Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 03, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Struggle to Develop Popular
Government Results in
Bloodshed at Omsk.
Bolshevik Forces Suffer Heavy
Losses at Fall of Tkhtinskia.
Southern Karelia Practi
cally Cleared of Enemy-
(By the Associated Press.)
VLADIVOSTOK. Sept. 22. Serious
trouble has occurred at Omsk between
the Cabinet recently organized there
and other leaders.
An attempt was made under the
leadership or Minister of War Michaelov
to force a resignation of the Cabinet
The Duma -was then declared dismissed
by the administrative council -which
had been organized by Michaelov to
succeed the Cabinet.
The members of the Duma refused to
dissolve that body and declared the
administrative council abolished.
They released the ministers who had
been arrested and imprisoned Minister
Democratic organizations In Omsk
and Tomsk are supporting the Cabinet.
Resolute Minister Slain.
During the trouble Minister Novikoff
refused to resign and was shot to
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Czecho-Slo-vak
authorities at Omsk, by placing a
strong military force in the city,
brought a quick end to the attempt of
Minister of War Michaelov to force a
resignation of the Cabinet. Official ad
vices received here today said Michae
lov had been ordered by the Czechs to
withdraw his demands for a new gov
ernment and the old governing board
has been reinstated.
By their prompt action. It is believed
here, the Czechs have prevented a se
rious split in the Siberian government.
Omsk, officials said, probably has been
placed under martial law pending resto
ration of order.
ARCHANGEL, Sept. 30. (By the As
sociated Press. ) American, British,
Russian and French troops today oc
cupy villages on both banks of the
Dvina River to a point 125 miles north
of Kotlas, in the government of Vol
ogda. Advance Covers 75 Miles.
They have advanced 75 miles in the
last two weeks and they now are about
375 miles southeast of Archangel. The
river is blocked further south by Bol
shevik mines and barges which have
been sunk in the channel.
LONDON, Oct. 2. Very heavy casual
ties were inflicted on the Bolshevik
troops by the entente forces when they
captured Ukhtinskia in Northern
European Russia, September 20, says
an official statement today. The town,
which had been intended as a base for
. Bolshevik operations in Karelia,, had
been fortified under German super
- vision.
Large captures of enemy troops have
been effected during the pursuit of the
Bolsheviki and the remaining enemy
forces are surrounded, virtually clear
ing Southern Karelia of enemy troops.
LONDON, Oct. 2. Seizure by the
British expedition of German mining
property and other development plants
in Spitzbergen, including a big wire
less installation, is reported by the Ex
press with the intimation that the work
of developing immensely rich iron and
coal deposits is proceeding.
Eight Submarines Defeated
The expedition met with considerable
difficulties, including encounters with
eight German submarines.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. The seizure
of Spitzbergen by the British is ex
pected here to prove of great assist
ance to the Russian government of the
north at Archangel
A short time ago an American engi
neer made an exhaustive examination
of the coal and other deposits in Spitz
bergen and it was largely due to his
report that the British expedition whose
success now is reported was undertaken.
(Continued From First Page.)
broken. It is uncertain what lines the
enemy has in the rear. The British
advance threatens the German line of
retreat in the Oise Valley and also
from the massif of St. Gclain.
Big Retirement Likely.
In view of the loss by the Germans
of St. Quentin and the lines to the
north of that city, an enemy rc'.ire
ment on a fairly large scale seems
probable. Given fairly good weather, very big changes on the western
front may be seen before Winter.
FRANCE, Oct. 2. (By the Associated
Press, 10:30 A. M.) British forces,
breaking through the German line on
the Beaurevoirs-Wiancourt front and
capturing both the villages, created a
salient which aided materially in the
capture of St. Quentin by the French.
The capture of Beaurevoire cleared
up the situation in the Gouy salient to
the north.
The British fourth army took these
places, while the third army captured
Crevecoeur and Rumilly, south of Cam
brai, and the high ground east and
north of those villages.
Canadians Bitterly Opposed.
