TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOX1AN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. " . 13 I ' I '! Hi: I I i! l! i iii i III ! i i ! l! il li ! i Heed Uncle Sam's Warning! Begin Now to Do Your Christinas Shopping! I0E30I a- S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before 10th of Each Month e B Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies, 4th Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors on the 2d Floor Tea Room on the Fourth Floor 40c Coffee 29c lb. Fourth Floor No delivery ex cept -with other purchases made in Grocery Department. 40c OWK Coffee at, pound, 29 $ The Standard Store of the Northwest Greeting Cards Order Now! Expert engravers are becom ing: scarce. Dont delay gret your order in at once for per sonal greeting cards. 1st Floor. o D o Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Fall Buy ing Will Now Go Forward With a Rush With Stocks Larger Than Ever This Store Is Splendidly Prepared to Supply Your Needs ill , . t ; il 1 V. ! te-Wfe1&. ia)oa" ' '--Ja TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Peoples Mary Pickford, "Johan na Enlists." Majestic William Farnum, "Rid ers of the Purple Sage." Sunset Douglas Fairbanks, "The Americano": William S. Hart. "The Return of Draw Egan." Star "The Fall of Barbary Coast." Liberty Bessie Barriscale, "With in the Cup." Columbia Enid Bennett, "The Marriage Rinpr." Globe Julian Eltinge, 'The Wid ow's Might." Circle Marguerite Clark. "Bab's Burglar." ON September 28 Mary Pickford christened the big stationary tank in Central Park, Los Ange les, from which the motion picture in dustry is conducting Its campaign for the fourth liberty loan bond pledges. The quota the motion picture Indus try has set for itself is $3,000,000. On the first day, when Miss Pickford had charge of the drive, $201,200 worth of bonds were sold from the tank. By cutting her finger on the bottle when she christened the tank "Victory," Miss l'i(kf6rd claims to have drawn first blood in Uncle Sam's fourth financial offensive. On the day she started the drive, the winsome little star was appointed as Official Casualty List. Continued From Pas 7.) YORK, Bert I... Clartnda, la, YOUNr,, Clarence, Nelaonvllle. Ohio. VOV.NU. "Walter D.. Natchex, Miss. ZIEGLER, Charles TV.. Rochester, N. T. WOIXDED DEG REE INDETERMIJfED. Captain FARKEH, George A.. Boston. MISIXU IN ACTION. Corporal MtXALLV, Luther li. Milton, Vu Privates A.NDHVS1AK, Joseph G.. Detroit, Mich. BABCOCK, James Densmore. Mlddleville, Mk-h. BROWN", Archie, Jr., New London, Conn. CARICJNAN, Charles. Avondale. Mont. I'ARR, John J., Roxbury, Mass. CARWILB. Ernest R., Heber Springs, Ark. KBERHABD, Stanlslau P.. Hankinaon, N. L. KOCA. Uartola. Philadelphia. HOIl.UI.H, Willie. W. A. Hobaush. White son. Or. HOSFORD, William Hfnr, Menominee, Wis. HOWE, Lester K.. Wllllston. X. D. HL'li. Leon W., Benson, Minn. JOHNSON, Henry M.. Washington, D. C. l.OTZBB, Wlliam P., Wahpeion. N. X. MET.. Sidney B., Toledo. Ohio. MOZOS'SKI. Henrik, Detroit. NII.SK.V, John li.. BrooKiyn. I'EX'ZIJU Frank O.. Chicago. I'KTTKYS, lred K, Fred B. Petteys, Sr., !S51 South Sixtieth avenue. Seattle, "Wash, PKAAST, Paul, William Choocder, Dallas, oreKon. IiAl'SCH, Albert W., Hersey. Mich. HOZKI.L. Albert H.. Bancroft. Wis. SI'IBSS, Harry, New "ork. TERRILL, William L.. Falrmount, N. D. PRISONERS. Privates HART. Thomaa J., Hartford. Conn. LA NOLI AS, Alfred. Old Town, Me. RICK. C'harlra, Stoutaville. Mo. W1DKOWSKY. Joseph. McKecsport. Pa. Lieutenant Kdward Wells, grandson of Klisha D. Wells. 