- 18 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1918. SEE DISPLAY OF AUTHENTIC WAR TROPHIES AND RELICS IN ONE OF OUR MORRISON -STREET WINDOWS TODAY stototowmm If You're a Man Between 18 and 45 both inclusive and if you have not already registered You Must Register Tomorrow (Thursday) for the Selective Service Draft. Do you duty do it early and see that others do theirs. Register in your home precinct. Flags! This Store Is Headquarters Every home, every building should proudly display the flag. Silk, Wool and Cotton Flags in All Sizes will be found in most complete assortments at MEIER & FRANK'S. Service flags. Flags of the Allies. Flag Shop, Fifth Floor. Tut QjjuSLrnr Stor& op- Portland, 5 s 2 5 2 Notions, Home A timely announcement Fall dressmaking is beginning in earnest. An event of tremendous magnitude practically every sewing requirement is represented and in quantities that are for the most part well-nigh unlimited. An underselling event of extraordinary moment considering increased costs and replacement dif Threads Charter Oak Thread, hand and ma chine sewing, 6 cord, black and white, all numbers, 200-yard spools, 5 for 25. Klostersilk Mercerized Thread, black, white and colors, 100-yard spools, doz. ooS spool 5. O. N. T. Spool Cotton, black and white, all numbers, doz. spools 6.", spool ti6. Waconta Basting Thread, white only, numbers 40 to 70, the 300 yd. spools, doz. 6o, spool It. Conqueror Basting. Thread, 3 cord, white only, No. 70, three spools 10S spool ."'. . . Marshall's Linen ' Thread, broken assortment of colors, black, white and wood brown, odd sizes, spool Giant Button Thread, khaki color, 50-yard spools, doz. 556, spool 5f. Corticelli or Carlson Currier Spool Silk, complete color assortment, doz. $1.50, spool 15. Pins and Needles Washington Steel Pins, 400 count paper i6- Gem and American Maid Pins, sizes F3&-S. C, 3 papers 256. English Brass Fins, best quality, sizes S. C, 2 papers 25 paper 15. Damascus Safety Pins, nickel plat ed steel, white only, all sizes, 3 cards 256, card 106. Smith's Betweens Needles, finest quality, assorted and regular sizes, 10 needles on paper 86. Dreadnought Steel Pins, No. 5, the -lb. box 206 . Subscribe Now Take Advantage of This Special Offer "Woman's Home Companion" For a Limited Time Only 2 Years $2.50 Which Means That You SAVE $2.30 on news-stand price. Leave orders at our Magazine Section, Main Floor or Book Shop, Fifth Floor. If We Wffl Install Complete This Universal Steel Range In Your Home for $65 The range illustrated at right is a high-grade Universal quality range built on the most approved modern lines. It exhibits all the features required in the high grade range of today. Sanitary leg 'base, full polished 6 -hole top, 18xl9-inch electrically welded oven, well proportioned fire box, duplex grates, 6 pipe coils in fire-box. Make Your Own Terms in Reason Installed complete, including water coils and stove pipe, for $65. Meier Frank's: Sixth Floor, Fifth Street. Beginning Today and Continuing Pins and Needles . Needles, 15 assorted needles on card, 86. Needles, standard brands, wide as- assortment, all sizes, paper 15. Crochet Hooks, with protected ends. 2 for 15, each 8. Celluloid Knitting Pins, pair 25. Atlas Safety Pins, white only, size 2,4, four cards 25, card 76. Thimbles and Sewing Accessories Palmer Skirt Markers, good quali ty, 2 for 25, each 15. Roll Tape Measures, finest quality, 60-inch 50, the 36-inch 35. Sterling Silver Thimbles, sizes 7, 8 and 9, each 25. Tailors' Tape Measures, 60-inch, each 5. ' Silver Plated Thimbles, all sizes, 3 for 10. Celluloid Thimbles, all sizes, each Celluloid Finger -Shields, each 5. Tatting Shuttle Winders, each 76. Emeries, red, strawberry 6hape, medium size, each 10. Braids, Tapes and Bindings Cocoon Mercerized Skirt Braid, black only, 5-yard piece 10. Stickerie Braid, good quality, white with colored edge, 3 pieces 25, piece 10. Bias Tape, black and white, broken sizes, 6-yard piece 10. Angora Wool Skirt Braid, infantry blue color, 2 pieces 25. Stickerie Edging, finest quality, white with colored