Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 18, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Additional Estimates of Over
Seven Billions Presented
by Secretary Baker.
Tor Chemical Section, Kew" Feature
of America's Fighting Pro
gramme, Nearly $2000,
. i 000 I Asked.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. Additional
Army estimates presented today In
dicat that tba total expenses of tb
Government for tha comln; year will
approach f 26.090,00,009.
Conaresa wai asked by tha War De
partment to provide $7,347,000,000 in
addition to previous estimate for ear
rying out the enlarged American mili
tary programme for the coming year.
The new estimate ia based upon plans
for having; nearly 4.000,000 American
soldiers In France next Summer and
another 1,000,000 in training at home
It brings the money sought for the
Army In the fiscal year 191J up to more
than t24.0OO.OOO.O0O.
Ordnance estimates of 3.ES5. (74.(60
are the largest items In the bill now
proposed. They Include fortifications,
field artillery, small arms, motor cars
and ammunition.
The Quartermaster's Corpa seeks, ap
proximately f2.SO0.O00,00O.
Kerr Iteaa Inserted.
The chemical warfare section asks
for f 198.800,000. a new Item.
The air service reeks 1178.750,388.
Previous appropriations for the air
service for this fiscal year amount to
J884.OOO.O00. while the total approprla- j
ttons for aircraft aince the United
States entered the war amounts to II.-
S00. 000.000.
The total expense of the Government
daring the year is expected'to be be
tween 83S.O00.OOO.O0O and 838.000.000.
00. Appropriations now total $J,
71,241. 773. including J5,42.680,34 of
contract authorizations. In addition,
the Shipping Board is expected soon to
greatly reduced salary, which ah de
clined to accept.
Dr. T. W. Harris stated tonight that
any statement to the effect that poli
tics had anything to do with the re
moval of Miss Thramer is absolutely
laise. '
H. Anderson Seeks Divorce From
Wife He Says Deserted Him.
H. Anderson, In a suit for divorce
filed yesterday, says that Orpha M. An
derson at one time quit their home and
stayed away for 40 days. She left a
note saying ahe was going 1000 miles
away, but returned unexpectedly. The
husband seeks a decree on grounds of
both cruelty and desertion. They were
married In 1859.
Cruelty la charged In the complaint
which Violet K. Bain filed against P.
H. Bain. They were married In Port
land In 1904 and have four children.
H. E. Jordan alleges desertion In a
complaint ruea against mauae Jor
dan. They were married in Portland
in August. 1913, and lived together but
one year.
Eye of Lurking Sea Monster
Always Target for Gun
ners on Destroyers.
Luck Tarns for German Undersea
Hunter, but Yankee Enemies
Often Appear Where They
Are Least Wanted.
Veteran Real Estate Dealer Promi
nent in Business Circles.
RAINIER, Or.. Sept. 17. (Special.)
George W. VogeU an old-time resident I over a smooth sea. not far from the
and prominent business man or maimer. lrl,h COMt wUh hovering escont of
(Copyright, 1918. by Ralph D. Fains.)
Instalment t.
"Peri cope!"
A ploddtng merchant convoy steamed
The speed was
Jk.Jk ikl. V. rt. in (1.1. ..I,
X . V u,. luua; , 1 . ahfn
Mr. Vorel horn In Hoilidiihurflr. I nweBearijf wiai ui iu- ""-
Pa.. April 16. 18S0. where he lived un- I and it was not easy to herd them in
til tha of 18. when, ha went ta I their proper positions. Master marl
Minnesota and graduated from tha St. I nera of a nervous temper and more
Cloud Normal. After comnletinr his horsepower In the engine-room were
course there he went to Alaska. From to edge away and push ahead of the
there he went to Seattle, when ha en- I laggards until a flag hoist irom a ae
gaged la the real estate business until I stroyer bade them mind their manners
11 veara airo. when he cam. to Rainier. I and ao as mey were ioia. i-o nmnci
w -a-am marrieif Kt vt.i.n n I how visruantiy mey were neia in nn
June. 1909. to Miss Exel LeDuc. He is and guarded, there was the continual
.iipvlvad Kv his wlilnw twA fhllHr.n I risk. Of attack.
mother, three sisters and six brothers! A slim wand of a periscope broke th
surface, line an eye at me enu ui
. .. . - , ... J-KI
rr- w c i m I tentacle oi some lupKina iui uiiuaui
ol ,ea monster. It was exposed no more
Lieutenant G. O. Garland, recruiting than a few seconds, a furtive glimpse,
officer for the Tanker Tom Cats, will I but the commander of the German
be at 417 Corbett bulldinar Thursday to I submarine had discerned the reflected
sign men for the Tank Service. On I image of a fina ship, the largest of
man In one ye. He could see with the
other one, true enough, but his morale
was apt to be shaken.
