THE MOItXIXG OREGONIAN. T . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER - 24, 1918. WAGE HEARING SET War Labor Board Will Hear Interurban Trainmen. . SEPTEMBER 30 IS THE DATE Rise to Scale Paid Steam Road Em ; ploycs Is Asked by AVorUers oa , Vrelglit, Passenger Trains of P. K. Ii. & P. Co. . Examiners of the "War Labor Board will hold a hearing In Portland Sep tember 30 to take evidence on the ap plication of the interurban trainmen of the Fortland Railway, Light tc Power Company for increased wages. Trainmen on the interurban lines nave, working agreements with the company through their respective or ganizations. The conductors are mem bers of the Oraer of Railroad Con ductors, the motormen of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, and the freight trainmen of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Following the demand made by operating employes on the city lines, which was submitted for adjustment to the War Labor Board, the interurban trainmen asked for increases that would make the wage paid in the re opective branches of service equivalen to the wages paid on the Federalized ttcam roads. BIk Increase Is Asked. The ecale of wages paid in cents per hour for this class of labor a year ago, the scale at the present time, and the increase demanded by the men, is follows; Ifourly Year As House Mr. Sinnott will be chairman of that Important committee. That position now is held by Repre sentative Scott Ferris, of Oklahoma, who led the fight agalnBt the Oregon delegation in its efforts to secure for Oregon an equitable share of the funds arising from the sale of the Oregon & California Grant lands. He succeeded In holding Oregon's quota of these funds' to a low figure, thereby depriv ing Oregon school and road funds of several million dollars. The advance of Sinnott to the chair manship of the Public Lands Committee will be pleasing to Republicans gener ally, and to a number of western Dem ocrats who are not in sympathy with the attitude Mr. Ferris has taken on various questions relating to the pub lic domain, particularly the water pow er question. Oregon members of the House now are well placed on committees Haw- ley on ways and means. Sinnott on Pub lic lands, irrigation and water power. and McArthur on naval affairs. IOC IOE IOE30I I0E30X :oxoi on r U Invest Your Savings in Liberty Bonds and Help Your Country in Its Hour of Peril g This Store Has Doubled Its Subscription for 4th Liberty Loan Remember, September 28 Oregon Must Go Over the Top DAIRYMEN WOULD SELL VANISHING PROFITS PREVENT BUY ING LIBERTY BONDS. Tea Room 4th Floor Appetizing luncheon served from 2:30 to 4:30 daily. Prompt, courteous service. Olds.W The Standard Store of the Northwest ortman Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Kodaks Headquarters for Eastman Kodaks, Cameras and supplies. Developing, printing and color work by ex perts. Fourth Floor. D o Double Stamps KiDepeTtl Except Groceries Kmployment I'm Service Conductor alntorman Frlght Condr., idar).... ('ondr., might).. Molorm'n (day).. Motorm'n ni?ht Hrakem'n day.. lirakem'n (night) Present Scale PO ST Vi grsle mantled 50 71 i f 6' r.o 7i OH 70 4-".4 64 !4 4S 3 40 4.1 4 4." ."4 6!i The demand is also for time and one half for overtime after eight hours' work. Cndcr the existing agreemen straight time is paid for overtime. At present the runs are arranged so tha the working time for a day is abou eight hours, or as nearly as characte of service permits. lndr the new a-eale and working conditions eight hours will be the basic day with over. time for any excess. In freight service the time of completing runs may vary according to the work to be done on the line, and it Is claimed by trainmen that all 'branches or the interurban service should be on the same scale as the steam roads for corresponding work. . More Tfcaa Hundred Employed. More than 100 men are employed In Interurban train service on lines of the comoany running out of Portland. I'resident Franklin T. Griffith was In formed that a hearing on the wage damand would-be held in Portland dur ing September, when in Washington ar the time of the hearing upon the wage demands of employes of the city lines. The date for the hearing was