V. VOL. I. VI II. NO. 18,033. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CAPTIVES OF HUNS SEMITIC ELEMENT RULES BOLSHEVIK LOWER PRICE ON 2,000 COTTAGES ARE TO BE BUILT OAKLAND TO DRINK SUFFER SEVERELY GASOLINE COMING BULL RUN WATER HARD WORK AST) SCAXT FOOD FCEL ADMINISTRATOR IS ABOUT OIL TANKERS WILL TAKE SCP- IS DAILY PROGRAMME. TO FIX QUOTATION. PLY ON RETCRN TRIPS. win GROUND FRDM HUH 1 Old Trenches Are Won in ' Four-Mile Advance. VITAL RIDGE IS RtTAKEN Germar Troops Thrust Out o Gouzeaucourt Wood, Field . Marshal Haig Reports. MORE TOWNS CAPTURED Vermand and Vandelles, Upon Road, to St. Quentin, Fall Into English Hands. WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES IN FRANCE, Sept. 9. (By The Asso ciated Press.) British forces have ad' Tanced to the east of Roisel, about seven miles east of Peronne and Roisel now is under a heary fire from the German long range guns. The enemy is reported to be tear ing Heudecourt, southwest of Gou zeaucourt, in response to continuous pressure. The crowded enemy trenches at Oppy, east of Arras are being heavily gassed. Fires continue to burn at some, places and within the last few hours fires have been observed in DouaL LONDON, Sept. 9. The British in an advance over a four-mile, front between the Havrincourt wood and Feiziere have captured all the Ger man positions on the high ground be tween these two points and won their old trench positions overlooking Gou 'seancourt, according; to the official communication from Field Marshal Haig tonight. The Gouzeaucourt wood also is in British hands. The text follows: This morning advanced . detach . merits of English and New Zealanders " attacked and carried the German po sitions on the high ground between Peiziere and the Havrincourt wood. After" sharp fighting, in the course of which heavy counter attacks were repulsed with losses, we gained the old British trench line on the ridge overlooking Gouzeaucourt and cap tured Gouzeaucourt wood. "On the left of our attack other English troops successfully advanced our line in the eastern portion of the Havrincourt wood. We captured a number of prisoners in these opera tions. "On the remainder of the British front there was fighting on certain sectors. Hostile attacks against posts we recently established west ot La Bassee were repulsed. "Rain, fell heavily last night and again today. The weather continues stormy." BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, Sept. 9. (Renter's). The British have carried the Gouzeaucourt, wood which lies about three and one half miles north of Epehy. This is a vantage point of substantial value to Field Marshal Haig's men. Pushing ahead today on the front between Peronne and St. Quentin British patrols occupied the towns of Vermand, five and one-half miles northwest of St. Quentin, and Ven delles, two miles north of Vermand. The advance on the St. Quentin front progressed in spite of the prev alence of heavy rain, over ground deep in mud. A fresh German divi sion has arrived in this sector and the enemy resistance as the rear guard movement goes on seems likely to be stiffened somewhat before the Hindenburg line is finally reached. Heavy artillery duels Were reported today at many places along the line. The thrust launched by the British just to the north of the Arras-Cam- brai road seems Ho have made some progress, according to reports early today. In Flanders the British have gained another 1500 yards to the west of Wytschaete and from reliable sources it is learned that the Germans have removed virtually all their artillery to the east of the river Lys to cover the lines they held prior to their April offensive. West of the Lys the Germans had left only old or captured guns which they had planned to destroy or aban don when the time came. American and British Prisoners Prodded With Bayonets and' Hit With Rifle Butts. LONDON, Sept 9. (British Wireless Service.) The. brutal treatment of pris oners of war by the Germans is de scribed . by wounded British prisoners repatriated from Germany who arrived at The Hague. All prisoners are badly treated and all are on virtually starva tion rations. The prison camps at Sol- tau and Crossen, in Prussia, are report ed to be in particularly evil condition. Some of the British prisoners came from Stralkowo. in the province, of Posen, where about 300 British are con fined. Three weeks ago to Americans arrived there. At the camp at Crossen, In Brandenburg-, prisoners working- behind the the German lines were given little food. - Many of these men suffered from dropsy and neurasthenia and nu merous deaths occurred. At one time there were in this camp 140 British prisoners, captured in April, and 10 Americans, captured in May. They are compelled to work on the railways, carrying- heavy rails and pushing trucks for 12 hours at a stretch. Their food consisted of German soup and one' slice of bread. If they failed to set up in the morning- when the