THE 3IORNIXG OREGON IAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918. CITY NEWS iN BRIEF City Edi'or Main 7070, A ("ins Sunday Edifr Main 7070. A 005 Advertising Department . ..Main 7070, A 6095 fcupe nniendent of Building . Main 7070. A 6095 THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Oresonlan. Man Power Realtors to Hear Oswald West. "Portland's Problem After the War" will be the subject of an address be fore the Portland Realty Board at its luncheon in the Benson Hotel at 12:15 o'clock today by Oswald West, ex-Governor of Oregon. Mr. West has just returned from a trip abroad, during which he studied shipping and harbor conditions in the various port cities of Kngland, Scotland, Wales and France. Special music will be given by G. W. Jteed. vocalist, accompanied by W. R. Boone, organist. B. Lee Paget will speak. K. B. MacXaughton will be chairman of the day and the general public is invited to attend the luncheon. Curfew Act to Be Enforced. Rigid enforcement of Portland's curfew ordi nance during the Winter months has been decided upon by Chief of Police Johnson, who has Issued Instructions to all captains, patrolmen and women police to cause the detention of any youngsters found on the streets after 8 P. M.. without proper explanation. For the first offense, the ordinance provides that the offending child shall be sent home and its parents or guardian notified of such violation and for subsequent violations the parents are to be summoned to appear in court to show cause why the ordinance was disregarded. A fine of $10 is provided. Smith Funeral Held. The funeral of Mary K. Smith was held yesterday at the chapel of J. P. Finley & Son, Rev. J. F. Ghormley officiating. Mrs. J. B. White and Mrs. K. S. Rosenberg eang ''Nearer, My God, to Thee" and 'Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." The pallbearers were: F. A. Douty, C. M. KiRgins. Dr. H. N. Lacy, Judge T. J. Cleeton. Dr. J. C. Hare and W. H. Wehrung. Incineration took place at the Portland Crematorium. Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband, Er. L. B. Smith; three sons. Dr. Elmer II. Smith, of Hillsboro, Or.; Dr. C. T. Smith, of Aberdeen, Wash., and Dr. Roy Smith, of Los Angeles. Chance for Volenteers Here. There is an opportunity for seven Class 1 draft registrants in the Mult nomah County district to volunteer for service with the "fighting mechanics" at Benson Polytechnic School, if they will make immediate application to the Multnomah County local board, room li-5 Courthouse. So far 16 of a quota of 20 have volunteered for this special service and the board is anxious to secure the others through volunteering instead of through induction. Two Counties Increase Loan Sub scriptions. Umatilla and Jackson County have increased their liberty loan subscriptions 75,000 and $15,000 re spectively, according to the last reports received at the Liberty Temple. The state total now stands at $15,738,450. Marion. Umatilla and Jackson counties have failed to subscribe their full allot ment, but the oversubscriptions of the other counties make up Oregon's share so that it is among the states who have pledged more than required. Brodine Funeral Held. The fu neral of Rose M. Brodine was held yes terday at the chapel of J. P. Finley & on. Rev. Joshua Stansfield officiating. The pallbearers were: Earl Edmonds, William Ramsey, R. W. McLeod, M. Carlstom, A. F. York and C. Atchison. Interment was made in Lone Fir Ceme-te-y. Mrs. Brodine is survived by her husband, E. W. Brodine: a mother, Mrr. David Van Fleet, and two sisters, Mrs. M. McDonald and Mrs. M. Faubion. Los Anoeles Man to Speak. R. " 11. Mouser, of Los Angeles, will speak to men only in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, reciting some original poems and discussing vital themes of the day. lie is more widely known as "Bill Stinger." He is a Billy Sunday con vert and spends his time in entertain ing and instructing men in relgious life. Reception for Pastor Planned. A reception will be given to Rev. D. Lester Fields, the new pastor, and his wife at the Rose City Park Methodist Church, this evening. Rev. Mr. Fields has recently come to Portland from MoMinnville. All residents of Rose City Park are invited, as this i3 intended to be a community reception. As a Last resort for your rheumatism, paralysis, stomach, kidney and chronic diseases try Nisbeth's Sanitarium. Our specialty