TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGONIAN, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTE3IBER 18, 1918. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TOUNO LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. KO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 19 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE CO MP ANT. ROOM eol. SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. GOVERNMENT WAR WORK. Portland Woolen 34 ills need a few additional woman aach week 'j mho will be taught to spin and . veavl aoidiers' fabrics under good working conditions. Apply at the mills, St. John. Preler ' 2 ence jriven to thoaa living on peninsula. GIRLS WANTED WORK IS EAST TO LEARN, PAY GOOD. DESIRABLE PLACE AND STEADY POSITION. AP PLY IN PERSON". CRYSTAL LAUNDRY CO.. E. SIST AND SANDY BLVD. WANTED Experienced or Inexperienced girl for work In candy factory: also ex perlenced chocolate dipper, rtusseit m bert Co., E. 24th and Holladay. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HitrsEWflRK. Good wages, no lsutidry. nice room and private Datn. rine nome. tnree jn i.iuuj. RANTED Neat elderly lady to assist teach r with work and to assume care of 5 v.r-nM rlrl No washlnr. Iroclnc. baking, Good home assured. Wages. Address BD 613. Oregonlan. WE have room for 23 more women to work canning pears, berries. Report ready tor work. STARR FRUIT PRODUCT CO, East 1st and VamhilL WE WANT women to work In canning fae- torv. steady work, good pay, car lare paid to factory at Vancouver. Wash, and return. Call East ou or apply Oregon Packing Co.. ancouver. wasn. W ANTED Experienced stenographer, state beginning salary., experience and ref erences. Information confidential. W 000. Oregonlan. OPERATORS on both one and two-needle mscblnea on waterprooi ciomini, wnn overalls, etc. Apply iiirscn- eiss ai Co., 105 Burnslde si. WANTED Girl or woman to stay with 2 little girls for nours oignis emca week while mother Is away. Apply Wed. afternoon. 441 2d st. - EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED for Power machine, good wages. Apply Jacobs Hat A Cap Works. 304. Phoenix bills.. 5th and Oak sts. TRAVELING position. $21 and expenses weekly: also solicitors. $45 per month guaranteed. liberal commission. 213 Stock Exch. bldg. WANTED Experienced saleswomen for hosiery, muslin underweer and dress goods departments. Apply at Roberta Bros. WANTED Elderly woman, war mother, or one who wants good home at beach for the Winter, three In family, small wages. Mrs. M. Lynlff. Long Beach. Wash. WANTED 2 bright girls to work In finish ing department, good wages. IT. S. Laun dry Co.. 1 Grand sve. BOOKKEEPER. $100 to $125: stenogra phers. $75 to $110: dictaphone operators, J75 lo $1QQ. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. . ANY girl la need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 32 East 15th st X or phone East 128. WANTED Experienced nurseglrl to assist with care of two children. AH 609, Ore- gonian. WANTED First-class sales lady to learn the shoe busmen, rwnigni onoa I.Q.. saor- rison si., near Broad way. WAITRESS WANTED. 113 N. 6th. Wanted Iotnetlcn. txPKRIKNCED airl or woman, to do coot lng for family of three. Soma downstairs work; no wasning or ironing, man " 4-j Harrison, cor. Htn st. Jiain z.e WANTED Good girl in a modern home to assist in housework, a good home; wages $.15 month. Mra. C. CampbeiL South Bend, Wash. "WANTED A girl to assist with housework; good huma, no cooking. 690 Marshall iU, near 21st. WANTED ilirl for aeneral housework waga $:.0. Call Main 13S6 from 810 to 5, afterwards call seuwooa owj. R ANTED Girl for general housework; good cook; family of two; good wages to on competent. East 2746. R ANTED Competent second girl to assist with children. Call mornings. 2 2d Cornell Road. Phono Marshall 18tVS V ANTED A girl for general housework; one in family; excellent wages. Main 2427. 407 Vista ave. "WANTED A competent cook and second maid or girl for general housework. Mra 'an. 809 Petty grove. VANTED Girl for general housework, S la family; experience not required. Marshall .V'K4. VANTBD Woman for housework, good, plain cook, family of two. t83 Garfield ave., Vnion-ave. car.. Wdln. 2747. COMPETENT girl for general housework; two in family; best wages; good home for right one. Mllwaukle 48. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and some housework; good wages; second maid kept. Phone Main 131T. A COMPETENT maid for cooking and some housework; no laundrj; good wages. 741 Irving st. WANTED Housekeeper for family of four, lady employed during the day; must fur nish references. Call Main 630. WOMAN to care for my country home, milk cow, feed chickens, keep house clean and cook meals occasionally. 228 Alder st. GIRL for general housework; wages $40 to $:X 595 16th and College, Portland Heights. Main 3222. WANTED Experienced nursemaid to care for two children. Phone lftln 1828. or call -4o tt- ciair st. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages. Call Marshall 335. WANTED Experienced second maid; wsges. Main 1317. good COaUt'bTENT girl for general housework. Inquire 334 East 16th N.. cor. Weidler. GIRt? for general housework: good wages; no cooking. Phone East 7614. WANTED Girl for general ho'isework. on Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 856. GIRL for general housework; no washing. 6." Lsdd ave. COMPETENT woman for housework and plalncooklng; good wages. Tabor 5303. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. No washing. Adults only. Main 2647. "WANTED Gii 1 for housekeeper and com panion. 729 1st st. S. HOUSEKEEPER needed in small family; good wages. Call Main IMP after 4 P. M. "WANTED Housekeeper, general housework; family of 3; wife Invalid. East 7983. IN small family, girl for general house work: grvod wages. Pflone East 4667. CIHL for washing; house work, plain cooking, good wages. 674 Everett St. HELP W ANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN and wife for Janitor work In small apartment-house. for room and some wages. No children. Phone Marshall 3405 after 4 P. M. WANTED Printer for country shop, man or woman; job now open; platen and cylinder presses; steady Job to right party, phone or write to Mall, Stayton. Or. 'AXTEtC-Wrt Wash Laundry driver, male or female. New System Wet Wa k. r landers. ctH'iv wno understands oaatng. stu per monin. wiin ooara, room ana laundry. State School for Deaf, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Man to do chorea around hotel. Wdln. 201 WANTED A kitchen helper. Wdln. 2915. EDUCATION A U PORTLAND BaRBER COLLEGE teaches i."in and women the barber trade free, PaH while learning. 