IS TIIE MORNING' OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1918. HELP WANTED FEMALE. RANTED Wnmwi for factory work. Sterl ing Pood Products Co.. 1122 Uacaoa road. Take 3d -at. car. GIRLS TO SEW BAGS. Cood pax; steady employment. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLB CO, (Bar Factory), 15th and Hoyt Sta. GOVERNMENT WAR WORK. Portland Woolen 34111a need a few additional women each week iio will be taught to apln and weave aoldlera' fabrics under ood working conditions. Apply at the mlils, hL John. Prefer ence glten to those living oa Peninsula. WE have open fields In the city for four energetic women who can give whole or part time to our worK; iree training and very opportunity given to help you sue- ceea. Apply Nuune parlor, oi cen- trai tidg. WAITRESSES, 6 days. 8 hrs., $14 and $16. Must be real waitreasea and willing to join union. If not a real waitress don't waste postage or car tare. Address Kohn, 238 Bond St.. Astoria. Or. W ANTE D HOL SEKEEPER. UXLNCL'M BERED, FOR SMALL FAMILY. GOOD WAGES; answer in person, be tween AND JO A. M. 85 FIFTH ST.. KOOM 202. MANCHESTER BLDG. QIRLS wanted. Apply at factory. 34 First st. -Norin. WANTED Three ladies of education and ability for special work along child wel fare lines; salary and commission. Appiy between 3 and 5. 714 Couch bldg. WANTED Young woman for office work- Experience not necessary. $40 monthly to start. Address in own handwriting. U 041. oregonian. 3IDDLE-AGED lady, neat of appearance, one familiar with clerical work, hotel ex perience preferred; good salary. BF 495, Oregonlan. WANTED First -class waitress. Kainler Hotel restaurant. Apply at OPERATORS on both one and two-needle machines on waterproof clothing, shirts, overalls, etc Apply Hlrscn-W eis Mfg. Co., 203 Burnslde st. WANTED A strong woman to operate a Hoffman press at Pheasant Dye Works. Experience not necessary. Call at 1224 Sandy blvd. WANTED Capable, experienced young woman to wait on trade in office. Phone 8 to 10 A. M.. East 7300. Enke City lye W orks. EXPERIENCED stare her, man (tie help and press-machine girl; steady work, best of - mages. Palace Laundry Co., . 10th and Everett sts. DISHWASHER wanted; no breakfast work, no Sunday work; 110 a week and board. Rosebud Restaurant, 133 10th st, between Washington and Alder st. IKONER in laundry, steady work, wages include board, room and laundry. State School for Deaf, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Vancouver 101. WANTED Toung woman for billing clerk; answer In own handwriting stating age, experience, salary expected and give tele phone number. J lb. oregonian. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED for Power machine; good wipes. Apply Jacobs Hat & Cap Works, Su4 Phoenix bldg., 6th and Oak sta. TRAVELING position, $21 and expenses guaranteed; liberal commission, zi bloc it Exch bldg. HOUSEKEEPER Elderly woman. family two. State wages expfvtea. j. w. uaura. Kelso. Wash. J WANT woman to stay with two little chil dren afternoons, permanently. Phone after 0 this evening. Alain "i. GOOD strong woman to care for elderly gen tleman, some housework, sou per xnontn. K 541. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl or woman to assist wlthi care of baby and light housework. 169 i K. 27th. WANTS"" Neat young lady to take care of stock and shipping dept. Lignt ana pleas ant work. Apply AL bJ5. Oregonlan. WAN TED Salesladies to learn the shoe buifhess: experience not necessary. Apply hot dept.. Llpman. woire & to. WANTED Experienced power machine op erators: also errand girl. McCreery Mfg. Co.. oQQ Royal Bidg. TOUNG woman to study nursing, strong and good character; good wages while study- lng. Call E. e-14. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, wages I $13 a week. If not experienced, do not; apply. Palace riotei, wasnington. WANTED A chambermaid. middle-aged woman preferred. Rainier Hotel, 123 North 6th st. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the baivation Army nescue nomc, 15th st N or phone East 123. WANTED Woman to keep house for wid- ower in lumber camp. Address J 199. Ore- gonian. I GIRL for general housework, desirable place, good wages, good treatment. 400 1 East 17th IV. I CIRLS wanted; steady employment at good I wsges. Apply Troy Laundry Co E. luth ana pine its. WOMEN for light work forenoons; must live walking distance. 1210 w ooawaro. cor. 4lst st. ilRLS wanted at once for all departments; cood wares and steady employment. va- tlonal Laundry Co.. E. 8th and Clay sta WANTED A head waitress, must be ex perienced and cspable of taking full , charge. Mai lory Hotel. 171 Lownsdale. BOOKKEEPER, $100 to $125; stenogra phers, $i5 to $ilo; dictaphone operators. $73 to $100. 301 N. W. JJank bldg. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter wanted. Apply in person. Troy i-aunary torn- pany. HOUSEKEEPER for lady employed, must be neat and clean: good home, Mondays off; $2'. Phone TiDor i WANTED Cook and housekeeper, small family: close In; $55 a month. Call morn- lnss. Main S64. WANTED by working man. housekeeper. one willing to go to mining camp. Ad- dress AF 7Q6. Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID First class; good , pay;! room and board furnished. Alexander Court. 63 Ella st. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Call Sealy-Dresser Company. Sth and Stark. GIRL in doctor's office. Enquire bet. 12 and L wj weaicai oiag. WAITRESS wanted at the White Restau rant. 24 N. -m: $14 per week. GIRLS wanted for counter and floor. Dairy Lunch. 0th and Wash. sts. Cozy WANTED A cook: also to assist waiting on taoie. im i . on n it. WANTED 'Experienced coat and sales lady. Apply 3t4 Washington. WANTED Waitress; good wages; and board. 545 Hood st. Main 62 L EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b I ootaineq oy caning aiain iu. a zooi. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Casino Theater HANSEN'S Ladies' Employement Co., 327 Wash, st.; good positions lor you. Mn. 26 u; I WANTED A girl to work in a private home. nigniana court Apis, jiar. B174. WANTED Operators for power machines. Appi y Bail 3i rg. to., 4tn sna c o u en sts. GIRLS wanted, good wages. Oregon Paper aox factory. e-tara si. GIRL WANTED To help In postcard studio. Penny Arcade, 20 N. a a. WANTED An experienced waitress. I o ry Hotel. 171 Lownsdale St. WANTED Lady to help oa coats, J. Won- ner. Merchant Trust oiag.. hoom 301. WASTE D W ai t ress. 3:;2 Glisan St. Is'ew Western Hotel, GIRL for Elusion Show. Ask for Mra Ban cher at New Huston Hotel office. XIHWASHER WANTED At the gIc Dairy Lunch, 567 Washington. 1 CTRONG girl who likes children, no objection to young married woman. 3I Kearney st. EXPERIENCED typist and bookkeeper; must be available at once; give phone. G 654. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED waitress, $12 per week. Newport Restaurant, 147 N. th Street. CHAMBERMAID $11.60 per week. 124 14th 1 St. DISHWASHER wanted. Campbell Hill Hotel. KITCHEN helper at 204 Columbia St. WAITRESS wanted. SV Morrison. WANTED Dining room girl. Wdln. 2S15. I WAi TED bAin barmaid. tWoodiftwa 2915. 1 HELP WANTED FEM A LE. TOUNG LADIES For telephone operating. No previous experience necessary. $9 per week paid while learning. Rapid advancement la salary. Permanent positions. Extra payments for Sundays and holidays. Apply Telephone Company Operating School, Sixth Floor, Park and Oak Streets. Between 8:30 A. M. and" 5:30 P. GIRLS WANTED PER -MANENT POSITION. NO EXPERIENCE NECES SARY. HIGHEST WAGE3 PAID. EASY TO LEARN. DESIRABLE. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS WHILE WORKING. FAST AD VANCEMENT IN PAY AND POSITION AS YOU LEARN. APPLY IN PERSON BY TAKING ROSE CITY CAR OR EAST ANKENY CAR TO EAST KITH ST.. WALK 2 BLOCKS SOUTH TO EAST PINE ST. TROY LAUNDRY COMPANY. WOMEN WANTED WHO CARE TO HAVE A STEADY AND DESIR ABLE POSITION. WILL PAY A GOOD WAGE WHILE LEARNING THE WORK. HAVING AN OP PORTUNITY FOR GOOD ADVANCEMENT. APPLY IN PERSON BY TAKING ROSE CITY CAR OR EAST ANKENY CAR TO EAST 10TH ST.. WALK 2 BLOCKS SOUTH TO EAST PINE ST. TROY LAUNDRY COMPANY. WANTED Housekeeper. Capable and en ergetic woman for housework and assist invalid family ol three, pnone iaai ma. Wages $40.00. Wanted Domestic. COMPETENT cook In family of four. Plain w . - ,? ; " " i T A. L , " , ' V- housework. Apply 844 East Salmon, cor- ner 27 th. bunny side or Mount labor street cars. SCHOOLGIRL. 15 or 16, to assist with work lor room ana boara ana some wages; prefer one from country; must be handy with children. Call Woodlawn 3771 after 9 A. M. WANTED An experienced woman for cook ing, wafting and downstairs work. Attrac tive new home on heignts, small xamiiy, no washing. Wages $40 to $50. Call Mar shall 6tk. COMPETENT girl or young woman for housework and cooking, no washing, no furnace; best wages. Phone mornings after Sunday. Main 1300. EXPERIENCED airl for renera) housework. 3 In family, no washing; wages -iu. Aiar shall 419. 1131 Franklin su, Willamette Heights. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework, family of three; mother employed; good no me. Phone this evening auer , war. 3123. EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and general housework; no washing; wages $40. Main 2519. COOK wanted in small family, good wages. Apply Mrs. Montgomery, 2o riawtnorne ave. East i COMPETENT girl or woman for general , housework, family ot aauits. no wasning. Mrs. Voorhlea. Phone seiiwooa iwz. WANTED A cook and second majd, 4 adults. 2 children. Good wages. Appiy B74 Schuyler st., or at fill Medical oiog. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small nouse. smaii xamiiy. East 20O.V 621 E. lth St. N. WANTED Caoable rirl for general house work; small family; gooa wages; no laun- i dry. Tabor 3929. WOMAN to care for my country home. milk cow. feed chickens. Keep nouse clean and cook meals occasionally. 228 Alder st. WANTED Woman for kitchen work; also waitress: 8 hours. $2 a day. iu outa Jersey St.. St. Johns. GIRL to assist with housework and car of children or jenerson iign ocnooi gin io work for room, boara anawages. iaai ivy. -vv a vtri A n xnerfenred rirl for ceneral I housework for small xamiiy at wages, i Marshall 4123. I idi nr u.-nmun ppnpra 1 housework:! small nouse, foruanu xieignis. mono Main 5123. I wi VTKn V-v-narioni'd i ronor for ldien' gowns; highest wages tor tne best ironer. U. S. Laundry to., ory cleaning aepi. i WANTED A high school girl ; room and j board and some wages. 3S5 3d at. WOMAN wanted for general housework; no washing and light rooms, boa iaaa ave. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking; good wages; call morning. Main b44. COMPETENT girl for light housework; no cook i n g or washing. East 557a. WANTED A neat girl or woman for gen eral housework. Phone fceuwooq jjsi. GIRL to assist with housework. No cook- lng. 794 Lovejoy. Main 24 1. I GIRL for general housework; wages $40 to I $50: 595 ltfth and College. Main 3222. I i wa.miuu - w borne. Main U7. WANTED A girl lor general nouse worK. 65 E. 22d st. N. WANTED, by working man in city, house- keeper. Address AJ lUi, oregonian. GIRL for general housework, good wages. good home. Marshall HO. 251 King. GIRL or woman wanted for general house work. Call mornings. Main oijj. GOOD girl to assist In general housework; good salary ana nome. au aaat utn WOMAN or girl, pleasant home. Call Ta bor 176L HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Hoppickers, berry pickers and prune pickeu, long season, tan u Man ama bldg. WANTED Dishwasher, either sex. 113 N. 3d st. WANTED A kitchen helper. also dish- washer. Wdln. 2115. EDUCATIONAL. TEN MORE WOMEN to train as TELE GRAPH Ur t kak l ua; many vacancies; positions paying $100 to $125 per mo.; we co-operate with the War Dept. and pre pare men for the signal corps, jjat AND EVENING CLASSES. Write or call I Rstlway Telegraph Institute, 215 Railway Exchange oiag. PRACTICAL training in gas, electrical and tm eurmefriDK. mecntnicai urawini, machine shop practice. oiy-acetyten welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write lor catalogue. Se attle Englreering School. Seattle. Wash. WE ARE co-operating with the Government In the education 01 young women ior gov ernment telegraph service. Day and night classes. Write or call for particulars. FULLER TKLbuKArrl Pa n am a B Id g. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS individual Instruction. Short. Practical Course. Alisky mag., aa ana jaorrison. MoLEK BARBER COLLEGE nava vuu while learning, gives you a set for catalogue. z34 Burnsiae. cawy. iat COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO. Piano, voice, saxaphone. violin, flute. clarinet, banjo, drums, mandolin taught by competent teacners. ij yoiumma omg. crkn'CH teacher, licensed from Lincoln High bcnooi nigm ciass. leacues rencn by conversation in 3 months. 301 Coroett Oiag. juain ojoo. -m r. ji. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 27y UNION AVENUE NORTH SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES, CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7443. TEACHERS wanted. Hazard Teachers' Agency, vix urn iat 1 uiug-, poane. Wash. FRENCH woman desires a limited number of pupils, conversational rremn quiCKiy acqulrea. xeiepnone aiwin u-j . MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit- lng School, oay, evening, o montn. zuu 14th, near jenerson. Aiain oav. MEN. WOMEN, learn oaroer trade free; wages wniie learning; position suaranieea. Oregon jsaroer oues, j aiauisod. su rOKTLAM BaRBER COLLEGE teaches uien snd women tne oaroer traae ir. Paid while learning, a coucn st. MRS. HANNUM'S Shorthand School, Tilla mook ana Uantenbein. feast aseu. w. A. car. TEACHERS All kinds of leaching poll tlona Main 4sso. f in leacnerr Age&cy. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY. Free regist n. wii nqwy. oiag. u. WANTED Efficient tutor who can coach In college English. C 000, Oregonian. WANTED More students In French and piano. AC 10L Oregonlan. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE- PORTLAND, QafiGOa . u SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MASTER SHIPBUILDER, is a naval archi tect and engineer. Just arrived, and would like to connect with either new o; established shlDvard. Manv years' exneri ence In both wood and steel. Any propo sition offered will be given careful con sideration. You say you want shipbuild ers f wm near rrom you. Address H 50; Oregonian. WANTED POSITION CHIEF COOK. AMERICA: OVER 20 YEARS; EXPERI ENCED, ECONOMICAL AND SAVING; GOOD ON MEATS AND PASTRY ; GOOD MANAGER. WOULD TAKE POSITION IN CITY. BUT WILL GO ANYWHERE. E 430, OREGON IAN. EXPERT mechanic with family wishes po sition out of city; five years In one place, foreman three; high-grade cars; can do machine work and welding; house sold, cannot get a place to live reason for changing. Would like to see party first. E 642. Oregonlan. WANTED to rent equipped farm on the narw; ran nanaie any Kina oi siock or do any kind of farming; can give the best of references; If you want a good man with family don't overlook this. Box 1, Milwaukie, Or. CHRISTIAN business man (well-rated) would consider position 4 to 6 hrs. daily (except Sunday) at salary proportionate to responsibility, a Ki4. oregonlan. MAN and wife, experienced, wish position managing office building, hotel or apart ment house, ('an give best ol references. E 554. Oregonlan. JAPANESE couple wish position In private family; man experienced cook, wire sec ond work; city or country, C 632, Ore gonlan. WANTED Position as truck driver with reliable firm. Married, not subject to draft; steady and reliable. A 604, Orego nian. MAN and wife, experienced, will do light janitor work lor three-room rurnisnea apartment, or wilt do all of work for wages. Phone Tabor 6170. OPERATING millwright, 12 years experi ence, 40 years old ; can do mill black smithing; Al references: have a family; must be near school. G 545, Oregonlan. PU BLISHER of 25 years' - experience would line position aa manager or live country weekly; county seat preferred; good refer ences. L. B. 106, Oakesdale. Wash. GRADUATE! of Michigan University in two departments, with 12 years teaching In high schools and colleges, desires evening teaching. Phone Main 416. YOUNG man wants position as cook's helner: preier m aairy, luncn ol cafeteria to learn. G 546, Oregonian. I WHOLESALE and retail sporting- goods I man, ten years experience, good ret I erences. i two, oregonlan I CAMP bookkeeper, timekeeper and com nu.iBary man, i years experience. A references. B 619, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted at dental laboratory, navs many years experience. Address, own o-a hi- rs. o. x. jvunmura. POSITION as night watchman; accustomed to suca worn, steady ana reliable; best of reierences. Main 7252. WANTED Job of watchman or detective work ; can give ban k references. Call .Main J41, or write 717 Corbett bldg. WANTED Position as chauffeur In private mmiiy. lumisn oest or reierences. rsoi m orart. a aws, oregonlan. HIGH school boy wants work after school ana baturaays. o 558, Oregonian. PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting. gooa worK. rigni prices. Mar. L'4S.. DRIVE any make of car or truck and do repairing. o &..!. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants situation aa a school ooy. l. UKaoe. 'ZtZ Everett st. ENERGETIC school boy to work Sat. State age, wages, reierences. a Oregonian HAULING wanted for Federal two-ton truck, platform and stake body. Woodlawn 49ii CHAUFFEUR desires a position; not sub ject to rtraft. Call Wood. 4919. WANTED A poeiuon as watchman. Phone SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. CARD WRITER. By young lady now employed In Middle West, thoroughly experienced card writer and saleslady; give particulars and wages jjhiu. av ows, uregoman. ujiit,KLiAL, nigb school girl, 20 years oia, wants oiiice position from 3 P. M. to u f. Al. on school days; all day Saturdays. nave experience witn typewriter, u wis, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office woman desires nosl nun as corresponaent or executive; accus tom pa to niring ana managing employes. ii ..-. uregoman. A MATURE woman wants work in physi cians onice. Aursing experience. High school education. References. .N 14. Ore gonian. wants nousecieaning or otner work y nour. oay. ausiaction guaranteed. i ! numau niaiies nuuwwurn, no care ox cnuaren. iast bb34, alter iu A M. to P. M. rLa wnu apartments in exenange ior wica nutn., iiuiuirii, ai. o. TWO experienced chambermaids for hotel or apartment-house. Cull before 10, Mar shall 1917. WANTED Sewing done for a reasonable price. 5o3 East 6th St. bouth. .Brooklyn car. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; ref erences. Woodlawn ltill. CAPABLE mother and daughter would man age and run rooming house. A 9U, Orego nian. A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes good home In return for light services and some wdgB. swuiitt jvt; ii iff ii vtirtiiiw, xttsi EXPERIENCED ironer desires work. Private families. Main SS99. Apt, a. LACE CURTAINS hand laundred by expert. Called lor and delivered. East 6193. LADY would like employment cleaning at house to house work. J 19S. Oregonlan, YoUNG woman wants to learn photography ana aeveioping. akj ui, oregonian. A PRACTICAL nurse, with doctor's recom mendation. Call Taoor 400i. GENERAL housework by 2 experienced girls In small family. East 7020. WOMAN wants work by day. Phone after P. M.. Woodlawn 790. WANTED Situation cs dishwasher from 11 o'clock to 6. 551 E. o7th st. N. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. RELIABLE typist wishes dictaphone work in any city in Oregon or Washington. il9, Oregonlan. INSURANCE cashler.-bookkeener wishes po sition; salary $iou; also familiar with all other departments. J Js, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER with some experience wants position. L 404. Oregonlan. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer best ox references. Main -M. EXPERIENCED stenographer will do work evening. Tabor EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion. A 5SI. Oregonlan. Dressmakers. PLAIN and fancy sewing done by ex peri- encea seamstress, bpeciai attention given to finish as well as the fit. Come where you may use your own Ideas. Mrs. Dor othy Houghton, Phone Marshall tiotk). ENGAGEMENTS by day, experienced in all suits and gowns, do remadellng; will pre pare to finish ; terms reasonable. Phone Broadway 150. DRESSMAKING Plain and children's sewing done reasonable. 