Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Wilson's Diplomacy Praised
and Attacked in Turn.
Republican Reiterates Disappoint
ment Over Fact Unconditional
Surrender Xot Demanded.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. President
(Wilson's note of inquiry in response to
the German peace proposal was praised
ana attacKea toaay in the Senate.
oenaior nitman, or .evada, Demo
crat, opened debate that lasted sev
era! hours by criticising Senator
.Lodge, of Massachusetts, the Keoub
lican leader, for issuing a statement
commenting unfavorably upon the
President's action.
The Nevada Senator agreed with most
of the other leaders in Congress who
nave discussed the matter for nublica
tion in approving both the President's
refusal to propose an armistice while
the Germans are on invaded soil and
the inquiries addressed to the German
Chancellor. He said the criticism of
the Republican leader could serve no
good purpose and would tend to de
stroy confidence in the President.
Senator Lodge replied, reiterating
his disappointment that the President
did not reply that nothing short of un
conditional surrender by the enemy
;would be accepted, and his belief that
the note opens the way for negotia
tions with the German rulers, with
whom the President has said the United
JStates cannot deal.
Poiodexter Agrees With Lodge.
A similar view was taken by Sen
fetor Poindexter, Republican, of Wash
ington, who expressed the hope that
if necessary England and France would
refuse to grant an armistice until Ger
many had surrendered.
No word came to the State Depart
ment during the day indicating that
the President's note had reached the
German Chancellor, but it was assumed
that it was delivered through the
Swiss Foreign Office probably some
time yesterday. The fact that the Chan
cellor, Prince Maximilian, is to address
the Reichstag Saturday led to the be
lief that the Prince would have his
reply ready by that time.
Senator Pittman declared the minor
ity leader had misconstrued the note.
"The press and the public understand
the message and do not concur with
Senator Lodge," said the Nevada Sena- i
"HJs - construction cannot po:ibly
Berve any good, but on the contrary
many lead the German people and even
some of our citizens to believe that :
the President is unduly anxious to
enter into peace negotiations.
Detriment io Army Seen.
"The - establishment of such a con
struction would deaden the enthusiasm
and zeal of our people; would be a
detriment to the spirit and vigor of
our armies and would tend to destroy
confidence in the President, whose
service is essential to a lasting and
Just peace.
In the United States Senate on Au
gust 23 the Senator from Massachu
setts laid down his own programme for
world victory. The programme of the
Senator from Massachusetts means war
for victory, revenge and advantage,
while the programme of the President
means war for victory, justice and
everlasting peace.
'The opposition of any statesman to
the efforts of the President of the
United States, upon whom the duty
devolves successfully to conduct this
war, would have its effect, but when
that statesman is the leader of the Re
publican party in the United States
Senate and, by virtue of that position.
In the United States, his opposition be
comes a matter of grave concern.
ilNOii Highly Praised.
"Our people do not distrust Woodrow
Wilson. He is loved, trusted and re
spected, not only by all of the people
of the United States, but by the suf
fering peoples of the governments of
our allies. He is recognized through
out the world today as the predominant
Statesman of the age.
'I recognize and admire the states
manship, learning and loyalty of the
distinguished Senator from Massachu
setts, but he has no right to be offend
ed if I say to him that in the eyes of
the world he does not compare with
Woodrow Wilson. He will have his
chance for a test in the coming elec
tion, because the contest is inevitably
between the policies of Woodrow Wil
son and the policies of Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge."
Communications urging that the only
terms to be given Germany should be
'unconditional surrender," were placed
In the record by Senators Jones of
Washington, and Harding of Ohio, Ke
Replying to Senator Pittman, Senator
I.odse said his regret was that the
President had not gone further. Sen
ator Lodge read from the President's
speech delivered on September 27, in
which the President said there could be
jm pence by compromise and that Ger
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Saving Is a Habit
as much so as rising in the morning, exer
cising the muscles, or bathing, and is
acquired quite as easily.
It is established in the beginning by
determination, and continued by regular
and systematic laying aside money, though
the sum may be small. Even one or two
failures may be fatal to the habit.
Every workman knows the value of con
tinued, sustained effort, as against sudden
spurts of speed. Apply your knowledge to
In order to make it easy to form the
habit of saving, this bank keeps its saving
department open on Saturday evenings
from six to eight o'clock, for the benefit
of its industrial depositors.
Oldest in the Northwest
many's rulers had shown they were
without honor.
Approval Still Withheld.
With that statement, Senator Lodge
said he was still with the President,
but he could not approve the "note of
"Believing as I did that the reply to
the Chancellor would be In the same
high tone," he added, "I was astonished
when I read, not a reply, but three
Senator Lodge said he could not con
ceive that the Chancellor represented
anything but the executive constitu
tional authority under which he was
appointed, because he could not repre
sent anything else.
Peace negotiations, however pro
posed," the Senator said, "are entirely
different from the constitutional point
of view of the conduct of war. The
President, in conduct of war, is the
Commander-in-Chief, and it is my duty
to support him, whether I agree entire
ly with him or not.
