Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 19, 1918, Image 1

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    VOL. LVIII. NO. 18,041.
Outer Defenses Penetrated
Over Wide Front.
CP TO $375,000 LOAN.
Wore Than 6000 Boches Ta
ken Prisoner in First Few
Hours of Big Advance.
Fresnoy - le - Petit, Berthau
, court, Pontru and Many
Other Towns Taken.
' LONDON, Sept. 18. The British
penetrated the enemy's defenses north
west of St. Quentin today to a depth
of three miles and captured more than
6000 prisoners, field Marshal Haig
reported tonight. The British have
captured Fresnoy-Le-Petit, Berthau-
court and Pontru and the Australians
have occupied Le Verguier, Villeret
and Hargicourt.
The ! Jgh ground south of Gouzeau
court has been carried by the British,
who reached the outskirts of Villers-
Guislain and occupied Gauche wood.
Penetration Is Extensive.
Templeux, Le Gueard, Eoussoy,
Epehy and Peiziere have also been
taken, the troops penetrating to a
great depth along the line.
The statement reads:
"At 5:30 o'clock this morning the
troops of the third and fourth. British
armies attacked with complete success
on a front of about 16 miles from the
neighborhood of Holnon to Gouzeau-court-
On the whole of this front our
troops, advancing in heavy storms of
rain, carried the enemy's positions by
Wotan Defenses Captured.
"Sweeping over the old British
trench system of March, 1918, they
reached and captured the outer de
fenses of the Hindenburg line in wide
"On our right divisions composed of
English and Scottish troops captured
Fresnoy-Le-Petit, Berthaucourt and
Pontru, meeting with and overcoming
strong hostile resistance, particularly
on the extreme right of our attack.
"In the right center two Australian
divisions captured the villages of Le
Verguier, Villeret and Hargicourt.
"Pushing forward with great deter
mination, they established themselves
in the old German advanced positions
west and southwest of Bellicourt, hav
ing penetrated the enemy's defenses
to a depth of three miles.
EnglisL Do Great Work.
"In the left center the Seventy
fourth yeomanry division and other
divisions composed of East County
and London troops captured Tem-rieux-Le-Gueard,
Roussoy, Epehy and
Peiziere, also penetrating to great
"North of Peiziere the Twenty-first
division attacked over the northern
portion of the sector defended by it
with so rnuJi gallantry on March Zl
and 22. Having captured its old front
trenches, together with tho strong
point known as Vaucelette farm, and
beaten off a hostile counter attack, it
pushed forward for more than a mile
beyond this line, capturing several
hundred prisoners and a German bat
tery complete, with its teams, in the
course of its advance.
High Ground Is Won.
"On the left of our . attack other
English and Welsh troops carried the
remainder of the high ground south of
Gouzeaucourt, reaching the outskirts
of Villers-Guisiain and capturing
Gauche wood.
"Over 6000 prisoners and a number
of guns have been captured by our
troops in the course of these success
ful operations."
Alien Property Custodian Declares
German Beer Interests Back
Paper at Capital.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 18. A. Mitchell
Palmer, the Federal custodian of alia
property. addressing the Pennsylvania
State Democratic committee at nar
risburz. Pa last Saturday, declared
that he had gathered proof that Ger
man brewera in the United States in
association with the United - States
Brewers association, furnished several
hundred ' thousand dollars to buy
newspaper In one of the chief cities of
the nation.
That newspaper, Mr. Palmer declared,
was flKhtinir the battle of the liquor
traffic "under the shadow of the dome
of the capltol."
The Washington Times, bought from
Frank A. Munsey a little more than
year ago by Arthur Brisbane, Is th
only newspaper "under the shadow of
the dome of the capital." which has re
-ntlT chanced hands, so far as Is
The Washington Herald, published
by C. T. Bralnard, yesterday called up
on Mr. Palmer editorially to give the
name of the paper to which he refer
Today in the Times, Mr. ' Brisbane
publishes an editorial statement that
to buy The Times he borrowed 8375,
000 through a loan arranged for him
by C. W. Fela-enspan. a brewer, and
president of the Federal Trust com
pany of Newark. N. J., and the further
statement that he still owes Mr. Mun
sey 1250.000.
Windy City's Finances Hard Hit by
Elimination of Saloons.
