TIIE MOItyiXG OKEGOXIAy. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918. r PROMIHEnT SEATTLE -Ik. TT7 actory In this Time of Danger of Infection from Influenza ' Citizens Able to Invest in ; Bonds Hold Back. 2S6 MORRISON STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH Next to Corbett Building MEN HELD SLACKERS Sample Shop J.AB0R ALSO IS CRITICISE Failure of Workers to Respond as Inspected Attributed to Delay of ; ' ilacy Board Decision. SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 10. (Special.) Two prominent 'Seattle business men were named today as bond slackers by the executive committee of the fourth liberty loan. They are G. E. M. Pratt, treasurer of the Sunset Motor Com pany, and G. Poncin, president of the Yesler Estate. At the same time the committee scored local labor for its apparent in difference to the liberty loan. To the delay of the Macy board in handing down a decision for wage adjustment in the shipyards is attributed the fall ing off in labor's total subscription in Seattle. The committee reports that among those who have not subscribed is G. Poncin, rated as able to subscribe $50, 000 to $75,000. The committee is re ported to have called upon him and to have been kept waiting in an anteroom and to have been treated discouteously. He told the committee he would invest $5000, and finally offered to subscribe 515.000, it is said. Mr. Pratt, rated as able to eu'-scrlbe for $50,000 to $75,000, purchased $1000 worth of bonds. Further use of publicity is proposed by the loan committee unless subscrip tions are forthcoming from well-known business men who are holding out. Official Casualty List. (Continued From Page 8.) Privates DAVIS, William H., Central Falls. K. I. SILVERMAN, David G.. New York. PARSON, Krneat J., Benton. Pa. P1NOCCI, Anthony Frank. Chicago. SEVERELY WOUlEl. Captain SHAW, William E., Bellville, Kan. LieutenantH FORD, Fred H., Minneapolis. GAINES, . Leonard M., Richmond, Va. OA L. LI. SHAW, John. Cambridge. Mass. OOMEZ, Louis Grant. Springfield, 111. HAVNES, John M Denver, Colo. LORD, John B., Washington, D. C. STEVENS, George R., Jr., New Canaan, Conn. PINTO. Rene "W.. Racine. Vila. SIBLEY, Mark, New York. Sergeants BEACH. Karl G.. Mason City, la. BOUDROT, Joseph B.. Boston. GORDON. Edward, Punxsutawney, Pa. jALKhux, James Joseph, Tuckahoe. K. T. -,i.un..uAi,jv, iiiiora d.. Covington, La. KEIr'K. Myron J., Milwaukee, Wis. ROGERS. William, Leipsic. O. RUDE. Floy A.. Fayette, Mo. SIMPSON, Albert E., Chester. Pa. KHROULE, William J., Newport. Me. ?.U,EH.LK13, Hari"y Henry. Fond du Lac, "Wis. BRAl NEIS, Philip, Jr., New York STANLEY. Frank M., Chicago. Corporals BLOOM. Roger B., Irvona, Pa DAMSON, Carl F.. Poplar. Mont. EXTW1STLE, W illiam John. Brooklyn. EVANS, Robert L.. SDarta TVi FISCHER, Louis Leo, Fort Atkinson, Wis. "11J", nenry namson, tsrooKlyn. HARRISON, Grover C, Fore Worth. Tex. HEN'CKELL. Emile, Birmingham. Ala. JENSEN. Thomas. Hoboken, N. J. DAVISON, William G.. Philadelphia. FIXGERSON, John M., Mifflin, Wis. KOSTAKOS, Nick John, Philadelphia. LYMAN. Clark. Dell Rapids, s. D. J.UDWICK. Joseph N., McKeesport, Pa. MeAN DREWS, James, Carbondale, Pa. SHEPPARD. Edward D.. Millshead, Ky. SMITH. Elmer C, Nortolk, Neb. It.iBl.