Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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"Lost Battalion," Although
Surrounded, Fights Grimly.
Major la Command Tells Foe to "Go
to Hell" When Asked to Give Up,
and Boys All Cheer Keply.
(By the Associated Press.) The bright
est spot in the- heroic and amazing
story of the now famous "lost bat
talion," which belonged to tlfe Seventy
eeventh Division, was the climax to the
fourth day of the troops' beleaguer
ment in the Argonne forest.
When the men. were long foodless and
almost wholly without ammunition and
when many were weak from exhausion,
but not one despairing, an American
who had been taken prisoner by the
Germans suddenly appeared at the little
camp surrounded in the valley.
The man had been sent blindfolded
from the German headquarters with a
typewritten note to Major Whittlesey,
"Americans, you are surrounded on
all sides. Surrender in the name of
humanity. You will be well treated."
Major Whittlesey did not hesitate a
fraction of a second.
"Go to hell," he almost shouted. Then
he read the note to those around him
and his men cheered so loudly that the
Germans heard them, from their ob
servation posts.
Hum Slip By Yankees.
A composite story gleaned from a
dozen recitals reveals that the battalion
when ordered to advance last Friday
pushed its way rapidly ahead through
the forest and, in its eagerness to catch
up with the retreating Germans, grad
ually spread out and widened its ranks.
This allowed the Germans to infiltrate
unseen behind the Americans and they
fell directly into a cunning trap which
the Germans had set for them.
The enemy had planned to catch the
Americans in a hollow surrounded on
all four sides by heights, the greatest
of which was a steep hill directly
ahead. The Americans, who were not
accustomed to forest fighting and were
filled with eagerness, dashed into this
hollow without stopping to think that
the enemy migrht be awaiting them.
The members of the battalion were at
first checked by their own artillery
barrage, which had worked steadily
forward. Nevertheless, it had not
worked as fast as the troops them
selves, and the battalion proceeded half
way up the hill and there they waited
for the barrage to pass in Iront of
them. Then they discovered that the
Germans on both sides had jointly
flanked them and had closed In upon
their rear.
Huns Harass Battalion.
Sheltered only in shallow and hastily
constructed trenches, the men were
subjected to a grilling sniping machine
jrun fire, as well as a trench mortar
bombardment, every time they showed
Only with great difficulty and with
extreme caution could they move from
place to place and keep guard against
surprise attacks. The battalion had
started rith meager rations, expecting
more to reach them later. These, of
course, could not longer be transported
to them. It was the greatest good for
tune that they were fairly well suDPlied
with water. Nightly and daily, too, they
tent DacK volunteer scouting parties,
out II these reached the positions in
ine rear wiinout Deing captured or
killed they could not tell, for no one
ever returned.
Daily, American aviators searching
vainly for them, flew overhead, but no
outcry the men could make brought
anything but a volley of shouts and
laughter from the Germans in front
and behind and to the right and left of
Men Keep 1,'nder Cover.
The beleaguered men discovered there
were German machine nests all around
them every 15 feet or so. and a man
to show himself ever so briefly was the
signal for a sweeping rain cf bullets.
If a man made an unusual noise trench
mortars pounded the vicinity viciously.
Just for diversion, the enemy made
a. practice of sweeping the whole ter
rain the hillside where the improvised
trenches were located, and the valley
In which the men crawled to get leaves
and water regularly and then irregu
larly with machine guns.
Snipers were constantly on watch.
German 77's pounded the locality and
hand grenades also were hourly in evi
dence. The Americans had no rocket3
or other signals and they were power
less to attract the attention of anyone
but the Germans.
Men Always Hopeful.