stated in a telegram received Sunday. BELGIANS NEED CLOTHES PORTLANDERS ASKED TO COJT- ! TRIBUTE THREE CARLOADS. Bed Cross Relief Drive to Gather Cast- Off Garmeata Began In City Yesterday i From attic and clothes chest Port landers are asked to dig something more than three carloads of old clothes for destitute citizens of Belgium, where clothing supplies have long been ex liausted. fuel cannot be obtained and approaching Winter presages extreme suffering. ; officially the Red Cross Belgian re lief drive started in the city yesterday, but the flood of bundles and parcels of Kurplus apparel does not begin to flow Into the receiving station, in- the Marshall-Wells building. Fifth and Pine streets, until today. . The Motor Squad Girls are enlisted In the crusade and the leading stores are giving co-operation in the matter of collections. The housewife who re ceives an order of goods from down town has only to hand the bundle of clothing her family contributes, to the dtliveryman. If she does not have this opportunity the housewife may call a Motor Squad Girl to get the package by telephoning to the Red Cross Su perfluity Shop. Main 382. She Is asked to give size and approximate weight In telephoning. Volunteer men and women to help with the work of sorting, packing and boxing the collected clothing are Fought by R. F. PraeU who is in charge of the drive. Men who will give time to the good cause may report at the Marshall-Wells building today to T. It Harper, in charge of shipping arrange ments. Women helpers will be wel comed at the same place tomorrow by Mrs. X D. Freeland. MB. SINNOn ADVANCES OREGON REPRESENTATIVE HAS IM PORTANT COMMITTEE RANK. Rise to Chairmanship of Public Lands DiTlaioa Collated Certainty la Time, OREGON" NEWS BUREAU, Washing ton, Sept. 23. The defeat of Represen tative W. L. LaFollette. of Washington, for renomination. and his consequent retirement from the House, will result in the advancement of Representative Sinnott. of Oregon, to the position of ranking - Republican member of the Committee on Public Lands, and when the Republicans regain control of the Patriotism Is Protested by Owners of Herds, Who Declare They Are Forced to Quit Business. Dairymen are preparing to retire from the business because of diminish ed revenues and increasing costs of feed and labor, according to informa tion received yesterday by J. D. Mickle, state dairy inspector, who 6ays the situ ation is becoming serious in the ex treme. Mr. Mickle received a report from Chairman Deckenbach, of the Marion County liberty loan committee, that no less than six dairymen who were visited in one day were offering their herds for sale because of the shortage of certal varieties of feed and the poor return Jt is a question of finances, the dairy men have explained, and they are no able to pay the high price now prevail ing in the feed market under presen conditions, much as they would like to remain in the business and do their "bit" toward winning the war. In Washington County the situation became so serious that a mass meetin of dairymen was held in Hillsboro Saturday night, and resolutions adopted for presentation to the National Food Administration, asking that wheat grown in the Northwest be milled in th Northwest, in order to give a greater supply of wheat by-products, which form the chief basis of complaint. Hay while selling at a high figure, is com paratively plentiful, stock owners say. and no difficulty is expected in obtain ing an adequate supply of roughage. GADSBY FUNERAL IS HELD Body of Late Captain Committed to Earth at Rlvervlew. Funeral aervices for Captain William Gadsby, Spanish-American war veteran, and one of Portland's most prominent furniture dealers, were held yesterday n Finley s chapel. Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, of ficiating. Interment waa at Riverview cemetery. The honorary pallbearers were Judge C H. Carey. General Charles F. Beebe. L. Gerllnger, J. C Robinson. R. R. Giltner and M. B. Wakeman. The active pallbearers were: Ira F. Pow era, T. H. Edwards, F. S. Doernbecher, John Casey, Judge C U. Ganfenbein and W. H. Beharrell. Captain Gadsby is survived by his widow, two sons, Ben and Walter Gadsby and one daughter, Mrs. Walter Korell. all of this city, . BOND BUYING IS PRIVILEGE Speakers at Library Hall Deliver Stirring Talks on Loan. Purchase of liberty bonds and the ne cessity for putting forth every effort to win the world warwere subjects of dis cussion at the meeting of the Jackson Club, held in Library Hall last night. Ir. J. W. Morrow expressed himself s ashamed of the showing made to ate. G. Y. Harry, who recently re- urned from a trip to Spokane and Boise, said the Inland towns, although badly hit by exodus of workers to coast ities, are making no complaint relative to the raising of money for war pur poses. President Vaughn, who presided. declared the purchase of liberty bonds o be a privilege and a duty that every citisen should embrace. Mrs. Webber spoke upon the impor tant duties devolving upon the women. RESORT MANAGER IS HELD C. II. Lewis Indicted for Permitting Lottery to Operate. C. H. Lewis, manager of the Colum bia Beach pleasure resort, was Indicted on a charge of permitting the operation of a lottery game, in a true bill returned esterday by the Multnomah County Grand Jury. M. O'Toole and E. H. Broe- er were indicted for operating the al leged lottery. The men were arrested wo weeks ago by deputy sheriffs after candy lottery in operation at the re sort was raided. George Bellamy, with a past criminal record, is charged witi burglary in an other true bill, repotted out. He is ac cused of entering the horns of Dr. H. S. ichols, on vista voiue. last Saturdky ight. Several secret indictments were returned. ELINQUENT SALE IS HELD Sixth Installment of Property Dis posal Sees All Lots Sold. , of I Yfivrn y If '-T'-j? F0S BILIOUSNESS FOR COXS77FATJO&J f OR COMPLEXION Have you tried the famous NANCY HALL Pink-Meated Sweet Potatoes? Most delicious and sweetest. Saves your sugar. 7he sixth sale of delinquent prop- rty was held yesterday by the city Portland from the Fourth-street eps of the County Courthouse. All property offered was sold, as the city bought when there were no other bid ders. According to estimates prepared by City Treasurer Adams, the city has purchased approximately $200,000 worth of property at these sales. The prop erty will be held for three years, unless redeemed ty the owners, after which the city will secure title and may re sell the property to reimburse the municipality for money expended in street and sewer improvements. - Your Boy's Clothes Can best be supplied at this store. Assortments are large and complete, affording satisfactory1 choosing Department, First Floor. New Norfolks $10 to $25 Serges, cheviots, worsteds and homespuns. Smart new styles with stitched or loose belts. Ages 6 to 18 years. Best of workmanship. Dutchess Knickers "10c a Button, 50c a Rip" this money warranty wun every pair. A Silk Petticoats Special $5 Second Floor Tuesday the Garment Store will feature a sale of women's high-grade Silk Petticoats at five dollars. Numerous styles in the assortment some have plaited flounces, others trimmed with tucks or ruffles. . Taffeta, 6ilk, jersey and silk jersey with taffeta flounces. Plain (Pff ff colors, stripes, changeables at tDtleUvr New Dress Skirts Second Floor Beautiful new models for street and dress occasions. Silks, satins and wool materials of all kinds. Portland's best showing. Special $7.93 up to $32.50 New Dress Trimmings Tassels, Braids, Metal Laces, Fringes Main Floor Everything that is new and desirable in dress trimmings and accessories will be found in this showing. New Braids, Metal Laces and Bands, Tassels, Fringes, Silk Cords, Drapes, Fur Fasteners, Rosebud Trimming, Ornaments also a complete stock of new Georg ette Crepes, Voiles and Nets. Lace Department, Main Floor. Housekeepers' Week Special Low Prices on Sheets, Sheetings Pillow Cases, Towels, Table Damasks, Etc. SEAMLESS Sheets ofgood heavy quality 3 sizes in assortment: Seamless Sheets, sise fTfT 54x90 inches, special at pxfJJ Seamless Sheets, size ?pT Seamless Sheets, size P" r7(f 63x90 inches, special at Seamless Sheets, size 72x90 inches, special at 28c PILLOW CASES extra spe cial offering. Splendid quality bleached cases, size 42x36 inches. Sale price on! -Pillow Cases of linen finish pillow tubing. Priced very AQn special for today at only OU -72-Inch Bleached Sheeting 6o Mercerized Table Damask 75c Yard Honeycomb Towels at 22c Mercerized Cotton Damask in beautiful new patterns; rich satin finish. Full two yards HKp wide. Priced special, yard Union Linen Table Cloths; PO size 54x54 inches. Each 18x36-inch fine, soft Bleached Honeycomb Towels. Special at $2.50 per dozen; each, at 22 Khaki Colored Bath Towels for the soldier boys. Good PCfl 6ize. Priced special, each JUIi Sale Electric Lamps Electric Lamp, Wood Stand and Square Shade. Com- PO fTfT plete; special at only wOi I J Electric Lamp with Silk Shade, ebony finish base. O AA Priced special at only tDXaWieUlf Electric Lamp with Silk Shade, two lights, gold finish dQ ff base. Priced special at DOeUU Electric Lamp with Art Glass Shade, bronze finish. rj ff $22.00 value. Special DX I eUU Electric Lamp with Art Glass Shade and fancy fin- J?OA flfl ish. Specially priced Lamp Department Third Floor Sale of Baby Blankets Bargain Circle, Main Floor Tuesday you may buy Baby Blankets at special low prices. For this one day we offer five great lots at good savings. These are standard quality and regula tion sizes all are from our regu lar stocks. Shown in pink and blue fancy designs. Sale- Prices: 59c, 69c, 98c, $1.19 and $1.98 nBt Upholstery Remnants H Price cargam circle several nunarea yards high-grade Drapery Goods Bargain Circle Upholstering Remnants; velours, tapestries and various other materials. Lengths up to 2 yards; 50 inches wide. Choice at HALF PRICE in great many pretty designs and colorings, 36 inches wide. KQ, Priced special at, the yard, JI7l Ohio Electric Suction Cleaners Demonstration 3d Floor Ohio Cleaners are light in weight yet are made to withstand constant usage. All parts of best grade materiel. Visit our Carpet Department and see an Ohio in action. Double stamps all day Tuesday. :aoi 101 lomoE IOC X0E30 IHSIITUTE 15 STARTED HOME SERVICE l"''"" - RED CROSS WANTS WORKERS, OF Objective la to Conaerre Home life So -That Soldlera Will Have o Con cern Over Relative. Mis Virginia McMechem arrived in Portland yesterday from Spokane and hoo-an th institute of the home service department of the Red Cross, in which between 25 and 30 women win do mica for the important work of this branch. mibo McMechem is supervior of field work for the northwest division of the ReH Cross, with headquarters in be at tie. The course of six weeks given the se lected volunteers making; application l n intensive one. fitting them to carry on the informational and visitation serv ice of the Red Cross. They give or their time in visiting the families and dependents of soldiers, disseminating; nformation about soldiers insurance and allotments, instructing: in employ ment matters, child welfare and health tonics. rr. Gcoree Rebec, of the University of Oregon, is director of the institute and Jliss Dorothy Wysor executive sec retary of the home service department. There are places lor eight or ten more members in the class which must be filled this week. Applications should be made to Miss wysor, room 204 Cor bett building. Our big objective, saia miss mc Machem. "is that .of conserving the home life so faithfully that the sol diers called away will have no ser ious concern about their relatives. The work means much in maintaining the morale of the soldiers. MILES LANDS COMMISSION sell D. Myers, who joined the aviation corps of the U. S. Army and now is in Europe. ' Mr. Myers was one of the leading ex perts of the Pacific Coast on Barred Plymouth Rocks. " He had several pens of the Barred Plymouth Rocks at the Panama Exposition securing prizes and sweepstakes over all competitors. At one time he was president of the Oregon Poultry Association. The fu neral will be at Finley's Chapel, Fifth and Montgomery streets, at 10 A. M. today. White Salmon Students to Drill WHTTR SAT.MON", Wash., Sept. 3. (Special.) Military drill has been in troduced in the White Salmon High School under instruction of J. W. Dickey, formerly Lieutenant in the Iowa National Guard and later filling a similar office in the Iowa Volunteers during the Spanish-American War. Five drills are given weekly and every student is enthusiastic over the work. At present wooden for the manual. guns will be used Oregon Again (ioen "Over the Top." 1 WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Complete returns received today by- Provost Marshal-General Crowder show draft registration in Oregon 106. 