edge, 4-yard piece 19. Woman's Home Companion Twenty Guts ft The Amount You've Decided to Spend on Your New Suit Is $35 Then Most Assuredly Your Suit Is Here Just what many women want are these new Fall suits of fine wool poplin material in navy, black and brown. New pleated jacket with belt and buckle, collar fitting close at the throat. Two-piece skirt with shirred back and girdle. Smart! Serviceable! Lowly priced! Many other ne"w Fall suits variously priced all most moderate. -Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. Eg3 Sewers' Supplies, Dressmakers' Needs Braids, Tapes, Bindings Wool Skirt Braid, black only, 5- yard piece 10. Ric Rac Braid, best quality, white only, 2 pieces 25. Silk Seam Binding, black and 'white, 5M ligne, doz. pieces $2, piece 18. Silk Blanket Binding, white, pink and blue, 1V4 inches, bolt of 12 yards 55, yard 5. Mercerized Twilled Tape, finest quality, white only, -inch, 6- yard piece 21. White Cotton Tape, -inches, 3- yard pieces, 3 for 10, piece 46. Narrow Ribbon Binding, wide as sortment of colors, piece 5. Beltings, Featherbonings and Stiffenings Featherbonings and Horsehair Braids, wide assortment, 2 yards special at 5. Three Oaks Girdeline, curved and straight, black and white, brok en sizes, yard 15. Silk Belting, black and white, broken lines, yard 10. Black Cotton Belting, 1 to 1 inches, yard 5. Hoop Skirt Foundations, special 35. Hip Hoop Foundations, special 25. Wide Girdle Foundations, black and white, special 15. Hat and Dressmakers' Wires, silk covered, black and white, 3 pieces 25, piece 10. Acorn Ribbon Wire, black and white, 4-yard piece 5. Second Day of Our Unprecedented Sale 30,102 Pairs of Men's Fine Sox Cotton, Mercerized Cotton, Mercerized Lisle and Fiber Silk Sox A Gigantic Special Purchase of Fine "Mill Run" Sox Just Received Wonderful Values Best Colors All Sizes Buy for Fall and Winter 19c Black cotton sox with reinforced toes and heels. Finely serviceable qual ity. Sizes 9 to 11 V. Our Lower Price Store Announces for Today A Great Sale of Domestics Wool Mixed Suiting; 59$ Splendid quality wool mixed suiting, in tan, gray, garnet, brown and Shepherd checks. Most ly 36 inches, some 42-inch ma terial. Good School Plaids 75$ Excellent quality school plaids at this special low price while any remain. 36 inches wide. Suit able for middies, skirts and dresses. Cotton Serge Suiting; 19$ 26 inches wide. Good 6erge suiting a cotton twill material in hairline and chevron striped ef fects. In light and dark grays. Yard only 19c Silk Warp Kimono Cloth 29$ 27 inches wide. Many beauti ful colors in this good quality kimono cloth in pleasing floral designs. Short lengths, also on the bolt. Sale of Blue Chambray 19$ A good serviceable quality blue chambray in short lengths. Some of this material is subject to the very slightest imperfections. 32 inches. Wash Goods Yard 30$ Good durable material in plain colors and striped effects. Suit able foi1 making boys' waists and children's school dresses. 29 inches wide. Wash Goods Remnants A large table full of desirable short lengths wash goods ma terials for nearly every purpose. AH are greatly reduced many about HALF. All Week We ficulties the this list and m attendance Beltings, Featherbonings and Stiffenings Dressmakers' Wire, gold and silver, also silk-covered wires in black and white, 2 pieces 5. Cable Cord, black and white, ball 65. Hair Pins, Hair Nets and Hair Accessories Tourist Folding Curling Irons, each 13. Carnation Hair Curlers, brown, 5 on card 56. Face Veil Hair Nets, all hair shades, 3 for 25. Will-o-Wisp Hair Nets, cap shape, 3 for 35. Invisible Hair Pins, jet or bronze, assorted cabinets, 3 for 20, cabinet 7. Celluloid Hair Pins, crimped style, medium size, 2 cabinets 25, cabinet 15. Jet Wire Hair Pins, assorted cab inet 7. West Electric Hair Curlers, No. 5 size, card 23. Kid Curlers, good quality, medium size, bunch of 12 at 18. Jet Wire Hair Pins, assorted cab inet 5. Celluloid Hair Pins, crimped style, shell or amber, 3 sizes, box 10. Curling Irons, good quality, with hard wood handles, each 10. Celluloid Hair Pins, loop and straight style.s, shell or amber, large size, box 19. 