18 TITE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FHIDAT, OCTOBER 11, 1918. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. Wa.N'TKD Capable girl lor second work; references required, i'bone afternoon. Mrs. Hebard, Main 4T0.'. A. COMPETENT housewoman. best of wages to right party. Apply Eon Ton. 3d and Morrison .WOMEN" to do cooking and housework, no washing; wages $50. Main 2519. "WANTED Mother's helper for 2 or 3"weeks. Phone East 7 1-7. GIRL, for housework, family of two; no washing. 10K3 E. 25th. North. 1 block from Alberta. GIRL for general housework. Apply S3 N. 23d, corner Everett. Good wages; small family. .WANTED Competent girl for general housework in small family; good wages. Phone E. 20u5. 021 E. 10th st. X. GIF:L for general housework. Call Broadway 11GU. 14$ N. 18th. HELP V, ATEI) MALE OR FEMALE. WEN AND WOMEN 1 WANTED AT ONCE to learn to operate and repair automobiles, tractors and trucks in special day and night classes. Students can enter at any time. Call or write HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 707 Hawthorne Ave, WANTED Experienced assistant book keeper; must operate typewriter and Bur roughs posting machine; state experience, where last employed and salary expected. AM 045, Oregonian. WANTED Elderly man and wife to do chores on a farm, for their board. Ref. AV 262, Oregonian. FACTORY position open for boy or girl over 16. Opportunity for advancement. AN 516. Oregonlan. EDUCATIONAL TEN MORE WOMEN to tram as TELE GRAPH OPE R A It TORS; many vacancies; positions paying $100 to $125 per mo.; we co-operate with the War Dept. and pre pare men for the SIGNAL CORPS. DAY AN'D EVENING- CLASSES. Write or call Railway Telesraph .Institute. 218 Railway Exchangebldg. ; COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO Piano, voice, saxophone, violin, flute, clarinet, banjo, drums, mandolin taught by competent teachers. Why not be a singer or musician? High salaries being paid now; acts ar ranged for vaudeville. Columbia Musical and Theatrical Bureau. 515 Columbia bldg. " ANNOUNCEMENT. Night class starts Oct. 15. Ladies' class starts Oct. 21. Reduced rates until Oct. 15. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. Union avf. and Wasco St. PRACTICAL training in gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobi'B and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. TAYLOR'S BUSINES3 COLLEGE SCHOOL OK LANGUAGES. 605 Stock Ex. Bldg. Practical courses, individual ins true lion. Spanish and French; special classes for foreigners. ' ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. Union ave. and Wasco St. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. SPECIAL DEPT. FOR WOMEN". CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short, Practical Course. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. MOLE3, BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send lor catalogue. 234 Burnside. Bdwy. 1731. tlHIRTHAND. typewriting, $5.00. 051 Gar-fit-id ave. Woodlawn 1424. Ask for Mrs. O'Nril. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. ME WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. MISS MCttinGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit, ing School, day, evening. $6 month. 260 11th, near Jefferson. Main 3S3. TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi tions. Main 6S35. Fisk Teachers' Agency. Y A'lE.S-FJ oHEP. TEACHER to' AGENCl. Free repast n. ull Bdwy. bldg. U. o27. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man, exempt from draft, excellent executive ability, experience in handling men in construction and operative work, packing, shipping ami trar f ic. At pres ent factory branch manager, understands tire adjusting. Desires permanent posi tion with established and reliable firm on the Pacific Coast. Address J. W. Doo little, bOS Lancaster ave.. Dallas, Texas. EXPERIENCED wholesale grocery salesman mow employed) would like position as salesman or manage and do buying for commissary; best of references. V 651, .O regonian. EXPERT electrician wishes position as fore man or position inside for Winter; can lo all estimating and drafting; state wages and conditions in first letter. AB 707, Ore gonian. El I TOR-OPERATOR-MACI1IN1ST seeks a change. Way above average news and editorial writer; fast and accurate on linotype ; expert machinist. Fair salary required. Write A V 146. Oregonian. F1KST-CLASS buttermaker will be open for new position by November 10. I am able to take full charge of creamery, city oi country, with all new methods. AV 141, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED and efficient office man ager, correspondent and salesman desires position witii lirst-class establishment where th.es-- qualifications may be profit ably utilized. N 40, Oregonian. A-V experienced bookkeeper and accountant. thoroughly conversant with all oftiee du ties, is open for encasement: A No. 1 local references. Address "M," care P. O. box 6o;. city. JANITOR, experienced in hotel, hospital and clubhouse. understand wood and oil burner; have references. Bf 562, Orego nian. COM POSITOK, commercial : 7 years' floor experience, union, wan ts steady or tempo- r.i ry position ; exempt from oral t. V . huboni, 516 Cora ave. Phone Sell. i;;i0. MASTER shipbuilder, joiner, especially good on mushing up details; new arrival want to go right to work; $250 monthly. Phone Barker. Bdwy. 32; 'J. MAN needs four hours work nights or be fore S A. M. Disqualified in the draft. Will furnish references. BJ l)5S, Orego nian. MA N and wife want work on ranch ; wife can do cooking, man can do milking; state wages; can furnish references. K 15, YoUNG man wants work evenings from 7 to 11 P. M., not afraid to work. What have you? Call Columbia 232 