779 Kast Yamhill street, has been killed in action In France, according to a message received by thn grandfather yesterday. Lieuten ant Wells enlisted in Kansas. His let ters home told of participation in som of the hardest fighting on the western front. Thursday Morning List. WASHINGTON", Oct. 2. The follow ing casualties reported by the Commanding General of the American Kxpeditionary Forces in France, re leased for publication October 3, num ber 250. divided as follows: Killed in action, 92 missing in ac tion, 33; wounded severely, 110; died from wounds, 14: died of disease, 1. The summary to date follows: Previously lie- reported, ported. Total. Oil 7217 -".'I . . Jul . :JS9 14 240S K:"ed In action T.o5t at fpa .... 1 tied of wounds Died of accidents and other causes .......... 2SM Total deaths 12.K72 107 2,77h Wounded 20,406 110 20.51ti M:sn(r. including- pris oners 4341 33 4874 Total casualties S8.010 250 3S.269 Mbrris E. Harkin, of Orville, Wash., Is wounded severely. " In the Marine Corps casualties George Wright, Seattle; Anthony Florentine, Kverett; Carl R. Rasor, Bow, Wash.; Fred T. Washam. Eagle, Ida., and Nels J. Peterson, Dayton, Ida., were wounded severely in action. Private Peterson had previously been reported missing. Silas V. Workman, of Lebam, Wash., previously reported missing in action, Is row reported wounded in action. Following is the complete list: KILLED IN ACTIOX. - ANTOZAK. Louis Frank, Detroit. Mich. BVEHL, Adolph. Brooklyn, N. T. t.lI.U Raymond S.. Long Island City, N. T. Corporals SEHBBNTZ, Hilmar J.. Ohleairo. the first four-minute woman In the United States. She will make many four-minute speeches during the pres ent campaign and will try to break her sales record made in the last drive, when she sold $48,000,000 worth of Oov ernment securities, thus establishing herself as the world's champion sales woman. Miss Pickford has bought more than $340,000 worth of liberty bonds. Liberty. Bessie Barriscale is today's star at traction at the Liberty Theater, appear ing in her Paralta picture, "Within the Cup." It will be shown for three days with Burton Holme. travelogue and comedy. George Fisher is leading man and Edward Coxen has a prominent part In "Within the Cup." Screen Gossip'. Another new Douglas Fairbanks pic ture is coming soon. It's called "He Comes Up Smiling," and those who have seen it declare It to be the best comedy drama the athletic star ever has made. Now it's Pearl White who is Inundat ed with letters from Japanese admir ers. According to the press agents, the Nipponese are the most prolific of correspondents. Fritzi Brunette, now with Universal, has decided to drop her nickname and resume her real one of Florence. -The Teutonic flavor of Fritzi Is responsible. FLTNN, John P.. ConneautvlUe, Pa. GILMER, John E.. Central City.-Neb. JONES, Harry Blvans. Cleveland, O. KOWALKOW8KI. Frank, Primrose, Pa. McCLELLAND. John V.. Washington, Pa. RAMSEY. Chester R.. La t robe. Pa. ROBINSON, Austin T.. Beacons. N. T. GILMETTB, Joseph, busier. Onoway. Mich. SHOOK, Robert cook, Verbank Villare, N. Y. Privates ADAMS, John 'William. Ontenag-on. Mich. ANCONA. Uuiseppl, Buffalo, N. Y. ATWOOD. Joseph I.. Uadsden. Ala. BHNBROOK. Floyd V., Wldeman. Ark. CHIERICHBTTI, Frank. Rockfort, 111. CLARK, Patrick, Philadelphia. DAVIS, Reuben B., HiKhpoint. N. C. DECK, Ernest Frederick. Hoskins, Neb. Dt'NLEAVY. Andrew. New York. FBWELL, Leslie O.. Turner Station, Ky. FOLLl