-r WALLACE. George, Lexington, Ky. Wagoner CRLMM. Ted Solomon, Elwell. Mich. Musician "WOOD. John B., Rockwood, Mo. l'rlvates BARCLAY. Frank Edward. Brooklyn. I1KARMAN. Alexander A.. Brockton, Mass. BURKE, John E., Huntington Park, Cal, CAPPER. John L.. Philadelphia. CRISS. John F., Cora City. 111. DON A TO. Pasquale D.. Jersey City, N. J. Dl'BREW, Nathan, Jersey City, N. J DCN'DON. Thomas J., Hoboken. N J BERT. Charles E.. Waupun. Wis.1 ELAM. Milo V.. Taft. Cal. FARRELL, Wilmer, Arniona. Cal. FIORRARA. William. Jamestown. N. T. GIGLINTON. Louis P.. New York. HANSEN, Chester, Burbank. S. D. " JfARRIS. Mike, -Sturgeon, Pa. HOEEXSTEIX, Reinhold. Waterloo, Wis. HUNTER, Clarence L-. Cohocs. X. Y. K A FA LAS, George. New York. KLEVEN. George H., Grand Forks, N. TX Mi-CLENNY. Alto V.. Head Land. Ala. Mc:Dl'RMONT. Leaman. Coffee Springs, Ala JicHl'GH, James ii.. Seaford, N. Y. McMANUS. Thomas J.. Edlna. Mo. MERCER. Andrew Jackson. Dixie, Ga. MERCHANT. Charles William. Sturgis, Mich, MILLER, Henry, Mobile. Ala. MITCHELL. Charles, Mobile, Ala. MOT. I.. Solomon, Brooklyn. MONTOVA. Aralio, Albuquerque, N. M. MORRIS. Raymond. Philadelphia. Si 'OTT. Charles, Wellington, Ohio. SKLIC.MAN. Harry, Toledo, Ohio. SHEARS. Steve Y.. Ottawa. Kan. SKRETOS. Louis. Manchester, N. H. BPRISAK. William, Jr., New Kensington, Pa. VEIRA. Walter. New York. W'ALDER, William, Chicago. WILSON. Ralph Walto. Bisbee, Ariz. WING ATE. John C. Durant. Okla. DON N ALLY. Price E., Crown Citv. O. DOUGLAS, Russell G-. Schenectady. N. T. N ARSON. Seymour E.. Villisca, Iowa. H. ORHATO, John, Kensall. N. D 10I.MSBKB, Paul W.: Mrs. Fannie A. Folms- bee, Richmond Beach, Wash. GRONAI. John. Solvay, N. Y. ORON'CHT. Alexander. Saginaw. Mich. 3IIXDT, William J.. Rock Rapids. Iowa. HOFFMAN. Arthur T.. Brooklyn. HTLA.VD. Dennis. Mobile. Ala. JACOB. Isadore, New York. IEI.1CK. Frank J., Brooklyn. KOKII.KA, Albert." Detroit. Mich. I. EVIXE, Morris. New York. LYONS. Bennis J., Worcester, Mass. MARTIN. Herbert. Brooklyn. MATTUNIS, Joseph, Portage, Pa. MEASTES, Eugene. Gallina, N. M. MVZZIO. Andro. Brooklyn. PILLING, Thomas J.. Philadelphia. QUI M BY, Walter I.. Franklin. N. H. REVETT. Elmer Thomas. Klngsley, Mich. HOPRIOO, Adolph B.. Albuquerque, N. M. ROGERS. Jatnes. Mexico. Mo. ROLAND. Audio L.. Conway. Mo. SCIIROYER. Jesse. Bellefourche. S. D. SEN'COR. Joseph J.. New York. SCHOCKLEE. Pleas. Livermore. Ky. SILVERMAN. Morris. New York. SIMONSON. Gaylor T.. O'Neill, Neb. SPENCER, Melvin E., Beardstown, III. TAYLOR. Albert A.. Barksdale, Tex. TROUP. Rov A.. Schenley. Pa. WEBER. William H.. Brooklyn. AUNEW. Wing George. Stratford. 111. AMAt llER. John A.; William Bishop. Chira-Hi-um, Wash. ANDERSON", Henry Martin. Tiffin, Ohio. ANDERSON. Leonard. Milwaukee. BAKER. Neil. Eulonia. S. C. , HEtl'DRO. Mose. Carney. Mich. BODKN, Clifford; Jamea Boden, Haxleton, Idaho. Boss. Xi-"!a. rMcae. Remember that the mission of Kolynos Dental Cream is to secure Cleanliness of the Teeth Cleanliness of the Mouth Cleanliness of the Throat Kolynos was evolved under the influence of bac teriology, which among much else of vital importance had conclusively shown that pernicious microbes do not readily flourish in a sanitary environment. It was determined to obtain such an environment in the most vulnerable part of the body the mouth and the throat through the ordinary process of mak ing the toilet of the mouth. To this end a truly scientific dentifrice was needed, and when at last it was created it was named Kolynos; and the complete formula was immediately published that there might be nothing secret or mys terious about its properties. Kolynos then, at once, met with such approval among dentists and physicians that through their in fluence it became increasingly known and used in all civilized, lands. And now, as one of the results of the World War, which has so dramatically shown in the camp, the field and the hospitals, the