13 Heed Your Country's Call for Money to Back Up Our Soldiers "Over There"-Buy Another Liberty Bond 1 Q o Every Dollar Loaned Uncle Sam Will Be Returned With Interest Buying Liberty Bonds Is a Patriotic Privilege Every True American Should Take Advantage Of D o Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Shoes shined 10c and 15c White suede or cloth top shoes cleaned, 35c All kinds of kid shoes dyed black, 60c Tan shoes dyed brown, 75c. All. dye work guaranteed. Prompt and courteous service. The Standard Store of the Northwest The War Department Needs Peach Stones Dried -peach stones are essential in making gas masks for the soldiers. Also apricot, plum, prune and olive pits, date seeds, walnuts, hickory nuts. Leave pits and stones in barrels near store entrances. Olds, Wortman &'Kini 0 o Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods o THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, SEPTE3IBER - 28, 1918. . , ao, ' Charge Purchases Made Today and Monday Will Go on Your October Account Payable Nov. 1st 0EI0I0,jj o D O Double Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases- in All Departments Except Groceries D o o n o 3 lb. Can Coffee Special 95c Dependable, Golden Wesl M. J. B. and Royal Club; 3-pound cans priced special today, for 95 D o D o 0 o 'D LO Carter's Knit Underwear Fall and Winter Weights Slain Floor For 60 years Car ter's Underwear has been the fa vprite with careful buyers. Every garment is made of best materials obtainable, in the most sanitary factory in America. BUY NOW. Women's Union Suits of wool and cotton mixed, medium and heavy weight $3.75 and $4.00. Women's Union Suits, of wool and cotton. Priced $3 and $3.50. Women's Union Suits, of fine grade cotton. 10 styles to select from. Priced $2.00 to $2.50. Children's Lackawanna Twins Underwear We are exclusive Portland agents for Lackawanna Twine Un derwear. Fall and Winter lines are now complete offering a weight and style to suit every need at very reasonable prices. Wool and cotton mixed, pants and vests, priced $1.10 to $1.80 Wool and Cotton mixed Union Suits. Priced at $1.40 to $2.40 Exclusive Portland Agents for the Celebrated sses YOU HAVE OFTEN SEEN DRESSES that won you completely and yet when you came to de scribe them you simply could not tell just what it was that won your admiration. It was the charm of simplicity. That charm characterizes BETTY WALES DRESSES throughout, and distinguishes them from all others. It is the simplicity that demands the utmost skill in cut and design a simplicity that subor dinates the trimming scheme in short the simplicity of good taste. Betty Wales dresses are shown in a' multitude of smart models for girls and young women and for women who want to remain young. Made up in serge and satin combinations, also wool jersey. Two popular models are here pictured. These dresses range in price from $20.00 to $38.50. This Betty Wales Model $2650 Special Showing of New Suits and Coats for Juniors 2d Floor J v. Silk Petticoats $3.98 Saturday Special This Center Circle, First Floor Splendid qualities silk taf- Hpttv Wales e n s'"c Ine9Sane aso s'c jersey with taffeta f j i . . flounces. Various styles trimmed with fancy plaiting Model 0r ruffles. Full ranee of new shades for d0 f0 Full. Also chanereables. Saturdav snecial $20M New Autumn Neckwear Chic Styles to Wear with Fall Garments SCARCELY a day passes but we receive something new in the way of collars, sets, vests or vestees. You can always depend upon seeing the latest things here first. Neck wear from best Eastern makers. We also show beautiful neckwear made right here in Portland. NEW COLLARS in all the late styles roll, flat, square, cr round new sets in scores of styles new vestees made -up in all the popular materials crepes, satins, piques, organdies, nets, etc. Hand embroidered, tailored and lace trimmed. Priced 65 to $5.00 NECKWEAR DEPT., ON THE MAIN FLOOR. $18, $20, $25, $35 New Fall Hats On Sale Saturday $ 1 OUR FIRST GREAT $15 SALE of trimmed millinery j will be held Saturday. Hundreds of women who have at- tended these sales in the past will need no urging to come 1 for they know full well the good remarkable bargains to JLm expect and they know, too, they will not be 'disappointed. About half of the hats in this lot are Fall patterns that have served as models for