As the days passed the Americans
prrew more and more emaciated and
more and more bearded, but they never
gave up hope. There was nothing but
a grim determination to hold out until
the last man was finished. There was
not a man in the battalion wounded
or otherwise, hungry or starved, but
scouted the idea of surrender. Their
ammunition was depleted to a point
where the few machine guns in outfit
had but one belt of cartridges apiece,
and the rifle ammunition was running
t-o short that they had received orders
rot to fire at any one attacking until
within such short range that his death
or serious injury was almost in
evitable. Major Whittlesey, who is a well
known New Yorker, had his entire bat
talion behind him to a man; Captain
Leo Stromee, of San Bernardino, Cal.,
told the Associated Press his men
Jeered at the idea of surrender, and
the men who came out of the four days'
siege are united in declaring that they
never would have given up.
make a declaration that peace shall not
be made until retribution Is exacted
from German towns for vandalism in
The Times says that German towns
like Hamburg and Frankfort must be
marked down for ransom in return for
French and Belgian towns wantonly
PARIS, Oct. 9. An official "eyewit
ness," who has visited the neighbor
hood of Lens since the Germans with
drew reports railways and tramways
converted into huge piles of twisted
Mayor Basly, of Lens, says that the
city has been virtually leveled. The
population of 35,000 people is entirely
gone. Water fills the galleries of the
coal mines, which used to turn out
3,000.000 tons of coal a year.
Reports show that Roulers and Thou
rot have been burned. ,
AMSTERDAM, Oct. 10. A revolt has
broken out in Bruges, Belgium, the
populace having risen against the at
tempts of the Germans to deport the
civilians, according to Les Nouvelles.
German troops used their guns and
killed or wounded numerous Belgians.
Throughout Flanders, the newspaper
says, the roads are encumbered with
cattle, horses and pigs which are being
transported to Germany.
Great Gap Torn in Enemy on
Center Line Grows.
Famous Railroad Man. Will Remain
Chairman; E. W. Beatty Be
comes iVce-President.
MONTREAL, Que.. Oct. 10. Lord
Shaughnessy remains chairman of the
Canadian Pacific Railway Company. E.
W. Beatty is now president.
At a meeting of the directors, held
in Montreal today. Lord Shaughnessy,
after 20 years of office, retired from
the presidency of the Canadian Pacific
Railway, although still retaining the
position of chairman of the company,
so that, while relieved of executive
duty, he will continue to serve with
his counsel and experience.
This change is due to Lord Shaugh-
nessy's conviction that. In view of the
extensive programme planned by the
Canadian Pacific Railway for the pe
riod of reconstruction after the war,
the best interests of the company
would be served if a younger man were
to assume the active direction of so
large and complete a system.
Although several years older than
either of his predecessors were at the
time when they retired from the presi
dency, he decided when the war broke
out, to carry on until the financial hori
zon should lighten. Now, however, he
feels less hestitation in handing over
the executive responsibility . to a suc
cessor, and peculiarly to one who has
shown notable administrative ability
and who enjoyed to a marked degree
the confidence not only of the political
and business leaders of Canada, but
also of the employes of the Canadian
Pacific Railway itself.
E. W. Beatty, the new president, has
been vice-president and general counsel
and also director of the company for
several years.
Sir George Bury, on account of ill
health, is retiring from the position of
vice-president, and Grant Hall, who has
been vice-president in charge of West
ern lines, has been appointed in his
Wreck of German Pirate Seeadlr at
Mapelia to Be Disposed Or.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10. (Special.)
The wreck of the-German sea raider,
Seeadler, lying aground at Mapelia, is
to be sold at auction by the French
Government, it was announced today,
according to dispatches received by the
Maritime Department of the Chamber
of Commerce. The information comes
from the French Consulate and is
therefore authentic.
The famous raider was formerly the
bark Pass of Balmaha, of 1571 tons.
It was provided with Diesel engines of
1200-horsepower by the Germans, the
same class of engine as was displayed
at the Antwerp Exposition.
The hull is badly damaged, but the
engine is in good shape and can be
used. There is also a large quantity
of hawsers, tanks and other equip
ment on board. No bid of less than
$2000 will be considered.
Belief Expressed That It May Xot
Bo Long Before Allies Start
Drive, for Rhine Valley.
Send your rur pitta clothing to the AMERICAN RED CROSS
streets. It will be shipped immediately to the suffering Belgians.
Consult Miss Matth
She is here from the
atthews. p. CTPn-) np Z?
pcT- oUpmort WolXc A9 o.
eiP you. J" Merchandise of J Merit Only"
here. Also Winter Book.
