IO THE MOKXIKG OREGOXLIX. TIIUKSDAT, OCTOBER 3, 1918. PORTLAND. OREGON. Entered at Portland (Oregon) Postoffice. as second-class mail matter. Subscription rates Invariably In advance: (By Mail.) Daily. Ennday Included, one year $S.OO Iaily, Sunday included, six months .... 4.23 Taily, Sunday Included, three months.. rally. Sunday included, one month .... ' Dallv. without Sunday, one year ...... 6.01) Daily, without Sunday. s:sc months . ... 3.25 Aauy, witnout Sunday, one mouta Weekly, one year .... Sunday, one year Sunday and weekly .BO . 1.00 . 2.50 . JS.50 iBy Carrier.) Pally, Sunday Included, one year Z3.O0 Tiaily, Sunday Included, one month .... -o rai!y, Sunday included, three months.. --; Iaily. without Sunday, one year t-fQ Iaily, without Sunday, three months... Xiaiiy, witnout Sunday, one month ..... -ti How to Remit Send postoffice money or der, express or personal check on your local bank, stamps, coin or currency are at own er's risk. Give postoffice address in lull, in cluding county and state. Postage Kates 12 to 16 psjes. 1 cent: 18 to 3Z pages. 2 cents: S4 to 48 pages. 3 cents; 0 to t pages, 4 cents; 62 to 76 pages, 6 cents; 78 io fc2 pages, 6 cents. I'oreign post age, double rates. Eaetern Basines Office Verree. Conk lln, Brunswick buiidirg. New York; Verrea & r:onkiin, Steger building, Chicago; Verree & Conklin, Free- Press building, Detroit, Mich.; Ean Francisco representative, K. J. Bldwell. IWEVTBER OF THK ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively enti tled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited to this paper, and also the local news published herein. All right of republication of special dis patches herein are aiao reserved. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, OCT. 3. 1918. GKKMANV'S NEXT MOVE. "What will be the effect of Bulgaria's desertion on German strategy? That 5s the most interesting question now arising in the war. The answer is necessarily a matter of speculation, and it requires a statement of the situ ation as it exists in the west and as it will be created in the east by Bul garia's agreement with the allies and possible attack on Turkey. In the west the Germans are every where on the defensive and being driven back, losing heavily in men and material, inferior in numbers and armament and with this inferiority growing as the American Army grows. Austria's last hope of a successful of fensive against Italy vanished with her defeat on the Piave, her army on that front has already been weakened by detachment of troops to aid Ger many, and it faces the threat of attack hy greatly strengthened Italian army, to which British, French and American troops have been added. In Russia the Czechs on the Volga and the allies in the north are fighting their way to a junction of forces, which may soon be increased by a great army of Czechs, Russians and allies from Siberia, and the Ukraine is In revolt. An uprising In Roumania threatens to follow the transfer of Von Mackensen's main army into Bul garia and Serbia, and the allies are advancing in superior force to meet him and to cut off the isolated bodies of Germans and Austrians which have been exposed to capture by Bulgaria's action. Hard pressed as Germany is in the west, she dare not refrain from an effort to prevent the allies from reach ing the Danube and the Save, for Austria is already clamoring for peace, her subject peoples are seething with rebellion, and the appearance of allied armies on the border of the Jugo-Slav provinces would be the signal for action. The allies would also stretch a hand across the Danube to lift Roumania to her feet, arm her men and put them in the field again. Un less large forces are sent to the Bal kans, the war may soon be carried to the interior of Austria and Hungary from the southeast and east. The dual monarchy might then succumb and accept the fate which the allies have in store for it military occupation and dismemberment. The southern as well as the western frontier of Ger many would then lie open to attack, and the allied forces would be greatly augmented by addition of the emanci pated peoples of Austria-Hungary and Roumania. Stripped of the manpower and munition output of the dual mon archy. Germany could not long resist invasion. There is but one way in which Ger many can gain the forces to ward off this catastrophe retreat. By with drawing from the Belgian coast and from France to a line running from Antwerp along the Scheldt, the Meuse. across to the Moselle east of Verdun, tip that river and along the Vosges, Germany might spare enough troops to hold the new line in the Balkans. The small army in Finland might be withdrawn, also the troops which liave penetrated to the heart of Russia might draw back to a line running from the Gulf of Finland close to the old line of trenches which was held from the Fall of 1915 to the Summer of 1317. This would be to abandon the Bolsheviki to the certain and richly deserved fate of extermination, but they have served their purpose, and Russia is a liability rather than n asset to Germany in the present juncture. Austria might withdraw from the Piave river to the mountain line along the frontier, which perhaps could be manned by half the present force per mile, but the mountain line is so much longer that no economy of fori'e might result. Germany might be able to hold the lines described through the Winter, though there are signs that the allies plan to press the campaign with unre lated vigor in that season, hoping to prevent the enemy from having any