our own artists the balance are reproductions of imported fads and beautiful creations from our workroom. There are hats from Hyland, Bendel, Jos eph and other famous designers in the show ing. Exquisite models trimmed with ostrich, flowers, ribbons and novelties of all kinds. Velours, hatters plush, Lyons velvets. Hats in this sale priced for merly at $18, $20, $25, n Millinery Second , Salons i:' Floor $ $28, $30 and $35. Don't wait till afternoon come in the morning and get first choice of these Hats. Priced special at S15 $10 Marabou Scarfs $6.95 Latest Styles Black and Colors Neckwear Dept. This is a special lot bought underprice. Beautiful marabou and ostrich boas in latest styles some are trimmed with tails, others with silk cord and loop fastenings. Black, natural, nig ger brown, mole. Scarfs well worth $10.00 Saturday at $6.95 Women's Fur Collars Main Floor At the Neckwear counter we shpw all the newest ideas in for collars ranging in price from $8.95 to $25.00. These are shaped to fit shoulders and are lined with good quality satin. Main Floor. In the Trimming Department the collars are shown without lining and are used to sew on garments.. Ask to see these new Fall arrivals. New Georgette Crepe $2 Lace Dept, First Floor Were-we to buy this high-grade crepe in today's market it could not be sold under $2.50 a yard. It is of standard quality and is an ex cellent cloth in every way. Shown in a fine assortment of the new Fall shades. Our price, (1JO ff special, for the yard D o n o n o D o D o o D o Men's Fall Overcoats ' $20 to $50 - No one appreciates the real comfort of a snug warm overcoat as the man who does not own one. We ask you to come In and examine our' new stock try on the new models note the high-class tail oring and splendid fabrics. Every one of the season's good styles is represented. They range in price from $20 to $50. MEN'S RAINCOATS in rubberized and cravenette cloths $12.50 and up. Men's Suits $25 to $47 JO Several dependable ' makes here for your choosing Clothing that will come up to your expectations from every point of view. Prices range $25 to $47.50. Young men's suits at $20 to $42.50. Officers' Uniforms of O. D. serge and moleskin. Very best tailoring throughout. Regulation style. They are all very reasonably priced. Men's Winter Underwear Early buying of Winter underwear is very desirable on account of increasing scarcity of finer grades. Our stocks are now complete in nearly all best lines. Men's union, suits, special $3 to $10 Shirts and drawers, $1.75 to $3.50. Dutchess Trousers "10c a Button, $1 a Rip" the money warranty that is sewed in every pair of Dutchess Trousers. An extra pair" of pants means extra service for your suit. Prices range from $3.50 up to $10.00 Inspect Our Great Stocks of Boys' Winter Suits and Overcoats NEW NORFOLKS of Navy blue serge, tweeds, cheviots, cassimeres and hard finish worsteds. Plain or military backs loose belts with buckles. Pants cut full taped seams. Prices range from $7.50 to $25 BOYS' OVERCOATS, with military, convertible collars. Ages 2Vi to 18. Prices from $10 to $25. BOYS' MACKINAWS . Price $6.50 to $17.50. Boys' Furnishings Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. Boys' military hats and caps $1.50 to $3.00. Black Cat. and Buster Brown Stockings, for boys' school wear. Priced at 40, 50, 55, 60 pair. Boys' school shirts and blouses, at $1.00 to $1.50 Dutchess Knickers Priced at-$3 to $3.25 pair. New Veils and Veilings Main Floor Latest. styles in drape veils and veilings by the yard. Priced specially at 35 to $5.00. New E-Z-ON veils plain and fancy designs. Hairline hexagon meshes. These have fine elastic rubber, 25, 35 eS 65, 85 each. SPECIAL High-class veiling in Tuxedo mesh and Shetland finish, in fancy ecroll, woven effects and chenille dots. Veilings such as usually sell at $1.00 to $1.25 a yard, on sale Saturday at fltZ Veiling Counter at, the yard "tlU n o o D o Ol In Basement Millinery Sale of 500 New Untrimmed Hats jj All Latest Shapes Special Only D A new shipment just in by express. Smart new sailors, turbans, pokes, droops and dozens of other styles. Black, red, brown, blue, purple and taupe. By adding a bit of trimming these may easily and quickly be made into beautiful Fall hats. -They are specially priced for Saturday at, each $2.00. Great Showing of