Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 03, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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3. 1918.
Cltv Editor Main TOTO. A 6!5
Sunlay Kdltor Main 7070, A Sons
.Advertising Department Main 7070. A 6'05
Superintendent of juildina;..Maln 7070, A 6015
BAKER (Broaflway. near Morrison) Baker
players in "The Brat." Tonight.
AI-CAZAR (Morrison at Eleventh) Alcazar
players in '"The Girl il Left. Behind."
VANTAGES (Broadway at Aider) Vanda-
vilJe. Three shows daily. 2:30, 7 and :03.
EIPPODROMR (Broadway at Tamhiil)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to C;
6:4-" to 31 P. M. tiHturdays. Sundays,
holidays, continuous, 1:1 to 11 P. M.
BTKAJfD (Washington street, between !ark
and West Parlo Vaudeville and moving
pictures; continuous.
LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Tyrle company
in "Oh, What a Night!"' This afternoon
at 2:o0 and tonight at f.:50.
on Hat at
Business Office, Oregonlan.
Jhstina Klotz to Speak. Under the
Immigration department of the National
board of the Y. W. C. A. Justina Klotz.
JL. L. I.. a graduate of the University
of Paris, and a native of Poland, will
speak at the auditorium of the local
T V. C. A. on Friday evening at 8
o'clock. Ur. Klotz was in Poland during
Its devastation by the enemy and cornea
to Portland in the interests of recon
struction and educational work among
foreign born women. Representatives
of federation of Women's Clubs, the
National Council of Defense and the
Daughters of the American Revolution,
whose programme is Americanization,
will attend the meeting.
Portland Y o u t h Commissioned.
Clinton Minto Irwin, son of Mrs. Laura
Jfinto Irwin, of Portland, who is in
service in France, has been commis
sioned a Second Lieutenant, according
to word received by his relatives here.
He left Portland in June, 1917, as a
member of Company E, Railway Engi
neers. Lieutenant Irwin is an engi
neering graduate of Stanford Univer
sity, class of 1916. He is a grandson
of John W. Minto, ex-postmaster of
Portland and ex-warden of the Oregon
Many Seek Permits. Many applica
tions for permits to go within the pro
hibited half-mile zone established about
the Armory, were filed yesterday at
the office of the United States Mar
shal by German alien women, who are
included in the new order which he
roines effective at midnight Saturday.
The order forbids such women going
within a half mile of the waterfront,
or within the same distance of the
Armory without a permit. No permits
ftre issued to allow them on the water
front. Three More Arrested. C. Rettig-. C.
"vVelk and K. Kwartz were arrested
Tuesday night by Federal officials on
a charge of violating the espionage act
and were given preliminary hearing
yesterday before Commissioner Drake.
They were bound over under bonds and
are in the Federal corridor of the Mult
nomah County Jail awaiting hearing.
Samuel Ketchel, who was arrested by
I'r-puty Marshal Pace on a charge of
white slavery, also was bound over
tinder bonds.
Censorship Stilt," Desired. Delega
tions from Parent-Teacher Associations
find women'-s clubs appeared at Coun
cil chambers yesterday to protest at the
passage of an ordinance eliminating
the city moving picture censorship,
following their representations that
euch a step would not be for the best
Interests of the. city, the two ordi
nances were withdrawn until the pre
sentation of budgets next week by the
Various city departments.
Husband Is Re-Arrested. Guy
Preshears, recently under arrest for
non-support, was re-arrested yester
day by Deputy Constable Watkinds and
Is held in the County Jail pending in
vestigation. Breshears is said to have
promised to pay his divorced wife, Mrs.
Matilda Reed, $33 a month for the sup
port of their children. It is alleged he
has failed to keep this agreement. He
has been working at a St. Johns ship
yard. County Receipts Are Large. Fees
received by the County Clerk during
September amounted to $8060.67, ac
cording to the monthly statement pre
pared yesterday. Of this amount,
$170.40 was in Circuit Court earned
foes, $"202.05 from the recording de
partment, $333.07 from the naturaliza
tion bureau, $613. S5 from the Probate
Court, the remainder being in miscel
laneous fees.
Malcolm Ditktway III. Mr. and Mrs.
Kalph R. Duniway left last night for
Annapolis. Md. in response to a tele
frram 6aying that their son. Malcolm
Z'uniway, a cadet in the Naval
Academy, had been stricken with
Spanish influenza and that pneumonia
had set in. Mr. and Mrs. Duniway will
arrive at Annapoli3 October 6 and the
dHte of their return here Is indefinite.