is reconstruction work. Elec tricity, hydrotherapy, bake ovens, massage, gymnastics, etc, etc., also milk and caloric diet. 616 Lovejoy bl Broadway 1606. Adv. Beth Israel Services Set. Beth Israel services will be held tonight at 8 o'clock and tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock. All are welcome. Rabbi Wise will preach on "The New Light." The religious school will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday. All children of school age are invited to attend. Rabbi Montaz to Preach. Services will be held at Congregation Ahavai Sliolom. Park and Clay streets, to night at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Arthur S. Montaz will deliver a sermon. Satur day morning services at 9:30 o'clock. Rahbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. Combine Patriotism and EcONOMTby conserving tin and serving for break fast a perfect coffee berry, perfectly roasted, eteel cut and vacuum packed in Economy glass quart jar, 15 ounces net, by the House of Monopole for only 40c. Wadhams & Kerr Bros. .--dv. Forest Scaler Shot. Word' was re ceived yesterday by the district forest service that II. J. Brown, a forest scaler, had been shot near Enterprise. No details were received with the ex ception that the injury was not serious. It is presumed to be accidental. Duo Bound Over. In Municipal Court yesterday afternoon, Frank An derson and Arthur Bouechart. charged with attempted robbery, were bound over to the grand Judge Ross man. T. P. Regan, charged with larceny by bailee, was fined $50. Constipation Yields to Milk Cure. liocuuse of renewed energy and power of action in the intestinal walls and also restored function to the glands of secretion. The Moore Sanitarium, Phone K.ast 47. Office 90S Selling bids. Phone Main 6101. Adv. The regular semi-annual meeting of the Oregon State Board of Dental Ex aminers will be held at North Pacific College. Portland, begining Monday, November 11, at 10 A. M. Dr. H. H. Schmitt. president: Dr. H. H. dinger, secretary. -Adv. Rev. II. Edward Mills to Speak. Rev. H. Edward- Mills, leader of the Realization League, will give an ad dress to men at the Y. M. C. A., at a cafeteria dinner this evening at 6:15 o'clock, on "World Conditions After-the War." Dorcas Funeral Tt&s- Set. The fu neral of the late Ralph C. Dorcas, who died in Chicago. October 3, will be held tomorrow at P. M.. under the auspices of the Masons from Holman's under taking rooms. For Sale. 100x141 in best section of Tortland Heighths. for $5000 less than price after Jan. 1. Owner, Marshall t(-5. Adv. Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Nisbeth returned; Nisbeth'e Sanitarium, 616 Lovejoy st. Adv. Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened. Portland Cutlery Co.. SS 6th. near Stark. Adv. Apartment tor Rent. Our largest and finest duplex apartment will be for lent boon. 705 Davis Et. Adv. 11 and I KLop It takes man-power to make clothes it takes nearly as much man-power to make a cheap suit that will wear for a few months as it does to make a good suit. .When you buy Clothes you not only get quality garments that will deliver long service, correct style and all around better values, but you are conserving man-power. Buy the best clothes you can afford today it's the course of real econ omy and service to the Nation. Quality in clothes begins at Others Up to $6Q lisi Tfjj tt f ." :' :i H fcil If!.. K--l ft The Kuppenheimer House in Portland The Ralston Shoe House in Portland MORRISON AT FOURTH e-rrriitlrt 1911 V. I? Martin la Plaintiff. V. F. Martin, former manager of the Gauld Company, is plaintiff in a, suit started yesterday before a jury in Circuit Judge Stapleton's court. The plaintiff demands recovery of $7700 from his former employers, alleging this sum is due in back tsalary and commissions, j lie alleges ho was first employed at a monthly salary of $i50 and 10 per cent; of the profits. Later, he says, his salary ' was increased to $350 a month and shortly after this advance was given he was discharged from his employ ment. The case should reach the jury by this afternoon. Jitnet Driver Appeals.