THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 3, 1918. ICE HOCKEY ASSURED Association Heads Will Meet at Seattle Friday. MUCH INTEREST MANIFEST Representatives of All Clubs Will Be Present and Many Problems of Importance to tlie Game AV11I Be Considered. SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. I. (Special.) Ice hockey, the fascinating sport which has furnished several thousand Ivorthwest fans weekly with enter tainment for several Winters, will be on the sport calendar again this year. This is the tip that comes down from Vancouver, where the powers, that be in the Pacific Coast Hockey Associa tion reside A meeting- has been called for Se attle Friday, announced President J-'rank Patrick, at which the directors will arrive at some understanding as to how the league will shape up. The conference means that the owners are planning' to operate again this year. Friday's session will be preliminary to the annual meeting, which will be held next month at Vancouver. Rep resentatives of all the clubs will at tend. Several problems confront the officials. The question of players i-i the most serious, as many of last year's men are now in the big game. How ever, there are a good many hockey players left, the entire Vancouver team being practically intact. The organization of the league also will be discussed at the session. Last season the league finished the schedule with Seattle, Portland and Vancouver in the race, which is probably the way. it will line up this year. With tens of thousands of shipbuilders in the three cities and all three towns enjoy ing unusual prosperity, it is almost certain that the moguls will decide to start the season with these three cities represented. Frank Patrick Is not rushing things, hut will wait until the meeting be fore making any announcement. The league prexy has not definitely stated that hockey will be played this sea son, desiring to wait until he is sure everything is satisfactory. SCHOOL RIVALRY KEEN LINCOLN AD . JAMES JOHN TO CLASH HERE FRIDAY. "Rallaplittera" Have Been Practicing Hard Under Coach Sandera Are in Speedy Condition. With real football weather In Bight nothing will be lacking for the opening game of the Interscholastic League to morrow afternoon on Multnomah Field, with Lincoln tackling James John in the initial contest of the season. Although James John has not been a. member of the Interscholastic League for several seasons, a rivalry has sprung up between that Institution and Lincoln that borders on the famous old Washington-Lincoln clashes. Last year a great commotion arose over tho James John-Lincoln game, when the former team was awarded the con test by a 7-0 score. A Lincoln man raced for a touch down after grabbing a kick, but was not allowed the ecore by Referee Stub ling. Lincoln has never been able to get over that loss, and is out to make up for it tomorrow afternoon. Only three veterans will be in the James John lineup, according to Coach Camp bell, while eight or nine last year's players are back in the harness at Lincoln. The "Railsplitters" have been practicing hard under Coach George Sanders and are said to be an excel lent combination of speed and weight. A dent was put In the proepects last week', when Fullback Twining and Right Tackle Dodge left school. Twin ing to go to the University of Oregon and Dodge to the University of Wash ington. Dodge was turned down at the University of Washington, so is bark in his position again. Hanson will play fullback in