234 Couch St. MRS. HANNUM'S Shorthand School. Tllla mook and Can ten be in. aat 8860. W. A. car. TEACHERS All kinds of teaching po4. tlona Main 4H35. Fiste Teachers' A get, c y . SHORTHAND and stenography. EAST BIDS COM L SCHOOL, 122 S Grand ave. YATEF-FISHER TEACHERS AGENCY. Free re gist a. 911 Bdwy. bldg. M. 62; 4. KINDERGARTEN. East 12th and Morrison. Trained klndergartnem. Marshall ft 784. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEG&. PORT LAN Da OREGON. EDUCATIONAL. FRENCH LESSONS BY PARISIAN LADY Madame Colette Hamilton's system of Individual lessons or class la entirely dif ferent from the old routine methods; pu pils speak French from the very first and after few lesions are able to carry on a conversation. Call Marshall 44oO morn ings 9 to 12. Almlra apis., Salmon and 13th. TEN MORE WOMEN lo train aa TELE- GRAPH OrbKAKTURo; many vacancies; positions paying $100 to $125 per mo.; we co-operate with the War Dept. and pre pare men for the SIGNAL CORPS. DAY AND LVb.M.Mi tLAfiE'& ril. or can Railway Telegraph Institute, 213 Railway Exchange oldg. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam eurlneerioc. mechanical drawing. machine shop practice. oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing, write lor catalogue. te attle Englreerlnc School. Seattle. Wsih. FRENCH lessons and conversation by ex perienced French school teacher in ex change for board in good family; West Side preferred. M. Dupuy. Y. W. C. A., city. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL conducted oy experts: personal attention, practical work: heavy Jteniand for women operators. 975 to 13. Fuller's Telegraph School Panamm bldg COLUMBIANA MUSIC STUDIO. Piano, voice, ssxaphone, violin, flute, clarinet, banjo, drums, mandolin taught by competent teachers; rates reasonable. 515 Columbian bldg. allSa DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short. Practical Course. Allsky bldg, 3d and Morrison. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set f tools, guarantees ycu a position: send for catalogue. 234 Burnslde. Bdwy. 17$t FRENCH teacher, licensed from Lincoln High School night class; teaches Frencb by conversation in S months. 301 Corbstt bldg. Main 336. Call P. M. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 275 UNION AVENUE NORTH, SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7441. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. TEACHERS wanted. Hazard Teachers' Spokane, Agency. 811 Old Natl Oldg.. Wssh. YOU can get the training necessary for business, together with Spanish at Taylor's Business college, eoo block .xcnange oiug. MEN. WOMEN, learn barDer trade free; wages while iesmlrg: position guarsnteeo. Oregon BarDer college, zjj aiaaiaon sc. U:ss MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, eveninr. $5 month. 26$ 4tb. near jelterson. hub sows. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FORMERLY business man. vho was I .tl.'uil non-essential war production, would lik to line up with some reliable concern. Have a wide experience in salesmanship, handling of help, and discharged from draft. Nam your position and I will tell you U X can deliver the goods. B 692, Oregonlan. WANTED A position in town by a gas incior cniineer. luur ib uuciiculo ji repairing and running, also considerable experience with Ford care; would prefer snop worn. f none or wnie room ou. Eaton Hotel. CREDITMAN or assistant In that depart ment, extensive omce experience cover-. ing period of several years with large company In a responsible capacity; reason able salary; results to determine worth, i A(j 7N, oregonlan. RKsiPONSiBLE business man is consider ing making a change; 12 years' expert- I sales and cost accounting; married and in class 4 in draft. B 5U1. Oregonlan. YOUNG man, class 4 draft, formerly pur chasing agent large corporation, expert enced office executive ability, desires po sltion with progressive firm where Initi ative counts. J oregonlan ,H fnd ouC EXEMPT, American, 47. active. cation, wide experience insiae thorough; no soliciting. AP 521, gonlan. MAN and wife, cooks for camps, with one child; disengaged end of beptember. Ad-1 dress J. T. oiii, fcio roweu st. rnone i tsel t wood 1 2H. ENGINEER. 35 years' experience on a tlonary engine, wants position; best oil Portland references. Call or address w. W. Felter. 51 North 3d St., Portland, Or. MAN and wife want dob It ion on dairy farm; man good milker, wife good cook; will work from a to iu men. Address N. $d st., room Co. PRACTICAL lumberman, with office ex perience, desires position In Portland. 83 yars of age. Not liable to be drafted. BF 518. Oregonlan. MANUFACTURER High-grade, wide-awake I salesman is open Tor connection witn re liable firm as representative in Southern California. AC 6. oregonlan. WOMAN without experience would like po sition in garage as mechanic; object to I run car and be able to repair. L 448. ore gonlan. WANTED Man that would like 8 or 4 hours work after 6 P. M., either marking I or checking, or would do Janitor work. bk ww, oregonlan. YOUNG married man, exempted from draft, now employed, wants position as account- I ant or cashier. For interview, address J. M. I Brust. 023 Lewis ave.. Billings, Mont. HIGH school boy wants to work all day I t-aturaay ana Sunday afternoon; drug I store or soda fountain preferred. Phone I :tw, osk Grove. WANTED Contract for auto trucks in ship yard or some steady business; will put on any capacity truck. A K WW, oregonlan. POSITION ; as night watchman; accustomed WANTED Seven-room house, must be thor work. steady and reliable; best of oughly modern and choice resident loca ea. Main 7252. 1 tion; win take long lease, guarantee up- to such references. A CRIPPLE and Spanish War veteran wishes light work. A. W. Deck man. East OC-43. MOTION picture operator desires position in amau town; young, married and reliable I A-l references. J lM, Oregonlan. MAN and wife want a position on farm or will run a furnished farm en shares. H. m. Owens. 4r48 e. st.. Portland. EXPERIENCED logging camp timekeeper I and commissary man, over draft age, wants position, a ot-', oregonian. SINGLE man of 46. experienced bookkeep er ana nice man, aesires position: will ing to go anywhere. B 582, Oregonlan. JAPANESE couple wish position In private I zamiiy; man rirst-ciass cook, wife house work. AE 4;2, oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by experienced flier oo Dands or small circular saws, 44o, Ore gonian. TRUSTWORTHY elderly man as nlaht- watchman; can produce references. J 171, Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants position, steady job. In note, or restaurant, any Kind or work; good experience, au o". oregonlan. SITUATION as wood turner, gonlan. AE 450, Ore- 5 L BOY wants to work on ery Saturday. Japanese boy. Frank. 