9S6, against an estimate of 84,404. Hill Student, Lieutenant, Octs signment to O. A. C. As Carson Perry Niles, of Everest, Wash., graduate of Hill Military Academy f the class of 191S, has received Lieutenant's commission and is as- iened to Oregon Agricultural College as one of the instructors in the Student Army Training Corps. Lieutenant Niles as one of the mil caaets wno went to the student instructors camp at the Presidio this Summer. He is a visitor n the city. Albert H. Bell, a graduate of Hill, class of 1915, has received a commis- on at Camp Taylor and is now at Camp Mead, assigned to the heavy ar- lery. Oswald iJay, anotner mil graduate, was recently commissioned nd Albert H. carrutners is an oiiicer in the Aviation Corps. FIR FOR CARS IS ORDERED West Coast Agent In Washington Says More Business Is Fromlsed. Rortlons of the car material order of 20.000.000 feet, apportioned to fir mills of the Northwest, were allotted yester day to millmen at a conference of lead ing operators of Oregon with H. B. Van Duzer, chairman or the fir production board. The order was proclaimed as only the forerunner of other large calls which the railroad administration will give lumbermen of the Northwest in state ments of Dwlght H. Davis. Washington representative of the West Coast Lum bermen's Association. There is the pro vise, of course, that the mills complet the Immediate, order given them expeditiously. M. JAY MYERS, 60, DIES Deceased Was Loading Expert on Barred Plymouth Rocks. M. Jay Myers, residing at 1594 Divis ion street, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital Sunday aged 60. Oregon has been his home since 1891. He was mar ried to Harriet S. Idleman, December 21. 1881. She is living, also a son Rus- CUT THIS OCT IT IS WORTH MONET. DON'T MISS THIS. Out out this Blip, en close with 5o and mail It to Foley & Co.. 2033 Sheffield Avenue. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. Tou wlli receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for consti pation, biliousness, heudsche and sluggish bowels. Adv. A Woman's Hearty Recommendation. Worry and overwork cause kidney -trouble, and women suffer equally with men. Miss Sara Weten. Belvidere. III., writes: "I could not stoop down and when 1 was down I had to crawl up by a chair. I waa so lame I suffered agony. Now I feel like a new per son, strong and better in every way. My general health is quite Improved. I heartily recommend Foley Kidney Pills to all suf fering the way I did." They relieve dlszlness, puffinefta under eyes, sore muscles and Joints and rheumatic pains when caused by dis ordered kidneys. Adv. O vet: SO work "for tlie Pennsylvania Our Railroads are America's largest industrial corporations. Their daily figure work is enormous. Machines are subject to heavy duty and are bought for organizations, not individual preferences. The number of DALTONS used by the Pennsylvania System is typical of D ALTON demand. The simple 10-Key keyboard is instantly grasped by any employee. Accuracy is assured because the opportunity for error is eliminated. A figure item of six figures, followed by one of four figures, followed by one of one cent the DALTON puts dollars under dollars, cents under cents automatically. That is one reason why the DALTON is the fastest adding and listing machine made. It saves miles of hand movements, saves continuous eye reference to figures and keys. .Operators attain unequalled speed because they operate by touch. Make a test on your own work and see for yourself. Phone Broadway 3712 for Demonstration The DALTON eJJa, subtracts, multiplies, divides, figures interest and chain discounts, adds two totals at once, makes out statements, tabulates. Let us bring a machine to your office for your inspection, or write for booklet today. -. . Portland Sales Agents J. G. MEEKO 218-220 Lumbermens Building Main Office and Factory, Ciacinnati, Ohio. wmmm mm-nmt Itn.n i iVf'j&tyj niim.iiiiMri mui i ii minimi 4mmt4?!v ' H m ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINE