16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. t j -Sg3riigr5a k A dire ctory of business firms and professional men condensed ana classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AGATE CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELERS. JEWELRY" and watch repairing. Miller's 3uo Wash, at., Alajestie rhe-ifcr biflg. ALFALFA MEAL. IjROfXU FEEOsT 11AV. WALTER SCOTT, Hoard of TradeTM. 8687. ASS A VERS A.U ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, H-' Second Uoid, silver and p. annum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practice In all courts. SU2 Nonnweslern .Bank bldg. "W. P. ADAM S, atioiney-at-law, 1047 cham ber ol Commerce. Main 47. BARBEK SCFFLIES. OREGON BAKBtS SUPPLY CO. We buy and sell ail kinus of barber supplies. d CARPET CLEANING. Rl R C 'The lflnd that wear the best, are U w U made from your wornout carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (furmer ad dress. Union ave. P.ag ruga woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. lsa East 81 h. PHONE EAST SOS". B lSO. FLUFF RUG CO. : East 6518. ' 34 Union ave. L.. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 812 Morgaq bldg. Marshall 6143. CELL! I.OIU Bl TTOXS. ' THE IRWIN-HuDSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 4ii4, A 1234. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle axid Florelle DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. chTroi-ractic physician. DR. McMahon, Macleay bldg., 100 chiro practic. "World's best. Adjustments made easy. Obstinate cases 50c rates. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 510-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 5S22. 100 letters, multigraphed. $l.ro. COLLECTION AGENCIES. SETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17. No collections, no charge. Established 1!00. DANCING. AL1SKY Dancing Academy; private instruc tions, day and evening classes, Friday evening. Second floor Alisky bldg. 10 lessons ". MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 85H 6th st. All new dances taught: class Thursday night. 8:30 to 11: competent teachers; 8 lessons, ;. Broadway 2327. RINGLER'S Dancing School. 14th off Wash. All the popular dances, private and class. lessons, Broadway 3380. .K.S. M. YOUNG, teacher of ballroom danes. waltz specialty. Linnea Hall. titiS Irving, near 21st. East 311!. DOG ANT) CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. H. HL'THMAX. veterinarian, hospl tal. 415 E. 11th st. East 1S47. E 1962 EVE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Cassedy. specialist, glasses fitted. 700 E. Burftside. cor. 20th. B-13&3. E. 4734. Il.llF RVG AND HAG Rl'G FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1003. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 35S6. B 12S0. INTERIOR DECORATORS. M. K. ORSER & CO., Interior decorators and- painters. In all branches. We can save you money. Get our estimate. 484V Wash. Broadway 3053. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. PUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKErSflETCO. t.KXIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bids. HATS AND CAPS. THANHrvTSER HAT CO., 5H-55 Front st. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. " KAHN' BROS., 1P-5 Front st. PAINTS AND LtBRICATING PITS. V.". p"T"Vu LLE R CO 1 2th a n d r a v I s ats. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. liAPMl'SSKN & CO., 2d and Tay'or. REAL ESTATE. For Hale -Beach Property. PALTAIR, TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lota. 25 by .40. at Salta.fr station. Tillamook Beach. Near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and Tallroads, faces Pacific Ocean. Suitable for business or residence. Value $500; will consider trade tor auto, property or mer chandise. Addresa A 401, Oregonian. Flat and Apartment Property. WILL sell my apartment-house of 4 apart ments with 4 rooms and basement each, like new, for price of building alone: never vacant; block to car; must be seen to be appreciated; no agents. Owner, 780 Will la ms ae. 15-ROOM furnished apartment and 5-room furnished cottage on lot 50x100 close in. This is good buy. fine for man and wife. Will stand closest investigation. R 57. Oregonian. ' For Sale -Houses, $rno DOWN POSSESSION AT ONCE FVRNITL RE INCLUDED IN PRICE $;250 5-room bungalow. East 10th at. N., near Russell St.; lull cement basement and furnace ; no encumbrances. This gives the Union Avenue-car service. J. L. Hart man Com pan v. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bids. Alain 20. A 2050. ROSE CITY HOME. Completely furnished and modern In very respect, except oak floors, 6 large rooms. 1 blocks from Sandy, on East tioth X. This property shown only by ap pointment. Owner non-resident. This is an exceptionally good value ; price $2S0. K0O cash. C. M. Derr, 304 Va Oak st. Broadway P.rt. IRVINGTON'S BARGAINS VACANT. Srt700 4fil E. irtth X., 6 rooms. $4s,io 5: E. 2:td N".. 6 rooms, j.v.too :.o." K. 21st N., 7 rooms. A "buy before; price, rut $400 more t his morning. :.42 E. llUh N. R. T. STREET. Agont, Est ATTRACTIVE HOME. "Wonderful view, restricted district, west Ide, five rooms, well built, strictly mod ern and nearly new: hardwood floors, ivory enamel woodwork: gray paper and tinting, large living room, fireplace, furn ace, full cement basement, lawn, brick walks. tres and shrubs. Worth over $0000; price only $:i!too. Owner. Main t!40. ftlSOO CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND $IS50 WALKING DISTANCE: TERMS. A good six-room house, good basement, modern plumbing, etc. Lot I0xS2 feet; street liens paid; close to car and school; prU-e $t.s."iU; terms. See FRANK L. McC.l'IRK. ARINOTON BLDG TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN 1068. FIRE THE LANDLORD. Five-room bungalow on Going street Alberta district. 2 blocks to car: con venient to schools, stores and churches; splendid .rOx loo lot ; good neighborhood ; $2000. Terms $2.".o cash, and S20 monthly. THE CKOSSLEV-VIGARS CO.. 270 feturk Street. EAST 42D AND THOMPSON' $3!O0. Six rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern ; good finish, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, etc. At Rose City; no-stop car service. All street im provement included in the price. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 3oo-7 Lewis Bldg. $2i00 WAVERLY DISTRICT. TERMS. FIVE-room bungalow; cement base ment: electricity und gas: white enamel plumbinc; Vj blck to Richmond car on East Thirtieth; price $2i0; terms; see FRANK L. SUOl'IRK. ABINGTON BLDG. TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN HnW. ALTAM E A D. Beautiful Ei-room bungalow -with attic, oak floors, white enamel finish, excep tionally large rooms, fireplace and fur nace, every nuilt-in convenience. 70xH0 corner lot, $2S50: good terms. C. M. Derr, 3041- Oak st. Broadway 20ft. CORNER near old Fair Grounds. 