lor appoint ment. FRINTER wants position near Portland, some linotype experience; state salary. AB 703. Oregonian. HOTEL janitor, single, young man, military exemption, wan:s position. L 535, Ore con i ; ii. GOOD all-around cook, over draft age, wants a place in hotel r taurant or c; m p. Ad d ress room 217, New Foster Hotel. MARRIED man, mechanic, one child, will give part services in return for room rent. N 4S. Oregonian. HIGH srhool boy wants work for board, not over 6 miles from Portland. John 11. Howl. Goooh. or. CAPABLE all-around printer, operator, de sires st early situation in Western Oregon or Washington. UK 571, Oregonlan. WANTED All kinds plastering and cement p;itchinir: leave orders at room 303, 270 4th. Marshall 5355. GENTLEMAN wants .truck or auto to drive af io r 5 :30 in evening. W 567. Oregonian. WANTED Hauling for light Ford truck. Tabor 2403. M E ATCUTTE R wants position in small town: st:ite salary. D 634. Oregonian. ENERGETIC man, 21. exempt, desires em ployment of any nature. J 273, Oregonian. SHINGLER. ( guaranteed. d w o rk a s pec i a ! t y ; all work East 246. Apt. 3. JAPANESE wants any kind of work: can drive auto. BE 54. , Oregonian. YoUNG man of clerical ability desires po sition evenings I'hone East 1S57. i aVookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. EOOKK.EEPER, accountant, auditor; over draft ape. married, seeks position where ability will count. Will go anywhere. Can handle correspondence. Experienced in fire and marine insurance, real estate. In busi ness for self past 10 years. D 6S5, Ore gonian. AU DI TI NG. opening, closing and keeping sets of books oy two expert accountants. '1 abor 4072. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. RELIABLE woman wants position to do housework or to assist in kitchen. Phone 2ill. LADY wishes washing and Ironing by the day. Main 4022. 6 HOURS' work by experienced woman; ironing only. Broadway 142. NORWEGIAN LADY WISHES MORE DAY WORK. MARSHALL 92. MOTOR driving by experienced, reliable SlTCATIONs WANTED FEMALE. A THOROUGHLY respectable lady wishes position as companion to elderly lady or housekeeper for widower, with, or without children. J 262. Oregonlan. Y OUXG lady, exp. proofreader, capable of learning any kind of wrrk. Prefer light work, in preference to wages. Phone Main 6- i 6. WANTED Place to take care of children evenings while mother is away: references. v oodla wn 1611. WANTED Work, on Hoffman press, by ex perienced operator. Write BD 046, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED woman wants management of apartment or rooming-house; refer ences. Sellwood 1345. THOROUGHLY competent woman wants housework with high-class family. 6 hrs, 6 days per week. N 46. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED lady wants position car ing for invalid; state wages paid. E 1. Ore- gonian. EXPERIENCED maid would like second work. N 50, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED cook wants position; wages $60. AG 569. Oregonian. GIRL wants work as helper, dressmaking or tailor shop. E. 671. room 327. EXPERIENCED ironer desires work; pri- vate families. Main 8S1'J. apartment 5. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER with typewriter wants typewriting or general office work; small wages if chance for advancement; refer ences. Main 'J576. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer de" sires position ; willing to leave city. D 686, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer with four years' experience desires permanent position. Telephone Marshall 10G7. POSITION wanted by competent stenograph er. Seven yrs.' experience AP 572, Ore gonlan. POSITION as cashier; experienced ; re fa- A G40, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, typist; two years experi ence, desires position. Phone East 220. STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly experienced in office work. Broadway 3123. STENOGRA PER wants position In small of fice; 1 year's experience. Main 7555. GOOD stenographer and bookkeeper; besV of references. Main 2M7. A STENOGRAPHER with some experience wishts position. Sell wood 1 222. Dressmaker. ALTERATIONS, designing, fitting and mak ing of ladies' garments; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. I. Reubin. 407-8 Eilers bldg., Broadway at Alder st. Phone Alain 3025. CAPABLE elderly woman will nurse for low wages. Good in maternity cases. Broadway 2016. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE nurse wants posi tion. Call N. E. W., Clayton Hotel, morn ing 0:30. FOR trained nurse call 7:30 A. M. and P. M. Tabor 2213, to A PRACTICAL nurse with doctor s recom- menaation. Call Tabor 4600. PRACTICAL nurse wants work ; maternity cases preferred. Call Woodlawn 453S. POSITION as practical nurse; chronic or aged people. East 4001. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes engagements Phone Woodlawn 4706. Housekeepers. LADY wit h girl 5 yrs. old would like to keep house for one or two gentlemen; must be respectable. Address AC 125, Orego nian. Domestic. REFINED young lady desires position as waitress or housework In or out of city. Phone Friday morning, Marshall 2366. A COMPETENT girl wants light housework. tan Alain COMPETENT woman wants housework small fami!j; wages $35. BJ 047, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. FREE RENTAL BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity of housing accomodations, we request every patriotic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mail Information of same to Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, box 1202, Portland. FREE RENTAL BUREAU. G. M. STANDIFER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. To build ships we must have men. To have men