Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 25, 1918, Page 18, Image 18

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"Why We Are
In the War"
The second of a series of five
talks under the above heading will
be given tonight at 8 o'clock at
Central Library by Dr. Harry
Huntington Powers, auspices Na
tional League for Woman's Service.
. Try Meier & Frank's
Home-Made Bread
Made by our own master bakers in our
big Ninth Floor daylight bakery. Delicious,
satisfying, wholesome.
Victory bread, large loaf 16c, confornJs
perfectly with Government regulations.
Spiced raisin bread 16c Rye 10c. .
Sole Portland Agents Society Brand Clothes
For Young Men and Men Who Stay Young
Watch the papers and National publications for striking Society Brand announce
ments. When you see a Society Brand ad think of. MEIER & FRANK'S, the only
Portland store that sells these Nationally famous clothes. We have complete
assortments of Society Brand suits and overcoats for Fall and Winter. Come to
style headquarters!
Meier &t rank's: Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor.
Estonia 'jaar
The- Quality" s-nJue or Portland
Expert Finds Men in Shipyards
Can Reach Work With
Slight Inconvenience.
J The Beauty of a New Season Is Seen in the Store j
Need Does Xot Warrant Expendi
tures . for New Lines or Equip
ment to Run Steam Trains
. OTer Electric Ejrsetm Ralls.
Portland has no transportation prob
lems to solve.
That tact was emphasized yesterday
afternoon by Edward West, engineer
for the bousing, and passenger trans
portation branch of the Emergency
Fleet Corporation, who conferred with
members of the committee appointed
some time ago to take charge of that
In comparison with other shipbuild
ing; centers. Portland has excellent
streetcar service, Mr. West declared.
and he will file with Supervisor Went
worth. of the Emergency Fleet Cor
noration. and with the City Council a
formal report setting forth his find-
Ings of conditions here.
Agitators were scored at yesterday's
conference for attempts to create a
critical condition that does not exist.
Members of the committee' took the
position that If the United States Gov
ernment, in whose employ is Mr. West,
finds traffic conditions to be satisfac
tory, it is not becoming for Portland
people to endeavor to stir up dissat
isfaction. '
Mr. West arrived In Portland yester
day from San Francisco to confer
further with the council relative to
streetcar service to and from the ship
yards. On the occasion of his former
vlrit with A- Merritt Taylor. Mr. West
had gone carefully ever the situation,
had visited the shipyards from which
most frequent complaint emanated, and
at that time had pronounced car serv
ice here far superior to that given in
other large cities. Members of the Coun
cil, however, expressed a desire for
further consultation with Mr. West
Municipal Traffic Expert Cousin pre
sented the matter at yesterday's con
ference, advocating the utilization of
equipment already at hand for the op
eration of steam trains, especially on
the St. Johns. Peninsula and possibly
the Vancouver lines, for relieving con
gestion. In the South Portland plants.
Cousins explained, shipyard workers
are refusing to climb the steep hill to
get to the cars, and are. walking down,
town, instead. He advocated operation
of trains on the Southern Pacific tracks
down Jefferson end Fourth streets to
connect with street railway Junction
In reply to this, Mr. West emphatic
ally declared that no critical condition
cxisil anu inui mc only quro viun raistru
along this line has been by agitators.
New Models in Neckwear
A few of the recent arrivals in Fall and Winter neckpieces.
t w
)New Waistcoats
Tailored waistcoats and vestees.
Figured silk, Aurora cloth, satin and
other new materials. Collars are in
roll and high styles. The waistcoat
illustrated is of the new "camou
flage" silk at $7.50. Other models
$6 to $12.
New "Monk" Collars
For wear with the new low
round neckline dresses. Crepe, net,
satin and organdy. Trimming of
lace, fringe and frills. The model
illustrated is of satin and is $2.75.
Other styles $1.50 to $7.50.
Panel Back Collars
Long line models made of Arlette
Krepe, satin and Georgette Crepe.
These show handwork and have
trimming of fringe, Val and Filet
laces. The model illustrated is $4.
Other styles $1.75 to $7.50.
Frank's:-Neckwear Shop. Main Floor.
Under the Auspices of the -
. Red Cross
Saturday, Sept. 28th, at 2:30 P. M.f a
Free Lecture
Will Be Given at This Store by
Madame Coates
Madame Coates will cover all of the new Government orders relative
to garments made by the Red Cross and outline definitely the required
work of the various activities of the Local Chapter. -Admission free.