Twining's place. He was captain of last year's track team and is a football man of experi ence, having played with Lincoln for several years. Hanson also weighs more than Twin ing, and should fill the iatter's shoes to a "T." Monroe, Seltzer or Robinson will likely start the game at the halves for Lincoln. Morris Rogoway will play quarterback again this year. . Columbia's chances have been shot to pieces again. Bob Tucker and Ship ley have quit school and several others may follow soon. Those now working out under Coach Luck have not given up hope for a championship aggrega tion. Bert Jacobberger is captain and plays quarterback. The Portland interscholastic football followers will see a regular "whiz" in action at quarterback for the first time this season when Jefferson plays Commerce on October 8. He is Xorman "Frenchy" Youmans. Youmans has been ineligible at Jefferson until this year, and is out to make up for lost time. Youmans weighs about 125 pounHs, but is one of the best playere ever developed here. While at Lincoln several years ago he was groomed for the quarterback position by Stanley Borleske, but broke his leg in prac tice and did not get to play. MUFF SEEKS RIG GAME LOOK OIT, BltOXSOX," IS ADVICE OF SEATTLE FANS. McCarthy and Billy Wright Sign for Bout at Taroma Next Week. Hourk to Meet Ba. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 2. (Special.) "Look out, Bronson," is Seattle box ing fans' advice to Muff, who meets McCarthy Friday night. After seeing the businesslike manner in which the Californian disposed of the Seattle boy, local followers think the fighting harp is a wonder. McCarthy has been matched with Billy Wright, thereby proving that latter is game to tackle anything once. The bout will take place at Tacoma next week. Wright is a shifty, clever boy, who Ehould be able to keep away, from McCarthy's piledriver right, but he is biting off a large chunk in pick ing the Californian. Houck ia going to take another fling at the Los Angeles game. Houck is popular down South, having broken into the moving pictures in Los An geles, and he has signed to box Louis Rees at Vernon this coming Friday. Houck left right after Tuesday' show with Kruvosky and Levin on. After seeing Farmer take his little trimming Tuesday the fans are now clamoring for a King-Kruvo-sky go. Mickey is perfectly willing to tackle the southpaw boxer and the bout will probably be arranged for the next show. VALUABLE DOG GOES ASTRAY President of Portland Gun Club Loses English Setter. ' Arthur K. Downs, president of the Portland Gun Club and one of the best known trapshooters, hunters and an glers in the Northwest, has abandoned the traps, pheasants, ducks and trout, for Downs has lost his dog and any true sportsman knows what that means. The animal is an English setter and answers to the name of Laddie. Laddie is mostly white. Both ears are black and the right side of the dog's head is black. The dog is about a year and a, half old. Any information regarding the animal would be appreciated by Downs, who can be reached at 266 North Twenty-fifth street, or at his office, 626 Morgan building. WAR LCRES YAXKEE ATHLETES Girls Play Part in, Amateur Associa tion for First Time. For the first time in the history of athletics on the Pacific Coast three girls were present as delegates at the annual meeting of the Pacific Associa tion "of the Amateur Athletic Associa tion in San Francisco the other day. The three girls who produced; their proper credentials as the representa