The submarine commander therefore
decided to dive instantly and hope for
anothen squint at' the fat merchant
man before letting drive . a torpedo.
Perhaps the periscope had not been
sighted from the destroyer's bridge or
crow's nest and it might be feasible to
slip in between two of these restless
guardians and take position before an
alarm was raised.
The perscope which had showed for
a moment was no more than two or
three Inches in dtameter, a mere speck
against the ruffled, sparkling surface
of the sea, but It had been slowly mov
ing at this first appearance, making
a very slight wake, two converging
streaks like a V, Just enough to -distinguish
it from a floating bit of stick
(Continued tomorrow.)
ik for several hundred million.
An effort will be made, it Is under
stood, to provide for some of the new
estimates by authorisation.
Reveave Bill Mar Be Chaaged.
Increases asked for today indicato
the possibility of a change in the pend
ing war revenue bill when it reaches
the Senate. Consumption taxes, ac
cording to Congressional leaders, seem
the most likely to be inserted tor rais
icg additional revenue.
Saturday of last week Lieutenant Gar.
land made his first visit to Portland,
prepared to sign 45 men. More than
100 men applied for the service. He
accepted 44 and tomorrow will be pre
pared to accept the others who applied
tbe flock, which svaa about to pass
within fair torpedo range.
This was the coveted opportunity for
which he had been cruising and wait
Ing. lying under the sea during the
shont daylight hours ana awasn o
Marshal-General Crowder
and any men in the first and second emerged at night with the crew greedily
drafts who can qualify. His acceptance gulping the iresn air on aecu ana
is subject to the approval of Provost I ready to scramble down the hatch at
tne alarm ol tae nowier uuru ta mv
conning tower.
Excellent Hasting. Bat-
It was the commander's first trip
In this U-boat and he had wandered.
Fisherman Commits Suicide.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept 17. (Special.)-
man. committed suicide at his home in ,a" CmP!S .!? T.h.rt h
the west end of the city last
shipping seemed to have vanished. He
had blown up one wnetcnea iitue iisn
Captala T. E. Y. Seddoa aad Lleateaaat
Vlaeeat Wlcaablcka ts Carry
. Message Tkreogkeat Oregvak
Few wartime messages to Portland
have the gripping force of those which
will be delivered tomorrow night at
the Auditorium, when the city is in
vited to hear the address of two dis
tinguished officers of the allied armies.
The speakers will be Captain T. E. T.
Seddon, of the New Zealand contingent
of the British army, and Lieutenant
Vincent de WlenzbickU of the French
high mission. Both have seen active
service under the flags of 'their re
spective countries on the western front.
Captain Seddon arrived in the city yes
terday and Lieutenant de Wienxblckl
Is to arrive, this morning.
Arrangements have been made, not
only for the appearance of the two of
ficers tomorrow night, when all Port
land should rally to hear their mes
sages, but for various other apeaking
Lieutenant de Wienxblckl will apeak
before the Ad Club today at noon, and
at Corvallla on September 2. On Sep
tember 27 and 28 he will speak In Ta
coma and Seattle. 1
Captain Seddon will appear before
the Progressive Business Men's Club
tomorrow at noon and before the
Realty Board on Friday at noon. He
speaks today at the noon hour of the
Grant Smith-Porter plant. He is an
nounced for Corvallla on Friday even
ing and for Roseburg on Saturday
evening. On September 14 he will
speak before the Rotary Club In thl
Other speaking engagements for the
two officers, who come with high rec
ommendations as speakers well worthy
or the largest audiences, will be an
nounced later.