The Canadians had a hard day yes
terday north of Cambrai, the Germans
making a determined stand around the
burning city. -
The British third and fourth armies
took 1700 additional prisoners yester
day. PARIS, Oct. 2.Havas.) Cambrai
has been mined, bift the British have
fought around the town and thus foiled
the plans of the enemy. The Germans
decided on September 1 to burn Cam
brai and forced the civilian popula
tion to leave.
Offers Are Made to England
Through Financial Channels.
Rioting Sweeps Bulgaria.
Southern Senators Fight Army Com
mission for Editor 'Who Opposed
Them In Campaign.
ington, Oct. 2. Suspicion that Politics
is entering into appointments of Army
officers from civil life has been aroused
Dy a protest made by
head and Underwood
suance of
Senators Bank
against the is-
commission to one of thir
political opponents in Alabama.
P. H. Painter, owner and editor of
the Advance, a weekly paper published
in Birmingham, has been recommended
for a commission by the Army authori
ties in the chemical division.
Major-General Seibert in command of
the division, nas approved the recom
mendation. The division needs officers
and Painter has been declared fit in
every respect.
Painter, through his paper in Birm
inghom, has supported for Congress
Richmond P. Hobson, the advocate of
prohibition, in his fight for the Senate
against Underwood, and has been one
of the active leaders'in the fight that
carried Alabama for prohibition. In
these contents he opposed both Under
wood and Bankhead.
Continued Krom First Page.)
reported to be in British hands.
Strong patrols are working cautiously
through the tunnel and its many lat
eral galleries.
The Australians are exploiting their
gains of yesterday. In the terse lan
guage of the only report thus far re
ceived they are "going on," so likewise
are the Canadian and English divi
sions between Le Catelet and the Sen
see River.
LONDON, Oct. 2. (1:30 P.M.) Be
tween Cambrai and St. Quentin the
German line of defense has been
f V
tiliSl mH'ib-MY. . BggVllf ii mi' in r Hi J
Mrs. A. H. Tasker. of 1738 East
Stark. Portland, missing since
Sunday, Sept. 22. Height, S feet
9 inches; weight, 132 pounds; no
ticeable brown eyes; hair slightly
gray; slight birthmark on left
cheek; age, 45 years; wore blue
serge suit and wide white straw
hat; manner dignified and agree
able. Family and friends anx
iously await word of her wel
fare. Telephone Tabor 93S.
work forward through a sea of mud
and have taken Hooglede and Hand
zeeme, northeast of Roulers. They are
also closing in on Roulers.
3000-Yard Advance Made.
Field Marshal Haig's forces also cap
tured Rolleghemcapelle today and ad
vanced for a distance of 3000 yards
southeast of Roulers.
Heavy rains and mud have been in
terfering with progress of the Belgian
Army and the Second British Army.
Today, with the weather clear and cold.
change favorable to the allies was
The Belgian and British forces now
are astride the Roulers-Menin road.
LONDON, Oct. 2. French and Bel
gian troops have made fresh progress
in the direction of Hooglede and
Roulers and the British have seized
Ledeghem on the Roulers-Menin Rail
way, says last night's Belgian official
statement. "A British detachment has
crossed the Lys between "Wervicq and
The statement reads:
'On October 1 the operations in
Flanders developed favorably despite
the resistance of the enemy. The
energetic Belgian and French troops
made new progress in the direction of
Hooglede and Roulers. South of Roulers
the British troops captured Ledeghem
on the Roulers-Menin Railway. British
detachments crossed the Lys between
Wervicq and Comines.
Enemy Convoys Bombed.
"British aerial squadrons bombarded
Lichtervelde, causing a fire at the
railway station. They also broke up
several enemy convoys."
PARIS, Oct. 1. (Havas.) The towns
of Menin and Roulers, railway junc
tions in Flanders, have been set on
fire by Germans jn face of the advanc
ing Belgian, British and French troops.
French guns row control the railway
line running from Ostend, through
Thourout and Roulers to Courtrai.
