THE MORXIXG- OKEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1918. MILL MEN EAGER TO UNLOAD FLOUR 1 MULTNOMAH GUARD BAND BENEFIT PICNIC AND DANCE AT THE OAKS TODAl12 Pits and Shells Will Save Our Soldiers' Lives Save peach stones (dry), stones from apricots, plums, prunes and nut shells, used by the Government in the manu facture of filter granules essential in gas masks. Deposit them in Liberty Peach Stone Barrels, outside the store. See Exhibit of War Trophies and Relics in one of our Morrison Street windows today. - A most interesting: collection of authentic trophies direct from the bat tlef ronts of Franoe, 'Belgium, Saloniki and Mesopotamia. - You visualize the war in these battle- trophies. EVERY MAN Must Register Every man between 18 and 45 (both inclusive), who has not already registered for the Selective Service Draft, must do so next Thursday, Sep tember 12. Mothers' Liberty Loan Parade Mothers, wives, children and sisters of men in service reg ister at once for the Mothers' Liberty Loan Parade (Septem ber 21), 213 Northwestern Bank building. Delay in Government Purchas es in Northwest Causes Some Uneasiness. .Truv Quality' Stokp or- Ponno lie vervb 2 lot STOCKS ARE ACCUMULATING jg 18 Store rtv Slow Movement Is Due to Lack of Steamers to Carry Product to Europe; Mills May Have to Close Down. Millers in the Northwest,are becom- w. Ins uneasy over the Government's de- ! m lay in buying flour. The Grain Cor- A noration made its remilar monthly cur- I fjt chases in August, but so far has shown I V. no intention of purchasing; September m requirements here. The mills are A nearly all in operation and those in J Portland have up to this time been K running: nearly full time. Stocks are 0 accumulating in the mill warehouses I A and what the millers would like to know is whether the Government is troingr to take this surplus flour off their hands. - The reason for the Government's slowness in buying: is ' the lack of steamers to transport the flour to Eu rope. Even the quantity purchased last month has not been shipped. The Port land and Pug-et Sound shipyards are turning out finished steamers at a ateady rate. but . they are going: away without flour or wheat cargoes. It is the, understanding that they are being sent to South America to bring nitrate cargoes to this country. "If the Government needs nitrate for the mu nition plants more than it needs Pa ciflc Coast flour, the millers will not complain because they cannot have the tonnage. They have prepared for a big season's work, however, and do not like the Idea of having to close down their mills unless it is for the good Of the country. The mill feed situation also is an im portant one. The stock industry of the Northwest cannot exist unlesci there is an ample supply of feed, and this can only be assured by continuous running of the mills. Unless the Government steps in soon and takes over the sur plus flour, the mills will have to close down and this will leave the stock and dairy farmers In a bad way. SPECIAL RULING IDE MALI, COLLEGES MAT JOIX FORMING TRAIXIXG CORPS. Stndeata of High Schools and Boys la Gnnan Gradea Will Not Be Eligible for Admission. Formation of Joint companies of stu dents' Army training organizations will be permitted by institutions not having sufficient male students to form indi vidual corps, according to a telegram received yesterday by John K. Kollock, secretary of the State Council of De fense, from D. M. Reynolds, of tn Na tional Council of Defense, in Washing ton, D. C The question had arisen whether an Institution with a small enrollment of students would be allowed to co-operate with another similar institution to form a corps. The Instructions received yesterday will enable four of the insti tutions within a radius of 40 miles of Portland to take advantage of the pro gramme. These are Albany College, at Albany;. Mc.Minnville College, at Mc Minnville: Philomath College, at Philo math, and Pacific University, at Forest Grove. Ail have less than 100 male students registered. Another question raised In connection with the students' Army training corps regulations was that pertaining to ad mission of high school students, or boys in the grammar grades. Under Mr. Reynolds' ruling, these are not