-t-J". M. Carlck, a Vancouver jitney driver, who was fined $25 for violation of the Port land ordinance requiring; such carriers to have a license and furnish $1000 bonds, has given notice of appeal to the higher court. Carick was one of six Vancouver drivers arrested for having no license and will contest the issue. The case grew out of the treat ment accorded Portland auto drivers going to Vancouver on business, the Portland ordinance being passed in retaliation. Woman Sues for $5000. Mrs. Alice K. Davis is plaintiff in a $5000 dam age suit filed in the Circuit Court yes terday against the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company for injuries alleged to have been sustained when she fell from a Twenty-third-street car on December 15, 1917. She says she suffered a permanent shock to her nervous eystem. Wagnitz Estate: $15,000. An estate valued at $15,000 was left by the late Maria "VVagnitz, according to the esti mate named in the petition filed yes terday in the County Court asking that the will be probated. The property is left to the children and grandchildren of the deceased. REV. A. ROSENCRANTZ TO OFFICIATE. Services will be held at the Congrega tion Nevah Zedick Talmud Torah, Sixth and Hall streets, tonight at 6:15 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. A. Rosencrantz officiating. Dr. Sherman Wright has returned. Adv. MUSIC AND. DANCING. Merchants" lunch, 30c, best in city, served 11 to 8 P. M., consists of soup, meats (including: roast veal), two vege tables, bread and butter, dessert and drink. Special Sunday chicken dinner. 66c Chinese delicacies at all hours. open 11 A. M. to 2 A. M. All kinds of soft drinks. The Young: China Grill,, 183 Park St., Cornelius Hotel, bet. Wash, and Alder. Adv. SPANISH JNFLUENZA. Cluard against it by using Formazln in nose and throat. For sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. Adv. You Can Play a Piano 8311 Just Arrived A, Fall shipment of latest improved guaranteed player pianos which we have marked at prices to sell them quickly 8150, 8525 and S550 Most Liberal Terms Why deprive yourself and family of music when the world's best is yours with so little effort? FOLEY & VAN DYKE Ownera Maaie Dept. at Gravri Mosle Store 151 Foarth St. S85 Morrison St. Loyal Legion, of Loggers to MftL ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 10. (Spe cial.) Brigadier-General Brica P. has called a meeting: of the District Council No. 5, Lrfyal LeRion of Loggers and Lumbermen, for Satur day mornlnr at the Washington Hotel, Aberdeen, to consider all mattexs per taining; to the lumber industry of Grays Harbor. Lieutenant Wilbur B. Jones, in charge of the Loyal Leg-Ion for the district, will preside. MO.U.kfat Of K Efficiency Desks A distinctly new idea a device that looks like a flat-top desk but is really a kind of filing; cab inet that is built like a desk. Ask for circular. Glass and Prudhomme Co. 65-67 Broadway Friday and Saturday We Offer BREAKFAST FOODS WHOLESALE PRICES Absolutely we make no profit on these goods KELLOGG'S TOASTED COBJf FL4KFS 35 packages In case. Per case 94. 20. dozen S1.40. each. ...12 rOST TOASTIES IS packages in case. Per caeo UO. dozen S1.40, each. . ..12C CREAM OP WHEAT 36 packages In case, per caso 97.85. dozen 92.65. cach....S2r A. & H. Soda, per pound oC KIPPERED 1IERRIXG Is oval Per dozen 92.75. each.............. VEGETABLES Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes, per lb............. Onions, urron rancy, ju ids. it KOSU. CEVtOX TKA Regularly 75c per lb.- 250 -Special, per lb. . 5 .2.-r -50c CANNED MILK will reat mora money. Bay Qalcfcly hefore the advaaee. Marlcold Milk. 4 large cans in case. li.OO Per dozen 91.50 Yeloban Milk. 48 lanse cans in case. 97. OO Per dozen........ l.SO Libby Milk. 9G small cans in case. 9tJ,70 Per dozen S." Carnation, larpe, 48 cans in case. 97. uO Dozen 1.S5 Carnation, small. 98 cans in case. S7.(lO Dozen............. Borden's, large. 48 cans in case. 97. 2." Dozen............... l.Sr Mount Vernon, small, S cans in case. 96. OO Dozen.......... 75c Columbia Lard. No. 10. each... Pearl bhortening-. o. 6. each. LARD XOWDRIFT 4-lb. cn....'..1.20 J -lb. can 600 WONKY Honey, tr-hlta Rape. E-sHon tins. i2 pounds Per pound.. Honey. White Sage, in Mason pint jars..... Honey, White Sage, in Maeon quart Jars M. It- KXTRACTS 2-oz. 4-oz. R-nz. IS- Vanilla flavoring: 2." 4 7." 91. Lemon Flavoring I5 55P 91. OO 1. btrawberry. Banana. Pineapple, Almond 1- lavonne, 2-oz.. .83.00 1.25 S-lb. can 92.20 . no .91.20 SYRUP No. 2 can Ooldn Mrh Mallow Syrup. No. 5 can (.Joldon Marsh Mallow Hyrup. No. 10 can Golden Mr.h Mallow Syrup. OS. o -OT. I ... 