424 North 6th st. TWO men want work as woodehoppers. Ad dress HJ okh, oregonian. WANTED Painting and tinting; prices rea sonaoie. van roroes. u road way ilia. RELIABLE man requires position; best of references. isj a, oregonian. WANTED Work for 3V-ton truck. G. H. w rignt, loucn no:ei. Bookkeepers. Btenogra. ihers. Office. EXPERT accountant will keen a set of books during spare time; also make audits of your business records and submit monthly oaiance and financial statements; good penman, also typist. A-l references. A 071. Oregonlan. MAN, Just above draft age. with good executive ability, long experience as clerk. DooKKeeper, treasurer, casnier ana man titer, will be open for position about October 1: want Saturday off. but will worn Sunday if desired. Tabor 3QS2. ACCOUNTANT wishes position as book keeper fur evenings and Sunday; capable to open and close nooks, monthly and In come tax statements; reasonable, best of rererences. a oni. oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. BUSINESS woman desires position as clerk: 2 years last situation; good references. W ftjti, oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother la away; refer encea. Woodlawn 1611. WANTED Management of apt. or rooming house, by mother and daughter: exneri- enced. Phone East 291, 7-9 A. M.. 5-7 P. M. LADY wishes work by the day In Montavilla: satisfaction given. Phone mornings. Tabor HOUSEKEEPER for several gentlemen or widower with l or 2 cntidren; refined middle-aged lady. Tel. Marshall S2. LADY wants housecleaning or other work hour, day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone is road way oim. STRONG elderly lady would like place to wash dishes or do housework, 3 or 4 hours naiiy. fcast 141.".. A-l COOK win he position In camp, cooking. or ior a smaii crew. laoor wn. EXPERIENCED elevator operator wishes position in omce bldg. j jimi. oregonln. WOMAN wishes housework, no care of chil dren. East rts4 after lo A. -M. to 2 f . M. LADY with shop experience would like place in small oressmantng snop. (.all r.ast wi.il. WOMAN want way work Wdln. 4-477. SITUATIONS WASTED-FEMALE. NEAT middle-aged lady wishes permanent who piain lamiiy. ngnt nouse work, plain cooking, no laundry; treated as one of the family; $0 per week; partic ulars In first letter; widowers cot consid ered. E 5QO, Oregonlan. A LADY, ex-teacher, with up-to-date ability, - will tutor children or act as governess to children In modern country home where a dog is kept; will go anywhere. AP em Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping, desires permanent position: also has had experi ence operating private exchange. AN 470, Oregonlan. A rORMER teacher will care for children evenings or afternoons during parents' ab sence, experience and tactful with the sick and aged; references. Marshall 349. WORK wanted by girl 18, inexperienced, but Quick and Wlllinsr to learn: irft wholesale house, store clerk or elevator operator; no domestic work. Bdwy. Milk WOMAN of education, with fine record teacher, best local references, wants business position. AC 50. Oregonlan. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. YOUNB woman having 3 years' experience a. uooKKeeper and general office work - P r 7 h i uuucrllns ra taie wages. Address A 501, Oregonlan. FOUR years' general office experience hand ling complaints, casniering. experienced In .meeting the public, some knowledge ofloFFlrK wantfd win typewriting. Call Main 9472. room 202, ana eoulnment Itabl after 7 P. M. or before 8 AM. f,? JL ? -f YOUNG lady 20 years of age wishes position in uocior s or aenust s omce; experienced! in in ee nag me puuiic. JlM ttio, orego- inaii. BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER desires responsi- oie position, capaoie and accurate; 7 yrs.' local experience; references. P 411, Ore- suiimu. COMPETENT stenographer. 8 years' expert-1 ence. desires permanent position; law! preierreq. iast 4240. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de- I sires position, wholesale house preferred. jtiarsnan pip, miss Heffron. WOMAN with good education and expert-1 viiccu in general omce work desires posl- I nun. An go-, uregonian. YOUNG man exempt from draft would like position as clerk in cigar store or office worn. c .nn. uregonian. ( YOUNG lady stenographer. exnerienced rererences, desires position; prefer law wufiv. aji on, uregonian. TYPING DONE AT HOME; prices reason- same Jiaill OOHtf. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer; icierencfB. main -ril i. iIRL. want general office work. Main litod. API, 1. IGIRL- wants position as stenographer: good Dresamaker. FOJl, ? Minneapolis dressmaker win make you one-niece drea skirt in 1 day. Keferenc. Phono Mar. FLORENCE DE LAUVE will come to your uvimo mi uisfcAo your one-piece dress tn uaj ii t. jiain zsi i, or Main 5917. 1F Y?lip.? Leed reliable dressmaker, call Nurst. FOR practical nurse call Wdln. 2732. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeping on a rancn; would like it as far east as iwamfur tounty. j jb'j, uregonian. UNINCUMBERED lady wants position as ..ouseneeper, wiaower preierred ; country wry iv jr. trregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper. 726 i MIDDLE-AGED widow wants housekeenlnir l.r. -- ... --. VI UOL IICIUl . MT. J. DOX X U I Domestics. STRONG woman wishes work from 4 to 12 r. .-n., no puntiay worn. j Oregon la n. COMPETENT girl wishes general housework r a8slBt good wag"- B 504. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RCNT. Houses. MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Reliable, up-to-date lists of .!-. hi vacant houses, aoartmenti and flat. ith ueiinue miormaiion nertaininar tn a,, i Newcomers in Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get tj Buu iuii;..ijr locaieu. EIGHTH FLOOR. . . FREE RENTAL BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patriotic citizen w no nas a nouse to rent or rooms to let to mail information of same to Colunihia R. ix B. Corp., boa keep of property. Would oav several months' rent In advance If any object, j References exchanged. Phone Tabor 3303, .Mar. i SHIPBUILDERS NEED HOMES WE WANT TO FIND HOMES FOR THE MEN WHO ARE BUILDING OUR SHIPS. Send your vacant houses, flats and apartments, turnisned or unrurnisned, to A. J. England. Northwest Steel Co., or fnone Mam nvs. FURNISHED house wanted. Furnished house, minimum 0 rooms, on West Side. Heights preferred, for three to six months. Proper care of furnishings guaranteed. Address AO MP. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 5 or 6-room bungalow near carline. Rose City Park preferred; will pay $3000, all cash, no terms. I am not an agent. I want a home. Call Mr. Bland. Hotel Menio, before noon toda. TO KENT Small, neat furnished bungalow with nrepiace, witn privilege or buying same: not too far out; willing to pay up to $2.00 or $2o month rent, AC 79, Ore gonian. WANTED By Novembpr 1, 5 or 6-room fur nished bungalow with garage and good furnace, nose i:iiy ram preferred, ttei- erences. Tabor G7o2. OR 7-ROOM furnished or partly furnished house by three adults, well located with garage; references exchanged ; will take lease for 6 months or 1 year. Main 5464. YOUNG married couple with no children de sires modern 4 or 5-room unfurnished house, will guarantee best of care; rent I cash in advance. C 548, Oregonian. BY YOUNG couple, 5-room modern houre or apartment, preferably partly furnished, in Piedmont or Peninsula district. Tabor I 91 ;h. ' WANTED to rent by October 1, 6 or 7-room modern house with rurnace and garage In good location, will sign lease for one year. Phone v oodlawn I77S. WOULD like to rent a 3 or 4-room house out from town, near carline, with place for chickens and garden. AO 8SS, Ore gontan. WANTED Modern T or 6 -room unfurnished bungalow in Hawthorne os Rose City, will take good csre of place. Tabor 7674. WANTED To rent 3 or 4-room furnished house, apt. or flat, for 1st of October, j x uo v, vrrgunivn. WANTED To rent furnished 0- or 6-roura house, bungalow preferred, will lease for year or longer. Sellwood 1C53. RELIABLE person wants to rent furnished bungalow by October 1. good reference. Call Mar. 2012. WANTED Modern unfurnished 7- or 8-room house. West Side, in good locality. Ref erence. Main 3517. Ask for Mr. Hubbard. WANT 4 or IS-room furnished bungalow, reasonable distance, responsible tenant. Marshall 672. . WANTED I or 5-room modern bungalow by responsible couple before October 10. Phone Marshall P0f. No children. FURNISHED house or flat at once; 2 adults. j oregonian. A part merits. WANTED Furnished housekeeof ns: rooms. suitaoie ior tnree anuns; an not ooject to price tr rooms suitaoie. I'aone or write room 302 Eaton Hotel. WANTED By Sept. 22., furnished room and kitchenette for two: vicinity, 14th and Jefferson. C 515. Oregonlan. Rooms. WANTED 3 or 4 roomr, furnished, with bath on ground floor. In modern house, for man and wife for Winter; will give references. Address J. W. Murphy, Elton Court Hotel, city. LOWER floor of modern house or bungalow wantea oy coupie witn . cnnoren. it not Immediate possession state best can do. Not transients. C 529. Oregonian. 1232 COMMERCIAL t.. 2 blocks from St. jonns car ana same xrom Mississippi. Woodlawn 17LU WASIED TO KENT. Rooms. ONE or two furnished or unfurnished H. K. rooms for resp. couple, walking distance preierreu; reasonaoie rent, c .546, Ore- WANTED Large furnished room, hot and cold water, closet; walking distance. West oiue. lau jsroaaway Rooms With Board. WANTED By lady, large airy room. run. ning water, modern home, breakfast, din ner; good price paid for good accommo- trillions, akj to, oregonlan. WANTED Nice refined home for air! of 1 with mother's care where no other chil aren are kept. In Woodlawn district. 52S, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wants board and room with private family on or near St. John car line or Peninsula shipyard. P 415, Ore gonlan. PLEASANT country home, with mlddl aged couple for young girl who Is an in- vanq; rererences. L 44o. oregonlan. WANTED Room and board for gentleman oy nrsi; wanting distance from S. P. shops, Brooklyn. F. B.j 188 3d. Main S352. I WANTED Place to board for younx ladv and baby 21 months old, and care for baby wnne motner works. Bdwy. 305i. WANTED Place for little 2-year-old child In private family. M 375, Oregonlan. Dullness Places. purchase office suitable for brokerage ill rent separate office with joint use of services. gonlan. waiting-room and stenographic Write particulars, AV 83. Ore- FOR KENT. CON R A DINE HOTEL, Absolutely fireproof. Tenth St. at Oak. Under new management, nicely fur nished front 2-room suite, with bath, de sirable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; also ftngle rooms, popular prices, first-class hotel service; special rates to permanent guests. A Moderate-Priced Hotei of. Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Bast Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel CI of ford is the principal East Sld Hotel and is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Daily rates, $1 up; two In room, $1.60; weekly rates, $4. AO and up. TWO basement housekeeping rooms. 267 lvnott St., near w imams. Furnished Rooms. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel, rooms en suite or single, with or without hoard, for fam ilies and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Rea sonable rates. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering. eipeclally to those desiring quiet. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Right In center of Portland's activities. Prices astonishingly low. Let us show yon our accommodations and Quote rates. 6 TAN DISH HOTEL. 548 H Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, mo (3 era. $2 per wee up. Free phones and hatha THE GLENN HOTEL. Transient and housekeeping rooms. Rooms 20c and up per day; $1.50 and up per week. GGuVi First St. Marshall 153U. NICELY furnished sleeping room within walking distance of heart of city; also 10 minutes' walk to shipyards. Breakfast if desired. 441 3d st. South. Main 402S. HoTEL 0CK.J.EY, Morrison street at 10th. Rates 75c per day up; weekly S3. 50 up; running water: free phone and baths. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side; modern, convenient, high quality, low price. n.ast 3d and Hurniide. $7 A MONTH, small front sleeping room, clothes closet, easy walking distance; to person empioyea. Mar. 34, 4i. broadway. HOTEL CORDOVA. 261) 11th sU Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $J UP. .Main 94i, a 4. 3. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern steam heat ; rooms large, clean. KLICKITAT HOTEL. East 1st and Holla aay, unaer new management; modern, hot anacoiu water; rooms $.( up per week. FURNISHED sleeping; East Side; 73. S12 a month. i.ast NEWLY furnished rooms. 308 Pine st. Furnished Rooms in Private Fam 1 1 y. WILL rent 1 or 2 front rooms In my pri vate nome, iurnisned, electric light, phone, bath, walking distance; reasonable rent. .ast 1089. i l.x lurmsnea iront room in wiu u w a uungaiuH, ou i wo car iiiicb, gaiuKci piano and Viclrola; home privileges. Sell- wood iJOS.I. FURNISHED front room for light house keeping, suitable for one or two employed, close in, modern. Phone after 6 P. M., Marshall 1258. I FURNISHED room, one block to good car service, walking distance. ou4 Ladd ave. j;ast u.jui. TWO furnished housekeeoine rooms, walk lng distance; no children. Kent $-u. .Mar shall 224. 45 12th St. MODERN, desirable for business people. West Side, walking distance. Marshall 43SJ). 1 NEWLY furnished room In private home for two people. 1071 E. Washington. Tabor 4. ",07. NEWLY, furnished sleeping rooms, hot water. reasonably priced; men only. 304 Madison st. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room, suitable for two ladies; easy walking distance. 267 11th st. ROOM for gentleman; running water, walk ing distance, near 23d Wash. Airs. ju. u. Hall, 52 Lucre tia. FURNISHED rooms, young men and busi ness women ; rererences. Mar. 44J. FURNISHED room for rent. 649 E. Ankeny st. Gentlemen only. Hetcrences required FURNISHED room for rent, with or with out board. Modern home. faast li4i. MfR, clean, airy rooms for rent, private family. Main 739Q. . UP-TO-DATE furnished room, 1217 Com mercial at. Woodlawn 2203. FXTrNI SHED room for gentleman, walking distance; also garage lor rent. East 56W3. WELL furnished room, business man, mod ern, close in, on Broadway car. E. 622. PLEASANT room, running water, electric lights. 105 21st. st. S., Marshall 2S10. 329 W. PARK, a pleasant room for gentle man, nice locatlon. walklng distance. Unfurnished 'Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, upstairs. 275 Montgomery. FURNISIIED sleeping room; East Side; close in. $12 a month. East 7728. Rtrom With Hoarn. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th.; choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; waia ing distance. m THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3S0 10th st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. , Rooms With Board in Private Family. LARGE front room, with alcove, running water; suitable for two or three people good board. 701 Irving st. COMFORTABLE room with good board. Gentlemen preferred. 700 r landers. Alain isr.3. WANTED Boy. 4 or 5. to board; charges reasonable. Mt Scott car to o4tn st, ooiu 8lth ave. ROOM and board, walking distance, E. Burnslde or East 71 12. i- urnlsiieo Apt rt mem a. HOUSEKEEPING room, sleeping porch, suit able for one or two men. Main 4980J Unfurnished Apartments, UNFURNISHED 2-room apts.. Just reno vated, free electric light, water and phone. 427 Salmon st. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private porch. CORNER flat, 5 rooms, modern. Call 412 Wash st. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Sts. 2 and 3-rrn. unfur. apts. for light house keeping; gas range, elec. lights, hot and cold water, use of bath, 4aundry free. Rent $12 and $15 mo.; no raise in rent 6 months from Sept. 1 guaranteed. Take S or 16th st. car, get off at Marshall. Bdwy. GQ38. ROOMS for housekeeping. Northwest heat, hot and cold water. 501 Raleigh Bldg. Ilouenkeeping Rooms in Private Family. IN IRVINGTON on Broadway car line, two elegantly furnished rooms; one has a fireplace; suitable for two in each. Hot water at all times. East 186. FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms; heat, lights, water and phone, fur nlshed. 392 North 24th st. TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone. Broadway 2014. 586 Pettygrove. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping In modern home. 510 Clay st. 2 OR 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. SS2 East Davis. East 2308. $10 FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone Main 4."i2i. HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 004 Flnder st. Phoaa Broadway 2971. FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED or partly furnished room with privilege of light housekeeping; adults; references required. Tabor JOiiJ. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, week or month, 33 North 5th. nouses. WHEN i'OU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 6747. 5-ROOM bath, electric lights, gas (sink will be Installed) $IH), 6 months in advance; on Riverview (F car. 1295 Corbett (upper flat). WELL-KEPT modern 4-room flat, den, sleeping porch, gas range, linoleum, phone, water and garbage collector; for S22. aw Monroe St., East 1501. 7-ROOM house; Northrup, near 21st; West Side. Call 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 10-room house; furniture for sale. Main 1737. 455 Market st. IRVINGTON F;ne home with garage, goo. 749 FRONT 0 rooms, modern conveniences, near snipounuing piant. .ruarsnaii 44 4 u. ALBERTA district, 6 rooms, bath, furnace. SJo. Phone Marshall uiijo. Furnished Houses. FIVE well-furnished rooms In large 8-room modern house, piano; one long block north of McKlnley Park Station, on Mt. Scott carline; good car service; 3 upstairs rooms reserved for 2 ladies. Call today, 10,003 Foster road; 140. FOR SAL a? or rent, home on Willamette itiver, Oregon city canine, furnished; all conveniences; garage. AF 679, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM cottage, bath, gas, elec, 4 blks. Broadway bridge; 2o00. 438 Ross, Wood lawn 1241. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bungaJow, two oiocKs irom -Aioerta car. .rhone i roadway 733. IKVINGTON Beautiful home. 8 rooms. garage, furnished, with maid's room, $100 per monin. cast, ldii, WILL lease for 1 year, furnished, one of the best and nicest homes in the city, Lisuremurai, can Aiain 4i. ATTRACTIVELY turnished home. West Side, lease 1 year or longer. $ i o. 3. -.47. Main COMPLETELY furnished West Side 9-room house, 2 baths, 2 sleeping porches, fluO per montn. Main bdi.. MAN and wife to share refined home; all conveniences; fine view. Woodlawn 2285. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow, near "CC" car. Tel. Jiarsnaii oh. IRVINGTON Swell home, with garage, $60 per montn. .cast U4. , FOR SALE First-class location on Yamhill st., for any business; cheap rent. Call at 2Su Yamhill st. LARGE room, second floor, suitable for manufacturing, 111 Second st. Main 183. Office. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitaDie ior ugnt manuiacturing; oincs building accommodation; rent reasonable. Sweeney investment CO.. bio ueaum Diag., 3d and Washington.' DANDY private office and reception room, $lo; phone connections; xumisned pri vate office, $10. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. SEVERAL modern offices for rent in th Gerlinper bldg., 2d and Alder sts. inquire room ouq. MOST centrally located offices, low rent. Swetland building, f ifth and wasnington. FURNISHED or unfurnished private office with steno. service. 510 Pittock block Halls, HALL for rent. 111 Second St. Main 183. Miscellaneous. GARAGE for rent at 310 East 50th st., 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave., for Ford or small car; $3 per month. DANCING PARTIES. Good floor; reasonable rent. So 5th st. PRIVATE garage, $5 a month. 533- E. 16 N. or Dr. Dayton. Main 2701. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. STOCK, fixtures and real estate for sale to the highest bidder covering assets of the White Swan Supply Company, White Swan, Washington. In lots as follows: Merchandise, consisting of groceries, dry goods, shoes, hardware and farm imple ments, etc., $7359.83. Fixtures, $1930.05. Store, buildings. lot and warehouse site, with sidetrack, $4000. The above will be offered In whole or In part, bidders to make their tender sealed and accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of fered, together with terms of purchase, either cash or on time, with secur ity offered. Same to be presented to J, A. Loudon, care of First National Bank, Yakima, and will be opened in the pres ence of creditors and bidders at 11 A. M. September 27, 191 WHEN WANTING to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sta I NEED $10,000 to market the safest, surest. most profitable commodity, etc. Ajm. iuu per cent assured investor, with director ship. The proofs are all ready. If you are open to conviction and mean business address AO mu, oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in escaDiisnen real estate ousiness. ge advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. ON ACCOUNT of sickness I have to dispose or my nice, clean office Dusiness; no ex perience required; a few hundred dollars will handle it; easily worth $3000 per year. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. No agents. NEW plant with contract signed worth many t nouf and uoiiars ior maurmi csBcnuai iu winning the war, needs more capital or will give good security for loan. Sunset Realty to., nenry Duiiaing. x pish STORE Excellent olace to sell confectionery, cigars, oaaery gooos, ugnt groceries, etc.; $4.i0 cash required. Call room 4o:i. Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant, splendid location nnen dav ana nignt. lease. jnis is a splendid opportunity for the right party, See Turner, u- r itumg umg. WTl.T, eil 36-room hotel, situated on Co lumbia Highway, or sen rurniture ana lease hotel. Call or write, E. C. Maddock, Arlington, Or. CONFECTIONERY in town of 3000, good- paying business; ciean. up-io-aate store moderately priced- Address AV 80, Ore gonian. CREAMERY For Sale. No reasonable offer refused. Situated In Southeastern Oregon. If in terested, address jverpy st.. city. BARBERS Six barbers, one manicurist and two shiners, sepiemoer u. not later man the 23d; $20 guarantee, can make oo. No. 457 State St., Salem, or. PARTNER wanted in automobile business, want a. man to wait on customers and help In repair shop; can clear $200 month for each partner, rtoom ueaum oiug. DRAFTED Must sell tints dancing acad emy; living-rooms In connection. L 459, regonian. r OR RENT Large restaurant in 50-room hotel ; spruce division. uarioaiai. or. Mrs. Bea O'Neal. BIG snap if sold this week, first-class res taurant; good location, cheap rent. H 443, Oregonian. nnn4it0. WEST SIDE. Macadam road, water- front and trackage; bargain. Owner, 1421 Northwestern .Bank Diag. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop and bath. C. K. Williams, box 54, Glenada, Or. FOR SAL13 A business school bringing a good income, jv. iu, oregonian. SOFT DRINK stand for sale; taking $1000 per month. Apply 170 Second at. SMALL restaurant, will sell cheap; 2 meals 6 days. 104 North 14th st. BARBER shop for sale; four chairs; 300. 304 Burnside st. ' FOR SALE Grocery and building; would consider some trade. Owner, hen wood 150. WELL paying picture show, country town. swank, on j-ienry mag. FOR SALE West Side grocery, clearing $300 month. Room 403 Dekum bldg. Hoteks and Rooming-Houses. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 30 ROOMS of furniture, partly housekeeping, 1-year lease, rent ou per montn, includ ing store; shipyard district; price rea sonable: corner Water and Clay. Mar shall 2379. MARY E. LENT, HOTEL & APARTMENT-HO USE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. WANTED $1000 on new house appraised at $i'uu. interest 7 per cent, au ou, ore gonlan. WANT small rooming house from owner tnat 99(hj casn wm nanaie. orris, 01 a Henry bldg. FOR best bargain in rooming or apartment- houses see members or the Realty Board. Ystes Realty Co.. 249 4th St. LOST AND FOl'ND. FOUND English 4.431. Boston bulldog. LOST AND FOOD. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power Co., Sept. 10, 1W1S; 0 purses, 2 gloves, 1 belt, 1 bracelet. 1 key, 1 bu. keys, 1 pitcher, 1 salt shaker, 1 brush, 1 hat, 1 cap, 3 coats, 1 shipping bag, 3 books, (t packages, 7 lunch boxes, 5 suit cases, 1 traveling bag, 2 saws, 1 cane. 1 umbrella, owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets station. SUNDAY evening, at the Strand Theater, or between theater and Fourth and Wash ington st., an oval-shaped brooch, with a pearl in the center, surrounded Dy cnange able colored leaves. Reward. Woodlawn 2674. THE party who picked up taupe brown silk umbrella Friday morning on the N. & S. Portland car please return to Oregonlan and receive reward. A present from a sweetheart in the service. LOST On Multnomah between E. ,15th and E. 17th N., or on Shaver st. between E. 15th and E. 10th st. N a pink cameo pin with wreath of green leaves. Return to Mrs. R. H. Letcher, 20S K. littr N. S2-ROOM apt. In 2- and 3-room apts., mod ern in every way; brick building, rent $250, with 3-year lease, clearing $400 per month; $;15U0 will handle. Morris, bit Henry bldg. ENGLISH setter dog, marked black and white, owner's name and address on col lar. Reward, no questions asked for re turn. C. B. Cadwell, 5348, Broadway 3130. NOTICIS Party calling up regarding lost trunk will receive something to her ad vantage if granted a further interview. B. & O. T. Co. LOST on Salem road, between Multnomah and Tigardvitle, a blue jacket belonging to suit. Kindly leave at Union station, room 11. v LOST Automobile wire wheel, 32x4, with Silvertown cord tire. Reward at AUTO KiSST UAKAliJi, 209 10th st. LOST On Seaside-Portland train. Sept. 14, lady a black purse, with money orders anq other articles. Please return, or advise Ho tel Benson, room 1100. Reward. LOST Black leather card case, containing money, railroad pass, trunk check, etc. Liberal reward for return. 308 Schuyler, or phone East 570. ANYONE finding lady's small brown leather bag containing bunch of keys, etc., please leave at Oregonlan office and receive re ward. PARTY that found purse on 23d st. car Monday morning, containing watch key and change. Please call East 7605. Re ward. LOST Gold-rlmmed bracelet on Council Crest or Canyon road. Reward. Woodlawn 1617. WILL party who took purse from desk No. 0. postoffice, shorily after S A. M., please leave at postmaster's office. LOST Suitcase aad bag on the road bet. Dallas and New berg. Notify Mrs. Bloch, 220 N. 17th st. Reward. LOST Persian white cat with collar on; liberal reward. Victoria Hotel. Broadway and Glisan. Phone Broadway 22S0. LOST Large moonstone breastpin, sake. Finder phone Main 7012. r keep- room 6. LOST On 52d st. S. E., and Millard ave.. a hand-embroidered lunch cloth. Return to 6615 58th ave. S. E. Reward. Main 7218. LOST Lady's small wrist watch and chain; reward; return to Baron's Shoe Store. 