- Madame Coates' classes in. dressmaking, etc., are now being
formed at this store. They begin next week. Class A in sewing
and dressmaking for beginners will meet Monday and Wednesday
at 2:30 and Friday at 10 A. M. Class B in millinery, analytical
dressmaking, designing and tailoring for advanced students will
meet Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 2:30 P. M. $1.50 for be
ginners' course of 15 lessons. $2.50 for advanced course of 15 les
sons. Free explanatory lecture tomorrow and Friday at 2:30 P. M.
Register. now at Notion Shop, Main Floor.' '
Let's Make It
"Over the Top"
By 9 A.M.
Sept. 28
With the
If you haven't been asked, don't
wait to be asked be a volunteer.
Buy more Liberty Bonds buy till
it hurts.
- Subscribe Now and Save !
Woman's Home Companion
2 Years for $2.50
The news-stand price is 20c copy or $4.80 for
the two years. You save $2.30. This special
offer expires September 30.
Another magazine bargain Woman's Home
Companion and the American Magazine both for
one year $2.75. The news-stand price is $4.80.
You save $2.05. Offer expires September 30.
Subscriptions taken at Book Shop, Fifth Floor,
or Magazine Section, Main Floor.
VilluuiiuiUS Lrincia va. mv ivuiiii; WA
Portland In caring for its shipyard !0
workers In an excellent manner. If the , A
Emergency Fleet Corporation saw that !
ferine; with the production of ships. It ' A
v-n. . 1 .( kailtat, , n (aba mnmm aittnn 'A
to remedy the situation. There is noth
ing In I'ortland'a transportation situa
tion that is regarding the building- of,
ships; none that would Justify the
Government In buying steam trains and
placing them in operation.
Seattle was cited as an example of
true congestion, so far as shipyard
workers are concerned. The Grovern
tnent has found it necessary there to
build four lines t replace the two
now leading to the yards. -
Offlrlal noTlag IMetare Showing; First
-t VoM-l ef General Alleaby" -Adda
Interest to Bilk
Owing, to engagement of the Heillg
Theater by a road attraction tonight
an extra performance of Orpheum
vaudeville will not be presented. The
Orpheum show, of which Julius Tannen,
"Chatterbox.- and Wilbur. Mack, nota
ble versatile comedian, are the joint
htadliners, will close with the matinee
today. This is the first four-star show
A Fine Selection of Good
Cretonnes 28c-39c
At these two very low prices 28c and 39c we
have an exceedingly large selection of cretonnes
in an excellent variety of beautiful patterns and
colorings. Cretonnes, as you . know, are the
favored drapery materials for Fall. Anticipate
your needs at these low prices today.
Pillow Squares 1
Velvets, tapestries and damasks are the materi
als. Ideal for use as pillows, table mats, etc.
Meier & Frank's: Drapery Shop. Seventh Floor.
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Notion Sale !
10c-15e Featherstitch Braid, 1-yard pieces, two
for 15.
ISc Stickerle Edging, 3-yard piece, special 10.
Klostersllk Mercerized Cotton Thread, black, white
and colors, 100-yard spool, 5.
Button Thread, tan and khaki. 60-yard spool. 5.
American Quality Basting Thread, S-cord, silk fin
ish, white. Nos. 40 to 70, three . 300-yard spools,
20; spool, 70. .
Sifko Crochet Cotton, white and colors, two balls,
25; ball. 13.
Toilet Pins, black and white, dozen on card. 5.
30c Cube Pins, assorted black and white, cube 20.
Dressmakers' Steel Pins, No. S size, U-lb. box 25.
10c Damascus Safety Pins, nickel plated steel, three
cards 25.
Invisible Wire - Hair Pins, crimped style, "jet or
bronze, cabinet lO.
Trimount Snap Fasteners, broken assortment of
Bizes, four cards 15; card 5.
10c Crochet Hooks specially priced at two for 15.
Omo Dress Shields, nainsook covered, regular
shape, size 4. special 35; size 3, special 30;
size 2. special 27.
Waterproof Household Aprons, black and white
. checks, each 85.
Children's Knobby Hair Curlers, 4 on card, 15. -10c
Middy Laces, wide assortment. 2 for 5.
