THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1918. VISITORS IN PORTLAND FOR THE OREGON FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS' CONVENTION MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS"1 i : .. . ; ; -i i DRAGNET SET FOR HABITUAL LOAFERS Shoes Expertly Dyed 50c Kid, all kinds of leather shoes and slippers dyed black and made to look like new at only 50c pair. This special price for a limited time. , Basement, Sixth Street. All Motor Corps Members N.L.W.S. Members of the Motor Di vision of the National League for Woman's Service are needed to drive cars in the Liberty Loan drive Sept. 18-28. Phone Mar. 4600 or A-6101. Register Now for Madame Coates' Classes Madame Coates, America's foremost authority, will again conduct the dressmak ing classes at this store. There will be two courses one for beginners and one for advanced students each complete in 15 lessons, personally supervised and taught by Madame Coates. The charge for the complete course for beginners will be $1.50, for advanced students ?2.50. Register today at our Notion Shop, Main Floor. 2 Plans for Securing Workers Tries- Quality" StGhs or Portland , mtN.atcth.Ttnilnina . . to Fill Shipyards' Needs Is Topic of Conference. The Keynote of Today's News Is--Values ! f HONEST LABOR IS SOUGHT 18 v I r5 Idlers Caught In Roundup Mast Ac cept Steady Employment In Es ential - Occupations, or Go Before Draft Board. Numerous plana for securing , neces sary labor to fill the needs of the ship 7rds in Portland, in conjunction with the contemplated roundup of idlers, were suggested yesterday at a meeting: of the special committee appointed by Mayor Baker. Release of employes In non-essential Industries to work In the shipyards, and supplanting of these employes by either women or men not physically lit to work in war industries; a survey In the various shipyards to reduce the number of men engaged In occupations i within the yards that can be handled iK by a smaller force of men or by using mechanical or horsepower, and the co operation .of all men now engaged in shipyard Industry to work a full day, thus eliminating the loafing which tenda to add to shortage of man power for use In building ships for the Gov ernment, were considered. Hcarat Day's Work I rare1. ' Fred L- Bourne, representing the Metal Trades Council, told the commit tee that vast number of men now on the payrolls of the various shipyards were not being utilised to the best ad vantage. In the offices of some of the plants, he said, as high as TO husky, strong men were engaged who might be well supplanted by capable women. In some of the yards, ten to IS men were used In shoving large- waste wagons, where one man and a horse would suffice; In another instance, a large group of men were engaged In turning a crane for the purpose of un loading a large ateam engine from a flatcar, where mechanical devices would well work In place of the ma jority of these workmen, and finally that in the yards were many loafers who could be checked upon and forced to work honestly or sent into the mil itary forces. By utilising thla force or men. now within the gates of the shipyards, a partial solution to the problem could be secured, according to Mr. Bourne. Suggestions were offered by other members of the committee for an appeal.- which will' be formulated by Mayor Baker, for the release of em ployes now engaged In non-essential work and the working out of the drag net for habitual loafers and the men who work only one and two days a week. Reaasaa (a Start Soon. The programme for the roundup of Idlers and slackers has not yet been completed, although the committee are In accord on the general plan, which calls for a number of plain clothes police officers, together1 with several Government officials and business men to cast the net, bringing the men to a central station, which will be selected, and here to interrogate the men and ascertain If they are bona fide work men or are Idlers. The Idlers, if they be of draft age. will be given an opportunity of accept- ; Ing steady