British monitors are co-operating ac
tively in bombarding the German line
on and near the coast.
LONDON. Oct 2. 5 P. M. (By the
Associated Press.) On the Belgian
front the Anglo-Belgian troops have
been subjected to violent counter at
tacks. Neither these nor the bad
weather, however, have stopped the ad
vance, although the combination has
had the result of slowing down the al
lied progress.
Itoche Fights Hard.
The Germans are making a deter
mined effort in Flanders as everywhere
else to stop the onrush. They realize
that if the allies push even five miles
further eastward on the Belgian front
Ostend will become untenable, while an
advance of 10 miles would jeopardize
the entire coast line.
PARIS. Oct. 2. The Germans are
moving their heavy artillery away from
the Belgian coast, according to reports
here today. The Belgian army, co
operating with the British army of
General Plumer and the French army
of General Degoutte, successfully re
newed today their heavy attacks on the
Flanders front.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Further evi
dence of German preparations for
evacuating the Belgian seacoast reached
the State Department today in dis
patches saying hospitals, postoffices
and the contents of storage houses of
the German Fourth Army district were
being moved back and turned over to
the military government in the interior.
German civilian authorities are being
generally recalled and strict- regula
tions affecting the maritime district are
being enforced. Reserves in Belgium
which are to be sent to the front by
the Antwerp navy staff are said to be
preparing to leave Belgium.
Honolulu Man Coming Here.
ington, Oct. 2. Hanlieght J. McKenna,
now in Honolulu, has been appointed
chief clerk inthe Spruce Production
Division at Portland.
Austrians Believed Inciting Tur
moil Premier Malinoff May
Form New National Cabinet
and Include Ghcnadicff.
LONDON. Oct. 2. Turkey has made
further indirect approaches to the al
lies through financial channels which
are being connsidered by the British
War Cabinet, the Standard says it
learns on good authority.
Important developments, the newspa
per adds, are expected.
PARIS, Oct. 2. (Havas.) Anti-German
and pacifist riots are In progress
throughout Bulgaria, according to a
Zurich dispatch to the Journal.
New Cabinet Itnmored.
It Is added that rumors are current
of the formation of a national cabinet
in Bulgaria under the leadership of Pre
mier Malinoff and Dr. Ghenadieff, re
leased from prison a few days ago un
der a pardon by King Ferdinand.
The unified Socialist Deputies of the
Bulgarian Parliament have issued a
declaration supporting energetically
the proposition for an armistice and
peace, says a Sofia dispatch, the date of
which is not given. They insist upon a
reasonable ending of the war by Bul
garia and condemn anarchy of any de
scription. The Deputies recommend that the
army remain united and they invite the
nation to support the work of peace
and defend the constitutional guaran
tees of the country.
LONDON, Oct. 2. Serbia Is being
evacuated by the Bulgarian troops, who
are returning to Bulgarian territory,
according to a Serbian official state
Serbian Disorders Reported.
News has reached the Serbian army
in Macedonia that revolts have broken
out in Serbia and other regions where
there are Serbians, Croatians and Slo
It is feared, says a Serbian official
note, that the Austro-Hungarian gov
ernment is purposely arranging with
the police to excite the inhabitants and
then confiscate their property and im
prison them in camps. It is declared
that the camps are in a terrible state
because of infectious diseases and dirt.
PARIS, Oct. 2. (Havas.) Premier
Malinoff appeared before the Bulgarian
Parliament on Monday and read the
speech from the throne, according to
advices from Sofia by way of Basel.
Malinoff Explains Peace Move.
M. Malinoff, according to German pa
pers, said that the Bulgarian King and
government intended only to fulfill
their duty toward the fatherland in
making an honorable peace worthy of
the sacrifices that had been made. The
reason for this step, M. Malinoff ' said,
was the general situation that con
fronted the country.
SOFIA, Oct. 2. via Basel. King Fer
dinand's speceh. which Premier Malinofl
read to the Sobranje. announced that
the National Assembly would be con
voked and that the Sobranje would be
adjourned until Friday in order that a
complete statement of Bulgaria's situa
tion might be laid before the repre
sentatives of the nation.