we must have housings and accommodations. We ask every patriotic citizen who has a house or rooms for rent to phone or mail information to our em ployment bureau. Woodlawn 6680. WANTED To rent, by mother. Hon and two daughters, all adults, furnished apart ment or house, medium price; within walk ing distance North Bank station. Address H. G. , i6l Hoyt St. WANTED To rent, by young couple with no children, a small furnished cottage with garage; or apartment. BJ 621, Ore gonian. MODERN S-room house, community sys tem hot -water heating, besides furnace; choice West Side location; rent $60. See Mr. Strong, 306 Oregonian bldg. WA NTE I By responsible pa rt ies, 5 or 6 room bungalow or house, north, east, by 16th of Oct. ; must be modern. BJ 94$, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished house, 3 or 6 rooms, modern: can give references (by Nov. 1). Call Tabor 6721. WANTED- 2, 3. 4-room house or apart ment, furnished; have infant Phone Main 8 2 Si 5. COUPLE with child of 2 want furnished or unf urnished house or flat; will pay good rent. C 614, Oregonian. WANTED Tj rent 6-room house, unfur nished, by 3 adult. AP 573. Oregonian. Apartments. IF you have a house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, for rent, we have flrst rlass tenants waiting. Northwestern Trust Company. Phone Main 3517. WANTED TO RENT Furnished 4-room flat or apartment, by responsible parties. Give full particulars. AN r3o, Oregonian. J WANTED 2 or 3-room apt. for two, handy to carline, not to exceed $24. J. E. In man. New Hotel Houston. WANTED TO RENT Modern four-room f lat ; will lease for six months. Phone Sell. 1704. SOLDIERS wife will share H. IC apt. with working girl. Marshall 677. apt. 3. SMALL unfurnished flat. room, or house. i'hone Mar. 47QQ. ask for Mr. Stead. WANTED One pleasant housekeeping room. suitani ior one or two. 24 13th Ft LAD' wanis sleeping-room; West Side walking distance. AO 010. Oregonian. Rooms Wit a Board. LADY wants room and board, private fam ily; walking distance or near Hawthorne or Richmond carline. AM 641, Oregonian. ROOM and board baby 22 mo. old; take full charge of it and room mother. West Side. Broadway 305'.. LADY employed during day wants room for self and board and care for 0-year boy. Phone Broadway 255l. Cpyritht. 4IS. by Sampler ::L fj WANTED TO RENT. Rooms With Board. MOTHER and 3-year-old girl wants board and room with private family; preferably with someone who will care for child during day so mother can work. Call Ta bor 2015. GENTLEMAN with boy 10 years old wishes room and board with middle-aged couple. Must be in neighborhood of loth and Hawthorne; state price, telephone. Post office box S59. TWO gentlemen desire room and board in private family, walking distance of Haw thorne and Grand ave. J 265, Oregonlan. Business Places. WANTED Small storeroom on West Side; prefer one with sink and hot water tank. Rent must be cheap. 2oS Corbett bldg. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side Hotel and is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Dally rates. $1 up: two la room, $1.50; weekly rates. $..00 and up. - ANSON1A HOTEL 1?4 14th St.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, i pot less rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet GORDON HOTEL. West Park and Yamhill. Centrally located, steam heat, hot and cold water and telephone in each room, elevator service, rooms with or without private bath. Special weekly rates to permanent guests. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Right in center of Portland's activities. Prices astonishingly low. Let us show yea oar accommodations and quote rates. HOTEL Cordova. 20l 11th St.. ern. private baths en suite; Main 472. A-47H3. strictly mod rooms $3 up. HOTEL. OCICLEY. Morrison street at 10th. Rates 75c per day up; weekly $4 up. run ning water; free phone and baths. HOTEL' PRINCESS. the leading hotel ol the East Side; modern, convenient, his a q uallty. low price. East 3d and Burnrfld. PALACE HOTEL. 440 Wash, st.; dowmows location; respectable end strictly modsra; steam heat; rooms large, clean. THE WEAVER. 710 Wash. 7Tt Marshall 1 ii). Residential hotel, private bath and phone in every room. References. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. TWO nicely furnished rooms in private home; use of piano, telephone, etc.; two people in family ; splendid surroundings, conveniently situated; will rent reason able to women or young; ladles. Phone Tabor 92G7. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, use of piano and phone; walking distance; break fast if desired. 403 Larabee SL, north of Broadway. ONE furnished bedroom, two front com municating unfurnis'ied rooms. Tabor dint. 8 E. U2d eu Call Sunday or after 5 o'clock. NICE front room for rent In modern home, suitable for one or two gentlemen; near 3 carlincs. East 336. 330 E. 0th st. N. TWO well -furnished rooms in refined pri vate home for gen tlemen ; walk in g d is tance; two in family. 1'hone C 1060. Ref. SUITE of two rooms, i also one single room, tween S and 12 A. M. unroom and bath ; Call Main 22G& be- ELEGANT front room suite, two gentleman, heat. hot. cold water, close in. 07 Trinity Place. Main 577!. A It R I G H T. p 1 e;ia n t room with running v inr. picasant nome ana surrounuings. East 6510. TV O rooms, equipped for 1 or 2 men who io not use tobacco; light cooking allowed. 455 J3Cn. Main 7202. ROOM and breakfast. 31th and Hawthorne. wuii emeriy lady. Phone and piano. Ta bor 75110. 2 NICE front rooms, good location for Foun dation shipbuilders, near carline. Call af ter 6 or on Sunday. 601 Marshall st. rLK.MhHhU rooms, business women ; use ot Kitchen and laundry ; reierences. M ar, 4423. FIRST-CLASS sleeping-room : nie for con pie or two together. 