tives of the Piedmont Girls' Swimming Club and were duly seated on the board were the Misses Phyllis Tibbetts, Min nie Cowherd and Carmen Hernandez. That the war has hit amateur sports is evidenced by the report of Chairman Merle Andrus, of the registration com mittee. In 1917 the report showed a registration of more than 1400 athletes in all branches of sport, while the re port from 1918 showed a total regis tration of only 800. Motorboat Club to Frolic. The Portland Motorboat Club will stage its first smoker for the fall sea son on Wednesday evening, October 23. Dr. Charles E. Hill has been put in charge of affairs again and has prom ised to put on another of his famous entertainments. Boxing and wrestling will be among the features, together with some classy stuff by home talent. A number of other features are on the bill. These will be announced later. PERMITS SHOW INCREASE Building Thus Far This Year Much More Active Than in 1917. Building permits for the first nine months total $5,132,369 as against .2,757.145 -for the same period last year, according to City Building Inspector Plummer. The total number issued in creased from 2569 to 4231 for the nine months. For September 603 permits involving $475,951 were reported, as against 265 for $184,285 in September, 1917. Most of the permits were for email structures or for repairs. Garages are being erected, Mr. Pltimmer reports. This is attributed to the large number of cars owned by shipworkers. PLACES TO LIVE VACANT Police Report 2 08 Cnoccnpied Dwellings, Flats and Lodgings. Portland has 208 vacant dwellings, flats, and lodging-houses, according to a. survey completed by the Police Bureau, and filed with Mayor Baker. In addition, there are 30 vacant store buildings that could be transformed into living quarters. Some of the houses and lodgings are In bad condition, the report says. The state of repair is listed either as good, fair, poor, or bad. Every building from a vacant shanty -to an empty Drick store is included. The police also col lected the names of a number of per sona who had rooms for rent. DR. STEINER LEAGUE HEAD Sunday Closing Resolution Discussed by Marlon Organization. SALEM. Or.. Oct 2. (Special.) Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner was elected chairman of Marion County Defense League at a meeting held here tonight with mem bers of the State Council. The Sunday closing rule' was dis- discussed but no action was taken. Chairman Woodward, Secretary Kollock and Paul Sullivan, members of the State Council, were here from Portland. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 2. Maximum tempera ture, 60 deprees; minimum 64. River read- In. 8 A. M.. 3.7 leet: cnanr in last -4 hours, 0.3 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M-. .25 of an Inch: total since Sep tember 1. 1918. .91 of an Inch; normal, 2.04 inches; deficiency. 1.13 inches. Sunrise. 7:11 A. M.; sunset. 6:n0 E. M. ; total sunshine. 42 minutes; possible sunshine. 11 hours and 39 minutes; moonrise, o:o A. ii. ; moon set. 5:31 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea UCK RES. U. 3. When, you walk into a dependable shoe store and ask tor a pair 01 Buckhecht Army Shoes, you can be sure That this Army Shoe is up to standard that it is made by workmen who have turned out more than 600,000 Army Shoes under expert supervision and that it is backed by a record of more than fifty years of honest shoe manufacturing. Look for our registered trade name Buckhbcht stamped on the sole of every Shoe for our mutual protection. The Uurkbecbt Army Shoe la Bold Portland by C. II. Baker. In Other Torrna by Principal Deal) Carter's little liver Fills You Cannot be v A Remedy That Constipated f cartei&' Makes Life and Happy A r j Worth Living Small Pin JT J lp!LL!tt Ganmhma bears slcnarare A'SSSiSS.'Sti.g; fARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but 'a will greatly help moat pale-faced peopla n r ' V rvrr leven. 