importance of regular sanitation of the mouth and throat, Kolynos is fulfilling in yet larger measure its beneficent mis sion. " . For general purposes use Kolynos three times daily, according to the directions enclosed with each tube. After exposure to infection if the slightest irrita tion is felt in the nasal passages, put a bit of the cream in the entrance of the nostrils. Keep it there for some ten minutes, renewing from time to time until the irri tation disappears. As Kolynos volatilizes it disinfects the air passages through the act of breathing. The Kolynos Company New Haven, Conn. U. S. A. BEWARE OF IMITATORS AND IMITATION SAMPLE esv SHOPS. Look for the Bisr Sign With the Hand Pointing at V. ,1 2S6 MORRISON STREET FACTORY SAMPLE SHOP TP W MENDOU SALE HUNDREDS OF COATS HUNDREDS OF SUITS HUN DREDS OF DRESSES HUNDREDS OF WAISTS AND SKIRTS TO BE CUT AND SLASHED. During this sale we will exchange all sale purchases and will continue the same honest policy Your money back if you are not satisfied with the bargains. 1 i M Ma dorvfc have to fix my lunch Post Toasties and me fix -that Lup -todethcr. ( WftOt or COBH ) BRETZ. Prank V.. Salt Lake City. Utah. BRIMOER, Jamea. Willow Tree, Ky. BRODYMOTT, Tony, War. W. Va. CHAPMAN. Charles, New Bedford, Mass. CHEVES, Daniel H., Pelham. Ga. CIG.MORE, Samuel. Johnson. R. J. COCOO. Augusto. Montoso, Italy. COHEN, Philip, Chicago. COST1GAN, Cleo Edwin. Lanslngr. Mich. CRANE. Fred T. E.. Hlghwood, Mont. CZARSKI, Wadlnlaw, Hamtramck, Mich. DA1LEV, Vance Kris. Red City, Mich. DARKUWSKI. Steve. Detroit. DAVIS. John I,., Saint Clair. Pa. DE BONIS, Samuel, Basilcilita, Italy. DE MENNA. John, Brooklyn. EPSTEIN, Nathan, Brooklyn. EVERSON, Erhart Emil, Pentwater, Mich. E VERSON, Ivan Fred, crawrora. .-eo. i FERLUS, John, Lyendora, Pa. FLINT, Russell H., Butte, Mont. FLYNV, Robert E., Kunkstown, Md. RASCINA. Ambrose F.. Waterbury, Conn. GAINE, Henry J.. East t-t. Louis. 111. GANYO. Charles. Greenwich. Conn. GARI.ETS, Harry L.. Mongo, Ind. GEIST LINGER, William J., Forest Park, I1U GOGREVE. Alphonse, Cincinnati. GOLDSMITH, Kichard K.. New Rochelle. N. Y. GOODRUM, Arthur, New England. Pa. GORDON. Edward S-. Augusta. Ga. GRAVES. Fred W.. Fullerton, Neb. GRAY. John A.. Vallejo. Cal. HAEFER. Frank G.. Buffalo. N. T. HAERTLE. Ravmond J.. Milwaukee. HAMILTON. Fred D.. Pontiac. Mich. HAN NAN, Daniel Herbert. Lewiston, Pa. HARDEN, James K.. ummn. HARRIG. Roy. Palisade. Neb. HATCH A RD. Robert H., White Plains, N. T. H A W KEN, Charles W., Chicago. WRIGHT, Walter. Norfolk. Va. HAY KS, Charles F-, Woodstock. 11L HATES. Francis L... Vtlca. N. Y. HEINMEYER. Albert W.. Geinermo, Tel. HENLERLAND. Edward. Chicago. HOLLAND, Virgil D.. Horton, Ala. HOLVB. Joseph. Racine, Wis. HORNER. Gerald, Saginaw. Mich. JOHNSON. Julius L.. Hcrmansville. Mich. JOHNSON, Victor, Wasa. Finland. JOLLY, Isaac. Jr., Plainsboro, N. J. JORDAN, Worley. Carpenter. O. KELLER. Donell B . Denver. KLINGENSMITH. Russell W.. Ravenna, O. KRAMER. Leon Edward. Detroit, Mich. KWEDRAS. John J., Yonkers, N. T. LW1N. Martin A.. South Bethlehem, Fa. LAWXICZAK. Adam. Pittsburg. LEMKE. Edward. Hebron. X. D. LET ANOVSKI. Mike. KanKley. III. LYTCHY. Harry L.. Somerset, Pa. LORPHO. Louis. New York. LITHEB, Alfred; Fred Rosen, B30j Benton avenue. Seattle. Wash. MeNAMARA. George I. Carthage. S. D. M SS Fred. Wiliami. Conn. MAIEWSKI. Michael. Chicago. MM.LOI!. William D.. Birmingham. Ala. M NCUSO. Lawrence. St. Paul. Minn. mnN. William H., Suffern. N. Y. M RTIN, Edmond S.. Greenleaf. Kan. MINNIE, August. Sannycola. Italy. O NE1L. John. St. Lawrence. Mass. OLIVER. Jerry. Kinc. Ark. PETER ELE VIC H, Mike. Chicago. SUSSING IN ACTION. Captain WELCH. James Edward, Jr., Boston. I.lentenant . ,, SCHNEIDER, Albert John, Indianapolis. Srrr.nt KAUFMAN. Adolph. Jr., New Tork. Corporal. . , NOLAN". Andrew S.. Brooklyn. SPIKKO. William, UL Pleasant. Pa. Privates ., BESTEL, Perry J., Wltchea, Wis. BROCK. Charley, Leanvenworth. Kan. BL'CH NAN. Ellwood. Venice, Utah. COLEMAN. Ray H.. Brooklyn. . FOCLKROD, Harold B.. Halifax. . 