THE 3I0RXIXC OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1018. 17 BURLAP SET PRICES Rumors That British Govern ment Will Fix Calcutta Values. MARKET TO BE STABILIZED Heports of Sharp Cat Lack Confir mation, but Effect Checking of 1 Business Northwestern. Bag Season Closes With Snrplns With the distribution of train ban prac tically completed In the Northwest, there la little Interest la this commodity now, and the market la on a nominal basis, around Sj cents. There Is some surplus, aa has always been the esse at the end of a grain baa season. California, however, still re quires a quantity of bags for the late crops, auch as lice. There have been reports of a limited amount of bualnesa In 1919 bass at prices In the neighborhood of 20 cents. There la BO disposition shown to speculate, however, with the future nncertatntles so great. Rumors have been In circulation, ema nating from certain of the Eastern Import tars, that the British Government la about to determine maximum prices for burlap In Calcutta, and whether these rumors are correct or not. they have certainly had an - ansettllng effect on the burlap market. On of the statements made names a price from t to 13 cents. These flgurea represent about a half of present values, and naturally such talk has quieted trading until buyers can gst authsntle Information. Other Importers who have been Invest! gating the report say that from the In ' formation they can get. the British govern. meat has given no thought to stablllsln burlap prices, and that rumors of a fixed . Calcutta price, 90 to 100 per cent under the currant figures, were started by the desire and possibly the request of the United States Government to obtain burlap direct at the same quotations stocks are obtained by the British war officials. The Government recently placed orders with Importers for 2,500.000 yards of 10- unca burlap. These goods are to be deliv ered by December 31. The buyers of burlap In the- quartermaster's department announce that the Government will soon ask for addl - tlonal bids, as great quantities will be eeded the first half of the coming yer. MORE 1NTEEEST IX BARLEY MARKET One Hon dred Tens Bold at Exchange Cheapest of Feed Grains. One hundred tons of September feed bar ley were sold at the Merchants' Exchange yesterday at $51. a dollar under the bid price of Monday. More Interest Is expeoted to develop In the barley market, owing to Its relative cheapness. Corn bids were re duced $10L5O. Local and Eastern oats were teady. Weather conditions In the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, cloudy, 7; Minneapolis, partly cloudy, 83: Chicago, cloudy, cold; Peoria, clear, cold; St. Louis, foggy, cool; Kansss City, partly cloudy, 57 - St. Joseph, clear, 4; Hutchison, clear, BO; Tbpeka. 50; Omaha, part cloudy, 55; Ohio Valley, partly cloudy, cool. Forecast: Min nesota, unsettled, with probable showers to night and Wednesday warmer. Balance of gram belt renerally fair and warmer to night and Wednesday." Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported fry the Merchants Exchangs as follows: 1 S-l 50 15 14 1 1 S27 103 Portland Wheat. Bar. Flour. Oats. Hay. j -....... .ir lear ago .... 11 Season to date.. I '.'0 lear ago ..... 470 Tacoma Monday frit Year ago .... 16 Seaion to date. .1314 Year ago .... iUl Seattle Konday T ... T Year ago . ...1S20 ' 1 g Season to date. .1.1.11 u 412 Year ago .... 320 42 3J0 6 7 19 240 1 4 6 61 S 13 144 133 5 7 PM 404 IS 17 823 425 15 - 724 1295 PLENTY Demand OF GRAPES OX MARKET Is Good sad Price Ars Kent ml Steady Level. Grapes were plentiful and with a good local demand prices were stesdy. Five cars arrived from California, and 200 crates at Oregons by express. A considerable cumber f the Malagas arrived In poor condition. Malagas wera quoted at 697 cents a pound aad Tokays at 7 centa a pound, or $2.25 car crate. Oregon Malagas and Tokays sold generally at S1.Z501.OO. mostly 1.60. some crates, four-basket carriers, mixed Tokays, siajagaa and Rosa of Peru, the latter over ripe, sold at $1.50. Two cars of grapes were shipped from California for Portland on Monday. There were no fresh earlot arrivals of can taloupes and stocks cleaned up well at un changed prices. Thars was a better assortment of pears on nana, Bstletts were held at 11.6001.75. X ales of Anjous were reported. Oregon pear aipmenrs announced wera three cars to Chicago, two to New Tork and one each to Baltimore, Washington and Norfolk. Other Oregon produce shipments wera two ears or apples to Niw Tork, one car of an t"o o Omaha and one car of onions to San Francisco. On. car of Oregon peachea was simrteo. tor tnis city. Shipments for the Portland market In- aluded three cars of potatoes from Idaho and ana car or onions from California. GOVERNMENT INTERESTED IN FTRS ay Be Large Borers for Military Purposes amnng w inter. The Government Is reported to have en. lered the fur market lately and no doubt win be a large consumer of furs suitable for military purposes for delivery within the next few months. This action on the part of the Government should serve to turtnsr roniry the present strong .position or the trade and will probably have a. atim. alatlng effect on buainess la the Immediate xuiure. Skunk and muskrat still contlnne to call for the best demand, ssy advices from St. i.ouis. nut