDIATK IWKSSIOX. 5-ROOM KI'NXIALOW BHA.M) NEW. Kull cement baseuient, !lreplH.re. hard wood floors, larR atttr ; lot 4uKM); Kast 43d street. i'rice $'UjO. Terms: $ Moo cash, balance nurtaaK T per cent ;oirAKl & WllCI'KK'K. S?4:l Murk St. MT. TAHOK cottaxe. ? rooms, bath. cts and electricity; one bedroom downstairs, house faces east with ocautilul unobstructed view of the mountains; lot .'HK140 feet with yard f u!l of - fruit traa- House newlf painted and papered. Xr!to i00. f bono Tabor HAVE a nice fi-room modern home; has ri replace, uutcn aitcnen, Duiit-in reaturea, beanns fruit and berries, full basement, on the St. Johns csr and handy f,r shin- yard workers. Iric $30rO; $. cash and small montniy pay men: a. i'hone Mam 3711. MONTAV1LLA 17rv. S rooms and. bath; cement basement: sleeping porch; Ka and elec. ; lot OoxlOO. $.ihi down. OUDDAKD A WIKDRIOK. 243 Ptark Ft. WKST ST I K. 1 HOI'StS LOT 00x100 One house has 7 rooms: other rooms; on Clay at reel, near 1 ."t h. J'rlce $45o GODDARD .V W1KIRH'K. 243 Sta r k St, MODERN seven -room house. practically new ; one bedroom, toilet and bath on first floor, sleepma porch, araraire. paved street, masrnif Icent tew ; Sllwood line, A. C. Hun-hmson. 7nl Corlwtt bide .Viu CASH. LAL. KAFV; I'RICii :ii:M. Furnished buuraio; move risrht In; la rare. .'.-room. fuKy furnished. modern hiftKest bargain in city: lot "OxloO: beMiirl. fui lawn, fir trees. Ilurr, Jtroadway It 125, HOUR IN ROSE CITY PARW At less than building cost: must be soTd this week. 0OO. terms. AF 701. orego nian. GOOD C-roo t bungalow, full lot. full base ment; fine location on K. K:id at. Oood "alue; $l"no, $.". h ('own. halance ensy H. S. COOK, ft-i Stock Exrhansje Bid MOUNT TABOR BARGAIN 6-room cot tattie, larxe orchard. one -quarter acre price :i..O; part down. I'alanco terms! Call and see It. fll Kast 6'th. S-ROOM bouse; will seU at a sncrUlr-f t ween Thompson S hool and JerTe be- raun J-ilRfi. !.- nor. n wick nr. i a 11. $lri.0 FIVE rooms, modern, lot x. Icct orchard, chicken pnrk. cement wi Hopan. 245H lt st. Main 107I. M iDERN 6-room house, vacant, near paved street; owner. .".K down. WHDams ave. Wood!nwn 4"Jii. car. 1H0 66-FOOT frontaxe n I'nion ae. ; modern cot t axe with store buildinx; a bargain. Call Woodiawn 194T. Own-r. 66-FOOT frontaxe. on t'nlon ave., molrn cottape with store buiidinx; a bargain. Call WooJ.awn 1 4 G. Owner. COOI INVK.TM K NT 4imm 672-74 MlKslsstppI ave.. 4-Ilat hiiltdlrc, 4 rooms In each; lot r.ttxHXi. Income per month. Terms: Umm can., halsme a years at 7 per cent. Bulldi ' 1EAL FTTATR. riN-K HOMS FOR FAI.E A BARGAIV. Lewvinx city, must sell my home iinme OJateJy; six-room hou-e. :eepin pnrrh, hardwood floont, fireplace. American Ideal hot water h-atir. stem; large carx-. re; led and healed ; corner Kn . a : t h :reet an.1 modern Improvements in : 60 foot fromsce. facing east, auijommg Rene div tiae He.ghta. n ar river: good Hon. flue :ew of mountains, excel. ent neixhborhood and particularly oes.rab: fr ftmilv with cht;.ren; fru.t tre-a and berries; place in xd condttun and must be rf n to be aipr. c ated. w ill sell t.r I470U on reaiM-tnab.e terms to make qu). k saic 777 hL ith at. 1'hoas ic:iwood 1164. -ROOM HOlK CI.OSK IN. $ 'WOO t: A S Y TK ii ! 