Germans called them to work they were prodded with bayonets and hit with rifle butts. It is declared that one man so treated was found dead next morning. Most of these men arrived at the Crossen camp on August 24 in an ex tremely serious condition. They were inspected after a few days and about 10 of them were marked out' for work again. They had been working behind the German lines from April until the latter part of August. EDWIN BARTLET WOUNDED Hlllsboro Boy Severely Injured In Action o nAugust S. HILLSBORO. Or., Sept 9. (Special.) Edwin Bartlet, whose name appears in the casualty list as severely wound ed, is a son of Mrs. W. H. Jaster. living two miles north of Hlllsboro. He en listed in Company B, Third Oregon, March 28, 1917, and was but 17 years old at that time. His last letter to hla mother was dated May 27, in which he said he had been at the front for two months. Mrs. Jaster has been notified that her son was wounded in action August 3. Bartlet had Juet completed the course In the grade school when war was declared and enlisted when the High School, almost in a body, joined Company B. Trotzky, Kameneff and Sverdloof Supreme. LENINE STILL ON SICK LIST War Minister's Brother-in Law Acting Premier. SOVIET REGIME MAYJOPPLE SALOONS MAY BE CLOSED Montana Council of Defense Acts as to Registration Day. HELENA, Mont.. Sept 9. Montana Council of Defense made an order to day authorizing county councils of de fense to order saloons closed In their counties on Thursday, registration day. if they deemed it expedient to do so. Publishers and editors of the Butte Bulletin appeared before the State Council today in answer to subpenas is sued in connection with an order of the council forbidding the changing of weekly into dally papers, the Bulletin publishers, it being alleged, having vio lated the order. The subject Is to be taken up at a meeting to be held to ight s Anti-Hebrew Outbreaks Believed to Be Possibility Following Tern porary Absence From Of fice of Gentile Leader. PETKOGRAD, Sept 1. (By the Asso. elated Press.) Premier .Lenine's re- moval from the head of the Bolshevik government at a time when it is in such a precarious state, threatens to shorten its existence. The Premier's bullet wounds, inflict ed by Dora Kaplan, a Social RevolU' slonary, are so serious that.lt will be many weeks before he can. return to his desk. If he recovers. Kameneff Acting Premier. . In the meantime Leo Kameneff, vice president of the workmen's and soldiers' delegates, has been appointed to act in Lenlne's place. This appointment undoubtedly will revive the anti-Semitic agitation against ine soviet government wmcn nas Deen held check somewhat by having a Gentile Premier. Kameneff is a brother-in-law of War Minister Trotzky, being a brother of Mrs. Trotzky. Three Big Offices Held. With Kameneff In the Premiership, with Trotzky holding the portfolios of war and navy and with Sverdloff as head of the central executive commit tee, the three important offices of the soviet government are occupied by Jews. STOCKHOLM, Sept. . (By the As sociated Press). Bolshevik Russia is suffering- the consequences . of class Hatred In its most violent expression. Human life has lost all value and for eigners and Russians alike are at the mercy of officials who kill without trial. Hostages Fill Prisons. Such were the conditions when The Associated Press correspondent at Mos cow left Russia recently and traveled hence with the party of American refu gees. - Threatened by the victorious Czechs on the Volga, the entente movements from Archangel and Siberia and general Internal risings, the Bolshevik leaders are madly prodding their suspected op ponents and filling the prison with hostages. In the Bolshevik official bulletins the acts of the Bolshevik authorities are described as war measures neces sary to protect the Soviet Republic To an unbiased foreigner who has Promise Is for Easier Figure for Domestic Consumers, Gov ernment and Allies. WASHINGTON, Sept 9. Fuel Ad mlnistrator Garfield announced today that he expects soon to fix a price for gasoline for domestic consumers well as the Government and the allies at a figure lower than tne present mar ket price. He Is awaiting further re ports on the situation" before taking definite action. No intimation was made as to what the fixed price will be. Dr. Garfield's announcement disclosed that for some time consideration had been given the problem of bringing the price of gaso line to a lower level. Several reports already have been made to Mark L. Requa, director of the oil division of the fuel administration, and it was in timated that upon completion of the investigation now being conducted im mediate action would be taken. The Senate today adopted a resolu tion offered by Senator Lodge, of Mas sachusetts, asking the administration lor Information as to the country's production, consumption and exporta tion of gasoline, with separate figures on the amount