lately mere nas been a strong esmana ror lynx and wildcat, also good quality wolves. otters are beginning to move more freely. Raccoon, opossum and American ermine are commanding better prices. All other furs are selling on the basis estsblished In the April sale or higher, with the exception of beaver, which Is still somewhat loser Tomato Receipts Are Large. The potato market continued weak, but fancy Btirbanka again commanded $3,250 3.50. though ordinary grades sold at 12.73 6 3.04. Idaho rurala were quoted at 92.25 0 3.10. Onions were nnchsnged oa the local mar ket with a moderate movement. Tomatoes were weak at 45 850 cents for the best and down to 25 cents for poorer grade. Besides lsrga home-grown receipts, uoo boxee came la by express and 300 boxes by boat. FIRST CAR OF FILBERTS COMING Tula Will B Only Shipment to Beach Port land This Year No Braail Nuts, Ths first car of Imported filberts Is on the way to Portland from New York and la due to arrive hero about October t. It la the only car that will com this season, as the Gov ernment has restricted Importers licenses. It Is almost certain there will be no Brasll nuts for the general trade this Win ter, as ths Government hss asked Importers to sell only to shellers. in ordsr that the shells msy be saved for the making of charooat for gas masks. The Pacific Coast walnnt crop Is a large one. but It Is likely that when opening prices are nsmed they wlH be found higner than last year's, as no licenses have been Issued to Import French wslnuta, and the California Association will have things Its own way. Importations of Oriental nuts are expected to be very light, owing to the transportation difflcultlea California if port, are that a part of the almond crop of that state was injured by recent rains. Egg Market Barely Steady. The average yield In nine leading states producing Fall cabbabe la officially esti mated at 10.6 tons per acre, compared with 8.1 tons the eatlmsted final yield laat year and 8.2 tons In 1818. Condition of the Fall crop is reported somewhat impaired by droufh in various producing sections. Early official reports Indicate possibly 10,000 acres contracted for kraut. Prices unofficially re ported for kraut contracts are generally above these prevailing laat year, sometimes 100 per cent higher. PRIME CATTLE FIRfil wr $8,436,000. United 6taU bond, issues, wer unchanged On call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. old I Am Beet Sugar American Can. . Am Car & Fdry American IjOco. Active Demand for Best Stock Us 1 Am xei. xc lei. . at Local Yards. Sales. 200 l,oo 800 It 00 I 1.500 4.109 1,500 1.400 Am Z L ft I. Anaconda Cop Atchison .... Allot Will Bait & Ohio Butte sup Cop California Pet Canadian Pac. unee s unlo. C M A St. Paul c R I i ctfs Chlno Conner Colo Fl & Ir Corn Pdts Rera vrucioie Bteei. Cuba Cane Bug Distil Securities Erie Ueneral Elertrio General Motors Crtit North Pfd Ut North O Ctfs llinois Central Insplr Copper.. int M m fia Inter Nickel Inter Paper There was a good run of cattle at the hn cl,v. south stock yard. yesterday and they figured ag prominently in the day's business. Several li.,Well Mootra 600 loads of prims steers were sold at f 12.00 I Mexican Pet.... 22,500 to $13. Good oows brought 13 ft 8.00. The Miami copper.. High. 09 44 H 85 88 67is Closing Low, bid. Oil 4:i H 84 84 it" '68 TOP STEERS BRING $13 Cbolce Lambs and Ewm Sell at Ad vance Over Last Week's Quota tions Hogs Are Steady at Unchanged. Rate's. 200 "53 i 'oi 3.900 181 K 157 4(1 23 44 25 Va 3.6o6 2.000 UliO 4,8l0 1,200 " 2.'sno 800 aoo 200 300 10,300 1,900 411 65 ao4 5a 15 ma eoa ira 53 H 101 30 41 . 84 :io 01-4 15 110(4" 90 V4 30 t5(5 53 100 1, 20 Vl hog market was also steady with the top quotation of $19.75 sgain realized. There was not much trading In the sheep house. but the few sales reported Indicated a strong position for good stock. A bunch of ewes brought su.oo, a better prioe lian current recently, while a few prime lambs sold at S15. or 50 cents better than last week's extreme quotation. Receipts were 500 cattle, 0 calves, 602 hogs and 83 sheep. Shippers were: With hoes Charles Losler, Cottonwood Cat 1 load: A. Luce. Orland. CaL. 1 load Willow.. 1 load: Flak A Walbournc. Parma, Idaho. 1 load: W. B. Hunter, I.ostine, 1 load; Q. L. Kormin, Maupln, 1 losd. with cattiA-.l' A. tlntter. C'reswell. lnnriM- n A Winter, fornlhff. Csl.. - loads A. F. Hunt. Chllotlum. 4 loads; O. L. Hamlll, i-n,,n,n litiiVin. 1 load- W I. Dlshman. Opal Cltv. 1 load: William Stallion. 1 load; Mays Brothers. Hedmond. 2 loads; E. W. Ayk- ioaus; i. it. nits. Egg Market Barely tSeady, Ths egg market was no more than steady v.trdv. with former prices Quoted. Country creamery butler was tirm, si ine worm. niiu.iuin. supply was not up to oral requ.r.meuts. tWsT day's sales were as follows fOUIiry ana oressea mw we,. I .... y, wt and unchanged. I j steers. .11:12 4 steers.. 0- ill) steers, .loiio wi a Bank Clearings. i L-r gteers. .1038 Bsnklssrings of the Northwestern eltles st'- '"'.'i .. l.ll.. I ' COWS.. 10.1.1 . i.ann as. Price. .00. (110 t 8.00 .10(10 4.75 g.2. Missouri Pseifle Montana Power Nevada Copper N Y Central. ... N T N H AH.. Nor A 'Western Northern Pac. . Pacific Mall Pennsylvania. ... Pittsburg t'osi. . Rav Con Cod.',, Reading . . .... Rep If A Bteel. , Stint Arix Cop Southern Pac. . . Southern Ry... Studcbaker Cor. Texaa Co. ...,. t nlon Pacific. ., 1! a Indus Al.. U 8 Steel...... U 8 steel pfd.. ftah Copper. . Wabssh Pfd "B" Western Union. . West Electric. Bethlehem a 300 . 