Train PAfctxaEr.s Terrifed. Antonio
Iiimaer'n f -is rrr- i on i Southern
Pacific train yesterday and held pend
ing examination as to his sanity after
he had terrified the train passengers
by disorderly 'conduct. Dimaegio was
en route to California. Patrolmen
Xlincenpmith and Rudolph were ob
liged to handcuff the prisoner to take
him to '.he County Jail.
John W. Perkins, of Clevelan 1, O., will
liolrl a meeting at the T. M. C. A. at 10
o'clock this morninc; for men who are
volunteering to give information to
eelectives throughout the state This
work is being conducted for the Gov
ernment by the y service department
&nd reaches to every corner of Ore
ron. Poole-Dean Company Sues. The
Toole-Dcan Company began suit in the
Circuit Court yesterday against the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Com
pany, demanding $fi000, which it al
leges is the purchase price of a der
rick and engine which the railway
company bought and for which it now
refuses to pay, it is claimed.
Community Sixa Tonight. A com
rnunity sing will be held by the Na
tional Choral League this evening at
Central Library, room A. at S o'clock,
under the direction of Professor Tom
t;. Taylor. The programme for this
occasion will include a brief sketch of
Stephen Collins Foster. by James
Irving Crabbe.
K state Admitted to Probate. An
estate valued in excess of $S5,000 was
left by the late William T. B. Nichol
son, according to the estimate made
yesterday in the petition asking for
the probata of the will. The estate
consists of approximately $25,000 in
personal property and $60,000 in real
Forester Returns From Alaska.
Asher Ireland, a United States forest
examiner, returned Tuesday from
Alaska where he has spent the last
four months on land classification
work on the Tongass National Forests.
Traffic Violators Fined. E. B.
Lively was fined $20 In the Municipal
Court yesterday for violating the
traffic ordinance. W. I. Schulenberg
end G. P. Davidson were) fined $10
?ach for speeding.
Wasted. Capable physician to take
, eharge of small hospital in thriving
community. BJ 600, Oregonian. Adv.
One or two private offices for rent
n suite, with lawyers. Apply 533 Pit
tock block. Adv.
Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened.
Tortland Cutlery Co., E6 6th, near Stark.
Grey Winter oats for sale, suitable
for seed. Holman Fuel Co. Main 353.
Dr. H. F. Leonard has returned. 703-
aiorg7a.11 Elds- Main 709.
Zoo-Tender Eliminated. Centraliza
tion of authority and economy of op
eration at the City Park was effected
yesterday in the passage by the City
Commissioners of an ordinance abolish
ing the position of loo-tender. The
foreman of the City Park will have
complete charge of the zoo and park
under the new arrangement, accord
ing Superintendent Keyser. The num
ber of animals at the zoo has been cut
considerably the past few months and
it was decided that war economy
Justified the cutting down in Job. The
size of the elk herd and number of
buffaloes and bears has been cut down
Community Houses Opened. Sellwood
and Peninsula community houses
opened their Winter season Tuesday
night with appropriate programmes, to
which the public was invited. Gym
nasium classes, swimming classes,
various clubs and other activities will
be launched goon. Picking- of sphag
num moss and other Red Cross work
are among the activities being planned
by these clubs.
City Getb One-Fourth or Receipts.
Permission for the exhibition of
"America's Answer," official war film,
at the Auditorium next week , was
granted to Calvin Heilig by the City
Commissioners yesterday. Mr. Heilig
will pay half of the expenses and will
receive three-fourths of the receipts,
the remainder going to the city. The
picture will be shown eight nights,
beginning October 6.
Mrs. J. L. Fleming; Not Located.
All efforts of the Western Union yes
terday failed to locate Mrs. J. L. Flem
ing, formerly of 684 Glisan street, for
whom a telegram from the command
ing officer of Camp Holabird, Md, is
held. The message announces the death
of Mrs. Fleming's son at the Fort 11c
Henry Hospital yesterday morning.
Draft Violator Interned. George
A. Pietzold, who was arrested recent
ly for failure to register under pro
visions of the selective service law,
has been ordered interned for the dura
tion of the war and haa been taken to
the camp at Vancouver. He is a native
of Germany and has five sons working
in the shipyards.
Austrian Held for Sedition. Peter
Beranda, an Austrian, is held In the
Federal corridor . of the Multnomah
County Jail on a charge of disloyalty,
and will be given preliminary hearing
before United States Commissioner
Drake this morning. He is alleged to
have made derogatory remarks about
the flag.