5 P. M.. 30.01 Inches. Relative hu midity at noon, 48 per cent. THE WEATHER. j 7 1 C-1 fi g - - - (n Jpl Wind STATION. tat. of Weather E 2 1 I s ft Is 5 !! : S I : Baker 48 70 O.OOj . . IKE Pt. cloudy Boise 68 74 0.00.. XW Cloudy Boston 4S BR0.OL'14's Cloudy Calgary &'2 68:0.001 .. (SB Pt. cloudy Chicago 1 B2 r.S 0.OL . .IKK Clear Denver 48 70 O. OOJ . . N E Cloudy Dn Moines ... 4J 74 o.nof. .Kv Pt. cloudy Kureka 08 60, 0.OOi.JsW Cloudy Galveston .... 7ol 8 O.Oo . . (StV Clear Helena 44 70 0.O0i..lE Clear t.luneau 4;B4'0. 001 .. j . . .. Cloudy Kansas City .. r.'-'l 76 0.OO,10 K Cloudy Los Angeles .. 68 8l0.yi..iSV Pt. cloudy Mar:hfield ... oof 64 ft. (Mil . . !s Cloudy Medford 55 78 0.0(H12 NWCIoudy Minneapolis .. 46 fi 0.001. .INWlciear New Orleans..; 701 84 0. 00 . . ISW jPt. cloudy New'Tfork 52 0.0O.10 S Clear North Head.. 50 .'.6 11. On fc SB Cloudy North Yakima 48 .. xwlRain Phoenix 64 o.oo . . N WjClear Pocatello .... 52 68 0.0O..H Cloudy Portland 53 58 0.25 .. SB Rain Roneburg; .... 54 72;0.00 . . NWiClear Sacramento .. 64 78. O.OO. .IK Cloudy St. Louis 62 70,0.00 . .INWICIear Salt Lake..... 58 74 0.02 . . INWIClear San l'lego 68 78 0 . 0(1 14! N WiCloudy Snn Kranclsco 51 6 0. 0O! . . SE Cloudy Seattle 52 580.00'.. KB Cloudy Spokane 48 70i0.0o.. N Cloudy Tacoma 48 58,0. Ool . . S Cloudy Tatoosh Island 46' 58O.0O163 Cloudy Valdezt 42 4 O.oal. . N Rain Walla Walla.. Sil 76 0.00 .. SW Cloudy Washington .. 4(1 76,0.00 . . SW Clear Winnipeg . 30...'0.0o) . . . tA. M. today. P. M. report preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Thursday unsei zed; probably showers; southerly winds. Orepon and Washington Thursday unset- APPRECIATIVE WOMEN How often Is the question asked, "Are the testimonial letters published In the advertisements of Lydla K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound gen uine and true?" In answer to that question we want to answer most em phatically yes; and it is gladness for health restored by the use of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound aft er weeks, months and sometimes years of suffering that has prompted these women to write such letters in order that other women who suffer as they once did may profit by their experience. Adv. . CMT There's just one thing to remember ask for the Buckhecht Army Shoe by name mnd ( sure that you get it Then you will appre ciate why it is worn by thousands of Office Men Attorneys Physicians Farmers Orchard lata Motormen Conductors Hiker Hunters and others in every walk of life. fA-r. OFF '' "Jc '1 V 11 sc PURABILITY is value and the name LEWIS se cures it for you. After long wear and the grind of repeated laundering, LEWIS Union Suits still show their class. . ' Dependable material, careful manufacture and right measure ments explain the durability. Only at Best Store LEWIS KNITTING C0MPAN1 JaNESYTIJ F. WISCONSIN Tills trade-mark er very Lewis garment guarantees you Quale Jty. Look (or it. tied; probably showers; llrht southerly winds, becoming g-entle along the roast. EDWARD 1. WELLS, Meteorologist. Women