3314 38 104 2S 25 hi) 1,000 TOO ' .100 J.soa ""aoo ""rioo " i'.Snii S.20O 1,100 2oo :ioo l.ino 6.000 l.aoo 3.400 T5.H00 500 600 400 6.000 20 73 H 39 T4 "874 "43?4 "it" S7 0-4 13 S.-.S 204 4S54 ir,Bi 124S4 . 1 164 100 H' . 83 4 43H 81 s . 3274 "26V4 1A1 26 v 39 1 "2314 sn 13 85 4 2.-.?4 4414 l.-.H 123 112-4 107-4 1 10 83 V4 43 70 74 Portland .Sesttle ... Tacoma .. . Spokane .. .-i.477.RB 7.411.182 ...k.. 1.14V-" 1.475,2;i . Balances. S 477.0O 1.388.628 1 45.571 637.0S7 rOKTLAND MAIIII ClCOTATIONS Grain. Floor, reed. Eta. Merehsnts Exchange, noon session t Hid. .880.23 . .50.00 . 52. 00 52.50 04.50 September delivery - Oat a. No. 2 whits feed Parley, standard feed Barley, standard "A" - Kastera oats sna corn in ouia: Oats. No. 3 white 3-pound clipped white .......... Com. No. 8 yellow ............... Corn. No. 3 mixed ..... Octohen Osts. No. 2 V2-" Rarley, reed ' ' Barley. "A" r.2.00 Uats, No. 3 52.50. Oats, clipped 54. .i0 Corn, yellow 87.50 corn, mixed 68.00 WHEAT Government basis, 12.20 per bushel. FLOUR Straights. 810.03911.93 per bar rel; whole wheat, fl0.25; graham, S9.0 10.25: barley flour, ill per barrel; rye flour.i 812.50 per barrel; cornmeal, 811-30 11. 80 per barrel; corn flour, six; oat flour. 111. 20 11.40 per barrel. aULi.rEED Mill run. I. o, D. mm; ear- lots, 829.65; mixed cars, 830.18: less than ca riots. $30.65: rolled barley, 885; rolled oats. (89. CORN Whole. 875; cracked. 878 per ton. HAY Buying prices, f. a. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy. 830 per ton: Valley timothy, $29 per ton; alfalfa. $27; valley grain hay, 826927; clover, $28; straw, $9 V lu. cows 11.60 2 COWS. l'.'.OOill cows... 1040 .."V0 1 cow.... Sso P.OOilT cows ..1017 6.2.11 1 cow ... SM R.0O 8 cows... HI54 6.001 3 cowi. . .12S8 7.251 8 cows ..1180 7.7-".ll cows .. !B8 6.75 1 bull ...14S0 3 50197 hogs 17 19. "51 7 hogs... 100 10.801 R hogs.... 140 1S.2VSB hogs .. 100 19.99 19 hogs .. 161 18.75110 hogs ...1S2 14.0o77 hogs .. 104 13.50,12 hogs... 110 I. -..0O 2 hogs . 320 9.00 15 vearlings 130 II. 501 14s yearlings 90 10.2.121 lambs.. 83 T. 00,11 lambs.. 82 8.25 Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattle- Prims steers tiood to choice steers.. Medium to good steers. Fair to medium steers rnmmon to t'air steers. Choice cox's and heifers Med. to good cows and helrers. Fair to med. cows and heifers. Canners . . Total sales for the day 235.000 shares. BONDS. U 44 K5H 114 tot 107! S 13 07 X S.i ut4 53 S 2614 18H mo i 67 30 4514 41 30 52 H 15H 144-11414 90 30 n- 5:H4 101 14 2014 31 14 1714 32 113 25 V4 101.114 2 23 H 4 20 73 30 H 1031? 87 V4 31 4314 4S no 15 85 H 28H 13 124 114 10!! 14 1104 83 V, 23 82 :i!4 PRODUCE LIST EVEN cows. .1110 IO rows. . KOll 10 cows. .. tii'7 L'l cows.. 070 33 cows . . 0; 13 cows. . 105.1 10 rows.. I2 1 bull... 1280 3!) hogs.. 210 i(7 hogs.. 170 hoss.-. 14 hogs .1 hogs 8 lambs. 40 lambs o lambs .i0 ewes 12 steers. steers. .loss 7 itMri. . HMO .11 1 ..j CBVCS. 3al 315 174 i88 86 81 70 120 931 B 00 6.7 7.00 8.00 5.50 8.50 6.00 0.00 19.40 18.25 17.50 19.75 19.80 19.50 19.8: 17.00 IS. 7 98 IPac T T 5s.. RRt4 9 lU P 4s 88 U 8 Steel Bs s g IS P cv 5s 90 innUlAnrlo-Fr. Bs.... 94 108U. II B Lib 31ts.. 100.1 80 U B 1st 4s 08.78 DAR OrefBs 55 V, U 8 2d 4;. ... . . 93 02 wrrotblli.. ftsmn B 1st 4H... M.80 w t a. 804 U 8 2d 414s,,,, 0.H MPS. fi7 14 U 8 3d 414s.... 95.90 Pa con 4H 9214 Bid. rj S ref 2s reg. do coupon.,. U 8 3s reg. . .. , do coupon. . U 8 41 reg..... do coupon... . Atch gen 4s. Advances Offset Declines in Most Domestic Markets. WEEK'S MOVEMENT LARGER Forty Cars of Cranberries Started From Massachusetts Potatoes Selling Higher la East, bnt Barely 6teadv on This Coast. ma The Land's Behind the Loan No longer is Security, Interest or Safety a Question at issue in the subscription to Liberty Bonds. 1Ve hsve the Nation and tta 150 billion Dollars In Resources aa Collateral. We know the Interest rate of 4V4 la Substantial. We know they are aa aafe aa , SAFETY I'l'SULiF. Above and beyond all else we know It means Backing; the Boys "over there." 80 let the question be HOW MTJCH EHAT,L, I SUBSCRIBE TO THE TH LIBERTY LOAN, WHEN DO I SUBSCRIBE, and WHERE? . Subscribe you ASSIGNED QtOTAl do It at ANY BANK and AT ONCE, : This apace contributed bs- Morris Dros. American Foreign Banking Corporation 56 Wall St., New York Capital, $3,200,000 Surplus, $1,152,000 Organized pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act authorizing National banks to own stock in a bank enframed In international banking; aftd operating under control of Federal Reserve Board. Albert H. WIsTRiti, Chairman, of the Board Archibald Kalua, Preeldent Harden B. Harris. Vlce-l'resliient 1'. Krcd Aspdrn, Tlce-Prealdeat Charles A. Itlackenale, Secretary and Treasurer Every description of International bnnklna; business transacted. Corre spondents in all parts of the Allied and Neutral World. Accept" ancea ajven agrainHt shlpmenta of merchandise. Hills of exebanare nes;otiated and collected. Drafts and i letters of credit Issued. Imports and exports financed. Interest al lowed on balances. BRANCHES Fort M Prince, Ha?H ' Panama City, Republic of Panama. Cristobal, Canal Zone Facilities of the Banking- Corporation may be eeoured through UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Portland Bulls . Calves Hogs Prime mixed Medium mixed Kouica heavies Pigs Sheep Prima lambs ......... Fair to medium lambs. Yearlings Wethers Ewes Prices. ...f 12.0OtVia.06 ... 