respite for rest and recuperation and for accumulation of munitions for the Spring, also to lower his morale still farther when it is lowest. But during the Winter Germany may be expected to start a peace offensive surpassing all others in intensity. The with drawal may be represented as volun tary and as proof of genuine ac ceptance of the principle, of self-determination of peoples. Franchise re form may be pushed through the Prussian Diet and the Reichstag and may be cited as proof that Germany has become, democratic and that the government is truly representative and therefore such as President Wil son said he would treat with. If peace overtures should then be rejected, the war party might seek to rally the people by proclaiming that the allies were determined to destroy Germany and that, whatever might be true of the past, the war had now become one for defense of national existence. The allies need to beware of just euch an offensive, for it would be a tissue of falsehood. While Germany held any non-German territory, its in habitants would not be free to choose their own government. That state ment would apply to the still occupied part of Belgium, to Luxemburg, Alsace-Lorraine, Schleswig-Holstein and Polish Prussia. It would also apply to the Baltic provinces and to Russian Poland. Though more Germans would have votes under a new franchise law, they would still be. impotent, for the constitutions of both Germany and Prussia would be unchanged. Exec utive power and the power of initiative in and veto of legislation would still be concentrated in the Kaiser and his princely and junker counselors, and the lower houses of both parliaments would still be mere debating societies. Franchise reform would not become operative until an election had been held under the new law and, if the war party could deceive the allies into accepting it as genuine proof that Germany had become democratic and could conclude peace while still in the saddle, the new law might never be come operative, the constitution might remain unchanged and the militarists would then be newly entrenched in power to prepare for the next war; In the revolution of 184 8 concessions to democracy were made in both Prussia and Austria, but the sovereigns no sooner got the upper hand than they were taken back. No trust can be put in concessions made for the sake of expediency by devotees of divine right. The only sure way to establish the rule of the people is to take away the monarch's power beyond chance of recovery, and the surest way to do that is to depose finally such criminal dynasties as the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs. That requires that the allied armies push on till they occupy Berlin and Vienna. TirE VTILUTL TWENTY-TWO. Henry Ford, it may be inferred, ac cepts at full value the statement that "politics is adjourned." He has given the Democratic party leaders of Mich igan the disheartening information that he will not expend a cent in the campaign. Also he makes the guarded pledge that he will "support President Wilson's war measures while he con tinues his present and past wise course in the conduct of the war." Mr. Ford will not bind himself to vote for any measure "because it is labeled Democratic or Republican." But the President appears to be confident that he can continue to please Mr. Ford, for he personally re quested Mr. Ford to become a candi date for United States Senator. One may now be interested more keenly than ever in what constitutes support of the President in war legis lation. In some of the Eastern states the Democratic campaign committee is urging the voters to uphold the President by electing Democrats to Congress. Over in the Southeastern Washington district a Democratic candidate for Representative uses the slogan: "Uphold the administration by voting for McCroskey for I'on gress." In our own community the Democratic candidate for Governor seeks to convey the impression that only through his election can sup port of the President be assured. Yet a war measure, so labeled by the President, and earnestly com mended to the favorable action of the Senate by him, was defeated Monday by two votes. On this war measure the woman suffrage amendment twenty-two Democrats either voted "no" or were paired against it. The Republican opponents numbered twelve. The need of a Democratic Congress in order to support the President is befuddling. One may suspect that the policy adopted by some Democrats is to support the President enthusi astically and energetically only so long as"they agree with him on what ought to be done. The number of Democrats on the Ford platform seems to have been increased by twenty-two. Why a Democratic Con gress? THE CITY OF DAMASCUS. Capture of Damascus by the allies is an event of great moment in the Orient, because it is one of the great est cities in Turkey, having a popula tion estimated at 154.000 to 225,000, and because it has been in the hands of the Moslem since its conquest by the Arabs in the year 635. except for brief periods during the Mongol and Tartar invasions. Its fall is a symbol of the. dissipation of those hopes that Moslem power would be revived and that Germany would rule the world as the protector of the Moslem, which were raised by the Kaiser in 1898. It was at Damascus that he made the speech in 1898 in which he said that "the 300.000,000 Mohammedans who live scattered over the globe may be assured of this, that the German Em peror will be their friend at all times." In what low esteem Mohammedans held his