"In the question of making peace, the
President is not the Commander-in-
Chief. The power to negotiate is wholly
his, but it cannot be final without the
advice and consent of the Senate. The
responsibility of the Senate in dealing
with any question of peace is as great
as that of the President."
Karly ote Indorsed.
Discussing the President's inquiry as
to the German Chancellor's attitude to
ward the 14 articles which Senator
Lodge described as "broad principles,
and not terms," the Senator continued:
"The fact is that the President s
questions have given rise to questions
of their interpretation from one end of
the country to the other. Was it a
crime for me to wish that he had sent
an answer that needed no explanation
or interpretation?"
Referring to President Wilson s last
note to Austria, Senator Lodge pointed
out that he was the first to approve it
in the Senate, and that he preferred a
similar reply to Germany.
"What the Chancellor will say I do
not know," Senator Lodge continued,
"but it gives him a chance to say many
things. In one instance the President
laid down the principle that the wrong
done France in 1870 should be righted.
The detail is how It shall be righted.
France thinks it can be righted in only
one way and that is with the return of
the lost provinces without condition or
without any German arrangement for
autonomy or for a buffer state.
France View Accepted.
"I hope I shall not say anything .to
border on treason, but France's view
on that is my view."
Senator Poindexter, of Washington,
praised Senator Lodge's declaration, for
an "unqualified victory."
"If the Senator from Nevada is cor
rect, then I take my stand by the Sena
tor from Massachusetts and not by the
President, continued Senator Poindex
ter, who declared the President's action
had been most unfortunate.
Four Suits for Divorce Filed In Cir
cuit Court, Wives in Three
Cases Plaintiffs.
Clyde Cherrihill has a disagreeable
habit of breaking up the household
furniture when he grets angry, alleges
Verlee Cherrihill in a suit for divorce
filed yesterday in the Circuit Court.
Other misconduct, including: personal
violence, is charged. They were mar
ried at Boise in 1910 and have one
child, whose custody the plaintiff de
mands. She also asks $100 a month
in alimony.
Maud Porter accuses A. L. Porter of
extreme cruelty. They were married
in Michigan in 1903 and have three
children. The plaintiff demands their
custody and $25 a month for their sup
port. George Hanson accuses Avis Hanson
of infidelity and names Robert Abbott
as co-respondent. The plaintiff de
mands custody of a small son. They
were married at Vancouver in 1910.
Iesertion is charged against George
C. Paist in the complaint filed by Amy
V. Paist. They were married in 1907
and separated in 1917. The wife asks
for custody of their three children and
$50 a month for their support.
Nineteen Painless Parker
office in the United State
repair the teeth of over
100,000 people annually.
Portland Office
S2S Washington St.
Corner Sixth St.
Local Industries Declared Capable
of Turning Out Great Quanti
ties of Needed Material.
There are many manufacturing in
dustries in Portland and Oregon which
are capable of turning out great quan
tities of war materials were the orders
but given them, declare men closest in
touch with the industrial situation.
Even more serious than this, in the
minds of some, is the prospect that
withholding of war orders will force
the closing down of these particular
plants. '
W. H. Crawford, manager of the in
dustries department of the Chamber of
Commerce, pointed out some of the im
pending dangers yesterday. He aid:
"There are wood, mechanical and
textile manufacturing plants in this
section which are running at a fraction
of their capacity though like plants in
other sections, with war orders on their
books, are working night and day. The
difference is more serious than appears
on the surface, for the Oregon plants
may be classed as non-essential purely
from the fact that the Government is
not taking some or all of their product.
"Our manufacturers are not viewing
the situation in the spirit of criticism.
Their attitude is merely that of seek
ing recognition as Quickly and as ex
tensively as possible. We hope that we
will be able to attract attention to the
matter in such a way as to bring some
Premier's Son-in-Law Dead.
PARIS, Oct. 10. Lieutenant Tung,
son-in-law of Premier Clemenceau. died
at the front yesterday from the effects
of grippe. He had married the Pre
mier's second daughter only a few days
Man Caught Gazing Into Woman's
Bedroom Blames Her.
MARSH FIELD, Or.. Oct. 10. (Spe
cial.) Found on a second-story landing
of an apartment-house gazing into the
bedroom of a. woman, A. C. Coffin, elec
trician, was arrested last night and
given a room in the City Jail.
Coffin declares he was invited to talk
to the woman and deemed it more re
spectable to peak into her bedroom
than to gar inside, especially as a hus
band was not far away.
Investigate the waterfront guard of
various shipyards and other plants to
determine whether they are properly
safeguarded. A survey of all water
front industries will be made.
Children and Aged People In Paris
to Benefit.
PARIS, Oct. 10. In accordance with
recent promise of Victor Boret, the
deputy minister of provisions, certain
classes of bread rations will be In
creased beginning next month. Chil
dren from 3 to 13 years of age will
receive an increase in bread of 100
grammes, being allowed 300 grammes
instead of 200. Persons over 60 years
of age will receive the increase. All
manual laborers up to 75 years will be
entitled to 500 grammes. The por
tions of other adults will remain at
300 grammes.
