Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 03, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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    the aionxixo okegoxian, Thursday, October s. . lois. '
Portland's Deficit Placed To
day at $2,487,400; Full
Quota Date Indefinite.
Outer-State Counties Already Nearly
$80,000 Over Quota, but This
AVill Xot Be Permitted to
Help Out Multnomah.
(Continued From Yirst Page.)
General Talbot, "It's up to the people
of Portland."
Thousands Wear No Button,
Chairman Emery Olmstead. of the city
campaign committee,- summed up the
situation by asserting that many thou
sands of prosperous wage earners and
residents of Portland's 320.000 popula
tion are not wearing: the button of the
fourth loan and that hundreds of well-
When solicitor should call
For some reason our solicitors may have missed you.
DON'T WAIT This is your only method of participating la this war.
FILL OUT the card and mall to LIBERTY TEMPLE.
to-do men have not yet realized their
full duty toward the loan.
"We must act at once," said Mr. Olm
stead. "or else Portland, far from being
the first city in it3 class to attain vic
tory, will be numbered far to the rear,
with the lazy and laggard.
"I don't know what to think. Here
we are taking in from $15,000,000 to
$18,000,000 a month on Government
contracts, supplies and other Govern
ment expenditures and yet we are.
having difficulty in raising a little
more than $18,000,000 for the fourth
liberty loan.
"I hesitate to say that . Portlanders
are slackers yet from the returns of i
the drive we know that approximate
ly 40,000 people have faileir to pledge
themselves. Our records indicate that
the slackftrs are not all laboring peo
pie. The so-called rich, in most in
stances, have done well. It is the man
in comfortable circumstances who ap
pears not to be doing his full duty."
Wealthy Man Called Shirker.
Fretn the list of those whom they
have under consideration as "slackers
and shirkers," the Portland committee
has selected another name that of
William Reid, president of the National
Cold Storage & Ice Company, charging
him with failure to meet his liberty
loan obligations. The committee's
statement is as follows:
"William Reid, a shirker, president
and practically sole owner ,of the Na-
tional Cold Storage & Ice Company, 309
East Stark street, who resides at 1343
East Stark street and who is reputed
to be worth in excess of $1,000,000.
"After being solicited many times by
the fourth liberty loan committee, Mr.
Reid has subscribed only $7000 for
his entire family, including his wife,
bis son and himself.
"The fourth liberty loan committee
insists that this is grossly Inadequate.
"Portland Liberty Loan Committee,
"OUT W. TALBOT, General.
Investigations Carefully Made,
Investigation is being carefully made
of others who are believed by the com
mittee to be dodging duty, asd further
exposures are promised if the facts
warrant such action, declares General
Talbot. ,
The outstanding sentiment of the
campaign at present is that Portland,
rich with wartime prosperity, must not
permit her good name to be tarnished
by failure with the generous example
of the loyal outer-state counties to re
buke her.
psign Manager Smith, "that Portland
will permit the surplus from the im
poverished interior counties to put her
war prosperity over tho top. She
should have sufficient civic pride to
fight her own fights, and bear her own
Interior Cities Oversubscribed.
"Thousands and thousand.- of homes
re vacant in cities and towns through
out the Willamette Valley and Central
Oregon. But in Portland there are
thousands of families who cannot gt
houses. In such decided contrast is the
difference in material prosperity in
dicated. Yet Eugene, Albany. Rose
burg. Lakeview and scores of other
interior cities, had their quotas sub
scribed days ago."
John 1 Etheridge. state director of
organization, announces that his - of
fices, which represent the state outside
of Multnomah County, are in prepara
tion fcr closing, inasmuch as the outer
state quota has been over-subscribed.
Returns are awaited merely from threa
Pape's Diapepsin at Once Ends
Sourness, Gas, Acidity,
When meals upset you and you belch
gas, acids and undigested food. When
you have lumps of Indigestion pain or
any distress in stomach you can get
relief instantly No waiting!
As soon as you eat a tablet of Tape's
Diapepsin all the indigestion pain stops.
Gases, acidity, heartburn. flatulence
and dyspepsia vanish. Pape's Diapepsin
tablets cost very little at drug stores,
counties, where- the campaigning has
been difficult, but there is confidence
that these will soon announce their
quotas as filled.