Appolnte-d Court Clerks. SEATTLE, Oct. 2. By the appoint ment today of two women court clerks. Justice of the Peace Reah Mary White head, of Seattle, today completed the organixatlon of what is said to be the first "all woman" court in Washing ton. The clerks named were Mrs. Mary 3. Field and Miss Lauralne Danks. ' Watch and Money Lost. Mrs. C. A. Harlan, of 1162'4 Union avenue, has reported to the police that she lost a Japanese handbag yesterday at union avenue and Killlngswortb street containing $80 in currency and an old-fashioned Knglish gold watch, bearing the names, "Adam and Arnold." HATS The Fall shapes in black, brown, green ancl Army olive. $4 $5 $6 Caps $1.50 to $2.50 Ben Selling Leading Hatter Morrison at Fourth TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED! Yo ungL'adiesfor Permanent Positions. Pleasant, Light and Clean Work No Experience Required Rapid Increase in Wages Call at Telephone Company, Room 601 - Sixth Floor Park and Oak Streets Between 8:30 and 5:30 P. M. AHl'SEMEVTS. Portlande Famses Mock 4'omuanj-. K Mats. Wed. Sat. Maud FuUon'i remarkabla- play THE BRAT KlZhta: tic. Mc. AU MiU. Mo. lWr tii.i Next Wvekt "PALS FIRST." PUBLIC AUDITORIUM TH,,R.DA.XD Ki-ht i).).. isrting rvpnn Atl- 51MIAI M tl lNKt KJKt X .UU1 L.,,,72:30&8:30,SEATSTHURS. At bkrrman, 4'lay 4b Co Matk mm& 31rrlson. Tfc T'. I. overs men t PrMfnti the Ifrecoad Ufllclml I. J. War l'ictvre tsser tne Ansitleea ot the City of fort land. Presented by IHvIalon of Fllsna. Cem- nllteeoa I'abllc iDfarauMlus PPIPCO KveXteandSOe. n rniULOMataoc. WAR TAX. MORRISON AT tTH PLAYS THAT PLEASE Call Broadway 37 for THE GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND NIGHTS. 23c, 50c, 60c Bargain Mat. Sat., 25c PANT AGES MAT. DAILY 2:30 "HE'S A PEVIUr A rollick In ft murirtl comedy, topped by Inimitable Jack Mnrcus. Jack la via and Blllio Htwaru Pix musical numbers, turnp tuour scenery and a beauty chorus d lux a. Wi Other Hira Art. Three Perlormancn Uuiiy Ni(ht Curtain at ? and 9. LYRIC MUSICAL 4 STOCK Mai. Ily. loe enlr? The howllns musical meiansa OH. WHAT A NIOIIT." With Dlllloa a F ranks. Lyrlo Company 30 l'cople. The Rosebud Chorus. 18 pretty Girls. Friday Chorus Girls' Contest TODAY ONLY 1 MARGUERITE CLARK IN "BAU'H BI RGUR" From the fnmoiu. Mary Koberta Rlne hart "Sub Dch" utory. A t?o two-rcei Fox comedy. "A Wnt-f1 Llf." CIRCLE THEATER fourth at MtaablnKton. COM r AMISFMEXT. I'1' "..- lPl ' fi-; s wrFfa?'. 4 rim AI.BF.RTINA RASCM Premier IMoaesk fetoile. James Watts. I-cw ristel and . II. In c Adrtrd "cwMire Jturs j. MOKION Who Announce Kvrry Act bavonff WMirrir ana HALTER Ml. -YON In hoc." Australian CnHfhlsm Of r trial War Krlr Orphcum Travel ckly ltKV. FRANK W. t.OKMAN. Ilr Klna ing l'aron termer I'urtland I'nstor. IICHTVUt (,1KL!S AMI M-.MTOS LL.VANUtll Jolly Trin tf TTS Horn of Ris- shnrn T D IPPGDROME Today! Today! . PRADO'S MARIMBA BAND Guatemalan Instrumentalists Adler and Clark' Artistic Three Harvards Original Gymnasts T High - Class Numbers 7 CARMEL MYFitS in "The Dream Lady" Rates for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. iauj and sunOay Per II tm 12 2io n 11 mm , Two rocatlT time .... Xbrre n4prtitrT time ... Six or twvea rarrutn t tim .... & Th follofrvlnr rlavir.ralonfi xcepta. ih rat od which In 7c fw UM per dr Situations Vant! Mala. blluatKiBB TrlvataS l-imii;., Board and Kooma l'rlvata 2 mi .. HwuekeeplAr hMint lrlvai l-amillea. o ad takrt for lrm than two line, lonnt six words to the line. Advrrtirvemrnta (ncvpl aTr