Misses', Children's Hats Special Reduced Prices on Bridal Wreath Pattern Oneida Silverware Third Floor This is high-grade silver ware and is guaranteed for 10 years of ordinary family use. Note the savings. SET OF SIX PIECES. Dessert Spoons, set of six for $1.6o- Tea Spoons set of six. Special at 93. Table Spoons set of six. Special $1.85. Bouillon Spoons set of six. Special $2.10. Berry Spoons set of six. Special $1.05. Dessert Forks, set of six. . Special $1.65 Table Forks set of six, for, only $1.85. Oyster Forks set of six. Special $1.75 Butter Spreads set of six. Only $2.10 Table Knives, set of six. Special $2.45. Dessert Knives, set of six. Special' $2.35. SINGLE PIECES. . Baby Spoons, 35c; Sugar ' Spoons, 40c; Pickle Forks, 55c; Butter Knives, 40c; Cream Ladles, 65c; Gravy Ladles, 75c. OUR SALE of electric Lamps is still go ing on. Don't overlook this chance to save. Double Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases 11 i Si! mm "Children's Day" Second Floor Bring the young folks in and let them have a peep at the new Winter 6tyles in coats, dresses, skirts and other wearables we have assembled in the Girls' Shop. Double trading stamps will be given with all cash purchases made, in this department today. Girls' Military Coats Special $19.85 Girls' Corduroy Coats $18 0 Second Floor Very smart, new coats for girls 8 to intermediate ages. .Latest military cuts with patch or side pockets, high col lars and belts. Spe- CI CI cial Saturday only j5A"7.0J Second Floor Girls' ordinary coats, in navy, burgundy and brown, plain or plush trimmed style, with large pockets and belts, ages 8 to " 14 O r f years. Sale price DOet)U Girls' New Winter Coats $18.75 to $36.50 Coats for Little Tots $5.98 to $18 0 Second Floor Girls' new Win ter coats in many attractive mod els. Meltons, cheviots and vel ours, ages 8 to intermediate. See these. Prices $18.75 to $36.50 Second Floor For little girls 2 to 6 years we show a number of beautiful new Winter styles. Some are trimmed with fur. The prices range from $5.98 to $18.50. GIRLS SERGE DRESSES 8. to 14 years $12.98 to $36.50. PETER THOMPSON DRESSES blue serge $12.75 to $29.50. GIRLS GYMNASIUM BLOOMERS r $2.25, $3.25 and $5.50. Saturday Sale of Toilet Needs & Drugs We reserve the right to limit quantity of any article in this list sold to a customer. Double Stamps Saturday, cash purchases, Ivory Soap 9CP 5 Cakes for AOL, Limit of 5 bars of Ivory Soap to a customer. None sold or de livered at the above price except with other purchases made in the Drug Department, First Floor, . Creme Oil Soap, 3 for AOL, Everyweek Shampoo for 50 Squibb s Boric Acid, pound oO$ Glycothymoline, 25, 50c $1 Pluto Water, large size, 45 Malvina Face A! r Cream, Jar L, Witch Hazel, 16 . ounces, 40 Woodbury's Soap priced 22 Maurine Satin Cream for the complexion, at 25 f, 50f $1 Rubifoam for the teeth at AILs Maurine Skin Food, 50 , $1 Maurine Beauty Lotion an ex ceptional preparation Priced for Saturday at 500 and $1.00 Jergens Violet Glycerine Soap Squibb's Talcum Powder, 200 Lyon's Tooth Fowder at 22e Pebeco Tooth Paste for 45 Santiseptic Lotion now for 450 Glovers Mange A Medicine at rrOiw Kolynos Tooth Paste for 280 D. & R. Cream 300, 450, 750 Enos f ruit baits, now 980 Java Rice Powder, now 450 Pluto Water, AEZn Large Size rOL Graves' Tooth Powder 22c, 450 Jergen's B. & A. Lotion, 390 Nujol for constipation now 750 Cuticura boap Special Cake AOL, -Squibb's Olive Oil, put up in 3 sizes, V. pint 500, Yj pint 750 and full pint at $1.25 Sal Hepatica 270, 530, $1.10 10c Special Sale Narrow Satin Ribbons Main Floor Satin ribbons in pink, white and blue narrow lin gere widths, also some in the wide. One big special lot on sale Saturday at special, 30 and up. HAIR BOW RIBBONS of de pendable quality the firm kind that will keep their shape. Latest colors and patterns for school girls. 