"Every county in Oregon, with the
exception of Multnomah, which is held
back by Portland's tardiness, has
fought a good fight," commented Mr.
Etheridge. "Residents of the so-called
country districts have demonstrated
that they are more proficient at simple
sums in mathematics than is Portland,
for thoy realized that their previous
effort and subscriptions must be
doubled, and they have doubled them."
Voluntary Subscriptions the Rule.
Back from a tour tor the liberty loan
are Tommy G. Eyan, Sherman Hall and
Ted Lansing, who swept the Bend
country in an automobile, returning
via the McKenzie pass. On Friday
night, at meetings held in Bend,- both
Mr. Ryan and Mr. Lansing spoke for
the loan, and to such effect that 17000
was raised in voluntary subscriptions
at three rallies. ,
A. resident " of Ilapco. "Wash., has
come to the aid of T'ortland, with a
subscription for $1500. General Talbot
yesterday received the following letter
from William Black, a merchant of
that city:
"You can' put me down for $1500 of
the fourth liberty loan bonds to help
lick the Huns, and to give the boys
over there a better heart, and plenty
of good things to eat, and lots of pow
der and shot. I want this subscrip
tion credited to Portland's quota. What
is the matter with Portland? Get after
the slackers rough-shod."
Iron Workers Take S35.000.
The employes or the Peninsula Iron
Works have subscribed for $25,000 of
liberty bonds. The men organized their
own soliciting committee and appointed
the following to take the pledges of
the workers in the plant: M. R. Morrow,
Oliver L. Mant, W. Rolis, W. 'A. Nolan
and Bert Dennis. As a result of the
canvas of the 125 employes the solicit
ing committee obtained pledges slight
ly in excess of $200 per man.
Morris Bros., dealers in Government
and municipal bonds, have presented a
statement to the Portland liberty loan
committee, showing that their firm has
secured an aggregate of $789,950 in
fourth liberty loan subscriptions,
through purchases made ty clients and
that the subscription has' been turned
over for official receipt. Much of this
amount has been included in the daily
reports at liberty temple.
H. R. Blauvelt, chairman of the com
mittee on foreign insurance companies,
reports that to date no foreign fire in
surance company has subscribed to
Oregon quota, with the exception of
the Lumbermen's Indemnity Exchange,
of Seattle. ,
Insurance Subscriptions Given.
Subscriptions received from insur
ance companies, to date, are reported
by Mr. Blauvelt as follows:
Equitable Lifs Aisuraoca Society. .$75,000
Mutual Ufe insurant's Co 60,00V
Northwestern Mutual -Life Insurance
Company 00,000
New Kngland Mutual Life Insurance
Company 40.000
New Vork Life Insurance Co :'.0.OOO
Metropolitan Life insurance Co...., i:0,OUU
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Company - 20. OOO
National Life ' Insurance Co I'
Prudential Insurance Co. I.I.OOO
Travelers Insurance Co. 10.000
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance
Company .... 10.OO0
Western L'nlon Life Insurance Co 10. ooo
New World Life Insurance Co - 10. OOO
The Maccabees 10.OO0
American Central Life Insurance Co.,
of Indianapolis 10.000
Union Central Life Insurance Co... Ti.ooO
Guardian Life Insurance Co
Uuarsnty Kund Life Association....
United States Guarantee fidelity
Kansas City Life lnsuranco Co.......
Idaho State Life Insurance Co
National Insurance Co., of U. S. A...
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co...
Degree of Honor
Security Life Insurance Company - of
Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Maryland
Lumbermen's Indemnity Exchange..
West Coast San Francisco Life Insur
ance Co
California State Life Insurance Co.
(Icorsia Casualty Company
American Druggists Insurance Co...
National Life Takes
4. OOO
2. .".00
William Goldman, local manager of
the National Life Insurance Company,
yesterday received notification from
the company that its liberty bond al
lotment for Portland was $20,000 and
the subscription was immediately hand
ed in at Liberty .Temple.
Protracted patriotic campaigns may
not be to the liking of Portland, but
officials insist that the fourth bond
drive is going to plod right along on its
way until tho last dollar of the city's
quota has been subscribed and with
out outside assistance. Upon the Port
land public rests the determination of
when the drive shall be terminated.