8. GEORGE. Arthur M.. Buffalo. GRAYSON, Harry T:. Chicago. KEATON, Albert Henry. Traverse City, Mich. , , KINGHAM. Jasper A.. Sweetwater. Okla. LANE. James A.. Evergreen. Ala. LLOYD. Leland S-. Los Angeles. CaL I.OWE. P.obert L., Roswell. N. M. MCDOWELL. James C. Burlington. W. M. MAIKA. John M-. Loraine. O. MEISELMAN, Morris, Chicago. CBRIEN. Charles H.. Boston. RI ESTER. Frank. Brooklyn. SMITH. Luther Pilkney. Roncoverle. W. Va STANG. Mathew J.. Marinette. Wis. THVMKS. Albert R-. Clarksville. Tex. TILLOTSON. Walter H.. Hopedale. Mass. TORRSTENSON, Edward La Roy, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. VENZ1ELE, John. Frankfort. Pa, 1'KISOXKKS. Corporal FURLONG, George D., East Rutland. Masa Private BOYD. Palmer V., Allen. Va. CONNELLY. Thomas. Bayonne, If. J. DAVIS. Fred. Havener. N. M. GRINKO. Michael, Pittsburg. HENION, George. Jr.. Tuxedo. V. T. MONACO IS FOUND GUILTY MARIA SPINA MURDERED IX FIT OF JEAL.OXSY. night and killed her as she lay asleep in bed. Judge Morrow set tomorrow morning as the time for passlns; sentence. The only penalty is life imprisonment. The case was prosecuted by Chief Deputy District - Attorney Hammersley and Deputy Mowry. Judge Morrow Sets Tomorrow Morn ing as Time for Passing Sen tence on Convicted Man. Giovanni Monaco, aged 33, was found gruilty of the murder of Maria Spina early last August when a jury in Cir cuit Judfre Morrow's Court late yes terday afternoon returned its verdict in less than half an hour from the time the case was given to it for considera tion. Monaco killed the pirl in a fit of jealousy after she and her parents had denied him admittance to their home. He broke into her room durins; the LEMON JUICE WHITENS SKIN Girls! Make beauty lotion i I at home for few cents I Squeeze the juice of tuo lemons into a bottle containing, three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best bleaching; and skin whitening lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons' and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage thi3 sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how tan, red ness, sallowness, sunburn and windburn disappear and how clear, soft and rosy' white the skin becomes. Yes! It i harmless. Three Carpenters Injured. Three carpenters employed by the Pacific Coal Company on its dock at the foot of Raleigh street, were in jured at 11:30 o'clock yesterday morn ing:, when the dock fell carrying: them down with it. AM were removed to St. Vincent's Hospital for treatment. L. Darkensen, 46, living: at 766 Mon tana avenue, suffered injuries to his arms, back and side: S. Scovell, 49, living- at 221 West Park street, suf fered a broken shoulder and an injury to one hip: Alex Dymmell, 45. residing at 360 Lorraine street, was bruised about the back and side. GAIfO POUNDS Tawney Was Going Down Hill Rapidly When He Began Taking Tanlac "Well. I just want to tell you what happened to me since I commenced tak ing your -Tanlac," said H. A. Tawney, Portland. Oregon, recently. Mr. Tawney lives at 1051 Alberta street and is em ployed by the Columbian Shipbuilding Corporation. "X have always been strong and healthy," he continued, "until about three months ago, when my appetite went back on me. My stomach soon got in an awful fix and the little I did manage to eat would Just lay in my stomach and ferment and make trouble for me. I suffered after every meal with a pain in the pit of my stomach, was badly constipated and had terrific headaches. I had no energy and just had to drag myself around. I kept get ting warse until I just had to quit my work. I was completely down and out for more than three weeks and dur ing this time I fell off In weight from one hundred and sixty-eight pounds to one hundred and thirty-nine; I lost weight and went down hill so fast that it alarmed me. I had to live on chicken soup and soft-boiled eggs, and even this made trouble for me. 1 was reallv getting discouraged about my condi tion, because none of the many medi cines I tried did me any good. "I decided to see if Tanlac would help me, and being too sick to go for it myself. I got my brother-in-law to bring me my first bottle, and in two or three days I began to feel better. My appetite picked up by leaps and bounds. I was soon eating like a wolf and then I began to get back my weight and strength rapidly. I now weigh one hun dred and sixty-five pounds and have gotten back twenty-six pounds of my lost weight almost as quickly as I lost it. By using the Tanlac Tablets with the Tanlac. I have been relieved entire ly ot constipation and now I never have a headache. I am now back at work, feeling O. K.. but I firmly believe If It had not been for Tanlac I would still be a sick man." Tanlac is sold In Portland by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. Long Velour and Broadcloth .COATS Some in this lot run up to $52.50. Extra special at only $26.95 and .. We Challenge Any Store in the City to Compare Prices Silk, Serge and Jersey Dresses, in all shades a? JV-r and sizes, some wouia De cneap at zjt.ov. r i - T?W.o cnnnl t nnlv S9Q Ql 1 fi Q. nnH ? ' I i Suits -iiii i . Wonderful lot of sample Suits. Prices will be cut. . Not one in this lot worth less than $32.50. Extra special only 18.95 Waists . Hundreds of Silk and Georgette Crepe Waists to be slashed at only We Give What We . Advertise. Tour Money Back If Not Satisfied War-Time Education Hundreds of men have been trained into the War Machine (Aviation, Auto Trucks, Radio, Industry, Commerce, etc.) during the past year by the Y. M. C. A. Schools DAY AND NIGHT. YOU MAY IXTER NOW FOR RADIO TELEGRAPHY BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE STENOGRAPHY AVIATION ENGINES COLLEGE PREPARATORY ACCOUNTANCY PHARMACY MECHANICAL DRAWING CHEMISTRY BOYS' SCHOOL Note Shipbuilding: and Half-time Electrical Engineering Schools, etc, will begin October 14. For detailed information address DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, DIVISION C Y3I.CA, Portland When Itching Stops j There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and sJxin irri tation almost instantly and that cleanse and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle ; of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon I you will find that irritations, pimples, ' blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm i and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zemo, the penetrating, satisfy, ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it , banishes most skin eruptions and makf 'the skin soft, smooth and healthy. ' Toe fc- W. Kose Uv. Cleveland. O. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6093 ' - 1 G3 106.0