3 Thia house will rent for 4tt per month, a htch makes a good Investment, or could accommodato two families, the houM is In excellent condition on large lot. one block, to car; live bedrooms, large bath room, two toilets, li v mg-room. dining room, good alaed kitchen with pantry. b-vjK-ment. Just the place for a large fam I " or mnll board ing-house ; in Albtna district, ti,. to shipyards, terms s.VtH) cash and monthlv pM menia for balance. MAC I XKS. 270v, stark st. Phone Main I ;oo. or Tabor M1 Sunday and evenmps A HOMK IX l.Al'R EUHURST. w took rreat pleasure in our home ontll my hu!.uand's death; when we buill w used not hing but t he best of mate rials, the lot Is large, 53x177. and planted to the very best variety of fruit and ber ries, bearing; houe haa 6 rooms, 3 bed rooms, large living-room, dining-room and kitchen, f.nlahed in while enamel; a home In every sense of the word; only 5mh. Mi cash and $40 per month. bt Mclnnea, with FAVL C MVRPHT. 70Vs Ptark St. Mala 1700 or Tabor P619 Sunday and evenings. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. Six Rooms and Sleeping? Porch. Modern, corner lot. garage. Reasonable initial pa ment. Halance like rent. Tabor 5. Tabor 3433. acrf: TRACT 6-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE Just beyond city limits In Parkrose. on macadam road and clos- to Sandy Blvd. Iruit treea and berrlea. Bungalow haa full cement baaement and furnace and la mod ern. Frice $ .Mh, $ ;,,H) rn,h will han dle It. J. U. HAKTMAN COMPANY. No. T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mala A -uoo. ROS13 CITT PARK Six Kuo.tis i7iu. A splendid corner in an ideal location; very thing you would expect in a real modern bungalow ; hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bufret. furnace, etc.; you would expect to pay $40ini. let us show you this, this Is wonderful buy and you will appreciate Its value. A. ti. TEEl'B CO.. -64 Stark ht.. near Main 3516. Branch Office. &Oth and Sandy. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS. or ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. WILCOX BLDG. Main MT. Sixth and Washington. $mmi SAORIFICIv $3000. Five-room bungalow, almost new. half lock from St. Johns. carllne. full cement basement, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, lot f.O xloo. avnyeaaments all paid, modem and up to date m every way. Will have to be geen to be appreciated. Let me show you this bargain before it Is too late. See MISS VKHTKKKS, with TH K KHKD A. JACOBS Ci'MPANT. IQ4 Fifth Street. Main . HAVE bought a suburban place and am go ing to move soon , must sell my modern tt-room home with garage. unnyslde; full cement basement, furnace, one bedroom toilet and lavatory first floor, a bedrooms and bath aecond. nice light rooms with p.enty of ctoaeta. etc. You can have it for a ftw dais at .tOO0; terms to suit. Call st once. ll:l F.. tealmoo, bet. autn and 4th, or Tabor 114. BCNGATsOW BARGAIN. 6-room modern bungalow, largw attla, fall cement basement r urn ace, fireplace, etc.. corner lot. paved streets and paid ; Tuesday only at this price Ona look and you will buy. W. H. KASKIt, Main 6178. MI Corbett Bldg". $ 2 SOO O N LY $ 2 00. R-room modern bungalow on Prescott street, lull cement bement. fireplace, double constructed, in fine condition, paved streets. aKseiuiments all paid. No, nothing; wrong with It. JI ST A BIG BAR GAIN. See M las Ve rt reea. wit h THE KRKD A. JACOBS COM PANT. 14 Fifth Street. Main 6"9. B K AUTI FL: L HOMK, 36OO0. 8 rooms and sleeping porch . largo llv-Ing-room ; white enamel finish , thorough ly modern; larxs ground a with treea and shrubs: on corner lOOxloo feet on E. 2uth St., near M l. Tabor Car Una, Full part leu I arse upon application. Price $6000; tartna, but no trade. Main P6.9. DEijlRABLK HOME iT.I. 7 -room cottage In good condition, ground Inoxl.-.O. bearing fruit trees, berries, roses, shrubbery, l! chlrken-housra. Ilea high and sightly, ono block from W. W. car. See owner. 312 Flledner bldg.. Tenth and Washington. GOOD 6-room house, full lot. near St. Johns csr and Portland boulevard; very desirable and reasonable; substantial first payment: balance terms to suit. Owner. Sua. and evenings. Tabor 3002, other days Main 3602. GOOD INVESTMENT $4000. 