455 Market st. Phone 31 a in j FURNISHED sleeping-rooms. 107 E. 37th. Tahor 5214. FURNISHED front bedroom, very able. 751 Hoyt. Marshall 1401. ROOMS for rent, each suitable for two per sons, d'k 5ortnwu K st. TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing. Tabor 661 K. ROOMS in quiet modern home for men or women employed. 160 N. 21st st. 00 14TH, rooms ; near Jefferson, choice furnished R-aiKtn g uistance. Main 313. ONE room for 2 and one room for one. 6th st. Marshall 164. 351 FURNISHED room $10 month. 334 Larra- WEST Side, walking distance; rates for 2 or 4. 303 16th. Mar. 43V.. NICE large sleeping room for one gentlemen at 22 4 Halsey. PLEASANT home; $3 sunny sleeping room; i week. C':y. Unfurnished Rooms. J CONN EC TING unfurnished rooms; fire place, steam neat, lights, phone and ba inwer i.oor; no smn 1 1 cn ild ren : reference. ' n mornings, i r,. .rturnsine. $.10. Riwmn With Board. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th st. For business girls and stn dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. f.OOM and board for business girls; a:i iiiurrn con ve. lien ces ; waisinf alstxnce; Rooms With Buard In Prirate Families o.io or two youns ladies that are employed during the day. desiring a comfortable nome wun room ana board with a re fined C.S. family of 3 adults, may call iaior i...n ior intormation. C S. preferred NICELY furnished rooms in modern home ; board If desired; piano. Phone East 8525. 4Q7 Holladay. WOULD room and board two school chil dren ; rates reasonable. Mt. Scott car, off at Tremont station. 67o3 Woodstock ave CLOSE-IN room and month. Call East 5!M breakfast, $15 per ROOMS, with or without boaiI, In a pleas ant home. 455 E. 14th N. Furnished Apartments. NICE, light 1-room furnished basement apt. ; heat, light and gas ; fine for bach elor; rent $12.50 for one, $15 for two. 23 10th. FURNISHED one, two, three-room apts . heat, hot water, lights. $15 up. South Portland car. 1S1 drover st. 6-ROOM t';tt. furnished; will rent weeks. 6sS Northrup. Call Gould, way !t6. for six Broad- ONE unfurnished fiat tor rent; beautifully located; opposite Peninsula Park; no chil dren. Phone Tabor 1 107. House keep ins; Koooae. DESIRABLE, clean. 2 or 3 furnished H. K. suite ; separate entrance; West Side: 15 mln. walk ; 2 blocks car. Inquire office. r.m Piatt bldg.. 1 to 4 P. M. VERY clean but plai niy furnished house keeping rooms: a'so single housekeep ing rooms for bachelors. Wdln 44t5. Take Wm. ave car. 2032 Stanton st. TWO unfurnished housekeeping looms .rent; no children. Ovt E. HUh N. for LARGE, light, unfurnished rooms; light phone and bat h furnished. Marshall 4o26. TWO large, modern front 11. K. rooms. 420 Main st. Fntsre Smn, Inc. Gnat Brltaia Rthu Rtunrti RtUtrtJ U U. 3. P.t.at Offic. FOR RENT. House Ireeptnc Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Sts. 2 and 8-rra. unur. apis, for light house keeping; gas range, elec lights, hot and cold water, use of bath, laundry free. Rent $12 and 413 mo.; no raise in rent 6 month from Sept 1 guaranteed. Take S or latit at car, get off at Marshall. Bdwy. G03& 401 EAST MORRISON, cor. E. Mh, furnished i ana -'-room it . k.. apartments; adu.ts. Mouekeeping Rooms in Private Kanilly. VERY pleasant light housekeeping suite. suitable for 1 or 2 adults, employed: fur nished, with exception of stove, which renter is to buy and own. I pay light, wa ter, telephone and garbage bills; refer ences. Phone Main GGJO alter A. M. IRVING TON Three large rooms. ground floor, on carline. large yard, porch. f:re piace; player piano, etc.; $45. Includes lights, phone. water, garbage. furnace heat: no children. East 43S4. VERY clean but plainly furnished house keeping rooms; also single housekeep ing rooms for bachelors. Take Williams ave. -car. Phone Wood. 4405. ONE furnished housekeeping room for gen tleman inrsL. noorj at a a monin. -too E. Ash. cor. Sth. TWO single rooms, warm, comfortable; light housekeeping ; adults. 6o5 Flanders. 2 SMALL, clean housekeeping rooms, Xur- uisneti. i tin. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent HOUSEKEEPING rooms; light water, phone. Datn. aii . 2 2d st. LARGE front room. 1L K. privileges. 70S .Everett, corner 22d. $10 MO. Front room, sleeping or light H. K. (s loth, near Stark. ROOMS for light housekeeping at 2;5 Ben ton st. Houses. FOR RENT To shipyard carpenters, part.y furnished camp-houses on Oswego Lake; built for Summer. Owner would pay ex pense of making them reasonably com fortable for Winter for men who would be willing to work some spare time building more like them bet ween now and next April on mutually fair basis. MacLcan. M4 Lewis bldg. H DUPLEX house In Irving ton. ft rooms. mouern, rurnace, line surrounnines. ieane; no small children. Call Woodlawn 27l be fore 1 A. M., after 5 1. M., Sundays un til 3 P. M. BEAUTIFUL large house with extensive grounds, for rent: more than 12 rooms: strictly modern ; will give lease for term of years to responsible parties: will be shown by appointment. Phone E. 2270. FOR RENT Strictly modern house In I r- vington on 2Mb St.; nice lawn and all Improvements in and garage. Price $45 pr month. Will give long lease. Call Mr. Blair, Tabor 6130. WHEN YOU MOVE Ue NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC llfhl service. Broadway A 674T. 6-ROOM house, lot 50xIOO. bearing fruit trees, $1H. Apply corner 80th and East Stark. ML Tabor (MT bMh) car to end. four blocks north, one east. FUR RENT It-room house, hardwood floors. oatnrooms, cor. .'ist ana tvereiL ai MODERN 7-room house and sleentnc porch: garden land, chickpn-hniue, fruit; $l0 per monin; nmnts. labor MODERN 6-room house and sleeping porch. $:i5. 