Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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    ft f
. s .a-.a..i JOA-X A JVyXJJLJAfc t Atllft.
Roy Rittner, With American
; Red Cross Work Abroad,
Has Narrow Escape.
Political Friends of Former Gover
nor Predict He Will Make Ac
j tlve Drive Despite Friend-
bhip for McXary
German whiEE-bangs almost caused
a vacancy in the Oregon State Senate,
for the shells dropped so near Senator
Hoy Kitner that he had a narrow es
cape. In writing- to a friend, Senator
Kitner, who is overseas with the Ameri
can Red Cross, says that he expects
to be home in time to serve in the
Legislature and then return to France
in March, after the adjournment.
"Day before yesterday," writes the
Senator, "it looked very much as though
the chances were for me enriching- the
soil of France. I was taking somecig
arettes, chocolate and chewing gum out
to a town which we had just captured,
to give to the boys, and was caught
in what had been 'No Man's Land by
a German barrage.
"One of the chaplains, a guide and
my driver were with me when the shells
began to rain about us. It was my
first experience with the big ones
bursting near. I am not a good liar,
so I will admit that X was scared and
ran, taking shelter in a trench until
the fireworks died down. Then we
beat it. I got a slight touch of mustard
gas, but only enough to make me cough,
sneeze and weep.
"Yesterday I drove out to the front
and left my car for five hours at a
battalion headquarters just back of the
line. General Gordon was there and
wanted to know what the 'tarnation I
was doing with a car there. I told him
that I had it full of things for the
boys and was sorry to know that he
objected to my coming out. He said:
'Any time you have anything good for
the men and are not afraid to bring
it out, you have my permission to come,
but I want to warn you that you may
get your car blown to Tophet.'
"This morning the place where I had
left my car yesterday was shelled and
wiped out and four men were killed
and 24 wounded, I helped pick up one
lad who was literally blown to pieces.
We found only one part of his body
and that was in six fragments. This
part of the line has been rather quiet
up till last week, but things have been
humming the last few days.
"Give my regards to all my friends
who see you and here is hoping that
we all meet again during the next
Among other things, the writer stated
that it was July 4 before he learned
of the results of the Oregon primaries,
held in May.
Oswald West's interview as tele
graphed to The Oregonian, is confir
mation of the hopes of his political
friends that he will make a campaign
for United States Senator on his re
turn to Oregon. Close friends of Mr.
West have been predicting since the
primaries that he would be heard from
in the campaign and that notwithstand
ing his friendship for Senator McNary,
he owed it to the Democratic party to
make the race and not permit the
election to go by default. The con
jecture is advanced that West will not
talk much about himself nor his can
didacy, but that he will make a tour
and relate his impressions of the rivers
and harbors of England, or some simi
lar subject, and this will give him an
excuse for coming in contact with the
9 . i
Not a member of the Oregon "delega
tion at Washington will return to Ore
gon to make a campaign, although all
the incumbents, with the exception of
Snator Chamberlain, are up for re
Purchase by Long-Bell Pine Company
Indicates Large Development.
, Value la About 4,000,000.
Big Industrial developments In south
ern Oregon are forecast in the pur
chase by the Long-Bell White Pine
Lumber Company of 87,000 acres of
timber land in the vicinity of Yamsay
mountain, situated in Klamath County.
The consideration is not made public,
but timbermen estimate that the value
ef the timber is approximately $4,000,
000, based upon the reported cruise of
1.700,000,000 feet of standing timber,
mostly pine.
The Oregon Land and Livestock Com
pany, owners of the land sold, are Ore
gon people and connected with the
Booth - Kelly Lumber Company, of
which R. A. Booth, of Eugene,- is pres
ident. The timber land included in
this splendid body of pine timber was
acquired from the government in ex
change for scattered tracts that had
been disposed of within the boundaries
of the Oregon Military Road grant.
Situated in the northeastern part of
the Klamath Indian Reservation, re
mote from transportation lines, the de
velopment of this body of rhiber will
necessitate railroad construction.
The Long-Bell White Pina Lumber
Company are the principal owners of
the Weed Lumber Company, Weed,
Cal.. and the, Big Basin Lumber Com
pany, operating throughout the Kla
math basin and in Siskiyou County, Cal.
Klmer Cox, of San Francisco, president
of the Weed Lumber Company, was in
Portland a few days ago in connection
with the deal.
Plans of the company are believed
to contemplate the erection of a large
mill at or near Klamath Falls to cut
the lumber and manufacture a very
large part of the product.
VAluer Oie War, What?" Topic of
Address Before Ad Club.
"After the War, What?" will be the
theme of an address to be delivered be
fore the Portland Ad Club today at
noon by W. D. Wheelwright, at the reg
ular weekly luncheon to be held in the
Hotel Benson. The topic will be dis
cussed from e business man's viewpoint.
W. L. Reauveau, a member of the
Ad Club who is now in service at Camp
Lewis, will give a brief talk on condi
tions at the big cantonment. Violin
and vocal selections will be given by
Miss Gertrude Hober, accompanied by
Mrs. Fred B. Newton.
EXTRA! Orpheum Show Tonight. Adv.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. Casualties
given out this morning total 294,"
divided as follows:
Killed in action, 62; missing In ac
tion, 5; wounded severely, 219; died of
wounds, S; wounded (degree undeter
mined), 3.
Following; Is the summary to date:
s 7i . l- iep. Total
wl, .ln aCtion k 6,876 6,938
Lost at tea... 291 ...
rlA wound. 2,303 S 2,313
- - "WJUCOIB till LI
other causes 2,820 ... 2,820
wI.TSL?""11 12.295 67 12.362
Wounded ia.4oS 22 1U.J07
Aliasing, including pris
oners 4.855 5 4.MO
JOtal casualties 36.635 294 8,29
3. uuioerson, Ulympla, la
among the wounded, degree undeter-
Following Is the complete llstl .
G'V"raT7W""am S" phllelP'la.
?SFiTK,h - HortPort, Mo. '
CRIST Frank. Hilladale, Pa.
HALPER seta J.. Joliet. 111.
ySJi,?VI'rZ- Boston.
rr?.?'?.1"1 A- Corapoila, Pa.
JOHNSON. Everett Hale. ii.ackwator. Me.
fv?? William P., Waterbury. Conn. -
L VANS, George. Belt. Mont.
FAVALARO. Joseph v.. Glasport. Pa,
GRA E.. Warren V., Philadelphia.
OLDE. Walter E,. Lacon, 111.
HEN'SLET. Thomas Lee. Humble. Tex.
fHLLAK. Eudokm, Homdno. Russia.
oIGSKOLLA, Jno.., Amentea, Italy.
GL.NTZ. Slyde K., Bis Run, Pa.
Mich'3" Rudo,ph jAsaton. National Mine,
LEWIS, Lonnle 31., Erin, Tenn.
LI.VDE, Alexander, Lodl, Cal. m
McPHAIL, Robert A.. Jonesboro, N. CL
MADDERS, James W.. Brooklyn.
MALOXKY, Raymond, Philadelphia.
MAKATOS, Harry A.. New lork.
MAYER, Arthur, Brooklyn.
MEAD, Albert, Baltimore.