Fred Barker Draws Fine. Fred
Barker was fined $10 yesterday by
Municipal Judge Rossman for register
ing under an assumed name a, the
Standish Hotel, 64 8 V; Washington
street, in violation of the new hotel
ordinance. Josie Thomas and Minnie
Burk, arrested in Barker's room, were
Husband Accused of Assault. John
McDaniel, 909 Michigan avenue, was
arrested yesterday by Deputy Constable
Watkinds on a warrant sworn to by
McDaniel's wife. She charges him with
assault and battery. He is an employe
at the Union Stock Yards. He is held in
the County Jail in default of $200 cash
Pastor and Two Members of Flock Are
Accused of Counselling Congrega
tion Against War.
Rev. Fred W. Swartz, head of the
Apostolic Christian Church, and
alleged to be counseling members of
his congregation against war. is in the
Federal .corridor of the Multnomah
County Jail, accompanied by two mem
bers of his flock, C. Welk and C. Rittig,
all of whom will be given preliminary
hearing this afternoon before United
States Commissioner Drake.
Federal officials say Kev. Mr. Swartz
is a pacifist from religious motives and
hat he has counseled members of his
congregation against participation in a
war of bloodshed. Welk and Rettig, it
is alleged, are advocates of passive
action toward an enemy, or conscien
tious objectors.
First Assistant United States Dis
trict Attorney Goldstein prepared -In
formations against the three men and
may cause Swartz to be brought to
trial on a charge of violating the es
pionage act, if testimony at the prelim
inary hearing today justifies such pro
Swartz has a small mission located
at East Twenty-second and Stark
Flan to Increase Consumption In
dorsed by State Educator.
J. A. Churchill, State Superintendent
of Public Instruction, has sent to
Edith Knight Holmes, in charge of the
educational dairy campaign of the Ore
gon Dairy Council, his indorsement of
the plan to encourage greater use of
milk and all dairy products. Mr.
Churchill said:
"I am sure the public schools of the
state will give your committee all the
assistance possible in carrying on a
campaign of education to this end."
Pamphlets telling of the food value
of milk and milk products will be sent
to all county agents and these will be
available to those schools that wish the
Mrs. Holmes will speak on Friday at
3 P. M. at the meeting of the Portland
Parent-Teacher Association in the Library.
Treat Assured in Appearance Soon
of Famous Singers.
The many-sided art of Anna Fitzlu
and Andres de Segurola will be shown
next Wednesday night at the Helig,
when these two stars from the Metro
politan Opera-House, New York, make
their debut in Portland under manage
ment of Steers & Coman.
. The programme will open with a
number from Mozart's "Don Giovanni,"
an opera that contains some of the
most exquisitely beautiful and dramatic
music ever given to the world. Segu
rola's singing of Leporella's part in
this opera has attracted widespread
attention. Following this he will give
Grieg's lovely song, "La Jeune Prin
cesse." Anna Fitziu will t.take her first ap-
5 ;
Of course, the war news is the
most interesting subject, as it
should be, and our appreciation
of what the boys "over there"
are doing is beyond words.
But we've all got to wear
clothes, and notwithstanding the
Government restrictions, we can
show you suits and overcoats
that in patterns, colors and
models were never more attrac
tive. They are from
The House of
and represent the very war
time clothes for men and young
$30 $35, $40 and up.
The second interesting Fall
announcement of "The House
of Kuppenheimer" appears on
page 14 of this paper. Don't
lay the paper aside without see
ing and reading it.
The Kuppenheimer House in
pearance In Alda's great scene and
aria, "Ritorna Vincitor." This will be
followed by a ballatella from "T Pag
liacci." A group of three songs by Segurola
will open with a touch of patriotic
fervor in Lieutenant Gltz Rice's "Dear
Old Pal of Mine." followed by the de
lightful old English song, T Will Give
You the Keys of Heaven," and closing
with the Spanish "Clavelitos" (Carna
tions), by Valverde.
Anna Fltziu's group of lyrics will
embrace Horsman's "Bird of the Wilder
ness." MacFadyen's "Inter Nos" and
Voorhis' "A Little Word."
Two duets will end part I. "Fesca
d'Amore," by Barthelmy, and the truly
Parisian music of Offenbach's well
known barcarolle from "The Tales of
The second part of the programme
will be filled by an enchanting little
operatic sketch, "Grandma Mere Avait
Woman Seeks Arrest of Husband
Remarried Montli Ago.
Mrs. William C. Schultz. 214 East
Thirty-third street, obtained a warrant
yesterday for the arrest of her hus
band, whom she remarried less than a
month ago after beinsr divorced last
Summer. She charges him with threat
ening to kill her.
Mis. Schultz told police that her hus
band came home from work early yes
terday, went to bed. and tnen got up
and threatened to kill her. She says
he broke down the door of a room "to
which she fled. The warrant charges
Schultz with disorderly conduct and
fixes the bail at $250.
Joseph Pulitzer Reaches Port With
Record Catch for Season.
Thousands of pounds of fish at un
usually low prices ar to be put on
sale at the municipal fish market this
morning. Some of the prices an
nounced yesterday by Commissioner
Kellaher were: Halibut. 18 and 2'
cents; black cod, 8 and 10 cents; red
snapper. S cents; black bass, 15 cents;
fre.h mackerel. 1 ." cents, and hard
shell rlams. 7 cents.
Halibut heads, said by Mr. Kellaher
to make a fine chowder, will be given
away as long as the supply lasts- The
record catch of the Joseph Pulitzer Is
being riisfri huterj to nther points In
0k! Boyrirv
WAR -srtgs
i uu r !
iii i n It lsji.i-1 sni t savsrni tM MiatTsa iisnssM
Lunch Today
at the
Served 11 to 3
14 specially planned menus
range in price
25c to 90c
Complete a la carte service
Boiled Leg of
Lamb, Turnips
and Peas 50
Short Ribs of
Beef, Bouillon Po
tatoes 10c.
maarccnantarr 4fO mil SWT
Both Brothers Joined the Colors
Have discontinued all other stores.
Three Select Stocks to Be Sold
Only the store at 143 Broadway to be continued. Their agents are compelled
to make at once
To fulfill their contracts with the New York manufac
turers. This is an exceptional opportunity, as this sale
offers you the very highest class of merchandise at abso
of all-wool material, plush collar, in beautiful short waist
effect. Sale price S1S.75
Of all silk lined silvertone. Sale price $37.50
Of Bolivia cloth, best pussy-willow silk lining. Sale
price S57.00
And many other coat novelties at corresponding; sacrifice prices.
Of best silk tricolette. Sale price S39.50
The newest creation in velvets. Sale price S32.50
High-class Georgette and satin dresses. Sale price $19.75
Of Georgette,which we formerly sold up to $9, at this sale $4.95
Chiffon broadcloth suits, fur trimmed. Sale price $32.75
High-class tricolette suits. Sale price $42.50
New creations in silvertone suits. Sale price $45.00
Remember prices do not mean anything. You have to see
these values to realize that your dollar is worth two at this sale.
143 Broadway, Bet., Morrison and Alder
: Multnomah :
3 Hotel
50c Plate Lunch
Arcadian Garden
Each Week Day
Trcparod by chef former-
ly with Bohemian Cafe.
Formerly owner of tha
Announces the opening of the
111 Taylor Street
San Francisco
In the center of theater and shop
ping district. A home placa for
Portland people- All sunny rooms
with private bath.
Rates: $1.00 Per Day Up.
From Ferry Depot take Eddy
streetcar to Taylor street.
Oregon' srid rsquests have been received
from California, cities for the low
priced fish, according; to the Commis
sioner. 3000 LISTED AT COLLEGE
Opening Registration at Corrallle
Far Exceeds Expectations.
Corvallis. Oct. 2. (Special.) ReKlnlra-
tion totals for the flrit day s work at
Oregon Atrrlcultural Collese show that
the student body will be about 3000.
Quarters have slready been provided
for 2321 men. Totuls for the women's
registration show a large number for
special war courses. t
To care for the large crowds of men,
the women's jrymnasium has been
turned into a barracks. The Cflr Hall
in alKO available as a barracks for men.
The Kpiscopal Church parish houe was
offered by the Rev. Father Simpson
and a score of boys are Quartered
Drain Youth at Front.
rRAIN Or.. Oct. 2 (Special.) Mr.
and Mr. A. B. Chsdbourne. of this city,
have received a letter from their son.
Corporal Charles Chadbourne. He
writes that he Is sjrain at the front,
after recovering from & slight wound
received from a hurMinir phell.
A Piano Sensation
F. W. Graves (formerly of Graves Music Co.) still has a
number of pianos on hand, stored at room 216 Panama Bldg.
These pianos are now offered at prices to sell them quick,
as Mr. Graves will leave for California in a few days.
These pianos can be seen and MUST BE SOLD IX THREE
DAYS Thursday, Friday and Saturday, between 10 A. M.
and 5:30 P. M.