At a special liberty bond conclave,
held Tuesday night at the Builders' Ex
change, the Master Plumbers -Associa
tion subscribed $1200 to the fourth lib
erty loan issue. It is anticipated that
other organizations in the Builders' Ex
change will follow the example set.
Favorable War News Must Not Ics-
sen Loan Efforts.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. President
Wilson and other officials feci that
the American people must exercise cau
tlon lest the good news from the battle
fronts cause a relaxation of effort on
behalf of the fourth liberty loan. Thus
far no such tendency has been notice
able and the campaign has been going
with an enthusiasm comparable to- that
with which the battle reports have
Deen received.
It is pointed out that, now that vie
tory is definitely being brought to the
side of the allied armies, funds and
more funds are needed to enable the
fighting men to press home their hard
won advantage and hurl the German
hordes beyond the Rhine.
Official reports today from all Fed
eral Reserve districts except Kansas
City, which has not started taking fig
ures, showed $411,142,060 in pledges
actually received and accompanied by
payment of the 10 per cent initial in
This covers receipts up to last night,
but does not include millions of dollars
in figures on which the initial payment
has not been made or has been made
but not yet reported officially by banks.
The total tomorrow night is expected to
be several hundred million dollars
In order to raise six billions it would
be necessary to get a dally average of
$315,000,000, and at this required rate
approximately a billion dollars should
have been subscribed by this time.
In connection with the efforts to pre
vent slackening of campaign! morale
rt was cited today by Treasury offi
cials that practically all of the six bil
lion dollars to be raised will have been
spent by the time it is received at tho
Treasury. The Government already is
paying out money at the daily rate of
$50.000.000, . which Is substantially the
money to be raised in the fourth loan.
Nearly $4,500,000,000 has been re
ceived in the last two months from
sale of certificates of indebtedness, but
these securities are only temporary, ex
pedients to be paid out of receipts from
liberty bonds. Consequently the Gov
ernment is already spending its fourth
liberty loan money.
Patriotic Addresses and Music to
Feature Programme.
The forty-fifth anniversary meeting
of the Evening Star Grange will be
held at the Grange Hall, Seventy
eighth and Division streets, Saturday,
October S, starting at 10:30 In the fore
noon. The third and fourth degrees will
be conferred by a team of 30 members
in the morning. At noon a basket lunch
will be held.-
ln the afternoon a liberty loan
address will be given by a prominent
speaker. Dr. James Burgette Short
will talk on "Community Betterment-"
The rest of the programme includes:
Solo, by Miss Metta Brown; reading, by
Miss Olivette Mills and Mrs. Cook;
violin solo, by Miss Gladys Lee John
son, accompanied by Miss Clara Smith:
and singing by the Girls' Quartet of
r ranklln High School.
Greetings will be given to the
charter members and other events will
crowd the day.
Past Season Declared Driest in His
tory of Local Bureau.
Rain yesterday brought relief to
Portland's water situation, which had
been critical for the past few weeks,
according to Superintendent L. S. Kai
ser. The season Just past has been the
dryest in the history of the Water Bu
reau, he declares.
'ior the past -few weeks we have
been taking about 39.000,000 gallons of
water a day from Bull Run. leaving
only 5,000.000 gallons to go down the
river," ne said yesterday. "While we
have a reserve supply of more than a
hundred millions in the reservoirs, a
big fire or warm spell would have en
dangered the water supply at any time
W. K. Newell Inaugurating- System
In Smaller Towns of Oregon,
W. K. Newell, Assistant Food Admin
istrator for Oregon, returned yesterday
from a trip to Marshfield and Coos Bay
cities, where he went to inaugurate the
price interpretation system. He will
go to Bend today 6n the same mission.
The weekly price interpretation list.
showing the prices producers receive.
that which retailers pay and what they
should sell goods for. is based upon the
prevailing markets of Tuesday and re
leased for publication in morning
papers of Thursday morning.
It is the desire of the Iood Admin
istration that the housewife make use
of the list each week.
Mishap Is Attributed to Wet Condi
tion of Streets.
An automobile owned by Robert W.