2 stores. Income $27.00; also -R. cottage, furnished to live 1 n . All for $ 4500 ; $ 2500 cas h. Owner. Marshall ;I2S2. $5500 buys this $10.ooo home on 42d street; hardwood finish; $1000 heating plant; ga rge. Represents individuality in design. Terms. '420 Henry bldg. $ J400 Five-room bungalow on Kelly street, 1UO feet from.car. Want $400 down. GO DO A HD &- WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. VACANT 5-room bungalow. Rose City; own price and terms. Ne it and make offer, owner. Marshall 32S2. FOR SALE tl-room house, first-ciass in every way; Broadway 2520. built to order, good location. HEMSTITCHING. HEMSTITCHING; 10 cents per yard; accor dion, knife and box pleating; Dultona cov ered, tucking ana braiaing; also embroid ery work done. Mail orders promptly at tended to. KASTEttN NOVtLH' CO.. S5a 5th St.. between oak and Stark ata. K. STEPH AN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 21 Pittock block. Broadway 1VJ. MUSIC. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OK MUSIC, sixth floor Eilers bldg. We teach from melody; no drudgery. VIOLIN. Piano, harmony, all string. Kol Kenbeck. 40U Yamhill. Instruments sold. EMIL TH1ELHOKN. violin Sevcik. 07 Flieuner bldg. teacher, pupil Bdwy. 1C2'J. PIANO LESSONS, 3 PER MONTH. 209 14TH ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. Mam 38M3. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the haul., nn:.lil HUVlce. ThOU- sands of" satisfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist. 20 Morrison. PATENTS. R. c WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PATENT ATTORNEYS. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. Main PHYSICIANS. DR. R A PHILLIPS. 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver. kidneys. bowels. 0rOf Increased efficiency: drugless treat OUVO ment. Goitre, paralysis, headache, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood Pressure, tcmsilitis! Dr. Walters. 30G SweUand bldg. Marshall 4SM2. . PLIMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale pricea Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 79.. PRLNTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Can tenbe in Mg r. Printing and linotyping lOUli Front sl. cor. stark. Main or A 1418. nrTlUTIIJf F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. rnlrlllNU 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A1165. SECOND-HAND STORES. MAIN 5490 Buy and sell second-hand tools junk, old automobiles. 233 Front. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 24 STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan jL. corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks, lowest insurance rates In the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE, or fice 1S9 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1631. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. loo rara r-i. Main 5195. WOOD AND COAL. COUNTRY SLABWOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. M. S540. A : MANUFACTURERS PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. I KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLIMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PRODUCE COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. EVERDINU A FARRELL. 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northnip SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis ats. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper A Pt. Co.. 172 First st, MORGAN' WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st. REA LEST A T E. For Sale Houses. MT. TABOR $350 DOWN, $30 MONTH 7 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH t-POSSESSXON AT ONCE ?.i.i.,U corner lot, trees, view. A big house, 3 bedrooms. Bleeping porch, store room, full cement baacment, fireplace J. L- HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber ko . -7 I)IUS'. m ana totarit. Mi -OS, A JOoO. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. ..-w i.M.ms mm sleeping porcn, one acre or ground in cultivation, fruit trees and berries, garage and chicken houses, all clear of encumbrances, one block from . ' n)ii, terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO. 20rur,-7 BOARD OF TRahk tit n II a vi.' .. i ... . . . : : : : - . Vrv w icny moaern home on Ainsworth, off of Lnion ave.; has flreolace. i.jrnace, traps large rooms, in first-class iidru-sunare street, handy ...2lou2 T and vv oodlawn carline; price xi I ' --Vq cash and term o suit. Phone ATTRACTIVE BUNG A LOW $22o0 "uiii piamprea bungalow on V , ' w eiecincuy ana gas; East "1,lcl near jrrancis; price S2250 terms; see tKANK L. McOT'IRE, ABINGTON BLDG. ' - ' i kjk rc m'.m hi. A! A I X 1 OtiS. $200 CASH. jooa mooern .i-room bungalow: f ni basement, large attic, good surroundings nearly lull lot. close to one of Portland's snioois, - car lines: 22.t0. If you vu.ticco. oiiBw -1 mis aa; it not, ijj&a n up. .i n, oregonian. $23R0 ALBERTA HOME S23A0. Five-room, very substantial home, on cor ner lot; street liens all paid; modern "U"'U1K. ; one diock to Alberta car, on cast Mh st. frice $2330; terms. See ji,.t 1 r' AHlUTON BLDG. y m. i luun, nuMb. 31Airi IOCS. HIGH-GRADE BUXGAIXwT """o v.ny raiK, just on Sandy; every thing modern and" best obtainable. fiv rooms and breakfast room, garage, a beau liiuiiy complete home; $47.10. $lnno cash. 607 Yeon Bldg. Main 2418. MT- TABOR. 7-room cottage, newly painted .. ' B ni eiecincity in, lo "t i pavea streets; eastern exposure uuaiimieu view, o cnoice Doarln iruii trees and flowers. Price $2650. lo0L7: ATTRACTIVE BUNG A LOW $15o0 uuuRaiow ; electricity and if -on oaern plumbing; large lot; price w' u.iii, per montn; see FRANK L. McGl'IRE. ABINGTON BLDG. 1 iLft M V M K.. .MAIN 1 Otf S. l,.ua:j. modern i-roora residence, choices' u iMniri; non-resiaent must -se 1 : now or.cn for inspection; it only takes $ln00 to $15uil iu illume. it you warn a nome that wii steadily increase in value, call at 1104 Mirinw esiern tsanK Dldg. $ 2rt O CASH, $ 1 5 MONTH. Buys house and i acre. I still have a inuue garuen tracts at :;oo; all sightly, no gravel or city assessments; Al berta car. not far fmm Kennedy School. R. W. Carey. Main 1377. SUNNY SIDE. East MArrison St.. near East Thirty-sec ona ; seven rooms, two story residence, Konu conamon: price t.oii; terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. SJX ROOMS, full cement basement. lot nve rruu trees. harclflnlsh house, J2SOO. part cash: on Thiriy-firs xi.. initio location; pnone ior particu XlhOii New home. 4 of an arre fln mni rooms besides sewing and pantrv, dou ble floor, young fruit trees, chickeh-hous ana 101 ; ail or part cull. E. b&t st. . . . cor, inompson. FOR SALE (-room house In Sell wood, lot uuxxuw. iruit, oerries, DlOCKS irom Ore gon . ity car telear title) subject to 18 monins lease: price ii"ti. cash or term Owner P. O. Box 24, Portland. Bdwy. 2010 MODERN. Well furnished eight-rooms, must oe som 10 ciose estate, central location, Albina district ; see adminisrtator. 