939 Tabor 7011. E. Main. FANCY dressmaking and gowns remodeled. East 4737. FIRST-CL.ASS dressmaking done by day. Call Tabor 333G. Nurses. EXPERIENCED emergency nurse open for engagement in shipyard or assistant to doctor. fcpeaK r rencn, uerman, itauan. B. 638, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse will take charge, in valid, convalescent or eiaeny person, feast 7S4. A PRACTICAL nurse wishes position. Wood lawn i;o. Housekeepers. REFINED woman, 33, and son 17. want emnlovment: excellent housekeeper and cook; son wants work In machine shop or garage. T. l., box WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 6-rm. bungalow or house, strict ly modern, with garage. Phone Tabor 4003. House. WANTED To rent 1 yr., responsible couple. no children, o or o-room modern house with garage. Partly furnished or unfur nished. Phone Main 182 between 8:30 and 5:30. WANTED to rent by Octooer 1, 6 or 7-room modern house with furnace and garage in good location, will sign lease for one year. Phone Woodlawn 1778. BY October 1. modern 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park or Piedmont preferred, $55 or less. Tabor 1051. LADY wants small three or four-room cot tage in Alberta or near Williams Ave., by first of the month. W 553. Oregonian. WANT 4 or 5-room furnished bungalow, reasonable distance, responsible tenant. Marshall 672. THREE or 4-roora furnished apt. or house. Tftbor 06 netwaea 11 A.-W ud a p, WANTED TO RENT. FREK RENTAL BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patriotic citizen who has a house .o rent or rooms to let to mall information of same to Columbia R. S. B. Corp.. box 1202, Portland. Or. SHIPBUILDERS NEED HOMES WE WANT TO FIND HOMES FOR THE MEN WHO ARE BUILDING OUR SHIPS. Send your vacant houses, flats and apartments, furnished or unfurnished, to A. J. England. Northwest Steel' Co.. or Phone Main 1 1 13. WANTED 5 or 6-room house within walk ing distance or 23d ana Lovejoy; reason able rent; adults. N. A. Schumacher, 498 M.ignolia ave. TO lease for one year, furnished or un furnished 5 or o-room Hat or bungalow. Marshall C0S0. Mr. Greene. AF 684, Ore gonlan. Apartments. WANTED To rent by young couple with no children, furnished modern apartment in or north of Nob Hill vicinity: perma nent and will guarantee best of care. G 524. OregOTiian. FURNISHED 4- 5- or 6-room apt. or flat, for 2 months or longer. V, est bide. .Refer ence. E 5oG, Oregoman. WANT EE) Modern 3-room apartment. Oc tober 1, K 567, Oregonlan. Rooms. FREE RENTAL BUREAU. G. M. STAND1FER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. To build ships we must have men. To have men we must have housings and accommodations. We ask every patriotic citizen who has a house or rooms ior ren to phone or mail information to our era pioyment bureau. w ooniawn doou. YOUNG man in office of St. Johns ship yard wants room and board in private family, c .v, urecoman. . WANTED By young man, room in modern apartment; state price and location. 507, Oregonlan. WANTED Warm furnished housekeeping room by working woman. D 642. Oregonlan, WANTED 1 or 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, no children. Call Woodlawn 5t Rooms With Board. WANTED By young iady employed, well heated room and good board; within walk ing distance on West Side or within walk ing distance of Belmont ana .tast dStn. AE 3S5, Oregonlan. BUSINESS woman with school girl 8 years old wishes board in private iamiiy. c . preferred. Will pay $o0. J 2io. orego nian. WANTED By lady, large, airy room, run nlng water, modern home, breakfast, din ner; good price paid for good accommo dations. AC 7Gv Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. A Moderate-Priced Hotei of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clofford is the principal East Slds Hotel and is a hotel or dignity ana re finement. Dally rates. $1 up; two in room, $1.50; weekly rates, $4.50 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL, " 124 14th St., at Waiihington. Rates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Right in center of Portland's activities Prices astonishingly low. Let us show you our accommodations snd quote ratea THE GLENN HOTEL. Transient and housekeeping rooms. Rooms 25c and up per day; $1.50 and up per week. 6i5 First st. Marshall 1530. STANDISH HOTEL. 648 Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, coo!, comfortable rooms, modern. $2 per week up. Fne phones and hatha HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th St. Strlctlj modern, private baths en suite; rooms $J up. Main 9472. A 47S3. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street st 10th. Kates 75c per day up; weeaiy sj.o up; running water; free phone and baths. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel ot the East aide; modern, convenient, high quality, low price. East 3d and Burn id e. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location ; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat ; rooms large, clean. ELEGANTLY' furnished room in swell pri vate home, suitable for two men, $10 each. 71 Trinity place. NEWLY furnished rooms; reasonable. 30SA Pine st. TWO nice furnished rooms. 107 East 37th. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO light, airy, outside, unfurnished rooms $1; no children, nee janitor, vvaveriy Court, East 2Bth and Clinton sts. TWO unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping, $20; walking distance. Ella st. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Main 23!Mi. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms in a refined home on West Side; walking distance; one suite, living room and large sleep ing porch ; one large bedroom in mahog any. Reierences. Phone Marshall 450". TO one or two gentlemen, a nice front cor ner room, private entrance to room and bath. In Rose City Park; on carline. all night service ; must be seen to be ap preciated. 1531 Va Sandy blvd. FURNISHED room to gentleman appreciat ing privileges and congenial surroundings in quiet home and select neighborhood ; Willamette Heights; references. Main SUITE of two rooms, sunroom and private bath, with outside entrance; prefer two people; $40 per month. Also one single room suitable for one or two ladies, $20. Choice neighborhood. Main 2268. FURNISHED room with home accommoda tions, suitable for one or two women employed, in exchange for some help even ings. AF boo, Oregonian. LARGE, furnished front room, also large sleeping porch with dressing room; win serve breakfast 6S3 Hawthorne ave.. cor UUh st. Phone East 7078. NICE, clean, furnished room for gentleman, private familv, walking distance. 473 W. Broadway. Marshall 893. FOR RENT Choice furnished room private family. East side. Gentleman preferred. AJ 7!5. Oregonlan. NEWLY furnished front room in flat on car- line, for 1 or 2 young ladies. BreaKiast 11 desired. Phone D 1543. NICELY furnished front room in private family for two girls; rent reasonaaie ; breakfast if desired. Tabor 570S. FOR gentleman, desirable room In home. running water, waiKing uisiance, near Campbell Hill. 52 Lucretia st. FINE room for a refined man; private, mod ern home, walking distance. Slain TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen, private family, board if desired. 411:1 awetiann. FURNISHED room In Irvington; walking distance. East w. FURNISHED room for gentleman in private family, walking distance, call .Main w-t.rj. VERY beautiful room, elegantly furnished. with sleeping porch. 325 lata st. NICELY furnished room, phone, bath and electricity. Main 33U0. 321 Aiontgomery st, NICELY furnished room for two. St ephen st. Tabor 4152. WELL furnished front room, walking dis tance. East 113. pi.RASAN'T room facincr nark, women em ployed (women only). oa rarK. cor. ot. 260 14TH, near Jefferson; choice furnished rooms; walking distance. Main a su.. A LARGE doub e bedroom in nice home, suitable for two. 303 college st. Room WHh Boara. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 8S0 10th st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1254. ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences; walking aistancs; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. Booms With Board In Prirate Families. TWO Dais can find the best of room and board at vzs v ancouver. one diock io Williams and St. Johns car service. Wood, 4001. MODERN, pleasant home, gentlemen only. large room ior 2, witn tame ooara, near Union and Alberta. 1009 Garfield. Wood lawn 2025. LARG2 front room with fireplace in modern Irvington home; home privileges; two meals. East 3147. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and board, prefer shipbuilders, pnone .cast 8525. . IF you want to get good board, if you have a room close oy, can at om oiisan st. WANT 2 men to room and board, private home, hot-water heat. Voodlawn H'Jj. LARGE room in modern home; board op tional. 431 w. Park. Marshall Furnished Apartments. ROOM apartment, nicely furnished. 515 Vista avenue, Portland, Heights. Main WHm . . . . FOIi BENT. Furnished Apartments. WANTED A young lady. C. S. preferred, to share apartment; $13. Apt. No. 310, 13th and salmon. pnone aiar. 4-uo. Unfurnished Apartments. BRICK 2 -room modern apt., bath, dress ing room, hot water heat, walking distance. 3,)o Chapman, cor. Mill. VVE1SX APARTMENTS, 6 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt, and private porch. 6-ROOM flat, Alt. Scott line. Phone Mar shall 3976. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM furnished flat to December L $35 a month, including telephone, light, gas, heat and garbage. Tabor 2037. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, $32.50 In cluding water ana removal or garbage. 448 Rodney. Wood! awn 1241. WANTED Refined young lady to share com pletely furnished flat with three other ladies: walking distance. Main 3213. 3-ROOM furnished lower fiat. Rose City Park, on Sandy blvd. Phone C 1,53. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Sta 2 and 3-rra. unfur. apts. for light house keeping; gas range, elec lights, hot and cold water, use of bath, laundry free. Rent $12 and $15 mo.; no raise in rent 6 months from Sept. 1 guaranteed. Take S or 16th bl car, get off at Marshall. Bdwy. 5038. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms. ground floor, nose City Para, call Tabor 2073. CLEAN, but plainly furnished H. K. rooms at $1.50 to $3 per room. 2)d Stanton st. laKe w uiiams-ave. car. FURNISHED 3 -room housekeeping suite. HiS 10th st. Phone Marshall 478. FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 340 .North sixteenth st. PLEASANT suite housekeeping rooms. The Lendora, 2-!o 1 1 th st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FOR RENT One large front bedroom, con-I nected with kitchen, for housekeeping, in Rose City. Tabor 8659. FOUR rooms for housekeeping, unfurnished. $12.50. 919 E. 9th st. N. ; garage if wanted. THREE first-class housekeeping rooms. Gb9 21st and Savier. TWO HOUSEKEEPING 1325. rooms. Sellwood Bouses. SIX rooms, attic, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas, close to ferry landing. In Sellwood, where many suburban trains stop; 30 minutes to down town, delight ful, scenic ride, transfer point; I've just spent $500 plumbing, sewer, wiring, fix tures, painting, decorating, etc., need $115; will give 6 months' paid up lease. 16S5 East 9th. $30 2-STORY house. 6 rooms and sleeping. gas, porch, electricity, iirepiace, no iur nace; phone, plumbing, basement, Dutch kitchen, lawn, roses, small fruit. Take Woodstock car to East 32d St., walk north to 786, near park and school; hard-surface street, ijroadway buo. FOR RENT $2G. immediate possession. 6- room house on C3d street, tnorougniy moa ern. nracticallv new. sleeDlng porch, built- in buftet, fireplace, etc, garage; 4 cords I wood in basement: no chiiaren. can an Court, Broadway 4500, house 200. today. TO RENT Modern 9-room residence near Laureihurst, large corner with garage: hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets, etc. one block Sunnyside car; careful tenants. $40. Tabor GS72 after 6 P. M. WHEN YO IT M O V E Use NORTH WESTERN jpLECTKIC light ci vice. Broadway ESQ. A 6747. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-room bungalow and garage to adults, 1046 E. 33a st. Ji., cor. Alberta. Phone Woodlawn 5649. $7.50 2-ROOM cottage. 2 lots. Rose City I'arg car line. c u. ioung Chamber of Commerce. c Co. u!4 6-KOOM unfurnished. walking distance. West Side; gas and electricity, pnone I East 8. STOREROOM, could be arranged for dwelling. 320 Wheeler, pnone n.ast ;. IRVING TON Fine home. 7 rooms, garage; fine location; $b0. East iJ4i. 2-ROOM house free to right party. 209 Third street. 8-ROOM modern house, on car line. Sellwood lO.i. , Sunday. IRVINGTON- -8-room house; $52.50. East 1347. 7-ROOM house. Northmp st., near 21st. West Side, oio cnamoer or tommercc, Furnished Houses. WELL-FURNISHED house of 16 rooms, four bathrooms, seven fireplaces; rooms large and sunny; beautiful grounds: West Side, fine location. R. F. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1!63. wih T.EASR Fnr 1 vear or loncer. beauti fully furnished house, ou isortnrup, oo. Main Ki4 i . t RVlNfiTON Swell home, swell location. part furnished, S rooms, garage; ; -isi i st. East lJlj MAN and wife to share private home: all conveniences; fine view, w ooaiawn MAN and wife to share private home: all conveniences; line view. v ooaiawn -na. Summer Resorts, A STORE BUILDING on corner of 2.Qth and E. Ankeny. at 2U4 Jefferson. Marshall 1152. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and hails; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office building accommodation ; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. PRIVATE furnished office, $10; also private office, share reception room, telephone connected, dandy arrangement. Stock Ex- chanse, 3d and 1 amhlll. SEVERAL modern offices for rent In the GerliiiKer bldg.. 2d and Alder sta Inquire room oQO. MOST centrally located offices, low rent. Swetland ..buiiaing. mrtn ana wasnington. DANCING PARTIES. Good floor ; reasonable rent. 85 14 Sth St. FURNISHED or unfurnished private office I with steno. service, oiu pittocg diock. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE A good-paying pool hall, 2 tables, cigar stand, stage line, 2 automo biles Oakland Six and Studebaker Six, waiting room both ends, mill town, four miles irom centrana. &en an or sepa rately. This is your chance. Box 07, Galvln. Wash. ELIOT'S QUICK LUNCH For sale. Estab lished 15 years at Room 9, Chamber of commerce -tmncnng. a going ousiness, Day ine well. Owner going to France in Y. M. C. A. service. Inquire ' at lunch room between 3 ana 7 r. ai. ween aays. I HAVE some of the best barber shops, bHt locations, cood lea sea low rents, in Portland, for sale. Good bargains all of them. Owners in draft. Gross Income guaranteed. See F. T. Rogers, Portland Cutlery Co.. S6 Sixth st. MUST sell new and second-hand store by Sept. 30; will sell at invoice price ana take light 6 -passenger car as part pay ment. Address E. l irisn, tr. kj. dox 458, Kelso, Wash. FOR SALE! First-class pool room and con fectionery, located in gooa town. Musi sell account of sickness. This is biggest buy ever. For full particulars address Geo. F. Mllvi'Ie. Uranger, w asn. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, gel advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. PARTNER wanted to wait on customers. sell gasoline and make himself generally I useful In auto garage; profits large; $000 required. Room 403 Dekum Diag. FOR." SALE OR TRADE Nice clean bakery. good location, doing all business I can handle; goffd flour allowance. B 011, Ore gonian. AUTO garage with fully equipped repair shop; 30 cars steady storage, profits large; In draft and must sell; $1250 required. Room 403 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT, heart of city, near Wash ington st.; first-class trade; good business, 4 years here by present owner. Price $1500. B 610, Oregonian. BAKERY Only one In town; cash sales $30 per day; brick oven and all fixtures; will accept any reasonable offer nd give terms. Good reasons. AV 94. Oregonian. CAFETERIA FOR RENT. Partly furnished, with living rooms above, opposite Jefferson High chool. Call at 155 Sumner st. Phone Woodlawn 3602. FOR SALE Vulcanizing and repair shop in Astoria, doing good business, will stand Investigation. Address Vulcanizing, 002 Commercial st., Astoria, Or. STEADY man with $250 can buy in a growing store business with reliable part ner. Call coom 403 Dekum bldg. ATTRACTIVE selling proposition; musical business in Portland; salary and commis sion. K 572, Oregonian. BAKERY for sale. In town of 3000 popula tion, doing nice wholesale and retail bus iness. AV 267, Oregonian FOR SALE Confectionery and soft drink stand In pavroll town, good location, cheap rent. W. D. McAllister, Camas, Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT Dairy lunch. Wash. st. Vancouver. Wash. 3-CHAIR shop, centrally located. 187 12th st., Astoria, ur., opposite leaaing norei. RESTAURANT, will sell, trade or take partner. Inquire at 2S8 Front st. GROCERY with living room; cash, salea $50 Hay, 03 jjekum Diag. BCSIXE89 OPPORTrXTTIES. STOCK, fixtures and real estate for sale ta the highest ' bidder covering assets of the White Swan Supply Company. White Swan, Washington, in lots as follows: Merchandise, consisting of groceries, ary goods, shoes, hardware and farm imple ments, etc., $7:159.33 Fixtures. $1930.05. Store, buildings, lot and warehouse site, with sidetrack. $4000. The above will be offered In whole or In part, bidders to make their tender sealed and accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of fered, together with terms, of purchase, either cash or on time. with- secur ity offered. Same to be presented to J. A. Loudon, care of First National Bank, Yakima, and will be opened in the pres ence of creditors and bidders at 11 A. M. Septem b er 27. 1918. FOR SALE Tire repair business and equip ment in county seat ot 2000; owner in draft ; thriving town, new railroad, rk-h stock country; nearest other vulcanizing plant 35 miles; one Miller. cavity machine with boiler, takes any size casing; three Acron-Williams molds; one new model Shaler machine with two inside forms and tube Plate: one Dower buffer: air bacs and equipment; repair stock ana accessories; shop located in large, modern garage and equipped with air pressure. Will sell ior sd cash. .Edwin A.. Abbott, jfrine ville. Or. INCORPORATE your business under the common law. No organization tax; no franchise tax; no Federal corporation tax certificates not taxable: stockholders ex empt from company debts; do business anywhere; directors reside where you wish; lowest cost organization possible. Common Law Organization Co., 3 Ran dolph, Detroit, Mich. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED to buy good reliable business or active one-half interest in same, invest ment $2000 to $5000. Please give full in formation. J lu, oregonlan. Hoteki and Roomlng-Houses. HIGH-CLASS MODERN HOTELS. 125 rooms: ti-storv corner brick build lng; rent $625: lease; good furniture; rare opportunity; $l2,uou; $oou casn. 70 moms. 3-storv corner brick building rent $3oo, lease; good furniture; good buy at $o5)0; $4500 cash. 00 rooms. 3-storv brick building; rent $220. includes heat, lease; best buy in fitv: S4000 cash. 32 rooms. 3-story brick building; rent $lto, lease; clears $300 per month; $:1200 cash. C. E. TUGGLE. 414 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 4M3. 48 ROOMS, clearing $200 mo.. $3200. 55 rooms, clearing $237 mo., $juuu. 21 housekeeping, clearing $110 mo., $300. 20 transient, clearing $75 mo., $800. 6 rooms, clearing $45 mo., $050. 38 rooms, clearing $150 mo., $2000. 19 rooms, clearing $150 mo., $2000. C. W. MILLERSH1P, Alder Hotel. FOR SALE Hotel 30 rooms, with dining- room; live Eastern Oregon city, pop. i-u, county seat, end of railroad; big country to draw from; best hotel in the city; doing a fine business; this is a money-maker; have put a price on this that will sell it; will make terms to responsible parties. Call B d w y. 3435 and make engagement. IF YOU WISH TO BUY pR SELL a Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 23 ROOMS 28 Located near Union Depot; rent with store room, $40: all full; clears $ month. Price $S45, terms. Peters, lo N. 5th st. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will quickly and comfortalHy show you the best buys In rooming and apartment-houses in Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 30 ROOMS of furniture. 1 yr. lease, rent $".k per month, in smi'.wiru msim-i. nn b.i..- reasonable. Mar. 2oi9. Corner u aur ami Clay. 14 ROOM rooming house. J29 front street. between Market ana ciay. r or saie encap if taken at once. MARY K. LENT. HOTEL APARTMENT- HOUPE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR best bargain in rooming or apartment houses see memoers oi ine rtea.iy out Yates Realty Co.. 240 4th St. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of the Hood River IrriRation District in Hood River County. O rug on. will sell general refunding bonds of said district in the principal sum of one hun dred sixty -seven thousand dollars $107, 000.00) on Tuesday, the first day of Octo ber, 1018. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. at the office of said board at Oak Grove store in said district, and that sealed pro posals for the purchase of said bonds will be received by said board at said place until the day and hounVabove mentioned, at which time the board will open the pro posals and award said bonds to the high est responsible bidder, the board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Said bonds so to be sold to be general negotiable refunding bonds of the Hood River Irrigation District in the principal sum of one hundred sixty-seven thousand doliars ($167,OUO,OUO.OO), for the purpose of providing funds to retire and pay off the Dresenl outstanding bunded indebted ness of said district. Said bonds to be dated October 1. 1118, bear interest at the rate of six per cent (7c) per annum, pay able semi-annually, on the first d:ys of January and July of each year, and ma turing serially, commencing witii the sixth year after date thereof. In annual amounts of eight thousand dollars ($,000.00 until all of said bonds are paid. All proposals must be unconditional and be accompanied by an unconditional certi fied check for $5000. payable to the secre tary of tho Hood River Irrigation Dis trict. Ail bidders are requested to furnish sat isfactory evidence of their ability to promptly deliver for payment and can cellation a substantial portion of the out standing bonds of said district to be re funded from the proceeds of this Issue. Sale and delivery of bonds subject to approval of Capital Issues Commute of fcederai .Reserve uoaru. By order of tn uuura or ai rector. F. FEN WICK. Secretary, Hood River Irrigation District. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on oars of the portiana Kuiiway, Lijfiit Power Company, Sept. 21, litis. J purses, 1 badge. 1 knife. 3 pairs gloves, 1 key, 8 packages, 5 lunch boxes. 2 baskets. 3 grips, 3 traveling bags, 1 book. 1 liberty bond button, umureiias. i coat. SeDt. 23. 11S 1 purse, l ring, l case drawing set, 1 pr. gloves, 2 keys, 1 badge, 3 packages, 1 hair ribbon, 1 bu. overai Is, 1 hat, 1 Bible, 2 lunch boxes. 1 adz, 2 suit cases. 1 traveling bag. li umbrellas, own ers may obtain property at First and Alder streets station. LOST On Washington st. car or between Washington and Aider on t irst, small bluck pocket book containing Canadian coin and neck chain, 2 paper dollars, re ceipt and some silver; reward. Broad way 3230. STOLEN The man who purloined pocket book with contents. Saturday evening, from tailor shop on Union avenue shouia re turn same for humanity sake. The owner Is a man 70 years of age and contents represent his entire savings. LIBERAL reward will be paid anil no ques tions asked to party who will return red silk umbrella taken from Washington Hazelwood Saturday night, Sept. 21. .Mar shall 1032. LOST Sunday on Sandy River near Revenue bridge, lady s small gold watch, initials L. M. K. on Inner case ; reward if re turned to- Mrs. R. C. Dalton, 100 East 18th st. THE party who took purse Thursday even- ing in Meier & Frank's basement belong ing to Mrs. Lake is known; either return to M. & F. office or call Bdwy. 2503 and avoid trouble. LOST September 23, A. M., gold beads on Vancouver Ave., Broadway or ulisan St., or same cars. Treasured by teacher as gift from pupils. Reward. Call East 240 4, or Couch School, A 15-S7. SOLDIER left raincoat in automobile when taken lor rme about eot. in. i'lease re turn to Soldiers' and Sailors' Club, Royal bldg. ; LOST Liberty bond for $50 on August 10th in Vancouver, Wash. No. 1100570. Finder please call 880-J or write W. J. Le w alien. w. ;tn, Vancouver, v asn. LOST Black ostrich boa on East 17th N.. between Broadway and Westminster Church, Sunday evening. Call East 6002. 355 E. 17th N. REWARD for any Information concerning Airedale dog lost In vicinity of Lents. Call Mar. 206. . LOST A pair of sheil-rlmmed glasses with gold pin attached. Call Mar. 1285; re ward. LOST Pocketbook Sunday taining $10 bill and $4.15. 92d st. S. E. - afternoon Reward. con 5815 FOUND, Sunday, on C. C. car, lady's purse containing jewelry and change. 105 N. 6th st. RING of keys Friday P. M., $1.00 reward. Metal plate with souvenir of Honolulu. Leave with cashier at Oregonian. LOST Black purse containing about $50. 374 Yamhill St., room 31. Reward. FOUND Pair gloves at Gresham fair. Tele phone D1138. LOST V4 k. diamond. Reward for return to Jane pison, Keea . ouege. xIosiCZFur tail to taupe wolf fur. Call Tabor 5S4. LOST Fishing rod and net. East Side sta tion. Please call Bast 2000. Reward. LOST AND FOUND GOLDEN arrow pin with diamond on shaft. M. Shannon, Ark. A. MM. Call Sell wood 1234. Liberal reward for return. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BON Pi BOUGHT. CASH FOR ANY AMOUNT. ELWOOP WILKS CO., 231 United Slates National Bank Bldg. Open Saturday even i tig until 8 o'clock. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums lo suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 215-216 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS; WILL PAY CASH. 41tt Pittock Block. (Moved from 553 Pittock Block.) CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS H. L. Murton, 440 Sherlock bldg., 3d St.. cor. Oak. Open Saturday eve. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. We pay cash. Open Saturday eve. Cellars-Murton Co.. 725 Gasco bldg. INVESTMENTS, loans. m-tes, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 30:t Lewis bldg.. Mar. IXi.l. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.20 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 00 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on imnroved city property No commission charged. " EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. PAY OKF YOUR MORTGAGE on your city home in easy installments with 10 years' time to repay; Lully pro tected by life Insurance umier the Home Purchase Plan of the Equitable Life As surance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. See M r. Strong, Equitablu office, Oreyonian blilg. MORTGAGE L O A N S ON IMPROVE D FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO; LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. 331 U. S. NATIONAL BANi BLDG., PORTLAND FARM LOANS. Insurance com puny money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette Valley farms. No commission. No delays. UEVKREAl'X MORTGAGE COMPANY. i7 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. Bl K K ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A -4 118. MOUTG AG E 1 .OA NS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. $looo, $1500. $2U00, $4000 to loan on city property at u ana t per cent. in ui vide in amounts to suit. Farm lo.ins. Mi C!ure & Schmauch, 3UU Railway Exchange bldg. EDWARD E. OOtJDKV CO.. 2-1 floor United Slates Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond i.sues, espe cially in large amounts. 5 Va Pt cent up. $300. $400, $500. $750, $1000 and up at low est interest rates; iiherui repayment priv ileges, no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., t31 Chamber of Com n i erce. MONEY to loan at 0 and 7 per rent in amounts ra nging fnmi $..i0 to $:i.ioo. For pa rticul.ira eunsult ultoi iu y at 404 Plait bldg. m SEE US TODAY; loans, any amount. tl-i'. We pay cash for liberty bonds. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 725 Gasco BMg. $3oo, $400. $50(i, $750, $looo and up at lowest 1 ati s, quicK action. r rt'u v . uer man Co.. 7;i2 Ch. of Coin. Main 0145. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, favorable terms; no drl.iy; no brok crane. John Bain, 507 SpaUUngbldg. MONE V to loan 011 farm and Improved city properly. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. NO CO.MMIS w 1 N- - 1U MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SA L0M1 N & CO.. 403 Selling bldg. UNDER $500. S; up to $1500, 7: $1500 up, 6 no commission. Ward. Spalding bldg. LOA NS on clt y u't:d fa rin property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Coin. Money to Loan Cluittels mid Nalarle. S A LA It Y. 1 -OA N S. C 11 A TT E L. WE LO A N M ON E V on short notiee to su larie.l or working men on their own notes. Weekly, s-m 1 111 out hly or monthly pay men m. Each tra n.s.ici ion strtit ly con f hi en t ia 1. NO MORTGAGES NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SIOCUKITV. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, elc., without removal. OA LL AND IN V ES TIG A T E. COLUMBIA D I SCi I N T COM PAN Y. LICENSED. 21S Failing Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE US. SALARIES CHATTELS. Loans made to persona on salary or fixed income ; on h oust- ho Id f urn. tut e. pi anos, (1 ia moods and other personal prop erty; legal rales. Business eon fid en in 1, private of f Ice. PORTLAND LOAN Co. ( Licensed.) 300- 307 Dekum Bldg. REM eTTa L I iOA N A SS C I ATI ON Est a b ILshcti by Portland liusine.-s men to pro toct borrower. C. Myers Herrmann, mgr., 314 Stark St. Money loaned on diamonds, jewelry. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; till article heii one year. Panama Loan Office. M Third, near O.ik. MONEY t.i loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; nil articles held 1 year; established since iss. Dan Marx, 2S3 Washington. MON E V liia ned on pia tuis und ot her se curities. W. A. iiuthaway, room 20U Wash ington bidg. Loans Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $500 AND UP. DKSIION : HAWK. 615 CHAMBER oF COMMERCE BT.DO. WANT $750 at 7 per cent mi new i-rooin modern house worth $3000; no commis sion. Y 053, Oregonian. A PARTY would like to borrow $2000 for 18 months; willing lo pay 10 per cunt lut. T 4 sJ. Ore go i . I an. $2250 MTU E. liberally discounted for quick money. K 434, Oregonian. PERSONAL. H Al It UOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy switch, 2 srp $1.50 24-inch wavy switch. 3 sep l.oo All-around transformation 1.45 Hairui easing, tliampuoiiig, face massage, hair boubing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combingH, 05c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d ami afshingioii. Marshall 1702. DR. ALICE WELLS, bu.iuly specialist, ladies only, 10 to 5. Pace, neck and bust devel oping, cabmt baths, reduction flesn, i iieu niaiism. give tonic bath, nervousness, sleep lessness, iinpotcncy. 413-414 Buchanan B la g. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub ami a scientific mawage reduces high blood preure and softens the urteries. Iron side Institute. 327-8-0 pillock block. Nuraa attendants. Phone Broadway 312. Si ' I RITUA L J IS M M rs. M. 1. LA MAR. 233 5ih st., cor. Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also lessons in bcienco of health ami success. FEB VET at 11ANEBUT, leading wig and loupe iiiaKeis, finest stock human hair Koods: hairdressiiig. manicuring, face and sealp treatment. 340 Aide .Main 546. DETECTIVE United Service Detective bu reau; only experienced operatives em ployed. No. 504 Panama bidg., Portland, ur. Main 3S12. tl WILL get bom your feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton's, the Chiropodist that doesn't hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Globe Theater bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. BEFORE SHOPPING KLSttt iicite visu .Petersons ia"a -....- ...-. - lock blk., for suits, coats, dresses, waists, netticuats. and save your dollars. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. liurch's mumpio ' , , VY'i by physician. 504 bwetland bldg. IiFV' M R. ' c SCHORL teacher Truth w-.'jriiiiir. daily circle. Sun. and Th urs.. h P. 51. "f,b' Jefferson. Home phone A 3S12. BEST"" steam batn, massage, vibration, elec tric and cluropract ic in city. Dr. Mar garet llaynie, 517 swetland bldg. Alain !T'i5 OIL shampoos will knock your dandruff; manicuring. 401 Fliedner bldg., lOlb. and Washington. UKAUt'ATE nurse treats lumbago, eto. Hours 2 to 6 or by appointmeuu Phone Main 1040. flat C. 308 3d. SUPERFLUOUS hau, moier, waits removed by 10-needle method; trial free. Jo. Fia ley, 014 Eiers bldi. Main 0503. PKoF. SM1DT, 212 Swetlaud bldg. Main 104 L Mineral steam baths, nerve and blood cir culating massages, scientific massage. MUSIC PRINTING In Portland. Sheet mu sic. 1000 copies 5 37.50. Finest work. Tracy B. Caswell. 228 2d at. MRS. STEVENS, 25 years Ported' re nowned palmist, crystal gazer anJ spirit ual reader. 375 Taylor, corner W fat Park. FURS. New orders and remodeling. The Fur Shop. 600 Sw-tbtnd bldg.. 5th nnd YVa.-h. RHEUMATISM, constipation, nerve and stomach trouble cured. Prurless Dr. Elna Sorensen. 508 Panama bldg. PRIM EDA HALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d Sell. 2213 Mojrnlnga. FACE mossage. Itching scalp, moles re moved. 30 Fliedner bldg. Broadway 165. Sophia B. Seip. Spiritual readings; circles Tues., Frl. 8 P. M. 5oo OooririoiiKh. Mr. 25u3. L, I C, writs to your sick mother. AL iA. C