ART, James, Jr., Brooklyn. OALLEOOS. Manuel N-, Central, N. M. GARNER, Charles A.. La Vegas, X. M. GASH. George W New York. GEARY. Charles A., New York. GERMAIN, Charles C, Ulencove City. N. T. GRAY. John. New York. HICKEY. James R.. Palmyra, N.rT. HIGGINS. Leo V., East Rockaway, N". Y. JOHNSON. Waldeinar C, Brooklyn, N. Y. LA BAR, Harry Vcrn. Clio. Mich. ASLEY, William L.. Speedwell. Tenn. LINAKA. Harry, Mount Airy, Pa. LISBWSKI, Castmir. Chicago. LOWERY, William C, Cana. N. C MALLOX, William, New York. Mill. Lincoln D-. Forsyth. Mont. NIK IRK. Homer L., Bloomlngton, Ind. PERCIVAL. James M-, Brooklyn. MARSHALL. Edward K.. Washlnston. Pa. PBTBROCCI, Giovanni, Elmwood, Ind. QVINN, John, Donigal. Ireland. SHEETS, John L.. iaugar Grove. Va. IKI;,GAVJ-:R- Edward C. Oj.liko.li. Wis. STEWARDS! IN, Samuel S.. Colby.' Kan VAN PATTEN. Archie. K yet te vi 1 le. X. Y. WATTERS. William J.. Washington. Pa. WEISS. Louia, Woodbine. la WOOMER. Nathan C, Tyrone. Pa. WREN. Guy, Middleburg. X. C CROWE, Elmer. Ladd.dale. Ia. CRI'TE. William. Philadelphia. CUMMINGS. Herman A.. Aurora, Mo. CURTIN. Stephen. Long Island. N. T. f'LSANO. Joseph, Derby, Conn. DALE, Keith. Bridgeport. 111. DALEY, Frank, New York. DA.MHCK. Jake. Hartford. Conn. DAVIS. Robert McCloud. White Plains, K Y DAX. Frank J.. Chlcaco. DINAN. James F.. Philadelphia. DONAHUE, James J., Philadelphia. DONOVAN. Denni., Ossinlng. N y EC K A RD. Robert 1... Tavlor.vili.. X C, ELLIS. Carleton. Brooklyn. ENGLANDER. Leo, New York. FARDY. James D.. Chicago FARNSWORTH, Carl. Litchfield. Xb FENTON. Albert. Reading, o GALLAGHER. Bryan I... New York. GARZA. Rafael P.. Tavlor. Tex. OERKE. Walter G., Chicago. GERMANO, Antonio, Pittsburc Pa. wkmaa. james n., Osceola Mills Pa GURDNER. Ernest E.. Johnson city ' HALL. Henry H.. Hope Mill. N C ' Tenn. HAVSI.IP. r-harles '.. Wade, Okla HEIMBLRG. Frederick W.. North N. V. Troy, SS,RJU'i' rhrl" M!"-,o"-. Indianapolis. Ind HOVSER, William M., Keyz.r. W. Va HOWKR. Stonewall J.. Shamokln Ftt' HI'PERT. Don Sherman. Redford, Mich KASE. Harry. Rinvtown. Pa KNI TSON. James M.. Benson. Minn KOOISTRA. James. Marshall. .Mich' KI NZ, Thomas. St. Louis. Mo Kl'TlA, John. I ncasville. Conn McALLTSTKR. Harrv, Brooklyn DIED OF MOl.NDfC Private CLKMENTE. Engene. Tironderoca V T KEPPLER. John. Stapleton. N Y MANGAN. Timothy, Kerry. Ireland" KEARNS. Thomas W.. Lawrence Kan LOUGHRAN. Frank M.. Brooklyn MANFREDI, Atilio. Brooklvn " PRENTICE, John It., Fredricksburr V. Si'HI'l.TZ. Huso D . Davenport la SCOGIN. Norman F... Batesvilie Vi.. SIKLAFP. Dllmar w.. Buckeye U KILER. Fred. Bradford, o STEVENS. Ray TV.. Corydon. Ind STREET. Odus P.. Shelbv. N -WOLANSKI. Hennr. Buffalo.' K." Y. DIED OF DISEASE. Privates RADKR, John, Peebles. O. WOODED SEVtRELT. T.leotenant DEValu John Randolph, Mount Pleasant. Serfi-emnts COCHRAN. Jinul. Elk Lick. Pa. COONEY. Raymond. Corry. Pj. COX, John B.. Okolena. Mlas. DAY. Joseph Alonzo, Philadelphia. FIDLER, Charles Adam. Reading. Pa. LIXDAt'ER, Ray Julius. Battle Creek Mich. MATHER. Albert W.. Syracuse NY PENNINGTON. Gilbert S.. Philadelphia POWELL. Jame. T.. Pickens, S. C. SAYLE, John Clarence, Xatal, Sou:h Africa. Corpora.i ADAMS. Robert C. Duquesne, Pa. BUSH. Harry. Scranton. Pa. CANNAN. John E., Bevicr. Mo. tCARNAHAX. John L.. Saxonburg, Pa. CRlhE, Harry. Brooklyn. DAVIS. Robert R- Rudyard. Mont. DEAN, Thomas G-. Jr. New York. FREESE. Albert J.. Brooklyn. GROH. William A., New York. McINTYRE, Warren L., Hawler, Ohio. MAEDER. Joseph, Brooklyn. MATHEWS. Charles Blair, Bridgeport. Ohio. MIDDLETON. Earl