Second Floor.
Former Butte Man Found Lifeless at
Wheel in Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct.. 10. Daniel
H. Marony, who with his wife came
here about a year ago from Butte
Mont., was found sitting at the wheel
of his automobile on a residence street
here early today dead from bullet
wounds. His wife, who summoned near
by residents to the automobile, was
taken into custody and held without
bond pending further investigation. She
is 2S, he was 42. He recently inherited
a considerable fortune, according to
Mrs. Marony told the police that she
had quarreled with her husband be
cause he was loath to leave a card
game where she said he had threatened
to kill her; that they struggled for the
weapon and during the struggle it .was
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. The wholly
unexpected extent of the German col
lapse between bt. Quentln and Cam-
brai. which leaves a great gap torn
in the center of the enemy lines that
were already struggling to extricate
themselves and get back to a shorter
front, has given rise to the belief here
that there is even the possibility of a
crushing and immediate military vic
tory for the allies.
Should the French to the south or
the British to the north also succeed
in breaking through before the Ger
mans can complete an extensive retire
ment, the capture or destruction of a
whole enemy army group might be
realized. In the opinion of observers
here the situation today has almost
limitless possibilities, and Marshal
Foch is virtually certain to concen
trate every ounce of power at bis com
mand for a final coup.
Germany May Soon Be Invaded.
The smashing victory of the Anglo
American forces north of St. Quentin
may be paving the way for early in
vasion of Germany Itself. Striking
hints of a wholly new enterprise, di
rected at the upper Rhine Valley, have
come from unofficial quarters In
France, and they follow repeated re
ports from Switzerland that the civil
populations of the Rhine Valley towns
were being removed by the German
Some officers here regard these re
ports as highly significant, particularly
because it now appears certain that the
enemy will be forced far back all along
the front in Northern France and Bel
gium within the next few days. While
the constant hammering is kept up in
the north to pin the German armies
there, it might be possible, it was said,
to deliver a new stroke on the Alsace
Lorraine front that might swiftly de
velop into an invasion of Germany
itself by way of the Rhine Valley.
Rhine Valley Is Eyed.
It does not appear likely, however,
that the Rhine drive plans, if there are
such plans, will develop until the sit
uation clears in the north. Should the
German armies escape the triple trap
between Verdun and the North Sea,
however, and establish a line on the
Meuse front, many officers are confi
dent that the center of attack will
swing suddenly to a drive into Ger
many itself by the shortest route
the Rhine Valley.
For the moment attention is concen
trated on the startling forward rush
of the Anglo-American forces which
have broken through the great St.
Quentin-Cambral defensive zone. To
the south it is known that the enemy
is straining every effort to hold up
the French along the Suippe River.
All but one of the 24 good German di
visions on this front, it has been re
ported, are now in the front lines.
Should the French reach and pass the
Aisne, as they threaten to do, the enemy
forces in the Laon pocket apparently
would be In desperate straits.
Center In Bad Way.
Still farther east to the Meuse and
beyond, French and American forces
are striking fiercely ahead, carrying an
even wider menace, and to the north of
Lille, Belgium, French and British
troops have driven forward another
grim threat. To no part of the line,
apparently, can the hard-pressed center
turn for reinforcements and relief on a
scale that would more than delay the
advance at any point.
The spearhead of the British advance
was at Le Cateau today. That would
mean that the Anglo-American effort
has forged ahead until the northern
end of the great railway system behind
the Germans is only 15 miles distant.
This lateral trunk line passes through
Valenciennes, Avesne and Hirson
reaches the Meuse at Charleville and
runs thence through Sedan and on to
the southeast.
Yanks Have 18 Miles to Go.
General March, Chief of Staff, indi
cated last Saturday that the cutting of
this greatest single communication sys
tem of the enemy was the main ob
jective of the American thrust west of
j FURS Are Lovelier This Year Than
,ver Before and Our Stocks
ne very delightful way of conserving woolens for the
Government and our boys is by wearing furs rich, warm,
lovely furs over lighter weight apparel.