employment, but refusal will send the case to the draft board ; for action. The workman who labors only a portion of the week will be ad monished that he must work steadily or suffer punishment, and the bona fide workmen will be released. Men caught In the snare, who are be yond the draft age. will be first given an opportunity to accept employment, but refusal or failure to work steadily will ' result In prosecution In the Municipal Court. The United States Employment Serv ice will be used in the nature of a clearing-house, in connection with the drive, although the private labor agents offer of co-operation In the drive will be utilized by the committee. . UNCLE SAM KNOWS 'And nobody knows better than Uncle Fim that Frank L. Smith Is holding down the price of meat to the con sumer. T-bone steak.. lOc'Porterhouse stk 20c Sirloin steak. . ZOclTenderloin stk. 20c Hamburg steak 18cShoulder stk. . . 18c Frank L- Smith's Is 22S Alder street. Adv. Count Rerentlow of Berlin says: 'The beginning of the fifth year of the war la marked in a large part of the German press by reflections which are over flowing with resignation, melancholy and whining. . EXTRA!! Adv. ORPHEUM Show Tonight. The Hun With i w' !!. TTV a ft ft "Each Gear in its own humidor to your aeart and can't break in 9 if mi r. i I i V4 2 Another Big MEIER & FRANK Sale for Men! A Sale of 1200 Regulation U. S. Army O-D Wool Shirts Rejected by the Government Because of Slight Deviations from Specifications Purchased by Us Direct from the Maker Whose Shirts Enjoy a National Repute Wonderful Shirts For Shipbuilders, Outdoor "Workers, Sportsmen, Women's Outing Wear $4.65 Is the Price in This Sale --.. - The material in these shirts is of finest quality wool flannel Uncle Sam wants only the best for his boys. The slight deviations from the strict Government stand ard will escape any but the most critical scrutiny and certainly do not impair the wearing quality. At our sale price, which is far below the worth of the "garments, workmen especially can secure such values as i i a - I : -1. : i. r - .1 1 i : r is rarely uuiauieu m a &uuu laiciua aiiu relatives ui 6oldier boys can give them one or more for extra comfort. Big. roomy shirts, full cut, well made. One-piece collar. Reinforced elbows. Lined chest. Two larpe button-down flap pockets with pencil compartment. All sizes. Unmatched for quality and service $4.65. Meier & Frank's: Men's Furnlshing-s Shop, Main Floor. immimm 1 khMm 1 Tell Your Friends of This Good News! A Wonderful Glove Sale A Special Purchase Direct From the Factory 150 Dozen Pairs of "BACMO" First Quality Lambskin and Washable Capeskin Gloves For Dress, Street and Every Purpose Wear Good 32.75 $3.50 Values On Sale Today at 9 A. M. $1.98 Owing to our exceptionally cordial relations with the great house of Bacmo because of the tremendous volume of business we do in this famous make of gloves we secured this fine lot of Bacmo gloves at a price which enables us to offer, our patrons values that are nothing short of sensational. There are white lambskin srloves with fancy ellk bands or silk cuffs in green, gold, black, tan, purple, light gray, etc., backs embroidered to match these colors. There are washable capeskin gloves In pearl, New port, black, some tan and gray. These have novelty tops and cuffs in contrasting colors, backs embroidered n harmonizing snaaes. . All of these gloves are In the wanted one-clasp style. P. K. and P. X. M. sewn. Sizes 5 to inclusive, but not all sizes In the tans and, grays. Every pair expertly fitted. A remarkable opportunity to purchase gloves of exceptional quality, style and service at a greatly re duced price J1.98 pair instead of J2.75 to $3.50. Meier & Frank's Glove Shop, Main Floor. Windsor and Middy Ties Of Silk Messaline and Taffeta A large assortment of the popular Windsor and middy ties. Small size Windsors in plain colors, plaids and polka dots, 25c and 35c. Large size Windsors in solid shades and fancy colors, 50c to 95c. Three-cornered middy ties in black, red and navy, 65c to $1.50. Large square middy ties in black and red, $1.75 to $2.50. Collars 40c to 75c Smart models in stiff collars for the school miss. The "Paul Revere" is a large roll style. There are "Buster Brown" and other models for wear with school dresses and coats. .Some have deep cuffs to match at 50c pair. 82.75-85.00 Organdy Vestees 82.39 Organdy vestees with trimming of Val laces, tucks and handwork. Several show touches of color. Square and V-neck styles for wear with one-piece dresses. . Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. Mid-Week Notion Specials 15c Swiss Knitting Cotton, white, - f No. 6 balls, 2 for 15tf, ball i-UL Two-in-One Stove Polish, 2 1 r. cans 2."i. can -LtlU rT . Two-in-One Shoe Polish, all colors, 2 cans 2.", can.... Aunt Lydia Button Thread, f7 linen finish, extra strong, spool Duchess Mercerized Darning A Cotton, assorted' colors, spool Dexter's Tatting Silko, in ecru, ' A pongee and white, ball. Children's Magnet Lisle Hose Sup porters, black and white, 2 " pT pairs 25$, pair -LtJC Children's Columbia Waists, with supporters, priced 2 for 40, OP- each , iDC Silk Taffeta Seam Binding, as- sorted colors, niece Jy Asbestos Iron Holders, as sorted colors, each Oilcloth Sleeve Protectors, with elastic, black and white, American Maid Brass Pins, 300 count, paper ' White Glass Head Hat Pins, -f A 7 inches, 6 on card J-VU Gold Plated Safety Pins, 6 on - A card JLJs Steel. Key Rings, nickel plated, ? each 5c 7c Vanta Twistless Tape, white, 1 pink and blue, 10-yard piece Wl' Sanitary Napkins, 6 in box, OP- special Ironing Board Covers and Pads, full assortment just received. Meier & Frank's: Notion Shop, Main Floor. Just Received a Splendid New Shipment of Wool Jersey Dresses For Misses' and Women's Fall and Winter Wear Prices Begin at $19.50 and range upwards by easy stages to $50. A wonderful assortment. Plum, ' beetroot, taupe, gray, brown and navy are the colors. Overskirt, soutache braid trimmed and em broidered models, some in plain tailored styles. Excellent values at $19.50 or $50 or any price in between. Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Just Received A Large Assortment of Rompers Moderately Priced 59c-$3.98 ' We have just received a fine se lection of rompers for little ones up to 6 years of age. Two styles illustrated. Made of serviceable materials in plain colors, stripes, checks, combi nations and plain white. Beach styles, one-piece models with bloomer knees and high waistline rompers. Smock and featherstitch trimming. Meier & Frank's: Children's Shop, Second Floor. Camisole Points 25c-85c Lace camisole points Piatt Val, Point de Paris and Filet effects in widths from 4 to 6 inches. Yard 25c to 85c Laces 10 c Imitation Filet laces in white and the natural shade. Bands and edges for camisoles and neckwear. 2 to 4 inches. Meier & Frank's: Lace Shop, Main Floor. Curtains $2.15-$2.45 $3.15-$3.95 Still a good selection in our sale of scrim and marquisette curtains at these special prices. A fortunate "buy" direct from the manufac turer permits us to 6ell these cur tains at about one-third less than they would be if purchased in the regular way. This is the last day of the sale better come early. Meier & Frank's: Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. Oxfords Will Be Worn All Winter For reasons of comfort and economy Oxfords will be worn all Winter. Some will be worn with spats as Autumn wea ther turns into Winter. Some will even be worn with heavier hose for befitting occasions in place of boots. We have Oxfords in a number of good styles for dress and general wear. The practical model illustrated above is one of our Cousins Shoes for Women The skillfully arranged lines of perforation are very becoming to the foot. Moderately priced.Meier & Frank's: Shoe Shop, Third Floor. Great Domestic Values Sale Cotton Batts 10 These are our popular "Laurel" 7-oz. batts made of good clean white cotton. "Ajax" 8-oz. cotton batts, 15. Good Cotton Batts 25 Exceptionally good values at thi3 exceedingly low price. 