L.. Conrad, Iowa. PASSAV ANT, Jame. L.. Coraopolis. Pa. SUGARMAN. Emanuel D., New York. TURNER. Ella. V., Jane. villa, N. Y. Mechanic SARXEB, JLawrenc. Suustas. Ltwla, -Colo, New Dress At $8.50 Second Floor Of excellent qual ity silk poplin in navy blue and black. -Full gathered waistline, wide novelty belt, QQ PTfl trimmed with buttons wO.OU Skirts at $10.00 New Dress Skirts of high grade French serge in navy blue and black. Plain front with full gathered back. Novelty belt with fringe ends. A very at tractive model. (J" f f( Moderately priced 3J-U.UJ Skirts at $120 New Black Satin Skirt in full plaited effect. Wide belt, ends trimmed with tassels. Very smart and dressy. JJ" O FT A Great values at only3 XiJJ 11 Shoe Sale At S4.98 WOMEN'S Shoes of black calf, kid or patent. Laced and buttoned styles, medium or low heels, light or heavy soles, pointed or medium round toes. High-grade footwear from our regular stock. Values P A QQ to $7.50. Special, pair tOeiO At S6.98 7 WOMEN'S ancy laced Boots with black, brown or gray vamps and contrasting or har monizing cloth tops. Short lines to be discontinued. ? QQ Values to $9.50; pair 3vJ.70 TVaeonera MeOl.jiRY. Jame.. Philadelphia. THOMPSON. Joe W.. fcmithf ield, N. C Private. AnfHIE, Charles. New York. , PARISH, l.ouis. New York. BE E BE. Howard I'., Younc.vllle. Pa. BEI.EI.K. Urorne J.. Butler, Okla. BERSANO. Mike. Brarevllle. III. BISHOP, William Arley. Paris, III. BOEHLBRT, Andrew John. Utica, N. T. BOND. Oscar Lee. Danlelsvf lie, Ua. BOSI.EY, Guy K., Clarinda, la. BOWI.BY, Grover C, Woodward, Okla. BROWN". Walter H., Honcsdale. Pa. BL'RKETT. Charlc. B., Oaterburf. Pa. BL'RNS. John TV.. Bteubenville, Ohio. BURNS. Leonard. Ona. W. V.. BURROUGHS. Jame. K.. Commerce, Ga. CARLSON'. Arthur C. Omaha. N'b. CARLSON. Charle. Oliver. San Francisco. CARLSON". Gunder. Odalen. Sweden. CLARKE. Herbert Calhoun, Plttbu.rh, Pa. CI.UE. Howard A.. Basley. Iowa. C L K DON ATO. Iomlnlck. De.anio. Italy. CONNOR. Raymond J.. Worcester. Mass. COOK. Georito W.. Elienbur. N. Y. cTLBERT. John J.. Brooklyn. CUM BLR LAND. Floyd Eugene. Butler, Pa. L A H L, Clarence McKinley, Muskeson. Mich. I A RE "harles, Louisville. Ky. DAVIS. Melvin E.. Hollyhill. Ky. UAVISON. Kred II.. Bellevcrnon, Pa. DEVON'S. Willi. TV.. Los Angelc, Cat. 1IECK. Georse 1.., Brooklyn N' VTAI.K. li Gartano. Buffalo. N. Y. i)i'N LDSON. Leo Bollon. New 1 ork. ENOCH. Lloyd W.. Washington, Pa. KKRRANTI, Vinrenlo, War. TV. Va. FLEM MING, Arthur .1.. Milwaukee, TV ia. FONT A NO. Joseph. Brooklyn: FOWLER. Raymond X., Mlddlcfield. Coon FOX Cwrlvle Charles. Snover, Mich. FURMA.N. John H.. AUEUBta. Ga. GIBSON. Clarence E.. West Oakaloosa, Ia. (;ILL. I'eter. Quincy. Mass. GOOD. Nathaniel, Rawson. Ohio. GREELEY. John Emll. New T ork. G R E EN BERG. Charles. New York. CUSS. Abraham. Brooklyn. IIAKKIN. Morrla K.. Mr.. Herberf Gregg, Orox-ille. TVa.h. IIEVNESSY. John J. Hartford. Conn. HENN1NG. Harry TV.. Philadelphia. J1CNSEN. Chris. Mmneapo'is. Minn. IONF.S Frederick John. New York. KF;-;Y James E-. Philadelphia. LALAK". Anthony R. Webster. Mas.. LARGE. Allen G.. Coshy. Tenn. LILLY. William Temple. Lexington. Ky. I.ISSK. Vhlilip. Rochester. N. T. LOMBARD!. Rocco. Brooklyn. McCAl.l.lSTER, George TTrigley Ky. McCORMICK. Alexander Loughlln, San iJkEbskV. James T... Pittsburg. Pa. u i-.tvj njvM E.. Trlhbey. okla. Little Falls. N. Y MTltTlN Miilard Thomas. i:inclnna 1 1, Ohio. MARTIN" Vernon M . Doucher. Ohio. MARTIN"! William P.. Monongaheia. Pa. TIATSON. Vera J . Mass. MU h. M M S T. Roy S.. Fairchance Pa. MYERS EHsha E.. Bloomsburg. Ta. NEAL Frank. Bhelhy Ille. III. Vl'OENT. Christopher. New York. OCONNELL. John F.. Peabody.. Mara PTTEKKoN Clvde E.. Johnstown. Ohio. PVYNB. James 1... Newcastle. Ind. P1NKARD. William '.. Knoxvllle. Ca. RK-TA. Julius. Paterson. N. J. RIVERS. Edmund GIH ert. Brooklyn. KOBTNSON. . larence TV.. Waterloo. Ind. ROYFR Ktlpar Ambrose. Omaha. 