Schmeer. vice-president of the United
States National Bank, was struck yes
terday by a car driven by Dr. G. M.
Sewall, at Broadway - and Larabee
street. Mr. ' Schmeer's car was driven
by Miss Elsie Shockley. 209 East Sixth
Street. North.' No one was injured. The
accident was attributed to wet streets.
Mrs. T. L. Chamberlain, 160 East
Thirteenth street, reported to tho police
yesterday that she was knocked down
at Broadway and Washington street by
an automobile several days ago. The
driver of the car had not reported the
accident as required by city ordinance.
A Word of Precaution.
TUST wherein lies the reason for tho use of vegetable preparations for infants
J and children ?
Why are any but vegetable preparations unsafe for infants and children ?
Why are Syrups, Cordials and Drops condemned by all Physicians and
most laymen ?
Why has the Government placed a ban on all . preparations containing, among
other poisonous drugs, Opium in its variously prepared forms and pleasing tastes,
and under its innumerable names?
These are questions that every Mother will do well to inquire about.
Any Physician will recommend the keeping of Fletcher's Castoria in the
house for the common ailments of infants and children.
pit: '''-'l;'15j'iC'!w
- 1st Content. laTluid DraehnJ
.'-8 AVeicfaufcfrcparaticoforAs
sitmlatinilberood by KcuU-
! tinotrStomichsawllkwcus
Thercbv Promoting Dtfrttof-
i Cheerfulness and EesLCactstns
neither Opiufn.Marphine nor.
iy n.'-n Mineral. Not aamcu .v
1 tiMriilBcrnettylbf
'1 Constipation and Diarrhoea-I
v. no-sleep a
7ac5iraite Sijnatartog
3 5'l.'
Exa,ct Copy of Wrapper.
....svf't i. .. a
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Jlsa iiarsrf
Rulers of Central Empires Ap
pear Disposed to Yield
to Democracy.
Kaiser'a Appeal for Strong Men to
Aid in Government Regarded as
Significant Austria May
Seek Separate) Peace.
WASHINGTON. Oct S. Sign .are
multiplying in reports reaching the
State Department from various agencies
n neutral European countries of the
rapid weakening of the despotic control
which the military elements in Ger
many and Austria have imposed upon
the civilian population.
American officials are becoming con
vinced that the imperial rulers have
been forced, however reluctantly, to the
oonviction that if they are to preserve
their dynasties from destruction they
must yield to the growing demands of
the civilian elements for the right of
participation in the government dur
ing their crisis.
It was pointed out today that Presi
dent Wilson has repeatedly declared
that with the military rulers of the cen
tral powers ronvicted of broken faith
and deceit, there can be no discussion
of the peace for which the Germanic
people apparently are clamoring.
Peace Motive Discerned.
Hence the belated attempts of the
Emperors to erect a structure of real
democratic government through the
parliaments In the hope that with these
the entente statesmen will be willing to
comer aoout peace.
indications or such a purpose are
aiscernea oy American orricials in va
rious utterances and acts of the Ger
man and Austrian leaders. In his ac
ceptance of the resignation of Premier
von Hertling, Emperor William ap
pealed to the strong men of Germany
to come to his aid and share the bur
dens of government, a direct bid foe
the support of the Socialists and Cen
trists in return for participation in the
As a halfway measure and in a des
perate effort to save the imperial pre
rogative. Emperor William already has
tried the expedient of himself selecting
leaders of the opposition parties for
minor places in the Cabinet and prom
ising to forward the enactment of pop
ular measures.
Socialists Seek Control.
But the Socialists have generally de
clined to accept anything short of ab
solute control of the Cabinet through
the Reichstag without reference to the
wishes of the Emperor, and officials
believe that at length they are about
to realize their aspirations.
Such a change in Germany doubtless
vrould be followed, if not indeed pre
ceded, by a similar revolution in Aus
train parliamentary government, and
it is fully expected that as soon as real
representative government is a fact
in the central empires there will be an
Irresistible movement toward peace,
even on the terms laid down by Presi
dent Wilson.
In this connection, the news today
that the Austrian Kmperor had sum
a a ...... " ..
