THE MORXIXG OREGONUN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918. GUARD TAKES HAND r FLAGS FOR LIBERTY DA Y AMERICAN AND ITALIAN FIFTH FLOOR 2 N "Crashing Through to Berlin" This most thrilling war spectacle vivid, true, realistic will be shown at the Star Theater for one week begin ning next Saturday, October 12 to 18, auspices National League for Woman's Service. Admission 25c. Proceeds go to U. S. Kanning Kitchen and Overseas Relief. Begin Christmas Shopping Now Start'now to lay away practical sifts for Christmas. Many such are listed on this page. You can thus save money as well as help- the Government programme, which seeks the avoidance of transpor tation congestion, usually so prevalent around Christmas. Shop early in the day. Carry all packages possible. CEND your surplus clothing to the American Red Cross Belgian Relief Receiving Station corner Fifth and Pine Sts., where it will be immediately packed and shipped to the suffering Belgians. Private Peat Comes Monday to lecture on "Two Years in Hell and Rack With a Smile at the Municipal Auditorium under the auspices of the British Red Cross Societies of Oregon. Lecture begins at 8:15. Buy the book here today at 75e and enjoy his talk all the more for having read it. Tickets also All Portland Urged to Help in Red Cross Finals. ir ir .TM& OjJALmT Sto oi foktlamo in our Book Shop at 25c. 50c, 75c. $1.00. 30,000 PIECES ARE NEEDED 20 'A I I I I M If j i ' f A 1 j T t r T-v lit-- 1 t r T 1-r-r T T 1 -r -r . e American Soldiers, Lying Wounded in France, Appeal for Articles Essential to Their Care. V- JH'LTSOMAH GUARD TO MEET FOR SPECIAL SERVICE. In accordance with the order of Lewis P. Campbell. Colonel commanding, the following com panies of the Multnomah Guard will report at the Armory at 8 P. M. Saturday for special serv ice in the Red Cross linen drive: Headquarters Companies A, B, C, ID, E, F. (i and H. Machine Gun Company, Transport Com pany, Hospital Detachment, Com missary and band, field and staff officers report to the Colonel; non-commissioned staff to the Adjutant. ' American soldiers are lying wounded in lied Cross hospitals in France, ap pealing day and night for linen bath towels, hand towels, bed sheets and handkerchiefs. The American Red Cross is appealing to the people of the country to give these needed articles from their home supplies in order that the demand might be met. ' Portland's quota is 37,500 pieces. To date but 7000 pieces of linen have been offered. The drive closes Tuesday night. Under official proclamation of Mayor Baker yesterday forbidding the opera tion of theaters, schools, churches and other public meetings, the most potent means of reaching the people have been etopped. Mrs. Ferdinand E. Reed, chairman of the Red Cross linen drive in Portland, determined last night that heroic measures must be adopted. She Bought and procured assistance from the Multnomah Guard. Under orders of Colonel Lewis P. Campbell, and with the official sanc tion of Mayor Baker, the Multnomah Guard tomorrow night will endeavor to help Portland attain her quota through sl personal house-to-house campaign for linen articles. This organization of business and professional men who have never yet turned down an appeal for assistance, will work until a. late hour tomorrow night knocking at the doors of Portland housewives and deliv ering a message from the wounded sol diers in France a four-word message which says "We must have linen." Residents of the city are urged by Red Cross officials to turn over as much linen as possible to these eoldier-"-iolicitors tomorrow night. They are braving the Spanish influenza epidemic that they might succeed in giving the needed assistance to the American sol diers in the Red Cross hospitals in France. Pupils of the Portland Public Schools yesterday were given the message from the soldiers of France by the teachers of the various grades and arrangements were made to have them bring linen articles to the schools this morning. Because of the Mayor's orders closing the schools, arrangements were made last night whereby janitors will be at all school buildings to receive the packages from the pupils. 