MENZKE, Charles E., Belleville, III.
MICHAEL. Albert H., Hudson. S D
AIlKLi-rLLL, Elmer E., Homer City, Pa,
MILLER, Clarence, Erhard, Minn.
MILLER. Felix A., Dundee, Tex.
1IINOUUE. Roger F., New York.
MOYER. John R., Portage. Pa.
NEEDEL, Raymond T.. Chicago.
NEVITT, Ernest, Brooklyn.
O'CON'NELL, L-aniel M., P.ockaway Beaeh.
X. Y.
O'HARA. Jno. J., New York.
ObBOKN'. Emory R., Montgomery, Orange
Co., n. y.
OPTEN, 'George, Toledo.
OTTO, Carl v.. Lakemills, Iowa.
BETT1E, William A.. Clalrton. Pa,
BKOWX. Charles F.. Millboro. N. C
BHIj'XHVBKR, George M.. New York.
CAVANAUGH. William J.. Bridgeport. Conn.
CUODIHY. Michael E., Hoosic Falls. N Y
HIGHSMITH. Lonnle J., Cobbtown Ga.
JANSON, Adam J.. Woodhaven. N. Y.
KAISER. Frank Julian, St. Joseph, Mo
MOCKSON, Michael, New York.
NORTHING, George N., Lincolnshire, Eng
land. PKTEFISH, Ernest Lawrence. Stanley, Va
VOC;T. George J.. Flushing. N. Y.
VOKES. Patrick V., Saratoga Springs, N. T
WELC, KUwin F., Purchase, X. Y.
RYAN", James M., New York.
SCHIFF. Benjamin. Chicago.
SHATTO, James Albert, Carlisle. Pa.'
SHERIN. Lawrence William. New York.
WII.LEY, Leroy G., Davenport, Iowa
SL HART. Walter P., musician., Mlamis-
burg, Ohio.
LA ROSE. Joseph, Harrlsbarg, Pa.
CONWAY, Francis I., Grovetown. Pa.
MULHEIR, William, Manchester. England.
KOBLLIX8KY. George, Braddock. Pa,
MAXXIXG, Samuel B Wllkinsburg, Pa. -PARKER,
Foster Henry, Coker, Ala.
BESA. Halrio, Eagle Pass. Tex.
BLACK, Joseph M., Pittsburg. Pa.
BROOKS. Charles H., Waukesha, Wis.
BROUJlOWSKI, Fred, Rochester, N. Y.
BRYANT. Fred. New Edinburg. Ark.
CAXKORE, Pasgnale. Messina. Italy.
CASTIJ.O. Charles D.. Chicago.
CAVAXAUGH, Lawrence Francis, Tucson,
CKSATtlO. Pasquale, Cosenza, Italy.
CHAMBERA. Roy I... Gilboa. Ohio.
CHAPLAIN", Clarence, Imboden, Ark.
CHAHI.ESWORTH. Albert E.. Detroit. Mich.
CHARTER, Carl H.. Adair, Iowa.
CHILCOTE. Ralph, Springfield. Ohio.
CHRISTEXSOX, Chris. Bristol. 1U.
COHAGEX, Neal E., Basil, Ohio.
TOLBI'RN, Edward, Kingston, N. Y.
COX ROY, James R., Natrona. Pa.
COURTNEY. Austin, Pittsburg, Pa.
CI'MMISKY, Raymond J., Philadelphia.
CRYER. Arthur F., Walbrook. Mi.
DEJI'LIIS. Fore, Gamberole. Italy.
DEKOEVER, Jahn Jin, Lodl, N. J.
DEN'I EL. John M., Philadelphia.
DOOLLACKI, Louis, Crete. Greece.
EAGAN, James P., Springfield, III.
ELKI.V, Jacob, Brooklyn.
FERRARO, Ezacihelo. Alexander. W. Va.
FIRESTONE, Lester L., Edgewood, Pa.
Fit AZER, Dwight Lamout, Marshalltown,
FRIEDMAN. Meyer, Baean, Ttoumania.
GOLDBERG Eli, Benjamin Alfred, Farrock-
away. N. Y.
GONZALES. Francisco. Villa netrva, N. M.
PAUL, James. Milwaukee, Wis.
POPLIX, Daniel Casper. Charlotte, N. C
PRATHER. Jno. Thomas. Indianapolis.
RECORD. George T., Wawille, N. Y.
RICE. John, Manhasset, N. Y.
RIGSBEK. Ika.. Durham, N. C.
ROBJXSOX, Lawrence H., Gary. W. Va.
P.OSCOE, Joseph T.. Osborne, N. C.
RUSSELL. Luther W.. Ebony, Tex.
SALADINO. Frank, Garv, Ind.
SCH1XDLER, Herman, New York.
FCHXEIDER. Alfred, Brooklyn.
hClU'LKK, Joseph V-, Dubuqua. Iowa.
SEARLES, Wallace K., Swain, N, Y.
SI BILES. John, Chicago.
sidwkll, John W., Brownstown, 111.
SMITH, Arthur L.. Waukegan. 111.
SUMMER FIELD, Henry G.. Pittsburg.
WATSU.V, Albert A.. Colwyn, Pa,
WEEKI.ET. Rny. Shirley. W. Va.
WESCHXER. Morris, Brooklyn, N. T.
WRIGHT, Oliver B.. Pittsburg.
CMALLEY, Martin Lawrence, Superior, Wia
PA DEN. Jno. M., Waynesburg. Pa.
McVEY. Earl D.. Mansfleld. Ohio.
PHILLIPS. Earnest, McDonald, Pa.
BONISCHEK, James A., Chicago.
EDGARTOV. J. A, Fulton, N. T.
BOTTOM LEY, Myrel K., Charlotte. Mich.
BUCKXER, Jno. D.. Shelbyville. Ky.
FAY. William M.. Cambridge, Mass.
GREET, Louis. Gadsden, Ala.
MORGAN, William D-, Beaver Dam, Wis
MURPHY Wayne Franklin. Nashville. Tenn.
RANDALL. Howard R Brockton. Mass.
RAUTERBEKG, Carl B., Louisville. Ky.
WILSON", Merritt B., Calumet, Mich.
ZUST. Ernest A.. LaGrange, 111.
McGEE, Archie D., New Bedford. Mass.
MILLER. Haydock H.. New York.
CLIXE. Cornell S.. Craborchard. Tenn,
GOODMAN, Alfred E.. Chicago.
GRAHAM. Jack E., Floriston. CaU
GRAN'TOPF. Frank E., Brooklyn.
HEARXE, Duld J., Chicago.
HENRY, Renpie J., Vlllisca. Iowa.
HURST. Charles F.. Scranton. ra.
JACKSON'. Edwin F.. Sklpwith. Va.
LEWIS, Daniel W., Kittshill, Ohio.
MANXIX. Michael. Brooklyn.
THOMPSON, Horace. Attalla. Ala,
TOTTEN". Arthur C, Flushing. N. Y.
UXDERDOWN. John A.. Bellevue. Ohio.
WINTER, Irville C. Vlllisca, Iowa.
CHILES, Walter K., Ensiey. Ala.
