Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Brother of Yankee General Ad
dresses War Workers.
"aea Heaven Is Ready to Negoti
ate W ith Hell, America Will Deal
With Huns," Says Speaker.
"When heaven pets ready to negoti
ate with hell, then will America be
ready to make peace -with Germany."
So declared James K. Pershing, a
brother of the man who directs the
American Army in France, who spoke
before the conference of United War
Workers in the assembly room of the
Multnomah Hotel yesterday afternoon.
His was a powerful appeal for the co
operation of all American agrencles to
aid the men in France to win the con
flict. He advocated the organization
of "do-without-it" clubs, saying that
by sacrifices made thus far, fully 75
per cent of the people in this country
io not realize the Kation is at war.
Maximum production of ' every com
modity was urged by the speaker, who
predicted a food famine in 1920 and
1921 unless steps are taken immediately
to provide for feeding America and her
allies after the war.
Large Production Urged.
"Don't get the idea," he cautioned,
"'that the war is over, for the American
boys will not stop fighting until they
run out of Germans." He paid a tribute
to American women, and expressed the
hope that they would be granted Na
tional suffrage for their part in the
great undertaking. He urges the con
fiscation of every German newspaper in
the United States; the burning of every
German textbook, and said he would
be one of 20,000,000 Americans to obli
gate himself never to purchase any
"Made in Germany" article, and thus
help in rebuilding the German commer
cial standing. Peace without victory,
he said, would be a colossal mistake.
Mr. Pershing prefaced his address
with a short history of General Per
shing, and received uproarious ap
plause when he declared that the
American soldiers will have all the
honor of winning the war, and that
General Pershing intends to see that
they get it.
All Aorthvrest Represented.
Yesterday's conference was attended
by delegates from four Northwestern
states to discuss plans for the big
drive that is to be conducted r the
purpose of securing funds to carry on
war activities of the Y. M. C. A., the
Y. W. C. A., Knights of Columbus, Sal
vation Army, American Library Asso
ciation and War Camp Community
Service, all of which will be repre
sented in the one drive. Speakers ex
plained the work being carried on by
the various organizations as pertinent
to the welfare and success of the Amer
. ican Army, being introduced by TV. M.
I. add, who presided. The singing was a
feature of the gathering, and was led
by Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller.
The speakers were: "Purpose of the
Gathering," J. W. Day, director of
speakers; Dr. A. L. McAfee, religious
work director, Vancouver Barracks;
Walter Goss, Victory Boys and Girls;
Jiabbl Wise, Jewish Welfare Board;
Miss Helen Barnes, Seattle, Y. W. C. A.;
Dr. W. T. Foster, president Reed Col
lege; Senator F. H. Benson, San Jose,
Y. M. C. A.; Major Anderson, Salvation
Army; William L. Brewster, American
Library Association; Charles F. Berg,
War Camp Community Service; Dr.
Frank Davey, Salem, Catholic War
Council; Dr. E. H. Pence, pastor West
minster Presbyterian Church; Rev.
James Elvin, recently returned from
Lorraine front.
Drive Plans Considered.
Emphasis was placed upon the im
portance of all organizations, creeds
and denominations working as one in
serving the Army, and each of "the
6peakers showed clearly the necessity
for the various movements that are
designed to make the American sol
diers efficient, energetic fighters.
The physical, mental and moral ques
tions were taken up by authorities con
versant with each, and plans for the
consolidated drive were set in motion,
with enthusiasm prevalent on all sides.
Fully BOO delegates were in attend
ance at the meeting held yesterday aft
ernoon in Cathedral Hall, Seventeenth
and Couch streets, to consider plans for
the united war drive, and great enthu
siasm prevailed throughout. Arch
dioceses in Oregon, Idaho, Washington
and Montana were represented, and
Judge Cavanaugh presided at the con
ference, introducing the speakers. His
Grace, Archbishop Christie, opened the
meeting with an appeal for the undi
vided 6upport of all Catholic organiza
tions, and the plan in detail was out
lined by J. Gannon, of New York, who
urged the immediate activity of all
Catholic organizations.
One of the most interesting; addresses
of the afternoon was that by Senator
Benson, of San Jose, who. told of his
varied experiences overseas, and Walter
Goss spoke in behalf of Victory Boys
and Girls. Bishop O'Dea. of Seattle,
was present at the conference, and
occupied a seat on the stage.
Dr. Crockett Is Speaker.
At the close of the discussion, reso
lutions were adopted, urging every or
ganization affiliated with the Catholic
Church to lend its hearty support to the
united war drive, scheduled for the
week of November 11, and copies of the
resolution are to be circulated broad
cast through the four states.
Miss Dr. Crockett, who recently re
turned from France, was among the
speakers yesterday who was able to
give the delegates a clear insight into
what the women of America are accom
plishing. She is attached to the Y. M.
C. A. overseas service, and gave graphic
word pictures of the hardships being
gone through by men and women alike
in the struggle to preserve democracy
Miss Crockett spoke before the Univer
sity Club yesterday, also.
Developments Xot to Be Made Pub-
lio Until Inquiry Completed on
Parole Traffic Charges.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 10. (Special.) In
vestigation of the conduct of affairs at
the Oregon State Penitentiary, ordered
For Infants and ChUdrea
fn Use For OverSO Years
Always bears
Signature of
by Governor Withycombe after charges
of traffic in paroles were made some
time ago, took shape today when Attorney-General
Brown and three Ore
gon District Attorneys went to the
prison and interviewed a large num
ber of convicts.
The District Attorneys assisting the
Attorney-General were Walter H.
Evans, Multnomah County; Max Gehl
har. Marion County, and Gale S. Hill.
Linn County. It is believed that other
District Attorneys of the state may as
sist in the investigation by interview
ing men in their respective counties
who have been convicts at the State
Penitentiary and who may have a
knowledge of the manner in which af
fairs are conducted there.
District Attorneys Evans and Gehl
har are directly interested in the in
vestigation because State Parole Offi
cer Keller, against whom intimations
of Irregular dealing are directed, con-
I I f J '
l , " - - X
Captain Bruce R Iloneymasu
Mrs. Jessie Honeyman, who
resides at the American Apart
ments, Twenty-first and Johnson
streets, received a telegram
Wednesday announcing the death
of her son, Bruce, aged 83, in
France, October 5, of pneumonia.
Bruce Honeyman was born
here and graduated from the
Portland Academy in 1902 and
from Boston Tech in 1906.
Captain Honeymin leaves a
widow and two yening children,
a boy and girL Mrs. Honeyman
is with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Blakeley, in St. Paul, Minn.
Arthur Honeyman, of Ilwaco,
and Kenneth Honeyman, an
Army engineer in France, are
brothers. His sister, Ruth, wife
of Major Barker, of the Fifth
Division, also in France, is with
her mother, Mrs. Jessie Honey
man. i
ferre with them relative to the case
and asked them to investigate.
No officials at the Penitentiary were
interviewed today, but it Is said they
will be questioned later.
Declaration is made that the investi
gation will be thorough from every
angle. The probe will be continued to
morrow. Developments in the investi
gation will not be made " public until
the probe is comrleted.
Men With Millions Serve in
Campus Kitchen.
Oregon's Prominent Men Get Taste
of Real Army Life.
Oct. 10. (Special.) "This Army
life ain't so bad, y know, when you
have millionaires and prominent states
men handing out the chow."
"What d' ye mean, millionaires?
Those fellows on kitchen police today?
Well, what do you know about that?"
All of which gives the gist of sev
eral bits of conversation flying about
the big, new cafeteria in Friendly Hall,
on the campus, where the men of the
Oregon state officers' training camp
are assembling for mess these days.
For some prominent men were on
kitchen police ,duty that day. Promi
nent among the waiters who kept the
long serpent line moving was Harry
L. Corbett, Portland capitalist.
H. H. Cloutier, late manager of the
Multnomah Hotel, in Portland, was in
the group with Mr. Corbett. Others
who did their bit among the plates and
kettles were State Senator Julien Hur
ley, of Malheur County, and Plowden
Stott (Stanford, '07). former noted ath
lete, now Portland lawyer.
More than 250 men are enrolled in
the officers' training camp, and they
take their turns at keeping the home
fires burning by carrying trays, peeling
potatoes, clearing tables and otherwise
helping keep the formidable aggrega
tion of militant appetites in check.
Roy T. WillUs, of Persist, May Lose
Right Arm as Result of Shot.
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 10.-(Special.)
Roy T. Willits, -a well-known young
man of Persist, may lose his right arm
as the result of a hunting accident
which occurred six miles northeast of
the Buzzard mine on Elk Creek, on
Wednesday, when he was mistaken for
a deer by Henry Gordon, of Fort Klam
ath. The bullet badly shattered the
arm, striking three inches below the
shoulder blade.
The men had gone out to look for
some cattle of Willits' which Gordon
was going to purchase and the latter
took a rifle along. They became sepa
rated and Gordon, seeing tit object
moving in the brush, fired, thinking it
was a deer. The wounded man was
brought to the Sacred Heart Hospital
in Medford today and attended by Dr.
E. B. PickeL
Early Morning Fire Causes Loss of
$435 0 in Brick Structure.
ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 10 (Special.)
Fire starting at 5 o'clock this morn
ing completely gutted the Albany
Bakery and burned along the ceiling
into the grocery store or F. L. Ken
ton and the Willard Service Station,
causing small damage in these places.
All of these places of business were in
a one-story brick structure.
Losses: Gustave Hesse, of Portland,
owner of building, $2000, covered by
insurance: H. J. Firchau. owner of
bakery, loss about $1500. insurance
500: F. L- Kenton. J150, insureds H. D.
Preston, owner service station, 1300,
the nanKVftuo I
pins jCompany of Kobe,
lYSpecial to The Star by IT.. E. A.)
AJfSTERDAM,OcL- 7. According
i the.-Berlin Zeltung am. Mi t tag.
i.'Boan's suit made to order ,Jn Ber-
lln'costs 1250 and .In Vienna $45&
-For old-suits without holev D0. la
paid. .M with, boles. 335.
Linn Registrants Called.
ALBANT. Or.. Oct. 10. (Special.)
Seven draft registrants of Linn County
have been summoned to report on Oc
tober 21. Four men will be sent to Fort
Stevens and three to Fort McArthur,
Cal. The men called are Robert Henry
Gabriel. Waterloo; William Stortz,
Brownsville; Earl McCart, Harrlsburg;
Bennie Green. Crawfordsville; Spencer
William Long, Crabtree; George Will
iam Engstrom, Albany, and Evered R.
BiUlnss. Mill CUy....
d1? GO-; "Wy)
Be Glad That You're
Living in the Good
Old U. S. A.
Be glad, too, that you can still save
money on your Suit or Overcoat at Port
lands Original Upstairs Clothes Shop.
Up Here" my lowf-price policy re
mains the same. No fine mahogany
fixtures, no expensive window displays,
low rent.
Men's and
Young Men's
$20, $25, $30
It's patriotic economy to buy at these prices
Trade Upstairs
Save Your Dollars
Open Saturdaq Until 8 P.M.
Two Alleged Highwaymen, Since Ar
rested by Inspectors, Bound
Over to Grand Jury.
Patrolman S. C. Is'ida. who was
charged with taking a revolver, early
last Sunday morning, from FranK An
derson and Arthur Boucharst and fail
ing to arrest them or turn the gun
into headquarters, was discharged from
the police force last night by Chief
Johnson, of the Police Department.
Anderson and Boucharst, who are
charged with attempted highway rob
bery, were bound over to tne grana
jury yesterday. September 28 these
two appeared at the residence of ii.
B. Miller. 124 Union avenue, and at
tempted to rob him. They were put to
flight by Miller and his father.
Inspectors LaSalle and Maloney ar
rested the men on the description given
by Miller, As a result of the investi
gation made by the Inspectors it was
disclosed that Anderson had been re
lieved of the gun which he had used
in the Miller holdup by Patrolman Nlda
at Third and Burnside streets early
Sunday morning and was then given hli
Officer O'Dell was also given orders
by Chief Johnson to turn in his star
and police property.
Wheat Cars Held Continue Large In
Number, Especially at Astoria.
Notwithstanding the embargo on the
movement of grain to congested ter
minals in the Northwest market cen
ters, there is a considerable total of
Ve do not give much thought to on?
nervous system when it is working all
right but when it goes wrong nature
has a way of calling it forcibly to our
attention by something that we cannot
overlook pain.
Try to reach a diseased nerve with
medicine of any sort and you are con
fronted with a fact that every doctor
knows, that the only way to reach tha
nerves with medicine is through tha
Miss Stella Coffield, whose address
is R. F. D. 2, Centerburg, Ohio, says:
"I was sick for six months and in bed
for ten weeks. I doctored faithfully
for two months and kept getting worse
and finally had a stroke of paralysis
which affected my right leg and arm
and speech. X could not talk for two
weeks and I had no use whatever of
my leg and arm. I was very nervous.
My people thought I would never bo
anything but a helpless cripple.
"It was through my father that I
commenced taking Hr. Williams' Fink
Pills. He was discouraged and when
he read about the pills he decided to
have me try them. I could soon see
a change and gave the remedy a
thorough trial. The numbness in my
leg disappeared and after a time I
could walk. I grew stronger and
reallv think that if it had not been
for Drt Williams' Pink Pills I would
still be a helpless cripple."
The treatment in cases like this 13
one of nutrition of the nerve cells,
requiring a non-alcoholic tonic such as
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Your own
druggist sells the pills. Price 50 cents
a box; six boxes for $2.50. Write to
the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schen
ectady, N. for free book on hoxoa
treatment c nervous disorders,
demurrage paid to the railroads dally
for cars held beyond the alloted time
for unloading.
At Astoria there are about ZOO cars
on track waiting to be unloaded. All
the space on the docks that can be used
for sack grain has been utilised, and
the big new bulk elevator la only
partly filled.
There are not so many cars held on
track at Portland. Rules of the rail
road administration have made the de
murrage rate higher in an attempt to
make use or cars for storage unpop
oil thats necessary
You jtn invite the friends; we invite YOU
to come and select your Victrola.
264 Alder Street, Near Third, Opp. Gill's Book Store
3 Days Sale!
Thousands of garments just arrived and must be sold
during the three days. In order to do this, "The Prices
WiU Talk."
The Globe Sample Shop will ex-
KfiniGmhPr chanse all sale roods and your
money back if not satisfied.
Sign and Send this ad to us and get cata
logues and our easy-payment proposition.
Stores also st Saa Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose,
Los Angeles.
Long Plush Goats
All sizes. Some run up to $38.00, at only
n -
xSrfslP' t&J Ego Jnhj
l MsaaHsaiiHMSsaaH
Any Store
in the
City to
Sample Suits
Hundreds of sample Suits; all shades, all sizes. Some
run up to $45.00, at only S23.95 and
SILK and SERGE Dresses. The biggest bargains in
Portland. Some run up to $37.50, at only 23.95 and
Sample Silk Jersey
Dresses Dresses
$12.95 1 $18.95
Long Coats
Beautiful Fur-Trimmed Long Velour and Broadcloth
Coats. Some run up to $50.00, at only S26.95 and
We Give
What Wa
Your Money
if Not
Silk and Georgette Crepe Waists at half price