11. 00612.00 ... 11.00 . .. D.70 ... fi.TSs .2S 9.000 K.tKI 0.75 7.2 4.7S 6.75 3.00& 4.00 .0012.00 19.50(919.75 18.0019.30 14.00 17.00 Money, Kxchatice. Etc. ics"tw Tnn w n,nt. 17. Mercantile tsper, ii nn unchanged. Sterling wi-asy ouis. un 3? 9 demand. S4.75 7-16: cables, 4.76i4 " "'I I ,. j ..j ..hl. 117 r.ullders. demand, 47; csoies, uivm, 1BTU- e.hl.. a a.,. ' Uevican dollars, time loans and call money, strong, unchanged. 13.00 LONDON, Bept. 17. Money and discount rates, unchanged. CORN BREAK IS SHARP NEWS OP GENERAL EMBARGO CAR. RIES PRICES DOWN. 13.0041S.00 sr.a. trararshl fron Weather Adds to B-artsh Sentiment. Oats 10.00911.00 8.00b 10.00 a.600 S.00 Dsiry and Coontry Produce. BUTTER Cubes. extras. 64c: prints. sxtrss. box lots, 56c; cartons, box lots. 67o; hair boxes, ttc more: less tnsn nail ooxes. e more; butterfat. o. 1. 600 per pound. delivered Portlsnd. EOGS Oregon ranch, candled, rots and cracks out. 4tA0c: aelects, Q3o per dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 28c: louni Americas. 80c: long. horna 80c per pound: Coos and Carry, f. o. Mvrt point: Triolets. Americans, 2t)ic per pound; i Der nouna. rOULTHT Hens. 2saz7e: springs, zea 28c; ducks, 23 30c; geese, nominal; turkeys. live. 3L'C VEAL Fancy. 20Hr21e ter ponnd. PORK Fancy. 2ftc per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. LoesI lobbing auotatlons: FRUITS Oranges, Valenclas, I9.25O10; emona. 8697.50 per box: bananas, hhi b. : araDcfrult. 8.1.50: eantaloubes. 81.50a o0 per crate: wstermelons. zvrSc per lb.; peaches. 81-4001 65; apples. 8102.25 per box; plums, Hlt03c per poundl pesrs, $1.50 tll.Tj per box; casaDas, so per pound; Supported by Government Buying. CHICAaO, Sept. 17. As a result of the general embargo on grain shipments to Western primary centers, unless storage room waa arranged for. the corn market today showed weakness ths greater part ot Steta origins of livestock loaded Septem-1 the session. Prices closed nervous. 5-8 to ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to tba Leadlnc Markets ot the Pacific Northwest. Cattle, Horses. Mixed Calves. Hogs.Shsep.Mules.stock. ber 18. 1818: For Portland California 8 Oregon 0 4 TV1 Portland 14 4 One week ago.. 25 A Four weeks ago 2B 3 For Seattle Oregon 4 - 2 Washington ... 3 Tt'l Seattle.. 7 2 One week ago.. .30 15 Four weeks sgo 17 1 For Spokane- Idaho ........ 1 .. Montana ...... 2 . Washington ... 4 5 Tt'l Spokane. 7 6 One week ago. . 9 . . . . Four weeks ago 5 1 Chicago Livestock Market. ' -I" t. . -. . uuk...v nml 10 to l'.c lower. .Butchers, -H. J a u. t .) ic per pouna. Th&Kun 4iv WW VEGETABLES Tomatoes, 25 650o per crats; cabbage, 3H04o per pound; lettuce. per crate: cucumbers, 30fooc per box; peppers, 8c per pound; beans. 67o per pound: celery. si-ii per aoxen; eggplant, 00 10c per pound; corn. uovJOc per dossn. POTATOES Oregons. $2.754r3.50 per hun dred: Idahos. $2.8503.10. ONION'S Oregons. $202.23 per sack; Walla Walla. $2.2."; California Browns, $2.50. Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry. $8.55; beet. $9.25: extra C. $9.15; powdered, in barrels, $10.25; cubes. In barrels, $10.48. NUTS Walnuts, 80c; Brazil nuts, ISc; filberts. 20c: slmonds. 18 & 1:3c; peanuts, 18o; cocoanuts. 81 "0 per dozen. BAI.T Half-ground. 100s, $13.90 per toa; 60s. $17.25 per ton; dairy. $25 per ton. RICK Blus Rose, 11.700120 per pound: BEANS Jobbing prices: Smsll whits, 18 ; large whits. HH&l-c; colored. Ifeo; lima. 15c COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 17 0 25s. Provisions. Lorsl Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice. $8;087Hc; standard. 5r3s?o; skinned, none; pic nics. 28a; cottage roil. 84o. LARD Tlercs basis, standard purs, 29c; compound. 23c BACON Fancy. 49 0 51ei standard 4H fftthc; choice. 3Q044C. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. tO033c: exports, !bS2a. Hides and Pelts. HIDES Government grades: No. 1 salted hides, 80 lbs. and up, 13c; No. 2 salted hides. SO Ibi hides, 3t lbs. So lbs. and lbs. and up, 12 and up, 11c; No. 1 green bulla 60 lbs. and udl 10c: No. 2 green bulls, AO lbs, and up. 9c; No. 1 green or salted calfskins, up to 13 ers. t'Ji liRht. -Ml. CO '.J i:0. IM); packing. $18 50&20.10; rough, JS6oni.o; pigs, iiurn.r.o. cattle ItecrioLR. 13.000: 15a higher. Beef cattle. $10'V ln.50; butcher stock, cows and holfers. $7.5013.75; osnners snd cutters. H.. . 7.. i(; stockers and feeders, cuivei. ait. son iu.50: Bheep itcceipis. sneep steady, rat Iambs strong to higher. Feeder trade opened quiet, Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Sept. 17. Hogs Receipts 7300, 10 to 15c hlEher. Heavy. $19.85b 20.13: mix ed, l.7r.ti i!U; light. $JO5 20.35: pigs, $17.50 f 18.50; bulk of sales. $18.750 20. (aula Receipts. 14.500. steady, to lower. NatliNi steers. 812.50b 18.50: cows and holf ers. $7.50'12.50; Western steers. $1017.50; rexss steers. HfTi-; range oows ana neu- ers, $tO,ll.O0: csnners. so.asv.D; stockers and feeders, $7&15: calves, $9913.30; bulls, sisgs. etc., $7till.50. neep iteccipts, i,vuu; stesoy to lower. Wethers. 