aonaU") will b takm aver tha tel thonr If th advertiMr la m uiacribr to rithrr ptiuoe. o prlra will be quoted over tha plionr, but Biatemcot will be rendered tbe followlac day. Advertiae fneata are Ukro (or The Ially Orrco nian until 8 1. M.; or lh auaedajr Ore Kuuian until p. M. baturdax. ArCTION SALES TODAY. At tho Pakf-r auction hous. Yamhill anfl . Park ata. Kurnlture, ate. (Sale at 10 A. M. METlXO NOTICED. THE ASSOCIATION- OF FATHERS OF POL.rIER.S AND F A I IX5RS have at-cured the ""vicm of Dr. John H. Bort for a lecture at the meetlnv In Koret?r' Hall. 19 Fourth ftrt. nrxt Monday nipht. October T. at 6 P. M. Vr. Doyd will have for hu nubject "What Fathers Can Do for Their Bom at the Front." Kvry member of the aeaocla tlon Is uraently requested to be prcaent to henr a wonderful talk of thia K if ted orator. Brins; your wives. Admission free. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142 Becular meeting thia (Thurs day) evenins;. Klka Temple. 6 o'clock. Tha pap" commit have a surprise In store for thot who attend. V .fell ing brothers we i come. M. SPALI-UINO. tieiretary. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO 114. A. K. AND A. M. Stated commu nication thia (Thureday ) aven lnr"wt S o'clock. Masonic Temple, vi si tins bret hren a) way a wel come. by order W. M. FhED I. OLSON. Secretary. SINXYS1UK LODGE. NO. 13. A. K. and A. M.. special com munication tonight (Thursday) 7.S0. Work M M. deirree. Via Itora welcome. By order of W. U- KU. M. LA.NCL, Isec. KENTON LODGE. No 14S. A. F. AND A. W. Stated communi cation thia Thursday) evening. 7:0 o'clock. Work In F. C. de gree. Visit ora welcome. KIC11 A Kt K. Ot-ItT. Secy. MARTHA WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLUB -Meets at Kast Eifthth and Burnsida to nlttht (Thursday) at a o'clock, entertainment, cards and prUea and reXreshmenta. A.l O. K. b. and friends Invited. UAH 1 FEEBLER. Sec ONEONTA TRIBE. NO. 2. I. O. R. M. Regular council this (Thursday) evening at 112 Kmnt Hlxth. comer East Alder. Import ant rehearaai of decree team. V laitora wel come. L. B. SMITH. C. Of R. THE MACCABEES PORTLAND TENT, NO. . Keirular review every Thursday even in at ha.i. 40ft Alder street. All membera urged to be present. Ytelun sir knights wet come. GEJ. ti, BAlttK. H. aw EMBLEM Jewelry, ourtoaa, charms, plaa Bew dea.coa. Jaeger Bros.. tb St. FRIBDLANDER 8 for lodge emblems, claaa pins and medal. S10 Washington at. DIED. PEARSON In thia city, at Ma late resi dence. 628 llalney street, October X. Chris topher F. Pearxan. aged 74 yera, husband ot Mrs. EllaabetU Peareon. father of Mr. W. E. iriMkell. alias Amanda L.. Miks Ella T. and Ieo K. Pearson, all of this city; grandfather of Oecer Ut. InkelL of this city, and William E. Driskell, of Cairo. Egr tt. The rcmtum are at the residence establishment r-f J. p. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of fu neral hereafter. CHINNOCK In thin city, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. T. A. Uarbade, 7M Kast Main street, October 'J. Elisabeth Cumnock, aged years, mother of Mrs. 1. W. Evans. Mra. T. A. Uarbade, R. A., A. F.. T. A. and J. T. Chinootk. The re mains are at the realdenca eLablihment of J. P. Finley AV ison, Montgomery at Fifth. .vik of funeral hereafter. BLACK HALL On September (. at Fort J'iKKn. Teg . Private Jtulan H. Blackball of the 43d Supply Uepot. Beinalna are en loute to this city and information reward -t:iM funeral can be cured from V'uon Ac Boas, undertakers. Eaat Seventh and Mult