CRITTENDEN'. Nathaniel B.. Oakland. CaL
PAPPADEMTRI. Telemazos L.. Macedonia,
ROSE, Matthew Louis, Philadelphia.
VOORH1ES, William L., Staten Island. N. T.
GRAHAM. William J.. Brimley, Mich.
GRAY, Gue G.. Hacoda. Ala.
BREEBLER, Benny, New York.
GREEDER, Russell, Stillwater, Minn.
GROSSO. Angelo A., Vonevento, Italy.
GRUNDINI, Evol. Weatorue, Conn.
H A DA WAY, Richard D.. Lanett. Ala.
HAFLIN'G, Morris A.. New York.
HART LOWELL S., Jamestown. N. T.
HAY WARD. John D., Big Bar, Cal.
HEAD, Clarence D-, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
HECK. Wilbert F-. Huntington, Ind,
HEXDRIX. Wheeler R.. Mexia. Ala.
HEMERK.V. Charles. Shamokln. Pa,
HENDERSON. Warren. Cleveland. Tenn.
HENXIXGSEN. Luis. Dike. Iowa.
HEITMAXN, Harry A.. Elizabeth. N. J.
HENDRICKS, Percey, Phoenlxvllle. Pa.
HENDRICKSON, Robert, Pittsburg. Pa.
HENION', Sterling; Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
HILL, Frank E.. Manassas, Va.
HILL. Ohie. Austin, Tex.
HILL Thomai W., Olney Springs, Colo.
HILL. William J., Sparllnd, 111.
HINDERL1ETER, Erwln C, North Point,
HOFFMAN. Frank S., Germantown, Pa.
HUSKIN'S. Harry R.. Landenburg, Pa.
IMPERIALS, Frank Paul. Brooklyn.
JAMES. William H., N'anticoke. Pa.
JOHNSON. Charles. Graham. Ky.
HERSKOWITZ. David. Brooklyn.
HENRY. William C. Webster City, Iowa,
HICKETZ. Frank R,, Buckner. 111.
HOEL, Warren Louis. Colllnrvtlle, Conn,
HOLCOMBE. James R.. Marshall. N. C,
HOLilAN. Sjm tlunuvilie, .Ala.
IANNOPOLLO, Rocco. Regglo. Italy.
IGO, James, Brookdale. Pa.
JORDAN, Ralph T.. Newcastle. Pa.
KELLY. Hugh F.. Brooklyn.
KENNEDY, Patrick A, County Tflckle, Ire
land. KEXXET. Raymond J.. Willlamsport, Pa.
KEP.STEN. Charles. Stanton. Neb.
KEZON, Roman. Westbury, N. Y.
KING. George W., Brooklyn.
KRIEGER. Louis. Sharon. Pa.
LACKP:Y. William H.. Stonlngton, Colo.
LA PIC. Franklin M..- Greenfield. Mass.
LARISH. Doyle. Benton. Pa.
LAFPLER, George. Marysvllle, Ohio.
LEPIXE. Archie M.. Pembina. N. D.
LERCH. Daniel L. Reading, Pa.
LEWIS. Paul. Thompson. HI.
LEWIS. Ralph M., Fonda. Iowa.
LIEB, Ruben Gilbert. Barnesboro. Pa.
LIEDLE, Clarence E.. Camarillo, CaL
LIGHT. Myron. Sherburne. N. Y.
LILL, Alfred, Sykesvllle. Fa.
LOVELL. Winston P.. Branchvllla. Ala.
McFARLAND. Clyde C., Larona, Iowa.
McGOVERN. Frank. New York.
McGUlRL. Michael. Farrockaway.
McLOUGHLlN. Bernard. Edgewort hton. Ire
land. MABREY. Lyla R., New Tork.
MAHAN. Joseph K., Watertown. N. T.
MARIN'GER. Alvln F.. North Ridge, Ohio.
MARZIOTTO. Oul.eppl. Brooklyn.
MATTINSON. Charley. Birmingham, Ala.
MALTK, Bentle. Corydon. Ind.
MEJCHOWSKI, Anton. Chicago.
MELTOM, Alvln.. Rochester. Ky.
MESAIN'A. Frank. Brooklyn.
MILLER. Harry Read, Linton. Ind.
MILLER. John, ayre. Pa.
MILLER, John George, Harrtsburr.
MILLER. John Ward. Belsprlng. Va.
MIX A DEO. Paul A., Cleveland. Ohio.
MITCH ELL, Oliver. Rossvllle. Tenn.
MOORE. Bol!r, Beattyvllle. Ky.
BELIGMAN. Wlllard. Brooklyn.
SELLIXGER. Jacob Maynard. New York.
SEXTON. Floyd,. Ralston. Iowa.
SHACKLE FORD, Mark N.. Easton. Mo.
KHIXMLK. Edward W.. Norristown, Pa
SH ROY. David Dawson. Middletown. Pa.
SIENKIEWICZ. Tony. Newcastle. Pa.
8KAGGS, Frank. Boise City. Okla.
fiTARK. Walter S., Grant City, Mo.
STEWART. Henry C, Oxford. Miss.
STROWBRIDGE. Herbert A.. Brooklyn.
8TOWE. John O.. Holmes. Pa.
STURN. Darren G.. Sargent. Neb.
SULLIVAN, Theodora M. N. Cambridge,
Mass. 1
THOMAS. Emll Herman. Detroit. Mich.
THOMPSON. Jasper J.. Portals. N. M.
THOMPSON, Lafayette, Evening. Ark.
THOMPSON. Sam. New Hebron. Miss.
TILLEY. William B., Panvllle. W. Va.
TOBIAS, Henry A., Donaldson. Pa.
TOCCO. Salvatori. Detroit. Mli-h.
TRIBtlTT, Earl. McMechen. W. Va.
t'MBARGER, Hltt B., Newton. Iowa.
UTTER, Clarence J.. Clrcievllle. Ohio.
VANDERPOOL. Roy., Shelbyville. 111.
VANDYKE. Wynerd. Grand Rapids, Mich.
VANVEEN. John. Pelk, Iowa,
VAYNA. Frank. Toledo.
V ERG A LI TO. Nick, campohasso, Italy.
VIN'ETRESCO. Glso M.. Acqulla, Italy.
V. AISKR. Jacob. Brooklyn.
WALKER. Kelsey, Marlon. Ky.
WARD. John. New York.
WATKINS, Archie. Clarksvllle. Tenn.
WEEKLY, Edward E.. Black Fork. Ohio.
WEIMER, Louis, New London. Conn.
W1LKIE, Thomas B.. Palton, Pa.
WILI.LIAMS. Daniel W.. Edenton. N. C.
WILLIAMS. Henry E-, Cherokee. Okla.
WILLLI AMS, John. Grand Rapids, Mich.
WILI.LIAMS. Robert G.. Kenneth. Kan.
WILLIS. Abraham E.. Cottageville. S. C.
WINFREY. Isaac E., Winston Salem. N. C.
WING. Floyd William. Batavia, ,Mich.
WY ATT, Ernest. Tuscaloosa. Ala. v
TATCHLM, Georre J.. Kovno, Russia.
YOUNG. Lester W., Birmingham, Ala.
BELL, Robert C Humboldt. Iowa.