811. AOS 12: ewes. $8010: lamba $10.25 17.25; yesrllngs. $12.50& 13.25. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Sept. 17. The hog market was strong. On load underweight, but fair In regard to finish, brought $20.15, the highest prlea ever paid oa ths hoof at these yards. There was only a tentative market oa cat tle. Receipts were 35 head. Cattle Steady. Best steers, $11013: medium to choice, $10.5011.50; common to good. tS to 8.50; medium, $50 7.50; bulls. $5 7.50; calves, $5fl0. Hoirs Firm. Prime light. gl.75ZO medium to choice, $19.50019.60; medium hesvy. $18.5O01; rougn. ii.ooeiti; pigs, $17.60019. Sheep Firm. spring iambs, f is wis yearlings, $8g12; ewes. nB. .73 1, .74 Low. $1.52 1.43 .72 .73 ii 26.S2 20.23 Close, $1.5: 1.4SH 73' 737s 39 90 30.80 28.M 20.45 2J.52 23.47 cHifaa&Hs I STOCK PRICES LIFTED lbi. Sic; No. 2 green or salted calfskins. I RUMOR OP ABDICATION OP KAISER up to 15 lbs., sutoc; ro. i green or salted kip skins. 15 to So lbs., 16c; No. 2 green or salted kip skins. 13 to 30 lbs. 14 He; dry runt ntoea, i ios. anu up. sue; ary Hint cam. under 7 lbs.. 40c; dry salt hides, 7 lbs. and up. 24c: dry salt calf, under 7 lbs S4c: dry cuil hides or calf, half price; dry stags or bulla 20o; dry salt stags or bulla 14c: dry cull stags or bulls, hall price: dry horse hides, according tcr size and takeoff, each $1.50$ 2.50; suited horsehldes, according to size and takeoff, each $3&3. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 40c: dry short-wool pelts, per pound, 25o30c; saltsd long-wool iamb pelts. August takeoff. each. $2.5033.50: salted sheep pelts, August take-otf. each 2tt; dry sheep shearling, eacn. 2505uc; salted sheep shearling, each. &Otf 75c 1 Hops, Wool, Etc HOPS Nominal. WOOL Oregon. 36071O per pound. MOHAIR Long staple. BOc: short stSDle. 40c; burry. 80c CASCARA BARK N'asr and old. 12(4 013o per pound. tallow -o. r. isttc per pound: No. 2. 13Mc per pound; grease. No. L 10c: No. 2. 9o per pound. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c: snxlne distillate. bulk. 12c: kerosene, bulk, 10c; cases. 20c u.vfttu oil Haw, barrels. $2.01; cases. $2.11: boiled, bsrrels, $2.U3; cases, $2.13. lUltl-EA i lt in tanks. S4c; cases, 84c Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 17. Spot cotton Quiet; middling. 45.40c , Metal Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 17. Metals, unchanged. STARTS WAVE OP BUYING. New York Sugar Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 17. Sugar, unchanged. EXTRA!! ORPHEUJI Show Tonignt. AdT. Losses ot One to Five Polnta la Early Part of Session Are Largely Made Up War Bonds Active. NEW TORK. Sept- 17. Political rumors restored today's stock msrket from a session of lethargic character to one in which active buying In the last hour carried the general list of shares into the highest levels of the dsy. While Wall street could obtain no eon flrmation of vague reports thst the Hohen zullern dynasty hsd abdicated, or waa soon to do so, clrculstlon of taem on ths financial news ticker facilitsted a recovery from the earlier pressure which, concentrated on speculative Issues and United States Steel, In many Instances bad carried prices down 1 to 5 points below Monday's close. United States Steel more than made up lu loss dur ing the final period of covering, closing at 109. or five-eighths of a point higher than ths previous day s close. Other stocks which participated notably in the final up-swlng were Canadian Pacific. which advanced 4 points, and American Car, American Telephone, Bethlehem Steel. Tcxaa Company and Mexican Petroleum. Genemt Motors regained 3hi of Its loss of 54 points, suffered earlier in response to snnouncement thst Chevrolet Motors, in Its proponed dissolution, would distribute assets including 450.000 shares of General Motors stock. Sales amounted to 235,000 shares. Exchange rates on neutral countries con tinued their recent downward course, losing from 5 to 50 points, attributed to favorable war news and International political ru mors. Foreign war Issues were extensively dealt rn. Paris 6s rising three-fourths of a point to 93H. a new high price for the year. Lib erty bonds mnvsd nsrrowly and Irregularly. Railroad and mlscetlsneous Issues were without definite tone. Total sales, par value. 1 l-4c down, with October $1,52 1-4 to $1.62 1-2 and November $1.48 1-8 to $1.4N 3-4 Oats, on the contrary, gained l-8o to 1-2 5-8c and provisions advanced 5c to 70c. Announcement that the railway embargo had been made all-embracing brought about a sharp break in corn values promptly after the opening. At the same time, the fact that no frost as shown on the weather map and that the forecast was for more warmth and sunshine tended toward bear ish sentiment. Support for oats came for the most part from buying credited to the Government and to the Northwest. improved cash Inquiry made provisions advance. The downward tendency of corn had only a transient bssrlsh effect. Leading futures ranged as follows CORN. Open. High. Oct. $1.63. $1.64 4 Nov 1.49 1.40!, OATS. Oct. 72 H Nov. 73 MESS PORK. Oct n.OS S9.60 Nov, 40.05 39.35 LARD. Oct 26.R7 Nov 26.23 20.55 SHORT RIBS. Oct. 23.17 23.62 23.15 Nov 23.00 23.47 23.00 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.5901.69; No. S yel low, $1.5001.62; No. 4 yellow, $1. 