5?5 Elliott ave. Sellwood 375. Furnished Hon WILL rent to responsible adults large, nice ly furnished house In exchange for board for two; one room reserved; g.od plae lor roomers and boarders; no bedding o linen, few dishew furnished: near thice ship yards. Apply 715 Corbett st. 5 ROOMS, MODERN. VURNISHED. This Is an up-to-date house In good dls trlct. two blocks from cur. elecantly fur nished. $55 per month. Net I an Park hill. 210 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark Bts. BEAU'Tl FULLY furnished suburban home mdoern throughout; priee $4t..0 per month. Northwestern 1 rust I'mnpany. J Wtlcox bldg. Phone Main 3517. Ask for Mr. Padden. BEAUTIFUL laree house and grounds: bath rooms, fireplaces. furnne; choir West Sfdn nelirhborhood : clone in; furnished. Main 1163. 5nt Cham, of Com. BEAUT I FUL furnished -room bungalow, rent $50; all conveniences, 355 E. 4M n St., near Hawthorne ave.. on Ml Scott car to 48th. Phone Tabor M36. COUPLE to share 7-room strictly modern furnished home with lady who works pi aver pin no; near Rose city-car. 6il E. GO t h N orth. Tabor 4 10Q. TRVINOTON A ttractive 7-room modern hnm: adults: references. $'i. h . K. Bowman & Co. Main 3O20. 213 Chamber of Com. FUR. cottage. 5 rooms and bath; elertru lights. West Side. 1 block from c;i rlin ; references required. Call after 4 P. M, Thone Main 7lt. LEASE ono year or longer, beautifully fur nished home, $60. 604 Northrup. Main 3547. WELL furnished house : wUl rent fir foi months to reliable people. Main 5004. 8 Cornell St., nea r Everett. FURNISHED modern bungalow in Irvlnpion on 37th st. Price $5:; per month. Will give lease. Call Mr. Blair. Tabor 6:'3P. FOR LEA SE 6 months or longer, com pletely furnished home, Portland Heights, $75. Phone M.iin 7 I " 7 . MAN, alone, wishes two respectable bache lors share home and expenses. Sellwood 41 S. MODERN 8 -room furnished Irvington home. Phone East 4044. FOR RENT Modern 8-room furnished Ir vington home. East 4'.44. 11 - ROOM house for rent, furnished. Williams ave. 2-ROOM hous Market, cor furnished, 16th St. Officer. large yard. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office building accommodation; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekuin bldg.. 3d and Washington. FURNISHED private office, $10; dandy cor ner suite of 3 offices: best service, reason able rent. Supt. Stock Exchange bldg. MOST centrally located offices, low renL F wet land bid g.. ot h and WashlngtonJ FURNISH ED with eteno. hed private office io plttnek block- Mi ellaneoutt. COLUMBIA Hall. Vancouver, Wash.; foot OOxloo for lease for dancing to responsible parties. Apply U. S. A. Theater Co., Van couver. Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Ladles and gents' tailoring and cleaning business: university city. Address AV 131. Oregonian. . SPOT cash buyer of all kinds of stocks and merchandise. Wm. Green berg, loo Second St., corner Stark. STEADY man with $250 can buy In a good paying store business with a reliable part- ner. Room 4o3 Pekum bldg. GARAGE for sale; good location, very rea sonable; leaving city and must sell for cash. Call E. 7:N6. SMALL store for sale ; post office in store, furniture for five rooms; for s.tle on ac count of aicknega. Write S79 Junior st. HAVE cleaning business for sa: also fur niture of four living rooms, same place. Phone Broadway 1 1 n 1 . PARTNER wanted for suto garage, to s. gasoline, supplies, etc.: can dear $2 month. Room 43 Dekurh bldg. REST AU RANT, del lea teen, in good loca tion, cheap. 465 Jefferson st. POLLY AND ITS A POOR nl'IE THAT DO NT bcsiness QproRTcyrriKs. FO Ft S A LE Old-established general mer- chandiae store in good Willamette Valley town: good class of trade, business about $4u.H-0 per year; stock of probably about $15,000; a mighty good proposition for any one wanting a good, safe business of this sort If interested, write for further de tails. Will give good deal, 75 cents on the dollar buyers need. not. apply. A V 142. Oregonian, FOR RENT OR SALE Well established restaurant In Valley town ; fine opportu nity for right party, especially man and wife ; establishment enjoys a good trade; liberal terms; reliable party may even be employed as manager with an option to buy. Address A V 143, Oregonlan. WANTED Stock of groceries: we have two nice lots, well located, S. E.. good value at $suu ; will exchange for stock of gro ceries and will pay cash difference up to $Joou. Northwestern Trust Company, 2o2 Wilcox bldg. Phone Main 3517, Ask for M r. radden. WILL trade a going business valued at $30.- t"Hi tor business property or western land. This Is a business proposition worthy of your consideration. Owners are In the present draft; must get action. W 571. Oregonlan. GROCERY. Not a business chance but a chance for business Is what you want and what we have. Wife is In hospital and needs my attention; my loss Is your gain, so hurry. Call East 4561. EXCELLENT opportunity for meat grocery and genecal mdse. business in town 14 miles from Portland, about 0OO population, having high school, good farming country surrounding; no opposition: good monthly payroll. Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION. Exporter and wholesale dealer In cloth ing, shoes, dry goods, men's furnishings, etc. Bargains always on hand. It will pay you to see me. Wm. Greenberg, 100 recona sireet. corner btaric. WHEN WANTING to eell, buy or irade our mercantile busi ness, address J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No, 7 Chamber of Commerce bide 4th and Stark sts. WILL trade a going business valued at $50,- uMi tor business property or est ern land. This is a business proposition w-orthy of our consideration. Owners are in Th present draft; must get action. W 071. rf coiiian. i:ai;tio- hiivicms Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, got aovice or Portland Jtealty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. Fi UST-CLASS cleaning, p nesting and repair shop; big opportunity, doing over $luo a week; steam press and all necessary equip ment; sp;endid opportunlt y for a woman; ? .'