2St '" 91"''" IMPORTANT! OtT-OF-TOW PFOPI K TIKE I'AlMItlLAH NOrilK All mnil ordert will filled rarefallT and promptly at thee low prirrs. fnd u or rfry Hmtm off 4r4rer.ra ahCrd. W will quote yea aar Ion eat wholeaale prices The Journal Said: In paper Sanday. October R 4aaaed grood will eot more BOIC7 the aapply la khort The Joaraal la rlfiht. We will be clad to too prleea for October and o tvember deliver lea. COFFEE BY MAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES JUNO OQc COFFEE Ib. 3V4 lbs. far. .91.00 A COVKKK WITH A CriHISiTEE SATISKACTIOV OR VOIR MO.NKV BACK. We- will deliver t rrf of C'harrc tm yaar . steareat BhlppiHR point r by parrel pout, Java. 4 f fee at SOe per poaad, with h aaaraatee Ikal If ahla Coffe la not aatUtarlory we will r f m the full amount of the purchase price. D. C. BURNS COMPANY 309-210 THIRD STREET, HUTWEEX TAYLOR AXO KILMOX One and One-Halt Blorka South of Public Market Special Mall Order Servit-e. Write for Monthly Price t'. ft. rood Administration l.lrenae tho. c.-:i:UMI7. Member of the tireater I'orlland Aaaorlation. Wholesalers to Private families. Hotels and lteatauraata 'MAKERS OF FINE PBIMTIHfl CO M PAN VtefC .StakatSecom Mill 178, A 1781 Electrical Engineering School (Half Time Plan) ' Practical experience and earning while you are learning. A plaa whereby the engineering student attains a thorough technical train ing; secures practical electrical experience 'which correlates with his school work and at the same time earns sufficient to pay all expenses. Twenty Positions Now Open and Awaiting Students For Full Information Address Y. M. C A. CO-OPERATIVE ENGINEERING SCHOOL Division C ft 1 , i... . u .iimn 1141 MVT- ..!,, a... ., a. .a. 1. mi m.Smmxm fn , 'From the Sheep's Back to the Man's Back. No Cotton Added in Transit.' Great Cot -Price Sale of Woolen rownsville Woolen Mill Hundreds of people visited the store during the open days of the sale. Prac tically every visitor became a purchaser a thing not to be wondered at, for where, excepting here, can Woolen Goods of real pre-war quality be bought at close to pre-war prices? This sale will further enhance this store's fame as a bargain center it will make many new friendships and strengthen the old. Wool Socks at Cut Prices . Wool Mackinaws at Cut Prices Wool Shirts at Cut Prices Wool Blankets at Cut Prices Wool Sweaters at Cut Prices Wool Underwear at Cut Prices Inspect our big show windows. They tell a tale of economy that all can understand plainly. Whatever you buy here is "right" in quality "correct" in style and "best value'.' obtainable at the price. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store SS s., The Woolen Mill Building, Where This Bis Sale Is Being Held TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Telerhon operatlnB offers many advantages to young women who re seeking employment at a rood salary with opportunities for advancement. GOOD PAY TO START WITH. Rapid and frequent Increase In salaries. PERMANENT. POSITION Work Is steady and permanent. Many opportunities for advance ment. INTERESTING WORK rieasant. Clean, Fascinating. Associates Carefully Selected. PLEASANT SUR ROUNDINGS T.lpht and well-ventilated offices. Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Annual Vacation With Fay. Sick Benefits. Death Benefits, Pensions, Without Cost. Good character and good health are required. Young women be tween the ages of 18 and 2 ar preferred. Previous experience Is not necessary. Our employ ment office Is located on the Flxth Floor. Room 1. In tha Telephone Building. Park and Oak streets, and Is open from :30 A. M. "to 6:30 P. M. We invua ou to rail at this olflce and meet Mlis Thomas, who will gladly 1icuB the matter person ally with you. An appointment nmy be r-.ade by calling Broad nay ljooo. The Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Company Room 601, Sixth Floor, Park and Oak Sts. IPS' S3 r I r T I I I Fjr' -j I, - ,1 50c Plate Luncheon Served in Gold Room Quick Service Enter Through Lobby For Ladies and Gentlemen Multnomah Hotel Pv Zy Bringing a I jSjr Victory into I jT f tout home, f Butter Nut Victory Bread I If -ask your Grocer. 1 In San Francisco STOP AT THE HOTEL STIUflBT Geary Street, lust offltaloa Square From SI. SO a Day Braaklast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner 1 1 .00 Suadayas Brsaktsst 75c tanner $1.25 Munkpal car Tins direct to door. Motor bu meets principal train and attameia.