CHICAGO, Sept. 18. The Issuance of
scrip" in payment of wages and sup
ply bills for the remainder of the year
s authorised by the City Council In
special session today. It was estimated
that 83,000.000 of the certificates of in
debtedness may have to be Issued to
keep the city government running until
January 1.
This action was forced by the pros
pectlve closing of saloons under the
President's recent order stopping the
making of beer after December 1, which
s expected to bring a loss of revenue
la the city amounting to 17,000,000 a
year, or one-third of the total corpo
rate Income. An immediate Increase In
taxation was predicted.
Seizure of Hlch Tungsten Properties
Is Proposed:
SPOKANE. Wash, Sept. 18. (Spe
cial.) Steps have been taken to have
escheated to the United States the
holdings of the American Tungsten
Comoratlon. including the Germanla
Roselle properties near Springdale, Ste
vens County..
Judge George Turner has been ap
pointed to represent A. Mitchell Pal
mer, custodian ot alien prupeny. uu
awaiting instructions aJrom Wash
ington to proceed.
These properties, said to be among
the largest and most valuable deposits
of tungsten on the continent, have been
a matter of considerable mystery as to
their stockholders, among whom are
believed to be the Kruppa of Germany.
V. S. and Great Britain Hope to
Cnlte Chinese Factions.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 18. The United
States and Great Britain have joined in
an attempt to -cdi-te between North
and South China as a result of reports
from British and American agents oil
the scene which hold out ctrong hopes
for - restoration of peace between
the opposing factions. This sectional
controversy has kept China in a turbu
lent state for the past two years.
Sir John Jordan. British Minister to
Pekln, was the instrument chosen for
delivery to the Chinese Foreign Office
of the Joint mediation proposal.
Allied Troops in Mace
donia Are Unchecked.
Enemy's Resistance Weakens
as Victors Drive Ahead.
German Forces Sent to Help Bui-
gars Out Are Routed by Entente
Army Plan Is to Separate
Turks From Teutonic Masters.
LONDON, Sept. 18. (By the Associat
ed Press.) Allied troops In Macedonia
have broken through the Bulgarian
front and advanced an average of 10
miles; they have captured more than
4000 prisoners and 50 guns, according
to the latest report , received today
from SalonikL
The report says that resistance of
the Bulgarians is growing weaker as
the entente troops advance.
Balgarlaa Resistance Weakens.
At the beginning of the allied attack
the Bulgarians fought well, but the
movement northward of .the allies has
become easier with the continuance of
the fighting.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. German
troops sent to the Macedonian front to
aid the hard-pressed Bulgarian forces
have been put to flight along with the
Bulgarians, says a Serbian official
statement on today's operations re
ceived tonight at the Serbian legation.
The statement which was sent from
Salonikl by Colonel Peshitch, assistant
chief of the Serbian general staff, follows:
"We have repulsed a number of vio
lent counter attacks in the Kozlak re
gion. The German, troopa which were
sent to the aid of the Bulgarians have
been put to flight with the latter.
Nock Material Captured.
We continue to advance along the
whole front. The village of Gradesh-
itsa is in our hands. The allied troops
have taken the village of Starovina.
"The number of prisoners exceeds
4000. The number of captured guns
exceeds 61. The enemy has also aban-
oned enormous quantities of war ma
BERLIN, Sept. 18. German troops
are aiding the Bulgarians In their de
fense against allied attacks in Mace
donia, according to an official state
ment from the War Office today. The
Boclie Newspaper Blan Declares
. American Tractors Responsible
, for Many Prisoners Taken.
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 18. The Frank
fort Zeitung's correspondent tele
graphs the following from the west
front under date of September 16:
' "The Franco-American attack' at St.
Mihlel is now seen to have been
carefully planned undertaking of con
slderable magnitude. The number of
attacking enemy divisions is not yet
know- for certain, but we know that
our losses in prisoners were due to
th extensive use by the enemy of
tanks. More than 1000 armored cars
of all sizes participated.
"One of our divisions counted in its
sector alone 60 large and 40 small
tanks. Troops who hold out stoutly in
their positions are always liable to be
surrounded by this mobile arm."
Survivors of American Ship Reach
Irish Port.
LONDON. Sept. 18. Members of the
crew of the American steamship Dora,
torpedoed and sunk September 4, were
landed at an Irish port on Tuesday
by an American storeship.
second officer and eight men of the
Portuguese steamer Leixos, which was
torpedoed near Sable Island on Thurs
day of last week, arrived here today.