. jii.un -i.ioti, ;-. ls Salmon st. GARAGE and repair shop; established t'uiiiu'si: oU cars in storage: nrofits a very good ; on account of draft will sell Cheap. Call room 43 IVkum bldg. V A It I r.TV store, about $2m stock, good lo cal i on, good I ratio established : good prop ositlon for eldriy man or wo nan. l'hor.e l a nor j60. B. CASTLE goes to the shipyard to take rnaige oi eating vsta bllsnmrnL so ne nas lils well-paying businrss, 02 &lh St.. for sale. Must be sold this week. NEW Public Market. Vancouver. Wash., no under cons: ruction; choice space for all lines of market business, reasonable rent; good lease. stock Exchange biag. ON account of the death of S. A. Jones, a 1st, deaier in art and antiques, st 352 3d st reet, Portland. Oregon, will sell out th tntirt) stock. Established over 25 years. FOK SALE Up-to-date grocer? ; good t;ib1ished cash trade among fine people: rent $20, Including four Rood living rooms. AMdress UK t regoniun. A SMALL ranch snd srroeerv store for sa'e ranch Just mile from S. P. depot and the store, postiffice in store. Inquire of owner, i-. N. v nipple, ahirui, kjt. I WISH to meet capital that might be tluced Into a wildcat proposition: strictly honeM; f-mall amount to start: big profits If sucressful. J. Crandall, 115 iih si. 2-C U A 1 11 barber shop for sale, fine loca- tion: orice riciit. Call or write O. It. hems. U. S. A. Barber Shot. M2 Main, a- anrouver, W;nh. DENTAL office fnr sale; one-half or whole interest; receipts last year $1,immi; owner coins into the service. AL Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for manufacturing : pay salary $1..0 month, also profits; $loJU re q uired. Ca!l roorn 43 lekum bldg. RESTAURANT, depot location, doing 30 da il v with living rooms furnished. Price $:;t50. Half cash. I'eters. J . N. :in st. UAtihKK wanted to buy 2-chair shop; good business: price $175: going in Government .-rvee Nv. l. ai. Hi. oregonian. ULM'AI. office in modern building for rent roinptoy furnished, $40. Marshall 00. GHi K'EKY stone fixtures for sale, complete assortment. AM HU. Oregonian. Business Opportinitae Wanted, "WANT the best West Side Income vesi ment business; gonian. $65,000; will pay. for 1 mean give full details. BJ 610, Ore- WANTED To buy from owner. 13 to 30 rooms, H. K. or transienL J 261, Orego nlon. No agents. Hotel anil Roonilng-IIouwee. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Klerdon. WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULT! RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 203-5-7 Bosrd of Trade Hid g. 54 Hot MS. steam heated, dining-room In connection: rent $75 month; clearing $400 month: f2.no. terms. 30 rooms, steam heated, dining-room In connection: rent $:. month: clearin, ver il'nil month: $1650. Terms. S6O0 do1 C W. M IL1.EKSH I P, 214-15 Alder Hotel 1 s ROOMS Nob Hill district, rent $45, with lease also garage. inter s wood, velvet nets, stl k floss mutt ress. clean as a pin, Oleum $131 month. Price $l!00. half cash. I'eters, 15 N. 5th sL A SNAP 15 rooms, transient, downtown well furnished, money-maker, for sale trade. What have you? Owner, 351 St;irk st. I'hone Mroadway ls. MARY K LENT. HOTEL fie APARTMENT-HOUSE BROK2R 723-24 N. W UA.N K KLUtl. 1U ROOMS close away 2' people I f.r $!'l".0. term. to Oregon Hotel, turn tiight; well furnished. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. li.n ti. i uricnn in roominc or apartment houses see mtLmbers of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 241 4tn et. WANTED Rooming-house, 12 to 16 rooms. Will pay cash. Phone TaQor &2w. WE hav houses. several good buys In rooming f W. MilJershlp. Alder Hotel. LOST AND FOOD. LOST Fur neckpiece, between Killings worth ave. and Vancouver. Reward. Phone Bennett Hardware Co.. Vsncouver. 171. LoS T- WeM -Doc. rollsr engraved " liroailwuy 1145. "Fuaanne Cas LOST Starting crank for Franklin car. Re turn to 52A Aider St.: re warn. FOUND Gold-headed umbrella, wood 1U32. Call Sell- LOST ell. -Starting crank, or. of 42d and row l'hor.e Sellwood 37. ,-;T tld -fashioned cameo small sets. Call Main 650. brooch. two Rewsrd. t.tfiT I.ltde brown dog. bobbed tail; an- swers to Joe Rewsrd. C 1 2Q2. HUT-LAROE SHoKT-H VI RED HUNTING DO I. SELLWOOD 1553. FOUND A wateh. Owner csn have by p ro v 1 n g pro perty. A J S5I. Oregonian. LOj;t Handbag containing kev. papers and crocheted yoke. Address Inside. Reward. HER PALS WORK BOTH WAYS. BT CLIFF" 8TERRETT. I.OST ANl FOUND THE following articles have been found on cars oi tne fortiana itallwav, Light & Power Co.. Oct. w: 2 pins. 1 stamp. 2 keys, 1 pipe, sugar pvrmii, XiMng rod, 1 purse. 1 brush, 2 pr. gloves. 1 thermos bottle. 7 packages, 2 school books, 11 lunch boxes. suitcases. 1 grip, 1 traveling bag, 7 um brellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets station. LOST A coat, between Alberta it, Port land, and btayton. Or., containing a pack age of valuable papers, war savings stamps, over $ 100 worth, and Insurance policies. Finder drop a card to C. P. Philley. 