'Neb. DELa'v.' Willis A.. Chicago MAUR. John. Mlliulk!, Ohio. MISSING IN ACTION. h'ttIng'eA"" Howard Paul, Greenwich. TOD' Ttobert M,. Cincinnati. Ohio. BrvVER'Tr'ank. Ann Arbor. Mich TUILER. Charles. Port Huron. Mich THOMPSON, l.i Ua". Bf'Vl1"' TCX-S.-HROI.U Cook Charle.. cl, Fa. ARNETTEJame. H.. Charlotte. SC. C. R VVCEU Benion B. . Alvy. TV. a. BBATTY. J's.e Raymond. Butler. Pa. BEI L. Ben. Luiu, K.y. BKNSON" Bonnie. WIldroM. N D. BLAXCHAKD. Philip H.. Chicago. ciHMAN William C Chicago. CHILDRESS. Donald. Elm Creek. TV. a. PFEDS Kennle H.. College Tark. Md. U'lvrni Dewey. Flneea.tle. Ky. GOODWIN". Charles. Terr. Haute. Ind. cpffV Neil. Sneedvll!. Tenn. HIGGENBOTHAM. William. Blocton A '.a. KOTVALSKI. Paul. Hamtramck M.ch. I OCERO. Faicundo, LI Paso. Tea. MeC.IVTY Cornelius T.. New T ork. MARClANO Domini, Calabria Italy. MERIDETH. Luther O. Spieland. Ind. MILLER. Mich.el. Alexandria. Minn. MOSS. Jim D.. Gordo, Ala. O MVKV. Michael J Nw Tork. PAl I OTTO. Samuel S-. Hartford. Cobb. PRlVcHARD. James. Savage. Mlsa. RUSSK. LOUIS. Jersey City. N. J. PPRATLEY. Cecil, New Tork. TVREK. Charley. Chicago. WOOTON. Gcorgo T.. Birmingham. Ala. r.iiyn IV ACTION. PRF.TIOt'BI.T BO POETKD WOIMIF.D SLVlKt E.V IN ACTION. Privates Hl'RJ.Ul'RT, Eddy, Creston. Ia. MITCHELL. John. Harlon. Ky. PLASTER. Philip B.. Oskaloosa. Ia. DIED FROM WOrVDS BECETVKD IN ACTON, PRKVIOIPtY HEPOBT KO MlasINb IN ACTION. Prlratew HAWKINS, Charles, North Braddock, Fa, Skirts Silk Petticoats At $5 Second Floor Thursday will be a good day to select that new Petticoat to go with your Fall suit or dress. Hundreds of them in this epecial showing in every desirable style with tucked, plaited and corded flounces. Silk jersey, jersey with taffeta flounces and all taf- JJT ff feta. Special values at 0JelU Women's Fur Collars Marn Floor Stop at the Neck wear Counter and eee these new arrivals. We also have the un lined fur collars in the Trim ming Department, Main Floor. Women's CrepeNightGowns Special $1.98 Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's Cotton Crepe Gowns in plain white or flesh colored; also flesh colored with bluebird or butterfly designs. Ex cellent quality material and well made. Q" QQ Priced special for Thursday only, at B-L0 Outing Flannel Pajamas Priced Special at $2,49 Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's Pajamas in one-piece style. Made up in good quality pressed flannels in flesh color with basket or PO AQk floral designs. Thursday's special at only j5wfi7 O'CONNBLL. Ray T.. Kllbourn. TVia. WELLS, Carl A , Smithdale. Mlsa. DIED Or m.EAE. rRRVIOI'M.T RE PORTED MISB1NG IN ACTION". Srgeant Ll Pl. John J., Philadelphia. PriTate. BILL. Henrv I.. Richmond, Cal. DILI.BY, Otis McK., Renlck. TV. Va. F A R K A S. Julius J.. Clifton. N. J. Gf.NPPIRSON. Martin. Sutton's B.y, Mich. KBLSBV, Rolln. W.lllngton. O. MAKES, Sot.rea. M., Worchester, Mass. RANDALL. Edward I... TVllkesbarr.. Pa. ROOF, Lawrenca S.. Ottawa. O. ROTONDI. Pemeneck. Derby. Me. RUN LOW, Albert TV". H-. Pierce. Neb. SLUSH R R, Luke. Frenchburg. Ky. WILSON- Arnold L.. Presque Isle. Me. WOl'MIKD HF.VKRFI.V