Seventh Floor
ipmatWof & (Sot
J MercKmJ;o ofcMenl Only" '
Music Floor The Seventh
! We Have the UMBRELLAS You Want !
We have more umbrellas than we have ever had in fact, we believe we have more umbrellas
than have ever been seen hereabouts before. Umbrellas at all prices, for men, women and children,
,and GOOD UMBRELLAS, whether they be high priced novelties or inexpensive umbrellas just
bought for the passing shower.
Colored Silk
I v r s
American Gloria
are here in quantities, in every style,
color and effect that is popular.
A wonderful variety of shades and
handles those new novelty trans
parent handles that look like amber
or shell or are colored to blend in
with the silk cover. ' Some are
crooked, some straight, some ringed
and some with cord loops. Priced $5.00, $6.95, $9.95,
$12.95, $15.00.
Black Silk Umbrellas
The ever-wanted black silk umbrella is here in no end of styles,
with slender ferrules and straight handles or short thick ferrules
and novelty handles. There's a complete assortment of Phoenix
umbrellas, in black these with just enough linen finish in their
weaving to make them more durable.
Priced $5.00 and $5.50
Such Fetching New Frills
m arenas
Good, rainproof, inexpensive um
brellas, especially recommended for
use by those who "simply can't keep
umbrellas." These are good-looking
umbrellas for men and women.
They have handles that cleverly
imitate those of far higher priced
umbrellas; and these are made on
famous eight-rib' Paragon frames. Priced $1.50, $2.00,
$2.25, $2.75, $3.50.
And in the Basement
you will find a complete stock of umbrellas for kiddies,
umbrellas and colored, in sizes from I 6 to 24 inches, at
that range from 98c to $2 for American Gloria Umbrellas up
to $4.50 and $5.00 for handsome colored silk ones. And there
are American Gloria Umbrellas for men and women at prices
as low as $1.00.
Theaters to Contribute
ceipts for Smileugc
Part of He-
: Books.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Motion pic
ture theaters in all parts of the coun
try are pledging themselves to turn
over 10 per cent of their gross receipts
on one day each month for the purchase
of "Smilage Books," or tickets to the
atrical performances in camp Liberty
theaters. This arrangement is to con
tinue for the duration of the war.
Portland motion picture theater ex
hibitors have not been advised of this
move, but from individual expressions
of managers and owners Oregon the
aters will not lag in the inauguration of
a monthly "Smilage Day" if such a day
is to become National in character.
A Dinner
Hat That
Upon Its
Brim for
Effect Is This
New Master
piece by
And the sketch shows you what an entrancing
effect is gained by this delightful combination
of panne and Lyons velvet.
A Bulgarian turban which changes its mind
in the middle of its brim is wonderfully smart.
The brim turns back on itself at a sharp down
ward angle to give the turban effect and there's
not a bit of trimming save a grosgrain band
right across the top. with two flat loops and
jet ornaments.
Another model with brim that flares and
droops at the same moment is unusual but you
will have to see these ultra-smart hats to gain
any idea of their smartness. They're "Joseph"
that's all.
Priced $20.00 to $50.00
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Furbelows, Are
for Fall
Some with a quaint
sweetness of bygone
days, some on dis'
tinctly advanced lines
and all with decided
simplicity and chic
are strikingly
Where to be pin to tell about them,
t ho question. New Slt, Mew Coats.
New Krofki all of them new; every
one lovely.
A new Pellard Suit of Tekln blue
vilvertone Is quite perfect in ite elm
lllcity for street ani afternoon wear.
The linient of thread turks run over
the shoulder and are finhed with
black embroidered arrowheads. The
skirt Is narrow, with elipht
fullness alt around that
clings about the ankles.
The price Is S95.G0.
Another Pellard Suit of
plum colored wool velou r
has fascinating float ins1
panels that are tri mmed
with Hudson enl. This is
$125.00. and there are oth
ers as low as I7.V00.