9S3 Cleveland ave., who will call and pay liberal reward. LoST T:.ree-year-old English Buster bull dog, brindie and white, cupped ears; an swers to name "Bu,l." Return 12 East lMh. Liberal reward. License number 1410. LOST A large wallet of papers, name C. A. Glongle, am pa, Idaho, on outsiue or wallet. Return to 30 7 Teoa bids. Main 3752. Reward. LOST Wednesday afternoon at Orpheum Theater, scarfpin, black onyx surrounaea with pearls, diamond center. Liberal re ward. Phone Tabor SHV LOST Coin purse yesterday on desk In P. O., containing change, box of stamps, cameo ring, valuable keepsake. Reward. A P 560. Oregonlan. A SMALL cardboard box containing ring. pin and neckband. Please return to o 10th st. North and receive reward. LOST Savings account book on First Na Ed M avers, Waldo Hotel, Tel. 2"2. tlonal Bank, on Broadway. FOUND Saturday. on Yamhill. between 2Mn and 3i. a purse wun smau amuuut of money. Tabor MH3. LIBERTY BOND, and money found. Owner will receive same by aescrioing. n Woodlawn 106o. BETWEEN Camas and Vancouver, on river road, black handbag; tinder eunaiy ci Sellwood 4Q0 : receive reward. SI U TABLE reward for gray wool sweater. lost on Linnton road at 3 i'. -m-. euuw tiny. 1022 Lombard st- Col. 3i3. LOST Young collie; full grown, brown. htte front ana paw ; name canay. -return to 730 E. 60th st. N. Reward. LOST On Broadway bridge, automobile side curtain. x inder please notuy you. 4'MiS. LOST Near Jelferson High. 2 $10 and 11 greenbacks. llelurn to oUl w cosier. 4n ward. , $5 REWARD Sm;Ul gold pin brooch "J'5 3 lopaa. leiepnone Aiaio Hoyt st. . LoST Purse containing $60. Reward for Its return, bait FOUND Female bulldog. Address P. O. Box LOST Brown hunting dog. Reward. Phone Main 2S.'7. PPFCIAL NOTICFR. .Ml- rllaneous. riF.PARTMKNT OF STATE. SALEM. OR. otlqe is nereDy given inn oy umoriiy of Chapter 137. General Laws of Oregon. 11V the following State Warrants issurd for a period of more than seven years prior to July 1. 101H. will be declared void and payment thereon refused by the Ptate Treasurer of Oregon, unless presented for payment at the office of the State Treas urer. Salem. Oregon, with sixty days from the 4th of October. lOHi. the date of the first publication of this notice; GENERAL FUND. IVamnt I Kilo v,imi..-r ixHiied In Whose Favor Am'nt 6MM July , P.UO Salem Music Co. $ 2 . 72225 Jan. !., I'-Hl Fashion Stsbles 3 x 73!74 Mar. IO. 1011 Frederick. W. 4 36 74..-. Anr. 1. Mil Selling. Ben T7.7S 7654 June 8. 1011 Athey. K. F. 4.67 DIXTUIl'T NO 1 HATCHERY FUND. s422 July IS. 1010 King. Cha. A. 4 On C.I337 Aug. 22. 111U Firwood Lbr. Co. 25 3'. 76"4 June 14. 1011 Pac. T. A- T Co. "5 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of Oregon to be hereto affixed this 4th day of ctor.er. rns. LSealJ BEN W. oLCOTT. Secretary of State NOTICE! Examinations for the degree of certl f !d nubile accountant of Oregon will h held in room H, Central Library. Portland. Oregon, on Monday and Tuesday. Novem ber IS and ltt. 1011. from A. M. to 5 P. M. Questions will be auked in theory of accounts, practical accounting, audit Inr and commercial law. Candidates are requested to file their applications with the secretary as soon as possible and not later than Nov. in, accompanied oy in riilnlnrv ft nf !i OREGON STATE !l A RD OF ACCOUNT ANCY. By Arthur Berrtdce. Secretary. 19 Worcester Block. Portland. Oregon. FINANCIAL. BONDS BOUGHT. Spot cash. Come to 725 Gasco bids, nth and Abler. CBLLA RS-M URToN CO. EDWARD E. C.Ol'OKY CO.. 2d floor United States Bank Bldg. Mort gage loans and bond issues, espe clsliy In large amounts. 5 - per cent up. GOVERNMENT BONDS BOUGHT. KLWOOD WILES COMPANY. 31 V. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING fl TO S $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 215-216 Falling bldg. Phone Main 340. CASH FOR GOVERNMENT BONDS. II. L. M URTON, 446 SHERLOCK BLDG. 3d St.. corner Oak. Open Saturday ev IN VEST M ENTS. loans. notes, mortgag F. H. Lewis, 303 Lewis bldg.. Mar. 1333. M oney to loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan Is the oest and surest metnoa oi paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15 17 for 6 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on imnroved city property No co mm Isslon charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO: LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER, CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. S31 U. S. NATIONAL BANK HLDU.. rOKTLA l FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rates on Willamette Valley larms o commission. o aeiays. DEVERF.AUX MORTGAGE COM PANT, 87 Sixth St.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A -41 IK. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. BH PER CENT. rtlt CENT. 7 rr.K LL.T. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. S3O0. $400. $50O. $750, $1000 and up at low est Interest rate; liberal repayment prtv- lieges, no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Com merce. S30O. $400. 500. $7 SO. $luuO and UD lower ratrs. quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cn. of Com. Main C445. $5m TO $10,000 TO LOAN. NO COMMiS SEE OREGON INV. A; MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on farm snd Improved cit property. K. K. Hsxtcr. "4 Spalding bldg, SEE US TODAY: loans, any amount. CELLA RS-M URTON CO.. 725 Gasco MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 403 Selling bid. rrNANCiAi. Money to Loan on Keel Estate. MONEY; 10 jreara to repay In easy in- kUiihtvutH. I -ally protected ty life insur ance in Lquiia blo Lite, f N. T. ; no com mission, bee Mr. Su-tiug, Equitable office. Oreconlan bldg. Mwic to Lwd- rhattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS, CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or work ins; men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictiy confidential. NO MORTGAGES NO 1 N DORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We alteo loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without rcmova'.. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLL M til A DISCOUNT COMPANT. LICENSED. 