672-674 Mississippi ave.. 4-flat building. 4 rooms In each; lot OuxlOO. Jncome 3703 per month; terms $I0O cash, balance 3 years at 7 per cent; building in good con dltlon. Ooddsrd tfc Weidrick. 243 Stark st. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 8 -room modem house. $7o. hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, garage, east front, easy terms; no aguuta, best buy In Portland. Fast 4sI. WALKING distance, two 6-room modern houses, cor. East 7th and Sacramento: hard ood floors, furnace, fireplace, beau tiful buffet, bookcase, laundry trays, street Improvements a.l paid. Owner. 430 E. 7th st: eet North. I'hone East 3ii4. 7-ROOM modern, !nide old Ivory enamel and Imported wall pap-r. All improve ments in and paid. Two minutes' walk Ivoee City car. Will take welt-located Jut part, payment. Ow ner. Last 7104. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautifully finished 0-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fix tures and shade. For particulars phoue owner. Tabor SM'S. FOR SA LK By owner. In T7a a t home dta trict. at 232 E. Jd., betmeen Salmon and Madison, a modern w-ell-turtrrslied bunga low. 4 room, and large sleeping porch. For particular cad Tibor auKi. FOR SALE T-room bouse, garage, full paving, assessments all paid ; sleeping po.-ch. enameled kitchen, full cement base ment, toilet both floors; At condition. Call Main 3931. B. A- Green, FOR SA l.E Fine new home, modern ex cept furnace. Alblna Heights, half block from carltna; large lot. double garage ioO. Cost nearly 6wo; easy pay men is! Box 332. Eugene. Or. 4 HOt'SKS and lOoxKK); business and resi dence property; refused 12,itM for same years ago, price now :..-. 00. will pay over 12 per cent on present price, L. E. Thomp son A Co., 2.3 Madison. FOP SALE BY OWNER. Completely furnished aeven-room house., lovely furniture, nico borne. Hawthorne district ; two blocks from cariine. Wi.i seU separstely. HS4 Stephens. PORTLAND HEIGHTS KXCIASIVKLy. Houses on beautiful Portland Heights from JJ.'-OO up. BROOKE. 041 Montgom ery drive, cor. Elm st. Marahall 457 A ;i.;t'.. Call mornings. SEE ." Hamblet ae. for the biegest bar gain in Alameda Park; will m.ke a big sacrifice; new 8-room up-to-tbe-mlnute house, wortn tlO.OOU. but what am I of fered ? HOT WATER HEAT Close In. East Side modern 7 rooms with garage. Will take bungnlow as art pay. W. H. Rosa, IluO N. W. Bank Bldg. TWO bungalows, garage. Just finished; every modern feature, terms. Owner on prem ises 3 to 3 today. 4 -id and Clinton sta. R ichmond car. WHY not buy on easy terms my elegant rv ins ton homo ou 100x100 at 723 hiM.t 22d North? $ltuo .".-ROOM cottage, on cariine. near walnut I'arit; now vacant: eaay term. Owner. Kst .T424; Sunday. Marstiall ll.,. .uii.i uu"-. inui rarK: a snap Sell on terms. W. H. Rosa. 1100 N v" Bank h!dg. - toR s A L.K or trade, nine-room modern home, clear. Improvements In and naid. 2."7 E. 3 1st st. Tabor 7lrt.i. HOCSF2 for sale, furnished or unfurnished 22 K. tth.. cor Multnomah. 4-ROM house. 4 lots Improved. S-cent fare at t'apit-l Hill station. Marsiail 1 174. GOOO &-room houw. partly furnished1 icrnu. WA tar. rO Ivy u ' REAL E5TATTC t or ?ale HAWTHORN!? DISTRICT. Just what you want; a wonderful ot pertunlty for you; five rooms, with nard oet floor, fireplat-e. built-in buffeu cement basement. Dutch Hlirhrti with cn opr over rang., street paved and included in pric-; ou will b survneed. ou would e er cpu ! v bu v no complete a bun galow at 10 low- a price; owner moving t Idaho and mut ifi . A- TKKPE CO. -ft4 Stark St . near 3d. Main SMA. t Branch Office. ,Qt