protection may be judged by the fact that the Arabs formed part of the army with which his enemies cap tured the city and that all the Mo hammedans in the world are arrayed against him except the Turks. The moral effect of the victory on the Oriental World will fortify the power of the European nations which won the city and will be heightened by the alliance with the Arabs, who are guardians of Mahomet's tomb. Damascus is of interest to the stu dent of ancient history, for it is re puted to be the oldest city in the world that is still inhabited. It may date back to the time of Babylon, and it is mentioned in Genesis as existing at the time of Abraham. Syria grew from a. province of the Pharaohs into an independent kingdom, with Damas cus as its capital, which had many wars with Israel. It was conquered by the Assyrians in 732 B. C. and thereafter fell successively under the sway of Persia, Alexander the Great, Egypt and Rome. It stands at the foot of the Anti-Lebanon mountains in a plain that is well watered by the biblical rivers, Abana and Pharpar, and has several beautiful mosques and churches. It was formerly the trade center of the Syrian desert, but its transit trade has been diverted to the sea. KEEP PLUGGING AWAY. If the difference betweeh perform ance and promise in some of our war undertakings notably the building of ships and aircraft has been disap pointingly wide, it has at least served to remind us that it requires some thing more than enthusiasm in its first high flush to accomplish results worth while. The men who boast most loudly of the sacrifices they made in order to "do their bit" in the shipyards are not to be compared for real efficiency, for instance, to those who, saying less about it. go on work ing six days every week. It is not getting on the payroll of the shipyard which counts, so much as a good record for steady duty. The American people, however, are beginning to realize this, so there is no reason for pessimism. A few at a time the work slackers are being weeded out; it is now commonly un derstood that three or four days a week is not a sufficient showing for an ablebodied man. even if in this time he can earn all the money he thinks he needs. Even at the risk of being ruined by "prosperity, he must go right on working. It is the labor that the country needs, and all of it that can be commanded. There is another way la which workers can help materially to win the war In Europe, and that la by curbing the spirit of restlessness. Sel dom is there anything to gain by mov ing from one job to another. The sol dier is not permitted to hunt a. new station every time he is piqued by the conduct of a top Sergeant or a Lieutenant: the civil worker can well endure the comparatively minor slights that are his lot. The worst that can befail a man in a safe job at home is nothing by comparison with the average lot of the soldier. The patience of the workman should be fortified by reflection upon this fact. It is patriotic, even if it seems un romantic, just to keep plugging away. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do. do It with thy might, is a sufficient rule of conduct for those who earn estly desire to perform the highest possible service for their coaintry. FEINTING SEDITIOUS LANGUAGE. There will be loyal compliance, of course, with the official command, or request, that the seditious utterances which result in arrests be not printed in detail in the newspapers, but at the same time it is permissible to raise the question whether this is, after all, the wiser policy. For one thing, the American people- alo too loyal to be turned from their course by reading the words of traitors; for another, the words themselves usually carry their own refutation. Those who have access to the records will bear testimony that these vocal exponents of sedition never have anything to say which is convincing or which it would be at all dangerous to print. The value of publicity would be that it would show all doubting ones that our Government is acting with tem perance and is guided by reason. It would kill the rumor in advance of its circulation. A common form of enemy propaganda is to start a story that cer tain innocent persons are being mys teriously "railroaded" to jail without due cause and to gratify the spite of some neighbor or official. It is a question whether these whisperings might not do more harm in certain circles than publication of the details of the charge would do. It probably is not a matter of high importance, either way, but Ameri cans are inclined to be jealous of their right to know all facts which are not military secrets. We rely upon the justice of our cause and are not afraid of the truth. REPRISALS JCSTQTED. The action of the Germans in laying waste to non-military property as they retire their action at St. Quentin and at Cambrai is an example of this makes it entirely proper for the allies to hold the threat of reprisals in kind over their heads as a club. If there were any other way to restrain them, it would be a different matter. But there is not. There are signs that the American Army is aching for a chance to pay the Prussians off in their own coin not for atrocities against individuals, for these have been too horrible for us to duplicate but in ways which will not offend our sense of the humanities and at the same time will give the enemy something to think about. For a St. Quentin a Mannheim, for a Cam brai a Dusseldorf, for an Antwerp a Cologne, and so on, and then see to it that the promise is kept