eligible. The telegram follows: Marlanrin rays Institutions should make formal application by wire for S. A. T. C. units to committee on education. War De partment, promising to file requisite' form later. Wire should state number physically fit male high school graduates institutions expect this Autumn. Also whether institu tions ordinarily require high school gradua tion as prs-requisite for admission and whether It offers at least two full years tt studies of collevtat grade. Universities not permittea accept In collegiate aection son-graduate high school atudenta These are eligibls for vocational sections only. LIBRARIAN WILL LEAVE r4 2 5 HISS ISOM TO HELP ORGANIZE LIBRARIES IX FRANCE. Portlaader Gets Aspolatsnewt Through Dr. Pntaam. of Congressional Library at Washlastom. s 4 Miss Mary Frances Isom, librarian of the Portland Public Libraries, has been appointed one of the four libra rians of this country to organize soldiers' library in each of the four American rest camps in France and will leave next week for overseas to take up her new task. The appointment w as made through Dr. Putnam, Congressional librarian, by the American Library Association. I It is not known how long Miss Isom 1 -will remain in France engaged in the j organization work, but it is expected that she will return to Portland by next June. During her absence. Miss Zuluna Kostonlatsky will act as librarian ia the Portland Public Library. Miss Kostonlatsky has been assistant libra rian here since Julv 1. Rfnr that ah was connected with the Seattle Public A Library. !J Miss Isom is In charge of the libra- IK ries at Fort Canby, Fort Columbia. Fort Stevens. Vancouver Barracks and others. Her work among these will be continued by Miss Kostonlatsky. In general charge of the overseas library work has been placed Burton Stevenson, now llbraxlan at Camp Sher man, Ohio. BREWERS STILL PERPLEXED Recent Government Anti-Beer Order Remains Unexplained. Local brewers reported no further Information yesterday regarding the "no beer" regulation and the manu facture of non-alcoholic beverages, styled near-beer. A complete interpre tation of the order is expected soon and brewers then will act accordingly. A rumor in circulation yesterday said that a representative of the Ore gon Bop Growers' Association had been advised that the "no beer" order did -not apply to non-alcoholic beverages for which hops are used. This report. however, could not be confirmed... Values here are not confined to any one section but are plentifully and conspicu ously evident on every floor, in every department and they are for everybody. Below we list a few of the good offerings for today. There are many unadver tised items all over the store. Look to Fall needs today at MEIER & FRANK'S O UR Great Annual Fall Sale of Notions, Etc. begins tomorrow. As heretofore this sale will be an event of first importance to dressmakers and all women who sew at home. Savings are of the most exceptional order. For items and prices see our ads in this evening's and tomorrow morn ing's papers. Meier St Frank's: Notion Shop. Main Floor. 30,102 PAIRS That Is the Exact Number of Pairs Involved in This Gigantic, This Most ens atioiial Sale of Sox Headquarters for Flags . Now when America's manhood is being called on for the supreme tes, when the women' of America are devoting themselves with unex ampled fervor to helping win the war, "Old Glory" should fly from every public building, should be displayed by every home. We have the flags in cotton, wool and silk and in all sizes. Service flags and flags of the allies. Meier St Frank's: Flag Shop. Fifth Floor. Conserve Your Eyes It is imperative now, as never before, that our eyes he as nearly 100 useful as possible,. with so much important work -for all of us to do. Personal efficiency recognizes good eyesight as one of its first requisites. We should all try to see clearly. Our expert optometrist is at the service of those whose eyes re quire the invaluable aid given by properly fitted glasses. Meier & Frank's: Optical Shop, Mezzanine. Two Extra Special Offerings in Women's Gloves for Today Only $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 Washable Kid Gloves Pair for $ 1.5 9 " Wonderful value giving! Women's kid gloves