Hubtip Tubular Shoe Laces, black and tan, 34
inches, 2 pairs 15.
Leather Book Straps priced at only, each, 25.
Mothers' Ironing Wax Pads priced at only, ea.. 5.
Knitting Cotton, sizes 6 and S, white only, ball lO
Plain Enameled Wooden Coat Hangers, pink, white
and sky, each lO.
Braid Covered Folding Suit Hangers, each 35.
Crimped Celluloid Hair Pins, shell color, pack
age 10.
Meier & Frank's: Notion Shop, Main Floor.
.111 s
. f it-
Our Most Successful and
Complete Showing of
Fall and Winter
The excelling; quality and style
desirability of Made in U: S. A.
Merchandise are. fittingly- ex
emplified in MEIER & FRANK'S
store-wide exposition of the: new
modes for Fall and Winter 1918.
Merchandise in which beauty and
utility are perfectly combined.
Again today' we shall show for
your approval great new assort
ments of women's and misses'
Millinery '
and all the accessories required
to complete the well-dressed
woman's wardrobe. To those
who contemplate the purchase of
any ' new article of apparel we
give this advice BUY NOW-
choose while stocks are new and
complete and anticipate price
Center Aisle Bargain Square, Main Fir.
Sale of Women's Fine
Cotton Hose 25c
An extraordinary one-day sale of women's excel
lent quality cotton hose at pair 25c values range as
high as 50c pair.
All the wanted colors, including plenty of the
popular BR0NZE shade, tan, white, black, Palm
Beach, gray, sky, pink and a few fancies. All sizes
8 to 10.
Some of these hose are subject to the very
slightest imperfections.
-Meior & Frank's: Center Aisle,. Main Floor, Fifth Street.
We Have Complete Assortments of .
"Tiny Tots,, Wear
New "Tiny Tots" vests for infants up to 3 years
of age. These vests are of all silk, silk-and-wool,
wool-and-cotton and cotton materials. . Made in
wrapper style. Neatly finished with crochet edges
and pearl buttons. Ask to see these daintily fine
garments. ,.
Infants' Blankets
Fine wool mixed blankets in bassinet and crib
sizes. With dainty pink and blue borders. $1.95 to $3.
" Meier & Frank's: Infants' Shop, Second Floor.
Chiffon Cloth $1
A very dependable quality of chiffon cloth suitable
for use as linings and for the making of misses'
party frocks.
This material is shown in flesh, rose, sky, Royal,
navy, black and white. 40 inches wide.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor, Fifth Street
-Wllbnr Mark, Hki Bris(i Un
Comedy f Orpheum.
to be booked alcng the Orpheum cir
cuit this eesson. and it. Is reported as'
rivaling the inaugural show as a draw
ls? card.
With Julius Tanhen and Wilbur
Mack, the other feature acts are Albert
Vertchamp, violin virtuoso, assisted by
Joyce Alberts at the piano, and "The
Creole Fashion Plate," a novelty with
. a surprise.
The act of Julius Tmnen Is punctu
ated with laughs, the celebrated mono
logist having a style all his own in
making comicalities of the topics of
the day. Wilbur Mack also has a laugh
able act, his patter with Gladys Lock
wood and their bit of singing and dan
cing making the act ope of the big
favorites of the show.
An added feature is the Official War
Review at the close of the show. This
official moving picture shows the first
close-up" of General Allenby, of the
British army, who is now figuring
prominently in allied victories.
- I I IIS'T!
The Suite Illustrated Is One of Our Most Popular
Dining Room Suites ,
. This attractive suite is shown in the desirable Louis XVI
period design and may be secured in mahogany or American
The buffet is 60 inches in length. The table has a 54-inch
top and extends to 8 feet.
Priced as follows: Buffet, $60. Table, $60. China Closet,
$52. Serving Table, $32. Chairs, $16. Arm Chair, $20.
Many other dining-room suites in other designs at propor
tionately low prices.
Make Your Own Terms in Reason
On this suite,' as on all furniture we carry, you can if desired
take advantage of our most liberal credit offer make your
own terms in reason.
. Meier & Frank's: Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor.
2 Pairs
That's what you get in
Kryptok and Ultex glasses
sold at MEIER . &
FRANK'S. They combine
near and far vision in one
lens without the unsightly
seam or hump of the old
style bifocals.
Meier & Frank's:
Optical Shop; Mezzanine.
l. . aj. ' aI j j i aw
Domestic ' Sale !