12-oz. batts made of fine long white cotton. Fine Cotton Batts 89 Full comforter size cotton batts that are all quilted and ready for immediate use. Fine Cotton ' Batts $1.19 Full 3-lb. size quilted and plain cotton batts that will make up into large comforters, 72x90-inch size. Good Cotton Comforts $2.98 Comforters filled with good clean cotton and covered with silkoline in floral patterns. 72x78 inches. Warm Cotton Comforts $3.69 - Well finished comforters filled with cotton and covered with ex cellent quality silkoline. Worth $5.00 today. Fine Cotton Comforts $4.95 Comforters filled with long white cotton and covered with standard quality silkoline. 72x90-inch size. Sale of Bed Spreads $1.59 Good quality honeycomb bed spreads in an excellent weight. Desirable patterns. size. Sale of Bed Spreads $1.98 Fine quality honeycomb bed spreads in the popular Marseilles patterns. Good weight. Full size. Satin Bed Spreads $3.49 Fine quality heavy weight satin bed spreads with plain and scal loped corners. Full size. Seconds. Values of the Most Sensational Kind in This Sale of Blankets 32-Inch Wash Goods, Yard Standard cheviots, chambrays and ginghams in plain colors, stripes and other desirable patterns. Manufac turers' lengths from 2 to 10 yards. Worth 35c yard. 25c . Here is an opportunity to secure good warm blankets for Fall and Win ter at prices in many in stances LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. Most of these blankets are "mill runs,"( but the imperfections are very slight. Anticipate your needs from the fol lowing special groups (see Sixth Street window): Blankets $3.49 Good wool finished cotton blankets in gray only with pink and blue borders. Double blankets in size 68x76 inches.' Blankets $3.75 Good heavy quality wool fin ished cotton blankets in plain white with colored borders. Dou ble blankets in bed size. Blankets $4.98 A splendid assortment of heavy wool finish plaid blankets in sev eral color combinations. Double bed size. Blankets $5.95 Fine Australian wool mixed blankets . in white with colored borders. Size 66x80 inches. Spe cial $5.95. 7 Exceptional Lots of Blankets Standard quality wool finished cotton blankets in plain and colored border patterns, also good selection of plaids. Regular sizes. Single and double blankets to be sold according to weight. Special $1.98, $2.69, $3.29, $3.69, $4.49, $4.98, $5.49. Wool Finish Plaid Blankets $7.95 A large assortment of wool finish plaid blankets in pink, blue, tan and grayJ With bound or whipped edges. Size 72x80 inches- These blankets are worth $10.00 today. Meier & Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Other Domestic Values Fine Cotton Sheets $1.39 Fine quality cotton sheets made with neat welted center seams. Size 72x90 inches. Wonderful values at only $1.39. Good Muslin Sheets $1.59 These are the well known "Ideal" sheets made of fine quality muslin. Size 72x90 inches. Worth f 1.75. Fine Muslin Sheets $1.79 The popular "Alcazar" sheets made of heavy quality muslin. With wide hems. Large size 81x90. Sale Pillow Cases 25 A final disposal of odds and ends pillow cases in 42x36 and 45x36 inch sizes. Slightly imperfect. 3 Pillow Cases $1 "Gold Seal" pillow cases made of good sturdy quality muslin. Size 42x36 inches. Worth 50c each. Sale Turkish Towels 15 Full bleached Turkish towels in a good weight and size. Limited number. Just about present whole sale cost at 15c. . 3 Turkish Towels $1 Heavy quality Turkish towels in a large size. These towels are worth 50c each today 3 for $1. Good Huck Towels 18 An extra special sale of huck towels in a good weight. Plain and colored borders. Size 18x36. Fine Huck Towels 29 Fine union linen and cotton huck towels in 18x36-inch size. Slightly imperfect towels of the 50c grade. Good Quality Toweling; 35 Extra quality Terry cloth or Turkish toweling with heavy nap. 22 inches wide. Yard for 35c. 32-Inch Madras Cloth, Yard This quality of madras cloth is unexcelled for men's shirts, women's house dresses, etc. Beautiful striped effects. In short lengths from 2 to 10 yards. 29c J V VERTHEIMEA BOS. .BaLTIMOKE, Md. 6for35 3for20 vs I