IV ACTION, PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION. Corporal BURNS. Thomas II. , Clinton, N. T. IHvates BBRMAN". Mortimer. Aurora. III. FREDERICKS. Floyd 1... I.ody. Okla. VIDE AN. Robert A., Ludlnaton. Mich. KILLED IN ACTION, PRF.VIOI SLY RE PORTED HOI MED I.N ACTION. lieutenant MILLS. Uumcy S.. New Tork. Corporal POS1KR. Clarence H.. Mardala. Spring., "ltd. Bugler BUTTON. Rhea C. Louisville, Ky. Privates ANDERSON. Charles S.. Hoboken. N. J. HASBATANIAN. Melkis. Haverhill. Mass. HILL. Robert TV.. Guerrant, Ky. KOMSKI. Frank. Chicago. KOWKSZA. Steven, Jeraey City, N. J. LABIS1I. John .1.. Yonker. N. Y. PETERSON. Kdward. Rmkrort, Mass. R1TTKR. William, l lnclnnatl. O. TOLII. William. Ligonier. I'a. WOIMIKII IN ACTION. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION. Lieutenant HHKHERT. T. J.. Cleveland. O. Corporal CHAMPA. Joe. Taylor, Tex. Private AARON. Velmer. Columbia. Ky. BHUNELO, Frank, Negaunee. Mich. McGINNIS. John O.. Linton. Ind. SAN'TOLA. Roy. Syracuse. N. Y. STINSON, Jesc L.. Wharnellffe. Va. TIM RRRI. Robert. Pouclas. Arix. VICCHIO, Palvatore s.. BHltininre. Md. WORKMAN, Silaa V.. Ibam. Wash. BHI.CHER. Fred. Belcher. Ky. Bl EI. BY. Smith G.. Depoalt. N. Y. CLAYTON. James B.. Climer. Pa. FREDERICK. Jese, South Bethlehem. Pa. GRAHAM. Peter. International Falls. Minn. MARTIN. Thomas B.. Richmond. T a. TRIPLETT, Clarenca L.. Clayton, Ala. RETl'RNFD TO PI TY. PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED alfMMi IN ACTION. Private GATES. Ralph IL. Tounevllle. Pa. FBRGER. Elmer. Wilktnsbnrg. Pa. BROYLP.S. Julian S.. Atlanta. Ga. STANLEY. James A.. Hoi lidayburg. Fa. WILBURN. tieorge T.. Alexandria. Va. WILLIAMS. Matson. Ttmmer. N. I. WOUNDED. PREVIOIM.Y REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION. 'orpfnil MITCHELL, William M.. E.lna. Cal. RETURNED TO DUTY, PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED KILLED IN ACTION. Corporate PVR K E. Thomas B..' SL I)uis. 100 American The manufacture of Bayer-Tablets and Capsules of Aspirin is completely under American control. Tbe com-' pany manufacturing them is being operated aaa "100 American-concern." Every officer and every director. is a native American. Bayer-Tablets and Capsules of Aspirin-contain genuine Aspirin. They may be used with full confidence. For purpose of identification, well as for your additional pro tection, every package and uwury tablet A genuine Barer-Tablets 1 Aspirin is Invariably marked witb The Bayer Cross. The trademark "Aspirin R. U. S. Pat. acioeatsr wc tauoucaM ia idss. las-eta Tha Bayar Dwi fAY fll I'M:' r hp Wf f v V inl-lfl 'nltnl SICK IV HOSPITAL, PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MIsMNG I.N ACTION. PriTate JACEWSUZ, Antonio. Johnstown. Pa. KRAMER. Anton J., Berea. O. Mel. HOP. Homer A.. Moultrie. Ga. .Tl ASSOK. Fklama. Passaic. N. V. MERE.VESS. Clifford A.. Kaukauna. TV is. .V ORAN. John J., Jersey City. N. J. MYEHS. George. TVcslporl. Conn. DIEI OP WOUNDS. TREVIOUKLT RE PORTED KILLED IN ACTION. Private DAVIS. Ralph TV.. Council Bluffs. Ia. Marine Corps List. Summary of casualties to date: Ofrlrera. Death. 4,1 Wounded o7 Musing I " , Total , Enlisted Men. Deaths Wounded in hands of enemy ! Missing . . .log . .1043 . .-.'u::.i . . -Jl . . 1..J Total r.-Jt't tirand total . ! " ! :::i.,7 The following casualties are reported l-y the Commanding General of the. American Expeditionary Force, untluded In abov. to tal): Killed In action 4 Pled of wounds received In action 1 Wounded In action 'severely 2t Wounded, degree undetermined 1 Mlr.