Kujcne Woman Says Politics Cause
of Her Removal.
EUGENE, Or.. Sept 17. (Special)
Allegations of inefficiency, suggestion
of manipulation by a political clique.
and assertions that a woman who has
been performing efficient war service
has been removed to make place for
an able-bodied man are elements sur
rounding the dismissal by the Lane
County draft board today of Miss Ruby
Thramer, its chief clerk, and the elec
tion of J. Dorr Hamlin as her successor.
The announcement of Hamlin's ap
pointment as a member of tho Lane
County board was made yesterday and
Ills election to the position of chief
clerk followed today.
The board, following Mr. Hamlin's
election, tendered Miss Thramer a posi
tion as an assistant In the office at a
ear to ear. Olson was a native of Swe
den, about (0 years of age and had no
relatives here.
night The man was temporarily In- naQ Dlown UD n liir- .hoot
u. .. i. I inn schooner, but this was like snoot-
c 1 1 J ' ilia t-1 V waivi, 1. v 1 1 n, . . . .
stabbed himself eight times In the left M" rbb'., when. "f ' "tf 'r, bJ?
breast and then slashed his throat from .T""'k':"V
fishermen was of no consequence. At
nia-ht he had sighted one or two Amer
lean destroyers passing nice snaaows,
but their lookouts were unable to
deicrv the gray streak of the sub
marine's deck as she lay shrouded and
Now the luck had turned. Here were
a dozen steamers in a leisurely can
voy outward bound, and favorable
weather for bagging at least one of
them. A straight run for a- torpedo,
frightful explosion, panic in the con-
Astoria to nave Liberty Temple.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept 17. (Special)
The material is beUig assembled for
the erection of the Astoria Liberty
Temple in the Courthouse Square. The J
structure will cost -about 11500. The I
money has been raised through volun
tary donations and several of the
union nave orierea to . comriouie tne - d chance ot dashinB; in and
J?? J5pla WlU b completed Ucuppering another one before the
in about 10 days.
Woolen Mills Employes Buy Bonds.
Portland Woolen Mills employes, of
whom there are 450 in the plant at St
Johns, mostly women, held a liberty
bond meeting at noon yesterday, and
Kv l'ln I'- f fiatt iihMt-iHH fnr hnnrfo
,n ih. orAnunt of i2s son Thl. i. .ntance of no mart than 400 yards, her
average of about 50 for each employe, gaudy camouflage so puzzling that it
There are 130 looms in operation In mu n .-!. cur uum-it i m
the mills, engaged exclusively on work culate. The German officer, gazing
vendammt destroyers could gather them
together again.
Good hunting, splendid, were it not
for those swift Yankee destroyers
which had a trick of being on the spot
when they were least wanted.
The periscope had disclosed one or
these hated craft as moving at a die
for the Government
Draft Board Members Held..
ington. Sept 17. Under orders Issued
by Provost Marshal-General Crowder
today, members of draft boards will be
permitted to resign only on recommen
dation of the Governor, stating good
reasons therefor, which reasons must
be approved here. This virtually puts
a stop to draft board resignationa.
ORPHEUM Show Tonight
Into the lower end of his periscope
tube and deftly turning it, was puz
zled and annoyed. Fixing the destroyer
In the field of vision for an Instant
he switched the lenses Into high power
and shouted the order to trim tanks
for diving.
Asnericaa Gasmen Quirk.
It was unwise to linger for more
careful observation, with the slender
tube above'water, because those Amer
ican gunners were infernally quick at
getting on the mark. They had been
IrnAVn to maah th ton nf w r!,frtn
an Inconvenient mishap like blinding a'
Mrs. H. . K. Christlanson Disputes
Record of Clatsop Man.
ILWACO, Wash., Sept 1. (Special.)
Pacific County disputes Clatsop
County's claim to the champion cran
berry picker of trie United States. On
Monday. October 9. 1917. Mrs. H. E.
Christlanson. wife of County Commis
sioner H. E. Christlanson, of Pacific
County, picked 28 boxes of cranberries
during an ordinary working day. This
was dona on the. E. M. Hulden bog,
near Seaview. This tops C. T. Grey's
effort as published In the Oregonian,
by six boxes. In order to avoid con
fusion in computing these records, it
should be said that boxes are equiva
lent to peck measures, and that four
measures are required to fill a box.
according to the system of measure
ment adopted by the Northwest cran
berry growers.