CriBERSON. Henry Mrs. M. TV. Gulber-
son. R. F. D. 1. Olympia. Wash.
PEACE. George W., Parsons. Ksn
THOMAS, Fred Stafford. Streator, III.
Co moral
GRAHAM. Perry C. New Tork.
COGI'KA. Mike. Bear Creek. Mont.
DKWARF. Romeo O.. Carlisle. Pa.
GEORGOULAH, Steleanos, Bcranton, P.
HAUKiso.v, William a.. La Crosse, wis.
Wednesday Morning: List.
TTTASHINGTON. Oct. 1. Casualties
I T reported tonight and released for
publication tomorrow total 533, divided
as follows:
Killed in action, 100; missing in action.
25; wounded severely, 343; died from
wounds, 33: died from aeroplane acci
dent, 1; died from accident and other
causes, 7; died of disease, 12; wounded,
decree undetermined, 1; prisoners, 4.
following is the tabulated summary:
Deaths Rep. Rep. Total
Killed In action ........ 6.9:;s loo 7. ft:;
Lost at sea 211 ... 91
Died of wounds 2.313 . ZH 2-2M
Died of accidents and
other causes .......... 2.320 21) 2,S40
Total deaths 12.302 lr.s 12T.20
Wounded 18.707 346 2U.0G3
Mls-sing. including prison-
era . . . ....... 4. SOU .1 4.SN9
Total casualties 36.91'D ,V!3 37,462
Walter E. Drisslep, South Bend;
George P. Kalknarf, Mesa: Krank L.
Gaddis, Woodland; James M. Webster,
Middleport, are Washington men among
the killed.
Winfield G. Jewell, of Focatello.
Idaho, died of wounds.
Among; the wounded severely are:
Nicholas A. Dlchter, Winlock. Wash.;
Forrest C Price, Spokane: Joseph Pur
cell. White (Swan. Wash.: Glenn B.
Armstrong, Wenatchee, Wash.; Frank
Bellino, Remburg, Idaho, and Lester D.
Uayton, Palouse. Wash.
Willie Hobaugh. Whiteson, Or.; Paul
Praast. Dallas, Or., and Fred E. Petteys,
of Seattle, are missing; in action.
Following is the complete list:
I.EDERLE, I-oul J, New Tork.
OATE8. Morley Stewart, Lansing, Mich.
BENDER, John K.. Philadelphia.
HARRIS, Wilbur. Great Cacapon. W. Va,
SCHUSTER. William E.. New York.
HALASH. Charles. Rlpon. Wis.
LLEWELLYN, William a. North Brad
dock. Pa.
BRl'CE, Blva Luther. Tltusvltle. Pa.
CASPZY. Clifton M.. Philadelphia.
COLLINS, Laurence Robert. Detroit.
ERWIN. Ernest M.. Salisbury. N. C.
HAXSOX. Rubin. Lakl Nebagamon. Wis.
KETTERING. James B-. Chicago, 111.
SHIPLEY. Glenn N.. Alexandria. Ind.
WILCOX. Harvey, Eureka. Cal.
WILSON, James R., B'eltalre. Ohio.
TUCKER. Harley L., Concord. N. H.
BLESSING. George. Harrison. N. Y.
BOYLE. Joseph A.. Brooklyn.
MORSCHALZER. George- M., New Tork.
COLEMAN. Clyde Andrew, (cook) Long
Pond. Pa. s
PALBICKA, Raymond. Wehster, Mass.
POLIDORO, Philip. Kitimiller, Md.
RADKE. Clarence, North Mallwaukee. Mich.
AXDI'il, Charles, Buffalo.
BODDE, George N.. Kaukanna. Wis.
BIELSKI. Teofil, Ambrldge, Pa,
BURDETTE. Everett F.. Evansville, Ind.
CAUSEY, John W.. Gates, La.
COHEN. Dan, Milwaukee.
CONN ALLAY, Bertie L-. Hylton. Texas. N
DOYLE. William. New York.
DRETSKE, Carl F., Neshkoro. Wla
DRISSItH, Walter JE., John H. Drlaaler.
South Bend, Wash.
FARLEY, John Joseph. Wilkes barre. Pa.
FLEMING. Frederick. New York.
FREEMAN. Joseph. Hawks. Ohio.
HALSE Y, Claude L.. BlackwelL Okla.
HAU6NER, Salla. New York.
HEGARTY, William C, Nevada City. CaL
HERRON, Thomas,' Pittsburg, Pa.
HOADLEY. Charles W., Bradford. Pa.
HOPE. Ben. Hazel Green. Ala.
HOSSLER. Louis H. Jr., Kabers Ridge. Minn.
JOYCE. Edward T.. Brooklyn.
KALKNARF. George P., Mra Etta Kalk
narf. Mesa. Wash,
LEA RY. Georga H., Union Course. N T
M'COURT. James. Johnstown. Pa.
M-CULLOUGH, Clarence. Baxter Springs.
M'GLOIN, John H, New York.
M'GOWAN, Henry, Brooklyn, N. T
MACK. Charles A., New York.
MOONEY. Thomas, New York.
NATHAN, Edward, tan Francisco.
NICHOLS. Fred Lucien. Greendp, 111.
PARN'ELLO, Jim. Trapanl, Italy.
RYAN. WUIlam J., New York.
SHIELDS. David J., Chester, Pa. '
SMITH, John I., Lenoir. N. C.
SMITH. Paul D.. Columbia. Pa.
STOEVER, Daniel, Lebanon, Pa.
TVRREN'TINE, Herbert S., Salsm, N C.
VAIL. Neal. Philadelphia,
VANEIMEREN, Everhart John, Milwaukee,
WOLFE. Clareaea R. Pools. Ind.
BLAZEK. Anton 8.. Cleveland. O.
DOER R, Howard W., Carnagle, Pa.
GADDIS, Frank I Mrs. N. J. Gaddla.
Woodland. Wash. "
GRANATH. Arthur W.. Brooklyn.
HOVEXSIIXE, Kdni4 C, ghllad.lff.l-,
LESCANAC, Lawrence. Moneasen. Pa.
MONROE. George Smith. South Haven,
MULAR1N. Carl. Whltensvillo. Mass.
RHOADES. Cecil P.. New Kensington. Pa.
RICE. Thornton M.. Nescopeck. Pa.
P.OSSO. Vlto. Wonester. Mass.
S-HRON. Philip, Brooklyn.
WEST. Tennv B.. Oxford. N. C.
BARLOW. William C. Ashford. Ala.
BENDER. Frel M.. New York.
BERTZ. Joseph. Chicago.
BLOODGOOD, Louis P.. Brooklyn.
BROWN. Peter P.. Whitman. Mass.
.FERGUSON. Ralph. Farmington. lit,
FERRIS. Sidney. Glasgow. Scotland.
LOWER Y, Clarke R.. Pittsburg.
MARTIN, Cecil N., Lawrencevilia. III.
MYERS. Ivan. Columbia Falls. Mont.
RASMUSSEN. John. Mlnot. N. Tt.
ROWLES. Theodora Arthur. Clearfield, Pa.
SHAW. Robert D-. Corry. Pa.
SHAW. S'ephen R.. Oshkosh. Neb.
