THE MORNIXG OREGOTTCAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1918. " K Dry Peach Stones and Deposit Them in Liberty Peach Stone Barrels Outside Our Store The Government Wants Them for Use in Gas Masks v?????????!!1 Dancing Party Complimentary to Sol diers and Sailors at Columbus Hall, Morris Street, tomorrow 8:30 P. M. Tickets 25c (men in uniform free). Take Williams Avenue car. "Britain and Her Super Empire" is subject of Dr. Harry Hunting ton Powers' talk at Central Library, 8 o'clock, tonight, auspices National League for Woman's Service. FRENCH CLASSES (morning and evening) are now being formed under the auspices of the league. Butterick Patterns for October now ready. Buttericks cut to best advantage, are most dependable, perfect fitting and their styles are above reproach. New October Fashion Sheets are also in. Autumn Butterick Fash ions 25c copy. Second Floor. ' To Every Man In theService or likely to be and who values a satisfactory timepiece we rec ommend our military and naval wrist watches with dependable movements, luminous dials, khaki or leather bands. Jewelry Shop. Main Floor. Large Loaf Home Made Bread 15c MEIER &' FRANK'S delicious "Victory',' bread, made by master bakers in our daylight bakery on the premises, now priced at 15c for large loaf. Spiced raisin bread 15c Rye bread, loaf 10c Ninth Floor. Flf th.Street. See the Exhibit of War Trophies and relics from the battlefields of France, Belgium, Saloniki and Mesopotamia on display, Sixth Floor, Fifth Street. Mr. Root. M. Byrne will explain features from 10:30 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00. FREE! (me Tut QjuALrrV Stork or- Portland ondsBcay Bonds!' toy 19 B .Bone .Buy B I I 1 We Will Re-Cover Your Umbrella All This Week at 10 Off Your choice of black or colored covers in the newest shades. Silk or cotton. 10 off our regular low prices all this week. Meier & Frank's: Umbrella Shop, Main Floor. Send Youj Soldier A Card of Greeting Keep up the Christmas spirit with a mes sage of cheerfulness. This, is the year of all years that the boys need a token of kindly remembrance. Place your order for cards now, as mail for the forces overseas must be inby the last of October to reach its destination safely in time for Christmas. We have the cards every approved form many original and exclusive designs. Samples on request. Meier & Frank's: V Stu.Uonery Shops Main Floor. r Further Evidence of Meier & Frank's Value-Giving Supremacy Seen in These NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS . For Women and Misses Irresistible Values $29:50 To those who have not given consideration to this matter it will come as a revelation that any store can offer new coats of this quality and style at such an ex tremely low price as $29.50 today. Don't let the lowness of price, however, deter you from investigating; the values offered in this line. The variety, too, is astonishing. Youthful garments of AtX. WOOL. American light-weight ve lours. Styled with large convertible -collars of kit coney. Belted models. '. Other coats at this price of fine wool velours, lined to waist, with novelty yoke backs. Extra full-flaring models. 48 inches long. ' All sizes at $29.50. Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. Infants' New Imported Afghans We have just received a good seflection of infants' embroidered Japanese afghans of fine quality habutai silk and satin. White, pink and blue with dainty embroi dered effects. Specially priced at ?3.59, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95. Slumber Robes Infants' Japanese crepe and satin embroidered and figured slumber robes in, white, pink and light blue colors. Priced at $6.95, $7.45 and $8.95. Meier & Frank's: Infants' Shop, Second Floor. Turkish Towels Reduced V4-V3 Seconds of the Famous 'Martex' Brand We had 10,000 yesterday when thexsale started. House wives, apartment, hotel and rooming-house keepers are buying as never before all are excellent judges of values. Plenty for those who come to day. Buy as many as you need in reason. Sale'Prices 25 to $1.25 There Are All Sizes Lots at 35S 40S 50S 60S 75S SI. Mostly plain white. Save to Yt. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street. if I i A Gigantic Disposal of 7000 Pieces Fine Quality Semi-Porcelainware Because of the difficulty in securing adequate supplies of matching pieces in these desir able patterns of fine English and American semi-porcelainware we are closing out three popular' open stock patterns at reductions that are nothing short of sensational. We've divided the entire assortment into five groups regardless of cost, former selling prices or present worth. , 10c 4-Inch Fruit Saucers. 4-Inch Fruit Saucers. 4-Inch Plates. 5-Inch Plates. 18c 6, 7 and 8-Inch Plates. Soup Plates. Pickle Dishes. After Dinner Cups and Saucers. 