350 to 850 a yard. Hair bows tied free of charge at the ribbon counter Saturday. r Men's $8.50 Shoes at $6.98 Extra Special for Saturday Main Floor Here is a saving that is well worth in vestigatingespecially in these days of advancing costs. Dull calf blucher shoes on wide full-toe last vici kid blucher cut with medium round toe, a con servative shape cherry-colored lotus calf shoes with narrow, English or medium toe dark tan calf, English shape. Extra heavy single sole of oak tanned leather. Sizes 6 to 11 D width JJ QO only. $8.50 shoes, pair at Bvli0 Portland Agency for Blister Brown Shoes IOE I0E30I I0E30I ion HOSPITAL BILL HELD OP DISTRICT ATTOHXEV 'STAJIDS RIGHT BEFORK COUNTY. rmrililfoi With Saarjloa f Legal Department Realre4 by Coaaty i Cammlaalonera. A. TV. Orton, chtet clerk to County Judge Taxwell a.id " District Attarney Kvans exchanged verbal shots before the County Commisaioners yesterday -when the District Attorney charged the County Court with authorizing the pay ment of certain bills without advice of the District Attorney as contem plated by law. The board had before it bills from St. Vincent's Hospital totaling- 650 These bills had been Incurred through the County Court under authority of the crippled child's act, passed by the last Legislature.' Thd District At torney advised against the pay ent of the bills because they were not legal ly presented. The crippled child act stipulates that before any crippled or mairr.ed child receives treatment, the case must first be presented to the District Attorney. This. District Attorney Evans' said, has not been done. He also said there was a bill on file In which Multnomah County was asked to pay the hospital bill for a child living in the state of Washington. f The Commissioners yesterday de clined to pay the bill although they said they were willing to have It paid If the proper legal formalities were corrected. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nUn. Main 7070, A 6095. COUNTY SALARIES GO UP INCREASES . AGGREGATE SEVERAL fcTJNDRKD DOLLARS. Deputy District Attoraey, Special Agent, Ferryboat Captains, Filets and As sistant Engineers Get Raise. Salary Increases aggregating several hundred dollars a month were granted to county employes yesterday. Other petitions were held in abeyance pending further investigation. Deputy District Attorney Bernard and M. Cahalin were Increased from SI 50 to $175 a month. Walter F. Oeren. spe cial agent in the District Attorney's office, was increased to $150 a month. These increases were approved by DIs trict Attorney Evans. The Commissioners denied the appli- cation of ferryboat captains for . an increase from $150 to S160 a month, al- though they increased the salary of ' pilots and assistant engineers from f 13a to 1145. Elevator operators and watchmen em ployed at the Courthouse were increased j from S80 to $90, and Ned Khoe, super intendent of the building, was increased from $95 to $100. Frank E. Cook, County Court Stenog rapher, was. increased - from $100 to $115 per month, and Mrs. Clementine Levy, record clerk In the office of the District Attorney, was raised from $90 to iuu. P.tltlnn. nf tnu m of or. fn r fl f m nrfl n day and $1.00 a day with teams, and of I road foremen, were referred to the I roadmaster. j Requested Increases for Miss G. C. ! CreaBey, superintendent of the County j Hospital, from' $125 to $150 a month, and for Miss Eva C. Jones, superlnten rtnnt nf nurses, from $100 to $125 a month, were not acted on. HUBBY DECLARED BAD ONE Wife Says Arthur Allison Is Drunk ard, Thief and Forger. Tilda Allison, in a euH for divprce filed yesterday in the Circuit Court, al leges she married a drunkard, a thief and a forger when she took Arthur Allison sb her spouse in Seattle in 1915. She declares that he recently served six months in jail for larceny and that after his release committed forgery, for which he Js now under in dictment. She also says he 4s a fugi tive from the state of Washington. Desertion is charged against Mamie Hand In a suit filed by A. J. Hand. They wer married iu 1908. Leona i Toney wants a divorce from Jesse To- 1 married at Kaber, Or., in 1916. SACKED WHEAT IS HELD UP Temporary Embargo Placed on Shipments to Astoria. Temporarily there is an embargo on sacked wheat shipments to Astoria, due to congestion there. Approximately 200 cars are now on track there wait ing to be unloaded.' There is no difficulty In handling wheat in bulk, as the bulk grain ele vator can handle about 50 cars a day. Delay in unloading sacked grain at the warehouse necessitated a halt in ship ments, which was ordered by the Spo kane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company. 1 rhe Real Victory Spread Butter Nut fev Bread -ask your Grocer. o o D o o D D o a 0 o D o D o D o D o n o D o D o D o D o Ell 1 04.2