ha n d .sa n d y . r.T-rlA,l,'K HtME FINK VIEW. 0 FRI oOKINii WILLAMETTE KIVFfL i.and axe ; 1 rn,, inciudTg 7 b-d-room. hall Mm:, :imic room lTv-'7 din-Ing-room 17x2,1. nane.e 1; fireplaces; xo., bathroom; toi(et nt basement, f.r.a basement tan:, furnace and laundrv trav. front and rear, houae painted l-v a n d hite; tirt-!aias condition. Beiorra to an cxate and pri. e i,a, trn bot Tk. ?n,Sli mt w"h B" down, bhipbusldtpc pisnt. cl.se. ou.d rent roo.na at cnod pine il'lAKH a, WlKPRir-K. tin S'ark Ft, y.iAo vacant, movk in i x -r.oin mo.iern home, a 1 rutri ton r oe in on ' ce and ae . near Rec on Paved atreet. A.l Ilei.s paid. b oo t Hnanis-axe. can Convenient to a.; n.parda. Living rom. dining r.om and at. hen down and 1 h re larte. light, m'.ry i-ea rooms up.t-ir-. Full cement barmer.t i5 ""''"fbood. rrica S2tHK. terms, imrne.i :ate ot cup.in v j;. 1-KA.NK L MccriKE. Abmgtnn PMt. I c bur our Home Main lm.V 2oo f -.00 rowx JUST FIN IS li EI MKo?LNaOAIOW: 4 rvom trek. .a.t nook. latent fiber drain hoard la WiV." . UunJ,' travs in basement. kV 1 Jl W,lU " ny ' ocWs to I'AVv v C-r" J- U HARTMAN COM .V"mbr ot Coiumerca L.Jg, Aiain -0s. a Uy0i. ROSB CITY PARK. Six Rooms f.iMHI. iTP11e built h of six rooms. IS blocks from How city car; all mod cnvenien.es; hardwood fioor a. maa !" buffet, fireplac. furnace. French ,1" S ''. n" "'"mnu to assume; iant truiuVhj;iu"1 uriy ou mui A. U TBKPR CO . "'v. 'ia ana fanay. YOU 'VE IT TO YOT KSELF liEKoRE YOU BUY iVr,oTOUL 1191 of ovr " houses, with photographs, price and fu;i data. haCa house. in all part, of the city, a l p?cJ! and irrms. some real barg.ma. W never ;;?rl,p fruyar seller know HZrZr:1 Autoa aX iAN'K 1. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BI.T0. To Luy 1 our tiom. Mun I .;. WHY RENT? is.,V.r,T flnr. 7 rou" homn In I.urwl pamont. balance almost like rent; the place actually cot owner H-.-oO; built on a very low market four yeara ago; It la offered today for ..Mh all at'eet InS provements included: the house l- .a good as new. hardly a scratch on It; lot .V.xl.'u. w th good garage. Maun 17uU LELAHUNl Y Kvenings. Kast 10H. - 1 x J.-.oo 1250 DOWN. One u.ock to the River. - couin ot Uroadw ay. FHAXKT L. McCtTRE, ABI.VGTOX PLDO. To lSuy Uur Home. Main lftK. SHIPRUILDERa I have several ax and seven -room houses, close to Alblna shops. Can ba bought for small payment down and ft per month. Buy the and aava airectcaX fare; good Investment. Sea MISS VERTRKE-T with THE FKKO A. JACOHS COMPAVT. IQ4 Fifth Street. Main IRVIXGTON-S 3 BUTS.' tifton K. TSd North. S'i.-.no r,4 K. lit h North, x7;,o ..o Weldler St. Feveral Kintmna, fine coaiiv homea. R. T. STREET. Agent. Last b4. Renew Your Irving ton Fire lnsursnca. R E A D Y K U R N I SHKD. Cosy Jut : .t-rm. house, with bathroom, creened porch, lot r.x 1 Ort. ciose to i W car; cnmpietly furnished. piano. gag range, fine rues and fixtures. Owner leav Ing the city, wiii give immediate poxsea 'on, I'rlce $2Ch See us for terms k' Hx, K,I,:EU' co- -17 - W. Bask bMc. Marshall 4114. A 411S. RICH MONO DISTRICT. Flva rooms and d-o, rireplaee. built -4 a buffet, etc ; located f4 Ti hbetts st. ; terms. MM cash and $3i monthly, includ ing interest; see thi. A. G. TEBPFJ CO 264 Stark St.. near Xd. Main S31. Rranch Office. ftOth and Sandy. BIGGEST S ACRI FICENcTtV. Go look at 8:.s Michigan ave, tolay, hxxt don't bother tenant. S'vtn rooms, mod ern, full basement, good location. Price only ''i.'.0. good terms. No encumbrance Improvements all paid. Worth over f.uxki. Take Miaaiaslppi car to Shaver. 