There's a wonderful as
sortment of Jersey Suits of
every description, with
plenty of those fascinating
heather mixtures in all
tones. These from $37.50 to
$50 and scores of the smart
new suits a. low as $25.
As for FHOCKS. they're
straight, alim and srood looking.
And there's a whole range of fasci
nating coats, many with big fur collars
and bands; priced $35.00 to $75.00.
f Seated
i jr
if I
A Navy Serge Coat Frock looks for
all th world like a tiit. especially,
when worn with furs. Its tiny reers
and shallow vest of Bray broadcloth
heighten the effect.
A straight line frock has straight
waist, with rat-tail embroidery and
panel falling straight and
This is J3S.S0. and there are
of real smartness, too, from
IJ5.00 to S125.00.
O OATS vary from
etraight. simple belted
coats to the quaintest of
caped coats. A I'ellsrd of
catawba colored crystal
cloth has narrow fitted
shoulder cape for all the
world like arrand mother
wore and this effect is
heightened by the Khawl
like collar of fine Hudron
seal that can be crossed
quite quaintly. This is 175.
and another I'ellard Coat
of Evora cloth, in Algerian
color (the richest of dull
terra coltas). is absolutely
without a touch of fur;
and this Is priced at 1J0.
aaaSBa Apparel has never been
more fascinating and our
stocks never more complete than now.
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Hurley Says 454
Ships Will Be
(Continued From First Pase.)
multiplying their counter attacks at
all joints where the French troops ad
vance. Formidable Position Taken.
General Gouraud's men this morning
burst through a very Cz?i line of wire
I defenses south of Orf euil and Liry and
took a formidable position by assault.
In the wooded valley of the Aisne
east of Liry and northeact of Boucon
ville, which had been transformed into
a series of centers of resistance, a
very hard struggle took place, ending
in the occupation of the -jst im
portant positions by Cancral Gou
raud's men, who, at the same time,
took a great amount of booty.
The ngnuiiK iamum xarther east,
where the Germans had flooded the
region south of Challerange. Here the
French troops, advancing with the
same intrepidity as they have shown
throughout this battle, took the farm
of Joyeux and the railro d station at
Autry. Londe lues Autry, north of
Binarville, also fell into the hands of
the rencn alter snarp lighting.
PARIS. Oct. 2. 1 P. M. (By the As
sociated Press.) General Bertheiot's
army today is making- good progress
between the Vesle River and the Aisne
Canal. The r rench troops have cap
tured five or six villages and their ad
vance at some points has reached i
depth of five to six kilometers.
Telephone ltate Case Heard.
L.A GRANDE. Or.. Oct. 2. (Special)
Public Service Commissioner Corey
was here today bearing the Home-In
dependent telephone Company rate
case, in which the company seeks to
increase its exchange and toll rates.
Accompanied by Electrical Engineer
Neill and Examiner Ellis, of the com
mission, the Commissioner left here to
night for an inspection trip of the
telephone system in Wallowa County.
A hearing will be held at Enterprise
by Marshall Dana, local newspaper
Mayor Baker will preside at the din
ner. Morris L. Kreider. one of the se
lected men, will lead in the singing of
patriotic songs. Professor F. V. Good
rich will be at the pipe organ. The
Weren sisters Freda, Hilda, Alice and
Betty will sing several selections.
A parade, headed by the Multnomah
Guard band, will follow the reception.
The downtown streets will be traversed
In the inarch to the depot.
Programme Involves Construction
of 2 44 Wooden Vessels New
Yards, Drydocks and Rail
roads Contemplated.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. Construction
of 454 vessels of 1.000.000 deadweight
tons is the additional programme of the
Shipping Board disclosed today to the
House appropriations cpmmittee by
Chairman Huney In explaining his re
quest for additional authorizations of
1484,000.000 for the present fiscal year.
The programme contemplates the
building of 210 steel and 244 wooden
Some of the larger vessels would cost
more than SI. 000.000 each, but the aver
age cost would be about that amount.