Measures are to be taken to pre
vent bakers from obtaining flour in
any greater quantity than is repre
sented by the bread tickets received
by them.
For Men
$18, $20, $22.50
The best, most serviceable
suits that you can find at these
three prices are shown in my
third-floor department for
men. Reliable fabrics, pleas
ing patterns, correct styles.
Look these suits over, men;
they are clothes that satisfy.
mm. iml
Testimony Taken to Sustain Will Ei-
eculed In Year 1911.
Further testimony was taken yester
day in the Xarifa Jane Fating will con
test when the California beneficiaries
under Mrs. Faling's 1911 will appeared
to offer testimony before County Judge
Tazwell in an effort to sustain the
1911 will Instead of the 1315 will which
is now being probated.
Mrs. Thomas O. Gray, one of the
beneficiaries under the 1911 will, ap
peared aa chief witness for the Cali
fornia legatees, although Lot Q. Swet
land, of Portland, who was bequeathed
$5000 under the terms of the 11)11 will,
also appeared as a witness.
The taking of this additional testi
mony is expected to finish this
morning. .
Waterfront Inquiry Ordered.
Police Sergeant Van Overn has been
detailed by Chief of Police Johnson to
The federal and state governments of
Australia have for some time past ex
perienced much difficulty In maintain
ing an adequate supply of paper, and
the outlook gives promise of still fur
ther trouble. With a view to remedy
ing this matter Mr. Albert Mullett, the
government printer, will visit the Unit
ed States to purchase paper.
Colored Porter Arrested at Eugene
and His Stock of Wet Goods
Confiscated as Evidence.
Pungent odor of bootleg whisky, com
bined with the sickening stench of for
maldehyde, failed to drive B. Feeley,
assistant superintendent of home mis
sions for Oregon, from a Southern Pa
cific tourist smoking car In which he
had detected a shipment of liquor.
A t Kinrcne he caused the arrest of K.
L. Stanley, of Oakland, colored porter,
and the liquor was confiscated and held
for evidence. H. E. Knglish, another
colored porter, also of Oakland, was
taken before Federal officials in Port
land, but was released after close ques
tioning. When Mr. Feeley boarded the train at
Cottage Grove about 3 o'clock yesterday
morning with two su'tcases, he placed
one in the tourist car and carried the
other to his compartment. Returning
later for the grip In the tourist he
found that car locked. Through the
glass in the door, however, he noticed
the porter removing bottles from one
of the windows, where they had been
cached between the screen and the in
ner glass, with the shade pulled down to
conceal ' them. When the porter ob
served the spectator he became nervous
and dropped one of the bottles, which
broke. A few minutes later the car
door was unlocked and Mr. Feeley en
tered, detecting at once the- aroma of
whisky. He went on guard duty forth
with. Presently Stanley returned with a
mop and a bucket of water, with which
he strove vainly to blot out the offend
ing stench. He was reinforced by Eng
lish, who splashed formaldehyde about
the car until Rev. Feeley was able to
remain at his post only under greatest
discomfort. Then the whisky aroma
At Eugene, where a search of the
train was made on request of Mr.
Feeley, 15 pints of liquor were found
cached in an adjoining window and
were taken in charge by the officials.
The commercial agent stationed at
Copenhagen. Denmark, reports that
Norway's supply of fuel for this Win
ter is secured, 400. 0O0 cords of wood
having been carried by the railroads
during the first four months of the
a friend, indeed, in
time of need.
uncle sam says: not
another pound of wool
for - civilian use until
further notice.
through foresight I
am in a position to sup
ply those accustomed
to wearing woolen un
derwear. it would be advisa
ble to purchase this
and next winter's sup
ply now before the
stock on hand is ex
hausted. heavy and medium
weight cotton, wool
mixed and all pure
wool garments.
headquarters in Portland for the famous vassar and
sterling underwear, priced from $2 to $9 the suit.
do your buying early saturday
at 8 o'clock.
store closes promptly
331 Washington street, near broadway
Friday and Saturday
We Offer
Suits Extraordinary
Navy blue menswear serges! The most
popular of all fabrics and colors and at
only Thirty-five Dollars. They're splen
didly tailored; fancy silk lined, belted and
made with convertible collars.
And, too, there are poplins and oxfords
in tailored and belted styles for those who
like them best.
,r-rr i
5 Clever New Coat Models
Velours, diagonal coatings, Meltons
soft finished yet wonderfully practical.
They're belted in attractive ways that you'll
like some have plush collars. Navy, brown and
green. At 25 they're among the best coat values
we've ever offered.
Serge Dresses Have Just Ar-
Now Is the Time to
Plaid Skirt
you've been wanting.
It's priced only
at the Emporium. Iain
and full waistline styles,
made with fancy pockets
and wide girdles. Sub
dued color tones that are
very effective.
rived to Sell for
They're of an exceptionally fine
French serge made with plain, plaited
and tunicked skirts. The collars do
any number of unusual things. Em
broiderings and braidings finish them
I LilJJ 11 V I 1 I I I I I I