SHOENBERGER. Michael Ncy. Payette Co.,
SUM MA. Andrew, Dunmore. Pa.
SWANSON, Farl R, Hancock, Minn.
SUTPHEN. William K., Valois, N. T.
TROINA. Gulseppe. Brooklyn.
WEBSTER, James M., Mrs. Lola Hoekmaa,
Middleport, Wash,
rEXGET, George W., Grand Porks. Mine.
ZMUDZINSKI. John B.. Pittsburg.
PICK, Everett Sleeter. Wlnnflold. La.
srnrfa nta
KUTTIG. Albert P.. Lancaster. Ohio.
PARK ES. James T., New York.
WOOD, William W, North Falmouth, Maaa
RRAUI, Prank B.. New York.
PUSCH. William P.. Nsnticoke. Pa.
JKWEI.L, William .. Mrs. Elle Corhlrle,
342 West Brldger street, Pocatello, Idaho.
RHONE. Merle. St. Marys. Pa.
DENNIS. Samuel R.. St. Jo, Tex.
MAHONBT. Fred. J r.. Troy, N. T.
COR HAN. Thomas M-. Pitman, Ark.
ALLEN, James W., Schenectady, N. T.
CHARD. George C. New York.
CURTIS, Thomas. 8andusky, O.
EV1NS. Will, Albany. Ala.
KIN'3, Grover. Terre Hauto. Ind.
KOOISTRA. Sam. Chicago. 111.
KRONFIBLD. Harry B New Tork.
MrRRIDB, Leo A.. Klk River. Minn.
NOON A N, James B.. Kingston. N. T.
l'OI:TBR, Leo Rosa. Angola, ln4.
RILEY. Delbert. Florenceburg. Ky.
AHE.VOK. Frank, Buffalo, N. Y.
FiAZINSKI, Joseph, Lynn. Mass.
BELL, Edward J. Brooklyn. N T
BUOLASS. Kenneth G., Portsge. Wis.
CASTLE HE RRY, Iaasc R.. Moultrie. Ga.
DAVIK, William L.. Winchester. Kan.
DBCKklR. Warren J.. Philadelphia.
ELLIS. Henry G Beverly. Una
I BKNANIlEZ, Joseph, Sacramento, CaL
G1LMORB. Carcle 11., Kedfleld. la.
MAXWELU Henry Y., Angullla. Miss,
RIDER. Henrv-.-Forest Park, 111.
ROREROB. Alfred. Manchester. N. T.
TYLER. Harry V.. Milton. Mass.
I'PCHURCH. Burin. Linevllle. Ala.
WEDEN, Georga P., Milwaukee, Wis.
.STELZBR. Albert Cellna, Tex.
W agoner
BLACK. Harvey Duane, Bath, Mich.
BACGS. William Sheridan. Mlnolg, Wis.
PULLEf.LA. Leon. Cleveland, O.
STATHIS. Peter John. New York.
STEPHENSON. Frank G.. Meridian. Miss.
COPE LAND, John Henry. Blffrlnham, S. C
CULL1N, Patrick J., Jersey Clly. N. J.
FARRELL. Edward. Hartford. Conn.
MALONB. Samuel J., Greenville, Tenn.
NAILING. William I.. Valllant. Okla,
TAYLOR, Leonidas, Reliance. Tenn.
WEBsTEIi. Stephen T-, Augusta, Ms,
roLVIN, Carle Lee, Breckenrldge, Mo.
Ml Hl.'lf. Frank M., Joliet,. 111.
BUFFUM. Arthur B.. Pawtueket. R, L
DENELU Frank J., New York.
M1LBWSKI, Frank. Chicago, III.
HAUAMANN'. Raymond. Chicago, I1L
JONES, William A.. Johnstown, Pa. .
NBAL, John R., Springfield. I1L
COLTON. James P.. Pasadena. CaL
FUHR. Karl W., Columbus, O.
HARVBY.-John A.. New lxndon. Conn.
K KLI.Y. Richard B.,.Brimlngha.m. Ala.
SPRINGER. P'rankim H., Bristol. IL 1.
S ETT. Joseph Anderson. Eastport. Mo.
BROWN. Bron Clark. Netdham. Mass.
DAVIS, Arthur Header. San Diego, Cal.
WEL1.BANK. Harry. Philadelphia.
MACK. William. Chicago.
MEADE. Henry C. A.. Chicago.
RINK, Joseph W.. Iiocbeile, N. Y.
Kerg rants
RRAUFORU, Thomas C, Birmingham. Ala.
ItOllERTH, P'rar.k. Columbus. -Ohio.
ROIp:UTS. Nathan O.. Alton, o.
RYAN. John P., Philadelphia.
QUALK1NBUCH. William. French Lick, Ind.
VERTP.EES, Ben L, Sacramento. Ken.
A U.MAN. George C, Reading, Pa.
GRIP'FITH. Walter G.. Swissvale. Pa.
ROSE, llsxtcr. Huntington. W. Va.
SCHI'CKER, Horace J.. Pine Grove. Pa.
WOLTMAN, James F. E. Muskegon. Mich.
ARTHI R. Ralph C. St. Louis. Mo.
CHRISTIANSEN. Harold. Brooklyn, N. T.
GREENE. Harry M.. Avoca. Is.
M I I.LI MAN, Lloyd E.. Glean. N. Y.
O'CONNOR. Joseph R., Chicago.
SCARBEKY. Jasper L., Proctoi-vllla, Q,
6CUTER, James C. Buffalo, N. Y.
B RANDEN BURG. Otto A.. New York.
BROWN, Henry S., Reading. Pa.
DENULLY. Harold H., H rook line. Mass.
DUN'LEA. Wililam J-. Brooklyn.
C.REENWAY. Abel G., Chu-inda. Ia,
Hl liHES. Robert C. Pottsvllle. Pa.
ROBERTS. Ernest D.. tlranville. N. T.
ROBINSON, Chester Steveson, W'ichlla, Kan,
SCHAUMBERO, Bernard C. Brooklyn.
ZEI.1G. Paul C, Columbus. Mass.
SILVA. Ernest A.. Manchester. Mass.
SOLINSKI. Wachtow. River. N. J.
SPOHN. Herman T.. Brighton, la.
THOMAS. William D.. Cornerstone. Pa.
THORN RURG. John C. Uwion, Mo.
HORVATH, Joe. Sandusky, O.
JOHNSON. Ervln. Llllington. N. C
LERCH. Howard A., Orient, O.
MARONEY. John James. Salamanca. N. T.
O'CONNOR. James J., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
VANSLYKE, Charles, Oneida. N. Y.
WENGART. Walter. Bernvllls, Pa,
GREEN, John O.. Philadelphia,
HOLMES. Alex A. Henderson, N. C
LOItl. James R. New York.
WOLFF. George R. Hopkins, Minn.
WOLLNEY. Otto. Cincinnati, o.
Ma,trr Engineep
WILSON. Charles E, Johnstown, ra.
BARRY, Thomas P., Lebanon. Pa.
BEP.THOLD. Joseph Albert, Utlca. N. T.