They were picked up off this coast by
a patrol boat.
Another boat from the Lelxoes, with
ten men. Is still missing. One of the
man in the boat arriving here today, a
negro,-died of exposure.
Discouraging Attitude Toward Girls
in Banks Alleged.
DENVER, Colo., Sept. 18. Mrs. Eve
lyn Aldrich, of New York, in an ad
dress here today before the annual
convention of the American Institute
of Banking asserted the attitude of
men bank employes discouraged the
women, who felt that they were in the
banks only on suffrance.
A prominent . banker told her, she
said that woman at first were more
alert than men employes but that after
a month or two they gave less prom
ise. She attributed this to . the atti
tude of the men which, she said, caused
them to lose ambition.
(Concluded on Page 4. Column 2.)
Oregon Agricultural College Officer
Ordered to Iowa.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. (Special.)
The War Department today made
public orders heretofore made trans
ferring Captain Walter L. Tooze from
duty at the Oregon Agricultural College
to Cornell College, Mount Vernon, la.
He will be commanding officer and
acting quartermaster of the students'
Army training camp at that institution.
Federation of Clubs
Talks of War Work.
Old Problems Crowded to Wall
by New Issues.
Many Interesting Papers Presented
Yesterday; Women's Part in War
Activities Is Emphasized by
John Ii. Ether id ge.
War work, and patriotic activities of
all kinds give the keynote to the an
nual session of the Oregon Federa
tion of Women's Clubs which con
tinued at the Unitarian Church
throughout yesterday after a success
ful opening Tuesday night. In every
address and report, in the discussions
and even in the music of the convention
is to be found the patriotic strain that
is overshadowing all else.
The prominent women attending the
convention from, all parts of the state
evidently are taking the position that
in club work everything should give
way to those ac'vities that lend them
selves to helping the war cause.
New Issues Arisen.
Problems that once were to the Tront
in all women's gatherings are finding
little place on the present programme.
In their stead 'the club members are
considering such Issues as "The Hous
ing Problem as Related to Working Ef
ficiency," "The Wage-Earner Woman in
Winning the War" and "Woman's Work
in War Service Generally." These are
typical subjects that were considered
on yesterday's programme.
Mrs. Charles H. Castner, the presi
dent, in her annual report, brought to
the members a message of patriotism
and gave helpful suggestions as to
methods that might be followed to ad
vantage:'- Her address at the opening
of tha afternoon session was really the
opening business of the gathering, al
though several interesting papers had
been read in the morning. The session
Tuesday night was chiefly an occa
fcion for the usual greetings and a fine
musical programme.
Women of the state can do a great
work in assisting the present Liberty
Loan campaign This fact was empha
sized in an address by John L. Ether
idge, state director of the organization
in the present drive. Mr. Etheridge com
plimented the club women on what they
had already done in this direction and
referred to the coming Mothers' parade,
which he said was sure to be one of the
most important activities of the drive.
The women of Oregon should see
Crowder Sees Evidence That Every
Living Man of Specified
Age Enrolled.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. Complete
returns from last Thursday's registra
tion in 31 states and the District of
Columbia, showing an enrollment of
$7,651,252 men, as against the official
estimate of 7,623,350, led Provost Marshal-General
Crowder to announce to
night that It is very plain that practi
cally every livin- man of these new
registration ages came forward.
"There is no shortage between the
number of men that exist alive and
the number that registered," said Gen
eral Crowder. "This Is where we have
scored ? National triumph.
"If registration day means anything.
I' means that this Nation is unani
mously in the w: ? to win and to win
it completely, decisively and forever."
General O owder pointed out that be
fore the registration his office esti
mated on tho basis of figures furnished
by actuarial and census experts that
the registration would total 12,778,758
and that the returns so far received
indicated that the actual registration
would be at least 12,871,000.
Complete official returns, General
Crowder said, still are .acklng from
Alabama, Arizona, California, Idaho,
Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New
o-exlco. New York, Oregon, Texas,
Wyoming and Washington.
Until returns are in from all states
and serial numbers have been given j
the registrants by all " cal boards, no
date can be set for the drafting which
is to deterr.-.ine in a measure the order
of call of the men.
Portland Out to Make
New Record.
Volunteer Solicitors at Work in
Every Precinct. '
GOAL TO BE $19,000,000
Pledges Given Much Larger Than
on First Bays of Previous Cam
paigns Many Banding i
Cash With Subscriptions.