20,000 MEN ARE WANTED Recruiting Sow Going on Here for Army Motor Mechanics, Drivers. The American Army's need for motor mechanics and drivers is so great that the original call has been doubled to 20,000. This word came yesterday to Charles D. Jamieson. inspector for the trade procurement and classification branch of the Army Motor Transport Corps. Mr. Jamieson is now in Portland re cruiting men for this branch of serv ice, with headquarters on the first floor of the Oregon building. He has been receiving applications in a steady etream, aggregating an average of more than 30 per day. Office hours maintained are 8:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. and from 7:30 to 9 P. M. Opportunities for promotion are good and the chance of being sent across for overseas duty is excellent. & iviany opportunities ior Advantageous rurcnasing or uependaDie iuercnandise tor rersonai and riome Use and Holiday (Jilts 5 1 1496th Friday - Surprise Sales j MEIEB FBAK's 14MTH FRIDAY Sl'KPRlSB iALES 5 A Big Timely 2 Days' Sale of WT 9 Cn XT TTl ssT"- f. Women's $5.00 and $6.00 Women s Silk Hose, Pr. fYJY "Silk TlTnlirpllnQ tyC WI tfv WXM $ S U11AV XAXAJJ-XXCl-O A clearaway of 400 pairs fine silk hose at but little more A ArV J 5 , . rri. -in- -i o ti than the price of good lisle hosiery today. . . V-V A V-rrA - 5 4 (XY TmD ,A,he Fmy Serviceable Silk hose in black and white, some of the white hose have -r-AVv - 5 ? vfW iffC "Sun-and-Rain" Quality fancy printed boots. All have lisle garter tops, heels and V--V 'ZJ??fLi WsS- 5 3 f. B ft A A-m toe-s- ... :-$&?rr v ' 9 l 8 Wz r o Hk I kronen assortment oi sizes, unite any remain today, I -y -y, - S A!f -tT - I -Meter Frank's: Hosiery Shop. Main Floor. , V.yg g OJ) fT ! JfAM Friday and Saturday Only i , J Lj) C 5 I MEIER FRA NK'S HIHITH FRIDAY SI RI'RISKSALES I ( "HV J 1 DR. JORDAN MAKES DENIAL Educator Brands Recent Charges of Taconia Man as False. Dr. David Starr Jordan telegraphed to Portland friends yesterday to pos itively deny that he had made any claim of representing the Administra tion in addresses during his recent lec ture tour. The charge was made by Maurice Langhorne, of Tacoma, that the distinguished educator had made euch claim in his address in that city, which was severely criticised by the four-minute men of that city. The statement telegraphed to Washington brought a statement from Secretary McAdoo Wednesday to the effect that no authority had been granted to Dr. Jordan to speak for the Administration. LT. S1LVEST0NE WOUNDED Voting: Portland Orricer Xot Seri ously Injured; Recovery Certain. Julius Silvestone, a Portland attor ney, yesterday received a telegram from his nephew, Henry J. Silvestone, in France, that the young man has been wounded, but not seriously, and that recovery is certain. Henry Silvestone recently was com missioned First Lieutenant in the Vnited States Army. He was formerly employed by Lang & Co. in Portland, and was with Pershing in Mexico. He received his commission direct from the ranks without the training at an officers' training camp. He has been in France for several months. EL DALLO Lach Cigar in its own humidor' General S Content says - thousands to my ranks.' Wehtmeimer Bros Baltimore. Mo, ! S s A splendid assortment of silk umbrellas at this extraordinarily low price today and to morrow while any of 250 pieces secured in a special purchase remain. Black with assorted color l-inch borders and a fine selection of smart colored silk covers. All the fashionable shades are represented. Warranted fast colors and rainproof. Attractive black handles with colored silk carrying cords. Paragon 8-rib frames, 26-inch size. Friday and Saturday while any remain $3.95 instead of $5 and $6. Meier & Frank's: Umbrella Shop, Main Floor. Hand Made Doilies at 3 Hand-made Irish embroidered doilies broken lines, Good grade linen with hand embroidery. Some have plain scallops. Sizes from 6 inches to 24 inches round. 