1 block: AN eat. To luspect house. Phono McCormic. Main Pni. MINNESOTA AVE. COTTAGE. CASIt. Nice 5 -room cottage, elects gaa. ntca bsth. cement basement, on Minnesota ave near Alnsworth. I'rico SlSoO; cash and t-0 month; no mtg. or city Urna ta assume. GRI-SSI A DOWXET. Sid Ronrd of Trade. Main 74 S2. " OWN YOUR HOME ifsT Fou r-room cottage, patent toiiet atatf gs. just east of Laurel hurst. 3 blocks t "MV" car. close to Twoby Xlroa, a ho pa, Kasy terms. See FRANK 1- McGUIRE. ABDCGTOV RT Ta. To Buy Your Home. Main lOtts. ROSE CITY .DISTRICT. A cosy 4 -room bungaiow. Kast 724 pC N . S blocks from Sandy blvd, Ownera off for California: $13o. f 2h. cash, bat ance 25 per month, including Interest ; possession at once. C M. lerr. 30k Oak st. Broad w ay "ftft. 1 (Mix IOO. Bent part of Rose City Park; three rt tra fine bed room a. large sleeping porra, fine garage, fine lawn, flowers and shrub bery ; a real home at a real barga-ia price. Main 17fHl; Kant 2rt. 1 KLA H UNT Y. 2.0 DOWN. PRICE 100. 6 Biocka to Broadway Bridge. Five-room house. 1! blocks to Broadway and Ross; modem pluinmng. e.ectrlclty and gaa. Total price. See FRANK L. M cG FIRE. aBlNCTojf BI.TK, To Buy Your Home Main lOrtS. IRVINGTON. F!na homo for $5000. East 1341. FURNISHED MODERN BUNGALOW. A rooms and 2 attic rooms, full cement basement, fireplace. 1 blocks to car; attractive, nicely furnished room ; S3.VH1. mostly terms. R, W. Fisher. 412 Sioclc F-xchange. SEE t ho te two new bun ga lows I am build ing on I vn St .. bet wrvn E. h and E. o'.:h, 1 block from Richmond car; modern from A to Z: ready aoon : buy now and select your own colors, fix 1 urea, etc; pav4 street. OoxKmi lo:. Tabor 1.4. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow, oaat floors. furnace. ftreplat-o, large living room, bullt-ina ; hou 4w In fine condi tion ; can have poareialon at once. F. Vanduyn. 510 ?hamber of Commerce- Mala $1750. MODEIOC 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. 17.'.0. Close In on Morrison Vt.. small lot. r.Sxf &0. If you want a dandy lilt. a home, sea this at once. ;" cash. ,0 per tuontlu Ielahunty. Main I7ni; evenings. Ktl " g .M M MOVE RIGHT IN $ ' : :, i Hi . 7-room modern tiouse. Rose City Park. fuM cement basement. laund.y trays, Duica kitchen, hot-water furna-e. fine condition. X-".nu cash, bttiance terms. Kummc.i a Rummei;. 74 Stark st, A MT. TAROR home, extensive ground, e'es by schools, fine neighborhood, wi.l sell or lease furnished, or unl urn ished. or will trade for smu.lcr home. ApPiy owner. oJ Swetland bldg. 4L00 INCOME apt.. IO rooniN. always full; elderly lady obliged to sell because of poor health: HHM. down and ba I like rrnt U any ref-p-jnutble pun-hMwr. ."-64 K. Bth. S.'t4t0 7-RoOM bouse, a bed poo ma. ir;a new garage. reasonable payment down; wi.l take liberty bonds. 4U Lst 11 th at. Nor: h. WILL ae'J my equity in Kast Side resi dence for S400; thoroughly modern, luet In basement; a real bargain, L &4S. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Neariy new mo.lern ti-room bun gat low. with ieepi ng porch; term. Aiy ownew. 4'i Khx !:h N. 1. 4 AND .".-room bungaloas. furmshed K. r:.:h, near S. P. R. R shopn, xi4u ta g.iK;0; esy terma Owner. East rv2Ti. HAWTilUKNK district. modern G-rooiri home, hardwood floors, huili-tn conven lent es. furnace. rtc. Bargain. Filiy. l L'.t. Kirn MOM) modern bungalow. pa e.l. ,".ti.o inont hly payments. Owner. 141 Last timix North. FiR SA LK 7-room modern house - Wood stock cariine. 471Q Pike ave. s. K. SKK K 'LA HUNT FOR HMKS Kast 1S47 FIVE-ROOM bungalow. w H located new fine bargain, :.2 1 k u m b?dx. $.'hi 4' ASH. balance 1,ke rentl bungalow. Main iti.J. AiLFarland. liua Ycoa blag. .av wroom ni utantiai bungalow, typo home, modern p.umoing. e.ec:rici-r n?d,;-.0n Ulca at, on; b ock eaat ot the river and 2 south of Rroadway No mortgago or liana. Total pneo