03S BOTtnwicK St.: call evenings after 8 Sundays between 9 A. L and 4 P. M. SOUTH PORTLAND. Five-room bungalow, close to shipyards comer lot; 100 feet from carline; price ru. win ibk rasn, GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. BE.IL ESTATE For Silf Houan. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. POSSESSION AT ONCE ROSE CITY PARK FURNITURE GOES WITH PLCE ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. Real Pun galow. 5 big rooms and largo s'eepig pore a. Beautiful t txturea, nicely f inishe.i. Good furnace, lot 50x105. On paved street. 1 i blocks to car. Fir trees in yard. This pjace is worth the price, exclusive of the furniture. The furniture and draperies are cheap at $1000. bought only 5 months ago. Owner leaves the city on the loth, it must go at once. Price $4tT0. Term $22i:0 cash, no less and no trade. Price also Includes Winters fuel. J. L- HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Main 208. X 1:050. -ROOM modern furnished house, garage. lot 50xlOO. st. Improvements in and paid. 1 block Union ave.. $2700. $500 cash, bal ance terms. 5 -room cottage, modern. 5ox IOO lot, 13th st. N., $18O0; small payment down, bal. to sulL i-room modern, 5ox 100 coraer. $20o; terms to suit. 6-room modern, lOOx IOO cor. ; $2000. terms. 3 room, full basement. lot 48x1 15. lots of fruit, berries and grapes, $1100. terms. All close to st. cars. TALLMADGE REALTY COMPANY. 619 HenryBuildlng. Marshall "EAST YAMHILL ST. HOME. Fine modern 7-room house. furnace, fireplace, oak floors, fine buffet, book cases, cement basement, laundry trays, 3 bedrooms and fine sleeping porch, lot 50 atlOO, city liens all paid; on E. Yamhill, near 29th. Price $.".250. $1000 cash, or -will trade for bungalow, Ross City or Laurel hurst. GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7432. ROSE CITY PARK, 5 ROOMS, $3G5U. HERE'S a nifty five-room bungalow with every conceivable modern convenience; right up to the minute in every way; loo cated on a beautiful corner. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc. This should be seen. A. G. Teepe Co., 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3516; branch office. Fiftieth and Sandy. REAL SNAPPY BUY. Five-room bungalow, hot water heat, nice fruit trees, garage, half block from car line, this wi!I have to be seen to be appreciated. Call and we will show you. Price $3100. Terms. "WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. I RVINGTON HOME. Modern 6-room bouse, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, buffet, bookcases, full cement basement, laundry trays, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, city liens all paid; on E 18th, near Tillamook, a fine location. Price a bargain, $5000, $1000 cash and $35 per month. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7402. WAVEP.LY HEIGHTS CORNER PAVED . STREETS. Vacant, six rooms, with dandy sleeping porch, white enamel interior, hardwood floors, built-ins, furnace and fireplace, ce ment basement and laundry trays; a very' complete and modern home: sacrifice S3250, $500 cash, balance terms. J.ihnaoo, 212 Lumberinens bldg. Broadway 1612. :40O Five-room bungalow with large attic; full cement basement, complete bath room accessible from all rooms: dutch kitchen; lot 50x100 with bearing fruit also four kinds of berries; one and one-half blocks from AiOerta car and five blocks from Irvington car. Terms $500 cash. This will be sold this week. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 STARK FT. NEAT MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW $2500. Five rooms and flooded attic, cement basement, two blocks from car. on bard surface streets, easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. WAR BARGAIN. $10,000 Beautiful home on Willamette Blvd. 125x150, corner; a bankers' palatial home; this is one of the bargains you hear about but seldom see; eight rooms, $5500. East 1347. $1850 BUNGALOW $1S50. 5 rooms and bath, "2 nice bedrooms, liv ing room with fireplace, dining room with beamed ceiling, built-in buffet, good-sized kitchen, part basement, shed for automo bile. Terms $30O ca.sh and $10 per month. MacINNES. 270 Stark st. Main 1700. Evenings Tabor 8619. $250(T3-ACRE HOME $2500. 3 acres facing on Base Line road at Mt. Hood Depot, rood it-room house, worth the money; good, large barn and orchard. J Remember,- this Is on a paved road. Price $2.VW. $300 down. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg.. To buy your home. Main 1018. Main 5 IS 6. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room bungalow on paved street; all modern conveniences; fireplace; fur nace, pretty bedrooms, splendid mantel and buffet; hardwood floors; workmanlike finish. $::50. $10410 cash, u. s. mors;age A INVESTMENT CO. 60T Yeon Bldg. Main 241S. NOW VACANT MOVE IN. Five room bngalow, garage, $200 cash will handle this, price $150. Mt. Scott District. -. A. WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE A CO. 2fn-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LAURELHURST. Strlrtiy modem bungalow, 6 rooms. 2 sleeping porches. Plate-glass windows, tl fireplace, etc. Large ceid garage, underground tank. Oniy $4700. including all street improvements. Worth $5,iOO. J. C. CORBIN 0.. ;t05-7 Lewis Bldg. $1350 WOODSTOCK $1350. Neat 4 -room bungalow, enamel bath, cement b as nit., elect, lights, gas; only $20 cash ; a real home and rent saver. Main 403. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." WHO WANTS A BARGAIN? Irvington. fine home, eight rooms with garage, fine lawn, beat location. only $500. East 1347. CLACKAMAS STREET. Modern seven-room house. furnace, fireplace, paved street, etc; this Is a snap. Price $0000. half cash. W. R. KASER. MAIN 6173. 517 CORBETT BLDG. BUY HOME CHEAP FROM OWNER. Six -room modern house and three lots on 101st and 4ith ave., Lents. Price $2:;00; $300 first payment, balance month ly at 6 per cent. Address Arthur Gll feather. Vancouver, Wash. VACANT GOOD AS NEW. Four-room bungalow. A It a mead, close to Mt. Tabor car; hardwood floors, bullt-lns. laundry trays, cement basement: $::nOo. easy terms. Johnson, 212 Lumbermen bldg. Hroaaway ll . ROSE CITY CAR. Seven-room moaern bungalow; near East Fortieth and - Sandy Blvd; Price $4200, $1000 down. W. R. KASER. MAIN 6173. 517 CORBETT BLDG. $350O ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. ft-room artistir- bungalow, very modern. with bullt-ln effects, etc. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg., To buy your home. Main loS. FOUR large room modern cottag-. double plastered, full lot ana garage, gltino cash. S500 mortgage; 113 months to assume hi 8 er cent., for sale by the owner. 541 Forty-fifth ave. S. E. and Fifty-fourth st. $100 CASH DOWN Four-room modern house. corner 4&xl50, $14M. $100 down, $10 per. EPTON A McCLELLAN 512 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. lot. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SACRIFICED. $4700, easy terms; Ideal location, im mediate possession, charming, large rooms. SEE THIS. Neuhausen & CO. MODERN K-room bungalow wit h large at tic and fireplace. 2 Iota, close to hard' surfaced boulevard. Price $25oo. For par tjcuiars can at 404 r ; a tt ui u g. FOR SALE 5-room house and storeroom, easily fixed for living room, electrlcrty and gas. $1300, $20O down, $10 monthly. 6634 J2d st. S. E. Owner.o $2400 l-ROOM house. 907 Cleveland ave.. near Going st.. bath, electric light, fruit trees. Will accept liberty bond- as cash. Arthur Langguth, E. Oak and Water sts. $100 AN ABEL $1500. 4 rms., modern doll house, clean and neat, lots of eon v.; easy terms. Main 4S03. G. O GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Easy terms; 5 -room cottage. Alberts district, corner lot. $1950. Smith -Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. FOR SA LE -Modern 7-room house: large suit. lot. $...00 ; hair cash, oaiance Tabor S040 evenings. to $30O CASH, balance easy monthly payments, nearly new 5 -room modem bungalow: good location, fine lot. Owner. Tabor 4525. MODE RN six-room, two storv house, good location, near car $2900. $500 cash. Owner Woodlawn 426. 7S0 Williams ave. FOR SALE .'-room cottage, walking dis tance: 1 !. Broadway n. IRVINGTON High-cla-exceptional value. " $ri room in g houi i0. East 8015. 7-ROOM house for sale on Williams ave. P63 Williams ave. SMALL house snd lot cheap; selL Main 7927. $350; must REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hou A GOOD INVESTMENT. $.00 home for &HOu. locate! In the choicest residence district of Portland; ft jxtra large rooms and fine s.eeping porch. Never offered for sale before. Owner has -ft the city and w ired me to sell his home. Quick action necessary. as bs needs some mony. This Is one of the bargains you hear about but seldom ee. See this at once and be convinced of the genuineness of this offer. Seen by ap pointment only. Phone MR- D E LA HL'NTY TODAY. East 20 Week days Main 17QO. WESTMORELAND, $ 2 OO . DRIVE out and se 1241 Et Twenty second t. This is on the SeilwooU line and not lar out. Just think of being able to buy a five -room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, ce ment basement, wash trays, etc.. for $2Smi! The lot irt 47xlOO, garage, and the street improvement are nil in and paid; surely if you are looking for a bargain you have found it. A. U. Teepe Co.. L'04 Stark sl., ner Third. Main 351; branch office, h iftieth and Sandy. JUST BEYOND PIEDMONT. A REAL BUY. $;ilw. HERE truly is the place you want a real nifty modern bungalow with harawood t oorm. fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement b;inement, etc.; you will have 10 see this to au predate its aiue; It's practically new; Jou would expect to pay much more; terms, t"0- A. O. Teepe Co., 2o4 Stark st.. near Third. Main U51ii; branch office. Goth and Sandy. NEAR MT. TABOR RESERVOIR $27.SO. Six beautitul lots anu lare 6-room houHe; concrete foundation, basement, bath and toilet; three of these lots face on Division st. and when we tell you that vacant lota in this vicinity have sold for as high as $sou each you will appreciate the value of this effer; $M0 cash, balance monthl payments. Fred AV. German Co.. 73 Chamber of Corn. $5500, I RVINGTON S.VtOO. Eight fine rooms. Ivory finish, attrac tive built-in features, modern in every detail, center of Irvlugton's choicest homes; terms, half cash. Owner f26 East 16th Xoith, near Braxee. 1 am also offer ing splendid values iu homes. 50th st., near Sandy, $1j..o. &2d St., tieur Sandy, $J00O. East Madison. $o5o0. MAKE ME AN OFFER On my tt-room. modern Sunny side home with garage, garden, fruit, etc Double plumbing, 1 urnace, full cement basement, one bedroom 1st lloor, two 2d. plenty closets, buil'.-ln drawers, etc. Clear price. L icrnn 10 suit. tau ih Dor ivi or come and see it at Hi I . featmoa near EJih. BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! HO ft, frontage on paved street; corner lot, all assessments paid; dandy little house, strlutly modern ; ten min. walk to three shipyards, $2OO0. half cash. Vacant lots in. vicinity cannot be purchased at this price. PARR1SH St WAT KINS. 106 2d st. Main 1644. HOUSE AND LOT $500. On Foster Road 4 paved about 10A feet west of East Eighty-first street. l feet frontage, running through to Fifty-fifth Ave.; four-room cottage, .needs repairs; Is connected with gas aud water. Want $200 down. GO DP A RD fk WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. BEAUTIFUL. HOME $ u50O. 8 rooms and sleeping porch; large llv-Ing-room ; white enamel finish; thorough ly modern; la rice grounds with trees and shrubs; on corner loOxloo feet on E. "2.: h St.. near M t. Tabor car line. Full partlcu larseupon application. Price $0500; terras, but no trade. Main StV.W. MT. TABOR PICKUP. $3750. 6-room bungalow, good-sized living roonr with connecting den; two large bedroom Dutch kitchen; close In on iiclinont street. $500 cash will handle. MK. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700i Home. East 20 S6. AM CALLED TO WAR. HOME FOR SALE. $250U: SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE LIKE RENT. Eight-room house and full basement: corner lot. two blocks from car. -0 min utes to down town. All clear. Seeowner. 612 Pit toe k b I oc k. BIG SNAP IN ALBINA, $21041. B room house, V biock to car, near ship yards and railway shops. Good tncome can be made by keeping roomers; $.'OU cash will handle. Main 170O. Mr. Dcia- hunty. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. $27.rt. Five-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, etc. No assessments to assume. See thisj sure. A. G. Teepe Co.. Jt4 Stark St.. near Third. Main :;.".!; branch office. 5nh a-nd Sondv. A FEW SNAPS YET. SEE US TODAY. HURRY. Five neat bungalow s. prices $1 100 to $200u. One partly furnished, small pay ment down, balance like rent. Auto at your service. Hughes A Blake. 114' Grand ave., over Citizens' bank. Phone Lust 15M. ROSE ''ITT PARK NEW 5-ROOM BUN GALOW. LARGE SLEEPING- PORCH AND GARAGE: FINISHED IN IVORY EN AMEL. WALLS PAPERED, HARDWOOD FI-OORS THROUGHOUT. PRICE $4500. PHONE OWNER. TABOR 3a2S. FOR SALE Ity owner, t - room house and three bits for $ l.V0; ratrt cash, rest on easy payments, or trade for Portland prop erty. Phone 2M4-J, or address los 17th st.. Oregon Cit y. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. House. on btHinlful Portland Heights from S2.-.0O up. BROOKE. 511 Montgom ery d rl vo. corner Elm st. Marshall 4s27 A-3S:t:. Ca ll mornings. $ 1 ,"7n f ' 0 H' "USE AND inn X100. 11 AND EAST COUCH. $ W 11 1 E ST ATE MUST 'SKI. U EASY TERMS. Marshall 240. WM. BOKCHERS. 52U Henrv Bldg. ON MISSISSIPPI street, close to shipyards and ca-rshops; modern o-room rottuge in fine condition, fruit trees, for $20.. Terms to suit. Call at 404 Plait bldg. for par ticulars. ONffof the most beautiful bungalows In the city. reiei'i location, quarter block, garage, all street improvements tn and paid, price and terms upon application. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. TWO modern bungalow-style houses. 4S3 and 4J3 E. Seventh st. North; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all built-in effects ; some terms. Phone East 3064. Owner, 4J5 East 7th North. 8 ROOMS, sleeping porch, sunroom, good basement, two natns. line 1 urn ace, garage, lot 75x135, view property, select district. Main 22HH between S and 12 A. M. for terms. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE (Sunnyslde Addition), between Hawthorne and Sunnyslde car- lines; price $2500. 5 per cent discount for cash. Owner, 410 Chamber of Commerce building. THE 2story dwelling on a parcel of land with a frontage of 100 feet on Hawthorne ave. and 7.S feet on East 20t h st. Price $."."(00, on terms. Burrcll Investment Co., 25 3d St. BEFORE purchasing property obtain report on its value ana con alt ion. Get your money s worm. i.easonaoje marges, siac Naught on A Raymond, valuation experts. ' Corbett bldg. Main 815. NEW 4-room house, never been occupied, walking distance to shipyard, $1250; oniy $75 down. See Draper, 117 Philadelphia st., St. Johns. LARGE residence, close In, on best carline In city, with 2 well-arranged 3 -room apis, upstairs. 8 rms. below. Shows net income f o J 1 H per cent. Owner. N 22. Oregonian. SACRIFICE 7-room house, heart of Port land, lot 25xtf 2-3. No. .2 10th su North, worth $10.0OO. take $6500. Owner. A. Wil helm 1743 Summit ave.. Seattle. Wash. 6-ROOM modern home, party furnished, Woodmere Sta., 2 lots, fruit trees and gar den. $2700. Easy terms. Harold A. Gil bert, the reliable piano merchant. Yamhill Jt. s OOOO Weal Side investment. 4 lots. 3 room flats. 2 7-room houses; all modern ; paved streets, on carline: $12,ouu, easy terms. Call owner. Mar. liZb. $2550 Buys a modern 5-room house on East Hancock st. close to Broadway bridge. An excellent buy. For particulars, call at 404 Piatt bldg: MODE RN S-room house with garage, in Beaumont. A I cor st ruction. Call owner evenings taoor ouring oay fc.aat 5O0. FOR SA LE. by owner, 4-room collage 2 lots PHixloO on paved street. 131 E. 55th. cor. E. Hoy t. near Gi lean. CLOSE in on Morrison st., $300 cash will handle. Phone Mr. Delahunty, Mam 7t0 evenings. East 200. RICHMOND bungaiow; modern, paved; $.1000; monthly payments. Owner, 141 East !th North. MUST sell in a hurry. S-room cottage. In very good condition, $1 500; terms if de sired L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. i-HooM bungalow. Rose City Park, slee ing porch, fireplace, furnace, hardwood Fioors. 551 E. t'.lst st. N. Phone East 11 S3. UNUSUALLY attractive modern 7 rooms. 2 lots. $400 cash, 4i monthly. Teepe Co., liuOD six-room house with sleeping porch, 111 E. 34th st.; $25oo. terms; liberty bonds accepted. Phone Marshall 23uJ FOR SXLE Good 4-room modern bunga low, $1-V".'t. terms. tilJ4 84th Court S. E. Tabor 2:i2d. BUY 6 rooms from owner; small payment, bajance like rent; will take liberty bonds. Main 40j. MODERN i-rooii. nouse. lot R"txloo; fruit treej. terms. cy ow ner, w cin. .H EUBURRAN hom-8. Monthly payment! Alberta car. $200 cash. . t. y . nry, .M-in 1377. IRVINGTON Attractive 7-room home, likl new; 4 bedrooms. Owner, East 23S. NICE house ior 4 lami.iea. Terms to suit. on . ". wwii r oo r roni il h O RT LAND HEIGHTS home. $500 cash. $33 mommy, jsirreii to, . vv. azut hide. HFAL ESTATE. kor -le -llo 2M Hi iUSES FOR SALE. Over AO house- on our list to eelrt from; houses in every district, at almost any price and terms you want: have pho to graphs of these houses, with full data regarding price. terms. location. etc. ; would be very pleased to have you call at our office and look over our list. We can be of service lo you in helping you find the home you are booking for. Autos to show our properties. Open Sundaa and evenings. See FRANK L. WcOVlRB, ABINGTON BLDG. TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN lHit. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS. OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. WILCOX BLDG. Main 851T. Sixth and Washington. ROSE CITY PARK, 6 ROOMS, $3H. SPLENDIDLY built house of 6 rooms. 24 blocks from Hons City Park car; all modern conveniences. hardwood floors, ninMlve buffet, fireplace, furnace, French doors, etc.; no asttc-sments to aasume; the owner Just must sell; surely you will want to see this. A. G. Teepe Co.. 2H4 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3516; branch office. Fiftieth and Sandy. POSSESSION AT ONCE ROSE CITY PARK $650 DOWN Five rooms, larce attic, cement base ment and furnace, hardwood floors In main rooms. only two blocks to car; paved street assessments bunded. Price $J65o. J. L, Hurt man Co., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 2u, A 2U5o. PARKROSE ACRE HOME. One block from car and Columbia High way ; you can buy a nice 6-room home, modern except heat, all kinds Irult and berri-; ou can grow anything you nevd on this place ami have all conveniences of a city home. The price is only 4GH) and $5ui is all you need pay down. Coe A. MiKenn dc Co., M. 45 J. 7 J Chamber Commerce. WILLAMETTE H EIGHTS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Owner moving to Eastern Oregon: furni ture packed and will give immediate pos session If desired; six rooms with large living room, unobstructed view; hardwood floors; two fireplaces, furnace: corner Franklin and Rugby sts; a choice place snd well worth the price of $ono. GODDARD ac WIEDRICK. 24S STARK ST. A RARE opportunity; we hae decided" to sM our sven-room. strictly modern house with one or two acres of ground, all kinds of fruit trees, berries, nice law 11. flowers, shade trees, etc, large clijcken parks, good outbuildings and fences, good soil, all citv conveniences, only one block to paved streets and carline. The price is rtrhL Act quickly. P. MAl'KK It, ow ner, lo East Eighty-seventh st. N. WOULD YOU PAY $4.O0 for one of the most beautlTul homes In Rose City Park ? We will show' a 7-room bungalow, finished In white enamel, that is a dream of beauty. The location. 3'uh St., M only 2 blocks to car. There are no paving or o: her as sessments to aa.iume. Coe A Mr Kenna at lo , M. 4522. 7 27 "habber Commerce. Suburban llumrm. FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alderbrook on Oregon City car, third bouse north of Itisiey station. $15.0 aCRE, gar Grove. Main 07 b:dg. eo ;ot. cottage. Iske i. McFarland, 140S Yeon For Hale tauainesa Pre petty. FOR bAI.K Flrst-claMi cigar store and shoe-shlnlng parlor, well stocked, good business: also 5-passenger Overland, early 1118 model. In first-class condition; 1 am drafted ; will accf-pt liberty bonds. 'oloudskls. Main 4 72. CosT $45.noL price today $ l."