unless the practice of senseless and wanton destruction is discontinued. The mighty wail that went up from the Rhine cities when our airmen began bombarding tells the kind of material their residents are made of. And then, of course, we must keep on until we are in a position to do as we said we would. We can rely on our troops, who already are beginning to insist in advance that no mistaken policy of fatal tenderness shall rob them of the fruits of victory. Not in the spirit of personal revenge, but be cause they do not want Germany left free to wage war all over again, they are asking that the "arch-criminals be brought to account." as one cor respondent puts it. They who are on the ground and have seen are calling for the punishment of the Hapsburgs and the Hohenzollerns. and for justice to the officers responsible for outrages and to those, for example, who have been in charge of prison camps in which our men have been badly treat ed. The idea that guilt is personal finds strong indorsement from our men in France. Renter's correspond ent has this interpretation of their attitude , toward the bogus peace of fensives of the central powers: I have been at pains to nund the senti ment of the American Army on tbe en emy's peare offensive, with a rewult s'srt lingly ronvtnrtng. I wan prepared for firm ness, but I frtund rather a feeling of Klip pressed furv at the thoticht of any terms being made with the Hun until he had yielded hia arms and asked for merry. We need not be, and will not be. savages to give notice to the German government of our intention to hold it strictly to account. It may be that the Germans will be driven from Bel gium and Northern France during the coming Winter, and we must save the people of those districts all the suffer ing we can. The German mind is in capable of being reached through any other appeal than fear. KESOTTKCES OF THE FAR NORTH. It is not extravagant, perhaps, to predict that the whole earth will be brought within the possibilities of economic exploitation within a decade. It is certain, in any event, that more will, be added to the sum of our geographical knowledge than has been contributed in any similar period in the history of the world. Air naviga tion wrll accomplish this, and the spirit of adventure, plus Increased de velopment of industrial efficiency, will make unheard-of economic develop ment possible. It can be said with truth that we are now ready to ex plore the tropics to their farthest recesses whenever we have the will to do so, and it is now indicated that we are literally ready to complete the task of putting the Arctic regions on the map. That which Vilhjahlmur Stefansson has been laboring to ac complish ever since he set out on his first northern expedition in 1908 quite conceivably may be duplicated in a few weeks by a well-organized party of explorers equipped with modern means of travel. The future relation of the polar region to the industry of the world will depend, of course, upon whether it is found to yield materials of value, and light is thrown upon this by Dr. R. M. Anderson, head of the southern branch of Stefansson'a expedition, who returned home in advance of the main party and has made a report upon it. He mentions the rapidity with which the fur trade is being de veloped by establishment of communi cation with the natives, and hints at future additions to the world's meat supply through conservation and de velopment of great herds of reindeer and other animals, but it is In Its mln eral wealth that the frozen North Is likely to become the greatest factor. His rarty found one range of Topper deposits In the vicinity of Bathhurst inlet which he estimated to contain at least two billion tens of "the il. These were actually seen, and insson has spoken of other copper j Stefa deposits in islands farther (- to the north. There is no reason, therefore, for believing that even this stupendous amount represents the end of Arctic c6pper resources. The fact is im portant because of its relation to our dream of developing the power re sources of the country to their fullest extent. Long distance power trans mission rennires vast ntmnrJtie of copper. The Arctic circle can furnish' thin if all other sources fail. Spitzenbergen has been producing coal on a commercial scale ever since the beginning of the century and the mines have been operated profitably notwithstanding a short shipping sea son and other difficulties. There would seem to be no reason for sup posing that other coal veins will not j be found in the uncharted regions, so that we have reasonable assurance of a continuous supply of fuel for many generations. There is some timber 150 or 200 miles within the Arctic circle, which may be important to the development of mining, and the possi bilities of finding other minerals than copper are as yet untested. But with development of a means of setting ex plorers down in the very haart of the new country', the adventurous spirit of thjs people of the temperate zone may"e depended upon to do the rest. A curious fact which receives con firmation from the explorations of Stefansson and his kind is that almost no part of the world is so inhospitable that, it does not harbor some human beings. Everywhere that explorers go. they find new tribes. It would be logical to suppose that these would welcome their visitors as deliverers, but it Is not so. They prefer to remain in the bleak regions that are home to them. But exploration is putting them in touch with the outside world and their labors will be turned