6391.56. Oats No. 3 white, 71H072c; standard, 72t73c Rye No. 2, $1.60 01.6214. Barley 9Oc0$l.O2. Tlmothy $7010. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $27. Ribs $23.25 0 23.75. Primary receipts Wheat. 2.997.000 va $64,000 bushels; corn, 1.006.000 vs. 429,000 bushels; oats, 1.331.000 vs. 1,529,000 bushels. Shipments wneet, i, va soi.uus bushels; com, 302,000 vs. 128.000 bushels; t. 1.420.000 VS. 1.229.000 bushels. Clearances Wheat. 202.000 vs. 251.000 bushels; corn, none va 26.000 bushels; oats, 72.000 bushels va none; flour, 6000 vs. 11,. 000 barrels. Minneapolis Gralnv Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 17. Barley. 84 98c Grain at San Erancisco. SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. Flour, $11.2C per barrel. Grain Wheat, Government price. $2.26 per bushel; barley, new crop, milling grades, $2.37Vi 02.42 oats, white feed, nominal; corn. California, yellow, $4.15. Hay Wheat and wheat and oats, $23 0 25: tame oat, $24 0 281 altaira, first cutting. $1$ 020; second cutting, $22024; barley straw, 50 0 60c . Meals Alfalfa. $34 036; cocoanut, nom inal. BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices 'Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. Butter, 53 0 58 c. Eggs FresB extras, 17c; fresh extra pul lets, 66 He. Cheese New firsts, 29 He; Young Ameri cas. 30c. Poultry Hons, S4 0 36c; young roosters, 89c; broilers, 43c; fryers, S73Sc; pigeons, $2; squabs, $803.60; geese, 28c; turkeys, live, 34 036c Vegetables Green peas, nominal: aspara- gus 30 35c; eggplant. 75cO$l: bell pep pers, 80 75c; chile peppers, 60 0 75c; to matoes. $l-tftl.B0: lettuce. 75e1.2.; celery, nominal: potatoes, rlvera $2.2502.75; Sa linas. 18.2503.50: onions. Australian brown. $1.5001.70; yellow, $1.7502; garlic, 16017c; cauliflower, 76090c; beets, $1; carrots. 75o 0$1; turnips, 69 0 75c; rhubarb, $101.25; cabbage. 80090c; artichokes, $2.6004; cu cumbers. 73C0L1O: string beans, 7c; lima beans, 80844c: okra, 6?c per pound. Fruit Cantaloupes, Turlock. $1.5001.75; watermelons, $102; cassabas, $101.75; hon eydew melons, $1.50 01.75; lemons, $4,500 6.50; grapefruit, $406 oranges, Valencies, 87.6008.60: bananas, Hawaiian. 607c; pine apples, $4.50 0 5; Gravensteln and Belletleur apples. $l.iw(t2. ,o; peacnes. e2ro;i.2n; nuck leberries. 10018c; pears. $2.2502.73; figs, white. 75c 11; black, 90c$1.25; plums. $1.2501.50; crabapples. $101.50; grapes, Thompson seedless, $1.6001.75; muscats, $1,5041.75; avocadoes. $5&7. Receipts Flour, 6800 quarters; barley, 35S2 centals; beans, 850 sacks; potatoes. 4955 sacks; onions. 2107 sacks; hay, 60 tons; hides, 128: wine, 17.600 gallons. LWWISS For Use in France or Belgium We Issue NEW FIVE-FRANC NOTES OF THE BANK OF FRANCE Negotiable in France and Belgium. $1 PER NOTE An excellent method of sending small remittances to friends overseas. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORTLAND BRANCH. CORNER FOURTH AND STARK STREETS F. C. MALPAS, Msnager. Marked advances continued m potatoes. cantaloupes, peaches and pears, while cab bage markets continued very weak and sweet potatoes declined. Apples, onions, grapes and most other lines showed no uni form trend. Carlot shipments were heavier for potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, onions, apples and grapes, and lighter for peaches, cantaloupes, pears, watermelons and lettuce. Other lines continued in fairly steady vol ume. Total movement for the week was 11,528 cars, compared with 9.SS3 last week and a total of 11,552 for the corresponding week last year. Says the Weekly Produce Review, Issued yesterday by II. L. Ringer, In charge ot the local office Of the Bureau of Markets: Michigan Fall varieties of apples range somewhat lower at $4.0003 per barrel and $1.25 Hi 1.75 per bushel basket, traokaide at shipping points. At Rochester, N. Y., lead ing Fall varieties, A2V4 ranged $4.5005 f. o. b. At Winchester, Va.. Yorks, A2H ranged steady at $494.50. and Ben Davis $3,250 4.60. In consumption markets Oldenburgs, Gravensteln a?ld other leading Fall varieties ranged $4.257 per barrel. Northwestern boxed applns ranged about steady at $2,25 0 3.50 per standard box. During the corre sponding week last year New York Wealthles ranged $405.50. or $1. Higher tnan in ii R, Total shipments tnis week, no: csrs. compared with 637 last week. Move ment Is active from most sections except the Ml'ldle West. The peach season of the Northjwest was early and very short this year, and has al ready passed Into history, although a year ago now it was at its height. Last year Washington shipped 1920 cars, and this year less thsn 6T0. Last year Oregon rolled 65 cars and this year only 7. The grape movement continues active from California and Is Increasing from Eastern shipping; sections. Total was 1635 cars, com pared with 1530 last week. Michigan Con cords eold at 28 cents per four-quart basket f. o. b Benton Harbor. At Fresno, Cal., wine grapes ruled $50 per ton and Malagas closed at $1.1001.25 per four-basket carrier. Pear markets were firm at shipping polnta closing at $3 per bushel basket f. f. b., for New York state Bartletts New York and Michigan Bartletts ranged $303.75 per bushel basket in consuming marksts. Cali fornia Bartletts at auction followed a high general range, mostly $34 per box. Ship ments were 556 cars this ween, comparea