Cash is wanted, but short time may be given.
Included are Vose, Kingsbury, Smith & Barnes, Cable,
Chickering, Mendelssohn and others, some players included.
If yon mean business and want to save money on a piano
here is your chance.
Call at Panama Bldg., Third and Alder streets, second floor,
rooms 201 and 216.
Washington. Aug. II. Expert ac
countants have become so essential to
the war collections that tha Govern
ment Is considering steps to prevent
their being taken for Army service, and
to enroll them In a big reserve similar
to that being established for physi
cians. There are only about 3500 certi
fied accountants and S000 Junior ao
conntanta In the United States. Internal
Revenue Commissioner Roper's pro
gramme for collecting f S. 000. 000.009 of
taxes next year calls for employing
more than 1000 of these. The Treasury
has suggested to President Wilson that
accountants be recognised as a class
essential to the war, like physicians,
dentists and chemists, and that they not
only be exempt from draft, but that
some plan be worked out to discourage
thetr voluntary enlistment and to rec
ognise their value la civilian service.
Opess October 1st tVeglstratiOB New.
Address S- D. ERWIXE, Dess. for Catalogue.
Electrical Engineering School
(Half Time Plan)'
Practical experience and earning while you are learning. A plan
whereby the engineering student attains a thorough technical train
ing secures practical electrical experience which correlates with his
school work and at the same time earns sufficient to pay all expenses-
For Full Information Address
Division C
a DllhkTA
i n i in
Why Wear 9
Inferior Glasses?
When you can purchase our Punk
lal Lenses? They are made of
the finest quality of glass, with a
superior finish, and they give
clearly-defined vision to the very
margin. Ask for booklet, "The
Eye and the Lens."
Th SEWAKO ta a new. modrn and
elrcanily appointed hotL, potMUinc
on of it most beautiful corner lob
bies In th NorthwtcL Located at
10th and Aider ta,, oppoait O'.da.
Wortmtn A Klnc bis department
tor, la to art ot retaii and tbatr
ciatrtct. Katea. 91 and up- But
meeta all traina, W car auao ruaa
from Union Iepot dlract to Rota
WARD, W. M. Savard, Prop.
Visiting Buyers p.
in Portland V M
First Find
Way to
-a -a j v i t a. .nss ,
'. W., President.
H, K. 1- her. Manager.
Park and Alder. Port land. Or.
Special ratra bx tba vracJt a matk
The Real Victory Spread
Butter Nut
ask your
l-astlng positions and opportuni
ties tor success are in the busi
ness world.
la the Northwest's Largest
Best Business College
Poaltloa aa Soo Conpetcit
Write for Fret latalessc
Victory Triduum
Holy Rosary Church
East 3d and Clackamas
Thursday Evening, 7:30
' By
Very Rev. J. S. Rice
O. P. S. T. Lr.
1 f :"r- 1' ,.. ... h ' ;
Hi u r 1 : . .--; r
446 W wtalostea Mree.
Larr. slry rooms. elcntly Xurnlsrte. tn
hfrt of retsl! snd thtr durtrlcc Btxlct!y
mod-rn ebsolutely fireproof, cltin snd qut.t
surroundings. Koomi without sath, LOO
Kooma wllh bath, tl 50 and up. Our 11.00
rooms equal to any 1.50 rooms In the city.
Our rooms with bath at 1..M equal to any
$iOO in city. Special rates by week or
month. Beet rooms la city for Use money.
X Moderate-Price Betel ef Merit
F.ast Morrises St. mm A East BLxth.
V.OO Per Day. Two) la Roes H I
. WL Reynolds. Prop.. Outer, Waahlaytva,
iii lb p let tlx qua Treat Laa aliej. Sid
tt!? bj auto or noraabacis. to lava aad loa
cavaa. Indian racetrack. Steamboat Lake
tc. Mouot A da ma aula road ta MarrlaaB
Yallej, at the very base or the mouataia.
Good trout fish Id. Tennis and croquet
$ rounds and wnnmlnc pool la coonacuoa.
Aiuutemcot haJI with dame t nr. bowling aad
bi.iisiraa. near tbo hotel. Ham: Koom and
boevrd. by the dav. SLX by tbo .
Wanted Chairs to Cane,
by School for Blind
Mar. 1MMO er If- 1 C 1 f.....
taoOO. r.lefea . lrJ,&9 3
L . Ta - -' r .- J
-I 'Vi' . i-'ll- "Vf "-.-On;::