that will wash perfectly. Included are such famous makes as Bacmo and Ireland Bros.' gloves. Pearl, Newport, tan and gray gloves with embroidered backs in contrasting colors. One-button style. All sizes from 5Va to 7, but not every size in each color. These gloves have been taken from regular stock and reduced for today. Limited quantity. Silk and Chamoisette Gloves 19c Another exceptional offering! A big clearaway of women's long silk and chamoisette gloves in sizes 5 and 5 only. Mostly black, a few pairs in white. Meier Sz Frank's: 31ove Shop. Main Floor. By Far the Best Sale of Men's Sox 1918 Has Brought Forward to Date An Immense Special Purchase From a Great Concern The Shipment Has Just Come to Hand the Sale Begins Today at 9 A. M. Our men's furnishings chief when in New York recently executed this tremendous coup whereby he secured this immense lot of 30,102 pairs of sox for cash at such a price concession as enables us to offer you in this sale hosiery values that cannot be equaled else where today. These Sox Are Called "Mill-Runs' BUT you would never know it if we didn't tell you. They are the output of a famous mill which exercises so rigorous an inspection that absolutely nothing escapes. Only an expert could detect a flaw in most of these sox. There is nothing to hurt the looks or wearing quality of the hose. Buy Sox Now for All Fall and Winter Wear With such wonderful values as these available, men, and women buying for men, should take the fullest advantage to purchase finely service able sox at good savings. They are in qualities and weights just right for Fall and Wintenwear. Cotton, mercerized cotton, mercerized lisle and fiber silk sox included. As you will see, the color range is exceptionally wide. Here are the four great sale groups: PAIR 19c Excellent quality black cotton sox with reinforced heels and toes. A man cannot have too many of these for his personal use this Fall and Winter. Sizes 9 to 11 included. 476 dczen. PAIR 25c Mercerized . cotton seamless sox with reinforced heels and toes. Black, white, Palm Beach, blue, tan, gray, mahogany, cadet, bronze, gold, ecru. Sizes 9 to 11 included. 828 dozen. Remember This Great Sale Begins at 9 A. M. Today Extra Salespeople to See You Are Waited on Promptly PAIR 29c Fine quality mercerized lisle sox with reinforced heels and toes and fine ribbed tops Excellent weight, well finished sot;. Such wanted colors as black, white, mahogany, blue, gray, Palm Be ich, cadet, cham pagne, lavender. Sizes 9 to 11 included. 756 dozen. PAIR 38c Newest Jersey Dresses In a Most Wonderful Variety For Fall and Winter Wear Moderately Priced at $27.50 to $45 Between these two most moderate prices $27.50 and $45 we have a splendid assortment of finest quality jersey dresses for misses' and chil dren's Fall and Winter wear. AH the latest fashion tendencies are por trayed in these new dresses there are styles with high and dropped waistlines, panelled fronts with fringed and embroid-" ered trimmings, some combined with satin in contrasting shades. m . A good selection of colors, including navy,' tan, peacock and rose. Sizes for girls 12 to 16 years of age. Meier St Frank's: Girls' Shop, Second Floor. Specials for BOYS' DURABLE SHIRTS 49 Boys' serviceable shirts made of heavy blue chambray. With de tachable collar to match.' Good school shirts. All sizes. BOYS' UNION SUITS 79-89 Boys' good cotton union suits in weights for Fall and early Winter wear. Plain white fleece lined garments, - Sizes 6 to 10 at 79c Sizes 12 to 16 at 89c. BOYS' GOOD CAPS 49 Just the thing for boys' school wear. Wool and serge caps in the best colors. All sizes. Very spe cially priced today at 49c COUCH COVERS $2.69-$3.49 Beautiful tapestry couch covers in full size. These couch covers are in very pleasing designs. Good values at these low prices. 2 pairs 75. Heavy fiber silk sox with fiber silk foot and leg and reinforced heel and toe. Look like silk wear like iron. Such fash ionable new colorings as mahogany, gold, champagne, battleship gray, navy, lavender, bronze, Palm Beach, etc., as well as black and white. Sizes 9 to 11 included. 448 dozen. t-Meler & Frank's: Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor. Scores of Women Profited by the Savings Yesterday Many More Will Come Today to Share in This Great September Sale of Embroideries Thousands and thousands of yards of fine new embroid eries included in this great September sale. . Embroideries purchased a long time ago when market conditions were much more favorable than now. The merchandise has only recently been received. Be sure to share in the savings offered in this great disposal. , Most of the embroideries in this sale are for children's garments, some for women's also. We advise all to buy now and save. Just a hint of What This Sale Brings At 50 Yard Cambric and Swiss edges, Madeira edges, bead top embroideries, etc . to. 2 inches wide. At 350 Yard 18-inch cambric skirtings, 18-inch lawn skirtings, 12-inch Swiss and convent embroideries, 17-inch , corset cover em broideries, etc ...... At 390 Yard 9-inch Madeira skirtings, 18-inch Swiss baby em broideries, 17-inch cambric and Swiss; skirtings. Many other equally good specials. Meier & Frank's: Embroidery Shop, Main Floor. LAST CALL! There Should Not Be a Single Garment Left From This - Final Cleanup Sale of Summer Coats In Which We Offer Exactly 100 Garments at $8.50 Formerly Priced Up to $29.50 While any remain we will sell 100 of this Summer's smart coats and capes at this fractional price, which takes no account of cost, former selling price or present worth. : Wise women will come early. Jersey, wool poplin and silk sport coats, including sleeveless models and three-quarter length garments. Some belted styles. A number of stylish capes included. ... Meier St Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Lower Price Stdfe Sp ecials for Today Boys and Girls MISSES' FINE DRESSES $2.79 Misses' gingham ' dresses , in broken sizes. Plaid dresses, oth ers with plain waists and plaid skirts. Fancy pockets. Sizes to 18. SERGE DRESSES . .: $4.49-$8.95 Children's blue .wool serge dresses in belted models with pleated skirts... Some have silk plaid collars and fancy pockets. 7 to 14 years. CHILDREN'S NEW WRAPPERS 89 Children's wrappers with cord, made like a bathrobe. Of teasel down or flannelette finish mate rial. Mixtures. 6 to 14 years. Sale of Hosiery and Underwear t WOMEN'S UNION SUITS 49 Women's light weight cotton union suits in low neck sleeveless style. Lace trimmed and cuff knee. - Regular and extra sizes. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS 98 Women's medium weight cotton fleeced union suits in high and Dutch neck, elbow and long sleeves, ankle length Gtyles.. All sizes. WOMEN'S GOOD PANTS 59 Women's good quality light weight pants in ankle and knee length styles. Regular and extra sizes. Very special at pair 59c. WOMEN'S GOOD VESTS 59c Women's fine quality light . weight vests in high neck, wing and long , sleeves styles. Regular and extra sizes Very special at only 59c CHILD'S UNION SUITS 98 Children's waist combination union suits in high neck, long sleeves, ankle length style. Sizes 4 to 13 years. Special at 98c WOMEN'S HOSE PAIR AT 49 Women's serviceable fiber silk hose in the popular dark brown shade. Slightly imperfect hose of the regular 75c grade All sizes. Here Are Four Extra Special Offerings in DOMESTICS RAG RUGS AT $1.19 These are exceptionally good values at $1.19. Good looking rag rugs in light and dark colors. Size 29x56 inches. SALE WINDOW SHADES 79t Window shades in all desirable colors, including fixtures. Regu lation 36-inch size. Specially priced at only 79c . Sfeier & Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. AXMINSTER RUGS $3.49 . Heavy wool surface Axminster rugs in pleasing mixed designs. Size 29x56 inches. Only a limited quantity to be sold at $3.49. $1 Four New Models in Wirthmor Waists SI The illustration above will give you some idea of the de sirability of these new arrivals in the justly famed Wirthmor waists. Wirthmor waists excel all other dollar waists in qual ity of material, newness of style, fineness of fit, workmanship and finish. Limited quantity. Sold here exclusively in Portland. Meier & Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. Curtain Marquisette, Yard Exactly 500 yards of this fine quality curtain material re- duced for today only to yard 27c Worth one and a half f times to twice as much again. Meier & Frank's: Curtain Shop. Seventh Floor. 5 t