STERN. Danldl. Brooklyn,
GOLGONSK i, Albert Walter. Grand Rapids,
KERSTETTFR. Joseph V.. Wilkesbarre. Ps,
KILLINGSE WORTH, William. La Grange,
Wa rnn ei s
DICHTER. Nicholas A., Mrs. Sarah Floem,
R. F. D. No. 1. box It. Winlock. Wash.
LOBAl'GH. Horace, Nllea. Ohio.
NOEL. William, Columbus, Ohio.
Prl rates
BOONE. Joel. Weableu. Mo.
BOWER. William H.. Philadelphia.
BRANCH, John S.. Maiden, Mo.
LINCOLN. Howard. Beaver Palls, Pa.
HALL George, Wallace, Ark.
HASKELL. Benjamin. Ashland. Ky.
HOLDEN". Roscoe F Scranton. Iowa.
HOLLENBECK. John, Elkland. Pa.
JEFFERSON, William A.. Cartarsville, Ga.
JOHNSON. Elmer. Chicago.
JOHNSON, Joe. Henry. N. C
JORDAN. William IX. Shenandoah, Iowa.
JIRES, Bill, Sureolkt, Russia.
LEONE. Pletro. Clttaa Anglo, Italy.
LESLIE. Dallus D.. Paulding. Ohio.
LEVE RIDGE, Robert Mackenzie. New Tork.
LEWIS. Olln W., Las Vegas. N. M.
LICHETT. Lafayette A. R. Jr., Philadelphia.
LINGRAM. Harold E. C, Mausa, Neb.
LOOSEN'MORE. Benjamin. Muskegon. Mich.
LOREN'Z. Grant W.. Excelsior, Minn.
LUt'lER, Maurice F.. Loretto. Minn.
LYTER. John F.. Guthrie. Okla.
McELWAIN. James E., Falkner, Miaa.
MARKS. Charles L., Philadelphia.
MARKS. John. Nevada City. Cal.
MARTIN. Owen W.. Watertown, N. T.
MURPHY. Max Augustine. Fenton. Mich.
MYERS. Newton E. Burllngame, Kan.
NADDY, John P.. Chicago. 111.
NEWELL. Sam F.. Randolph, Miss.
NIX. Clyde, Detroit. Ala.
PATRICK. John. Phoenlxvllle. Pa.
RATLIFF. Willie. Bowie. Texas.
REINHEIMER. Charles F.. Wast Frankfort,
ROFINI. German. Roma. Italy.
ROMERO. Frank C, Santa Barbara. CaL
ADAMS. William C, Hawley, Pa.
BAER, Fred E.. Chicago. III.
BEATSON. Arthur Lewis, Bristol. Conn.
BOWES. James G.. Chllllrothe. Mo.
BROWN. Harris B., Berwick. Pa.
BURGESS, Harry. Cecln Grove. W. Va.
CALLAHAN. John F.. Philadelphia.
COLLINS. George L-, Cleveland. Ohio.
DEAN. Dale P.. Oosport. lad.
FETTERS, Theodora R.. Kansas City. Ma.
GLANTZ. Gustat Adolph. Denver
GOLDEN. Milton. Mayo, Fla
GOLDiiAN. Paul. Jiu-o, Ruaala,
MOORE. Leo. Phlladalpbla.
MOYER. James R-. Parkers Landing. Pa.
NAZZARENO. Libera tore. Palama. Italy.
NELSON. Charles O.. New York.
NEVA HE. Willie. Lamexa. N. XL
NEVILLE. John F.. New York.
NEWMAN. Thomas G., Grand Junction. Colo.
NICHOI.LP. George H.. Woodstock. III.
NISALEW1TZ. Kalman. New York.
N1SSE.V. Fred W.. Jackson, Mich,
NOWACK. Thomas R-. Poitstowa, Pa
NUTE. tirorge Henry. New York
O'CONNOR. James F.. New York.
O'DONNELL. William. Lebanon. Pa.
OLMSTED. Ingersoll. j, Philadelphia.
PAPILLA. Monserrate. Caborojo. P. R.
PANZONES. Spero, Sheboygan. Wis.
PARKER, Victor I . Dexter. Iowa.
PASHl.Er. Emll Frederick. Franklin. Pa.
PATRICK. Please. Manchester. Kjr.
PATTERSON, (George. New York.
PAL'L Ariel. Dayton. Iowa.
PEAroCK. Joseph W.. Austin. Ind.
I'ENTON. John E.. Omaha, Neb.
PULLEGKIX14 Salvatora, C'ampobasso,
PEI.osr. Armlndo. Rome. Italy,
GENTRY. Hargrove. Bermuda. La.
GoFF. NVwell E., Clarlnda. Iowa.
C.OODSELL, Kay V.. Dunoit, Iowa.
GREENWAT, Ray. Oskalfosa, loma.
HANC. Adam. Jackson. Mich.
HARPER. Willie. Thorpe. Wis.
HEATOX, Hanford Wade, M uncle. Ind.
HEIMO, William. Milton Junction, Was.
HYDE. George A,. Wichita. Kan.
INLOW, ctrria E-. Newark. Ohio.
JAMES. Grover E.. Belle. Mo.
JfiHN. Frederick Max. Brooklyn.
JONprs. Thomas Peler. Brooklyn.
Koch IN:-KY. Steve. Brooklyn.
LETCHER. George W.. Pratt City, "Aia. 1
I.ONDAOIN. Don. Gentrv. Ark.
MnitKIIV. Donald E.. Rochester.
MAGGIO. Vincent, Dorchester, Mass.
MARSHALL. Duane D, Osiikoah. Neb.
MULLEN. Vincent A.. Phhsaac-lphla, Pa.
MURDcsr'K. William. Mlna. S D.
NEP.I.EY. George K.. st Pittsburg. Pa.
PK KKXS. Robert W.. lliinllnciloa. Tenn.
PRICE, Forrest C. Mrs. Ssrah Price. SOS
West Thirty-fifth avenue. Spokaue. Wash.
FIKCLLL. Joseph, Edwin S. Paiker. White
Swan, Wash.
RAPP. Charles Frederick. Philadelphia.
RO ii BINS. Calvin L-. irlswold. Iowa.
RUHR. Robert. Tountville. Cal.
ROONEY, Stephen L.. New York.
fl'Hl'l.TZ, Vilas. Phillips. Wis.
SCH WEINEFI'S. Charl..y W.. Castalla. Iowa.
SP: ERA. Edward Franklin. Chester. Md.
SKWELU Thomas C, Greenville, Tex.
SHEARER. James R.. Brooksvllle. Fls,
SHUCK. George A. u., Danrae. W. Va.
SIMPSON. Grorge. lxnx Island City. N. T.
SINNOTT. Mirhncl P, Elisabeth. N. J.
SMITH. Frederick V.. Vrlonvllle. Conn.
SMITH, Merlin. Shoals. Ind.
SMITH, olikf M.. Galesburg. N. D.
SMITH. Thomas Jwmes. Ogdensburg. N. T.
SMITH. William C. East sglnaw, Mich. August, Hallettsville. Texas.
KNEED, William A. Bullion. Ark.
HPANGLKR, Michael. Cleveland, Ohio.
SUBKE. Harry C.. Buffalo.
SUTTON, James E.. Coker. t la,
Tp:vis. Albert ;.. Moberly. Sy.