Genuine Windsor Crepe 29
Windsor crepe, suitable for women's garments.
Small Dresden patterns in pleasing colors. 32
inches wide.
Cotton Foulards, Yard 296
Cotton - foulards in figured and striped effects,
mainly dark colors. 27 inches wide.
Kimono Flannelette, Yard 296
Good quality flannelette in small or large kimono
designs.. Rose, pink, tan and blue grounds. 28
inches wide.
Lonsdale Cambric, "Yard 29
Short lengths (2 to 8 yards) of Lonsdale-cambric.
36 inches wide. Sold by the piece only.
Outing Flannel, Yard at 296
Fine quality outing flannel in pink or blue stripes.
Good weight. 27 inches wide.
Romper Cloth, Yard for 296
Romper cloth in plain colors or striped effects.
Splendid material for children's garments. 27 inches
Curtain Materials, Yard 296
Good quality curtain materials Filet, marquisette
and madras weaves in plain and figured effects.
Less than present wholesale cost.
Silkoline; Yard at Only 156
Sub-count silkoline in regular comforter patterns.
36 inches wide. ,
Hand-Knitted Comforters $4.98
Home-made hand-knitted comforters filled with
four pounds good cotton and covered with fine quality
silkoline in light and dark designs. 72x90-inch size.
Crib Blankets Special 45c
Crib blankets in white with pleasing pink or blue
borders. 27x45-mch Size. Meier & Frank's:
Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony.
Close Search for White Pine Blister
Rust Shows No Results Here.
No traces of the white pine blister
rust have been found in a close inspec
tion of practically every white pine
plant in the Northwest by Dr. L. L.
Burlinsame, who leaves Thursday after
several weeks' work here under the
direction of the United States Forestry
All lncomlns- nursery shipments of
the five needle pines, currant and
gooseberry plants have been traced by
Or. Burllngame in a vain effort to
locate th4 rust which is very destruc
tive. The pest was brought "to this
country several years ago in shipments
from Germany, It is said.
Dr. Burlingame has been assisted
in his work by C. E. Randall, who Is
returning to Stanford University this
week as a member of the Student Offi
cers' Training Corps.
Buffalo Army. Man to Have Charge.
SALEM, Or Sept. 24. (Special.)
Lieutenant Register, of Buffalo, will be
at least one of the Army officers who
will have charge of the military train
ing courses at Willamette . University.
He has arrived here ready for work.
President Doney announces. Every ef
fort is being made to place the univer
sity In readiness for the extra labors
which the new . training will place
upon it. - - .
Forest Service' Employes With Bad
Colds Mast Stay at Home.
As a measure to check epidemics of
la grippe, severe colds and Influenza,
District Forester George M. Cecil has
ordered employes in his office to stay
at home when suffering from those Ills.
A notice to this effect was posted yes
terday by Mr. CeciL
"Each Winter there is a more or less
severe epidemic of colds and grippe
among the office workers," said Mr.
Cecil in explaining his action. "A per
son suffering from these diseases, even
In mild form, is a possible source of
contagion to many, others.
. "Individuals sometimes stoically try
to remain at their
at home, both for their own good and
as a safeguard to others."
Right fresh and sweet! to 228 Alder St.
Veal breasts and tasty veal roasts.. 15c
Veal stew from 12 VSc to 15c
Fancy veal roasts and veal steak.. 25c
Veal cutlets and dainty veal loaf.. 20c
Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder St. Adv.
Young Negro Hanged In Georgia.
WAYCROSS, Ga.. Sept. 24. Sandy
Reeves, a 17-year-old. negro, charged
with assaulting a- 3-year-old girl, was
taken from the arresting officers today
and banged.
German ' Helmet Pierced by Ameri
can Bayonet ; Gruesome.
ington, Sept. 24. Senator Chamberlain
has received from France a gruesome
reminder of the horrors of war.'- It was
a German helmet with a gash on the
top where an American bayonet had
pierced it Evidently the American sol
dier stood on the top of the German
trench and struck down upon his ad
versary. The helmet was a gift from Colonel
George Montgomery, formerly located
at the Frankfort arsenal and a friend
and admirer of the Senator.
"EacA Ciaar in
its own humidor'
" 1 I
Mother says-
'Its my
Wertheimek Bros Baltimore. Md."