..5oO; Income :i'0 monthly; earn fwoo. Seliwood 14o. WILL sacrifice good piece business property ior r-ni cub ii. vvoiistein, 11-1 1st. lloiueotearts: KrlinquinbtUfDts. BEST O. A C homestead opened. 100 A.. 32 miin 1 rom 4 on is no. ior Sale or trade. D. A. Norton. 814 Pittock blk. TWO dandy homesteads adjoining on county road, neighbors, creeks, good school, $200 eacn it tanen QUICK, .t.o Morgan bidg. Ior frale Acreage. 10 ACRES. 3 In cultivation, bal. timber; enough timber to py for clearing. All lies weii ana oest ox son; good i-room house and good outbutluings. Located 3 mnes soutn 01 rcoenviiie on good road. Price $1700. good terms. 3 ACRES all In cultivation, fine soil, good 'y room house with bath and toilet, good barn, lots of chicken houses and runs, ail kinds of fruit. Just outside of city limits. j carfare, 10 minutes walk from car. i-rice j..uu anu terms. 3 1-3 ACRES in high state of cultivation, best of aoll and lies line, good fruit. 4- room house, large barn, good outbuildings, on Oregon Electric, 25 minutes out from Portlana. 3 blocks from station, sidewalk. Price $oOO. Good terms. JORDAN A GARBADE. 40$ Camber of Commerce. lH E A P ACREAGE. Five acres. $L'."0; $IO down. $5 per mo. buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centra I ia, on the main line of three railroads, IV, miles from a town of mm population, sawmills and shingle mills; some of this land Is partly cleared; run ning streams, some bo t torn and some bench. Some of this land is good on Ion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. HELL REAL ESTATE CO., :tH Railway Exchange Bldg. A LITTLE FARM. 8 acres, lies wt-ll. best of soil, all fenced, all been In crop. 2 miles from city limits, 2 blocks to e;ctrlr station and paved highway; good roads to place: good S-room cottage with fine fireplace, barn, chicken house and park; good well water piped to nouse. ?ome nice snaae trees. I Mc $1S00. $3un ensh. ha! a nee good terms. A. H. BIRKELL '0.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg.. Marnhnll 4114. A 411. ACRES -LOCATION HARD TO BEAT. Corners Powell alley road and cross road. 20-mlnute drive to town, road paved all the way; ground lays fine, nice trees. electric lights and gas. Price $2uOO. rea sonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chumber of Commerce. 10-ACRE SNAP. ft acres cultivate.!, all good land, 4-room house, oarn ami chicken house, tools, lur nlture and chickens, near school, p. O. and store handy; $1000 takes everything; terms $o00 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Bi ACRES, new ft-room house, electrla light, wen. rreeK. some wooil, 2 blocks Oregon Electric 348 Montgomery it, near Park. 100 A. SPRUCE. Coos Co.. near Myrtle Point. reaniiy accessiuie. fjuu. U. A. ISoriOO. M-l i'lttOCK DIK. CLOSE-IN acreage, by owner. son st. Broadway 4:t. For Sale -Farm. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $.1 to $200 per acre, easy terms; oest son. Farms for sale, all su McFarland. 14Uft Yeon bldg Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil. H tillable, employment. easy Terms jesse k. nrp. aa nx. For Sale -Karma. 120 ACRES. WATER FRONT. Close to Portland, river and rallrosd transportation : cut up In 2, 5 and lO-scre tracts: you can buy o acres for $10 down and $5 per month; 10 acres, $20 down snd $10 per month: fine place to raise ducks. geese and chickens, as there is a large pona tn tne rear: also a good place to raise willow for market; some all cleared snd some partly cleared; from $70 to $125 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 3 IS Railway Exchange Bldg. ABSOLUTELY the best bargain tn an East ern Oregon stork ranch ever offered: must go to war. must turn quickly; 1300 acres. near K. R., unlimited outrange. 7H lrr gated. 450 head of cattle lnclude-1 ; price $.o per acre. L. K Moore, 317 Board of Trade. $000 ACRES In Southwest Washington for sale to settlers only ; easy terms, loi nncea. S5 ner acre and no. Liberty boad accepted at par. Write for map shoelog location, terms, etc. WEVERHAEL'EK TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoraa, Wash. 160 ACRES 16 mllea from Portland: welt storked and good buildings. Household furniture and farm msehtnery ; will sea or exchange for Portland income Drop erty or will rent to responsible partv and sell personal property. Terms If desired. H HI 4. Oregonian. 160-AC RE ranch. 20 miles from Portland ; hard roaos, close to school, running creeic. heavy hay lnd. heavy clover ready to cut, good dairy bam. small house, for Quick sale $s0O0, terms. $20 Morgan bldg., owner. POULTRY FARM FOR SALE. 10O0 White Leghorn hens, laying house etc. comoletely equipped. 15.0u)-egg New ton incubator; sold 33 OOO chicks this year, books open, over $JOK profit: might trade- F res h I a id Fa rm. Colfax. Wash. 7 ACRES, near Willamina. half clear, fenced, house, barn, creek; $100 down. SIO month; ;io 40 acres near Sheridan; house, creek; 300 down. bal. ft years. J. R. Sharp. S 3d st. FINE Willamette valley farm. East 4 44. . 1-ah st N. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farm-. 2U ACHES. 1 J. m hlffh Sl.it of tu.ilvatinn on good road; good tf-room buncilow, g 000. brn; water pipd to bouse snd bum. fd by spring, all kinds of out bu 1: dn xs. young orchard, all kinds small fruits, some fum.tur, 2 good horses. cow. 1 he;f-r. bt crem separator and a i implements: Th;s place Is IO miles from Vancouver, $ wo0 for all, on terms. t seres. 25 in cultivation, bal. pasturs w'th running water. 3 trot bearing or chard, assoned apples and prunes, extra good ft -room bouse, good bam 4"xrtn. out -but. dings, whole p ace is fenced hog-tight. Th ! is a comp.ete farm, best oit in Oregon, on auto road, one-fourth ml: front electric road. 1 7 mi es from Port land, good neighborhood. This is the best we have seen for the price. $0000, and will give tfrmi JORDAN' A GARB ADE. 4 Chamber of Commerce. YOUR CHANCE IN CANADA R ;ch lan!s and business opportunities offer you Inde pendence. Farm lands $11 to S0 acre. irr.gs.ted lands. $:i. to $50; n years to pay. $2ooo loan in improvement a Loans of livestock. Taxes average under 20 cents an acre, no taxes on improvements, personal property or livestock. Good markets, churches, schools, roads, telephones. Ex cellent c'.imate crops and livestock piove It. Spec 11 homeseekets fare certificates. Write for free booklet. A i a n Cameron. General Superintendent Land Branch. Ca nadian Pacif ic ity., 4v3 Ninth ave., C. ga ry. ATherts. FOR SALE 650-acre stoca and grain farm. $15 per acre: ore mile from railroad. O.-W. R. A N. Box IMU. The Dalles. Or. WANTM -REAL ESTATE. I CAN SELL YOUR HOUSE. My office Is centrally located; my sales men experienced, courteous, and energetic. My list of buyers for homes from $2(HHl up Is large. Prompt service given. - List today for speedy re.ult. Call Mso Tnnee, with Paul C. Murphy, 270 S stark. Phone .Main 17Q0 or Tabor ttilW evenlnga WE have a great demand fr moderate priceu nouses on payments, espeoially to the north and east part of the city. We have the organization to handle your property and get results. Let us sell your hotines. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. LIST WITH US. Immediate buyers for homes in Portland and vicinity. Try us for quirk ircrn. PARR1SH & WATK1NS. d at. I'hone Main lu44. NOTICE TO HOUSE OWNERS. We specialize In home properties and can sell your house. &e us for quick action. THE CROSSLET-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark St. Mam 3052. NOW is the time to cash In on the house ou went to get rid of; we have customers 10 buy for cash and on terms and can get quick action. GODDARD : WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. WANT residence; give beautiful 20. near e tec trie: steam, some improvements; un incumbered . even exchange. Ow ner. 141 East fith North. W ANTE D A good little bun gs low In good district; will pay lo cash and monthly payments like rent- Call hfluro b A. H. or after 6 P. M. Tabor A55j. HAVE another buyer with $Hhh cash to pay down on a 5-room bungalow, modern conveniences. Full particulars to W. H. Hurley. !5 Irving st. Mar. 2.m.I. WE want several small homes with one or more acres on good car lines near this citv ; have cash customers waiting. GODDARD A WEIDKKK. S4J STARK ST WANT suburban home between Lakewood and RUley; about $J5O0. P 444. Orego nian. BY SH IP BUILDER, good 4 or 5 -room houM. Must be reasonable, and cy ternn Ho!l, 101 Occident St. WANT furniture store immediately. me. H 51: j. oregonian. SEE Frank 1. McC.ulre to sell your home. Main Hv , 411-414 Ablngton bldg. Farms Wanted. WANT lo rent on shares from 10 to 154 acres under piiip', fuly equipped, wun from 10 to 15 1 o s. L 4'M. Ort-gonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. RENT FREE For one year of 20-acre farm on gray elled roikd In Sunnyslde district. O miles from Court house ; large brick and frame house, barn 4x40. if you will buy stock and tools as follows: Six cows and regis tered stork; also tools and impiemeuta. Price $... GODDARD A WIEDRICK. ' 243 Stark St. 3- At it E 1 rai't and 5-rooin bouse, barn and mifiiui iiifii; .s b:o-k- t mm orenco si tlon. on t he Ores mi Elct rlc. at $ l a month. Call at 404 Plait bldg. for par ticulars. , 250 Ai'RES. two in lies o. A. C. Adapted for stock ana grain, owner. ; uuian su TIMBER LANDS. T I M li E R for sal e S W 1 Sec. 2 ; also E of N E and N w or r. Sec. 32. T 15 S, R B W; 20 acres; 7.500. mm feet H. M.. all sound, fine for di mension snd tie timber; fine road: 7 miles of railroad station ; t an hauled by auto truck easily to si at Ion ; price $70oo : one-ha If down. b lance as timber ts marketed. Pent chance In Lane County for small sawmill to make big money, owner. M. S. Wai lis. Eugene, or. FR SALE S or 4 thousand sticks or io. 1 piling, with several tnouanu more jolntng land, nc ear R, K. Room 27 51 North Third St. 32 ACRES limber. 3 3.OO0.tHH) feet. Dougjas 'o., 92.50 M HtumpaRe. I . iiir. Hroadway, Salem. Or. TIMFER LANDS TtOlHSHT AND SOLD. Mccracken. 304 McKay Bdg. TO EXCHANGE-REAL K8TATE. TsxTAT'TtKiTI. tract of bottom land on the Oregon r-ieci ric. ir -ei .y n Creek, reached by Taylor's Ferry road only 11 miles from the center of Portland, about 10 acres cleared and In cultivation, mhieh I will trad for home In good resi dence section of Portland. For particulars see attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. 120 ACRES rolling land. TO cultivated, acres oaK limner ana pasture, torus wood. 4 horses and narness. ouggy nn harness, 1 cow. 2 brood sows, 1 boar. 25 chickens, binder, mower, rake tnewi. hay anA min enouch for Winter: ft-room house; for improved acreage. R. 1, Box 22. Amity, Or. $rt5.nOfl. PORTLAND. LEAFKP, PATl.Mi fli- Tp'K EST or vAi.i a I i v -' -.-n FOR FARM WITHIN IOO MILES OF PORTLAND. CLE V ELA N D. 505 I.L'M HERM EN'S BLDO. BROADWAY 3125. 9-BOOM house. large basement, one and 1 half lots, large fruit trees, best rest den . ii jt.iriM in Port land: value ikw. in cumbrance $lfiOO. To exchange for good farm land, improved or unimproved, hut must be clear of Incumbrance. AK 6ol, Oregonian. X.- R f W A N TED. -arm ,-ehn-M Portland anartment. with rnM Income, for clear farm. Can handle clear faxra to $100.ooo. W. R. KASER. Main 173. 517 Corbett Bldg. eco a r-R v. iralfa ranch. 4 miles to R- R. Owner's age and health compels change; will consider exenange ior roruanw in come property; price $DH per A. Mlht - assume some. I K. Moore. 317 Board o f Trad e. WILL trade eouity of $.1000 in fco acres of sugar beet land, under the. Car Act tn 1'tah. acre-sable to the largest sugar fac tory In state, for Oregon or Washington agricultural land. Addresa J. C La Plant IntL, w a sMngton St. Vancouver. Wash. W ILL assume up to $40,000. on Improved city property. Offer In exchange unen cumbered farm and timber lands up to f.WOOO; mill trade M or part. L 407. Oregonian. SALE OR EXCHANGE. GaVage with modern 7-room living thorne anartment on seconn i loor . on it ave. $7imi. Cleveland, 505 Lumbermen's bldg. proad wsy a 125. FRANCE gete me; $:5.0oo apartment nets f j.'.twi above every expense and Interest on $15.ooo mortgage. Want clear property to leave. Call at 426 Henry b:dg. WILL take unimproved for equity good R room house and 7 lots, east side, near Mt. Taivor car. Mtge. $2550. Main 41J4. -147 Park st. A FINE West Side home, select location, elegant view, large, fine grounds ; rrtce $14 0Ml; consider part In other good clear property. L. K- Moore. 317 Hoard of Trade. EXCHANGE 4 acres unimproved land Josephine County, or four mi.es from rail road for borne or acreage. B 16, &o East fnrru there. Portlapd. WILL exchange two beaut l'ul h nth -grade lois on corner 2 lid and Hawthorne for de sirable Portland home. AK 714, Orego- $3000 EQUITY In Laurelhurst homo to trade for smaller house. Woodlaen ."2. 7-RooM house and 3 acres in Hillsboro for lots in Portland. Tabor 4307 TO rXCIIAXCE MWCELIAKEOrS. 8ALTAIR PEACH LOTa, Will exchange two choice lta, 35x140. at Saltatr station. Tillamook Reach, near depot and hotel. adioins board walk, county road and faces Pacific Ocean, suit able for business or cottages. Want city property or close-la acreage. Address H Oregonian. jTOt VC H A Ti IC M I SCCT.LA VTO I T. Si'I.ID gold match. Eig;n movement, hunt- 1 1 to ecnr.ce lor bun g: a Je inrhfir rwrnp shw;gun or Underwood typrwr.r, moue-. W. It. Kaser, 17 torte:i b dg . Main FOR SA1.K. hoe-s:-..r..ng par. or. w.t stocked. good flN model, in first-c. .s condition;" 1 am drafted . a c r ( p t bonds. 42 t. .M.tm Hre, Hi ! ;-. Uveetwa. bilEEP KOR SALE In any Quantiiy. Ewee ni and up; umi $-5 and up; a.so bt.0 head or catt'e. COFFIN BKOS a k .iit. a n. DEAD dead Sto k taWeu quick: cah pd for cow sad cripp.ed horses. Tabor DKAD horses taken. H.Rhnt cash prices P.d r..r dfj.i cow. and cwn and out horses. I'hono MILWAI'KIB tiJ -'i SALE oung tuck s-.At.on, on is nt store lurham cow at Srtat 1. et S. line. Inquire DEKD horses and tninii I'nrt.jnj j ; e n d r r : t ; g C c s haud sway free. Ca.: Wood. awn ".'