WALKER. George. Milwaukee. Wis.
W"ITE. Beerher G.. island Falls. Me.
WINOATE. Rosle R. K.. Camilla. Ga.
Wol P E. Albert Frederick. Alp, ns. Mich.
ZACHAHE WICZ. Ignacy, Blackfield. P.
ZUMWALT, Charles E.. Blanthard. Okla.
HUFFMAN. John E.. Falmouth. Ky.
JAE'IKH. Arthur 8.. New York.
JATCZAK. Fella. Gary. Ind.
LAP1KKRE. Joseph J.. Sctota. N. T.
LEIBV. Roy W., Alleatown. 1-a.
LINDSTROM, Frank. Council Bluffs. Tows,
Ll IXGSTON, Charles E., Dlllsburg, pa
LOCK1N. Howard William. Eauclalre, Wla.
Mt. BRIDE. Thomas. New York
i!c.'r-YPK' Mlchael. M across. Ireland.
M A I.I NOW SKI. Sczepan. Miikaukee. Wis.
SCH X ABEL. George. Milwaukee. Wis.
SC'O.MA. Thomas. New York.
SMITH. Oscar Emery, Oblong. III.
WALKER, Ernest F-. North Raymond. Me,
WALSH. John C. Phlladelnhla
WILANDER, William Arthur. Brooklyn, N.T.
rieu u.t xr nuuaeipnia.
HANSEN. Eric W.. New York.
HARRIS. Herbert. New York.
HAZELWOOD. Edward A.. North Charlotte,
North Carolina..
HEXNING, Frederick Charles, Norristown.
HEYLIN. Willis H.. Saonemln. III.
KANE, Robert V., Old Bridge. N J.
KENGERSKI. John. Trenton. N. J.
Nt:I)I' Charles Phillip. Auburndale,
KISSINGER. Eugene A.. Cheater. Pa.
IvollI.Llt, John, Jr.. Pittston. Pa
LANE. Clayton J., Edwardsvllle. 111.
LP: WIS. Merle. Cambridge Springs. Pa.
LINK. John E.. Phlladei,hla.
LOi:HHILp:R. Wendell Arthur. Detroit. Mich.
MACH'SKI. Tony, Chelsea- Mass.
1IATS1K, Joseph. Chicago.
SIOKRISON. Gienn It., Red house. N. T.
MUTZABAUGH. Hoke R.. Columbia, a.
NOON AN. William P.. Lynn. Maes.
QUINN. William J.. Kearny. N. J.
ROSATI. Luciano, Caserta. Ilaly.
ROsp:. Philip w.. Livingston Manor. N. Y.
IJOTELLI. Arrazlono. .Vintumo. talv.
SCHACHTNER. Ernest Michael. Chicago.
SCH WF.X K. Peter N. K, Jr.. Philadelphia,
.SKVFRSKY. Charlea Philadelphia.
SMITH. Abe Desvey. Kennerdetl, Ia.
BTKRNECKER, Richard Kills, St, Lotila.
M issouii.
SUTTON. Cart E., Henrietta, Okla.
TAYLOR. Merrill Stowell. Pont lac. Mich,
TRAUOKR, Jacob. Doyle. to. n. I'a
VAXVLEPK. John D.. Tnuawanda, N. T.
WALSH. John B.. Altoona. Pa.
WALTERS, Charles C. Bloomsburg. Pa.
WALTERS. Harry C. Rockvllle Center. N.T
WARNEKT. Louis KdsarJ. Havre. Mum.
WATSdN. Robert H., Maryavtlle, Mo
WKRLKVANN. Henri. Paris. Prior,.'
WHAI.EN. Thomas Edward. New York.
WILKK. Otto J . Split Rock. Wis
WILLIAMS. Keraey J.. Charlotte. V. C
W1NGET. Romle H., Mt. (iilea'l. O.
WwiATZUE, Charl-s W.'. Kendall, K Y.
WOOI.EY. George. New Bedford, Mass.
WUPPER. Ernst Wsldemar. Milwaukee Wla
ANKKR.-ON. Robert W., Austin. Colo
AKMVflUING, Glraa M., R. B. Armstrong.
44t Metbow street. V. enatchee. Wash.
ARMSTRONG. Jamea Jl.. MrCrom. Ark.
BAKER. Henry K.. Reading. Pa.
Iltl.l.INO, raak, James Byrne, Remburg.
Llsho. v
BONDI. Charles. Port Kennedy. Pa.
BRANDON. Arthur D.. Fort Riley. Kan.
BROWN. William. Clrclevllle. Ohio
BI.1CKER, William. Homestead. Pa.
FIOR1TO. Leo A.. Leroy, N. Y.
GPCNSO, Georgo T . Detroit. Mich.
GIVENS, Morris D.. New York,
COLD. Joseph, New Yort
GUGI.IUZZA. Vincent. SS Lawrence. Mass.
HAG EN, Olal. San Juan. Tex.
IMLER. Harry U. Clrclevllle. Ohio.
ISAAC, Daniel, Russell Co. Va.
JECKO, Georga Courtney, Brooklyn
JOHNSON. Albert Julius. Watson. M
JOHNSON. Henry M.. New Haven. Coon.
ir.i r t .rv. jin, e-iapieton, . J .
LOTH, Arthur, Newburgh. N. T.
M'Gll.LIVARY. John A.. Gloucester. Maaa.
MARTIN. Claud Clorey. Mellette, Okla.
MINTON. Ode. Ready. Ky.
MOODY. Morris C. Holland. Mich.
MORI ARITY. Joseph G.. San Iraorlsri
MURPHY. William H:. Big Sandy. Mont.
NEW, Lewis W.. Mlrhlgsn Town. Ind.
NEWMAN. Roy E., Rarl.len. Ohio.
NICK. James, Syracuse. N. Y.
NOAKP:s, Carson J.. Albion, Slica.
NY LI NX. Harry. Brooklyn.
OSBORNE. Alfred James. Buffalo. N T
PETERSON. Frank, Cushlng. Wis.
PITMAN, Robert E.. Bacona Castle, Va.
QUIXN, Patrick. Philadelphia.
RISON, Chsrlea T., Lexington, Kr.
ROSERERRV, Frank, Marom, Ind
ERIM ANN. Carl Marathon. Wis.
KLEl.-ifHER. Julian. New York.
FOIITXEY. Charles M.. Watervllle, Ohio.
FREEMAN, Walter B.. Owlep. Ark.
GERI.A ND. Joseph. Brooklyn.
GIBSON. William M.. Hull. Ia.
GREEK, Glen D.. Kumble. Ohio.
GREEN, Henry, Plain City. Ohio.
GRUEXWALD. Henry P.. Marjueketa la.
HAVERI.Y. Rufus. Kenny. Ky.
1UYTON, Lester D.. Jacob A. Bayton. Pa
louse, Wash.
HEDUM. Alfred. Rolrller. Ta.
HEMMERLY, Ralph. Forest, Ohio.
JUDY. Henry L., Columbus, Ohio.
KAISER. Manseli, Hendrysburg. Ohio.
KOLOSKY. Anton. New Haven. Conn.
LAWRENCE. Thomas P.. Lamsseo, Tax.