numafi. CLARKE October 2. Oeorcc Clarke, ared 32 e-: s. beloved son of AinnJr C.arke and brother of Mia. Mubie V. Clarke, Fu neral notice later. Keinsina are at the reauientia.1 funeral par lore ot V Trcey. FOkSTTH In thia city. Martha Antonette Forsyth, aged 41 yern. wife of C. P. For syth, of Proper, Wmh. Kemaina are at .tie rewldence elabUathrncnt of J. P. Fin ley A Son. DAVIS In thia city. October 2. Cher'er Ailen Da via. Infant son of Mr. and Sirs Cheater o. Davis. Hem ins are at the resi dent.. 1 funeral panora of Ml.ier fe Tracey. SMITH In thia city. October 2. 1I1. Rob ert Benjamin Smith. It mams at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Kuneral notice later. rLORlSTO. CLARKE BRU&, FiorUta, 27 Merrlaea at. Main e-r a l0e. Fine fiewara aad Xlecai doaigna. No branch atoraev MARTIN eV FORBES CUL. riortata. U4 YYaaningtotv. Main A 13a. Fiowera for all occaelona artistically arranged. ! TONSETU FLORAL CO.. 2U Waablngtoa I St.. bet- 4?h and 6tn. Main B102. A 116L I MAX M. SMITH. Main T315. A SliTL Selling ( blag.. 4tb and Alder eta. 1 LL'BLiNEK. Portland boteL SOS Me-rrieca g KliKiMnilstllftMiltM HXtK.ll. KOTirKS. HVMASPX In Dsvla Ca!.. October 1. E. Humasnn, of rttv. ard TS years, father of Mrs. MatlMa Tuft-rsla. lr. Louisa himnrtnn. Spokane: li.ena Hu niason. ort;in(l; Lieutenant A. 3. Hu mason. Kort ill. Okia.: I'nvat J. T. Hu. mason. Vancouver; O. V. Humason. Poet Ane:ea. W aeh.: Hsrver Humawon. Seattle. I-Tiends Inviieii to attend funeral services. hu-n wl.l be hM at Homiui'a funeral r.riors at I:.tO P. M. Saturtlay. Octot-er :.. t'.'l. Interment. Kiverview Csmsiery. "! papers p'.eaae copy. BUCKHALI. On eept at Camp lxran. Houston. Tnaa. ITiva: Ro:an Hearv Hlackha'.l of the 4d Supply rvepot. afed '.'' years. Survived by his mother. Mrs. Jean H!arkha:i. of 73S Cut t'ourti Street: five, Jossers. Mrs. Certruue K.tieiilct of l.ebam. wash.: Mrs. Alice Srses of Sandv. or. and Mrs K. K. Keed. Mrs. l.e-.r.a iiar an.l lna. Khali, of thts city. Kuneral today, s 1. M-. from the residential funeral homo of YVtlsoa A Roea. Kait Seventh and Mult nomah. Interment Koee City Otueteo. COOPER October 1. Winifred M. Cooper. aitea 4 1 yearn, rtautnivr of Mr. and Mir. A. K. v'ooper. i'l'A K.Mat Taylor St.. and aia ter of Mrs V. y. Wi.ln'.m. Alice and IStr tiadctte v'oojyr. FuTieral xalll ta held from, residence Kriduy. tK tooer 4. :' A. M . thence to tt. Francis's I'hutch. Kaet Twelfth and Oak sta. at li A. M.. her requiem mass will Im. offered Friend In vited. Interment will take p'ai. at Ysn vouier. Wun. Uuar.llig a l.kiilM, di rector. MACRVM In this city. October 2. Jennie Maria Mat-rum. ared M veara. du(htor of Mr. and Mr. 1. Allan ..crum, of S.-.-l Vancouver avenue. The remains will bo fvrwarded today (Thurnlavl by J. 1'. Flnley tt Son to Hood River, or., wheos services win b held and Interment made. ilAITLANP The funeral services of the iate Wil.ism t Mai:. and will be he'd todac tThuretlayi tlctotver a. at l.Su P. M. Irani the chapel of Miller AY Tracee. luteeinent at Hoae t'lty Cemetery. (..rvlces at th chapel and rrave under the ausplcea ot 'the Loyal OrUer ot Moose Ixdsa. T1TVS In Brooklyn. X. Y.. Prrtembar Nell N. Titus, axed 1 years. 11 montha li dava. funeral services will be held todav tThuraday). October S. at 2 1". M.. at the new chapel of lireete oi tnook. Blmout and Thirty-fifth. Krienda Invited. LARKING The funeral servtrcs af tho late Mary larkins will be h:d todav (Thurwday), t.ctober 3, it 1 p. M.. from the chapel of Miller Tracee. Inlaraianl at Mount Scott Park 1'emetety. n xkkal niRrrroR. 