21S Failing Build In- PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'X. , 804 Stalk St. Established by i'ortland business men to protect the borrower. C. Myers Herrman. Mgr. Loans made on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and jewelry. IF YOU NEED MONEY, PEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made to persona on salary or fixed income; on household turn. lure, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. BuMticM conf Men M. private office, PORTLAND LOAN CO. i Licensed SO$- 307 Dekum Bldg. alONET io loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles heid one year. Panama Loan Office. 4 Third, near Oak. AM PL K funds for CirfWl real eatjtf tirmt mortgage loans. George H. Tuouoaa, It, 7 MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since 1SS. Dan Marx. 23 Washington. WANT :hh0, 6 per cen- 3 years, on one- fourth block cluse in property Income about $.w.OOo, $160 per month; value Extra good moral n&k. BITTER, LOWE CO. 203-i-7 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon. iOw AM) $;.Mm. 6 per cent interest on ltrst-ciass farms; ample security; no a ttenta. 1524 Yeon bldg. A PARTY would like to Dorrow $2000 for 19 monins; willing io pay iw per cent lnu T 42, oregor.ian. GUARANTEE 20 per cent on Investment. $ioO to $4iKP. J 263. oregonlan, SEE o R EGO N I N V. & MO RTG AG B CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. PERSONAL. $1000. Can you rt It? Do you think so? Are you fat ? If 1 cannot reduce yot, you can get It. Try ii! Have you rheumatism T Can you be cured? Yes. 1 say so. with this new treatment, call 362 '.a Alder it, corner Park. Mean 727. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES, TO-inch wavy sw itch, 2 p l 50 i!4-lnch w avy swucIl, 3 t p. ........ . l.tKI AU-around transformation 1.44 Hairdresslng, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c H.nr re moved by electric ncvdle. switch made of cum bin Ka. "c We buy your comatnc. banltary Parlors, 4oO-412 D kum bids.. d snd alungton. Marhll 1762. DlilNK AND DRUG 11 ABIT Can poaitix tiy le cuicd. e guarantee it absolutely. No bad el tects. Skilled at teiiU.itits, private, homelike, pleasant sur roundings. 1 u vest i gate ior yourself or irieiius. Ncal Institute. Phono Bdwy. 345u. Addres 617 Kearney st Portland. MAG N E 1 1 C T K E A T M E N 1. Juit arriv ed irom San Diegu and for duv rrtiseiiicnt 1 wnl tins wcvk c.tll at your home and gie oue I ree treaiment. 1:7 j ears' eperivuce. Call Maiu lluis, G. lc ii inon. KNOW THYSELF." R. M. English. D. Sc.. rmrenolorlst Hxaminatiuiia daily. 10 to 8. at resideuce, 2o5 6th st., cor. Taylor, opp. Y M. C. A. bldg. Know your etfjcletu y ; know lede Is power. Highest reference. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a scientific massage reduces high blood pressure and sot tens the arteries. Iron side Institute. 327-b-u 1'ittock block. Nurse attendants. Phone Broadway $1 WILL get botn your f et fixed up god at Or. aton s. ine cnirupouisi uiai ooesn ( hurt vou; 5 ears hole; exam. 1 ree. Globe Theater b'dg.. 11th and Wash. Bd. 224. bilHli'L AL16.M Airs. AI. L. LA MAR, 233 Mh st.. cor. Alain, icacnes paimi&iry ana card road Ing ; also Ics&ons in science of health and success. WANTED The women of Portland to know 1 have something new to oiler you, is you are fat or sick, call and see me t 3o2l.a Alder st- Main 6727. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe matters, lineal sioca numau nair goous; hairdressing, manicuring, lace and scalp treatment. 340 Alder. Main f46. BEFORE SHOPPING ELSEWHERE visit Peterson s cpstairs otmpn anop, -uj i. tock blk., for suits, coats, dres&ea, waists, petticoats, and save your dollars. ELECTRICAL gaUanic. mineral, steam b t h. sc lentil ic nerve, organic ana oiooa circulating massage. Prof. Smith. 212 Shetland bldg. Main 1041. Iady attendant. KEV. Mrs. J. C Scnort. No. 1 East loth st, North, cor. uurnstde. circles sun. oa Thurs. 6 1'. M. East 3PM. DETECTIVE United SerKe Letectlve Bu reau; on.y exptrienceu operatives em ploed. 004 i 'a nam a building. Main 3M2. 1 WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wile. John A, Anderson, 5:;5 Johnson St. FURS. Animal scarfs, capes snd collars: remod eling. The Fur Shop. "0 S wet land bidg. MISS MoLLEN'ti scaip and facial treat ments, manicuring. 40 Flieduer bldg.. loth and Wai.lt. WANTED for adoption, healthy, blue-eyed baby girl three weeks to 2 months old; best of care. N 51. Orenonian. BEST steam bain. xnK vibration, eiec t ric and cniroprae ul ii garet Haynie. 1 Swetland bldg. Main 1763 DR ELN A SoRENtoEN. 5uS Panama Bidg. pruiilffs method used for rheumatism, con-t i pat ion. Consultation free. bl PERFLUoUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch's multiple nevo.e method, indorsed I.t physicians. 5o4 Swetiand bldg. GERTRUDE ka.SIKL: pedal. st. manicuitng. bupcrfiuous hair f:ice and scap, Plied m biog. rrdwy QitADU ATE nurse treats lumbago, etr. Hour 2 to 6 of ny appointment. Ptae Main 1 4 K fist C. Q So. k.i : 1J hlli r'LLuL6 ha mrir, wai removed by 10-netU;e method; trial free. Josi e'la ley. 614 Eivers b:dc. Main 636S. Mhd. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned palmist, crystal gaxer and spirit ual reader. 373 Taylor, corner W tet l ajsv LADY BARBERS Shave 15c; haircut 2o. face massage 35c. 325 Glisan, cor. 6lh. THE VERNoN maternity home. lo22 Vernoa. I'hone Wdln 4272. it.snnbla rates. E snd Hlp massage, shampooing. Of flee 2u4, Morron. CASH paid for diamonds and oid je we lav 4oS Iekum bldg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs- E. 33d Sell. 2213 Mornings FACE "massage. Uching ecslp. moles re moved. 250 FUedner bldg. Bioadwar I6A. MAY ANDREW: card reading. spiritual 2 Park. advtsvr. teacher. Main 754s. 6ophla Tt. Tun.. Frt Selp. Spl-ltual residing b 1. M. 5K i.oodnou woman, i none ooaiawn -ws.