(Continued on Page 10, Column 1.)
LONDON, Sept. 18. (7 P. M.) In
an attack northwest of St Quentin to
day the British captured more than
6000 prisoners and name jus guns, in
cluding a complete battery with
The French also made an attack on
the right.
The British so far have scored an
average advance of front -.. o and one
half to three miles on a 15-mile front.
a he front, under attack ran from
- tConciu'isd on Page 2, Column !.
General Soukhomlinoff Tried
Court-Martial and Shot.
LONDON, Sept. 18 General Souk
homlinoff. Minister of War in the
Russian Imperial Cabinet from 1909 to
1915. was court-martialed on Septem
ber 8 and shot on the same day, accord
ing to Amsterdam advices.
General Soukhomlinoff, on Septem
ber 26, 1917, was sentenced by a Petro-
grad court-martial to hard labor for
life after his conviction on the charge
of high treason, abuse of confidence
and fraud. Madame Soukhomlinoff,
the general' wife, was acquitted.
New Torfc Official Says He Is Not
Pro-German Author.
NEW TORK. Sept 18. Frederic C.
Howe. United tates Immigration Com- I
mlssioner In New Tork, tonight denied
the charge made In the Senate yester
day by Senator Lodge that he was the
author of pro-German writings.
Frederic C. Howe is an atorney who
has held verious public offices in the I
last ten or II years. He has been Com- I
mlssioner of Immigration at New Tork
since 1914. Mr. Howe was at one time
a student at Halle, Germany. Among
tha books of which be is author is one
entitled "Socialised Germany."
sil It U ttmmtmtmm I It W. W t-X y'VUy IT A r XI fYI fAAXNAA I Vv X X V I VA X I y V X S A. X A A r f M S K r s r T i
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A I 'T ZTV f K. V i J IKJ&fX.. -V 4 1 14,
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I Owof I I
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Expenses of Average Family Ad
vance 4 6 Per Cent In Four Years.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. Investiga
tion of the cost of living in five ship
building centers on the PaciHc Coast,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles, shows, the De
partment of Labor announced tonight.
that the expenses of the average family
in those districts in June, 1918, had in
creased more than 46 per cent over De
cember, 1914.
The average annual expenditure perl
family of five persons in the districts
investigated last June was: Seattle,
$1569; Tacoma, S15S6; Portland, $1338;
San Francisco, 81441, and Los Angeles,
Make certain that you collect
at least 10 per cent of the amount
when pledge is made; otherwise
the subscription cannot be recog
nized. Workers are authorized repre
sentatives of all Multnomah
County banks. Impress this upon
the prospective investor. Soma
persons attempt to put off tha
solicitor by saying they will sub
scribe through their banks. Tha
banks prefer that solicitors take
the subscription. Note such state
ments,' the bank, and the amount,
on the questionnaire.
Payments may be made in cash
or by check payable to the bank
where bonds are to be delivered.
Banks will hold bonds until the
subscription is paid In full. The
name of the bank where ultimata
payment and delivery are to be
made should be designated on tha
Owing to a shortage, divisional
officers are asked to turn In re
maining liberty ioan buttons. Un
til a new supply arrives, the ."I
am pledged" badges will be Is
sued. GUT W. TALBOT.
General in Command.
Lieutenants McKeever and Widen
ham Perish at Love Field.
FORT WORTH. Tex., Sept. 18. Sec
ond Lieutenants James L. McKeever, of
New Tork City, and John M. Widen-
ham, of Los Angeles, Cal., both sta
tioned at Love Field, Dallas, Tex., were
killed late today when their airplane
went into a slide-slip and crashed to
earth, 12 miles north of here.
TORONTO, Can., Sept. 18. Cadet
Henry C. Saunders was burned to death
yesterday when his machine caught
fire more than 10,000 feet in the air
near Leaside Camp.
News Dealers Refuse to Handle Pub
lications During Period of War,
1 ALB ANT, Or., Sept 18. (Special.)
I All Albany news dealers signed an
agreement today net to handle any
I Hearst publications for the period of
j the war, or until recommended to re
pume meir sa:e oy me ivauonai coun
cil of Defense.
The Weather.
1 YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
degrees; mlnimumu60 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; gentle northwesterly
British reach Hindenburg line. Page 1.
Bulgars swept back 10 miles la Macedonia.
Page 1.
Huns heavily bombed. Page 10.