Letters from Prominent Druggists
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
S. J. Briggs & Co., of Providence, R. I., say : "We hava sold FUtcher'a
Castoria in our three stores for the past twenty years and consider it
one of the best preparations on the msrket."
Mansur Drug Co., of St. Paul, Minn., Bays : "We are not In the habit
of recommending1 proprietary medicines, but we never hesitate to say a
good word for Castoria. It is a medical success."
Hegeman & Co., of New York City N. Y., say : "We can say for your
Castoria that it is one of the best selling preparations In our stores.
That is conclusive evidence that it is satisfactory to the users."
W. H. Chapman, of Montreal, Que., says : "I have sold Fletcher's Cas
toria for many years and have yet to hear of one word other than praise of
its virtues. I look upon your preparation as one of the few so called
patent medicines having merit and unhesitatingly recommend it as a safe
household remedy."
moned to Vienna the three biggest men
of Hungary, Counts Tisxa. Andrassy
and Apponyl, was received here with
undisguised interest. . This action was
regarded as very significant.
Coalltloa Caklaet Possible.
It was suggested that ' Emperor
Charles may be trying to form a coali
tion cabinet to pacify, as far as pos
sible, the troublesome nations of the
empire. It was regarded as entirely
possible that the spirit of defection
has recahed a stage not known out
side of the empire, which requires
drastic action or promises of great re-
In the official view, however, there Is
no possibility of the pacification of the
Czecho-Slovaks. who have been recog
nized by all the allies as an Independent
people, or the Juco-Slavs of the south.
who are ambitious to become free under
the leadership of Serbia.
Those officials who sea a nosslbllltv
of a separate plea for peace on the part
of Austria suggested that Count Tisxa
had been summoned to meet his com
patriots in Vienna, where the exact
situation would be laid before him in
all its hopelessness in an effort to con
vert him to a peace move without con
sulting Germany's wishes.
It Is thought Possible that when
Count Tisxa realizes fully the plight of
tne empire be will Join Andrassy. who
is tne leader of this movement, in an
effort to secure peace before the em
pire is entirely defeated and dismem
bered through Internal uprisings.
Justices Charles Johns and Conrad
Olson Guesta of Honor.
Justice Charles A. Johns and Justice
Conrad Olson, of the Oregon Supreme
Court, will be guests of honor at a
luncheon at the Benson Hotel Saturday
at noon, at which all lawyers are in
vited to be present.
Clarence H. Gilbert, president of the
Multnomah Bar Association, yesterday
appointed a committee to have charge
of arrangements for the luncheon, ten
dered to the two justices recently ap
pointed to places on the bench by Gov
ernor Withycombe to fill vacancies
caused by death of their predecessors
The committee for the event follows:
Charles E. Cochran, Eugene Brookings,
W. Lair Thompson, E. V. Littlefleld and
Dsn Powers.
People Notice It. Drive Them Off
with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets. The akin should
begin to clear after you have taken the
tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the liver
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute for calomel; there's never
any sickness or pain titer taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effectively,
but their action is gentle and safe instead
of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste."
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are
a purely vegetable compound mixed
with olive oil; you will know them
by their ouve color.
Dr. Edwards spent year among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result.
Take one or two sightly for a week.
See bow much better you feel and look,
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
4 ,
Crv For
. - S
r ro) m ro)
ill v
H S v:- ' J Com
In h- 'Y: Early
ieJ J- rcc I
i Matinees
xii : '- f" ' 7 . If Possible
W:Y- iSK
t Special
" Lose
f I .35c Seats 35c E
r I i
Children Under 16
Not Admitted
I ft
Picturizing; vividly startling
phases of a subject about which
the world keeps dumb and the
law silent! Not fiction but
stark reality I
i m m
Easy to Bdocfcatiy
ON every Sperry Product
Flour Sack or Red
Cereal Package you will find
the Sperry trade mark.
Look for it.
It is a sign of accepted
quality a health producer
in every home.
5 ff!y
to Capacity
The tense and
gripping; drama of
the call in a body
of more than four
hundred women of
the streets of San
Francisco upon
Rev. Paul Smith of
the Central Metho
dist Church with
the query: "What
are you going to'
do with us?"
m .
J it
rzn cm ft
Flour Co.