LOW E NTH A L. Simon. New York.
LOT, Jacob P.. Minnie, w. Va.
MARTINEZ. Woodman. Ansonla, Conn.
MATHEWS. John R.. Plymouth. Pa.
MUNSOV. Eugene. Jr., Brooklyn.
NICODFMO. Raffa. Fort Wavna, Ind.
O'P.RIEN. Patrick H.. Tltusville. Pa.
O'CONNFTLL. Dsnlel. Randalls Island. N. T.
OLSZEWSKI. Stanley. Wilmington, Del.
O'TOOLE, Eugene, Hohoken. N. J.
PATTOX, Jsyhew. Naomi. Ky.
PAYNE, Edgar E-. Gouvemeur. N. T.
PENCH Paul D.. South Whitley, Ind.
PERKING E R, Andy L-. Rlchwood. W. Va.
RICHARDS. Evert O.. Lexington. Neb.
RORERO. Harry. Brooklyn. N. Y.
ROHMAN. Anthony. Duqueane. Pa.
ROSK. David. Brooklyn.
ROI'NDS. Willis B.. Bamboo, Wla
ROY. Andrew. Bishop. Ps,
VERGER. Arthur A.. PotMlova, Pa.
VOTK. Fred L.. Cushlng. la.
YORK. Bert L, Clarlnda. Ia.
YOUNG. Clarence. Nelsonvllla, Ohio.
YOUNG. Walter D.. Natchex. Mlas.
7.IEGLER, Charles W.. Rochester. N. Y.
PARKER. George A, Boston.
MeN ALLY, Luthsr B.. Milton. Vt
ANKHlblAK. Jeaepk CL. XXtrwit, Mlea.
in! i I
""l sjlH k I IIM'sssf fci SsslssS. - -- - "kdW
The Widow's Might
The Famous Feminine Impersonator.
r i
She Loved Him Plenty
Another Mack-Sennett
Reasonable Prices. Continuous 1 to 11 P. 3L
BABroCK, James Densmora, Mlddlevtlle.
RKOWS, Archie. Jr.. New London. Conn.
CAHIONAN. Charles. Avonualo. Mont.
CAR R. John J.. Roxbury. Mass.
CARWILE, Ernest K Heber Fprlncs. Ark.
KHKRHA11D. tstanlslau P, Hanklnson, N. D.
FOCA. Barlola. Philadelphia.
IIUHAK.H, Willie. W. A. Hobaurh. Wbtts
orv. cir.
HO.SPORD, William Henrr, Menominee, Wla
HOWE. Lester E.. Wllllslon. N. O.
HL'G. Leon W.. Benson, aitnn.
JOHNSON. Henry M.. Washlncton. D. C
LOTZER. Wlllera P.. W.hprton. N. D.
.V ETZ. Sidney E.. Toledo. Ohio.
1IOZOK6KI, Henrlk. Detroit.
ML8EN. John B., Brooklyn.
PENHEI, Frank O., Chicaco.
1'KTTEVS. red Fr.i E. Petteya Br.,
iS0I South Sixtieth avenue. Seattle. Wash.
Pit A AST. Paul, William Cbroeder. Dallas,
RACSCH. Albert W.. Hersey, Mirh.
ROZKLU Albert H.. Bancroft. Wis.
ripIESS. Harry, New York.
'XLRK1LL. William L.. Fairmoont. N. D.
HART. Thomas J.. Hartford. Conn.
LA NOLI AS, Alfred. Old Town. Me.
RICK. Charles. Etoutsvllle. Mo.
W1DKOWSKY, Joseph. McKeeaport, Pa.
Lieutenant Edward Wells, grrandson
of Elisha D. Wells, 77 East Yamhill
street, has been killed in action in
France, according" to a message received
by the grandfather yesterday. Lieuten
ant Wells enlisted In Kansas. His let
ters home told of participation In some
of the hardest fighting on the western
Itailroad Man Succee-ds r. J. Bark
Icy as Assistant fie-nr-ral Manage-.
P. N. Finch yesterday assumed duty
as assistant general manager of the
Orceon-Washinftton & Navigation lines
and Southern Pacific lines north of
Ashland. Mr. Finch will take up the
work of the general superintendence
vacated by M. J. Buckley, who was re
cently advanced to the post of general
manager, by appointment of Federal
Manager O'Brien. Mr. Finch has been
manager of the Camas Prairie Railroad
and is succeeded by Ft- K. Hanrahao
with title of superintendent.
Effective yesterday. J. F. Grodxkt,
heretofore secretary of the central
safety committee of the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation lines, is
appointed gneral safety agent of the
liuea under General Manager Buckley.
Attorney Claude McColloch to En
force Federal Regulations.
Appointment of Clauds McColloch. a
Tartland attorney, as director of en
forcement for the State Fuel Admin
istration was announced yesterday by
Fred J. Holmes, administrator. Mr. Mc
Colloch yesterday accepted the appoint
ment and expressed a desire to de
everything; possible to aid the Admin
istration. The duties of the director of enforce
ment are to investigate reported viola
tions of the regulations, demand ex
planations, make written reports to
Washington, and he ht authorised to
grant violators the privilege of con.
trlhutlnsr to the Red ross In a sum
Save Your Hair! Double Its
Beauty in a Few Moments.
Try This!
Hair Stops Coming Out and
Every Particle of Dan
druff Disappears.
Try as yon will, after an application
of DantierineA'Ou cannot find a single
trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
please you most will be after a few
weeks' use. when you see new hair, fins
and downy at first yes but really
new hair growing all over the acalp.
A little Uanderina immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, brittle and acrag
gy. Just moisten a cloth with Lianderlne
and carefully draw it through your
hair, taking one small strand at a time.
The effect la immediate and amaalng
your hair will bs light, fluffy and j
wavy, and have an appearance of abun- I
dance, an Incomparable lustre, softness'
and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer
ot trus nair neaita.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dan
derme from any drug store or toilet
counter for a few cents and prove that
your hair Is as pretty and soft as any
mac il naa ueen negieciea or injured by
careleaa treatment tbat'a all.
Danderlns la to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots.
Invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing
properties cause the hair to
grow long, strong gad bsauUfui. Adv.
i J I f 1 f i' iss nil .8
not exceeding $1000 In lieu of revoca
tion of license or other punishment.
Countess to Visit Portland.
The Countess of Kingston, who has
consecrated her service to the cause "-f
reconstruction aid for disabled Irish
soldiers, will be a Portland visitor the
first week in November. Touring tlie
United States In a campaign to raise
funds for the purpose, which is belni;
carried forward under what is desig
nated as the shamrock fund, a most in
teresting exhibit of relics and trophies
of the war is put on display to attract
the attention of persons who may desire
to assist. The exhibit will be installed
at the Meier si Krank store t jr the pe
riod allotted to Portland.
Deer Island 1'iremen Hurt.
Mat Jelirk. asrerl 41. a donkey engine
fireman for th reer Island Logging
Company, suffered a fractured left,
arm yesterday. A cable attached to a
stump slipped and struck the fireman
when It recoiled. The injured man was
taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital.
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Children Under
16 Not Admitted
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I C Seats 35c