6c to ?1.25 each these prices are half regular. No phone orders. No exchanges. Meier & Frank's: Linen Shop, Second Floor. Qr Two Pairs for 73c Thanks to our foresight in purchasing heavily of this good merchandise before prices took the big advance, we are in a position to offer these silk sox Friday and Saturday at LESS THAN TRESEN'T WHOLESALE COST. Black and colored silk hose mill runs of a very fine 75c quality. Ke inforced heels and toes. All sizes. We put it to you as a straight business proposition buy all the SILK sox you can in this sale you'd pay as much for good COTTON sox pair 30c, or two pairs 75c Meier & Frank's: Men's Furnishings Shop. Main Floor. J MKIKIt &, FRA.NK'S 1 i'.KJTH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Silk Hand Bags at Moire silk and taffeta handbags, regularly $3.50 to $7.50, a limited number today at exactly half price. Tan, Wilson red, brown, black and blue. Light tan and flow ered silk linings. Fitted with coin purse and mirror. While any remain today $1.75 to $3.75. Meier & Frank's: Leather Goods Shop, Main Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 141MITH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Fine Outing Flannel 27c White outing flannel in mill lengths 21 to 7' 3'ards, SOLD BY PIECE ONLY. Good medium weight. 36-inch. For underwear, Winter sheets, etc Also good heavy weight twilled and plain weave outing in plain shades of blue, pink, cream and mottled effects in tan and pink. 27-inch. 22 to 7y2-yard lengths. SOLD BY PIECE ONLY. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Fifth Street. MEIER & FRANK'S 14MTI1 FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Women's Handkerchiefs 11c Close to half price today for these fine sheer Shamrock lawn handkerchiefs. White and colored styles with one-corner designs in French gray, white and colored embroidery combinations with dainty figured and floral effects. All good quality kerchiefs and very special at 11c. Meier & Frank's: Handkerchief Shop. Main Floor. 1498TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Sale Manufacturers' Samples Velvet Hat Shapes YOUR Very Hat Is in This Fine Lot at $1.19 A big assortment of untrimmed velvet hats at this amazing Friday Surprise price. Black and colors. Small, medium and large shapes. A chance to procure an individual shape in the season's most popular millinery ma terial at only $1.19. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor. 1406TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Nainsook Gowns$1.98 A special lot of fine nainsook gowns in slip-over, kimono and empire styles. Trimmed with fine laces, embroideries, beading and ribbon. A splendid assortment reduced to $1.98. Meier & Frank's: -Undermuslin Shop, Third Floor. CSS.- BIEIER A FRANK'S 14O0TII FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Surprise Sale Extraordinary Just in by Express 65 Women's, Misses' New Coats For Fall and Winter Wear Remarkably Fine Coats at $25 Two early- Wonderful values in new Fall and Winter coats of Burella, kersey and velours. ' Full-length garments. Plain or pleated. Regulation or high-waisted effects. With large kit coney or plush collars. Plain self or fancy belts. Full or half lined. Navy, brown, green, taupe and burgundy. Sizes 16 years to 44 bust. models sketched there are several others equally as good in this great special purchase at 525. Shop -we have only 65 coats to sell at this price. . Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Real Surprise Values These Fine Silk Waists Many Confined to One of a Kind $2.18 -M i I ! Waists of fine silks and voiles at this sur prise price today while any remain. Crepe de Chine, messaline, taffeta and voile materials. Plain colors and handsome striped designs. Tucked and hemstitched models. All sizes. None on approval. None exchanged. Meter &. Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. 14IMITH FRIDAY SURPRISE Muslin Chemise 81.98 Fine soft muslin envelope chemise and step-ins, regularly $2.59, Friday only $1.98. Trimmed with Val lace edgings and inser tions, dainty embroidery medallions, beading and ribbon. Exceptional at $1.9S. Meter & Frank's: Undermuslin Shop, Third Floor. A Remarkable Sale of Stand Picture Frames While Any of a Limited Number Remain Friday and Saturday Only 39c -$1.49 -$1.98 Ail complete with glass and back. Phenomenal values! Bring pictures to be sure of getting exact size. At 39c Gilt frames with brown tone. All sizes 3x5, 5x7, 6x8, 7x9 and SxlO. At $1.49 Stand swing frames in dull and burnished gold, with felt covered base. Sizes 6x8, 6x9, 7x9 and 7x10. At $1.98 Stand swing frames in gold with brown tone and burnished effects, with felt-covered base. Some have National emblem at top ideal for framing pictures of men in the service. Sizes 6x8, 6x9, 7x9, 7x10. Meier & Frank's: I'icture Shop. Fifth Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 14IMTU FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES 15c-20cWashLaces 10c - Piatt Val., Shadow, Filet, Venise and Cluny edges and bands 1 to 9 inches wide. White, cream and ecru. For blouses, neckwear, camisoles, caps and all holiday sewing. Today yard 10c instead of 15c-20c. Special at $1.49 72-inch all-silk "Newatare" nets black, apricot, turquoise and old rose. For Friday Sur prise yard only $1.49. Special at 59c 40-inch all-silk "Tosca" net in plain and striped effects for blouses and gowns. Yellow, lavender, navy, flesh, green, rose. Meter & Frank's: Main Floor, Fifth Street. MEIER A FRANK'S 1400TII FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES "Richelieu" Union Suits $1.25 Famous Richelieu make light weight fleeced cotton union suits at this very special price today these garments are easily worth 50 more on present market costs. Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length and low neck, sleeveless,-knee length styles. Perfect garments in all regular and extra sizes. Meier & Frank's: Knit Underwear Shop, Main Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 141MT1I FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES S ale Black Velvet Ribb on Below Present Wholesale Cost! sensationally reduced prices today: No. 7 l"s In. Yd. 13c No. 9 lVx In. Yd. 19c No. 12 1 VA In. Yd. 25c No. 16 2 In. Yd. 29c No. 22 2Ya In. Yd. 3.")C No. 30 3 In. Yd. 43c No. 40 3'2 In. Yd. 49c No. 50 4 In. Yd. 59c No. SO 52 In. Yd. 69c Meier & Frank's: Ribbon Shop, Main Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 14B6TII FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES This Aluminum Coffee Percolator $1.69 "Betty Bright" good weight aluminum coffee percolators with electric-welded .spouts, neat ebonized wood handles (one illustrated). An acceptable and useful gift at a very special price $1.69. Meter & Frank's: Housewares Section, Basement. RESULTS ARE U. S. RECORDS Selective Service Progress Charts Show Two Oregon Hoards Ahead. Again Oreeon bids fair to be first among states of the Union. This time it is the selective service department that may establish a right to premier claim. There has been evolved for all selec tive service boards of the Nation and for the respective state bureaus prog ress charts on which are recorded re sults in classification and examination of registrants of the September. 1918, class. When first returns were marked up Wednesday on Oregon's chart in the office of Captain J. E. Cullison, it was found that Portland No. 2 and Marion County board No. 2 have completed 90 per cent of the classifications of men of the 19-20 and 22-36-year ages. It la believed they were the first divisions in the United Slates to reach this mark. HONOR FLAG IS AWARDED Hammond Lumber Company Leads in Fir Airplane Prodnction. An honor flag for the greatest per centage of fir aimlane lumber produc tion during August has been awarded to the Hammond Lumber Company, of Mill City, by Colonel Brice P. Disque, head of the spruce production division. In a letter congratulating the Ham mond company on this performance. Colonel Disque says: "It Is your privilege, as well as your duty, to continue to maintain this ef ficiency, to the end that the demands for airplanes and yet more airplanes may be promptly ar.d satisfactorily met. "This office is confident. If such effi ciency as you and your employes have shown can be maintained and spread over other operations, that our pre ponderating air fleet will be assured for the Spring of 1919, and such pre ponderance will mean victory for us in that year." German Aliens Arrested. Adoif Petermann and Henry Trankle. German aliens, were arrested at I. W. W. headquarters. Second and Cour-h streets, latt night by Deputy United States Marshal Tichnor. They are charged with failure to register as enemy alien and traveling without permission in violation of the Presi dent's proclamation. FINE, MEATY ROASTS, 15c At Frank L. Smith's. 228 Alder SL Pol Roast Beef .15c;irime Roasts. ..18c Neck Pot R'st 12i-icKoast Veal ISc Fine R'st Pork . ic Leg toast Veal. 25c Plump Veal :'( Porfrhouss Sfk 20c Veal Breasts 5c, Veal Ste w . . . . 12 14c Veal Cutlets 20c Veal Steak 25c Pork Chops. ... 3!c Round i-teak 20c Boiling Beef . .l!ic Sirloin Steak. ... LTc Hamburcer .... ISc Sausage Meat. ..18c Corned Beef . . . . 15cBacon ..40c Krunk L. fcmith's is 22s Aider St. Adv.