Official casualty list. Page 6.
United States destroyer squares accounts
with one Hun submarine. Fags 5.
French gain. Page 2.
Five Hun planes missing. Page 2. -
Huns blame U. S. tanks for defeat. Page 1.
Germans plot against BolshevlkL Page 4.
1 American labor names peace terms. Paga 3.
I Crowder says National triumph scored in
registration. Page 1.
Party leaders In House already are prepar
ing campaign material. Page 4.
Revenue legislation speeds up In House.
Page 3.
Solicitor-General Davis appointed Ambassa
dor to Great Britain. Page 7.
Germany tries to wriggle out of peace of
fensive. Page 7.
Brewer backs Publisher Brisbane. Pago 1.
Friction looms among teams In Puget Sound
League. Page 1J.
Frank Watkins enlists In t Tank' Corps.
Page 12.
I Fighting Marines show up well In tryouta
Page 12.
Pacific Northwest.
Paper mill strikers, out nearly year, vote
ill strlKe on. rage i.
The hammer of Thor was reputed to
have been a . smashing trinket of
ancient hardware, but he lays a safe
bet who r.elles on the punch that resides
In the battered old pocketbook.
Something of this sort is in the mind
of Oregon . today, when Portland and
the outer-state districts are piling up
pledges to the fourth liberty loan, for
assured victory on September 28. Over
yonder, with his bayonet tip already
menacing the Hun in his homeland,
fights the boy who needs tho money.
Portland Certainly Aroused.
Portland roused to the fourth liberty
loan yesterday at the summons of
whistle and bell, conglomerated in
noise as wide as the far..iest suburb.
At 9 o'clock, in every precinct in the
city, the companies of volunteers
moved out to their first attack on the
fourth quota. Through the street
crowds the triangular badges, "I Am
Pledged," grew common.
Too early to predict how tha cam
paign goes in the city, as pledge re
turns will not be officially complied
until the task is finished. Chairman
Olmstead and General Talbot, in gen
eral command of the twin divisions led
by Lieutenant-Generals Meier and
Cranston, with Major Daly as chief
aide for the former, asserted their con
fidence that all is going well with the
quota of 819,000,000.
State Reports Kncourasrlns;. .
In from the state at large coma
headquarters reports that are fully as
reassuring as the situation In Port
land, and which cause State Manager
Robert E. Smith any number of grati
fied grins. Towns and counties keep
the wires busy with messages of suc
cess, numbers reporting that they have
overtaken their quotas and are still
Tillamook county has advised that
it will exceed its allotment by at least
50 per cent. Lincoln county, as be
hooves its title, has doubled its quota.
Sherman county, is far past the quota
goal. Hood River announced complete
success last night Lane county has
told headquarters that its task will be
finished not later than Saturday night.
Many Paying AU Cask. '
Personal reports from the colonels of
the Portland forces are that the city
during yesterday equaled, and probably
exceeded, bond subscrlbtlons of the first
days of the three previous drives. It
is also Indicated that a larger propor
tion of the bonds will be paid for in
immediate cash, as unprecedented num
bers nanded in the money with their
pledges, not availing themselves of
the instalment opportunity.
The Portland Woolen Mills claims
the honor of having first pledged a full
quota. The workers are lqp per cent
pledged,' with more than 450 bonds of
Commercial and Marine.
Brewers and dealers are accepting contract the fourth issue subscribed for.
While I anticipate that the people
hops as in former years. Page 17.
Delay in corn movement strengthens Chicago
market. Page 17.
Stocks lifted by absence of liquidation and
favorable war news, page 17.
Plans afoot for estaousnment of Govern
ment ship gear warenouse. Page 13.
Portland and Vicinity.
Clubwomen busy with war spirit convention.
Page 1.
First lap run m liberty loan marathon.
Page 1.
I i 4 f 1 1 m m KO tm. Mil. .
Mayor appeals to citizens to relieve present llb'rty J,0nt'i",
labor snortage. x-ago o.
Weather report, data and forecast Page 17.
of Portland will do their full duty in
the fourth liberty loan drive," said
Emery Olmstead, city chairman, "I
want to Impress upon them that vs
have a big task In front of us. Po'
land is called upon to subscribe $1.,
000,000, which means that every citlzei.
must pledge at least 60 per cent more
than he or she subscribed for the third
In the third liberty loan, Portland
Continued aa Page 11, Column i)