230 Morrison st. FOUND Gold watch, in Laurelhurst on E. Pine st., near 43d st. Mr. Batie. 22 Nelkle Place. LOST At Union Depot, on draining bowl In ladies' room, diamond ring. Call Wood lawn 1141. Reward. LOST Saturday, gold wrist watch. Reward if returned to Mrs. jjonaia uey, .uuiluu mah Hotel. LOST Pink coral cameo ring. Phone Tabor 432. Reward. LOST in Alberta, a check book with $25 In greenbacks. t'hone l anor .-. newwru. LOST On Monday P, M.. small cameo pin. Reward. Call Jast 4iJ. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. TCOTICE OF BOND SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the board of directors of the Hood River Irrigation District in Hood River County, Oregon, will sell general refunding bonds of said district in the principal sum or one hun dred sixty-seven thousand dollars ($107, 000.00) on Tuesday; the first day of Oeto hr 10.1H at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. at the office of said board at Oak Grove store in salu district, ana mai eeaiea pro posals for the purchase of said bonds will be received, by said board at said place until the day ana nour auove niemiuneu, at which time the board will open the pro nnnn) and award said bonds to the high- ett responsible bidder, the board reserving the right to reject any aim uu um. Said bonds so to be sold to be general negotiable refunding bonds of the Hood River Irrigation District in the principal sum of one hundred sixty-seven thousand dollars ($167, 000, 000.00). for the purpose of providing funds to retire and puy off the present outstanding bonded indebted ness of said district. Said bonds to be dated October 1, 1918, bear interest at the rate of six per cent (0 per annum, pay able semi-annually, on the first dys of January and July of each year, and ma turing serially, commencing wmi mo waiu year after date thereof, in annual amounts of eight thousand dollars i$o,U0U.00 until all of said bonds are paid. All proposals must be unconditional and be accompanied by an unconditional certi fied check for $5000, payable to the secre tary of the Hood River Irrigation Dis trict. All bidders are requested to furnish sat isfactory evidence of their ability to promptly deliver for payment and can cellation a substantial portion of the out standing bonds of said district to be re funded from the proceeds of this issue. Sale and delivery of bonds subject to approval of Capital Issues Committee of Federal Reserve Board. Hy order of the board of directors. F. FEN WICK. Secretary, Hood RWer Irrigation District.' NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP DISSOLU TION. TO THE PUBLIC: Notice Is hereby given that Bartul Pe- r-i,.h and .Toe Radilovich. doing partner ship business under the firm name and style of Baltimore Market, with place of bUSlneSS SI inumiai. oi.cci, iw.imim, or have dissolved and terminated said Eartnership, which partnership dissolution ecame effective at 11:09 P. M. of the 8th day of September, 1918. Said Bartul Pe trich Is not interested, and after said time, has not had any interest in said business known as said Baltimore Mar ket and will not be responsible for any Indebtedness incurred by or for said Balti more Market, or any members of the same, doing business unuer buiu same ii.uuv. BARTUL PETR1CJI. HAVING left my bed ami board, I will not b responsible for any debts contracted bv Ruth Beach. A. H. BKA''H. W1L.L. not be responsible for any bills after September ao, liio. a. v. aiiucjbhii, ton. Or. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASH FOR AN If AMOUNT. ELWOOD WILES CO.. 211 United States National Bank Bide. Open Saturday evening until P. M. CASH FOR LIBERTY" BONDS H. L. Murton, 440 Sherlock bldg.. 3d St., cor. Oak. Open Saturday eve. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. "We pay cash. Open Saturday Cellars-Murton Co., 7H5 Gasco bldg. tiOO.OOO TO LOAN In sums to suit; bulldinl loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, zli-.li Failing bldg. Fhons Main 8407. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. V.'1I1 pay cash. 533 PUtock blk. LOANS, notes, contracts, migs. purchased. Lewis & Co., 4 i.ewia qiuk. aiain paa. Money to loan on Real Estate MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from $G00 up on Improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPAKT, 20.1 Corbett bldg. M. 6915. A 2815 $3300 TO LOAN at 6 per cent on good city real estate. Will divide in loans as small as $1000 at 7 per cent. For particulars call ou attorney at 404 I'latt bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up at low est Interest rates, iiotrai prepayment priv ileges; no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 631 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM C1TJT PROPERTi. ."St. 6. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bids'. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. I'd floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe clsliy in large amounts. hy per ce;il up. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, xavoraoie terms; no aeiay; no Droit erage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $300. $400, $500. $750. $1000 and up at low est rates, quiCK acuou. r reu . uouu.o Co.. 732 Ch. of Com. Aiain 0445. SEE US TODAY; loans, any amount, 0-1. We pay cash lor liberty Donas. C E L LARS-M URTON CO.. 725 Gasco BIJg. $1000 TO LOAN on good Improved property, 2 years, 7: r-o agents. Write V Giil, Oregonlan. MONE? to loan on farm and improved city property. K- L. uaxter. u. ppaiaing mass. $500 TO $lw,000 TO LOAN. NO t'UUslj- BIOIN. f. o. HKJA oia. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON ft CO.. 408 Selling bldg. UNDER $500. 8: up to $1500, 7; $1500 up. A; no commission. Ward. Spalding bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 pel cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 Clam, el Com, FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan is ths best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or 421.24 per month for oO months, or $15.17 icr Do months pay a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ACffN. 242 Stark St., Port land. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON1. WASHINGTON' AND IDAHO: LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. ISO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. 