-lng in action 1 In hand, of enemy 1 Total .32 KILLED IN ACTION. Corporal O'CONNOR. William H., Connelsvllle. Ta. KILLED IN ACTION PREVIOUSLY RE rOKTtl) MISSING. Corporal STUR, Pavld B. McKeeaport, Ta. Private BABBITT. L.w.on McV.. Younrstewn. lit. PROt'TOR. David E.. Cambridge. Mass. IHED OF W'OIMH RECEIVED IN AC TION. Sergeant PL I i ON. Dwight P.. Boston. WOUNDED IN ACTION SEVERELY, ciergeant M 04 iKK, Noye. V. orixira 1 A i K K . T heron W.. Oxark. Ark. A N" PER SON. Matthew A. Wibaux. Mont. BIN PER. Jacob F., Wheatridge. Colo. I'fivattra crane. Thomas W.. Dorehe.ter. Mux H A VI LI N". Owen. Drexel. Mo. ISBlSTEIt. tillbert H.. Port Huron. Mich. VAFOV, l.eo M.. East SI. Louis. PI. PRATT. Charles H . Cedar city. Utah. RASAK. Carl K.: I'eter Raaar. IL F. D. ., Bow. Wash. FEWY. Georc. II. . Sprlngneld. 111. TR.IPNEI.U I'enill. Metier. ;.. ITHI'S, Orville U., Superior. Wis. TV ASH AM. Krerf r.: Paulina Washam. R. K. P. I. Eagle. Idaho. WATERS. Thoma. J-. Easton. P.. WRIGHT, George 1 Isabella Wright, Gas. Dal. Sea tile. TV ash. Off.) I taartmtaw ncttlai m ax a ranapia ajr of Aspirin iYo-ur Cviarastits) f rsrity n Women's Suits In Greatest Variety Second Floor We have, without question, the larg est and most complete showing of women's outer apparel in the entire Northwest. Women looking about for new suits. Coats, Skirts and Waists will serve their interests best by coming to this store. Suits $32.50 Several attractive styles at this price in the lead ing materials. One very smart model is shown in high-grade velour with slightly fitted back, con vertible collar, fancy pockets, narrow QQQ Kf belt. Various colors. Exceptional values 50w.jU Suits $38.50 Among the smart models at the above price is one that is especially attractive. It is a wool poplin in wanted colors and is styled with high waist effect, two-piece belt, military collar, trimmed QQQ Cf with bone buttons. See these Suits at wOOsDU Suits $45.00 Picture a suit of finest quality wool velour in the latest plaited-back model with fancy belt and con vertible collar with best of tailoring throughout! Many other models your choosing in shades for Fall Suits $52.50 One of the many styles shown at this price is made up in wool tricotine of excellent quality and is beautifully trimmed with braid and buttons. Slightly fitted waist, tailored collars and cuffs. An exceed ingly smart suit for street wear. Shown QCO CTf in various good colors. Priced at only 0JieJv Other Suits $27.50 to $225.00 HlXK. Edward. Curtlca. Ohio. WOUNDED SEVERELY IN ACTION PRE- lot SLY REPORTED MISfclNG. Corporal I I.IIKIM INK, Anthonr: Pletro C. "1er.n tlne. Everett Poll.-c DepL, Evarett, TV ash Private PETERSEN. Nela J.; Carotin. A. Petersen, 1 a Inn. Idaho. PHILLIPS. Charles M.. Jr.. Hurlock. Md. Rt'HIN'SOX. Dayton H.. lpeer, Jdich. SEc.ER. Herbert P.. Milwood. Ta. SPIT7.HA RUT. Gustavo. Milwauk.. Wis. Till SLKR. Henry E.. Llttlo KO.-1C. Ark. WOUNDED DEGREE U N PFT E RM I N ED PR E lot SLY REPORTED MISSING. Private BA1NLM. Oscl J.. Brllevu. N. M. IN HANDS Ol' ENEMY. Corporal KLETCHER. Harry B., P rovo. Utah. MISSING IN ACTION. Private CLEVELAND. William C, Haxelton, Ga. RETURNED TO DUTY PREVIOSI I.T RE. POKI'ED WOt Mll'n DEGREE UN DETERMINED. Private THOMAS Everett New Madiaon, Ohla Vuiicouvcr Boy I Calient. VAXCOUVKK. TVanh.. OcL 5. (Spe cial.) Donald H. 1'erclval, aon of May or U. n. Perclval. of tills city, left today for Bremerton to enter service in the Navy. He enlisted some