Good Judgment in Buying Makes Your Dollars Go Farther
Double S. & H. Stamps All This Week on Electrical Goods
No matter how trivial or how great
Your Paint Need
Let Us Serve You.
We have small cans just
enough for a chair, table, base
boards, automobile fender or any
need you can mention. Special f in
ishes for automobiles, bicycles,
bathtubs, furniture, buildings, in
side or outside, roofs, ceilings, walls
or floors. .
ALABASTINE your walls.
Anyone can do it perfectly
Grading of Cascade Link of Colnm
bia River Road Is Completed.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept 17 (Spe
ial.) Crews of men have completed
the grading of all sections of the Col.
umbla River Highway between Cascade
Locks and the top of Ruthton Hill,
three miles west of here. From that
point to the city the old road is still
The new highway between here and
Portland Is now open to traffic Gravel
has been applied for nearly the entire
distance of .the new grade in this
county, and motorists declare the road
is now in fair condition.
Navy Uses Highest Radio Aerial.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. The high
est radio aerial in the world, the cables
of a captive balloon, is in use at the
New York Navy yard. It was announced
that the yard has been in communica
tion with the wireless station at Ar
cadia, CaL
Portland Couple to Wed.
TACOMA. Wash., Sept 17. (Special)
Marriage licenses were Issued in Ta
coma today to William Walters and
Emma Spranger, both of Portland, and
to Jack Lavalar, of Alaska, and Hilda
M. Sanberg. of Astoria. Or.
EXTRA!! ORPHEUM Show Tonight
The Nun
$1.25 Pierce's Golden ided. Dis $1.10
60c Jaynes Vermifuge 550
$1.15 Lydia Pinkham Veg. Comp. .. .$1.08
Chase's Vegetable worm Syrup, guar-
Prepare for
the Cool
Morni ngs
and Even
ings before
the furnace
is started.
clean, pure,
f lameles s
heating ser- IS&&r ,t
vice, lor oi
f ice, nursery
or bathroom.
Operatesfr jjktf,.
i u in o ii y
lamp socket,
17 inches
high. Priee
$9. (Double
Stamps this
i Warm th Sun vwm'
60c Syrup of Figs.
$1.00 Listerine
25c Carter's Little Liver Pills...
Cooper's -Good Liniment
$1.00 Danderine
25c Allcock's Porous Plasters 200
Micro Hair Treatment, guaranteed. .$1.00
$1.50 Scott's Emulsion .$1.39
SOc Bromo Quinine 25c
35c Gets It 290
$1.00 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 900
$1.00 Mothers' Friend 900 . axsszs. snort nt west peek -mabshaix -7oo - home a 6i7i
$1.00 Hostetter's Bitters 900
50c Cascarets 430
$1.00' King's New Discovery 890
$1.00 Wine Cardui 900
Allen's One-Day Cold Remedy, guar
anteed 250
LIKE a breath from the verdant mead
ows of the Sunny South, redolent of
Spring1, Lila Lee trips into the devi
ous ways of filmland.
Nor has there ever, in the whole history
of that mimic world, entered one fitted by
nature and education the better to seize
upon the hearts of those who follow its do
ings upon the silver sheet.
Youth, beauty, charm, enthusiasm was
ever a more wonderful equipment for the
screen :
The workers of the
Fourth Liberty Loan
will call on you.
Be ready to subscribe
before they come
Space Donated by First National Bank
of Portland. Oregon
BBSBSBBaaajafMaaBaBSjusBajaMsu f m t. -,j., J
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" I v.- : 4'4'-, w I
V "T 'Z I
I Ibpwsww- u. . yr-'w ' " "wn 1 ! L " f i. j 1 1 ' " ' .4 S.Lm i ; i-v, ... .-wn.T V-mm
,!rr.--T A ',-v- 7 ! " Til' r
"Youth is like those verdant forests tormented by winds: it originates on
every side the abundant gifts of nature, and some profound murmur al
ways reigns in its foliage." M. de GUERIN.