THP. 3I0RXIXG OBEGONIAIf. TUESDAY, SEPTE3IBER 10, 1918.' G.0.P.RET1SIIS L Early Returns Indicate Tha Senator Fernald and Four Congressmen Win. LEGISLATURE SEEMS SAFE Democrats Cat Deeply Into Repub lican Vote; Much Interest Exists in Today's Primary Washington ' State. In PORTLAND. Me, Sept. 1. The Demo erats made deep inroads in the He- publican vote in the election in Maine today, but early returns indicated that they had failed to wrest control from the Republicans. On the face of figures from five- sixths of the state- It appeared that United States Senator Bert M. Fernald, .Republican, and probably all four .Re publican Congressmen had been re turned to office. Senator Fernald ran far ahead of the remainder of the ticket. The indica tions were that he would have a mar rin of well over 13.000 votes. For Governor, the Milliken plurality SDDeared likely to reach 7000. Figures for S5 precincts out of C3S In the state save: For sertor rer jiald, Rep, Sl,668; Newbert, Dem., For Governor Milliken, Rep, 63,786 Jlelntire. Dem, 63,485. Early legislative returns indicated , that the Republicans would continue in control in both branches. SEATTLE. Wash, Sept. 9. (Special.) The state-wide primary election to morrow has attracted little attention nd interest despite the fact that live Congressmen and five Judges of the titate Supreme Court are to be nomi nated, as well as the members wno win , compose the House and part of the Senate of the next Legislature. Little OppMltloa Likely. In the First. Second and Third Con gressional Dietricts. Representatives John F. Miller, Lin H. Hadley and Al bert Johnson. Republican, are without serious opposition and will be re nominated. In the Fourth District Representative W. L. La Follette. Republican, will rrobably be defeated for renomination, either by Dr. John W. Summers, of Walla Walla, or Austin E. Mires, of Ellensburg, his principal opponents. MeCroakey Wins on Democratic side. The Democratic candidate will be Will E. McCroskey. of Palouse. In the Fifth District. Judge J. Stan ley Webster. Republican, who resigned from the Supreme Court bench to make the race for Congress, will be nominat ed against Representative Clarence C. Dill. Democrat, but the renomination of Dill -by his own party is not consid ered certain by any means. Judge T. V. Tustin. of Spokane, is making a strenuous fight against him La Follette and Dili are opposed in their own parties because of their un satisfactory record on war legislation. Tolmaai Seema Stronger. The Supreme Court situation offers little excitement, except In the election of a Justice for the two years" term. Judge Warren W. Tolman, incumbent, opposed by Judge Walter M. French, of Kitsap County. Judge John F. Main, Wallace Mount and John R. Mitchell, incumbents, are expected to win at the primary for the six-year terms; Judge Kenneth Mack intosh, also appointed by Governor Lister, is unopposed for the four-year term. In King County interest centers on the contest for Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff and County Commissioners. Fred C Brown is believed to be in the lead, with Samuel Brackett, Chief Dep uty Prosecuting Attorney, his closest opponent. Sheriff Stringer is opposed Xor renomination by Robert Hodsre. Judge Clay Allen, who was appointed to the Superior Court bench by Gov ernor Lister, is strongly opposed by or ganised labor for renomination. Judge Calvin S. Hall, another Lister appointee, is expected to be renominated. Ex Councilman Thomas Revelle. and ex Judge and Congressman Dudley G. Wooten are strongly backed for the lo-, cal bench. SPOKANE. Wash, Sept. 9. (Special.) Chief interest in the primaries tomor row centers in the Tustin-LMll race for the Democratic nomination for Con gress. Tustin appears the favorite, having toured the district systematically and having had the support of practically all the leaders of the Democratic party. Webater Coaeeded Winner. Judge Webster Is generally conceded the winner in the .Republican primaries. HELENA. Mont, SepL 9. Declaring that "we deplore the seeming efforts that are being made in certain quar ters by the party in power in the Nation to use the war as a means of promoting party advantage and gaining party power, the piattorm reporteo to tne Republican state convention here to day promises to use "the force and power of our organization to the ut most in aiding the vigorous and effi cient prosecution of the war." The platform condemna tha fixing of prices for wheat and wool while no price is fixed for cotton, and recom mends the fixing of pricee for wheat flour substitutes. It indorses National and state prohibition and woman suf frage. Your Usefulness Fails when your eyesight fails. If you are in doubt about your eyesight if your eyes ache, sting or burn, or if close work blurs it is time to be fitted with a pair of my Perfect Fitting Glasses. DR. WHEAT Eyesight Specialist. 207 Morgan Building . Washington at Broadway GONTRO MAINE j "' OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. Army casu alties given out today by the War De partment total 784, of which 92 were killed in action, 39 died of wounds, 462 were wounded and 186 are missing. The total casualties to date are 28,261. SUMMARY OF ARMY CASUALTIES TO DATE: Prev. Kep. Deaths Rep. Sept. 9. Tot'l Killed in action ." 2 5.M8 Lost at sea -91 Died of wounds 1.467 39 1.596 Died of accidents and otner causes !.4S8 2.491 Tntal iluthi 9.310 139 9.448 Wounded 14,870 4S2 15.332 waring, including pris- ones .I7 188 3,483 Total casualties ..' 27.477 784 28,261 NORTHWEST CASUALTIES. Casualties among men enlisted from, states of Oregon. Washington and Idaho. with, their addresses and their next of kin, are i follows: DIED OF WOCNDS. Privates DUNCAN, Thomas 1!.: Mrs. Bessie P. Dun can. S32 Tenth street. Portland. Or. BYRNE, Robert I; Mrs. 8. H. Byrne, B SI Kt&ttnn H T&coma. Wasn. BURNS, Noah M.; Mrs. Anna Burns. R. T. D. No. 2. Boise. Idaho. HRKCZUCH, John; Herman Kuppler. Fort Ludlow. Wash. WOUNDED SEVERELY JS ACTION. Corporals Mc-KlME.NS. Donald B.; George B. Mc- Kimens. Mohler, Or. Prlvntm ACNE, i red E-; Mrs. Llllle La port. Dayton. Oregon. HALPERN, Louis J.S Mrs. Ray Halpero, l nor RMt Rnruce afreet. Seattle. Wash. ENOCHS. Paul 8.; John A. Enochs. Puyal- lup. w ash. GARDNER, Thad D.; Mrs. Clara Gardner, D.ih.ll Tl ' . - V. KIMBALL, Normaa A-t Mrs. Anna Kimball, Big Harbor, Wash. ME1ESTRK. Emll F.; Mrs. H- A Meyestre, WITHKICH, John; Peter Wuthrich. 2255 fl.hth aun Snltth.ut. Seattle. Wash. ZANNI. Matto; Am I bale CerguL 702 Seventh avenue. Seattle, Wash. BUTCHER. William F.j Mrs. Tena Butchek. 1612 South 16th street, corvallia, or. WOUNDED IN ACTION DEGREE UNDE- TpkWlVVII- rriTmtrs "?K. Harry Hartley, Mra WUHam J. Fish. ausLu 1- ACllU.. nAUAN, Bendik; Mrs. Harold Hauan. Rich- mond Beach. Wash. AVELEKO, Charlie M. ; Domlnlck Cavelero, R F. D. 1. Everett. Wash. PERKINS, Garrett; Mrs. Sarah Fuston. IdMvav. fir The complete casualty list for today follows: KILLED IN ACTION. Lieutenants NDES. James C, New York. . COMMON, Edward R-. Detsoit. Mien. OONNOR. Joseph P, Waterbury. conn. r R i H' k i mn i-nnmil. 'r York. GARD. Edwin Hamuel, Jr., New York. win.rir. vrtrtn a iseenan. v is. HOUSTON, Raymond F, Nashville. Tenn. DICKSON, Harrison A, Springfield, III. MANNING. Vincent S., Jersey City, N. J. Sergeants- NDERSON Alfred Andrew. St Louis. Ma EHLER, Walter. Hamburg. Pa. UAl.IV, jnsepn I neouure. cui,.,, - riSVv'fJlnwlillaspor.. Pa. ROMANOSKY. Edward George, Mahanoy city. i'a. CorooraUt f w Vartln J.. Bar CUT. Mich. 1PPEN, Abraham, New York. HEARN. James J.. Waterbury. Conn. BOOTY. Howard Pardoe. Bedford. Fa. DENGLER. Stanley O, Cressons, Fa. DU ROPEY. John, St. Louis, Mo. HOWARD, Ray A., Harvard. III. JOCKETT. Jacob J.. Wilmington, DoU L. I . If.... ""u v... - ' - r - , MAPTERSON. wm. rtarinn. miun'j. DELL. Michael John. aimouin, jiko. COLLINS, Fred Lulce, Marlboro, VL v- if l- i v ( " I . i, fi 1 1 mint. I 'ir.nvi!R. Miller Wusllch. Export. Pa. I COOK. Thomas Heln. Reading, Privates ALICA3. William, New York. BARKER. Roy L., Vardaman, Miss. BEAM. John. Erie. Pa. BELADO, Peter E, Miller" Falls. Mass. BELDEX. Ralph A.. Lebanon, lias. BLUM. Herman R.. Kahoka. Mo. BREEDLOVE. Elia. Claremore, Okla. BKEKKE, John. Madison. Wis. BRUNNER. Otto. Wllllamstown. Mo. CANF1ELD. Claude L.. Norman. Okla. CANNON. Newton. Philadelphia. Miss. CARPENTER,, Lambrlc, Ky. CASTINADO. Pablito. Ottlne. Tex. C4TALDO, Max. Hartford. Conn. CATHERS. William 8. P, JPavia. Pa CVII.LE. Francis Leo, Philadelphia. CIEMINSKI. Max. Polonla. Wis. CLIFTOX, Joseph H, Pittsburg. Pa. COPATO, Alexander. Bridgeport. Pa. COSCHI. George. Philadelphia. CRAIG. Mood. BlBfoot. Tex. CROWLEY. Patrick F, U'tlca, N. T. f.r, f t . . "w . New York. ftv'mtvb.' William Willis. Morrowville. Ks. DE HURST. John. Red Granite. Wis. GIBBONS. Eba Des.. Edmore. Mich. GRADY, Edward J., Manchester. N. H GRAHAM. Howard S.. Waterloo, la. HINTZ. John Anthony, Detroit. Mich. HYMES. Adolph Andrew. Wolfsburg, Pa. JENKINS. Asell M, Milton, Pa. JOHNSON. Erie J. Geneve. Ula JOHNSON. Walter P.. ML Jeannette, Pa. JONES. Charles Wesley, 'incennes. Ind. KELLY, L. E.. Utlca, N. Y. KENNA. William A, New York KING. Frank v.. Sheboygan. Wis. i t-v-rr sr.nh. Charles. Woodward. Ala. McCONNON. Vincent A. Cottsvllle . Pa. MCLAUGHLIN. Joseph. Waplnersfalls, N. X. MILLER. Abe E, not... uitphei.l. Leslie L.. Aylesworth. Okla. PETERSON, Clifton Earle, Klrkland. Ind. POTOSKY. uaiesiow. -- RE1LLY. John L.. Welt Newton, Mass. SCHMIDT. Sam, Hanover. W is COTTINGH AM. Charles. Stonewall. Okla. LUND. Eddie C, Siren. Wis. MUEWSK1, Joseph, Chicago, III. PEEK. Sterling M, Florey. Tex. RISING. Howard S. Lockport. N. X. SAMPSON. Charley T.. Russell. Pa SMITH. Carl J- Washburn. Wis. TRAMMEL!-. Lee. Guadaluplta, N. Mex. AYLER, John, Seminole. Okla. BROSHANSO.' Harry. Babanca. Russia. C ATON H P.. St. Joseph. Mo. MITCHELL. Emit E.. Walter. Okla. -PETERSON. Henry F.. Arlington. Neb. DIED OF WOUNDS. Sergeants ANDREA Frank E.: Beresford. a. D. CAHILL, Clifford W.: Hartford, Conn. SIMPSON. John 8.; Ready. Ky. f..I.M 1 BYRNE. Robt. t.s Mrs. S. H. Byrne. Box 51. station B.. Tacoma. Wash, 1 COLODY. Stanley; Windsor. Conn. . I MALLON. John D.: Manchester. V. J. I OHARA John R.: Carrington. N. p. I HANDLEY. Victor Hubert: Berkeley. CaL I HUELSMAN, uernara nenr, . K. - I xi I ntuMKiE William J.: Newark. N. J. I .-upNTOFrERSOX Arthur C: Milwaukee. COONEY. William J.; Chsrry Valley. Mas., in vraV Thomas L. '. Mrs. jesio r. vuu- - -'- . . . i ... n. FELDMAN. Elmer A.: Qulncy. Wis. FI LLER. Joe: Arlington, Colo. LEHMAN. John F. : Rockaway, N. T. LEWIS. Kenneth, Washington. MADDOX. Hobson: New Brockton. Ala. ma sow Clifford B.I Boston. PETERSON. Oliver; Twin Valley. Minn. SPENCER. William L.: Milan, Ga. STiVk-E. Frank: Phlladelphie,'Pa. SUTTON. Don S.; Lumberton. N. C DBXTER. Allen: Ptatesooro. ua. ANDROZEIVIBZ. John: Schneetady, N, . .-.,.... ii . f'h.'tl.n.r 1 Bl RNS.'oah m!: Mrs. Anna Burns, K. F. CHARD. George C.. New York. -BV.K Idaho. CHASE. Carlton E, Yarmouth. Mass. COBETSKY. Joe; Attutch Sub Minch. Bus COOK. Columbns J.; Frederlcklown. Mo. ..i;.n,.f u .... ut .ri.m.n. I eta. "...fL nii.i. xiih.el: McKerrocka Pa. i i-f.r,., t i c- . d.j i, Tel I M?1 KUPPler' Prt 1 . I .;, . rt i . m.h I rnnviA innn ciearaw: uerroii. I sOiTT Warren C.V Oxford. Ohio. STUART. Simon: Brigand Donegal. Ireland. WRIGHT, William, Uiuan. t-aui. DIED OF DISEASE. Privates CIPOLLA. John: Tsra San Martina, Italy. LB WIS. James; Pinelana, Tex. SINGLETON. Richardson, Jr.; Hlllsvale,, Pa J DIED FROM AIRPLANE ACCIDENT. Lieu tenants FOX. Franklin Gray: Washington. MILLHAM. George P.: Benton. Ark. WOUNDED SEVERELY IN ACTION. Captain WALKBR. Joseph: Havarford. Pa. IJeutenanta CROSS. Clifton V.: Kangatock. Conn. ' DUDLEY. James R.; Wllklnsburg. Pa. KIMBERLBY. Alfred K.; Oshkosn. Wis. SEJLBY, Harry J.; Ivory, Md. SWINGLE. Ernest Arthur: Ariel, Pa. WE3TERMAN, Lawrence; Chicago. Sergeants- CARTER. Casper P.: Ashland. Miss. COG AX, Daniel; Bayonae. N. J. DOLOW, Aaron; Lomza, Russia. HI ATT, Robert W.; Greensboro, TIL FRANKLIN. Elie 8.; Wessor. N. C. ROOT, John Henry; Detroit. Corporals ARCHAMBAULT, El win J.; Maple Lake, 1181 Minn. BOOZA. Edward George; Detroit. BOURIL. George Otto: Manitowoc, Wis. DEAN, Percy A.; Oneida, N. Y. HILL. Earl W.; Marion, 111. Mr KIM ENS. Donald B.; George B. Mc- Ktmens, Mohler, Or. NICHOLS, John W.; Big Rapids. Mich. SPBIDBL. Walter J.; Hanoverton. O. ALLEN. Harry; Chattanooga. ARMANI. Marco; Tlvoli. Austria. HATHAWAY". Edward G. ; New Canton. Itt MORGAN, Wlllard; CorrnetUville. Ky. Mechanics COBB, John J.: Corslcana, Tex. FIFE. James; Great Falls, Mont. McDONALD, Donald John; Cbeybogan. Mich Privates BALL. Dennle, Kansas City. BOESE. Otto F, Kallipell. Mont. BROWN. Clarence D, Clifton. N. T. CAMPANELLO. Angelo. Newark, N. J. FITZGERALD. Edward, Oakland. HOMSLEY, Gabriel P.. Fairfield. N. D. . KANIEWSKI. John. Chicago. KRUEGER, Richard. Milton Junction. Wis. LEVANDOWSKY. Bias, Wausaw, Wis. MALONE, Charley W., Sallls. Miss. MILLER, John Roy. Elkton. Mich. MURRAY, Clayton Lesley, Mackinaw City. Mich. PAPPAS. Stephen N, Worcester, Mass. FOWLER. Marlon E., Novinger, Mo. SCHAFFER. Charles E.. Hunt W. Va. TINGEN. Severing. Fosston, Minn. VOGELY. John J, Benkelman, Neb. WRIGHT, George A, Cassation. N. D. PETERSON. Oscar, Popejoy, la. PIERCE, Roy, Corning. Ark. QUINN. Michael, Brooklyn. N. J. ROBINSON, Ernie P, Pioneer. Tenn. SCHLATTER. Walter O, Fort Wayne, Ind. sLAiTL-nr, William B.. Luna. N. x. SPEHAR. Paul M, Chaasell, Mich. STEEL, Noureddln E.. Oakland. STELMACHOWSKI. Casper. Milwaukee. I josepn. DrooKiyn. I TOUNSEN, Lee, Kennett. Mo. , . i i dvk, i Carolina, Milwaukee. "f"? rt- IorK- I ' w... (twotiti jr ., uuvias. in. WAGNER. Glen G, Richmond. Ind. WHITA'-Can. Tenn. l wkiie, Lawrence Thomas, Ann Harbor, I Mich. I WHITLOCK. William H, Bedford. Ind. I it us, rercy John, Carson City, Mien. I WILCOX. Fred, Morley, Mich. WRIGHT. Charlie. Middle Creek. Ky. I WRIGHT. Nelson. Laporte, Ind. HUlKIUM. A I bert. Selolt. WIS. I AKOVICH. Nicholas Y., West Pullman, HL ADAMS. Walter II.. Emnra. Miss. ALBREGHSTON, Theodore D. B.. Bismarck, ri. D. ANDERSON. Oscar. Glenvllle. Minn. ASHLEY. Albert a. Croff. N. D. AUNE, Fred E, Mrs. Llllle Laport, Day ton, or. BRONNENBERG. Kenneth, Anderson, Ind. DA LET, Harold, Brooklyn, Ind. DILLAVOU. Robert H.. Glldden. Ia. DUFF. Thomas, Plantan, Glasgow, Scotland. UEORGB, Joe., Fletcher. Okla. GURNET, John. Gumey. Russia. I GUSTAFSON. Ivan. Chicago. I HALPERN, Louis J, Mra Ray Halpern, lsoB Eajit Rnruee Rtreet. Seattle. Waan. WMAK Joseph. Koveno. RuW LO ELACB, Francis M, Atlanta. MoCOr. Virgil. Malcolm, Minn. REGUSH. John. Suczawa. Austria. RUCH, Charles Boa-ers, Lsncaster, Pa. RYAN. William F, New York. CADDITJ. Frank, Barcekda, Italy. SPRIGGS. Elmer, Springfield. Mo. BAGLEY, Joe, Portedale, Ga. BARGA. John. Cllffmine. Pa. BAYS. Richard C, Keneva, W. Va BETTS, Theron. Cleveland, O. BIDDLE. William. Thorpe. Wis. CARY." Miles E-. Kenmare, N. D. DEISHER. Lewi- B, Eagle Rock, Va. DEKEVEES, Fmanuel Bernard, Monroe, Mich. DERING. Sam. Newllpzlg. N. D. DRISCOLL. Cornelius. Washington. D. C ENOCHS, Paul S, John A Enochs, Puyal- up, W ash. FISHER, Charles, Trajoinova, Poland, Rus sia. GARDNER, Thad D, Mra Clara Gardner, Bothell. Wash. GAUSTIN, Samuel John, Omo. Wla GORDER, Roy O.. Moorehead. Minn. GOWAN, James, Shawano. Wis. HALL, Fred. Devonshire. England. HASTINGS. Hillary E.. Great Falls Mont HOCHBERGER. Jacob, Peru, Dubuque, la. JEWELL. Herman. Sullivan. Ind. KAY. Robert E.. Altoona, Pa. KEI.ING. Howard S.. Bollrer. Mo. KIMBALL. Normal A, Mrs. Anna Kimball. Big Harbor, v, ash. KINNEY. Charles F, Grand Rapids, N. D. KOPER. John, Dunkirk. N. Y. KRAMER, Frank A., San Francisco. KUNKEL, Frank, Jr.. Milwaukee. LENT. Richard D.. Syracuse. N. Y. LITTLE. Charles v.. Greeonrs, N. D. LOGAN. Charles F.. BlacK oaa. Am. LOPUSZYNSKI. Steve, West Osny. Poland. McDONALD. Charles, McLaln. Miss. McHUGH, Patrick H, Albany. N. Y. McKEON. Faye. Westby, Mont. McMAHON, Delbert, Portage, Wla McMAHON. Ray J, Postage. Wis. MANGO, John. Moyano, Italy. MEYESTRE, EmUe F, Mrs. H. A. Meyestre, Nachez. Wash. MOLINO. Domingo, San Franelscd. MORGAN. Isaac Butte, Mont. MOSCKERO. Charles, Clinton, Ind. NELSON. Charles A, Grafton. N. D. NELSON, George. Green River, Utah. NICKELSON, Anton, vardssta. DenmarK. OLEARY. Dennis. Braddock, Pa. PARAS. Christ Phillip, Trlpolle. Greece. PETRELLIS. Luciano. Albens. Italy. PHILLIPS, James O, Oneida, Tenn. pINCH Thomas M, Glendale. Md. price. William C. Berwvn. Md. RAFFERTY, Earl. Princeton, Ind. RAKET. Victor. Detroit, Mich. RANSOM. Leo W, Los Angeles. RESSNECK. BenJ.. Brooklyn. RHODES, Arthur F, willlston, N. Dak. - ROGERS. Walter L.. Muldrow, Okla. PEILER, John, Waterloo. Ia. REVENTI. Joseph, Tonopah. Nov. STANDISH. James F, Mfnneapolla I STRONG. William E.. Devil's Lake. N. D. THOMPSON, Harry. Evansville, Wis. TRIESTEN, Julian, Gorbochle, Minsk, Rus sia. TRUELOVE. Jesse Guy. Tullahoma, Tenn. VROLSON. Arthur J, Larson. N. D. WALKER. Melvln J, Winnipeg, -Canada. WHITTIMORE. Howard W.. Hals. Tenn. WOMACK, Francis M-. Wappapello, Mo. WUTHRICH, John, Peter Wuthrich, 2Sa th t. s. E.. Seattle. Wash. ZANNI, Matto, Amibale CerguL T02 Seventh avenue, Seattle. Wash. ' ABNER, "isaac Burning Springs. Ky. ABRAHAMS. Sabah. Boston. . AEVERMAN. Herman, Concord. Neb, AKERS. Ralph George, Warren. Pa. ALDEN. Raymond H, Montpeller, Vermont amble'r, John H-, Santa Barbara County, Cal AMMIGO. Marcus B, El Paso. BAILEY. Charley. Yonkers. N. Y. BECHTEL. Charles Henry. l.eDanon. Fa. BECK. Henry A. New Hartford, N. X. be kj.iin. r ran t.. c tity. . j, ,..wcu-. - - BOYER. Michael. Wllkesbarre, Pa. BOYLES. Allan ft. Cushing. Okla. BRODERICK, William Thomas. Shenan doah. Pa. BROWN. Frederick O, Flushing, V. Y. BROWNAWELL, John Howard, Harrlsbnrg, Penn. BRYANT, Harry T, RumfoTd. Mains. BURKE. Edward J, New York. BCTCHEK, William F, Mrs. Tena Butchek. 1612 S. ISth St.. Corvallls. Or. CABLE. Harry Edward. Versailles. O. CARACCIOLO. Tony, Scranton, Pa. y CHAPMAN, Paul H., Tishomingo, Okla. , CHERKO. Thomas. Passaic, N. J. CLARK. George Washington. Everett Pa CLAR Nathaniel. Butler pa. CLOW. Leroy W.. Westfield. Pa. COLE. William F Greenville, O. CONGER. William P.. Paris, Tens. COOK. Robert H, Cincinnati. RFMlNNEdNowtabJf, f I", UVW 1 1 I William Vnl-Avfrn . r. CRANSTON. John H, Scranton. Pa. f ff. -f- ,f . CUNNINGHAM. William Joseph. Detroit. YRUS. Curtis W.Burllngton. N. D. DAVID. George. Boston. DEE. James J, Augusta. Ga. , DITTIACUR, Carleton A, Hammondsport, New Tsrk. DOMBROWSKI. Frank, MeTlenvUla, N. T. DUFFY. James I. walnut Kan. DUNCAN, Drewle D, Anderson. S. C. U1DLIAU, isaac a., aiuow l,ui, minn. ELLIOTT. George P, Llthonla, Ga. ENGLISH. William Edwin. Huntingdon. Pa. ERICKSON. Martin C Thompson. Ia. ESSER. Simon M, Casselton. N. D. FEHR3. Peter Jon. Belgrade. Neb. FINLEY. Harry James, Harrisburg. Pa. FORSBCRG. Harry Alben, Warren, Pa. FOSTER. Samuel. Newton. 111. F RAISER, LJoyd Mansfriediich, Des Moines, Iowa. FUNK. Richard Edward. Brooklyn. FUSON. GUlus L, Tldalwava, Ky. GADNER, Reuben Henry. Favia, Pa. GAUTHIER. Fred J., Marquette. GEISTWITE, Hervey Jasper, Steel ton. Fa. GELLARD, Waldo, Brooklyn. GERGASZ, William. South Bend. Ind. GRAEFF. James F, PottsvlIIe. Pa. GRAFNECKER, Leopold. Chicago. GRAVES, Joseph. Gossett. III. HANSEL, Earl, Osterdock. Ia. HART, Leslie. Philadelphia, N. Y. HASKINS, James E Dearborn, Mo. HATFIELD. Charlie L, Atlanta. HAWK. Charles William, Hummelstown. HELWIG, Julius A, New Lyme. O. MircHENS, Bradford. Felton, DeL HOBYAK. Joseph, Detroit. HOFFMAN. Ralph. Cleveland. HOLBROOK, Carey D.. Shelbyvllle. Ind. HOLLAD, William, Matta Pan. Mass. KANE. Francis J., Marlboro, Mass. KARGER. Abe, New York. KASSEM. Mabmood J, Indian Bottom. MATZ, Samuel, New York. KELADITES, Haralambos, Port Chester, New York. KENAN, Bert G, Toledo. KENMORE. William H, Brooklyn. KENCHUK, Jacob. Hammond. Ind. KILGROE. Solomon, Pell City, Ala. KING. Hugh W.. Chicago. KING, Oralf, Big Sandy. Mont. KIRSCHENHE1TER. Frank P, Brooklyn. K1TTS. Hubert. Chester, Tenn. KLING. Clayton Elmer, Philadelphia, Pa. KOENIG, Fred. Enhout. Pa. KOVALSCI. John. St Barbertown, Ohio. KRZW;CKI. John. New York. LAWSON, Carl Percy. St Warren. Pa. LAZARSKI, John J., Pittsburg, Pa. LINHARDT, Joseph. Brooklyn. LOWER, Edgar. Millersville, Ind. LUTZ. Kenneth John, Butler, Pa. McCANN. Edward J.. Taunton. M... McCOUCH. James Paul. College ri.rn.f- McGUIGAN. James Joseph. Rushland. Pa. TOaifUntun, unas. itenry. McKenzle, Tenn. MACKEY, Frank, Cambridge. Man. MARSHALL, Walter T., Cleveland. O. MAYNARD, Floyd Alton. Limestone, N. Y. MOORHEAD. Jas. Claude, Dallas City, Pa. N A I LOR. Jacob Samuel, Mechanicaburg, Pa. NESS. OLE A, Fargo. N. D. NEY. John J, Hammond. Ind. NOORSTROM, Gerald Waldemar, Calumet Mich. PATTERSON. Walter D, Georgetown, 111. PAUCH. Everett, Benham. Ind. PELLEGRINO, Giovanni, Ironwood, Mich. PLUNKETT. Edmund J, Alexandria, La. PROTOWSKI. Walter a. Peru. 111. PURCELL, William F Duncott Pa. RABENOLD, Edgar W, Allentown, Pa. RAND, Roy F, Rogers, Ark. RICE. Claud. Elwln. Ill RICKERSON, Luther P.. Dubberly, Ls. RILEY, William. Swltzer, Ky. ROBERTS. George A. Philadelphia. Pa. RODKEY. Mearle H.. McVevtown. Pt ROSEMAN. Clark, Red Lion, Pa. HAMMONS, Barney. Wicks. Ark. SCHURR. Adolohs. Cleveland. O. SEIDERS. Walter H, Philadelphia, Pa. WOUNDED IN ACTION DEGREE UN DETERMINED. I. Irn tenant GASTO.V. Harley B Samuel J. Gaston. i-oweu, n. c. x . u . DOCKEXDORF. jr,rt,-lr.!r i T ml. cago. 111. ' oak.nktt. Walter Henry. Pt Johns, N. MERCKER. Rriwarr! V,ln.n T.'' i,iiiiE,n, .nnarew, isrownneia, pa. QUIMBT. William D, Manchester. N. H. WILLIAMS. Robert A, Cleveland, O. CLAYTON, George. Jersey City. HANS. JoseDh. New York. SCULLY. John M, Waterbury. Corporals O-CALLAGHAN, William. Jr., San Trancisco. ruuii.MtK, Bugler Ernest N Fall River. ueorge A, Buffalo. BRONKHORST. John, Ross. Mich. Siy.1,1 Clyde c ' Lalunta, Colo. CASPALICH. Alen.. Gulfport. Miss. CAWLBT. John. Vlrrlllnr P CLAPP, Norman K.. Grafton. Ohio. DtKILLIPPO, James, San Francisco. EGLAND, Selmer Arnold, Malta. 111. FINNEY, John K, Philadelphia. FORTH. Walter E, Detroit, Mich. HAYES. ' Ernest S.. Alleran. Mich JENSEN", Andrew, Mllnor. N.. D. McDERMOTT. Herbert D Harm,, Til MARTINEZ. Frank N, Fresno. CaL NELSON. Dsnlel. Morrison. Okla. NICHOLS. Frank. Chicaco. Til. O'CONNOR, Bartholomew. New York. PICKETT, Ray A, Palisade, Minn. STEELE. Debarth, Elmonte. Cal. SVOBODA. Louis. Racine. Wis. VANOSS. George, Dixon, Mont. w AKB.I.NS. John S, Winona, W. Va. Privates BARRETT. James New York. DAVIS, William. Chicago. uunriAM, .Maxwell Leland, MobUe. Ala. LiUwr.Ki, jonn f.. Chicago. MC2XELL.: CZ?nJ-: ,pai"ersburg. W. Va. SANKEY. John E.. Oakland STICKNEY. Samuel E., Independence. Mo. v-i-voc, noucn j., or. i-eier, Aiinn COZAZLUCK, Haurilo, Kosowka Kleve, Russia. FOY. John, Mayo, Ireland. KABAN, William. Corben. Russia. KNAPI. Savarlo. San Peolro. Italy. KONDIN. Feiix. Desevouo. Rusala- LINKE, Paul, Chicago. TATE, Raymond F., Thompsonvllle, Ind. WELCH, Merl L, Edinburg, III. EPSTEIN, Nathaniel. New York. HASS. Alvln R, Lvtton. Ia. HUNN, Fred D, Hinsdale, IIL ' LARSON, Anton E, Princeton, Minn. LEMAY. Charlie I., Okemoh, Okla. McIVER, Raymond A.. Brooklvn. MAULDING. Otto Theodore. Patoka, 111. MERA. Thomas, Buffalo. N. Y. MURDOCH, George H.. Chicago. MURTHA, Daniel J.. Brooklyn. N. Y. MURPHY, Edward J., Barneaville, Minn. PETERS. Claude B.. Peoria. 111. PETERSON. Theodora W, Ashland. Wis. RODICK, Sam, Chicago. BATSON, Robert J., Vista, N. C. BEGLEY. Walter H Soldlersarove. Wla. BERRY, Newton M, Plato. Minn. BILLOWS, Cyfford S, St Paul, Minn. ' BOWER. Edwin J, Minneapolis. CACK, James, Philadelphia. CALLAHAN, Timothy James. Milwaukee. CALLIS, Benjamin Loving. Bedford. Kv. CARLSON. Adolph F, Rock Creek. Minn. i A iAi.A.Mj, vito. Italy. CHAMBERS, Thomas, South Manchester, Conn. CHAMPLTJVIER, Ernest Sklnnerseddy, Pa. LAitu, jacoD Astor. n.aston. Md. CLOUD, Elmer E, Greenup, III. CODY, Nicholas F., Revere. Mass. COOLEY, Leroy, Los Angeles. CRAVEN. Edward E., Youngstown, O. CUELLER. Ellseo. Alice, Tex. us H MAN, Charles. Brokenbow. Neb. CUTTER. Richard M, Mountain View. Cal. DAMLiitKU. aidid p., Amory, Wis. DAHLiyr, Casper Idolph, Eleva, Wla PALEY; Edward Francis' Ballardvals, Mas. DEPUE, Earl, Creston. W. Va. DETTLAFF. Frank A, Milwaukee. DOLVEN, Alberts J, Little Falls, Minn. DOMASK. Frank, Berlin. Wla DOMER, Earl E, East Canton, O. " DOZIER, Clarence, Clifford. 111. DROUGHT, Joseph R.. Janesvllle, 'Wla. DURAND, Jean L Baslle, La. EBY. Ezra. Jones, Mlcb. ERICKSON, Arthur. Irene, S. D. ESPENLUND, Selmer C, Mettonvltla, la. FA LLSTROM, John A.. Falun. Wis. FENTON, Florenz J, Philadelphia. FISH, Harry Hartley; William J. Fish, Klrk land, Wash. FREEMAN. Alva A, Paragould, Ark. FUDSTENBERG, Laurence, Sioux Pass Mont GIRARD, Edgar, Louisiana, Mo. GRANBY, Thorvald, Poplar, Minn. ' HAGEN. Clifford, Pelican, Minn. HAUGEN, Henry George. Chicago. HILSCHER. Ray E, Lincoln, 111. HOOVER, Sherman, Tarrytown, Pa. HOPKINS, John W., Forestport, N. Y. JOHNSON. Howard L Denver, Colo. KLOPOTEK. Peter Joe. Custer, III. MALLON, Dennis. Detroit MALLORY. Thomas D., Jewell. Tex. MANSFIELD. William H., Racine, Wis. MIDGETT, John. Lowland, N. C. MIKULENKA. Rudolph John, Smithville, Tex. MORKUS. Anthony, Showdy, Russia. MUCKLE. James R, Steubenville, O. NEBUBAUER, Emll, Martin, N. D. NOVITSKY, Cozmlsh. Hudson, Mass. PAUL, George S, Dlxonville. Fa. PERRY, Clarence .L, New Waverly, Tex. PETERSON, Carl V., Minneapolis. PORTER, Clement K.; Mrs. Florence Porter, Rexburg, Idaho. PURDUM, Harry E, Glencoe, Minn. ROBESON. Barton D, Baring. Mo. RYBINSKI, Roman. Elgin. Neb. SHULL, Ralph W, Montrose, 111. SMITH. Guy. Summerfield, Okla. STEVENS. Chester. Nashville, Tenn. SYKES. Oscar I, Derby. Vt. THOMAS. Andrew Russell, Ellwood City, Pa TOWER. William S Greenfield. Mass. VANWINKLE, James H, Broughton. IIL VANZILE, Charles, Howe, Ind. WHALEN, George, Huntley, Mont, WHARTON, Clarence E, Decatur, ITL WEITNER, William. Glencoe, O. WILLIAMSON, Leslie. Fort Collins, Cola WRIGHT, Ben. Guinea Mills, Va BOLENSKY, Joseph. South Ambey, N. J. BUGEEDA, Jan. New Cumberland, W. Va CAR A DONNA. Joseph Jr. Stoughton. Maaa DUREN. Loren Danfortn. Endlcott N. I. FRENCH, Joseph. Chelmsford, Masa GREER, Clancey Other, Urbana 111. GROFF. Roscoe B, Claremont 111. HAMILTON. James H Haven. Conn. H AUG. Adolph, Dalton. Minn. HOCKEN, William E.. Bingham, TJtall. HTRD, Richard L, Chattanooga MeAFREE. Jessie J. Paige. Tex. . McGOWAN. Frederick. Lewistown, Mont MANASIAN, Peta Brooksnire, Tea MILLER. Edgar. Sapulpa, Okla NICOLA, Albert, Pittsburg. Save Your - Pa. MM 2 oz. Cascara Bark .100 2 oz. Sheep Dip 150 5 oz. Sulphite of Lime to arrest fer mentation in cider enough for one barrel 25c $1.40 Agar Agar cut or uncut. .$1.25 1 lb. Cream Tartar $1.00 1 pt. Albanol, a pure, .white, mineral oil, priced 500 Red Blood Pills 500 10 oz. Enginol ...250 3 Dutch Cleanser 250 S oz. Silver Shine Metal Polish. ...... .250 1 pkg. Bird Seed, with or without o Hemp, at 1 pkg. Bird . PETERS, Emll. Greenville, Mich. POWERS. Richard J, Charlestown, Mass. RADTKE. Emll D, Sheboygan, Wis. RAUTHENBERG, George C, Genesee III. RHEA, Bryan W, Summer, Ia. SCHLIM. William. Port Washington. Wis. SCHNEIDER. Walter. Milwaukee. TROTTER, Gregg E Belle Pralrl IIL WARD. Foster T.. Inez. Ky. WATKINS. Bert. Manhattan, Kan, WASENT, Joseph B, Auburn. Mien. WEITING. John D.. Bloomington, - 111. WHITCHER. Earl. Melvern, Kan. wnrrvnF.n KI.IGHTXT IN ACTION. B. I IJeuteBttnts MAYNE, Walter R, St Louta Mo. MISSING IN ACTION. Sergeants BOWE, Harvey, Dry Branch. W. Va. ELVIDGE. Edward G-. Germantown, Pa. JONES, Harold, San Antonio. Tex. SCRUGGS, Lile A. G, Gretna, Va. Corporals aT.T.Erl TTarold I. Oregon. Mo. CHRISTENSEN. Don P. Glyndon. Minn. DUKESHIRE, Theodore, Brooklyn. GINDRON, Martin. Galveston. GREENWOOD, William F., Waltham. LOVE. Frederick, Peterolea, Ont fiMTTH r'lnnnln W.. Etowah. N. C. HENNESSEY, John P, El Reno. Okla. MEEKS, Benjamin T, Felser, . i. MUSSELMAN, Leroy, Argenta. 111. PARKINSON. George B.. Silesia. Mont BENWAY. Joseph D, Burlington, Vt. Bnelers - - AI.DRIDGE. Lowell S.. I-ogan, w, Va. AMOS, Charles E, New York. Wagoner . OGDEN. Harley, Belleplaine, Kan. Privates ALLEN, Hugo G, Mt. Carmel, 111. AKnPRSOX Curl F.. Bav City. Mich. ANDREWS. William E.. Burlington. Vt ARMSTRONG, Clarence L.. Perry. Mich. BEAUDERN. Henry J, Blauwe ri.. oanaaa. RETKA. .Tosenh A.. Ludlncton. Mich. ROTTT. ANGER. Henry F, Fullerton, N. Y. BREWER. Alfred O., Tuscola, III. BROWN, Getie. Rector, Ark. CAFTXT. Orelio. Detroit CANNOE. Glovarml, Jeannette. Pa. rARROl.I. Vlra-ll. Indtananolis. CASEY, Richard D-. Clinton. N. T. CHRISTOW, Nicholas, Loralne, o. JACKSON. James M.. Mason City, 111. .TOHVKrW. Gerard. Decorah. 111. LIGHTBOWN. James ,.. wnitinsviue, juasa. LIRA, Oscar. Mayviue, n. u. MANSON, William D, Boston. -POST. Lambert E.. Caldwell. Mont ALEXANDER. Will F, Georgina, Ala. ALB AR ADO, Alfred, Flaquemine, La. ntsTRnT:. Howard. Richmond. Ind. ARMSTRONG. Wm. K..W. Alexander, Pa. ARNOLD, Henry, LouleeT Va. AUCOIN, Sydney a... nattesvuie, u. AITST1'. C.rl K.. Madison. Wis. BALDWIN. W. M.- Joseph. Somervllle. Mass BERN AS, Frank Jonn, iMmira, . a. BETTY. Curtis Henry. Timpas, Colo. BOUTCHES. George, Chicago, nninfimw .Tbttih Znnl. Va. ' CAVELEKO, CharUe M, Domlnlck Cavelero, R. F. D. 1. Everett Wash. CHRISS. William J, Willow Hill. III. CLABACGH. Glen E, Sioux iiapios, ia CLEMONS, Houston, Sperry, Ok. COLEMAN, Daniel D, Chicago. COLLI AN, Spiros M.. Chicago. COX, Edward, Manchester, Ky. DAIGLE, Joseph, Dutchtown, La. DAVIS, Willie F, Halls, Tenn. DAY. Floyd. Decatur. DEBOER. Jacob. Paterson. DETROY. Charles, Farmington, W. Va. 1 DION, Leon J., North Adams. Mass. DOELLMAN. Walter J, St Bernard, O. DRAKE. Joseph, Starks, La. DURANT, Charles W, Sheridan, Wyo. EDMONDSON, Augustus M, Atlanta. ESCARZAGA, Charles. Los Angelea EUBANKS, Lonnie, Non, Okla. FERGUSON. Harry R.. Pittsburg, Kan. FLYNN, Benton. Broadhead. Ky. FOLEY, Sarbaston, Blacksvllle, W. Va. FOSTER, Walter, Mauk, Ga. GAINER. Coy, Rlchwood, W. Va. GELARD, Ben. Phoenix, III. ggERT, Andrew . Boston. Masa GOODSON. Steve, Kimball. W. Va GRAHAM. Henry" C. Gary, W. Va GUARNERY. Pete, Gary. Ind. - HANSEN, William W, Aberdeen, h. v. HARLEY, Harry Joseph. Philadelphia HATCH. George L.. Shelby, O. HATCHER, James F, Weston. O. HENDERSON. William D., Senatobia Mlsa HEVVESBT. Charles G.. Hamden. Conn. HERMANCE. Charles E, Glensfalls, N. Y. HILL. Robert W., Guerrant Ky. HODGE. George N, Williamsville, Va HOLTZMAN. Louis F., McKeesport Pa HOWELL. Auszia Amory, -Mass. JEWELL, Charles, centervllle, Mont. JOBANSKI, John. Niagara Falls. JUSTIC. NIC. Chicago. KETTERMAN. Charles J, Martinsville, Ind. KILLIAN, Willard D.. Chaffee, -Mo. KNAPP, Charley A, Hartford. Mich. KRYSIAK. Stanley. FuiasKI, wis. LAMBERT. Howard J, Philadelphia N. LANGFOKD. Frank M, Buckner, Ark. LENDERMAN, Ike C Starkvllle, -Mlsa LITTERAL, Franks M, Louisville. LUTZ. Charles. Jr., Whiteville. La MACK. Howard Payne. Canton. N. T. .. MAGNETT, Earl D, Tipton, Ind. MAHONY. John J.. Bronx. N. Y. MANNING. Andrew Pierco, Bassets, Va MARTIN, Dewey G, Bagdad. Fla NETTIORNE, Giacinte. Pittsburg. OSWALD. John, Clifton, O. PAFF, Leonard F, Wausau, Wis. PAPKA, William A., East Agry, Ind. PARKS. James F, Ripley. Miss. PARNETT, Arthur. Choudrant. La ! PARSONS, Enoch O, Loogootee. Ind. PAULIN, John B.. Chelmsford, Ontario. PENNINGTON, Norman W, Landenberg. PERKINS, Garrett, Mrs. Sarah Fuston, Gate way. Or. PERKINS. Jess, Barcamp Mlla Ky. PERKINS, Robert Y, Kevil, Ky. POSNER. Adolph. Hartford. QUICK, Edward W, Blnghamtoa RANDALL, Kawara L.. wiiKesDarra . RASH. John D, Ashvllle. " - REGAN. Michael. Scranton. 8AJA. Josfe. Milwaukue. SANDERS. Charlie, campbellsvllle, Ky. SANDERSON. John G, Hamilton, Ala BATTLER, George E, Fond du Lac, Wla SPHEIBELHUT. John W... Phlladelrhla SCHMALING, Victor H, Appleton. Wla SCHUMANN, Max E, Athol. Masa SCULL, William C, Scranton, Pa SCHONSEY, Thomas B, Clarks. Neb. SLOAT, Othie L., Hebers Springs, Ark. SIMMONS. George M, Alexandria La. SMIDLEY. Albert L, Danville. Pa . ' SORRELS. Fred F, Wllhite. N. C, SPRINGFIELD,' Andrew, Bradley. SANDERSON. Alfred H.. Sanger, CaL WELKER, Morgan E, Harlem, Moat WESTLCND. Arvln. Atwater. Minn. WINECKI, John A, Stenspolnt Wla WOODHOUSE. Charles E., Victory, Wla YBARSEABAL, Gus A, New Orleana La AMYSKEFSKY, Albert V, Little Falla Minn. ANDERSON, Cart O., Prescott. Wla BAGGETT, George W, Makaada, 111. BRADEN. Howard. Macedonia 111. BROVOLD. Philip L, Minneapolla . CADY, Melville, Saratoga, N..Y, S. & H. Trading Stamps They Cost You Nothing and Increase Your Bank Account THINGS ARTISTIC AT SPECIAL PRICES $1.75 Nut Bowls and Crackers for. $1.00 $1.50 Jardinieres for S1.00 Frames ,up to $2.50, with glass $1.00 Frames up to $1.50," with 1 glass ....50 85c Glass Vases for. . . ; 50 $4.50 and $3.50 Flower Bowls for $3.00 New French Mirrors $3.00 will surprise you with the quick and efficient way it whips cream or mayonnaise, beats eggs. Attach to any electric light socket and see how easilyitdoes the DRUGS AND. PATENTS 2o0 ; Sand.. - 100 Johnstone's Sarsaparilla. 900 .STREET AT WEST PaBK "MAB3HAU. 4700-HOME ALDTB CARLSON, Gus C, White Park, Minn. CLARK. Harlow O, Winnebago, IIL COBURN. John R, Vandalia HI. ENRIETTO, James. Diamond, 111. FESSENBECK, Mllo. Martinsville, IIL FULLER. Claud. Detroit GIBSON. Robert C, Quitman, Miss. GILBERTSON. Frank C, St PauL GULBRANSON. Herman. Duluth. HARMON. Bruce, Muncie. Ind. HARROUF. Homer W, Murphysboro, 111. HAIA.V, Bendik, Harold Hauan, Richmond Beach, Wash. HOFFMAN, Carl, Hampdon, Conn. HOUGHTON. Charles O, New Bedford, Masa HRABAK. William J, Chicago. HUGGINS. Harry D, Granbury. Tex. HULBURD, Frank D, Colchester, Vt JOHNSON, Harry A, Marshall. HL JOHNSON, Robert E, Nye, Wla KARR. Frank O.. Thomas. Okla KITTLESON. Rudolph C Forest City, Ia KULERS. Theodore. Bloomington, Ind. LANCELLO. John A, Avon, Minn. LANGE. Fred W, West Holyoke, Masa McIOGAN, George, Sac City, la MILLER. Elmer. Rensellear, N. T. MOFFIT. Clifton N.. Chandler. Minn. MORGAN, Neal, St Johneburg, Vt NEUBAUER, Max. Smithville, Minn. NIELSON. Thomas E, GUlett Art NIEMANN. Herbert A, Cedarburg. Wla OBERST, Michael J,, Racine. Wla PILGRIM, George W, Lyndonvllle, Vt PONDOFF. Frank, Youngstown, O. PRISONER. fNnt Previously Broorted Missing.) BARRLNGER, Lieutenant Edward, Jackson villa Fla PREVIOUSLY REPORTED KirXFD TN AC TION, NOW nutAUMl. Privates ARNDT, Harry, Newport, Pa. BRUNO, Louia Syracuse, N. T. , PREVIOUSLY REPORTED DIED WOIND3, NOW REPORTED WOLNDED. Senreantf BUNTING, Leon W, Walkervllls, Mich. Corooral HANLEY, Charles E, Brooklyn, N. Y. MARTNE CORPS CASUALTIES. Summary of casualties to date: Officers Deaths .....87 Wounded 60 Missing 1 Total Enlisted Men Deaths ; . . Wounded In hands of enemy Missing Total 88 884 1898 19 133 - 2928 Grand total 8026 The following casualties are reported by the commanding General of the American expeditionary forces (included in abovs to tal): Killed In action, 1: died of wounds re ceived in action, 4; wounded in action, se verely. 2; total, 7. KILLED I' ACTION. (Previously Reported Missing In Action.) ANDERSON. Sergeant Ray. Akron, O. . DEED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION. Corporals BULLMAN, William H, Philadelphia BUSCH, Roy H, Lowraoor, Va Privates HUNTER, William A, Centrevllla Ma -SNIDER, Frank, Marquette, Mich. WOUNDED SEVERELY. COLBERG, Private Edward. Deusths Krall Smigeiaprovince, Germany. SEVERELY WOUNDED IN ACTION. (Previously Reported Missing In Action.) LENZ. Private William H, Gillian, Mo. Private Wilfred Brunella Ware. Masa. previously reported missing In action, now reported on duty. ALBANY. Or, Sept 9. (Special.) Ruel Bond, a 20-year-old boy of Halsey, is reported missing in action in Franca His parents, Mr. and Mra James Bond, received word today that he had been missing since July 18. EUGENE, Or,' Sept 9. (Special.) Sarerlo Claristo, the name of whose nearest relative is g-lven as Nick Clarizio, of Eugene, is listed In the casualties announced for today, as among those missing in action. Neither THE WASHINGTON STATE FAIR SEPTEMBER 16-21 AT YAKBIA Welcomes Visitors From Far and Near GREAT AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION Diversified Crops Pure-Bred Livestock Production . Patriotism Progressiveness Second Annual Sale of 2000 Sheep DAILY SHEEP SCHOOL EXPERT LECTURERS A Full Programme of Entertainment 50 Pieces U. S. Naval Reserve Band 50 Pieces Every Day IMMENSE PATRIOTIC FIREWORKS , Tuesday and Saturday Nights AUTO RACES MONDAY AFTERNOON Biggest Harness Racing Events in Northwest . Tuesday to Saturday Inclusive Many Splendid Attractions . Reduced Rates on All Railroads Beautiful Auto Roads Season Ticket, 6 Admissions, $1.50 Transferable THE POLAR CUB MIXER work. Price ,. $0.8.5 Listerated Bay Rum for after shaving. .400 $1.00 Pond's Extract ....900 $1.00 Benetol 800 35c Rocky Mountain Tea 300 Cla-Wood Poison Oak Salve; guar anteed, priced 250 25c Cascarets 220 $1.25 Price's Favorite Prescription.... 980 25c Z. M. 0 230 75c Mellin's Food ..690 Cooper's Rheumatic Cordial .'.500 25c Blue Jay Corn Plasters 220 $1.00 Listerine 850 25c Garfield Tea 230 25c Tiz 230 A 6171 of the names appear in the Lane County directory, and further Investigation failed to reveal any information re garding them. MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich., Sept. . Second Lieutenants Charles Thomas, of Bay City, Mich, and Howard Hull, ot Bridgeport, Conn, were killed In a col lision in the air at Selfridgo field here this forenoon. OTTAWA, Ont, Sept S. The Canadian casualty list issued tonight contains the names of the following Americans: Missing C. J. Kilpatrick, Dee, Or.; W. Short. Montpeller Idaho; A. Gagnon, Elma, Wash. HH.LSBORO, Or, Sept. 9. CSpeciaLT A telegram from the Adjutant-General to O. B. Gales, of Hlllsboro, to night, told of the death of his son, Millard JL Gales, of wounds received in action July 21. Letters from tha wounded soldier and his nurse, written July 29, said that he bad been wounded severely in the leg by shrapnel, both bones being broken, but that his con dition was not serious. Millard Gales is the third of the Hlllsboro Hlgli School boys who enlisted in Company B to meet a soldier's death in France. He was a brother of Carroll Galea who died June 12 of wounds received in action. OTTAWA, Ont. Sept 9. The Cana dian casualty list issued tonight con tains the following name: D. J. Love, Portland, Or, under the - OF heading "gassed." . Richard Baar'a Funeral Held. Funeral services for the late Richard Baar were held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the chapel of J. P. Finley & Sona Rev. Edward Constant officiating. Soloa were sung by Miss Gertrude Hoeber. The pallbearers were: E. E. Joslin, W. T. Augustine, T. J. Kreuder, J. E. Klein, Major Richard Deich and W. H. Mitchell. Multnomah Camp. No "7, Woodmen of the World, held services at the Mount Scott Park Cemetery. Mr. Baar is survived by a mother, Mrs. Emilie Baar, and sister. Miss Frances. Autolst Accused of Being Drunk. A. J. Swegle, a shipworker. was ar rested by Patrolman Gouldstone last night at Williams and Graham ave nues, charged with driving an auto mobile while he was intoxicated. The arrest followed a collision between Swegle's automobile and a truck owned by the Williams Avenue Fuel Com pany. Swegle's machine wag wrecked. His bail was fixed at $250. V1" i"l ITie Real Victory Spread Butter Nut Bread ask your Grocer. Ik sa"ww"