Furs hark back to the days of our grandmothers for beauty and quaint
ness or design. Those little circular, narrow-shouldered capes are most
fetching, and wonderfully warm. Scarfs that fold loosely about the throat
are artistic and most becoming, and. as for animal scarfs, they're shaped
just right this season and are lovely in half a dozen ways. If you're
intending to be really practical this season, here are
A Few Gift Suggestions
Near Seal Stole $32.50
Hudson Seal Cape, with
squirrel collar $100
Moleskin and Ermine Cape
at $300
Hudson Seal Cape, with sable
squirrel trimming and col
lar $125
Sealine and Nutria Cape, $75
Baby Lamb and Marten
Cape $150 and $325
Baby Lamb Cape $75
Taupe, Black and Brown
Fox $42.50 to $125
Manchurian Wolf Scarf
at . $35
Natural Skunk Scarf. . . .$75
Brown Lucille Fox, $50
and $100
Black Coney and Kit Coney
Scarfs $12.50 to $20
Iceland Fox Sets $25
Muffs to Match Scarfs and Capes .$25 to $40
Children's Sets priced $2.50 to $25
Fourth Floor Lip man, Wolfe & Co.
that are more than hats; hats with
individuality and charm and dis
tinction; hats that have come from
the world's foremost artistic de
signers, that bear the stamp of
authority given by such names as
They're the prettiest hats
in all Portland. Won't you
come in and see them?
Third Floor Lipman,JVolfe&Co.
the Meuse. The Americans are within
ess than 18 miles of the road now at a
point nearly 100 miles in an air line
rom the point wncre tne oriiisn
threaten it on the north.
Should this line be broken by the
Americans now moving forward on
both eides of the Meuse, it would cut
he German western front in half, fauch
move might be considered vitally
ecessary to the launching of a blow at
he Rhine valley. The German troops
n the north could offer little help If
Is Piano Honesty
i Worth While?
British Suggestion Made That Cer
tain, Enemy Cities Be Marked
ltown for Ransom.
LONDON, Oct. 9. As the victorious
allied armies progress toward borders
of Germany, the subject of reprisals on
the enemy for vandalism in conquered
territory is more frequently mentioned
inai uermany fears such measures
is indicated by a telegram from the
semi-official Wolff Bureau, received
in Stockholm, saying that Douai was
burning, "as the result of the con
tinuous British bombardment."
The reports that the Germans had
set fire to a town they were still oc
cupying was characterized by the
agency as ridiculous. The Germans, ac
cording to a Reuter dispatch from
Stockholm, also deny having fired
Roulers, Thorout and Lichtervelde.
Viscount Middleton, former Secretary
of State for India, asks that the allies
Ten Xorthren Counties Receive Call
for Drafted Men.
BOISE. Idaho, Oct. 9. The ten north
ern Idaho counties are required to fur
nish 63 of the 271 draft men called by
the Provost Marshal-General to en
train for Camp Rosecrans, CaL, during
the five-day period commencing Oc
tober 21.
The apportionment worked out by the
Adjutant-General's office today shows
the men called are to be class 1, fit
for general military service. The
Northern Idaho counties received, the
following apportionments under the
call: Benewah 5, Bonner 6, Boundary 3,
Clearwater 3, Idaho 7, Kootenai 8,
Latah 10, Lewis 1, Shoshone 10, Nez
perce 8.
We Say Yes!
(Continued From First Page.)
uian mounted rifles first entered Cam
bra i. The- Canadian engineers estab
lished a pontoon bridge over the canal
at 6 A. M., aided by an effective bar
rage on enemy gun positions. The Ger
mans held the city with their rear
guards which the sudden onslaught of
the Canadians rapidly brushed aside.
In pushing out east of Cambrai after
the capture further heroic British work
was done in effecting the first crossing
of the canal at the demolished railway
bridge. Two men swam across the ca
nal, bombed the enemy out of his
bridgehead and then, linked arm in arm,
the leading men of the company scram
bled over the wreck of the bridge. In a
short time a practicable crossing was
The enemy began its ' evacuation of
the city at midnight. The Canadian oc
cupation was completed at S o'clock the
next morning.