used by passenger cars. WILSON NOT TO MAKE TRIP Abandonment of Transcontinental Speaking Tour Announced. WASHINGTON, Sept 9. Definite abandonment of President Wilson s plans for a transcontinental speaking tour for the Fourth liberty loan was announced today at the White House. The original programme was for a swing around the country that would include the Pacific Coast The President had entered into the plans with enthusiasm, but later agreed with his advisers that aside from the question of straining his health by such a long and trying journey, an absence of nearly a month from Washington at this time should not be considered. GERMAN SONG IS EXPUNGED Die Wacht Am Rhein" No longer Tolerated in Chicago. CHICAGO, Sept 9. "Die Wacht Am Rhein," found in certain singing books used In the public schools, was sum marily suppressed today, when school officials stopped the sale to pupils of the songbook containing it, and ordered the elimination of the song from the books already in use. Superintendent Peter Mortenson de clared that the song had not been sung In the schools for years. - -; Profiteering in Rents Not Allowed MAYOR GIVES GUARANTEE Homes for Shipyard Workers Are Urgently Needed. PEOPLE FACE PROBLEM Chamber of Commerce Pledged by President ' CorbeU to Conduct Campaign to Arouse Financial Interests to Investment. Two thousand four and five-room cot tages are to be built in Portland for the accommodation of men working in the shipyards. The buildings will be started before January 1, 1919, and there will be no profiteering through the charge of excessive rentals. Such was the guarantee given yes terday afternoon by Mayor Baker to A. Merrltt Taylor, director of trans- portation and housing for the Emer gency Fleet Corporation. President H. L. Corbett of the Cham ber of Commerce, guaranteed to Mayor Baker that his organization would take complete control of a campaign de signed to bring Portland people face to face with the urgent need for more houses, and pledged that body to see that 2000 cottages, which can be rented at a nominal figure, will be added to the city. Home Material Given Priority. And in return for Mayor Baker's guarantee, Mr. Taylor and local officials of the Emergency Fleet Corporation consented to give material priority for homes erected for shipbuilders? while President Sleeman, of the Carpenters' Union, although not guaranteeing labor priority, expressed the -belief that no difficulty would be encountered lo se curing the army of men necessary to ut Portland on the map as one of the most patriotic citi s on the Pacific Coast Unless some prompt action is taken to afford comfortable living accommo dations for the men and their families, Mr. Taylor hinted the Government might curtail the expansion of war In- I dustries which are destined to bring thousands of additional men into the AIR MAIL CARRIER HALTS com,Tni,ty:. ln re?.ly to : LUftl 11 U UUV61111UCI11 HIU UilU Flight From Chicago to . New York Nearly Finished. Residents of California City Pay Cents a Gallon; Shortage in ' Contra Costa County Acute. Oil tankers delivering oil to Llnnton are being cleaned carefuljy and loaded with Bull Run water for consumption in Oakland and other California points, according to James H. Robinson, of the County Assessor's office, who has re turned from a two weeks' stay In Oak land. Officials of the various oil companies in Portland said yesterday that they had not received any instructions, to ship water to California, but that occa sionally this was done without specific orders to resident managers. "The water shortage in Contra Cost County has become so acute that hero! measures are being adopted to meet the situation." said Mr. Robinson. "All oil tankers have been ordered to clean tanks after unloading' at Columbia River ports and to return with fresh mountain water. The greatest amount of oil consumed in Oregon is delivered to Llnnton." In Oakland a private water concern supplies the city. Residents are buy lng water In five-gallon glass jars from the grocery stores, paying 8 cents gallon, according to Mr. Robinson. Th water company has restricted each family to 15 gallons of water a day for all purposes. No sprinkling of lawns or war gardens is permitted. School children of Oakland have been Instructed to carry boiled water in bot tles to school with them, and all water used must be boiled. KEEL-LAYING RECORD GOES Mark of 10 Seconds Is Set at Aber deen Molorship Yard. ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept 9. (Spe ciaL) The National wooden ship keel- laying record was broken this morn ing at the Grays Harbor Motorshlp Corporation yard, 10 seconds beins the official time. The previous best time for placing a wooden keel was 11 sec onds. The record was made in the ship upon which an attempt is to be made to beat the National wooden ship-launch ing record. Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.) NEW YORK, Sept 9. Max Miller, the aviator flying with mail between Chicago and New Tork, reached Lock haven, Pa., at 4:50 P. M., according to a telegram received by the Aero Club of America late this afternoon. Miller is expected to land at Belmont Park about 7:30 P. M. Miller left Chicago on his return trip to New Tork at 6 A. AL today. been given Seattle,- where 5000 homes had been pledged;, that Oakland had succeeded in handling Its own situation and that San Francisco, San Pedro and other points were solving the problem without financial aid from the Govern ment ' In Tacoma, Mr. Taylor explained there had been an appropriation be cause of the unusual congestion due to the close proximity of Camp Lewis, and at Bay Point another appropria tion for houses had been made, as there (Concluded on Pase 10, Column 1.) U. S. WOOL NEEDS IMMENSE Army, Navy, Marine Corps Require-j ! menta 260,000,000 Pounds. WASHINGTON, Sept 9. For the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, the Gov ernment for the year ending June 30 next will require 266,000,000 pounds of scoured wool, all of which Is available, 1 Brigadier-General Wood, acting Quar termaster-General, said today. For semi-Government needs, 17,500,- 000 pounds additional will be required. and to meet this extraordinary demand I some of the product will be Imported from Argentina and Australia. LONDON. Sept. 9. An Incident , iCoacludcd oa Fas 3. Column 4.. RABBI SPEAKS FOR HIMSELF Letter to President Disapproving Palestine State Not Official. NEW TORK, Sept 9. Rabbi Ephrlam Frisch announced today that the tele- I gram which he sent to President W11-! son on September 5 expressing dlsap- J proval of the plan to establish a Jewish state In Palestine was a personal com munication from him and the state ment that it was sent by "the rabbi's national committee" was erroneous. . FORD CARS NOT NOW BUILT Company to Devote Entire Facilities I to Government Work. DETROIT, Sept 9. Production of motor cars by the Ford Motor Company I has been suspended entirely, it was of ficially announced at the plant here I today. The move will enable the company to devote its entire facilities to Govern-1 ment work, the announcement said. Turkey Borrows From Germany. AMSTERDAM. Sept 9. The Turkish Minister of Finance has announced that I Turkey has concluded a fresh loan from the German; government for 45,000,000 Turkish pounds, the Berlin Vosslscne Zeitung states. - - I " HELP! : i 1 1 fmmmmm """fTTT saassai sbm fc , I M . vTA AiM-. I - I 111 IT I kKkW V iWg l SsisF'l I '.I I II II i kXttkV L-rrtBUK" . AW I i f I I A V I ftWLVr "V V Avf ' rc A Jt. I - V JssS tfemil II nio-, r? wrji f i sr . Av o Nxxcvv1 i .,...W...JLW,.,,..JL.X.A.,.A X.M.lt .....AM.' PARANAQUE IS SELECTED Cantonment to Be Constructed for ISO, 000 Philippine Guardsmen MANILA, P. I, Sept 9. Brigadier- General Henry A. Greene, commander of the Department of the Philippines, United States Army, has picked Para naque, six miles- from here, as the site for thb cantonment of 150,000 Philip pine guardsmen, who will be subject to call November 1. The call will follow the conclusion of the student officers' school now In progress here. U. S. NAVY IS MAKING GOOD House Committee Returns From Eu rope Enthusiastic. WASHINGTON, Sept 9. Representa tlve. Padget, of Tennessee, chairman, and sven other members of the House naval affairs committee, returned today from Europe, enthusiastic over the work of the American Navy in the war zone. Representative Wilson, of Texas, re mained abroad for further observations INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS ' - The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 71 degres; minimum, as oegrees. TODAY'S Fair; gentle northwesterly winds. War. U-boats mass for drive on transports. Pag 4. Official casualty list. Page 4. British continue gains. Page 1. French gain. Page 1. Yankees go ahead. Page 1. Mac Rae gives pen picture of American Army life In France. Page 3. Rains delay British. Page 6. Foch's strategy to be put to test. Page 6. Huns maltreat American and British pris oners. Page X. Foreign. BolsheTiW pass to control of Semitic ele ment. Page .J- Enemy starts new peace drive. Page 2. Draft boards to decide in matter of necessary Industries, fage &. Coin yield cut. Page 3. National. Lower price on gasoline promised by fuel administrator. .Page l. Wilson and Creel attacked in House debate. Page 2. House adopts dry zone resolution. Pag 5. Itomestic. Debs on trial for sedition at Cleveland. Page 7. Republicans win In Maine. Page 4. Sports. Directum J. wins 2:06 pace In fast time Grand Circuit track. Page 12. Red Sox take their third game of series from - Cubs. Page 12. Gridiron teams this year to come from ship yards. Page 12. Commercial and Marine. Advance In sugar prices greatest recorded in Coast trade. Page 17. Corn advances sharply at Chicago on fear of frost damage, .rage t. Portland hog market higher with light re ceipts, page 17. Walkout of 6000 