110 Lit AN UNDERTAIONG CO. Funeral Directors Katabllahad 1177. Tnlrfl and Salmon etreatav Mala 07. A 1(11. Ldr A as is La o t. Perfect Funeral Service for MILLER & TRACEY ladesntleiit Funeral Directors. Wash. St.. bet. rftth -l.t. West PKIa. alain roul. Laay aaaiaiant. jl 7osi. 1. p. riNLsr son. rrcsresalv. uneral Xirvctora, Private lirle Women Attendaatav Uu.MUUMICiU iC mm. Main K. A 159 r. f. D1TMN1NO. INC.. THE COLDEM UUl-il. SDK KTA KERJ1. 414 East Alder u Kast bX U XI ii. riLsoN & ross LuvnoJLh.i,n.t,,- Kast 64. C 16i. DUNNING McENTEK. funeai dlrvetora. Broadway aad 21n. street. I'hoTi. Urd-,y 430. A 4:.pS. lady allecdant. BREEZE & SNOOK BT b ? MR. AND aKS. VT. H. HAMILTON Fa peral .erlc. 1178 K. Ollaaq. Tabor 431J. A. D. KES-WOKTHY CO. 6P: 21 St. Lenta. Tabor SMT. P L. LEliCH f"1 -1,th na Ci' ERICSON I" nd-ri. k I n Parlora. Ilta and Morrison a' a. Bwdy. :.'S34. a A.R.ZELLERCO. XZi SKEWES VNOERTAKINU COMPANY. d and Clay. Main 41SJ. a SJ.'l. Lady assistant. MOVTMKNT. PORTLAND MAKB1.K WOKKS. Ia4-2f, 4th st.. opposit. city Hall. Main oiu. ijai:i Neu A bom for memorial. I U, TMir (IT niQi-N JrHt-rrj OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, JCoom 13S Ceart bouse, fttb bL Entrance. rhooe from t to &. Maui ST ft, noma Toae A zm. Nigbt call after office bjuura. om1 Unq lt4. heport all casea of cruelty to the above sddratvs. Electric lethal chamber for amaU animaia. Horse ambulance for aick and dis abled anlmaia at a moment'a notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pet communi cate with us. Ct,l for all lost or strayed stock, aa we look after all Impounding, There la no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Olel Itr aad Waolea. Clotblng;. We Make Keveralblc. Hud - W erea FLUFF RUGS Ts)cy Wtar'LIke Iroav. Mall Order.. ead for Booklet. H RT Hltl Wtm, All Mirh Carpet Gleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned ?1.50 WKSTERX PtfKP RIG CO, &-4 I" n Ion Ave. N. Kaat Uilrt. U 14T5. MORTGAGE LOANS lsprT.a eHtr aad Israt property la. talliate.t repameat prlvlleao It pre ferred pro Dipt, re-laabl. Mrrles, A.H. BIRRELL GO. tl7-Sl Nort a-welter. Bilk BailaU.a. 4111. A MORTGAGE LOANS OH Bll.F4 AND REitDEXCa PROFKHTV. RODEHT1U.1 at EWMO. IOT - H ? srtanrslera 11a. k Ml da. IRVIKGTO.N U. T. S TKaVST. HuMferfa. iRV.Avii.Nr. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTUAr.E LOAA5, nsurance. Surety IBonds W3 WILCOX BLOG. Mala TOJ A STOa REAL r.STATK. MOOKRN1ZB y.ilr buildincs; all klod. m repairs: ae. my desicu. tor Bear bomiL Maa M. aley.r. Concord b:dc. Mala Ufa. r.rm.rly fcupu Ortioq Horn. Bulldsra or eale FH IP WORKERS" CHAXCZ. Blscest rirln offered Ia POKTLA.NU. Choice lots Estate, must pay eredltora Hawthorne district. luQnvi rte. Mt. Tabor. Laurel nursu To sU at 20o oo dollar. fno LOTS reviw 1TV ii0 LuTi .NO(W 1U 100 CHOICE LOTS to Select from. EAil TERMS. Marshan 3940. WM. C. BORPHF.RS, lleary TAKK VOIR riiK. PEVEN lots on Kaat Korly-first. be tween ;o!n and Preacott. &uxlto earh: price $luu each; (20 Jowa and S10 monthly. fiOl'PAKn WIKDRICK. SIS PTARK ST. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden la-.. Income W. dMiKD and balM aaythlng. furiklsn th. money if dMlred. Klant years la Portland. 1- R. Bat.ey Co.. cortracuas arcliliecla Northweete'-n e3att.. bldg. FINE bul.dina lou romer aloor. a-.d Mor. can, io. tcrnu. J. R Pharp. sr.1 5d st. LuT r.-jAlfni. Irvington Park; :;-; aXlock. rroni oofi:aa car. K. 7;5i. wi. Call 'Moud.a.a