. W ILL rv !h for team. Must be bargain. ixieer.th North. JERSEY c f for ss.e, .N 'T.tJk st. 4 months old. llano-. Organ and Musical loMrumenta. PIANO SENSATION r. W. c.rsves. form-r y of c.ravee Music Co.. is .f :ng for Caijforni and wi.l dispose of all of his rvma:niug pianos tn three days. They are good p.anos. some Urd. some nrw. om p..ivers. some r-gu-lr ose. Kinc.'ur . Ca h.e. Chicker.ng. etc. Cash Is un:ed, thoush some terms n.ay be had. Ptnma u dg . ;;d and A uer. 2d floor. Room 21i. Thursdav. Frloay r.d Saturda, 10 A. M. to &.J SECURITY Storage Co. cloning out for cash: un-.ru uprignt. .; itora ufr.f ht. $75. $:i75 Iai.y Co.. J'.tUt; E;Lurn up:.gl.t. '.'.5. $. K.n.bai:, $Ilo; Kurtsnan up., Jto. l."0 new stored upriKhts. a-riJ $".hi $.". Wfhfr player piano. $.45: lt17 model player. $435; part ca.h. tor..'. or oih-r ctirnics accej'tr.i; t.race o month. y. lo Fourth st Washington. ALWAYS see us (--fore disposing of your piano. pyer piano, Victroia or other phonographs or bn4 instruments. We pay CAth for fcny instrument tn good ordsr. or will sell on iit-rl commiios basis. Oregon E:!ers Mu-ic Houk. $4..n FINE HIGH-tiRADE PIANO. GOOD AS NEW. fiui; $5o loWN. $ll MONTH. WONDERFUL BARGAIN $55 STCVVES ANT PIANO, n 1.1. SIZE. $;.5o. 12 WoKESTi;it BLlKi. $25 CASH. MO MONTHLY, buys new 1911 model 4o piano for $a.t7. 5u; a $50 bond pa a ur til after .lanuary 1. P. '.. At Sch an Piano Co.. Ill 4th et a; ash. ALMt T rew $15u Conn Itb T S .1 o -Free Morrt- phone, with cav; now $'..V Te lessons. Graves Music Store. 1 HAVE a new talking machine that will revolutionize the (-honograph industry. S e me before you buy. Harold L. Gil bert. :il Yamhill st. i'TNCINE Martin French Boe'im System lf-.ow pitch clarinet; worth $110. now $t. Ter ns. Graves Music tore. 25 Morrison si. HoLXoN .i vr r $G5 m : ! options tn Et and C. w.:h soiil leather roc; only $U. Terms. Free lessons. Graves Mu.c Store. 2 Morr.son st-. at 4tU. $1hi OR MORE CASH paid for your used upright ptano or a Tiew $t-u phonograph and $1 in records In exchange st Se curity Storage Co.. jO. 4:h st.. at W ash. FINE $70 Conn s:lver-iited lib ti.Ue trom bone with Side -open ease. at $:t .50. Graves M ulc. Store. 2S5 Morrison st . PLAYER-PIANO. $t50 cash; a teal bargain, gonian. R 5X Ore CABINET phonoxraph, wax finish, plays a. I makes reon!s. on.y uvea two days. Will s.i.rifice. ;;t Benton st. HANI'SttME mahocany lady's writing oenk. brand new, cost .5. will sell at sacrifice. Phone M rs. l.rVnw.iy. Main 11 2.1. FOR RENT Piano and Baby Grand electric grafano'S. Empire Transfer. Bi 155. GKA FCi cheap. i1,A. lraiid lie, piish button tle 'all Marshall 5Jttl. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill st. PI A NOS t uned, ;e0rge T. Peck. Tabor S."iT4. tirad. New Ens. Conserv at ory. RENT a piano, no so. uares or tbump boxea Haroid s. liiibert. dS4 tamhlil su Furniture for Sale. GAS ran ro. lea in g for Idaho Sa i urn a y. wi.l ell otic Rc.ialde. five burner sas range, ai- ni I iir w i t wo months in us i at a large ilinoun:. Kitst Thirt -se -cnt h u. North. Tabor 4."'.J. UK A L'TI FL" 1 . o j k dining set. practice now for $loo lemu than would cost m cash or 1 loerty bonus. I'a.l Apu lo, w. cor. l-.:h and Couch st. W I1.LIAM and Mary living and dining-room n't. i woroom suite. t rugs, ilorrtn chair, sewing machine, dtnhea, etc. 171 East Sherman t. Mt. Scott car. RiiLI.-TOP. Lat-op and typewriting desks; I! good rugs, office and re ol vir, g chairs. lniuire Superintendent, Stock Exenange bui'timg. FIN E , a ;o holier healer. '. En gene Hrfck. A rden w a ke i.L new. lg-,. Rabbit-. Hlrtls. Pet Htork. SM A LL brmd.c bulldog. Tabor 5'.'2, 1 year old. D Fleim.h dos and 2 bucks cheap, i? GHan, Apt. 7. PET fant.i wood -4 1 Ki'ons for sale cheap. launches and Boats. HOlKR.T. .1 rooms, unf urnt-hed, porch uitable for sleeping porch, nicely painted, wired with 1 .' electric lrops; 5.'i7-". will ac cept hlcriy bontl. AIno houseboat and ca noe, electric wired. $17". Inquire of keeper Portland M"torboHt Club, foot of Wood ward ave. Brooklyn car. Machinery. SPECIA1. One second-hand Derlln reeaw. No. $42 with $-ln. biadea. One second-hand ?4t24 timber planer. A; so all kjnda ef re built second-hand machinery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., FltTt St., Portland. Or. 14-TON road roller, equipped with kerosene, distillate, ga-o line-burning engine ; 25 H. I', on belt: excellent condition; bargain, price. H 5o, oregonian. Typewriters, NEW Remington, rental piin ; rent applies to purchas-e. Visible models. Jiemingtoa Type w rt ter Co., tS Broadway. Tele phono Hrowfi way 621. Gl'A RANTEKD factory rebuilt typewrltera. ALL MAKES, sold on montnly payments; send for price list. The W holesaie Type writer y'o. . retail dept . 321 Wash, st, WE will buy your old typewriter and pay ou cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., U4 Fifth st. Y t l" N G girl wishes either Remington o state price. C 570, to rent typewriter, ' Underwood . please Oregonian. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. I'esse Co.. lit Sixth. PRACTICALLY new visible typewriter. $40, cash or terms. Main 17 Sl . NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at rut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st.. Main 14Q7. TYPEWRITERS cleaned, repaired; a'.l make. M J. Hli5horn. Main 17c or Main 33. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. '.MA 6th. M-ln 3s. UN DER WOOD bargain, late model, nearly new. $40 cash. Marshall 2940. Cash Registers. We Make and Fe!l NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CRF.PIT FILES. Lownt prices. Small month. y payments. No intercut charges Written guarantee Old registers repaired. rebuilt, bought so d and exchsnged. J. R, ML MM A. Agent. The National Cash Register Co.. $90-92 Stark StreeL .Broadway 1810T IOU will find ED. V. PRICK A CO. tail oring for sale in Portland at 409 E. Mor r son st, only; showing rew Fall line. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcase- and wal leases, fixtures; easy terms, W. J. Quigley. 227 First. Main $S. IOR SALE or rent, longing and hoisting engines, all kino's, machine-)', rslls. cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 2-i5 Sta rk at. BVKE oven for sale, wood-burner; also some chairs. Amerb an Cafeteria. 150 Flftn su Phone 4 ft.V. Main. GRAPE? bor ' now and until Oct. 20. Phone Ta- OA K R LLS for saw miil. I.llhee $tanufsctory. ak)ar.d. Or. PERN DRAFTEL" FIVE BICYCLE SALE CHEAP. 12S 1ST. NEAR ALDER. VACUUM c.eaners aoM. repaired, rented, eschar- -d. bousht. Rent ley Co . M ."1 in W2. COMPLETE Dictaphone outfit, never been ued: bargain. C 5 , Oregonian. WILL se Cost .i a 1x14 new wall tent for $25 Phone Mt.'.. SEVERAL'-' good second-hand safes at tb right price. 46 Front st- Bros4wt 1044.