time ago in the naval aviation forces as a mechanic. He was employed by County "Engineer B. U Dorman for some tite. Henri 7he Orernnlsn rtassified ads. PORTLAND MAN HAS 12 B. Lakes Is Now Able to Do a Real Day's Work First Time in Five Years. "I have actually gained twelve pounria since 1 atarled taking; Tanlac. and for the first lime In five years I am now able to do a hard day's work." aid B. Lkea, of the Liberty Tranafer t'ompanv. who hvea at "10 lialsey Street. Portland, the other day. "Ahout three years aco." he contin ued, "I contracted a severe cold, which waa followed by losa of appetite and an attack of acute indigestion that caused me to suffer agroniea. My stomach was so derangjed that I was taken to a hospital, where I was under expert treatment for a week. Hut after re turning home my troubles appeared to get wor.e and for several weeks I was unable to take hardly any nourishment. I wis put on the lightest kind of diet, but even that soured on my stomach and formed so much teas that It kept me in misery for hours. At time I would get so nauseated that I would vomit up everything; I had eaten, and one nicht I fait so sick after frolngr to bed that when I sot up I fainted away, and right afterwarda had such an aw ful spell that I really thought my time had surely come. I suffered from awful headaches, went down in w-eia;ht and felt juat Ilk all my energy had entirely left. me. I felt tired and worn out all the tune, and for years tt waa all I could do to ret through with my work without breaking; down. "Medicines did me no good and I was almost in despair, when I read o much about others petting: such wonderful results from using; Tanlac that, as a last resort. I decided to try IL In less than a week after .taring- on my first bottle I noticed an Improvement In my appetite and it wasn't long before I beg-an to feel like", a well man once more. After taking four bottles my appetite has picked up so I eat like a pis and everything; agrees with me. as I never have any bad effects after wards. I sleep like a log; at night and get up in the. morning; feeling fine a. a fiddle and can work hard all day and never feel It at all. I am so delighted at the way Tanlac has straightened me out that I have already told several of my friends about what It has done for me, and I am going to keep on boosting It every chance 1 get." Tanlac Is sold In I'urtland by tbs Owl Drug Co Adv. o D o o n o o D o o D o o D o equally as attractive are rere for o D o all the very ywenaV:Tt S45.00 and Winter o MAIZZD mux .IC $i WAKEFULNESS OVERCOME How? A (rlas-t of Rortlcns Malted Milk at bedtime hot piping hot. Not a medicine or dru-r. Just a plca-aint. soothing:, relaxing:, )artially prediirestrd food car ink of pure milk and cereals. ' fnmiwt fm PoritTen'a the Improrrd Malted Mdlc MALTED MILK i timn Mir0als Infants as. Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED MILK Rich milk, malted grain, in fio wder f m ua. For infants, invalic's as1 growmf children. Purs nutrition, upbuildiac las whole body. Invigorates nursinf mothers ai ths aged. Mora nutritious than tea, coffee, ate Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Substitutes Cot YOU Same Pric The Outdoor Girl Protects the skin and cornplc-ooa from all weather - conditions. Soothing and healinc after exposure. Relieves sunburn, tan and roua-h or chapped skins. Try it lo-d.y. . Couraud's rienfal Cream :raa la. for Trial itiao. T. HOPKINS 4k SON. Net York iwjJS .''---C'"' "WW1.' 1 v C I W X io n j FERD.