boilermakers Saturday aft ernoon is subject of investigation. Page 13. Portland and Vicinity. Speeders enrich city f 467.50. Page 9. J. H. Lynch, liberty loan worker, to train for war work, page iu. President Campbell, of University of Oregon. talks of Student' Army training tjorps. Page 5. Two thousand cottages to be built for ship yard workers. Page l. Oakland resident to drink Bull Run water. Page L City prepares for fourth liberty loan cam paign. Page l. Millers uneasy over Government's delay in buying flour. Page is. Interest in liberty loan campaign is keen. Page 10.' Two-platoon system becomes effective today. Pag T. Poems tablets on which history Is written to live In the hearts of men. Page 6. Weather report, data and forecast. Pago IX 'on m us LaFere and St. Quentin Under Foch's Guns. CKOZAT CANAL IS GRIPPED Germans Prepare to Oppose Desperate Resistance to Stop Allied Advance. TEUTONS MASS BIG GUNS Hurried Strengthening of De fenses Around Laon Un- der Way by Ludendorff. . LONDON, Sept. 9. (1 P. M.) French troops now hold the Crozat Canal practically along its whole length. They are only four miles from St. Quentin and their cavalry patrols are close to La Fere. PARIS, Sept 9. (Havas Agency.) With the allies immediately before or approaching the Hindenburg line, the enemy is beginning to react more violently with his artillery. Neverthe less the French are pushing ahead in the region where the line has not yet been attained and, according to the latest information, were a little more than five miles from St. Quentin, their guns following the infantry up speedily. St. Quentin to Be Defended. ' The Germans evidently intend to de fend St. Quentin energetically and are fighting in the approaches to the town besides regrouping their forces and concentrating . numerous divisions in its plaint The capture of the place, however, is declared by the commen tators to be the . intention of the French command. The Germans are likewise hurriedly strengthening their defense around Laon. according: to La Llberte. In the region of Chavlgny the Germans are reported Installing: thick barbed wire. digging deep trenches and accumulat ing munitions of all sorts, as if tor a lengthy defense. In the great under ground storage places of the Nanteuil plateau. . Heavy Batteries Concentrated. The entire region north of the Ailette from the vicinity of the Laon-Soissons railway is a mass of guns, which the enemy has emplaced, the reports de clare, while north of Craonne numerous batteries of 150 and 170 millimeter pieces are concentrated. On virtually the entire rront from east of Arras to the west of Rheims the German artillery, the Intransigant commentator declares. Is poundinir away as it nas not done tor several weeks. Nevertheless, he Insists that the general situation remains ex cellent for the allies, although more desperate resistance by the enemy must be expected. . Armentleres' Fall Near. On the. British front the advance, it s pointed out, has entirely freed Amiens from gunfire, the only attacks on this base line being by airplanes. The bases at Arras and Hazebrouck, how ever, are still under long range gun fire. - Advices received here indicate that the region around the railway at Lens is occupied by the British. The advices predict that the fall of Armen tieres may be expected soon. If -the Germans are expecting to be allowed a respite from the attack either during the Autumn or through, the Winter, they, are counting without their host, says Premier Clemenceau's newspaper, . L'Homme Libre, in com menting on the military situation. They made their great trial last Spring to outspeed the United States, it points out. but lost the race to a competitor who was too fast for them. Battle May Subside. Nevertheless, the newspaper expects a certain slowing up of the fighting be cause of the necessity of bringing for ward the necessary Infantry support in front of the new positions the Ger mans are occupying and which they are expected to defend stubbornly. The re-grouping of the allied forces will not be delayed. l'Homme Libre predicts, as the movement of the troops (Concluded on Pass 2. Colunyi 2.) STIRRING SEA SERIAl. WILL START NEXT SUNDAY. "The Fighting Fleets," the com plete and authorized story of our Navy's splendid achievements in the present war, written by Ralph D. Paine, who reported the naval battles of the Spanish-American War, will begin in serial form in The Oregonian of Sunday, Sep tember 15. Mr. Paine spent five months with the allied naval forces in European waters, cruising in de stroyers, submarines, trawlers, seaplanes and battleships, and he describes his unique experiences In a vivid way. He saw subma rines in action and saw subma rines destroyed. This complete and authentic story of how the U. 8.. Navy has helped scotch the Hun U-boats and raiders will bring a thrill to every American. The author ts known as the greatest naval re porter In the world. 17 f no