25c 29c Seamless mercerized cotton, reinforced heels and toes. Black, white, colors. 9 to 11. Mercerized lisle sox with reinforced heels and toes. Black, white, some colors. Sizes 9 to 11. Sale Blankets $1.98-$5.95 Below present wholesale cost White, gray, tan, blue and pink, plaids and stripes. Single and double blankets. Slightly im perfect. Satin Finished Spreads $3.39 - Belfast satin finished spreads in pretty floral designs of blue and white and yellow and white. A few scalloped edges, cut cor ners. Full size.- Marseilles Bed Spreads $1.98 Marseilles pattern bed spreads made of a superior quality cotton. Subject to the slightest imper fections. Size 72x78 inches. Spe cial at only $1.98. Good Cotton Comforts $2.98 Good quality cotton comforters . covered with silkoline in good looking floral patterns and filled with clean cotton. . Size 72x90 inches. Warm Cotton Comforts $3.69 Cotton comforters covered with extra fine quality silkoline and filled with 4-pound cotton batts. Size 72x78 inches. Worth much more. Good Comfort Covering 15$ Good quality comfort covering in silkoline finish. Pretty floral patterns in light or dark shades. 36 inches wide. Priced ' yard only 15c. Fine Muslin Sheets $1.39 Serviceable quality muslin bed sheets in a good weight. Made with wide hems and welted center seam. 72x90 inches. Below pres ent wholesale cost. Meier & Frank's: Will Hold Our most worthwhile economies are supply every need during this to insure you win De waited on Dress Shields and Sanitary Articles Naiad Dress Shields, nainsook cay- ered, regular shape, size 4, pair 28; size 3, pair 2o; size 2, pair 23. Naiad Dress Shields, nainsook covered, crescent shape, size 2 and 3, pair 20. Omo Zouave Garment Shields, sizes 34 to 44, each 80. Omo Dress Shields, nainsook cov ered, opera shape, size 4, pair 35; size 3, pair 30; size 2, pair 25. Kleinert's Dress Shields, nainsook covered, crescent shape, size 4, pair 27; size 3, pair 25; size 2, pair 22. Kleinert's ' Dress Shields, flesh color, silk lined, size 4, pair 49; size 3, pair 44; size 2, pair 39. Naiad Brassiere Garment Shields, sizes 34 to 44, each 65. Kleinert's Brassieres, any style, each $1.49. Sanitary Aprons, finest quality rubberized nainsook, medium size, each 70. Sanitary Napkins, uncompressed, box of 6 at 25. Elastic Sanitary Belts, medium size, each 39. . Kleinert's Sanitary Belts, medium and large sizes, each 29. Kleinert's Sanitary Aprons, bloom er style, medium size, each 75. 38 c Heavy fiber silk, rein forced heels and toes. Black, white, best colors. Sizes 9 to 11. Meier & Frank's: Men's Shop, Main Floor. Good Pillow Cases 25$ These pillow cases are made of a good quality muslin and are in sizes 42x36 and 45x36 inches. Slightly imperfect pillow cases. Special at 25c Feather Bed Pillows $1 Famous Emmerich feather bed pillows filled with all new feath ers and covered with heavy tick ing in floral stripes. These 6ell regularly at $1.25. ' Quilted Cotton Batts 79$ Cotton batts that are all quilted and ready to make up. Full com forter size, 72x90 inches. These batts are easily worth $1 spe cial today 79c Quilted Cotton Batts $1.19 Cotton batts that are quilted and are large enough to make up into a full size comforter, 72x90 inches. Regular good $1.50 batts on sale at $1.19. Curtains and Corners 49$ A very special one-day sale of curtains and curtain corners, in cluding scrim and marquisette cur tains. Exceptionally good values at the low price, of 49c Turkish Bath Towels 15$ Only a limited number to be. sold at this low price. Good "seconds" bleached Turkish bath towels in size 16x33 inches. Be low present cost at 15c. . Good Huck Towels 18 ' Excellent quality huck towels in white, a few have colored bor ders. Good size. This price 18c is just about the present whole sale cost of these towels. Lower Price Store. Basement Balcony. Annual Fall Sale of offered those who purchase now. Check off your requirements on 4 - days' disposal. Sale begins today at 9 A. M. Extra salespeople promptly. Hooks, Eyes