to account. They may, indeed, become purveyors to the world of meat supplies, as well as of minerals and coal and oil. The war has hastened in at least two ways the day when the world will be one great economic family. Devel opment of the airplane will make ex ploration a simple matter of routine, and perfection of social organization will aid in the great work of develop ment. The treasures of the frozen North, no less than those of the tropics, have been placed measurably within our grasp by events which have occurred since August, 1914. General von Freytag-Lorlnghoven. deputy chief of the German general staff, has been obliged to revise the opinion expressed In his book on the next war, that "we shall have to con sidcr how to preserve for war the character of the war of movement. That was undertaken in March and continued into July, when the allies took the task out of the hands of Germany, with the result that in a recent speech the general said Ger many must now convince the allies that "we are invincible in a defensive war.." ite admits that the allies have "unparalleled means for technical fighting, including numberless tanks, but makes a claim that "our Infantry is absolutely superior to theirs in hand-to-hand fighting." which is not sustained by the last series of battles. The Germans are not proving "in vincible In defensive war" and the in fantry of the allies is proving as far superior as their technical means. The general will have to revise his opinion again. The science of genetics may profit by the depression in the South African ostrich industry which has resulted from the war. Ostrich farmers have been compelled by lower profits to turn their attention to Improving strains, and also to checking degen eration which has been observed after half a century of intensive inbreeding. A bird which yields forty-two plumes from each wing, instead of the average of thirty-six. now holds a place in the public eye comparable to that. of the champion Oregon hen at home, and its progeny are being carefully devel oped, in hope that a new strain may be developed which will yield 25 per cent more than the average bird of today. The problem of the "boarder ostrich" is as acute in Africa as that of the boarder cow in the United I States and is being solved In the samo. manner by weening out the stock which it does not pay to keep and concentrating upon highly improved strains. If you need to bo registered and have not attended to i. there are but three days left. A full vote is needed next month. You would better be sat isficd than sorry when the votes are counted. The high percentage of effectives among students at Washington State College tends to show that there is small cause for the wails about the physical deterioration of the American people. Since pigs' heads make excellent cheese, halibut heads ought to be fine for chowder. The latter are free at Commissioner Kellaher's fish market. So, too, are porpoise steaks. Roosevelt may strike a popular chord in advocating promotion from the ranks, but the men running the Army and this war do not care much for Roosevelt's opinions. Old Optimism the First, whoso given name Is Jayhawker, figures on ten million acres of wheat in the Sun flower state next year. May she have a "good" year! Turkey's reported decision to stay in is due very likely to the indiffer ence. of the allies. Allenby will attend to Turkey in his own good time. In the matter of disorderly conduct by n)en and women, the world prob ably is no worse than usual, but more people seem to be watching. Threat of reprisal will not stop Hun destruction.! The All-Highest and the Junkers care naught about suffering "swine" of their country. It looks like a few zealots would put something over by main strength, Portland is very much contented just as she is. I By this time everybody who can be led by persuasion has bought a bond. The next move must be a squeeze. Jones, the Emergency Fleet fellow with five wives, no doubt considers himself a wartime essential. The Huns will find the plan of the march to Berlin In the tale of Sher man's march to the sea. If the next through Italy, Kaiser. million it will Tanks go in be good-bye The Hun is going seme to ahead of the Belgian cavalry. keep metal. Stars and Stannakers. By Looms) Cass Bars. Margaret Illlngton. praising the close-to-nature existence. save. "In the woods one has time to live.?" Which is all very fine if one could live on time alone. "I do not know what time Is. nor any -other existence, entity or thing whatever, says a scientist. Had to read it twice before I be lieved some scientist said it- Sounds lBsle the telephone information opera tor' replica I bet the German soldiers with those darned Iron crosses could be boiled to make soup. Alice Fleming suggests that the fleetng Germans have possibly stopped singing "Die Warht am Rhein" for "Every Little Movement Has a Mean ing- Its Own." Guests a'flock of late sleepers who used to curse the plank-plank of the gentle radiator, will regard It aa sweetest melody, now that the land lord's are going to dole .the heat out in thimblefula. e Lottie Plekford, who Is a film star on her own, aside from the sisterly re lationship of the only Mary, la looking favorably at vaudeville. Miss Pick- ford Is prepared to enter It If the managers will pay her S2001 weekly aa salary. The managers if they have heard about it have expressed no opinion. Maud Fulton, in aaeoeoation with George Kbe-y, recent manager of the McDonough, Oakland, have leased tha Bishop playhouse. Oakland. The name of the theater Is to pa changed to the Maud Fulton Theater. Miss Fulton opened her season San- day In "Mary, a String of Beads," and will follow with 'The Brat," and other playa from her own pen. At last George M. Cohan hit com pleted the long-promised play for Chauneey Olcott. Its title Is "The Voice of MeConnell. and the piece will go Into rehearsal Monday. Reference wae made recently to a newspaper account of an accident at Hartford in which William Gillette. actor, was the principal figure. Ac cording to the report. Gillette, while riding down to his houseboat on a motorcycle, took a header and plunged into the Connecticut River. Frank Howe sent the clipping to Mr. Gillette, with the following note: Don't let this happen again. To take euch complicated and roundabout way to reach one'a houseboat carries needless risk." To which Mr. Gillette replied: "There is some error. It must have been the razor man.' e Liza Lehman, distinguished singing teacher and composer, died recently in London. Mrs. Patrick Campbell Is touring In the provinces of England In "The Thir teenth Chair." I'd rather see Verna Felton's idea of how it ought to be done than Mrs. Pat Campbell's. Irene Franklin and Burt Greene with the others of the Over There League. Cortnne Frances and Tony Hunting, are at present entertaining troops In Paris, prior to visiting the camps "Redhead." by Mrs. Greene, is hugely appreciated. Harry Lauder has arranged to visit the American troops in France shortly, his tour towards the trenches being mapped out by the T. M. C. A. I.auder hopes to give several shows each day during the week he is in France. . Before Jack I-ait left New York for Chicago last week he started on the story of "A Fat Chance." which Will- lam Morris will produce this Fall, star ring Sophie ' Tucker. Others engaged thUH far for the show are Kddie Carr, Dave Ferguson and Joyce Fair. Miss Tucker has been routed for few weeks in vaudeville with herself snd ""Syncopated Kings." receiving J1000 weekly. Fir Johnson Forbes-Robertson, strol ling along Fifth avenue. New York, re cently was recognized by an observing shop girl out for her lunch. "Look, Mamie," the girl said, as ehe nudged her companion. "There goes Forbes- Koberfson. the great actor. They say he-g gone into the movies." The girl ad dressed as Ma mi masticated her chew Ing gum unmercifully as she surveyed the dignified face and figure of the actor. "Well." she announced critically "I wish him luck, but he'll never hold a candle to Charlie Chaplin; that's my guess." e Muriel Worth, who left vaudeville when marrying "Dutch" Leonard, the ballplayer, is returning to vaudeville in a new act carrying three people. Her husband has been drafted. Gus Klelnlcke. formerly musical di rector for Frltzi Scheff and whose wife mentioned Frltzi as corespondent when she got a divorce. Is now a soldier. He Is at Fort Hancock. Ga. and is a band master. The largest painted liberty loan sign In the United States is on the north wall of the new Keith Theater building In South Sallna street. In Syracuse, N. Y. Fifty by SO feet of wall space Is covered by a reproduction of the lib erty loan poster that won the 11000 prise in the New York Art League con teat. ' The late Senator Tabor built the Ta bor Grand Opera-House at Denver some 30 years ago. Ho employed an Italian artist to decorate the interior, with the understanding that he (Tabor) was not to enter the theater until the work was completed. Over the center of the proscenium waa a picture of Shake speare. On a tour of inspection, Iri com pany with the artist. Senator Tabor said: "Whose picture is that?" The art ist replied: "Shakespeare." "Shake speare! What in hell did he ever do for Denver? You paint him out and paint me in." Wosirs la War Work. ROSEBURQ. Or., Oct- 1. (To the Editor:) Are married women ever aent overseas in any branch of war aervlce? If so, in what branch? A SUBSCRIBER. If you refer to a womarl whoa hue band is in the American Expeditionary Forces, the answer la no. Marriage In other elrcumstaneea la not a bar to service, Ifor particulars write to Wo men's Committee, Cenncll of National Defeaae, Washington. U, C ! i!r j ' Those Who Come and Go. In Other Days. ' l -M "You want to smoke a cigarette when you are going over the ton. and you moke one after another. Yes. I gue. It is an- indicarion of nervousness." said Trivate F. Stoley. U. S. M. C. ho fought at Chateau Thterey. Solssons and Bclleau wood with the. Marines before a machine gun bullet put him out of action. Private Stoley arrived at the Multnomah yesterday with Pri vate C. J. Rnudson. U. S. M. C. both of the soldiers registering from the l. s. Mvl Hospital. Norfolk, Va. They tell you now about 10 mln- utea before you go over." continued Private Stoley, "because no man. no matter how many times he haa been under fire, can etand the strain If he knowa several hours in advance what is coming. We went over once on five minutes' notice, with our officers carr ing ranea and smoking rlgara and most of the boys puffing cigarettes. We advance in a long line at a medium walk, although sometimes a fellow wants to move faster. 'Germans are rood lonar-dtstanra fighters, but they're not much when you get close to them. The Prussian guard put up a better trran at close quarters. I never saw auch slaughter aa In Belleau wood. We simply mowed em oown as tney came on In mass for mation until they lay three and four deep. It waa awful. And the next morning they tried It again, with the same result. We went into that scrap after riding Is hours on motor trucks. then hiked about 20 kilometers and started fighting without taking a rest." Two weddinga In one day were ataged t the rieward, and. by coincidence. 11 of the contracting narties were from Patera. F. Pinnella and Miss B. Hebel were married In the hotel par lor, and scarcely had they departed than A O. Henllne and Miss Anna Freltaa were made one. Dr. C L. Foley, of Moro. Or. Dassed through Portland yesterday. William McCormlck. interested In the shipbuilding industry at St. Helens, was a patron yesterday at the Benson. Edward Helton, one of the leading: dry goods merchants of Tillamook County, la among the arrivals at the union. Sergeant-Malor Christie, of the Cana dian forces, registered at the Seward yesterday. He haa been on a speaking tour In Kastern Oregon for the liberty loan campaign. Frank J. Miller, chairman of the Public Service Commission of Oregon, is registered at the imperiaL F. S. Omsted. of the United States Forestry Service, is among the patrons at the Benson. Sheriff W. L. Camnbell. of Tillamook County. Is in Portland on- business. He Is registered at the Seward. Judge C. B. Watson, of Ashland, one of the heat-known citizens of that sec tion of the state, is at the Imperial. Mrs. Cheater B. Murphy. Jr.. is on a viait from Anchorage. Alaska, and Is at the Multnomah.. Former State Architect W. c. Knight ton, of Salem, is at the Seward. . Oscar Hayter. of Dallas. Or.. Is in the city on business, and Is at the Portland. Miss A. R. Boutin, of MinneaDolis. who has been visiting in Portland for lew nays, arcompanierl bv her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boutin, was arrled to James A. Mickey, of the Spruce Division, yesterday. A wedding breakfast was held at the. Hotel Port land. The bridegroom secured a fur lough and came to Portland for the marriage. Judge James Campbell, of Oreaon City, was in town yesterday renewing acquaintances. Spencer Wortman. state sealer of weights and measures, ia registered at the Seward from Salem. From Hoqulam. on business. N. G. Blagen, a prominent lumberman of that city, is In Portland and is a guest at the Benson. Two prominent figures in the ship building Industry at Astoria. K. W. Wright, of the McrJachern yard, and George F. Rogers, of the Rogers yard, have been attending a con ference of shipbuilding managers In Portland. C. L. Hobart. of tlrants Pass, who is a member of the executive board for his county in the coming united wnr work campaign, is registered at the Portland. Walter M. Pier.-c. of La Grande, has returned to Portland. having been called home last week by the death of his mother. A former member o wr of the State Pardon il. Holmes, pastor of noaru. ur. tuts M. Holmes, pa the First 'ongregat itinal Church at W alia Walla, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. II. p. Hass, from the agency at Klamath, are at the Benson. One Wmr to Inonre Peace. SL'THKRLIN. Or, Oct. 1 (To the Editor.) What a grand chance Eng land and the United States will have to prevent future wars of conqueet by Germany and Austria when this war Is over and the allied armies have taken the Kaiser, the Crown Prince and the Austrian Emperor prisoners. Let the allied powers call a Jury composed of a representative of each power and nation that in opposed to the central powers and try the Hohen zollerns and Hapsburgs for treason against the nations of the world and for murder and piracy on the high seas, and then take the leading gen erals of both empires snd try them for wholesalo murder. Finding them guilty, sentence them to death by hanging, not by ehooting. as they are used to see ing deaih by ehooung. and it has no terrors In that form. Death by hanging would be .very odious to the German mind. A public spectacle of this would stop all ambitious kings, emperors and princes from starting future wars. Then. If England was made chief agent to carry out a decree of an interna tional court that Germany and Austria can have no more warahlps on the aeas. nor build any war ship, w-e would have peace on earth. AMERICAN. Ratings ia Civil Service. PORTLAND. Oct. I. (To the Editor:) 1. What ia considered a good rating (Civil Service) for first grade depart mental clerk? 2. Has a person making an average of 87 per cent a chance for an early appointment? 2. Are appolntmenta made accord ing to rating, or are age and exper ience taken into consideration? 4. Is there any way to find out whether an appointment will be made before Thanksgiving? A SUBSCRIBER. (1) A standing of 70 per cent is a good passing mark In examinations for the position in question. (2) An aver age of S7 is very good. (3) From six weeks to two months are required In making appointments, which are made on ratings, experience being not taken Into consideration. (4) There Is no way In which an applicant can ascer tain probability of early appointment, for lettera to the commission on that subject are not answered. All appli cant a, however, whether or net ius caaafui, will be notified la due- time. Fifty Tear Ata. From The Oreaonlaa. October S. im. Salem. The copperheads are making a lot of fuss with bonfires, torchlights, rockets, band mueio and a big spooney. The crowd of people in the streets Is tremendous. The theater la already full. Many hundreds are here from the fair grounds, out of curiosity. Apple gate will speak here tomorrow night at the Wigwam. Among the measures which should he inaugurated aa one of our police regulations is that of removing some of the great piles of rubbish which fill many vacant portions of lots right in the business part of town. A great many of our citizens are too careless In regard to this thing and allow quanti ties of rags, paper, loose boards and chipa to accumulate in the rear ef their building, both to the injury of their good health and enhancing the dm sera of fire. We learn that the Pioneers were. beaten at the state Fair Grounds yes terday by the Clackamas baaeball club ty runs in eight inninaa The Clack- amaa boya are the champions of the state. Twenty-five Years Age. Frewt The Orercmlan. October S. l!t3. Washington. President Cleveland haa signed the proclamation setting apart a large tract of land as a forest reaer- vatlon under the act of March S, 19U The reservation will be known as the Cascade forest reservation. Hereafter r.o settlement will be allowed wiihla its boundariea. Last etvening the officers ef the First Regiment Malted in a body upon Colo nel Herb and Lieutenant-Colonel Summers at their residencea and re Quested them to reconsider their deci aiona to resign. Both officers were much moved by the earnestness of their subordinates and promised to re consider the mailer. Fishermen are having fine sport out at the Sandy now catching Fall trout and young salmon. The salmon weigh from three to aix pounda and look like young Chinook, but the flesh is nearly white. Salmon roe Is used for bait. Governor Pennoycr. on request of Irving M. Scott- manager of the Union Iron Works. San Francisco, where the great battleship Or.-gon ia being built, has appointed Miss Daisy Ainsworlh. daughter of Captain J. C. Ains worth, to break the bottle of champagne on the bow of the big ship. -Mayor Mason ex pects at the next meeting of the coun cil a young lady will be selected to press the button. How to Ward Off Iaflarasa. PORTLAND. Oct. 2. (To the Editor:) Anent your timely article regarding infiuenxa, a few simple suggestions are here given to guard against in fluenza: Cut out all kinda of meat, for the time being at any rate, substituting equally nutritious food uch as cheese. Lai fruit of all kinds ad lib. (Fruit of all kinds is extremely plentiful and cheap rijfht here in Oregon). Drink boiled milk: eat vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, etc Take an hour's sharp walk daily, and if you pers-pire freely, rub down with rough towel and change damp undcr clot hrs. Take If possible, a bath daily, cold or warm, according to preference. Rub down with rough towel. Don't take a hath wticn sweatinit or heated through by walklna or other causes. "tar extra under and overclothes when there Is a drop In thermometer: also extra bed coverings at night. Avoid crowded meetings. These are a few common sense sug gestions to which I would add: Take the old-fashioned basin of porrtdce and milk for breakfast and supper In- ;ea or so much tea and coffee. "COMMON SENSE" I e of Aatoa o Srjaday. BRIDAL VKIL. Or., Oct. 1. (To the Kd.tor: Will you please let me know ncht away if the ruiea governing Sunday automobile riding prohibit a person from using their car on Sunday, for carrying thein to divine eervlces? We have been using ours on Sunday 10 take us to and from church anil Sunday achool and once in a while drive in to Portland on Sunday for tame. We live too far away for the smaller ones to walk. A FAITHFUL SUBSCRIBER. Up to the present, there has been no request by the Government that motor ists living west of the Mississippi river refrain from driving on Sunday. The gasless Sunday" regulations apply only to that part of the country east of the Mississippi river. Kntllnkniaa la rtraft. POr.TT-AXP, Oct. 2. To the Editor ) til Kindly print how the selective service laws would affect a man classed as a Briti.-h subject, but who does not know in what country he was born and who has a wife and three t-mall chil dren dependent on htm. Is 37 yars and enaaged in a useful occupation. i Alio if li'.crvcs in the American Army does he receive the same pay as an American soldier and is he allowed to take out insurance? CONSTANT READER. 1. Upon an acceptable showing of the conditions stated he would be placed in Class 4. by the terms of the American draft regulations. 2. Yes. KSaeatlonal Foaadatina fer Filers. PORTLAND. Oct. 2. (To the Editor:) Please tell me where I could find out what schooling a person would have to have before he could get into the service as an aviator or filer, and if he could study at home, or could you tell me? A READER. To become a flier a man must have had a high school or preparatory school education. The needed technical education in addition to the foregoing cannot be acquired at home. In the aviation branches, however, are en listed men who are not fliers. Woman Clerka la Fraace. SEASIDE. Or, Oct. 1. (To. the Edi tor.) I have read that 6000 college girls and women are needed as clerks behind the lines in France. How can I find out in detail about thia? Where sball I apply for admittance to this service? RUTH MIN1ER. We know of no announcement further than that contained in a dispatch from Paris stating that Miss Elsie Gunther had left for America to recruit woman clerks. Probably the details will be made known when ready. Trealmeat fop Fit. JEFFERSON, Or, Oct. 1. (To the Editor.) Will you kindly advise me the name of some reliable doctor who is specialized on epileptic fits. A READER. Any diagnostician or any good In ternal medicine man. Jobs laa rnace Camp. MONROE. Or, Oct. 1. (To the Edi tor ) To whom do I apply for a Job la the sprues camps. A SUBSCRIBER. United Etates Employment Berries. 47 Davis street. Portland.