Our experience has taught us
that pianos can be sold on a
"one price only basis. We sell
for less. We cive terms. In
(these days of high prices on
- pianos it is well to know these
It is well to stand in line with
I our other satisfied customers and
5 learn why we are in a position
B to save money for you in the
5 purchase of your piano.
5 We represent six standard
(lines the Knabe, Fischer, Ster
ling, Behning, Haines Bros, and
Schaff Bros.
Come to the ''Musical Floor,"
I the Seventh.
o o
Oriental Cafe
Cor. Broadway and Washington
OPEN 11 A. 51. to 2 A. M.
Finest Grill of Its Kind on Pacific
American and Chinese Dishes.
Service at All Honrs.
11 A. M. TO 8. P. M.
25e. 30e. 35c. 40e to 75e.
Xnclndins; Soup. Vegetables, Drinks,
uesse rt.
And as the battle line
changes you can see the
A Sale of Sterling Silverware
150 pieces offered without consideration of their actual value for
quick dearaway
This affords a wonderful opportunity for gift choosing now at
tremendous saving.
GROUP 1 $3.75
Bonbon. Corkscrews, MacLaren Cheese Coasters, etc
GROUP 2 $6.75
Bonbons. Baskets. Comports, Catsup Bottles, Oil and
Vinegar Coasters, Ice Tubs and Baskets.-
GROUP 3 $2.00 to $36.67
Openwork Vegetable Dishes, Fruit Baskets, Comports, Fruit
Bowls, Berry Bowls. Sandwich Trays, Sugar Sifters, Horse
radish Relish Jars. Coasters, etc.
Sixth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
to be used in hospitals "over there"
should be delivered to the Eighth
Floor this building, or 400 Ore
gonian building.
If you have linens to spare take
them from your own supplies; if
not, phone in your order and we
will deliver the desired linens.
Articles need not be "real linen."
Approximate sizes wanted are: Bath
towels. 19x38; hand towels, 18x30;
handkerchiefs. 18x18; napkins, 14x14;
sheets. 64x102.
like a wall behind the whole German
front in France be lost to them.
Daylight-Savins Law Passes Senate.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. The day
light saving law would remain in ef
fect until rescinded by Congress under
a bill passed today by the Senate. The
measure, which was indorsed by Chair
man Barucn, or tne war inausines
Board, in the interest of fuel economy.
present law, the clocks would be turned
back an hour on October 27.
hat lateral rail system that has stood now goes to the Han. tender the
Willow or O. G. Laberee Seeks Ar-
' rest of Son and Dau ghter-in-Law.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Oct. 10.
(Special.) A warrant 'or the arrest of
Mr. and Mr. B. R. Laberee for alletred
trespass on the Laberee premises at
Ely was issued at the instance of Mrs.
O. Ci. Laberee, widow of the late Ely
stockman. Monday evening.
B. R. Laberee is a son of O. G. La
beree and came here with his wife on
hearing of his father's death. The
couple arrived Saturday night from Se
attle and left here for the Ely ranch
Monday morning. O. G. Laberee was a
prominent Seattle capitalist previous to
liis rmovnl bre three yeRrs apft.
Buffum-Pendleton Co.
-w ( Wf im m iwsm -vow i i vr,, .
Krliljli in the days f risins csts the gd name of the HSIw
dealer and the maker's trade-mark form a combina- WJ:Sm
LifS&wmn tinn for vmir protection. mmMVY.
r&4vi;i;i " r , Uii:XV'5i1i
3:lfcW llit w specialize the productions of the best makers of America and i&Zjyyil I " vk, '
, Europe. ft 8SW
HJJlS Italy sends us the famous Borsalino Hats at $8.50 and 10. fj '(A 'fMJ& l fit,
Sf ! iiS We add -expert service and careful attention. 'jlhj g .jWl A W jk
W Winthrop Hammond, Pres. 5l8rk l gSjl wR"!
SlSS Correct Apparel for Men ' "" J V(lW: 'S 1
mWR 127 Sixth Street i2M - t Wj ' ! If .4