and Snap Fasteners Snap-it Snap Fasteners, black and white, all sizes, 6 cards 25, card 5. Brass Hooks and Eyes, black and white, small size, broken num bers, 3 cards 10, card 5. Panama Snap Fasteners, black and white, small size, doz. cards 65, card 7. Peet's Hooks and Eyes, black and white, all sizes, doz. envelopes 65, envelope 6. Hook and Eye Tape, good quality, black and white, size 3 hooks and eyes, yard 15. Snap Fastener Tape, good quality, black only, yard 15. Crochet and Darning Cottons Charter Oak and O. N. T. Darning Cotton, 4 ply, black, white, tan and gray, 4 spools 10. Mercerized Darning Cotton, black, white, navy and brown, 3 spools 10. Knitting Cotton, white only, large size balls, Nos. 6 and 8, ball 10. Silko Crochet Cotton, white and all colors, all sizes, ball 10. Charter Oak Mercerized Crochet Cotton, linen and unbleached, doz. 60, ball 6. Duchess Mercerized Darning Cot ton, finest quality, black, white and colors, doz. balls 55. Cretonnes For Fall Draperies As you well know cretonnes are the most desirable mate rials for new Fall draperies. We have immense new assort ments of all the newest, most up-to-date and artistically designed cretonnes ready for your selection. As a special inducement for you to choose your cretonnes here to day we offer three very special groups of cretonnes at greatly re duced prices. Discontinued patterns taken from our regular stock. Re duced as follows: 45c to 55c OD Cretonnes OC 60c to 75c OQgt Cretonnes 0C 80c -$1.10 rr. Cretonnes W"' Meier & Frank's: Drapery Shop, Seventh Floor. Upholstered wcg-y; q-2, T - k d This luxurious da w.pm fc made in our own shops of the best pro curable materials of their respective kinds, and upholstered in a great variety of coverings, including tapestry, velour and damask, back cov ered in same material. 7 feet long. Has three famous "Komf y" cushions on deep spring edge seat. Specially priced $98.50. We have on display in our Eighth Floor Furniture Shop the largest assortment of davenports, chairs, bedroom and dining-room furniture in the city. Moderately priced. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON Meier & Frank's: Furniture Shop. Eighth Floor. Hose Supporters Children's Columbia Waist Hose Supporters, white only, sizes 2 to 8 years, each 19. Children's Velvet Grip Hose Sup porters, black and white, 6 to 12 year sizes, pair 19. Dr. Parker's Waist Hose Sup. porters, black and white, all sizes, pair 45. , Women's Shoulder Brace Hose Supporters, white only, each 39. Corset So-on Hose Supporters, Velvet Grip, white only, 9-inch, pair 25. Hickory All-Elastic Hose Sup porters, sizes 12 to 14 years, 30; sizes 9 to 12 years, 25; sizes 2 to 9 years, 23. Miscellaneous Enameled Coat Hangers, pink, white and sky, each 15. C h i 1 dr e n's Waterproof Play Aprons, each 25. Tubular Shoe Laces, 36 to 54 inches, 4 pairs 15. Covered Suit Hangers, each 29. Lingerie Ribbon, with self-threading bodkin, 10-yard piece 10. Mothers' Ironing Wax, pad 5f . Hairbow Fasteners, each 5. Skirt Hangers, clothes pin style, each 10. . Steel Trousers Hangers, for 2 pairs or more, 2 for 25, each 15. Lingerie Ribbon Runners, pink, white and sky, 3 for 10, each 5. DeLong's Button Kits, black, white and tan, each 10i. Meier & Frank's: Notion Shop. Main Floor. Special Values in Petticoats Two excellent offerings today. At $2.59 A complete line of new mercerized petticoats in Dresden patterns, attractive shades. Elastic top. Ruffled flounce. All lengths. At $2.98 Cotton percale and seco silk top petti coats with fancy shirred flounces. All desirable colors. Lengths 35 to 40. Meier & Frank's: Petticoat Shop, Third Floor. Monk Collars Especially suited for wear with the new round neck Fall dresses. Satin with crepe frills, plain satin, bengaline, organdy, organdy with pleated frills. $1.25 to $2.75. Vestees and Guimpes ! Organdy, net, crepe and satin. Lace trimmed or with hand work. Some with cuffs to match, many with "modesty" pieces attached. $1.25 to $3.50. Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop. Main Floor. Davenport T4 I ! 5 3 -