with 570 last week. The watermelon movement declined to 147 I I cars. Forty cars of cranberries were started I nominal; Pacific Coast 1917, 1401ic; 1916. rein for each perBon, a bulletin Issued from Massachusetts. i;ucumoer snipments i 14c. were 48 cars, mostly from New Tork. While potatoes have Jogged along steadily or even sagged a little on the Pacific Coast, they have advanced sharply in the Middle West and Jumped In values along the At lantic Coast. The Texas market felt a little of the Increase and Colorado-Idaho white stock is -still selling to the trade at $3.50 per hundred, while fancy California Bur-hs-nks bring $3.75 54. The consuming mar kets of the Coast have held stesdy and prlceR at shipping points are practically un changed, with Burbanks bringing 82W2.4ri In Stockton. Rurala selling for $l.An01.7O In Southern Tdaho and long whites snd Down Ings $1.80(9 2 in Colorado. The shipments for. the week are a record so far this season. with 3776 cars, as compared with 2559 last week and 2859 the week before. Idaho shipped 163 cars. r..nBiiTn!i'iT nnlnn markets were steady to firm in the Kast. but weaker in the Middle A dire ctorv of hnsinpRS firms flrifl Drofpssinnal mpn cnnrlpnsprl find west, l anromia snipping pomis ennunu , 1,. , ; , T - , . , . t.riv at i NoM 70 er hundred, f. o. b. classified for readv reference, tor rates bv the month or vear. S!rw YorkTnd MassacnUu. r or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or moving freely. Coffee Futnree Firmer. NEW TORK. Sept. 17. Reports that Brazil was offering very little coffee in the cost and freight market and of con tinued flrmnesa in the spot situation seemed to Inspire further covering or trade buving In the market for coffee futures todav. The opening was unchanged, but small offerings were readily absorbed, and after selling st 9.35c early March worked up tn 0.40. while July advanced from 9.6.1 to B.70. The close was witnin a point or two of the best, net unchanged to seven I AOATE CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELERS. points higher. September. 8 50c: 0h"; jEWKLKf and watch repairing. Miller'; March. i7c Ms" Sc': Ju TeSc. ' W"h MJ"U Th"te Spot coffee Firm; Rio 7S, 0c; Santos ALFALFA MEAL, GROUND FEEDS. HAY, i, iac. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Sept. IT. 'Turpentine. firm: 60c. falcs, 516 barrels; receipts, 149 barrets; shipments, 1581 barrels: stock, 29.- 423 barrels. Rosin, firm. Sales, 1581 barrels: receipts. 969 barrels: shipments. 4 barrels: stock. 72,9.47 barrels. Quote: B, $13.20; D, $13.50; R. 13 70: F. $13.90: O. $1. S3: H. $14: 1 $14 10; K. $$14 :ofi4.I3: M. $14.40; N$14.50 (J 14.00; WO, WW, $14.75l14.80. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Sept. 17. Butter Higher; creamery. 48 W 56c. Eggs Higher: receipts, 15,2.13 cases: firsts, 43fe4i44Kc: ordinary firsts, 400 42 Vic; at mark, cases Included, 40043c Duluth Linseed Market. DULUTH, Sept. 17. Linseed. $4.37ffl4.40. Conserve Petroleum Is Pica. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. -The un- I mined supply of petroleum available in the United States Ib only about 70 bar- today by the Smithsonian Institution points out, urging conservation. The bulletin as waste In mining amounts to nearly 90 per cent of the total re source value. EXTRA!! ORPHEUM Show Tonight. Adv. Rend The Oregnnlnn clnswlfied adg. A 6095, House 29, ACCORDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING, 10 cents per yard; aocor aion, anile and box pleating; buttons cov erea, tucking and braiding: also eniDroia ery work done. Mail orders promptly at' tended to. EASTERN NOVELTY CO., 85 5th st., between Oak and Stark ats. K. KTKPHAX. hemstitching, scalloping, ao cordon side pleat, buttons covered; man orders, ziv rittock block. Broadway luiru, WALTER BCOTT, Board of Trade. M, a67. ASSAYEitS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFKIC1E, 142 Second tiold, silver and platinum bougnt. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. QOLDSTK1N, practice In courts, 802 Northwestern Bank Diag. W. P. AUA11S, attorrey-at-law, 10S7 Cham- Der ot commerce. Alain 4ul. BARBER SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy and sell all kinds of barber supplies, du ju. BEAUTY SPECIALIST. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Method. 504 Hwetlana oia. Bops at New York. 17. Hop edlum to choice: 1917, 23'830c; CARPET CLEANING. jvew luiuk, Bepu 1 1. -hops sail, in a The kind that wear the best, are III U U O made from your wornout carpets bv the Northwest Rug Co. dormer ad dress, 153 Union ave.) Has rugs wovea all slies. Carpet cleanin.g refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 183 East 8th. PHONii EABT 8580, B 1280. Th& Hun . g&XHIEi FLUFF AUG CO. Phones: East 6510. S 1475. 64 Union Ave. N. CANCER. L. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATBiA ia Morgan Plug. Maranau quo. WurnE. . -.s. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCB SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florolle DsVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arcn spe cialists In the city, rariors du- uemnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder, Phone Main 1801. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMAHON. Macieay bldg., 100'A chiro practic World s beau Adjustments maas easy. Obstinate oases 50o rate. CIRCULAR LETTERS. TRAVELERS' GUTDE. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Evaporated apples lifeless. Prunes sesree. Peaches firm. San Francisco -Los Angeles LOW KATES. ' By Steamer Inelrdlng Meals snd Berth. THE BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. COMPANY. Tickets at Third and Stark. Telephone Broadway 4300. Bdwy. z$$, A 134, A 6131. CRANE LETTER CO., 510-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 6822. 100 letters multlgrapnea, si.oo. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no cnarge. naigmnnwi low DANCING. MR& FLECK'S ACADEMY social end stage aancing. private insiruviv. , ciuan Tues., Frl., 8 to 10. 109 2d St., between Washington and Stark. Main 2100. ALISKY DANCING ACADEMY. Privets instructions aay inn evening. -iMoe, Friday evening.. 2d floor Allsky bids. 1U lessons $5. FLUFF BCO AND RAO RUO FACTOR V. NORTHWEST Rl'U CO. established 1903. Fluff rugs and rug rugs woven, all sizes. East Bth and Taylor. East 3U. a 180. HO.Hl'H'AL. OKBUON SURGICAL HOSPITAL offers best of services on convalescent and obstelrio cases: rates reasonabls. .Main 1560. INTERIOR DECORATORS. M. E. OKSEIt CO., Interior decorators and painters. In all branches We can save you money. Get our estimate. 4Hi Wash. Broadway 805:1. MUSIC. WEST COAST INSTITUTE Of MUSIC, 6tU floor Ellers bldg. Wa teach from melody; no drudgery. E.MIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil oevciK, iUI f liedner bldg. IKlwy. lB'J. PIANO LESSONS, .'. 1'KR MONTH. 269 llrt Ol.. . It. J i-.f tKHHU.N, Alain HW.M. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capublo service. Thou sands of tatiftfled natrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, op tometrist. 209 Morrison. PAINTING. HIGH STRUCTURE PAINTING. STEEPLES, STACKS, TOWERS, STEEL STRl'I'TUUKS, FLAG POLKS, 4c, TRAVEL ANYWHERE. H. W. WILSON, P. O. BOX 2007. PATENTS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and roreign patents. 601 Uekum biog. PATENT ATTORNEYS. GOLDBERG, 020 Worcester bldg. Main 2525. PHYSICIANS, DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, DOS Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. 8Q OT increased efficiency; drugleas treut- " ments. Goitre, parallels, headache. tonsllltls. Dr. Walters, UUu owetland bldg. Mar. 4892. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prlcss. Btark-Davls Co.. 212 Third. Main 71)7. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. 1. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 109 ii front U cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. DBIWTIll" F- w- BALTES A COMPANY, mill I lit J 1st and Oak sta. Main 105, A11B5. SECOND-HAND STOKES. MAIN 54U0 Buy and sell second-hand tools. Juiik, old automobiles. 233 j-ronl. SIOKAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE M. OL&BN TRANSFER CO., 248 PINB. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 85 V4 5th St. All new aances mugiu, eiasa Thurs night. 8:20 to 11; competent teach ers. 8 lessons. $5. Bdwy. 2327. RINGLER'S dancing school, 14th off Wash. All tne popuisr 8 lessons, $5 Bdwy. 3380. POO AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. Q. H. HUTHMA.-v, veterinarian, nospi- tal, 41b rl. i in su jwibi,oii.b WE contract and do heavy hauling, loadinir, packing; big auto trucks, alsu Inng-ills-tance Jolis. 203 Ablngton bldx. Mnln 7478, STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREUO.N TRANSFER CO., 474 Olisan St.. corner of l;ith. Telephone Broadway 12sl or A-llOil. We own and operate two larne class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. -Lowest Insurance rates In the city. MAD1SON-ST. DOCK A WAREHOUSE. Of fice 189 Madison. Generul merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1691. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE Sc TRANSFER CO.. 105 Park St. Main 6105. A 105L WOOD AND COAL. DRY BOX WOOD $ Multnomah Fuel Co. M. 5540, A 8118. JJRENCH LINE CCHMGNIE (EKEBALE TMKSATUKTIQUS Jj ciprtii rum wti NEW TORK BORDEAUX PARIS FREQUENT DEPARTURES. Fugazi Bros., Pac. Coast Agents, 109 Cherry St., Seattle, or any Local Agents. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS EXTRA!! ORPHEUM Show Tonight Adv. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti and Its r tonga. Mail aad pas senger service from San .Francisco every 28 day. UNION 8. 8. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND. $30 California St.. San Francisco, or local steamship and railroad agencies. AUTO TOPS. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES, DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front St, DRY GOODS NOTIONS. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. LDINKELSPIELC&5 m. l. kuxs. m-m rnt s. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bids. EVERDINO & FARltF.LU HO Front BL HATS AND CAPS. . ' HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 58-65 Front st, Portland Cordage o,, 14th and Northrup. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. - 8AglI. DOORS AND GLASS. KAHN BROS., 195 Front St. - i "PAINTS AND LUBRICATING oiTs W. P. FULLER CO.. Morrison snd 1 ronu w p. FULLER CO., Morrison and Front. WALL PArER. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. MORGAN WALL PAPERCO.. 230 2d at." BASMU3SEN & CO., 2d and Taylor. MILLER Wall Paper & PL Co., 172 First 8b 4