25c 6, 7, 8 and 9-Inch Open Vegeta ble Dishes. 8-Inch Platters. Tea cups and Saucers. Coffee Cups and Saucers. Cream Pitchers. 42c Sugar Bowls. Large Pitchers. 10-Inch Platters. 12-Inch Plat ters. Sauce Boats. 'Covered But ter Dishes. 79c Covered Vegetable Dishes. Sauce Tureens. 14-Inch Platters. 16-Inch Platters. Come early for best selection. NO PHONE ORDERS NO DELIVERIES ON LESS THAN $3 PURCHASES Meier & Frank's: Housewares Section. Basement. Enroll Today As Early in the Day as Possible Class B Begins at 2:30 P.M. Today A Course of 15 Lessons in Advanced Dressmaking-, Designing-, Tailoring and Millinery Personally Instructed by Mme. Coates America's Foremost Authority Madame Coates' Class B in analytical dressmaking, design ing, tailoring and millinery en ters its five weeks' course of 15 lessons at 2:30 P. M. today on our Seventh Floor, Fifth Street. Those who missed the explana tory lectures can come to the Dressmaking School Room today from 1 o'clock until time lec ture , begins and confer with Madame Coates, who will give all desired information. 82.50 Is the charge for the complete course personally instructed by Madame Coates with individual attention given to the needs of each pupil. Designing of gar ments, sleeves, collars, etc a complete finishing course in dressmaking the 64 steps-in tailoring the dressmaking block for self-fitting millinery mak ing and trimming. Ail these are included in this most comprehen sive course. This advanced Class B will meet Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays at 2:30 P. M. Tickets may be obtained at Notion Shop, Main Floor, any time, or on Sev enth Floor Immediately before or after lecture. Out of a Clear Sky A Meteoric Sale! 3000 MEN'S NEW SILK TIES Every One Just Received and Just Unpacked On Sale at 9 A. M. Today for the First Time To Make Neckwear History 85c We count it one of the most remarkable merchandising accomplishments this sale of silk ties at 85c. The values are quite as fine as any we have ever offered. Our onTy regret is that we could not get twice the quantity. But Viere are 3000 of these ties and to get 3000 SUCH TIES to sell at 85c in these days of merchandise scarcity and high prices is an achievement of which any store may well be proud. Youll have to see them if you prize silk neckwear values. See the fine, heavy quality of the silks, the amazing variety of utterly new patterns and colorings, the superior workmanship everything that stamps a tie high grade. All should sell for more than 85c some for almost twice this price. A special purchase from a famous maker accounts for this wonderful sale. Every tie is new and up to the maker's best standard. Not broken lines or odd lots, but complete sets fresh, unhandled, perfect -neckwear that is a joy to behold and wear. Wlde-flowlng-end scarfs with slip-easy bands. Striking- effects for advanced dressers and rich subdued tones for more conservative men. Floral designs. rresdens, Persians, ombres, basket weaves, satins, brocades, stripes, dots, plaitis. etc an inrinlte variety ol designs and every shade you could think of. While any remain 85c Half a dozen Is a good buy. Meier & Frank's: Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor. J Ik mm Attractive Wirthmor Waists Four New Models Just Received, on Sale Today at These new Wirthmor waists are of the same high quality of materials, cut in the same newness of style and of the same high standard of workmanship, fit and finish as the Wirthmors of old. And the price still remains the same $1. Wonderful, isn't it? Four new models in these justly famed waists make their appearance in Portland for the first time today. There is only a limited quantity . of these new arrivals we counsel early selection. If you have never worn Wirthmor waists you owe it to yourself to do so. Once a Wirthmor wearer, always a Wirthmor admirer. As al ways 51, as always worth more. Sold Here Exclusively Meier Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. The Optical Situation Is Grave There is an acute shortage of optical glass and a no less marked scarcity of skilled labor in this field. An even more serious crisis threatens. Be prepared Have Two Pairs of Glasses so that you may not be taken ut terly unawares and impotent if one pair should break, having to wait patiently for your lenses to be re paired. We will furnish you with a new pair of glasses from your prescrip tion or our optometrists will ex amine your eyes and prescribe glasses to your individual require ments. Meier Frank s: Optical Shop, Mezranine. Have Music In Your Home and your home life will be made happier, more restful and inspiring. Nothing is so beneficial physically, mentally or spiritually as music We have complete stocks of the popular Victrolas that will