331 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. PAY OFF VOL'R MORTGAGE on your city home In easy installment with 10 years' time to repay; fully pro tected by lite Insurance under the Home Purchase Plan of the Equitable Life As surance Society. Interest tf per cent: no commission. See Mr. Strong, Equitabia office, Oregonian bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette Valley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, i7 Sixth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. $1000, $1500. $2000. $ iooo to loan on city property at 0 and i per cent. in ui vide in amounts to suit. Farm loans. Mc Clure & Schmauch, 300 Railway Exchange bldg. I WILL make you a loan on either city or suburban real estate without any delay. Submit your property to me at 404 Piatt bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eaca transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furnltura pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 Failing Building. IF YOU Nh.i- MONilsX, SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary oi fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal pi op rty ; legal raies. Business confidential, private office. Portland loan co. (Licensed.) 300-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower, C. Myers err man, mgr4 SU4 Stark sL Money loaned on diamonds. jewelry. MONEY loaned on pianos and other se curities. W. A. Hathaway, room 20i Wash ington bldg. MONE1' lo loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office, 84 Third, near Oak. MoNEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legtl rates; all articles held 1 year; established since l!88. Dan Marx. 283 Wash ing too. Loans Wanted. 1 WISH to borrow $30,uoo on three to five years' time on first-class business prop er! y in Portland, worth three times the amount of the loan. State best terms, in cluding all charges, in first letter or no at tention will be given to letter. All 5M, Oregonian. LOANS WANTED. $1200 at 7 per cent; corner store bldg. $2UU0 at 7 per cent; 1-rooni, 2-story res ilience. $1(mmi at 7 per cent; business block, value $ 15,000. Main OiiO. 002 Corbett Pldg. WANTED $5ooo to $H.0OD on manulartur lng plant ready to produce war essentials In the next 20 days at the rate 01 $10, oho to $20,000 worth per month. T. J. B., 228 Henry Bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $500 AND UP. DESHON & HAWK, 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. SELLERS interest in real estate contract from $!! up. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO., 202 Wilcox Bldg. X PARTY would like to borrow $2000 for 18 mouths; willing to pay 10 per cent lnu T 42, oregor.lan. WA NTED $3500 on well-Improved farm ; will pay reasonable rate or interest; no brokers; 3 or 0 years. B 503, Oregonlan. $2250 MTGE. Ilberallv discounted for quick money. F 434, Oregonlan. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PHlCS 20-inch wavy switch, 2 sep $1.56 24-inch wavy switch. 3 scp l.oa Ail-around transformation 1-4$ li air dressing, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made ot combings, 95c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg., 31 and Washington. Marshall 1702. JOHN B. LE1BERG WANTED. Information com-miiug him, his prop erty In Phllliplne Islands, the money out of It. What became of this property 7 Seattle and Spokane papers please copy. Mattle B. Glass (nee Leiberg), Godfrey H. Lei berg. Casslel U. Leiberg. Lewistou, Idaho. Star Route. . TO W HO M IT MAY t"0N i- r it .-n notice: That me parineiBiup "isumh tween Richard L. Jlurdm und P. C. Browne, trading as the Oregon Flag Co., is dissolved, and that the undersigned will not be re sponsible lor any utM or debts con tracted by Richard L. Hardin after this iiie September 17, 1118, l: r . Wrowne. OUKUON FLAG CO. . SPANISH TAUGHT. Taught by a diflerent method by a Spanisn lady. Pupil will be able to con verse in simple hpanlsh first month; flu ency acquired in three months. Lessons, per hour. Address communication to W ."tOli. uregoni:uK , DH ALICE WELLS, beauty specialist, ladies only. H to 5 V. M. Face, neck and bust developing, cabinet baths, reduction flesh, rheumatism, give tonic bath, ner viiimuess and sleeplessness, liupotenuy. 4KI-414 Buchanan bldg. . A"N eUeCTrTc CABINET BATH, a tub and a scientific massage reduce high blood pressure and soiteiis the arteries. Iron itde -Institute. 7--U Pillock block. Nurss attendants, r-hone uroauwai o.- AN educated Eastern widow, alone In 111 West past 4o, would like to make ilia acquaintance uf a nice lady Ulead ot quiet taste; a country friend preferred. AG uSooregonlan. , tiwTLL get both your feet fixed up good at Dr Eaton's, the Chiropodist that do.sn t hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Giobs Theater bldg.. Uth and Wash. Bdwy. Zt2. SPIRITUALISM Airs ftl. L. LA Jln, -; 1th St.. cor. Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also lessous lu .cieu;s ot health and success. BEFORE SHOPPING ELSEW HLKL v sit Peterson s Upstaiia Sample Shop. 2Uj I it tock bin., for suits, coals, dresses, waists, petticoats, and save your dollars. FEBVET Ai HAKEBUI, leading wig and loupe makers, finest stock human hair goods; halrdresflng. man curing, face and fcalp treatment. 3411 Aider. Main oiU. KE WARD for lnlormalion whereabouts of Mary Marllncy, my daughter. L. D. Holland, l.lnnton, or. New orders and remodeling. The Fur vKci,'s liANIKLS AND URiCiGti, msnl "curmg. ectrolysi. .acial and scalp tre.t. .ni :i''Z r neunei uiu.. RELATIVES o( Ashley Clark or anyone concerning uarur knowing iniut pienno write D liu4. Qri-goiilan. RHEUMATISM, Constipation, ner au4 Dr. Elna Sorensen. uOS Panama biug. KiTi'iil'LUOl'S hair destroyed forever. Buch. multiple needle niotbod, indc hf physicians. 504 Swetland bldg. Dr. ndorsed rT-V MRS J. C. SCHURI. teacher Truth, u-'iirina daily circle. Sun. and Thurs., t P. M- "lo Jefferson. Home phone A 0SI2. -ft-iLL-! not be responsible for any bills after September 15. WIS. A. G. Andrew, Ken ton,on ; ; BET steam bath, massage, vibration, elec tric and chiropractic in city. Dr. Mar garet Ilaynie, 517 Swetland bldg. Main lilli GRADUATE nurss treat lumbago, oto. lours 2 to 6 or hy appointment. Phona Main 1040. flat C. SUM 3d. SUPERFLUOUS I11111, mi.:er, waits remov4 by 10-needle method; trial free. JosJ Fia ley. 814 Ellers bldg. Main 6308. PKuF. SM1DT, 21J Swetland bldg. Main 194L Mineral steam baths, nerve and blood cir culating niaasagfS. scientific massage. MUSIC PRINTING In Portland. Sheet mu sic, luoo copies 137.50. Finest work. Tracy B. Caswell. 2Z 2d st. MRS. STEVENS. 25 years Portland re nowned palmist, crystal gazer and spirit ual reader. 375 Taylor, corner West Park. SAIjESMAN closing out all samples of silk plush and silk velour coats at wholesale price. Room 117 Oregon Hotel. FACE massage, itching scalp, moles re moved. 230 Fuedner bidg. Broadway lobo. Sophia B. Selp. Spiritual readings; circle 'iut-s.. Fri. P.M. .iQ'i uoounougn. .Mr. 2.iU.i. PRIMEDA BALM, forirerly called Balm of Fiys. 644 E. 3;td. fell. '2l;. iiicrnlug. lTLV -'., write to your nick mother. M. iL CX,