The Shipping Board's figures include
requests for 134,660.000 for plant fa
cilities, marine railroads and dry
LONDON. Oct. 2. (British "Wireless
Service.) The British Admiralty an
nounces that the tonnage or mercnant
vessels completed in the United King
dom shipyards during September
amounted to 144.772, which Is 20.000
tons in excess "of the figures for Au
gust and has only twice been sur
passed in any month of this year.
The total tonnage in new construc
tion for the first nine months of 1918
is 1.174.641. as compared with 743.-
853- in the corresponding period of last
year. The total for 12 months ended
September, 1918, was 1.594.262, as com
pared with 957.18& lor the previous
In the second quarter of 1917 the
world's merchant shipping suffered a
loss of 2,236.934 tons, but In the last
three months for which figures are
available, namely, June, July and Au
gust, the total was 9j 2.556 tons, a re
duction of 58 per cent.
Portland Prepares) Farewell for 150
National Army Men.
Changes In the programme at the
city farewell dinner and reception to
150 selected men who leave tonight
were made yesterday by Hal White,
secretary to the Mayor. The invocation
will be given by the Rev. Robert H.
Milligan. of the Rose City Presby
terian Church, and a talk will be made
Only Three Days of Registration
Period Remnln.
A final appeal to voters to register
is being sent out by Chief Clerk
Schneider of the registration depart
ment. Only three days. Including to
day, remain for registering. The office
on the ground floor of the Courthouse.
Fifth street side, will be open evenings
until 9 o'clock for the convenience of
Every voter -who has moved from
one precinct to another since last reg
istering is required to register from
the new precinct. Otherwise he can
not vote at the coming election.
Billion-Dollar Highway Project Un
der Consideration.
ington. Oct. 2. The highways trans
port committee of the Council of Na
tional Defense, of which Julius Meier,
Have You
Priced Our
Ia addition to the splendid
line of pianos we already rep
resent, we recently acquired the
celebrated J. & C Fischer
agency. Our stock of uprights,
players and baby gTands now
includes Knabe. Fischer. Behn
ing. Haines Bros, and Schaff
Bros. Visit the "Musical Floor,"
the Seventh, and get our prices
and terms.
of Portland. Is the member for the Pa
cific Northwest. Is co-operating with
Senator Chamberlain in drafting a bill
proopslng a billion-dollar military
highway project.
The plan contemplates National and
state participation in construction of
transcontinental highways under di
rection of the War Department. The
details of the bill have not been finally
If. P. Davison nets Cross.
PARIS, Oct. 1. H. P. Davison, chair
man of the Red Cross War Council, to-
Men and Women
of Portland:
even as your boys in
France are fighting:
To the Limit!
A safe investment
a patriotic duty
a glorious privilege
Cartozian Brothers
Open Continuously From
8 A. M. TO 9 P. M.
Sept. 25th to Oct. 5th. Inc.
All those that have moved since
their last registration must re
register. All those that have resided in
the State of Oregon six months are
eligible to register.
County Clerk. Adv.
day received the commander cross of
the legion of honor. This is the- high
est rank In the order ever conferred
upon an American civilian. President
Polncare entertained Mr. Davison and
Harvey D. Gibson, American Red Cross
commissioner for France, at a luncheon
at the Klysee Palace. During the lunch
eon the President bestowed the cross
upon Mr. Davison.
r""' ' ' THO
Deep rsirve Leasts
Are Better
(Trademark Registered.)
Eyes carefully examined
and properly fitted with
glasses without the use of
drugs by skilled specialists
Complete lens grinding
factory on the premises
Portlaad'a Largest. Moat Modera,
Heat Eqslpped. KxelaalT
Optical iuatabltaaaaeat.
209 - lO - 11 roiinKTT hldg.
Shoe Salesmen
We require the services of a num
ber of first-class, experienced shoe
salesmen. Good salaries will be
paid. Apply at our store.
129 Tenth Street
Between Washington and Alder