fill your every want in music. All styles and sizes. New October Victor Records on sale today. Come in and hear them. Three of the best are: When the Boys Come Home, suns by Schumann-Heink. National Em blem and Lights Out (Instrumental). Love's Garden of Roses, suns; by John McCormack. Many others. Meier St Frank's: Phonograph Shop, Sixth Floor. Of Special Interest in A Featuring of Women's Needs With a Particularly Noteworthy Display and Sale of Smart Tailored Hats $1.9.8 A fine selection of women's tailored hats at this extremely low price. Sailors and drooping brim styles, a large variety of shapes. Trimmed with rib bon. Some have different colored facings. Untrimmed Fall Hats New untrimmed Fall hats, including drooping brim models, large sailors, irregular shaped sailors, tricomes, and turban shapes. Velveteen, velvet, panne velvet and hatters' plush. All the desirable colors. Priced $1.98 to $3.98. HATS TRIMMED FREE IF MATERIAL IS PURCHASED HERE. Corsets $1.49 Elastic top sports corsets of coutil in fancy jacquard 'patterns. Flesh and white. Also two other good styles. All with four hose supporters. Brassieres 29 Women's open mesh bandeaux brassieres with elastic inserts. Front and back fastening styles. With shoulder straps. Flesh and white. . Night Gowns 9S Women's full cut flannelette night gowns in plain white or pink and blue stripes. Round and V-neck styles. Trimmed with fancy braid. Bathrobes $2.49 Women's heavy Beacon flannel bathrobes in a good selection of colors. Bought last year hence the low price. Sizes 36 to 38 only. -Meier & Frank's:Lower Price- Store. Basement Balcony Kabo Waists 75 Kabo comfort waists for young girls. Regular corset clasp or button front styles. Shoulder straps. Back stays. With hose supporters. Kimonos 1.49 Flannelette and cotton fleece long kimonos in bright floral de signs. Piped in satin. Narrow satin pleatings. Worth $2 to $2.50. a.1 APPLE HARVEST IS BEGUN 'Wood River Orchardists Are Serlous--.; ly Short of Pickersl jS HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 30 (Spe cial.) With the pear harvest practi cally ended, picking of apples has be gun. While the yield" of Bartlett pears was about 25 per cent under pre-har-vest estimates, Anjous ran 25 per cent over, and a total of more than 100 car loads will be shipped this season. The apple crop now being harvested is one of the cleanest ever picked here. The discovery of quantities of water core apples in some orchards has alarmed shippers, but as picking pro gresses it is found that the disease Is not widespread. The demand for picKers Is acute. While he has calls out for more than 500 pickers. C. B. Green, in "charge of the Government employment bureau here, was able to place only 150 today. In case the weather turns cold the lack ol pickers may result in losses. CHOICE ROAST BEEF 15c At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder street. Round Steak. ... .20c Veal Cutlets. .20c Sirloin Steak 17c Roast Veal...lSc Veal Steak 25c Pot Roasts Adv. Toronto. Canada, has a population of 437,829 persona and covers an area of 25,330 acres, or 39,58 square miles. NEW STATE BOARD URGED Idaho May Hate Commission, to Handle Irrigation Projects. BOISE. Ida, Sept. 10. (Special.) At a conference of engineers from all parts of the state held in Boise last week It was decided to draft a bill to be pre sented at the next Legislature asking: for the creation of a state board of control to a4ve tUa state land board of Irrigation project matters. It Is claimed that with such a board more time and attention could be given to projects. The engineers present, many of wflom are managing large projects in the state and have supervised their construction, favor legislation of this kind. Boise has felt the restrictions placed by the Government on building. Some time ago a bond issue of $90,000 was voted for the erection of a new school building. The bonds were favorably disposed of and plans made to so ahead with construction. The capital Issues committee of the 12th District refuses to approve the building on the ground that it Is incompatible with the Na tional Interests. The building there fore will not be erected until after the war. More Limited Serrlce Men Called. CHEHAU& Wash, Sept. 10. Spe cial. ) Forty-five more Lewis County men are called for limited service at Vancouver, Wash., in lumber and spruce camps, according to notice received is -day by the local board. They will en train from Chehalls about Oclowr 14, Unseao Saves Fruit Pita. El'GEXE, Or, Sent. SO. (Special) Barrels where fruit pits, various klads of seeds and nut shells wanted for the making of carbon to be used In csi masks may be deposited, have been placed on street corners In the business district of the city. Collections are also being made through the schools. ft